The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, December 12, 1865, Image 1

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To oar Cftyßubserlbera.
'at yrs ofe =WON! some changes on .onf routes
uilefietwe oltlos ark ettialty, • camber of ou
a y e l:ben may fall to reeehro the paper, If eel
siieß.,wtti lease !IL Menu at thie &Zee, tke paper
.w fuen regularly sated tefealler. • -
rad!eV Furs
lunerman, N 0.75, Wood street, has friary vari
-110 Or Mars, Cofuy Berthas, Capes and Oa%
widths largest assortment to the etty to 0.1001110
14 . 11.!. o . 4ereo the otzrabeebt la, Wood street.
P a tent Medicines
Atu wag, are laid cheaper at Fleming's Drug
Vt'Ore3lge.B4 Market street, corner of the Dia
-stead than any alba. place tithe nit/.
Skating Caps.'
fro. 76 Woodstreat t hai a tins 'topic,
and at law plea.
Plat& Fliuluela.
. tt et popular makep, at, Facios7 piton", on the
.sitntnasat cosnotolloiuth and • feast atroots.
. • LOYA&Sao.
Reif Plittioßuy • tutie
L 63, the; ostgadss, told. —ethic house of-Wm.
81eiolng, No, lsa Wood at son wiVt god one of
largestesnd finest, also tot of sad
fiutteser ofrefed foe ale; Is this city, con.
ibitthig tit • pail of , folrsetts Rids= .Bay Noble,
*Mk' Sable, - (kat' ian Fit Sthertan Sgslrrel.
Maas and Dotosbles, lathe far. hoods, ladles'
midentlist caps,, gents tlna f caps, Aclisei sad
gdpenF all lib now styles g nt's and boy's hats
Vol ears, all of which will e sold at the lowest
, Donn .foriet ,the. •..ce, Wm. lieszlPS l
• /Olt Mess hat, cap and ladles fur Hone, No; tto
Wood attest, sign of large g t nat.
- Sleigh and Biding Robes.
,lEttllennan. No.ll, Wood at et, has an alegaat
Assortment. '
Spell' Mann
bearlot, Moo, Green ac., a sploadLl assortment,
aai the itartb•east cocoa Of Fourth sad Mutat
412.A2(1107t Lou k Back
TO SriFie .11,:iitleratandthAv
_ .
latrto the palatial store of Thos. .A. 2dcOlellsad,
. sail 61111th street. ,We certsialy thine
his' stick ettsicita sod 'shoes Return, women
*ruthsi beitand h.thertordress orutllity, Is
• lard to equal and Impossible to surpass. Every
Itietillde. pads rontsentodi ant at very low
s Mitt: 'lllcOlitilAsul is also heavily in the dry
~ 41 13 t0 Pad can tarnish . blankets. prints
shew/s. nonalissoloznestlis, hoop Skirts. ks., as.
:At the very lowest firma itenototber the now,
bdis, 66 1134 erFiltb street.
Cotton `Goods
Pittehased deo the Rita decking' end will be told
rhoteeste or Retell, 0, sitoilishiigir tow prices,
,on, the norttplett 'tinnier IA Fourth and Diarist
O. HAziox Loin &tau
A' Testier Tete-a-Teui
•-- - •
6,oses Ulf Ite aim; it the sweet sioriS of atta,.
Wi Peidle aai =llea with • issgesilt berith.—
StszOnotri !Wilma" article that will mate this
!sleehlesstiim by kespLoz the teeth sr:Minas, the
igh•us healthy, the whole mouth pare }ad
itieraiii ifiehalms the dental sabitaite, pinery-
Wig it irons esteib through llds. 'Malt deily. Will
Sled a Amnia
-K'hlyd?aca `Fourth Wards.'
State. Sella, our, Poor
Bustaess Tale; remaining uapald alter the
yob placed In the baud' of a Coo
-*table )0. be collected, With coats. Bills have at•
feady been left at your Fratdem, or rat to you.
blzwxei; elnilestor.
Residence WS, Webster street: . ; Deo 114 w.
'l*Gootie: eeifirati any kind of Dry
.6nodese.low es you eau boy them from the job
*ln tailther liner York or Pelledelphie,
2:jell:ghee wears now on the norther= earner of
Fourth and hltuktt streets.
Q. IlAzrzox Lova tr.:Bao
Hostetteea stomach Bitters.
dQ Tanta a Tome—no Uncommon want—
re* and month brings forth a new
•"., one. •
Witch, artei crnWmlng the gazettes with canc.
she age . dJaveiera to be not the true one.
In such ettbateletthelr aonsootonvannt,
171 sing the red-ran.s that have ezedlt due won—
'4lm irorld's great:Tonle, which tulle= eanbetter—
; reitean. the =fettles& BITTERS of HOaTE r-
Di:dote:were llvlng font Wore old Galen,
:And , fluxed/Ad learned, grave and nee ;
the atopachlee they_ were bound to fall In.
:Suceess cane not hada this later age.
;tear le the ere 114 . folks we stage hale in,
- dad &sad dyspepsia drlstua tromalte stage,
Aiwa!, xi:sate:ate, headaches—real heserplltters
,;' saish ' llke irmegabefore.ililiStETFEWS BI
TEES. • -
twice and roots compose-the rare Whalen;
*to Where! pottan men theirialeas punt,
Aid Rye's tend tun= golds them In isolation.
?Pleitaite le preened, the cent to sum
affair haie the bittersyet droned a d elualoe ;
y them In trete, and health end strength ware
'The Vshyer attires on the label,
pad they, like him, to save the weak are able.
Hostetter's Bitters
.ttrittold wholeiale and retail at very tow rates.
,x4Plerntna's Dmit and Patent Illecitelne Depot,
Alf& St Market street, corner of the Dlestond, near
Fan and Winter Coca
/ifs 'with great pleunro we 'call thaatteation of
arer readers to the superb nook of Fall and Winter
• pOodiJustsecetved by gr. John Were Dierchant
Trdlot,' iVf Federal street, Allegheny. Ins
Black emhesees some of the rarest and most beau.
tttfut Ciloths,Osulateres;trrereos this s and Vestrag
friar Draught to the trestcrn =whet. His. assort.
Atiirett ...runalsking °nods, comprising Lahti,
/*wets, . 00 Unrer Weth4lts, Has UHechiers, ere.,
• aunt de impelled east or west. O Large dock
fesdy!reade - Pants, Cos% Vests and Cremate
.1W! also be found at his establishment. Persons
,srant otanrhingin the doming fine should not
fall to tire ri.r. *der seal!.
. .
Does Dyspepsia Cure.
li no need of anyone's baring the dyspep
41104 It, has been demonstrated beyond fear of
iamaradietlim that Ox's DysoeOsitt Ours win onf
2aitily more it. Constipation ' the most profile
gabs, of 111 heilthrts surely cued by the Core.
filek.ltiadastie, 'clamps, pains, or @old In either
atepasia ortnewebo, Instantly Thud to its power.
801 e agent for Pittsburgh is Joseph Flossing,
• . ati No: 84 Dulcet attest.
- ltorcuis W. PAM , dr Co..
bier 1-Slate.Roofer; And Dealers InAmerteaa
INAto of tailous. colon. 4 20C1e0 at. Alazondor
Zsivailin , 's near the Watts Workr. Fluaburgb,
Reztaerise. No. 13 Me street. Orden froroptfi attended to. All war szcantal water
rio. no1141144341)11at ibassllortrot notice. No
AlArre toe N23/Irr. proiNird the. roof 12 not
obstsed after it Is bat on.
' Netitrat , Stapitlte of Lino,
. •
jereserrie.goldez. Forage by Manes Super,
acre! of Pen Lid St, Olais streets,
Carpenter - Jobbing • Sluip.
tug taunted after as amuse of three Yam
Is tie fairs / Art szekmened my atop for a.O gala
Iflobblag Wthe.GODerarte Ilia at tbe old staxid.
VirgLa Raley, between emiltatelliThSet =detail
Orden solisitel and %omptly ateaded to.
' ''NoutFal Sulphite of Lime,
tit jitettryin eider, .For sale by Shades tuperl
ydgiatyisosittr of
Penn and St, Ota4 Meaty,
Coturtry ilferebantikba Advised,
Nefiralmisi yaw di, - Cciabh go go Barker ea
Bari; (41darketsteset.
