tozawar; 1 10111E3M, Pt, ma ,_____, . Tati.vz-mam: , mum -laical `ice ' - Depatinte of Trains. . . ~... . , _ ~. ~. .. . 1 reuguldtlinta CentrarntUrcld. ...naTairaxsol,... iusertea Tacr "mina L1Ze......... mows • 1 4 Wail Ens it'll Totem UT WattadadaL las sat Kw ....mad s m Pans axed% Ida am, amis. Eitimiz tad pa, ad Watlassota.. USO ilia slamism' Cu p -m_ claltMA:en.a..looasta rat -",,....;lo4*o.le4itittErisitlial.lMlSsila da tat way. ' ay COO la StaltlmorsPiple Ilaap as 1 ad . d Oda WM sa Wall mn. MD pla ad ; a ,a , *Mph Palls.Emssu.. - Zap= ti ama Mena. aat p as In FcB43 4.( 4,2 eqP fa Tlie eharab trata halve. WaniP Elation arm Susesy m OP ,ega, lelltenittabur" T itti tatalitts Colianbuil ind Olnannatrt VaiiLlsat..,..... itzoiak titenbeaville sHI Ae. Pit5ii4i44...... sib*ot j ata11............ SZO am DWI elllP le aleaDeme llara Empress,e. .lap la Expres*l2alip la Sessmodailoa. atop _ immaamattes.Mo a m IslttsilmsPort Womb, and Ctueago. Exre55......:..-tsosliptrinesa .. --- --- I ' so 8 t 8 ~ 1:43p m Express ...... .. . &la pm Ri " m i 5t............. 2:is p m .., CIO p m Ka , 7sm a asiM mu ' elel N. (Malto b. Erie OAP a m N. thistle& tale 'r pm Near Briebiea amernmadatlem lealresAlletturay aIIPOt la el B. ta..112501.131.. 4..50 rh . am., eat dm P. N. Haeherter, CMS p., m. New Guile, U 4 P. ni.i: Economy . /a2O p• m; Wialsome, Ida p es. Pittabariza, Clivelsad. IMULArIee Dyww' na lrrlmr k.' ittp ; tem....,...... 4 ' 140 a MiPlapuss.. -tab aar M °.. / ellr m rarl i ••••••••••• Sal P M .. IMO pm iebi-l arlirAgabollatlen leaTes Allesbeel 1 Pitts/wish sad; Connellavale.. •,, 1atat1.... - .v.:e y .... Tarr iinriala .. 4 ... ... a rm Pm: Mraen.. ... ... SPOpm s.. ... 1.—....•=0.,,a0, ut aielCeespwatM6 r. la let Meltapen 1 .-- - 2.2 , wisp atial. •-,-• " 5 P m ixt.l?ruMooku.. lax •,:n tat Et.el,k l• 620 6 m N - • u — ..:. 4:16p m 2,1 -, , ..... 6 :15 PM , Allegheny Valley !Unread. dhioq . ' Mall ... . Dpa .. .. Ulf wrongs ' WOO= E.alasta.i. . - -• amp ml • 4.... 010 Oa i aeleMlaooa :1:10 pm kastoomsealation Deoa m . „ EIC4IION WM . auttm, 410 3Pozsia. ar)illtifa VAIN r'ir, SON, Proprietors, 'CLIEN2BI3IIS.T23 AND OArou.A.GEs ftiriVccd for au. aacrtratns. Also, Corrine , for F Wed. dins avu.s. at stmt notice and reasonable nteer, STASL.NOPEN - DAT AND MONT. 1207:1 • Oltir AND staiwtjuor. WI-Altered Greenback. On yeatarday aft...japan a lean. :giving !As inine, u :Aficlusel lititte, went lute a clothing Wore; at No. DU Liberty greet, Via haYin4 . . selectnti 'coat - suitable to hie Cage, gave to Pa3rnatittlierafer a Meaty dollar greenback. The proprietor, orolalt, of tltcastabllehment, not hiving,t4enacesearyclutsfire lathe drawer, watt out gat the sate, "and diamertrig that the plin=si. "two" to • o twantrrglitstikt agiaki - risturet - tor the Elora, bat went In seareh-of police of eery to taco In. murtodr , icemen wbo preutite IL Re rell/r4g)totgalteent, tha martlfihrthed offered . the note assumed totraspect bad raotives,op the . •- Tart a the person arho had taken it to - get - e.augad, and became arceedinglitate Oyer the matter. Officers hamlet Lowe and Beth Wil mot, cif the Mayor'. pollee, stepPid-into the store, and taking in cuatodyilr. Brittle, put an end foe thetime being to further discussion on the inattetVaNtsseetton, and the preseatation of the enunlocui note, wee considered good ground for suoition. Mr. B, was retained In custody, and bidgmt In ate tombs: An Informa tion was made ageing. him for Putting counter feit-linked Biases money, Which he will have to answer b.lore'ComMlsalontraprotd at the hour D ten, o'clock this Br econ pon searching lab peon Si 'n6naterfell cote, ofpoltal entreat), was found upon his person. atio.".Batiery Case. - . , • Judas Finch, dry goods merchant, of Grant street; had alseasiozbefeire the Mayor, years - . 1. day, upon a charge '• of cemmittlog an .asseult and btttery upon John C.. McCarthy, Esq., on I Friday of last week. J. Charles Dieken; Esq., 1 appeared as counsel for the defendant. and of . ter the Proseenter had given hls testimony, proposed lO , - .OrolVesannini a hlm, making the - .prefatory remark, that h (Mr. D.) Rm the best friend the-defendant . Mr. MCC srthy, - before answering any questidess, naked the defen -1.) dant'a -counsel 'to answer Min a few. Mr. Mee. Inquired whether be was the man ''l who Was .concerned In the gift panorama ar t rungement, a ,:year or two since,- out of which arose some trouble about a silver cake basket, also whether his name - had not been stricken it -from the roil of tittornics in the. Court of Com anon Dickens made no response to t these onestions, and some others thatsrem asked ttlm, but poseeeded With the CTOPII-I,IIIT of Mr.'.3leCartlw. The ceset,resulted ,in the holding of 24:Melt to bell In the sans of $3OO { to answer, thechtege retterrld,- • . • 1 - I._ . ,The Bateman Concerts; We believe we hazard nothing In saying that 1 the lot Hamming of the Baum.. troupe-in • this' , , , city prtmlaes to bti otie ail moat aneeetsfor Operatic seasons we have yet _had. The awe . - nay,ti. the furore - to bear , Parepalattutunaded. and tat mobei.w4lnpcstrg oLticketni so raputi kr that by the opening night t will' not be a keat left.. Mme. Pare a voice ts spoken of :as Something pMblvtly,maryelions. . She 17 ,-- morelsol %habil Bans ofHoas without:it strata or apparent effort. Ulm.: Lagrange. and . Sonny I^ Lind, Madame Parepa eteells in the dramatic of vcieotilaut, -Her reputation: Is very *IT ,tenslve. Mr. M. T. T.Sty is said to be one of, the. bust 4 cornet players living: ' Ifelsrtictoors gonads from that Instrument that no other' Amer, can. dome ,•.; lemons, base - said that be wail a , Combination of an hundrett‘trass instruments, .towhfelt bee also been added; that be ean - produce the montlinte ',l ermilds front his Instrament- He is a meal • dee of 'Original construction, a perfect roaster of the eirt. Els Carnival of Venice is said so, excel anything at tba;kind aver produced. ' • - Carl Ilona in a pleasant performer, not so great TrobablY as Vienne:raps, but one of the most sympathetic of performers. Thursday, the first -;2 night, rilad l 7lMPfancillag; nritt - venzp..t to see Manacle Hall tined with the most brilila.'t and fashionable audience ever paste:Mimi NOM' Before Alderman Strain. Thls taiglatrate Msposed of the following , Cases on yesterday,' Ellen White Foseratijd Margaret Life for award and battery, and the defendant traaeldlor a further hearing. ; The yartles lire In Allegheny.. Michael Cownrd, keeping the hotel on the Miner of psi...lntl end • - prosecntill one John Inprzoni boarding to the ationnt_Of,tieety; / ate dollars Pretencen— h aving '.. resented that he had - money In hasak, , tehlell4td. not prorn.athe shy fartn4runtin default of roo , ball, hearai-conttallted for.jrtal..': &Intrust Le: sin prosecuted , ' Peter Dressier, one of Im o • reinergermannum.".for issandfLitad.batteil, at> / Alag that al was arrested- 011 the -with:rat. : LIMA giurunl. Dremierints held' id' 6300 - . to arum ,e.t. and Ire understmid that mat' for damagenrlhr false ' arrest, 119 -.Wan Quo is tier Last ilieount.: Polk° officer "Ropers Harm yesterday; armed with a leadlord'e warrant, for ran, proceeded to take tone of Era Bridget Iderarland, ou grant neer,,lsn6'is cdruscri. for- tie purpose of rendes it, end to colleetthentcateydue ot.raske 1 e 71 " uPoil Mert9: suelelentio -viler , - the =mat. ; The officer band Mts. lierarlimd a , Pulse_ , she hating pgred-lAttto roorfanZ , a ft er ' a Wier Eafss., WWI o,lllCasaertaloed (Mlle did not not lowiw previously) I6at ter husband wu =der setztence for sei lug llquor ota , neen sB led (r al7friwiteir *mita aiirii-bat-: tem. (Mei= 'l3:. of course, - did not servo the warrant and,drosried ilrimPlithisin With the pQ . resroo and Weeping "ctlldroti which he saw la Agaliin ;tap. lizidgettte' d jai bj Alderman Reny a few dayseinee, as !'a coot - 7 'nob nuleanEtit and released by Judo Stowe because tho cozualtment mit - defectlye, se , alr, 11 jell, the same iitagfetrato • laving ' committed , her for atedatehetogc - ie, zran nuisance. let 'the shape ellitoidir ty.hoase.lrbetc•tml mid woesta. _Oren. name bad rams, do oargregrete tor heiproper am. Mrs. Ann:Mrse34 arsspettableisdrirdut ; neighborhood, 10 . tatsProssentrkt... • - -• • ' Son tbr irlaxesose.— County' 'Slierif: ves looked. espies (or two of them) tub= oureripetrickl Atet'aulertd e ' abt7Leonaintjto sorerer;on. the. •Itte-uonaii or December, tn the Court of Common Tie n - Joseph 8.14.,:0f artrevisik etec r ,4 e..doust=toOule4 end iumstat. and ha.tory. Soo copy the Ultha Teribathav CalpaII:13410 An' Old Custonter.,7Cioari*Bahart-7 whom,we know duo one store familiar In lice cecordrtis committed to, Jail' . y esterday by JustlCa Ammon of East wirtidoghars; dn." fault of $4OOO balL; to answer tor conindlitino-, an manic and bate— von - Ns datltorisfri: Z_lMGreta, _ : EWES= .77''_,111 , •..