.!;%l =EMI 4_4141; 144-Siiktite• •••a. a f _ : • EDISOM 'l;;:=C:Oite,..la743l,lVß. csztsa MAsecuri gi).ZETTE ASSOCIATION, 3PoubalsslzerBh n0•l 4 0 FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH r pi__ltzstmakTigNa rEAMPED' MB Tag ISTEIRS. SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO GAZETTE: , CORRESPOND. ram BELAY/NO TO BUSINESS, SHOULD ME( ADDRESSED, SIMPLY "GAZETTE,. nrosuactu. PA. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 186 TRrei being Bet altart for. sjEltadniaMpg,_wa vrillk3arai no paper this I*lllooll`itar b:OnOrrowniorning. The *Ming edition will be issued on Friday prusual. • - 'THE 11E5SAGE—AGAIlit. Tester:day we'indicated In general terms 3far approval of the President's Message. ACLU same time, we erpreised in as go' 1141 a way our dissent to some passagee bate* of, directly controverting the 4°c mitulirand discipline in which- we ;do not pow, we prefer to rest with • Pregen la- WA of our own views. .4100161102 .Of ideas lioCessatily results p orn o f exact decoyed. and Ina der- Oaths jpilacese This is pYeapiflled in. the one of each sentences as ti the =km" and "out of the union" or ps eco gr , matt sini!" r econstroction.'-', Now, It ballrettid that, a state has "seceded," • wig moseiquently is not ill the union, and Ann,lisat "Reaction is impossible, ,, that a W OA hill been out of the 'union; or can leet out bf it. Thus confusion comes from ISM discebninatlng between the legality or gightfalness of an act, and the possibility f l o4*tfof 4t s.c 9mlniezio A• ithilifili c trudthel - no State had mall- . tittioasl authority to declare itself out of Elie Union, and to set up another govern-' *DM Sat ifoeltiohltO the government of tko3 Ualted.btates, such authority was ex -IPribiet—ltpretenso wan, to deed, made by , jibe Southern leaders-that_ the`right of •Sa tesides watt set forth in the Federal Cornett hilea either , directly or ,Dy, Implication. klitnOt • man of them believed what they d.: was to delude the' 11 . ' :dam - Or Iggallty, when, in Eliet, they tittniiefires nnderstooi perfectly SW that, their. appeal-was not to the laWs, but to that sight ofirolution which /x l ' oloBll .. 70g7Ll I PO. 1 4 #, - L -101 PolOlcal ,t l Nomulduee. blikle to bit exercised - only . ,When all other means have failed, and ~When th. gravity of the eireumstances jos. iles as appeal to the arbitrament of battle. Edevanfitates did take themselves out of the. Union. They organized - another goy - en2l2o2q a y.ble4 really, performed all those acts and thin - ge which an Independent Mate has aright to do. It took vast ar ; Idea end navies to break up this adverse ;i tgovernment. for—four years the war ;Went on. ,Never tieforedid so furious ewer SD= in the tide of time. No treaty was fainted Witl l / 4 the , revolted, States. They tiera conquered. ' 'they fOught as long in 'they could, and thetryieided, without con- Al ltlene, to superior forte. Whit are they nowt Conqueradprovin tau. An individual citizen by commut..s.- tres ton, forfeits all his rights Having him In custody, ,the government may enforce sgabut him the eitremd penalty of the legs' or it may commute his punt sh m •nt on loch condition as it may sea fit to prescribe, Sr it may give him full and free pardon. IL State of the Uoion that has- committed I:maim and been conquered, Is in a condi tion entirely analagotte to this. It has for_ leitednilita rights -and is at the mercy of the government. It may be held as a con quered provineo under military satraps, or ft'may be restored, without conditions, to its former states as a merribeief the Union, or,it may be restored under =oh conditions as the.national goverimeet shall see fit to impose . 7 - DotihilesB It does not comport with the eaipsof our Institutions to hold broad and popnious districts for long periods, under Sanitary rule. The consent of the governed ES one of 'the elements "we have distinctly lecrignized as essential to rightful authority - Mut war is imperious. It makes, for the Idinotteing;a law unto itself. With the re tarn of peace the civil must and will assert Its supremacy over the military power. The 1 , Melted States niest, be restored to their Dia p_lac;es the Union. To this there is unanimous consent. But how? liditiOielly or unconditionally? - :whce are left of the original con • ' Dionators in. the Southern States, against spoi,lifo of the :Untrue, and nearly all who Itellvely backed them throughout the re lusist ontmconditional restoration. '••• 'the North the great majority of the Dtmncrnt,. are 'of the same mind. For ycara they profited by the great con- BY Pandering to it they kept their • itql; ip power ; filled the high places of Totics MA - profit ; and shaped the whets 0 01,1103 legislation. Not a few of them held ourt&AN, os . amtrators . strong assur - faiCerd: Pate*iial aid, when the combat bhould actually bean ; kinted to a re -o:l6°l2..thii dlbild annihilate Repab- Inetit oar 11° ) " ,,now bopo by the a*ildi ti6s3l r eadmißlip ag the revolted - • that Ste regain their lost pahtonis and re. ppirthobaffied" conspiraey„ nsithls Pe lleY we eetiludit%N., pro tktt. •The orireururmat has the rigiu to • ought innexibh, ;.citaitatoilmat cohdltdons as Khan pre. diva ' tY • "as shall guard to as seite.rali owli ga - Tcompa tible with the ha t 16 5. roresight agaimit 'the offhti rebottles:L.; rte eleo mete the inalitutietilOf the whole country boron scoops ,se that the idea of sectionallty , 110 dtet only in tradition; and wridall ts and Interests of the loyal ► 'mtectlhe Tigh =digthe Sonta, whether white P ' ilia rapacity or vengeance of the 11 , te rebbUi. • • 14r0.8771111. it is alleged that the gen gime:meat has, do authority to Inter- Owe withlllesicepeitie sr local contemn of , r i:iATtilta.Stiiititz Bo far as relates to the' Wel -13iatos vievadralt the preposltiow. hold But , we have already ire . litterillhat a rebel State has no rig if. Let' . idt - Ow that the Preardstit tuts tr - ..jitiscoludesresomptionin It least four ' Ol pestle-dare. t r .,l„ Babas appointed a Provhional Gofers ''Or for each State that , passed an Ordinance gar:lmago= Under w hat - clause of the ginistrition. were thaw appointments 'Aide :Clearly, thank n• waarant in the _ pristitatioa for the appobwmed - st teee If the Pretddent should appoint s t_ leidialOcrrentor for Pennsylvania the be resented el stiotttrage: These - ItiWebttelellts , are -made- yirokse, the wo gebiier, the PropeirSoitellt)on - that r- Viet/Rate goieramemtahavii• been sumer. led; Tile War Powilrlardittagoet - tci the Oats of Salfaideitib indliidasit,. A *mitten itetioly sumultid misty do on tliatis necessary for hie own preservation. o iiio President, under the Wg• Poiret t. -r- - - • , Viz -I.'"''"