The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, December 02, 1865, Image 1

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    _ ESTABLISHED IN .1786.
ahe §i burgh aizette.
P, W. Dumas,. }
J. C. Simms, A. by, Principals.
Agur.. Cowbgr.
/int botrfgre Duping, Corner Penn and Sr. Carr els.
Serena a Odd Perkier' Dnttdtag, AVM St.
" 1F05.28 and R 9 sr. Mt. si.
.ILUSUTALCArOB TIM 'gm= aroma Dec. 2, IS.Z.
J. AA - myth.; LI - eta:Se& Co.. 0
311. Frout, Sabbath Best, Blair Co., Pa.
C. A; Wadsworth, Cuyahoga Falls,Surn mit d0.,0.
IVY 0.17 cod, Elkhart , Elkhart 00., Ind.
W. B,ElSenhart, Oteenrllle 3lereer Co.. Pa.
Greenville, Mercer Co,. Pa.
unroll, Wellsburg, Brooke Co., t est V a
J. Ktnnedy. Pittsburh, Pa.
rk.Baltzeli, St. Francrsellle, Clark Co., Mo.
6. Ai Conrad, Birmingham, Allegheny Co., Pa.
W. h. Petrie, Temperapeeville, •
W. M. elision, N. Wilmington, Lawrence Co. , .
21. C. Boilkamyer, 'Ashland. -Ashland Co., O.
A; N. Origga, Randall, Crawford Co., Pa.
A. JAtarnsayiN. Wilmington, LawreneS Co.. Pa.
Oree4Lewlabtag„Union Ccu, Pa.
111.'W; 11.tnekey . ;Franktio. Venango-Co., Pa.
P. F.fitaley,' Meadville:Crawford Co., Pa.
.I.Wilsoniloungetown,lllnhoning Co., 0.
J. Ikls hiyera,Allegheny City. Pa.
L. Si, t Levenson, Versailles , Barka Co.: 0. '
G. F.:Beaman, Bucluinan, Allegheny Co., Pa.
.1. n, Sharon, Idereer Co-, P..
D.lll times, Perry, Pike Co., 111.
G. L. DOW, Coal Bluff, Wash. Ca., Pa..
J. Craig:Jr., OokiBlulf; Wash. Co., Pa.
W. hiel4eoWn, Steubenville...Ter Co., 0.
It, 11:. Fleming, Cutwensville; Cleartield Co. Pa.
E. LlVlngeton. "
H. H. Bout!, New Grenada, Fulton Co., Pa.
(1. W.Minima, Wellerebunt, Somereet2o , .
W. T. Dom,
For terms and tnformetton concerning the Dol.
addicts ' . _
• Jaunts, sawn' a 1104 ,
• Pittsburgh, Pe.
6.tif tr tritium's, 15 %Toed street.
Neutral Sulphite of Lime,
For prescrvlag elder. For tale by Charles Super
"Draggle, corner of l'ettn and St. Clair streets,
11111stman'a, lb Wood street.
"A Leader."
28;t be without it, title week.
The ' . 'lVaild , s OpWon of Hostetter's Stom-
Totiehtni the Bitters this grand fact is clear,
Tbilillateis Ws all the western hemisphere, .
lands, trained by its oceans twain,
Belath, hope and rigor follow in thmr train.
Flooteitce• Hitters abate the common foto
Of dill,lbings good—imposter. Imitate.
Of ibeinbidorami—dlocreetly umi sour eyei—
rnim hones% home* punzlinse your inmate&
'aoizsisum - T txDoassstexT
In Order to guard egainst dangerous imposititons,
the Publle are requested to take 'especial note of
the beautiful engravedyroprintimi stamp, through
which the government of the United States ofcl
elelly authenticates every bottle of Hostetteces Bit
Vers.lsfeld, thrown by the government
ewer the proprietors and the public for their joint
Water:lon, n placed consvictionsly IWOna the
cork nod over the neck of each bottle, and cannot
all tottrilse the eye of the most ennui observer.
ITOthlrg that purports to be Hostetters Bitter's
sanbi gecluine unless the stamp Ls there.
Ilia nLo tioir to state that the Hitter■ are
avid =elusively - In iglus, and never by any sir.
innateness by' the gallon or the . b.rroi. Impos
ton and Imitators:re abroad. and the only safe
guard the public hal_ aviast them Ii to see that
the Ilittsra they boy 'bar the engraved label and
note of band of Mem:. Hostetter es. Smith, and
the stamp above mentioned.
At I.llllernienis.:TA Wood street.
Get the Beat Paper Issued,
The eLcadcr. , This week's Number par excel.
ut.• •
Gold Medal Pl2OOB
Mirlotto Blume, 4i Fifth street, has Joel re
*tired the following Pima'', from the celebrated
factories of Wm Enable & Baltimore : Cie
upright pleao; one elegant piano, Mamie]
the name beak m frost, richly carved ease, carved
/op and mirth yiroT.ootavoplastok, with heavy
kommOod mouldings on ram, carved legs and pe
dal. One 1-octave front round cornere, plain rose-
wood cue, with nerves lege and pedal. Also two
V.oettive plane, plain care, ootagon legs, and
carved Wel. AU of the Above: inetrumentebava
the new improved Gi and Seale and Ursa°
Treble.. The publle is invited to mll and examine
;hese: splendid Instruments ; before Porahasing
elsewhere, as every stile is resrasenied, and eve
ryteein eau be gratified. The "Koatio
are anknow!cdgeOeronghbutitilt - torintry as un
rivalled for their exenlimine , And beauty, and the
publio *aim ti fully endomed by all the mill
i:tent professors and theprillie.
At HI - peratan4,74 Wood street
Fall and !Winter Goads.
It %with treat plenum we call the attention of
risders to the immesh stock of Fall and Winter
Boodeinst recetvedbir Mr. John Weier Merchant
Titilot. No. Mi 'Federal. Area, Allegheny. Ste
winch inhumes ionakof the rennet and most beau
tiful Clollm,Castimeru. incrusting' and Vesting
inrerhrtkotht to the western lairtrot.. asiort.
lupe 'of Furialshing Goods; anonpristor SUrts,
Brownie, Collars, Neclo.tles, Headhunt's% he.,
sonnet be unused eart - or west.. A urge stock
of readi.niado, Pants, Coats, Vests and Overcoats
will also he found .41 his establistmont. Puma.
InWant of anYtkias to tte clothing line should not
tall to else a.r. wen . : a iall. .
At 111.1terman's 75 V7c475 atrett
Neutral Sulphite orLfiue,
piectrring cider. For late by Uhar:ea Supa
Drugslit, corner of Fenn and St. Gal: street
500 Moro Photographs,
Just reesived, at Tittuuk. , 2l- 7 0f everybody and ere
ry thLog. oaUstol tee.
Thomaf,.Parry di Co.,
Practreal Slate Boozers, sad Dealer, la Amertrao
• 191 ate Or militia colors. Mere at Alorandet
Lluptlia's. Meer the Water Worlw. l'ltteburgh,
Pa. "residence. No. 73 Ma street. Orders
promptly attended to. All wort warranted writes
proof. 'Upsides doms at the startac7. notice. Pro
'barge 'Pr eePsire. Preorlded . -the root Is not
abused ,Rent L.tmt ort: , :. •
At niiiireroui, - .a% Wood stria.
'Rs Philusoby
Sozedent ts an antiacht. Sozodont la as antipu.
treasenf, - sozodo4t atonic-•. Sosodent ts 411
seget Able Lad entleelYhattnleis: Hence it cleanses
the teeth frotnacctons concreUens, atopa the de.
soiaposition of .their suhntsuue. sweetens the
triath t stleattlates the rites, seals the safest load
.test pre . paratten of Itcelass in existence.
• ...Fars,
'lliat's ft to a T.
Good tonigli candy, butter scrota or Ererton
taffy, cßeoa nut candy, rosi; lemon. pine apple.
