The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, December 05, 1865, Image 1

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int glittslntrgh sewn*.
Al Mies Mercantile Conran, Pittsburgh
W. W. Hunter, }Mishnah.
Jena H. It Taylor, Onusby r Allegheny Co., Pa.
Edimnd W.Lancaster City, Ps.
; Hemp J. Vanden,clDysart.
eillip_olls. GsWs courityt 0.
Hiram Bikes , Hudson Mtn; Belot° county, O.
James IL. Gordon, Fair Haven, Preble Co., 0.
r • John T. Evans, Towreureville,
W. liovis,thintonirlibi, Teunger Co, Pa.
A. H. Beckett, Monmouth, Insole. •
D. MaTedden,l7hutterm - Allegheny 00., Pa.
3. W. Pollock. Huntsville, Ohio.
W E PALmlatoa) Huntsville, Ohio.
J. E. Klizmiller, Minerva, Ohio.
Win: H. H, EiLenpron. Rear Castle, Pa.
Jean A. McMillen, tipper Si. Olair, Ps .
Westin 0. Howe, Shippensvillo, Pa.
Stewart Thompson. New Castle, Pa.
John L. Tidball, New Castle, Pa.
All Of whinmpassed the usual searching examine
thine of the College satidsetorily, and who will,
' no doubt, hereafter distingulah themselves by an
honorable proficiency in business. Each gradu
ate wu &warded the beautiful diploma of the 001.
lege; as a credential of his proficiency—of his to.
- dustl7s SW of his imemplary deportment during
his comae of study. itdes.w.
. Cheap Calicoes,
/11 Bales k lielPs,Pio.llll.fih street
Pearls and Rubles.
'Whits teeth nropjdng from out of ridges r r ruby,
a breath splay u the airs from Araby the Bleat.
Who can terlat such ganduationa To realize
theta, to intapelMite them, to make tt e month a
Casket of pearls and ruble. , and every nigh a ga ah
of flugguane, all you have to do, fair 1 sdies, is to
I nut Wirt Matehleas vegetable preparation, Frit.
Cheap Calicoes,
At Bates k Herr. No. 21 Fifth street.
For the Genuine 'Bing of Pain,"
ILt low rates, go to Flanfrig's, Po. 04 Market
Cheap Collect's,
At Bata & Belly No. 2t FUt& street
The Potash and Soda ash
At Fiemiug's Drat Store, No. St Market street,
camel be equalled in the city. either for price or
quality. Vry
Cheap Calicoes,
At Batas a Bell's, No. 21 TYRA stoat
'Nested Sulphite of Lime,
preterviiigeider. - Fermate by Charles Super
Driggist, earner of Pena and St. (hair streets
Cheap Calicoes,
—4t Bates ktell , s, M. al Fula steel.
A Beacon of Health
The good things of this world hare each their
appointed minion.
Tlall to prewar. aid relieve a great variety of all•
For twelve years its simmer as a proleclirc and a
remedy has been without cheek or drawback. It is
rugslive maims* of this feet, that the efficacy of
the article as a specific for dyspepsia, biliousness,
constipation, nervousaess, general debility, and
literiulttent fo►srs, has never been questioned.
As pniqfpostitoe of its infallibility in inch oases,
the statemeats of public men whose names are fa
milliar as 'household words, have from time to
time been given to the world.
If - tts septttatlon la not founded to feats, the ,
ImM/I aabadow, and the utterance' of consaten
Ilona a.U.seas are of no store rale. than "dicers
And Wtiit.'is' Its reputation t Let the progress
of its isles answer the Inquiry. Where twenty
dozen bottles of liiostetter's Bitters were sold In
la&S,five kinuired dozen are disposed of now.
Vonl4 pebllo opinion be more elgnitirmtly
premed than by tta unparalleled lucresee ut eon.
aumptlonl It seenpi Imposefide.
The preparation gas boon Ladtsted. Wherc are
the lanltatotal P. To the "limbo" of
things lost on earth they are all either goon o
going. Pour bo with them.
ILtostetter's Bitters
Are cold wholesale and retell at very low rates
at Ileum:W*llmo and Patent Medicine Depot,
No. 84 Market street, corner of the Diamond, near
',Fourth street.
Cheap Caltcoe■,
At 82122 & Berm. 220. 41 Fitial street
Sought with the intention of selling them cheap
for the Holidays. Good Mous De 11.1.113 at 20 cents,
25 cents, and the very best M SO cents; Doable-
Width Mohair Ltuttre, with polka 'pot, at 3734
cents, formerly said at 75 rents; Cotniros, all
eoloya, and doable Width, at 25 cents; Merrimac
and other best print., at M cents; good Dark
prints, last colors, at 19 nerds; good dark Ging.
ham at 25 cent* and a great many other articles
equally cheap. Remember we are now on the
inithesst corner 01 Fourth and Market streets.
O. Duane Love d Beo.
Cheap Calicoes,
At B►tes It Boll's, N 0.21 Fifth street
Fall and Winter Cowls.
His With greatpleasnre we calltheattectlnn et
ma readers to the superb stook of Fall and Winter
ooOdsinet receisedror Mr. John Wrier Merohant
'Seiko . , No. SU Federal street, Allegheny. His
Rock embraces some of the rarest and man bean
/MI 0 / 0 1 2 4 1 .1Jasalmeres.treareoatIngi and Vesting
i►erbrnnght to the western market. His assort.
veal of Furnishing Goods, comprising Satits,
.grrawersi Collars, Neeloties, Handltercblt Ls, We.,
Pa=Cl On surpassed eeoc Or well. A largo steak
ef readproado rent*, Coats, Vests and Overcoat;
till also to found at his ortabllehment. Persons
entrant of angthogin the clothing line should not
'gall to give mr. wafer k sell.
Cheap Calicoes.
42 Bates 111. Bell's, No. 21 Fifth street
Sea our ail veridiement
J. W. B.t.e.exa b. Co.
Thomas W. Parry dr. Co.,
roletleal Siete Hooters. and Dealers to &mensal.
Slate of various Golan. Moe at Alexander
Lattlthihradnear the Water Works. rittsburgh,
Pa.. Residence. No, 'IS Pike street. Orders
.ProlePtly attended to. AD wort Warranted water
.ptocd. Fleparrina dans at the shortest notice. No
chair tor repairs, provided the root is not
abused after ft Ls out. on.
'See Barker & Co.'s advertisement.
Its Philosophy.
Sozodont is an antlseld. Sozodont 1. an ►ottpo
tttseent. Sozodont 1 a tonic. Sozodont V el.
frgetablesnd enthelyhatzsdea. Baleen cleanse.
U. Leith from scrtotut concretions, stops the de.
obtefaultlOn of Mar substance. sweetens the
brSeth, ethizulates the gnats, Aisuills the safest and
ben preparation of it. clatrln exlstence.
I See the Overttsement of
Cheap Calicoes.
.; - ;/4 - At.fill 41801% No. 21 Fifth street
Cheap Calicoes,
Al llateak43olPs, Na. at rum strut
That , . It' to a T
Good eintiiih candy, butter soutoli or Erertoo
till% cocoanut Gandy, rose, lemon. pine apnle,
villinotustbin tea candy and tables. Good
- Pribeis etii raisins, dates_and currants, at No.
inrederal street. A. call is solicited.
Abritibite Goo. Balvaa.