`*••; , r . - r • A r'4o' warned the Bight to take possessionot the governments of the States. 2. Be has Insisted that the rebel States should ratify the emanational amendment abolishing slavery. Were ho to demand such ratification of New Jersey he would, by unanimous consent, be held to have Bur reseed bis authority. Why ? Simply be cause New Jersey has not forfeited its rights es a member of the Union, while the seceding states have. That slavery is pre-eminently a local institution no one will dispute. If the President may right fully interferifor its abrogation, what ahsal hinder his going farther ? 2. The President tie demanded (nation of all state debts contracio:s. the futile:ranee of the rebeMoulessw ie ,r er cm &gen of restoration. Few -ques tion are more purely boa than th izprestion of state tadebtednesa. The elleral government never before claimefthe r i ght to dic tate on this head Whet appealed to from abroad . in the case of Mississippi repudiation it sheltered WI from responsibility by the naced , de aration that It had no concern meovsatever In the debts of the states. Nom the case Is bravely altered, and It die ples that a certain class of debts shall be disowned, because Incurred- for illegal ends. . * 4.. The President goes a step farther and demands that the seceding states shall make such provisions of law for securing proper respect for the rights of the four millions of freedmen es he elan deem essential to that end. SuYely Penrosylatints would not Wren fore moment to federal dictation as to what laws she should pass, or should not pass, respecting her own citizens Vir ginia fa compelled to listen to, and heed, such dictation, because, by her own acts she forfeited her rights as a member of the union, and must submit to such limitations and restrictions as the fortunes of war =- pose. Now, if the President, or Congress, or both combined, may go to this extent,what shall binder them from going to 1111 Y othet extent that may be necessary In order to gtunantee peace and harmony for the fa ' tare? Severity is not to be justified or ex cused when exercised for its own sake. 6. government in giving itself up to the in stinct of vengeance may sow those fabled dragon's t eth, that may chance in another generation to spring up armed men. France has committed that folly or wicked ness often; and hence lain continual un rest, so that Liberty is suppressed through feu of unbridled License. But severity is not demanded at the bands of either the President or Congress. What is asked is not to trample down, but to lift up; not to destroy but to pre- Serve.l. It is simply asked that loyalty shall be protected and encouraged ; that the men and women who stood by the Government, through all the storm and tempest, oftho war, not• desponding when the clouds were blackest, nos quailing when the wild shout of victory ran along the rebel ranks, shall at least fare as well as rebels whose hands are red with the blood of the defenders of the Government; and' that justice shall guard vigilantly the rights of the, lowest se of the highest, and Liber ty, substantial and enduring, crown all with equal and undireini I,Ad radiance. FATIMOAL , TUANKSGIVING Thankegiving day, heretofore, bee been a mere State affair, each State fixing Ite own day, :without regard to the others ; but this thanksgiving Das , is National. over this broad land the people will gather vptert - endertnirrreerent's cencto - grve thanks in unison for the blessings and mer clee cif a year overflowing with the deliver ances of aim who rules the nation& Nev er had any nation reasons so profound and numeronine we have for thanksgiving ; and Itis lerefore meet that we should this day assemble - as a Nation and Join In hear y praises for the extraordinary goodness we have experienced at the hand of God. Look back for a year and Bee Within that short thno what wonders have been wrought! Smranirr a grand march across the Continent; the great battles around Richmond; the conaose of a four years' re- bellitm; the capture of Jcva. Dem; the extinction of Slavery; the return of Peace; the disbandment of our vast armies and the welcome home of the warriors who carried us triumphantly through the long conflict; and the firm determination of the people not to let the frmts of victory slip from their grasp. Either one of these would be a suf ficient cause for national rejoicing; but alto gether they combine to swell the ordinary song of praise into the anthem of the Jubi lee. The end of the war and the restoration of peace were enough, of themselves, to prompt the lighting of bonfires on every *hill, the ringing of bells in every steeple, the firing of gTns, and tho inauguration of a general carnival of joy; but the deliver• ance from the long nightmare of the war came attended with so many other bles sings that the national heart found itself_urt able-to -Tent- itself In any such demcmetra- Lions, and must needs unburden itself at the altar. where, only, it can lay bare the ea esedners of Its Joy. Rising high over all the other grains in the grand chorus of the Jubilee that will find voice to-day, will be heard the simple, but devout and joyful chant of four millions of slaves made free within the year. It may not tie an artistic song, but it will be sung with religions fervor, its tones may be few, but they will be rich in genuine souk, and will reach the ear of Him by whose almighty arm they. were dell verqd. Never since limiest chanted the slaughter of PRAIIOIII and his hosts has such a song been sung as will spring spontaneously this day from millions of melodious throats. And why should we not join In it ? It is deliverance, as wall as theirs ; we have prayed for it, as well as they ; end al sit-we could not join as feellngiy as Sor ...their cries end groans to Heaven e , "'" *4 In their behalf on the 1 -"Pswe" earnest. We may not know the > I d f the chains of fAting PRProl< e r°l3 ;meows; but irk. endured for long gen' - "v know the kindred joy of rejoicing with , Time and space if ar,',whr rejoice. 