The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, December 09, 1865, Image 1

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he Vittsburgit (gazette.
-- (21.1 1 Y rrEna
. To our' City glibeeribers.
we are making swan changes on our routes
n. the two cities and vicinity, gi number or our
woliiiitheie may tail tik receive the paper. If pay
M ash will leave his address at this otilcs, the paper
w in be regularly Served tersafter..
W. Semenist, •
S..a. Sleben, A. ZS., I Prlactpals.
: Azar. Oastrscr,_
nlst College Building, Omni, Penn and 3!. Cla
• Recand odd Farm.' Material, 5104 SI,
.'114M•• o Nos. 28 cad sd M. a.m. St.
Aalitlrma son Tin train[ *spree Dee. 9, 18145.
3.. r. Patton, kin ecown, Crawford no., Pa. ,
T. NLYarroorfile;Dlonoagaqa City, Minh. Co. Pa
J. B. Henry, Ilattetown, Crawford 00., Pa.
3 ft Sitter, Harmookburg, Crawlord eo., Pat
W.' 7d. Plemonan, JALPOIItuWII. gees/v.oa.
J. g meant Borough, Aille N 'ay O9. P.
B. 8. Mast, linningtoo, Allegneny co., Pa.
A. D. nook, k:densburg, Lawrents, an, Pa.
T. J. Ohl Bockhorn, Vol. cn., Pa.
D. B. (Whom:, North Jacks., Alahonlng no., 0
A. B. King Unity. Col. c., , 0.
Chiligcothe, lOU CO. O.
D Des. What:l9llla Jett no. It
W. 3. GOmeze. Wilktskaborg, Ali ighea7 to., Pa .
T. r, Lardin. Tarentna2, Albs hrs., en., Pa.,
J. 11. Locah • rt, Sharon, !de er CO., Pa.
T. B. 0, ay. Yount stoma, PS alp: co., 0.
D. D. J 01.5., You , gatown, hoctog no., O.
J. A. Walters, Shlppeniburg, Dumb. co , Pa.
0 , Powen, Ebensburg, 0 bets ea ,Va.
E. B. (home. Manchester, AI grtieoy co_, Pa.
V. Sander. Allegheny city, P
Detsteld, 0 .1
J.& DOZLito:tv, Wesley. Yens
. :W. , !0.191 - ,tctsts Went, es,
Par terms and Latoransison
Dry Goods Mork :d Down
rot the liolldaye. Shellabv a Harder, VePnrs'
tory to taklag their annual inventory of stook
have =inked down a great .112.7- of their abode.
Tileyare de:ermined to clowt ut as far as pent
hip their stock or winter goods before the lira of
the *ear. Tory will commence from to day to
cello very good matt nine gents a yard, marks
ei dowo.troca 12)4 cents, good detainee at 1334 ,
-Awn* formerly field at till cent; Stard,r 2llo Pat.
,!ehidtz at la acute:, form "ill told it irrXeirt a ;
:Held Boy Iltenela C. 234 contr. teriterlq Rohl at 61 55
4=o; colored taatottllas re t itita $2,03, formerly
lteldat Celooorery des rod and yellow II :nail 0 . 734
omit?, tormer:y sold at. CO cents; ocory g , Oy all
trooltiwilled donne} 6o Cent; fotwrllf "Ad at C,34
oentat red tiattlad flannel 50 cent; formerly oold at
• 1 12Weente; tray line yard wide bleached
-2734/einta; formerly sold at et% emote; together
with every full Poe of domestics, el at reduced
!graces. Pogo a very good pair of gray blankrta for
34 o, eoveritds, a very Eno araortMent of all wool
-and Cotton wool shawl; cloaks, balmorals, dream
. and . MAO ink and Mae h.tedker
tki,tfa. ac,. &a. Now ls your time. to secure f sae
great hargairuo.,Doet forget the place., Shellots ,
El4ralari 0:a Bet Hire Stead, No. 01 wild Is
.Makes )tree[.
STelitral Sulphite of Lime,
preatrrteg elder. For ells by Charles Sayer,
atnirst, earner of Penn and St. Chi: smuts,
lirge. Variety
,1 1 , 11UraitUre, desk; Me board; wardrobe', and
the best assortment of parlor, chamber and dining
roue furniture to be had to the ery, at
It Itcriosn'a,
Smithdele Street.
I;.. .YR_ Rues Great %Tar Shows
1 4Etiesgib hamotist, with rds morn' and at-
XractiroWnitis.oir, will commence a short acuson
of Mltertaittnient at Id:assets HCI on Monday
evening Xeirt. This is a lllCOCactcal •xhlbHlon of
Xliorldatics of the rebellions comprising 00,000
attlvizig egures. ft has gaUsed the favor of ail
vile - Aver It been exhibited. xe trust hiains.
to hall will bo crowded during sir. La Sue's short
• Coes Hyspernin Cure.
r • Th'ere It no nerd of any one's hartnz thetlyePeP•
sla; Lt has been demonstrated iduend tear cf
eentradletion mat Coe's Dyspepsia Core will cer
tainly emelt Constipation, the most proillla
tikelse:ol 112 health, II surely eared by the CUM
bitiii•beadsche, clamps, pains, or cold in either
addlnOetrorborrele, instantly ykod to Its pones.
agtitfor Pittsburgh is Joseph Fleming,
ilarket street.
.• , oolti; - Skties and Ors Grader.
zitiffiellind;'Nwans and 'Path street, has row
on hind la Steck of Boots end Shoes of every con
eoiritle pattern, fer men, women•and children,
'Alit airs Sella: at prices wallah astonish 'polo
and ore thettl. It .1s no trouble to show
them awl might nave you "a do ll ar or two."
'Whit:rill at Tom's, don't fell to see has eirgmt
rectk of Blankets three color; and oresan),
as has general stock of Dry Goods of off
4desttliitions. You will amen money by ft.
. . .
-A Beacon of Health.
?fief cod thing' of Ilia world tura each the!
- 1 4reirited toLastori.
It the talision of If 0 11 TerrEtt'a STOsuarr firer
visa to irrleiff cad relieve a great variety of
Heave fears its success as sprats:Use sod
• ireFfedg Nu bees lirltholst cheek or drawback. Isla
regchiri; evilest . * of. this flat, that the efficacy of
*romans. aICPCMS. let dyilyiejlais, bilionarieta,
eimiticattoo, eerecotries,, general debility, and
Latermltt . ent Levin, has never been questioned.
Air pidtpdiiiite Of ita tnfllllbiltty lv 'nab oases;
the statements of public teen whree cameo an re:
Minnie ea Latiuhold worla, have Irons tune to
time beta given to tho
If SG seputetlon Ls net founded to (lota, then
truth G`eehaaux , and the ctterauses of COM1(11..
Voris Mims ate more value um "dicer,'
Exel what is Its rep:fiat:on t Let the piogrest
at Its tales answer the inquiry. Mame twenty .
dozen bottle) of Ilostetter's attera wire 1041 la
1853501cti lutne:74 Boren are disposal of now.
Vottlerilublie opinion be more stnifle antlp ex.
pressed than by its unliaralisled Ice roam el eon.'
aulaptfoilt /tsetse. Imponaf../e.
The priparatloa has bran imitate/I. Where are
the loiltatots I , Where I" To. the "limbo" of
things teat - on earth they are all either gone or
tothr. Fiptce be with them.
Hostetter's 111 ttera
:Are sold wholesale and ratall at very low rate.
•it F/ereall'a.Druy and Patent Manion:le Avail,
30. 84 blaiket meet, corner of the / DUl:lend, near
Ztarth .mess.
Pail and Winter Goode.
lt la with great pleasure ale calf the:AZt editOrl of
eat readers to the superb stock of Falland Winter
floOdalust:recelsed by Mr. John Weber Merchant
:Taller. N. tbS Federal tweet, Allegheny. Hal
• reek embfaces some of the rarest and most beau.
elfraCkAld h ltu alaeres.troszcoattassartilVesu on
elrerbnpughi to the Western market. UM assort.
inttit_,Of tursdebban Gaols. comprising Shins,
Ofalrems 9 0 /lars, Neck-tier, Iltuakeedur is, &c.,
41n101 be surpessed east az west. A large stock
et reads See - lints, Coate. Vests and Osercosts
ailtalso Ctl found At hls.estAblstraMeat. Parsons
Ss waittat iiortalu g ia the clothing Una should not
t.troar6 , ',..ade,irptet A gall .
