I.llsburga oca‘‘44... 4;1 'Verixfoni is 'Maly thirty.crne--one , "' .0 4 minutes to more titan 10,000 people. SATI/RDAY. DECEMBER 16, 18611. .;--;-The. statistics of the Lutheran church - lipthe Baited States for the year 1865, are GAZETTE TERIVIS : ; tint published, titan. which ,we learn the Morning .d NyLrung Edition, per Tess, oe, t ollowing items: Ministers, 1,627; emigre- SaVirsift4;,;o3ilattaZrarti;. gations, 2,856; communicants, 312,415. do do rgr Week, dendTe , —Rev. E. Z. nigbie, formerly pastor At the c o un . . t g e r o . trees , seet, of .Grace (German Reformed) church In 5 grayly, per •• . ; 6350.1. pimtiurir_b, has been elected to fi ll tbeehair so. single wines do. - {-of Church History and ]Biblical Literature RATES OF ADVERTISING. Iln the Theological Seminary at Mercers /1,;71:8,arv.917.6T.141!° "311"" burgh, vacated by Rev. P Scha ff , D. D. —Tmctarian services have been recen t ly held at the Episcopal church of St. Al bans, New York, at which gorgeous cere monies took place, including lighted candies On the altar, genuflexion, the elevation of the ofiertory, by Bishop Southgate, Sc. —lt has been estimated that in London city, 374,000 attended church, being one half per cent. of the population on the av . eraae, though there is church accommoda flow' for fifty-eight per cent. —The English correspondent of the Western Christian Advocate, referring to the divisions among the Baptists, says they think nothing of splitting and setting up a rival church. It is said that there are no less than seven different sec's of Baptists in the town of New Castle alone. Recently the Baptists are beginning to know the ne cessity of a closer union among themselves. —Quite a gracious work of revival has been going forward in theyourth Preabyte tin; church,W ashington Ciiy,during which time eighty or ninety have been converted, and the work Is still progressing, at last sc. counts. It Is expected that at the nor -munion season over one hundred w it MMl= Period. thle.- Two. 1 s s ' . ..••' • ••• •• •• '$ $$ Three times.. 1 76 , .... 4 .. • • 115 'thurtbek.—. 112 15 15176 $ 1 261 764 75 TWO Weeds... 4TS 2 76 1 2 00. 15 , 76 Wm. 610 4 26' 215 no 113 • Wm mouth..., 5 2.5 60 , 4 au, 2 214 0 rens months .1 12 oo! 00, 6 484 7s 423 1 Three mouths 16 DV 0, 40 1 h 25 St.% inoriths... 73 50 II It., .50 50 12 00 Nine °sauces lel 44.• 11 lir 1 , 1 3.• On 17 00 One 25 50. 44 00 11 00, 20 00 196.deerUseMerdeuaeoraea oue yes; may De etiarigea At the 'advertiser I pleeiure et charge 0026 cents per wittsre, (or 31 cent. If pnt.l at the time,) out moat be conflood to the immediate bunlneaa of the adrartiser. Advertiaement! contracted for otherwise than deity, will be inserted on such Rags as the °dace may oldest. Transient adverttsing Death Notice., eaClk 10.rtIOP S 60 firerTingenOtices, le Steamboat advertisements, per trip . s 00 Executers' or fatninlstrators' H0u5e5.......2 CO YEARLY ADINEJSTIELINO 64TEIS One Square—confined to the rannertforr 0111110 E. of the advertiser, and not .' 6 tan•Oltal0131 11 , formation of peW nuns, w ants , w, ac.—changealrlo once a week. Any eacess to be charged as train ' Mont matter.] al Um. / ;ADIGE I time Dally, ie week. a week—s week 800 $ll r) f (, S 8 00 Oil Caro motitt.... $1 - TO C OO I 0 00,10 0.0 mollth• . 