The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, November 24, 1865, Image 1

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fne flittsiturgit tautte.
CITY rrEms.
At my low Batts h Bell% No. 11
Fittit street.
The King or Palo.
Lure any other Medicine, will only perform won
derful auto 4hen it Is gentiles. In vew of the
;reit owober of counterfeit's of tbla Tamable med
leffie, you azo only safe when you intrebsee It at
-lostpb Flemiug's Dray Depot, Ito. is Dlsrlrot
street. Remember the place.
• •
Eicitieed, at Batt. • (e. 21 Flai street
Attention, Ladles,
Don't forget to call at Dunlap, Luker & 00.'s and
- *gamine their splendid stocker Furs. Remember,
they hare the largest, cheapest and beat stock of
ladles, mines and children'a fur cape., rictorines,
collars, cogs and mak, ecer..offered lo the city.
Alio, a due stook of skating saps, .nien chef ate
• offering at entr}••mely low price.. Don't forget the
pliee.llB rsdel•al itreet, Allegheny.
Ths stockholders of the Lincoln Oil and Mining
Company are hereby notified to meet tie Direc
tors and Omporators at the °Moe of Hobert Wray,
NO. 4 EllimPotreet, Pittsburgh, on Thursday, No
vember 2104 at , three o'clock. The OmTors
tors propose to make an equal division of all un
sold stock of the Company, to present ttoekhold
en in pro rata shares, thus plering all holders of
stoek •on an equal tooting with themselves, end
thus laying them an equal bane! t of whet monty
woe sogde ti getting up the comp any. The prow>
anion is niglie en the part of thFerporators, In
good faith, had convincing all
ul for the p
pestles intireeted, that the Com any is not only
well founded, but likely yet to be profitable es en
Investment. -It is therefore, to ho hoped that on
interested will attend.
Dry Goods,
New style dress Cooley
New *Lyle *hewn,
Mourning goods,
Housekeeping' Coeds.
White good*. •
Cloths and eseinneres,
Sennett" and tweeds,
Prints and itz4bems,
Blankets end Bunnell,
Bleached and Unbleached wallas,
Detainee and armuree,
Cottage and Alpszeas,
French mertnoes,
And a great irmny other goods *bleb be will sedi
lower than you can buy them elsewhere, At either
Wholesale or retail. Remember, *a are now on
the nottheast - corner of Market mAI Fourth
C. Etitrao3 Lo - vz & BEA)
DiaSonic Library.
I nt Coananteet appointed by thy different
Lodlea will meet et the flail thlig evening et 7
To the Point Again
Fine Mullins, 1101 superior'lo,2Se; extra quality
and width, at ble—aame as abld a abort time dorm
J. W. °karate es 00.,
69 Dls:lre street.
Neutralinlpfitte of Lime
For preserving cider. For satirby Charter Super
Druggist, corner of Penn,and St.. Clair streets
Pittsburgh. .
Reduced, st Beta & Bell's, No. 21 Filth street
No Illedrelne Given
Dr. J. Dodge Werren.atUl continues healing the
oor, at 111.asonlc 4all, each day from 9 WI 11 a..
11., flee of charge, and from 12 11116 he may be
found at the St...Ohatlea Hotel by those Who are
able and willing to pay. Will positively remain
no longer lb= Dec. 2. n 01941.
To the Point
Print. at ISne- , formerly 3Le; do. et 2-'.-I.he loes
rind prettin: of tee season.
J. W. Banc Ha dir. CO
54 Market street
For the Army, for the Navy, and for
EvelT . One.
The world la so inundated now with medicine.
(every description which are warranted cures.
for every known and unknown specie, of &amuse,
ttatehe muter= flools• it robust toepoenible to dig
tingtfish between good and bed. Some of
thwie wonderful fluids protesi to cure every com
plaint known to the Materla Dledica. In speak
ing of llostetrerood Wren we refer to a forerun
tion which Ilmite Itself to one depumeut of the
body—the stomach—the irregularities and dieor
snots of riiichit not only entail to cure, but does.
is ;reputation hu become world-wide, and from
the T. 601110 to the Atlantic. In botL annispheres,
and he every latitude and zone, I. Is known and
employed as a remedial agent.
persons who hare been repeatedly deceives',
perhaps, cannot be convinced that Hostetter's
Bitten will erect sure, rapid, and permanent
;curet. Hitt this downtime la confirmed by testi
monial letters from-the mostdintaguished men in
the country. All who-have once used Maui Bit
ters keep them now by their side no a safeguard,
believing that "in ounce of prevention to worth a
pcnind of cure."
The digestive weans which have been violated
and prostrated by excessive or irregular Indul
gence of appetite. will be learned to their normal
condition by the use of thin wonderful medl
cne.—Boston Trarelrr
At very tow Aram et Bete. & Bed's', No. et
ift& street.
Silk Velvety, Poplins, Merinos, and fifty other
klede of Drees Goode, greatly reduced in price, et
Barker k Go'., ei Murket street.
'Neutral Sulphite of Lime,
For preserving elder. /'or sale by Charles Supe
Druggist, corner of Penn and St. that: streets
Fall and Winter Goods
It la with great pleasuro mo call the attention of
our readers to the superb eta* of Fall and Winter
Cioodsjust received by Dlr. John Weler Merchant
Tailor., No. LIS Federal street, All=beny.
Rock =Drams acme of the rarest and moot beau.
VDU ClOthi3Oarsimores. twarconttng, and Vesting
averbtought to the western market. His assort.
Went of Furnishing Goods, courprielag
Drawers, Collars, Nook-ties, liandkeroblefs, he..
mianot be Surptsled cut at weal. A large stook
of ready-made Pants, qoats Vests sad Overcasts
will also be found at his establiehmeint. Persons
111 wants( salllAng in the clotting line should not
LW to give w.r. wirier a sail.
Stteltitg to the Potut.
Belt and bandsomert Dolan' at 30 cent.; Ar
mourado. 81 cent", other Went Ckonda at front II
to to cents, nearly one half formir price., at Bar
ker k Co%
Thomas W. Parris Co.,
Praeger.' Mate Aopfers, and Dealers In Armenian
Slate of various colors. (Mice at Alexander
Laughlbymlnear the Water Works. kittaburgh.
Pa. itealdeum No. 18 Pl street. Orden
promptly attended to. All volt: Warranted witoi
proof. Repairing dose at the shortest ostlers No
.sharp fa repairs, provided the roe , 1. not
abused alter it is DUI on.
Tampering with the Teeth
Is madness. 'Mold the carcase dentifrices, sub
mit to to serapieg, use nothing but Sorostont.
Orient barbs are its ingredients. It preurvel the
renantel... It removes all Impuritlea., It etrengih
the puns. It dectlerites a tainted breath. It
.11 harmlors gi Water std more vstuable than it.
•weight In gold.
---s l6arpeater Jabbing Stop.
Haatat Zsittraataitar as liasermaggicas yeah
In the anay. / alas reopened my shop for en sort'
.of Jobbing to the ampencar line. st the old stand.
Allor.hetween Stalthfleld street ard Maul
Arley. oidus coUrAtal Ind promptly attended to.
Jut Opened;
Utz saw Clothing !louse; at o Stith street, where
we olfer -11400:0 worth of clothing regardless Of
cost, atcil[Hall. nofcice
• Neutral Sulpttlta of Lime,
For eresenriag clam For sale by Marko %kr,
dkofftbrf t earful of Pena orul St. Clair streets,
C. SM. asektlist, 240 Penn Street,
amends gooteptly to all btlidliegf to Lai pro!,..