. ildionzaa W. Pain & Co.,
Slate Roofers, and Damien In Arnestral
SLlsta 91"'iarlotta colors. .ot2leo at Alazandel
icartba Wafer Works, littUburgh,
. Betileitee, NO.• 18 Mita street. Orders
tirmaptlratitcodo6 to. All wor &wanted watts
L!roor.:lrilikrlagtioao at Lkeakomst natio& No
*llama (or s,rrflalra, •sprorlGod the root Ls cot
Otinft ow is put OM
. .
- Its Phihappily.
- 4. Bozetiont en annul& Boredom; La an antlpn.
'Crescent.'," posotichr Lea tonic. Sozodosttis all
-. is - Waite and entirelihennteal, Hearst; Cleanses
thStcetb flea sedans concretions, stops the de.
entspositioi of their 'substance. sweetecui Cho
Octant, 40i : it:Jetts the (PLUS, and to the estest end
hest pre,larStion of its class in ealstenee.
Carpenter Jobbing Sbop.
taste: returned after as Shuns° of three run
to the arzeT,i I Imre ism:War-ea my stop tor atl aorta
etlehhhat Ui the earpenter Ilne. at the ola iammd,
V_Allilltitnei.betwr.cnßautheeld threat and Cherry
&law Orden solarataa and promptly attempted to.
- animas Vouramr.
.PtatTal Enipbtte ok Lime,
intr Preirrving cider. Pot ciao by Omuta layer
n,. Coins • am sae Si. Olalr streets
Dr. C. Sill
Eiiiratts teeth wltteent petn. phi enchain? "The
oh( &el" for inn iloitees ► set. 001 .et ell Penn
. .
it/r t • I • r
1. prom ifis tittler. Tor italobi Citifies Se pet,
minizirtsti-eomar of Peen slid St. Char streets,
IrgWb,u4l6'. •
gtent, raw MAUI( Uctifoi at tgi viol afoot,' urturta
we':offer '424000 worth of clothing regarlain of
40 4. , et • "*; no& ton -
•-* - •
- 4
4 ll _7
tr.• #7I Na V 7 / NA Pre
r.l • - I _ p j .
P -LP %.1. •
sign not far distant from our ony reads thus:
"Boots and Shots Sard litre," 001 it I• a grave
questloa ea to whether or Oct the wording of the
sign is cot a clever dodge to get ahead of the pain
ter, and save a Word, by mating the one sewer
for both. Of course, the cobbler le excusable for
thus pi:oil:ling upon his sign board, as he saved
money by the operation, and who would blame
n,ht (or economizing La ► commendable character
istic, nod the people feel the same a. we do upon
the rubles% else tae popular Boot end Shoe store
of Robinson h (Jo., Na 61 Market street, would
not be crowded every day of the week. The
greatest beigahe eror offered 1.1 the city are ob
tainable there, and to the person who has never
rinted them, we would soy, if you want to be ro.
minded of the days of your youth, call at flottla
eons, end learn the prices st which he disposes of
his boots, shoes, slippers and gaiters. They do
not run In competition with any other Shoe Bonne
in the city, but simply ander - 80l every bony in
that line of heatless. Be sure and look for No. 61
Market street, next door to Barker's dry footle
Fine Furs sad Great Ilargalus.
Fine Lathes Furs, of ell the new ■telee, et the
extensive and popular Hat, sod Ladles For
Rode, of Won. Fleming, So. log San et Street.
Those Doping anything In IL. Ladles r.r Iloe,
will consult their own interests by ceiling at, his
fashionable house before purchasing elsewhere.
Latin fur hoods, Ladles sea tog osps, Gents'
fine fur asps, co.lare, end gloves. D fs r TUthe
Wm- Fleraing, No tzo Wood street, sign of
the liras Golden lint.
Erales Pianos are war - looted for eight years,
For power and swestaral of tone. easy sad ogre,
sole touch, nod beauty of finish, the y hero beers p 0.
trounced the best Judaea to be unrivalled. Lle -
tiles/al of excellence from Thalburg, Gottschalk,
Sit akesch, torirae, Ttauxtempa, Satter, sod a
large ntuist es of the most dist tunnelled professors
lad amateur►. Tie higteir medals and pretences
awarded over all competitors. Charlotte Blume,
43 rim, street, la J sat recistr. g a sploudid fresh
D 1 2 . 6 0 Pa
, .
acternlng tlim Col
rt & CowLirr,
Pltubargi. Ps
Euabe Sc (We Uor{ra Ilea I•ia nn.
.plendid fresh .tuck of Knabe's ?twain put
recelylny and for isle by Charlotto Blume, OM It
Palace* Antouwitic °mans,
School Organs and hielogeont. Early thOulaa3
now In usel Every Inatruclent warrincea aye
year,. No charge for — boxing or atilnlng. For
ale rely try - Charlotte Ithaca, 4t Finn rc et,
Tly Telegraph.
&goatee from atattata, Georgia, et►tea that
(]Caere/ cillint and staff attired at th it point, end
will lease for Atlanta at once. Pltteek, opposite
the poet ottlee, has al rived from the Eaat with e
large cock of Atbume; gold pens, wallets, pen
kr..res, &A. Callon him.
lot bast pod English prints, warranted
Worth mere than any to the city at Inc, on the
earth east carter of Fourth anB Market streets.
U. Manson' Lore 4 lino.
Will tatty a load, heavy printed aattnett, gall■
everywhere at 00a per yard and upwards. Remem
ber, the cheap pistol is ea the north east corner of
Four,k and Market greet&
Country itlankete,
Three bales Jolt opened, on the north east corner
of Foarth and Market meets.
67 ism Reign°ldr,
P , •otopapbe cf U a lady at etttccivc,
at breakfeat on Sunday—The Les ler.
At toot ■t' Pittcen's.
Marl t►
And ntm►nnce for Intl: et Plttosk,a.
Interesting from Washington.
New Tonic, ben. B.—The 2'riburfc's Washing
ton special says: The Quartermaster General
"publishes a decision of the Comptroller that
affidavits Laken before notary publics after the
that of Ortsbcr last, moat have the certificate of
iteßezretary of Ssate, or Clerk of the Coart of
itkr,rde, as to the of7/olal character of such
The resolutions latex:lineal In the Senate an
Wedetssiay have been theorrectly I-Asap:eta]
es hart; g special reference to employees I i the
Treasury Department, but they are dlr.cted
against theelass of ofllcers who cool I not take
the prescribed oath, sal those woo were ap
pointed without wart ants of law. ibis includes,
among others, some of ate Provisional borer.
nor, appointed by toe President.
Tho Iferd's tlashington special says: Gen.
John A. Loges has Boot reached here from the
west, and had an Biterriew with Secretary Sew
ard. Gen Logan has not yet folly decided to
accept the hltxlcatt mission.
The Senate ietary colimittee ll tak u
the cote of Senator, of New wi Jerse y , a t
so early day. The protest against the legality
of his election Ss being urged by some members
of the New Jersey legislature.
About three hundred errand lieutenants are to
be appointed In the regular army. Tne number
will he only apportioned among the Congres
sional districts. All applicants matt have sere
ea two years in the volunteer service and beet
honorably dlacharged therefrom. A board is in
session to examine the testimonials of candi
dates and sel-xr snail for personal carattinstion
as may seem Stied.
The lloalirs Washington despatch stays 001
Oat news from El Paso, Mexico, has been r u
ceired Lest, up to the sth of November.
President Jeerer would leave for the City of
CLibtann on the lab.
The United States °Meer,. at Fort Bliss, were
to give a grand boll to Preaident Juarez on the
The Tribune's Washington Spwelal nays: The
English Minster finds :La vettriza in the Presi
dent's 'massage about the ror.enet or Great
Britain during the nor rather sp;cy, but does
not believe it will lea 3 o any bad feeling b:-
twice the two Governmer ts, chile the French
Minister thinks that shr affirmation of the Mo 3.
ree doctrine, as pot forth in the message, will
not t Land In the way of the pxelho solution of
the quest ivne now pending beiweea the Cnited
Sottes and Prance.
The Ikea Wasblegton special says tlt Is
etated, beyond a possibility of coo valiction, that
at the cabinet mcidleglcaterday, that Mallory,
ca-rUel secretary of the Navy, now In C0Df1.32.-
, meet at Fort Lafayette, abou!d be triad try . a civil
tribunal within the next, thirty dupe. I. Is un
derstood that the matter was orong,lat up for de
cit inn by reason of the efforts that bare lately
been made by the family connection of Xtliary
:to obtain hts release on parole.
