The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, November 18, 1865, Image 1

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.4,w41110N:4- TELEGRAPH
J.O. Principals
% , .ts Ainf..-Oldetatr.
C .O. / I'M illiflfing, Corner Peon and.% Clair Sts.
- fig.F2nnt;l34ll.nBL.rfrut.-
`jam 1•14 X =ma Nov. la, ;tars
. rawford, Itop2iirdon. Del o wara roWA.
ro r t i o d eralc&i . LSteb, Sebastian Co.,Ark.
AS; steam?
• • 'O. 0.-mootei- g atirrn, erce l• C° "
Mcßae:ran, Alexandria, Rant. Co P
Rtad.tallegbeny City, Pe;
,I W.N.E o ElniLiontiont, Bel. Co 0. *
E. W. . s
Elliott,nar. D. Poling Elida, en •
W. DirrAuer
11..E/Burpoyne.Xiddle-Perrp- w
lift Ea tCerls burg, ' 'Pisa k. Co.,Pa •
w, D. 1.7tr",-eirde:htli'Lw a y . 00. ; 0
Cf. Edgers. Caliendo n. Venango Co Po.
3". T.. Baumer. Richmond, Wayn e
U. Will* tßerirille,-HartfordCT.fd.
..4tig o iAnrsoN'Stenbensille. Sett Co., O. -
* '',,rT,;-A,;'l4l°.3q4ll."ll.6llgar,Bilr2.T.Ter'
111.7oart,Vartri.1 C o., Pa.
li.LW:Sliantll33ll4tr't3vtaalt76.,:ltina:(9o3.,l'7o;." Po
* 2.1. P. EBB, Mica OE7; Cerro' Gordo Co Zon e.
IT. ColWns,Roodollih,Porlagn Co., 0. "
Ptter; S Oak Co 4 0.
0. Bobplaerilollida,yeburg, Blatt. Co. Tn.
3' or and inlorinatton etc:mini tae Col.
. .
7q4:11.7.1 317111 & ovarr,
_ ..ratiburah.
No Malelce raven.
. . Dr. J. bodge-Nance aid; eouttnuez.healleg the
=.. littKle,st Bialohnla Ilan, each day Thom 9 ill/ II ,
, .- .. It:, : lierof cbargi s and from ;2 tut a he may be
,••!, ilithd at the St, Charles Note' by those who are
able and - a 'dens to pay. • Wlll peattlyel,y retaate
ni),lo.zigertt til:lea. 2. . ',. ..• . pois-ti
Diu aline
.. . ,
Omar. stintilettilei and retail, at barker Ai Co.'l,
el, Market street:
'Coverlets, •
' mien, atirkii - ittOok st faetOry Vices, on the
• loreetot,Eovelaar.allatactstreetr.-.,
0. lie:yaws I.oTs a Baii.
For Flue
C4t/IP,gll . to Bates lIeIP. .
sheet:tags and SLlttlngs
chap, at - wholtraleand repa at Barker k.
4. 9 llirliet it rein.
;,-IP'or Cheap Mauling.
NO. 21 nil Ji ,tteet la N 1601124.
, , For Clasp Muslims
No 21 Fifils street /a as Pla ce.
' = • • BeaVIM/ DieBß• Codes.
1 .41444 pram • 42. , polka spot. Call Aful see them
nottheilt oar or of Foust!' and Market
streets. '
k e
t t
a tt .
t ti r
t e te and feta% at Buyer &Co 's
• .
A vSryftal ittepat Me very lowest possible prices
~ ; ,on they northeast' : eorrtexCf. ourth bnd :Nlarket
streets. -r..
Vlteki4 atwholtsale anct stßArket &
69 Starlit stxeet.'
.. ,
. ' .- . lerlai Cation Batting.
A ougolot at lacteal, price; et wholeeele, on the
northeast collie? of Fereth-sad Market street..
13.1Lixsoe Lore & Bro.
~. "1 'Flannels •
Clcapi at whaletalb and retail, at Barker At Co.'r
.y Coii*try mere.banta
In want of drugs or, patent =Hanes should give
Fleming. bin., .Market - street, a call- Ho
wRI enu you:gehuttin articles, and cheaper than
you cps bny.anywhere else. Remember the piste
ii,nd'llee him 'shah. •
Ptitt4, same as tams been ffellinf at 11 eeots
Barker & 00-14-091latkeistreet.
•i; • - - ; At gs Ceitts,
Startiat muelliP reduced from ra seats, at Barter
Co.ti, fia Market street.
The Fettle es.
A great scare Is being caused among the Cana-
Clam. On 4ccqunt of the - Fenlans...,7;hey are trim:
bliss ibe:niselriaigeittly ibeht 'Eft; teal CUT could
do no better Mae to call on Plttock and have him
abow hl• Orient Allmon. A sale sure will be
mace, m he mills so lovn
, Neutral Sulphite of Lime,
Forpriserrinu cider. Sot taLo by Chattel Super
- , ..,-Thaiiiitr.Carlierefrßeati and SLpiatrstreeta,
and Ma =Boothllna
• .
A friibed relates to us that the summer Wort
the warjit the bower of a hospitable South Caro.
- Ltaapriter; ha was urche 'morning ninth the can venture forth Oti morning
well., Siert halves checked by the planter 4t the
door. ,
"You eannot pass, Sir. Too early.e
Imo° Whi.mT dear Colonel,, vehst. stye
tO Sled and early to rise will make a
Man healthy, and Wealthy and " • .