, .
• A-Mih. Baty, of Brookline. has sued the city
of Botta for a' Wilton and a-half dollarr, the
same be •••' - ..endts which he al-
For the Pittsburgh Gazette.
The Commercial, of 'Pittsburgh, for some time,
"per se" and correspondents, has occupied
more or less of its coinage' In preparing the
public for quite • eensation in the tine of funeral
obsequies for Allegheny, promising a oplen.
did •• turn out" on the cemSaion, and doubtless
what that astute journal regards as a fitting re
pository for our remains. but In deeper oblivion
and forgetfulness than Pompeii of old under the
ashes and lava of Vesuvius. That once fair city
with her bar tees inhabitants, perished in an
hour by the visitation of Providence. Bat yet
after the lapse of 1800 years . it to being exhumed
by the " pick and shovel," unfolding in Ltd, our
day, her climate treasures of art and refinement ~.
for the admiration of the present age. With'' .
her sad fate who does not sympathize 1 But
who will eymprthize with us in yielding our ex
istence, the very name and promising future of
this fair city, and baying her under the debris
and scoria of a few newspapers and correspond
ents to gratify an alien corporation by the in.
(*ease of its population at the expeuer and
honor of our 0,/. Why man would not
such an tableitiory of Imbecility and degrada
tion, become the pot ecoru and contempt of the
whole State, the comity whose honoree name
we bear, and our own posterity for all time to
come, our whole memorial to mark the repose.
tory of our ashes, a grave stone, whereon may
be leserPx-d: "The Eleventh ward of Pitts
burgh, once Allegheny tJity." Are we. on this
side of the water. pee pert il for such a coosum
mation? Have we in our bosom any Jell. Da,
vises or Floyds, scheming to hand over our
Mayor, Councils and 3ther officials. to the "ten
der mercit s" of another corporation? Would it
not be a melee choiy spectacle for this city to
discover. at some not:distant day, herself. Sam
son-like, sheen of all power and authority for
the protection of the great Interests wherewith
she I, solemnly charred, and transferral to
the administration of the city of l'it!iburah,
with a Score 01 smal]er corporations sod adjs.
cent townships. which ,no propose, t 5 annex,
without certainlymny united lutenist in our pros.
petity or well being? Where, let me Inquire, is
the great eiceonderance of our neighbor In pun.
tdation, good government or morality, that she
demand, the utter extinction of this from 'he
record of titles bf the Unitee States; and hurl
her lute "cold oblivion and to rot." •
"On what meat, does this our Caesar feed,"
that he proposes to "serve up" and garnish his
luxurious board with the entire population of
this city, as though we were a mere bevy of
partridges or prairie fowls'? Or does he even
me, regard himself grown to such gigantic
stature that be proposes to bestride us,
.Like a Voltam:a. and we petty use
Walk under hie huge lege and peep about,;:'
To nod ourselves dishonorable graves."
It is no preen:intim to say that we are a toler
ably wire and well grown community; le the po
sition el Independent power of action, and self
control In the management of one own serail's—
and have not the authorities of Allegheny con
ducted her municipal concerns In all the aspects
of commendable moral deportment, quietude of
her streets, and immitnity from outbreaks of
• the turbulent and evil disposed / Does not her
financial condition bear high testimony to the
skill and discernment of the able committee in
charge of that delicate department
"Men ate sometimes masters of their fates."
Are we eo Inferior la numbers, intelligence, so
dettemstful of our capacity for self-governmeut
that we should make an alliance with Waivers
to our requirements, or sympathy With our mu
nicipal Interest; our antecedeate should natur
ally bring with them some conedeoce in the fu
ture government of the city.
Beware. fellow-citizens, how yet deal with
the welfare of the people whose happiness and
prosperity, are committed to your keeping. In
all well-considered arrangements In the bnstneas
walks of life when a partnership is proposed,
the first inquiry is, wherein consists the pros
pective gains? What amount of capital Is re
quired on either hand? Such should be the re
flection and Inquiry of every chines of Alle
And now. first, it is proposed that the very
name of Allegheny, which she has borne for
150 years, should be torn from the record, and In
Neu of shat the bald assertion that It will make
one city of us, Pittsburgh lambic the puerile
eminence of taking a higher rank lo p , 0511•
lion at the decee real" ea n [aeration for 1870.
what an se - gement for grown up mete remind
ing us of a bevy of i.ays having made an Incur.
aloe into an orchard. and seized as many apples
as they had a mind to, burglariously entered the
bats and et le the lags to carry off t belt plun..
dt r as in the case of the abstraction of our coon
ty et at In days 5f yore when we had no " watch
, teen cn the bear." What to o mere ward of Pitts
burgh charge our name ! Is sot Allegheny,
altogether as euphonious to toe ear ! d :es it not
harmonize with that of the evarlAatlaz meal.
lairs the spinal column and backbone of this
continent, the beautiful river which leaves our
!shore and this loyal county on whose
kindly bosom we have grown to Manly vigor.
Charge our name who but thelves and (ste
llate reaor. to such an act of self debasement.
Pro pudos! Shall we renounce a name descen
ding to no through the countless ages of cres
t( n ?
Now let us see whet is the capital stork
which Allegheny Is to hand over to this new
concerts Pinst, a copula! an of nearly forty
thousand people, with a reputation for indus
try, sobriety and moral demeanor, which will
beer the scrutiny of any test hoteeetr searching
and critical—es en enemies our judges. Stied,
our beautiful common ground, worth In opera
Minket. coneising of eighty acres or thereabouts,
a sum not less than four Imedred thousand dol
lars. Now where is the co-equal dower Pitts
burgh proposes to confer on as in this propos
ea intermaniage. Why we are to bo endowed
with ler name and enter on a new and untried
eocelition of pupllege under the auspices of the
Mayor, Aldermen and citizens of Pittsburgh,
wish the half score of townships and boroughs
the proposes to annex, and they most ammeter.
ily consist of territory south of the ricer. these
becoming as It wean her colonial dependencies,
without any hitherto local sympathies or Meal
tits with no. Would not all power of legisla
tion for the benefit of the people and frop•
erty -of Alb gheny In the selection of Mayor,
councils and another enbordlnate offieials depart
from us with such an act of self-Immolation as
this preposterous consolidation Involves,
In conelti,lon, neither arc these all the conse
quences connected with the metier. Will oar
readers consider for a moment the presentment
Of the lesLfirand Jury of the county of Alleghe
ny, to which reference is made with no unkind
feelings and reads as follows:
Vegran a committed by the Mayor of Pitts
but gh ............ 525
Mayor of Allegheny 2.5
J, Salisbury, J, P., Birmingham 4
A. Ammon, J. P., East Birmingham
Is this exhibitiOn of vagrancy with 300 com
mittals by the Mayor of Pittsburgh to twenty-
Ilre all tlfld of Allegheny, part of our dower?
On this feature In the reletire statistics of the
cities as they stood at the time this report of
the Grand Jury was made, we could not dwell
without pain, referring• tt however to the coun
cils aid tax payers of Allegheny, we dismiss the
subject for their final judgment in the premises.
The Murder of Three Blaine Sbldlers In
The fo!lcwing aeccuot of the murder of three
-Maine soldiers at Brown's Ferry, on the Savan
nah ricer—mentioned some time since in our
telegraphic dispatches—Ls written by an officer
of the regiment.