.A dispatch from 'Washington says: A state
'pent Is current tbat General Butler has Bac
iceeCed in getting bin resignaLtam accepted.
One hundred mid Arty paraons—all of the
itvsenty thousand di.llar class—were duly
!signed cad hutted ly the Piusldent yes
Fuller, Clark and 7C—alkuss. ilenresentatires
idea from North Carolina, base /eft far • their
Aontes. Stubbs and Turner, or the ammo State,
;Rill preilinbly soon follow, as in tbelr opinion
the delegating steeds but -little chance of being
* admitted fotteveral months at least.
Among the captures of rebel property to
North Card Una W 39 a lot of rebel paper money
ixaring the iThemrint of tha National ank
cemCompany p engraving Is wall executed a a nd
e nd
the bile printed In green ink, supposed to be
hasto Northern artists. The Company
has teen called on for an explauatlon by the
Secretory of the Treasury.
ram Neils , York
.! Ycim, Dec. 7.—To day has been obscr
yid ea aclese holiday. All bothers was sue.
penclitititSl cervices held In mot of tee eburen
ts. The morning papas say Geaaral Ifooke'r,
Ow:candor of the D.lpartesent of the East, Is
eangerctily itch of • airlocks Su the Levi
lichee for a few dare been in a doubtful condition
thonah Ids symptoms are now more fevorab , e.
be had to visitors and to business Ia elloeed
to trouble him.
lame !teethe was held at Cooper Instigate,
lest tvehlhz, la favor of the tight hour labor
Movemett. Several apevaltu warp made and
reeolMloas looportlog the Dew plaa, warn
$' A letter Stem Itlelirnend say!: Ccoslderable
ixciteicteut prevailed to that eay over the report
(hat ea. Butler t 'Fierily to Nemo military
ectonoluider there. "Many persons think bit an.
tleipated assumption or command In Virginia in
trith the intended trial oT
Jet. DiT-1;
•rA letter from Fortress mo — • _ I sr
it,;;portlon of Ms rebel ram Merrimac wis sue
wissfally tilled on- the 3t12,' and towed to Forts
.l9Outb. natty Tara.
. .
Liturpool.Daily Pow soya softest Mourn
'cra, formerly Mfgaiftil In running' the American
blockade . ; are lying In Ltrerfiobl harbor. Samo
{len:fare making ready to visit Chllian ports;.
lieroqa now a lame =mint of English met,
charditel in the slap en route to. Chill, andl
the Captain, of thaw ships. are; Ignorant of this
stit, 15" of 'Adam Mt&daker. of. suffering se-
Turgid. unless the, , Engllkh 'rural anthurities to
tihc reFllle set prompily.
A Gramatical Question
The Best Pianos
2Ze per Yard
2,:c per Irani
C• traxsom . Lovx k Ilco.
0. litosiow Lori
PRO POST It &USUAL 199.14 rLrzo.
Raicaell, pii.vosc nasrchal fir this dis
ti let, sus assaulted on the street to—clay oy an
ex rebel captaia. Thn icilocc was arrtettil and
sett to jail. The only cause of his hostility co
rho incJsr, was that be has charge of the 'cae
ca, cm of Who. .
Ins bcei to addrtetsthe Netttczal4:•l,l
buCttoge Ancciatlcc of this city, acd will grab
ably cum;
of Eileen dollars wee received by the
Stetc!ary of the Treasury, to-day, trim a
lady in New York. In the letter containing
- the remittance, she states that the amount Is
flee per rent, of what she la worth, and having
bad aeon In the crevice. although be had come
back to her broken down In health, she was yet
thankful for his return, acid forwarded the mon
ey to her propot tion of the war debt. She atso
dealrt d to know how much of the Nationaldcbt
wonlq remain Otpaid if terry adult in the coon
t. y,whonld send nye per reel, of his or her prop
erty, and how much more her share would bele
paying of - the debt entirely, The Secretary has
directed an appropriate reply to he sent to the
patriotic old lady.
N LOOTIATICCi9 vvrrn rats INDILtI3.
00 010 recomeretcation of the conunisSioner
of Indian affairs the Secretary of War bill/ de
tailed Maj,r Wyt koop formerly Commander
of Fort Lyon t• give safe conduct to mcstten
gore from the Cheyenne at dinerapattoe Indiana.
nail whom the commission of which General
Sanborn nee president rect otly formed a treats
et pence, to tam of their tribes north of the
Platte river who Ltr some months since have
been !cattle to tbe covert met t, is order to in
doze them to rejoin their respective tribes.
There are now In operation In %Vogt!legion,
Alexandria, Georgetown, Freedmen's VULage,
and on the Government farms la Maryland, trny
three colored schools, with one hundred and
twelve teachers and are thousand six kuadred
and eighteen pupils.
A telegram was received to-day,at. the Army
headquarters from General Grant, atatlng that
be would return to Washington on Batnrday
next. The dispatch won dated Charleston.
MoJ. General Ho ward, Commitiloner of the
Freedmen's Bureau. hue completed his report,
and to-der submitted It to the.Prosident for ap.
proral. It will probably be printed to-morrow.
Breeet Colonel Clinton 11. Money, Vatted
States Volunteers, boa been appoint 33 Commie
ur7 of blusters. of the Deputment of Mis
Hon. George H. Pendleton Is hero. Rh in
.ys~~`b.e ~ _~.s v' '->' . ~ ~ aye„ `_~
The aecond Comptroller of the Tressiny has
decided that the affidavits of tiie Govszument
taken before a notary public after the lint of
October, ISCS, must tie accompanied by a certifk
cate of the Secretary of State, or of a clerk of a
FROM WASHINGTON. not urt y. Co of Records, to the official character of the
Our Special Dispatches.
Antherehip of Geo. Graut's Report
The Case of Colonel Scott.
Fpcculations an Co:vessioital :Matters
Thanksgiving in Washington
Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gieret to.
WI.SII.IMOTON, Dec. 3, 1365
Froze the Internal Revenue to•dar amounted to
one million four hundred and twentrave thous •
and dollars.
It Is understood here that General Grant's re
pert was written under his supervision by Gen
Rawlings, hie chief of staff:
Brevet Brigadier Gemeral T. J. PIAI son or the
Cornmiaaikry Department, has been Orderod to
Washington to settle his.accounta. Col. W. W.
Woodwat d,l46th 13. Colored troops, litte been
ht notably discharged Lho serv:ce.
Of Illinois, Senator Bumper and Gan. Logan bad
an latendew With tho Preeldent to-day,
R iii soon present to the puttle, en We reply to
the etrleturea against him la General Grant's
re{ ort, all: the rfachtl telegrams and docil
e:lOUS COL nectcd with hit military admlnietra
tion of Weirs In Virginia, commencing with the
movement of the Army of the Jsmes In Mali
1564, and ending with the attack on Fort
Of the following ofilsers has been accepted by
the Pmldent Maier General B. F. Batier, to
take effect from November the 30:b; Major Gen
eral John A. Dlx., November 3011; Brtg. General
John T. Crortor, from December Be; Brig.
Generel J. H. Ketcham, December 01,
The rcsiptation of C.A. H. L. Scott, a DO.
t•hcw of Gen. Seca has beau eccepted, to data
from Oct. 11. 1862. Col. Scott it will be re
collected, after the retirement of Gem. Scott.
was assigned to duty In the:Adjutant General'.
office, from which be was removal as the re
gent of Get. McClellan, who accused hint of
fetniehirg the enemy with Informatios. The
moire 11113 qul bed op at the time and
Ccl. Scott Knitted leave of ohmic: to visit En.
rope, where Le has been ever since. Ms resign..
don was accepted It launderst•ood at the earnest
solicitation cf Gem Beets.
C4paratirely few Congreasnaca are la town,
and the capital le exceedingly dull. The opinion
gains siren&th that the Hone mei:instruction
resolution cannot Pass in the Senate. Its
ileatlon, at LIT y rate, is thought to be certain.
Speaker Qi 'fax Is beset by the Importun
of gentlemen who want chairmanships of cow
mittees. The formation of committees seems
invested this year with ut ususi difficulties and
many embarrassing personal considarati oaa 110,),
to complicates it. Speculation mainly centers
about toe dl•pcsltion to be made of Thaddeus
Stevens, Ramona, flanks, Bingham
and Garfield, Secretary McCul2och has ape.