Are You Wanting-
ClOsks. or any Idyl of :Dry G 0099, 90.
=fiber the jrtestssiSsiusit ttearanoe'ssa nod.
Sisitalsst iituker 0. ,
Cs, 69 Zisikst strett
- •
Neutral :Sulphite of Zinn,
Z*1 ,7 . 3411 1 12 E, .cider.l Tot gas by °nada Szipet•
• Ortzgult,lmaiii of . k•ansf t kat Si. eat? stmt.,
-- 2101iblutk: • " ' ' - "
• • V . ,.• - ;Large ,Varfet7 6 • ,
jitsOrigtite bomb. watdrobek and
$lO Algot soortostfit of mid% dumber oat dialag
'4oolPumliiirs to be had !AVIS dn . . it
• a. struisatii•
ss stasuisaa quest.
N 31123
yrbere to Get 'Menu
Ifilitt want • thebeet, 'tnott_teueete aid to all
te Limbo the roost : meritorious 'MU mitsferiery
is Ki t‘sh os i stui mustestl Sorra
"Met etatirket Week,
louszillfia puce, tests !de l mst:
Did you ever send your wife to East Liberty
was the old question. Now it le, hare you family
tickets for the skating poudl You, of
answer affirmatively. Row, we have only this to
say that James Bolen, No. 130 Wood street, has a
collection of all Mats of skate, that Is unap
proachable. Go est ul ly If yo u would have the se
lection from a very 8 Stook, am they are going
od very fast.
Downward. •
We do not mean the thermometer, which ap
Dean to maintain an unusually "high'• position
for the time of year. but we refer to the price of
all Weds of dry goads at Elates d.c Bell's, Ito. 2I
Fifth street, where the prices of all lines, are be
ing marked down, and In some cases, in the face of
rising market east: Iguanas, domestics, flan
nels, and. many other lines of good, are down, and
can be sold low. (tall and combs, them, awl
while there do not fall to see the extensive
stook of cloaks and shawls, all of which are very
handy to have In the house, and they can- be par
°hued atvery low agues now. •
Closing Out Sale
Of Dry Goods,./lhawle, Oloaks and Fare. That
splendid stock of goods at Dunlap, Luker a. ores,
has been matted down, and they are deterielned
to sell their stock of goods as levr, if not lower,
than any house in the two cities; and as they in
tend taking stook very soon, they are determined
to close out their clock as near ad pastels. Per.
sons la want ofAnYthiret in their due would do
well to give them a call bears puriltesing.
member the place le Its Federal street, Allegheny.
Auction bald Mb uay
At Alum& Rail Mallon 800$11. no and 57
Filth anent, At to . cealnek A. st , Fine Furniture,
Carpets, Pinson, and Badding.. At 2 r. It. Fun,
shawls and Dry:Goods. At T;, Sundrin,
T. b Alcenninnan. Aunt saint,
Extracts teeth without pally and exchanges nide
old sr," for ten dollar' a set. Oat! at :is Penn
The Senate Han Caucus have concurred In
the House resolutlona_ralnlng 'Joint committee
on the suldect of the credentials of persons
clalidas toapresent Seceding Stake or astride
of Seceding States In the Musa. flowerer, the
resolutions were so altered as I. make them con
current Instead of Joint. This will leave ouch
House to determine as to Its own members.
This hullottes that harmony, so essential to the
publte welfare, will-prevail between the two
branches of the national legislature.
Mr. Monica Gnamarr publishes in the ffa
plug" Intertigencer a litter explanatory• of hie
views of the condition of the ration and what
he would have done to restore concord through.
eat all our borders. Nobody who !mows that
gentleman doubts that ha la both able and hen.
est. But be is crotchety. While the war was
raging be was' toady'to Make peace on any
term The =elk fitaximtstnOttli that he was
mistaken. - .lkeetinsincllted now to make the
most extravagant conOrksions with a view to
the &ten:nett of concord. The precise ques
tion is dimply whether concessions will secure
concord on such terms es to mate It permanent
aid beneficial. Concesalone have bean tried of
ten, and have always failed. la it not about
time to have one national settlement based on
principle.? •
'As to lds Idea of harmonizing with the Penal
don, that is all very well. But is not the Presi
dent under eomp obligation to harmonise with
Congress? We certainly trust that concert of
action will be seemed between the Executive and
the two ihtiaesi - j; 'To list end anything ought
to be waived riot essential. Whoever proposed
to waive that proposed to sow the coeds of fu
ture discord.
Bottary lilettere--Speettletione on the
Currency Question—Pennsylvania Ball
road—Pitiladelphia Now and Fifteen
Years ago--The Bider-Sidi Border
Trial—him Bides , Kills Twe Brothel*
'Without Cause—Crinee oP .othar Cities
Cenwarea with that et Pittabargh—
TheatricaLe—John Brongatirit — ait- - the
Wainnt.--114 Popularity.—The CUM.
stealing Indictment Batter—The Eight
Hour System Excitement, etc., etc.
In the finnacial circles of Ma city, =milder
able caution II exhibited as to the proper kind
of investments to make to meet a revulsion,
which seems to be anticipated, in case of too
sadden A return to apecietp.xymints. Importem
arm . )chairs are tMyleist_ sparingly and the Oro.
ken are Loaning on short time only. All seem
to bre awaking the action of Secretary IfeCel
loch and Courses on the currency question.
The Pennsylvania Railroad is an Institution that
the Stile of Pennsylvania may well be proud of.
I paned over this road this week far the
first time since it was dolsked and the impmve.
meats along its line easily astonished me:
Altoona. a email Railroad shalon when I last
saw It. Is now a large and thrifts; place.
This city hoe grown wonderfully too, to the
Rat fifteen Yearn, weng mainly to the =lnnate
ion made with the - west and north-west by the
Central road.• They have a line Grain Elevator
here, near, the Nay, Yard, which coasliered
With the one..atn-Pittsburgh, (a credit to that
city) makes • through cionneetima from Chicago
and the whole west with Europe. -
An exciting trial has been polygon for some
days here, wherein one Mary Ridey was charg
ed with the murder of Aleph Sides. She was
one of the ' , unfortunates' , who are so flamer
ems In this city, and of course; the evidence
elleted was none of the - pleasantest to a steal
live ear. She was found guilty of mailer In
the second degree, notwithstanding the street'•
one efforts of her counsel to prate her Insane.
She will now be tried for the murder of Inez
Sides, whom she killed the same day. .-
The crimes committed In this and other large
cities daily are elan:dog Indeed. In St. L tuts
men are knocked down sad robbed in own day
light is the public thoroughfares. It is the
same In Cincinnati, Chicago, Nashville and all
the Eastern cities. Pittsburgh seems to be
freer on this score than any city I know of,
whether it is owing to the Industrious habits of
her young men, or .the absence of a metropoli
tan system of pollee I do not pretend to know,
but I opine it Is a cominnallon of both.
Amusements great their helgth here. Jahn
Brougham is et the Walnut street Theatre draw
ing Immense homes. and well does ha deserve
them. for he Is really and truly an artiste, as
well as an author. Miss Lucille Western has
been playing the "Child Stealer" at the Arch
street Theatre all week.
• Considerable excitement of a serio•eomlc na
ture was caused here by the grand Jury Indict
ing Mr. Caasidy. Mks Western's agent, to , pub
lishing the following adrertlsemeat.
"A women about twenty -few yearn of age,
of handsome features, lute, in Loudon, wes
banished to Australia for stealing children, la
no in America for the first time. Shell about
Bre feet Mg Inches high, and of an exceedingly
graceful and flueluathm carriage, It is hoped
thatsbe may be discovered and brought before
the public in some prominent place, where she
may be °buried, both by the heads of families
and their ebildren, that they zany profit by such
public Apperaince."
The Dettriet Attentev asserts that this "ad."
caused greatonstemation amongst mothers and
children, Ike., etc. The case has not been tried
and It la to novel andrilletdons, in fact, that I
cannot lee how anything detrimental to Miss
Western or her agent can follow.