Last Saturday, there was a corporal and two
into oat ofCumFar* . rt. I st Battery, Maine Vol
tottetm Wm. Corbett, Emery C. Smith, and
Mason Brown, of Lubec, detailed to go to
Brown's Ferry, on the Savannah river. to guard
Government cotton. On Monday morning we
were startled by some people cooling in and
stating that they believed oar men had been
killed. We Immediately mounted what men
we had horses for, and started for the Ferry, 15
miles distant. Oa arriving there welound evi
dence of the bleody deed In pools of blood on the
land and in the ferry boat; auspecting that they
were sunk In the river, we made search.
and recovered the bodice, They were all
shot through the head, and what they were shot
with was near enough to born the hear. We
called up the ferryman anal he stated that he
saw six men ride down to the ferry ;and take
the men and say "Yon d--d Yankees,, we come
here to put you into the river, and wO are going
to do it."--and then enacted a struggle. and the
men were dragged Into the stream and four shots
were tired. The ferryman can evreavto two of
the men, and we have a chain of evidence that
will prove the guilt of seven or eight of the
most real ectable men of the village. One of
Client was recommended by the—to loci Governor
of tills State—James L. Orr, to be Associate
Jedge on our Provost Court, and did sit there
until the deed was committed by Mit and his
Our sons, and three others ktown oply to w.
We have evidence mongt to hang the whole
ir be ofthem. -
Tan Mnuey Luminary says: It is with sin
cere regret that we announce the death of our
young Mend, Mr. Oscar Mrileivey, a 4 this bor
ough. His dead body was round along the
railroad track, *bent a mile below the Money
station, on WednesdaymOrning Wt. he having
Wm it Is supposed, by the W 1./ Morn
tag train. ills bead and body were at; terribly
cut and mangled, and his clothing eoicomPlete
ly torn no, that be was only identified by his
alp and pocket handkerchief, the lacier being
UM Omni&
4 PeetiTe hi
"f right.
%mat of excellent ittlioncanble stone, said
to equal that found la Bavaria, has been dts
cevered in Bt. Louis county, 311sionct.
E P ziseld
The Veteran Reserve Corps.
Testimony in Captain Pettit's Case.
Twenty Thousand Pardon Applications
Releate of the "Shenandoah" Pirates
Dltdal for Surgeon Mary Walker
Decision Concerning Disclorged Officers
N;re Yonif, Noe. sio.-11i, Wova's Wash
ington dispatch nips that twelve bandred
and fifty men have been mustered out of
the Veteran Reserve Corps, leaving only one
hundred men In that department. Two hun
dred of aro trying to hold on to their com
missions until Congress authorizes a continu
ance of the Corps.
General Carl Schurz, In his report to the Pres
ident, stated it was his belief that if negro suf
fragt should be enforced in the south at the
present time, it would 'require a large standing
The forthcoming report of the Commissioner
of Internal Revenue willrecommend abolishing
the proprietary revenue stamps, and all other
stamps except those used for legnl documents.
The testimony in the ease of Captain Pettit
was concluded yesterday.
The report of the Commissary General of
Prisoners Is nearly concluded. It costalris a
east amount of matter reistive to the number
of prisoner: taken be each side during the war.
The Auditor of the Treasury Issued a circular
quiring southern postmasters to Day up 41
balances due the Government at the ore/thing
out of the war. 112,000 were recently received
from the posteffthe at Mobile.
Secretary Station has determined not to pub
lish the list of °Olden to be mastered out till
after Congress meets.
The Tnbrate's Washington special says: ray.
master Boarder an. of New Hampshire. sent ott
to the Stonewall. cited with yellow fever at Ha
Eetural reconstructed rebels filed claims at
the Treasury Department - for the balance due
them before their participation In treason. An
application was made at the Treasury Depart.
meat yesterday for the appointment of a young
Virginia secessionist as midshipman.
The Time,' special says the number of Amid I
cottons for pardon on file Is shout 20,000. The
number granted will not tamed 8,000, none now
being granted.
But few Members of Congrese have yet ar
floe. Schuyler Colfax consented to deliver •
lecture before the Prese Club or Philadelpbia
next Monday Evening, on the subjett "Aerobe
the Contlcent."
Thelleraiuns Washington &match says Gent
Grant's report of military operations since his
appeintmtnt as Lieutenant General alll proba•
bly arc, mpecy the report of the secretary of
Ws r, and be published with that droumeut.
The feeling agamst Ermland In Washington
for allowing the otheers and crew of the She
nandoah to escape, Ls one of nadtiguLsod dis
gust and hostility. Alt atm;c that they must be
givh up to cur authorities under the extradi
tion treaty. So doubt is entertained of oar
ebllity to prove from her log book that shc
took many prizes after being informed of the
close of the war.
Tim interior of the Capitol is being complete
ly and elaborately prepared for the approach
ing session. _The desks for the Southern mem
bers have been replaced. -
:surgeon Mary Walker, baring failed to ',-
calve n Major's commission In the United
elates Army, the I're Went has all ected that she
be pis-salted the moral medal for meritori au.
and resihful conduct. her friends will ask
Congrans for a more harrinsi. testim
It is stated that all the executive and miscel
lexicons dreuments of tie Thirty-Seventh and
Thirty-Fachth Cm:tress are being printed.
A military commission, it is said, has l.ean
ordered for the investigation of the enlistment
of Prussian the State of 'Massachu
setts during the war, with power to sit in Wash
ington and Boston, to accommodate the Prus
sian Minieter and Massachusetts cflieers
re srecti v eh%
It Is understood that the Premien Government
has demanded au explanation from the
Vetted States. and that power expects to estab
lish fraud and et-impulsion practiced upon mei
The Times' Woobington dispute] says the
second Comptroller of the Treasury has made
thelollowing decisions
Officers discharged to take effect from a parti
cular anterior date, who do not receive 'notice of
their discharge until some time afterward, and
who, Mlle meantime continue on duty, come
within the screed paragraph of General Orders
No. 103, of Ihtl.l, relating to the resigned oat
cers, and arc entitled to pay to the date on
which such discharge or notice was received.
An lifilear holdicg s COMMiI9.II on the 3d of
March, 1965, and continuing in the military
service of the United States until August 15th;
1005, was rendertd suponnutary by the consob
!dation of bin own regiment with another, and
discharged, it Is held that as he wan not dis
charged the service under any orders of the
War tit-patter eat, for the reduction of the army.
aid is not enlltled to three months pay, prover,
provided by the actor Congress. Starch ii,
Inasmuch as he has not served to the close of
the war, within the meaning of the law.
The Ti ibene't special bays: The reeonstrge.
lion rebels In Washington do not disguise the
fears that the had faith of many pardoned
brethren in the South will seriously affect their
political aspirations and Interests. The leis/
of executive confidence, which they admit they
desired, occasions salon apprehensions, and
the more information they °stain of the senti
ments of Northern Congressmen makes it ap
parent that they have no chance of admission
into the text Congress.
Mr. Thomas Galway, late Assistant Commis.
Honer of the Freedmen's Bureau of Louisiana,
has been tendered by General Howard the an
perixtendency of all the freedmen schools In
Tentessee and Kentucky.
From New Orleans and Savannah—Riot
Among Negroes—Georgia Election.
New Yer.a, Nov. 23.—The steamer Flam
bcaux;from New Orleans, with the Slat colored
regiment, Captain C. B, Ward, has arrived
The steamers Nevadekand Stadia, from Sa
vannah on the IStb, hate also arrived. The
Nevado fell In with the steamer Mississippi, off
Barnerate Light, disabled, and towed her bock
to this port. Among the passengers on the Ne
vado are Governor Lowe and family, nif Mary
The Savannah Herald has informatigm that
a riot took pinee among the negroes, near Mon
mule, West Florida, the rioters burl:dust a cot
ton gin home. A company of Regulars was
sent there to keep order.
