martD/LY . /trivial , atitl-Depature of Trains _ r centra nanroa . . 1 0t1iate5i.,.. , 1.28 am . Mg- • ' ...... IVia ea 1 - Altaenzaaaagts• Yao aOl eass - rdne.. - ....:. n•Ao sin Ma aroaptsil 1:50 a se tat Wall •Actom. Sad a m latall , ~ .. .—.3.1:40 II sat tat Pests axect'a. 'h.% am' Xll l / 1 1.:Ezpstat..1 alga• 0 m 4,1 Waal Aaeota. WO EL al . 1 0/ 2 1:401.= Aelf - a•Ea 1/Ea JahhEt'nfiest.a..l22d aim - ' Sag Llaw.:,:„,:.:10.00 pm Pitt& ErlebtallatalS pm : • tat Waal Aaeom: fl.lO •la /23.1110a2flairs ICap m ... at a•; • a teat. a se' se Wall &mar.: - WO pal I ' at 0 '1 • _....'- " '-'- tra la ta Ptilliatspreas.: *O5 pm a..' /It re 22s dEa'C'& l >- , 9al let Pasta ,ixecOn eas Rea Td .. ~. " attal pea - no Octet, gala leaves Walla' Station imEES lanadaTllE,2:o2 a..ta4letatatag, lasaaapittabraiti ',lt 11 0 ,20 0.'=, ... PAgfahrug. calutebui and-clu e LatlatL - .aaa. --- I .. - :: Fact Li1a........ sae • en Pus Llns-:..' ... fete A a. Kan. .J.. ...... &Ara= Nall .............„, 1:15p as • Eaprga,-.--'" .: 2:22p la K1E11..,,..1.22172:21:11 StertheaTniaAta! Sundteninalelio, _:-........ ieeeemedepon...ll4o pm ocennsodatlaa. ono aln Pithelnereti, Unit Wigynei _ and Clitrage. - Arrives. Earetaa t ..,;„, ..--2:5a a as i'Exppeta ..... .... I:se a m Expre50,......, 1:45 p mititapam.'........ ctepai .EX111 . 2111.....—.; 11:15 p m.Expraril.... ..... IL= 0 m Mall_ .., - 71.02.121a1l . .. . 2200 p2l R. Icenne • Vats 2 A O 1 , 2E1 ff. Clat ” ia '. B. 1 , le 13:10p ea 11211Voljaza Awn= dation leaves Allegheny &pot at isi a. 11., 1130 a. Ea., - 4.00' p: ia - "and avie 1 ,, .0 .--Ec.aM.lak..aall p., m. 4 New tattle, LIO p r m.; Emu o,mir ! 10730 .p. m.; Welnyilleade y in. riglitiufgb, 'Clevetuid and, Wheeling. Enneee4- • ..... 210 a are:peen ..... -.. 2:10 a:a Espte.,, ..... ' 2:46p ze f , apeasa......, Lae pas Stall," . ' ' eno sin mi•u. . nen 0. stee4V ilielieneenewnitionle;;;; . 4ll•Poi 'ai= p -- Pleab nrgh and cozuteusTila• peplit A niva. 4 't sB 1440'.01an ..... ...... GM p m - . VIA. .. • ... 4140 p m .E , ..-,m•;,......... 101 a m :, . „, 444 .ee. 4 1 , 011.11030 a m to& ig4 o "P l • **s **l 1 ..: - 8 * . .... Cm pm 24 ~_:,.;." "" " 5 P m .: :" Ist•BraMloch's.. 7.t0 mMt ..... o uock's• 82 * . 42 r''''''' ---- 1 4 ' ' ib.... 4:lopm 24 " .... SMS pm i : : r Allegheny . Valley Railroad. 4r 1, . Dcr 4l,lves. , . inau. ids a minim= " litom ' L. . , EnPieas" am p m Nall ana 'm :,, 4mamoonaarina. 1:10 ran haeommodatlon 0230 a m BXCELIibti OMNIBUS AND LITSIII STABLE 13.10 'M.O=l3. 191Zrekert, JA24ES IAII4I & SON: Proprietors, OEIRIECISSMAND CARRIAGES furnished tar all trains.. Also, Carriages terrines:sus, Wed. Mugs azta Vartiss; st short notice and reasonable rates. NEABLE OPEN allt_AND NIGEL aot:t • CITY AND SIIIIIIRB.AN ;The Episcopal New Bishop. • At tbertDnlampal. Convention, recently held here, the testimonial In favor of - Dr. Kerfoot „ . was signed by twenty:bye. ontoribeAfreati; to l Ynto;Yrltiohlneindea r sii: reject rr'fr!-.-:thatll,.*':4,-,bi `'-""7—•,•7• tierishefre.Preiehtbdi.'-,L,=;*4--,=.: ,-- Oestentaing - ttlid nevv - IllstopOlier foliowim; Of fiterut'io oar readers. Bishop - fierfaot batifbi-veirs of nito next' thcologlosi:Stidieitri . cre commenced 111837, • at Flusitlx - gfratitate,,LOng Island, under the - • Itev,Tir:binhi‘itirg s our of the most able ed . ", neators lithe tatted states, liming sent out from his-College. beside Bishon Kerfoot, Bishop Odenheiener, IL.hop Bedell, of Ohio, and many other eminent scholars and theologians. After a finishing the teenier course, Dr. - fientoot was appointed chaptin and prof,ssor languages in this collegt-,.m hint' was subsequently merged into Bt. Paul', college In 18.12. From this col lege he 'Was called to the Preeldency of Si. James' cokes', Maryland, of which he was the principal , fcatr.d&J • This Institute, founded In • 1842, be - condetteri,whla great success, making • lt one of their:tat .piopular theologies- I semina ries In ibo 'United Stater, and sending from it 7 • many eminent cholsical and theological schol. t _aro,. among' whom was Right 11:v. Dr. Clarkson, consecrated Bishop of Nebraska and 1„. Delwin on Wednesday last, and aLso some of P the mest,dlitinguished clergymen of this city. Dr. Serfeot remained president of this college until 1863, whee be was driven from it by the rebellion, upon :which he accepted a call, which had been made it him several times before, to the president, oi Trinity college, Branford, which Iteoonaplttely remodeled and brought tip to Its present Gee. etandleg as on educational , Intlitutton. There are cew, better alticttom, and none mere _ distingniehtr,for administrative ability, than - Dr. lierfoot, water has devoted hie whole life to the advancemertmf edema tin. Ills great ablli ty in this respretutty be Indeed from the feet that In the lategyetral Bplecepol. Convention, at phliadelphia,.ta repait, written be him, upon ‘T.lturch educttli,..," was rectivcd with eo much favor that; within half en hoar after it was read, seventeen thentaadcapies of it were cased for • and ordered to be published , APhough the Hance of Bishops will - acenird a valuable acce4 'on by the raising of Dr. Ker. .foot to It, It will, be regretted by many that he . has been taken from the field of labor In which be bas so grest4 dittingnished himself. dithOnah Utev.: is no doubt of the ultimate • election - of lita•foot to the Bishopric of ,the new dicarset,Lit. is not yet effected. Bo far Its the action of 'the diocese of M'eatern Fenn- Wrestle is concerned, Dr. If. is their elected Bishop, but there is a complicated net-work of _ approuds still rO be obtained, and the election , •Is not - valid bap' ratified by the Colito of "Bishops. - i.The Grinders ?Again—Still Farther De.. prnFged and Robb ea. _ . ;The .LeeZer.o'rguriday says that daring last 'Week another ease is Which Mrs. Martha Grie f.: --der, who hisitcase'so notorious, is alleged,lo r: • have andel:dieted n, has been developed, the particurati of; which have not yet been pub. SS fished. In_ thia 'Faso George Grinder-is said to hare been' ntatimpike of his wife In her heli Ilah def tgrle: Thii facts of the ease, as far as " we have been informed, are as follows :—about year ego George Grinder came down tkoalyer thiselly from Oil City,tuy oil gat, in nom- • withT aealVilaeoied Allen. On their aril sal,..iliddizgaired of Grinder where be could ,prOcifte a board* house, when the latter in formed binf that !he 'could accommodate him. • • The Grinderaweri into living in limey's court, Off Hind street, ant'. in accordance with the ar-: rangementAllett tpok hoarding In the family, • having at' the time nearly g 1.200 In Macy.' 