6 3 -UM. Msqui3nces of-ru•ettruserate -ton - that has' ken accompli ' sirt al . id rev°/° ' mutter 4 1 ' ' ach one sum , thee l i p for , 30 looks back st the al.st and cr'eares tr ay tlio .present Ulf, while we - ZI give to the gladnalls evoked 116 not forget the very many whoee honsel,.l l in tho Midst of this ititloisid jny;:tirtt deco-;, I late and whore iseerti tire Ilillterdown i ,With sorrow for ;albeit, Snits, husbands, and brothers Attain down in the long etrug-, -glo which resulted in the victory, we cell. brain, t this hi the sad price we had. ;to pay Or that *dory 1 They gave their ;lives cheerfully because they loved their ennui so dearly; and the stricken ones. 'they hive left behind must not be forgot: ten. Let.ni t therefore, mingle with our thanksgiving reverence for the memory of the hypes - who -sleep In the grave, honor to ea brave survivors of the carnage, and Sympathy for the bereaved ones who mom tor their dead; and while this sympatiy is amps; let the day be signalized by such ample provision for those whostrer.suffer.. en by the war, as will bring to them, also, some feeling of joy to mingle with their grief: "Go ra."—General emkiireereP ort to the Secretary of War is dated Italy 22, 1865. It does not contain anything new, there fore, and is obbil v r m s able as containing a succinct and b r i e f O fficial history of the last year of the war. The facts are already well known to L ae public, and need not be repeated ; bat his opinions of some of his onnereley e fresh and not very flattering to Itnes rassa, Burrs; and the Gen. Slurs who ommanded at the batt e of Peters br a. His opinion of Bagrumesi la rather graphically expressed, "Fearing to telegraph the order for ant,t. tack.without knowing more than I did of General Sheridan's feelings as to what would be the probable remit, I left City Point on the 15th of September, to visit him at his headquarters, to decide, after a con ference with him, what should be done. I met him at Charlestown, and be pointed out distinctly how each army lay, what he could do the moment he was authorized, and expressed such confident:a of success, that I saw there were but two words of in struction necessary—"ao ra." For the con venience of forage, teams for supplying the army were kept at Harper's Ferry.- I ask ed him if he could get out his teams and supplies in time to make an attack on the ensuing Tuesday morning. He replied that he could before daylight on Monday. He was off promptly to leave, and I may heti add that the remit was Bach that I have never since deemed It necessary to visit General Sheridan before giving him orders." Col. Tizostaii, Collector of the Port of Philadelphia, has made good to the gov ernment, out of his own funds, the amount of the recent heavy embezzlements In the Custom House of that city. The sums wore $51,210,11 In gold and $16,L18,13 In curren cy—both of which have been paid into the Treasury. In making this reparation for the deficiencies of his subordinates Hr. Thomas was actuated by a remarkable sense of personal and trosineas honor. It may as well be stated in this connection, furthermore, that during the war he con tributed the full amount of his salary and perquisites of office to raising troops and providing for sick and wounded soldiers. GENERAL MEADE-111 General. QUART'S report he does full Justice to Glen. HEADE. He says: "I may here state that, commanding all the armies as I did, I tried u far as peat• his to leave General Meade in independent command of the Army of the Potomac. My instructions for that army were all through him, and were gement in their na ture, tearing all the details of execution to him. The campaigns that followed proved him to be the tight man In the right place. the commanding always In the presence of an officer superior to Idmin rank has drawn from him much of that , public attention that his zeal anti tbnitY entitled Win to, and which he would other wise hare re ceived." Two Nashsille Press ituttnes the ditterindna tlon nude by President Jomoos to teaming the writ of haiku corsets only to those States In which loyalty to Lhoperrading sentiment of the messes of the population. It remarks: .Pres %dent Jonsson, In common with all Intelligent end prudent loyalists, reeognivm the existence of a dangerous element in - the excepted States and Territories, which needs the restraint of something more than Irma intaatiOn• But would to God that the people of these States would discard their rebellious leaders, and wise ly carry out the principles of freedom and JS/S. tke with one heart. For this golden consum mation we would be willing to pay any possible earthly price, People. willyon help us to attain 1,1" Tice Bournami Chsmassfrs or Cosonnsamiir sk liaars.—Notwittatandleg all the talk - about Southern deltgatlOMS. are so far but twenty-three srh, offer d of credentials, rianielyoseven froth Virgin a i fire tmm North from North Carolina can take the oath and he comes from the Seventh or Mountain District. All were on tit e floor of the House to-day. and general, loes ,d-themselves In Stat.!. bet by the rules of the House they will hereafter be Excluded from the door. Most of them are going back home this week.— Washington Dixpatela. rII.IO LABOR AT TIIII , BOUTII.—A Southern editor owning a Louisiana plantation, mado a -bargain with thirty aegmfato cultivate it. They acre to pay half of the expense for rent and take half the crop. The laborers are zealous and enthusiastic, and the profits of the proprie tor on the ilvetundred - acres are thirteen thou sand dollars, a teener aunt, as he shows, than he could taro realized under the old system. Sub resulta u this ought to carry conviction to all men who honestly wish to have the labor question grimly settled. PUBLIC NOTICES arolll 11141.1111LSOIVING DAR. THE Pt/ST OFFiLIE VW be open ttom 744 to 9 o'clock to the mowing. deihtul itgrADANCIPATION AND DECON tiTEUCTION : TUFTS CONN • Orlon WITH THE ENS OF CHRISM KING DOM IN rills LAND.