Nally requested that the /attar shall be put on
the Ways and Means.
The Commitsloner of Customs has Jest rc
cared intelllggnee loam the Canadian frontier,
kteting that the law relative to the In spec Jon
and gelding of versals, parcel by Congress,
during its lea: SUMO], 13 Laing enforced, asd
that all ventele, trates of eas, end vehicles of
every klud, are duly !careened and scaled by
the American Clunsule stationed on the north
side of the St. Lawrrnee. The Comentealoncr Is
of the opinion that the enforcement of title law
real, to a great degree, decrease smuggling
orcratir us ontbe frouLer.
1810. GEN. J5O. fl.
Attorney General elect of the Stet of Ntw T AB
bet been breveted Major Gettel al.
Mr. Morgan. of New nit, 16 preparing a bill
granting to wounded officers and men of the
navy the some pi na:ons as now paid to thew, u -.
Ord of the army, Ac 00 LW RAOE3 the seamen
who bare k.Et loth arms-and in the aerviee
are °Lis CEtl:l,d , o tight dollars a month, %vial:a
soldiers receive twenty five dollars per manila.
A TnAN6 orrnitvit
OrM. 1101fd1iD . 6 ILIPOBT
caption on the door of the House yesterday was
of a remarkably cordial character.
The Nittonel That he:riving was quietly, but
generally cbserrsti In Washington, the several
Departments remeiced closed diming the day,
and business {V11.9 generally suspended; services
appropt late to the occasion, were held Ia all the
chnrelwa except that of the Southern Methodist
Episcopal, which le principally attended by ae
estatlon sympatialeers. The newly elected Chap
lain of the Ileuta ()enacted a sermon which
elleitt d noun praise, and for a copy of which for
publics t Los a request has already been presented.
The Virt,lnia and Tennessee dclecations hero
derldtd to rrmalt here sod rtaloU7 await the
active of Cent rens In regard to their admission.
Most of the Mew hem from the other I:southern-
States Love concluded that It wilt be cheaper, at
least, to return to their homes.
General Logan will have en Interview with
the Yretident and Beereter Beward to-marrow.
It is rinderatood that be still refuse the Mexican
mission, yokes a more decided polidy in regard
to affairs there to adopted by our Government.
From Louisiana and Ile:rico
New ORIZANI, Dee. o.—The Louisiana Rouse
of Representatleca haTe passed the Senate reso
lution against the recognition of Messrs. Ratio
at, d Cutter as Senators. In the Moore a special.
eccomitt, ...ported again. the Constitution of
1014, and p meek.] a bill for the c tlllog of a
convention en the 4th ofJaanary.
Governor Wells tent a rr.tesage to the Lexie.
Tonne that he would be inaugurated at three, but
failed to be there on the plea. of Indlsit salon.
Rio comae created enrich led:guallor, ail he fixed
to other dry for the Inauguration.
To-day Randall Duet was elected Valle!
Elates Senator. The other Senator will prob
ably be elected on Friday.
• The Matamoros Ronahro. of the 10th, con
r ratelatts the citizens of that place on their
attadfastnets and brevtry durisg the last seize,
and announces the complete defeat and diaper
alce of the besiegers, and also says, that several
lending .literals on the frontier had accepted
MKlmlltlndd arentety, and many ethers
would coon accept It. Tee Telegraph lines
will soon be extended from Grum* Goa to Tarn
pleo and Matamoros.
1 1 20 Roustou TcbgroPl of the tai reports the
arrett,by Gentral Gregory, of M. Elmore, late •
Colonel In the Confederate army, on the charge
of :Ming dogs to catch a freedman, and falsely
Imprisoning him. Col. Elmore's plea Is that
the dogs were used to track an unknown thief
and who proved to be a negro. A writ of habeas
corpus woe served on Gen. Gregory, who m
op" eted lt, thwart Omuta: Its Jurisdiction, and
asked an extension to January 15th, to receive
Instructions from Waahlagion. Elmore was re
leased on heavy ball.
The recelp s of coftoe pi ntireTeport were fall
ing oft In Consequence of the gearnity of at: eta
pie and • decline In prices.
The Ga-ulte eapit General peeper mimes are
befog made Or planting cotton In the parishes
et St. Jubos. Lonlelana makes 1,200 hogsheads
of near this year, The price of lauds In the
Interior of L12161..1:- . .1 In looking op. Ac Jeffer-
SOS, TrI2S, the brad of Rol River navigation.
there are 13,000 baite of cottoa en band and
ahnut 20,000 wore to come in.
Mr. Hall, n moraine.. lawyer, and personally
intimate wth the Itleslcan ride of the Itlo
Graz. de, has arrived. He is of the oplci32l that
the Empire Is a fai:nrc there. Mr. Rile was
In Matameras itn: in: the P 1.%
The atcamer Mletlsel pot, from Yew lark, has
arrived. revatesters who left New Yeul, no the
20111 DR. Lcre this morning eta. 1105ile ,
The Mirslaalet.l L girlatru - o has pissed the
stay law, over the Gorerer.'a rota
The Alabama Lehtslatire hat passe.l the Con
thulkmel Amer:time:A esulhAllaz slavery, bat
entered a err Caton against radical leterpre
.at has. A toll tees lc t. educed into the BehaZa
rovaltrz that In rase any cam: when freedmen,
free negro or mulatto it a pony, to objActlon
shall he &Award as to too competency of the
ultras, because of color, provided that DO freed
men or fr., womer. ckr , shall be examined In
whatever,env .elan except upon the %landing
01•11, mart.
Itecrrgre W. Gale. who effcred one hundred
the u•and for the tteettealrmt era of Mr. :a, hat circle bend, at Motagora ry, w ap
pear when colic :I for.
asursnoss. ee. 7 .—baskrgivlar da has
t, ea observ o id by D
all elasat T s
with the usua l re.
I 'glans ItlVlre4 and (real CDJUMet t 5. No
I aeite ss was traneamel hi the general or muni
cipal griverttnEnt. The President and family
et:ender! St Paul's Engllsh Lltheran Church,
Rev. John B. Detler, paeror. who de:lsere] a
discourse or, the flailing:of the Natlani," from
Macs,, v. " Come acd kt us return
nolo the rd, (or he Lath teen and will beni as
be hall) .mitten and hcal.d an up."
Boston, Dec. 7 —Thanksgiving was observed
here to day by • total suspension of business.
There were lelialf/LIS serv:ens In the chase ms la
the resorting and social gatherlogi and festivi
ties In the futern,onn and evening. A thick melt
ing 81:10A it:rm has pre:railed all day.
?mune - twins, Dee. 7.—The day was gone
rally oheerytd tore. The Churches were crowd.
ed In the incoLleg, and the plates of amusement
IP the etertnot end evening. The rain this
morning Interfered with the contemplated parade
of the billltsry Cadets of Temperance.
CINCPATIATI, Dee. d —TLe national thsnks
r!ving was ienerally ol•served, butt:less was
suspended and ainnopriate services tell le all
lee ellorshes.
Er glints Flower. of Rebel Ittind.
W• 4 OINOTON, Ilse. si —Some dosfimit haying
I be 4 ix,reeted as to the authenticity of the `lst
pr leusly patllithed t f soma of the setba-ri• ii Vientiane.
tots to the rebel loan In Eneland, a more COrrl- . N ct , p nt ,. D.,,,. 9.— . , ,b e t ym o t , a „ ,
Is, to tot t• c I:rn ~ .1 the b.. i holders. on the l i rraident of the Proton iliroit,cranad, nublishea
rebel 1.. i La at toe pa) toots of the loaf Interest , the roli,in card to a m mr dactii at tad ort i„ .
aticut 7, ivents,; and Welber that payment WU
,' dated t o 7th inst.: i• You will have aeon In the
received or no: li). c.el, inditiditas. Illite, bored. : iiturnals at this' date the salf - wrltten an! iscif
vary in aril art Iran S'2so to filli01) each. Ii la pub:lo.l d condemnation of a fees long Unseal
i, torte! tint shoat V 504,000 14 . 41 . [... Of 14c malcontent. who have n this city without
orleina . lhsse luilli•lusl was situlr ehtillisa l /9 Pi , legal authority. The met ecalstc.ce of so scoill a
red on the London market 49 the rebel egeats. number i n ad l arge a bod y a. nun, s b oaki ~.„..