-' 7 The Cholera—Adjourned Sleeting of Cttl.. zets—Preitudsare steps to Arreat•the an'ailjounlednleatinitifeolinniliettrePresen ting the,Councils of Pittsburgh, Allegtolmy, and toblitlen corPorations, the Board of Trade, rteard 01 Health. and Allegheny County Medi cal Steady. was held lot evening at the Board • _ of Thide Boerne. In pursuance of a resolution sitionted at a previous meeting. to- farther, conr • , alder the egoptiess Of Unary measures , Orem , : alCey .to theft:trete:l advent' of the cholma lu tide tornmurnity; It- now luntrig. reachekthe :Anted= shorn. •• • - - Grotge - : .11. Thurston, DUN. Midai r With Altlreo..Eint inSatzwetary. Alter the Object of the Meeting had been elated by the Chairman, : Ma k - Wm. Frew er mined regret that the COunelts 'etrFitiabarch had net yet appointed is cOnttnittee to co-operate tan other- -Emniciwal bodies in the object Po posed. I,t Segued to blue that obrCouncifs could never movewitheilt being sinned let° swam, n g 'action` bad been taken, end a 0 1 - , Ire bald 'ratite bad been aPPeinted,. were ir ca h he would. like to know what Fo ° Councils were likely to do. • the s elect .fames it. Reed,' Bar., esimbor...r „,„,.,,,,,,,whatiter the Connell of Fit -.l.'s ." l indi rietbled-of Chairmen of Ceuncils iather , - the action of The Secretary, citiz Mir In coo= that they . Alte 4 _,, id notice. Dr. - Ifowry then , Ind been served with_nle followi ng res o l e . Iteaol6rd, Tier srte rit manent . mat:elation -be organized of ala c itize ns of istitugh, onerbs, for the protection of the and the Improvement of the sans. co „‘ntion of thin whole district. y .f " dr Lowry seconded the resolution, and sbositit that"the formation of an independent smith astoclation was the proper 'course- to be taken. The citizens should not wait upon the city authorities in a matter:Of this kind. All the annroprintions for carrying en the city gov ernment, save one, had been- exhausted; yet., notwittstanding this, the city authorities wadd, coubtless, do - what they could. Boston, regarded es the best regulated city in the Union, had anindepandsnt health organization, and he recommended a sizzaar COON') to the CM ;44IIVd Pittsburgh.' Lfthey dit not do so, he feired that the object in view would not be ao complliheti. Dr. Fleming remarked that there Was a salt ler !dependant organization to Now Y.:164%1;M' lased of the more Influential arid wealthy c zeta • Mr. S. Riddle thought, that the meet lug was dimmed thtplace coo law an estimate upon the aupport likely to be obtained from the city au thorities In reference to this Impertant move ment. lie isnantot clear as to how an independ ent organization could accomplish the object de cked, °ldeas aided in their efforts by the meal cipal authorities. Steps had had` been talons to appoint a Sanitary Board In Allegheny, looking to a radical reform, and doubtless other corm -rations would give, the matter their early atten tion. Atier sae further remarks frog Dr. Trevor, Dr. Mowry. Dr. Brochatr, Sir, David Datchiaon, and A. D. English, Esq., the question was called and the resolution adopted. Dr. Berger moved that the association be farmed by a committee of the members of the various bodies represented in the meeting. General Rowley moved to amend by placing tha.appointmentotthe commutes Ito the Minds of the chairman, which was accepted: Zle chair then appointed Dr. Mowry. Mayor Lowm...MayorMinvison. GettaralltOwley.Major_ Wtn. Frew. George Fortune, end W. 0. Deals: - Me. W. 0. Davis expressed the belief Umtata coot -tell for Pltstiburgla would , . at their next - meeting, take the necessary steps for co-opera ting in this movement. Dr. Mowry directed the id - matfett isftb:e mee ting to a gross error made by some of the repel , Acre, ionising a synopsis of his remarks made at the former meeting. Ile had been represen ted as asserting that. one In three of oarpopla lotion had died, while he stated that for every three deaths, one had died of Zousotie disease. In Philadclohlaitie prop:ones:tins only one La rive—a fact going to prove that the. sanitary condition of Pittsburgh was below that of Phil adelphia. Dr. McCook defended at sonselengthitis as. eertioni in reference to the sanitary condition of the city, and gave statistics lending to prove that the City to-day was more .utthealtity, by thirty-five - pm Cent., than it was tea years agps. If tha people 'chose to Act tbe delation, that the city was the healthiest , in theland, and that there was no needfor Improving Bacon/D -UO, let them do ad. The gentlemer, of Mt medical. profesalok would intlit peel:tabard, if such a -course was adopted; and If the people would pot listen to the truth, let disease ply._ Maj. Frew maned that the Committee just appointed be Increased to nine, which was agreed fo, and the &alit:non added the names of-Dr. Berger and 8. Biddle, Esq. Sir. Riddle declined, and Dr. Fleming was appointed In his stead. Dr. James King 'was requested to favor the meeting with his views, and r.sputded at con siderable length. Ile believed that the pesti lence was coming, but doubted whether ice would lave it to our midst until after nett har e cest—perliaps not until this time next ye.r. It might even be delayed until the year tao 7. Ile would solemnly warn all to prepare for it. It was net ncersaary to discuss the essential ea ters of the disease, which after all that has been written on the subject, is still in doubt. The 'various theories on the subject were ninth more curious than profitable. was the Raft of wisdom. lioweY ver, to adopt such asnitary measures as experience had proved to be beneficial. -knew that intexopersace,fear,flith 111 ventilation, overcrowding, eta, favor the disease. in pc...a of this, he cited the statistics furnished by the dry of , Dxford, In EGAILtid-..3 city. tO. our own in many ieepecta—during the preys ; lance of Mini:bolero in the years 1832.1849, and - 1851. It was clear, (rum these,' statistics, that the disease found eta VICUMS almost ;exclusively anaOng those exposed to the causes shave mum . meted, while those more favorably altuwed ' escaped its ravages.- Was there any 'Momper- . once here I Let the eight hundred grog snaps answer-41mm Maks of iniquity and gate-ways 'to hell. He was in favor of abutting 'these plasm np, and thereby lessening the amount of DM; dlicase ' and degradation ;nice reseted from Ahem. ,WU there any ffitn; ,any - crowding. any 'want - of. proper ventilation In the - city f All matters should be attended. to by Modleal lespectOra, composed of young physicians. whime experience - -to the army nad qualified them. for the discharge of the duty. 11 wowent to work with a proper appreciation Of our duties, when the great limper came he would find no field In which to work. Mr. 'W.. DOB; moved that Dr. King be re quested to write mit, for publication. his excel. lent address, which, to his opluioe, would do much towards educating and directing the pub lic mind bn this important subject. The motion was adopted, and Dr. King eigni. fist his willingnestto comply with the request. mo. Frew offered the following Ilesolverl, That a committee of One from each body or corporation here represented, he ap pointed to report at nu adjourtred meeting; hi' be held on Monday evening, such sanitary measures es may lie,fieetneci advisgblf, in view of state of thhpublti. health; and view of • tliOndren of Asiatic cholera. The =solution was:pdopted, and the Cpair appointed - Dr.' Fleming; .rwme.,,..sleCtine, Dr. Berger, Simnel Biddle, 4...,8 3 Tteed, Mr,. tidier, - Dr. finishes r,Liipt. datneS.'Blfilkr-d!ttl•Pf,SBL-tf' Coffey,pisald comniftteb., • 'The mectingthinTajdnined. _ Book Notice, ' StiipatAlt kslb - kll2l Oastrormeas A japltsry bl, ;.:'Agraptl q 13.9 Cat: 'S. M. Bowman and Lleal. : , _,Col. k. ...irsila lien York . Charles B. Rlbh. aolson . .' lAnelonatl: U. F. Veal A Co. ,prilia r. J. 4 1. 9 4.77, ••T Halialia, .• - -., - .;—..,•i ''''''''. - It 7- 1 The nafelkolAeries from Peisla to Taennow. 11;, an 4be s nlder Napoleon across the Alto: 'lake been looked upon as furlong the most, if , ..n.ofthe most, Inilllaut feats of .ancient and =id- . em werfcre. ' Bar in our estimation these &chi -1 - die into menarativolnsigaldeanns"when retain • the llitht , of Ithermsn's great Mirt:lf l'fronilt• lents to the r nes. The walk defer° us, howexer, Ll'.;laOl.WAralted- to the 'stabled: of ' thalgteat' eallaFtstet eon Mina uair. Breezier of ,1111 Sb nu '..a.callll:atioaa from the breaking ont bit • e gn:to 4Eo3:vileda of John. - . sanf-thhlw an comllletrmeg" ena ct 13 nil al:: thentic sfarees.stifne reader trbt be greatly as-, elstelLjirfollowlifc;the'rantc Of Stii in j uk , e , army . b 7 pcsatlon maps silth:Whieh Us .e c d ui t i v it t .furnlsletles The work Is imbeilisliedwatiu. u . tlfinteel engrpvings of Galierals , B.h.,i r g. :Howard. Mecum; Logan, Sifusfleld, Ellpatw e k: .We do not wish atlirettent; at lug; to enlm - CA a criticism of the'work..-OcgbJeet„Ls mare. ly to call nnblidettentlon to it, and, • 'wlitiver-.. May beour-abstract .. , :vo,r. , —"rril . Vrt bud :13P doubt that the Shag .will .b read with: Intemst , formapygenerationstocomei .31r. A. Ellis rdurth btrtet, Ptftsborgit,74.l- the general agent for .afe , **rk• For . wcittrx: raavillnla and;Wifitlrtrglntl:...,l. 1t1" - .. , : - .1 . . A.Jtiat,trebnke berme tiff clot of the performancriCal . the Otelni liorise. number of the'andiettelvtle la-wren with some, people on such cumations; ruse to their:l644lld began to Worktoriards the door;rienelt to the , annoyane9 riot "ally of ithose ntritittir Magoi, but also 9f fiat portion of,ther - ati&enectrri9 . l e_iabed to bear the eettelleftkor,thedbricime. me.. Matt aletaPPed . --tber Play," Mut SO! ...Per: forywd-to ttutfbotjliftriaillriformed ,t99:o9end-:. fag parries of their brattier rimed Manners, and :wrested the outward-utoyentent:7:Peeirialmre, 11.9 right to MMtrapt rifurftmautagrthis: maltt - 7: ter. and theOonyz eau9lkener,they are. Weed: ado! •C the better itYrill feral?. partite. tifnie rilardri.—ldesua. C. Prang & Coq 150 Wnalrington: Wm.!, Bostor,: - Iftie • Pri&age on'tbalr Siegler. Carda. ire ratan ingem Mindy drarrit,„ and it *Wpm geed deal of ocular rienttratioe to erive the Par- , ' Us*. ProbleliV" , ' the solutlon of which by. e tonne, thw..insta'objett-lantreit; =tarot tolerably fair : bilge: bite; sad lainggottenmp: MI6 style alfallar to rano do Car can be paw. "Ted in ItoPIPPit ObllukV . , &metier:MUM Tailan2.—The iihirO r i "Steil& Pitcher" we , la{tzetig h t presented to a very rupee:Able au dience. Gages! usual, Mr. Locke gam-ceded In Pleasing bps audience 'vastly. le act, we. do not know where one could be teach better en tertained than to Spend an areninu listening to the oddities of Yankee L4eke.. Tonight the same pieOo win be prevsoto T . and .:Tar amusement 'fiettollt will lose a fees, of Ibn if they do not Opl e. . frot . 