'Vanilla and mountain tea candy and tardei. Good
apranci, tits, raisins, dszor and • currants,' at No.
112rederal street. A call is solicited.
• Quo, 'Vicuna. „ -
.120. thtlermarV4,74 Wood street.
' ,carpenter Jobbing Stop
Et estrei tattrrnial after an abler= of three ram
3n the annsr. I have -To -opened nu , shop for all setts
.of.lobldog In Rie_oorpootat line. at tho old stand,
Too t Alley, between Smitblltlttstxret sad Munn
-- - 4047, Orders iterated and Promptly attended to,
Igru,says rOZZGHT.
theSuttday 3ligazlue
Gbi“l Ag fee
00 terqoot,o Sou, 63 glued Street, to but ,
your Boots and Shtick and yon serve Fowl
and get Whet Ina utd,d4Attg Boo's and 'Shoal
U lm at 01 vihei. I .'Fa le .: in :th, 6 47.. , ,
,Antilirgt9u3'; ;,
;' •
• .Thij meeting _ will his lieltreit Lafayette nail, on
fiatutdaYelvenlig. By the advertise:mt.; it will
be Been' that aalntereittcs meet ay mey her .ex
leeted., 'aoxiat¢ -
111 0 1 1! 3° H.,—.7 7 ' -'4-Ornifulplate of Zhao
Par vsesttranS4det.'Ve sa,lo LI Martel Stipa . ;
Drololist,',ccorsoir WA' • gtrOefe;
•••:. .
ettr .Ce" Qtot tAILa oAe,tf6tilfthstreet,Where
Wo otter irp,fett worth of Otottrtheritordliii of
ost, at Oth HAIL irthtlia
A Hold Robbery.
Capt. E. F. Pratt, • well-known citizen. and a
soldier the other day was knocked hasenal.
ble, and while in that conditiontobbad of s highly
prized r. lie, which he hod carried anent his per
son ever since and before he entered the army i.e
1812. On his recovery tocOnaelorienesa, and learn
ing what had been done, his manly reproof brought
the robber to a seam Of his condition, and the
little value. of the memento to any other than the
owper,eauaed Its immediate restoration; but the
Captain tam., to prosecute the oirender, since
his health is In no way impaired, but rather Im
proved, from the incantation induced by this
occurrence, and an It has bad • pleasant ter
mination, we presume no trouble will be caused
by exposing the name and giving the circumstan
ce more explicitly. It appears that Capt. Pratt
had been suffering for some days with an aching
tooth, and hearing of Dr. Erin's fame for extr►ct
lag teeth without pain, he concluded to venture,
without a guard, to the Doctor's well-known estab
lishment, on Penn street, not thinking It n place
where dalilrobberies were committed; but, like
many others suffering from the same malady, went
In, and while under the exhilarating Inhalent, or
uttrOtis oxide, the long and cherished prize rtferred
to was extiacted and returned to his pocket Instead
of his mouth. The Captain was pleased to think
that an oldXoldicr had not been put to the ex
treme military punishment for being caught nap
ping while on guard duty. •
At ILlllermszdr, 75 wood .treeb.
Oa a Tour of Yost)intim"
gtOcaeral Grant, we collie, la on a tout of Is
!mention thtough the Sow hero country. lie will
prebably be away come time. On his return he
will likely drop in OD ua again, In which event be
will be curt , to call on John, opposite the Post-
Office, and get one of hie beautiful Albums. Re
don't forget ock.
Econont} la Wealth.
Go to Me o,lnt.rule, No. u 2 Federal street, aLd
buy your Boot. and Shoes.
lave manta and habits peculiar to themselves.
In our widely extended and variety settled tent
tory, medicine. ready prepared are more employed
and are to fact a greater neceulty than in the old
soimtries- Or. Ayer's preparations, have given
the pain:o gr. stet confidence In this mass of rem
edies than bid ever been felt before. Physicians
Instead of diseesdhig them, really favor the use
of Rich ready at Land antidote. for disease, when
they eon be depended on. And we wish our read
eu to know that in publishing J. 0, Are , k Co.'.
advertisement, or any other of like reliable char
acter, we Mirk we are furnishing them as usefu
information ea aniw:th which we can all our col
umus.—fosuoin, ar.rkr.
All Goods Wl:mined.
♦: McClintock's, No. tri Federal street
Ativrtigement In fiat afternoon'. aCittnit, and
you will find some of the very beat bargains you
have seen for a long nine; but you will plazas ro
e:trotter we are now on the northeut enact of
Fourth and Market Street.
C. S►SBox Loyr. & Bus
At the Unteit Depot,
Ani obterrer of our eity's growth will dad, at
any hour of the day or, night, aubj set-matter for
pleasurable eeremene The PostoMee made Fifth
duet what It Is—the most popular thoroughfare
of Pittsburgh. The Malan Dettot will mace Lib
erty street, at that section of the city, the great
mart for travel, for hotels, restauranty, grocery
storea, he., to. The new hotel of the r inroad
company wilt not be opened, probably, before
next spring. The Huh norm Is thronged, and
the old, well-oetabPshed tdansloa Howe to doing
as excellent business. Udder the management of
the Hear,. Clouts., It has become use of the beat
hotels of which our oily can bout. The mer
chant., farmers, lawyers and busied, Men of
Cambria, Westmorland, Indiana, Armstrong, and
other Western elmatilts,pitttoalze the old Itttotittlh
liouse, - and reader it a tavern° resort.
At lid! erman's, 76 Wood stmt.
McClellautt's mhos House
- • - -
Thla eatablfahment, located at N 0 . ,. 65 and 67
Fifth street, has nom a stock of boot. and shoes
for al/ ages and axe., that cannot be surpasaed in
quantity and quality, and tee are certain cannot
be uneenold. tilthce the enlargement of thla Store,
which Involved a heavy eine.; but resulted to
produdiag the finest note In the 01 , y of Pitt-soared,
Tom has a chance to diapote of dry goode—by the
way see his blanket; both for domeette and:horn
purpoem- See hi, flannels and hi, generalatock
of dry goods; you will alive money If you do 10.
Dry Goods
For the best bans I I to dry goods, In Ws ally
go to the northeast earner of Fourth and &Whet
attests. We hare just opened same special bar
O. liAssorr LOVE & Bee;
Almanacs, Gold Pena and rockttbooks, Inornat
variety, at Plttock's.
Great Bargains In runs.
We respectfully invite Ladles wishing anything
In tho fur line, to call at Wm. Fleming', Fut Eice ,
potion', Flo. 139 Wood street. The proprietor of
thin eXteDliVO establishment has spared no Pains
in .aketing his goods, bought entirely fralu.taan
ofacturers, and we may truly say that he has the
most beautiful stock eyer offered to this city;
The Melt Room
Of the city Is et Oates & Bell's, No. 21 Fifth street.
Call at once and see the styles end materiel. • We
advise an early call,
Bay all the
Genuine plat cat medicine, of the day cheaper, at
Fleming'n Druk Store, No. S 4 Market excel, than
elliewheie In the city. Remember the place, No.
e 4 Market street.
No Half Price Humbug
At ZlcClizttock'e, No. 92 Eearre/ stmt.
Alt the New 'Rook.,
Boots and Shots,
Cheaper than ever, at McClintock% No. 9.2 .FeLler
al street.
The Plorencei'
Imtccraphi, it Pltuuk.a.
Motley Money Money :::
Saved, by-going to Nl.ntaintock% No. n Indere
All the December Magazines
And this week' Papers, ea the counter, a
• Large Invoice tip Arrive
Thia day, at McClintock% Mo. 92 Federal wee!.
Cheapest Shoe Store In the Two Cities;
/51c1311ntook , a, No. 9!.;" Feteral dreet..