Largo/tuellon Sale Or Area Goods.
li sale ofllitesetoevili;einbraolog save' al Viott
i.: .sand Linea Slicers. klattreeses, Coverlets, Blouse',
Drattlitg flower, Skirts, ac.,wlll behold at A. Leg
:. gel'adttetkon Howe, lii Federal street, Alleghe
zy,:Oon Tuesday &Benison, at 2 o'clock. The goods
arei.all new, seasonable and very desirable.
Neutral Sulphite of Lime,
, Forprieervlng cider. For sale by Mattes Super
thentst, corner otPeno and St. Clair street■
Flthablugl4.- -
Dr. C. But
_ .
Ettraata faith - without pats, sad ear-21424es "The
aid ofief tor tea Qattara a , .at. aim at 2411 Peas
atiket. .
• " We'd"' StdPtltte ct
Tor presetylng alder.. rat eats by Charles Super,
Itztqate,,,eartar of Patta ottult St. CnAll itreets,
. - Just Opened,
mete! Olethleor House, et'lle rittb etreer, where'
vrirgrer 410,000 . worth or elothlos raialtig
Folllrd:Cgobritted Cold Pens, , •
All lazes, for sole. urns, pogorsu & Co.,
dißor • • • 34.11114 lama
Large Sale
lIIeT itimitnzeuzistrusets, bpdalnit, blanket,
sal 'amts.:visor:row fraigabl . tanning, at to
4 , 40p1t, akperielyl44ll, Attotionatoomm, 55 and 67
rink street. — Hoe agyertbaagas.
THE r DAILY pirriTs
Sawyer's Pure Ambrosial VogetableClompound
It is the queen of tha toilet, for it contains no sub-
Minima InJurieus to the skin, makes a safe, rich
lathe, and Is pleasantly perfumed. Price O Cents
• cake.
Mill be acid, nimmencing this morning, at to
O'Cloek; et McClelland's Auction Haulm, No'a t 5
arai 57 Fifth .treat, a large quantity of Furniture,
Carpets, Blanket', Bed Spreads, Comfort", !spring
Mattraesev, Hair Pillou ',Sheets, Blinds. Cutlery.
lasuieneware, ho. This opportunity should not be
overlooked by pereons going to hounekeeptog, the
mom of the snicks being nearly new, a portion
of them entirely nem. Sale poaittre.
Are invited to call and untnitie our stock and
compare pi ices. We have large quantities and
great varieties of prints, brown and bleached mu
lins, ticking, flatsela, blankets and •bawls, all of
which we will cell at less than cuter, prices
We have also a variety of pant sulfa, dress goods,
Onidoes, Le., which we are Wang very cheap at
59 Market street.
Full Statement of the Product of Plthole
Welly—improvements—Tubing Cons pa
niet—ll allroads—A gales In General.
Pireonx, Nov. 30, 1E65.
Enrrons Gazarrx : According to promise I
scribble you a few lines In relation to this reeion
of mud, frame houses and 011 Wells, and while
standing on the hill near the Morey House, and
pang upon the multitude of deiTlcks, and the
busy ere no In view, I felt that there you'd,
among Me many busy operators, be but few that
would be cullciently remunerated for the east
expenditure and great hardships they were un
dergoing. The McKinney, Dawson, Ball, Morey
I herewith „give you as near an estimate of the
productioas of the place as can be obtsloed
sitHinney Farm 403 bble.
Moray rat in 500 ••
Rymer Farm.— 600 ••
Thome Dolmden Farm.—Thls farm
keeps ius own If not on the Increase.
The old mother well, knows as the
United States or Frazer well, is
pumping and Sowing from one hun
dred and fitly to two hundred bar
rels ......... . 173 •.
Twine, No. 1 and 9 400 ••
Borchelt, No. 47 500 ••
Pool. No. 54 700 •.
Eureka, No. 145
Do. 76 200 ••
Do. 150—a new well 150 ••
Do. 73 100 , "
Do. 63 100 •
Grant Well, No. 19 600 ••
Do. No. 35 175 ••
A great many wets in this great producing
neighborhood, have the tools that In them.
No. 51 has, bat the owners have commenced
a new our, and, for the present, abandoned the
old one. No. 5, supposed to be the moat valu
able lease on the farm, has bed the tools fast
for some three months. The Messrs. Potts,
with their usual energy, have commenced a new
well on their lease, and are now down one hun
dred feet There are a great many wells teet
he, most of which are producing a clear and
steady stream of wattr, while the aexlous own
ers ore standing around watching for the 00.
meat when the water will become colored, after
which the oil comes, in greater or less quaint
ties. Tory nearly all the wells put dawn shove
No. 7, and ruing up to the Grant well, have
been partial or total failures, apd the same up
to the boundary line of the lowa. One well
has been successful la the citj limits, which has
created quite an inquiry from the lessees In town
as to the price of their lots in fen simple.
The portion of the Rooker farm. owned la fee
simple, by Messrs Pratt b Sumner, is vary pro
No. 110
" 102
•• 103
" 16
450 bbli.
, 300 "
..... 500 "
The owners of Lite Rooter term get Done of
.he above productioos. The Rooker farm prop
er Is yielding about 500 barrels.
The pipe laid from here to Henry's Landing
is a complete success and conveys ell at the rata
of I= bbls per day, and la really attached to
any tank; also the pipe to the Town of Mere.
dith, (known better aa Miller farm;) the large
pipe known here as Judge Cacy's pipe t 3 (lee
polls will be soon ready for transporting oil.
The Oil City and Pithole railroad have the
way graded to the tanks here and will soon be
in active Operation, also the Reno and Pithule
road 'la Plummer.
The action of the Graqd Jury was submitted
to Judge Campbell, of the Court now sitting et
Franklin, and we expect the Judge to approve
of It this week. an/ also to name a day for the
election of ■ BarTe, ss and Common Connell.
when we expect to have &timing times, es there
are already some tacitly candidates in the deld.
The Plthole Water-works Company have their
mein pipes laid through most of the principal
streets and Introduced into three or lour hotel..
so that we will have one great necessary of life
cheap and pole.
The 3fethodist Episcopal, iralted Prensterian,
and Roman Catholic Cnarches ere nearly cow
pletcd, and they make the town look neat, moral
Ltd happy-
aWe have already one fire company In active
operation. They tire a Thanksgiving ball
and sapper at the Duncan Home. They are to
appear In fell uniform and badges, and call
themselves Charter Oak No. 1. It is expected
to to a toe thing for Pith°ie. Jack Frost has
stiffened tip the mud, and the roads are much
Improved, and walking is good. I think tee
winter will be a very pleasant time here.
New TORN, Dec. 3.—Adrices trom Valparai
so, Chili, to the 11th of November, give a vivid
picture of the excitement prevailing in Chili In
regard to the Spanish aggression In declaring
the blockade of the six Chillan ports—Valpa
ruts°, Colder:1o, Coquimbo, Guayacan, Tomo
and Teccahriano. The Chilies Government has
ordered all the Spanish residents to Valparaiso,
where they can be ander the vigilance of the
authorities. The trans'er of Spanish property
or assets is forbidden. Toe foreigners are de
cided In their support of the Government. The
The Diplomatic Corps, resident in Santiago.
hare expressed their approval of the protest of
Chill to Spain. Tee Germans Sn the province
of Alaconsa have voluntarily renounced all ex.
emption from tares, to which, as foreigners,
they hare a right. The preparations for war
are rigorously carried on.
From Honduran — ConigUtutlonal Change
NEW YORK, Dec. 4.—The latest alvices fro •
Honduran, by way of San Salvador, report a
later political changes. The insurrection In th
State of Oirucha has terminated.
. . .
The Congress of the Republic of Honduras
LUIS decided to abolish the Senate Chamber.