"Wary Poe air; bet all • fallacy. Early rising
noon an empty sfoitach or the
kaiotnice *Marfa - of thla eonotiy; North - awl Sleuth,
Jeaye teen the death of aousands, from the
time qf • c.sytain John Smith to rids day, Wait
tfii •aftt s• breakfast, _fortify Some stomach, With a
cup 4r hot core., and thinillie"rio 7 xions vapors of
- " - the night Actog exhaled by the eno, we trill take
"Bets m(7, - dear colonel, Ism always, fortified
With Swine skis (ha of Ifoefetter's Celebiated
thie, sir, you may 'stick to Dr. Pranklln.
• litoatatteiNS, agent at. Chula:ton supples me, and I
am eipeating a box 'today with my wagon.
~ Those Meters, I and, are a sure proteativa against
alittie retries iesulttag hoax malaria:
,Dr. FeiLez.
-the bolds . 6114; ale, 'eyed •be the exretepai of south
Varoitax, Lt Dittifieh with Ho:fetters Bitters."
, Where to
To buy dri:, th e via
good. ce—
74 and 76 Alaska str
'rail and Winter oods.
it la with treat pleasure we call the atteutlo4 of
OUT rodent:rule/To= stool orzan ani mate:
Boodtlast'reeelv by her. Sohn trete, lucre/Lint
ratter, No. I= Federal street, Allnuay. ills
'stock eachiatiss setae ef the- latestee'd re,ost twee.
ttfulthettraiialisie res , fiviiiitaitittadV l N l ti4
everb mlrb
_P*Akaßeataitti tatitfitti
meet et .eiventaamg-. gone. comeeislat 'Mick
irenwsoc,chalb*; hrscletleii liairaltereidstre;
Isaaaet peattipmered east or west: ..£ large - pack
Ast sieity-sead• 'Pants, Mats; Testi sad Ofercoitta
wills a 0 s.itund-itt4i
to Wantof aelthtPs 1a theclotalna liar genie act
l ikosire - 44.:itieer nu ,
The /394 xtvlSZ44loasa...pfSoattx Boni 63
with barlittil.*: - Zfiti liAo axlittp at - Minorite
wherLl n#l . 4 ° Ps 4 te r ll l4 t:lther Vir swain
lin- lino ~al bocitar 11114
lhOeS Or ttia fgr bail - ikA9
4fticAlksticottlsiocateitil !
N E W e!alu fame!, ,34
406,t Irak zitietil "
' This
Non I/stir.:
41101 bled 4131tiriquk;,
'rtsiotstal S luelidefer — jeari.f Death*
Slue et; . 41 94 0 1 1 +7 4463 n 1 .1i3Iffeejc*** er
Limadtplittael K Al4 tersTrorks.-AguNcrigh,
Itosaimitt trbr- Isfint-teriai""bicieiN
intraptliatteadint to. An work wursatect vita
p rookAgßOMir dale aiTtZutithOrnottat. tie
13 hall. for Man. "11zoor„1".201
Carratter Jobbing Shop.
gAnturlatterplitaiitszi *lmam of Wee
14- th e 1, 41,7 4 tta* , ,. , 4elt.z 2 7,4aprotiu soils
•crf hitate oarDaittar•—• line. at thl Clary.
1141¢.Aller,-14Pireanfisaithtlftld ftree"indlakeny,
ARV. Orden fOlka4 Pia - iii o MAti - V4404
_ .flirLV4.llX.X...o)9>#ll7.
thilptila Of time.
.-Druntst,.conexiq rca4; askpc. curs street!,
T! E • ;!., 4ir.
7p. , .
Toter Mac and Crash,
Tery low, at , No, 21 Fifth 'Stott.
. • Neutral Sulphite or LLate,
For Inetlerilrig elder. • For 2.110 by (laden Super,
Urania% corner r Venn and St. Clair streets,
C. 0111, Dentist, 240 Penn Street.
Attends promptly to ill buslo..s In 411 proles
An "extra" number tida wer::
All or Dawley's
Meg, Boole, at Plttoelra.
The Wet k;ie. And Monthlier. rlttoek hr them
Gold 'Pons, •
Pocket Book. and Knives. at Pittock.a.
SelLtnc Out ;
Beuutiful'enciarings ut coat, at rutoek'.
Get the Eastern
Pittoes agent.
Get a Leaner
This week.
New Books
Received dally, M PlMock's.
Triumph of the Liberal and CoUstitUtione
Corresporidente of thePiltsbureb Gazette.
FLORENCE, Nov. Ist, 136 Z.
At last the protracted state of doubt and aorl4
ely in which the frtends of liberty in Italy have
been kept for the past lortnhint is over, and we
are able to congratulate the'eortntrY neon hav
ing achieved a complete victory over the parties
who seek to replunge It again Into Foetal datk
ores and eplritual despotism. If I felt com
pelled In a recent letter to reprobate the Indlf
fererc.e shown In the first vote of the ;11l nit.,
am now eager to bear testimony to the manner
in which this dentrition of Italy has been re
deemed on thegich, cot that the voting on B.nn
day last was overpoweringly numerous, or as
numerous as It ought to and Mktg have been,
but chiefly ki T ardielideituted a firMnme of pur
pose, a spirit of union and a resoluthanlo throw
aside all minor; diffirehces In presence of the
common enemy,' which convinces us that the
heart and feelings of the country are sound at
the bottom. .At all events, the worklasbcen
complete triumph of the Elher::.l and Constitu
tional party, and Filc return of a new
.1,.11.A.N00s Love 4 Beo.