There is no doubt of the election of Jenkins
ns Go minor of Georgia.
Now Ousami Nov. 22.—The internship
rlenta arrived at I,Lotnle yesterday and brought
In Captain Horace Atwood and part of the crew
of the ship Harry, of West Orleans, for Livar
ol, burned one hundred miles from West
Pass. with Z,542 bales of cotton. The origin of
the Are bt unknown. The balance of the crew
were taken by the ship Ella, bound for Llyer.
Both llama of the Leghdature are organized
The Governor's message win be received Wed
The steamer Ifentanzan, from New York, hat
arrived. 'The steamship Catharine Whiting.
from New York for Galveston. arrived today
by the tow steamer South Carolina. The Whit
ing lost her rudder and her boiler completely
gave out, and Wee two nave in rough sea.
Fire In Frankfort, Ky
.I..onsvnix November =.—Fronicfart, Ky.,
Executive ojks.—The °Oleo of Clerk of the
Court of Appeals wee homed this morning. A
portion of the new building being used for a
military department, the Judges of the Court of
Appeals end library was destroyed. The records
and papers of the ronrt of Appeals was almost
entirely destroyed.
Iforkble Xterder fn Nett Tork.
etc., etc
New Tong, Nov. :S.—The statement made
on the 10th inst. that the French Government.
Lad complained to the Customs authorities
against Ave steamers and sundry persons, the
former as destined to transport arms, dtc., to
Mexico, wan substantially correct—an abstract
from a letter from an edictal stating that a
clearance was refused a steamer until she wan
examined by Collector Ling, the Collector git
ing as a reason for this course that he had re
ceived protests against several vessels in port
said to be prepariam for Illicit purposes &glint*
the French or British commerce.
A Cuban named Jose Garcia wan murdered in
the vicinity of City Park, Brooklyn last night,
and robbed of $ll,OOO or $lO,OOO. Ile was pro
pricier of a theatre in Havana and had come tO
this city for the purpose of purchasing machin
ery, and the supposed murderer Is Jose Hormel,
and is represented to be about forty years of
age, five teat eight inches high, dark complex
ion, black hair and thin black mustache. lie`
had dined with him in the afternoon and knew
that he bad the money upon Lis person, and
left the hotel in company with the victim. The
murdered men was horribly mutilated with
more than a dozen wounds from a dagger, a
wound over his right eye, inflicted with some
blunt instrument, and his body otherwise lac
erated with a razor or dagger. A dagger and a •
razor were fond In the vicinity. No arrest has
yet been made.
In addition to It, r•wad /I by cus
tom bonne rt.!, vcry or the ~.-
IXl[llll4 of Preston King. an additional reward of
rive hundred dollars, in behalf of the Mends
and relatives of the deceased, in offered by Si
mon Smith sad L. L. Bridges.
The steamer Western lietropolia. from Ape
lachit ola an the 15th brings 1000 Dales of cot.
tea. The total shipment of cotton from that
pot for the season will reach eighty thousaad
bales, soviet:My thousand of which have yet to
be,shipped. Some eighty tassels were engaged
in loadinr..
In response to the denlat by 0. J. 8d lib, of
the statement of the Portland .irgus that Prof.
Morse had received a heavy judgment against
Bmlth, the Frotessor says •'there has been no
judgment, but a verdict has beam given against
Emitti in my favor for 10,762 dollirt."
At an auction sale today of army and honpl•
till stores, consisting of condensed milk, eggs,
beef, blankets, fir., the net receipts amounted
to a quarter million dollars.
New Orleans adeleee state that Major Geller
al Herron has resigned his position in the army,
and has entered Into the nombeisslon business
in that city.
The Coosoon coal oil refinery on :Long Inland
Creek, la reported to be destroyed by lire this
It has been rumored that Chillan agents were
purchasing large quantities of ammunition - and
materials of war; Mao that a Teasel was dttlng
out as a privateer. The Chillan government
does not propose at present to dt out privateers.
No persons are anther lend to purchase arms or
war am att !Jai here.
Liberal Account of the Affair,
Gtu. 6iitzrl Assists the Wounded Ltberals,
Now YOP.i., Nov. 23.—The Herald's Browns
vlile letter rays The attack on Ilatamoras
heretofore reported, was a very small affair.—
General fithabedc., commanding the Republican
army, had givea directions fee a rISKIDUPOISIttIre,
but no order for an rtack. Oat of hls officers
commanding • small body of the Americans.
misunderstood the order. and assaulted one por.
lion of the works with the greatest success,
capturing the Imperial works and guns, but not
being supported, they had to withdraw.
During the ,itg c. Brownsville was tilled with
people from Meta mar., who fled to escape the
ezt ected attack. During the tight the soldiers
at Brownsville cheered at the socemo of the
liberals. whereupoo four s'aots ware deltheracry
fired at the assembled group, from the imperial
Steamer Pismo, .405, Weitzel has ordered an
inreetigatlen of this aff•lr.
General Weitzel, at the request of General
EV:011E40, lad is lbo interest of hoalltßtr, sent
over Mule for Lhe latter.' wounded. Many of
the wounded were transported to Brownsville
and received the attention of the Coiled Btatis
array army surgeons there.
The I Irralcrt correspondent cop arras the atoll
of the plot to turn Ntalamorsa over to the !Aber
ale. One of the imam In the conspiracy wu
formerly to the rebel army service, on ihs staff
of Johollorgans
The Liberal army y said to lee shadily
creasing In stem:tolls.
All Ll:lame. In Matamoros has cease,: The
streets are bardeaded with coupe bales and ot b.
er materia!s, snort of the labor being performeJ
Gtll. Slau;:bler, late of the rsbcl army, has
cone to the City or CII,(14, so the
Ininlng interrd.
Considerable Damage Done
The Wharf at Half Mona Bay WaAhrd wa)
8s t'rusci•e o, Foy. 2U.—A storm of rain has
prevailed throughout toe State during the past
week, the mort revere experienced since the
great good of 1561. Communication with the
Intenor, except by water and telegraph, is cut
off. The Central Pacific Railroad has sufferyd
emerely by the caving In of embankments.
The Mining Donnas have cuff. red considerable
damage by the washing away of dams, dams
wheels nod bridges. Much of the country nor
dm log on the Sacramento and Feather Rivers
iv licoded. The lower portion of Marysville is
ceder water, without much damage as yeL
The wharf at ilsif Moon bay, on the Paddy
watt. teeth of San Francisco, was washed
away this morning, carrying with It a warehouse
filled with grain and causing damage to the
Bruen of 6100.000. There is no signs of the
slot m abating.
Frem Rushville—Crane • Court Martial
Oser—lllattwas Robbery—Cotton, etc
Nauruan. Nov. 23.—The Crane court mar-
UM has closed. Argument' were delivered oe
both sides. The declaion has not yet beau made
public by the court, though in military circles it
is believed that Col. Crane has fully vindicated
his came In everyparticular of the cue as. the
Quartermaster of military railroads, and that
must of the charges against hue will be sus
tail ed.
Nashville is infested by bands of robbers and
murderers. Last night abont tea o'clock Win.