—Hay. Honor 1) Idoonn, ivul wench In the PLYMOUTH CONGELEGA. TIONAL CHURCHL Hand Arm; on Thank. giving morning, at 10% o'clock. 4:7:114 POLITICAL. FOR CITY CONTROLLER, JOHN BleoAlloo. of the ML Were. • telU be a eandblate'for the nomlna ttoo ror City Controller, rubject to the rote of the Unice CM. zero of Ilttaburgh, at the forthcoming Pria.try !testiest. Clete PPE MI ATOIL. CCL. D. W. NEGDAW, Lete of the 116th P. V., •211 ho a e►odtdate for Meyer of Allegheny Chty, suhlest to the Unsoh nomlnatlom -CITY COSITROLLEIL S&MUM. ALLINDEII, Clerk an the City Treasurer's Office, at the solici tation of his Mends. will °Mir Mensal! as a candi date for the above office, subjeet to a vote of. the Union party at their ensalnt primary Election. nolede ys , FOB hIATOR OF rrrroottnti II 8 2.IIIJEL SILOORE. Lite of the 1130th Ftl2lll/1711TILIILI Volunteers aolodte for -FOB 11:14YOU. CAPTAIN SA.DIIn3 DIAVICKEII, OS the Third Ward, ALLErIIIENY, will be a can• dlihete ter Meyer, subject to a vete of the Unfelt, •oteri et Allegheny (My, Cl the ensuing prDnerY xacta o Oedd larFoll !L&ZOB. CAPTAIN WW. MAYS, of the Seveath Ward Will be •eaneldate for MAYOR, seinen to the nomination of- the Union party of the clty of Pittabmilf.- to be held prior to the next aoany,dto elec- tion. .. _ , . ..,' • l ..._ atsvonAatirr.—imetts DON. LLDSON, Alderman of the Fourth Nut, stiles eolliltstion of Mends, bas eonsented to al. low ha axiire to be wed to connection earls the next Mayoralty, Arid will be • enielbiste •••feat to the diroot Vote Of the people, In won:lanes With the reemeteendatlon of , pa last Sepubtlean tatioleipsl Convention. • • oeitkte DIVIDENDS. DIVIDEND.— Enturvcrrrair. Dee. 6th, 1666. The Directors of the Birmingham, East Birmina , bate and South Pittsburgh Gas Company, hare this day declared a dividend of Fpus PEIFOEET. • On the Capital Stock of the Coraoari7, Went on and after tne Lust, at COsing House of 11,,EiNSON, hieCILEILN & No. 76 Fourth Itthet. Pittsburgh. 44Mleirci . D. EDBINSOP, Treasurer. • tar,hlonoirosiama Iserrnajois Co., The hi, November Itsth, Qed. this day AV or Directors of this Company have of the Coutcri a dividend on the Capital Steak MO of Oat of the pun iLialit3 PER SHARE, by oath en end &t he put ail months, payable . Government tax. -..Deocusiber Let, WO, free of n 02731 id • - H.• (RANEY, Beo 4 y. END NOTlv. v . 1 -r — Ormr x heine7 . 4 ppm...jute evauren 00., The President and Di/tete - 4 , m 4. f have We dedsred • dividetarjhtt 0 00 • PINS DOLLARS PEE- _ free of United Stahel tax, PnYab s4. /• Li lt. - holden on demand. ue cock. datum , VTOL ,A.I3IIZPLED, fie e. MEETINGS ()max Orrtranis Ilsolf&Xca 18E4 09.1 Prrrentradir, Das. 4, 4A a 8LZ0T7.024 FOR FIFTBRNi. I. Emms of gybeufloforssof , . the autun ar. Ind be &eta at tWit 0 . 1.m00, 011 BLOZIDAY. the /4 1 ft , 0 between the homy of It A. 1. fUld 1 C. x. 41‘4.10 - 4 Witt. &. 5131,PARD, Sammy, For Sato, To-Lee. Lost. Wanted, round, Boarding. ite.. Inserted ander appropriate beadlturs, ea Ibis page. all TEN CENTS PEE LINE. each Isiaeriton. ~~~ TANTED —T REF, OR FOUR GOOD . CARRIERS TO ciuuty TR v. MORNING GAZETTE. Apply at THIS OFFICE Immedi ately. datt WA.NTED.— A Purchaser for over YoUlt HrYIDRED ACM El ar LANG tr lowa, or an exchange har city) property. The land is in Hamilton county, adjoining W abater city, lowa. Th e owner can be seen CO the GiLzErfe. oifice, every day, £OOOO 10 A. IL mill 4 r. dela VIVANTED.—AGENTS.—NEW BDOK T I READY.—THE GREAT OALTPAIOFI OF GRANT AND SHERMAN, by %Le Ron. J. T. linaninr, in one volume, from °Metal sources, Including popular Inographiee of prominent ann. erala La the Malan may, with numerous Ideal portraits, battle scenes and maim in both English and German. Sold only by Agnate. A rare dunce to offered to make moray. bend stamp tortoni. Ita., to E. EL TREAT m Publiakers, No. rim Grand alreat, rt. T. deitlkd WaIITED—AGEN TS. make —ENER selling GETlC f MEN can 65 toO a day, eelsbrattn, improved PATENT fI STAR NO.OHIM PET BURNER for Keroserie (XI Lamps. II Elves a splendid light, without smoke or smell. Every family watts it, as item be sold for the price Of A • couple of Ordinneyx Sample, post-ps, 26 mita. Send for Carotin and toll partial:am e. Exclu sive territory given. JAMES EDOA.II, Manufacturer, No. 06 Malden Late. New Yr rk. WANTED, DISABLED OFFICERS sod soldiers and others out of employment to canvass for GSM GREAT ONE 'VOLUME WAR RLSTOA I' Now ready for delivery, and sontainlog FACTS. Ar•D POT POLITICS. MO work has boon ootirsly revised &Moo the dose of the war, enabling the author to avoid many error syneaiing to all the earlier histories, and nexprossly prepared In s style and at a twice to suit the post masa of the people. Everybody wants a tau, reliable And complete history of the war, but the post yelnt Is to Oat THE CIIEAPEST AND THE , BEST. This work preeent. • ram chance for profit/OA employment. a. our term. to mention decidedly the beet °Werra. Addles. -• • • ••• •. • • AI6LII.IOAN PC 8L151112%/0 AGENGT, d tt No. 610 llhedout street. (id flour,) nulad WA r'l' tetPLOY !TEST FOR Itt:FURNED SOLDIBES AND ALL OTHILUS.--Gress Sale of Jewelry, Silver ware to, Sas. The linsouroa 0, Oal. Gaza. Om ' Dist upon as. Oar sante ere raelltialrom Five to Thinly dollars per day, and we a an more. Late Menem Irma libirope' hen swelled coarstan to over One Killion Dollars. A salsa. did smortment of Weida', Mesa Lanes' end GaatlentecNrievelry at all kinds, of the most ban. tenable patterns, Win d M IS 11 each •rwsseenta for guinea* sad ems will see what you are en. tilled la; az wad 11l tor ave eeruisetaa or 113 for thirty; or sand taresaest stamp Dm our terme to agent'. whin are of tbr liberal kind. Now ill your time. Write Manly as Name, CT I. amine and State to - ns Ikea, Ens WI, P. u- New Fork. Yabucoa; U Liberty .street New Ton. • .• • Warm .1017/faiT3 D.