3° `" ° 00 o° l 10 0$ Nine reontba---, 02 o p, 2 , 001 00 One Year Flit Notices double the above rates, Lt In. ; CO; Gamed one month or more. For a leas period 20 cents a Ilue- Local notices et ouch rates as may be agreed open. Sir A aquore to be considered as the spare occu pied by too Ilnea of the ordinary advertising type at the paper. RELIGIOTT. INTELLIGENCE The recent movement of Colonel Forney proposing to publish a Sunday edition of the Philadelphia Press has called forth se. vere stiictures from several religious Joni nate. It is regarded by all the denomination al papers we have seen as an event much to be deplored, especially at, this juncture of affairs in oar country, in its demoralized condition_ A religions weekly of this city, the organ of a large and influential body of heist - tans, deals some sharp blows at Colo nel Forney, and a city daily, who endorses Its Publication. ; Especial notice is taken of one of the reasons assigned by the editor of the Press, namely: "that the Sunday edition of the Press is not as much a violation of the Sabbath as the Monday edition, because the work upon the first is done on Satur day, and of the last on Sunday." The editor Atha religious paper argues the .es son givenas fallacious. To quote: "Is that so! Is not the Sunday paper hawked about the str eta on Sunday. Is It not thrown into Lb , face of , be quiet passer-by! Is not the stillness of the day violated by jhe cry of th • news bay? Now this desecra tion of fis Sabbath by the Sunday paper is a pultt:4 .lesecration. It is enacted on our streets and public thoroughfares The masses of the people see it. And it IS an example of evil that can not tail to effect them. The Monday paper is not a nuts sauce in this sense. If it requires work to be done on the Sabbah that work is done in doors—removed from the public gaze—and without interfering with the outside quietness of the day. We ate not, however, in these words wishing to be an apologist for the Sabbath work put upon the Monday daily paper. The necessity for preser4ng the sanctity of the Sabbath, is thentriced at length. It is shown that the publieationof such a paper involves itathstri • button. To do thisi in addition to its being hawked about the streets, then, to reach the Tillages and rural districts, the railway train must be set in motion. And so one Sabbath desecration will foster and or.gl nate others, till we have no Sabbath left. .Already, it is affirmed, the sanctity of -the day is violated sufficiently to Imperil the future of the country. Let us not be de celved. God is not mocked. lie will not permit his institutions to be violated with impunity. The article closes thus: We suggest to these educators of the public cow science, that they will do a vastly better work by helping to restrain men from a desecration of the Sabbath, rather than in seeking out new methods In which it may be violated. —Notwithstanding we announced soda e time ago the recommendation of .the 'Evan. gelled] Alliance to observe the second week in J/11111811 pa a season of. prayer, we pre sent its suggestions again as to the mode of ,its obiorvance, as follows: Sabbath, January 7. Sermons on the duties of Chris, thins to each other, es members of the body of Christ. Monday, January S. Acknowl edgemente of Dfvine mercies, and confea /lOU of sin. Tuesday, January 