The reason giren is that In a country esaenti
ally Democratic, like Honduras, an Upper
House or Semite Is not deemed necessary, All
tho Members of Congress will henceforth be of
equal loiltical rank, and will be simply called
Representatives of the Congress of Honduras.
The question of capital punishment is at.
[meting much attention in Honduras.
Constitutional Amendment Adopted Alabama—Canerula Recognized.
W/Ernrscerez, December 4.--On:1elal
fiance from the Alabama Legislature Informs us
that they have retitled by an overwhelming
tote, the Constitutional Antl-Slavery Amend
The President has reccgn'zed L-mls De Arca
as Vice Conant of Spain In New York and Juan
Jose Barret, Consul General for the Republic of
Nlcaraugna, in the same city: Ferdinand Tama,
Consul of Oldenburg at New Orleans, IL Clan
tunes, Consul or Saxony, at Chicago.
-111 --. Trade In San Francisco.
BAN Fnatosco, Dec: 'J.—Trade is very dull,
7ho•rainy season has latcrropted transporta
tion to - the interior, while the western market la
'Wicked with goods. l,❑adirg imported
ore unchanged; a prcasure to sell them, how
ever, would cause a decline.
Petroleum. aolla at Sl2%c, Barley, $l,O
Wheat, PiiUt3,o2l,.
Freights doll. Morey plenty. Btocks de
' -----
Gale at Fortress Monroe.
" ' •
FonT Moknon, Vs.; Dec. I.—The gale in thll
trletelty has been very severe. The telegraph
lints are down between here and Baltlincre and
Mete:toad, The steamer Nellie Peoty is a total
loss. The upper ra!oon on deck of a steamboat
with staterooms washed ashore at Cherrystone
this morning, It la not known what steamer this
b from.
Fire In Chicago,
• CI3ICAGO, December 4.—Last night a Um
brae tint in the furniture store of W. A. Zer
-203 liundolth street. Leas ou stock
aboULT , 000, andon the building , 810,000.
N, Chid.° f tho Flro Department, was
selloidlyisinitid by falling, through a hatch way.
• • -
lit Pieiddent's Iffessage.
Buessio, hi understood here that
tho President's Message hai been forwarded by
Ulan to the prinelpet eltlea East 'and West. and
TO dee issued when tho Erealdent delivers U to
congreee, Which La ,
expected to take place to
Queen or the Toilet.
Auction Notice
Country Merchants
J. W. BAKurn & Co
From CD 111.
—Senate A bollsbed
Our Special Dispatches.
Expected Change in ommlttees
Reorganization of the Regular Army
cbct.. dfa.. d,o
Special Plepateg:to the Pitteburgh Garette
Elm settled In Washington for the whiter, u
the chief Washint, , ton correspondent of the
New York Tribune.
Of Ohio, whose main distinction was gained in
the noose as Chairman of the Judiciary Ccm
mittee, is tallied of for that position.
/lON. CEPS. 6. M . ( LURE ,
Of PeonsTlT2nla, i lyiOX ill with conzestire
It le nuderstodl that a strong committee on
the District of Columbia is to he organized in
the Senate, as Important questions will come
before it. Mr. Morrill of Maine, Is to be Chair
man. Mr. Fessonden will return to the Finance
Committee as Chairman, and Mr. Sherman to
the Committee on Agriculture. Mr. Anthony
will be Chairman of the Committee on Post
offices; Mr. Clark on Claims; Mr. Wilson on
Military Affairs; Mr. Footr on Public Band
ing.; Mr. Grimes on Naval Affairs, and Mr.
Pomeroy Chairman of Committee on Public
Lairds. Mr. Guthrie will be on the Finance
It is understood that considerable op2oeltion
exists In the Senate, to the passage of the Rouse
Cancun Resolation. ActMg Vice President
Foster, as open In his opposition, and others arc
very narrows about it, the most of them making
• pretext for their opposition, out of its dance
cutting off debate. They say sainoritles have
always a right to discussion, and that In the
Senate they have never passed anything :Ike a
proviso:re question.
It is stated that Gen. Butler's name, which
was placed on the list of unemployed Generals
for muter ont by Gen. Grant's direction, was
stricken off by President Johnson as soon as
submitted to hien for revision.
The retimated expanses of the Baroan of
Docks and Yards of rho Navy Yard, far the
final par ending Jane 30th, 1567, are upward'
of nine and a quarter IDMIOIII3.
It can be stated on good authority that about
one hundred Union members of the House have
expressed themselves In favor of admitting the
Tennessee delegation as soon as the question
comes before the House. The Virginia delega
tion will hold a caucus to morrow to determine
upon the course to Pursue In reference to their
admission. They all express the belief that
everything bangs on the actiOn of their Legisla
ture on the Constitutional Amendment,
have signed a pacer urging that cooy to endorse
the action of the Aiiexiandtla Legislature ratify
ing that orainaneei
The Secretary of State has not yet sent any
of the maninscrint of hie correspondence to the
public printer. The compute reports of the
other secretaries will be reedy for dellrery about
the end of the week.
raa PBES/11=4T'S ,1.C14310E
will be read to the Senate and House at two
o'clock Ito morrow afternoon, after which
[best bodies will probably Amara until %loads!,
Speaker Colfax says be will not be ready to
annoance the committees until Monday. Several
Important changes are likely to be made.
it la probable that C, ngrese will, at an early
day, take In hand the reorganization of the reg
ular army. Great dissatisfaction exists among
officers of lower grades, especLally those who
have served in the field throughout the war, in
consequence of the [111.1.: manner in which pro.
motions are made. Th•y complain that collotre
who have done nothing but sit on easy elixirs
for the last four or five years, far out of range of
the enemy's grins, have received most of the
promotions, while their claims have been ig.
Here was reinforced 1,-day by the arrival of ex
Governor Wickliffe, of that State. The deleua
tam have given up hopes of being admitted
and sill return to Louisiana at au erly day.
The Superindent of lodise Affair, stn•
Gutted at Atchison, Kansas, has fast communi
cated to the Commissioner scene of the de
tails regarding the recent attack on an -rrerland
stage coach and the killing of sin -of the pas
sengers. Ile states that the outrage was com
mitted he a band of fifteen hundred Cheyennes,
AtrapalicAis and Apaches, corning aouthward 1.0
the Arkansas lifter, and that their march was
characterized by plunder and murder. After
burning the coach the band also destroyed five
mall stations and drove all the live stock south
ward. The Superintendent expresses the belief
that the Indiana composing this band were not
present at the ratification of the treaty of peace
between their trines and the United States, and
that when Limy return anti learn of the liberal
provisions of the treaty they will see fit to cal.
time friendly relations with the Governmeut.
C'S 109 rAcirle ItA/LROAD
C. Durant, Vic President of the Union Pa
ntie Railroad. Is here, Leaking arrangements for
the examination and acceptance, by the Govern
mem Commissioners, of the first forty miles or
the male floe west of Omaha. Since the decis
ion of the President. approving the amended lo
cation of the line, the work ban progressed vary
Ge.ip at,et the organization ofCommittees
mostly assumes that Thedene Steven. will be
left off the committee of Ways and Means and
that Morrill will be advanced to its chairman
ship. Stevens is said to aspire lathe chairman
ship of the Joint committee provided for in the
resolution of to day. iloery J. ftssixtenu le
talked of for foreign relations, but old men:there
protest against giving an entirely new man the,
place of highest honor In the hence. Banks
will be placed high, and Dawes it is supposed
will return to the Electrons Committee.
From Guatamela—!opal firlef—Coestlto.
lion Reform.
