ESTABLISHED IN .1786. ,ptitsbargh eautte. ~ c 3I, Y -, E rEms. 7- 15 .4er ; rke? & ' 'ttctlie . Teeth . A 6 dnee 3 . ; l4.o l6 3 l 4 6 o46 . 4',64tifitieg;inbe t to iOIIO I /40 21 6 .11 1011 , 02414T bat-CO.ooa. cat ittlairk:Aseatt.' tyriseme ehe streutti." ',the deoanzaa a tamed breath. It "xintien siviatai aid :adze inlcusta-haalta. fat ill -, -.- • „ TAM, Cheap, Chen.. ;Np . luivijuif.***ll tea wwwiof laptf, Wu. wad caildttgis Rug - of at cmictio., 'Weiland 10 0, villa' we Ea xiatzt'et extremely low Pd.. 8 . • ”, " lartr.l,6, 00.; ire Feaeml Streit; Alligbeny. Fe . w Good., Ifinv GOOdit., 3 la with Yleneureire neentleato our, our read. .I.he thud .arziril of Fell ant 'Winter .dry ode and fare,: rit' , the weti: known , pry , f3ooda 3111,0 OI*21111i; '.We ac, apt hen. ate in raying oat ehelretockof keens eanaot ho . percent/1 by any flows fn the altY, and we can yeilthontfeat.ef tontradletion that they are fitng theaa;as , eheap lf not oheayor than any her Rouen ko 'the isitY; , ;Wo amnia Advise the tthc to 09312i50n a - Call before • ytwohening ~else hire, for we .nri 'iiittinia it will yiii...kerern, I the Nicole !nu Federalitreet, Megheny, is Hofcirjotte.ract Lt No.:Si .hT.eritekstreet, kenithe mit complete tesortnient Of. Munn !in the 14 sells them Wont Oetw.lisit ehinker than they .imhe had et ny Other eitsbile , at. - So with dent medicines' end White lead. - Give Fleming esp. GeMetnber,tharpinee. Palm- Prints. Eed grcund print► with s,t►tme palm and stripe, iliable frit *reads, tcc.iotalog this etiqratozpik nortivtint comer eL. Market .and Setts tO"va ac Hi & . . . . tf pll kinds purchased tines . , Da late- dealtne, bad ryill be sold as low , as piety can be pitrebised In baZaztetn ettlsi,!;Banuanber, we are new 'On he: north 7 eait...mizter . or market and Ranh O. Masai Lorna Bco. 4tiVal Sulphite of Lime, see by Cluirizi PUPtr. 3rtsb3!•t; =rime , of. Pena: 'ad St. Clot: (treats, pars I notilifiAgitating' axial= to your Boni that at. inesent - sOfing?like , weathaf,will continua Wood:. Bret, you Wilidadlklltookni tnObeit : clasitin4. doh gwaventives to thb world bitheslutpiar **ant aiaodinent :of:•rlii. or iv teictiptiOns, Yeti will and Blittii.eininel; luver ma. tie'sad sll Accatiels, Ciersisd , Swiz Sudan shaDo; of Cape,. ColloCritti, - . "you darn's , IMO sleigh. sOlui 3 One, thst will answer eqnally forDaggslim, at 13lllc.rinac a.ion will dad an is.: *Await that cson.ot be.oxcello•t.- See Una wsg allicent stock el" . ran, mike a ruckus sad you twill not Litt*. 1 4.• . - TOY the-trtin74i,ifOr6;ttto Navy,. and for na ... • The world IssiolanndittSt now with medicines or S very de eMiptiod.Whilib :are warranted • cures for every knoirn and imknownspecies of disease, !. that the sutreser'noaviii4oLost lowiwittli to dlis , Llaiuldi between, - ricd,:and‘ bad. Some of there woriderful,finids - profets to more every cam= ; plaint thP tet,4ln<2.red4..-:41 apeafi ins of Hostetter's, paws . - we. refer to a proper*- elan which limits . Itialf to one deparment of the body—theitoninch—the'..irreiuleritles and ,disor , -f , ,ders of which it not, only claims to cure; but does. Its reputation hzi ',stonier world-wide, airdllint i s : the Pacific to the AtUntie ; to both barnivberea, in every latitude and zone, ti to known and employed as a remedial agent. 'Pe lona 'alio liiii,ebteri - lark:amity , deceived, Pelaps. cat t. a cogvineed, chat ir:ossot.cer. Bitten wiu - .eNevitite..cgda, - pannaneit IS: Of!. let this baiii t tletri Utirdltilied by, teat! , , aufalietfariticisailiblaaFffiltafitfratattf tht.ernintn. Oita :need. tnekte tern keep them uoViby -Abele eider see" sairgusrd; beiferliag that "an ounca'ol ireyeittloll L worth -Pound of care." The Jig - calve fagaat which have, - bean violated and Prostrated by exersetri or Irteintiar.P.l.l - genre of appetite, will tm:reeiored te tnetr itormoi C. condition oy . the we cits-ata it sr—Bolton Trerekr ;.‘ I ' Beady. Milei - G*OIII4,LT On Tneeday Mantes, neatelland; 1f0. , 165 and j'.67 Fifth stria, will'operra lath' strietti stock of t gentle en's erinter - clethini. Full line, of over costa, bull/IMS C9l:l;'4Fellf coats and nate - of' eat; datriPllotiend outs of easy to llitytilli be *tiered at private Wei much !timer than they ! .can - be told at most plate, OW. In the magnineeet new calif noon, drtirrirtieltran be • exhibited to advantage, end we daily believe that they will beteol4l Itt.aen tow. fldlana,-at Ws. noise -wilfainlidees What it pandas,' Lithe meantime, Massie of ladles, misses, men and bors sheet, will not be interfered with, as the etme li now enlarged' aid will asammodate all branches of Tote filetllellaturs beavytrade. , _ entratistapbur , ti r 14 - • 04.i..-ivizsgibiattleS b 1330,4. D7 r :tg re ist, tame Finn : An . 11 St. OW itaTets, Equabursh-_ Fall and Winter Goods. It Is with great yiessurnwe call the attention of our readers to thkaulieehaf frair. gran,ntre 43oodainst reeetredo hir.tJohn`Welet inerehant No. Luc Federal street, Allegheny. m stook embr , a4cs femme or the rarest and most bear lifu/Dlotheniereattiereoatingsfasarm. cieibromihtle the se - cite= cialdrat. Yds isiiort. amt. Of Funnshing.Goods, comprising Shirts. Drawers, Vollacsi, tieck•Sies,Randkarchistar ese., cannot be sorpOtedor _wait:A/ergo abfisle at teadY•made:lAnts, Costa, Vona and °coronets will Wet, fpund. at his establishment. Persons In wantotenYthtns in the clothing line should not fall to giro i„ : yr tier a . tall!, Famous. d'ee Boot and Shne haute of South & Hors, 03 arises &trent,la becoming an especial favorite with out citizens. -Vitals no matter of eurpriVit' do us, when we &insider that they eon procure anything they want.pd-the. line Of boots wan shoes of the tad quality. at pikes fir below c o y other place in the city. The store le located in a place cup of access,. bath; 0 Binge. street, hi -doer from Fourth street. • ' nolo.ltil BatLer a (Ws advettuteiti!Rt. Montauk IY. Pony es Co., Praottral Slate Ecofcfkluid Denten W Poriariian .State of rartints cOlort. Ogee at Alasandat LturdrllOw. Lamar .Water ,WorSta. ilttaburth, Ps. Pealdirard.4fo.' 'Pike-street. orders promptly attended to. AU work. warranted water petrol. Repairing dons at An ahortist nottee. SYo -charge Pr. rafif ,l ; l 4:zPvf4ed to la- not Carpeater 40141Ang Mop: Ilse= retwned niter en, abetment three piers In the have roas+o.o4*dr 'hey losell sorts of Jobbing to the nnwenter ',thin, at the old ntand, yirgln allehbetween saw,fm96l3.street datmerg Alta. Olden solielte . nennprimptly attextdat to . q.::ahruaailarlfbatwir. Nit Diedittle-Givera Dr. J. Dodge Watrenattllooattaiiesbeellag the poor, at lifaaorda Ilatt,eillti dart:eta 9 tta a.. nee Of CAMP, arketAiOm - 12 till e -ha may Da fauna at ttil St. Charleallotelii , - thole!'iraa are able glad trllllni Oa_ pay. :Nirtllrposttliely ramala no longer tban Dec. 2.. ' . Barkeia. Cp.,l;AkdrcalLteniaAt. Jut the • :Thing Geed tough. csndt nutter, metal or .Ererton eat, cocci DM mat; Mae, Immo pineapple, lumina and mountain IttanitudY man ;Mama GOod prunes, ets, rataine, Otte and ;unmet% at me Federal ttleet;'. - . dal! Operueffy _ sOur arse aflotht.s So¢ *MA 4rfet. wheco. WC offer. It:0,000 TrOrtar 'or tiOllarrs regarylleurs of nala • Neutral Sulphite of 2 Limei- Tor yreserviey dap/. • Foto'le by Mattes Super. Druggist; rams; .0; ifeuct. sip