The adherents of the eight hour system are
agitating their claims with =relenting purpose
in thi s city and I sincerely trust they may be
en essfuL Their theory seems to me to be.
that, dictated by sound reasoning and in prac
tice cannot but result beneficially to both the
employe:a =dike employee'. A large and en
thuslaslic meeting was held here but night and
resolutions were pulled recommending a nation
al league. lam one of the class who favor the
larisig portion of cmr community well knowing
that all the wealth and progress of our country
fe altrlblitabla to the industry of our people—
that all wealth la the prbduetlon of labor.
• Myelin will perhapabe from Baltimore.
Urn. :Cor.. Momentums, commanding a
regiment . 0 f eolbred troops in South Carolina,
,le riow -ander .arrest at the Instance of Provla•
tonal Gardner Purr. and la to be tried on the
clove .zaurder. Me offense consists in try
inghy drunphead court martial and executing
a wretch- of 'hirable antecedents, who was
lotted-:Stabbleethe soldfere of his command
with a bowleanifei ID lhoynere asleep at, mot
in the rediros4 ears. Two cams of the Tee.
itneat. COL &MUT And Llen..Furmant bed
been aausslouted just before ; sud 'Col. VOW.
brad a rery&grudent and jadielous Meer,
formerly a resident of -33rooklyo r N. T.; damn
ed Protokt.resalletlor nesesserrye
•A- ranistebeing asked Wa Southerner why
the; Yankees Alvin say gnash 7 while the
Solitherapeopbe say ••j reckon." On the fol
. lowlug etplanations ' , That a Tauten could
guess as well as a Southerner could reckon:"
Our Special• Dispatches
House Reconstruction Resolution
Letter from Horace Oreely
43 01 1:1 , 1:1 , 141014:14110:149414
Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette
Wistincaroer, Dec.ll, 1366
nm'mrtac►a BEKLIOILL c►awa
The Senate'Unlon Aeneas stet this morning at
eleven o'clock according to the arrangement tel
egraphed last night. but falleeLtosgree upon any
course with reference to the House reconstruc..
lion resolution. Immediately after the adforun
!Dent of the Senate, the Tints Ent again, and
after a session of some hour% axreed noon the
resolution as the Home passed it, only changing
the phnumology so as to make It a cow:wren In
stead of a joint resolution, leaving each Bowe
uncommitted as to the qualifications of its own
members. It Is supposed that In this shape the
Senate will be able to pass% but It can scar c ely
avoid debate._ General *any seemed to be
finally established iu hempen%
LETTEII 1,1103111611L1M8 ORIM/XL.
To-morrow moilidget National Intelligeneer
will contain the following letter:
To the Edllor of tie frdeUtpeneer:—ln your is
sue of this mooring you have spoken of my
presence In Washington, and of my views of the
political situation In terms which seem to re
quire of ma a few explanatory remarks. I here
with submit them:
I desire and labor for peace—peace between
our ecomtry and all others—peace between the
North and South—peace between whites and
blacks. We have had enough of war and waste
of treasure and carnage for at least a century.
Hence, I have long-labored, and CU labor, for a
true and luting peace, I can conceive no poi
&ibis good to our country, to any country, to
any section, race or class, that is likely to be
stump or promOted by alienation between the
President and the Congress of the United States,
on the contrary; , every peril that nOw
threatens an, every evil that now weighs upon
us, would be aggiavated, every Rend put at
hazard, every hope clouded, if not blasted, by
finch a malign untoward collision. I have
come here to do whatever I eau, however little
that may be, towardaverthweack a catastrophe
but I am not, as your-paragraph would seem to
Imply that I am, the advocate or any especial
gala of te.etmiumttion. I urge only that the
President and Congress, each respecting the
other's conetltntlooal prurogatlvea and person
al convictions, shall-freely and trustfully con
fer,:diemtas and :moulder, with eprolonnd defer
ence for each other's patriotism and an earnest
desire to agree on a course oflactlon which they
shall mutually deem Just and bet:decent.
Let the great problem of reconstructlon-be ap
proached from all elder In this spirit, and I feel
euro that a benign solution will bo speedily ob
tained. Our difficulties are aggravated by the
fact that our position is essentially novel. I
can recall no parallel to It la human history. It
la complicated litquestioas affectleg the natu
ral rights of the freedmen, and our moral 'obli
gations to them moue humble anted; la the late
momentous struggle.
That we may promptly re-establish the South
ern-States, in all their original rights and Sher
ties, without satuifteleg or haeardlatt those of
any porltim of the American people, Is the wa
nt desire of Years, &z.,
/1071.1.C11 GarCLT
Washington, D. C. Dec.ll, 166:1.
Mr. Waehbttra today Introdus ad I resolatloa
for agnates' million copies of Gram's report
CUMUI' Xllllllll7/
Gen..KUpatricit. who was on !ha door of the
House to-day.: subs from Now York to enter
upon the duties of hlsChlhan Mission, on the
Ist of January. '"ltte cotalatotlal naLsakes on
which he was to hare gone. to Spain, has been
abandoned on account of tha recent abandon
ment biSpaln of tostllttles sobst ChM.
Will be here to-morrow in relation to t'ae con
toted 'kiloton,MO from that elate.
has formally accepted the mission to (lama=ls.
This settles the (mastics of his being a candi
date for the short term of a United States Sen
to?, before the lowa Legislature.
General Logan and imedry other army officers
arta numerous gentlemen from civil life, have an
niflmintsotmt with the President to-morrow
morning, to urge a more rigorous action on the
Mexican question.
Gen. Schenck, in the Horme l and Ben Wale,
in the Senate, introduced resolutions looking to
the same end, which are coached in very strong
The Tennessee Delegation
Canadian Bid for Reciprocity.
clbc.. dm.. clbo.
WASIIINOTON, Dee. n. 1365
In the Senate Union caucus which was held`
this afternoon the disetvelon on the re
construction resolution was lively. Dimes.
Trumbull, Dixon, Pessenden, Barris and Doo
little expressed the views of the majority of the
caucus, and opea'y showed their hands. The
resolution, In the form finally passed, contains
nothing that can prevent either noise fromla..
king up the question of admitting members, but
It is understood that by private agreement noth
ing of the sort will be done until the committee
shall have had an opportunity to report. •
It is understood that Henry J. Raymond will
to-morrow. at the President's present
.the credentials of the Tennessee Reprea sot atl vet.
It is known, that before Goy. Raymond had con
gealed to do this, the President had asked an
other conspicuous Unionist to perform the same
There Is not more than the usual' amount of
swearing from disappointed aspirants, about the
cc mpositian of-the lime Committees.
Thad Stevens. u his pernicious financial,
views were thought to be daugerous, Is put off
the Ways end Means, but be le at the head of
Appropriations, whiehhis friends claim still car.
ries the lead of the House with it.
Ewan and Blow, from Um WaIA and Mew,
go wlth,blm.
Muleld is transferred from Military AIUlm to
a bitter place on Ways and Means, at Secrete,
McCulloch's request. and In accordance with ids
own desire. Jobs A. Slashers. whose friends
had expected him to have been placed upon his
- Old committee, the Judie:him, Is left, ;on It
altogether. Let ht Secretary Stanton's roluest
he is put on Military Mihirs„ on, anoint of his
Dunillarily with the policy of the depsitmant
concerning arbitrary arrests, the trial of Ins
=splinters, and that class of subjects.
There seem now to be a general acquiescence
In the retention of Dawes at the head
of the 'Committee on Elections. . Bhp
mood's blends are disappointed at the
disposal made of him, but Raymond him
self MTH he la entirely satisfied. There is Last
Isfactlon among some with the composition of
the committee on the District of Columbia, aid
for this reason one of its members, Thomas
Attila, of New York;hsked to be, and was el
emed-by the Rouse.
The Canadian Government eta is la e;•
change for the privilege of selling their prodnes
In our markets, as under the !present reciprati=
t 1 treaty; to enlarge and deepen the Welland
Canal. CO an to admit vessels drawing from
twelve to fourteen feet of water, and thus seem ,
Mg water teat spmtation from Chicago to the•
ocean, and giving the same privilege to Amert ,
can se to Canadian vessels free of daft.
If objection is made to this proposition the
Canadian authorities propose that thin objedt
ahall be accomplished by concurrent legislation
between the United States and Canada.