O. E!aseCrs pairs h B ao.
tricot prepared to support th.• existing ortier of
thiop by an iriesistable majority. To speak
more in detail, you will remember the result of
, the first ballot was not only to leave half ttso
elections Indecisive, but to place a large nonl
inear candislates of the Clerical end Reaction
tionitry party le n position to compete a decond
time with the Liberals, and with isome Napa
mat chance of sheers, This ,position alone,
whatever might be the final. result, was felt
keenly by the flatten to be . cheek and a spe
cies of disgrace. Thus in Florence alone, no
lens than three of the electoral colleges out 'ot.
tour were dispatched in this way by the nevi, or
' blaeks;"and throughout the thirty-one colleges
of the Tuscan Provinces in which the
'ek'ctions, had to be gone over again, There
were nineteen in which a Clerical
alone stood opposed to a liberal for the , final
vote. In the other twelve eel/ear-a, the cutest
A re
Ares Only berWeon ;We candldatell of dlt
nt shadari of Widen.' Well, Under these
circumstances' *bare was a - gtteral' cry, not so
muck of alarm' aa of reprobation that each
state of things should have been permitted to
come to Pinar andi a detertnination manifested
to put a speedy-atop toll: The second election
day approached, and all sections of liberals, It
„mean be sald, 'bettered adunrobly. Elinor die
tat tea and aUfferences.were nonce Uhl aside, its
well ea the divisions abffincillfirence which had
given's temporary and apparent advantage to,
theft. salverearleli - The itsultwas ouches might
tar expected: Goix - Mmistiel 'which' cannot fall ,
once :mare to tool/tan LOGI - Europe and America
theAspininn =they:leave, hltherto 'held of tie
practical good ectuntind Ilmituttnia of the Italian
people.. kferO'.:lti-lleretice,tha three liberals,
Riessoll, Fenian": aud cyprlan a, whose return
was opposeNby clerleals, were raised to the head
ottnepoll-by.trinmphant 613 1Dr111e6;. the nvcm
beret-rotes given for theni far exceeding those
on the first occasion: . Three given for the cleri
cals, on attLCODITary. had but silently increased
showlog"thet the latter - bad put out nearly their ,
whole strength on Ittel:2d. To men op, out of
the nineteen clerical cenaldates standing
throughout the Ttnicatr Provinces, bow
do you suppcoe. succeeded many,
In making good
their election Why, only two And even Of
these two, one, Pled, elected for Prato, some
ten mine from Florence, is of so mild a clerical
color, that he may very well bedesienated soder
the terns- of a "grey" rather Than a pure
"black hot yet able to lay before yen
to COLWELL` a statistic of the restilt , ef the elec
tion In the Southern Provinces, but enough Is
known for me to sexy that it is only a little lets
favorablethan the above. A few of the leading
orators of the "black" party have succeeded
entering the Chandber, and will no doubt make
themselves consplenotis in debate, (for they are
able and net:dons men,) bat their followers will
berm and weak,. In the North the party is re.
dneed to a non-entity and the only contests
there Moe been between Lberaie. The general.
color of the new Chamber will probably be that
of a more advanced Liberalities; th.ln. the lasti
but , with le t tir'r m embers elected tt duticull,
to. appreciate , . temper previously before It
apeaka. Garibaldi la elected at two places, Na- ,
plea and Anglia; and afarainf, - is I predicted,.
boa - been defeated a less advanced Liberec
the ranches Filed, at Genoa. of
Tony eat a Board of Trade In - PRltele greaU .
The/Icrescr left; 'here orthe opinion that y.
Board of Trade with Its proper slicers should!
be established- la our city, and hold regulari
meetings, at which the various eubjeeta of In.
terest could bo discussed da a proper manner,
Bonen /Miens' that a well owner may make
an important disc:oven, In the Betide of 'Working,
lac., but which would fail to the ground Un
heeded far The want of a place In which to ex-
Plebs it to 64 -fallow operators. The expense..
wcniti ne t be heavy, but the mutual gain could
act ba coward In gold. It Ls clear In this la
swat; pin others, that [nion Is strength.
Tlin 'people of Edinboro and vicinity held a
casellsg in Aaaembly Efalt;last Tuesday evening,
14th lea., to consider the wants of the Normal
SeLocil7 Speeches- were roads by Revs. Dickey,
Rogers and Gra;sle, A.B. Ross, Esq., Prof. U.
R. Thcmisson, 8. Reeder, Treasurer of the hi
stitsition, M. Phelps, Esq, and others: -; Reso
lutions were passed to raise 830.000 for the pur
pose of erect additippat buildings.
A wan named Moor, whilst out gunning a
few sive. ago at
ot hinssol Mounf
vattingt - Pan, cr Berk
le e counfence.ty,
a bosag a
'The Imul_passed. through 48 - itlestellusing In
Tun Brownsville Gas Company have rallied
the-price of gas from three to lour dollen per
/.000 feek77ldLiWolfdleMd Clipper says this
Is not done with a view to Make t i grty
LancastdTon eprn per ty
known as"SliatWelA.MlS'? has been purchased
be`gasElatarttuan , daa:td.; for $38,700, It
the tate:Oen of the Com ya ay to convert the
same into alatpetle=l - :-the.pnating estsb-
Ushnienta in the city (•ith tb eanaaPtinaar Um
la C") MintFaabn? le tgejlnrcbem, - ;
fileatecr- cOnftreearu - ata MiddletOlen to
tin boween that and Etarrisburgion gm:Stahl.
gunman; tlyer,-,aras; Wake few deg b
from nenteettusetalled to Milken e
the etarea,..-.. thebont*aarphe on - the
cland.came 'lneortedel4 any.
iltgal r ; Snob etterations ..41111 be zoide
enable the steamer baanothrthellier.
