The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, December 14, 1865, Image 1

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    ESTABLNLIZi) IN 173 i
gig Vittshrgh Einzeffe
No Setolog Machine
will embroider bathe Grocer
Dress Goods.
iji4lng out tit . great Bt gains on th t North East
001ner of Fourth and Market oireets.
O.IitANRO, Loon & Rao.
. Skates
°flail patterns. at Bowa'a. 13(1 Wood street
Vou are Wanting.
S#l, dress goods or anything of the kind, go to
tdin4reat eleuance and holiday sale at No, 59,
Market street.
Elegant Present. •
snit of thole Fine Fashionable Furs, from the
Popular and Fashionable House of
WV. FLOWING, No 139, Wool Street.
'Of ►ll patterns, at Bowies, 636 Wood street
To our City Bubocribor■
As we are making some
hinges on our routes
In the two allies and eleln ti. a namber of oar
autrieribers may fall to rere re the paper. If any
sulfa will leave nil acitlreee if this °Mae, the paper
will Da regularly served Urea fter.
Of VI patterns at Bown's, Wood street
A Grover a: Baiter
gleoulAil 114t1 . 4 restorer to broken down nee.
Stipecb Oil Paintings
Mao collection of 160 Oil Paintings, mostly ha
ported hum Europe, is now arranged an the second
goes of Mcllwainel Auction Booms, toe South
tele street, next to Fifth, fdr the free examination
wf-tia public, until Thursday, when all ars to be
sold at Auction. This is a remarkably beautiful
AfleaLlery of Pictures, that in any city would
command thousands of Manors at a fair charge for
adMilslon. But thsappostuttitl is given today end
th*Tcrillift fQirs fullexaMination, free of charge;
aneiat the public distributlon of the Pictures, on
2titpiday teort:tort and (wean, all can have a
cluiede to decorate their home with a choice gem
of Alt.
Get a Grover as Baker
For' Ottri.tana•
Of all patterns, at Boren's, US Wood street
Boots and Shoes
WCieLlard, who has the largest retail store up
on the ground door to Allegheny county, and, as
all Azov, Le located at Nos. EA and 67 Fifth street,
hat iiele on hand acollection of Boot. and Shoes
=Mire unapproachsble le price, variety, delis
and design. All sae. and seem, nationalities and
eolort, all creceigand religions, all trade. and Ina
fusions can be nutted.. The invalid can And ele
gant phew:ire' slippen; the rolling-mill man, rub
booth; the “bleSsed baby. can also be so
mgßillitilatedt and the youth can obtain "lint
DO4" Call at Nos. 66 and 67 Fifth mace% see
She OW= and jou will become a purchaser. In
aedftien, you can see an elegant assortment of
BisAkets, Flannels, Mcmllas, am. Vane Goods,
reoutitaber, Of. sold at private sale at McClelland'.,
66' and 57 Fifth street,
Of all patterna, $t flown's, 716 Wood .treet
Giorer & Bater's
Is the bent In use.
Hostetter'. Stomach Hitters
Dian warts a Tonic—no uncommon want—
And every year and month bailee forth a new
,I* -one.
Wr.lll, after °miming the garettaa wl ch cant,
ft age discovers to be not the true one.
0 inch es these let their 001.00.0r1 ran Ilt,
l'ltalng the BITTEILYthat have credit due won—
The trorld'sgreat Tonic, which no d viii can better
-1 mean the matchless BITTERS of rtosrEr
, TER,
Dectore were II lag 1.71 Z berms oil (lake,
APO gruce, tee. eel leg icarned, grave and s•ge
But the gtomachics they were bound to fall le,
e673tcesr came not until Wig later age.
hioirje the cre etch folks we mote hale to.
&MI dread dyspepsia driven from the stage,
Iteuehtemltteuts, headaches—Taal hin,laplitters-
VAPIth likermoke before EfOSTEr E EH'S B I
Wert*, barks an! root.. compose the rare lafuston;
Na IDfneral poleon mars theirjnices pure,
And }Lye's mild essence noble them In solution.
Thii taste is plangent, the effect I. sum.
-NOW/hare the bitters yet proved a delusion;
Try them latter., and health and stren;th ■ruse
She iliagotvalayet Agar's on the label',
AS they, like him, to save the weak are able.
6 Hostetter's Hitters
Are told wholesale and retail at very love rates
at FlOstsrkes Drug and Patent Medicine Depot,
No. Market etuet, corner of the Diamond, near
Yourth street.
Of alt s tsitten 2, st Sown's, HO Wood Ansi
Flannels and ElLutliets
Sind* the commencement of the Erect ale at tier•
Yet k 59 Market street, tt has been found
that t in L the store at. which to buy them.
Of f‘.o patterzo, et lioarn'e, 136 Wood .tract
The Grover et: Baker
L thq altsplest, cheapest sad ben to bee
A Gruver es Baker
47111 deka home cheerful and happy.l
Third and Tenth Wards
Seater rent., County. State. h'ell•1, tiny, Poor
and Business Taxe•, rem. Laing unpaid alter tne
latb &at., xlll be placed in the bands of a 040 be culletted, with casts. 131:14 htvo a 4
readybeen left at your reeidens. or sent to you.
J. B. Pi FLMYI Uy: Nestor.
Itet!ilence 119, street. Des.
Or an luitterot, at 1V0,4 atm!.
Balmoral ►klrl,
Al moe9 estonlehingreuuctio•u in the price ot these
at the:great. sale 'it LI ulcer ts. Vert. t
A Grover tir. Boxer
le • very approprtme Obri.tarta flat,
Fall and Winter C;oada
ft ti With Frost pleasure we call the atteJtinn et
oar re4Olers to the superb took of Fail and Winter
floodajtutl received be Rita John V7eaer aterehaut
4altorr'lPo. Its Federal Street, Allegheny. HJ.
00(41Si:ebb:was sone of the rares: and most beau
suul FljotheAlsestrueres, Uyarcoattng I and Vesting
ever brought to the westan market. His assort.
anent 'Or .Furalsallnk GOOda, comorbong nalrts,
.IDraWdtS, Wallets, bleak-ties, liandlerthlsfs,
ennetbe surpassed east or west. A large stock
el rtady'•made Pants, (bats, Vests end Overcoats
svlllateibe found at his listabllsnment. Peraons
I want irf araitang la the clotting line should not
4111 to itve u.r. wrote, a sell
plane but the Grover dr. 13 4 1 k er
'Will noxtver for all family Turpotes.
Housekeeping Goode
Don't Idaho any purchases In thts I no before sta
tion the great sale at Bartle:fr. Co.'s, 59 Market
Platti t y/atn, ho.; all Popular make. At lA.-
tory prteee, on the North East corner of Fourth
and IffArkrt streets.
C. HANsox Lora . h Boos
. 1 A Tender Tete-a-T.Le
LOOsea half ite chart., If the meet wards of elth
er partkire not =tee with a fratrant breath—
bozo -la the only artlele thst w Ili assure this
..teablenituu by keeping the teeth speckles, the
VMS haiathY, the whole mouth pure /sod uodetlled.
It literally embalm. the dentaleubstausa, preset,
Ind /I It,i ,,,, decel's through life. U.. tidally. Will
glad a;plesmuy3.
lormaa W. Parry a Co.,
rtitertaill Slate Roofers, and Dealers in Ate&USX
elate Cit . various gators. Office at Alexant
unmaLtury near the Water Worts, Paul:quirk
libitum*, No. .78 Mks street. Orden
prom:pal/otters:led to. AU wor a rrantad watal
proA 'Repalltior done at the aborteat ranks. 'n o
0 ,, z0 1 0r Rpalrf, prwrl4e4 We root la not
abused inse it 1 . DIIt aa•
-Neutral Sulphite or Lime,
prelereing abler. For male by Mertes Super,
coiner OF Penn - awl Bt. Mar streets,
`-:Carpenter Jobbing Stop.