Heffernan, a well known citizen of this city,
was returning from Saint Cecilia Seminary,
with his daughter arid son In hisearriago, when
be was attacked by four highwaymen, who
dragged him into the bushes by the road, and
roboed and injured him so desperately that his
recovery is impossible. Out of the robbers was
bodly wounded by Heffernan. All have been
captured and are in jail. Au exciting crowd of
eltLecna are preparing to lynch them. They
were found to be teamdters In the employ of the
Cotton—There was no demand to-day. Oa
account of Its It Rated prices yesterday. 46 to
47, a depression was apparent terday. 40 bales
were nee. the highest prices being 40. Receipts
50 bales; shipments 227 bales.
The river to eighteen males, at a stand.
Gen. Scott to Wtoter lu New Orleans—
Herrn - Una of Troops in Canada, &c
Ncw Tons, Not. 23.—L3en. Scott leaves on
the steamer on Sott - ,lay, to spend the winter
In New Orleans. Ile Is now stopping at the
Astor House.
A letter from gentleman recently from
Texas, says about Lift, thousand bales of cotton
were raised there this year.
A letter from Montreal says: The militia will
be recruited to the full strength of the hattal-
Rolls. The Society of Workingmen will fur
nish two companies of Infantry. An engineer
battalion will be formed from the workingmen
of the Grand Trunk Railway.
The wool dealers and brokers of this city
propose to hays daily meetings to consider
their Interests.
Negotiations with the instlatt.
Now_ Yong. Nov. 2.3.—H0n. 0. Gurney, of
Witeonaim one of the Commissioners sant to
treat with the Indians of the Northwest, artys
the negotiations bete been so satisfactory that
be thinks a commission sent out early next
season, so as to have ample time to go higher
up the rlYer and nee the Indians of the North
west entallrY. will succeed In establishleg a gen
eral pcaec throubout that country
onsolidalion of Wainionton and Gear:down
WAILLINCITON, Nov. "a.—ln a dispatch to the
late Minister Dayton the Secretary of State said
ho must, not unprofitably, Improve tho occasion
by ransacking that the Executive Government
of this country has no organ in the press, and
Its yleire and sentimants In regard to France
and to all ether countries can be known always
by the language of Its di;lomatle representa
tives, for it but Instructs them minutely and di
rects them to speak alwa3s frankly sad Biz-
A shert time before this communication wu
sent td Minister Dayton, Mr, 83wani wrote to
bite as followr:
The statements made to you by if. Dronyn
de L'iluys concerning the Emperor's intentions
are satisfactory, if we are permitted to assume.
them an haying be authorized to be made by
the Emperor In view of the present condition
of affairs In Mexico,. It is true, as I had before
remarked, that the Emperor's purposes may
hereafter change with changing circumstan•
see, we, ourselves,
.however are not unobser
vant of the princess of events at home
and abroad and In no cane are we likely to
neglect each provisions for our safety. as every
sovereign State mull always be prepared to fall
back upon, when nations with which they have
lived in friendship come to respect their moral
and treaty obtigations. Your own discretion
will bu the geld. as to how far and to what
way the public interests will be promoted by
submitting them views to • the consideration of
M. Dronyn do L'Huje.
rhe Directors of the Board of Trade have
etaken action with a view to the consolidation
the cities of Washington and Georgetown,
and the remainder or the county of Washing
a tan into one municipality, instead of being,
as at present, under the control of five distinct
authorities, they declare it eminently proper
that the Board of Trade, representing so large
all amount of the prospects and trade of this
district, should take the lead in this movement,
In order to procure an efficient and harmonious
municipal government.
lion. Thaddeus Stevens Is among the re cent
.Congressional arrivals.
The rumors so Industriottsly circulatwl con
cerning the migration ofJtidge Ottt, Azsistant
Beertclary of the Interior, and the appointment,
In his piece of Judge Morton, of Illinois, are
without foundation. Judge Otto is understood
to enjoy to the fullest extent, the confidence
and esteem of the Secretary of the Interior, ;as
well as the chief of that Department .
Capt. L. D. Beckwith, 220 d Regt,, Veteran
Reserve Corps who wad senteneed by Court
Martlalat Baltimore, to be hashiered and im
grlsoned for alleged false mestere has bee, to
day tutored to rank and pay be the President
upon the recommendation of the Judge Advo- .
este general, who approved theo f
the court martial and the argument of CsOt.l
Beckwith" counsel, R. B, kfathew,
C'.Antalashaner of Internal Rorenue •
dal; decided as to the amount of stamp duty
k deed of trust o: mortgage, giVell sz; the Ac
'antic and Great Western Railway Console',
John R. Pena, Trustee of the City of New Yor
Bank. In imewhr to an loquiry if SIAM In le
tend Bertnue stamp" was tied:Helen' to cove ,
the came, the entire amount of toe mortgag
being $30,000,000, said that it would require It
temal Revenue stamps to theimount of 530,000
aid if said stamps were not ailized thereto, th.
Lands of said Railroad Company would be le
An ImPrefillon MiculOns to Ples.srs. Brows
Bothers h Co., was created by a dispatch t.
the lbstms Dint! , Adrrrtiter,. to regard to the
payment of a 13,000 draft by that house. repre•
seated as haying been drawn by the rebel Gov
ernment. ltls understood that it was drawn by
Brow, Brothers Co., to their own order, and
by than endorsed. and that there was nothlnZ
in the fact that It came .nto the hands of the
Government as captured property at the Bonth,
watch would Indicate nay coaneetton between
the 6: m and the rebel Government.
Government IteGret• the Acceptance of the
Rhenandoch—ltabcaa Corpoa to bt
•tom!—Poatma•trr General's Report.
NV? Yong, Nov. 241.—The Ihrola's special
Sara The Government is somewhat sorry that
the Apetican Consul at Liverpool ancept.ed the
Bleninaoah. fie must have acted without
entir,rlls. The Government. however. can do
co htog but take her as they did the Stonewan,
although their eases are entirety Metal miler.
Adrer::str's WashinglOa
special dispatch says : Too I'mtident .pressed
this morning his Intention to restore the privi
leges of the writ of habeas corpus at the earliest
poulble time. sod to do away with the secret
detect:to service.
The Postmaster General's Report will be a
very satisfactory document. Daring th• last
decal year the department was not only sca t
sustaining, but it bee sceunenlatcd three-for m
of • calliloa of Dollars. Mr Donalsock h e
closed contracts on exceedingly favorable te a
fir transporting the malls for the next lo r
years over the main leading routes of the Bee
and does not, as a rale Inland to establish a
routes at the expel:teen( lb? North. fla beglos
on the i. rinciple of compelderz, toe cantons to be
nearly. cc grille self sustaining there, a. t al.
ways has bean here:
The 4t. J•tm Exploslon—avow In New
York—Washington Items.
NEw bone. Nov. 13.-11 r Norman Wtard,of
this city, has bean experimenting upon the boi
lers of the St. John, and aseerts in a letter to
the ( wmuernol, that his theory that the explo
sion of the Millers was caused by an mimes! ex
pel:MUD of the boiler plates between parts above
abd beiow the surface of the watt, at the time
of the explosion, which st.rfa..,e might be at
the ordinary water Inc. or lower when there
wea a deLciency of water, or higher when the
water was foaming. Sae been triumphantly
confirmed, and that the boilers of the St. John
will be immediately supplied with a self-acting
device to equalise the temperature of the
Snow fell In this cliy for a few momenta to
The Pis', Washington despatch says Henry
W. Hilliard, of Alabama. la a letter, warmly
supports the President's reconstruction policy.
A large Government sale of beef and cotton
took place at Alexandria to-day.
The Ptesident Ya engaged upon his message
❑c rfeelvm but fete visitors.
Message of the Governor el Alabama.