Tniee hilittitzaititoes; on theitarm of .7`,
Pareet . lakeise:yrteent seme;
"rlilded three hundred andahirty-tber -Pottitoesi
• Bouts and Shoea..,
lleMemier ilia! Thomas a. McClelland, No, 55
acd r. 7 Stith street, ham on hand every rartety of
,Boota, SboisiGaVers.,satt toshort emery variety
tit MCA in This Pne at very foct prices, We ac ,
sure you. reader, that now is the time to bay.
Should tca riled any Mena , ClothLud, mire money
and welt a few days. Believe U. that you will
cave saucy by waiting to: the greed' opening
elotlteg Sale.
Boys' Cat Ill'weeel.,
NUMMI:. and low, at Bates fr. Bell's
Just the Thing , .
Gant cough sandy, butter scotch or Evertors
tatfyy cocoa 'nut candy, rosii leaLcia, goejipph,,
vanilla and mountain tea candy and taffies. Goad
uruncs, fig., raisins, dttes and etirrnata, at 112
Federal street. A call to sollntted.
I w
- • (lemma B8A71:N.
Towelling and Crash,
Very :ow, si Flrtiparret.
Bow Is It
That Sheilah). Barclay can ten gocda cheaprr
than icy other house to the city! Stamm they
uyat the right time. when goods are down.
Boys' Candi:derCd.
Idunsercux and low, at Bates St Bell's
-- - -
Just Openeel,
Oar new Olothlns Route, et 63 Fllthetreet, where
tre otter el),000 worth or clothing rnentdiese
east, at Oak RSIL of
conatithgtolail y. or Abe Teat Oath Tfle#
r , . , IttlUchmxind. , ,-', ." . 1,5 '
~' ?few Year; N0y.17.-41teRcaaidllachmend
farrtfirktodett intsa: An Armament aru , heand
,in Wednesday by •Jedge'tOodererckaf'Of the
'United BLEU Distrioe COint end„
ltjtestattlho conttitutionallty -of the e.eath.
leek/log that they have netbetbittgr or. gres ,
eon to the N atattilltlGirieituatot, riequirod. by
the act of Coevals to be taken bygractitfonere
to thellalted ltattyychrt4".Theaccdapi to can?
atituticinality of the oath will be.otatatalned by
tbointige.; - , rcf 1:';:' .... 47 1 :. 'ij
. •r.,:i .
tligrOt C ?Pr i I4°_4 and tbel ! eltrathi
IWAIITERCPIO:4'III3I/ 1 7 —. & Yirkiet.a.yorres
poodent "Of;lhe . Neittenol 'yniegimwer eaya:
- lilkseris: earth. Chandler, Ridgeway, Barbeer,
, Dayjs awißodge, elected to Congresa from that
'State, trill take the test oath without - scruple, if
the 'other two,Meson. 13tewart and _Conrad
.wilL;„ ITO adda:, Whether able or net hi take the
Pitlix:it ty.pramtalser bts; antecodents.' , -- , .
VAtuou a. ~TsilB
A of
paper gives mu 'amount of a new'
arid w
way of preparing butter. which is very Blonde
trial, n It would be a meat boon to
dam Maids. The cream is pat Info otiose linen
hag, and haled in the ground at the depth of
about a root,lkild a half. At the end - of twenty
four homilt is taken out, and found quite Oral.
It is then only aectatary to beat It up winker
glass of eater to get rut of the buttermilk; To.: -
prevent-any ;admixture at earth, It Is better 'tn.'.
enclose the gra tlng Wit - second. Avery large`
/nattily 6f Cream requires a rather longer time.
This method's said never tel fall, and the butter
to be of a par to tine quality,
A utsPrcraimb. man, residing in Paris, had
reeelyed from a nephew is present of half a
pound of snuff, and had placed ft :on the shelf
of a cupbOard by the side of a similar quantity
of coffee loot purchased. 131 a wife, in prep sr
lug their breakfast, took the wrong packet, end
Is bloom perceiving; her errOr..Made a beverage,
of which they each partook, supposing it to be
coffee' although they at the sometime observed
that it bad a very bitter, disagreeable taste.
They were both shortly after seized with isymp.
toter! of poisoning', and then only diseovenati
the mistake. Medical assistance was obtalund,
brit tbe hnsband shortly after , expired; the w. e,
however, ultimately recovered.
A warren In the Charleston Coarser says the
South is vow under the rule of whisky. Raving
sneered Goal a drouth of liquor during the
war, the Southern heart le now tiring 'well
with endrscous and constant. potations. Alter
the wild follies and melcdramatid failures of
hellion, the excited and•exhansted Southerncts
very naturally take to du Ink. As Ilia expressed In
the "Courier, "humillatle n sod trouble drive
many to the bowl."
A maim° excise ou a new principle has
Jost teen tented at tlie Catch:aunt! water works.
The engine has no crank arty wheel. hoc the
piston rod acts di.ectlr on the tinmpa. it lac he
rentlon 01 George HAleids , and lea monster
nuachitte, though tat Stile of It is viable above
the greund. On the trial it threw Info the reis•
et vote a stream of water firefeeklb diameter. -
Tor Mayor of Galena haw- coMmencad snit
E. 13 „..Washburn,.. aLC., U. S.
Marshal Jonee, of 'Moots, end other Prominent
P.cpublidana, for Fenster his wrestand im,,rts•
°lament as a sympathizer With rebellion. Ills
party feelings MI/ so strong,l y that en learning
the result of the recent elections, ho resigned
his allies of Mayor iu disgust.
