ivilpirnil OV'ttit ' MONDAY. DECEDIBER 25, 1865 CITY AND SUBURBA NV and Nominations. The nomination of candidates for Canacii,i 4 c Wok plibm in several of the wards of the city OD gaturday evening. FIYTEI WARD. Common Cannel:: Paul Seifert, Thos. C. Dickson, Prank Ardary. R. J. McGowan and Chatles deck, without opposition. Select CortIVII: J. Mell. Kteg add Richard Thompso., eaeli received slity nine votes. There bAng nu choice, it was airunged for m other meetiug to-morrow evening. Bzliasul Directors—John McElroy aid J. 41 Taylor. Assemor—Josebb. Irwin. Judge of Eieet.,ous-Ist precinct, Andrew Modre; 20d treeinev, Csalle.i Awed , Inapecior—lst precinct, itotiert Graham, 2nd preciect, David Aden.. Return loop tor--tat precinct" Di id Beck; Sad precinct, Frock Ralston. Cuastalitt•—iteubeit Smite. 511.T11 WARD. The fAlowing is the official reel', of the I initaary inretiog In the Six th Ward• Those marked can u a are the Docolut es Bolen Council; J. Y. Mc Laugalin,• 309; W. W. Dickabki. 149. Common Connell: W. C. Moreland... 937 ; Jared hi: Brush,. 396; John Rtbalan,* 273; W. F. Lagar... ; R...trert Roub,.. 269 ;R. A. Colville, 180 ;W. A. Walter; 151 ; A. Graff, 138 Wov B4.1;111, 129 ; B. B. tinnnicut, 1::8; H. DL B te. 115 Sehool Directors: Win. Floyd. • 317 ; Wm Culp,. 999; James D. Kelly, .174 ; John C Harps% 117. Alderman El f a ba R. Wise` 1.98 ; James I Onslow, ; Jemra LAndsay. 120. Asemsor : 0. orge Cochran, 8t.,. 45.2. Consiable. IV dlo.m Stole. Judge if Electron Charles Jeremy,* 269 Samuel A1110d.r.197. inerwetor Hemp,' 3=o, Thomas err, 2ll. Return Inspector James D. Kelly; 458. ElOnTli Wane. The Republicate or the Eighth ward fret at the tehool noose In said ward ou Saturday even ing, 23d , ust. Jahn A. Set-ger:A was called to the chats, end Jobe Con and Jeho Etherize ap pointed t e s. 2be 1,,,,001tr named tenllemen were pro posed as caudal.. tor uOtoinalum for the ward offices to he voivd for by ballot on Tnursday, 28111 lost, re•ween the hours of 4 and 7 p. Select Councll--Satnecl Morrow, Joseph Nin on. Convou Council—Rowland D. Jones, James Maw hbiu. y, J oho St Killen, Ed w ward B. Wright, Jacob Miller. fLutien LeOuard. Judge of E esion—Joln R. T. .I ., Lible, James Carey; Jo.eue 'osprey, et Etecii ,a—Richard W. Roberts. Return Inspie,Or of Ehctloe—Johe Dherhue Bernard Fan ell, t eth Wilmot. School Directoy—J oh L. Hamilton, 3 years; E. B. Tboioas, 9 years; tit L . E. White, rare; Barclay Pr.... 1 yeti; Joseph E Johnston. 1 year; Miles otalivr, 1 year; W. H. Wagstaff, 1 year. • Aterts.tr—J,•hr. .1. S' or r, Peter Liggett, John COI, 11tery R t re Curet stele—Andrew J. Hror. Oamn, David liewhitron was aPPointed I Judge, eel IV 011ual J. Yliun and John lisneline ieleuXturs ..1 the prinaary 1, eticio. A resalui'se pmaed restricting the voting to o t men uo hod supootted Lincoln bir de t std. Currie f Gfivercur, au d who are now supporilue the lb-publican nominees for the municipal oak.. TENTII R , RD. Alderman—James butberland. Select Conicil —J. tiail,gher, one Se? Shlptou , too 3 . , ars Common Cuuteil—il lam Simpson, Jacob W Bob Directors—James Prrsly, David SIMP, one year ; L. Met oolt, Jaotib H. Miiier, two years ; Atom-v.l,a Striumeyvr, F• J . 