New Your, Dec. 4 . — From °Ultima+, we
bees received soviets to the 2d of November.
The Pope has sent en autograph letter to his
beloved son, the illustrious and honorable Baron
Visconot Cerena, President of the Republic of
Gautamala, congratulating him on Me elevation
to the Presidency. A Mintier letter has Ms*
been received from ttut tauten of Swath The
President °rake Republic has sent a message to
to Congress. urgtog certain reforms In the Con
Worth Carolina' gedaterattlp.
RAIZIOII, N. C., December I.—Hott. Wm. ' A.
Graham was elected United States Senator to.
day for the long term, receiving one hundred
and thirty-eight out of one hundred and tiny.
four votes. The ballotting for Senator for the
short term was without success. Mr. Graham
was In the Confederate Senate and has not been
President Johnson's Message,
The Meeting of Oongress
Secretary Elarla as'e Position.
Decisions of the Reread treasury Comptroller.
NEW Tons, Dec. s.—The World's special
Baja: Conservative Senators prenounce the
President's message sound to the core. Ere ar
gues at considerable length in favor of the poli
cy of reconstruction; says oar relations with
England and France were never more satisfac
tory. He calls special attention to the recom
mendation of Secretary McCelloch, to convert
the seven-thirty bonds, at any time before their
maturity, at the Secretary's option, Into six per
cent, bonds, the Interest payable in gold.
The Bert:dans Washington special says, Last
week two hundred and seventy-five thousand,
four hundred dollars of mutilated currency were
passed late the Treasury, and nine hundred and thousand eight hundred and eighty dol
lars of certificates of Indebtedness were redeemed.
The Tribune's Washington special says: The
Senate will convene to-day et twelve edeloek, to
await the organization of the House and ad
journ. A Senatorial easel,. will then Ito held
-'to prepare a list of etentnit tees.
With what temper of the Deese caucus rais
ing a Joist standing committee upon the ad
minion of Southern members will be received,
Is not yet entirely issued; some of the Senatom
approving the spirit. and Intent of the resole,
Lion, are jealous of any Infringement of the
rights of the two bodies, under the Constitution,
to regulate admission to their respective organ
Therele no doubt of a combined action, but
the passage of a resolution by the House. affix
ing conditions to a membership in the Senate,
and vice 10111.11, 15 so suggestive of irrekciarity,
if not inconsistency, that it Is thought possible
be influential persons in both branthes of the
National Legislature, that similar though sep
arate committees may be raised in lien of the
Joint Committee.
The House will meet at the usual hour, and
go through with the form of organisaUon without
delay. The several caucus Dominoes, and cape.
daily doorkeepers, have had little time for their
devotions to-day, so incessantly and
sate have been the place-seekers. These condi.
dates are, from the heroes pf many battles to
the widow's son who wants to be a page, and
" their name is legion." After organising, the
House will adjourn to Tuesday, when the mes
sage and accompanying reports will be received.
But one national bank was establLsbed last
week. There are now In operation 1,613.
flee. Howard, of the Freedmen's Bureau, yes
terday Issued a circular stating that numerous
cases have been reported of the summary expul
sion of freedmen and refugees from their tene
ments on the plantations restored, and ordering
that hereafter all officers and agents of the Bu.
man will prevent the recurrence of such eject.
merits in future. In case of doubt, the Assias
sot Commissioner of the State is directed to
forward his opinion to the t ommissieuer of the
Bureau before any order of restoration is is
The Herald's special says: Mr. Harlan,
retary of the Interior, has commenced his prep
arations to secure his election to the U acted
States Senate. This Indicates that he intends to
leave the Cabinet at no distant day. It has
been thelmpression hero for some time past that
Mr. Harlem is the only member of the present
cabinet not in fall accord with the President.
The coil , does on the frontier report that
smtmgiers who hove heriat to truce arc broom
lug alarmed at the preparations made to ap
prehend them, and that the business to falling
off. Merchants along the line, both in the . :
States and Canada, are shutting op their shops
and tuspending operations, hence the revenue
editors inaugurated the system of eloeely exam-
Iniag the clothing of fernalq who cross the
frontier. That class of travel is failing off; not
one woman crosses the Si. Lawrence now where
twenty did before.
Durwm the mouth of Noromoer the sxon
Cowl troller of the Treitsn y revised two MOILS
and seven hundred and seventy-three Prize
claims, and six thousand four hand,•/ and
nintly-elz claims of heirs of decrar rrd
The Second Comorolier has de/ lied that In the
ea, of a soldier detailed as a Mere In tae War
Ildpattment, bounty maturing whlla oo snen
service canuot be I aid, aa extra pay is received
for delaelicd duty of this kind.
It Is also derided udder the came authority
that asidlers who enlisted In the Veteran Re
serve c^rpe. under the provisions of General
Order No. 721, of June 1.5 M, 1‘43-1, are not en
titled to any Instalment bounty maturing when
serving as t 1 trk it any IWulf:neat; but If dis•
charged with ail the men of his regiment be
cause the Govercrnent no longer requires the
service of their et tire term of enlistment, he
maintains the same footing and rights In regard
to bounty claims as pertain to the balance of the
members of the same regiment.
Message of Gov. Pierpoint.
Krim sosn, Dicember I . — Thelelatare of
Vintinia assembled today. la the absence of
the Lieutenant Governor, Mr. It sbinson of Nor
folk, presided over the Senate. Shelton Davis,
Secretary (or the teat eight years, was re
elected, with Harrison Bergeunt-st•Arms,
The Rouse orgentz•sl by the election of John
B. Baldwin Speaker, and John Bell Mixer Clerk.
Mr. Baldwin was a strong Colonist before the
war, and represented the A agnate District in the
Conksimare Congress, Blggre was Asaistaw.
Clerk for several years. It. W. Burke was re.
elect, ti Sergeant -at-Arena.
After the orranizx ion or the Leg ..tist•are, the
Governor's !fessage was received and rand. The
f , overnor tirst cans attention to the pupil,
debt, showier an aggregate or f 10,0010.000,
against 122,000,000 availed, assets. The State
has sor.rsi millions In unproductive internal
improvemeaLs. The Interest due on the 0 rstof
issuer! exceeds 86,000,000. The .Ittestiou of
taxation Is considered at some length.
The Governor says a levy of sixty per cent.
on the real estate will be required, end recom
mends a tax or H. oboe for teiclug oysters In the
waters of Virginia. He suggest-, the sale of the
B , ate IllYeatlrlalt ID railroad stocks and bottels,
which would reneve the Stace of F 15,000,000 of
debt and promote the efficiency of the rail
The edecational Interests of Virginia are spe
cially commended to the attention of the Legis
lature., and the establishmeut of a Polytechnic
school Is urged. The Governor recommeads
the barrage of laws hcldleg fiduciaries teapot'.
able for meestommte In Confederate bonds,
lie Clutha, after matnro conelderatlon, vary
little legislation lo needed Is regard to the fre
men, hot they should be• allowed to testify as
witnesses, and should be tried aud punished the
same as white persona.
lie 'deices that the ra.000,000 heretofor e In
vested In the Covington tOltio) Railroad be
given as a bounty to any company that will onm
pinto the road.
The repeal of the usury laws is recommended.
The Governor devotes the concluding part of the
Iltasage to reconstrnetlon, and says It la of the
utmost Importance that the people of Virgin!'
Live cheerful support to the Federal Govern
ment, In the payment of all tares assessed for
payieg the National debt,
It la positively amerted hereto-day, that Gen.
Bteler w l / 1 take command of the Department of
Virginia on the Bth of January neat.