Ticket' are mid alreaiv for Colfax's lecture.
tc-marrow night. •
The Commissioners appointed to miss the
Internal Revenue are not likely to be ready to
report before the middle of January or first Of
For the first time to-day the Conservatieft
wing of the Union party cooperated with the
Democrats. Mr. Sumner called up his bill con
firming the Utica of the freehmen settled on the
sea islands by General Sherman's order, teat*.
- lands, and moved its reference to the
Committee, which was known to be frialdll..o
the proposition. /Seism Trumbull, CorrilaY;
Dixon, Doolittle, Fessenden, Margin and Thu*
voted with the DeMocrita and carried it, in!
stead to the Judiciary Committee, which 11
repro:wed to be hostile. •
Gen. Grant. tin returned from his Holfthall
tour end expresses himself highly plead with
Its results.
John B. Clark, rebel Congressman and GOIs
eral, and known In oar politics as the man who -
Introduced the Infamous Helper book real:antlers
In the ratrte.filth Coolness, was comfortably
seated to-day, on the floor of the Horse; while
one-armed soldiers of the Union were danclits
attendance on their members to the lobby;
Major Gezeral Q. Glimens , a resirnatihn
was today accepted at the War Department, to
take effect on the ith of December; also, that
of Gen. George P. Este, of Obi*.
New certl neater' of indtbledaess were Lulled
last week by the Department to the extent of
one million eight hundred and sixty thonaani
The Commissioser of Indian Affairs ha. re
ceived Intelligence from New Mexico to the
effect that portions o: the Cheyenne and Arra.
paboe tribes of Indians, with whom our gov
ernment recently Made a treaty, express them
selves as willing to mull all their obligations.
sad are anxious to loin our troops in analitile;'
Ling the dog Indians who tune recently been
committing depredations § ant of the 'Phil&
lIIIIth CONGRESS-418ST 8E139103'
Mr. Blaine. of Maine. havoduced a resolution
reimbursing the loyal States for the advances of
money outdo and the debts contracted for the
prezervatioa of the Union. The re/whales' was
referred to a committee of seven.
Mr. Elliott. of Massachusetts, introduced a
Joint resolution, which was referred to the se.
lest committee of fifteen, declaring the condi.
Lion of the Mates recently In rebellion, and the
position of Congress to relation to them.
Mr. Schenck introctriced a Joint resolution de
claring analnat the attempt to establish a Moo
way in Mexico. and requesting tho President
to take such limps as will Medicate the Auterienn
policy and protect the honor and Interestionate
Called Matto. The respintiqu vas referred to .
theaartimittee on foreign affilm.
Mr. Jenks introduced • bill to establish a tali
ferns assizes of beatruptcy. Raterru d tali lEtt
committec. ' -
Mr. Woolworth Introduced a bill prohibiting
the Intromullkis of catlletrom foreign countries,
In order to prevent therm:ad of aule di.
'case. Dill tamed.
Mr. Van Moro of Illssorul, offered • resole.
turn lestrustlngihn Committee on Foreign Re
lations. to laquire what measures and means are
necessary on the part of the United &ata to re
store to Merino the free and uarestricted right
to a republican government. The preiloni
question on the reaolulloa was not seconded,
audit lies over.
Mr. rattersocataroduced a bEll to repeal car;
tun laws and ordinances la the Dirirlet of
Columbia and for other pomp. It was mem.
led to the Committee for the Martel of
Columbia, The bill annals all political die.
tinetion on account Of color, both in this Dlr.
tele% and In other territories.
Mr. Elliot Intioducel a bill declaring the eon
dittos of the States rectally In rebellloa and
powers of Congress is relation to them. To be
referred to Joint Commhtee of Vifteee If &p
Mr. Delano introduced a Joint rezolatlea for
as amendment to the Othatitution, making it
the duty of each State to provide for the right
ful poor& of happiness of all Its lababitants,
without &Sanction of color or race. It wan re
ferred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Mr. Ashley, of Ohlo, presented the memori
al of C. D. rosten, milling to bo admitted as a
Delegate from the Terrliory of Arizona. lie
feared to the Committee pa Elections.
Mr. Ashley also Introduced a bill to develop°
and reclaim public Janie requiring Irrigation in
the territorial of Idaho, Colorado, Arizona and
Montana and state of Nevada, which sae refer
red to the COMlLlitle, on public lands.
Mr. Stevens Introduced a Joint resolution pro
posing an amendment to the Constitution of the
United States, that all national and state
lowa shall be equally applicable to every citizen
and no discrimination shall be made on accone t
of race or color. Referred to the commlt.ce on
Mr. Virentworth'a hill was passel. It pro
vides that the Importation of cattle shall be pro.
limited. The Secretary of the Trenanry is re
quired to mate such regulations as will give this
law full and Immediate dlitct, and to send the
copies to the proper Mincers In this country, and
In foreign ports. When the Preside:at shall have
givi n thirty d•ye notice, by pmclamatiou, that
no further danger II apprehended, title law
shall be et no force, and cattle may be lm,sorted
In the toe* way an heretofore.
The Speaker then announced the following
standing committeea
Commerce—Meters. Washhurne, of Illinos;
Elliott, of kfassachuscits; Dixon, of Rhode Is
land; O'Neil, of PommyPaulin; Loopear, of
Michigan; James Humphrey, of New York;
Tliomas, Jr., of Maryland; Eggleston, of Ohlo:
J. M. Humphreys, of New York.
Military Allal.rt:—ldossrs. Schenck, of Ohio;
Deming, of Connecticut; Marston, of New
Hampshire; Hossean, of Kentucky; Binghadi,
of Ohio; anth:ny. of Pennsylfaula; Ketchum,
of New York; Blaine, of Mains; Selgraves, of
Naval Affairs—Blows. A. 11. Pierce, of Mu
sachasetta Griswold, of New York; Pike, of
Maine; Kelly, of Pennsylvania; Brandageo, of
Connecticut ; Eldridge, of Wisconsin ; P helps.
of Maryland ; Darling, of Now York; Le Blond,
of Ohio.
Foreign Affairs—Mews. glanka,of if ameba
setts; Raymond, of New York/ Orth,of Indiana;
Randall, of Kentucky; Dawson. of Pennsylra•
nia; Patterson, of New Hampshire; Newell of
New Jersey; Cullom, of lilluole; Winfield, of
New York.
Oo Elections—Melva. Dawes, of blassachu•
sena; Bchobeld, of gaminglvanlar fipson, of
Michigan; Marshall, of Illinois; Paine, of WU
ccnisln; Sbellabergber, of Ohio; M'Clurg, of
Idlraourl, Radticld, of New York.
Ways and Means—lleum Morrill, of Yer,
moot i _ Hooper, of Hassachosetus; Brooks, of
New York; Garfield, of Ohio, Wentworth, of
Minds; Conk Unit, of New York,• Moorheed, of
Pennsylvania; A ll ison, of Iowa; Rogan, of
Apiproprlatlons—Messrs. Slovens, of Pennsyl
vania, Raymond, of New York, Blow,l of kis
sookKanson, of lowa. Voorhees. of Indi
ana, Farnswortb, of Illinois. Spaulding, of Ohio,
Higby. OCalifornia, and Wright of Haw Jenny.
Bulking and Currency—Mews. Pomerroy, of
NrOr fork, 'Hooper, of Massaclinsette, Culver,
of Pennsylvania, Dockland, of Ohio.,
of Rantuckf, Lynch , of Ilene, Defreesof In
dians Randall, 'of Pennsylvania, Hubbard, of
West ' Virginia.
District of Columbia—Means. Ingersoll, of
Illinois, Dumont, of Indiana, Davis, of New
York.' Baldwin, of Massachuratta, McCullough,
of Colt. of Wisconalo, Walker, of
Ohio, aerator. of Pennsylvania, and Shaokland,
of Keneacky.
ftteliclary—llitura. Wilson. of lowa, Soul
well of Matsaebusetts,ifrancls Tomas of In
diana, Williams of Pennsylvania, Wooillbrldgo
of Vermont, Morris of raw York, Lawrence of
Oblo, Cook of Minot&
' Pacific Itallroad—lderows. Price. of Iowa;
Stevens. of PeinsylvaniN Dotioolift
_of Nino-
sots; Ames, of M'asssetiniettEL Brooks, lte
'Yerk; Loan, of übszut Clark, of Sanest;
HidweLi oi'California; and Henderson, of Ore
Clalms--Messrs. Delano, of Ohio; Hotchkiss,
of NEW York; Washbarne. of Messachusetts;
Rican. of WIEC011,11), M. Black, of Indiana,
McKee, of Kentucky; Wood, of Now York;
Bailin', of Pennsylvania; Thornton, of Illinois.