'The evening Mr. Allen went • them , ho and' Grinder were seen etanding at the hydrant talk-' ring, and Grine& handed him a glass of water. - < •Immetilately after drinking it, Allen staggered, • apparently- uif be had been dredged. Next day Allen told'Airat Grinder that he had Met e, thousand dollars acme time during the night, and :irked her If gm bad seen anything of It : abort the hens,: abe replied In the • negative. ,He then- told • her that he had one entlred aril fifty dollars - left. After placing it in a P§eket•th.ok, he regulated her to sew It in elde the lining of bin vest. Thismaiserykindly - performed LT Agra; G.,"and 'Allen rested under • She Impression that he had secured at least a oar -Mon of his money. Some time afterwards, how ever, Alien occasion to euadae tda -pocket - book; and' *as lurprlsed to and. wet . .111 the money hid been absteented, bet when or bow he could not aietrtala; ' Me again applied to gm. Grinder, but Air protestmtentira innocence: Elie - then made inquiries of the neighbors respecting the character of the Grinders, with'a slew of prosecuting them, bat failed to obtain any In. 's ormation, and finally Let the matter drop,. , , . Sonliera , Meetnik—A teigue to be Vormed - . • On Saturday evening , a goodly number of r*- . tamed sold.lig sitteinb‘ fad at Wilkinapall, os teninibly for the purpose of hearing a report 'from the committee ; ,to prepare: pa rt_ havailguedsztemprfal to Congress, OR the sub. Jett of the epallzatien of , bounties! ! Jleneral • .T.B. Swellzer was *den Prenfrient, and Mr. - C. if: MrXenna t - }iticretery... The .Chalnassx. of the Committee reported progress, 'stating that - Mont twang-two bandied signatureakmd obtained to the mersiorlah and that ndraPort man yet been tecelved.fromthe comity Slatrictn. Mri, J. C. ' offered resolution re questing ..the Itobluson Coatroom of tbe a messing to . ap. " poitiCw Couto:l tom. to tske into consideration the propriety of organizing affoldlern , Leaman, .1. 'suchaawea now in...existence itt..Shliadalphla *admirer places. The matter - west disassed. Octoi,A. L. Pearson, John H. Kerr,, and Joseph M l Coilron ightnr making =nob* and. strongly slava:axing the; organination proposed. Thy/wade/ion avxklidejned,alid the , hat. • IS= APl:mina; this, follesvpg committees , Jcs. aspist.„E. Robinson, .gursp ,Balltery; John IV Kull; (oat , Sbiluna - nalfe,":l.2%h; Joseph, Mo- ' Cog,' G2dr and W ht• Hartsell, of thokStn eyleinta en Artlilery, ;,- 4 , no meeting adie9psed tomtits itz DO lid it Aiderinmi 8 .p: 4 ;14, Ln '.l4llp.„; cesmilertor William .ht oore - - coal sh.snts at *is root:ot itoadrareet t r-cii.• Beter4 7 : • pgel Information before Alderman Strain ha; two colored gran naosadr Charla, ,, and linp also teargatars, - rot Mte few iu da 4c r ilneeaalrlakdas ha alleges) fle..Ce r Ir a v they Mail . e all = ' Aldred ' 2 • 4 ;1 6- - Warrants were lemur for the arrest A Thy ._ ...,. ~ .„. , .. la Itha muttriier'l'itH - tibi.-Dusing title and nut t s _week - trietAltaniu . Klrkpatrick pectewq! to dis o ft eha intbs :/o , lfre 1i , 1."' nine In umber. , Tke Anti. oiio to W- - taken up will tof turiuulellugliu, °Went mirk the mord& of TE r olnalt Gallen lon Vie night- ot .29th otJuly r ;.i, t - ..r, 'or --- -,4 - : ••. ,1 •41:,,v,,:i r t.j,...;i,,,1, _ ,. ..l.;;viitki, -, ../..-.a : •C , - -, ' 7•:-.!; . c,t , ;`,: r j!,,,,..!.4.;1' ----T,:,',1-?1, Parepa•s Coarert. 'The tannins: critic of a :slaw York I tau. while Parepa equals decay Linn in brCllint excetitloo, the terpastea the Swedish eightttgale in richness, power end aweetneas of volee, Thu vocalist Is an arthita so tidmlrabl9 that the duty of considering carefully, the qbalities Of her organ, and the characteristics oc h er Method, becomes almost irksome. , d few awceping entsminnis, extvesalva of eamedidag bordering on absolute satisfartlen, watahnore nearly waver ,to the wounstag read& . tluilos. freesia= which her =That etVieesfalif °lea left upon a tarp:teed and deeply'etched audi— ence. Eecbewing comparism, we can, 'with perfect Impunity, P f elifiniuse-raieDia to be alxmt.the mom catfivatinc. gor,thlt that havler, Wee' beard in Irving MX': iler vela Is esepravoi: of the fullest erettipeas i say from C to E and Is comp:raided In nearly eoma co r t gAl he _of .the leading qualities of th e +hu e memorso;ratto, and the ae P elme tiirirotui; the the foandatioatottea are rich ,and — i ddie th e middle are brilliant and sfO r '' la a -degree eriies re -Elam becomes of execution is almPat matchless, ilee,,rts exhibition of so - quite equal to the advar oi s — o re t arise littered, -rare an organ. W 11 14,„,„ e fullest confidence that ono inspired e''''ef A truly great Vocalist.. he is le Se___e plc off, was given With ea gusto, so to speak, that ica %.101.".'. 'w e ir I T i pacions sensation to the hackneyed Parted gad In the waltz, "II Dude," there l e ,,; led . est/ . spirit manifested that Sedges simply electri.- house, and produced that noYelte le an _Aeserican concert room. an encore with cheers. tee sereeadc, with which our public iS 1:10t yet very familiar, by the way, displayed the artiste in a widely different mood, proving that her style of vdealitation la thoroughly 6blprehen• sive, and making us question whether there is I anything in the whole range ef moc k, that Partpa could cot sing at eight with 10 rem* effort than the early rising lark on a par ticularly exhilarating spring morning. When we hare added that her trill (shown cluriniulrlY in the Nightingale's song by Ganes.) is as near. ly perfect In kind as we may expect to hear in a tolerably long lifetime, we shall have passed sufficiently for the moment upon the remarkable points of interest In Wile Parepa's socallam. The audience—half critical and half excitable —bestowed an amount of applause upon the * debutante that might have sufficed to establish the mecum of en ordinary opera season. fold :Robbery. by Bove. On Satuniay evening officer W. C. Wray brought to the Mayor's office a boy named John Williams, aged about thirteen years, , who wee caught In the cellar of the tavern of Thos. Turner, In the Diamond, under suspicious cir cumstances. The facts are: At about nine o'clock In the evening the boy Williams, with another, named Flinn, entered the cellar from the street, and the latter, thick:l;7 c or ag shOci„ , . ascended the stairs 'veltk..ll . .- 4: 12 % - c:tre'relitutinetf`tnttheiferss and-01,..`dwa littil r Opporittnitr-t.