Haensgaeturpad attar an absence of three paws
Y the inap, f Mei rtopened my shop for all state
bibblatte the earpentez nee. at the old stared.
Vintliallenbetween Saut.hdeld street and many
dney,-;*eitioollrAtc.d and Pr 4 sPtir Attended to
Wu.x.144 10,51111111%
r <d tis
Father.. lirothera aun 'tuns
Cloak. and Sh.
Go to Barker k Co.'. 69 Market (Jr they
re eelllr.g them at great bargain..
Winter le Upon U.
And in a very i bore time we may expect to hear
the ..3leriy, marry sleigh helm , ' upon the streets
To a sleigh IA properly, or eve, a buggy
ride, of a cold day, you should, by •01 means, have
the right kind of s weigh robe. T. lt. Hillerman
No. 76 Wood street, hu an assortment of this kind
of Goods that cannot be •xaulled. Liverymen,
who you'd furche their einatomers, on the first
snow, with c tip-top outfit, should not fan to ex
amine these Goods. The stock of Drees Fur., at
tale estabile...ment, cannot we honestly believe,
he equalled in the city; therefore, we say go to No.
78 Wood street, fora One act of Furs, 'nab as
Muffs, Collars, Berthas, Capes, Cud's, rue Trim
ming, or rnything in thle line.
llagollleent Present for a Lady.
Now that everybody Is Investing more or leas
spare cash In the wny of maklce their ',genie hnp•
py, we have a word of advice to people of sense,
to•wit ; That the Who , ler s Wi'eon Sewing Ma
chine, cold at No. 77 Fifth Street, Is the most sp.
proprlate and valunl.:e ,;iff to a Isly at oould
be made. We dealgnate the Wheeler ft Wilson
bscanee it Is universally admltte•t to be superior
to any other In use. Their orderaf,r this purdosc
have already been unusually numnous.
or all pattern•, %t 113ws'•, 13G Wo),I .tree[
Haa the authority to coin money, and fix the value
thereof, but by general requat, and to order to
place this excellent article isittun the reach of
everybody, the value of Se ayies Barba: Soap Is
Bled at 30 cents a cake.
Reader, if you want a sewing machine on sentel,
you can depend. don't throw your money away on
any of the cheap things now offering In the mar
ket. net a good machine Ulm the Wheeler tr. Wil
son, and your purchase will always glee you sat.
ideation; but buy a bs4 one and it will be an end
less souses of trouble and annoyance to you. The
Wheeler fa Wl'son machine needs no putting. The
public understand its merit* sod buy It In e
=lce to all others, a fact which goes far to prove
its superiority. Mr. E. P. Oarpenter, NO, 27 Fifth
street, is the agent for this machine here.
A Fact Worth Remembering.
In that McClintock, at No. 9/ Federal street, sells
the best and ale/west Boots and Shoes, of any
novae in the two cities.
Dealt Wear Out Shoe Leather,
When lou can buy Dry Good. but •lightly dam
nail, at Shelleby & Barelay's, at one fourth the
actual coat. Remembers 1 and 76 Market street.
- )1 Word to the VS Ise Is Sufficient.
What wa say, Is, go to 3loCltutoeh'■ and see his
Boots And Shoes.
Everybody In Diotkpu.
Going to No. 92 Federal street for Boots and Shoesi
Of all patterns, at Sown's, 1.10 Wood street.
vary large atoak at very low price. en the
North East corner of Fourth and Market streets.
0. IlLinsolg Lova k BROS.
• Going Down.
The thermometer, fell rapidly or,
arid the prise. of Dry Goods at Skrea k Batt%
No. 11, Fifth Street, hsve, within a pant few
days, In come Tina, declined •Imoat as carat:lly,
Call and see the atockof Silts, mu•lina, t Leone.,
ho,, he., price them every where <lee, and then
compare notes.
In connection with tbls Store Is an eirellent
aesortment of Cloaks, Saco ore, e, Shawls,
and everything needed to keno the 'eminlres
warm In col I weather. Country idercuents
do well to call upon this arm which Is at ISo
Fifth street.
Netaettl.e.tripnite of
•r preerrving elder. For Sole Py Cnerice Super
runlet, corner of Peon end St. Clair streete
Couutry "ter - chants be Ade1...1,
Before buetvg your dry goods, go to tisrlre r
C0..,' 69 Markel street.
.ore You W outing,
ghaule, CLonkr, or any kind of icy Goods, re
thembrr the great semt•aonual etc...dote sod lit II
day sal,: at Barker 11. Co.'s, 57 'darket street.
Neutral Sulphite of Lime
Sc? presetting cider. For sale by Charlet. Snper
Druggist, corner of Penn and St. Ulair Woos
Large Variety
pf horniture, desks, side boards, wardrobes, sod
the Chet assortment of parlor, chamber and dining
room furniture to be had to the al. 7, at
B. lizmo ea's,
45 Smith deia Stmet
Where to Get Them
If you want the best, most rellsble and in all
respects the most meritorious and astts(actory
Boots, Shoes or Getters, you must call et Scorn
k Boss', 61, Market street.
You will llod prices to suit you. 'de. I
Extracts. teelh n - Ithout pain, and exchanges
old n. for ten dollen a set. ps!l at 240 Penn
A Word to Housekeepers.
How to sive money. Buy your Boots and Shoes
at bTeChnt•ok's. No. 92 Felersl.treet.
Klan.l;:,nrrer.r IT I.l e,—The post odlee
at ritho!e, was brrkto itdo(n Sar,day erealt.a.
and three hnee cortaininc the rot!! hr Nt 7 ;
Yora, the Eaatem and Noro,-EI State+, and
Eii;e7n 14nrsplvania, Lott, the entranet
waa takc:cd LLIOU2.II DUO OI L4c roams
new wing the I:ha, House, to Which is
win Low co-nected with t>, port Dtll•e. Th
nun, of RA: . 00.1 wet is the mall bags • the prop
crty of three men aloe'•, and anonr,;
I•al was p. , :oab;y oPtset...n Ld, IJO and 1110'J,_
, kO. A :,berai reward is offered (Jr LI: de'oc
lt(111 or tt.e gu!lty parties. Beer rat perm,. we,
artest.,d on an.3piclon during t!". day Dr the
tut discharged fur the want of any ev,-
o.eree to imp'ieate them.
A Nnritzn well has been struel: oil at l'..troleam
C. n: re, at thr depth cf G)3 feet. It le an leaae
No 12, Stev.-ason farm. It it now Il,rinq 3U
bunts per day azd increasing.
Enos the puhilcatlon of a parszreph yesterday
relatlng to the presunation of a Lticae •Jat to the
Pennsylvania College, at Getty, sna - g, we have
had the gratairation of learn a: or, OfOlir
citizens, G. It. I)..larna, , Enl • has Preset , te 4
to Allegheny t an tx,ller. t T..leacapt: and
a aupellor tracalt thus !azalea va l / 2 as'e arldt.lons
to th e astronomical eptnrat as
letpubl ;ran.
et. Louis disvatebeA shoo t h at 1.1,1 Nrs
stairr Upper MirslsOppi !tad 11:moi6 ri err. are
about ch..lDg.
Tug international Hotel and se veral adjedain
buildings Istre burned. on Tuesday, 13 Cairo.
VA It lOUS runs
THE “Trt ut.," the hie Lorie Yearel associated
with the reizure of Karon end Slidell, has hot
'engem - Nivea the Amerluau we•. At lan: ne
n:meta the erns et the Isle of Done, where ehe
we* to be broken up. Her career le ended.
Ton Slralesui preset has a ceosor In dr" penile
of the Abbo Dcmeneck, chaplain of the (km. dl
%Bon of ci t e French erytedolocary corps itt
Mexico, who tuns been attached t, the eacdoet of
the Empeter Mallon/lan for that porpoA.
VOLCTI TURZE wintery place: crs were dis
charged from the Columbus Penitentiary on
3tor,day, by coder of toe Secretary o; War.