Public Lands—Julian. of Indians; Dri.,,rgs, of
Michigan; Glorsbretioer. of Pennsylvania; D.31:1-
cab', Minnesota; Eckley, of Ohlo; Holmes, of
New York, Mcßuer, of California; Anderson,
of liissoroi; Tabor, of New York.
Post Office—Messrs. Ailey, of !Massachusetts,
Farquhar, of Indiana, Flock, of 0210. ließnyer,
of Calfornia, Jerry. of Michigan, Johnson. of
Pennsylvania. Knykendali, of Indiana, D. Hib
bard, Jr., of New York, Kelso, of Missouri
Claims —Munro, Whaley, of West Virginia,
Newell of NEW Jersey, Eldridge, of Wisconsin,
J. D. Thomas. Jr., of Maryland, Wilson, of
Pennsylvania, Vaodorn of New York, Clark. of
Oldo,Prcnybridge, of Ifichlgan,Trimble, of Ken
Public Krpeoditures—Messrs. Hnbbard, of
Few York; Broomall, of Permaylvania; Hub
bard, of Iowa; . Hollins, of New Hampshire;
Jones, of New York; Smith, of Kentucky,
Plants, of Ohio; Nicholson, of Delaware.
Private Land Cialms—Mears. Thayer, of
Pennsylyania; Hotchkiss, of New York; Baker,
of Illinois; Hayes, of. Ohio; Goodyear, of Now
York; Noell, of-Missouri; Bontwell, of Massa
chusetts; Woodbridge, of Vermont, Kerr, of
Maanfactures.Meson, Moorhead, of Penn
sylvania; Ames, of. Massachneette; Bandy, of
Ohio; Trimble, Al Kentucky; Hale. of New
Yolk; Harding, of lillools; Sawyer, of Wiscon
sin; Hubbard, of West Virginia; Hubbell, of
New York..
. Agriculture—Mcsars. ' Bidwell, of California;
Grinnell, of Iowa; Btillwell, of Indiana; Baxter.
elf.Verinent; Ritter. Of Kentucky, Trowbridge,
Of Michigan; Hubbell, of Ohio; Lowrance, of
- Pennsylvania; Berstb, of Now York.
Indian Affairs-41mm Windom, of kthinesik.
tar- Mclndoe, of Wisconsin ; Bouillon. Of Penn
sylvania; Hubbard, of Luiyor Clarke, of Kansas;
.Henderson Of Oregonr - Nail, of New York;
/Wes. of Illinedst
.VsnlHorn, of Maryland.
Militia—Masars. Smith, of Kentucky; Hard
ing, of Illinois'/3nekland, of Ohio; Hale, of
. New Jersey- Noell, of Missouri helps, of
Maryland; Farquhar, of Indiana ; Perry, of
Michigan ; Boyer, of Pennsylvania.
Terrllarles—Mews. Ashley, of Ohio; Beman,
of Michigan; I. M. Rice, of Mediae; Grinder, of
Kentucky, Vine, of New York; Stromlo. of
Pennsylvania. 'Ali, of Indiana; Moulton, of
Illinois; Simi. of. New Jersey.
Revolutionary Pensions—blew& Mcladoe, of
Wisconsin; Price, of Indiana; Boyer, of Penn
sylvania; Goodenerw, of New York; Broadlo,
of Vermont; Waskburae, of idatanekneetts ;
Welker, of Ohio. Holmes, of New York.
invalid Pensio ns—Messrs. Perham. of Mains;
BWlwell, of Indiana, Taylor. of New York;
Drinks, of kilchl„ , sini; Van Demean, of New Park,
Lawrence, of Peansylvanla; Sawyer, of Meson
ein; Benjamin, of Missouri; Harding, of Ken
tucky. Road and Canals—Mena. Beaman, of Mich
igan, Van Horn, of New York; 4. H. Hubbard,
of Connecticut; Rosserni, , of Kentucky; Went
worth, of Illinois; Davis, of New York; Miller,
of Pennsyleards, Defuses, of Indiana, Fitch, of
Patents—Messrs. Jenleka, of node Island,
Myles, of Pennsylvania, Chandler, of New
York, J. H. Hubbard, of Connecticut, Broom
well, on:Moots.
Public Buildings end Grounds—Messrs. J. IL
Rice, of Maine, Starr of New Jersey, 8 F. Wil
son, of Pennsylvania, Le Blond, of Ohlo, Lath
ate. of Was Virginia.-
Revisal and Unfinished Balloon—Memo.
Schofield, of Pennsylvania, J. F. Wilson, of
lowa, Ashley, at Olio, Rice, of Massachusetts,
Pomeroy, of New York.
Expenditures of the Stat. De primed—
blesars. Pike, of Maine. Brow/swell, of Illinois,
Randall, of Pennsylvania, Hart, of New York,
Dixon, of Vermont; Johnson, of Pennsylvania,
W. IL Randall, of Kentucky. Joint Commit
tee on Library—Mears. Hayes, of Ohio, Kel
ley, of Pennsylvania, Hubbard. of Now York.
Joint Committee on Printing—Messrs. Lufden,
of New York„ R. W. Clark, of Ohio, Latham,
of West Virginia. Joist Commliteio oa Ea -
mtlesi 19111,—Messes. Cob's. of Wisconsin,
Gloathrenocr, of Pennsylvania.
Select Committee on Ruals—Till Speak
er, kir. Blacktaanse, of Illinois, Banks.l of
Massachustats. Dawson, of Pennsylvania, llsr
mood. ofNew York.
Select Con:motto on Banking Lsw—lf eases.
Jencks, of Rhode Wand, Spaulding, of Onto,
Thomas, of Maryland, Blair, of Missouri,
Lynch. of Maine, Then:tog, Illinois, Alley, of
doled Committee an Freedmen—Mears.
Elitott, of Massachusetts, Kiley, of Pennants
eta, Orth, of Indians, Bingham. of Ohio, Shil•
labarger, of Ohio.
Eameaditurator the Isteasna Department...
MOWS.. Ma..rin, of New York, Culrrr , of r.„
sylvar.ia. IMO, of ledlana, Cullom, of •
Ratter, of Kentutky.
infeaditures of the WarDeputment-31
Deming, of Conneetlcat, moan, of Crisco •
Miller, of Pennsylvania, E. N. Hubbell, of N w
York, J. It. Hobbs% of Ohio.
Erocadltures of the Navy Deoartment—M g.
Ileggiplagy, of New Talk, Julian. of loft
Walton. of LTllaols, Winter, of 0:11113CCII
DennlsOn, of Pennsylvania,
Expenditures of Um PostoMeo Dspartmen
Messrs. Baker, of Meets; Meyers. of P -
sy less ts; Dialog, of New Tot; Ezzleflas, •f
Ohio; Rogers, of New Jersey.
Expeadinues of the Interior Department
Mears. Diusulat, of Indians; &rouse, of P. -
sylvanla Brejainte, of Missouri; Albion. • f
tows; &Kee, of Kentucky.
Expendltuni on Peale BuEdingt—M
Deign, of Illottnao; Baldwis, of New t.. ;
81oaa, of Illosumr1; Oriental of Iowa; P e,
of Wissaasto; Ilarahall, of Mlnota
Mr. Nooll offered a resolution that the Rouse
of Cepresestatirem will not exclude the mein
hers elect from any of the States recently la re.
hellion, because of the fact that negroes, as a
cleuu, sera excluded from sating at the election
of raid members. .ft debate mislay, the refota-
Lion lays OM.
On motion of Mr. tßeesne, ll VII reia/Ve
that th e President be requested. If aot lan) -
patlble with the public Interest, to conimunicat
jp this Rouse any correspondence or other Info -
15111 on In possiestoo of the tiovernment rela
tive to the present affa!za In the R5OllOllO of
Mexico, espacially any letters of the midst= of
eald Republic az French inhabiter at Washinctou
relative thereto.