9. The Christian Church. That its testimony may -be Clearer, its faith stronger, and its devo tedness, liberality end zeal enlarged. Wed nesday, January 10. Nations. Foe their temporal and spiritual welfare; for kings and all in authority; fof the maintenance of peace; and' for the increase of righteons um, which exalteth knatlon. Thursday, January ii. For Christian, families, for ser vants, and for schools and colleges. Fri day, January 12. The Christian Mill/311MB and mixdsters,and for all engaged in Chris• tian work. Saturday, January 1.5. For Christians In sorrow, in sickness, and In permeation; for the widow and ti - .e orphan. Sabbath, January 14. Sermons. The bles sing to be expected from the manifest union of believers of all countries. W e ob terve that the religious Journals of the dif ferent evangelical denominations are com mending the; . Churches throughout this country to observe this oceaslos. ---The Rev. J. De Gsrsoo, of Lawrence burg, Indiana, writing ..to the Journal and Masenger, a Baptist paper, we believe, says: "I have been baptizing every aabbath for four w eek pax prayer meetings are in teresting—about two hundred in attend ance." Th'e work is still going on and seems to be spreading. —The . Executive Committee of the United States Christian Commission, on the first Instant, paned the following reso lution : Bezolsed, That the United States Christian Commission terminate Us labors and dose its Mikes January let, 1866, and tlista final repoxt he made to the public ISS soon as practicable thereafter. lolutn wadi -Won •ilereFy hunt_ big' is ibuting chow. The New York ()b -arrow says : We may be too eager to scent out heresy ; that il3 imitating dogs, not the saints to whom the faith was once delivered. The New .York Independent comments thus ; There is no newspaper better quali fied to testify to the evils of heresy-hunt ing, as no one has done more at the busi ness. To which the (Magner retorts: 01 no, we have not heenohitged to hunt here s since the independent was started. —lt appears from an article of the Ovspregettenatire that thetuumer of Ukti- wit.. in the Join the church. —The daptist Church at Eightrchtll and Spring Garden street, Plohole'..l.la, celebrated the semi-centersnlal of their nun day school. Four years ago the school numbered less than two hundred. Its pres ent number is eight hundred and twenty. —The Methodist Episcopal Church has been granted entire freedom in the king dom of Denmark. The American Minis ter, In announcing this fact says, •1 con gratulate you on an event, the like of which has not been seen before, In behalf of any foreign church, since 17.03. —The New York Heruld,haa hit the truth for once, and coining from such a quarter is worthy of special attention. Referring to the fearful and alarming increase of crime in our large cities, It is anotorlous fact, says the Harald, that the most daring and auda cious burglars axe found among a class of young men scarcely twenty ,years of age. In the absence of moral culture and exam ple, those youths, before they enter their career of crime, find their evenings recrea- Jon In the pits and galleries of our theatres. Most of these theatres arc managed by bankrupt and broken down Englishmen from the purlieus of London, Haying last ly received their patronage 