*:Clit the' money dratreN, • Tbe ha:teePeri ,- ,iiitqai ih6 ' , =a7 cotorematien Witlt.a , :sumMer of men r alrotit) the .stove, 'Flinn, 'the little seoundre.l . Weined" the drawer of money. In his haste tie shoved the drawer back with suMclent force to ring a bell, which at once attracted the at. ter:dist' of the bar-keeper. He sprang behind the bar and got aglirapAse of Flinn as he dlsap-. peered. down the Stairs. He then r.n to the "front entrance to the cellar, but Flinn was too quick for Idm, as by this thus he had got out or the street and scampered off. however.. was not so fortunate, not - .being - able to get out of the cellar at quirtlY," there beta; no sops, and Flhan't of, having time to &mist him. Be was Acid In the Cellar until officer Wray carte. At the Mayor's office he oriel bitterly. got upon his knees to the Mayor, and - told a very gond story, in subst.nee, that his mother hod not Dim on on errand, and that as he was tuning by a boy bad palled olf his cap sod threw it it to t cellar, and that they went down to get it Af Cr a while he stated that he row the o:her b y [mow something aside as he paned out, wterenpun the officer retuned with him to the cellar, and toned at a plane designated the money t iken from the drawer, forty-one dollars. Upon being locked la a cell Williams gave his comrade's risme, althmach he :previously said he did not know IL Ile remained in the Tombs Cluing Sunday, and noon of its friends hod called to see or Inquire concerning him. He save Ma mother resides on Grant street, near Webster, and that his 1 father is decd. Flinn has not been arrested. Obituan Mrs. John Trainor Kicur, whose death is an othe column, was the eldest daughter of Capt. Janata May, one of oar oldest and wralthlect neatness men. In the spring of IS Captain May moved hie family to Davenport, lowa, of whack, place be was one of the original pro prietors, where his daughter beeline acqualet. ed slab Mr. King, and was married In 16tr Slag, CB an Attorney at Law, havospage: conenelor, and In the political arena, ratilt.:ed among the fareMaet of the S.tate. lie publph ed font bill, rent papers, en I was trought out for the Rue Senate, from Moseatlee county, In 1861, at which time he was editor of the Musca tine Daily Reams, but, declined. Ad a jury law yer he la nre.eminet t for one of Ma age, and as a public speaker he Is forcible and elo quent. Mrs. King, like her mother, wasa kind, amlabte and charitable woman, making and re taining substantial friends wherever eh, weal, and in no place will her death be more regretted than In this, ter native city She died of a com bination di,easea, the molt pomlnent of which was enlargement of the heart and congestion of the lungs. Shortly before her death she gave premature birth to a stlli-horn rattle child, and was too weak to survive the la bor.. She pea interred yesterday in the Catho lic Cemetery. arr. King hes for several months been a reg ular correspondent of this paper, nod eincerely do we eimpaltiLne with Mm and his :rio little children in this their bourof trzuble. IL He Shouldn't Orter.—Margaret Emmet, atlas Margaret McLaughlin. alias the "Maid of Erin," thilted Alderman Taylor. on Batorday, and poured Into tin listeilfic ear the following c, - mflalnt. She says she Is Alerriedbiia Teuton " 1 . 0 bohrilh at /4 1 ; , a' , tvrert- - 611--T-R"....nb? e lives out, but is ki ties habit of room ing with her husband at the aforesaid tavern: that on Friday night, on repalring to the do ul ell of her sponse as nasal, the bar keeper did them and there give her three separate and die • Una shoves and two kicks, by which means see Was ejected from the „ prendees. She therefore prayed theta warrant might issue for the arrest' of the aforesaid bar keeper, and That he might be bald tq ans war; Prayer of the petitioner granted, and warrant issued. Health Meeting To-Night —This evening, at the Board of Trade Houma, there will be s meeting of committees of the Board of Trade, Bard of Health, Councils of the two cities and :nbarben corporation's, also of the Allegheny Ccur.ty Medical Society, to consider ittrtker as to the adoption of sanitary measures, by Way of willr the advent of the cholera. The meetingi be held In accordance with a run r.clopta at a similar one, held In the be kinulag of last week, and will be a most Inter esting enc. • Glass Works Destroyed.—About twelve o'clock Saturday night the glass works of Messrs. Eyrie tt Co., at the foot of Ewalt street, la the oorough of Law - sync:Mlle, took fire and were complstely destrojed. The tire was dis covered soon after the workmen had ceased ope rations, and Is supposed to have caught lire ttain the oven roofs. None of the city fire en gines were on the ground. We did not hear an estimate of the loss sustained-. DIM , -Dr: James McGarr, recently of iba firm or Tottaucc,t 'McGarr, Druggists, earner of Bowth ast, !dirket strecta, dloion Saturday night, °ft. , a lan and painful illness. Ha nad started for Wtssonsta, in order, if possible, to reinvigorate his;%Wing system ' , but upon rawhitristninvines hasaw that he was is a dying condition, altdzelutstd, stsgemng twine just in taut to breathe his He was well. known In our ci rcle and his daitb. ~ be „vet. led by a large circle of friends..:7 Before Alderman Taylor—t, 'rtwt Sults.—L Two bellgerent Omsk* whoa° reapeeku . .. nie . are Mary Fonder and Mary Trapp, ture each other arrested on Saturday, end taken Dw elt Alderenut Taylor on dunes of assault and hat. lay. • For the nonce those femitilso weapont of warfare, the tongue and the, broomstick, were laid *We and clubs and , paying atones were brought Into requisition. The "gentle ant"' were admitted to tall fore hearing im.couri. Agarn:Pcartfpned.--The h'e*dog in the ease ,ot . the part , haterned with cantealttios crag. grantgranted asualt and battery , opon the railroad ed Libert7. etreot, setae days; ava, chaaneen deterredmalt the 251, WWI lima tha=sed bate been .01nosatuad„ - It bad boen and)* Saturday: - . Citargatt with nape and, AilWattort.—On Bap:inlay Augnetis .Ammon; ',Mince of East Ithmlegttant, committed to Jail a men named Michael Itideleebooter'for trial upon 7 4 41 . 1 '0 11 0f rar and eygation; - o preared by. . Buds a. Sershoiao. of the Fifth ward. -waarhaddre Mem OD 81 1 1 1141.7.1DV/DD DOlLianntati OO . IDD•ottargo Of ',Alien,* !kph' oF. pant4 . 4oom !icons 4 . 04 far a heath:4v • - , NtiSetiterreet.,—hidca filierreti rot balng oc 3. A,beacti oa Satuidayatztena6 of death was not r a WActalleakulxak Manta% 'mks and Mr a. grizdee• 431, 11 42,11 c./4 14 4-, , •;-" . — l:o l finiOntfe'tie Btre4t — Oa ,gad' 3 n.rot Lornit4t l, twek , Melte namod:,llahrizi Ana noYafAfor obstructing do 61P,:ltaqi ,W1.:i , 7;7.7'.'