The remeibder were to be releaser.
PACKING EGGS --Two a ttlng, o 1 edge Were
sent lost wing a lung d,staneu in Enxiand.
Both were racked with extra care, one In bran,
the other in hay. Of those In bran not one egg
hatched, while every one packed In hay pro
duced a chick.
Tire D 1531.41. Sweats Cox/L.—The Norfolk
Virginian understaods that immediate measures
are to be taken, which, In sixty or ninety dap,
will render Lida avenue to North Carolina nav
Tar. Indiana &nate on Friday defeated the
btu to amending the &tato Constitution as to
strike out the thirteenth article, prohibiting no
►roee from entering tho . State.
Tile Chattanooga Gareffetays that small-pox
Is "Mending In that place. Several white fami
lies bevel:lnc it recently. ficretefore It. ravages
were among the negroes.
Manic° has had in the last forty years thirty
seven different forma of goVernmtuis, (Includ
ing thirty-two "re p ub lics," ) seventy-five Presi
dents, :sad over two hundred rovolu.ions.
ISliseovits counts up as thousand immi
grants in the last two Inouthe.
CIov..ISIORYON la in New Vera, se;th
probabllitice of Lis recovery.
Qur Special Dispatches.
Negro Suffrage in Dietriet of Columbia,
litgoliaiione With flit Mexiran Repol:lir
Prize t pestle Exelyitted From Oar Ports
Specot I 111.poteh to the Plttsburgh Ottz,te
WASHINGTON. December IS, 1,153
Eltpresentatiae Wilson will report from the
Judletary Committee some day this week, a bill
conferring the Hght of suffrage upon the negroes
in the Dial rict of Columbla. -
Mr. McPherson received, to- lay, a rcsolatlnn
of the club er loyal l'ennsylcaulana, warmly
corocuending bin course In refusing to put on
the roll the nausea of rebel members at the or
ganisation of the Ilouse.
An unusual display is to be Made to-morrow In
the Settle on the announcement or the death or
Senator Collamer. Speeches will be made by his
collcaane, Vice Pfesident Tort, lby Harris, the
Senator from his Dative State, by Reyerd• John
aoe, who nerved with him in the cabinet of Pres
ident Taylor, by Dixon and Sumner, who were
Wog assoclatee with him on Important commit
tees, mid by Senator Riddle on behalf or his po-
Ibtleal In the Rouse, Mr. Morrill,
of ♦ermont, will make the opening speech.
Tho impression prevails here that Earl Russell
ofien he rerelvee Secretary Sewards reply to
his refusal to submit the question of damages
committed on our Cbmmerce by Anglo.reber
pirates to a commlesion appointed jointly by the
American and Eogitah Govennents, will recon
sider his decision and ask to seSmit the lees•
ton to arbitration.
Gen. Grant contemplates another jnerney
pouting and in a few weeks, when he proposes
alsitieg New Orleans and the different military
poets slang the Rio Grande.
lie). Gee, Batter arrived here this evening
and called upon the President, hit wau too late
to ot. , aln an inttiyit w. Ilt Is preparing a doe
natcet which promises to prope as interestia g
is his former report at Lowell.
The re:e pts of In!crata Revenue to-lay 'acre
There are rumors that lien. Logal will imme
diately nrou communicating with the Republi
can Government of Mexico. propose a COMM,-
Mel treaty between the Ilalt d States and the
Republic of, Mexico, which shall secure to
American citizens imp,rtant rl.stits npo■
the great lines of travel from the Gulf of
Mexico to Ike Paelft , cout, and
each an extearbll of the lie. as will greatly :ex
tend the Mexican market for American DWI mac
ton a, arid ,a exchange (or :bean privileges. which
may 1 e secured by cralitary leterpo•ltlan, if oe•
emery, for the relied States to loan twenty
salt:lon of dollars, or gort - ontee Ilene-an bott 4 / 1 .
to that amount. in behalf o , tb,
pUttlic; atou'd be rec.. red artb alai.-
Tl.c Col:cc:or t•f In:ernal Recentc fo r brt,nta
L. Tk On, y. In • lett,: reccl•ed Lithe froasnry
.o-Lay, Faye that the product of the Gold and al•,•
ter mint, of that Territory for : . 10 year Ma,
Rill to ur „. a ,,i or ?iu,ooo.nou. In Ter
raory W 33 a xi:de:nese, uninhabited ex7ept by
I ST ilk" CP .
A 11,r etc: spent scut time this moraine in
savage attack upon the person enga{ed to make
reports of Its proceedings for the All3CiritiNi
Press, for or , foirnass and zniarepresensstlims,
rarticu yln In fer , nee to yr}'s dthate on
riiror,unr, ire:, Stealer Fesoandun raid it
placed Ltd, is att.tud: of bostitity L., the
in, sident's ; airy.
Mr. Go brie to day very rarely vent •
grarb dispatch to the elerk's desk to tv. r,t,l
Ile Senate. The moment the address was read,
viz "lo Hon. Jacob Parker, Member of eon.
ins;" numerous Senators objected, and said
they wlibed r.o ,uch documen! :bore. and re•
fm.rl to i t It be roai. Th. ds,p•l. h
is bore u to bare been Gum I, in. IVc.trs
I_ nitiac a, whtesting against the atl - nisCma
Hahn and Ca::er as hr zators, en the gr7na..l !ha:
tht y wt re ebosim by representat.v.s of a
IsrraP. portion of Ike people of .be drat •, a^..l
atllrg the Legisintnre bad Just eeete,l a oott;::e
01 new 6etatc.,s. Considering that Wei n.-n•
tell was tinted I.i the 4a-n • tea •
tht ;eopiL. nod :tat t. I..ortetlf 4tts . !Int., It 3
cert.ftritt t:re-Liot, thitt :t•• : •11..• y
oar pitc•ltt the Lottle,,t
11.! tl...lloWirlg •:11P0r.Sa: C. Cl 3 dr :C.4 . IC
ott.d pr.r s t.,•
the 6ccretary of the Tr', y ra
ILL( breed.f ,„1 uy
:!:• went t C4b , of It
tt , P • Le.%.g of Lo.! ty Ire
.;;:g nor p .rts rr to
or of Alt:ea by Lbt: FA/ t. 13•1114 of tn .
tril • fr 4 - F.. 4'.14 to
• :Of I, 11 IA to tb,!,
res;•• et, t 1.11,11 Oa mettle
tl :Coy cattle ninth LC,;• 0, "f
It, Pf Clint) of the .Act of ar,
I er tLiltd an Art to ratio; atm the ~.. liect3on
Lf en lfhporls aqd tonnage, :n which
rate the f the et, lion moat
17 enfor:ed. -- euhe^to , a dirc:: the
corathaneers of the lt, ui . r.tra.
in their Ft lint warn
nweln r f , •ither..gtrea.s that they
rosy 11,4 entering It, ports of the Uatted
Sava airl:hyrlzei eaPturel charge of prize
t rests. :Lt.,hey are n , ..; permlatt.d, ,•xcept when
they seek a resort of refuge in thatreea, and in
hie case common/erg "OH promptly notify the
department or the fact of each arise:, and the
eh eunastareer attezoing the earne.
Arc pars. ions aro unileritood toloakin4 at
the Treasury Departmect to autldiwe the pay
men t - of the January Interest.
The' , 6l , Naloaal Bank of 3,lrna. Ala tarn.
bas been desiguattgl as a d , pository of publv
A number or paym.Lers left here to .la/ wi,h
funds to pay off the troops In Virginia, North
at d booth Carolina, lieorgla and Alabama.