Moini.e. Nor. B:,.—A apecial &watch to the
sdasyr , -sr'', from Montgomery, Baled the 'Zia,
sap Governer Parsons has delivered his Mm
ea ge to the isgislature.lie ~nyea the adoption
of the amendment to the 'Constitution of the
United States, abolishing slavery, acid the pas
sage of laws, protecting the negro, in person and
properly. This course, be says, will seinre the
admission of our representatives in Congreu,
and restore to the State all its political rights
In the Union. Ile opposes the specs! code for
the Government of the negroes, and recom
mends the adoption of a vagrant law, hearing
upon white and black alike, and he suggests
that vagrant laws similar to those of Illulasippl,
be adopted, and he recommends that provision
be made for destitute white and black persons.
Florid• Convention
NEw Yona, Novemb erTmlahasscc
letter says: Ihe proposition to repudiate Go:
rebel war debt, and ndmittiug negro testimony
in the courts. encountered • strong opposition,
and would not hash passed, but the members
plainly saw nothing less would racelve the ap
probation of the Florida repraseatatlyes to be
admitted to Congress. Previous to adjourn
ment, Governor Slam]] addressed the Collvo3-
Lima complimenting them on the thorough man
ner in Which they had done their work, and e.x
prestaltw particular pleasure that the right of
teaLllllolly Itila been granted to the freedmen.
Ire said that the colored troops arc all soon to
be wlthiravrtt, and there will only be left from
one hundred to OLIO thousand white soldiers in
the Btate.
Popular Voto of North Carollua
New Yong. Nov. 20.—The Wilmington 1 lir
aid gives the following results aa far as beard
from, of the popular vote at North Carolina on
the anti-slavery ordinance: In favor, 4,830;
against, 1,109. On the antl-secession ordinance;
la favor, 5.239, against, 900. R.' W. Beat, of
Greece county, is appointed Bacretary of /Hate
by Gov. Holden.
The Richmond Whig has an account of the
murder of Robert F. Kirby, • well-known fish
monger, by his wife, in a dt of Jealousy.
.Schuyler Colfax to Lecture at Philadel
NOV. 2R.—Hon. itchuyier
Colfax will deliver a lecture bet ye the Press
Club this evening at the Academy of Music,
and next Monday evening, as heretofore stated.
The subject is, "Across the Continent, and the
duties of the next Connives."
Elteamer Veer Lodge gunk
Sr, Lolls, November w.—The steamer Deer
Lodge, berme for Omaha with a valuable cargo,
sunk twelve miles below at. Joseph on Monday.
It Is supposed to be a total loss. The boat was
valued at 600,000, and was Insured for 640,000.
Fire In 'Richmond.
RICHMOND, Va., Nov. 22.—gIcktool & Co.'s
auction house, on Broad street, near the theater,
and several adjacent houses, were destroyed by
fire to-night. Loss small.
larestigation and Declaims by the isseEseee
Prraoca, Nov. W.—The eraminatiOn Worn
the United Btates Revenue Assessors kt Mead
ville of the proprietors of certain walls ox
Pith°le Creek, against whleh the Governlneni ,
hoe claims, was held lesterday.
The assessors and collectors had reason to
suppose that there was more 01l being produced
during certain months than was being returned
for taxation. Upen Inquiry they found that the
agents of certain wells returned upon their re
ports only the value of the working interest and
not the entire product of the wells. An Inves
tigation was therefore called and it was found
that some of three agents, but whether with in
tent to defraud or um, bad claimed to have an
understanding with the owners of the land and
free Interest to the affect that the latter ahould
take their share of the oil from the tanks and
pay their share of the tax. The custom hereto
fore hes been for the working Interest to pay
the whole amount of tax and collect the re
spective portions from land and free interest.
The decision of the assessors made to-day,
placed the penalty upon the free Interest, which
Is one-fourth tee oil, bee referred the matter to
the Chief Commissioner at Washington for fi
nal decision.
TOO working and land interests showed re
ceipts for revenue tea for all oil up to Novem
ber. A prominent operator made over his inter
sets to a large amount on the day the Govern
ment made their claim. This was done not,
with a view to evading any claim, butane a post .
Weenie., The decision Is attracting much at
tention, as it Involves large amounts of money
sad reverses decisions which have heretofore
been considered as law, and as such been gen
erally observed.
Prom Cafro—Memphis Avalanche Revived.
Canso, Nov, 23.-425 bales of cotton passed
for Clocionattl.
Memphis cotton market dull at 4 TO ito 4 90.
Stork on hand, 20,000 hales.
The Mempbla•drniaarhe la to be mewed. It
will support the President and opposo nitro
Steamer Arobto Supposed to be Lostlll
Formes's Idozertos, Is reported that a
steamer Iles wrecked tan miles north of Caps
Hatteras, oa the beach, supposed to be IA
Murderer Sentented.
HALMS. Nov. a the care of the ship
hero murder, the cook tf the ',easel was to-day
intuited to be hung, and eke sentence at
mate deferred.
AG. • ..11,--- --.._.._,,
tied two rye 'trawl togellic* ,
REIIRDT Fin BLUTINGO-011 one day lest
week a cow Wonting to Judge Btanabru7 came
home very mach bloated, timing onormotudy dis
tended and in a elate of great fadgelitill.• lie
e dipped the knot in
tar, then piscin
, knot in the cow's month,
—awe over her horn'. In a few min.
Mee she commenced belching, o:Vaned relief,
and In an hour or two assumed her usual ap
pearance. This peculiar mode of treatment he
says was communicated to him many years ago
for such cases, and hq thinks it is well worth
trying.— Irticanina Republican.
aR MO AN ESTLYATIL—Hon. G. W. Schofield,
member of Congress from this District wu In
town yesterday, and, in company with some of
OUT citizens, made an examination of our harbor,
the better to judge of the need of an appropria
tion tbr Ica improvement. The tug i•Rome"
sea made We of for this miniature survey, sad
all the party seemed to enjoy the excursion.—
Ens D;spatr'l of Tuesday.
Trm Lancaster Bramin.-, commenced lts om•
=maned la fortieth year last Wednesday, to a
handsome new typographical outfit. The Er
e:l4in, Is one of the moat prosperous papers in
taw State.
Ton ladies are planning to Corry fora fair of
a week's dnratann, the proceeds of which are to
go towards the buildleg of a school home. We
wish them eI2CCCII.
J. IC. Baum, member of Congress from the
fecrth district of Missouri, recently passel
ihri ugh St. Louis on his wan t., Suhtagton.
W bile set - slag as a captain of militia he made
a vow that he would never cut his hair and
braid until tailed ktFed twenty-tiro busherlt.uck
eratwllb hie own band. lie Is now close crap
ped, and boasts be has fulfilled his vow by kil
ling that cumber.— f. :grinner. runes.
A Larir writes to a friend In Lowell from
Oregon, saying that apples were raised In her
neighborhood the peat season so large that six
teen of them would flit a a bushel basket, though
of course, all do not average that BLS, She
also saw a Bartlett pear that weighed two pounds.
HEsICT Wann 8E1,1115E, has declined an otter
of three thousand dollars for a course of six
Ire tures teort the Detroit Young NICC9
(let C.
ecru run COL/1X has received assurances
from fievernor Raymood and General Banks
that they will not permit their names to be toed
for the Speakerehfp.
Ton Taunton Crate learns that Major Gen ,
era! l ouch Is to take shone of the coal mines
near Portsmouth Grove, R. I.