A cel days ago a lion of John Baker, of
Tborndike, Me., knocked his father down and
robbed lam of $375. The fa , her was attiork
in the woods making shingles, when his son
suddenly made his appearance, orme'd with 3
stick, and demanded his money. Ulna his re •
Nast, his son dealt him reverel heavy blows
over the head, knocking him senseless.
Anon. half the Ice need In New Orleans Is
made by artificial means. One block of this
manufactured tee was lately 'exhibited la the
et rest, which resisted the ant, and atmosphere
all day and dill not melt. One desirable quality
or the Ice is that eve pounds of It are equal to
tight of ordinary ice, and emitter that It is far
Avian a spirited dltetlialon, the Board of
Directors of the Brooklyn Academy of Stook
hare resolved by a vote of eleven tb fire, that
the prejudice ai,,,alust color was absurd, and
that hereafter the building should be epee to
"the colored people."
. •
mettssrintrimet of the New Pork rina.d.d
In traveling along the wan of Florida and
Georgia, found a woman who dldnot even know
*hat a newspaper was. Happ women! She
had seven children . , and a pipe in her , month.
A ernivar. ivas lately married, when one
of her schoolmates, a little girl of eleven yea
told her mother "Why, rimy think, Susan rd
married, and s he hasn't !pane throve-Li fractions
Tun mountain back of Plains township,
Wyoming valley, was fired 00 last Sunday, and
the llnsaca spread back of Wilk - es Barra moue
-lain during the nicht and Monday. The woods
arc very dry.
Tun Indians Shakopee and Medicine Bottle
were hung at Fort Snelling on Saturday last:
Titcy died In true Indian style, with no conks-
Won mq nothing to ray.
A TARTY Or Wanscon deer hunters went onta
few days since and shot fiva deer. Deer are
very plenty this season in come portions of De
fiance and Hs nry consults.
Tile Danish Cabinet has decided that It la ao
advisable to rimer,: the propositions of the mix
ed committee relative to the revision of the Din
dal:own! !ow of the kingdom.
Writ, ducks are plenty on the Susquehanna
rivet from Wlficenbarre to Colombia.
No r.t.t.s than four person,: were kit „,f1 la Ch,
eago and vicluity on Wednesday, Vbelag rat
over by railroad trains. Tho tirld was an elder
ly man at the corner of Smith Clark and Sit
toroth street' by the Illinois Central . engin e ,
The next was at Bernadotte, on LLo same road,
Joseph Cross being the victim. The third on;
on the Chicago and Milwaukee Road, at Evan,-
' toe, by which Frank B. Dennison, a son of the
conductor of the train. was run over, having
both legs andpne - arm cut off: Me expired In
a few hours. Lin was twelve years old. The
fourth victim was Mara alaractlec, ran over*
a locomotive on the 'fialena Railroad, where
the Jefferson and Mush: Stations Intersect.
Both of his legs were severed above the knees,
and lie expired in a short time.
BeKerrson.Monroa's health Is worse. He
will turn oier the Executive Department to
Lieutenant Governor Baker and *lll leave in
dianapnlie on Monday next for Washlngtrra,
where lie a abort time. His physicians
prescribe a sea voysgerai absolutely necessary
for his reitoration to health; and It la probable
tr at he will sell for Europe, at no distant day.
A atLi. has been introduced In- the Missouri
State Senate, providing Fir the sale of the south
west branch of the Missouri Pacific Railroad.
It declared the reed , fortelted to the State, with
its personal and real estate, The Governor Is
directed to take Possession' of rho road and lam
It over to a'bostrd of commissioners.
MECINUM Cam*, tho man who killed Mrs..
Welch and desperately wounded Swift, la the
Avondale affray, near Cincinnati was arrest-al
on Thursday. Craig is a laboring man. He
does not deny the deed, and motes that he had
Intended to give himself up.
Tun large doming mill of Messrs. Stuart &
Jacoby. at Clifton, Ohio, was destroyed by dee
Sunday night last. There were about 12003
bushel, of wheat belonging prlncliially to far
mers In the vicinity, In store at the mill, all of
which was lost.
Govrn;:on Waus has called an extra scission
of the Louisiana Legislature, to meet In New
oriuma,Jeovember 234, to elect a United States
Senator for _Louisiana, pay public debts, and
erect levees.
titian at New; tli•oni Itaytt—he Adair
of the Steamer Bul D ot e
blew Yon; Nor. 17.—Additional particulars
of the war In 'mutt Nay there are now but two
steamers cm:amain' the blockading squadron
off Cape Haul', and the chances for blockade
moping are farorabio.
- The crew lit the British" steamer. Bull Doc,
after the destruction of the 'rend, reached one
of Gcfßard's ate atners in safety,
The Atoetleso Consul said Mune commander:4
of she Ball Dog expected BtatlhtflValted States
steamer De Soto would opea Are hith tor
having violated his pmmise not to fire upon the
town withnnt giving proper notice. It was
thought this fear led . filet . to blow up bib game/
lied leave ttio harbor In the night gamy
After the Voldrogne sunk, her olliCeniand
crew' , clung to the rigging, whose riflemen from
the Bull Dog attempted -to pick them off were saved by' beats frOM the DO SOW. They
From illestee--Rnmera or American Hee
"Gllty-Liberals 'Sentenced tube Shot.