ritstr, streets Pltittrwyb.' ' " On, at °AMU. C. SRI, Deutlet,,, 246, Pr l 4-Stre" Atterds. rromVtlrto t Ws proles .c!ton --~.:::.; :~: :: THE Ready Made Cothilbg. The prices demanded by our city tailors for overcoats hat Clamed =Any to hesitate. We do lon mean to - eay that the pilots ere too blib; bat Inylillatatis that Ma morning Tom. hlcOlelland, rfoa6B and VT Fifth street, opensaltuperb stock ailkindiof meter 'ready made - !lethal at OP . retaliate, and there fa a chance to obtain bargains. yau can examine . titerloecti : hifTo - 17 :ltstaiter boyinefiarclOtheSlDTOn hayelo dO td step to another alleles of counters and select anything It the knit orihoe ttoe that could be desired. Do not forget the clothing rale. Sae of s New Canints, ? E 1 ggards, Thule Clovers, Clattery, as., on Thurs. day Morning next, at 616411alland's Auction Boom. No. 65 and 67 Mat street. Private Bales dells% sifts, - Very low, at Bates a Beira, No. ...11 Finn sheet. DiuUm, At Enter.) prices, et}3s,tes No. Ft Mk street. • White Goods, Such as Linens, Towellalta, &a, &a., at redu:ed rates, at Bates & Bell's, Ito. 21 Fifth !anat. • Cloaks, Sacques, Manttllas, - Ete., Of all pattern, at . Bates Ss Boll's, No. =t Fifth street. BY LAST NIGHT'S MAILS Tiin parting of GoVernor Dlorton with hit friends pt Indianapolis on ytide y wes,lety elf ; feeting, Ile was coniiiiitely r .unmaiined; saying . and eTidentit. Penri. that iliO prOtahllitieif return was very doubtful. All animosities of the past were 'yielded on id= part, and he wiShed the same feeling extended to him. The lower iart of the body and limbs of the Governor are paralyzed, and ate disease tends upward. ills physicians sav nothing but relaxation and free oca from all care can give any hope of mato• cation, had for that reason hoe, goes to-Europe. ,The immediate friends of Itisticellency'dis not „expect Ile 'retain. ' fmss tumbankmint of the .Ceutral•Xsatal, at Indianapolis, was swept away on Saturday, and Abe - whole western part,of.the city was, Aoudad -from time to eight feet,_doep.„; GOveruldent mules end horses corraled on the old State Fair Grotald bad speedily to be removed to another quarter. The damage resulting will probably , reseli SlOO 000. A arm has been introduced in, the Indiana Legialamre providing Bar the enumeration of the colored children of the State, between the secs (Islaand twenty-one. for the evitabledivieion of the common school rand in their behalf; and ,until found more convenient that their luau-ac tion he carried on in schoollaceistrateparate from • whits ri+ Wren. ZIG Eaeretaty of State has already canvassed the election returns from sixty - counties In Ohio,,sad has Increased the Union m4orlty. It Id sfe to say Gen. Cox'ssinsaDrilextllibe Z 50,0084 and that of oilier candidates; 33,000. JAIITA.MOZTON, a PreEtlicriall xmixt ofIloiiev1114110Issote,14:1 been 'arrested and putlunder bonds of $5,000 to answer for ex ercising'. his• Inintsterlaritifintkitte of the Constintion of the State: "" " Chtt3aturdszr evening a fracas oeentridatihe -Watt of fired do Thompson, in Erle;'ln • whit& - Dolizeman Doolap was oadly beaten by a mob, and two of the ringleaders shot, one of them fatally. Ara large meeting of the Grand Eight-hour League, at-Chleago, II Was determined 'to have a pahlle demonstration in favor or the eight hour system in that city, ow the. setwad Hum.. day of next irultith. STATE SEWS • fill, arsur DIEM., of Highspire, Dauphin county,. a local preacher the -ftikturch of Grid," was found leak 'WrAileadar lying-on the track of the Pennsylvania railroad, near hie home, and In an Insensib!e condition. HP._had been absent from home, and It is sup :piged- be returned upon, the Fast; duoi and - 3torderd from the Iran en it writlodinc,up n heavy grade; near Ilighsplre, and was Injured by falling noon the truck. The unto.tunate man 'lived until Thereday•lnofningi Tr4 4l2 .he breathed his tau • Mn. JAMES Derr r. of Marietta, received by Exprese. On Thursday last, three 1311E4Va how harms. It his Intention to dothestleate these aztekeemejleer, Jor_lll.l.paqiected_Farn,_ eaChtcrEracis 'fitrno7 - 0 - rer .llftema hue trout were received a few days, from Trent hum, Clearfield county, by this gentle man, and - pieced- in his artlatial: Trout. Podd.,.. recently constructed ou the same farm. From present. appearance, there appears to be no doubt of the success of ads trout enterprise. Two brothers named Brown, got lath a diffi culty with some boys in Lower Oxford town ship, Cheater county, on Wednesday ; night, when a bul;t•tiluAed IsatieWatersen andariether, namediStephen-MMler,litterfered: 'Onatif the - Browne stabbed Waterson twice in the leg, and Millet:in the side. Miller died from the ,effecls of his winced, the fedibbilag day. : Watt:monis not seriously injured. TIM fish question is attracting'great attention among the people in the towns sad counties north of liarriaburg. Numerous meetings hare been held and delegates appointed to the Fish Cotrentions,:to .baJaeldist,fiarrbttearg, on Om; 10th of 4tillatell47l4 ":..alb people 'Am becont, lagfally aroused, and a large attendance at the ' cOnsention Is expeeted. Tim Gettystutrg:Mar, of Friday. goo "The poles for the insulated= telegraph Company are being dlistributed between ttdr place and Harris burg, and in a few woks we - WHI - be is direct communication with the CapitaL We believe the like, commencing at Wneellng, Vw, and Mmtddg through Hagerstown end Waynesboro' tatia place, Inalytost completed." Tns hills on the York county side of the Sus quehanna river. were discovered to he on tire, on Saturday a week, and are burning still, tak ing course over the btil. Pile Teachers , Icstitute of Lancaster county, Which closed last Saturday 'n2nri3lne. was is Joist of attendance and tee .Interest of lie ex ercises, the MOs( SELCCeitafill over held in Lan !easter city. On Friday afienaiou last, Mr. L. T. Durant, of Claysvllle, Washington county, while assist ing at a barn-raising near that place, fill from the frame of the building, and was.instantly SENA - 101i 5t1=4111.31 is On his way to re-visit . the oil regions of Pennsylvania. His visit prob ably trill have some hearing 'on the 'effort to redneh the tax on crude petroleum. A CHILD of Mr. Hamnchonse, of Greencas tle, Franklin couuty, lima recently so severely burned while playing with matches, that tt died on Movie, lent Grxetut GanrreLn was at Meadville on Thursday. lie has been making a tour of the oil 4g-ions. Florida Convention—Olepatelr from Coy. -Wlarviu—:-Negro Testimony Allowed In Part. Wasnmovox, Noc. 20.—The President to day received the following telegram from Gov. Maryln of Florida The Convention has annulled the ordinance of &cession, abolished slavery, and declared that all the Inhabitants of the state, without dlatluctlOn of color, are free, and that no person shall to Incompetent to testify as witness to COMA or any matter wherein a colored person is concerned. It has also x - emadleted the State debt contretted. in suppost of the rebellion, emended the Cm:laths:Won - In other respects, and P./Jou:med. [Slgned.] W3f. Menvrar, Provis!onal Gcivernor. Gen. Grant's Reception at New York— Arrls a - or General riosecians—Cotton Caste, etc. • • • New 20,—General Grant will have a military escort from the Fifth Avenue Hotel down .Broadway, on Tuesday at one 'o'clock. 