IT Is funny to one a young lady with both
hands in son dough. and a musquao on the end
of her none. e 2.0
A TILLGEDT tv Ooio.—We kin] from a
liable source, that on Saturday. the 11 ria
as atrocious murder was committed at Clifton,
be Greene county, the victim of which was a
young man by the name of Rhodes. It seems
that the murderer whose name we could not
ascertain, had been paying attention to the as
ter of Rhodes, and was objected to by her or
her father; and that the father and the unac
ceptable suitor had an altercation some time
since. which was brought to an amicable close
by the interference of young Rhodes. Oa Sat
urday, however, the rejected lover, young
Rhodes and a third party, Tithed a saloon et
canals, when a glass of ale was ordered for
each. After drinking, the discarded man turned
around, drew a revolver, and deliberately shot
Rhodes through the heart. lie then jumped In
to • boggy with his comrade, and the two drove
off, but were pursued and overtaken. The per-.
petrator of this atrocious deed is now In the
timen county jail, at Senior.—. pr--
2yt.r6:,e, No.. I Z.
MeELROV—On Wedrenday. the ,M )Ire.
JANE Mc ELROY, wife of John H. McElroy. In
the nth year of her age.
The funeral will take place from the residence of
her husband, No. 64 Pike .:rest, ruts a.r . rcerroes.,
St Nl.l
CiARDINER—On Wednesday, 22.1 nost., at
o'clock p. m., at the residence of his son. No. SO
Federal street, of typhok2 pneumonia 519.211' EL.
OAR DINER. in the Mth year of his age.
Toe funeral will take place from No. 39 Federal
Street, on Friday, nttli last., at 6x o'clock a. 131..,
to proceed to the Connellsrille depot. The friends
of the family are respectfully invited to mused.
most picturesque plate of Sepulture, situate
on the uplands, hantedistely north of Allegheny
CDT, on the Nom Brighton D.d. Persons 'no
lag to eelect Burial Lots will apply st the Super
intendents Ogler, at the Cemetery. Title Deeds,
Pormalts and all other Dullness will be attended at
the Drug Warehouse of the undermined, eorner of
Federal sad streets, /Motherly.
no2:lyd sea ataxy and Treasurer.
2 ear loads Shelled Own;
103 bos.h. Timothy Shed;
23 pails freab ruacked oti ßutter;
12 leaflets treat; g
205 bow Factory Chem;
£0 bow .Elbh Dairy Cheese;
20 bones fresh W. B. do
2000 bbl.. choice Winter Apples;
stoo do Lake Shore Potatoes;
3000 book. am halms Dried Peachsa;
sO bbla Eastern Cranberries;
6 hal& Haselnutcl
60 huh. Black V7alnuts;
76 both. Chestnuts;
too dos. fresh canned Peaches,
76 bblo. Vinegar Older;
10 bblit. 111aple Sugar;
so boxes Kelly Wand Grapes;
so bbl.. Dried Apples;
600 pounds Feathen;
8;:x; neer Gunny Bags,
For sale by L. 11.4V010'Vlk CO.
And en immense stook of
nßoxeß WINTER APPLES—Reedy
•-/ ed tide itsy, two ears of .Y . B. Itootheadl oar*
tally put up Lake Shore Apples, the last of that
broad for ads season. for sea by car load alum,
by (colt) 1.. IL VOIDS k 00.
COTTON -3 Wes to arrive for tia'a by
nog . isezeit DIOKET at 00.
Orin. or Assisraire grrairronss arras, /
Wasnrisegemr, D. 0., Oeteber 31, 1936.
Will be sold at Public Auction, at Aleasadria,
V., oa BIONDAY, the OA de? of December,l466)
14,1100,C00 feet snorted Lumber.
ao no. Platform Oar. 4 foot 0.4 (aches
bo. Freight Oars, feet Sliinchea Silage)
4 Passenger Oats,
65° Ca r Wela. (good),
pairs Oar Wheels, on axles,
ion nets Oar
8,000 poufs. 'tubber Springs,
64 Elliptic Oar Springs,
1133 Delta patent 40 Splines.
600 Wile good secon d hand
bend T
400 tons old T Roil,
030 UMW old Strap Ball,
60 teas Axles Iran. 011,
7 WM The /ron, old,
tool Born Steel, old,
225 tons Car Wheels, old
430 r
t Wrought Scrap I ran,
Oast &Tap
3 tone Lead.Prfle, Old,leen,
7 1, 1 . 4 .
17 . 1 . , ? ,=%,„„eur, Wire Oable,
II Vises,
nO tons assorted Bar Iron.
3.4 to. snorted Sheet bon,
50 tons assorted Steal,
260 tons trop fleeting.,
5 to. Brass 0.110.,
tons Sheet Copper,
I ton Sheet Brass,
70,c00 pound. Boat Spikes,
2.50,000 poem. Railroad Spin.,
14 0 .000 pounds 001 Splices and Saila
25,100 pounds Rote,
11,6(0 feet assorted Mau,
0,860 foot Leather Belting,
0,000 pound. Rubber and Hemp Packing,
to lienderson Pumps,
2,000 feet sssorted Ga. Pipe,
60 0 sind.Stones,
28,0(0 pound. Truk Bata
7,600 pounds Spike Maul., ()old Elhlsels, ha.
2,000 Picks and Shovels,
600 Lenterns.
4,900 AOOO. Hatchet. and &dam
1,000 Handles,
60 steel -plated Trout,
90 steel Frog Plates,
60 50015W1tet Fixtures.
u ta p t
Woocwawing Engines,
portable Saw-mill..
steam Pile Drivers, complete,
5 Caloric Engine.,
95 gets Planes,
100 Hand, Cross out, and eltv'ular Sawa,
60 steel Squares,
CO Screw Jacka,
905 fees Spa k Nett!, g ,
5,0t0 pounds assorw - ,
150 pounds Sloe% T i,„
1000 ppousde y
16 bola) ..deCortk-d TM.
: 4 : hn'
% c.2s Boile r nd Tool t satt 7r.hri
: rerete
.Eeryo : t:.ipr
2301 Yokes,
25 Water Tanks and Hoops,
5,000 Cashes,
Content. of Job Printing Office, comasting Of
Presses. Type, Oases, ea
A number of Eland and Track Cars.
Content. of the Supply Store, which contshis a
very Large assortment of valuable Railroad nate•
rW, new and of the best quality.
Contents of Machine and Blacksmith.' Shops,
consisting of P:arare, Lathes, Wheel Proms,
Forges, Stationary Engine., Shafting, Belting,
hr.; he. Alto, a La 750161 of second-hand Store.,
Tool', Machinery. and other material.
Sales to commence at o'clock. to be 'NO=
ed from day to day until all le sold.
Terms—Oaah, In Governmant Nadi.
to 3:lawdatecl Brevet Ooloikel, A. Q.
Qt . A.TERMARTErt Grxtr.kL , l Orricz. )
W•Sii,./TO,l D. 4th
Will be sold nt public auction , lorlng the month
of November, tsthe highest bidder, st the time
•nd plares nom P6l below, viz:.
New York City—TUMMY of esek week, NO
MCLES each de).
Phllatlelphlo, Pa.—THURSDAY, November 2,
9, 18, sod 23, 100 HORS E; each day.
Harrisburg, P.—TUESDAY of each greet:, 100
111UL/fi each day.
Ilerrlsburgh, Ta.—THURSDAY, November
In, and 10D XIORSE.S. cap day.
Elecbsdilesburg, —TL.E'SDAY, November 1
- -
Allentown, Ps.—WEDNESDAY, November to,
Pottsville, Ps—FRIDAY, November 12, 100
Chester, De'metre county, r —WEI4ESDAY,
November too HORS
Tau/Title, Pi.—TIII.:RaDAY, November 10, too
Tlturvtlle, Pa.—Tllo - R: 4 I,AV, November 10, 100
NOR, Es.