!! .I. lierrraatin This preitidigi tat•sur occupies • al sack Hall tide evening end introduces coma nt.i - velora fens of legerdemain. We copy the rollawingfrom the New York Inspateri, we voiced the Lead of Merle hot evening, and. we can " sum our weadera,'Wire only rewarded with a thorough treat sa well as a reminder that our city to fast ' betawolog to fill with the elite of sOrdety; Ins deed have - acmes met 80 fashlimable "audience assembled 1n raia theatre. The sob. Jeer of the pee raeme was magic, but not the nape we ar esccostomed to Mad retailed by the .numerous ttle Jugglers who. from thllo to time. on no. Herrmann gave as scientific mo d, tatcht ts magic wss an art as wall as a ,oing deception. Wo .caw that celebrated- Fes - tidiglistenr do marvels with Ms ten fingers, and even with the fingers of his attillence. Re made Cher to Mt omen to the worldly ether. and come obedient to Ms call. Par th alone, we should advice our fiavenintent at Watiningterelo neeotiate with him at once. - 11e earned birdie to seek a dose cage, and eater of themselves, a curious fresh, lfirh ana i l of the feathery tribe. In short, he did tug other's could not do,• and Far ones in our owe must confess we telt ouraeltes vervecer tothat black individual called by mortals Old HIM." The programme will bo yule. eaeh evening. Tnalght it compiles eleven pieces, as follows s let, ispacese Frame. 2d, The Egg--“cidar eldlig." 2d, Wedding Bing in Danger. 4th, Benrales Cage. 51b, Egyptian Miser. 6th, The Mysterious Glass. Ttlt, impromto Voyage.' Itcmapiehansiblo Decanter. 9th, Mars. ,bouthicks: 10113, Intombustible Natockv lith, Concert Monstre. fiesta are now selling at Charles V. Mellor% Mutle store. Ainnemnents. Tuns:fp:3,-4s =eel the Theatre Mlrt _ea On faatorday night to tee Mr. Leek* in We great Yankee Imperaonatidti. In view of the great encase of this comedian, Mr, Henderson his effected a re-engagement for another week with him. To-night be appears In the great • fonr act sensation drama ot Moll Pitcher, or the Fortune Teller of Lyon, and we have no beeltstion In saying thit 'the noun will -be crowded, Osana Motore.—Tonight the Plorences ap pear at the Opera Honso, Mr. Florence appear ing in Tyrone Powers' great drama of 'Born to good Lack," 7n which he slogs his great Fenian song, after which the Protean farce of the "Tong Actress," in which Mre. Florence IWO entries a number of characters, the whole con cluding with the • Returned Volunteer." Mr. and 111.5. Florence and too' well known in this community to aced any commendation at our hands liannruna.-Remember that to-night the great Ptesttdigitatettr, Herrmann, gives hit firstseance at Masonic Rath Everybody has heard otller-,.. mhnn, and every orals on the tiptoe of expecta- tion to have an opportunity Of stalat him. A . lady eitio witnessed lzier pnrrollilliteel in Now York wrote : to hrothar:lo.littlar - slthi city, =Met it 44, ...s.dtteNWL tote superstitieos; she . atirtdd eeitain4 ha led to believe that bi was in kettle nith the earlobe.. And 'all that-he. .prOfessee to do id' to limbo the' eyes destelVe the other aeatea.• Seat, can be obtained at Mr. Mellor's music store, Wood stmt.- Fire on a Ferry Boat—Exciting Scene. Since the destruction of the bridge over - the Allegheny river all Sharpstang,- a steam ferry has been established. On Saturday morning, at 'about eight o'clock, Just after the boat left the Sharpsburg shore, a load of hay on hoard took fire accidentally, Dome furnace, and as the wind was blowing astern, the steersman was driven from his place by the flames. The boat was run 'ashore among some bulk oil flats, and the owner or person in charge of the wagon containing the hay, cut loose the horses attached and get them off. The wagon was also got off, and also all the passengers. Nothing 'realm - med., cave the bac. The beat was on Bre In several pieces; loathe dames were extinguished without dlniculty. As may be imagined; there was much excitement among the few ,passengers on ruled the ferry boat. and it Is very for.tuaate that nothing more serious resulted. Mt!ECM:I.—The want of a good museum has hoe been felt in our city, and that wont Is now about to be supplied. Mr. Gardner has been for come time past eng aged in fitting. up one of the rooms underncatihe Opera House, and on .•dnesday the colleollon will be cp..ned. We shall have more to say nboat it inn:Lather Issas. • The Number Fent Over.—Eta fir daring the p re mat term of th• CntoMal Cou-v there have n sent to the Penitentiary frOm the. County Jail thirty G•at prism:ro, convicted of crim.s. Toere are yet in prison quite a [lumber of can didate.. for that inetitutme i their cases not ha e• lag been neally disposed of. Plre.—Tlte alarm of fire at noon on Satur day, was occasioned by the partial burning of hrj stable on Webster etrcet, near the baglo. It Was czt:nuvithed without the ald of the fee thvorttuent. • From Saturday's Evening Gazette. .. American Freedmen's Al,! Commission. Our Freedmen's Board are sending out the following circular which contains information of Interest to cur readers Orrtra or BIUNCIS ron WESTGP.:t ?GYN. ISTI.TANIA, E. Onto AND W. V/IttillVlA, 21 Flrrn ST., Prrrsuonon, Pa. To P/iktsdhropists, Patriots and Cialretana of Western Pensisgerenta, Eastern Ohio and West Virginia The American Freelmen's Aid Commission appeals to your liberality in the mnsecution of tho nonle Work of elevating the freedmen of our country. The Commission contemplates Ist. The relief of physical suffering by sup plying food, clothing and shelter to the ' desti tute. 2d, -The education of the ignorant, by estab lishing schools, week day and Sunday. 