—AM:MTH roil "TUE Iv Immo swam niz gimp, TH.B UIMOBOTI MID TUB EILOAPIL! Br Liam! D. Bicomicrioari Now York Trams Corimpond aut. TM mow tutatestlng mitl melting beet MI muldidied, antuneing Mr. Bletteratteol. unpliMl/ tatad tortiettenee Darfolir year% to tbrat tet nSown In the soaret atrrtee of true Itihmee Bet ,niak al the Mr, mita aur Imola end du% hal Zan med Watt, Man& the ant two Talus of um Venni:int Me latilller septum bit ectudneutent far le WOW 16 Germ diftmil rebel Mt Me mans Ma almost lallialatmuljonritery Wit Olt meat - 110 adlon. WWI "Mound In waits, mad ooMtin mote of the fed, t. WM and mama of !Meru th an soy ottier watt Mt palliate& ' Toestars, ladle, onetortle Tot= mint sod etP O aally returned and dlistdad WlLeere end eoldiera in want ed prottebto amplo=all . Ind LI Pe *WWI arapW to the/ We Mrs sputaalsarlas SIB pat march, Mina we will wore to mar docdatujalinmmul. Baud for draw Out Addam, EA BROIL N. N. wrest Mara and Meer Jeltrantator FOR SALE tz 0R EiLLE---A GOOD ROUTE ON TELE DisFESCIE Apply st 111111 OFFICE Vacs s to t Wsloaf, r. i. nosilaf OR BALE—PONY—A BEAUTIFUL ralUNANair PUNT. Jet black. imitable for children. Eaqtare at 20.1POSiNL k INURE LA,NIOB Limp Stable, Liberty Meet. n013,2Wil FOR SALE, A TWO STORY BRIDE ROUSE, .IS y Htglitt i l33 l f i a . artlers o sts t r i t, , Ftreg . W . ard, A . lleghe• Ls the haute end yard. 2 Apply loneeets.=l; ' ort " tho premise., to deeoti JONATHAN CALM FOR BALE—Two 2 story Brick Dweit log Boca. on Palo Alto alma, to Lae Saimaa Alhgkeny. a nd wl Oitaarrna, bailk boas., twilled canal cellar, ater • • VAR Nl44Stnlgr Rat tea of end of tho awe lakes a Moot alley—parad aod ln good order Mesa home. ara new, only Delos built taro years. require of AVOri alelEt HAW, goal TAW* agnate, det.ised !No. 91 Beaver street, Ahwthetty. VOR BALE—Ono thrco a 017 Brick I LvrELLINt• tumult, No. Nu Meyer street, Allegheny mai:guanine eight looms, with • rued cellar under the whole house! all to good carder, with • secant Lot adjololug, bd by tti fort- All will be cold togothar. For farther particular& engutte.of RAMSEY & HALL. Boat Brut* AiNhtsr IN Bearer Meat, 611editert7. R SALE.. C RAP HOUSE& —I otter for elle SEVEN SMALL BRICE DWELLINGS (to a res), COah aaemia/ Muse MOMS and cellar. attstata... at the Reed of ante street, A legiany Car. Lot to each house 0 Met deep. Prise lOW for the outside kerne an/ trda for cab of the Made !mums. DUG indiernable. ppl For farther partlentera ay to to a DX'S% deldodxas (1 Federal Sr., Allegheny Ceti. 1. 4 0 R SALE'—A first-cuun TWO STORY BBIOE. DWELLIL) HOUSE, Ira eV Wait. ern avenue, with Walt rooms di:tutted garret, Oath house, wash hones, coal luld wood home, hot and told water In the kitchen. Melon Cook ing Binge, marina mantles and hearths, and well flelitunl and In good order, with • Large lot IS 1N LAI fret back to a2l feet alley; LS feet Lot along. aide will be nold with It 11 prefuzetL inquire on RAM M/ I HALL, Baal Estate AVOW deinlttl No. el Seaver at.. Allegheny. VOll BALE —A NO. 1 STOCK AND MUM Flan% containing Omit =0 acres, situate in Fallowgeld township, Werhlegtoli county, Aconsylvania, on the Monongahela river, one tulle above lock No 4; Ho acres of the best neer button. The whole fans ts under a bleb state of cuiLivalloh Fine apple orchard, about 13 aces of coal with pit opened; the tracing is good nod location beautiful For further particulars enquire of IL H. TOW MI, Beal Estate Agent, go. 164 Fourth street, or to E. T. VeNVOCLUS. on the premises. novinif STRAYED QTRA.YED —To the prenmes of the sub .extber to Pliaabeth tow - nettle, e ST P.CB, hey. tog White Ear Mark. and a Brand on the Loft Rip; weighs, about Nine Boodrod Pounds. The own. or will call, prove property tes charge. and tine hlm away, or tile ho will ne sold record. inp to law. decentdwr G. P. TARE. - s4l RAY CO W. --Caine o the residence of the subscriber, residing on the Kirk Lewis Farm In Lower St. Clair township, on or shout the let Inst., a BRINDLE CO W, seven or right years old, with White spots on the belly. end both hind feet white. The owner is requested to come P rwerd, prove property, pee ober' es end a takher away, or she will be disposed of sceceo• Its to law. dsbatdis BENJ. F. LEA. Q,TBAY COW —Came to the premises of tha oaf enioned, • WHITE 00W with black spot on her head, and now has nun. Tno owner will sally prove property, pay chaniew em taao her moray, or she will be sold Ow charges, at =DEL E, Lawrenoullie, 1.53 Liberty Stout. 1=1:13 N3IN - i9 ADVERTISEMEINTS 0011IFORTA BLE BRICK D WELLING LOUSE, AND LEFT OF GROUND. Na 12 TRIAD STREET, fo CU r rola THby ff. BERT k BONS, de: 61 Market street. SEVENTH WARD PROPERTY FOR SA.LE,—.S. Lot baying 40 foot front on Ron ettsstreat, by too foot Gimp. on which la n Frame lionao containing tn D. nye BAILEY Wi Wilkins Wi11..1 ',cannel chup. el: /M OIBTBIta i OYBTERS I I —IV° on daily renclvtag 0911. &HELL hail , BUOIC. ET OT&TEKS, put up by John kb:Kenna, Baltimore We have a (good 'tack conswatly on bane, and can supply our custornere sad the Trade at toe lowhit pricer. POTTED, LIKEN & STIEPAILD; LOU S ue Ltberty street. PrEGUIVEB'IIOTIO)I.--liirhoreao Lot -10 Ler. Testamentary oo the estate of KM :AL drew., Leto of oliegbaor Om, Lifetime, County. Pares., neceseed, having been granted to the no. dr:feigned; all persons labred to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment sad tense . haring , adult ageing. said estate,will present them, dui, eutheetlattml. for settlement. del.etwi , WM: D. ANDILIMS, ram:tutor. VA 1., BL E BLAIMMOT URINE} __‘ PROPERTY FOR SALE IN RIEIRINO HAS.DL.—Iiktuated on Centre attest, running thrOnlth to FraelNin, haetnit a front on Centre 'Wen et Ito feet; depth Ito feet; upon which gtZe I. erected a TWO 6 - IW.Y B KILL, En and Boller all complete; sad RICE in good order. .d.Wo. two Brisk Dwelling Bowes. Inquire on the premises. dee /ORE W. Me k BRO. It A I,LEGEI CITY 001111419/11ISIC a - 3- nuNDB it 7 . . Cm es Asizsoressr Pi.; j • , TAAL'S! 4 Wixom, Dow LIN IBM Parties bolting PrOhill• Bonds oaths. ity of Allelthswit.. Pa.t ara Dural notified that tha Makin Puna tar 180 will ibeLaroned In thew Bonds at the lowest rats* oMWea. . Proposals will too tocalrog by the undersigned WA SIONDAT, gannerrilds IBM • a. DIAOPEUEOIf. dendill S ?slim:terns rulegfteny My, D1B80191N 0 1? FAUN EREIBIR•—• Tee pat= p heretofore etiettnd between , Md. D. HAYS end axis DA le the ea* Peeking and Preildoi BraineaaceMatthe name and l of.M. It:BATE b. - 004 healown dhu . , k o l a Ind asiah or Mr.. JOHN 111.T.DE en the pLigt.. thews hated Matsu atainatdhe lade alt }ru T tlv r t.. ! ur. 0 1:11 7 i p :l:: : :: , 7 , ::: 6,7o 7l7 , tne ni thi li g c 0.."