Dr. C. Rill
Exttacta teeth without pain, and exchange. "I4e
old one" for ten dollars a act. Call at. 24s Penn
Matters In Canada-62,000 Fenian, now
Drilling—lnternational Connell and
Banquet—Annexation Csubs Springing
up, dm.
New „roux, Dec. I.—The Herald's Toronto
corrCapandent says the number of 'Pentane en
rolled drilling In Canada la elated to
be nearly 62,000. of whom nearly one-half are
said to be already armed.
The Board of Trade resolved to hold a great
International council and banquet at an early
day, In furtherance of the reciprocity of the.
Georgian Bay Canal.
Annexation clubs are springing up all otter
Lower Canada. The French Canadian organs
wage fierce war upon the . British Domination.
The Fenlaas are quiet, excepting occatdorial
demonstrations with rockets and firearms.
Death of Judge*Searle, of Otdo—Remaitta
of Gen. Simon Kenton Re-interred—Tko
filen Killed.
Ctherusru. Dee. 1.-Judge C. W. Seine, one
of the oldest Judges in the State, died at Zino..
villa this taorotrof. . •
Thersmatail of. Gan. slmod3Kenton, the - pia
neer, wezere4nterted at Urbana, Ohio, reatero7.
The ceremonies were witnessed by ' e large ham.
her of clltzmis from ell piule of hhe State.
An old bolldlog on the - cortex of Pike.
Pearl attests. fell last hight..idlllog (=mem 3.
Tammany Ratlllettltatlicettng.
rev Ram; Dec. I.—A laie and Old ontout•
ted meeting Of tho. Tammany; Democracy. for
the porposearratifying tbo nomioation of lobst
T. Holtman for Mayor." and Richard O'Gorauco
ibr•CclPorstion Conned; was` baldutot alglitot
CoOper loc,tlinte.
CIIIC.101). Deenaber coashr
&doh of the Toledo, Peoria and Wa
aaw B t u way Company and the' I l llssbielPPl.:
and Wabash EaDwey Company was copal:Min
. ted at Peoria to-day by a large majorityof-the
'' .2 "..
. =NSW
Correatror.denee of the Pittaborgh'ilaxatte. _
FLOSENcit, Nov. IS, 1865.
I am desirous before leaving thin country, to
say a few worths respecting its commercial
transactions, and especially with relation to the
United States. I have reason to believe that
these arc far from being estimated at their tree
consequence and value; and, therefore, without
entering into any long array of figures, I would
merely make the following statement
In the first place, I would recall the fact that
the largest silk -producing regir.n In the world
is that of the three Italian provinces of Pied
mont, Lombardy and Liguria, of which Genoa
Is the market and seaport. Upssards of sixty
millione of pounds of silk are there produced
annually. This product finds its way to Amer
ice, manufactured and unmannfactured, almost
entirely through France. Hence, the vast im
portance of such a Imo of direct steam naviga
tion between Italy and the United States,
as I lately brought to yohr notice.
The exports from Leghorn to America are
about one million dollars annually. These con
sist mainly of Caaara marble, in an urimanu
factored shape, and of rags, of which the sup
ply, now bcoome so important, Is greater from
Italy than from any other country.
From this Capital and the surrouoding dis
trict upwards of two million dollars worth of
manufactured straw is exported, chiefly In
braids, to be made up into hats and bonnets la
New York and Connecticut. It is a curious
fact, known perhaps to few persons outside the
trade, that the strew hats worn by the negroes
on the Southern plantations and those retailed
at ten and twelve cents apiece, were mode of
Tuscan straw, ad manufactured within a radius
of ten miles from this city. The extent of the
trade may he estimated oy the fact that whole
districts were impoverished by its partial inter
ruption during the war.
In the south of Italy theshipment of oranges,
lemons, almonds and other (hilt,, together with
salt, cerkwoon, and lath rly, especially of wine,
is very extensive from the ports of Messina sad
Palermo, so well as those of Matsola and Tra
pani. The exports at present to the Suitealbtrm
the island of Sicily alone average upwards of
two millionsof dollars annually.
To this brief enumeration most be added
paintfm;s, statuary, works of art, and 'other
similarobjeets Of value andluxtuy, the demaind
for whirls cannot fall to Increase largely with
Increasing wealth and the increasing number of
American travelers which may shortly be ex
pected to fled its way to Europe.
The above is only a very general outline oleo
Iraq. a embject but eyes such a ratio may he
sufficient to attract attention in America to the
really great importance of Italy in a commer
cial point of 'view, and to the chief items of her
national productions, welch, at present, find
their way to . the United Staten, and of which
the export 'seems to offer the prospect of •
Ae s h a cco mpaniment
the above
ject, I ought , to mention the superior faci li ties
which have recently been provided to men of
business for the transaction of their pecuniary
affairs in Italy, There has very lately been es
' tablishedin this capital, whh branches at Turin,
Milan sad Naples, the first Joint stock bank ex
isting in the new kingdom, and it may almost
be said the first banking firm of a really large
commercial character. It It entitled the
Anglo-Itallan Bank, and has, at present,
Its chief office in Leaderhall stre.t,
London, an agency at Paris, the Agra and ilea
terman'a Bank. 10 Place Vendome, and will
shortly, I understand, be in direct anatmunica
tion with a loading firm In New 'York, unless It
oe found more desirable to establish a branch in
America also. At the head of Its board of Ed
rectors stands the name of Baron -Ricasoll, In
Itself a sufficient guarantee of respectability and
coefidence. Another well known name In Ital
ian affairs Is that of Sir James Hudson, ex-Min
ister of Great Britain, also a member of the
same board. Isis quite unnecestlery for me to
point out the. advantages of the establishment
of a tanking company of this character and high
aotemeiolal class in a capital and country hith
erto entirely dependent upon private firms,stand
leg at hirer on a very extensive basis nor
tomed to transact husineta on a large and liberal
system. The absorption, Indeed, of Go many
large London private firms, which has bean go
leg on of late by joint stock banks, is
of melt to prove how twat'. the advantage to to
men of bushiest' ,Sind the public generally, to
deal with the:lattr.
The terenelth which business has been trans
acted hitherto by private bankers in Florence,
and especially by the native firms, has always
been, as I know both from ray own 'export:taco
and the Teo,: of 001 , 14 more extensively COll
- with them, of a very onerous and stria
gent character. The Anglo-Italian Bask starts
upon a matte different principle and system. No
commisalen is charged unless the affair be un
(sually exceptional in character or Involving a
Certain list, and even the rate of exchange la,
sometimes at least, more advantageous than
that accorded by private banks to wealthy Ame
ricana travelling for their pleasure la Europe.
To such Inn strongly recommend thane, bank
and the new System. To commercial men I
presume I bait only to signify the existence of
each an establishment to secure for It their pre
ference and support.
A muss= murder was committed at Bhel
b►.llla, MinOD, Mt Wedusday last. On the
afternoon of that day, Thomas U. Thornton, Jr
of the flan of W. 7. Thornton led/Sons, bank
em, walked into the clothing store of Max Dee;
men and deliberately shot, without any warn
ing, Lieutenant George Taekett, who was read
ing a newrpaper al the time. Tackett rasa from
Ills chair and staggered toward the door, when
Thornton shot him again, the ball entering his
shoulder. Taekett then ran out of the door
into the meet, followed by Thoratee, who
again act him In the small of the back. ride
atm. brought - racket to the ground, and Thorn
ton then walked up to Me dying man and placed
his rerolyer to hie :bead and shot bias again,
the bail pesetas completely through his keel.",
Thornton then walked to hie banking-honee,
mounted a home and ded Nothing has beam
beard of him since. Tackett expired In a few
A gentleman of Intelligence, a large planter,
residing near Itemopolla. Ala., states that the
ruiners of disorderly conduct of the !madmen In
his neighborhood were unfounded, aad that, al
though the negroes are net willing to engage
for the coaling year, yet It was not mai any
belle that tlaeybad In a pretended division of
property, hot cheaply because working on shafts
LAI not provea (acanthi° to them for the year
lust expired. The system of 'haring with them
part of the crop was dhltkri by them on ac
count of the difference of Industry and skill In
the work to be performed. They allege that
Ulu system forced en them a partnership with
each other, In which idlers and the lazy had an
err el stare trite the ready and Industrlons
bard., nod that not only Vaced the latter en a
Iced with the former, bet forced on 'great
er amount of labor.