3d, The general ifilpnxrement in the domes tic, isocinl, civil and religions relations of these PtbPle so long degraded by slavery. but recent- Imade free by the Providence-of God, and now In the privile:s pr ly.ysrt- , The 'PC: - I: ls vast, four millions of colored people calling for bell, Immediately pressing, eicrun hundred thousand of whom are orphans; and irresistible la Its claims, addressing Itself to our gratitude, cur patriotism, our philanthro py, and our religion. This national organization asks the sum of 55,000000. This is to be raised through the operations of the numerous auxiliary organia., [ions It the Northern States. Our organization, auxiliary to the National, covering the territory of Western Pennsylvania, Xastern 'Ohio, and West Virginia, asks the suns of SlOO.OOO. This sum is not large for the tav rltory assigned no, considering the amount call ed for from the entire population represeute I In the National organization. The Pittsburgh branch of the Commission, has only three Freedmen's schools, and seven teachers, and ought to treble these before mid winter, as the field islarge, and sultable teachers are oaring theutiadver, but cannot be rent out for want of funds to support the schools. Let us not bo behind our duty, in this opportune hour, but at least equal to zeal to other au itli tiny organizations throughout the country. Thir appeal is made to all societies auxiliary to the Pittsburgh organization, pastors of churches, and friends of one work throughout the district, hoping it will lead to immediate action. The sum called for can easily be raised by the friends of the ConitztuiSion, U they will Interest themielres promptly and diligently Is this blessed wort. '' fa responding to the present appeal to your liberality remember there Is little ye 'ability of your being Called upon so urgently another win ter to relieve physical aufferiugamoas the freed men, as the labor of next summer, If they shall bars, anything like adequate protection. will enable them to provide for themseires against, the winter of 186 G. . The aehooLs, too, which we are now establishing, GM hoped, will bmeme Largely selßswtaisiog. within one year, as sopta founded during the war bare become already, Do not feria this aspect of the queetlea. Remittances can belied to the Treasurer, Allen Kramer, Keg., 8b Fifth Pittsburgh. Pa. Donations or clothing, bedding, boots acid shoes, school and other baoks, to be teat to Rat. Jos. 8. Travail, at C. G. .12113SeVS7 h 7, Mb tli.. Pittsburgh, Pa. Freak/eat—Dn. C, 6. ilzaarr. Vice Preatdenh—Lion. 'Thomas %I. 71ms. Bakewell. Wm. ?haw. Felix R. BrnDot, D yi . r . rerponding Becretary—ltay. J. 11. Clark, . 4 , 4 .0 v cret Irl,b, Esq. •"' 3 " 4 , er— Se Allettry—E. Kremer. Esq. mrnta.l, Zurutire Committee—Bet. dm, 8, TraveBL , kent — neli 'haze Aiken. ..11taburgh, 2ti05.. 18, 1865 . • Cblld . 11 " 1 " ' In a Hprltiff. On Friday artern°o,4'on accident-of a dts lrisslng.niture oettiffedla the f am il y o f mr; B. ooylo,Jof Idharpsblarg. Hts , only son, Bob about two yekrif.,,boif aged away from under the eye or hi e mother , bat was missed to W .!hiszottleg' for him shout ths.tunutartnll Yard; 11 1 dutd4 not be total; and ituriferirfal thought 'an t e d Vself that ho might ledra foam Into the spring.. ,Ifcro: his lIttlo"body was -foundi, and' dragged th e water.— Efforts were maid t6resusel; tato blm--but "the 'golden ,11oftrirast broken," and Us spifit bad genoM the brlghter • Admitted to the tiar.:—Thts Momtov on • Mafioso( Ifee. B. Parriane& David Xl' der was admitted t0 14 , 4*4 - 14w .1aLthe rittl'. courts of this minty. air. Elder-le a ropy-, 111kial orti a - gratoqt6; --- aiitr - Lirfuledlis very: ' • - cndit • . . - t.rn. J. H. IN mon.. Brevet kfaor G,ller a. i B. rl,r, ~-.., f, 6111 time past fa command of tit, naititary district St Harrisburg, has been rellered, and ordered to report in person to the Secretary of War, for assignment to special duty. The Harrisburg Tstegruph, in hoticing this change, says: "When the war began, Gera. Hidden, who had just commenced the practice of the law at his home In Pittsburgh, Pa., with es celleetconnectionsomdbrilllantprospectaforthe future, following his convictions ofduty, volun teered In defense of his Insulted cobratiy. He has served grdhurtly in every rank from private soldier to his present disthigul shed position. "Being one of those. Ivho early in our strug gle, discerned trio higher Issues of the Conflict, be frankly and manfully acted upon his con victions of duty and right; and upon the master out of the 137th Pennsylvania regiment of nide months men, having attained the rank of Ma jor of Infantry, he accepted the command of a colored reglment,atit time when the rebel load ers threatened slavery to every colored soldier .captured, end death to their officers. Undaunt ed by these threats, and with undying hatred 'for treason:4l6 led b 5. command In marry a' con flict, until at the battle of FaLr Oaks, he fell, se terely wormded, - at their head. From the ef fects of this wound he Is atilt a constant at:Mater. , ••Assigbed to special command, In cousiderat tam of tie honarableworords,.he camp amongst us colonel.ot Infantry.. He gathered hosts of friends about hlm. and tha appreciation of his administrative ability by the War D zpartment was shown come months ago, by conferring on him the brevet of BrizadLer General and shortly he was raised by brevet to the rank of Major General of Volunte,oa, May happi ness an d =Mild health 'OO given to him wherever 14 goes." Case of Troyer. InforMatiq wee made before Alderman , • Elliein charging Levi Do Bay, pawnbmtter, Smithfield street, between Third and Fourth streets, with unlawfully retaining - property pawned with him and using le fortis own gain: The eircumstances are as follows Las) April the wife of an engineer In the gunboat service was reduced to straitened circumstances by the delay of the government In paying her hus band. Needing amm of money very badly she took her husband's oveximat, valued at seven. ty dollars to the establishment of Da Hoy and pawned it for one month, receiving tea dollars. for which she was to pay two dollars and a half interest. At the end of the month, not having enough money to redeem the coat she went back to the tam, paid the interest and renewed the pawn. Some two weeks alter her busband seat tier a sum of money when She again visited the office, and on tendering the auto auppctsal to be due, wag cooly informed by the boy that he had parted with the article. The lady then applied to an attorney, who also tendered the amount •And demanded the coat.. and was informed to - the sable effect. A few doe since the tombaxd armard at home, and this mortilue made the „Intermitter'. 'Do . 