..... mitt.. to be settled op t hree partner, td D. HATS. .t ,AIDIr f r Ei. (TREAT POlll2O/13. Is too only tatsllible SCROFULA. Is the only in.ftallble cure for ER r'SIPELA.S. Is the only 10.11161 a sure for CANOE Is the only Infallible PuIMP sre rot LES. Is the only Lula ou forETrs Is the only Infealble owes BOIL Is the only Infallible ennilos Ellil lIIIE LTIS Is the only Infallible core ftir St,L REECISL The only Infallible aura for FEMALE 0051.PLAI NTS the only infallible cure for EYES. the only Infallible es for D ar YS PEPSIA,. Ls the only Infallible ettre tor LIVER tiONLPDA.INT, Is the only infallible cure for GENERAL DEauar Is the only Infallible Tare UE tor IT, Ever 3CliAsocrcrox - oci- AS A TONIC IT IS (UNEQUALLED FOE BALE BY SIMON .TOHNEITON, Corner Smithfield and Fourth !tI. 0014 CLOTH SACQUES. CLOTH SACIQUES OPERA CLOAKS, Jut received by WHITE, ORB 81 00., 2/5 IPIZU:a. IBtrocolt, de BLUE LEAD TO OIL BEFEFEDIS AND PLOW MME4!!1.33-EIMILIB. We desire to eall your attention to the very so prior estality of Blue Lead we are now manatee• turtag expresely for yawns. It to duel/ !Wmlad, aria possessed great durability and beds, and is always, la color, the same uniform atta4s. 150 tons In eters and fay gale by T. H. KEVIN & CO., 3P.icicaocor Nociaza.ll War O. 20 WOOD STREET VITUS. BELAVLS, &c., AT AUCTION Friday Afternoon. Dec. Bth. at 2 o'clock atimasoma UM.L AUCTION BOOMS, 68 WI 61 Ftlth Street erUl be solAorithout reserve, CAPES, VIDTOULNESI, oven, MID FULL SET& In Sala, Fitch, lloentalsi blertle. Mak, ,2 lathertan tlvaltral—Alacs LADIES'. MESSES , An4OI,II.LDBERS , AKA WLA. end qaaraitY of Walden Ck nods. de7 T. A. EdsOLELL4IIIII, AneVr. B ' AliD 5110 ED FOR ILL AGES IND SEXES, Dressor Every Day Wear 3111.c)C1e11iarLd.'es BLANKETS. Ildwiill.zalis, 3Zicaistax-jr GENTLEEIENS' EIDERCLOTEIIIB6 ALL SORTS OF Woolen 431-oods, • At TO DE FOUNT , AS Noe. 55 and 57 Fifth Street. The prices .t which these ghee. ere offered eery •onspotlttoo. And eft-Ile .t lt..tteatloa to throat. d to the stock of D 11.118.9 GOODS. CEATIENEVB EIBADY-MADB anu orui, OVERCOATS DAMNS iS COATS, VESTS and PANTS. Call and sea thaw and seam= bastalna. TILOS A. NoCILEELLA.N.Ei, del: 5* ASO 57 LIP= STREET. - TO CAPITA.LIBTEL—bALT LAD OIL A. FOR SALE all that property knows so the DIAMOND SALT FURNACE. with contlguow PROPERTY, of Land, known as the Da.und Ott. PROPERTY, situated in Motown of Midi:Deport, Ohio, an the Ohio Rivet. Purnane In coed run hung order, With capacity for one hundred barrels of oalt payday. Cooper Shop, Staves and Eloop. p.des. Blacksmith Shop, sad everything requisite 0o the piece. Four wells, each with Engine, Der ricks, he.. template. Coal delivered by the Pome roy (Joel 00. et the weal at ceet. Present prio• semen and a quarter cents pet buena. Salt Ford oheiver bank, With landing nod railway for losuitiff salt Into boats. The Oil Property Ales not above the Furnace has a pumping well and another well bored and nearly ready for pumping. Engine. Ditx . tolta, Shed., Molts, he., complete. The whole proper .ty to • body, extending from the bead of In. mond Run to the river, and comprises over fifteen (le) aces. The Great Flowing Oil Well that :lowed hun dreds of barrels of Oil In idol, was bored on this but the oil being worthlese at the time It was tubeb out, and tills well in now one of the snit wells above =flattened. The whole will be sold at • bargain. Time will be &thawed on part of the purchase money. and no lotereg retabstd by the present owners Id desired. For further Paftlatllemi_eddmin E. J. MO RTON- Agent, de2rodatire Pomeroy, Ohio. pommortwE.ALTil OF PENNSYL, VA.NI a, Allegneny county, as : To Samuel Glue, Administrator of the estate of Lau Struchan, late of Robinson tosnahip, deceued; *Dottie here and neat of kin and others interest ed In the estate of said decedent, in pursurance of the fifteenth section of an act of Assembly of utd Commonwealth, entitled an sat to create a slaking fund, and provide tor the gradual extin guishment of the debt of sold Commonwealth, rto ued the 10th day of April. A. D. 1669, you are ereby cited be and appear before me, William J. Richardson, Register of Will.. ho., le and for the uld county, on or before SATURDAY, the 6th day of January, A. D. PM, there to show Canoe, II any you ham why the tiollateral labor. flame tax ehould not be paid. Herein tail not un der the penalty that may enema. Given under my hand and neal of odioo, this sth day of December, A. D. 1655. WM. J. RIUILARDSUR, Register. dss,lyrduana2usT rrAHE NOTICE —Pare No. 1 W. B. LARD OIL. FINE SPERM CARBON OIL FISH OiL, HEATS FOOT OIL. °RUDE OIL, &a. Bold In quantities to nut customer. Donors wanting sag of the stool named Oils, would do well to cell andexamine our Dock, as w are terrolnett to sell these goods NEST LOW e FOB de. CASH. CENTRAL DRUG STORE. Corner Ohio and federal Streets. in the n u .se, Allegheny . Clay. no=tGEOHIIII A. KELLY. TOIS,AND HOLIDAY PEEBENTa OF EVERT DESCRIPTION, WHOLESALE !LEE DETAIL. At reasonable sexes. at J. G LAUER'S, 103. nizarlset Eltroot REAR FIFTH. of 0 • FOR BALE, WT 31 Cora PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, BOSTON. liiOno, 0 OINKEIDOE AND DRADDOOK 571111NT11. ENQUIRE OP mosaimm, cuazal 4 CO Arronarre, Os Otsut Street, prrssirrugaz. 13110 DUOS NOW RHOSIIIiau "sOOO acidly trona I Watt*. teeth new Lard,;in key; 1000 bow salts Grum and Qainen cum IWO dtmen fresh UNl.B6llkWhllal F/6lit! !Co bon. trestigretind Cornmeal; TOO bbla, 'bole* Yell and Winter Op% VO Imbeds neer Dried di_P;ddri %O tombola nem Tided rosettes; nig barrels Sweet Man = Onbarzela utile Megan Mullah Clomitutai 10 61:Labels Stiellbarka; e ego WA Liateber; • a eam eara AUX, Yaw aide by Doe NW WSW HNa las ad ' ved and for rodeat , Nln Market Dear rum gutet. 