President or the Senate—tiouthern Con
greaassen—Canadian Affair■.
New Yona. Doc. 4.—A special dispatch to
the Catamarca,' from Washington says: There
Is come talk of a change In the presiding onions
of the Senile, In piste of Mr. Foster, of Con
The Southern members have given UP the
hope of admbudon, Immediately, If at all. Rest
of thtra leave to-mtnow for their homes In the
• 'mini to the Herald from Torouto on
December ate says: Burglaries are very beim
erase. Last eight the gate of the Law Society
was robbed of £5OO.
A council of the leading Onuagemem has been
held, at which It Wee decided to take tneaatirea
gatdeism &pleat the antlelpatee Feelam .
Navigation is open. •
Chicago end Worth Western Railroad.
CarOulu, Dec. 4.—The Times sap, a contract
h " been eatehided for the completion of the
C alogo and North Western Railroad , including
a bridge derma the Missouri Firer, on or beton
January lit. 1809. The contractors Who are to
band the road rrceiyd their componsation In the
repo of 'float rental for iinuathOr Ma•
Waegetrovos, Dec. 4.—The galleries and
Reuse are densely crowded. At noon, Mr.
McPherson, clerk, proceeded to can. to
[squired by law, the roll of members elect.
While the ron was being called, Mr. Maynard,
of Tennessee, whose name had not been placed
on the roll by Mr. McPherson, wanted to sug
gest something, but the clerk refused to be In
After the clerk had completed, Mr. Maynard
again reset° speak, but the clerk again ruled:him
out of order. One hundred and serenty-Sve
member& answered to their names.
Mr. James Brooks, of Now York, made a speech
characterizing the oml_•elo& of the names of the
members from Tennessee from the roll, as un
precedented, unjust, and totally uncalled for.
If, he said, Mr. Maynard was not a loyal man
from a Union and loyal State, then the Presi
dent of the United States was not a loyal man,
but an alien and a stranger, He charged that
the adoption of the resolution excludlug the
southern members from this House by a Re
publican canals wee designed as antagonistic to
the Praldent's forthcoming message.
The House took no action on the subject,
but under the operation of tho previous ques
tion proceeded to the election of n Smarter.
Hon. Schuyler Coffee, of Indiana, and Hon.
James Brooks, of New York, were put In nomi
The House then proceeded to vote with the
following result: for Mr. Colfax, 139; torpir.
Brooks, a. Mr. Colfax was declared elected
amid applause, and was conducted to the chair
by Messrs. Morrill and Brooks, when he retnraed
his thanks in a brief and eloquent speech. The
Speaker took the oath of °face, and after
wards administered It to the membersov no were
called up by delegations.
The Speaker delivered the following address :
fientb-men of the Rome of Representatives.—
The resssembllng of Cobgreas, marking, as it
does, tea procession of National history, is al
ways regarded with Interest by the people for
whom It is op legislate; but It Is not unsafe to
any, that niilllms, more thin ever before, In the
-South, East and Weat, are looking to the Con-
I gouts which opens Its first session, with
an earnestness and solicitude unequalled en
similar occasions In the past. The Thirty
eighth Congress, dosed its Constitutional ex
istence with s gloomy cloud of war still lower
ing over vs, and after gibe months ref peace,
Congress resumes legislative authority
In there Council Halls, rejoicing that
that from shore to shore In our bind there is
peace. Its duties ere as obvious as the sun's
pathway In the heavens. Representing la Its
two branches the States and the people, Its first
and highest obligation!. to guano tee to every
State a republican form of government. The
rebellion having overthrown the constitutional
State Governmente In many States, It Is yours
to mature and enact legislation with the COn
entresice of lark a basis of enduring justice as
will guarantee all safeguards to the people, and
afford what our Miens Chart; the Declare
lion of Independence, proclaims the elder
object of the Government, protection to ail
men In their rights. [ applause.] the world
should witness In this great work the most an
dexible fidelity and the truest patriotism And
statesmanahlp. Men by hundreds of thousands
have died that ttu t toblie might live. The
emblema of mourn have darkened the White
House and cabin all - ; but the fires of dell
war have melted every fetter In the land and
proved the funeral pile of slavery. It is far you,
Repoontativer, to do your work as faithfully
and as well as did the fearless eavioars of the
Unloo, on their more dangerous ernes of duty.
Then we may hope to see the vacant
and one* abandoned seats arouni us yet
gradually tilling up until this 'seashell contain
Representatives from every State and district,
their hearts devoted to theUelon of which they
are the legildabers, jealous of Its honer, proud
of Its glory, watchful of Its rights, and hestile
to its enemfer; and the stets on our banner,
that paled whim the States they represented
rayed themselves In arms against the nation,
will shine with a mote brilliant light of loyalty
than ever before. I applause.l laroking the
guidance of Him who holds tne demos y of na
tion& in the hollow of His hand, and your sup
port and asalstance In all grave responsibilities,
I am sow ready to take the oath p escritied by
A revolution wan then adopted deciaring Mr.
/d'Pherson Ills.Ordwey Sergun at A -ms,
Mr. Goodenow Doorkeeper, and Mr, ti v
!Mast r , until their soccesors shall tot duly
quallfletl. The yeas and nays were ordered on
the raolotion with the following rosullso yeas,
133; nay", n. These tilizera of the Isoute were
hen sworn In.
• Mr. Stevens, of Penney'. vanta, offered a bill
which was approved In the Republican caucus.
for the appolistment of a commissioner to ex
amine and report whether say of the iso-called
. Confederate states arc entitled to representation
In Cur grass.
Mr. Kld: edge objectel to the intrOloc 103 of
the bill.
Mr, Stevens moved tolUithend the rale'. The
motion we. agreed to and the bill was then in
Mr. Dawson moved to lay the bill upon the
table. The house retuned to lay the bill on the
table. The bill, as introduced by Mr, Sevens,
was then paired by the following veto i yeas,
12.3 ; cars 30.
Mr. Washburnc, of Illinois, gave notice of
bill to revive the grade of General In the Visited
Stales army.
Mr. Oeth gave notice of a 1,111 to amend the
Conelitotion so as CO apportion represeetatlons
In Coupes. according to the number of legal
voter" in each district.
Mr. Kelley gave notice of his Intention to In
troduce the following bill, to extend the right
of suffrage In the District of Co terabits
Be It enacted, Ate., that from all lawn and
pram of laws proscribing the quantications of
electors for any Mike la the District of Colom
bia, the word "white" be, and the same Is,
hereby stricken out; sad that from and after
the plumage of this act, no person shall be Ms
qoalified from voting at any eleedon held in the
said Rostriet on auoint of color.
Benito!' s.—And be it farther enacted, that all
acts of corg we and all lave of the state of
Maryland In too - en In said district, and all ordi
nance' Of the cities of Washington and George
town, in COYSiCt with the prollslOns of this act
are hereby repealed,
The Moose tims adjourned,
Scones,—The Senate met at twelve o'clock
and wee called to order by Vice ?residua Fos
ter. The Rey. Mr. Gray offered up a prayer.
After prayer by Mr. Gray the following Sena
tors were present Messrs. Anthony, Brown,
Buckalow, Chandler, Clark, Canners, Cowan,
Cressweli, Dixon, Doolittle Fusenden, Foote,
Foster, Crimea, Guthrie, Ilan es, Howard, Rowe,
Johnson, Lano, of Indiana, McDougall, blur
gun, Morrill, Numlth, Nye, Pomeroy, Ramsey,
Riddle, Salisbury, Sherman, Sprague, St ;wart,
Sumner, Trumbull, Vanwinkle, Wade, Willey,
ma, Wilson and Wright.