'Tom the clasby region of St. Giles--euperior in nastiness, vice, and crime, to the dens of Ann street, (New York) in .ta pm:tales: dnya. It tiers drnonnces the sensation drama, the solm.. tons banal, and the immoral court ey The presentation of aunt p.eces bhephred, DILE Ttrrpna, 'Claude Duv al, ice Bold Highwayman, and others, are partic ularly condemned, for their pern icions and poisonous influence n pon the young. ♦ARIOII9 IT E:11S Tun Georgia Senate, on paseeti bill regulating contract* between Warier 41,1 ecrrant if fur over one month, they sot ,t in woikinr boars [nag he from Funthe to sunset; the ce - Tai I to he respanennie for damaging the maoter', property; vra, Cre furl - cited iesvinc. 9:te e•ra . _ char g e the ett-nT•lat fur diH.we i• u• Peas, ffornorallty, aunt of rosre,t, nertleet enticing se:touts away le mud , a Jerre demeanor, pututhable by a One of itoo, o• prinonment for four months. The lions.. hot. refused to clunitl.r a.olutlen nxtng th , for the election of U rn otate. , •tiotorn nr s TOW Of 40 nape against 9; l eas. Tun Erni eror Francis Joseph's ass...supt to et feet a rot onciliation with him flungnrion sub jects seems to be provottr.o meet siss.conts,nt in his German provinces. The In. • o! n. err crows:anode in which the pant:taw.. Is compossd of Germans, or in which German rolluctie• - ntweihs the power of the inhaMtants uf I..hc 'non-German ram, ham nimoet Ueelarml them selves against the suspension of the imp,- sin! Coast tthuon sad :he lthichsratt, but in the slave wrOthicces, with the single srsrpuon Creeds, the Emperor's pelf cy seem- to be gen orally regarded With morose less warm appro val. rialriniirs.TlON or TILE Ensnare smite of the members of Congresses to the data/- salmi of the Veteran Reserve Corps, wee tested . ] On Wednesday in the ',mime and blouse, upon a jointresolutioD, requemite the Fresidea. t tus• pt mkthe order to inter out the officers of that corps Intl] some legislation - on the subjere shall I be had by Congress. It was clearly emptiest that the members are to favor of con:teeing the carman the service, in some form or other. i 7 it can be made expedient to to so. Tun Committee took np the question of the proper amount of money be appropriated to the Wally of Mr. Lincoln- The majority of the --Closeartittee were inlayer of twenty.ftvettiouseue dollars, u hile the others urged one hued, sel thousand dollars no a more fitting testimonial. They argued that the former amount would make ns loot miserly. Without coming to a conclesien, the Committee adjourned to m-et main on Monday next, when the question will probably he /muted. 70111( BILIGIre, at a reform meeeibt held at Blackburn, November : oth, made an pressive -Address. After going through the modern ion tory of the Tory party, he referred to the gets- Lion of reform, and mated his • belief that, the measure which the Government intended O t te. traduce would propose a 210 franchise for eoir! tree and a 4:6 franchise: for tarot:gas. Re w prepared to support inch a measure, and tboa„; t It ought to no accepted by the Liberal pm ty. STAIITS ON 'Buil-el or Litirriro.