It will' e roe ',fleeted tbat Delano of the London
77s.esist,d rill ere denh.d that they wem rob - ate no anxiety, although it may jointly regret.
sThe ltrothernood, by a Congress to Inc held In
trilera 11,1. loan. Thedenl.l may be ocean,- / Janadry nest, „iii a l to , it. rapacity to over .
ted for Eq. Ike fact ne tbe li, to .hon that the/ come domestic ration Instl4utett by motives or
. eid not vtictire the tail 'payment of Interests, or by British Kohl, es it 436 demonstrate:l its ply,
their nem-• may have been entered to Secure ~- to retpoet law and further
hbelr loflomra without calling upon them ior itish ',rhinos are not secure against us.
rutiCl Iptlon. PerMllhf sketches are given of
the ter el bend holders whom names appear on tut factions must give way.
the oh 121 lists a. entitled to interest at the
tats pa.tuatit 013 or about the month of Novem
ber 18e4.
From 1 1 .•0 Franc. Ise,'
' •
SAN Friswotsco, December 7.—The articles of
ea association have be m filed by a company to
build a railroad from San Francisco bay to a
town in San Diego, thence outward to the Stito
Lau. and thence connect with the contemplated
road to the bilosioelpvi river. The capital Ls
thirty millions, and the leagth of the road to
acorn hundred and twenty miles. The directors
are L. C. Phelps, Chas. N. Foe. Bea]. Flint, 0,
J.Butchisaa, B. C. Lathrop, J, B. Con. and 11.
W. Hathaway. Phelps is President. Mining
stocks aro !come.
SACILASIENTO, Dee. s.—in the Lienato to-day,
31r. Pierre, of Sonora. ( democrat ,) oiTerod a
rtsointion cntlorrlng th e President. which was
referred in a committee.
Nollee arts riven of a WI! to metro State dues
parable In CID . retcy.
ID the Assembly the conchs:die-2a amendment
resolution 17na Daum!.
Liberal AWal-s In Mexico
Wasnrsoron. Dec. 5. —The offfeial popent
from El Peso publish two important decrees,
dead the Bth of November. The first declares
that as an election for President line not been
Possible, on accotmt of the Irreneb invasion,
by virtue of the extraordisary power with which
Congress bad clothed the Executive, and by
virtue of the txlstleg anamalous circumstances,
the Executive declwes that the constitution.
al .term of the President Is extended unill an
other popular election ran be held. Thu con
clusion was arrived at after full consultation
with tho leading patriots, and It la understood
to be the expressed popular feeling that It will
be well received throughout the whole country.
The second decree declares that as. Gen. Or.
tern came to the Unttr4 States only ouroute for
Mexico, and stayed In the United Buttes with
out any special purple, for over eight months,
be will be subject to a trial on his return to
Soldiers , and Sailors' Per
Paw-am:minus.. Dee. 7.—Tba Soldiers' aad
&snare Fair mammal this (nankin at Carpen.
Jetta Deli, where the drat Copgreai met. 4u
ipPrearlata nrayer was delivered by Bishop
-8 /mPeen. General Iroade was present, , and
apervlbre were made by David Daugherty and
llon. Mary D.llDore,
NlWYoiat, Dec. Cadden, tLe °Meer
atteebed to the court of seidoae , wbo was shot
le ex, samy on we : dimwit eight, by a bar tea.
der bootedDener, died big Wed.
;t,,., 4 :. ,. , : -.-:. ,:, ,....:: .4, , ,,
The Chilian War Ended
Parliament to meet in January,
7r.ho 13desrlx.c.lem
IleWeer, December B.—The eteemettip Asia
(rem Liverpool on the 22th, via. Qacenstowe on
the 'altth of November, bee arrived with dates
two eaye later.
Lirerpooi, Ser. 2A.—The Paris correspondent
of the Globe same The Spaeish ministry have
decided•to back out of the Chills' affair, and
the Spaelth Admiral bee been metered to sus
pend operations.
Sttpherse, the Fenian Head Centre of Ireland
has not yet been mcapturea.
The Paris Petrie prominently publishes the
following: Recent correspondence has brought
n rumor from New York announcing a rupture
cf Ile relations between our Minister at Wash
ington and the Government of the United
States. Four London Journals have credited the
rumor, Private Information allows ns now to
give a full denial to IL Tba most perfect good
feeling exile between ef.da Meothoe nod the
Americas authorities.
The Brltlah Government offers a reward of
one thoueaud pound. sterling for the- recapture
of Stephens, the Feeler, Head Centre, of Ireland,
also three hundred pounds eterling for informa
tion that may lead to hilt arrest, with pardon to
sziperson or persona concerned in his escape,
who may give such information. Nothing le
known as to the mode or manner of Stephens'
escape, except that his liberation most hare
been effected by some of the orient/ eflicials.
A rtquisnion is being signed in Liverpool,
asklng the may( r to call a meeting 10 <muskier
the ertglielltion of rolaire in Jamaica.
Latest via
Paris correspond
ent of th e Glebe gap that a Cahinen council of
the Spanish Ministry has held, at which It was
unanimously agreed Co back out of the Chiilan
difficulty, end that imperative orders have been
dispatched vta New Feet ordering Admiral
Per.ja to atop proceedings, report progress sad
await lestenelloca from Madrid. Bertram en•
treatlee reached the French Emperor to urge his
geed Mikes, In 'emserinction with England, to
wards a pacific solution of the affair. Tim lee;-
Ing Neatest Spats on all sides bet thoroughly
friahtened !dentate O'Donnell. -
In the Court of Queen's Bench at Dahlia the
Lord Chief Justire delivered the unanimous
Judgment of the Court, refusing the writ of cer
tiorari applied for by the Fenian', on the ground
that it was shown that a fair and Impartial trial
could not be bad in Oublin.
The Mae says that Parliament will probably
Meet on the. 28114 of Joinery to organize and
that the reel:Jar businese of the eessionewilf com
mence on the tat of February with the delivery Englizli Rebel Bondholders.
of the Queen's speeds. The rtte , tion of parlis
tutelary reform shows increased agitation. Na,, Yong, Dec. G.—Tae Heneere ear,' ear
-1 respondent saye: Lineal doctr neets will area be
Additional details are publiseed of the dam- I published 'bowleg that the Het of Eighsh re
ales done by the late kale, which Is described , hal boudhoidem, which hers been given to the
se one cf the moat term& known for many years.
; public, was In the main correct. Toe list is di
me weather coationee vary boisterous.
Tided Leto two Me ds, mel—those who drew (Mer
it is stated that the report of the Par:lament- their
and those who did
not, hot
ary Coarnieseton on Iteltways, will be ad verse
were content to admit the estshilstimnat of the
bootee meat, to the Genera of Railway management to the I Southern Confederacy before m skin e nay Maim
The Vat fflei al report In regard to the eaMieeB n the fettl e
Le Megne, soya :e.esi it La on the lecrease.
Genii uctlve Fire.
At a meeting of the Atlantic & Great 'Western !
Roil trey mock holden, Sir Morton Petro and Mr. I McGirr-eon, lowa, Dee. axis et erti•
E Ms mane elaborate statements and reports • log consumed the post Me IfoGrezor House,
open the condition end prospects of the line. I Mozart Hall and some wooden buildings on the
which they represented as most encouragine. I opposite aide of the street. Loss esiirasted at
A military not eras reported at Moutaign be g0a,07.)0; Insurance unknown.
( were a large body of Zonaves sod awns 01.-
Gem. Nineteen were killed and Plry wounded re rig Mau Killed-
OD ter Ed^. can
litoeuroe. Dec. 7.—John Gallagher. late propel-
Sr..) -A report was current In Paris that
nor of a drinking saloon on Washington street,
Spain had pointed the Walsh and French gur
got into liffienite with acme persona and tired
eromecte of her williegoese to accept the m
a piatal at some of them, the ball striking and
lion of the European power in the Cellran d:fh
sidewi ns te
ve t: n : 7 l , ll w ::
,h a a y u n y, u lu eLf : m u
te s_ r e_
y nim a e a d thn. Co eeso l l es edi
pc. .. who i
nitration for the settlement of the effete.
A Paris Janata' says that Napoleon had re
ergnized the del:filiation' that welted oo
ate that emr,„„eees re einem will be take err
the protection of Free comm ere 3 Li Ca:11.