3 ,_„er. and Airs. W. J. Florence; 'Ulrich boy awl 'Yankee girl, were greeted last , 1 1 4 „ r im a jvarstwitelMieg honen.klarge p r *. a o, audience being ladles. The act- P ch " cn '''porences Ls [emitter to all of our play. in C ar the and need no commendation at .7ros' bode. To-night is set apart for a rich now po,' Almost eve one- reiniCharies .ver'a novel entitled ' Haney Andy'," but -to night we shall have the original Andy before no, the plena being that - AP:Mt *unitized, ,The alterplece of the "Young Actress," will eon !lade-She performance,Mre. Florence appearing lii thaPicrtuan chicraCter. • SOixtica Druptutor.. - -Herrnamn the RreatPree• tidigitateur, made hie firm hurter* Pittsburgh Mullen° leas night. The house was crammed as we anticipatal, aerrman -certandy excels any one in his line of business that has yet ap peared before our pablle,-and we, Frannie that as long as he remains,. he will meet with the same kind of Plums. Pork Further. Hearing.—,John A. Fox, charged with the tednetion of tfary Rum; un der promise of marriage, won committed to jail by Mayor Lowry, yesterday, for a further hearing on ilaturday,nert4 , Inatd.—Mrs. Basah Jones; of Washln2ton litteet; was final spstettlay, lu the.Qttarter 8a• alone, two dollars'and . costs; for 'selling 'liquor without license. From Yesterday's Evening Gazette. Rondyhm in 112 IrmnIchain—Street Fight on Sunday Within a short time rowdyismlas become so rampantthe !Through of Birmingham that the &abort - UM, trent the presser's brought to beer by-.good citizens, have determined upon extra measures to enforce quiet sad good order 63 the streets. On Saturday night last there WB6 great noise and dlsturbtmet; bg yormg mdn who had i,:itered about saloons daring the even. leg, drin tine:a eXcets, and . several lights or. cuffed. After mld4ght, and the closing of the saloons, there being no Ponce- 40; tistrahl emit, • the intbrlated parties, z0143 - d them, mere hop, made ti e night wea ns with ,;;;elr demoniac arotisingixopte'fie - iii their Os Sunday, asatittlng windhm op of Mai? mu^ amity night's debauch, a most dlegracefal tscaZil was enacted on Carson street. at Rolarkaste's corner. Ser.gai young man engaged In a brawl and fought for a time, attmeting a large crowd o: people. One of them was cut With a knife, and inners were obit:Yea with batter.d conntenances and bloody noses. Mi nha manifesting a disposition to quell the dis turbance, by sending for ofbeara, the belliger ents with their alders and 'abettors, scattered promiscuously, and the street was soon cleared of all the parrldpantal o the disturbance. The name of the person cut was not ascertained, Walt la likely that the wound he received was toter a sesiona nature. No .arrests bavo Yet binstt made, and in the absence of any for mal complaint, It Is not likely there will be. An lncreeee of the police force is considered necearary r and the borough council will doubt tense° to the matter without delay, and era the community Is shocked by a bloody tragedy, arising out of just such occurrences on. that agora referred c 0.,. The Allegheny Blot Case. - • - In the Criminal Court (before dodges Stowe and Brown) the trial of John SUL William Mooney, Gust Miller, Alfred Harris, Thomas Bonn, dams Porter, William Mercer and John Bowers, for riot, on oath of John L. Williams, was resumed. Tke case was takentsplnn Fri. . . day evening , and It not being the custom to have Jury trials on Saturday, was &termed over until this morning. Tho defendants are chat ged With having engaged in a Hot, on Chest nut street, Fourth Ward, Allegheny, at the tavern home of ?Era Mote, where a ball was being gisen, on the night of the Bth of -Septem ber last. A row ttok place and shortly after the pollee came to make arrests: The parties re sisted and endeavored to escape, when the police formed a line at the Mechanics street bridge, and tired their pistols to prevent the alleged rlotem from crossing over to Pitts burgh. Williams, the proeecntor, is a Lieuten ant of the Allegheny pollee, and with one or more centre of the force was knocked and rather roughly handled. Mut case is being conducted by H. C. Mackvell„ Esq.. for the prosecution, and by .W. C. Moreland and A..M. Brown,. Ergs.; for the - defence. It will likely occupy the greater part of to-day. There can be no doubt that a riot of a most aggravated character took place, the only question being as to the identl. Scallop of the parties concerned. Terrible Aceldent—Steam llotler.Explosion ==N The Altoona Dramas-of Saturday, says :"A most appalling and terribly fatal explosion or yesterday morning about cane .o'clock, at Loather & Waggoner's Saw mill, la Cambria. county, some seven or eight miles from this place, bywhich Mr. Abram Baer, the engineer, and ,two other men named Grey and Sheets, were literally 'lorn to pieces, and three other eitaloYeee abont.the mill were mom or less in lured. At the time of writiregniothing definite has been learned es to the cane of the accident, but the result was truly frightful and thtstrue titre. Mr. Baer's body was torn into several pieces, and cast in dill:went directions a coast& erable distance, The other unfortunate men were shoeitegly mutilated, and Melt. corpses mere rendered scarcely recognizable. This ter rible accident has created a prole, feeling of commiseration In our community, where, the' victims Were well known. Baer and ,Sheets were both married men, the former leaving a wife and two children, residents of this place, Ind the latter a family living In the vicinity of the milL t The remains of the three unfortunate men were brought to town for interment. They all bore deellent charactera. . . A New Advertising Medium. Mr. Harry C. Sheriff, announces to the busi nees Wale that he Is about to 'Leann an Advertis ing circular, or pamphlet,.nad he will call upon , oar principal business men hi a few days, and vollo their patronage. -The pamphlet will contain an interesting Christmas story, by a popular author. and the coition-will consist of twenty thoueamf copies; gotten up is covenient form for prveervatlon- Tbts , plan_ of . ad ,vertls'ag has ben adopted with success in the east,‘ , "Mid `ciiiri'busbadSs men 'Will doubtless aFaltiliiiiiitielof the advantages of fered. Printer's ink Is the lila of trade those dope, and noborly•triluts of luottlrhigurlifithef advy444g adMired hgra:Vrinatlerth-nr. the - liilvaufages vrbieh his plan offers, and we . need only for the present direct attention to his card, to be foond-elsewhere. , Appointment af Pension Age'tit. - The 'appointment of Major James McGregor as Pension Agent for %Western gennaylvatda. 1 has been announced and will give general estle, _ faction to our citizens.. The . poeitlon urn ren ditrett*.esnt some weeks since, by the death of W. K. Pleree t "' Eiq. Majoi lifedregOr'imtd. served with audit and - dliatnntlon la r the.l4th regituenri having entered the service as a Lieu tenant In April; ISIII, and renamed until the clorg of the war. In the last attack In front of .retttsburg the-command, of the regiment de volved-I'7m !dui, and - he led his - men with parted ability and courage, having had ,his -award belt shut frcilirtilli badly: = Balsa member ot the Pittsburgh bar, and quahtl Kasenned of the re quisitit eatlons to make an 'afticient officer. ;re will euternlon the tidschargeof hia 0060 oulticlatrof-Decesiber: - - liatb ...aatt4 acnifi of Nr.Jopit Glylc, which has been ,enotirteed In one cti um east cap gloom over U - lar g ge cicele-ofhtillaiireartitti.4eralWea; , be sincerely regrstteilliy vrhoitad the pleasure lati.ttequalntaneei He • was a 'gentleman of nnegeptiOneble.cbaraciorLaME. esteemed with whom he rle was a Lumber or th e we11k11159113 kl1159113 of Wm, B. Hap .90.,. ..and etteudinz to the' huskies% of tho - trm Indiana, wan attacked withfyithold , feTer Arbith terminated to 20,was , a 1g0 1 ;4.0 1 4ca, an honorable"ind:linsi ,fle",l2_4„nt a sincere christian. The fn . lierai d il l take oiseu . on Tnesdny at tcrt o'clock. -Genet° IYaittlagton county. —ja m M. xi t kpudek,. Esg., , ex-Distzict , Attorney, has - gone to Washington: coonty, t o m a n ie. the ; : :prosecution ,ht,ila lonia* hominid° cis°. ',.174-;,' .402'111101 ,1 M20, , P0i M. put; td s theo e i seer , putneso in tip Quarter Sessions -haying kitidly roittatteeed Lod° so. Pentbai Juin htitiusioaairiflltUretbreoleptirt' to . . Co: Dia..; Atir.v#4l:Patrlck wilLretnro , during. tho':lftek. Weed for &Mos Liquon.-4a the'Quorter ElesolOao, this foremoon, AUK Lafferty, tarern k eperon .13mittOlel4f;rerh.,,tbo TAlarrard., broulTbt brootu442llndlocitenbhor-• logrierri orooght azainst, hint for sell liquor ,Irlibootateeting. lk .41 PiOt and'Jidge BloweSsettaded Atie , or reveroilye dollars and code , . aftwoulloolui .1 7 onna.