Mr. Foote. of Vermont, presented the cre
dentials of Mr. Lake P. Poland, appointed to
fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Mr.
Collura r .
Mr. Wright presented the croientlals of Mr
Stockton as senator elect from New Jersey.
Mr. Cowan presented a protest against th
reception of Mr. Stockton, signed by members
of the New Jersey Legislature, elle& i• the t
Mr. Stockton did not receive a constitutional
Majority of eaten which Is noceassry h hie
election no senator.
The protest was ordered to be laid upon the
table for the present and 11r. Stockton was duly
sworn In oalee.
Mr. Wade presented a bill to regulate the
ilective franchise in the District of Columbia.
The bill provides that front and after its passage,
every male citizen of twenty-one years of age,
who Ise ellisru of the United States, a resident
of the District for au x months, and never con•
victed of an infamous crime, shall have the
right of suffrage In that DLErict. Section two
Imposes a penalty for Interruption or laterfer
!nee with the right granted Ilbo9o.
The bill was ordered to be printed.
Mr. Sumner Introduced a bill to preaerre the
right of trial by jury, which provides that
Grand Juries shall oonanit one-ball of persons
af African descent in sections where one-alx
teenth of the population are Africans, and same
proportion in petit juries, where the matter re
lates to any injuries Inflicted by a person of Af
rican descent upon • person not of such de
scent, or vice versa, and prejudices against snob
African race is made a ground of challenge and
each:Mon from such Juries.
The bill was ordered to be printed.
Mr. SOMInf introduced a bill prescribing an
oath to maintains Republican form of govern •
DIM In the Mato in rebellion, as follows:—"I
do hereby swear, that I will at all time,, hereaf
ter, use my best endeavors to maintain • repub
lican form of government In this state, of which
lam an Inhabitant and in the union of the
United States I that I will, at •1.1 time,,, recog
nize the unity of the Republic and will always
discountenance and resent any endeavors to
break away or secede from the cadent that!
will give my Infliteect and vote, at all times, to
sustain the national credit; that I will always
discountenance and resist any attempt directly or
indirectly to repudiate or postpone, either In any
part or way, the debt which was contracted by
Unged States In subduing the [rebellion, or obli
gations mimed to Union Bohner& 1 will al
ways dlecountenance and resist anglain making
any distinctions In color or race, and always
will strive to maintain a state government ccm.
plately loyal to the Union. where all men shall
enjoy equal protection, and equal rights.. ,
Stich oath shall be prescribed, and if thlasly
bea t . such person shall be Mt, of perjury, and
In addition to the present penalty for that crime,
he shall forfeit his right to hold mace.
This was ordered to be printed..
Mr. Bumner offered a bill to enforeo the Cons*
tutional amendment by punishing any attempt..
to contest the services of any person contrary:
to this provision, by a One not exceeding one
thousand . dollars, mid Imprisonment not =Mid-
ing ten years, or both, at the discretion of the
Court, and should it be that such claim Is
sanctioned by any State law, it annuls the State
lava in con fl ict with It, and restricts the Juris
diction of the cases crowing out of It to the
United States Courts.
- -
Tithing ordered to be minted.
Mr. Sumter Introduced a bat to give the right
of suffrage to persons of color lath District of
Columbia, which was ordered to be minted.
Mr. Sumner introit:teed a Joint resolution
propoaing to amend the Constitution so as to
make voters. Instead of population the basis of
representation in Congress.
Mr. Sumner Introduced a concurrent resola 7
Son, declaratory of the adoption of the Cansti
tutional amendment abolishing slavery.
Mr. Sumner introduced a series of resolutions
declaratory of the duty of emigres% especially
in respect to the loyal citizens of the Buttes
lately in rebellion.
Mr. Brown gave notice of a bill to authorize
the construction of abridge across the Mississ
ippi river at Bt. Louis, also a bill to reimburse
the State of Missouri for expeiftes In calling out
and equipping militia. &c.
Mr. Harris Introduced s bill to regulate toe
JodieMu system of the United dunes.
Mr. Foote moved the adoption of an order that
the Senate twelve o'clock, which wee
Mr. Wilson Introduced a bill to maintain the
freedom of the inhabitants of the Biatee de
clared to be In lesurrection, which was ordered
to be printed.
At half-peat twelve o'clock the Senate took a
recces ustll two, when it rerosernbled and di
rected the Secretary to Inform th • Homo of lie
organization. Adjourned.
The Troubles on the Rio Grande
Nzw Tons, Dec. 4.--A dispatch from Toronto
says General Michaels, Administrator of
Canada, hen been informed of the contents of
the papers seized on the Read Cdntrc of the Fat
tens in Ireland, and this is the reason why rifle
men, numbering about alz hundred, have been
concentrated at Isle An Note., to be ready for
any attempt of the Fsnlans by way of Lobe
Chem plain.
An address was Leaned by toe late Fenian
Slate Convention. In California, to Irishmen le
the Pacific States, la which they are urgently
called upon to contribute of their strength and
means towards the struggle for the independ
ence of Ireland, and establishment of the
blab Republic.
The Correspondence of G leered Weltni with
General Melia at Slatamoras, and the French
Naval commander at the manta of the Rio
Grande, is published. Toe drat letter wan from
the naval commander to Gcnaral Weitzel, and
asserted that the liberals were supplied with
provisions and ammunition front Welisal'a coos.
mend and that the liberal artillery wee worked
by gunners from Weltztl's army who had not
been mustscredi out of the tervlce.v
It also declared that the Liberal 'rounded were
curd for in hospitals at Brownsville, arid that
the latter city seemed to be the headquarter,' of
the ILlberal forces, and closed by protesting
against the alleged violation of neutrality.
Genera! Weitzel returned the letter, saying
be could not receive a document so disrespect
ful to himself and his government.
The commander of the Imperial Messmer An
toalo wrote to General Weitzel, complaining
that the steamer bad been fired on by rillemen
from the American shore, sod mentioned other
violations of strict neutrality. General Weitz il
aeknowledges occasional violations of neutrality
by Individuals, and says he bad commenced an
Investigation-before the letter of complaint was
A second lcuer o•st recei bed from the French
naval commender in more respectful terms than
the first one. referring to matters covered by
correspondence between Gene. Weitzel and
Officer. NVIAO have visited tee Libere! camp
ssy the amy beeeiging Mateo:toms LA ahoy:
4.000 strong.
Bill introduced by Senator Sumner
Wssntxoros, Dec. 4.—The fella wing was in
troduced by Mr. Sumner In the Senate today:
Ltraoired, That In order to provide proper truer
an ties for security in future, so that peace and
Prosperity shall sorely prevail, and the plighted
faith of the endue shall be preserved, it is the
duty of Coagreas to take care that no State
declared to be in rebellion shall ►e allowed to
resume its relation to the Union until after the
eatiilactory performance of five several cohdi-
Sons, whirl conditions precedent must be sub
mitted to a popular vote, and be sanctioned by a
maim ity of the people of each State respective
ly, as follows:
The complete re-establishment of loyalty, as
shown by the bonen recognition of the union
of the republic, and the duty of allegiance to
it at all times, wlttiont mental reservation or
equivocation Of any kind: the complete sup
pression of all oligareLLia; pretensions, and the
complete enfranchisement of all citizens, an
that there shall be no denial of rights On ac
count of color or race, bat justice shall ho Im-
Partial, sad all shall be equa
the law; the
rejection of the rebel debt aid at the same time
adoption in set proportion of the national dept
hind natlonal obligations to tbe Union soldiers
with solemn pledges never to join le any meas
ures direct or indicret for their repudiation, or In
any way tending to impair the national credit
the organization of an educational system: for
the equal benefit of all, without distinction of
crier or rare the choice of citizens for office,
whether Stale or Notional, of constant and un •
doubted loyalty, whose conduct and conversa
tion shall give assuranceof peace and recoil.
lesaaited, that In order to pr wide Lhase essan
tlal safe iyaards, without which national flannel
ty and national faith will ba Impenliad, state
cannot be precipitated bark to pJlitical paws
and Independence, hat they mum wall until
there conditions arc In all ressiscts
Supreme Court—Madames Case Against
the Secretary of the Treasury.