The reply of the l'• high Fereige officer ; the
nut:no:rat of thy Leedom merchnets cotes that
inetractiors were sort 50 the till to the B:lt ‘,ll
!Cristo, at Madrid and the memorialists may
feel assured that for Calmly's Governonset will
use :ter beet endeavors 05 bring about a speedy
termination of the present dims:roue mate of
I Lox' dreary dem end
1 steals'. Me diaconal market Ls inlet aid wog
aupplied at the reduera rate of sir p-r rant.
The dr maid at the. Lava Is anna.irs:a. The new
Austrian geyeretnrut loan has hers latrodu,sl
In the Undue marker
For re;War weekly re
port of tie cotton market was scat by the IS: .
Marchester market very dull, prices naral•
nal. The breadatuda market tends downward,
with small sales. Richardson, Spence it Co.,
and Neill & Co., report flour heavy, with down.
ward tendency; li tie Inquiry and "rice* weak.
Wheat dull at .2(11,34 lower; sales winter cello.
(4)o. 7.1. Corn quitd and Is lower. Mixed
395 Si.
Profaints quiet nod steady. Rarioa, Brace
‘t Co, audßiglaud Athya h Co., report bred
Ram but quiet. Pork Lands downwards. Bacon
declining, prices 2a 3d lower. Lard quiet and
muchness!. Batter quiet and ataa.SY• Bow
let, English .'c Co.. report pet-olenna steady at
35 fd.
Lrmlow, Yor. XLCo
-nsols clo shares, hdlsed at 8034@)!MV
for money. Central fg23;
Erie shares, 50,N e,57; U. 8. Floe T•teallce,
04 I:; ( 3 04 ‘s•
Barius'a circular reports wheat 3alet and
easier. Flour scarce; AClttlLaa. 2.11. Bazar
firmer. Coffee baoyact. Tea firm.
Petroleum adranclas; notes of relined at Si
SCaSile Cd. Lammed earl Liascal I) I advarimaz.
Larsen—LiLcrpo .. .l, Nor. 25.--Cotton—The
sales of cotton to-day ware 7.000 bales. Incladinir
2,000 to speculators and ezoortera. The modem
one quiet and ucchnos,d. Brnsd,tairs ivactiva.
P•ovisrdra quart and steady.except Dacha which
la taste:.
Virginia Legislature.
iticuseoso, Va., December B.—Toe
tare to-day passed an amendment In the late
constitution, so as to reader eligible to onkco
penises excladed by the third article.
. Mr. Heist, or Norfolk, offered a resolution
referring to Lila reirsrt of ( 3 / 4 50trii J3l2tltr'el betel
I.bol/1. to Lib) charge of rile military depart
ment impugning ilia benefit! In sarcastic WEAL
The resolution was laid on the table.
A Preamble •nd resaiotions were adapted In
the house earnestly recent ding the pardon
of ex-scustor limiter and it Wrest 1.. Montague.
The city council less passed an ordinance.
orgesileitur the police, and elected John N. Clot
borr.o chief.
---- -----
Gen. nowart , o Report —nouthern Con.
greennen to Return Home—Chairman of
' , twerp ARitlrs Cam Wee.
New Ironic. Dec..B.—Dispatchea from Wash
ington say : General Howard's report on freed
men's affairs la hopeful. lle does not think
there will be mach 6Waring during the win
Bonthern de/ea.:tea will geunrally return
home soon, Many members of Congress aro
calling on tke President to-day.
It In denied that Mr. Iteymnid Eu been of
fmcd the charmer:ship of the committee on for
tign relatlons, and It 13 further statad that be Is
not ihrcasleg claims of ale own 11 1/lilli 0 1010 of
cider members.
Lady Bank Litrectore—Deaerters,
Comtroller Clarke, of the.Curreney Bureaus decided that ladies cannot act as directors
in National banks, as the laws do not recog-
Din them as eillsena_
Ea resporme to Ingairles Oen. Pups replied
tbat deserter, whose Mb:mita are !till to far'
vice on the plains. *III be dishonorably dis
charged, witbent pay or &noisiness.
Sla Persons Drowned Skating.
Baxocivt,' Dn., Dec. B.—Charles Shaw, his wife
and onlyehild were drowned while skating on
Plesiont Fond. In Orville, to-lay.
Tine river at this place la closed with lee, and
navigation is suspended.
Tame sons of M. Banker, of Franklin, were
drowned ea Thursday. while skating,
New Yona, Dee. D —Senor B. Ocnna, eoeola
Delay from the Begablic of Celli to the Bolted
kgaum, gave a suroptneus banquet at Delmoal
eo,s, OD Wednesday ntstlit, to alnamber of Smith
Amedetes anntlemen 'and Others. The ?tome
doctrine WM Strongly advocated. and BoroPaan
Intmlltrcooe on this continent Strongly de,
rEEFthuUs Ftl%llNs taLED OUT
The Tobacco Crop of Vireinia
Tennessee Cougrertmen to be AdmAtod
Nat , Stla', Der. S —The fo2oailagnottca la
displayed at the Fenian headquerters In this
"It being deemed advisable to keep dishonellt
IK;r1.01:19 from the r glees of the headquarters of
the Fenian Brotherhood, as welt aa the enemies
of the Feklan Brotherhood from Its Immediate
vicinity, the following persons are excluded
for perfidy until farther notice: James (41`,bons,
Philadelphia, Pa.; Michael Seeman, Cnieago,
Ills.; .1. W. Flltgarald, Cincinnati, Ohio; P.
O'Ronrke, New York City; P. Brinson, Lank•
vine, Ky.; W. Sullivan, Ohio ;
Fleming, Troy, N. Y.; Patrick J. Mewls.. New
York City; Edward L. Cary. N,.w York City,
W. R. Roberts. By order,
[Signed,] Jgo. O'llanoxy.
President Fenian Br'tberbo,d.
A letter front Rirhroond says that there wera
four thousand two hundred and seventy-six
hogsheads of tobaccoln the warchomies of that
city on the filkh of November. Th• writer
think. very little will he raised la Virginia next
year. Decemb, and Janna•y are the months
when preparation. are made far planting tonna.
co, bat the planters are thus far mist) a to make
any arrangr meats fur labor, and have little
prospects of effectiag nay.
A letter from Paris confirms the previous
statement that great preunre Is being male on
Napoleon's government for withdrawing the
French troops from Mexico,
A ideation has set In In relation to the exclii•
sloe of the Teanomme delegation from Congress.
They will probably be admitted,
Oen , Grant will 'stern to Washington, to-
Woo. Chase Barney, was held to bail In the
sum of 148,000; on three Miletments found by
the Grand Jury c.d.', ehorglug hits with
forging Custom House Bonds. This Is the al
leged fraudulent pa.ulag of alcohol through the
Custom House.
Fire in Chicago—Loss igogo,ooo.
entesoo, Dec. 5.—A Oro, this morning, des
troyed live buildings on the corner of Clark sad
Jackson streets. the lower toor, were neon
died by liquor stores, dry goods end furniture
stores. About tw,oty (ninths, were residing In
the upper :es. Total lou f 60.000. The
Free Will Itspthst Church, no the corn-sr of Jack•
eon and Peoria streets, was dedicated yesterday
too tenon sod destroyed by fire In the efts:noes.
Caundlab Sons of Liberty.
New Vona, Dze. B,—Ttke Canadian 5033 or
Liberty and (belt French oecans are canning
tome commoti.,r, In thcir at,: - ....'n.t , "."043 or
lirttlth duallultbrk and confedtratlon
!self Isla Ship Ashore
f ..
M....Lc. Dr^ll 6 .1 ht ship Compeer,
rom L.,verioMobtle, srl.h a corr., rat salt
ocd soil:pad iron, in ashore on Sand islsol.
Earthquake at eau Ert;clatu.
4 .l.Fnanctstao, It,. 7.—A aLikbt shocker SD
•arUrotaan araa felt here hut ati.Tht. 1: o dam
age we. don,.
lien York alma - tote
Naar low; Deo. 11.--Cotton Dail and deal:zing'
at tee for Mideling.
lturn—Lull heavy and 103153 lower; 37,903
' 5, is for Extra State, and 13.40+y8,70 for Extra it
IL U.. and 19,tet310.15 Jar trace brands, taw mar
ket timing heavy.