NEW roux; N0v.17.--Late -Mexican Dana!'
received hy the Itanbattatt, contain the follow •
'Lag newts It Was rumored in Vera Cruz that
Juarez was In Texasext his way to Piedras Ne
• grata, It was also rumored that. the United
' States troops in Texas were more arid More ap
proaching the Elver as II contemplating Borne
hostile movement. ••••
Dates from Morelia tolhe 27th state that the
Imperialists Colonel , hicadee •had ordered the
:Liberal Generals Ortega and Salami: analltree
Colonels to be , :.• '
the Im
The Reputdican c a m p, heel been attacked by
perialists near Blidatnorrti. Among the
prisoherssairma - wele - th' ree Soldlera In United
Stateiriniterma. They wera. , haxt,9ver to I
trial to a' court Insitiai 4 ll/4, wpaidrto don t , -
Order' theMte VS shot; - • ,r I
PT '!. Tsll - :-Gll . _-, GAZETT.E:
`4 - in Iniptiri&l &gen
le Ur* Eiritatition of Mexico:
LateM Advlces from Texas
INEw YOlat, Nov. 1 1 .—The World's IYashingt.
ton dispatch say, lnteillgenhe has betm re
ceived here to-dos and been commuciented to
the proper authorities, in relation to the situa
tion in hlexieo.
gentleman has arrived here whotiowOrd can
be vouched for, Tfrh,, son that on his ;may from
Tobacco to New York within the past two
'weeks ite unit an a_font of Max irnt!latt, who act,
teal Ittat the ti,tl;, trt , re twit:, rernvi far
ttt.• het,' atftets ana that the rejatriod eletory
or the Imperiall-ts brought with It no substan
tial results, ant! that on account of their Mahn..
ty to draw from the rural diatricts
;ise war , against the.l.dhcrale was e.,Arrjed:on at
dead cipcilec: •
• Re ItotherAdded that ha bad been dispatched
by !delimiting to France to aak for one hue
deed million dollars and forty thousand troops,
and that In the eV.C . CiL of Napoleon ' a AIM= to
tarnish men • &ad . -lateens,. the mei:tattoo of •
Mexico by the French must soon follow..
Maximilian was paying a:visit to Yucatan,but
he had removed his personal effects la that
paint tt agate place to set sat fmm lb
the City of Mexiew had to be abantloactl. The
Emperor wee also shipping a good deal of spe
cie to Ilampe. The action of this government.
It Is said, will hasten events on the part of
NSW 001. EASE, pear , 18, The Brownsville
Efexican Erprehfieatre extra of the 7th last. as•
not:Emcee the captnre of Monterey by the Liberals
tinder Ovlr, and also says that a number of re
inforcements had ;arrived.
A Brownsville merchant who h se Just arrived
here titates that a Jame French force were land
hag at Bagdad.
I The 44tti tiOtrai r .441 '.: ' Mendel° bad
arrived and Joined Cobb before Sfatamoraa
1,500 Liberals and — Weirlottsly gut ?eyed and
utterly dastroyed an Imperial garrLson of one
hundred men,lheleding a number of French
troops. The Liberals claim that they can take
Matamoros whenever they please,
The kfatamoras Rancho says t The Liberals
offered four hours plunder of Nfatamoma to
United States troops at Brownsville, who would
3 - le them. The Rotate warns the Federal
commander to keep a sufficient force there.
The Galveston Btaltilt of the llth, says :
Col. Jones, of Eimobedo, - ansi staff there, from
Brownsville, on the Bth Inst., says that Capt.
Sinclair, of the Liberal aerries, and formerly
Lieut, of the privateer AL-that:la, raptured the
Imperial transport North Rio Grand, brought
alert° Brownsvilloand turned her over to the
Federal autheritLes, who have plated a guard
on board.
Canales is marching towards 13a,g.1.ul to try •
to capture
An imperial gunboat passed op frog!, Bag
dad to :dation ores.
In Texas, the Indians created great alarm on
the frontiers.
The Austin hirelLyruccr says Governor WiL_
ton lain soon issue nn order for the election of
delegates to the State Convention, to he held
oboist the 1 .th of Iheember, and the Conven
tion to be assemokoi atom the month after.
The Houston Tr/Ainapt of the ithh learns that
orders have been received, In the State from
Washington not to muster out any more troop
or Bell
orders, any government property until farther
Tbo Germans io Terse Oro preps:log to Want
cotton ertentively. They raise It by their own
labor, sad invilte the emigration of • their aro.-
Thera are oo malls yet between New Orleans
and Ga!yews,
The eteamer Wellington, from New rork,
has arrived at Galveston.
Wealthy Atatamoras merehanta who lett there
on the 7th nays there are 113 (earn of the place
being enoterml. ft le well fortltled, the troops
well armed sad to good spirits. They are well
OM C S ill were,— Peukale Dete ell yea—
Gunboats at PortomOnth Cattle for
our Armies -MIT Green Allre—The flux.
Mau-American Telegraph—Penitentiary
Prlsouers—Rebel Captured Dealt.
Yohx, Noy. l 7 .—The Trdause, special
Lays tho Giitcrunient has ileelduil to ap
point female detectires for the purpose of
searching suspicions women who are extanslce
ly engaged In smuggling silks, laces, (MI, &c.,
between Canada and the United States. The
chief operations are transacted by way of the
Grand Trunk Railroad. It Is bettered Buffalo
la the main depository for these goods.
The rumor that the gunboats at the Ports
mouth Nasy Yard are belt:b fitted up for
sea, I, stated at the Nary Departulcut to be ttn-
Prom all date t he Gartinment will cease
purchasing cattle (or our armies at the north.
The Froriung special says General Duff Greene
la act dead, AB MU reported, but alive add well
in Washington.