16.4 was arrested and gave bill for • hearing on Monday next at ten 'O'clock. The law Compels all pawnbrokere to retain moods In their possession one year, Gold in Bedford County. The citizens of East Providence township, thlscounly, have been considerably agitated for several weeks In regard to the dlatmvery of quartz, in brain quantities, Impregnated with gold. A company was formed several weeks ago, and went Immediately to work to devalope the mat. ter. Since then, a second company has been or ganized, and Is about commenefne operations, The general impression la thatgold is babe found there. but rho 'noblest Is whether it Is In paying guarantee. We have had specimen' of the quartz exhibited to us, but we eonfesa that we are not mineralogist. enough to determine the value or the elate of mineral contained In It. It Is aald that lean has been !Mond In the Immediate neighborhood. These dircoveries have been made on the line of the Southern Pennsylvania railroad. and If there Is anything In them It will loon be demonstra ted. If Bedford county, In addition biotite many o.Ler valuable resource!, should add that of gold, then cur huge have net been thrown up In vain. Let These discoveries bo fully tested end the re sult to the world at large.—lard. ford ERvirer, N0n.17. An Old Customer Tarried Up. Old Dolce, !dills was beforothe Mayor to-day, and preferred a charge of assault. and batter against Mrs. Milligan, one of her white neigh bors, whom the charged with having "struck her be: wren the eyes with a brick." Du:my had en ugly wennd between the '•peeprrs," but lt bad evidently not been Inflicted wilt a An:a. On a bearing of the cone, the Mayor found that there we',, "taiga on both [41(75," and held them both In bond, to k.tep the pence. DAlcey has been In many a battle, and as the land tot rnadr Ler appearance at police headquarters for an lorg, ae thought that ale Lad gone to ,• the lead of the blessed." But she crib liens, and, It she in to be ht ea the I.,wer of bricks or brickbats to tai her. Au Opportunity of obtstuing Mock 1g a add at:ti Ellem.MlllallgCvMP,". Sr. auizea nutter the Poesideuey of 8 riekisr.d uow Chief Engineer of the thrpar.ment of Ba, yolk, Philadelphia, to now presented, by enilioty al the office of 8. & ¥, tie. :t7 Fourth street. Sen advertisement of the Union Mining Company In another column. Mr. Koalas was formerly prominent In the Engineer Depart meat of the Pennsylvania Rant- ad Company, and Is widely known as n scientific and reliable gentleman, and the "Uptan" bids fair to be a success tinder his maisg.mcnt. itan 011.—On Friday evenlo4 a horse natter ed to a wagon, ran off on Ohio street, Alle gheny. and MI through the cellar way of Ile- Grattra clothing 'tore, lathe Diamond. The bead of the frightened animal went tin onch the show 71tdow, smashing a number of panes. Ile was extricated from has rotation, after con aiderablo effort, and austained bat alight. in ihrY. Steam's. Editors, you will Please announce that I base Jost received this day another lot of Phan, S• C/nra's $2O and $33 sewlog machizam, and am rradv to supply th.•ae that base been sraalue for them. They will do tailoring and all lauds of family session. Every machine is warren Led. R. H, Lora, I 3 Fourth street, Cataract, 10 Years.-11m. Atichcatilt ( mai Bedford, stopping with her deter, Mrs. Wil liams, near the curlier of Baldwin and Penn 8... hoe had . ..:ataraet on bib eyes over 90 years, calming tctal bllndaeca (or the last 9 yitars. Lately DOr. Sterreti removed the cataracts. She vow Res to read letthont the ald of gasses, A Mean Act Punlshevi.—An able-b•.d lad German named Frederick Grubb, employ,' a little boot blurb to "eldne his boots," and after the job bad been dour, endtarore.l to put him off with Ore cents—half the usual price. The boy took the five cents, nod expressed his Indignation by calling. Grub!) "a big. menu Dutchman." Grubb. not relishing the Impudence of the boy, slapped Win on the head kneeled him over. The boy appealed to the Mayor, when Grubb won arrested, and tined fire dollars and coats, and, comp: lied to pay the boot black the remaining Bon crate. Berved him rigid. Vined.—B. B. Floyd and John Bradley were cacti fined two dollars and cora, by Mayor Lowry, for permitting their drays to remain on t.t.a public streets. RectilesiDrivlng.—demee Hickey was flea ten dollars today, by Mayor Lowry, for reek. lees driving through the streets. The Young Mau'. Irrieng.—Warranted to afro Private Meaner. For rale by dregglat.s. Aak for the Young Man's Friend. A pamphlet giving the symptoms and treatment of private &wares acentarmaina curb Box, or ran bo had by addressing Young Man's Fncnd, Box Ili, Cincinnati. with a three rent stamp enclosed, to Joseph Ftenalng, Crarlarr Elepor,J. H. Fulton, rar a. W. Fox Co.All=ben v. HUGH FITZPATRICK, FIRST PREMIUM GOLD PEN • 'MANUFACTURER, Thilo Rail, tor. Third and Market ate., Eecond Story, entrance on Third edema. Oold Pone and Gold and Sliver PoneliOrtien, wholesale and retail. Pens repaired. Person. havion Pens to repel: eon fend them by mall, and they will be promptly returned._ octityil riPIMING OP WATSON STREET Tbe arseesmeols upon the proportion benefit d, toper the damages of W. a D. Rinehart or the opening at Wataim street, have been yin ed In my hand, for collection. the porlorul who base been assessed are hereby notified to par' Elicit assommucts within thirty darn from this date, orthe said aranaments will - be filed up es ices against the proportion, with Intend, code and fete for coLMctiOta. Ji W. F. WRITE, City Solicitor, tiREAT CELAN' GE F.Oll AGENTS. `LJI WHAT lITEPECIPLE Wahl% 210. OTAND.OIito IIIsTOAY Or THE ?MAI; compisto In ono law volume'Of -ores toss pigs; ,spleadadlT inostrated ;Whores IBS One portraits of Ganessfs,-Mttto 13stOse, N*Of Lod D 4 sine, Thla worm hss no rlvst- as „tannin. ina s on. Vote, antassUs lanSblo histo of ihe It cost/One loafing mattes equal In e largo - oetasosolututa•- - Send for etralrera mod see art 4. ,tssmse Afire,, , SHUT. 'hi:110/ j o=4=4 Phllsaelnhis.TlG Iv . • : COEN MEAL. just received' of Liomii . j r . r atuPerior (mann tint, areakfigi ~ and teal Hominy,. for We ad ...d.:Tigidl Grocer, Stare of ' , JOHN A.'_IIERSELtif," z..1 2 N 11 " corner Übaldo and Hand stasidr.' 'CON BD jirJS - infort Tlrit ums OPEß ol7 l7 Ha a n Imes ot bath two pantovahaingrofic.. 7 1 4 .in01e lusleategoom , coninnow alut-itt atia: cars. oda oik nest Muket --.F be"' lecznarp • • Qs' WPM. MCcLEali & c•. Bankers and Brokers, No. 18 Fourth, Street Pilletotratt. Dealers In all kinds of Governieetit SPCIrI; r•I caokt. Sliver, Uncut -rant Bank Not., Forvisc Domestic Exckange, to. to. Demos+ mammal to FA.O FUNDS and CUR BINSIOT. Interest allowed on time deposits. Oottect , ocs made to all parts of the Donal Stites on most favorable terms. 'Waits nitwit:Ord with dispatch for orarythioz irk the b usuiess at, the Bono's, New York. Pails dolpin Oaton. Pittsburgh &Wore Boards strictis on comm Des c on A. CLEWS tr. CO , New York, JAT COOKE tr. 00 Philadelphia; Mears. 