On =Linn of Mr. Garfield, It was resolved
that the President be requested, if not Incom
patible with the piddle service, to communicate
to the Rouse any information In the posseselon
of the Executive Department of Government,
In reference to &so-called decree by MaximllLen,
the French Emperor of Mexico, under dote of
September, sth, 1905 , esioonblishlng slavery
and espionage in that Republic, and also what
action. If any, hell been taken by the Ualtisl
:gates Government In the matter.
)!r. Million introduced s bill to construct a
canal to itoprove the upper and lower rsolls on
the Desnaolnes,and the rapids of the 'bliss's
sippl River, which was referred to the Cometit.
tee on }toads and Canals.
on motion of Mr. Wlleen of lowa, it vas re.
eased that the committee on commerce be ln•
sir:acted to inquire what legislation is necessary
for the safety and protection of ptrs ons travel
leg upon railroads In the sr tad &stet', and
to report by bill or otherwise.
Rake Rouse refuted to sosprad the rules for
the adeolulon of a resolution giving the repro.
sentatints from the 'Southern Biala' the privi
lege of the door. Pending the consideration
of their claims to seats, mach other beakless
was transacted. The Homo then adjourned.
The Benito was called to order at 12 o'clock,
by W, roue?, President pro tem.
Mr. Wilson presented the petition of Cook
and others, colored citizens of the District of
Columbia, asking for the right of suffrage.
The petitioners set forth that a large proportion
Of the colored Mathes of the district are pro
perty ,bolders and tax murk They claim as
they are sufficiently intelligent to build and
instate churches and Institutions of learning,
and accumniete property, they are also vaol
- intelligent to Tote; that for years they
have been obliged not only to educate
their own children, but to contribute to the sup
port of the schools In which only white children
were taught; that the record of the colored
people es to crime and pauperism Is es fair as
any other Blase. In theoonnty, out of a popula
tion of less than 16,000, they sent 1,500 soldiers
Into the field, while the white population Of over _
00,000 furnished only 15.000 men, and the col
ored eoldiers volunteered without the incentives
of large bounties, pay, or promotion.
The petition was referred to the committee on
the District of Columbia.
The Pzuddemt laid beforo the Senate the pe.
titlon of the 81stera of Mercy,. of Chicago, ask
ing for the appropriation .of money for the en
largmakt and Improvement of lier 4 Hospital
Chicago which was robe - rod to the Commit
tee on claims;
The President pro tem 1414 before the &mate
the memOriat of the North Carolina Ltatialettire
asking the repeal of the teat oath.
Ur. Bowe Introduced :a bill providing that
whenever a rerun who in entitled to a pension
for Injuries roxtved to tho mllltary service shall
die before the time of Ming Ald'application, the
allowance of the fall amount of his Malik shall
be made to MB executor. 1
(Mr. Wade introdttordythe lolkrwing • which
was referred to the Contutittee on Foreign dt•
faln6 :Whereas: In a letter of Mimed=
-a at July 3, 1669, directed to the general Isom.
mantling the French tones In Mexico, the Em
peror cf the French Indicated hid policy con.
cernlng the affairs of the continent; by declar
ing that It wee hid Intention to establish a Lion.
arehy Is'Dla2lco. srldchrwould restore, to the
Latin race on thla - aide of the Atlantic all their
strength and prestige, guarantee security tit' the
French Mat 'lndia Colonies, and those of
Spate:cad establieh the In' , 11 , 21109 and IlliOrest of
Prance In the cantor Of America. and prevent
the people of the United States from taking pos
ansion of the Government of Mateo, rm m
which they would command the Antlllea and
South America, and becomethe only aspens,
Ty of the products Of the new world; and,
whereas, in pursuance of said Policy, an at
bad been made to establish'a,monsrehy
in Mexico, contrary to the wishes V:if,the Re•
public, and support Maximilian in hiSlGarpa
tion, by European soldiers; and, witefeas,
among other acts contrary to the spirit of'the
age and humanity, the so-called Emperor et.
enin>, by a decree dated Sept. 15th, 1565„:
practically re-establishes slavery in his &Min
ion, and by a decree dated October 3, 1565, has
violated the flounces of civilized warfare, by de
nying to the Mexican Republican troops the
rights of belligerents, and ordering their execu
tion wherever found, within twenty-four hours
after capture. Therefore, be it
Reaohrd, By the Senate and House of Rep
resentatives, o the United States, In Congress
. 1 .
assembled. First—T at we contemplate the
present condition- of a ain in the republic of-
Mexico with most pro lend solitude. Second—
That the at' empt to lkingate one of the repab
'lean governments of his continent by a foreign
power, and to estalel hon its rains a monarchy
sustained solely by European bayonets, to op
posed to the declared policy of the United States
government. offensive to oar people, and con
trary to the spirit of ourfustitutlons. Third—
That the Prteldent of the United States bp re
quested to time such steps concerning this
grave natter as will indicate the recognized
Wiley, and protect the honor and interest of
our Government.
On mot'on of Mr. Howard, the Presldentaras
requested to furnish the Senate Kith all the cor
respondence Is the possession of the Govern
ment touching the occupation of Mexico by the
French troops., •
On motion of Bit+. Chandler, the Preeldent
IM:requested to glvp the Senate -all the OOrrell
polnienCelaff Other intoimatlon in Maid to
the bnrborohs decree of the so-called Emperor
of Mexico. ordering all the Mexicans found de
fending the sacred cause of independence, to be
shot without trial.
Mr. Cowan In:Omitted the following resolu
tion, which was otdeeted to by Mr. Stainer,
and goes over under the roles :
Resolied, That the President of the United
States be, and le Is hereby requested to (ambit;
to the Senate information of the Mate of that
portion of the Union lately In rebellion, wheth
er the rebellion has been emppressed, and the
United States again put In possession of the
States In which It existed; whether the United
States Cottrte are restored, poet offices re-estab
lished and the revenues collected; and also
whether the people of there States have rem.:
piled their State Governments, and whether
they are yieldingobedience to the laws and Got;
eminent of the United States..
Mr. Sumner called up his resolution erilllok
for informal= as to certain employees of the
Treasury Department; whether there are any In
the Department wbo have not taken the oath re.
=Led by law, end whether there le no more
money paid out of the offices than Is proirlded
by law.
Mr. damson offered a substitute, which, he
said, was similar to Mr. Sumner's proposition.
without the preamble, which, in Mr. aumiter's
proposition took It for granted that each a state
of things es stated, actually existed. Mr. John
son said hL substinste was a simple resolution
of enquiry.
The President pro. ten. announced the fel.
lowing ocamaittee to act with the House com
mittee= the subject of Mr-Lincoln's death:.
Messrs. Foot, Yates, Wade, Pcstendeni Wil
son, Doolittle, Lows, of Kansas, Minis, Nes
mith, Lau of Indiana; Wiley, Buckskin, end
- • • • •
Qn motierr of Mr. Fauenden, so much of the
Prealdents 'melange u relates to finance i was
referred to the Comunlifee on Moue&
Mr. Grimes prptentid a bill to grant au ex
*region:of time for the tOppletima Of Certain
lowa Railroads.
Mr. Sumner presented a bill to confirm the
Lind titles granted by Gm Sherman to colored
men on the Res Lstaaes last winter. Referral
to Committee on Judiciary.
lir. Brown Introduced a bill to grant Isulds
for the construction of ■ Railroad Waugh
/Missouri sad Arkansas to the Pal& tout by
the Southern route. which woe referred to the
Committee on the Nelda rtulroad.
hir. Stews:* presented a bill to establish a
inning Welty which wu referred to the COni
=AM On. Artheneald
Mr. Wilson ormented a joint resolutiou to
crescent the rale of the bonds and scrip of the
late so caned Confederacy which was referred
to the Committee= the Jedlciary.
Mr. Nye gate notice of a hill to changes the
eastern boundary of the State of Nevada as as
to Include additional territory to be taken from
Utah and Arizona • also a bill for the speedy
completion of the Pacific Rallreeade
Mr. Howard introduced erriarelation, cailtuL
up= the Pre.ident for What information he hem
In his pcameakin respecting the occupancy of
Mexican territory. erhicti was adopted.
The Senate adjourned at ten o'clock.