'He will ride in an open baronctue,and may ba accompanied by other distil:quashed officers. The Seventh Regiment will act-as a -guard of:honor. The General tears the city Tuesday evening, His reception this evening promtsca to be a most brilliant affair. General Rosencrans arrived in this city yes terday by the Henry Chauncey from a three months' tone through the gold and sliver mines of tbo Paclec coast— .. • The„ Comenerbiat Advertisey'a Washington edecialeasa ; Charles Eddies bee been earned by the BeeTttsryof Treasm7 to manago. the cotton cafes brought before the Bnpreme Court Chief Justice Ouse has Arrived at Washleg ton. Mr, John L. Voorhies, one br the oldrst few cbk priblishersin the comilry, dieft:in Broelr-: /Yu haat - et ciallg. >,, . . • • , , From California. - • • . , ficrr ynAucL.Vo,,..Nrrc.,. I;7:During }ho but cigbt months, clarainiscle - loaded with cop per and silrer.ctro*trO •Sidiedollum this port for Bwnaeta The at r-john and Steldteaf. ' drgrcil ti ••• -. • • • than - wan $lOO-11431), flu - tr=snro .and a considerable quantity of. coffee and envoi "- The fal4of fast Peaty four.' ' hours luniUmequit to about eleven and one :Ulla inalca; otie4Wpf3ltjhAbel: nand fall of an entire Tear. Within A few daps upward of thrtablebtalutelf fallen laths meta- thous pdrtion of tlia, State, and ate.atrearms are rising bpi*: the:titer nfEncratztentti hay 15cti the feet during Tupday. Right. • DAILY LATEST .NEWS BY TELEGRAPH . . EUROPEAN INTELLIGENCE] =The Pirate Shenandoah Surrendered. CAPTAIN AND CREW RELEASED ON PAROLE Comments of the English, Papers EARL RUSSEU. AND LORD CLARENDON INSTALLED. 011 Springs Discovered [n England PUNCH EYLCEATION OP OOZE CO3IMILNOIM. Who 31:Parel.szi. TlGEetrlxo tog. New YOICI6, Nov. "`o.—The steamship City of London, with Liverpool antes of the Bth, and Queenstown :of the 9th Inst., arrived at nnarn.stine early this morning', and was detained until 10:30. The pirate SheuandOsh arrived In the . Mersey en the 6th, and surrendered to the gnanhthlp Doh4ral, and Is nosy In the hands of the naval authorittes. Captain Waddcl states that the Ara informa tion Le received of the dose of the warwason the 10th of August from the British war vessel Bar raconta, add that ho inia3ediately consigned the the hold and started for Liverpool. Thu Daily .Jeler Amerimme may be In clined to say that It was only fitting that her end el:mold bo as British as her origin, but it CsIMOt help asking how the Shenandoah was abic to pursue her course without the least tn. tcmiption from the American Navy: Can it be possible that the expectation of recovering cum. pensatien for losses molting from her depredi %loot, from England,- Made the American GOY emment less eager for her capture ? If the world abouldcoaio - Conclusion, it would be one of the idiot:64oc practicable arguments against an of such liabilities against England. . It is Stated that Waddel sent a letter to Earl Russell, but Its contents Is unknewn. The Captain and crew retnaleed en the Shenandoah. The Star 'ave. Too aressel will be clalmedhl, America, end thicrobs'ne rano* for refusing the request. . The Timm asps : Thairersonal iliblnues of the Captain'gists rise to perplexing circumstances, btu. stria lbsbeb,*lll - bkdobe by tholribimels. Earl Itmsell as Premier, and Clarendon as Minister of Foreign Affairs, were installed Into office. No material changes will probably be made till February. The Shtoping Gazette atatea that oil sprinza have been discovered In England. .. - The French were to commence the evacuation of Rome on the 13th Inst. The Paris Bourse on the 7th was flat. Rent,..ptf..` , .. The Bpaubsh Goteinmemt • has - ordered strict watch over the coast of Cuba, owing to the Ja maica insurrection, . . Lay= Minns-,Lirernol, Nov, B.—Cottcee has been fist and tery Irregular.. and American 'tits devilined; other deacriptions are 'generally 33.idper pound' lemon- , Thew sales for • the lass two.days amount 01.000, 7 tddch ' WW I " 2,000 weer for specs - Winn: • Ilichisrdson. Spence & Co.; Wnd iWakeleitt, liastAt Ca, it-pprt flourAniet mud cmchangq, Wheat Wive; - with prices firna for Winter Red, at 2.25105. Indian COOd demand per.nuarter_sinceFriday, at:2,403182d per 430 • Bigland, Atbaya Co, Gordon. Bennett, ,t 3 Lt.., report beef ffrin, qua ilea scarce and Mae the. - LoWdestrlptions•flat. , Dirk inictiveand easier. Bacdo dull andieridingdOwnWard. Bub.. ter; fine qualities • Ur. request and rather dearer; other deserialerrui.depressed.' , Chhtise steady; fine quantize rather dearer... Lard re mains without change. final flat and In. lower Coffee Inactive and generally !dolly. Petro le um .steady, refined 2.5.10d.(4,:i5. per gallon. London—Flour is Is dearer for sacks; barrels arc scarce and command high prices. English Ifts dearer; foreign is firm. Indian corn is scarce and wanted. Stigar is quiet at previous •rates; cage( is arm; rico limi• a tendency up wards. American 4,-tirit;us—Unitcd States Fire.. Twenties, 63 , ,(564: Illinois Central, '7 , 114; 'Erie, Viurr- Vt.,.....Arr The Captain and crew of the pirate Stioaan dcah, bare been released on parole. It is ba lky/4111e matter will cause no serious difficulty. There Is no other news of any Importance. Lietrpool, Nor. 9.—Tbe cotton market is firmer with an advance of il'En.y4d. The bread atuff minket la better. Co r n' unbar.. Provisions firm with an upward tendency. There Las been an Improvement on the beat grades of previa. lons. ^ Bacon is very dull. Lard irregular and LONDON, Nor. 9.—Consul, closed ; for money. lATERISTLIG FROM IF LSUINGT ON. Catholic Church FoundaUou Lald—,Bll.• Ilard Illatch—iteCOnrdruction Mysterious Prisoners in Old Capitol - .r/4ectlre Bureau Abandoned—Govern 'spent I xpensee,Xtednetloas , Nary Yards—Secretary 31cColloth and the Currency. NEW 'roan, ISov. 20.—The Tribuna's Wash ington special says : Yesterday, the Catholics of Wa..hlngton luld the foundation of St. Dom inic- Churcl, They intend It to be the best alructnre In the city. . . John Decry. the billiard criampion of the United States. and teivir. Footer, -played a match of come elzbt hundrel points in Wash triglon, On Saturday night; Decry won by four hundred points. The Hurlers special says : It is estimated that the President will issue his feoclamatlan prior to his message, defining more definitely the policy to be punned relative to the reconstruc tion of the Southern States. The Llercecr a special btyli : Tiro mysterious personages, said to be from Richmond, were Incarcerated In Old Capitol prison on Saturday. The officers attached to the prison areturbidden to bold verbal communication with...them. The cilleers of the Detective Ittmatt mahathe statement that the btu= is to bolttolished. The Tim& special says: The estimate for maintainlnzabe army the ensuing year on the prevent peace footing Is thirty-three millions of dollars. There is enough war material on hand to (gulp a million of men, or to maintain the present force upon a war footing for one year. • . Orders ere going oat from the Navy Depart ment to reduce the working force in all the 'girds and in many cases the wages also. which will reeult in the discharge of full two-thirds 01 the employees In the yard's. • The Times' special states that Secretary McCulloch will urge in ht forthcoming report, the reduction of the currency by positive and cautious means. Wlllcoutinuo the policy of contracting whenever practicable as the floating portion of the national debt hedonics slue. Government depositories:hay& been &killed to redeem Upon presentation nearly live millions of the flee per cent. bonds doe December let, and forward to the Treasury Department pay ment and cancellation. On account of ap proaching maturity. the Interest notes. have been herd by band an part of eYeservecapltal. Though urged' to:replace these notes by new legal tenders, the Secretary declined, and they will be paid an fast as pre ,ented. Over four millions of one year five per cent notes, long since due, are still eel. The Secretory dotal not loon favo rably nose a permanent staking fund fern reduction ot, the debt. Ile will nrge-the newel of the government bombs to be increased to the highest sensible figure, and the excess of receipts over the exPendftnres be applied to the reduction of thti debt as fast as possible. Unfinleben C,nnterfelt Filly Cent figten Inscovered-TArrest of la. - Leaning COU11.