—The deputy commlesoner of Internal Revenue has Get ided that. the stamp duty upon tulle of !adieu in nn wise depends upon the stamp duty ou the le ceipte; the instruments are given for two dis tinct transactions, nee each must bear the ate proptiate stamp. if more than one bill of lad ing le, Maned, each mast be stamped as an orl - steal. IT is repotted that the resOltitiOn - offered In the House of the jNedtecky Legislature, for the re lease of Davis, will scarcely pass the two branches of the Legislature, and if It does, it is almost certain to receive a veto at the bandit of the Governor, who has already expressed him self in favor of the trial of the prigoner. Rafratoen limpencos.—The earnings of the Michigan Bonthern Railroad for the month of November, were 5498,421, against 444.525 for the same time ua 1964; increase 1.53.899. From March let to November 30M,53,773.40e, against 53.118'414 for the correspoedlog period to 1864. inert/MeV: 4 O 9 C nit CATTLE BP r--The bill to prevent, for the 'present, the importation of foreign rattle. In order to guard against the plagee, hetpassed bath Rouses of Congress, and therefore only re quires the President's !signature to be :cane a law. This is the first bill parsed this sermon. Tun Mammy Itiosion.—Tbe question of the acceptance of the Mexican Mission by General Logan la still endecided, bra with the chances In Its laver. General [max. I. to bars another interview with the President on the subject. Ma. Brzietreate, the Venial head Center. pl said tv have arrived in Paris. The publisher the /Haft F.uplz baa been eentenced to tareni2 years' Imprisonment. f; snout . Eocrr vrlyte. at Rey West on lb and left it.. re f,petAl tfle wnetn W Jauttzr. boo 11j -'DAY 8)FTB AffectiOn and Charity TV : 33.0010r do SPECIAL NOTICES CASIL(AREI*J FELLA ARE m.st purgative wbtcs we ere adle to prsoude or vittssit We thtlig Ass ever yet Peru made Pb sarylraly. Thi n s etreette hare sliver. SALO) . shown to the commtpllty how much the., sleet the ordrultry .edlctots use. The) Pre safe and pleasant to tans. but pus/gent toe's,. Theo penetretlunt ptaperatte sttinuinte the lOU. j betty:Lies of the body, remote the obstructions or urgent. purity the N4.od, and cepel Olsesse. They ptuge eat the tont human whim breed end olisteswer, at/mutts , Sluggish of al./flier - en orunas Solo Inett natural felt, 1. wad I open t I.°ll - !.7 toe' - trim strenath to the sr l•cele Breteta do tsst cure every day complaints ale csjtssly, cut also lures I.ls Ins az, astute r• •e Whi.e Cue, produce pour rfel el:nets, Ploy see +'. Ire twine time. In dished doses, the mud best phtlitc that csu be employed Idr Ficinc s agar-n.0..1 they an Plea. , ilUtr y vegerstde, srr. tree h..... shy i:rs I:s[ Owes I see here Inter obleh surpass e. they hot ouhstetutinuse Ds wee of such easgt..l position mud shsraeter, as to turni tsru d tne s l outrut m i nces ricl•us sate lent their flames to certl , y to the pubtie the renseill:9 of our rem egLes, 'an,le. , ea titer sert us the assurshce hf trio,. roc tut: .or. it nt. our Pr eprrrialont cJutrt, ate Ie the relief of our rafnetsal, surfer. The Ag , :t heists' honied is prelfar..: furuisb arstis our Aerican Massimo, cont.: tang direc tins for :he m use sad certificates el their Cures, lie foilowles .hnuplatsls: hatousMlA slate, Ithelitenti•co. 11011 jl l Li ^ 11ea.taelas raksiug from fohi totunch Nausea. Ihdlgtallos, Alorbld lunction of Bowels and pato arirsinto therefrom, Fla; ulency, Loss of A,•itoLite, n 4 busses