Th e Cer told New York banking intuit inns
having lora In the habit of forwarding to the
newly ertahliaLed National Banks throughout
the r o•antry ell eulars statlng that they could
greatly a 'tat in preventing the printing and en
grartt g their notes, Irevided that they will keep
tirclr aeernints at the, banks . the Comptroller
of the currency desires to state that be consid
ers such proceeding a fraud, and wart. all
National banks against entering into any ar
rangement of the kind. As to National bank•
rag currency, no bank has superior facili
ties over any other In regard to the printing of
their nails,
ory Ward Beecher's speech to the Hall
col the Houle to-eight stems to have been iotan•
dad as an cffatt to what his old Venda have
been caltirg his recent backsliding*. He argued
that the emancipation promised by Mr. Lincoln
would rot be complete till the freedmen were
elven all the rights which liberty means le thia
lard to any or ".er her MOn.
Ile scouted the Idea the' suffrage was not a nat
ural light; It is; If It was not then, liberty was
not, for it was absurd in talk of giving liberty
without all the rights by which that liberty la In
be toamtaired, I,e,ond thte be invlited that
not only all men. but nil vromen had the right
His demands for the rights of the negvoas
were received with loud applause, mingled with
very few hlssei, but wtten be came to argue for
woman suffrage, the audienealtirat laughed, and
then listened In silence.
Chief Justice Chase presided, and the a:excl.
'es were opened withprayer by the Rev. 131¢h
land Onrnett, a negro L of amazing blackness antit
line education. The old doorkeepers of the
Rouse say it is the largest Bathe:nice ever packed
In there witble their recollection.
The Chillan 'War Not Ended Yet
Great Fire in Liverpool
ria. ea N'orol6 - 70. Dila. risco tab
BUIDT Floc's, Doc. 13—Afternoon—The steamier
Java, from Liverpool on the Ist, pis Qavens-',
torn on tee 91. has passed this point. The'
steamer Cuba arrived out no the Ist. The
steamer Germania arrived out on the 301. h.
Dee. .2.--The Times says it cannot af- t
feet to be disappointed at the trial of Cant. Dorst
belt on the Shenandoah case, the evasion of the)
neutrality laws having bean so execute/ as al
most to defy legal retribution.
LATEST, t la QI3CerIISIONITI. Liverpool, D,e. 3.--
Tee Parts Bourse closed quiet yesterday, at 68f
7iic for realm..
Correspondence from If alrid derOes that the
Spanish government has sant Admiral Pareja or
ders to }rlspeed hostilties against Chill. The
government Is 501 evens disposed to accept of
the mediation of neutral powers. Orders have
been g van to the Spanish naval arsenals to push
k mare the preparations of war vosruds for sea.
The Jailer who connived at the weeps of Ste
phens. the Fenian Head Centre a Iselsod, has
been committed for trial
nitre Is no news of Stephens, tte escaped
Fenian Head Centre of Ireland. The governor
of the r resort whence be escaped from has been
suspended. The Fenian :dale are progresslnc.
Capt. Corbett. who commanded the pirate
Sbeaande ah at the time of her transfer, Is bettor
tried at Quernstown for a breach of the fersign
enlistment act.
There le DO riddlLlODfli De , v 1 from Spain o
The Fenian triale are progressing. Bohy, the
proprietor of the "Irish People" was lound
guilty and sentenced to 20 years penal ser
Tin Morning Pent state, that S'. phew arrived
at Cu ie.
In the Court of QlCetl . 9 Bench the trial of
Capt. Corbett on the charge of aelliag the des
nandoan to rebels and enlisting men for her, re-
sulted In acquittal.
Mr. Bright bad been making a strong reform
speech at Blackburn. lie denounced In un—
measured terms the massacres In Jamaica, and
held the giver:merit and its acesuiplied re
shonalble for the murder, and predict., ther
would yet appear at the bar of Jimmies.
....The dry _roods establishment of J. J.
Jeffry, Liverpool, better known as the Con,:nt
House, was burnt. It was the largest hour: In
the town. "The estimated loss was two hun
dred thousand pounds sterling.
Dr. Barth, the African trarele, is dead.
Thy Globe says: Russell's tioveriataant are
most modulus t • liar c the Reform quewtiou set-
US, and are ready to undertake the task'
The tent or the 61.4131511 circular no the CI:U
lan affair is published. agezet with the tiro.
riouv etatem.nt.
The Chelan Oncost, at P3rl, pte , :lsbui n
futation of the ~; the utish Mtn
7Cc r'coarr,nra: al r ~ r
prob 4:.:, . and
P•r ur, rat , xrard, realer
A conaran :rat L,cr . r In I,rala
lay a k:tigrapb bet tree,: C 1125.41 and the ar.erl
I+ ' In 'he of
Mt, Sub), ltse ••4r, 'Leh ,rdoo
reaspayerr, set. trio h.oirs in delinerottoo
fore retort' lug a vordirt .4' guilty. The prison
er addrea. d the eru;t hafere setae:nee aive pass
ed upon him. lie emphst ellty de.
,red and r. i.ocha:ed the alloga , hres of
81 , 14 , S.Latiell vi . ich has tste6 arced ajal-ISt the
F. Liar.... IL ttaLtuitrd his guilt nerordlng to
the ihterl retaLion of British lave, hat teetered
himself Into:a-es t tevorli.lje to tot higher stead
and of eternal rl,;hts, and tact a majdnty of his
trymen u, old SO ..wide, If the , erstirn
W I. put to a coin.
TIL. nett per,,n broarbt bnr.r.• oral. Mr. lobo ~ ' Leary. A n
Jury ban bcrt, caw an.l t%e le
prrgressicz. There 18 03 excl.. eti .{.
r/pOOl, A, .
2/1. a. —Tee Ilr•a.taturf
clstnlars repot-. the 1211111.t•E Cr mer. it“ur ad.
vamttd Cdk I e. 1!% 2 21h: the, 11 at 103
U luloe `KL. C.lru ad vattetgl 61, coital 30 430 i
l'rortslons -Bort ry arm. l'ork cra , e.
Lard derdnlnz. Barn?, ~ r
!Inn. hatter tl,m and ode". of sate,
TII-e Broker's - - 1 ,- .111, lays: Finzar Ist.
Coffey is mat ti 0. PtirOintial a r rr dr,
CY , ttoct—rbe sales at the work were
bales. The market npeord dull, but 6 [l:sill, ❑ -
mss, and closed arm ..113 Frkfay at an 545555 ut
, to A ~ , c ites, ~ In.trillUlSS. I Maas fee,
t01 , 1.-t,,4. 21,1 •yru
The P.Ce, on I rre 10
katlee ag tl•ca, as yltiog the the neat try the Cuts. Tin” noes ',a
lef:rtlock:Ll:rig I
nf Arntl!. en.
p. 5 day of bs:ete, loelud
c;.ern:sto.... a 1 vnd tx.,, , extrrr. It vea-t
sr.! 55 .01 a part-al .
L 1.!
Pttrital of the Steamer tit) of Baitoa,
Jamaica IYEassacra Denounced.
deo.. rib c, ... db..
yornu, Itvc, 13.—Tit steam., CAT of
Boston from Liver:, pol on It, And ~;accust
own on the:l)th ult., an vol this morning.
Stephens, the Fenian, still remained at large.
A special rommlsnion for the VIM of lenlane
opened at Dublin en the trith.
LO l a s u s eus Sis,the Cita/VI! treasuo and felony.
An Mfluettial meeting In Slancttestcr strong.
ly denounced lb; eavera piiicenilag In Jamaica,
and Rent a memorial to Esrl wail' ad
mitted the urgent necetnity fdr inquiry, and
et laced a deslro for a vindleittloo of Jus•
Thqi morrltue4 110.1 angn. Tao feOln; is
the riLy rtiiilve to Amtui, a ntra,ru a nJt alto
i• her rails f ncto , y.