14 /WM= a Dr.u. 9 ,„, FIFTFI STREF.T, PITTSBURGH, Pa FOUNDED IN 1840, MORPOS.irtf r LEOISUTIYE THE ONLIi INSTITUTION, Of the kind. LK TILE UNIC/1. conducted h 7 • Prealc•/ BIJOINESS Orr hUghest commercial allthorldea, East end West, pronoun. his sy.tertes of Book-keeping unequalled: comPtehendlnt 00 0 07 delueonnott 01 ON. nes, and yet es Ammo con , eneed that the stten oludente nmetere the whsle in eix et eight weeks, tO canasta of Stock Books. Closed once with lost end twice with again ;exhibit ing, by three different methods, tlte tradiefer of old t. new 118.4 Partnership Books, C,edncied by three different niethode, exhibiting th tratiefer e( old to new Ilookx, with the introductiunof new planner , elan practically illaxtreAlay tb. Private Ledger, y mem,o of ablek the revolts of the business s i re kap if the general books, fir the use of the partners *ply, he eettlement of tartmersb tip Books by Single Entry, With es practical IllnotratlonArablbltinE the Rooks :v. opened by Double Entry. A rove. rule for rectifying Deranged Double -Entry Books, With stit specitioatkms. The tais or loss found th Books oorrsctly re-opened. Ms lam= la nd suir chief! In Opening Books, Tram 4461 rpectlications, lituttutil rtg wporittl oonditio cot elloot met with In busitteas. Ala, • mertaa of ace Closing' Books. Tr. now end yeatillarepecilicatione. The lugger al _TH. about eighty Badness Form* Of Promleery Notes. Judgment Rote., Drafts, Orie 13112 s of Itactuags, Juuesunto, 'undue, .40., fr. Also, mi. II 13111itile8e Letters. Which, with er liendnem Itscen, are el connected with his coarse of If ock-Heenping, winking • mini. warn of badness yesetios, lent • amnia of tweidy-fle• Leaures upon Book.-. Keeping Th. &odor Pellealpd, colaning ell Om bad.= tma. nortat ID is tint. Moo, trate, Lectures on Business Sulkiects Th. every ass easy is rich. new to get rich by trs &ft. The rase el esesseesdsl failures On owe lathes. The nand indaence of betsexity la youth. to. LLD, tectsres spas Cortrn3erdesi Law, On partatoredpa, Cbetralts, Tosurtaas, Common Car - !UM. the otabnast idialbapoi, to. Itistbslatortn. UOll6 m dAssalte Counterfeit Bank X-otes, By a fa .a et renal.vignettes and mantic", and large collection of conntartet nom. Our Bat/road Doo&•-Heeping (la laseascript.) erldblbt the coartractloa and aptly earrd tb• operating enceip a and earnmddenrea the BOOkaelcoal end • dmideed recorded Thew Boots are edrertieed by °them bat re to elteerbere la tbe city. Oar nes velem a • Private Ranh Hooks, (In mantecrina) embracing ell n•tr the beet farms la an, among plicate Banker. thia enlacgtal edition of DC11"8 ligeamboat nook.-kaPing .t'dente bars the am/statoe of ow r.lEl t aß l a „. ll. cored ti Clerk of • Elkosletlyyt downer. Oter tan cane. at beenm prvallon lacludos about 71/TT DIISEKIKS BOOKS, ruled to about thirty Kila ar Ikrarla, Bn . o n. BmL, 1 Dlanatit. EcW . L . Oher..k . 8.11.0.,1 De- Watth.M. haw,. lictrali :4 l= . Slant bona. tana:ban/ als 1.0:d taut . - compreta.d.hkg Dr!. mm of buena. education Intmlnoal tmonty-flvo loon our. far Gaon havo ontsoodad la Imitating Um laa boa roc In ar.onpartns won and bc.ta cf am!, pupils w.lh tbom of IL, graildatas of this hall talon DUFF'S BOOK-KEEPING, Prim my& Postage 21 sta. Sold try•Booksettars gee mat,. AWAILDED TOtrlit SIEVES MEIDA.I.B4 Tbaloving teatime - Weds truticato Lb. character et I t. Nark oNo other work own book-Keeptag erpistas the rob. ject with eo mach clearame sad afroolicite " r. w r.b.moxpe, Cambia. BLechsedcm . Baak:Well .streert,ll: "It gtves a dew lottett tato ea &par Matti of thb attune." A. L 111ASEB. Cstallar of &mail Went Bank. N. Y. r==V:= Provident n.-tint•an Bank, ono newt complete work of the kind I neve eve waaduated Duiro College ft hall the time I at- Ilia admirable aisle= include@ eistislassuper- Seem, ace leaves out smithies ementlal.- ••Tbs most clear sad ormprobensise that I !ism m. JOHN SN TOES, Cad:Liar Doak of Pittsburgh. "Ton hsvo pnt ynnr nwn kneel - par/mesas \ rc` ant to good ass La this work." ILICRAIID Marehmk lie. 88 /mot street, N. T. "A. tut entensire nip Owner, American and European klarcbeat, Beak Director, etc., be btu borne the:repn. tatton .Ith. highest order of businee. teleran." JOHN W. 131:1LNELAti, Merchant, No. 8 Booth street, N. Y. Mr. Derr le • man of rem ounllfleetioes for b JOHN M. D. TAlLOMMorchwat, Oteloo street. New Orl "Mr.Daff le a merchant of the Ann respectability." J. filltiDLS, Merchant, lion Orleans. "The &Tumble opinions already expressed by gentle men of competent authority ars Yell dasered, and ea y properly bestolred." CHARLES AL LEUPP, LEOPOLD BIERWIRTII, normal. KELLY, Special Committee of the Chamber of Ourantoirce. 1 . /strut from the Iftiottettl PROSPER H. WETMORE, Soctetary. "Yotir Committee imarilmously anal, to the °Onyx of the utility of tlas Improved method ON J. of LEE Me, DuDS,fL" GORD : Recordin SeeT of the American Lasistutosti. Xs neosay work palliated cr .y value to the Stosia er's AOOOnngant." . LIAISON , Form.) Clerk° the deem. Text.. 'orhe own perfect eyatete of Bteamees daDoonnta to O. 8. 1111005 E,. formerly Oeytale eta.o. Beehetile. VIII NEW AND INLAND= EDITION OF DIRFB steamboat Boob-Keeping, Jet p a rdiehat by the author. Pecs= Bold byllor. eaters rotaaralls. pw r.,4 ewem for keeping tomb boat gad so- eoaat..' J. 0•6014111811, Tarmerly Cuadra Elerclosate SAO of Pardrarck. ' "The time Table Gloat ls worth the priced the book. D D. 1181180111; Late Cl ea k of steamer Dome Vertans. canalder tbe loge tone °Ube Steamee. Protert BO valuable that I attar kart port 'Mho:lt a 0.311 0 the book on boort" • A.G. DIAL DAM, I Captain Kamer aroort.. ON WM. H. DUFF'S PENMANSHIP • For beet Bedews and Ornamental Yecinanship, imam& MI marpresent Pen by the United States lair. at ancinnatl. Pennsylvania Slate Tarr, Wyewling----IStis. Western P Yair, atPittsbargh....,—...ltob Western N'a Pair, at Wheeling 11x03. dad the Olde Meta rids at Olereeland All of which are exhibited at on, dace. •et . .pt germ of the imatmes ire.,—PMtharifit Pa y. m pertains:tom an otill be excelled by the am. Groat. °mita erimmeetal dates are net and remarkable . performlaanteWes”—DrekyGlvino. 'Me Tar awarded him !Mb Pram i.211=113 . In all branches of the arse.-rOitiii gram Lam ...-- --.. I'.otra TEEMS t - T the Oredenidini Orme, time imillailied—Uo 00, Illialts atut Steppes% (costing V eleenbeeto..,.. s do . The eniergod edition of Mrs Book-Keepteg.—. 1 7i Oar Thank. Aire sad"( Ow extra else poer.tth4 toinplete.witintallierto of etaillieztoe. lee Ceseafeee Egetestt the tatiaes eltdent tri,th t.t 141 1111PenTANT . ADVANTAL4E? : :-[ Lk Weans nes hollt Po* IA am 7 01 0 1 . 