13116i13, three years. Judge of Election=—M.Wd E. Ball. lurpeet r vl.olaa—ti. tVeiniocyer. Jr. lta urn I ort , I,—,Morge J. 11A. .tasamsor—W inani i.e r nrd. TUC LOCOLI.WLIVc F.Xplwattn—CorJner'a inquest. On Salu - day afternoon Corr cer els hold an inqoest the body of William Ge who dird frontlnjuriee remised by the explos n ion of the boiler of entice N0..2.29 on the Pena ~11 wanla Railroad. et slolrens blauan on the his inst. cialte a number of want Std.' were examti—d, among others .Inmda IN h len, James Baroblies d. Jobs Grip and W. M. x accir ed s (toreman of encit at enter Depot) who lest Med to hitting e the exploced toiler,and all us,. to as their opt a ton that the s esosed ty over cre . s tire of it , am. 0 , ht r t stutrd test the r xpiestot, hula gc. e wets lbe,rack, and Orer. t r , ` n om Stautilr: ,11,•1. tfVe Intunttr. d a) . wan Ott.. ay 1 - tt e ec.,inet, and tire man, the brr.er urn vs, ou the engine, and It is It that steam as allowed t,o Di:COMO - Millata It Wogreat a Vst,llte, causing the en plosion. The jury found that di certeed came to i.death by the capisston, sawed by 'lover pres h sur d e Steam. " fhe other parties Wore& we ars pleased to state, are in a lair wet of recovery. Toe turd rat df Mr. 0 nanny lock place yes terday, at his pace of rtildence, Now Fiorenen ViLsttilorclar.d COunty. Fourth Ward School, Albecterby—Cloalug Emceelate. t. The usual ekamlnati.tn of classt ala the and coatistreet schools occurred last week, and contianed for several days. la all the derait. meats the exercises were terformed la a ver, cr, &table manner, and evincrd progreatt,lll2hls satisfactory C o 1 arects and friends. The regn• lbw • e 1..; !eelt,tt..ll4, reef secompatied Otte music and other exere,s, rendered Ice occa sio tuts tt than 0, inor Iy pleasant. Otl Thurs day afternoon. the "(Stammer Depertm-te," under the t !Belem rn3na.ement of Miss titan. Hamilton, assisted Its Miss I..l.zzie Dar ex as attenged by a dent crowd of vis.tor•, ti no pressed , troth ratontsbeeut and dlat tt. hei not re only at the plotlelency of the pupils r only at and the masterly manner in whet]they acquitted eive• t echos , ion, but Ili6o the rich entertab meat furnished in the shape of dislognel3, essays, declamations and Lau,le tarte . fu ly intertnin. led. The clauses of the High Schrol Department. sander the Immediate direction of the Principal, T. E Wukebam, med. dby hulas E. Hamil ton, sat. gholly st. ley and tut et estwg. Iland. Caine and colneble g.fts were ta Stowed on to. fetchers g, nerslly. Neat tresevtatlow ftpe. ehea were m.de ey the donors, AU responded to, on behalf of the tenebe . s, II the rrnupal. 