The Timr's special aays an application today
was made to the Navy Department by E. Allen,
of New York. In behalf of the Rush* Arnefi•
Can and Overland Telegraph Company (or naval
runts to aid In laying tbo Cabin across Behr_
lags Strait. The application was refused by the
Assistant Secretary of the Navy, on the ground
that It was ezelnelvely a private enterprise.
'l2m Tr(twat'e Washington special says :
WitnCeEca thus far examined In the Craven
court martial case; nave given the weight of
their testimony decidedly ht favor of the Com
The herald's Washington special says: 4
batch of sixteen prisonerathreaf mirth of wheal
were catered, convicted of offences ranging'
from greed larceny upward In the catelogne,
were to day forwarded to the Alhamy. peniten
Brigadier General P. S. Michle, the successor
of General Wetzel as Chief Eog!neer under
General Butler, bee been granted a year's learn
,Of abarnee. Whtelt ba will &pendia Florida.
1 • pip '....72me5' Washington special ;Gaye that.
'erecters., ttba property captio r est by the Federal,
forces Just before the close of the rcbellloti, Ras
a draft bclopging to the rebels, dated • Januay,
illth, 11365; for three thousand p ouhds sterling,
drawn by the rebel government on, the Issue
of Drove, Shlpley ..t: e0..-Londou.
A short time ago thladralt was seat to Now
- Fork fbr collection, and today the Secretory of
the Treasury' received edictal iotelllgonce that
the draft had beat paid, netting the stun of
rho Fenian Exeltozoeutot Tofonto-,Speeek
• 1 - •of ifon. lIPATcy DiMae.
Nur,* Yong. Norember.l.o.--The .excitement
hrsomeishar subsided aid 'the troops are still
underarms and the pstrols are out. :
Iron. D'Arcy In a spmelt made la':
Ilontresl Met Mght, denoarmed _MS Ec iana.
The hate of Cain, and the rapidity of Judas,.
and the dust of Belton would be the Justifica
tion of the well-sorted allies for the the objects
of both would be plunder and of outrage.
Fenian Alarm In Toronto Subsided.
Tononro, hiov,l 7 .—Ther-b. 'ening ea/vital:Uhl
of thefts/ Artialayaklitfivilientlydleapoearell,
A general feeling of confidence now prevails
that all thentie predenflone have been Es
ken to preranalawleaa
4epredal,lone by Inembeta
of-the brotharbiid.
Itiostlerer , Excented.
• Eloaatutta; Ihe Pratt'
derer, 8 ../Icaciattortoriticbuted tills molting at
70 o'ctock, la tha preaccp of, &boot 15,000
Ho al 4 Kaottadlritook - roio o'clock natll lltra nionUag. out fecooto, rottood to hts
crow xonx. Nov, ,Grazi
whines! Dattots'ptyate trotting track, where.
granddloptay of trotting homes took Re
visited l blo i stethe'mable,' •
cotton 04.141,1M1ie".
. i i mn ruzzo.tbreY,..lo; '—:Cottolf Oileos
rag from alei;liT ie. f.:BecelPts44= pal . 4,
Bbl moms -551 bales. The titer Is ralllngi
Inches on the shoals,
P. 40 hn l Wiring czynged•
L'ernalrg; Req. —Governiir - Anderson, or,
oAto„bas.ctinaged,tbe day of Thanksgiving:
Dodi NOY: . 110tir to Dec. 7114
The Anna on an English Steamer.
Nsw 'Vora, Nov. 17,--The Jwaalea tomes
4:nidenps of thet Benda Barrer. - Daritain of the
tin rebel static:es Vold:one stated that he
told the eapiela of Bail Dog, the steamer
'that he was *boat tp seize, 'iris • tfaytlen steam
er, sad In the employ of the Geffrar:4 gostra
hbope-id titintifrini or war,
wattthat he I >ellendf3effranil and some of his
cabinet wereaboard at the time. The Captain
of the Ball Dog Insisted that she was a bona
fide British vessel on legithnebs.hosiness, end
refased the rebel Captain permission to search
The Bull Dog followed the Volarentte and the
Mesmer' which accompanied her to Cape Hay-
Urn, end snake a boat ashore was informed
noneof her boats could land sinless by sti.
peeler force of arms. A heavily armed lenuck
was sent with orders to land, but tailed away,
met by a charge of bayonets by the infantry.
The crew were, haircut, permitted to take off
the British Consul:
The Bull Deg then prepared to Eight. No for
titer commuoicathon WAS permitted with the
shore, assent afterwards throttch this Gaited
States steamer Do Soto. Meanwhile the peOple
nero greatly exasperated at the eenduct of the
British commander.' Even the women came
out of theinheesett =lied 'whli'lthlyes, and wsW
ed vengeance on the ;British crow If they. et
tempt,Q Celan& They brokelipen the firttish
, consnlate,..aud took 'therefrom . sormr.On eight ,
refogtes Gerrard, who conceded
them ibrpostectloni• and held them as hostages.
The Ball Dog went to Images fallowing morn
leg, accomPaaledbraome of Gerhard , ' steam•
ere. She opened green Fort Pleolette, poining
tetwo heavy bniadaides.': The • man were scat
red on the riMparts, but • coon manned their
' pieces and replied with three or four guns. The
Ball Deg steamed ahead and fired upon the 'Own
"with 041 and grape, and Stinted .to rue down
the Voldrogne, but got aground as already SU'
ltd. Bbo =tinned to pour broadsides' lath the
open town. Lieutenant-Commander Howell; of
the De Soto , arms on shore on duty with a boat'a
and mlracutottelf mimed' with their
Captain Walker. of the Da Bola, sent, é boat
aboard the Bull Dog to know why her Comman
der was bombarding thatown without ootlfying
/*lases be promised, and without iniortaing the
foreign consuls.