Waritimovoit, Dec. 4.—The ease of the peti
tion for mandamus by James L.. Richard and F.
G. Porter, scales:. the Secretary of the Treasury
was continued In the Supreme Court before
.fudges Carter, Wylie mid Fisher to-day, when
Mr. C. Peck concluded hie aigument for the pe
titioners, and flon. Charles Eames commenced
hls argument for the respondent. Re had not
concluded at the hoar of adjournment but will
close to-morrow. Sir. Eames' argument was
considered dear, logical and conclusive against
the claim of the petitioners for mandamus on
the ground of Invalidity of the award. It Is
understood that the point to be made by Mr.
Eames to-morrow. Is that grating the award to
be valid, aWt the mandamus will not be to cam•
pet the Secretary of the Treasury to pay It.
Changes ef Rail Rend OMears.
Damon, Dec. S.—Several Important changes
have taken place among railroad oCliciale here.
Mr. W. E. Mal' has been appointed aselstant
superintendent of the Michigan Central Rail
Road, vice, C. EL Hard; resigned. Joseph Q.
Mats has been appointed secretary of the De
troit and Milwaukee Rail Road, and takes the
general management of that road. Mr. Hurd,
whose falling health compels him to leave the
railroad betimes, has been the recipient of the
driest serviee of silver over presented In this
Supreme Court In Session.
WAIIIIROTON, Dec. 4.—The Supreme Court o
the United States met this morning. All the
Judges were present. After calling at the White
House and paying their respects to President
Johnson, accompanied by ion. D. S. Gooding,
United States Marginal, hie deputy, 0, W, Phil
lips. and the Clerk of the Court, Mr. D. W.
Middleton. the Court adjourned till eleven
o'clock to-morrcw. when It will enter um the
beudneu of the terns.
Frost Aan:Pranctsco*,
flab Fasscnsoo. Dec. S.—Tbs.:Members of
tba Legislature ara assembilnird ilacnistento.
The sand= commences to.tbsitow.
The dwellinh of L. B. Harr% and cons**.
was distronseby Are laadaighL
Bond Kong. ClAnt, papers may a decor
has Was tuned, the abet of which will be to
throw a large *must of brudnesa into We buds
of foreign merebsabs.
//10 1.'dtsery Heaths whiter
BAVATUTWX, Dec. 4.—Tate pas beers a most
remarkable - day. the atceeePttere egtuilltag be
warmth °teamster. At soon, 110 tberrooma.
tor, exposed to the direct rays of the tun, Mee
to 108 degroes.
Mame? Due
'• poleaxes, December 4.--There are no algae
of the steamer Sibernlati CM O3 PerPOOI, Noy.
go. eta .14eadend0 1 7 UM MI6
PORTER—On Sabbath irreales, the rd Last: et
half past eight o'clock, at Itls residence in tlte
borough of Tareatum, JOHN If. PORTER, to I,lle
024 year of his sire.
The funeral will take place from his Late kW
dence at Tare/atone, on Tuesday morning, the IRA
lest., at half past ten o'clock. The friends of Rae
family an respectfully invited to attend.
DkARE—WILLIAM DRAKE, of Co. K, 6 1,1
Pa. V 01,., of typhoid term, peed It Team_ tote
burled from hie mother's residence, on the Plank
Road, Temperancosille, to.norrow (Tees
moreleg) etlo o'clock. The friends of the fatally
are respectfully Incited to attend.
REECE.-0o Meader, 4th MIL; at 9 o'clock Y.
, at the parents' residence, Wm. O. REECE,
aged two years and twenty days—lon of Ephralp
and Sarah farm Recce.
Thalami's' will take place tr.-morrow (Tunas*,
sth list.)fronthia patents' restaelloo, Mount Wash
ix:nun:o42 de/cek r. u. Friends of the faintly
are Innttedto attend.
most plattreiurtophoe of Sepulture, situate
o the uplands, letataty north of Allegheny
(It Y , " the New Brighten Road. Portions what.
lag to select Burial Lotawlll apply at the Stayer. Otto., at the Oestetery. rit/e Deeds,
Permits and all other businesswttl he attended at
the Drug Warehouse of the undermaed, easter of
:Yederal and Leastak atreeta, Alletten
IN AMEk ICA that now wares and pays so an.
anal CASH DIVIDEND on the first and each
subsequent payment of premium. Its CASH
oerrr,AG and acnimulatlon of f1L500,000 is
seburely Invested to public stooks and mortgages
of. REAL ESTATE. It le now in Ile lath year of
business, and has paid to the wroows sown on.
Frieze of Its stern,re the sum of ONE Pall:
LION DOLLARS. To this date not a single case
of litLeation has occurred, an evid,ce that Übe! ,
silty and fair dealing Is a speciality with tut.
The policies of this Company are not forfeited
by reason of non-payment of premium after the
se year. No payments required after te
years, but polities continue good through
7. 0. WAIKLY, President.
N. S. PALMER, Vice President.
S. H. WRITE, Secretary.
Branch Office for Western Pennsylvania, where
Circulars and Want App!legation will be furnish.
88 Wood Street. Pittsburgh.
eats wanted throughout the State. Apply to
:tyd F. E. GoODELL, State Agent.
Insurance Co. of North Amerioa,
Hartford Fire Insurance Company,
ahrTtoteetioti can be MIHMI to the above name
Lad egalable ecoapaolea.
W. L. /ORM earn.,
as W Mar Street. CUD atairs.l
uets on laciaary 1. 1331. 63.13 T, 649 ittl
Capital • 400,000
Accrued Premium. irti,to3
Invested Premiums 1,13E,..W1
Unsettled Olatuns 1,411
Income for t 864 300,00:1
Losses Paid since ISE, 8,000,0(Ki
Perpetual and Temporary Policies on abate
Crierlea A. Bantam, Immo Lee,
Tobias Wagner, - ward O. Dale,
Samuel Grem
Jacob R. Sml
George W. R?elards, Oeorga
flan.W. Leiria, -IL b'.
EDWARD C. DALE, Wien President.
JAS. W, biaALLISTER, See pro. tem.
J. G. COFFIN Agent,
mrat eorner Wood and Thlid streets.
I. MILLER, Jr, Presider;
int. P. FIERIdENT, Secretary.
office, No. at Water street, Spang a 00.4 Wars
house, up stairs, Pittsburgh.
ww I firma against all kende of Fire end Marine
Risks. A Home lesetitztiosi managed by Directors mho
GK sell blown in the ciraranthily, and mho are deli,
mined by promptness and liberality, to maintain the
character lanai they Amie assithiete=erioy die ben
gr aiethion to those lade desire to be
B. Ma lit
ar, Jr., Andrew Ackley,
James McAu ley, Alexander Speer,
Nathaniel Holmes, David Al. Long
Alex. Nunick, Rees J. Thomas,
George Dandy, Ohs. J. Clark,
Campbell B. Herron, JOilil B. IdsOnna.