AT about pan o'clock Thursday night, the old
Corgresa Brewery, at the corner of Pike and
Pearl street?, Cincinnati, fell to the ground, bu
rying In Ito ruins, and Instantly killing, two men,
Ulriclt Hertkorn and Max Sennacher. At about
the lime of the occurrence, Mr. Mueller, of the
firm of Mueller At GrAtert, proprietors of the
place, was standing on the lower floor talking
with northern relative to some business, and
beard the creaklpg sound which preeaged the
fall of the hilldlng. lie Instantly ran out and
called upon his companions to follow him, but
they were tardy In their movements, not faliy
underntanding the causeof the noise, and were
err.shed to death in the ruins.
A ouuscueva.marder was committed at Wa•
natoh, Laporte county, Indiana, On Wednesday.
Two Germans were driving along the road with
a load of coin, end were met by a man named
'Woody, and g companion, who were also driv
tog a team. A controversy arose as to which
should give the iced, when Woods drew a plaint
and shot one of the Germans dead, and woun
ded the other. Woods and his companion at
tempted to escape, bet were captured AL Liflq
Tim total Yote.for Governor of hilsslasippi at
the late election wan forty four thounaad and
alcetyfoar, an increase of over twenty thousand
since the oommencemest of the war.
Mar. Ensir, proprietor of the Dunlap Roa•e,
at Jseksotrritle, 1111tols. has been arrested for
committing 4 rape upon the person of one of hi;
lody boarders.
From WWI —The Paragoayan War—
ProreaMi Agwlz—Heturn of the
mar Ton*, Dec., I.—adrlca tare been re-
Weed here ftour Rio Jeurelro to Ure int of No
'umber, brought by the steamer Harstuut.
Thla lathe "o tag of realer cOmMtutication
with Brazil, by the mall rout".
irte elPmeted at Rio Janette) that. the war
waeddzeoon koter. Trto victories •of theel.
lied knee* over the Fat queyame *redeemed de-
Gold; la raper et Rio Janeiro.
There Is no further news relative to the mote.
exerts of the Parsguayane. They had received
another repulse at Cortwet es.
rrofesacr Amish's. waist lest accounts follow
ing the upward =MOW' the Atution river. Re
had diktat:rad slily new specie" of filth.
The manna °title gruyere: to Rio, will be
marked by Ineptdir fetes. At the mint a gletd
'medal Is to be struck in Ma honor. Rfe tepees
ed.that there that be a large unreleratton lab
Brazil from the tfolted.fh.atea.
Gentl emen freer lentslatte ware In Until
etching acitshie localities for' imtrograms.
At Rio Grand do Sud;thb sudden disappear
mice of Mr. Chen{ Repined, en American mar.
-Chant, hasoccrolor.ed much comment.
Measures Preliminary to Organization.
The Old Capitol Prison Closed.
Wssurisorom, December I.—There are nog
probably one hundred members of the House of
Representatives In Washington with several
only from the late insurrectionary Statet. Ex
cepting the credentials of the members elect
from Tennessee and Virginia none have bhau
received from the aonth. It Is not probable
that others will reach here from the Late insur
rectionary Stales before Monday, owing, among
other camels, to the dilatory condition of the
malls and the consequent delay In getting the
official returns of toe elections, and the time
required to aced the credentials to Washington.
A caucus of the Republican members of Con
gress is called for to-morrow night to select the
candidate for the Speakershlp and other offices.
So far, It does not now appear that on the.
meeting of the Rouse on Monday, Any difficulty
can occur in the admissioe of members from
the Southern Eitatea, and this Is the general
opinion of the members now in Washington.
The mambera from Ohio bold a private meet
ing to -night, to agree as to what candidates
they will support for officers of the House, so as
to act accordingly among themselves at the
general caucus, to be held to-morrow night.
ludgeWarren la here as &delegate:nem Lou
isiana, Os the day of the late election In
that State, It will be • recollected that circular
polls were opened, at which whites and blacks
.voted. The Judge malntalne the theory that by
the rebellion Louisiana relapsed to a terrstorial
condition, and this is the bails on which ho
will precut, himself as a delegate,
Hon. Charles D, Poston, who last Cell
greas represented Arizona, is here dlstrlba.
ling among Congressmen an address' to the
people of the territory, in which be states that
a perfidious plot was hatched by Gov. Good e
wia to defeat him and elect himself at the very
time he was hard at work In Washington
soliciting more troops for the territory and
getting the mall service restated to its southern
Col. Poston says: It remains to be seen
whether, under the circumstances stated, the
Governor of a remote territory can coon the
Congressional- threshold with a certificate sign'
ed la his elm name, founded upon fraudulent
votes, and registere d by 61e owe judges and
clerks, and counted by himself.
As order was leaned under infractions
fecomthe War Department diseontioningthe Old
Capitol prison, and turning over ths buildings
to the officers of the Quartnuter's Department.
All prlsonins sots them eandned will tie trans
ferred with the necessary papers in their cans
teethe commandant of tart Whipple-Jar realise.
meat at that post, The Inmates of t.rt Carroll
are soon to be sent to the same plan.
Orders have Jost been proandrated, relying the
names clone hundred and forty-eight oeleent of
the Veteran Reserve Corps who here been re
lieved from duty In this department and ordered
to tkelr homes, reporting thence by letter to the
Adjutant General of the army.
Official Information recelyed here
that there will be great suffering a:::
Coning the prime t whiter, olden to th 7,;;;;;
cant and grain crops, the rest!! of the want of
the necessary labor and the severe drouth 'hick
has prevailed over most of the productive lands
of the State. It 18 estimated that there are no
less than two hundred thousand persons, both
black and white, who meat Pa famished with
food until they can ratite it themselves. Tas
Freedmen's Bureau, however. is finder
lions from the
....„..ary of War, taking the ne
cessary steps to relieve these people as far as
possible, at an early dap.
It is stated that the Tressury has now on hand
in coin $41.718.000, and In currency 103,163.-
000. There le at preemie outstanding 6 55 4,000
of old certificates, ivicooo of new certid
estea, and a 51,000,000 of coin cartilleates, la
the War and Nan` Departments, there h a re
duction in the erpendlinres of over $11,000,000
its November, as Compared with those of No
vember 1104.0
Canadian Agents in Washington
New forts, Dec. I.—A Washington special
to the Commercial says intelligence from War
rentown states that three or four of the soldiers
Injured by the accident - on Wednesday cannot
recover. The rest are doing well, being kindly
provided and cared for by the citizens.
Among the latest arrivals of Congressmen
are Brown, of Missouri, Washbnrno and Conk.
tin, of New York. Colfax will undoubtedly be
re-elected Speaker of the Rouse.
A. S. Galt and IT. S. Scott, members of "tbe
Canadian Government, whose arrival here has
already been announced, are endeavoring
to negotiate (reciprocal tariff duties and mod.
try the reposition', to no into effect oner the
abrogation of the Reciprocity Treaty In March
text. This Is Mr. Gslt•e second atilt. for the same
purpose, he having Coma in July last after the
adjournment of the Detroit Convention, in
zenith he took a prominent plan. As he la one
of the leading members of the Canadian Got
ernEtent, he probably speaks from authority
and whatever he and his colleague atlpalato and
agree on and'succeed In obtaining will be ac
knowledged and recognized by the Government
which they represent.