Tit re.—THI RSD A Y end FRIDA Y
NON r¢. bat 0 .n.. 1 24, le. 01l 1. EScacl 1.L.y..
DkILA air A ILE.
Wilmington. of each week
ion HORSES each dm).
Wilmington, DeI.—RIDAY of each: week, tY)
MULE-4 rack day
Bs'more. \i'EDNESIJAV Sep temher 15
too Hoß,r-S.
lla dimorr. Md.—WEDNES DAY, pt ember 7.1,
TUF-sDAYS and Tkl 11csUAYS af each. week,
100 HORNE, each ;is
At this series or sates all the Government aul
lic,lS will be disposed of. Buyers should therefore
Arial themselves of this last opportunity to par
. For isles of public 1113iM14 In the West, see of
finial Western newspapers.
AJ11.11.15 will he said nn;/!.
Sales to commence at 10 S. na. each day.
Tern s—CAISII, In United Sentes Currency.
Bret , . Brig. Geri. in charge
(W26:1 non°. First Div. Q. M. G. 0.
In atom
VW Iba. strictly fresh Roll Butter;
moo Its, fresh ner Lard, In kegs;
1000 boxes extra Cream and Goshen Cheese;
bOD dotes fresh Egsr
0050 1...8110/4Wheat•
ion boa. fresh greun! 'i rrnmeal:
7eo bhp, choice Fall and Winter Apples,
PO busbela new Dried tipples;
2ro bushels new Dried Peaches, •
to barrels Sweet Cider;
barrels Older Vinegar;
00 bushel. Chesuuts;
10 bushels Sbellbarks;
4 can 11i and 2 Inch Lumber,
cant Mt. ogres;
2 ran Bark,
For solo by H. RIDDLE,
No. 143 Liberty street.
TAKE NOTICE. —Pure No. 1 W. 8.
CRUDE 1)11., aro.
Sold In quantales to suit customers. Persons
Wanting any of the above named Oils, would do
well to .11 and examine oar stock, as we are de
termined to sell these goods NEJIY LOW FOR
Corner Ohio and Federal Streets. In the
Market Ilona.. AI/Gately City.
TIONS, cal clitiou, Jan out. It teaches you to
charm those you to Love; how to redeem straying
companions, So. It contains many secrets worth
keeping. Prim us cents. Also, GREAT PRI
SONS. Every lady should have one. Price 11.00.
Send price of either or both to P. A. STEINER
it CO, Sole Agents, No. 1112, Chestnut street,
Philadelphia, and resolve by return mall, In seal.
ed envelopes. A “anane suoores" will also ac
company emit book. no(P4ai
16 6616 Crumbed, Powdered and Granulated
BO • A Code, Sugar;
B de do;
20 w 0 Extra Conte Sugar;
.= 4 Prime and Choi. Cuba do;
110 w P.B. do;
60 bhda P. R. and Cuba do;
70 bbla Booth & Edgar Syrup;
15 44 Choice P. 1?- Molaane;
44 do N. 0. do•
In gore and arriving. For Ws by
179 and 176 Wood at
.up. salary to offered to a rerpeetable Young
who is wl.lLog to mist In all the details of house.
work in a family realdhig near the etty. t 0 rod
referenda must be given, as she will be treated to
all respects as one of the family. Apply or address
0003 II Market egret.
nen removed their extends Whip Store 46,1
Patiory to No, 146 WOOD STREET,. corner o
Virgin Llley, whoa theyere propeziet to
Prornetiv at theloarett prima nlve
part erns and widths, for FloorkTablea, Coun
ters, Stairs, ka., also, Window WWI= of all
afros and & Tranapareut Green Oil Cloth,
Bud Holland', Trlmmtni, kn. A large stock oa
hand and for sale. Wholesale or Retail at tII
owest ert Leek, at 110 s. IS and n St. Clitr street; b
no) I . & H. PHILLIPS.
Ia GROOEBY—Ths underegra has
°Peab eirri nErr wEw sToCK
Ns& sad WSLL SZLECNZD attocatems
tate. NEW 13TOR$ Ta addition to. attar dov
aiUeyinmld tO Cads gook dd
rod= i seen Boren arnairur
htellaws maw Meld sad raw Mudd.
W ALL PAYERS, on Satin and Blank
Grounds, tin great misty, at the tows§
rises, at N 0.107 Motet sorest.
soil .TU.S. R IttlialiES k BM
D ,
rukta:Plintr NeW S ll6hl kll a t i r b t a &41117 Ur;
lett received and for tale at the Fardly Grocery
Stets to
ne2 JOHI4 A. BERStiAI7.
comet Libertty and INN streets.
C(nTc. for
sale by /SALLIL DIVIS.EX a. GU.
BooTs AND buoEs
I I_, 1.4 O.lNi
Concert Hall Shoe Store,
Even; Pair Warranted Sound
and Perfect or no Sale
Ironies's' Rubbers, - - S 1 •11
oLcrriurra aotiss,
OVESLOOATS Or ALL. 61111:11:
sad All styles of
3". H. SMITH & 00.,
Opposite the Open Roast
For the rolloivlng reasons.
You time the finest stock in the City to stied
Yon only pay the Publishers price for gook&
Yen also receive attime of purchase a present
Your present will be worth from 100. to 1100.
Yon will be entirely satisf led with both Book
and Present.
All we ask, Try as,
, Nos.-18 St. Clair' St.
no attention of the pall= la gelled to the Largo
and efacuive stook of GERT/LEUELI'S rag.
NISHING GOOD:S, just opened the Above.
mentioned plane, which I am now corezina avert,
barDias. Any ma to want of the &hove Gavels.
wilt and it to their advantage to ere ate a wan
and Omuta* my stock before purituulng else.
wheat! , They esti end the largest without @thew
Woolen, tiotto=4=l =
partyflir 1:=
edits and Brewers, scam, Neck Tisa, Beak BO&
madras; Butterflies, and ev
the OexiLlemen's guraishilig=
Beintinter to plow. sad til Bt. Clair Moot.
I T. L a t w riliTs stook of
I frere Ocd •
Mold lower then seal.
• The choicest stock of.
AND JEWELRY, ever brought to dale
, ehenyel_q, COt now be seen at the
• bTORE of
Sacl A e KL rtir GES.
Where WATOBEB or the oen manna JAWCZ,
BY 'Halls newest idlles, 0.1..1X7103 of mew dee.
hriptiotrof ben American and 11=ehmakera,
u ruts, Spoons add Hollow Wara. Bohandan
and Preneh China ane Ulna YAWS of student
Cl= aw%ll:bilitir raraittr'eallegge.
TIONt Fine Watch and Jeweirrworic
Made and repaired. Hinted Beall4a
sh beet knit the Diww.s 3 -Zilddril Week'
do rangly Flom;
zed VDUS /hiSt;
SCO do d
100 do do ming dos ot
3 9D bush brhae Bar Coro '
biXl do Shelled do;
0000 bosh Oats; _ - • • • '
20c0 eptig u Bsday; • • .
; I 'carload
in store asulfor ells Feel.
• •-• '
rA ar, ca.
- Bloc :Mud iSO Penn scow.
A treat variety and . willeitlited twat of
And all kinds of oe.ram Fauns, ter axis by
JOHN H. scour.
At Ali New Ciroast7, N Lthexty it. teraff nos
Frer,ww bbli • to wit& Fe
C 7 • ' 21 .. .