C. W. Basket/D.)4,
myso r ... P. 'HERBERT. Secretary
OF PITTSBURGIL—Oince, eomer !garnet
and Water streets, second door.
WAIL BAGALET, Pruiteng c
WM. A. SHIKPARD, Secretary.
insures Steamboat. and Gerson. •
Dunnn against loss and damage In the nay' a
on 0: Re Southern end Western Rivers, I
and Bayous, and the nevtatiell Of the Sees. •
Insures against lon and damage by Are.
Wm. Saga PtitocTOne
Samuel Rea, S. ni. Kier,
John Shipton,
Jas. Perk, Jr., James M. Cooper,
W. G. Johnston, S. Elarnew.h.
B. F. Jones, 3. tlaldweil, Jr"
Ron. T. K. Rowe, John S. Dilworth,
Barclay Preston ,Wm. A.. Rodgers.
George 13inghan,
thrice, N. E. corner of Wood and Fifth Sta:
Wm. Phillips, MC'
Joke Wau, Capt. Jahn L. Remus
Jelin E Puke, Samuel P. &deem,
Charles S. Bissell O. Hansom Love, -
D. /ark. Charles Arbuckle,
James D. Vmer ' 4l. • j°" F. KirkPurick ,
u CiIYde.WdPR 7 PS'P "JOrNWAZTEesPrizee. wm.r.oluDrEß Z
NY OF PTITSEURGEL-0121se,fr70. rt fifth
at-eet, Bank Block. •
s. lnsures apaust all kinds of Firs and Marini
78A.A0 JONES, President.
D. 21. BOOK, .S.r , d
.701 EN Dn4 . /WOOED, Vice Presider:4
Dave onn,
0. G. Huney.
Oapt. B. O. Chey,
John Irwin, Jr,.
B. L FahnentonY
Satin D. McCord,
Clapt. Adam Jaaobs,
B. B. Star ,
FL L. M W ia. l taa
U. Davi&
L .
nit am/arta:lours . r , ij u G ",
0017011 BALSAM . V -,,, -, ;s . , . , r 1
Is warrented to be the only ' -,1- • -1.7 V .-"--''''
ugsafiztkaldriz:Ao.::, mOBE.I
Asthma, Whooping Omagh, • -
Ukronle Canna. Odosumpt 00. lro • SW and
Croup. Being prepared front firma, awl Ilene, it
la healing. loft. alog,.and expeetotetwg and oar
tieniarly suitable for all adenine. or 1111 Throat
and Lungs. For rale by tingled, ererywhere.
R. r. Etra.LERS /I. 00.,
Wizetwur.i iteinrre. •
rk Y 8 .EP 6idi .
~..A11, 1 1\,..,
TAi'llY)ll3 re9tigoWLrel 4""114\
rPalg ofxada.= r -.., 4t. '
eartelnatle. tostreagtheo ',-
the stoned:l and ' '4.
system It It a certain .. ' . 4k
reined: for JpaPePlia Cr e.• .y :
Indigestion, fflrolllitegiv ,- re Id v.
Loa Of Appetite , Andft7 "` ../.. r...
,ef the Stomach, blatialen.
et alehoholle, therefore
at and Detail. II tern
Particularly • tad tor Weak, Nervous and D.
peptle wawa. For ebb) by all Druntete every
where, at II per bottle.
eetsdyd Wrzahrsaha Aoaans. '
B. 'used ttlotutaztda or the F 0 R
worst emu of Blind .and • . .
=Zit P, I E S
permanent eure. It di- • -
rattly. It Is warm to sure. Poi isle; by7t
Itmentitta as 50 eentiikar bottle.
oetklz 01
WieLseEamt Co..Ar
Sugar Cured Mass,
Bacon Shoulders,
Bacon Sides,
For tale Dr
PORN / I ACICK/4 12 ra11214
"VlBas nt bb
Tral rmslo4 is MalteL6LJA.lo,
Other House in the Wor ld.
lat. We have three meaufaetrtreit .eanstantll
making OUR OWN GOODS from gis•
legted stock.
3d. We have an office on ?tan airnet.B ostan,
where all manufacturer, In Neff England know
that cash Is on nand to sect/many bargaln. and
whore good. an forced at anctlon, W etas:wilt%
be is on hand to boy then.
4th. We have an Agent at 95 Clottlinde etrm4
New York. working entirely for Onr anal& of
Wholesale and Retell Houses, the plinsipal of
widen is
Also have one at leS Woodlarui Avenue, DM
troll, Michigan.
One at Ite glean street, Wheeling, intglata.
One et zn Federal street. Allegheny.
One at 96 °alumni& street, Ft. Wayne, Indiana.
One at 127 Superior event, Illerelati4Ohia•
And one at X,.ftore Hall , SteubenvlMP, OSto.
minded Boot and Shoe Itstabiisiziont
Sir- We eall more Goode mill prebetter Wig
Isetloa than arty other firm to the UNITE
.. •••••••$1,7a0,0e0.
Opposite tea Opera House ode!
For the followtag reasons:
lon have the finest stock in the city ao sale*
Yon only pay the Publishers price for, geoleti
Ton alto receive at time of purchase a presait:
Your present will be worth from foe. 11 4 / 9 .
You will be entirely satisf led with both Bast
and Present.
All we ask, Try us.
The choicest stook of
AND JEWELRY, ever brought to ADA.
ighetina oft cow be seen at tan ,
No. 88 Weseacrzesa 115t4.
Where WATOJELES of the ben nutters amaze,
Kr of the newels styles, ( 1 1.0088 of mop : gm
crlotion Olken, American and French Itudeara,
u Forks, Spoons and Hollow Wars f a and Finnan Gains And Mara YAMS Of
er. , ut told all arileln beloulng ro
whist will es sold ne grear m W6 ...
Flu Watch and Jewelry work
mars and repairs& Highest pries piteicy , .Attest. Donk gaud the pines, 113 Federal Masts
Allegheny. sending
J . A. BROWI4,
114:11.64IIIIIT at Portable llistiaisw Attu.
diTILITHHT 13181 TULLE 02312207 i..
Ns .121 surricrrth sr.. rrrrimtruit .
•ib e uut Lim asmo
.rtl.fles;meat of TEITZTIAX Maar .
at P 412, Panify tiant
mums al ditralF4 sty aall les. EtlnCls pp:4mi
dimmed and n.m.s.ft at 20120. aw,
ncrammx. amazimei r t,
scrpfraa,npraaaial, rtanrida..llol2)
miapda, and PI di mplea, .
Toinat EA OPW.E sum .• •
& luaapnam,. maw
Mika aad w rai ckevar ca• swi ft wa i n
awl Mows buka to rem Us Tinia
T. A. --•• - "TIC E. Pure /(0. 1 .- w
171 rd ElfitEttd OM; -
• f - vAnBoN
2411 ODG ,
_ Nal% riio u u
-- - critiTha rt caw
Sal In orlduttuds to man almoners. -
wantinit 47 of the anon, =nod Mit Would dot
nal to cm And oisstitis our stoat_ int an &ra
tan:tined se - WI - Mod goods vrair tS/19
0.8.88. •
oilirratirt DEI7O SWIM
Colmar Onto and PodorailStreets. b MOOS *9Uo. Allostes,
as ~7i aligladdri
-NO. 303.
No. 60 Fifth Street
IX THE co tr.drrn
IDE OLOTEE 00/1.19
and ail styles of
ECIA.RDLIi;39.OI' 003