PresldontJuhoson's latter to Governor Hol
den disappoints those. who had hoped that he
i would insist on the adtalssiou of southern mem
bers of Congress, as it show. that he will Insist
' on en honest compliance with 'the terms of this
policy. The Republican members of Congress
already here, show, In conversation, that they
believe the President has undergone a decided
change In his feelings toward the smith, and la
ter ds to apply the brakes, A day or two since
ha expressed himself .diasetlalled with North
Carolina for defeating W. W. Holden for Gov.
icrcor against his known and deslared wishes.
?dr. Hoiden will probably remain as Provisional
Governos for many months to come,
The Post says : Wall street Is more animat
ed to-day, partly because of favorable reports
from Washington, and partly from the
pated ease In the money market, caused by the
disbursement to-day, on account, of the hlB,-
050,000 of the maturing Treasury Notts. The
loan market is easy at 7 per cent. The Stock
market opened firm, and closed strong. Gov
ernment Stocks are better. railroad shares are
in more active speculation.
yen Pllloll6 Riled and Ten Wounded
EA2TON. nt., Dec. I.—The western exprese
train which bolt Harrisburg at 2 o'clock this
morning, tan Into a coal train at Waits House;
New Jersey. on the New. Jersey Central Rail_
road, at about eight o'clock this morning, kill.
lug some seven persons and wounding ten or
[we're others.
K S. Shidsoy. of Emton Pa.,'Ed ward
Johnson of Washington, New ' Jersey; Dirs.
Francis. of west twenty-seventh 'street, New
York City; James Tyler, of Easton Pa., West
Mettles, of Phillipsburg, New Jersey, Edward
Davis, of Belvidem, New Jersey, and J. W. Ed
inger ,of Carpentersrille, New Jamey.
Wounded—William Rex, lag Broken; Mrs.
Ilarvey, leg broken and her child also injured;
Atdrew O'Neil, arm broken; A. W. dfureb, of
SchoOley's Mountain, about the head; William
Steckel, about the bead ; George Walter, of
Newark, slightly; A. B. Strong, of East Ramp
ton, Mass., badly about the bead; Mrs. A. B.
&meg, slightly'', F. C. Lowthip, Of Trenton,
dsnterously; John F. Stayer of Clinton, N. J.
both arms.. W, E. Morrie, 014ashfugton, N. J.
nip aide and arm.
kroat Nashville.
Naturrxxx,llSC. I.—Clotton ranges- tram 40
to 403444 small toted! choice brought 41c, with
tut very ahipaients light; re
el:o;4so bales, r•
' . The tieert• fifteen Inches on the shoals.
tiislaycoatirined thaeoatract
13,14 e by the etty . .goeerameat with the Niles
Worts of thaelanett.toe balldtag a cew engine
for the Irate works.
dkother accomplice ia the.Hcaermsa murder
was arrested yesterday. named Johe A. Pare.
Re . 111 be 141441 by a military court-martial to.
morrow nipmine.
Aenttitted ,of Murder,
Fltannoti P.., Deeetoberl.—John
who wu charged with the Idlling of hieNtole,
rule bona acquitted; the InrY having rendered •
V Witt or inatillitile tionitelde. Both y ergo nte
item Rociatater, New York,
Full. Details of the Disaster
ELSTON, Ps.; Dec. 1, 1 P. er.—The railroad
dinner occurred west of the White House. A
coal trait (Ding up the grade broke In half and
the rear end ran .back down grade. The ex
press train Care round the curve at full speed
and ran Into It. The engineer and fireman
Jumped LIT the train and were not injured. The
first passenger car ran through the baggage car,
and all that were killed and wounded occupied
this car. The othsepassenger carei and the sleep
leg car were not damagettand no one la them
waslnjured. !
The killed are horribly mangled, and
scarcely recognizable, with the sleep
:Mon' of Mr. R. F. Chllaey, of Easton. Mr. W.
W. Marsh is but slightly hurt. Mr. Jas. Tyler,
- killed, reported from Easton, was a resident of
Cohico. Mr. H. Smith, of Clinton, New Jer
, soy, was slightly wounded In the arm. Mr.
Fit= Richards, of Itneselville, Pa., was wound
ed W the head and arm. Mr.:A. Fletcher John
son, of Morristown, N. J., was slightly wound
ed. Mr. Harrison Butler, of Allentown, Pa.,
wee also slightly wounded.
Easeroie, Pa., Dec. I.—The accident reported
this morning occurred about two miles westjof
White House.. It appears that a coal train go
ing east discovered a car oa the other
track which hod broken from a freight train.
The express train bound west was due, and the
Megineer of the coal train stopped his train and
ordered the brakeaman to stop the car or throw
It from the track, as It was coming down the
grade pretty rapidly, and he-desired to prevent
an accident to the train coming west.
Alter stopping the car, he started Weenie and
found that part of it had become uncoupled.
Bo then backed up to couple tke cam, and white
ltanding,,the western express train bound east,
time around the curve and ran into the rear of
his train. When the engineer of the western
express train discovered the coal title, It was
Wont eight hundred feet front him. He revers
ed his engine Immediately, but could not stop
the trait'. Ho saw no flax man. He did not
lamp from, but stack to his engine to the law.
,/te one on the engine or In the baggage ear
WU Inland. The baggage car was driven into
the first pusenger car and Jest swept. as it
Were everything above the tops of thairon seat
beaks. On the bottom of the baggage bar were
two. pieces of timber which cams directly over
the seats on Um other aids next to the able,
killing thou sitting near the aisle, but doing ao
miens injury to those sitting near eke windows.
A gentleman sitting directly In the rear of
Mr. Anilsey saw the timber coming and dodged
hit head down below the seat back, by which he
sated himself from injury. The passeagers to
other pasta of the irate sustained no Inter,
whatever. Some of tire wounded hare be w
brought here, and every attention la bead
shown them by the officers of 'the road. Most
of the.
_ . wousids are slight: -
Thelma:Yr of Mr. Russell Maley, reached here
this; afteraoiatii'''_ The streets were densely
throned, and the utmost sorrow was shown by
our Manna, in the sad loss of one onr moos Is
&tufts; and respected citizens. The funeral
will take place next Tuesday afternoon at two
Mr. Loire!'mop at the American Rotel with
several others of the wounded, sad although
suffertn; Intensely, It to thought they will ft
MeSobers of Congress 112 the City—Cana-
Otani Arrlied—ANL Gen. Thomas—Pro
pesed Amendment to the National Rant
ing Len'—Oor Relations with France and
England Entirely , Satisfactory The
npanbh Slave Trade—Electrotype of the
COmpound Interest Note—Report of the
cretary of I, Var—Rednetton of the
/Vary—The Rowe /Miters—Southern
Pelltlelans Chanter:l P! Depose
Strength of Indian Trlbes—Statement
of the Public Debt—Proposed Asylum
for Disabled Soldiers and bailors.
New Toes, Dee. I.—A ipeelal despatch to
the limes, from Washlegion, IN ovember 30th,
tiayli rio-to four o'clock today, ably - thirty
five 'members of Coogr er u hale repsrted them
Two members of the Canadian Parliament,
ileasrs Galt and Scott, arrived here to•dov to be
Present a: the opening of Cosgress.
It la understood that Adjutant General Thom
as will anon be retired from the anat. General
Townsend will prcbahly succeed him. •
A proposition. arnatating from Weahlagion•
Is beteg made to National Banks throaghaut
the country for subscriptions for the purpose of
securing an amendment, by Congress, to the
National Banking Law, by which profit and
ices of cbmilation shall accrue to the banks in
stead of to the government. When necessary,
the proper committee in Conran will probably
secure hit passage without the pecuniary lull tia
mete thus 'undyed-
- -
A special to the Tribune says: Poaltivu Mtn.