0 behalf o the P. incipal. the Rev. Kerr re• sixtuded in tell. hove ip•ects, utertain ng the yowl; forks until they became almost wild with P. Stow In Allegheo—Man Injured, On Seturday night at a live hour, two Then, one by the name of John arias ''Pciggv" Btew art, and another, r ame unknown, applied at the !mute of a colored man by the name of Peter Beroes, on Fort eL, 0. la .ce ltatre Wa•d, Alle at d coquired to tie resteenee of V, lo Fbesy han Mina •(i'Mmrer" Graham. Be rats direcu c them to Graham's, wnen the nker an art) comm to art In a very dlotiorderly manner and was .1.-c'ea from the re mines ty garner Stewart at d his part nrr, procuring a large silea of woof.. bloke In Bangs' door, wh e r e upon th. lap, r struck Sr ea art with • billet of wood wood, in during him Serve-eery. In the melee, an by the name of Arembeld Taylor, who went to Barnes' awistaree, WAS struck • BeCCTO t rs over the eye by tire ankaown individual, who na madiaitly ran Llano oatt B o , the night Batch, hairy In Ow to lebborho.rd, took Stewart Into custody, and TlDdit him 9, toure d , eon' ucted him hLs bower rn Ssodusky area. where Dr. Joh,. Ha to milton dr.strod bin I,mm* which consorted of "a gee, In the forehead, and a seer . emin zion ou the hack of the heml, prob.bly occa sioned by a fall." Bur cat end Tudor were arrested and conduct ed to the tombs. where they remained nnttl Bon day morning, when they we . e dischargr d by the Ntecor, iGformation baying been un,le again. pun. Cents al `kitting Para. A moat bear:Mimi diapidy was ma 3 e at the Central Skaticfi Yurk on Saturday tr, Mos. A number of lopm , were stretched tier , id a, at a v tiesat!on , ntd on ach acre finny Awe hundred Chinese lanttrta. land , Eschted the entire Park ta pe s ver hands( me IDalll or, in the ceslre, paga L as been bait, Whi, °tee ploi by the bacd. and froth which thee discerns. sweet ;Mime tcr the benefit of the ,katera wag, ific cut pra• th ee b been purchased and if placed n. the lc:Mee' reception room r the ben• silt of three who are nut erigmsed is afiatioey. Leal tier, we are ferry to Sap the ba westoer d M. Ll,O proi rsurn 0 to tugtit, Men *Leonid tee be mild this merrune, the entire miter :wAI be uu tue-conirrery it alumni tiro mid, there will be a grand time. F,reworkt in the greatest profeelon will be d:iayee. The Lana be in attendance, an 4 elitt)thillg that can, will be dews le add tsd the ;demure and en joyment of the enendngt, P=IM l'uten Skating, Path. Saturday was a regular +kat izz carn.val. TLC cold cusp had g nal a mi.) stifac. to the old Ice I , upon the Pa.`,. sal it , wiar. I --w e (1 ,, dDI. ek- • egg. rate the number—crowded the core, or ware seen c0,f0..., wending the,r way tv,th tbdr skates li their het de, !Ott upon i ujoylog the; ekhllerating spurt. In the ereting we visited , the Cram. Ekating Park, situated in the second li Wald, Allegheny. near the line of the Sfirichcs- ter passenge- in.lway, and found the grounds crowded. Inside of the huildicg matted forhe accommodation of the pa. rot a, IR ai a fect crowd of ladles and gentierncii, cbaitim. laugh ing, hackling on skate', or taking notes of tte tarloss costumes. Ev:ry face beamed 'flub a merry smile, and Mourns a fete" ruing deity. Oat "with, Perk ~,1,,,,1, .... c preetund Itatlf. Ciaahin4, wh.r,iiic, gi.ding, in lees going through 1 eV.y evolution tuft' roil :l it• pert , Mad op at I I skates, ~,,,,, a c rowd, variously estimated at trout live hundred so a thousand, each taint mon en , „i n , the pe••s.. t iii . Illcill. N ,ol cir , I tig I.' w ia,, a ci, 1,00 dash I g or la a . straight toe, smut, cut it g ci.el.s backward, tome forcer-I. the )1..1,g get sin 1 gaearg their illatnot,/, Ill: , 1 . ....: inyaiery an• of I i• aSta.ll.llOV an caret pisiiion up' l , 1,, , e tial a Mating, grey headed paas, and matron y looking taller, your ma ii . , mid mueve siiii In their tents, and eOlne aI. tar not otter ed that 1134011flet epoch in lio:s drama, all to a whirl, a sari of p10,..n. non, lt.tc111.10;11101, a lively moving upii, a / v-it 110,1110' board, each totat npan the soiotion of Ms own game— what amount of rapt I MUVrlile: IS he ur she could make within a given lapalle 01 tIMe. th e could the carting wooer/la te!..en to at a glance. Toe Ice was In splendid coriditioc—inn splendid for some yanGg Itelltlrlaer, , who. vainly chorea .ol.ll.lZ lb sustain the p•rpvi d ,ular. wueld every few mini:via assent° the tinii.ioisi,. Pr o b abl yoabl they Ware tired. v.ii.s. Aec. We did to ask, tt dashed ii , nutll all en" TiOUS cikar stump en ~.,,!li d , i !lid iv to lio ,1/44'n. BS d squint Mora the ;or, )ant 0... level. Too 10 ou, that la.!. We iopest it, we did . ..re d.,1 not tart meal, We geutiemso who-ft muc ~lee Nacid. it w.ts re z.iden shtop g ..al,:er ghiug, ahrad of the olLer, causing Ca to 11,,V1stt the p.,- I on of all laser Lid Y, than x. The round, ies twin: thus throw a om of p e me, the hpiaii -1 cii a came d.ven cover what W.. tb , ma:: , r, a .d toe posi tion of one In the act tu).-ti•t: '•..rid na urea s e e rest ire , balmy sleep' “ the un seats illar.Ce.. We n 010,,,, I, a diluter en . ),*lr g theMSC'Tea In a oaf., ent rust oar. A beautiful sedum drive on. Sr. 1., I. lie Park, and quite a nher hard •ocne in ilp,• 5 all I, driving around thijr tail °coupes to en)oying the •Ii es sup ore. In the meanwhile a ,i di-e•urred sweet bllaln9 upon Me tad al! went merry all a ma: ring" saw ttVer mu tfly tr of o e fou scene 55 Mat' baud CI maul mcondc air, t vine o'cl. ca 0, were opproach by a Abou w .o iu a :001 nklentn.: man! er tu• re that our pre,uce was be,red to labat :rd Casc.C., rrrePtlOC-1,n3.. !rrd then MD. and—realms!, n oat a ...11l ,eL tur a.,10: 1,1 ,1 t. I u t d feepon afr,rded, were NV. TLIc tabl. du , t v., • L .!I I,t , a hive but • .104 i c t r al the which It, n•,u W red. while ' r • 111 y ;dad agatunt ft, r. , al tk Sher”:. aid Lan g ave ,p,,itani wa; of l'air A tar ..1 so.dry 610 takeu iu the the ti,i.so.r• cud rile tOeB feasted ru,lthude a' viands tau,: the a; petite, t I r, gods nor IF how pr V ‘1..1." We fetid In • n cnrnpa . ye," among .ehora we Id • Iseult... 7 ' to have seen Tho, N. Nii;ee, r r.t of lt•C GLbn bkat:t g fork Comp,: L.,t Meaara. 