—,The Usrtre PI Z" . stable; fo Peuntil evelilzw, trazdalhit ffirols schoolbookfin thcoNsmosclArsht73lo. iTla 11 0 tStTlYhlok Wthh"o 1 IBold Larceny and Prompt Arreat. Oa Panday. Dr. Lewin Peatchtwauger, of No. 55 Cedar street, l':ew - Tork, arrived in thh cit:. in company with a young man named Charles R. Morris, whbse acquaintance he had made in the cam. They both put, up at the Mononga hela House, and occupied the same room. Daring the night yang Monis got np and robbed the doctor of one hundred and seventy. nine giants in money and a gold watch nod chain, worth about - twolnindred dollars. -The doctor waked up eon after midnight, and miss ing his cot:operant, easpected that all aria not right. On examination hakrand that harnoney and watch were gone. He nave prompt intent:4km tcr the Captain of - the Night Pollee, and officer McOnfre. on getting a desedption of Morris, visited the Alle gheny depot,' and took hint Into custody be - tweet? twoand three o'clock, he holm design ed to leave on the early train. He had the sto• len property in his' uossession, and =tressed the theft. Ha data:Mat he was a machinist and railroad engineer, and was on his way to Alliance, in search of employment. He gave IS a TeSSOE for stealing the money and watch, that - be was out of means and could not resist the temptation to replenish his puree. He has found to his sorrow, however, that he made a ESA mistake. He was finally committed for Board. of Principal& The Board of Principala of Public Schools of Pittsburgh held a map* On Saturday, 111 the Fourth Ward School.Hcrusa, when It was Iku , lisvi, That, In order in check truancy and • encourage diligence among the mills of our primary whoa% the 'alio= Beams of School Directors bo recommended to adopt Atwater's schottPtickets, as now ptiblished, with the ad ditton of a fine merit ticket to be hereafter added to the series; one nierit ticket Is to be given eserday to every pupil -who la punctual and .ttudions; these are to be redeemed at the end of 'the week by ilea merit tickets.. cad these, also, Vitßeeb and slaty-14c merit tickets, until at theend bf the school year, all are redeemed by a certhleate, which thagupil keeps. The Board of Directors of the 'Fifth ward Birmingham and East Birmingham settee% hare authorized the Principals of these sc.hools, to introduce the tickets as soon as tboy can be obtained. Parents In these districts are request ed to look sharply after these tickets, se they will forte a constant communication between them Ana the teachers. The Board ,of Priselpals appointed commit tees to advise theotevezal Scheel Boards to time that in the city consolldation bill, there be a provision made to form the city tete a separate echoel Markt, under itlinpati advance, whose whole attention shall be alrec o the yance. tent acme system of nubile structlon: and. whet Is badly needed at present., a uniformity of the tenehtegia_the MlT:lent schools. The Young Man's Frlemb,—ThuTanted to care Private Diseases. For tale by druggists.. Ask for the Young Idan's Friend. A pamphlet giving thesymptoms and treatment of private 6;barce accompaulea each Boa , or can be had by addressing Young Man' a Friend, Box 99, with a three cent stamp enclosed, ,K,J 054 , 13 1 i Zteming, Crarlea Felton, „,„ w , For . 4 _4, co.. enact en.v.. soncir ROBINSON, 11L6CIallii.N Sr, CO Bankers and Brokers, No. TS Fourth, Street Plttsbargh, • Dealers In all kind. of Germ:mann See irittc• Gold, Sliver. Uneurrant flank Notes, Foreign Ind Domestic Eshhange, he., he. 11EZTormair OT ts theetveat In MB FUNDS and CUE Interest allowed on time deposits. Uolleetions made In all! parts of the United Dudes on moat favorable terms. omens executed with dispatch for everything In the bash:mei at the Boston, New York, PULL.. de his and Plttabtagla Brehm , Boards itrtettit on commission. Ems on ~ P CLEWS & CO , Frew York,3 AY CooKE (.30 , adelphia; Messrs. 0. D [LEAD T. R. PE/ILLINn. !town. FINANCIAL DROKEBS AND BANKERS BOARD (cOartiert6 IT zoom - sow. it'cLeAd ft co.) 01 , 13012 OP 1,16 Prir• rßno (3 Alo3 DAT A Nov. 2), IBM Offerva. 404 25 101 60 97 00 U. S. derificale 00 Gold el 00 Allegbeny Co. Flvez,---- 7 141 3 OJ 60 Pitt6bUrgS Ws, CI 73 Allegheny (3ty .... AllegLeny Valley 10. VonOrlisville U. S. V. tEal U. S. 6.20 N, U. 5.740'5..... U. S. 1040,.. Baltimore T. Conneßoerne IL IL Stock, Conne'Lenin IL IL Inteiest. .Foarth Nat. Buck ...—... Mechanics Bank . . .. . ...—.-- ..... . Peoples National --.. EhlorauXot ....... ~ —...--- \Varna & Velmalo.l ...... ... Balaton, Phoenix 011 .. --.--.. Coal Hl utra :11 Infos Co -—• ... Fort Pit Cool--- The traneactions is our stock market to-day were very meagre, and of an unimportant charm, ter. Some small lots of Richey all stuck changed at 45 cents, rind we can rep2p a laic of Ito shares Allegeny a Manchester - Railway. on private terms. The directors of the Ritchey 011 Compeer have declared a dividend of two iSef reel. —on - num. Pain Tr( h a nemtannual dividends paid In this eity by the ilev.s oral corporations reaches this Oill.noitte *wile; ant amount, sad will glee rellert6Tatny who depend on their investment for support. , It la pot allot it going to perm= residing ihe city. bat as residents hold many more stooks thaw title total of alone corporations. the figures given helms indicates less amount—far leas than (hero lOU be distributedbere in dlvidemt: , , . . InstituUnns. DivtdendJAMoirrit. Savings Hank .s. ..r..,000,000 'F' eclat: ROAM ,Merchanta• Bank.. Mani 6 . 4 - • 6460 Menke/slot' Bank.. Zo.ooti4 " 16.000 Ocean 151,(64 6 9,65 e FlrstNational X9,00 0 ' ' ism -Bartlett moo'. a - Ocean _ 1 Co,doo 'IO 6y SPi to= James Mills 250,000 65,600 Emma flat ' , ecru 00.006 15.5w • • voLtei, Additional to the above are dividends paid by the Neurburyport Bridge, the MOO'S Inetrimack Bridge, Gas Company Newburyport ILO FaStory, the Piewburyinne Fire and - Marine olesul•Ance Company, and possibly by other chartered yompa nleso In names of which do not ostler- to us,"and the ills Idends of - which hare not been publicly sani mounted. Ttielotal earning of all the comey thse cannot be lea than a halt million doll ere 'le the but six menthe, sag that le tome 7 ate..eellt. on the entire valuation of ell the Feel and perenniat estate in this city, nr II per cent.; at the same rate,' per annum-- Netebtoryport Rernitti —The Agricultural Department ham completed. the following estimate of the crops for the peat three yearn: • • • 1,863. IV heat....1Ar5h•44422,a29 1.0,05 +2l 119.401/N 10.643,90 19,672,074, 20,73?.,132 Barley i 0.632,11.8 11 . 3 55, lad t ..... ;x4,22493 178,00,041 1T1,M47.7. Tctai ... . ... . 4r-4,110,31d 307,6u1,V0 353,153,194 Boston Ilion hli 110..‘.0, Nov. IV.;45eFe Is Co.portleulor to.dite in i tthe rpitliktfer , Ple Won. The suppltof both lore go atidalbmcstiubrandi I. still short-"pt the game of cOnsumptien, nroTTEds for Immedgite use .cointetniiierysfull prices alanufnel! Atisas,.cif any all sorts, also to very Ll ock, and selling in email lots from store 'at very high Receipts of foreign have been eheck ed by the Increased cost of Importation, and die- Burners hope lately been obliged to fail back; to an unprecedented extent', upon.tho home pro:N.:San, eihleh is fast coming into pepular favor. We note further salmi of Scotch No. 1 at. ragas per ton fur Gartsberrie and other .branda, 1n0606. ag hot tons Gingered - eh "et 'the inside figures. American Is scarce, and selling at stress per toe, for the different numbers. alharcoal very firm .55.685 per ton cash. .Zat.Troct polite demand, and rates from stare ire higher Or large than ikon lots. Sales /of cerement at g 17.501.20; maned SISE C/ 120 per ton for.Engillh.= American relined ant I. selling at tir...V per - tea •frOitt Mann. facture/a hands, aed - 0t200130 /rum store. Ameri can Spring Steel lain dernand at • It!,greine per lb for large lots; foreign do,, in , 50,4%., en to go al itp. Cast Steel is selling from store at 204120 c per pound, currency, for Ameitcan, and 16Mc,gold, For ." Erillrond Iron Is firm and 'demand at 11De392,. per ton for American. • English is very amigo,. andlteld at 11111, - gold, per tan,. Snller plates aro: 1.11 good request at previous' rates. NVe otinte , . flanges iirorath; 41 :Not 1,70 arid tank plates,osC per lb, cash. aussla skeet Iron la vorysearco and unsettled, and, *ilk' trallortatiOns at an end for, the season, the asticl6 ifjobldnx in' email lots at enGtoe per , lb: • - English 'do is a @hada better at 1; ; 17 givt i Alart Inc m d adtlitr o st I . le . or a a n r: ti: o ll ,, ltif 14.1 s ' or% filllr i ura i enitalaffitr rota4d i ror . silsitri ( e e t slres.—Buffeff.S. • • Philtdeipkta Predate Market._ . ryn.A.DELPIIIA. Nov. la.— Domestim-Fellt-4-' Green Appleaare moringatore Sleety and 'sell ae • men per bbl. She market for Dried , Trult ie easier In consequenceot the trarmweather.Zried Apples sell at 12@las for old and • new. OM Dried Peaches quarters, at 17ales; halves are game „and Will4eo; new q ua rter, at 20 ® 21c• 'halves at rd Gm; newdmred at aSOato; Dried Cherries at 1211 . de Otte la, and 40dpIttfons., There Is a good dek mead tot the latter,* and they ecaree,,,imeg. Blackberries are settle" at a3@eac. Oranbetees aro sehlaratAlloolsper 'bet; Stiellbrisks I .tgr end Chestnut. at 17,75(7,8 per bushel, • Xleh—hrackirel 4 115 . TM quiet, and most or- the; resentt arilvalehavebeen stored. — Small sales the trade at snow for - Shore No. 1 . '02 for Day doi $17 0 20 tor - Shore ' S's; allifieggle for Bay ne, jals tor tette No. Ws.* Au Itivelee ot 600 pms, eel frain the wharfs! 223,00 foriShore • altanalni tbritailgolUt and 2. htereng sell MOM Mien la, seta 'Salmon St •,• Matte—ltly demand; aid•_,prleell genet 111.g.itre e. Sales ot soltdpecked renruyinspis, - and Ohlo, ilt tot 'Mot according to ?plenty; 01160 e; and allures at dleitdo.', ;' . , Cheese—Therein bettor feettg.e the ertlele;, - hutpriees /au unchanged. • setae New TOSE :at 11WD* FeethdiandliNGLlClonState DairreorttlitheCNsttc. - Ditto ,111 held lig rags—Aro lieindit -1 4*.4 496 WT -,•••‘.• ' '.eftWelliiid : t4ll6l: l- "" ' hairy. New 'Nodtred Glitred tat 41,60. buyout, Timm is AMMO ilesillsid forts, lOU as sr, I ;highr grades:but .xxleir iise i gsnerinVY l s4 o. 011 : •privats tenas. tlone—Seane And , tit4ner.- S9lel cat A*. 2 Allsed•Crom store la S3c; eardstakit :tam, *cutlas. ebiss4o , oMiriCiit 400 i Mall held 4419µ3c., Sire—quior, arid lasker, UW.I Cat at 63c, .Barley—Dtati bes'y ettvi ;c1coml: '1 • - • •• 0/7/Cll Or ran PirrantrnonGagirrir., DIOSDAY. NOVeMber=th, 'The general produce Market continues quiet and ratter dull, the dertuind'fer ount of the leading article. being restricted to supplying the imme diate wants of retailer, and consumers, while rilCell have undergone no essential change. ASHES—Xarket firm and somewhat excited, and prices are tending upward. Sale of lo tons Soda Ash at Oil 10 tau Refined do at aLg; 2 tons Potash at 10. and 5 tons Pearlash al 12. GRAlN—Wheat lariulot-and unchangod; sale of 2 care prime Winter Red at Van: - Oats more ac tive but .a shade lower; rue of 4 cars, on 'track. at 44; cars !aloes at 48, and email sales from store At 496 - 50. eon) Is selling in small lots from store at 702044 No movement in 'Rye or Harley, and , In th e Absence of Salm we omit quotations. gyotin—Oontinues quiet and (tall, the demand being very light, though there is no essential change in price*. We continue to quote at 45,00 it kW for Spring Wheat Dimity; gio,mait,o2 f oe la inter do, anal - 113;01234 for farig bands. Rye Flour is selllng,to small Sots from 'attire at 41'4. pIiONISIGNW—There Is no movement In Bacon, with the eleePtlcm of small sale, of Shoulders at Lard'inattbe tobted at . 