=tido Is to the effect that the relations of oar
Governnient with France and - England aro en
tirelyxatisfactory, anti there Ls no probability of
a scnoes disturbance. Nei:oleo:l'a speculation
in Mexico's very unpopular with the Preach,
and he will withdraw his force from Mexico as
soon as be can do so without compromising his
The Spanish 3finistcr to-day rend to the Sec
retary of State, ander the Instructions of isle
Government, a dispatch concerning the Stave
Trade, which wee replete with the most em
phatic expletives, expressing oppositiori to the
"utrageons 'mile, and pledging the most earn
est enu:ts of the Spanish Government far it, ex
terpat ion.
levostlgationa show that an electrotype of
:be compound Interest note plate we. obtained
before it came into possession of the Treasury
A spilt - gal to the Times, dated Washington,
NOT. lit), say, the report of the Secretary of War
is now ready for delivery. is will satisfy the
country that the same vigor characterises the
Deportment in reducing the army to a peace
footing which marked Its action during the
prosecution of the war. On the Ist of May
last we bad In the held and In the hospitals,
one million dee hundred and three moo; this
has already been reduced to oue hundred and
seventy•ave thousand, and the process of re
duction is still going ou.
By the Best of July next the army will consist
of ally thousand men, which the Secretary
deems sufficient for a state of peace, and he will
ask for 133,000,000 only for the yvee. A list of
some three hundred general •ofilears to be mus
tered oat la ready, but as Congress has not al
lowed general ()Meers any addlthonal pay after
the date of their being mustered out an, oppor
tunity will probably be given to remedy this In
A special dispatch to the Reread says: The
New Yea* delegation are inclined to press Hen.
ry J. Raymond for the chairmauslup of the
Ways and Memos Committee in place of Thad.
Stevens: the late incumbent. No opposition la
yet manifested to Mr. Colfax as Speaker, and
but little towards McPherson so Clerk.
The arrivals of Sonthernpollticlans have been
quite numerous to-day. They disavow the ob
noxious sentiments of some Southern speakers
and conventiona, and will be content to take
what they ban get In rt construction. They con.
fins theinselvealo the prnsecutioa of the Pardon
claims In person, and, do not. propose to talk
politlectill they can do It Without damaging
Islands who are mostdlsposs4 to help them.
Mr. Chancey AL Doper, the newly appointed
Minister to Japan, has notified the State De
partment that he will be In Washington shortly,
and requests that much time to decide whether
to accept or decline the appointment. Ills dual
answer Will probably depend upon the action of
his frieride who are pushing Mm for the New
York Collectorshthi
Prom• recent returns received at the Indian
Bureau the various tribes of the United States
are estimated to represent II collective strength
of 309.800 souls, of which number 6,400 era
known to have served in the Federal service
during the late war.
A special to the World gives a statement of
the public debt for November, which will be
published to-morrow. It compares favorably
with that of last October.
A speCtel to the 2}iblOia says The property
at Point Lookout has been secured for the tem
porary Asylum for disabled soldiers and sailors,
Congress will be asked at the opening- of the
session.rn donate .the colleges at that point for
rho purpose, and an appeal - will be made to the
liberal cltlzena of tlio'cooritry for means to pay'
for.the Dia 'Sen. Grant is la favor of having
an asylum established there, and thinks that
the fact of Point Lookout having been' used tie '
a watering - place before the war, Is a snidelent
reply to
. the enspielon of itsunhealthfulness.
COlllll4 Zetweea Militia lad
Armed Pletroes„ • .
Okstgs,DS,..ldisa., 'Nor. (*Melon took
place hen lad night between siparty of State
Militia, searching for arms among freedeneri,
and a srinad of negroes, assisted by mho color
edaohilers. Several at the sallitia,were wound
ed, ono severely. Large numbers st.mriskete,
a mmmatte n , ,te„ found, were taken from the
at i m fret ei. ght train on the Bilaslasipp;
Railroad ran oU tlai-traek, smashing aigta OW;
ImmigrAtion. to Georgia.
The fiecretaly of the Treasury's Report.
cltro.. cleko..
New YORK, Dec. I.—The permit signed_by
Dr. Swinburne to allow the Atlanta to come to
the city, has been recalled. it was discovered
yesterday that a rorlion of hei Nold hadtscaped
proper Instigation. She will be detained until .
this to done. Lund has been purchased in Lex
ington, Vlrgloia, for a home for Gen, Lee, and
appeals are being made for money to meet a
The Ralrlgh SttWWI any!: The small-pox Is
preveillag In several parts of the State. The
authorities have taken steps to prevent the spread
of this disease.
Advice* from Savannah any that a large Im
migration to Georgia bas commenced. The ma
jority of Immigrants are mechanics and laborers
with a considerable number of speculators.
Lame areas of lend In Soethwestera Georgia
have been purchased by Northern men.
A dispatch from Washington says the rumor
that General Sutler has arranged plans for the
trial of Gen. Lee Is gaining ground.
Another dispatch says the obituary proceed
ing which will take place In Congress consc•
quest upon the death of the late President, will
be of a very Imposing character. Many of the
most prominent men in both branches will de
liver eulogies, and a large edition will Imprinted.
Secretary McCulloch 's report will be sent to
all the Northern and Western cities, to be given
out the moment that the President's message is
being read. It will contain very Important re
commendations respecting the legal tender
clatile in the compound notes. He will ask
Congrese to repeal the legal tender clause on
these notes, as fast as they mature or falidne.
The Government tc-day restores to the Ame
rican Telegraph Company full control of its
Southern line, and at the same time removing
the censorship on the press, and other matter
which has been is force during the war.
It seems to be generally conceded that the
postmantey of the Hansa will, as usual, be given
to the West, and that the successful candidate
will bottom Ohio. There are four candidates
for the place.
It is stated that General Howard has made
application to the War Department to have a
large number of veteran corps oMeers assigned
to duty in the Freedmen's Bureau.
The rumor Is repeated that the British Cabi
net has Instructed Sir Frederick Bruce to remon
strate with one government agalnet the mom
meats of the Iranians In this country.
The President la said to have approved the
meat from Juarez through his embassalsr
meetitly anal to this cosetry, for nerealaalon So
recites =aerial of war from the Ucatott
circus Troupe I D a sto rm 0 sea,
OITS1 0 "-
- ... tad ROUSE PRAUDS
Armi and Ammunitioe Shipped South
You, Dec. l.—The papers to-day. pith-
Ilsh part of the Journal of rapt. Hall, contain•
log testimony ottained from the Earielmaux,
relative to Capt. Crozier and bin man. Capt.
Hall oelloves that Crozier and two men are Elf:
alive. Ho has ascertained where Franklin's
ships were wrecked and lost.
The Catharinis Whitney, from New York for
Galveston with a general cargo and passengers,
among whom was a portion of Nlxen's Cron/
troupe, cm route for Texas, experienced very
heavy weather, to which abe lost.her rudder,
Germ and fore top masiosnd had he machinery
completely disabled, with the boilers adrift and
rolling abont In her hold. The drew troupe
Lot overboard all trained horses and a
bails riortioa of their tent and eq.:dome.
be Reveld's Havers letter of Nolember33l
rays the authorities called for a loan of one
har.dred thousand dollars to make necessary
preparations for the cholera at Havana.
Formidable bands of robbers have been re
cently-dispersed on the island.
The alleged Barney Pabrian Cn item Bence
(rand cese came up at the tombs pollee costa
this morning, sad was adjourned tlll Wednesday.
Mr. Reds In behalf of the defense, stated
that he Id not see the object In bringing the
prisoners ore b
the State and the naked
States an th orillei. The bonds under whieh
Barney Fenian sad Cealeey were placed have
been Increased to 815,000 each.
. ...„
The whole amount of cannier, anot, caps,
cartridges, glum and pistols shipped from New
York to the Insurrectionary Butes, thous Sep
trenber 26, 186 i, to December Ist, are as follows:
Sporting powder. pounds, 255,537; blasting
powder, pounds. 7 . 0 25; shot. P/Undt, 1 , 041 , 098 ;
percussion cape, number, 20,818,004; eartrldges,
'44,400, guns, 1.4; pistols, 5,030.