1 , rotary; C. .;• r. r ..,.11rur; Wm. J. Koantz. J. T. tt... J hot, u, James 1.. rat.a at .1 Ca 11 1 Ronldx, D.,llse pm'ene odor (a epreea Ised lee =Mil Robert Mr. MI 1 ReoTil'lc.oe . 13 cf th z.s• • K.I. ab.l A. O. M Grew, ot • ara greet .. her , o , a•.. nut... qua ut. d. I al", . el. !d r. gill 11111 OA u-: Chore pre, ent w, re y ",earp .. be would not detain them 11 s',••• vll. 11. v. Mr. Al lmon wai CVICti L 4,1.11,1,6. liar hit aro, V.v.ch •, SD oefW Dela sbi 11.. t, ICV c.lll. Zt: I LI, it u'lti~ 1.11•••;:el,eir Oast. aad \ 1.1 50., :V... Cl. KT _ld Io Ilb rldule o .L. 111Lh die f h. p o. heht hIS ; a•el o Ac ar. SI:E:ttiTZ P‘tri:. :op o•• Wed ttar. i - .•• • , u. In wldeh u - • re cd. he Fmk had Pc . cap 1., • tor a ,:c . 0. 1 3.: 1, , - ton ,, , nut unae u on ten ts. C LI L.l 11 111 .11,4 Mall :• :t111 1 • 1 ..y t1:1 rtn4 rn. n tik: ; ia At aztl.•en ,tt3 h.r. the m.n to auceeto 5, pli•.‘f c• ' • 5p icc, ‘5l III:I -a.:. cr. He r t•lte 01 I e hotral a d It. ytietti ade nt Bre u:.‘ - e4 I ..1 a pr..la, .1.. t..) me I of the reereeltuti matt bt 51L.V.15.g saz 15,, and bond t• at t het' %Jet I be ,la ,, o ,) at ti e. Mr. Me brle - , I. 1.u,. lient .II tie V. 4cr Cost, tah‘e"'evu'lerpmodri'4ea, '-a..4l.:.dc'frk4gl-I;',,..t.U.:.'tdti'et°lllr)au.tor gene on lie rut cea. Rev. W. ki. K ne:i I and T' ofs. Smith and Joakina. retie Kan 1...ta 1'....• , e , loth, 5 d ,h tol• i tit, ec ot r. rt“..tlet tenor, CELLA J. W• k: r.t: r. ,LocuLA the historF oh the Itorrnaent. 1,015 ill 55,5151. , Ll to the Veriest I. •Ime, t 0.55.1 an' 1551101, el by 1131114 g N. Miller EA.t , I'Leside ,' Lot Ice Uv1t.,051..), 0. 550 155/5-5554 Cr• the - races. of :he eater,: ire. et.tl eX ',tete,: th• er±elatt [re th •at tun at 1.154 .I . •• (al r ; all 5111 • I Ltle C. 155. . ,•• I, vt Cases ..56 .Ll,l 1.51..1 5 hp oCheial Dad 011[1. ed la eocA.-aaiteg au i tact U• rug lb . •uterpne , Itu E./1 LEI ILI , t • tir u the Orli, I,IV, lirucL... ;Le as oer c.. - ra-turn, aLdutlials, I •Le LIC,110:t ID WhiCh tbework tu , e. e Crit. J. T. S it Ivy 1,41:.E.Q ,and oth la. WO , cal td up, Luat., Lund v./Davi. nook: at tLr e. VIVI.? liar 11... Di uol.el of Tern and slnry. by Nellie t...)11e.. ru.tneeli tan: Astia....od In Leann " A ytry etc. liaut took I . l' 0111,11 CD, and ail able one fora holiday ci ft. is is out a child. .11 story, l•y ray mynas, tut a Coed r.aed NO: me, al .1 lull of ani.v.lug and Instructive met er. 'Et, re 1-not a.yoang Ulan or woman wbn alit cot rend it I. 5. rtdt. it Is very wally rinted, and is al'o‘ether a dtrirab' a volume. For vale by .1, , ,bu P. Iliac: Co., Masonic Mall, F.fth •Tene Movisso Or 31 carte Up Sir Edward holy. •I L 5 two. 11 os6.,sten by White. rhos, deionia. Asnih.and.r, yet a." This ore of +tie. 1...1.day books we base seft. 11,15 a. t it ...vi...arance, ate lts a les...a:ions air prat f.ass---sc.l vlsfing, ant, ae aid and libely dais of Si.e text. Tre ion is a leveud of the Kline, end is told la the writ knowe tag style of tiniserr. ft a great iatio d,'lt tihte cub young reader. and more spore.' rifle hol.day Ott