Disfranclaiatrment of Voluntary Retrola
Canadian rronfier Smuggling
President's Message Endorsed
The Grant-Butler Affair
New Tons, Dec. 11.—The Tribune's Wash
lugton special contains the following: Advance
copies of timed:sus Report were dlstributed to
Congress on Saturday.
Senator Nye will to-day introduce a bill for
disfranchising all who voluntarily took the
oath of allegiance to the Southern confederacy.
The colt red men's petition asking for suffrage
le the District of Columbia, Is ready for sub
mission to Congricis, It has ore 7000 signa
To-mon ow, the Government sells et Aleran
dell, 2,500,000 feet of lumber, 2,500 tons of
rnilrond Iron, and 200 or wheel.. It Is the
lerpott sale ever mode at that piece.
The World's . Washington dispatch eays the
,Icestke3 of admleelon of the Tennessee Repro
mutative& cicct will be brought op In the House
The Tribved■ special use, written invitations
have been issued convening the New York Re
publican Congrearional delegation at the house
of Hon. Henry J. Raymond, on Tuesday even•
to . mite upon a candidate for the Collectei
All mussels and trains of care bound to the
United Stater, are In accordance with the law,
duly inspected and searched by the:American can
als, resident on the north aide of the Bt. Law
rence, and the Comualsaloner is of the opinion
that the precaution will, In a very great meas
ure, prevent smuggling operations on the Cana
dian frontlet In the future.
Speculators am busily engaged in different
parts of the counniln buying up aoldlers' - its.
papers for which they are paying from
one' to nix hundred dollars. in Musa.
amens three hundred have teen paid and in
Ohio six hundred. If a sullicicoat number cast
be purchased the lobby will endeavor to force
congress to pass a law granting bounties to ail
soldier who have not had them and emerge
those who have.
The War Department has appointed Major
Wynkoop, lately in command of Fort Lyon, to
give safe escort to messengers from Black Ket
tle and Little Raven, .tho chlett of the Chey
ennes ant : Arapahoe Lidians, to the north of the
I'iatte River, to meet and consult with that por
tion of their tribes who for some time peat have
bean alienated from them, and ,who are coned
ered hostile to the Government, In order to eon
rlece_them of the necesalty of Immediately en
tering into relations of amity with the United
States, and the propriety of their joining their
respective tribes.
A namter of agents already been sent
out by the chiefs, and as they have nertr return
ed, the Commlaeloner believes, from represents-
Gina made, that they were waylaid and mar-
Awed on the way by United States troOps. who
have come to regard every Indian as their .ene
my. Darin the war, a large number or Uhl—
mann and Arrapahoes went Bonth, Joining-the
Klowas, and It was with theee that theists Com,
mission under Gem. Banborn, formed the late
treaty at the month of the Little Arkansas,
The Herakra Wishlngton areal WM: The
'Pension Sure= has had,' decided to =an Its
action mall final disposition is made of all the
eases below the number of for hundred.
:Tbe ladles en:pipped in the Treasury Deport,
rottit propose to Witten Congress to increase
their salaries.
manna Dt. Depew declines' the positlan of
Mutter to Japan.
The muse special UPS: About four htmdred
ednorlats on the Fttnidant'a Hosaage, frau u
thanyJouraelsi hee htea reetsge at au while
House. About 99 per cent. of these hearths
endorse the President 'a past, and commends his
rropcoed frame policy.
The case of the United States Against Ger.
Pearce, of Boston, arising out of and in solving
the history of the great Floyd fraud, will come
up this week in the United Stales Court of
Claims. General Caleb Cashes is counsel la
the ease.
The Moue special says: General Banks
vhMed the President. on Satruday, and gave
him assm - ance of his cooperation in carrying out
the measures proposed in his message.
Reliableofficial information has been received
hy General Howard, which exonerates General
'Mon, In his management of the:Freeimea In
Wilkes county, Getvzha. The most outrageous
condiset toward the Freedmen, tote followed the
removal of the military hi the minty named,
and In oilier:parts of the State, and Ron. N. M.
Reeve, drifts of the Dietrict Coup, or Wilkes
cour.ty, nekS, at the reqnest of the Freedmen,
and respectable 'idlizens, that the military be
sent back, and Genagesiman has ordered troops
to that county. ,
Representatives of Suds Com nalesion on be
halt of the State of illsarthzi, arrived at Wash
ington Saturday evening with instructions to
present to Congress the dal= of teat State for
tour millions of dollars, alleged' to be due her
for expenditures on amount of thegovernment
during the war.
The Joint Commission for the ;settlement of
claims between the United State* of 'America
and the United States of Cotucaltia, have dis
posed of sixty-two casn, or about one third- of
all the cares on the doCkeL Nearly all of them-
result In judgment for the clalmenta. l -
The World's Washington special 14.01: The
State Department received by the last steamer
from Europe an important dispatch from our
Minister to England. There Is strong reason to
believe that England will : back dOwn from her
position on the Alabama and at once consent to
a just and equitable adjustment of the ques
tions in dispute. The temper of the last dls
' patch from the State Department, which eman
ated from the President himself, was calculated
to open the eyes of the Esgllsh goverment. A.
gentleman writing from England to a gentleman
in this city by the last mall, remarks that the
Queen is our friend and she will not allow Earl
Hassel to take any position that will cease es
trangement between thelmo Governments.
The celebrated Albany bridge ease comes up
In the Supreme Court ..this week, and will
bo argued by Daniel S. Dickinson.'
Dr. M. E. Harem reading Clerk of the Rouse
ofrsentatlyes, who has been; seriously
Is ually recovering. ..
cones E. Murdock has so far recovered from
his sudden illness as to be able cc:4lunit' his =-
memento In the North.
The FRlld's special says : A sleeting of the
friends of Gen. Butler in Congress hen been
held for it e purpose of consulting a. to the
course they ought to take respecting the assault
of Gen. Grant upon thelrchiet. !They are dis
posed to fight Washburnes resolitkm creating
the rank of General. and .defeat It, If possible.
Butler Is expected here to-morroir, when the
plans will be arranged. Ile has been engaged
In preparing a reply. Gen. Butler, it is report
ed, told - Thaddens Sharene a few daps since, that
It would hare been well If there had bees more
corked bottles in the army In which Gen. Grant
made his headquarters.
French Steamer in Possumlon of Our Troops
Now Infix, Dee. IL—i letter dated at the
mouth of the Rio Grande, For. 38th. eaye: Tel
torday, four French men of war were lying off
Bocodel Rio. The larrost and latest comer dis
charged, by means of lighten, about eight hun
dred*? the Anttrien Lesion, as they tall them
selves, eonsistlng of German, French, Austrian
and Spanish sob:Lien.
Boma men an our aide Of the river tired on
the baste, but no damage was dole. A few dip
slice a forneof sailors and marines lauded from
French vessels and went np to Matameras, drove
back the Liberals, and then returned to their
Rome dais ago a Liberal officer ordera
crossed the river, cat loam the Imperial river
steamer, Rio arude, and brought her over to
oar pack' o 1 the river. A Colored guard of the
Ugh 11. B. c. V., was then plated on board of
her, ad she 1s tnOw in charge -of the Castort
Home onteers at Chia port..
The French commander : of tho Xary visited
Ws place several than about' the affair, and
erprensed himself satisfied. finally to have oar
oflicerskeep her until the govemizteat at Wash-
Luzon can be heard from, eo long as we do not
al re her no to the liberate.
Protestant Episcopal Freedman's Aid
New Tone. Dec. 11.—In the church of the
Holy Trinity, Brooklyn, addretaes were deliv
ered by Bishop Leigh, of Arkansas, and Bishop
Potter, relative to the Protestant Ephthooal
Freedmen Aid Society, In which Us objects were
explained and appeals were made In Its behalf.
The objects are the lnetrecticn or the Freedmen
In the Routh. Impressive religious services ln
borer of all who fell In defense of the Republic
dunce the late rebellion took place last evening
In the Tabernacle Church, corner of Broadway
and 'llirty-fourth stteet, le presence of a con.