• New Term, Nov..:2o..,,Untlairted counterfeit fifty cent trectronal notes; to the number At' aboureighty thousand, together milli a nasality of paper. tools, for eounterreittng, has re cently been found In a boas° In Philadelphia, by the Treasury Department detectivis Lawalf and Otto of this city. About twenty thousand dams tad be linished and par Ire eircalarbxr. - The detectives sacceeded In capylitgr ha-Brook -1111, on laic Tuesday night, and committing to Jail tea pampa said to lei:Lille head of-this ' glgaalla stilOdarig cnterprlee. named herts, an ,alleged noted countertenor and graver.. ...qt The Elliott hid DAV!' ingbEr in .. ALBANY. liov..l9.=Alt4wo.rowd of Tonglusi' with a scorns of gamblers and thretti* train are here to-ni , lit, ace a pars-. : light - i 9rhish takesf ) Itiewbettfeetilra . 7Pugnists: , named Elliott and mlars gm:Comity. tin.. 4. iilerstood that tho fight 'tato ,plaqa^sottos€: mligroin Piehoharioccranly,:on'tbe. Or Abe Sus_phatina nallwad, Darts and Elliott bairn' klil4dy started is I.li4Vdlreetion, And a special train has been engaged to take tho crowd otit v gartrltt dio morning. • Foreign ••• Ms* Toirsr, N0v...20, 8 a. m..—The City o t , Lonciou arid NelilOrtc, froln Europe, have Jo wised In Atisruutlge.; - • . - PITTS PITTSBUTiGii, FURTHER FOREIGN NEWS The rase of the Pirate Shenandoah. SUE WILL PROBABLY BE DELIVERED OYER, The Cholera Dfralnlehlni in Europe. NEW Teta, Nov. 21-10 foreign files re ceived by the City of Li:induct, It li announced that Carats Weddell, of the 'Shenandoah, on taking a pilot ea Liverpoid, asked if itu3 Amer!. dui WSW had Ceased. - "-' : ' • , The London ?bites' say& The- raappeamuco of thii Shenandoah in Brltisli waters at the piesent juncture is an untoward and unwelcome event. It is farttitiate that In thialmitance float- - log practically turns on the original equipideit of the ship thus placed in our bands. Although built mid manned In fraud ofneutrality laws, there was no prim? at nit 'Om,. Of pilling to Justify ber detention. On every principle of law she belongs to the government ' *filch has succeeded to the rights and property of the Confederate government. The most serious unestlon Is concerning the odium and crew. It is greatly regretted that the ship eyer came back to England. The Times, Eva. the work of _proving thatho did net knouritthis end ,it the war at the time Ile destroyerlite while ships, teats with rapt; Waddtil. It mys that neither he nor his crew can, under the clrcarastances, be given over to the United States. The crime of which they - really stood accused, supposing them to have wilfully igneired the termination of hostilities, Is that of piracy, sod on thin charge it is possi ble they may be apprehended ana tried before an English courhof 'astir" The Liverpool/13s! any& that when Captain. Waddell heard the real news, or suspected( that what he was told watt true. he put-about-ship and ran:for Lisbon not kopwlng. whet inter pretatlop the British Government or Federal - Government might put upon histconduct. tin en tered the Tagus, paidoff his crew.and put is now crew onboard. In 'his long eruiss *and long voyage he never encountered a British or American man-of-w sr. A Liverpool dispatch to the London Nom Bap: 01, - board the Shenandoah there are about thirty-six chronometers, together with a number of sextants, cabinet furniture, fhrs and other articles of value to her hold, There still remains • leone quantity of ammunition, to gether with siX short sans and a large swivel.. • The Liverpool Mirrimp says : The representa tive of the American Government at this port, has since theatrical of tke vowel been - - in com munication With the CuSteth authoritles. It to aLso .stated that certain commercial houses, who were' deeply Intm•Fsted in the success of the Confederacy}, wdre engaged In making in• entries in legard: . th the 'Shenandoah. There may be thereforehematioint ratted ratted ns to the giving up o the vessel. Some of our au thorities have heen commualeatedwith,and their decision in reMird to the Real detraction of the vessel maydim expected In a few days, All acnotintaagreethat the cholera is fast disappearing. In Paris the mortality diminished by the lit of November to less than one-half of what It formerly was. Since then, a still far ther reduction Liza been experienced. The deathe,• both to . hospitals and, the city, amounted to no more thatisixty or eoeenty. In Malta the deaths hare diminished until they average no more than fourteen per day. iThe Preach gtverti aunt bad a p:ossentiou agalnit the opinion of the Nationale for spreading neweabout Mexico, calculated to disturb the notate peace. The Z.K.3 continues to disparage Russell. - Inters It would almost seem as If there must be an -interval of partial disorganization; after which the Cabinet will go on with renewed streeett, or will tall to pieces, The Issas de pends on themsalvezi upon the boldness and wisdom of their - Raney, sad ''pen their aptitude ityassimilating to themselves the forces whica lie about them. Meollags have, been held la Manchester and Parte In ala of the emancipated negroes In the United States. FROM CALIFORNIA AND MEXICO. The Ilbssian-Anirrirau Telegraph Expedition REPORTED LT B ERAL 9CCCEi3ES SA , Vett. NOV. I s .—Tht Alta Co.2ifor on has news of the i , ri , a . of Ow expedition of the Weftcro Uniou Telegrai.ll Company :Iberia, on tbo Pala of October. From the time the expedition left (his port., everything bag worked like a charm. The most sanguine could not have expected to succeed better. No accidents bate happened. T hey hod landed all the parties necessary to carry Ott.Lhe explorations projected and they had gone to work v:goronsly. key can be' antici pate great results by another year. Neste where they hare beau moil cordhally remiss ad. Every assistance has hem given by all whom they bare met. The expedltiet left &Ms ma., 231, and reached the redoubt of St. Michael, Sept. lmh. where they loft Major Kennicutt's party. bound Iforthe Yorikon mid Kluckpok river colthtry. .Since leaving Sitka, the expeilitlon has comple ted this season's work at Bt. Michael. The( estabilslied'a depot of supplies under the charge of J. 11. lican.