No foreign msnicLA cc •rc recebe I he. Ibis
tuipurlaut Railroad Nutt
Puus aerate, C. 13.—T0-day In the du
pr. me Court, Chief Jintlee Woodward, the case
of the Philadelphia railroad, Erie railroad and
Pennsylvania railroad companiec vs. the Cam
wheel railroad and Central railroad of Poensyl
mole, and the the Atlantic and great Western
railroad company of Ohio, Now York and Puna
iylvania for a special initinctim restraining the
rerendatito and declaring oull and void the lease
of the Catawiesa railroad, dated November Ist,
nod also the contract dated October 3141, be
tween the Philadelphia aed Erle and Catawissa
railroad companies, and that said contract be de.
livered up to be conceeeed, was commenced.
Destructive Nice at Pontiac Michigan.
Dallow; 13.—Thoro wan a disastrous
tiro at Pontiac, Intlehlgan, this manning..
IV.ltink Co., Drugdistsi loss was 1115,000, in
sursece, 13 SOO. J. Sellegmem. Cluthiern, $lO
- 'insured. J. P. Wilson, Druggist, Ph,000,•
I .""ne° , a 000 . Usher losses make the total
obeli; $40,000.
Bridge Broke Through.
DrrrkLO, D,c. 13.—Tim Elver street bridge
over tho canal broke throhgt this morning. with
o drove of cattle nn It, drowning it few of the
cattle, Mau, a wagon loaded with coal, drown-
log the horcea and badly Miming the driver.
Bale of Government Buildings
Grant's Interview Witt the President.
Trial of a Bounty Broker.
Gen. Logan reclined the !client' Minion
New Legal Question in South Carolina
New Tong, December 13,—The Tr.bone's
Vireshington special diepatcheri nay that the to
tal amount realized from the oak of pohlic
building-a and dismantled forte in the depart
moot of Washinzton was $9,354.
In one branch of the Quartermaster's Depart
ment ...vent,. bundr‘,l employees have been
discharged slow July last, reducing the expen
ses from $OOO,OlOO to SWO,OOO.
The Tirne's Washington special says that
Commodore Hull has been relieved from the
command of the Philadelphia Navy Yard, Com.
modore Bslfiidge succeeding.
The llerakrs Washington special says
Gen, Grant had an interview with the Presi
dent yesiggday and communicated to him tne
rterildt ofld ebaervations during his recent trip
through Virginia, North Carolina, Borah Caro
lina and Georgia. He was everywhere reencei.
fully received by all. The majority of the
Begs:rem In these Stases are in comparative idle
pees, and nearly ail refuse to renew contract,
until after Christmas, believing that a general
division of property is to tale platm at that
time. Southern men of Influence were outspo
ken In favor of complying with say demands
the Preeident might consider necessary for their
restoration. Gen. Grant beheves that Inc pox..
pie of the South airmast unanimously desire
speedy readmits.on to their old position In the
Union, and that their profeestone of future loy
alty and good behavior are honest and sincere.
It is proposed to lie the name of 1.11103112 to
some of the western territories.
Gen. Butler proposes to write Gen. Grant's his
tory ftom, or before the write he entered West
Point, up to the time he was made Lieutenant
The board of the American Baptist Mission
'try Union, representing the Foreign Mission
ary went of the Baptist churches of the north
ern elates, hold/ a special meeting to-day, in
this city. A great enlargement of the work of
the hoard is pressed upon the committer, espe
cially In Europe and Africa, and the board le
called together to decide what shall be taer ac
The Investigation of the case of Ju. Elutes,
a bounty broker, rteently arrested, of Allen,
Hughes & Co., on a charge of defrandmg vol
unteers of their bounty money during last
spring, wu commenced 111 Jensty Gay, before
lambed Siam Commlamoner Jackson. Cooaid.
erat le legllZlOny we. taken, after which the et.
amtnetion was adjourned tilt thle n'ffw
The suit of Wu Laura Keene to restrain the
production of the play of "Oar American
C 0115111," by errtaln theatrical mana,eera in the
cit), .0 yesterday oistrareed t.y Judge Barbour
In the 5...',,me Court.
The civil code for the State of Ye. York. re
jortcd at tht la t nen>ititi of thu LrAttala.are, nas
just bete printe.l.
The Corhmire!ortvra who have rovisel and
et r:dgcLl tte rale,. aLd ;.e - a,hre acid woceedLace
nl LOlple t r 1,1,4 t the 6LiVt., g.:e hr.('
viceteb of their IneJer• own , Ater and alco the
rousldtraLon of it, d. I'SO Lae Le ..t a Ita e-a!
code to the vtople of Ne a Y
4.1§14w¢ U ErpLUA . 14/ C
survr.e, I. inartilee-ed at the reoelpit
of a het, !rota irov. l'i• iliont Vi - gle•s. ad
drerssd to the PrealderL . t S,a . e•iiii sick al.
Clot the It use, iticroa.Lg a opy of as Act
paased by /lie General Assisi:FL!, of Vtr,i ale, rt.-
pealieg the mince t t:tricolors even, to thi divis
ion or the State Le tem rut mat.oa Ui the St rts irf
Weat VirriLlriire The le:ter vras prieted and ;aid
spon the h: k• . ac the nleatvns to day •od at-
Leactrd true, cornmea.t.
The 147 ,, :d's Wetattlnt;trn says that
Goa. 1. - gin has tioesly de - Itnett the IFl•iltii.ta to
).le./..1*0. 31. In said that the Eloper., Natsolson
a short tame elect addressed a 1. - tier dunes to
the Secretary of Sat.., soluig for Hsu
Lion by the Unity 4 States of NI 4 sr
artmett as a government de !am. The groand
ttron a bleb he based his rtritistt was that It had
malntaintal steels for near:y two years sad woo
therefore enuhled to such root mUna. it Is
said th t Secretary of SLalt, has rup,ten la the
note and that he emphatkally declines to accede
to the rtsforat aad gives at ,cogth the reasons
therefore. lie denl., that it , Ls a govern rn . at do
facto , and that the who:, 1. , , t,•l
Staten are plt . d....ed against any snub recognltam
It three won any ground for it , whI.•11 them ,s
not, that from the In'O-.Latlon it
that ‘listract“.l rottutry I.l•rral psrty bar,
u. y I tiled „ bed tee al .1, hit ,nicest hs bat
in the rtttrary, thier ran.e m tho a .eendanr
s prnthits repla taken with thr artnal of n .th
11..neca of Con cress . in regard t it s p..sltton of
LEO K"rt rnlncht, open the •yry of
the P.. toren .r
TILL: Macon, f,•-••••gia, 7Lor•-,,,L0r.•.!,31,
Ateico. t tat A'••rean't•L• it ,ltI , 0•1111, iel. , a
!-• LaaLd..l.,L , t, •
tbo LLL•ILL.,IL.La I,! met. IL. ,J alt LL,.
• I: eh - r•nnd
In 1.1 , 1 In o 1 erry's
Irma r raw , . •'
.11,f.are• •f , tt.,
a I! rl n IL• tr, r
Suo ,
ara.l ,
:ri Ited
n. saute ua e ••.• o nt• • drat
Fa), A,• .r,i: 4•1 , our trf Um.
nruaLcvdattor urt!, Zr hal he,. r 'treed
[tont!. Cr.e.., a. I; w tret.ror• lad tr . , I
!adore the prtelamatNn t.rolt efleerar n •
rtl.t.Y or lb , Pe lrlr ow
r . ' "" 6 '
Crate are deepvoted tr.
ly Ir t• voted We ,n a'l 4
elPl it rurrar, gin 0..1 I reelrasts Ir - ortl trio
glel• f l are dealers. Ihu tr3h . le tlil4 yeen
hrtartr,Ll to the atteltl,m of tLe
abieb. u s 'apeeted, 7111 make perv:•rort
put tinily doreharg l r.t; the cretruar, clalrus.
D) tea ;statement of a JalnAlra, it ebel
latadtr--The Cattle Plaza e Fenian
Excitement In I nublin.