watch re quire su evacusmt wealmee. They also, by purl lying the Mood and stimulating the system sure many complatots which it would not be supposed they could reach, ellen Al ISealue”, Partial if Attl ee... No orals. and Nervous Irrilettill.ty,Deratin. meats of the Lover awl Dunoys, trout, and other k trotted complaints nnateg from 3 tome state of tho oody, ur °hetinotion of Lis function., put oil It/ hnutriumpled dealers with Inc not he other Ne,tsontlona acni..h they make more rent on. item ttn.t AT Illt F., and Case no others. he elan, Want the beet aid there is tor them, and theft sl.o . la It. Preparett oy J. t'. Ati I.lt Masa and soot by 11. A. /INN Kart/Cid, 5i.).4 and by all Druggists. noleilateotl.mtow far PITTSBUItIiit HAW FOUR!. 18BARO, BRO & CC ,YA'TE;rIT CatOUNI) CIRCUI AlLt Warrauttni CASSTYE' crs •crttieu. 1,1111. Ail .• v ,Vti I Nt 7,, rr...41e from AO" ANI) IcES, u. Jar Warebou,se and Work., corner WATER Lod SHORT sTREwrs, Pittaburgt. Particular attention given to Itetoothiog, lium maw; sod tl,trafghteolna ()Uvular air°, rm pairs of all kukia. F . u.nahlog sod Drilling arm< at reatoriable rote.. ap23..ty LAIL E 1111 UP OE Copper Kill and Smelting NVOTtz. PARK, McGURIDY & CO dlndufacturerrs of SILLATILINfi. OR AZIEISS . 15441. T CUPPE.It, , Y 1 41,1. PV 'T I•AS, sTII.F. BUTIU MS, SI Alit El: • Ala., ...uport.e.lo mud denten In 31F.1. TIN rIATE, tIISET Ilt• IN. 'WISE, Sc 42.0nelftntly on [mud, TI NN MAI• 11151.5 nod rt 0 ,L.S. Wntrucner. 4041145 T and 110 St.}l!. I:Nil I'itteburdlt. Spcclal orden of f',R;•;•er cut to nny desired pattern. flayri:lyda•u - T - -- • • - . erW.ll. CV.. Boiler Makers & Sheet Iron Workers No.. to, 23 . 34 cua ?ERN STREET !Iselcq secured • :Arne yarn, •ha I.tal•tde, ‘llCrt the molt teaprovttt utactLuker), we are prepa e• 1 to easurtlncture every ...all:1.10/S oh t1t. , 11.1.:1CS In the best luntaaer, yroorls.r.ted lua. a:.) co+4le In the enet/ y. taiI.3INY.Y,S e 1,11:1CILLIN, t. 11E3,5, ea LA 51. PIPI.S, 1,0 vxt ?I\'l. Lit,ILLKS,Cr , 1; ENSERS, SALT PANS. IAN SS, tAL ,L't I.!Ni PANS. 1.0 , 11.k.31 114 t)::, lilil Ut 1 11 I AIL and some mauttliteturersof R..s; f 11( 11 L LttS. FteplaeLeat dope on the shortest cart!, e. deabal , . L“ .„„. A I. • • ) • . . S.ekt •vanw,t , , M It., a... , 41 u.,• f5,, , k, P.C. ttutt saNt , ' • --t " Ds p,..11.1 , el. goy 01J coortpt aix Is, or •t•Lo *. or tor J. , ' Kline. tinsr ery, YorK P'ust "'""' P.111114 . ..t. • .:'N 'MKS"' AN 51A,11.1N I :•• .t.ar.c.: etre 1 • I : 1 ,, 1t T:N 74 ri it .:st • ' n 1 milder,/ ip:loan. , ANN NELE.LI 14,JN itt}i !a - .•-• tor 11 , ,E, , ,:L0111 O L.OV LADIES' AND haSnES , [LID (11.0, ES; LADIES' LINED hill G L.O (l LO sum GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS , 'LOTH AND KID OLOVT: , ; rrwr. E.r.,No AND WOOL SOCKS; StLEINO AN!) WOOL UNLYENSHIRTS AND PTA Cri:RS: ST &Mitt Lk. SHIRTS; NE , Ji. TIES, ISCA.Iik S, SUSPENDERS, Wholesale and Retail F. H. EATON, ucoeuer to EATON, BiAAJILITaI k 00., NO. 17 FIFTH STREET NEW ROOM FOR THE HOLLO.S.YS W. W. NIOORHEALD'S, Si Jgarket Street. 