• The party under Kennicett took with them the little steamer Lizele Homer dud were furnished with eyerythlug necessary. _The report ol the expedition goes on to say: IVe have made thorough and extenalmsoundings in Norton boned as far north as Ilehrtag's Straits. There are no difficulties In the way. The costive tribes in northern Sibcrta; who, It was feared might throw (muscles in our way. seem anxious to aselet its in eye.-ythlog, and ex press themselves much erstlfled at the prospect of employment. The party which are to ascend tliejAnadire river is probably well advanced b/ this time. Col. Buckley left the party at Plover Bay with a steamer, Intending to visit the Gulf of Anadire, and we leant here of the vfc arrival of the Olga will] the party tinier Major Abase In August at the mouth of the Amour river. Major Abase and two others left Rix weeks ago for theyenjinsk Gulf, from whence Ise would proceed north, If possible, to meet the !Inman: river petty. Messrs. Mason and Bush left Nlcholaski, bound also to the north. Thu w(111‘ to being most elgorowly proeecuted, std in all directions; *lithe parties which It was proposed to dispatch this year are already well started: and judging of the, snccesi of the (attire by that of the past. It is ceubdehtly bane d that greater progress may b 3 made dar ling the coming year. Mach credit most be awarded to Colonel Buckley old Captain Beam. mon for the energy with which this season's work has been prosecuted. The expedition will probably leave hero direct for Pan Franeisco hattnedlately after the arrleed *of the steamer with Colonel Ilackley, now daily expected, and hope to reach your city tryDeeember let, It not before. All are well on board. The Mama Connltritlon salted for Panama !anti 400 pr.ssengera and 6735,000 In treasury for Nov York, and 1660,000 for England. A Niter from,LlPes, lower Uaaortae, dated the 70, save the Terrltorlal Assembly passed an act recognizing tbo Empire, but the Govern• or Tabled to sign It at; the people threatened to revolt II the ant was consomated. Another letter dated at Mazatlan on theBth t written by an Imperialist, my the French hair!, entirely abandoned Sitwell, with the exception of Mosotinss . W. ll 4ro only eight, httudrediroope retained, many of whom were in hospitaLE. The Mexican laces are vaguely estimated at aectral thousand. and base cut oft cemmuntca• Sion with the rear, and threatened tad city. The tomign residents ward indignant at what the/ gaited their desertion by the French. which.had strengthened the op position of the native pope- lotion. The same letter says that the news from Ell. note la not flattering to the empire.. It Is stated that the French have abandoned Ilermailla, The data la not given. The °Republicans en tered and extorted a loan of flue thousand dol. lard ftom the cajiltallats. Taub Embassy la Hinton BOB7Citc. Nov. 20,—Gevernor Andrews receiv ed the Tunisian Embassy at the State ROOD this Warning, and In a brief speech; said - Thant gave him great pleasure to welcome Chant° the ltal.'llo hoped - thelevisit to this country had Proved agreeable, and MOIL would. gelpto pre, servo", good understanding between, the two countries. His romairkerwere Interpreted to the ,dinblissador, whe,lrresponse, said that °Tarr • Where In ItuirrlCll the had met always .with a most agreeable reception,-the' reraembrence of':, 'which the, sbould alWriys ebieristr :and hottopeel., It would resaltli a doter alliance between tho tvrat.goveratrimita:tr.The;. - Tunisitais will visit ,Waithaml watch factory-find other Mewl Of In , Acted, Including some ofOar public :vehooLs.: They leawl the Europe In't.he steikater Cabo on Froict Igastral!i. _ NIERVILLB. Noy. s).—glio cotton martct. Is halo. Dries' being. given ;lust' , dorlartllet past- 'reel. It tut! an up*E4 ;Ow de, prtees ratetiglitni:43,to=Tliq re ceipts amotadingAtc,M4,ll.oll;'-#l4-00-41k.- mente to 353bee5.7::. The liver to rlstak; , r 111; 111141,..thepesyi.h,t118:, URGH NOVEMBER 21. 1865. REplaaAil • &lint &PPOINTMEMI The Itiiesion to Mexico. . ~. 4 -- lima or WIR VS ACCOMPLICES. /Retool section Viii Dratted, _ t WAsnis hon. Nov. 11.—An order has been tuned by War Department !Dr a board of °facers to tin, this dty as soon as predica ble tfr era e anßrepott npan the applications and =dation' Wrileb have been made Br itrpell eats in :the mutiny VIVISIOIIia of the inns, folbzwlng he statement or the vac:Metes, be fined In the Cavalry Arm : Second I tentineits. 541 in Artillery Arm, -33econd ilabeltlis. 40,• in the Infantry Arm, mot Liengstanclef;6o; Second llientemeackte, 299—totallid Yeemasies. 453. After a mired tscaMintition of the testlmon iah, and the military - history of the applicants, the Board tell selectitita names of a sufficient number to= tbe vacancies shown In the mate. merit frorty..those applicants who have served to the vol'deers at least ,two years, and will submits ort. with list of names. In ma king the s action, the Board will apportion the t p whole nudher ta be appointed to equal the number of vacancies, except twenty to the sev eral BU:depend territories. according to their representation In Congress. - Thti nudes selected will be arranged accord ing to the arms in the order of merit, and the appellate:lets will he male In the order. The Adjutant General will lay before the board the list of *y11.11.1115 and the recommendations and other papers. The board will be composed as follows', Colonel El, it. Craig, U. S. army, Colonel sad Brevet 13 tigad ler General S. Brooks, -4th El: & Artillery; and Lieutenant Colosel S. Eastman:U. 8. A. ColottOnenry P. Lantz, of Indiana, Military Agent IS thts city has bean removed, and Capt. L. B. Vtrilkea, appointed In his place. There Is no charge loathing his competency or of any li a misman =Lent to connection with the legiti mate/ b Mess t f the office, but that he has been aid c and misting the Hon : G eorge W. Julian, her of Congress from the bth Dis trict of Iridlana, as against Governor Morton. -No tub:its:nation hen been received by the goy - ornuidn( florn General Logan, as to his Recap mace of the mission to the Republic of Mexico. Col. Stxraming, the' former private Secretary to the Pkiddent, hal accepted the appointment of Secretary of ; Legation, and has signified the time erbeasha will be-prepared to enter up on the duties ofthe offir.e. At the present time them are only twenty.two prtsoneM confined In the 04. .QlO4 Pelson. 