New Torix, Ike I:4—Foreign tiles tin it.. Ja
va, contain the letter of Mr. nr .reon, of Janiat'a,
an hour before Ills tEarathla by tl, s 11. - 11,..ri ait
tlimlti.s. It Is Mil o rnliglihla for nor, and a.-
P.lta hie innocen, and h. entire Ignorance of
the man Itoglin, the loader Vibe rennet, Be says
ha Lever Uttered e . Rea:liiwras ta, :he no.
,ra.p, and declared that be you'd hie death
ci• l• tr. of a I,al•lra pa
3 3 M.t.h
etat•tica eb•rix that t!..: cis..sra
A letter from eaye there Ilse neve,
been no mach cav Cement of the kind In Dub
lln niece the days of 4e. Canards of air do
ecrlptions nro being (reel circulated, end ate
agrrly nwulJnwrd ay the police authorities.
Ttr rtar of the letter es)s he has good au•
thorny for eteling that during the whale of
Thinreday evening a two maimed solar), appar
ently a FrOnell loge r, wee obio,Ved beetling
about the hay. It was oheereed Prat several dif
ferent ligbirt were ixbililted, believed tow to
have been shown by the inacerige vessel. It le
thoeght that Stephens wax taken on this rental
and escaped to Ern. ce
Hill for Exclualon of Cattle Plague—Bebe
el's sentence Commuted—The Teat Oath.
W 1511 ,,,L 1 51, Doc. —Thu Mil to prevent,
for the present, the imp, elation of foreirm cat
ti', In fader to guard againti the plague, has
peered both houses of Congress and only re,
11U1,5 the President's signature to become a
law. This is the fit st bill paeaed this bus/tint,
Edward Lambert of the ihithLoulaiana infan
try, the rebel who was sentenced to be hang for
murder on Friday next, had his sentence con,
mulch tc-day by the l'resitizrit, to ten years im
prisonment in the penitentiary.
It is lull/I'rd that Meters. Garland of Arisen
„sax, and Mare of Lou:Mena, aro the only once
who have applied to the United States Sapreme
Court tu be readmitted to that bar without being
required to take the oath of loyalty as prescribed
by Congress.
The conatitntionality of the teat oath will be
argutd on Friday.
AJoint special committee of the two houses
of Commas, on the author Prosidtmt Lincoln,
held • meeting to day. It la understood that
they will Make • report In favor of memorial
services In February, with lion. E. E. Stanton
as orator for the occasion.
Action Suspended
Nsw YORK, December 13,—After re
vlewteg the charges presented agslai t
hteeere Brennan. Comptroller, and }Male, silty
Inspector, Governor (lepton has suspended far
they action thereon anal the aasemt)Bag of the
Legislate,' a.
The Senate assemble] at twelve o'clock at
soon. Mr. Foster president pro. tem. In the
Mr. Wilson seas excused from further service
ea the commlttee 011 Pensions and Revolution-
Mr. Brown introduced a bill to reimburse the
state of Missouri for the expenses 'noun e 4 in
enrolling. equipping and provisioning militia.
The bill was ordered to be printed and referred
to committee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Guthrie presented a remonstrance from
colored citizens of Louisiana against the recep
tion of Messrs. Mahn and Cutler as Senators
from that Slate.
Mr. Grimes objected to the remonstrance, as
it was addressed to Jacob Banter and not the
Senate. and It was ordered to lie upon the table.
Mr. root presented a resolution which was
referred to the Committee on Contingent Ex
penses of the Senate, providing for the payment
to the widow of the late Mr. Coiluner the
amount due to that Senator at the time of his
Mr. Grimes offered a rcaolut,on, which was
adopted, inatructing the , onitinitoss on the libra
ry to esquire Into the repwdleney of the lip
point [Dent of a report, to piepare the reports
of the Bent Sc proceedings for the associated
Mr. Sherman, from the committee on agricul
cure, reported the Howie bill to prohibit the im
portation of cattle, so as to prevent the spread
of disease.
Mr. Stewart submitted a Joint Resolution em
bracing the following articles to be proposed ae
amendments of the Constitution of the United
Fast. The Union of State. ender theConsti
lotion Is I:indissoluble, and no State can absolve
its citizens from the oblieaUon of paramount
allegiance to the United States,
Second, No engagement made or ob
ligation eecnred by any &ate or by any number
of States or by any county, city or other muni
cipal corporation, to eubvert,impair or resist the
amitiority of the United Status, or to support or
old any legislature, convention or body in hos
or be icteumed or sustained in whole or in part
pll'Y to
eml+ authority, shall ever be held valid,
y l any State, cr by the United Swam,
The resolution was referred to the Judiciary
On motion of Mr. Sumner, the Senate took
up the resolution caWng for information is re-
geed is the employment of persons la the
Treasury Department who hare not taken the
oath of allegiance, and whether there ore per
sons employed and paid for offices not proridul
by law. The resolution was passed.
Mr. Washburn called up a bell to maintain
the Leedom of the Inhabit/Loa of the States de
clared to beta insurrection and rebellion by the
proclamation of the Prettident of the first of
Inly, 15.62 It declares all laws heretofore la
force or held rand In 'be InsurrartlOnary B•atee,
when by any loequality of civil rights and Im•
mct kits among toe Inhabitants of these &aura-
Mr. Wilson explained the nature of the bill.
He stated that the proclamation of the Presi
dent of the 22d of September, 1583, declaring
emanMpation, pfedgas the faith of the govern
ment of the United States to maintain the free
dom of the persons declared to be free. This
was repeated le the proclamation of the lit of
January. It we. therefore the duty of he Gov•
ernn.ent to maintain the civil right+ and Immu
nities of these freedmen, The moat cold blood
ed atrocitiet were being perpetrated ■pon these
freedmen, and it was the duty of Cougreea to
intefere at once Whatever differences of opin
ion there might be on the subject of negro sof.
trate, there ought to be none in regard to the
dory of making mood the guar ante. of the I.:ov
ert meet.
Mr. Johnson said there were sarions legal
object:one to toe bill under consideration. It
din cot name any bilis or laws, beg all laws of •
certain character; besides It only repealed all 16111
already made. but if the Soothers Bates err- la
the Union they bays a right to Mate pollee lent
fi :,3.1 Beyer bellares: that :it
Southern states were on: of the Union and he
was glad to see In ecesid,nt Johason's message
w ‘cls was one of the Wait ever leeaad , a eln
eulf,,ce ra ttas view. The p_•ople of the B,n'll
irn steel were 1.011 to 5t21,15 to retard as thay
o, et w ,Tt. If, 'ease the Utlion. lie thiten•l tbrrro
was us tru^n phitantnro, , by In the soots as In the
stun ard he was et, itnpresslon
sought I. I ere atcd, that the p....Lpe of the
bomb r. to ,a,es.
••.su rat 611 woad a•-
rom;.11-h Its as LOT tte.l: rd. Ito tb , nuttt
an ementicut Pt to Lbw llonalLublou was the only
way to reach the mater, and Ls brit,ed anza
an aruebduarnt would pass in Co:-urena wlttuu a
coy ti.
Mr. referred le c-rtaln law, p.ami in
the S =era Slater since at, b:JilLi 311 of slayer,
which he ,ald eutd,c:cd the frecdo,:c to a wore,
lAA dace than ,Leery Suelf. the claditlon of
the Ireldmea of the South was warn° to-dal
ttah It was of, the day of Lee'a surrender.
Mr. Sherman sympathized with the obiects of
the 5.:1. fla believed It to be the duty of Con
gives to arras: freedom to the emancipated
sle•r•, hut be beliesed each iegisletion ought to
he postpened until the proclamation of the S .e•
en tory of State, aanouncing the adoption of the
Conatituti hal Amendment, by the requielle
t. umist r atus. C.mgress hud power, ho sad.
ander the evened section of the AnaeadMUlt., to
make pension for the freedom of the blaega;
nod there was another tectlam of the Constitution
under ortuab it could be done , that section which
Vera to .he chira's of one State all the rizuta
of the UtlicrlS of the several States. The lull he
fore the ,econte did aat d Hite the lvti rizhts
which the arzrte s Lue - ht to have, taut at it'd
them to general terms. Its hie belief Con.,rusa
oughr to Imp se the condition, upon which the
•ull-re Stale, should be re: tired beet;
the rtt thc, ought LIP be in the
stnet.e.inents to the roaatltutl in. Action not tie
hofOrif the Set.ote ought t t h. deferrel
he lewt of :the l .4nuiltlee of Ffteen provid,-
for by ;he yecrr-
Lr tnatest ury eeid the: when the (:•.e.i•n.