Menden which esowded the Melding. There
was mulesl ererrisee of a superior ettsranthr.
and the sermon rs=untinn the heroism, coffer
lags and virtues of the fallen and sketching the
grand results which 'PI follow to the Malan
Gem their devotion and =relent. WO PrACIIB/I
by the pastor of the dwelt, theltev. rtr. ThOmp•
Gael Ulu,
Lotasvnan, Dec. 10.--The mierills, one
armed !ferry, captured yeeterdav, tear Bloom
field, was brought here to day.
The Nashville Rymer ooataine artatemmt of
• party otarneriltas commitflue depredations up
on the residents of Laverne, Tennessee, and af
ter holding the town far an hour, were deafly
dispersed by the tallltni7.
:Fenian Meeting at Palladelpbta
Panatizi ma; Dec. 11.—A large and enthu
siastic 'meeting of all the Fenian circles in this
city, nes held this meting. Andre* Wyans.
district Center, presided. Col. !Dines, of Ten•
'lessee, In an eloquent address, called on all
Irishmen to support their leader, O'SLshony.
Baggage Car Burn(4.—Colltelon.
SCIBURT, Pa., Dx. 11.—The baggage car
of the Express train on the Philadelphia and
Erie Railroad, weal burned yeaterdey morning
near Sunbury, Nothing was sated. The meal
train going Iraq millided with the freight train
near Virilliamtpart on Saturday afternoon. Ono
man had We leg broken.
O'Mara:my, Presidert of Fenian Brotherhood
is receiving assnrancts of support from all parte
of the cotuatry. John Mitchell has been far
puked with $76,060 to assist the cause in En
roVT.ts mooned that the Pope will issue another
encyclical convoking ell the bishops of thus c hatch
to meet et Rome next week on the anniversary
of St. Parr's Martyrdom.
T. W. Lincoln. Republican, was elected Mayor
of Roston by 2,000 majority.
()facial information has' been received at the
State Departmedt of the ratification of the Con
stitutional Amendment by the Legislature of
North Carolina.
Over two thousand hostile Indians are col
lectingbetween Fort Laramie and Fort Dodge,
on the overland route, with the Intention of de
atroylng the coaches.
The Posh:am Department to now prepared
to Danish stamped envelope& of the denomina
tion of nine, tea, efghtetm, twenty-four, thirty
and %Marty alma. The envelopes are expressly
designed for express cammaties and °them who
carry money eratable of the 112101.
BOWLEE—At the eleshlnne of hi. mother.
Wylie meet, GEUhfIE. W. HOWLEF.,ased,ta
EWING—At the BfttlS aoirt
Ilona, RAIN IL SWING. QC M. F., Nam El&
Pa. Volt, ases ZS year..
The Amoral will take place frog the residence of
Ids mother, Hannah Ewing,! Chestnut street,
hiaasdeld, on WIDNISDAT, pet. 1/th at 1014
owed, w., to proved to 011arthsrs Oconetery.
The nnia . d . ()fa.f li7 and Me late comes es 'ln
itin . aren ,,,,,uopy Melted tci attend 'Carriages
wilt leave Hate's Hotel at es o'clock.
REEs—cm Deeertber nth, Alfa Hearse.
aaz E., wife of Tnossaa Hue, 'of typhoid fever
maw •Tis n '
The" foetal wilt take place from the resident*
of her husband, No.T, Willa infect, on weetnee„
day, the lath inst. ail dc10i1t,,i4.1:6 -Her re 1214111
wlll be taken to Allegheny Vessatery for later.
went. Members and Maude et the fatelly are io
spectlallY requested to ettentl.',..
iluametar. cantErmars, ram sad
nail 4kt t3eritcars, situate
scabs slaty tiara of Alley betty
GIG, cto"Gtrew Brighton Bo W. Perseus wish,
to select Buda lAte will apply at the sayer.
waded' Woe, at tba amatory'. Title
Permits and all other business IeSI be ala'•
Um Grog Warehouse el the woleuttiost, tuner,
ezePerel sae Loacc4k streets,
GEO. lit LEM i
COTTON -4 bales on steamer Marietta
to wive and for all • •
de, , . kt
- •
ri.S.VANDS. L ORANGES-10 bill. Sweet
savanna Ovum refer ills cfsy and for
solo by , ILETMER 88.05.,
011, l( 1021 Eel i:9 Woog ono,
Goods trlalas were Were Sold 30
days ago at 810 and 102
are now Setti ng for
S l 7 000 ea-Se,C)
Concert. Hall Shoe Store
Mark ed Down,
Great Bargains are Nmereas
061 HAM
1134 Cl/41143 AMTS. -
1112511 BLADE elins.
J. H. SIVEITH'& 00.1;
OAS ritra. a rani sr;
°Missile um Open Hang&
.. .
Nos. lB St. C 3-144. St% i
The =entice of the pollid fa Sailed to the
, t
and extensive-Meek. of Gam-caxnnwS I.lfit
NISILENG 001 opened. at the abaft. , 1
loantlased plams, I m am now °Maine akin.
bargains g.y one inward of the above Goole%
Will flail it to the advantage me steak
and =maim my
W dock'
ham They can dnd the be/ slat
and best alitedi .
mock of Pine White Oasts. sires D.....„..., = i , '
mirth Woolem. Cotten an d Threa-
aldrts and Drawers Searrt .. ........NeekT 7 esii=l:lo
Batterfles, and e so
Ferri hid thelity.
Rinomater Um Dime. IS and LI St. craw stmt. • .1,.
N. IS. A Wye nook of Efst4 baps, Omer* Ord T .
Mrs Lockwood% Universal, Byron., .Enammeri i
near hr. .4101.1, will be sold lower than inutt. 1,-
oommaxwmuirn OB PENIIIPIL
~, venni, Allegheny solzal. als TO Saran*
Glass, Administrator of the *state of /mute .-
stsnehao, late of Robinson township , deceased: .._
also the heirs end next of kin and others la newt.
ed in the estate of age decedent. in lemineerm e
of the aftilsothilectlon Of an set • of Amembly of
mid Commonwealth, entitled 'en set to create a .. •
sinking fond, and provide Tor the radial exam.
guishment of the debt of said Commonwealth.
pasted the 10th day of April. A. D. MP, sm.
hereby cited to be sad appear ils,
J. Richardson, Register of Wll a.., Id and for ~..
the said county, on or before - 6 THROAT, the .- i •
rah day of Sammy, A. D. there to show . . j..
cense, Lt any you kayo, earths ladaral Daum -...
Ranee to shoeld not be PAW. Hen tau net as. -
dor th e penalty than may ca stl stl e. - .
under my hand and seal of oMee, thin fia .. -
day of December. A. D. WA • ,
- wm. J. RICHARDSUIe, Register.
r :-
_ ._
zee lbe Swell:en Chime hi 6o 00100 lb packages :
eoo Oozes prime Goshen Cod Earaburg cheese,
909 tassel. Chafes Winter Apples.
boabele shell brake,
to bushels cheatouts.
190 bushida colons, ray ehr.ap.- •
so bushels fresh gTOUId wpm meal..
two pounds buelrwhest dour to SWUM
ICO3 peones dry eels •baeon.
too bushelseu eons to Andre.
ace boatels prime beans. ,
soil bushels fall barters toArrire,
100 bushels new dried apples;
For ale by RIDDLE
rio. 101 Liberty stmt.
;For Gent's a' reutles
Br e ko.
No. 79 FENISENI 87.1 Alletbeir.
021.1 wa
A plat variety mid well Waned etc4k
Ana nit kinds of OARED FEtraii, tasslls by
„Toni u. 1- •
At. 'astir. Onetti.
am stdcur treiki
esoo Or. trash nrseLsirl.
1000 boxessitin eresa &la wan= OhlWil
soodam nun rocti koir =
100 bas. bush ground Clennsesit
700 bblsi,ehoksTall seta Wil/gn . /Fl u. ""
, WO bushels new Dried 4,o9nes;
- 100 busbalo nolo ruled
20 barrels Sweat Olden
Data Chweess Ma s"u si VtaIneSITIA_
4 Z) b • " •
10boroola Elbellbaron
4cm tyf sod tack Ltiribon:.
a oar. sW"rice;
g ear. UIIZZ.
For oala by
got NA
' •
OLOTEMTI:t ki4ll7BC.
is n £13171 - trialirt
►ad all itnet
Busman. TtUttar,
No. Wegiz stmt.