5 the WO la i= ItiT oilll=Wti light.. „. 0 .14. 4th.A melba elm cede* la Mei 4. 6th, • itseteiree theo6sesseethet of i eth.• • settaiLstal er (tilt hooka en .., ~ ! TO • •V.l data maw womnagy, =, • pa teeteilnitht, =itaar " ......... r 1 CRtr.: oar vet tda yt errttk mm row •ITIAZIL.4 P ri gartbWrglag. kiiioihiftStri to pagt.o44t • -IL RIDDLE. - Md. 883 Llbert, •trest. CtO.lttilmi No'nelgi JAS. H. krI7REAT. Praddeat Esclunge Bask. Pttlabargi E=== IA ITIILST P. DUFF 4 SOH, Principals. rressamion, Y GOODS, TRIMMINGS, acit You Win rind At zSI4A, the game PRINTS as sett former ly at 3 B , at ASHER 13 ATArket you 'frill Pint! At >r a. 3117SLINS, formerly tsc., and at zee., formerly Co., and at 31e.eaame la sold formerly at Mo., at BARKER h CO.'S, Ea Market it, You FUHLEInd In abundance, DE LAINES al :154„ fenuelli x7).0., at Bh.EKEE h OB.'S, 69 Ifiarket th rou 111"Lii Find All Slats of DPsrsg GOODS chests in pro. pottloa, BASEEtt 61 Market st. You Trill Find FLANNELS at aly‘e.. and rood Twilled do. at 31*.; Baitto at at LLAMLE rred d .B h CO..'S blalaket It. rou 'rift Find 13112,1011A.1. SIMMS for Ladies ant Mu m so sheep al to aurpriaa you, at NUM= la 00:8, St Market it. rots Frill Find BLANKETS at STAWyer Tait . , wor th TEO; ta2d at NOM, the largrat Ma, clump at MOO, and at $l2, AO, the largest add bat, u good as sax be boag=to, at Ea CO'S, Market st. You 'Fria Find Soma Fifty Thousand Dollars worth Of SILK 9, of ail kind., 'rattly radioed. at 199.81.7511. ff. WO.ll, Incrksi ft. You Fria Find 0.5.5132118 RE LOO SHAWLS, at nearly one-hat tomer ma. WOOL LO redtme4 from SAO to 511,U, - at ZWI BARKER a 00.11, 59 Mama it. You WW rind CLOW; of all MU very cheap, awl that yea tan have Qom matte to ore= at away massed ettaa.ol___ BAB fa Mali d. You Win /Find ozoexritom to cast varlet, and . yry *Yeah at HAMM Stuket ata i-ofs win Find !MOTES 41121131213ME5. rwasnel, aLELTOEIS. /ILearg. ant lianas of Nees sad BoTs• Irma. midi tea tkaa taxi . .e Er. 00 ta l IR Ku* COCRTRY MERU! alliTS WILL FIND BLUG&IRS PLEXTr OF EMR rrnzAw 131=L'Ir icr.c>icorost. W. BARKER fir. CO,'S 59 .71.diltKET STLIEET. delig NEW GOODS BATONS, 3.7 S=F+`TS #3IC" - . . Just Received. FULL ASSORTMENT POINT VENICE 001.1.A.E5, PuLNT LACE ooLlaisa, PULNT APPLIQUE COLLANN, POINT AND THREAD LAZE BARBEE. POINT LACE HANDLER°II PAINT APPLIQUE HASIDMECEIPS . VAL LAO/S TLILDI'D ELAND r • • Beal Point and Point Applive Lace FINE ASSORTMENT OF TINSEL NECK RIBBONS SAD TIES, Full Lino of Mines' and Clididna's TWIN OD FANCY BRUM BM E. H. EATON, SO. 17 FIFTH WYSE= NEW GOOD& & CARLISLE, O. 19 FIFTH STMT. New Trimmings and Ornaments, Bead Gimps and Buttons Bich Bonnet and Scarf Ribbons Fine Gilt and, Pearl Belt Buckles. Bich Silk Beltinr — a new lot.. Bargains in Linen Handkerchiefs. Beal Lace Collars and Setts Needle Work Edgings azolinserting, Cambric and Hamburg INA% Magic Ruing and Frillings, Real Thread and FrenohVeila American and Di Ai .11 Hosiers', Gloves and Gauntlets-last styles Tephvr. Wool and Fa:kitting Taro, and Ohildrena' Underweas Balmoral Skirts--new styles Dulles Skirts, halal Ouse% Gentlemen's Shine Collars Ties Mamma Silk Underwear Esuis ages, 1111ROILar2"i AND 1131iSILU3 Win Ind It to thinisaviunotte to; w 1 o¢t too nos stoolcbattro puzatumitt.,, ra&catria at wawa= No. LS rirl73. STRICES. Pfttslm# l . Flo i NEW GOoDSZOK TSB HOLIDAYS. ic ret T ili 3'w o P.lV ß E6 3 ll23/°l3 . - • • w oo ER 7300 , • isaawi.außuks. eggractsoit . HOOP:140 OND IR EVERT VAIMSTIr. MORRISON'S sus stooms Bo S, ASS, AS ECIT • MOULDED • OOLI K. W. ELOO/111:111ADV, 801 sa swam rassts, ,__ - - --, -sue. DRY GQODS, T2LINCIMINGS, &a NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS, Jtst prstimp AT WILLIAM sEMPLE'S, ries, 180 and DA Federal St, ALLEGHENY 0 ITY. AT 25 CENTS.! one Case Doable Width lka Spot . klpateas, Do AT 311-2 OPTS. One Case of Printed Illerinos. AT $3-I.ob , Two Casts of Frepiii Merinos, AT ;25 CENTS, Two Cases of Dark Detainee, AT 18 3-4 CENTEt s Two Cases Fast Colored Prints. AT 18 3-4 CENTS, Two Bales of rubleached Mae G iI Y "B B ITWI IC AM ' z i , . FLAIR ILA NEL; PLAID FIA.N CANTON FLAN BILLDIOBALMS. Bae LIM, 001TFOR V TS, COFILMS, Eta.ESILM, '.'. 134.. Tiogstla with a tall sal eartylata trulattWEl averrtatas IA the Dry awls H. WHOLES ALE DELLESS Ayr DIMAS CO , 140 sped Ws Mal Wars mAkistriraruwak - WM. SEMPLE'. Federal Street, One titealstatesis, BIACRIIN, GLYDE & CO4. Nos. 78 and 80 market Street 4 VELEM ABTA BETAS DEALEEW EIMEGS,NOTIONS& YAM GOON sapeettay call 44, atta.z. or ‘.• OLESALE . nuirzA4 To mir Lazar wad Tinton srcKrir OF Ey. EILYEEtING, PERTAIN/NG so a WELL REPT TRIDThUna HOUSE. Our Mr. HAGAN Ls now in the East btrring add setsuung home ell the NOVEL'T'IES That are to be farina. Ma airs ening to Mao GOODS seaysnzi JO A 3 LOW AS BBEARTIM OF - Na cal add will do Oa; u w MT BIT= CASE Item the M.d.AOTIJEZILS azOI Mae FERST ELANDS. Moose cia and Exam= oar etooDS And Compare Prices* MAOIII3II. GLYDE ds 00,. Los. 78 and so Market Street AT RETAIL. 8A1E0131.1.3. • We offerfor sale AL line of VEST DESIRABLE BALMORAL SEIRTD, write Are Yell' ills&Piflul fellows: One Hundred $4OO Skirts for $2 00; One Hundred and Fifty $2 for $2 N. ILACEI3II, GLYDE & Nos. 78 and 80 Market Street. tole BEST DEL)XIIIES al, PRINTS QU. naustAris, 60e ior 3'7e, 500 K 33€9 Wie " Mos 40c__fs 20o; BATES -ak BELL, .11,_!IMMI SUM Joann. somoS &pm. 'WM rvs r OPZEOED. NEW 4sl-4009136,1 Dress Telizemin.P. (=oak Orauziaptk -oa Laos Goods. N•vs' Style Bear Evades; Best Make Silk Belt. • t • bpi; Mad Onsunents, Ness. - Mock Vii . Efazabtu; ' plooxiologa, ?loan • 33.sodkosalot4 Etaknorisr , Ski , Breakfast: Shawls, Itt• • taste IG4ltfioods, InftenteC" 3- 0 ZePhis Logiasic now , EbtsGsilst ozErts. Gloom ma Giusdiets,.llll4 tor troderentsi for lass. Ididistana ; • daso„ - Jornrin and Alomandes =do - - - Gloves. UAW 'White 'Cad= ea Gloves, The above l . ad many *Um Goods 3s t area lirwActr,4l - 4241: 17 33ZW.A1til 705 inizinta 00 Viti " . it UU/321. eTni F i rg vartazamemens , :yr aunts. ea. aim Inzsow.t.mas.w.cuzz..DitTLD WILSON, Cain asCO4; Cu= wadod. Inez a 61.,) Wholesale dealers In I'OEEGN DMILIZI %W. DST 000D.9. De wood lot. drArn Idossol Was Pirattowid. Ail BALMOBilitt