LikAra—Warat dull and 1,12.1 10Wer: at 31,0.0
for interior Chicago Sono., IBM for Milwaukee
Mob, 1.175 far No 1 Mil *soar ~ and 14,40 for
tholes arw Amber State. Dye quiet. Barley
noistmatly lower, Karla, Malt dolt. Cora lacer
lied less dolax, at ti439/e for unsaand ana eta
55e for round inland western. Tbe tatter pet.
fur aboiee, and Plc for new Yellow South co.
Oita dull and heavy at ttt350,3 for unsound and
tea7,6o fI r sound
Unocaldlat—Sagar steady; Haranal, 14:4; ma.
hues sugar, at Ile.
Wismar—Steady •nd quiet at 11.1142 1.5.
ralltot.ClYal —Steady, Crude 413 11lie; Haddad
PatoYallals6 —Pork firmer; als; l s32atilti. for mw
—esasina •I 60 9,17'y Cala, sad 5:0 for pe we Mew;
air. 1,5 , X halt new mea• for January and ?abr.-
sr) Beef Ilea el, at $116)14 tor Ida a
Me., Alta till - Orr for extra tarn. Beef lem.dull
at eat Datum dull and Leary. Cat meats quiet
at 13E15: tor ah - ulders, 001 1.54 , 19 a oar hams.
1.014 railer at lot. Better quiet at nl3l>a for
traia.4 iSty4a lot State. Uncrae steady al 14t1/
1 bog. henry at 32',,2127ie.
Piece 'Fork Stock and honey Market.
Nrw Yolvc‘ 8.-310110 V easy st 7 per
test. Ste ellus Ezcht♦ lye quiet at Idnaluv.i. Quid
Geary and lower, pi e ling .t ecctinlng
140%, and et O CI Ile. 4 Jorers:737nt Stocks In
Is , , request without decided ch sr g to pct...
Freights to Liverpool a circle newer
St eta heavy: l'ullvot Sate. es, 'Ol rejoisPt
1=l4; do 'al Coupons, 10774. do s-'dl Coupon. '64.
49. 10 i do 5 20 re.t.t•r '62, 0.2. i; do 'll re:vitae ex-In
to:est, tls!4; Treasure note., V.. let nodes, 97 , i;
nt 07, I ono .I.ltattl•attipt tier Itle•Ps.
Cumhe :.ntl preferred, 44; Mar p res. 14',; do .r
f. red. in7it Now 1 ork °sutra!, nit Erie, 92; Etud•
t liettvitsg, 1167,i; Tole,lo, 10.3; AZlctovisu
hero, nisi; r`tttebureti, Cl4O N •rt`t wentern,
35 , 4, Ito pplecred,or..; fioeS !eland, Yeelno
Liu C. 1110.5, or; Fort Wayne, 106,4.
Clactnaatt Market
Cloc:oo.crz, Des. e.—FLouls —lnactlre, Cull
so a nominally lower.
ri a s
o—Wrlcat unsettlel ant Irregular.
11,:e—Dull and to: lower. ‘vesther Is fa
'creole for Fmcklor; recompls Istr. Drovers ara
Issatbo d prlces,o:ol ere p :skink 00 their
oon account. th,. 01010. 33 73aq q.ros,,
raked; regular Scalers aro not thspase4 to /my .
Receipts In tsro days, 7,010.
Paovoilono—aloss yolk olerel freely at 527.61
for old end new. There Is .0619 Inquiry for green
km. at 143.40 for shoulders; sod sides held at
Ite. Bulk meets and bloon nosslosl end nothlog
doing. Lull sold at 19: for prime ally.
Walser —.Steady el 41,20.
Gold 1.00,46.
Oswego Martet
3 . — FL.01,-9,111; • utler of $',..00
bbtr at 4400 for No. 1 Nortrg; 110 for red reinter,
$11111)111,118 for write 1 , 11 f.r ester.
Citufn—Wheat doll; skies of 2,0. bit Wt.:na
ils rprlng at 01,7 r% and 2,010 bu choice errata
Croada at $2,4014. Uorn quiet. Harley doll; sales
of 1,503 but:aund. on prirara tetras. tither grains
Mining Mocks.
P7uw Yank, Doo. B.—Tne Llllowla k am Ott
prices of kilning stooks Old la Beaton Oda
Horaer. Fano. 204; Franklin. 63%; It%
i, 16;
Laud Superi Mor, au:manta. 15%; Quincy, 67; Rook
, 334; IL
Toled• planet
Tcrtanbo, Dee. 8.-13a4m—tirbeat o/4 atesdyi
new 10 lower; sales of old Amber at Sec; 12•./ o
white Onto • ehnde better at Boa for uld .ad
Do for now, No. I. Data dull end drooping.
Blllwankee Market.:
Mu, scene, Dec d—Fr.orrn—Dail.
Gna.ra— Minot •othre and unchanged, closing
al *bout 111,Z11,4. Cora dol. Ott, declined left,
Joks W. Garrett Davie.._.Cluoinnetl.
-Inns No. g_...... (Jou'sou-- Zanesville.
Peerless Ru5e511...... 011 City.
Ilrilda Saint Oil City.
E s ho..•.-----G0rd0a..... Oil City.
.—C010y...... . Oil City. :
Forest City Gordon—..—.Parkroug.
Nano--- ...I.—Loughrey...olli7ity.
Leonidas . Cos---......5LL0a15.
Nevada Evans. . ... —LOutsville.
Argoasut--....itlelimon.a,St. Louts.
Yorktown Louts.
Lent Loot! GazspbelL ..... tenshetkc
Ontario Hatton St. Lon%
Lorena— ....... ..Ttennasn... —New Orleans.
Forest Clity....aardon.......Parkersksrgl.
Tulle No. 2 " Cows ° . ~...Zsoessille.
MilsteinWas about at a stand lastnight, with
sty fait sane fiches Ls thiaannel by the Xenon.
CO* pier work.. The Allegheny had Gem-
IMenned to fall, but • dispatch from 011 City states
ULM ' , ithere is do fret more water then there was
ott tooled rise:. We think we tan allbr4 to take
this non prone salty. There Ls* are coming; but to
what extent we were unbolt to learn. On Wed
nc.d., Maki beery rains tell La Intl ally, WA to
too I t.qrsday was rutty, ac
companied by anon. h esterday was clear, bit
quite cold, and husinCits at Ike Huang was quite
Theonly arrivals Since oar last. tip to last
night, except the 011 City packets, were the Joke
W. Garrett, from Cincinnati, with four barges of
Pig metal, the Julia No. 2„ from Zaneartile, and
tita Forest city from Parkersburg. The 4Arret
leases tor Hannibal Mallon on Tuesday evening,
loaded with railroad tram The Julia leaves (or
:/...nri,li le to-day, nod the Forest City lea, us for
Pe iletsburc ibis afternoon.
The Ilene, Cop!. Loushrey. wits the only Oil
I'fry packet .... Icy departed for "Grease" yeatei
day. linty were at Turkey on ThrteadAy.
C LI: ..11: cloc k
u a ( s h h' this
l 'i f:lt a 1,'!1,114; r":i:.;::::Eps,
a t f : r a n i :, 0
o l li b: : ::: l l ' o tid n :e ad i a ' te w :al r I:A:a.'
the7Te e ' a s' ro l h u n d 'e a 4:
pr h a l e li . o n :
tow. ---
; The Leonidas, Capt. env backed out from the
andbonad fot iii Louis.
Thnafevads, i 'apt. Lynn. went Out for Louis,.
set grro. -
Capt. Wm. Dean'. t.srid.sorne new .Starner 11e.
truer r, An &tenant of whiWa we fire the other
day. is now completed sod ready to receive freight.
She will leave (Or New Uric,., next Wednesday
The Lenora, Capt.. Shunt to will leave this day
io o clock a. M., for New Orleans. She has a
splendid trip on boardonod wiq zo throurh with
little or 11, detratton
The 'Yorktown, Valk Lbbert, haring
completed his wading will leave this day, without
tall, going through to St. Lottla. We have tray.
Bled tight often with Capt. Ebbert, and therefore
'peak by the card when we say he Is one of the
pleasantest gentlemen to travel with we aver met.