101 l min tied • tall assortment of FLNOY GOC.DS end everychLug in the TR LIMING •na NUTIUN LINT, et 81 Market Street. w. w. noonn'Estre FURS. FURBI FURS! FURL wunEs, MISSES AND OHELDTLIENS' I_7 K S Tie Lariat »d Mod Complete luortmur EVES OFFERED IN THIS MARKET. AT Me( lokt.r) & 00 ' S. nol 131 Wood Smoot, Pittsburgh. UNDERTAKING A LE:x.. AIK.EN LTS7I:I - 3SIRT no. laa Foorth wtrefm. et a. U 0 1 ,2 or .11 tJaa_Pers, (11-11 r.a f t= sortynlon of Flazafal Furolatflos :looms 0110. nap gala ought Hanna sad furnisho. Itaviniadesa—Ray. David Rev. AL. w. J•cobut, Thom.talinZg. Esq swot , Mainz E.l akred BEING SIMPLE, pERFBCT and El. Vo. Carrion. RAILROAD& • _ /88 6 :f ' t V liilTtft.ji4g_JUPIR TR Ly. Al 7). mil al Y. Air. sea., 1660, Maims mill leave the Union Nontrugir lhapoionornar et Washingtott sffi LaMar terns, ea talon/a, DAY EX FlMlS—Ltemens Pittsburgh aar a. tu.,^ stopping at principal : Stations. Amnon , / it Altootta •t 193 a, m-, rirtine 8.21 a. nu, lfleLlo. toot., le.se m., Lent Hagen cLu p. m.,J liar neburg, p. m. . Balasnorel 4ef. P. 1 ell n, via Allegation, 1e..16 p. m ialadelphlal ha! p. tri, and Pinar fora. via .I.Mnielphla at 10.21 p. py. I.:INCINNATI EXPRESS—Leaves Pittsburgh at ago a. m.,stopping at ariuly Smcloos. Al toona} at Ip. m., Harrlabor./ &lb p. m., arriv ing at Palirghta at LSO a. M. MAIL T .—Lesres 11.11.47 Pittsburgh at . a. at...topping nearly nll Station. Alttoonsit •00 P. m. attiring at Harrisburg at 11.26 Yhtlaaeipdta 7.11 PILILLADKLP/1.14 E.X.PRESSY—LeaIet• Pitt. 15132;11at 0.66 p. &Lopptng . only at prindtpal Sta tion. Arrive,at Latrobe; a. 6.40 p. Altoona S.lO p. to., Hartiaburge 2.15 co., ttaltiMOre• lAD a.m., NOW York, via Allantown 10.03 a. no., Ptitta dtitph.l..l.lo a. in.. s ail! New I ork, VII pahadel -2111i....at 12.06 p. m. Sleeping Oar, Vali throw,. u this train tram 11UL:wrap to lialtliume and 401 to New York, Allentown. FAST•lailh—Leaves Plttsburgh at loro p. stopping Only at principal StatiOns. Arnie. at Altoona at Vitt., m tlarchiburg• 6.16 a. m., Hal timoref p. IS. New IL .irkt 'la Allentown 2.40 p. m., 11111Pda/Alat 1.10 p. m., and New Yora via Yhtladelphu , VALI p. 00, •BresAfast ipt , tiutr. PUN. , 'Doily all aka Moms sMulaps,m, JOHNSTOWN miotivol mpingoDATlorc. dally. /kept Sund 416 p. Sti at ist.. tlOl2ll bet We ay, en at Plttabargll wad lloneln.n mon n.. and eon netting at lindroville ledertectima with trains the Luna. Branch and West Pennasivants ALTOONA AOC.OII3IODATIO/6.'ilaily camp Sunday, at 7.10 a. m., stopping at rail nasals stations between Pittsbingh and AHOOM, as making dose =mention with trains on Indianaßranca, West Pennsylvania R. R.. Ebensburg manch. Cresson R. R., and Hollidaysburg Branch. lint ileeOnan.latlOn resin tor Wad's Station leave. daily Icractpt Sunday) at. n.m a US Second Accommodation Tram for Wall'm Station leaves daily (except Sunday) at told a. on. Penn Accommodation No. 1, leaves daily (.eept Sunday) at LOG p. m. TlittddscOmmodation train for Wall's Staines, Leave. daily (except Sunday) at 6.06 p. m. Penn.A.ocomtumnamon No. 2. leaves daily (en Cept Sanday)at to. to p. stooping at . 11 between Pittsbumn and Neon Station. The Church Train leaves War's Marion meal Sunday at 406 a. m.. and Ultras In tattliburgh at lOs6 a.m. kietnrcanir leas. Pittsburgh at 16.61 p. m. and arrives at Wall's Station at 2.00 p. m. Etetanalqr Trains salve la Pltrabargh lug t0110w.3 =EMI Firrt Well.. Statham AmommodstWn... 1.25 . m Perm Actommodation. Second Wa/I's Station Acectmmodation am m Johnstown Accommodation 10.06 •. -.-- - Baltimore Exprem..i I.SI p. m. Altoona ACCOMIELOGIIMOCI & Emigrant.. 