0. D HEAD & T. H. PE L L kINb. Hosion. FINANCE AND TRADE BROKERS AND HANKERS BOARD (ooszurrio sr saartracnr, neerinair et,00.4 Onion of TICS2II79IIUROZICIAnarra SAT:MCAT, Nov. la, 1855. U. S. 6's 1881 Offwas. dr ' O. F. 6-M'l4 001 50 L. S. 97 00 -- U.S. 10.4015.00 60 S. Certilleal ' es 97 00 G01d..... 144 00 1.11411941 y Co. . 72 5a Pittabtugh 75 Connelliville.R. R. 80nd5.__.,... 79 00 91 00 Connellaville It. R. Interest 9 50 Cormellsville R. R. non-10t.......,.25 Tfittabunth'is Steubenville Fourth Not. Bank Iron lay. ___-__ "6 00 M. h ht. National Bank 65 73 Peoples National .... Cherry Run Central__ _ Eldorado 30 Coal BluthCo...—. ..... P,lllakard Cfeek . Hami11........ ••••••• / 34 Gold opendat 11 e. tn. la.. The week closes with a marked imptotement to Government Securitlei, while the premium on gold keeps op to nearly the higheat points:touched during tho month. The fluctuations in gold keep within narrow range, and hare so hir as we can Judge, no erect whatever an the pride at Govern ment Bonds. The late depression In 6.20's and 7-20's ha. given place to renewed activity, and better figures. The Oro named were selling to Philadelphia to-day at ha, after having touched Seven Thirty note. anti] In our market t,..-d•y at the fol. lowing rate.: Ist veries, 9i54,299; 204 97'; id at 97, and were In demand. Many persons who are well Informed attribute the depression of fissvernment securities to the foreign reports of their value, and in it we have an Ilhistration of the absurd caprices of our own market, for when these bonds were aubseribed they were almost Wholly taken with an Independ• ant American feeling cherished by a mmildent faith to their intrinsic value, and now that this ostrinsic value Is folly assured by the stability of the Government, and by positive measores of contritellon, that are calculated to strengthen the national credit, we have operators looking with eager eye. to see what estimate will be placed upon them in remote foreign markets, and chang ing their quotations accordingly. It Is observed that the present low dentes are attracting invest ors, and that there Is a decided distinction to be iiraWl2 between what are known a. operators; and thoen persona who have placed their foods in them for a permanent Investment are not found to be much distorted by their fluctuations. - . We find the New York Tinto and other paper. crowded almost daily with communiatlons no the nruincial situation. All sorts of plans for nom passing a return to specie payments, and a certain moose] of onr enormous debt, have been broach ed, and some of them are absurd enough. One writer who Is eonsidered high authority In these matters, Itle. John It Can Buren, ge well propose, that the Uovernment should begin at once to hosed away thin to the amount of at least Ilizo,OtO,coo, for the purpose of bringing, the cur. re, ry the country up to a sped, standard, though the trouble was not that there Is al teeny too little coin in circulation, and too many bank notes and legal tenders. It seems to us that the point noon whielt ell turns has not been touched In these disc:use/on, tee hue little more thin two yearn the Secrete - y of the Trees dry, In ndldttlon to a hart,: dual debt, the daily expenses Of the Oonarnment yet exceedinC a mtllfou per day, the flee yr: coot% note•, and over one hundred 'Mahon of one year •rttheates, has to pro. Ide for the redem;,Mou of Sam uoo,mal of sercrethlrty notes. flow NI he to eccompliata thief It le Dotty:dal with the holders al these stmeltles to tube t-led'e at per ur beaal tender.. should enntreortdon fusee :.-au', below par, Ad teal the ease n week since on the etworp t,on ot,l) 0,1,1. out of compound note., the holders Cl wi,; demand the lenal ten and no ILet, the market for the bsca dt 3 I p . , . pee era 1. I.rioks pnr, ae tilt CAA.' may be. It to fr- Idea?, theta that t ,et sr) rau.l. keep 6-, absr- par to euatkir ht... to ; past thts ibtnnt iv, prate benre, roe the optlr.r ar Le taksa asray, • thlE., ronr,i) I, done. The thrn let ort.• 'Mr t, ark roret t y rpertae• a i.el "lurera, et, tee, al.ead tho floating rcrtai, and rotapour.d tateretit hates. And weather tho pc llutticulty'' ttcu Tease hence ? I(he tapceU the people willingly to put their I-sis Into long bt rids, can he keep 0.2. e. nI por, and nt the sau.c time reduce largely or al a I, tie retype of currency, and compel a return to specie popmentsc One wetter puts the annual Inca., of she (Internment at 1270,000,000, and estimates the expenses nt 177p.u00,000. Should this estimate oe verified In fact, there remains a large balance for our use. But the latter estimate we fear Lsit below the mark., and the Secretary will 213 T 0 to look to other sid than net revenue to he!p bryocid what we eon •ider themoln. perhaps the only diffl. aiat y to the situation. —lt has been pposed by many that the yield of pat: In :al Mon is woo gradunny diminish ing. It bas also been a popuitir Imprenslon that the larger pottton of the gold products of our retitle count was brought to thtscout Ely. Neither of these impressions are correct It la eacOUtiztng. - however, to know that the facts arc gradually conformlng to the ancond one of them. There is Mandy to ea m la the quantity brought from the Woes, keeping almost equal pace with the inc. proved factittfea for separating It from the rock in which It Is embedded. The exportatlnn Is ed.'. Otts rear Cfe' , UY "..-U aced, as c with lost 1e. , . the :.erfsd of votnparlslon frl L. nib oOth. e during the stale tl arc, th m r amow't exported from Sao Francisco to the east ern part of the United Stott. Is Increased. It may occisl,n some surprise to learn that 10 large an amount as nearly alx million dollars is expert •:! to China In nine months of thin year. n er icw of the New York Grocer{ Market [From the 0 0rernercial Lis( of Nor I S.J I'OFFEE —The roaret for the verious descrtp lion, Iv quite thiti, but hol.lcrs of Rlo haring con retried a further reduction of miff a Cent ,l . I, cold, the genteel, with Inereleed activity, rare with more steadrer's, the latest sale beta; a linttroe tercel on the one melons. The sales o Dm since our last show a taiilng off Drat the high est later, middle of O. totmr, of f cents CI lor ...ate., of sitittlar grade. Wn eon.: 4,tott tr,p,s 1,1 irstin him} pli 00 auson, a week ago. t sac. ne spertiletfen, at fifteen Vent.; 4.6. do. per Waco t. 14),, 6.1,6 tin, per ' , crops, 14'4; and S fen per & t It g0..1, in bond II( otner -Iva., we toilet Mat &ten government Java et and about 20 ccnt• gold. t/ ell •Itaw radar connedes quite dull, the sn all usit.eatt front dry to day being scenery