Centel/5, we hope every Rate room on your boat
may be filled, and that t our guard. may drag the
water all the way round.
e noticed the heavy robbery of a steamboat
man at Cello, a few day, since, end' garelthr
name xi that of Capt. Potter. It was thus we re.
celved It to oar exchanger. The proper name ern
Capt. Porter, a well known Pittsburgh steam.
boatman. We commiserate the Capt upon his
loss, nod than, if elected to the leg/slat tire In,
troduce a tall for the capital punishment of
Exonts.—A complete exodua of coal tugs ht.
taken place, and where on la ednesday there was
an unbrokee line of them, extending from the
Perry itindiug, to the Am) of Market street, to-day
there hurt one, but by some magical influence,
presto. ,change! nod we lee almost an unbroken
line of .new hulls, bargee sad flats, all teeming
with hbay life. Change la the most expriesalve
word we can use towards oar people,
The tol ,s lcw l e tg o diep•Ae o h n Tait rece ive d as
i. hxu e C h t i h : tra Te.e tayA.pom➢any
Om ern", Dec. 8,185 f.
The riter Is in excellent bo at in g .N ee and falling
very altOttly.
The Saranneh end Pine Grove were announced to
leave Cibelnnsti for this plot on Thursday even
ing. Toe Marietta left for Pittsburgh On Wednes
day 'tauter.
Capt. O.A. Dravo and Capt. R. C. Gray were in'
Cincinnati on Wednesday last-
There were no less than twenty-three boats ad
vents, d to !care Cincinnati on Thanksgiving day,
ee foltows: two for Pittsburgh, one for Marietta.
•ne-ror parketsturg. one for twoay, one for g Mariett t( a.
Portsmouth, oth iu e for Msdison, for Louisville,
oee for Tennessee river , two for tieshvltie, one tor
Loots, taro for Memphis, and eight lot New Or-
lease. ,
It is reported that the tote boat Panther atuek
five of her bargeast."Deadman's," some miles be
low the dtty.
ing '10g.701,1863. by Roy. John 0011, Mt. OLI
VER. WRITLINGER, of Letchborg, Pa., to ffilao
ANNE ZARY T A 'I LOP, of this =tr.
A- Lake cad HENDERSO4,
Leta r.laht nI the engagtment Of
Queen el Oeratdy, elle will appear aa the high
;;amend and Cleopatra. introllowlng mtgs.
rais wkrramon the P'""4.
notes lit cabmen.ce with the two amt
written by the cleat Won Bourcleault, entltle4
To be 14 , 0w:red by
To cough:Lao %Ott
O P Les E rci lt lr Ei n giemn UßE ; MISS AtifICLE EpEILLS.
Saturdey'llteraooe !" - . 4 t': test appear.
nem. of
115183 BLAB CHE D& EAR
• ftermoott trill be presented the grist i set drape
of the,
- -
Evening nor'ormsoce to , mmenne with the great
6 act annetton drama of the
1111 , D61N HAND.
To co rel L a -the great 2 eat drool
Monday tvezting• December 11th. 1885,
iroanTretannt Temple, lloatoa, Masa.
„ Tint WONDER}
s zia.4 .7*- 0- P. - T.t.T
.n, WALINGRIII Y, embracing 00,006
morlng Apnea 47elely se -enacting the principal
Battin arm:Ural Zia/elements of the great Ra
be Ilion. Ineonntegon with lonian
Laittie's Olio of Oddities
Every evening at '134 o'clock. GRAND NATI. WELINESDA Y AND SATURDAY AF
TSANG. NS at .24 o'clock. to which pupil. of
LienoonD will be admitted at It i
s each.
Tickers, cents, Reserved sta cent'.
CAiieren Z 1 cense. Doors open at 7, to eammence
at 7).i. Reeerven teats for sale at 0. O /Et,.
LOWS Mush, Store
, le7:lwss
3.1 N _A_ Gt. 1E IR IF
IS •lOW iT
['NI/ER THE OPERA. aousr.
The Original nnl Par. Famed
Siamese Twins, and their Children
Wild Australian Children
rosnieur anus n►ra
Wednesday, Titanday, Friday and Saturday,
Dm"aher ith, Ith, Bth sad OM
noon and Es.WA.
Damn open trona 2 too and from 7 to I.
Adnmasson 50 cents; cllldren i 5 cents.
- Locus opea.`fram 10 co 12, Ito 5 *ad
7 to
.rttEadritils AND NSW
•••• cau..zeizr4.—The tine plumage?
AI ZE I SENCIF.EL....Capt. WllUam Dean,
trill Imo., as Moro on WtaMiESDAY,Ittb, at
4 o'clock. P. In
For freight or pamage apply on board or to
J. D. COLLING tY(.)9D,
nett JUAN FLACK. ( A4 ""'
—Tbe floe Mull emmaoiloan earler..2
ger steamer •
HAI F. ROBIDIStY_ .... t;Capt. Hebt. Robb:won.
while/we for the Mona kad Intermediate porta
on. W EDNESDe.Y. Mt Init., at a o'datuk D. o.
RRouLin- : PA CEZT FOR i t at
ZANEEVILLE.—The fine our comma
OBARASE. Capt. O. R. &roar.. wit' leave tor t
abort Rod all Latakmadiata porta EVERY TUB;
DA, at a p. m. - Rater Mares Zarmayills
I 2/101•1[..t7 a. m.
• J. . COLL,INGwoon, amt.
llght ducat, nommodlona paean.
pr peers%
LORENA. AxonAn, Armor
win as
for abooe aid all
at p.m, PATITHDAY, the eth Inst., at 4P. Y.
For height or Pailoaao noel, on board. acs
termed/ore porta.
Tbe ewitt atdowbdel palmier steamer,
• 23"."1"-.9.1timp,
D. George' D. Moore. Master.
, .
Leaves RaTaintiton Eva ' PARHP,RSBURG
very Blonday
_and Thursday at 11 weasels A. K.'
Leaves WR.M..I 'LINO Imo: reitarit snusil
ever, Aloadirand tbarsday ilk 0 iyaloik p.
Leaves PAsirEussuact FOIR PITTASUBGH
every Tanga r and rnaty,4l t P. It.
every Tuesday and Frklay, at Stio'elaek r. se.
every Wedneeday and BattudaT at 7 a. if.
For freight %woos moo board or to
eel J .1:0 Oi 00., Rasa%
Goode which were were Sold SO
days ago at $lO and $l2
are noes Selling for
13 1 7 00 erc s 00
Concert Hall Shoe Store.
Marked Doirn,
Great Bargains are Numerous
Der Tula,
Jo` 'xna maim.
rimw OUOEI3.
11A08 .00sis,
. QLiSB v►ALHT! gpQT
birEaooro Or iiti;irlltsea
lad ell styles
EGAIIDLLJ' 3.0, 003
FOE THE NEir to kIA !B .
J. H. SMITH as 00:k
0L0TE(17263 OAZ WALL, a mug BY.
OpD•lltfthe O,ea Hai* NAV
74 rirra
For the following reasons
fon hare the finest stock in Mt city unlit
Yon only pay the Pabllshers pries hal
Yon also O
teee ate ofase a HM
Your pnse t w ill b e w orth y fronturch let. ti
You will be entirely &did led with bolt Bort
and Present.
All we ask.: Try 118.
0030, - A.LBMIS.
wane m DEM& • •
41 • 21 r-s *tan ktati.
AA Immense Stock Now Bead?.
Es inns sr., icascurra
92 Federal Streol, Allegbepy OW,
are reales better GeelL Ltd far title) than say otler lobes Irt ttte two atlas.
lE. E. g..ozairre . oz.
- Nihau ono; kaesuiigt,lXl4%
ALL Goole wessamrED..- • , ;
fa O[ Bao
la tj:Ta l ilara 4 . ,...._.__l -rj
Pieseuse mita
writ° sews Enda Lots Mil apply as SU Sapau
ineesedraes Mak at Um Os imam- Tltli_Elalla, •
Permits and all elm btallailal WM to monlidlit at t.
gas Dia! wasaimua 'ruts .!.elataar It i.
aipiaao awl leetame
I at 1 "li d Iu k a Illea-Z1 T • t . ' '
• &wow, asategnia.
• ,
. .
'411,2•,0.12.1t 013 t4:: 1.- 1 - . - 1
Prilikres trPraorittaavrizraiimli 'Om:
FIVAT/01 , (8 for allltultof butwass.w* Mt._ i
Intends Matz essetloa on realKmable tars. • ....•
ilaru n liobt os e•
n; ea Andiresoet e uvogi be l w alargioaX .. it
oauxthorf ' 4 '6 7 ' ' ' - - -
Cala/ litD.wisTEA
i inurii ran au& soars:
sr. bran/m/64
st am" stos.
_ _.