From Neve Orleans and Texas—Repalr of
Levee. The Gulf Fleet—Financial
Crtali Feared In Texas.
Niw Oexxxxs, Nov. W.—The work of re
betiding the levees Is to be cvmmenced Immedi
The steamer Ruby was sunk about fifty miles
above the city. flits Is a total loss. The pas
ongere and crew were saved.
Several passengers on the steamer (horde
Cromwell urine, from Charleston, where she
put In leaking and bet machinery broken.
The Legti/ature elected J. C. Nixon. proprie
tor of the eresernf. printer.
The DOM/dere was engaged In a discussion
on the Constitution of 1864.
Gen. Dick Tailor has arrived here.
Admiral Thatcher Informs the Pensacola Ob
server that twenty war vessrm, or all rates, are
distributed from Cape Florida to the RioGrande.
The Shreveport O areue of the Ifth says. The
efieton trade will (WOO dose on Rod River. The
prospects of raistag a crop next year by the
freedmen are very gloomy. Mans Louisiana
[One try papers comment on the feet that the
freedmen decline making convects for work on
the plantations next year, all refum workinn
with corn. especially with former owners, and
seem bent on some plan for a divialon of pro;,
There le much complaint is Texas about the
crilectlon of direct taxes on land+ ae pressinx
upon the people.
The old business men of Galveston expect ■
business crash in the Spring, thinking there la
too much overtrading.
The debt of Texas is eight nuillons, seven
hundred thousand dollars, Including all Items,
with interest computed to January tat, 1866.
Gen. Gregory, had of the Freedmen's Bureau
In Texas, Is reported by Texans as making a
epecchletely to the negroes wherein lie condemn
ed the ?resident's reconstruction policy.
Cotton better, twenty-three hundred bales
sold at 60€41c. Seger fair, 173;e. Molasses,
choice, $l.ll. Gold stiff, $1.40,4. Exchange
on New York % discount. Freights—Cotton to
New York, lit, to Liverpool, 1 1-10.
Froiri New Orleans.
Oncasne, December I.—Cotton
pressed: 1.900 bales sold at 80®51c. Hagar tali
at 17 ;o, Exchange an New York one-ball per
cat dlacontd.
The 'Olen of the military authorities at Mo
bile, refilling to obey the habeas corpas In the
case of - Dater. charged with cotton treads
against the Government; was sustained. by the
The Allaslaaippl Legislature passed the ex
emption bill over the Governor's veto. It ix.
Monts from the execution of Judgment $3,000
worth of property belonging to the head of •
family, child, &c. The Legislature did not Res
the stay law over the veto.
Gm. sent, Provost Marne' General of Texas,
arrived here on Gm 21. of November.
Tweln tboneand broom, of the Forel= legion
OVIITtO at MittOtOOtall to reinforce Mepa.
Prom Fortress Monroe—Freedmen's Meet.
FOrallrms 31oxnOTI, Nov. 29 .—The lagth
Pettinghorde Regiment. now at City Point, will
soon be =uttered out of service, and the &cond.
Now Rampehire to take their place:- 'lna lat
ter will also soon be =stared out. •
Last evening there was a tarsi Meeting it
Camp nensilttm. of the "freedmen of the Dis•
tries. Gen. Mlles was, puma kid distilled
healthy sentiments to the Colored population
present. Major DeCosbu Cad delivered anable
speech, setting forth to - tbs 'times the proper
mime of industry and' self-reliance for soars 1,0
' . puristill for the fatere. -
A seven Rule commenced this morning - at 2
,o , chick,,- and, las continued up to ., o'clock.
Tgle gN ii tlines in all directions aro out of order
front ma , •
Thelrst snow storm of the emoon has Just,
Governoteut tifttsqt Bunted.
Es , Nov. co.—The Mobile 21mos
-liable intonnotion that 4,0:10 belos'of Govern
ment cotton were deotooyetlby are. it 00/1101
bp*. Miss., on the D,sth ntt., It was the wolf of
ozaneefoilery. Lope a million dative.
Dispatch from the President to Gov. lio!den
WAPIIINGTO4, Der. I.—The Raleigh, N. C.
Standard, of 'Wednesday, containi the follow.
lug highly Important Int elllgenee : Coy. Holden
has NeeITPA the following dispatch from Presi•
dent Johnson, which Is laid before the public
tor their Information:
WAsinxarox D. C.; Nov. 27th, 1843.
rim W. W. HOLDEN, Provisional I; nernor of
North pirollno :
•• Accent - my thanks for the nohlg and elnetn
al manner in which yon have discharged your
duty as Provbslonal Governor. Yon will be
sustained by the Government. The result or
the recent elections In North Carolli a. have
greatly da.naged the prospecu of the State la
the restoration of its ..goyernmental relations.
Should the action and the spirit of the
LegiaLature be In the same direction, It will
greatly Increase the mischief done, and might
be fatal. It Is hoped the adios and spirit man
11.ted by the Legislature will be ro directed as
rather to repair than Increase the dicalty un
der which the State has already plac edltself.
Presideet of the United States
South American Adrices.
N. Ton's, Dec. I.—Farther &Astra from
Rio Janeiro state that 'Colonel Wood and party
who went to Brazil to negotiate for lands for
some hundred Bontbern planters, had met with
entkinsiastic reception. The Emperor prem
ises all his aid In furtkarance of the project.
The Paraguayans are said to ha-e withdrawn
their batteries from lower Paraguay riser.
The Iron-clad Brazil sailed from '➢toutevideo
on the 16th of October to join, the Brazilian
squadron on the Parana.
The crew of the wrecked shlp Duncan have
been taken on board the bark Hazard at Bahia.
The President of Paraguay, is carrying ant
the project of steam navigation of the Uragday
and Parana riven.
Bu steamers, recently employed la the if lil
ted States, are at Itto,Janeiro, for sale, with no
The United States cutter, Lookout, returned to
Rio. October sth. Tlus ship Alfredo, from Bos
ton for Valparaiso, put into Rio, October 26th.
The gubboets Lipale, Britannia and Shaun
mont, were at Rio, Noy. ath.
The Brostharm are moth elated M the estab
lishment of a line of steamers to tims Calked
Cold—Rene oil Camp fay.
Now Tom, Dec. L -- Gnid closed at 14 , 4
The Expreu card is tuaderstood that
GOvI :
ra meat was !gs in..
told to-day.
The Reno Oil and a
of organized
to-day, with Galr„ tho A. Grow. of p owaran t o ,
u Pnekten ,, 1, C . , •V•Culver, Vied 2eesldent. Woe.
trough. d A. F Brooks, Treasu
rer. Tbe. the : Directors : C. R.
R o w, "owing are
of t Baste s.
H. a ct 8: Dean,
of N o . (
. Pro n v r ld k, en A e n. e,....H . .
.as Franck, of Warsaw, New York, I. DoiOas,
of Meadville, Pa-, A. Bradley, of Plitsburgb,
J. L. Wilson, of Cincinnati, T. F. Stanfield, of
South Bend, Missouri. J. EL Bowen, of Cklcagn.
and Geo. H. Rea, of St. Louis.
—mitten of Constitutional Amendment
by the North easelins Lejtstatore.
' President to
Wdbamoiron, Dec. 1.--1. •
eightreceived Ike following &Tafel.. ••f
lilt- inkif. C., Dm. I.—To the Praline ._
tbo United Stateni—The Legislature has esti.
fled, with but 111 dissenting voires. the Consti
tutional Amendment abolishing slavery. Five
Judges have been elected. all good selections.
Throe of my personal appointments have been
[Signed j
W. W. Hocosv,
Provisional Governor
War Department and Carreaey Reporter.