stab r....et0 to estabtlsh a market. Prices gemualty must be quoterFone quarter of a cent lower .m th • trustncre actually d ea thoug moat holder., are Imo to make 11, 1 , eonema h sloe. Reiland ir pre,eed, unsettled and lower-11mM, 'f vette, h.. ft him, 1ea1.1%; and rd.ors 15 Messrs Strout quoted their Loaf, :al% Center; Be rt Crushed, 20; granulated, 15%; Ormond, I";; While A, 16; and Yellow C, if. cash. The sales of Fate are gag Wide. Cuba at ' UtetjOrd Demerara, 171 154 Porto th c°, 01.0.411% ; end 670 hos. Havana 12140174, moatly 1414,6141.4„ 4 moo. The stock yesterday Tenn or 211,31 I W 14,62,220 boa., 69,1,9 begat Sugar, end 30 !the.. Meted*. Ely auc tion, CO but. White !Want (.1 utt ered) 601,1 at 11961/1.7% cents, 4 mos. MOLASSEZ—There le a steady but Moderate demand r r small lots for immediate use, and pri ces nt r t ime ard choice qurlites, imitable for etty trode, have varied but little, but cargoes and In. stdern, eapecially al low grades or mixed qu antes, ore very dull and unsettled, and settee forced on the market, go at inw ratca. Slace oar last there has been considerable irregularity - 1n market val. urn, nod prices of common to gored grades arc 5, and in sonic. inatanees, 10 cents lower, closing un settled. The sates are 401 hhds. and dl Ws. Trin idad Cubs, 'COMM.., English Island, on grit ate terms) =6 Porto Rico, 00000 octets, and choice, in .aY, 01: add DO Out Idascovade, in Into, 44e60, 4 mos. 1.17 auction, 10 birds. Porto Elko surd at 02 rents; 147 do. Demerara, 604"70; nod 40 do. Centrifugal, 97,4. 4 mos. The at ncle yesterday was About MOO Wide, Forto Elea, and 0500 do. Cube, &e. The Must ❑le (Pa.) Ilrrald, of the lith Instant makes the following announcement of the suddo. failure of a well known oil well: The stoppage of the Flatter er tlnlted States trail, which occurred on Friday last, naturally creole, some sensation among oil inert. We per sonally shitted the well a fortnight since, when It was producing about four hundred and eighty barrel, per day—ii very marked decline from what it Was popularly rated - outside. 'The report th at It had entirely failed on, Frhicy wan generally dis credited, but Win confirmed. The °casette's' of the flow was .udder, and unlooked for, and wall tint made known to the company by two visitors at the well who discovered that it ceased flowttg, and reported the drew:octanes at the °thew The reader was the first well struck on the Holmlen 'farm. It was suuek la the early part of Sean try Last, and started' at two buldred and tweatyeave barrels par day. It second productive. well a any consequence tha t has failed. The Home diced-ow/etch was the secoodlevall Unlace suspend. cd operations some time :ago, Both tvelleriare probed highly itemunerstive to their owner*, and have made aid fame for Mole. ( - O N , s e c li t l b o ll ax in e :N ro ov; T : hut . " lB l6 ,-- - ec Tie d i tu lit iar y s,:st ri .4. o2lll7L w. des i . r 4 ii,brisk specuistive quiry, and the mrete; Urn: at About VI t oo advance' askir VA toes £4cliniton:Sociel; at .441 .15046 lelartaillerlo,. 1220 ; lOOdo Coltneas. on privet* terms I And 1,100 do; Qicanarnock, e., to arriveelling)2o.- 01Aznerican, we notice 6CO tons best brand4l for deliveq eons 16 December, at 160, At Elizabethport ; earl 000 do No. 2at Ptughkeepll2:24o.' tem old ran.., 3 1,1 elirliosed about ; sod 200 do lir tight Scrap. to arrive at Woston.llo,,Mitt'' Ig Ar , COUtirittee' Very . 11(11ree OrLihe spot, and Nina Ar 6 Well supported; errteits 150211statelltind BOW - to arrive, supposed 170 gold, equal to 0/10 currencr,:. eetk er w es at *7O tons Notthem 111 ab at 225, 'delivered at ' ri lu zl end CO totorbest Tetley 216; *OO deliv ere d at A. St,re prices aro W unchanged, tholigh tho rllieent has beeping - quite turiken, lIME • J., V: l'lern been modernt, denten of netooty :n 1.••,•• ••(S :.Wing artmles of hole yr t. reek Which Juiii closed, but upon 1 111 % 1 1L..L... of buetness can been Light, •n tie trar.aacuo..• were mainly of a local and undnuoilan: character. In prices, the ductuni [ions have been slight though as a general thing lbi tettic,:cy is tear and Rimer rates. UNALN—There 00 very little doing in Wheat, and while toe demand 1. limited, there is next to roue uttering; sale of 100 bush Penns White at im,a,„ Oat. moderately active. but unchanged; saws of out bust I rum Store at 48; also, small sales at by. Bar ey continues very dull, and the poorer grades are wparently almost unsaleable; sale of the i,ushchoice tall from store st 11,20. Corn in quiet and unchanged; sale of 209 aka shelled, on wt • • 5 to movement In Rye F LOM—T/sero I 5 po now feature in the flour market worthy of special notice. The demand continue. very light, while prices are nominally to,h..nged-48,00t0 19,00 for Spring Wheat Fam ily Allo6osll for Winter Whet . dorted $115.0 12!.‘ Icr ince) brands. Rye now may be quota! at 07, Cot ,:ns— dull. GROCERLF2 , ,—The Grocery trade continues quiet and dull, though prices are Without decided changer Cubs Sugar Is selling at 16tile,• Porto Rico, do, 16340.17,4; Crushed 72.4t.:244:; ...B" end "A" Coffee, =GILL Coffee may be quoted at 330 34 for good to prime Rio, and 50 for prime J•va. Porto Blco 31.olasres range from 91,00 to •LiO, and prime Orleans do, 51,35. - Rice Is selling at /.211/13 Cent.. P/WYLSIONS—SmaII sales of Bacon Shoulders et 1 7 .tSille, and Lard et 2.l(ottasi r for country and new kettle tendered. Ness Pork la dull and nom inal at 02.5. Bogs dull, but without quotable ibrrnse. POrAlOl-c—Peach Blows are In good demand an.; tell resdlly on arrival at 03 4 0 6 3 , 50 per ibbl. or ft u../.01,25 per bushel. Sweet Potatoes are soarer and higher—quoted at 047 per bbl. FATTYL:I/-7'ontleues ascent rely du I, 4nd prices are steadily meeting.. Small sales Of prime ltol , at and common ar ., at 30 RIS-7)ttil; 4n0f0,T.14-o.d-LZ.. • t:ILLY.,Y.—.IB steady with regular sales at 2le for Ramburg. and 21(g22c for Goshen. APPL L.S—contlnue very do* and the supply Is largely In excess of the demand. We note sales from store at Sineunno per bbl for good to prune --tholes at Snob - . HAs"—sale on whnrf of bale, prime Timothy Hay M 11120 per ton. 1111).El5—flanges all the way from $1 . 2 to 815 per bbl, according to quality. CITANI32:IiELES-10 fair demand and prime Eastern a e held Orally at 1,16"# . 10 per bb/. CtIESTIIIITS-IJulli small sales from store at 4,500,7,75 per bushel. n OHO ttl'M—Steady, with sates at Wk. NA LT-1s firm ofith wales by the carload 01 83,00 elm; ; sales from ntqr, At $3.7.043,26. 5 , 1.1-.1”5—,1n 51i ...1.,. of 115