21,M2. tar coun try. and 2S/t4ig for new 'kettle roodcred. Hess Pork is held at 15—no demand or sales. POTATOLE—Demand fair end market ready, with regular- Bales' from store at illlgt@i,23 per bushel; sale of I els on track at 11,12. APPLE'S—L.lontinuea very dun and inactive, hut prices aro unchanged—million from store at Si to t:1 161_1i p _ B r bbl for ni for ts_ fair a to r. ch h o o lv i .. h.ned; „ales of prime Eastern at 214 per bbl. CHEESE—Is firm and higher; sales of prima Hamburg at zitf .v. andel-yahoo at ktira. OLDEll—Danges all the way from sl2to $lB Per bbi, accordnur to quality. BU/TER—There is no improvement to note In the demand, and the market Is dull and drooping; Sale' of prime to choica Roll at :L21235. :EGOS—DuII and in rather tet t ei:euppl y mica of ii bbla at 3040 10. Horawy—Soles or 10 blatant 0 eta per lb. BEANS--sales or p bids old 041,50 per bash MILL FEED—SoIe from store or 2 tons pri White Middlings nt 11,78; and tons Short. 00 cents. 801:141Itni—trogood demand. but unchanged sales of t 9 bbts at 90 et. per gallon. LUTE—SaIe of 100 obis at 1t!,25 per bbl. HA - 17—is selling at from IRO to e2O per ion se writing to quality. VITTSBURdU PETROLEUM MARKET OtriquE OP TUE Prrranpaon GAZETTE, MONDAY, November 20th, 14100. f Illlt.E:—Tbo Crude market was again quiet' and seemingly a little dull to-dal;though with light arrivals and a Limited stock. prices are well sustained. The indications for the past two day. being regarded as favorable for rain, and aconse quent resumption of navigation between here •anil Oil city, hart a tendendy to make holden more anxious to realise, but at present the mar ket may be quoted steady, with a demand about equal to the supply Wis.:continue to quote at 05, bids returned and ao bbleineludeil; with sales of 000 at 25; and 00 do at •25. • HP:PIPED—Thcza lane new characteristic iba ',4llltatirket far Rqiined Worthy of pedal' notice. We eon report a continued fair Eastern demand for bonded, but there le little or nonn offering, either for present or (Mum delivery, and cause. quentlyl hero aro but few atilealoarecord. " On the spot, prime city brands may be fairly quoted at 52iitle, and Me. delivered In Philadelphia. Sale of 000 Ma "Forsyth's" brand, for Immediate Milo went, 01 die. delinfreitio Philadelphia. Free Oil is steady, and moderately netfre, \VIM regular small sales at :34444e. NAPTILA AND ntsinpum—Sala of 400, bbls riaptha, In bond, on Saturday, at 204, net lei seVer. Residuum Is quiet and apparently dell— may be quoted nominally at 05,25,15,50. EECEIPTF.—The receipts of MI by the Allm {heap liver eineeour last report. were as follow.: Jas. Illawhinney blaher & Bro. .435 Portet, Miller &Co. 376 lames Wllkine. ..... A. 1...1.1nt0rt 135 1 J. T. Sto,k.dale W. Ki.Vandergrift_ Total— ... pIELLAI;ELPIIIA CATTLE MARKET, Special Dispatch to the r ,, t.burth Gazette. Peitz at , et.rit; a. Rot. 20, Ind., CAVTLI"—Prtme Cattie continue In good de mand at full prices, while common grades con tinue eery dulL About 2,600 head arrived and mild at from IS to 11 foe extra; ttgis foe fair to good, and leoll2 for common, accordirvx f 0 quality. Cows were In rather better demand, and once. were n stale higher; 00 head etdd at from eoi to 1 , 0 per bond for Sprtugrre,, and Eo to env for ranch rows, SHEEP—Lens active, but without much rhao;e In Price. Some ft,Gnn betui said at from 1'.4 .4 for too-1 to extra fat cheep and Ktfp,so per lead for etnek &beep. 110GS-4,enttnne doll, not without cptetable Outage; too bead astd at the disrerent yards at Prom eta 6l6!Li per ICO pounds, net, se to quern tty. PETROLEUM STOCKS IN NEW TORN. SNelsl Dispatch to Western Press. new Yong, NM , . la, IS= with sales at the following Weal: 13cunehofe Bun, 11,55; Central, U:25; Excelsior, CO; nochanso Farm, High:ate, 34, Lill Creak, 1 . 1.5, Linked 9t.tty W,OO; Chitty Pun, 43, East Nattonal, aq 1 4 abs•er,j=s; Pit. bole (User. 11,600, Bradley. tO5. Task. 31, Eerier, 35. 91 09 103 10 79 00 01 0) 2: Oa Z.II uu 83 -... -....- --. 180 011 6i 05 - NEW YORK PETROLIMII HARKE T. Crretil Ill.; atab 10 Western Pr., NEW Vona, Noe. Z 3, MS. Pr enoyarn —la dull but nem: the vain. to-day •re very iamb and on n bull of r.:43.100 for Llende t and 0,461: for bonded bedded oil. Ito, 0-i, Nov. 15.—The wool market to wit hont entreating, And man.umers are buying Just as M lle As thel eon possible get along with, and 91.1 tint, seasonable contract.. Some of tittle pro ducts have boot flower sal* and ettailing off of Into, and [bey AranOt Manned to heroine the sup rby on the market. They will doubtleas hold oft e• - iong ea they cart, In the hope that wool price, will settle down to a lower range. But with a ince): of •prtgoosts to he manufac tured for the Deceinser And January lead-, they must nee...wily take large quarilltiever ftee eta plc deiring . the next month or six weeks. The asp dply of thie glade la noteery extensive; soda brisk emand would soon sweep the market and estAb llsh Materially higher rates. Itrustrable wool ran probably be purchased 'now as cheap as at any time dttring the coming winter, cud.. all commercial values should largely de crime. Only weak holder. are free sellers at the alight cancessien recently madetaild many colas/sn ots and merchants have lately Intimated their In tel:al= to hohlever to neon spring, rather than sell Att.eurrent quotation.. There has been more' inquiry thla week than last,• but the sales hare been less, and mostly In emelt iota for Immediate use. /hirers hare eel derail' twee enraged In “proopeeting" for weak spots In the market; brit, as far as tee can learn. have foiled few if any It Is true that undesira ble lota of Western and Nev York ereolnro bard to move, and au ..ers would be glal to reallce at little concession rather than hold over. But Male Is not the article which rusnufacture. ore I tOokleg (Or. They Want choice Ohl°. l'enniuranla andßest Virginia clip.: but thew !hey cannot bare, oven with d tight money market. without paying pretty fall primm for them. Sales of dm:acetic teethe week foot up some 415, 000 am, at a range of /61030 e for nerve, soil fali7;9o for the various grades of pulled Included are small lots of Illinois nee, at s.sFiser; telecOn.ln do, at 67.qc5-10,000 alai.. at the outside Ng. are; 17,00 New York do, At gele• 60,000 common Ohio do, al Piiliginn 30,001 cholget do at 71c; 0,000 fanny dodo, at Boetll,ooo Maine dent tic; a lot of Lambe' super pulled at One; {neaten, anner na,t;,na, and rastern supers and extras at 751.• eoc. There have teen no, tratinelloas of conlequence either In Crulaile or California. In foreign there hare been soles of seine 15U tale. Cape at 38,i and are do Meat,. at a price we did not The Cotton Crop In Illluol.. g.The rottpn crop is the largest ever raised in Il linois, nod is, rarely racer led in what are known astlie Cotton Stites. The product per acre 1 11 Is year will range from I,o o e to 'ADO pounds seed cot. ton—the quality is rood—is chit-rate an compare.] . with upland cotton nt the South. We hive heard ' it estimated that Jacksen county alone will pro- duce 10,100 haler, while Perry, Williamson Sa line and rnion counties will mote than doub'e this amount. The weather this fell has been pe bttllerly favorable for maturing and opening the atik lee hero hid no kliliny frosts yet, and all the balls are mauling, and will be as good as the early ones, thus making the yield extra, hoary. There ere now Mx gins in town, running constant ly, and they cannot dispose of thecotton, even now, as fast nit cornea. to market. Wagons are Continually artiviad in town loadod with the staple, and our buyers are eager to meet them. The price has ranged Irma 10e to 111,4 c per it, for seed cotton—the letter figure tar ono load only, so 'far awe can learro—Cartrendols, tiff i E. a. PlilLadelpilla Seed Market. PUTT. k1361.1•111A. Nov. 19 .— Prime eloversced continues in good demand. with sale* of 902 bush at W 1,1369,26 per Warn but Inferior is neglected, wi cannot be disposed of only at relatively lore ratea—say, frem to 0,10. Three I embed and fifty bags were taken for on private terms. Timothy Ufirm at ea,. per ballbel, with small Cake At these figures. laiseed comes forward slowl end I. taken on 'naive by the crUshern Bales of WO bUlb at *SAO per Mittel, and some at 1ita,481:3 BY TELIORAPH. CHICAGO . htAnKEr. e+ 'Special Ilippetch to the Pittsburgh; Gazette thrrOAoo, November 20, 1812. noun—D.ll at, eofrieo for inferior to good 11114 extra. 41.2.urt—tiVbeat ineetive; ester at di.reetaN for 14.40 spring and. 01.72 for 270;1 red. 'No. 1 'C° lll diditttra aciaair; salsa at aaceaji far Nu ? lird- 641 for,No; 2. Oats quiet and 14,„ .lower 2.10t2i4e. 'tar 131 i. 1 lad ;ram far Na 2. .X.lte dull and lA° Iciticr 1522 for No. andfae for Itto• 2. sarkf ddll:Mght, Wei tit old No. 2at 27b. Wirtsrr=Was7sulkt, Pstorletons.—Perk Dull; tight iutlitsof new mess at p1f22460. -- Street . ,Pekled , Lard 2'e -for 'fettle end itridtted.- . - „ Cattlecvery dull and nominal, inns ceiling but irides as $3,204,111. The" packet' are 20 13 nOnfhtlart seise at. 4 /0, 0 04e..tin1. Atter plan for exits heavy.' Stoney dote.' Elethantaltint; -- Meld . llo,l.'''' , Finance nod- Trade In - New . lett. . nay, Fen; iiec.2e.