Gen. Craig". Tour,
NEw Toni, Dee.l.-:-The rosrp Washingtoa
special says The printing of the War Report
will be finished to-morrow afternoon. The re
port of the Comptroller of the Currency will
also be ready to-marrow. It presents arg - n-
MentS in (aver, of a contraction of the cur
rency. -
The Chronicle tinviny announces authorita
tively that Gen. Grant will not go further South
than Charleston thb trip.
Steamer City of rlaltimoro Ashore,'
Sew oan, Dec. I.—The steamer City of Bal
timore, from Sow York for Bostoa, ran ashore
on Thursday eight to eonsantienee of the caSt
■ede mistaking the signals. The tide flows into
her at open ports when she keel over. A
steamer and schooner hare gone to her asstst
nee, and she will probably come oft" all right.
11 1.1111EID,
WILD ELM — POLLPIT—November ziOth, by
Rev, Sa.taue/ Crouse, al. FIiED4WLLIIELDI and
mu. SkNPOLLITT, both of Lower St. th.l.r
towasklp, Allegheny .ounty, Ps.
LAUGIIRET—On the first Inst., sit to ois/ciek
w. U. ROBERT LA I'OIIARY, at the residence
of MX brother-lc-taw. Mr. 'WM/Mt.
Funeral notice In evening mere.
MAATIR.—On Tnarsday, Roy. Goth, at. .13.4
o . elssik P. ix, MARGARET ALCUTfIi. Infant
daughter el Alexendet and Jells Rerun.
Tee fmaru Will take plate on SASTI.*AT. De
cember 2A, at 2 o'clock T. tt., from the residence
of the parents, No. 12 DlamMtd Allegheny Otty—
BELL—At Helton. Leeember Ist, ISC3, THOS
BELL, to the toth year of Mc are.
Funeral from the residence of her son-inclaw
P. F. a grew, No. me Pepe street, ErIIDAT.
Sr. The friends of the family are invited to at
-a-a moat picturesque place o/ Sepulture, attuste
oath* nptanda, lumedlately north of nnetaaat
CET, on the New flrlatton Road- Persons crier.
los to .elect Burial Lots will apply at the Super.
Intendente (Mee, at the Cemetery. Title Deeds,
Penalts and all other baste'ss trill be attended at
the Drug Warehouse of the underslened, corner of
Federal and Lesaack atreets, Allegheny,
Secretary and Treleurer.
-- -
Gas and Steam Fitters,
lb. 165 WOOD STREET,
Pumps, Hydrants, Sheet Lead,
Plumbers' Materials in General
Fitted Up in the Most AppfoTed Style.
Tutla thud with lead ompper. Roma fitted
ay lath Water Or pa
N. 8.-21.11 mein ifflomiltilattcadea to. ' td
In all Its branches carctulli attended to by eV*
rimmed and prastleal workmen 6 tine mart.
meat of
• •
ill ms&TEIS.
Constantly on hand and mode to order.
A . 4 MESAJ • snursi, imeghay
And 527 LIBERTY RTREET, Titutult,
, y0x0..•a017-11 DOILLOST
1 , 014 G Ia&NZ & CO.,
No. 60 Braladtild St.; PL4iibrirgb. .`
szthliuNG to JILL BIRDS exerate
PrEitllT' NE l M and l l ANAN i n es. enstostid
paper of all Colus,and GMT:SIGNS GM MASS
made to order and tent to all parts of Um oonsitry. -
'tlstle manner.
PIOToweLDIZIGNS natal:Notts hio4 an,
NOME PAINTING done 1 with a rim/ to sill:
nonlithhannony of color and sitataam or
Rah work at rate. . sallar •
illpiaant BROVrx,
(Yale of do) ins°, amain, yc mou oir i
ER:93118 AIM r4ma t :
oath Eirt erns it . Thad ir.utst
Ni7SMALL PAPERS.—Just received
tot tato at No. tat market street non
rink ittittt. .10.5. B. suer= k Rath
Better Quality and Lower Prices
Concert Hall Shoe Store
Women' Superior Gums (Heels) Retail
ing at $l.OO Lower _ than you
buy them by the case.
Greairst Paridy, Jffnit gilLerfOr
guatiia, Better Styles, snore
Ikarable, Easter Pitting.
Better Looking and
Leaver Prices than
any other Mouse
in the World.
/31 - ene call will estleff Me meat ereiulone tilAt
We place for barguns In 1-100T5 AND SatIES.
both .v 124,1.1116 and retatl, ie
nog '
No. 0 FISTIL Grans?.
lINE ()LOTH ociAr3,
frazgoxrd. pr *z. sittb%
sztry Braos PANTE,
FOE THE rtrar p DATE
J. H. SMITH & 00..
cLoraimss; o BALL, a firm
OPP•sitp the Owri, B owie .
71 FL£l7l STREET.
For the following rea.ons:
Yen have the finest sleek in the city in sneak
Yen only pay the Publishers price for Beets
Fon also melee attune of purchase a present.
Your 'aunt will be worth from dUe. to SiOL
Yon will be entirely sills fled with both Bak
and Present.
All we ask, Try us,
5o MIAs, prism ebbs Sugars;
25 do Porta Bus do
25 Ws. hard Orsubsd do
25 do A Cogres do
00 do U D Relined do
its do choke P. B. Molasses;
tco do assorted brands Syrups;
5o bees brieroillo Correa;
war chests T. H. and Imperial Teams
60 do -
boxes assorted brand*,Ooloag
TobatteCi do
EA saddles do • do do
to store end for saie by
Ras. lard I Llbesty attest.
max.s..aronzx a 00.,
have removed their extearive Wh 1S
ip . kow amt
hammy to No, ha WOOD szurxr, corium,*
ymigto Alley, where they_are area to
Arden tor LABIUM_ AND SW
promptly at thelomeat .120 HZ
near tho Paueager Car Stabler: F&BULIES
gashed at the ahorteat notice- oc7:4tr
100 boxes Ts.lentla Raane;
23 bezel Sultana do.
leo mat" Seedlea do.
250 bona Layer do.
ISO bozos" Bunch, do.
ZO half and quarter bona Layer Mid /knob,
Balaban ; all "hole" mullets" fruit; '
Now In store and for sae b-
Nos. t REYSIE & BROS.,
v 3. sad IleVelreot areet.'llll
TRl — f — T -- "r ----- ------3 -FS laiD PLSXT&-
.. . .
A largo soaves! select suOk Of FRUIT and OIL
, CLEW% '
VIRES and Gn=qllol7NE PLA XTS. BO-
USTS andOUT FLOWERS to *Mar. , ' saw fox
a utalcqua 'or tali and ananano ear stock.
.Illittc R. it . nitInDOOLL
Pittsburgh A MR? And Oakland GreanhOtras. r -- -
01 .911 18 I.'•ULTA CLOTEII6I —oaf aIL
r i a tem . &ad wi dths tor Floont,Tablaa,Oo
test, Stabs, &c, also: Wta nla.c
ithe„dow ahades_At a n d !Ktyla Tranapateat Grata- Ott Motallt.
Bur iconsads. Trimmins,..age. lama Stock
hand and, tar gala, ...laholeaala na. Udall at tta, t•••••
owestptleasiat MLA, and ta St sidatt streak!,
an* ac Ft.
S,QwEET -18 bbla.
Jer~totei Sweet Potatom 'Winter -Ic,neplag,
;" • *x,iEr;E;
nozimu vrartullaraisteet.:-.
t; :tin
•• and for aala _
• . . PEIRRPAT in CX •Teßia. k.
ce Nca.:l9l a 14- Liberqrstree4,
Byer,. -,
Etna! email hays one.. Itlati ant tee " . f •
at Nap. Saud all St, Clair Attest. than.
:ackst ; • 33. PRILLIis
‘'xiceire4 ttas 4ar aro for b
WU Za. - Wet 6 OA-
NE Goons
and au Olga el