'llicieferl Stanton hasorleied - MaJdr, - Trona, Judge Advocate of the War Department, to di rect. the • lease from thatprisen o (certain prison ers ted those by order of animal L. C. Baker. t ey bavlot been confined a anfilelent i length Mute *llama the charges being ens , 'We'd. It la My reported I.t military circles that the ary of War has ordered a military came to ireno for the trial of Winder, Dun can and , now confined in the Old Capitol upon • alto of cruel treatment toward Untoo ~ Alison at Andersoneflle. ' -A ll re gular cavalry regiments excepting the 54h re been ordered for duty to the com mando Game] Merritt at San Antonio, Texas. The Ascent RepuMican, of to-day. uys that a bill, which It pnbiLatee, has been dratted and presented to several Stutters end Representa tivee and will !rateably be offered immediately alter the organization of the 13onfe if it Is net ' previously Introduced in the Senate. It pro vides foe the organization of governments for the States heretofore Is rebellion by the apprAnt went of . Governors. with power to call Conven tions to' frame new conistatntlons, on approval of which by Congress the reconstructed Eludes are to be admitted by a special act. GEN. HOWARD ON THE FREEDMEN, Negotiations with Columbia FRENCH PROTEST AiLAINST LOGAN'S APPOINTMENT. Further Mexican News, Nvor IS, Itk, Nt..v. 20. —Tbe w.hl,, ; b 3 n special Fiqe: Major Geueral Reward yesterday rettlztr..ftw tin tzte..ro3oimpzet lon. Re Am p:cases the opinion that it would ho IsJuillmons to withdraw, at the present time, oar troops hotel the South, but speaks emeouragingly of the condition In which be Mend the freedmen, nay. lag that k yeat'e time will do much towards IM prosieg their condition. The Joint Commisslon between the United Suues Government and the Government or Co lumbia were unable to agree upon an ;empire. The treaty provides that in case the parties ctn. not agree upon an umpire, the trueslan Minis ter shall eelect an empire from Prussia, lie notifies the Commission that he will name an empire tomorrow. The examinatlon of Dr. Maddock, ex-rebel, who killed MaJ. Dixon, paymaster, In ■n alter cation last week, has been concluded by the dis charge of the prisoner on the ground that the homicide was instillable. Tim Worki'a special says: The rumor pro veils that the Goverment, through Minister Bigelow, has communicated with the French relative to the withdrawal of the troops from Mexico. The statement that the French Minister does not object to the recent app.ilotmeat of a 210- Ister tO Mexico, duly accredited to the Liberals, is very wide of the mark. Ills said he earnestly prolksts against it, and will address Secretary Seward to regard to it Ina few days. The ilirserr s City of Mexico letter of the 20th ell., goys : Lle got. Mewl% the new Commission er of Colonization. Las seen authorised to er, tabllsh agencies to Induce coolev,,,ation to Meil eo. In New York, Boston. Pndladtiptels mud Baltimore, as well ai Bona:ern cities. A Com pany is also to be organised in Paris, toget op )tench and Spanish ci:lontes. The completion of the work of cempillne the organic law of the Empire, Is officially announced, and they aro shortly to bv published in several Volumes. Maximilian has determined on the erection of a grand national theatre. A letter to the Courier dee Etats, doted City of Mexico, Nor. 2d, says that there Is icareely o doubt that the force besicuang Matamoros w as composed mainly of a tillihuseer expedition from the I sited ittates. A diniat,lif,m Gut. Meita enntlrdned the gatt.tnent that the arm.; and cannon , of the 50- Liberals came from Tests. Gen. Steele to Command in Wastilincton Territory—Affair. in Georgia Ni 'yr Yonx, Nov. "A.—Major General Steele Is in this city. Ile leaves en the California steamer to-morrow to assume command of Watt/Melon Tarritorv, made vacant by the death of Gen. Wright. Confirmation of 'he report that the ports of Chill are blo:lraded by the SparaLth squadron canned excitement to-day In the copra' market, American Ingot roes to 40 cents. • NMI from 3svannah up to the ltith loot, represent a very light vote polled for Governor and Members of Congress and the Legislature. Several ea-officers of the rebel army, nominated for congress and the Legislatare, are probably elec. It is regarded as certain that the legislature will ratify the anti.slavery amendment with M lle opposltton and also pass laws for the revile— lion of freedmen and protection of their civil rights. In eomeparrs of the State, cotton awl other ctor have proved a complete loss, owleg to the Ina ility of the planters to procure laborers; thi unarms hating deserted them. The repair of railroads continues, and It is expected to have two principal item completed at an early period. ImParlant Mellow News —lllaxlmtUan About to Coueoutrate Ills Forces—The Empress to Leave ler Europa. Naw Tana. Nov. 20.—Mexican now ha been received In this city from authentic sources, which la really of much importance. The Emperor Maximilian has determined and ordeied that all the forces be withdrawn from the putposte and concentrated at Vera Cruz, City et Mexico and tan Lute Potosi. He Will Mahe these three places the headquarters of the respective districts, and'arrilt the arrival of his expected reinforcensMts. .Ho: as abandoned his proposed , %tilt .to Yaeatsa, his offices at home demanding blit ehtiraltrid'culdivided at The Emprestla 'preparing to return, to the continent of,Eunape, whether to plead for asp• distance or as a forerunner of the Emperor la not known...4wpm lathe. Emmett troops are •:trlthdram to the thipxrplaced named. the Mex. , leampeople will rise' en masse and take vigor ous tannin:Paco pit - neat aid ;future advance. The' 'Spirits of ' the 4.ibemls have been ranch comforted by the isdlieta . from the Vane `Static that material aid 'NUR sOon venal ,the , ,pejiref glens biSoldiene &hone Richmond. Wins:awn, Va., XOT.l9.—Ocrattal Tory has detailed three admire, to-Wrest/gale this -datire commlued on the farmers, In rho *M.; ity, or' Alchinond, , ,rith histradthins -to chirpy trio 'Amount to the guilty nudes, and be the 'robberies tab ha traced for any Particelst ragii• • meth urea corps, rho ataintok , of damage Is te 1e *Andra pro rout floxtk the pay of Um officers puff -.:goeni compollog , ouch . regiments; . -3TooY: icor Ms cityhaoe biett" ratlrcliiitrlppod of prollslconi.Atad it is noweirMiwirion'ifas Put to tech tinetessitrfrobbetits: ".GAZETTE. the Cholera St4Orlee,-Athiata. Nam. Yong. Nov. 20.—The Mgr; that the At.. hams has' come 10 the City U Ma g . She esti} remains quarantine. 'the cabin ;enamors bade been placed in * anall renal. After a limunigh flitaigation- of baggage aid fawn they beariowed to come to thniitt( As yet the Gonrnment - bas [done nothingtce , wards /supplying a ship TOr ateertgl pasiengeiL' Until this Is doze the Atlanta cannot be faml 4 gated / and cannot be allowed to come to the city. From Cairo Cuno, Nov. 20.—A thotisaid and twenty bales or cotton panted for St-Strata the past three days, and foafteentninfed and forty for Obto liver paints. Memphis cotton mutat very dull. The hold trine fOt higher prices. Middling quo tationa d2@4o. The OU Maude at Plthole Taurus, Nov. 33.—The hearing In the can 'of the alleged frauds against the Internal Rev enue department - 1n the returns of od. will take phoxi before a commludoner at Ileadvllle, on Wednesday next. Several prominent parties have been notified to appear and answer. A Town pestroved by Flre atur.t.u, Nov. 20.—The toms of French Bt. Pierre, Megnolan ' musdestroyed by Moen the oth. ' One hundred and twenty houses were burned. Lou 4,000.000 francs. OLYDE—Lt about 6 o'clock on Friday evening, ivih ❑ se , to Vineannes, Lid., of Typooid Fover, icing OLYDE, son of the late BenJanda Olyde, fp the 21th year of his age. The funeral will take place from the resklenea of his brother-In-law. Dir. 0. Welly, Duquesne Way, near Hancock street, Tasanar Roans°, at W o'clock. The friends of the family are retreat fully invited tosittend. thIiDALE OEMETERY—A rural and •••-•• MOdt plqdresque place of Sepulture, alto ate on the upland ., immediately north of Allegherie City, on the New Brighton Komi. ranora wilds• hag to select Burial Lots will apply et tho Supe rintendents office, at the Cemetery. Title Deed., Permit. and all other helicons will De attended at the Limp Warehouse at the uodersurned, corner of Federal and LewaGalt street. Allarheay. street., A. KELLY, no2:l3rd Secretary and Tze”urer. PROPOSALS FOR RATIO.R. • QC er.IIIII.II.AISTZIVIS OFFICE, B. Mei/non Gonne, WASIIINoToN, Inli October 1855. SEALED eklortesAlettletll be received It thin office until 2 o'clock, r, x., ol the 220 day or No— vember next, for furatahhinEsticrtur to the United States BILIIIICS, at Eta following et/Wens tor the year INA Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Cloulntown, blusactreatto. Brooklyn, New York. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Washington City, District el Columbia. Gosport, near Norfolk, Yirginia. monad (lily, Illinois. Each ration to conAff. ofthree-fourths of a pound of pore' sr bacon. or one-and.a.fourth pound of fresh or snit beefialititefroouncesof bread oedema% or twelve ounces of hard bread, or orie-and-a-, founh Troupe Mourn meal; and at the rate to one nylons of 'eight clouts el keens, or ln Neu thereof ten pounds of rice; or to lien thorcof tWiee per week one hundred :and tiff y ounces of dessicated .potatoes and one hundred ounces of mixed vegetables; ten pounds of coffee, or in lieu thmeof one-and.a. pound of tee; fifteen ponds of auger; four quarts of vinegari one pound of sperm candles, orane.andmni-fourth pound of adaman tine candles, or onatnd.atialf pound - of 'tallow; four pouncs of soap, and two quarts of salt. The tat WU to be delivered upon tile order of the cogitnandlng Offittf of each atatlon;the froth beef, either to balk or by thee:Wee ratious, of good quality, with autequal portion ante fore ant bind quarters, necks and klper tallow minded:l he pork, No. I prime meal pork; the dour extra an .rline; the coffee. rood gle; the imgar, good New Orleans or Its equivalent: and th, bunt, vinegar. candles, /011 p, salt, etc., to toe of goolimumity. All subject to inspection. All bads must be accompanied by the following guaranty: The undersigned, -, of the Sista he- 114111 of -, the m ats of --- hereby guarantee that to case the forsOlog bid of - for rations, as above dr:sent:sit. be r o cerpi accpted, ho or they wilt, within ten MGT -after the o of oe4treot the P7lloinCrl Aimed, execute the contract for the same, with good sztd salkeised securities; and in case the said shall fall to enter into contract as aPiresaid, we Allarantee to mate good the difference between the offer of the -cad that which may be accepted. • Witn 8., Guarantor. F. C. D , GrArantor. =MO _ • I hereby certify that the als'otie 'named -are known tO me as men of property4and able to mane good their plat-anti, To *e steam by the rutted St.Oes rhatriet JCS:a, United armee District attorney, or (lol led°, Itio prepnest vl.l be coantdare4 unless accom panted by the abase guLtAhty. liewtpaper• authorized to ptoll4 tha aOars rrineelnitlie paper coutaluttig the ant ,aaertka to tLi. pace for cxamtna•toa. Proposals to b endorsed uPrOposals for Rations for and airmailed to the undersigned. W. B. SLACK, OQL:tamCiv Saint and tr.oartermaater, CATTLE! CATTLE! CATTLE!!! 02171C1DETOT COMIIISIMIT 01 SCIISIOTINOB, Wet untorok, 120.111, Nov, 8 t 863. gelled proposal", to ouettokek will be reel' cd brthe tutdersbrned, in thus city, until h. o'clock Bt. Nov. 2l ISGS, for tee pureltue of about Five Hundred Head of Beef Cattle. The Cattle mat be seen at any time before tb day of sale, at the ()pier/meat Cattle Yard, in Rids vW ba received for the Cattle la lots of live each; the hiders. having the privilege of ob taining as malty from *sett clan as he may with to ptuchase—but no proposals or 4 ui number Ur" nye be rOnatitereci. The etaeses wilt be numbered from ohm to Pahl, and where bids are made fora given number of each class. the Cattle will be designated by the odleer In charge. Parties, - to whom awards are mule, will be re quired to cepolit6o percent. of the punters money at Bunk the bid Is accepted proposals will be Wale:led by the under. Maned. No bids will be received from parties who have heretofore failed to comply with their con tracts with the Government. All of the Cattle not cityp teed of in this manner will be sold aiMuction, at the *hero-named place at 11 o'cilek. a., 00 Weduestay, thaild day of Norrrober, 1663. G. BELL, not] td Maier and C. S., U. S. A. prioDuos, CONSIGNMENTS Iluvr IN &TIME: Rear loads Shelled Coto; 100 bush. Timothy Seed: IS palls fresh packed Butter; 17 barrel. fresh Em; 200 boars Factor/ Cheese: 50 boxes English Dslry Chem.; 23 boxes (Oust W. 11. do 900 Ws. 'choice Winter Apples; Aeon do Lake Shore Potatoes; lux; bush. new halves Dries Psach-s; SD this Eastern pranberries; 0 bats. Ile:clouts • 00 bush. Black Walnuts; 76 bush. Chestnuts; Ito dos fresh canned Peaches; 6 bbls. Vinegar Older; 10 We. Maple Buser; 0" boxes Belly Island Grapes; to bbl.. Dried Apples; • Sao pounds Feathers; as new Gunny Bap, Tor isle by L ILIVOIGT. • CO. THE PITTSBURGH PAPER HART ACTIIR2I , 3 COM.PARY offer On We, 1,500 bdls. Crown Wrapping Paper. 1,000 todls. Medium 1,00(0 qai. rie4lailk 1.000 trdls. D. C. nod D. EL do. They hare also on hand are constantly receiving from their Mins MANILLA PAPER of all weights and sizes; HARDWARE PAPER of all weights and else*, PRINTS, DRY and SATU RATED ROOFING, ho., ha All quantities and Mess of PAPER MADE TO 011L01 at the ahortest notice, to rat cos:omen. WANTED, 1,000 TONS OF GOOD NIXED RAOB. WAREHOUSE s e 4 TRIRD STREET, _apart( PITTSBURGH, PA. FOR MIT. TUE TWO LAME Front Rooms or Offices, NO. 00 TOWS= gram.. ALSO, A Photograph Gallery D cntzert. LARGE immedloto Poston' on Oren. Molnar° of MoIABTU, GAZZLIYI it CO., 0015 arronwiTS, DS Grant Street. .TRS GREAT PURIFIER! . . • HEMAPANAKA (ni.90.1. CORE.) ~eadotT apiAl3ll /LBWS ARTICLE AND PO3 . Pp/POVIIMS TUB. - - . . . Scrotal, 14411thild3iim;:Neesalsia.%Theii. • D_ppea mid s. OWASSO OP TOP, SLIM As* Tapia, ?atoms tes atl;P pateet,i4. session . anon rmsorsi the physisalsAmio,„ Slut Lt boas but s us* to itr),11(1,3 .... 1 4 . teas. ..F 9,1 ; *1411 ; - il:11214TOX •earaarOasisuseld tan avow wzisone..nses auts..Ducali* tntlik7 WII4BOII, CARR & c 0. :,. re (tan wzsacar ) ?Aga, !P.a TIOA deslaris Po MT! GOODS, silir D o thlrt . 4frait• Macau% Pitteburgtu aDll MT FM. rrlirtr7r''''q Wail:Ulf° HOUSE. N. HOLMFS & SONS] ilarket Street, Pittsburgh. DEPOSITS stmutriru IA PAR FUNDS AND WlectionlikUleatiallOWWWlllminulw M1 451 . 