can be For rale by fleet & Co , Masonic Hall. Fi.th street, Its en Itol12: rilidie el, iiti , ginti• tty ttn. ti. RI. Nurcr. EkJ..4,,lpkia I,,ypincott fa CO. Dr. Butler bar written Ft:atria worka on Rocct aed the 11.1111GOF Lllii tiel me reshitnee Ine e th h at city ynat.tice how eeulsurly opt t aubjett of and ',return, Is a very fluent wrt aud be r‘teeta Rome In ILs veriur p,cta With in. y end it Lei rat TI• in mach In the c•riona kerKurt.p rellgl,nl and Va.talcal, readtr will pernoo wan Y. ~ Vafe t \Vn knell yead c ha t intertat, and we*lsnowr that it will , gel eral aerettlance3 For rale tly Dante_ C'eThe& Co., '611.,,,d 'arc, Admitted to It:, f,.— 111. W. Cooper, w h o cointillm, t u.,tlay fart, try Al. dolman I).toAll,tt. upon .1 charge u l dettrtim, tte ife, brUll, til. 1r I. re Judo Mt ,he Court of Quer c , Cescions, bettlides, on Lie .PVicettion of !t1 n act ioni SY. a. t relder, ESQ., OUE 1,1, fur red hd.l. After hewing the EtiItULIALIG of c•truaacl, alto proposed to prove lags, ny .11 Deese, then present, the Couri, ft,' COllllOl rite not vol cred ble to tbe eontini:inz rate, r,du od d the Duff, E-q.. etrlct Attorney cow .apti.g—toEve Innun•d 1):18 . R. rthlen the clerk was Inttruet,d t w 11,1 tendered. Cooper cave the Nutted Rceurit r y sod toot tot , merdately released. -- - Allegheny Dia, et Naltb t en. —Three commre eases acre before the bta)or Altegle D untelual were dleCharged CO tl.O paylDl.l. Haer's Magazine for Joinery, 1666, bas been ro e ssed avo is tor tale by W. A . (itldea fanny, Va. 45, Filth strcet, _ .'llionte Thrusts." 1 impertuht urn •t— k Runsora3 Wife, Her ROBINSON , IacCLEAN &I - CO' Mite Ants E Dlck.new.c. will lecture Towelar I Paramour and : , 11 Chaldreu I fanfare... eveolug next in LarayLt's Ilan before the 1- nee i l On or abort' the hat day of Surreal. , the ilankeri iiiiii Li t.ht - r , , M . a's ere i 1 Library. Pet FuLiert win he . wile cf a man i•y the name of Henry T. Die- No. 75 Fourth, -,....i if.,•:.,:,,•..., "Home Thrust.," ,Thie la the same lectue , tae 11, formerly a rwitleLl of Peoria, Illinois. M'ss D•ckle . ' . wu nnu'une,'d to del v. r N.. ' i left Allczbeny City, where she woo bOaldit It I.r.l'le,rsli-5!,...,3t ,k,:,":::',..: ;,',•:,.; ', T . - 7" ' - ' l ,'" lI. - , , ..., . veMber tad but seas prevented by anets. wi hb: r husband, anti in company with to six Domestic Lae.....g., a.. a; Toe cbecks U . seats issued on that Oceation children and a matt by the name of Henry Funk, gEr n w or: l ' 222 " "1 " ' ‘ 2 e ' - '•• 1 ' " ''' .• Il ' '' I" 'I T • ' vent be good cow.u t rarties boldive such checks let Cr pelts union.wn. On the 16th of No- t totereat allowed , 0 t•,:.: .11... ~. . t ... • rrr " who cannot attend the lecture will confer a vember, Dietrlch s t eered a card In the news pa- , at d e e r ,l, o ,, e S , i e t e l'''''' 01 t•-t I r•••..' • favor by leaving them at the Library Rooms. Mse Dickinson made so favorable an irr- f l'" of this c it y, ' lr ' ''' ' ' ''' reword of thy dot. iis"tl'e"t7l...n"t's'Ltd ,7.."',,'''''• -• ,' , .'' .