-6t the Steel( &newer • Ma ummtne.nbere wace Amer tenet , * ;.gleeihttoe, Huber - quetation. were, entreat - varstattent. 'North Wett r eJa tom:eon-Mom yin -1 , 1141A14111111 or the swaps There was conildera ble itstltiratesta -Ist Ws-stook ent,theseerattone were naairy..,l.lmoal , emery, Isokerhan *herder ler It.. 4 The growing wean =mettle producing a revival neepeeulatlotran Mseke. unit enemata* More settee. Theta tea general feeling that. a. sepals et moneyems be:telled Timm anmcteat tp SUpPOrt_ , LVtrolostli movement tor Mee. -ea the Stand *nu last ;board Uwe:sake& Nal dal/ and letret t ltal the fair_ euttlell7.le,h3 in trorth Wee.% The- iauerieryi*Fla e 144 iinetlitioni at: c•- 14 . " • rrrrnstritait fraltiCMl: Mallon Voll. Market. 100 r. u : New fork Central, 44•„.,fre104; Erie, ei:;.,13111%; iluteondyer. inEd,eri_elli . .L , Eassing. ittich:gan south-en, dilli,§"lc i „; :end end Pittsburgh, Ild,X(rda.i; ,d te:*.M Northwee ern. 1144 drain and Aglasiselp pi certificates. i (Unto;esBtg, Gold is a Little weaker; custom &wand is moderate. The Treasury keeps premium under check, by gradual ly letting out • supply. Clereland Euro pean news had n 4 effect =on anencial affairs to any dlrectiort. bloney 1. easy at 7 percent. State txrdle are steady sad quiet. New York Dry Goods Market. New Toxic. Nov. 20.—The following are the quotation• at the Dry Goods Exchange: Drown Sheetutza—Stark, k.. yll4 ; 0. 27" A; Par.lllo L. 27; do. E 26. BrAched Sheet. legs—Now fork Mille; toot Bs/716,44, 33n. Prints —lllerzteleek, W. M.' do. 29; Sprague, 23. Ticks— A.O. A. ESI, Stripes—Yark,ls; Whit ton ton, 0.310. Denims—Arnmkr,,,, 65; H• maker, on Corset Jesol—Nnumkertg Settle. 46,4: Pep perell, 40; Canton Flannels—Prankiln, 13'6; do. H. 400. Glegrnns—Lcusesster, 330; Glasgow, 23. Cluelmeres—Pemberton, 70; York, hoop Skirts—Bradley's Duplex' Elliptic. 6i Double Springs, 2. to 20 hoop*, price trots 68'14e to $10,30. Ernpre.• The following dispatches have been received to. day : eiscardATl, Mar. 31 —The dry goods, market open. quiet. Ermine.. generally very dull, and there lean indication or an immediate and favor able change. BAZilatoalt, Nov. 22.—Prices are about the same as on Saturday. LOVIDVILLE, Nor. 20.—Trade opens dull and price. have been unchanged for the past Lew days. Lam week.. trade was generally good. Pwm.anra.rnia, Nov. W.—Cotton goods con tinue dull and irregular. Woolens Coady. Busi ness generally very dulL Plosion, Nov. 20.—There I. a wart' better feel. Ina ar d a good deal is doing In all department.. It Is safe to infer that many gond. have tounhed the bottom, a. many buyer. ,are looking for lad week , . price.. core AG°, Nov. 2/I.—Trade E. moderate. New York Market. f•frw you, Nor. 20.--Coprox—Flnuer, at 1i2.& We for Middling- Fines—Opened dull but afterward. became a little mote settee and Otalltd steady at about pre vious prices; 068,25 for Extra State, and $13,80 00 for Extra IL It. 0., and 49,05Q11,75 for Trade Brand.. Wlll34Y—Doll and nomlually lower, prime Wettern offered at Bel% Guars—Wheat heavy sod 'clown, at al.tleteSS Chicago spring and alllausukce Club, 51,66 for Amber 11114waukce, wad VAN// if for Nov Am ber. Rye i 01,18 for t•anada and e 1.20 far State. Barley quiet and Unchanged. Corn active and Bead; ands good business for export: Werso for .Unsound e Werra for Round balled Western, 11173093 c fc4 high talzed, nearly yellow, and 9to for batuswl. 0414 more active at Beale for Un sound, find 60e,C38 for Sound. aoccatea—Collius _quiet and nominal. starar dull, at 140 for Cuba Illumovado, an 14a for. Pore to Rico. ItioLanes quiet. PC2641.41 31—Q ulet and firm, at 194104 for Crude, and 6.4.4eXii for Itenned to flood. l'llo% IMO:IN—Pork hear; nod lower, at 11.1/ 604 02,70 for Alrea—closing . at Xxi,c2i 0.11, clad erheo for reit.. Beef leas active sod rather oaiic•, at SEQI4 for Plain Ms as isod,ll4e, It for Extra Men. Beef Batts rather more term: Western Bacon quiet; Stratford CIA, Biddle's Ice cured, at 1914 e. Cut Meats In monararademand 10A at elat4c Shoulder. and Hares marl.. Lard oats[ it 2014if13;e. Butter needy at 30042 c for Onto and L5/1600 for State. Cheese nem at isateo. Sew' York Stock and Monet . Market. Now Tonic, Nov. 30.—Honer on call 7.11 tent. Stet/log Eubange 'toady, at 106%;210914. Gold leas mato° and towel . ; openlos at 67, de. ellolng to 146' , ‘ and dosing at 146;k1. 0 orernmentiStocko a shade Bomar. Frtfghtlt6 . 2.lrerpool, antl7ll and litetuls 4 _elto..ka heavy Ca oral, Clonpous. 103%; do 6.23 Coupon., 01'04, NON; do. or '6.3, 9 , 3%; do. one rear Corte!. cillea, new limn, o7N; Unto to DlLislialpplCortlll. e.% ; r O. first issue, MI; do. I'd Ire do. 30 lute, 7.1 3 . ;13 gralekailvar, 47 14; Maripena.73; 1 ork Ventral , gr. .11 Err a, loni; Bee dUgi 11114; Plttabutoh.D.7%;; North Western, do. Preferred, ea; Ft. Wayne, 104%. It cells! Bank Statement. • Fan YORK, Nee.n". Incre ue Decreane. ..... 136,230 .—... 12,419 9&9 4.54.198 . - . - . Circulation.— 14.3..13.10 t , 01.059 Legal Tmlcr.. 17,731460 Depcnita 1'4,110,454 ........ Cincinnati Market. CINCINNATI, Nov. 20.—FLoos-4-lolet, without tostertal change. Gnats—Wheat quiet at 22,0542.03 for old red, to011,toel„'Is (or aim. Corn dull at ttf41127 for toond old. Oats quiet with a fal: demand, at/do in theater/I:or. Hsu steady at Ste. for prlmegano- Wes Barley unmanned too prate. nominal. P150T1410,1,1-111eis Pork Omer; notes Italia 11.00 rcr old. Green Meats are held at 1241123 p lot thouldera and Llama. Baton Elden, clear, WO Loot 7.4. , ,ti:224 Nothing doing to bulls menu -. Lard L to moderate comand nod at Wu. Hogs settee sod prices a shads hinter; the onola range to tle 0.;(01I,10. Gross rom.pts 4 Ott head. noci:nts,—Ara In fat.- Antrim: detnaod. IV PM it r—Uftliheit one rent, al 4alny , nontlall 12 2'7 for um. San Prancisro Starket SAY FIANCISCO, Nor. 5 —Business :a rather quit t. . .—Hae eettlo4 down to 11,1E01,15 GRAM—Wheat harm:toed 54 . per 100'poortde. prime HI selling at 1.11.14, porchuore for New York. Balky Is also higher wad at $1,0:4 per 100 poohtlk The *PonlateChlll embroylto hos erenxttenetl bresarbes. Money 1. tight et i per eeut. lalttang .hares hare atto4lly Lle.:Lot.l during 1.112 week. t u estl mated It. from 10. In TM, tons of Ma broom aunt grill be ahltmed east tb Es seas, PDllndclphia 3 2acliet. P.LanaLrltt., Nov :wt.—Pura—DWl. Una —a, peat Cue dactintzt4l teat:ea/Iy, Na !Lett at f.2,...X14/ 2.40. lire at 0 2.0 - 0.2; 0, atuoitt Yeiluw Sl a t atc. Oat. lower; awl., of bstabeta at 624. ('Watt Nettl.-17:04V7.,101 Per aLs r uza-44. %to C., crude 3 454J3 tett.led fr 1,411§9:10 WIT la KV— Dulli Wes at .t.2,44tk.1,45. Buffalo Market Itnr it.y.fioventlx7 .—FLoru—t: Lill and no losi. Olarli—lrbrat quiet; sales of Chignon Spring Re,ganipie 01.15, Clionto Coonda IV Alt., g 2,4 31 WM/ 1 / 1 4dirla. 112,10 Corn acartm 000 rim at 73g tar or,yro 11..• No. I choice at 44"gt30. Bs, ky, cgonni g 1,09. Rye is held at Yeas 0024 'nal at 6OCUSI. PPOTIAIV3I,I-.POrk $3&,611. Irsz RIVER NEWS • actv.u,.. Emma Graham StullllArletta. —P.,kenburg. ZO,lll TO-DAT. Grattrita.Stul I --Marietta. ...Moore Petritersbum The river LV rising .o glossily aa to be altunet itaper ceptade. since t esterday at a o'clock P. M., up to last event= It had Ast rated a quarter of an Inch. The marks in the Mononaehela pier indi cate thosejuet exactly. tinniness the Istidinz seue , whet dull. The weather woo i - loutly and in dicated inure rata Those were no arrivals or &Tor! ores yetis day. and conaeryaently but little excitement at lb wharf. Fretzlita weer (trapping down slowly t, such boats no ate boohoo ta anticipation of a rise Tir :Vevede. rapt, Evans Is recta; tri treliht ter Louisville, and from All appettranuea shy will be able to got out the latter part of th Wee l'he Inaneier has her staztng hauled In for the preheat, and Like her cotentporarlea will probably await a little more water, The Leonidas. t'apt. CV. A. t nx is 11/liag u with bright for ~ t .t. Louts. and trill he to Ira. In the Ant water. She has roam fora few to. more. The rine Weir, Capt. ' illarratta hati out yet, and AVM await further dereloptuents in regaw to the river before putting., out. • TI, Lawrence, thipt„ Crane. will fallow the Leouldas In loading . for St. Louta, tohieg her be gotar place to turn. - . he St. Cloud, Capt., Conway Is thin/ at the knding loaded for New Orleans, and on y wait the action of the water to go out. The Jugonaut la tying below the foot of M , ..11,:t st reet, with her staging drawn tn. Slte Iv ill also %volt for wister. The Leal Leah, occupies a berth below the feet of Market street where 000 trill Ile until more renter coulee, and thus it trig be seen, that throughout theentire list of boats now lyiuy at the landing, the Only cry is water. The Kate ?Wham Pasted eigro on hit woo to St. Louis lest Thursday. The Ontario Ire/ to have left thoelnastl for this port last erecting. The Lorena pasted 00 her way up op Saturday. The Nora was aLto to leave for this port/het evening. The Keystone was sold tut Saturday to the At lantis sod llietisslept htearathitt OoniPael for alltat6o. She take. toe Weaved' the Ben eittekney. A dispatch to the thoolunatt 1:01.1r.r4:101, dated Nathrille, Nov. 16, say. that there are but ne Inches of water on liarpeth Sherds and no pros• poet of a rise. The following new boats are now lying at the landleVaonta Dearly co otaplet ed, trail:lit beginning to put their cabins oe: A We-wheeler by B. Natal, built for the Texas trade, not named. • ..... . A =oe-wheeler by the brothers Wes and Geo. Hewlett, destined fax the hltdruri river trade. AcC•wheeler by A. Ackley Co, °sputa A. Elie Ltd to be lo omataud, to tun between hats endatketsholl. Shirts mauls , Washed, and will be one et thelotaisamest packets over put la the tride. She will run la ernuttottott with the thy yard, The stern maim:dor Rivet Queen, Oeputos Wm. Hu bob nt:AU Meade.. She will bona. sue when bed. Stens-wheeler. Mary Darlife, built tinn.fillc Wm. Nelson, Thos. Darin°. James legs and O. W. Motherwell. She I. intended for the Ally &bony river. Stern.whecler, Kangaroo, owned by Clarke & Co., and built for the McKeesport trade; She had attain up yesterday, sod wee trying her engines. A'stens-wheel taw-nose, owned by Messrs. Coul ter, Day, 9. Inektp. Will tow about town. htena-wheeler, by , Darla Fry, °Wiser of the O. D. Fry, a Orton beet for the Csatahoochn rivet, Georgia. Ids flarenVe.. a stern wheel boat, owned by Cards. Jimee amend Kart Rees. Malt for the Linter yrlvu trade. A stern-wheeler, called the Importer, one of the stauachest boatathat aver mid her nose nr, to thts Ueda,. EMI' for (Japt. John floes, and Intend ed for the Rooky Mountain (reds. This anlibes the lie; of boats now bulldlop, but .14 dote not itielpdo a Dumber of tow boats which bare recently been anlsbed. In rut, the landing from Jones , Ferry to tha foot of Market street, II one compactness of noses. lammed !null:nee as they can sticK Most oft hese boats , ' wired fresh coats of paint, 'Deltas flatlet they: Were sow.; Capt. W. Coulson of the Julia. No. 2; is in the rtty on a resit .to . 