1060 p. m. Third Wall t Station Accommodation.. I.ro p. m. Philadelphia Expremi go 6 p. m Perin Accommodation No. 1 6.26 p. m. . Nu+burgh and Erie Mall. 12. ab p. m. An Agent of the Exoelafor Omnilina Oompant Dnd pan through each train before reacnine the epot, take up *necks and dellrer baggage to any part of the clay. Utiles tin. to, Penn eared, open day and night, Where all order. for L. nnovenneni of psalm:teem and baggage will rdictve prompt tendon. Baltimore express will orris sirlth rblindelpro. , Expresa at 2.30 p. m. on Monday,. NOTICE.--in case of loss, the Company SC/ bold L and mvu - reeponsible (or personal baggage only, fee an amo.. not exceeding CIA W. R. REAIKWITH, Agais, La the Pennsylvania Central RaLlroml Passe:we; Station. on Liberty and Washinetort street. 1865. PITTI3BURCitt, OOLUDIEWii AND tHNOMNATI KAILHOAD. Tne Om Short Joe Rate vii Stabinvilln, TO COLICTIBUS, Lae all the prthelpal Office WEST AND SOPTH-WEST MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20th, 1885, Trmus !care .34 mime at the ONION DEPOI Colkars 15, A.,. AUDIT,. . 2..t0 s, ca. Bso a. la. Zayre. 2—uI:pSOTTL Steubenville Aseoramoda'n.a.o. 10.10 a. to. S. F. Oen I nailer. Agent., Steubenville, 0. Dl. D. ISILITLEB.SeAI7(3 II . Ticket Agent, Valen Depot, Pittsburgh. oalkayd PITTSBURGH 41.2113 CONNELLSVILL RA.II.ROAD. MINTER ARRANGEMENT um end after MONDAY, Oct loth, tem, the true. will , care the Depot corner of Rom end V 7 au streeu, as follows: Pittsburgh. Plustee“ to and from Untotitoiaru. 7:16 x. m. GSM p. Express " " . 10.130 x. First McKeesport f'S!! e. p tniirso:le.sss Siecosd " Site D. no.. 6:48 p. .• • • Sunday Chuten resin to and from McKeesport IiMEMMMMI BOOTS AND SHOES LOOK 0 - lIT - FOR BARGAINS BOOTS A WTI SHOES. TREMENDOUS STOCK FILLS IIrIXTER 1300118, J, A. ROBINSON & CO 61 AL&BILET STREET Next door to BADHEA'S Dry Goode Store. BOOTS AND BHOEt3. JAMES•ROBB H.• Joy% returned from tee EAST Irlt6 • very Free end •easonable mock of .EsCrICIPTIS .49—/NTTI 8150Elial the VERY BUST' QUALITY. Erma', Heys. s 4 Youths' BOOTS AND SHOES to all Chess srletles and Kul.. LADIES WORK of the an t and best that Is manufactured, Irons the due Polish to the plain pal( florae. OWL:Dans' Boots sal Shoes to every style ao4 variety. Our object. Is to seal such good. as grill glee sac lalactlon to the purcbarer. er -Pleure call and exarclue, and you will he sattarlol with che QUAI4TY ancIIPMIOS of goods. Re112.131b. the pi.. JAMESRUSK ore 7 Ho. 71 Market street. sr NOT/CE. Boots and Shoes 68 MARKET STREET. CHRISTMAS Ire. COMLIEIG, and friend WM.:in/CIL is oo head, as Ms Old SLartd, N 0.92 Federal Allegnany. with a very largo stock of Oust= M. 0.21 Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, TOR THE WINTER !SSC)24. Ks keeps the Feat Goods and se/not lower prices th em any Kama house la the two sates. /iXISIX.2IBEI3, CM -J, KIND sEE THE OENVS FIRE CELLI' BOOTS THERE IS NO INTStabiENT WHIOB PAYS SO LASSIE AB INVELLEST OR BRIRGS SO *BOB 00102ORT TO THZ HOIIBEHOYD. WAIiRdNIED. ADD /111rPHUOTIONIS A' 0 ISEI.EBEI GIVEN FREE OF OHABGE. deVirtJani - ter, 436-en.'l .1%.14--t. ITDIANAPOLLS ST. LOUIS r71315= ==MZZI 190 p. Pl. 1090 0. ru Un=l==l I=l SOUTH & ROSS W. R. DIACLINTOOK., at Paden.' street, Allegheny GUI I. W. CARA/MAN. al Market. street