--- r ,..r—lon to our lecture fifers last vear, that i in'' I. °' /t.r0,r0.0.2 22 111 her 0h2r2222212• u;. l , oe,phia and oitteb...ryji ' llro . a . , -• • 1 ' ..tt.l:et ~t IT she needs no en ill at our bands now. , stating that to all probability they bad lied to ton nommt.elo , We are sure all will go who can. 1 Dr•s , on A. CLEW , . ft t •• ..:1 o• I t Chicago, Ihinols. The forlorn husband, after ; c.toKE aco pi,,i a . e i v a,„ ~,,,,„,... ribaustlng every ll:unsure to wet noir, the pre- kT. Si. Pi:l,lU,, Lan . 0 , Amnaementa. t don whereat ,, ate of the runaways. proceeded to --- Tanaisu.—This afternoon the Fairy spectacle . of etoderella or the I'ot:a ula•e, s Ipf.er will be , WM:2, where 1c emclotrd the 0. trice of the produced at the the theatre for a Mati c•, the , p lit, without avail. Curie g hie anse.e the programme concladlu4 faith 'Kat , K 0 : 0 5 ' A laglieny p lice euocce.led In ascertaining that Madame Celeste having teen %-en-aced ...If It,, in bee ~t ..„.„.., e 0 . 0„ eof m ~,,,, ' t' or we e at Kittanning, in A.inFtrong, County, do and 11. thy ht. Alin in Ito poles li =pc, the -i d the . a -, f‘..a I hf,d In the lie.-de of 'lit r tterfotmanre t oonC ut..l tg wet] the Dab a 9 , e II3I, :, all It, leer, I [ ll.etlael..ly di-patella. , to IX a - 1 am hem" ; r ch. aid the ;aft, re ur. el to Ali. glo- y on Lionel HoLar. —At the U, era IL use, the en i ‘tr:l'',d;'3,,l',2l,Ll:i',:o'''',,!ll:,,toi!,;,'Lld,e, hiiitle,,',",:i-l'ille tertatuMent Vont-, to De a halo en to if I. n , „„.,,,. ~,,, . 0. .„ Fooi , - ii ,, adt , l ',.. cv. T: o extra. Mr. Geo. DLy. uf or: :.ae tp•ett .11 ~, I' I `cantle V. , 11 . I cc: in lt c bands of I CI, r. a- the leading else, anti will appear w :hams .n .„ - I a :sit. n, who in ...al; any WI II the ha 1,,u: rv 0-,, popular cran ia ' r A .. " .t. P` '''''' a I I "' pa r, ,I to Kit nr-11111., oh u the parts ,I,re ar dramatised by Liarc,can.t. There wit also be a n , d . , .. r, , , , i n‘ , I „, ~.), . , , un4. r . larletly Matinee this aftern.fa for the ex prone ball tit of !net el, le, FlaIA. wheel ern-sled was w rh. ludic!. and etaldren. 41. i aO. tic Al c_lic.r Vail, y It..l.road, about MUSISIILL—More and more attractior s are three runes ',III Killane 11, and ex ;.r-est d coh being daily added to the list of curiosities Do.' ski rattle eurprtoe a. 1114, ut c retool low at I cut 01l exhibition at ; addition Museum. This wtek we It t ...eboarded at the same hou e le & lleLe ell have the addition of the Albino Faul'y, the with Mrs. De.tti. h, and the Ito band allele. , a y state of facts, Which it true. prove beyond a only tates. family of the kind now in the Dolled doubt that be was guilty of the mime alfi S ge d. PAWTOWME.The rift df an fretta Uttar It 15 alto rottemplated to pref. r a charge of her mit continue theirstartling peth.. to enc.. a.,., , .., , ce.y.y againet him, as, at the lime 0 , . ...seta.: Atte and during t c conalag week at Mst.. UP. Ha - , I et rob I e and the faithless wile carried wi.l. LOVeta, who With