11. .thinks the dam la the Meakingum, will be.npateed so that ths Alitaillll tannery next. Saturday, , The playard..Mapt. Gen. ' , Moore, is doe Ude mantes, at the Indira' hum Parkeraburg. She whlstart on her return trip tide ahernoon. Oar readers will bear in mind that she has changed -roefg ular sof lntTu san her _ eachwyk. avivpo apt e a y t pun d tu W ak ay he tante tklitdan Wear nnfOrseen tub dentashauel • - Zantarlibe aillf , O47. , May leak ler the Emma Orthan.thlsinedletan 92 this inbetnynlar day. She will take freight down to Emiette, and there enchrhys with the Julia. Millen the dart late. patudid that abe eangottktomtb,pinWhieheels phoWlll...pnected on bee way,to,Zatteinals 4tAllate.pen bile/May; nAtohaataatlk t' [MEM Island No ?t, to the !owe, aVatiraltvi, ea Wee.r.reay 13.1 e, was Ward at 111150,030. azal WAS:fah: of Insurance Upon her. The Ontario from St. Louis, hound far rats borer. passed Evanayill• ten nifty lark The Ida Bee. and O. Fry passed down the lame day. TUe tow-Coat 3. 1.. Hyatt was sold et hinithlatul • few daye ego for 11 1 0.0 W. The Weratta was avowal in the canal at Lo,u. Urrllle on Friday Last, haring caught on • sunken boulder boat. The Mollie Hamilton was sold at Memphis on Wednesday last, (or 450,flett • • rapt. G. W. Dicicerson has purchased nine sixteenths of the Wheeling packet 'Potomac. oh the rate of tilb,ooo for the whole boat. •-Thls gives him the commanding interest • "" • STEANII., AT COLLTAIox..—On Tumidity Watt, 13 the steamer :uperior was coming down the river, when near the mouth of Green hiser.she met the Baltimore with a number of barges in tow. Tim Supulor blew her whistta twice, and the Balti more answered in like manner, but bore to the right instead of the loft. Having no signal lights on her bargea, the pilot of tan Superior did not ace them until close upon them, when he rang the bell to Dark, but before the wheel( had made more than live or clx resolutions, one of the barges struck her on the nose, knock - tog off' the notielg. broiling the jaekataff, and elehdej off her gaarde and outriaglog close to the hull back to within a few fret of the cook house. • . . If the te.ttntony of eneetencers ii to be reedited, 'the Balltmore was clearly to biome.—Erstarville Journal: A dispatch was meeired last night, which says that the Cumberland river mu tieing, with thirty Inches on Ilsrpeth Shoals, This is good news for our steamboattnen, and gives hopes jot a rise here. The steamer V 7.11. Moffett, which was burned at St. Louis last Thursday, isms Insured for 11:4,- GOO, of which $15,000 was In Plktsburgh offices. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD ALIMMILEIST STATIO3, November 20.—s ears ye, J S Finch; 2 do do, - Tbos broere; 224 C hides, C Groetzerger & Son; lb she flaxseed, Ewer & Ham ilton; bbl whisky, Isaac Stein; 1 Obi elder, & A Carrier; IC bbla ripples, J Wallace; 16 bbl. cider, 1102 bbla app ea co bush potatoes, 11 Hever.; 211 slot flaxseed, bill Suydam; 1 car potato.. W Hendersonri ear onta,Taylor McKinney; IT3 aka wheat, Noble fc Annie; lea aka barley, Sebastian Heidi CO tile, Jos Craig; 6 bble vineser, Mercer & liobinson; 1 Lb! mugsA Kirk Zr. Co, 25 bbl. pota toes, John Becfleld; 153 hides, John Itobersteln; car wheat,Kennedy &Emu . = Oa flaxseed, Ewer it. Hamilton. • Cirrszt,arn, ATM Frrrantrann ILtrr.. no 4.1,-. NOV. 20.-130 both pot aloe., .1 M Mason:l4o do do , Ciledalev: en bble sand. lilack Co; 10 do do,J Lyon; 1 car potatoes, Lll Voltht & 2do do, r N tipreen; 0. banna, :Moorhead & Co; 1 car metal, Nlmiek k Co; 120 bola potatoes Wm Bing ham; lot lumber, Itlilllnger & Bidwell; 0 Ws mo. Moses, F O Jenkins; is 3 bar,. barley. E Wain- Wri:ht, Olt do do, Spencer & Mekay; 44 aka do do, IllbOdesi 20 bbls apples,John CHB & Sou; 18 bales tow, 11 X Chllda & Co. Prrrtistritolt,Cor.UNlSCS Awn CraenrisaVi H.R., Nov. ski potatoes, C H A routrong; 210 aka barley, I B Mcßride:l ear lumber W N Ander son-,uks rags, It & Co, 11 sks dry peacnes, Voight & Co; 100 bhl flour, Watt & Wilson; 100 do do, Shomaker k Lang; 1 eat barley, John Kennedy. rperantraon, Font Warne a On - matzo R. R., 118 sirs rags, Clodfrey & clerk:l33 Dbl. plea, I F; Schott,• 2 kegs lard, loco 11 Jones , bear lumber, (1 AProcter; 26 bbls apples. J nlirenk; l 5 bgs clever .seed, Dan Wallace; 9 mks hair, A. iloveler; 171 bbls apple., Culp sr: Shepard; 2 can; stares .J J Italy.; 29 bbls cider, J C Botrum; 64 lads apples, J Benninger; /0 ball apples, J Shrenk; cars wheat, Liggett a Co; 1 car barley, Jona Gang,mlen; 1 car wheat, Daniel Wallace; 1 do do, Ferson &Co; 1 bbl tuitter, Emery & Kerr; 15 Des turnips. 9 do oats, Seglimyer Voslcamp; 53 tee lard; F SaLlera; 11 Mlle dry apples, 14 do green apples, 1 bbl cider, F Schutt; : car. oil bbl., Jae Wllklns; I dodo, '7 77. Barbour & Co; I ear hay, Illtel,tr; 1 ear barley, Ilhodes;:li Lb* apples. Traurnuus &. Appkbaum 26 bas.soap. Jos Boas; 32 ski rags, Markle & Co; keg. lard, Valet & Co., 11 bbl. apples, Watt * 'Wawa p 1 bled tobacco, J Schaub; 1 do do, J M Murtiand; 12 erneing7 machines, Wm Sumner &Co;- 1011 bbls sand. A tterberry & Co; BC bids flour, Sim+ maker Lang; 50 eka pearls, McKee ik Bro; 160. bbhi tour, D Wallace; I car shingles, McQuevean & Doug's** 315 ben potatoes, Meek a Armstrong , 500 pigs lead, Et Canfield; 107 sks onions, no bbli do, Grail' tr. Reiter Ws cranberries, Vole gr. Co; 100 bbls floor, John areell 250 Pik. lead, Dithrldr,e & Co.. STEAMBOATS FORCAIRO ILND ST. LOII- L 474 18.-7 be new steamer LEONIDAS.- • ' - Capt. D. A.. Cox will leave as above. THIS A et 4 D. m. Por freight or paeans* apply on board. to nol4 .1 .7011. D. N F co LACK..uanla WOOD , I Agent.. • pt,n wil.E.ELthu mmitmT PARDZEDBLIIIG and all In termediate ports. The swift .hie-wheel passenger steamer, George D. Moore, Master. Leaves PITTSBURGH FOR PARKERSBURG every Monday and Thmanay, at II o'clock Lea. cot WHEELING FOR PARKER 3/311e0 even . Monday and aturs4.ll at 9 o'clock F. x. • • ••• • • Laves PARXERSBURG FOR PITTSBURGH very Tuesday and Fridayost r. Leaves MARIETTA FOR PITTSBURGH very Tuesday and Friday, a!.33 , 4 o'clock r. a. Leavta wilyFt.(NO Ftild PITTSBURGH very Wednesday and Saturday at A. K. For freight or passage apply on board or to otl JAM LOLLOIS ts CO.. Agent.. GOVERNMENT SALES. 6 0 VEll >I3IEN r S&L E 01 8T O$E3. Ocelot 07 lIIILITeett STOTM PITIII I 6IIIZON, P ur• Nor. I, 06 , 15. W2ll tie solo at Public so, 'to the Old 3.1. at the Eau Gianni.. on Penn street,TElCH., DA Y Normot e r inta. ars,. Sale co ancencing to otelock, a. m., the following conde,ainal Cloth tag and Camp and Garnson Equipage rtr Cap Letters. Foray cape, Nunaters. 40 Cron UmmiOn, 11 Uniform privates Gists, it Worland &satin. 31 Tioersera. infantry, 6 Trowaers, Cavalry, 33 Flannel SuleGoata, Ti Flannel Shirts, 13 pairs Drawers, Vt pairs Stockings, ' at Groat Coats, tina le net-proof POOO6OO, 673 Great Coat Strap., (73 Bolted States Blankets, 2 ZouareJaekets, Zottase Cava, 1 Zonave Clean, 122 Bed Sacks, smile, F 3 Spade., 255 Knapsacks 063 Baversacki, Canteens, al Ate., • 44 Axe Halves, 1 Camp Kettle. CS Camp Hatchets, 3.5 Hatchet Boodles, Recruiting CO do Halliards, 1 Clamp Colon, I Inc., Bonital Flag, 23 Drums. 1 Drum Head Batter. • a do do Snares., 11 Drum Sling. 0 pal. Dram Stick., Drum Case.. 61 Wall Tents, 41 Wall Tent File., sl eel Wall Tent Poles, Common Tent., sirs set Common Tent Pelee, Shallot hots, do do Pole., 14 Pick does, 46 do do Handles, 44 Bonilla/ Tents, to do do Flits, 76 do do Pole.. tiou do do Ills, large, isan do do do small, to Wall Tent Pins, large, I Color Belt mac Sonia, a ttlarque Tent Poles, 161 Teats. i•D't Abri, 4A. C. Slings. 1 arms esth, la Gorertiment fund. M. E. MX/LS, moe MAI . Military Store S•eper. VINA L BALES 'IF UOVERICH Cis* 11o1:sE.5 talll MULES. Qt . ...lrrr_t{3l.LSTElL Ora gnai's Orrice, Wasulxo-‘O3l D. C.. 11ct . :0th Wlll be sold at public auction during the month of November, to the highest bidder, at the time sod places named below, via: NEW YORK. New York CIty—TUESDAY of each week, 102 MULIJ each WicIe'SYLVANIA. Philadelphia. Pa.—THURSDAY, November 2, 9, 10, and 23, 100 HORSES each day. Harrisburg, Pa. TUESDAY of gam week, 103 ;DIODES each day. Ilarrishurgh.,Pa.—THUßSDAY, November 2,9, It, and 23, wo hi:masts each day. blecbaniesburg, Pa.—TI.II.HDAY, November I, 100 HORSES. Allentown, Pa.—WEDNESDAY, November 10, A"ao nonsts. Pottsville, Pa.—FRIDAY, November 12, 100 111113SES. Cheater, Delaware county, Pa.—WEDNESDAY, November 1.'2. 100 Pa.—THURSDAY,•November 13, HO HORSES. Titusville, Pa.—THURSDAY, November 10, WO HORSES. ' Titusville, rO.—TRITESDAY and FRlDAYNovember 23 and 21, tco AILTLESeach day. DELAWARE. Wilmington, Dd.—TUESDAY of each week Wo HORSES with day. W limington, DeI.