1 " 4 " 0443 a=t" STOOKS, BOlfir4 s . : Ani . Onlittt ISECII*TP BOM4I ANII 7 311(1_011 COMMISSIS, , Particular attest on paid , to the pulth.ue an tale ca • UNITED STATES SECURITIES' , Oolted bo. italeo num Si IE4I do. 6.213 Do. f)ves, 104011 Do. Mr ea-Tblrtles • Do. ODDBeata; or indetdettiois. ORDERS AND VOUCHERS BOUGHT OR DOLLAR bVINOI3 BANK, Nu 95 e. ravirra Sra:cerr. . ',CHARTERED IN IBM. Open daily from 9 to 2 o'clock, also on Wadne s day and Saturday evening, from May let to No. member let, from I toe dank, anti from biorsonbar tat to May let from o to 8 o'clock. Depoilts received of all sums of not lesstaan One Dollar, and a dividend of the profits declared twice a year, in Slum and December. Internet has been decimal serolquumally, in Smut and Decerabor, mince the Bank was organized, at the rats of ex per cent. a year. Interest, If not drawn out, is placed to the credit of the de p ositor cm irrincipal, lull bean the name Interest from the ant days of June and December, compounding tole* a year without troubling the dmal"to race r to sail, or y zend=enitartsfistwboeolviri. Years. Boone, containing the Charter, By-Laws Hulse and li*trulations, furnished grail', on application at Ma oalco. Pmnsmourr—CtP,OßGE AL/3IIICE. TIC. 1r ILICBIOII4III. W 1111.1,7. tuldeugon, Pollock, M. D. John L . Baotrofen.. Hobert Robb, Benj. Fahmstoely Jahn H. ehoenearger, JameHerdman, James **Sidle, James *enmity,* dieorander Speer, Was rccusaak,' MULL= Yam. VEMITEII2I. CaWin&tams, Sera J. LTD.I24 John a Wadley, 'Peter A. Madill, Black, John Marshall, TUMI urgwla, Waltar.l Almzo A.Jjanier, Jemakii. D.htlas4, - glaring-A. 001 Son, John U. Maralland M. Douglas, John Ory - - - John John f, Tamp% - Henry L. William M il =s, 191111 ans s,ll.aven, Altuadar DAMN Pam U. Hunker, William Vankirk, Maud J4ya, • Wm. P. lari=4 James D. Malin _ Issas WM Vrainan , —OHAD. A. COLTON. Reerriak—JAMES D. a sumps. TB 3 FOURTH NATIONAL BANK. 11. S. Government Depository. 55 MARKET 13 R TEET, Pll 31susaa, PA; Capital Paid to 11300,000 With Privilege of ittercoao to 300.000 Havira extatttiva aortesposaleace with Beaks and Bastion. throughout %ha country, we otter rasa. al [manias to - these doing taulatat with to. 7 8.3.0 MCPCIOTrEIIei. Andel! other Government reel:eine, throlehod In sums to snit Darehasers. • Depozhereeelre4 end Interest allowed by genial Kreement.. Dom: THOS. DONTIKLI.S, IR. H. KING. D. M. SMITH, . N. J. EtIGLEY, JAS. RALLIT. 1 3 1 01 IN F. meneori. ruos, SMITH, ,J. M. KIRKPATRICK THOS. DONNELLY, President, BUTLER WARD, Cashier. seuagirs.korF rEur._ EXCHANGE - NATIONAL BANK 0 f Pittsburgh. Chartered by the: Capital Organized under Elated Pa., 1816., 11,000,000.!Natn'l Law 1866 This Bank Ass teen dealt:Laced DEPOSITARY OT THE United States Treasury, and appointed nut for the tale of the 7..80 MaOBN. ties Ever yfits facility sole. ffered to Investera or par. Ef. nivatuoz, Castile!. aptat PEOPLES' NATIONAL BANK, Of Pittsburgh. Capital Paid in $1,000.000, with PrTii lege of $2.000,000. 5 1, 1 =WOnse OOH= FIRST AND WOOD organized nader - the Rational Hank tng System, to nowznepared to transact business at Ha Hards.tnig Elonse,corear of Wood Lad first ►torts. Uoneatens made on allareectible points on moat favorable terms. Speotel Agents tor lA4 MOSS, for the sale of the F. 0, 7 3-10 Treasury Notes, 13A111:TEL BEA. President F. M. GORDON, Os.hier J. 0. LieMIESSOR Teller 14‘,11 , :.10,4xxiiimito31:41 Killlß - la:Ca:L - 8s WOMB. MODES, EYRIE 8c CO., Elannfacturen of Clack and Green Glassware. rarls.Calsle" Ware. Bottles. Demilobrus. Carboys. de. Wart.touse: No. 141 WATER L D STREET BSTIF TEN aTIPTTSAURGWTATEETS. We warrant our Wares to be superior to any manufactured West of the-Nountetne Always on band, alamwere of the above demniption. 611 orders promptly attended to. Parttcular ahem Ilea paid to private moulds.. ausdy 40 aeary, re F. coitnti "nvc!st COLLINS ft 3M. BRANS A.ND isiNgai h a'a.L• womEEMS, CARBON B A I TIS A RegaIgi r tiIA sad all dirarent itykut of Brittanla mod by Ulan Mum. factuiers. Omer* promptly Woo. N 0,139 EMOOND Sxszer, PlTTaaNaatti PA. 01;m174 JAMES /2WI/1 SAIII3B IRWIN it CO., MLNIIP.I.M=t3 OP Oil `of Vitriol and Aqua Ammonia, ()MOD No. 15 MAXIMEIT Est, . PITTSHITRGIL PA. RittlECE Engine. Milldam and Pda/hlnlate, Manufacturers of illeseak's Patent Salami Calla for Ste= Engsoes,.On Eagioa, Brewers' Dla. • abloom &tatting, kiangen, pulleys, # a., Cann? Harrison ana rite ft , 40. b, fltlefuntl; k u • Repalrfaa and putt*/ up Maablacy-promptly ki• 110. BLIUMANratial ~.153 :Watezi3L nialyOE ROWER ETS,, WHOtruirr 12TIDES. ponaum Fattrag.: °M M. , or . 450 31 t0 sabLYZ". & W. ,Itutufa4;turpi *L ifzo an l n M`A lit alutr • bstwax t Wc4 Italkitrittabusiatale 'sEdiort , Ticam i ker trvisa _ ,aszistovr • PARE'vqgatTER; AVVANTs staxtisz7olTY, iqu'ilaittsta antu ' we " bb "" 4 th 4" sot taukcites. s clizt4 'EATS STORE_ • .. IPrig , CP . .. f%tr. • 'WALL 'Satin:ad ./3114 Glow*, f virtatt-itthilciwltis P at Ip. MI Nuket emit. - soil .105. B. IltrORD3 Er. WWI VOLUME LXVIII-NO ? -291. Concert Hall Shoe Store. EI6LIIDEIfO SUPERIOR GOODS MD MORE Bram OAK H.L,LL BOOKS AND ALBUMS 8001 PUBLIBIIERY PRESEIIIIIO3 DRPOr For the follo*leg remee Ton hate the finest stock in the city to aloft from. You onlf pay the Pnblishen price for holm Yon also metre ratline of purchase a present. : Yourpresedwill be worth from Ina to Yon will be entirely sang led with both Bank and Present. • • The attention of the nubile Is caned to the hit and extensive stock of GERTLEUIELMS et/SIIIIIG GOODS, Just evened at the • mentioned place, Which I am new offering' • bargains. Any one la want of the above e • • • wilt end It to thole edvaaAge to' eve me sups and examine cry - dos* todore yozedisslits else. when. They cantina Us largest =then selested stock al Fins Whit. enizte,extra sizes, ft= Shirts, Woolen, C otitop end Lisle Thread shirts and Drawers, Scar% Neck Ties, Socks. SW* MentJeont=a l = 4. Remember the vlseei Ii sad 15 St. Dish eaten, SAMUEL: LENT/N., • ff. D. A large dock of Hats, Caps, entre ttoP ;ltd ..setwood.s, Vedversal, - Byrnes Itnionsded Asti. basal levee. than test. Shin 1 - 11 — V.:01kri NOSY ItEaTicli;q., 4 27 R • In atom ZOO ILa. stiletlFlreal Doll Butter; • IWO lbs. fresh new Lard, In kftin IWO boxes extra Cream and Goshen Cheese; 600 dozen CreelF.gre, , .seoo Itte.EltUkwhsAt Flour: 100 bus. Mai grouzl Cornmeal; 700 beds choice Fall and Winter Apples , • me busliels new Drted'Apples; WO tombola new Dried Finches: to barrels Sweet Men_ Zr barrels Older Vinegar; V) bullet' Crenate; IQ bushels Shellbarksr ears ljA and B !eat Lumber; 011.111 WSJ NOVI j For :can Dirk, ale by • noldss ' F'044.T0118; aoo btlL prtitertaikittheie 1 071. : ikterAppb* Unbtflt. =netts Bassettst- • " 2 eat loads Peiebblow Potatoes, in saskat..‘ . 4 a cat loads Peattiblow Potatoes, la batteA tag& ew Janet sweet Potatoes, put till _ tat slate: 601,1•1*. Onto's; . • • • ,lott eLos4); pounds' earmeaPeaeltest 450 dor.ltruAta totaasikratteltase I)9aluets:llasaited, - .:. , : - ..z opr :1 /11 Stec* watt tar ;we 101 • ..taillMrite te•STECLE. ' "riCk• us TSUII um:L-11' .str; NEW ADVER BOOTS SHOES LOWER - EVER- MOM OTHER HOUSE CITY• jl3b=MG-1(01:the MMI r, KEW. 000D3. raiz °Lora ooxra SLOE GOATS ENGLISH WALKIREI COAX& OVZiitOOAtS OF ALL EINDS.- srerzer CAP PANTO. .97MD ELLOIC PANTS PM TOP PARTS 19333211 VOLSDLESS 01 OM FOB THE =xi' io DAT 3, J. H. SMITH it. 00:- OLOTHLELS, OAIL, HALL, In PIM ST. Opposite tlie Opera House. SUPPLY YOUR WANTS 74 ruvn srnEzr. All we ask, Try us, CALL On SEND VOIL A CIATALOGUE. coil CORE 021 E, COME ALL 1 t HON Nunit i 1 1 1): :111 STORE. Nos. 1.3 St• Clair St. - RIDDLE, No. IBS IL Liberty area. REMI 0 - PZKIF/041:,.: ~m ixeFigminsd i ziamaratme4 l ,-) . ' N 0.4 `,:* - ocauntitraziale 01;211.4 '. " 3 " 4 " 6 "9 1t, Ar ar 1,. / Zral i gkiggh.F . LTl‘Ct +171(1 - / , - '..t . teo,tik - rgowymnuorortativasul:i),6.:lsa.i . i3 , VG- do 41 0 0, :4 , SOO 3 t dCr tot,. ' , sprat- d or :4 47.73 , Z 133 IntOk prtme raw Cora • 0444 ? sccelV •• - t,ai WAII `l_[: ZXO 40 1 ' o r ABU/Syr siore and for Ws by I r . PA 'TX=SON, az stnoti imam cm; riim. ;SO t at,: Paul ii 'a MEE