to attract the attention of ti ci. ; tio ia a .... ,de , able amount of valuable plop. heart'. adotallt n, can lea,. the leasou fr,-LD I e•t) oilt.. 1 , , ~....., of whirl; 1.11.1 were par- AltlßUdre Isrtfrette, who serenades tie mistre-e f tia.iy 151.1: t.1,1t.. lit, Yule c I tacit" areal. oiLvoices then.tw elve CAL , out llollernfll'f, artl , ill,-k, via, ...tn u ..,, I ~ t..., .. !,, al, -r makes good music OD all of Diem. Go and sae leg to-day, no d tie lel t, ,-•a;.I. I • ii ~.... lane .1.1.1. t of whom ie Luty 5111 , It I •ro t him. age) wore ;Laced in a hotel I - r raft k op.. c. Mrs. lk.,tr..k, ss an ox - cube for her COE 01.0 tni I, Ve that elle 101 l lairbllntleDil, %lel a; I r, Mit IS e peLne by . CI upa . lor. In coLs..ia.. t t• of tel, NA. n d • Remember the Cfrphat a. We would.retutzd our readern that there are now at the Orphan , ' Fein School , at Z. lieu* , ple dud ItiChestar over one hundred orphans re. I, ecivinkthe bit:teats era Chfistian !lotus. TT ~,, It.a,liu foal are now to need of ald, and we 1., I sure that our citizens, as heritofore, wilt con- 1 tribute libirally. Most of the children a re f e . m Pittsbura and vichity, and thin ci inn.unity only needs iii Ist o c COAL there in reel teal t: 0, and 1.1:41 it le licetes4ry that a.d be wren iota, diatelv, It shonid to remetatiere I k toll the or , phalli are received without the 1.110:Iv - at i opera to the creed or hat •I , y of their pal, La. 111 ILIN present time ~f f• .ir ty and libirelity lot us tot fall to remember the orphan. Arret.t.l . a It qrg,t r—(l Su .day pore lug ab at ti, ~'.lo: lc, otL ors Jame, Mteallt, ar- er and NI, tre lia . kri , of tt e M myta'a police, ,11 1, In tee e.llar of the ettukteg tato ,ao t ll Mats Thcr4ton, In th• DiamondDamo, a or in ',l knew: chatac - t - ..r n:med wt.l'.... tt. e not of robbing. Brevicm-ly be bad tk-. nlr ttie beel tavern of A. B A.'arn, fro. hint took two revol,,, Hoy n. an tdd offend , r, aid It bf C 196 11 , 15 i`CCO WO , rot O.: .; nil, Wenst . ..ely rectntly• Mayor SI .rrit.on wil io day lodge against him no leer. t emn seyen c,,ot enitmenta tor burglary and larceny. —....------ - Horrible Heath from Burning —A, firs Ann Evans. sou wumeli, nb, sled aui. twee ty-fine 3ears. Frtda) Light la-t ass tioll-ed to distil at her residence la rtinriersuce , li e. It appears she was in a platen! lidollostion and her elothir g taking die from a iii.o:iii, efore ae• Ostanei res..ited her etc was •i 3 bad h ly aid that life wac almost tltluct. fir I n tmtd Cu, i asleep in bed. in the fame room, tut waii nut aroused by her aims. euroniir Us. E 4, held a inquest ou Saturday, aril the lid•y illesiderLo n i vcidict It senr.tence with the lode. North (httt ch, Allechtn) City.—At tettlhe of 'be P:e,'ltt ter,' of All,rt eny City erecobt rl9h. a :3'l for pastoral at rat o• he Rev. A. A. 11 ,Ite, D. D , was tteut Itt, J. l't of. 1 - I,xl ge hate ¢acct rue the call, a o•tn [alum of ttot Ntto att.,1ct....1, the r•er• to tab, OA, on the 17t ',At w. •r hertatter. Dr. 11 dye ain