—FRIDAY at each; week, 100 :!MULES each day. MARYLAND. Baltimore, MA.—WEDNMDAT, September 10, too HORSES. BIOUMOrr, Did.—WEDNESDAY, September 100 HORSES. _ GLESI3ORO. D. U.. TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS of each week. no 1101ISIN each day. 110 SALES OF MULES WILL TAKE PLAGE AT WASEIENZGITOH. D, O. At this scan Of sales all the Government ani mus will be illiposetl or. Beyers should therefore avail themselren of this last oppottuelty to pun chase. ' For sales of pabllo animals to the West, sea ficial Western newspapers. n:mats will be segd =alp gates to eonntenee at 10 a. to. each day. - Tents-.4 3 / I .oaf, to Milted States tlorreogy. JAMES It. • Wee. 11c1g. Gin. In charge • Fast Div: Q. X. Ch. a. ocatidnoW GOVERN/ ENT BOLE. Extensive Sala of. Blankets. Will be sold Itt anetlen; at the „Nonce' Barney: era Warehouse, lto.lB Market arrest, TUESDAY, November ISSN at a ; 0410 , 343. ' ms 3 Blankets. • t *-* kOOO shoe bliddresseS; , .• • Ar'llea *Blankets are neatly AB -0111011 SAL,, c Catalonia maybe had ontmntlesi • .. ROBbliT £LETCLISO/4 Slams:e aid !reset Colonel. U. S. VoL, cossltd • DledltsdPusveyor 11.1 CIDAR VINEGLIt;-40 bbta pnre - 'ln' fi ,tarreinatot ' - 'r'• ,ISALS.II DICZEY CO, • at sl( SUCCpBFIJL TREATMENT Chronle Diseases, Consumption, Sent. Syphilis. Seminal Debility, and all Female Camplalats, BY- DM AMOS & 'jOHNSON, 3. 48 r'eArt32. 6troet, PITTSBURGH, PAL Testimonials from ttoilledlcal irofetk% alms and -Others hie =for: It la with gamut make hmorens the following Lou to the public, believing my tea tawny guy blot service tows* tavaild Ito kW hitherto failed to Mato relief. Mau eztataioun doing no more ttutu lattice to two medical cattle. cum of lour *Up, in , cOakasing th at I have ass cesaftUly treated several very bad 42.1411 of sercioat %milked* and female compl• •,!, by aloptie. t, node ol treatotele Itte Is Sonoma. - • • .. • .. • • For female weakneas I do not know of 1. tbst:ean term: these teturallea. / have p = them fora pat. many ladles who hays beet thew , bled tar years With wesim. and every eau • perfect cure has bean „W.; "atiala "vets - but cases have yielded to this mode of trestabtat she then !vice of two weeks. • r , YOllll, respectfully. (Slytwo) W. F. /1111WL'T. ffi. D. : . Clevelacut, Ohio, Fecember MI, MEL • ERTIFICA qfp . oy raj: REF. C. FRENCH OF NOBTILEILT . I certify that Da emu n. amnions mega:lnes hare aired my wile. who was subject to debility many years. The maildnas were need only two months. EL. 0. FREEION. L. D. Ithoortant to Ladies:' Our PEILIODNIAT. DEW% will only on monthly sickness In cursor asexual.= from any cause. Flies 11. N. EL.-Ladles who. me prn. neat should not tuts them. Tonic Its Female Weakness. a eartalo 4=8411 Infection:or the Whites or Leurorrtuma, $2. . _ . DIBBLOBB, OF THY. BLOOD. ft.— Drs. srensa - Jalaren—Dear Stair /mart tete that rani remedies r. scrotal& and blood disceace assirmally eractlent.. For 'craftily sypht. is or Impurities of the blood, I find they Rarer Up 10 care wham used - z, directed. -/ has. Ras, needed in eurtaa the want Cann of *SAWA Ittall.f • In =hospitals, in the short spaoe of two aiOnttala F. W. H. LES/SE, Clacinnatl, Dere/apes Halt USA. SEMINAL74IWe ' Drs. Amos t Johnson: /pave by the use of year rentralieS,,several patients bed mates of the Lunatic Asylum Iron the WWI effects of seminal weplatess or ie./entry betas., /a Ali such cases/ consider nothing cartentual your wed. ' trim. WSALLI24I, Albany r. Y., Octolhetr 16th, HSI. Tithe Particular Nottes.—Dra sad Johnson addreu all those who have Inj :thes/bre, by Improper Indulgenao and solitarytosb. Its, Which foto botk body and solcul, tudlttlarr them for elthew business, study, society, or enarriaes, • • These Mace of the sad azurmaty frets produced by early habits of youth, suable Weakneer:of th e back and limbs, pains to the head, dimness of sit, loss of rinsosaar pont, - pefipttatiort , :of.lhe heats dyspepsia , nu votes de, - testilth, .eleraerobthnt of the digest i ve numthons. , general derstithaymptoors CIXDATIIIDUCIA*II. lirs...Amor rt. Johnson have for many yearn •rsa, elusive) devoted theitattention to the trestreant , of tna referred to to these tessfasootels. Address, ; Amos & JOHNSON, _ a4P• No. ICI Toroth strestr.: omdelmeodiessw pittaborsti.-Pe, COUGH ..NO MOM Tim simicsmanive MILLIUDOI18:00IIGH BALS/Idi uranacianws rau.s.frLuinrs tiftrit,V A-o•T la warrantee to ooze COO , Voider Bosnezoll Asthma, Mooning cougn, Bow Throat, Ootrtimptlen, and , all afletetioni Ctritte Fed. Tbroa aala gtr a /=. • 431 *."9 POO , e l =la 4163MlautECIELAILr All ins Modlaal moo Cad Um prase STIIIIIELaan ,12417.0EOLEVW TOSE es the only torten really fort A :a s rtn esUel,DErbans, Ettmtuant n so a C o tures n and warranted to greet ears alter SD Mama hove Wet. :* For tale liy Drogglats. Gees - Er. Kt ' Fourth street, Chsetattatt, ETBICIELAND 'S PILE RRARIIY. DE. STEICRIAITIY9 PILE atCLIELT tub eared thonlimda of the worst cure of Blind eat Bleeding Lt Elms Isantedlate relief. sod 411, acts a peraur-rat cum Try It dlrostry. IWa ranted to ours. For Kale brall DrogVats. General Depot, Sowell =coati tlineinnati. 0, Dvspepsi4, Nervousness, Dabilit DlOSTELuns_niztm gtWe tan reeoznontootnos attoa or mure=B*. n inth LOU a r c ' NAV e •• • • •• ,, , Z,,ett 1. 84 0,2 It ts I s as prerystavart, eree_Uont- 2 WI.? _Est Is •treothens whole =Tons run it mum.. • pro d•Onett.e, soft Is warranted scowl Dy•prosta and rierroos D. f. For tale by CIIMIEGE Ss,, IiCETEML Pittsburgh, R. SEW:ES G le 00. S. FL EXIN, ALeCLA.R.EEN s 00. , Y • OSAILLEZ SUPER, J. 21. FELTON, A. natariect.r.,Marecet street, eta.4l•• ow wrf...7. Autettenter: MU!, ortlentrttsair STRMELAND23 EEt.raktmotra COUGH 13AISAVE . • I. 'Tempted : to be the Only pteparailon known to eure CoughirCalde, Hoarsenees, mums., Whopping Cough. Craorde Coughs, Corunamption, • etronsktger wag . •'r Croup. Setae prepared from Boney.andllertur,ll--=', to testing, &oft, rang, and expectorating . ..arid DR, ocularly salts/de tor all affections et the Throat —' • and Lunge. ror sale by Druggists everywhere.- H. z. serimes a 00, ' eciLisd 07 1TOLZ3 < ACIINTS: , fl o c, _.. , DYSPEPSIA. --..... N - .., DH. STEDIE.LANS (4kAtift' ' - , 'IONIC le • =narrated ..Cb ..1 . :,, \ N • preparatha at Roots and ..... c,S, ) , . . liertrx, istili arilvacida and ;...,..„ carminative tnatreogthen ..--, ..D. , ;'• 7 the stomach and nervous '::: - .3•1 system. Is Is a centala ..—;0 0. remeey for Dyspepsia or -.5 ,- _. .4r„,i' - • ' Indigestion, Nervousness , ~irk, to . , Lou of Appetite, Aridity •s‘j... •,. of the Stomach, l'intulen. ---•,--, ~,, , cv and Debility. It is foot alatiohoUc, thereloW \Ns... . I,mb:warty malted for Week, Nervous and Dye , peptic per.ons. For sale bye)) DrultSint. 04 U' - where, at 31 per bottle. R. E. SELLERS & 00., Wnotesatat Anwar!. , oct3tlyd .T.• .. Dlt. STRICALAiND'S r . PILE REIVIEDY I'll a,. Has cured thoUsando of tho 1 " ''sis f ...,..- ~ worst. eases of Blind' and ,alV.,hitfa,:t aleedieg Piles.. IL St r ut.' I Pik mediate seller cuteach a , .a. u --^• -•-.. j permanent tura. Try It dl- c ' 4 .-- , -"-'• ,'-' • I rutty. It la or arra n ted to care. For tale , by all Ilrugglats at Ott cents per Cottle. RUES: LEES lk ULESALB AGIBNT3 FORTI YItaIIB.PRACTIOA ra Give. me • lmuriere4ge s n vaa, miasmal eldom sequlred by Pima.' ciar.A. My los* rr_ldenee to this elty, an 4 ZOf aea otter of paamta treated annually by ma, art r 3 P "Air rtßilli gm' Cl ßo r or SEXUAL wr,Asins And all Mumtaz - tains therefrom, are enrol In a mnah aborter time than hereenfare. by ray NEW VEGETABLE ' „ EIiaLEDIES. Montano sans te line part of thernlon. It'Aera must contain a 'Limp to pay return treat -E bele Leered, °Mee, I3a SAUTIin MX erred, near tplak excenL ACktreall- .7. W. HEARST/MP, taILIS Iran Pnearenryty Par VET TO LOVE; or, Dr. S. 11, L . /LAOIS' AA CELEBRATED INFALLIBLE PRIVATE - - LEOT ORE ON PS TCHOLOLLICAL FASOINA. THINS, 6th edition, Just out. to teaches you to charm those yowl° Lore; hots to redeem straying' companions, act.. It contains many secrets Worth be in[. Price 'AS cents. Also, GREAT PRI- - PATE BOOK for MARRIED or GROWN PER, MEL,. Every l a dy mould have one. Price 21,110.. Bend pine of-el er or both to F.: A. STEINER & CO.,- Sole Aunts, No. 1312, Chestnut Streets Philadelphia, aml receive by return mail, in seal. ed mirelopes. A . 1111tAIIP enooritan willilro sib company cash book. ,UGAI B - 13 YRUPS—IKOLASSES. 15 bbis Ortished,Powdercd sad Granulated s AOOHes Sugar; & " B de do; ao " 0 Extra eons soon Patna - and Choice Vona do; Ito n P. R. do; bhda P. R. and Cubs do; bbli Booth h Edgar-50ov; s Metes P.R. bitoOsi 23 " do - ..N. O. do; In store add arriving. For Ws by 1:30/10bL514.E13 tr. LANG, 174 and 174 Wood street. REM0V41,..: - . • wis,arotiLs. a co.,•••an _ . • tuiT. 'removed del: attendee __.W_l.a_n__Store add Futon to Naftei WEKID. - errar.Er corder o Virgin Alleur p tr . e r = 3 re ers2ared to-fin orders' for AnDSI77/TOll2 Prtdodtbr dt.tininneettilees. • lays • - - (ML oLoTust OiL . moTasi. 4l l l , a u , patterns anderldelts t ter Flan=, ter;- Statist 1.04 alto; of . all t ine and ?style Tranapirent Green 011 • 'Buff •Hallands.- lta. latiltAloalt art '— and sad for s a / a . • wnoasclitt Or EcUal 'at Oka nand Mos. Wulf= ISt. .01str and lt . ft IL 11111.I.Wra. EW 4lto 1 : 11 44.-714..,1.ttainsiglIte1 hal • - - - Pcted . L le.a?ri 3 11 1 .trueti, WELL, elgantto 'OROCISSIZ3 NEW K.OBl. in add.utaa.taatatr-aar: tb.• we= iitteraltato their stock at -EWAta N; NilliteCtD olartitaX aarrtx_, • - conmer tinetv tr Et. errtrusedi; DSCAN IfUTS.-10. bantl4. Southern , • .1, .pees.AN au,:tesuttved Mat as , , ;m a tor lila ea: . . , . . RIMER kr 11EL05.,.. _XTZW)PIO.S.-20 gtna chnice newaiis; ititiltaiye4in_d tor Kaki - - • • ,;.! • rITCYtaFIL'a 11314,7, 11411): at IR yoaaStroat..... TALL - p;iv Q 11..-20 zl-• A. ay . ISAIAH