11,111 •re, dnacrA we, ',lore the n eft. to
See." , c , ne c'eh , the 6 ,on.l Sr ••
C. , e to, r- nracn: the I,w, ~(e c_ri:
hti:l4-d T.
NI!. T. eze',..
is air
;tolch: tr.o w proma.cre
r.te ~al,l by Mr. t'h:raaau.
:a: 1u. ,- 111f1,oa of th,
i acc•atcc
r: :It an d
0 , 1.e:!9.,0La: mflead
atOL• the ad pp;alu
0 ! thst smttnt'sn•ht 1.1., re might l,a ,at d , nht
g OW, l'st•g;t!,9 WaS pros
t.! A f..r thes.l•ti.ti ,- the am•13.1(11.11.,
1,. C.711 , { . . es lo the ptts, of 1' ,n. ll '2O. I section not 1! 01 , .. 11:1,4
it , :pit. 'L'O ,ps, he t. 11..1 w
1),. (.1 svisl itatis ts, tl as,
I do not know w hat it 1110.11:.
t:: n to r!“ watt It : hnt I Ttr
L-r 4 .0, , r 5.,. Slur whether when t w. Nerve
I • l ' ' Y wdwPtlon. he avowed arlv,e
cry e 1 it , that it was Ult 1111: ler ...Wt. porn...
M - . Truna,ll '• I'reAlden: / Lever
nr.d.ntr,,Al in any n:ner tra)."
Mr 2 , 11.t , ury
tisor P"
Nt.ita so
Mr Trend . .ll— . I do not know :het
et.t. I might as tto.:. hat, ..t.plain At that the
rause Which doe! , tret, that al.e.,ry .611: n ,•t
-Ist, I but spa :err shall d exist. I ..ttal.l
Utah •It no eleoror. ! reported It from t Jill
do iar r l tmmudtee for the On , p ter of conferring
l' , oht , e•s adthority ht tee t 1.1 th • tirlt.
4:41, 11 a arl.ed glut In fittt:t."
Mr. Balest.ury said he did no , sec how gentle
man tdddlug that the Southern States at, not in
the Union, can regard the ttomteltuttnual
Amendment as adopted. It three•
lohrths of the States to adopt the Amerlatent,
and that number could not be obtMeted ova,
out countteg the Southern State.,
(In motion of Mr. Howard the Smote ad
ilr. Kloomk. front the ConnoO.tee on
111, tore Attulrn, reported a fotnt resoloti,n, re•
questing the Nrl , ld,nt to boapcnd Soy order
,oaterlng not the ofTlearo or the Veterati
serTe Coci , p, ant LI Conellss shall haTe tittle to
con•lder what 1ii61,) Won shall he made of the
A brief denote occurred on the ronThition, du
ring which Mr. Schenck said that the oriented be
longing to the corps, had for the greater part
been mustered out, and the question now was,
what is to he done with the oaken. The ottl
errs should not be summarily dtemieded out of
the service. they having families dependent up
on them for support.
Remarks by other members were made when
the Joint rreolotlori was passed.
On motion of Mr. Stevens, the Moneta took up
and coucurrred In the Senate's anitinclomat to
the Jo'at resolution appointing a ;committee of
fifteen to consider and report On Inc condition
of the late so called Confederate States.
Mr. Chandler resumed his remarks le oppo
@lgloo to the resolution.
Mr. Ancona, of Pennsylvania, moved to lay
Mr. Fernsworth'e resolrAion on the table. Die
agreed to by a vote of 4.1 against lie. Thom:so
lution was then referred to the select committee
of fifteen on the Southern States.
The Rbtme.then took op Mr. Farnsworth's
resolution heretofore offered, declaring that jus
tice retraced that colored soldiers be admitted
to all the rights and privileges of citizenship.
He moved to rarer it to a select committee of fif
teen o n the onndltlnn of the so-called Confeder
ate su ite , Mr. Chandler of New Tork took
Lane, denying that the black man Le equal to the
white man. Three remarks were suspended by
the expiration of Ike morning hour.
• .
After further proceedings the Rouse ad
The Fentah Quarrel-14 asktuctou Items
Nem Your.. Ike. 13.—Ttert , u coati:lllM ex
citemest In the Fenian brotherhood. Toe bill
of impeachment against Oilishony and bellies
Vabliebed to-flay. contain no new facts. The
Rebate met to-day and received the address o
President Roberta, published this evening, The
add -f." .eyes .No more time Onal be lost In Idle
dlrcnasloa, and that the. Fenian brotherhood
must won make up for time Wasted, and win
distinction ►y elTorts elsewhere.
IL also says, the present difficulties will serve
t o dyed:Title° the:Fenian movement, and predict
..p e edy success. The Renate yesterday ap.
pointed a COMaultlee to welt on President O'M
bony and request him to deliver up the books-
The committee went to the head querters la Un
len Square and were peremptorily ordered out
of the building. Mr. Whistle:lay has published
the charges again tke &natant similar to those
heretofore given.
e dispatch !rem Washington says Th. ,
French members of the legation mat:Life:A same
displeasure at one of the resolution. In the
Senate and Rouse, respecting Mexicact
Mthister Barlingande will retntn to Chins by
way of San Francisco.
Generals Grant, Howard, and Kilpatrick, end
lNnaters Wl!sae end Guthrie held :en Interview
srlil the President yesterday.
The gouLtzere Cengrammes— The 51exlcan
NEW Y cna. Dec.l.B.—The Corr./terrier a Waal,
Ingtun special rays the Virgbals .d Louisiana
delegates are now urging that the same privilege
grafted the Tennessee delegates !Mould also be
extended them. Congress, however. is by no
menns pleased with the temper and spirit now
being displayed by the Virginia Legislature.
Romero has receival further advice! from
Mexico favorable for the Liberals. Juarez is
established at ChlhEmhua.
A Washington sperisi states It li undw-stand
that the House Committee on Foreign Relations
will take wrong ground oa the Mexican ques
tion. The Senate is more conserTailre.
Etre at Catro--Boiler Explosion
Canto, Dec. 13 —Five buildings, mostly dwal•
tinge, on CommercLal avenue and Twelfth
street, were Mimed to day, The loss was about
$50,000, partially loaned.
A boiler In the Illinois Central Railroad
freight depot, es - ph:idea this ramming, instantly
killing The engineer, Robert Hall. A plena of
the boiler, weighing about stun, was forced up
warn threush the roof a veral hnndred felt and
fell eve hundred feet from the original ts)sitlan,
crushing through the pavement. The cause of
the explosion la unknown.
Important littls Before the Virginia
Ftrcnwoso, VA Dec. 13.—A bill was intro
duced in the Senate to-lay, repealing all acts
relative to slaves and free negroew and allowing
them to testily in courts. Mr. Gilmer of BIM,
mond city, advocated the Immediate passage of
the bill. It was laid on the table sod ordered to
be prix ted.
A resolution was offered, confirming the rati
fication of the anti-slavery amendment at Alex
andria, which was referred to the Committee on
Federal relation,
From A eattyllle
N.A.savna, U.—River twenty-six iaches
and falllnq. Tho first .now of the season fell
bore to-cloy.
The keeper of a tollgate on the Lebanon pike,
named Richard Byrne, was murderod Last night
by a band of roisters. Three [lnstinct shots took
effect upon his body, clam . of whi b was fatal,
Tne band proceeded upon the pike and robbed
gilt en otter per,or, I.ving along the road.
They then decamped and have not since been
beard !rem.
From California
SAN' Dee. I.2.—There is a pan.r
in mining stuck:_, and a furth, d iliac is no
ticeable; f.a r.O, Yellow Jacket, 69 10;
Ophlt. 62 60. c.nild ,t Curry 5.5.2.
Eight small coat , tlng reseals are rep.arteci lost
its the late storm noon the coast. 'racy all be
longed to Sao Era ease.
Judg,, D Wi, vesceraisy derided Li:at le,
~141.1 : not IQ for lint,
la the conaty courts.
Railroad i;ilrrloricElected
At i.eur, Dec. 13.—.A.t h.'re
le—day fur dim. - tor, of t h.. T Central R. a.
the f.itoa tug tick, wa.• , •nocen Dcau hrnorol
N. Bate' hfort, ' ,t... il. Ch. tc:l, Alonzo C.
S. V. 1.. Prague, Nathanid 'lOakur, Lte
tokston 6t,Lcr. Cornelius C. 'Tracy, Char. H.
Butacil, Fleury 11. Morton, James II Barker,
Horace Y. Clark. Andrea D. Wcittc. I captctors
of next et. :ion. Gcorirc Dext,r. H ~`us G.
Beat dater, Et-I , nm .c• tr4le
Western Navtgatlon
Sr. 1,1•12., DOC. 13.—After the unu,nally warm
dry fall the weather becom., very coid, the mer
cury Oohing to a degrees above zero to-day. lee
began minting In the neer this afternoon, and
navigation on the upprr streams may be consid
er.d clo,ed for the season. Sleamers are still
ruching e-oritti, but the water is becoming quite
Buuuty Frauds
New TORS, Dec. 13 —it the exatarlatlan
aterday, of the ease Involving the bounty
!rands In Jet,ey City, ttiraolay was KIN , eo that
one hundred and twenty thousand dollars were
dlvidtd between a firm of bounty broker< and
rt. Marcus Cicero Stanley, a subordinate of, the War Department detective.
I.arge Fire at Ottawa
111 C ♦OO. Dec. I:i.—A tiro at Ollaw,. 0015
thi. destroye,i. nine huild.ugs. Th
loss 1,11,4 uscretain...l. sold to lam• large
The heasirst I. sees were thoise ci Masers. li:sr
dole N tilludon, shoe store, nod Ucntiok Bro's
drug Store.
Block of Bulk!lugs Burned
joss., I L LS, Dec. I3.—A fire last
igtt destroyed a block of wooden bulldluzs on
the corner of Male and North Second streets.
The varoes who suffered by the fire are Mr.
Wheeler. the ower of a fruit store,. Seheckers,
baker, and others. Loss, /20,01 u. wlLeh la
nearly covered by tars 'race.
Welland Canal Free of let.
( . 17111:10,V,. C W..
nuti. It free ..; ite. To re.l•`:c2o,l
to ctr, Is. 7Le canal KC! t.,.0n Fl.lay
Ke utucky I,gtnlatnre
L.l 12.—T., ,•.•• :,;! a
rtatorlng.t, ~
Ir . 1 , 1" t•;Pr., .11/
M !A! _ll !!!),
Ji ITE—t to the IV h Inst., nl3 IS • the
re.loeuee Itti, tooth,. I.loeb. -ay, Itt of
I ftit. WHITE, ttestbtant Sttrqeort, V. is ,
.o: of the tete Rev. It t White, of titrg,6l‘.
The fune:•l aria take pleat from it, I'i - extort<
rice Church, In amber) and. VA. oa
aloe n,ao, the lett., that.
Boot and Shoe Store
•ttenTITC tv dtrectrd t” the
%HOES FOR THE MAL -110031,
And In th,t, In ry le fine, every variety of Boot.
and Shoes will be found reprevented, and at very
WIS ea rimed very full, espeatelly to the Rees of
BLA re R.IIIIS, ~ 81. LS KE FS,
.MUSLIMS, mustaNS '
MUSLIMS, idrs Lank
Mvs ',arcs, nruaLass,
1100 V SHIRTS,
mi ni:ass rwrs. L EN SHIRTS,
And every variety of
3awa-Ir im,c)ox)o.
Thos. A. McClelland,
NOS, 55 4 57 FIFTH BT,
LXVIII ---NO -.903
Goods Marked Down
1.0 I= o ai• Cant.,
EdeabLz...,i.or 4.70
J. H. SMITH de 00.4
OLOTHIEhS OA/1 HALL, el Firm sT.,
Oppealtetae Opera Rau..
No. 74 Fifth Street.
An Immense and Extensive Assortment of
NATAL ri" Cia.M€l,
Silver Plated Ware,
For One DolLar Each
And Not to be Paid For until You Know
What You Receive,
To be Sold For $l.OO
r•lli er plate,: dining sets .......... ...-....571 to 150
sail eis and urns.. _ 20 a ICU
• • tea seta
Gob hunting Watches
... 68 " Ica
Ladle.' enauieled gold we: cries. 60 " 150
luta. hunting Sliver watches 22 “ 360
((pro fate sill er at sub.. 22 " 60
81!yrr plated card uses 15 “ 95
salt stands_...
~,, 6 " 19
" egg " a " V.i
•• Ice pitchers = " 63
Sc. •• tea spoods ...... -_ 6 " IS
• - knives sad f0rk5.....-- 10 " 20
•• napkin rings
cake, pin, fruit knives. 6 . 16
011 paintings, gilt frames Id ° 20
"too Ott waded poeSet kulv,Es -0-.... 3 " 6
Ivory and pearl back combs • 6 "
Photograph albunu, all a10e5 ....) 6 " 15
Gobi plated vest and oath chaina.. . . .... 3 1.3
oval band brat:elate 0 " 10
Classed gold {dated baceiets 0 " 10
Chatataine and guard rnaloa " - 6 " to
SolitalEn and gold plated brooches A 0 to
Lava and nervation 0 10
i !oral. oval 3.1 emerald 'I -- 4 " 10
m ovs l n . Jet and lava ear drops •- ........_ g 0 ig,
c a rat emerald " a ...a .... 3 " 8
titlifornia diamond breast plea .. 3 l.O
Sets soltairc sleeve button., .taa.....-.... 3 , IL
Gold plated thimble. penile, 2 02...._.... 3., 8
Lockets, double glass._.... 2 " 6
" for roin•tures ...... ---- ........ 5 " 10
Gold plated toothpicka crosses, itc,......_ 3 " 8
Chased ri cg 5....--. ...... -....--... L 3
Shield furl sigi et non__
California diamond ring... 3 9
" 10
Sets ladles' jewely, Jet..,.,,,,.
5 . 10
a " Is
- " ony,a. ...... . ...... -...-... 13 .. a
lava, mosaic.. ..-... .... 12 " 21
(told pens wit h Silver holden_..... 6„ in
" with sold plated holden- _ G a 12
hobler”Uperlog-.... • • 10 . 15
Silver plated goblets and crlakl,B Pupa, 0 " to
- " castors and iglu holdera.... 13 " lar
• - hull and cake baskets.,,_... 29 " 30
OF is a.r.iwz.
.C . e =
Which are mid at our Mammoth' Store No., 7s
tlith street, Pittsburgh, Pa. OR SENT BY.MAIL
TO ANY ADDRESS on receipt t* '25 cents.. :On
receipt of the certificate, the holder Will see what
article la named thereon, and 'then ft Is Janne op.
floe of the party to pay the done: , and take. the
azticle er not. Purchasers may Okla obtale any
article on our lint for one dollar,. and is nooses
can they net leas than one donates werth,' as
there are NO BLANK..
Prim of Otft Sale Envelope. Minter
26 certificates sent to one address Per_ ss
.. SO
100 0 rcl
Agents wanted.
WM 811110n8 & Cei
DEPOr NO. 74 FICPIIE 1414.E.E2,
riN E (ILOTH 001 I'M