Howell, the
Meanwhile Capt. Walker gent his boats r, der
and through the' heavy fire of the Eintl Dog
Haden batteries, to brio* off :1;
signers who wished silt .x - •
'The Belgian,' I , udder our deg.
burgh• ..., Hembergh, and
n d fill y other Persons of -all
sailed with--them out
ambers 'were eaveyek;l
-ordao`tbe De .Bate which
tim - 7. -
The Bull Dog eunk the Voldrogrte,' padphe
of the Heti= echoor.ers whose crew were Most ,
!ly 'shores '
Commander Whke replied to Capt. Walter';
memage that he appealed to American gene • roritY. and hoped eked. 'Maker woold not take
advantage of Ida pullittnnete :position. The
B Deg kept. a conetant firing en.the town an
day and late In the evening. Ho beam Capt,
Walker to take a haWser Ikon him and taw hlat
cft promising to atop thing and leave the har
bor. otherwise he wouldta Compelled to blow
up the ship;
Walker declined any 111 .111216111 CC except to take
the wounded eboard, which was done. The .
Hall D,3 2 coatis tot .firin g till sundown, Dar.
leg ihnnagsgement abe had one cancer tad two
men keled and awn wounded. At WI past
ten o'clock she Was blown up.
General Logan itertpls the Mexican !fission,
Gen. Lee applies for drtillery
/ 0 / 3 ILLNDSLILVI DY 613f.E.CLIMENT acrsctive
New Tent, Noy. 17.-1 n the null against the
Independent Telegraph Company, Jog damages
to cOnacquen ee of seeding • message hscorrect
ly, the Jury returned a verdict for the argon=
Intelligence was receive.' to-day oi the 1013 of
the steamer Twilight, on Cape Fear river. below
Wilmington, N. C. The passenger* and crew
were eared.
The Post's special rays: Government has re
stored the Winchester end Potomac Railroadte
the old company with alt the rolling dock. Long
credit le given.
Gen. Logan Dm signified hie acceptance of the
mission to Mexico.
The Hms&P. Washington slocclattap ; alsJor
General 0. 0. Howardluu returned to 1 Vaddlio
ton from his extended Seat:tent trip, Tomorrow
he will comma= Ids official report to the Sec
retary of War. Eton. Schuyler Colest la ex
meted to arrive in Wsshingtoe to-therrow.
General Hobert E. Lee It reported to have Ap
plied to the War Department a few 'weeks attune
fez pain/Won to keep the few pieced Of artilleu
now at Lexington, hot belonging tokhe (lotted
Slates, for the purpose of tnatractlaa young
men of the military school In artillery practice.
Th• response of the Depanment may be Inferred
from an cellar' being detailed from Rieltraoad
a few dap since to sake possessioa of the Ord
nance and remove It.
The Z - I.lnmer special soya it is understood
B. F
t Prealdent fully sustains the action on. C. iske, of the Freedmen'. !tureen, in f
retuning to deliver up the property of John Over-
ton, a noted rich Tennesneo rebel.
here lea atatetnent admit thday readily an
aecepted by parent Who are la positions to
ktow the facia, that the President hall directed
the disaandment of the War Department de
tective foto* endeb Gen. L. C. linker, and that
the famous Pollee Bureau will be abolished.
Several citizen of Richmond professing a
great =Mint of healthy loyalty, met in the
public the "ho sampnored tianle of le room a nights ago, and drank
fewWirt." ,
Asongat the property captured by the federal
forces Jut before the e lse of the rebellion ras
a draft belonging to tho robes, dated January
12th, MSS, for three thousand pounds sterling,
drawn by the Rebel Government on the house of
Brown, Shipley it Co., London. The Secretary,
of the Treasure has collected this drat, recd. ,
lei fourteen thousand elr hundred dollars In
Payment of Fitt Pt? Cern!. Tuning Note
'ffismzurou, NOV. 17.—The. dye per cont.
.one and two years* 'Treasury Potee falling duo
on and eller the that proximo, will bo paid
et the Treasury Department at their maturity.
, ,
, .
The following ehaoges ham ULU Trude in the
fdarlee CerpM Col. W l . l3 lMn=belaney la re
. • •
in front the command or. the'bfarille Bar.
, .
reeks at Norfolk, Va., to be *unneeded • 'by Ida),
John 1.. Broome, who has been detached from
the westeM natal atatkin at Mound City, 1111- {
Capt. J. T. - Baker iittd ideal. V. T. Pert, of
The Marto Corps, late of the summer Niagara,
'!..liktee been eummened as wltnette in the ease of
Commodore Cretin, and when dlentlitsed will
report tbr -duty aril:ell trine Banithea 14 has
nere ail more then five &house ad . appllctUlon
on ale'for alboationt In the Treaaery Department
t atutthhs number Merced* froM day to day.
Many of thetcrare,Arom discharged aoldlere. The
Bet - for the peat week Contains thirteen Apollo
'vont 'Dono colored
men lately in the mWtary
"lioildne.. The number. of tromen seeklog ern-.
i' Vona:a lie tbat deputy:tent le verylarge. Re.
annentuddloas leanlobe eas l l9,.proemed. The
OthardePardlleats fare elmliarly besieged.
Till's( /karst% auditor at 100 Treasnry pabllthes
• a lonwilstnif 5441140:14 iinval prizes Vann 'aro
BP, lf P f llible.' . .2r, -- - - ....'
anneal, rspoit: ni Arti deermar,y .41 the
NM.. lli neuly: all - '
,prlnted.fp la always .the
lret *lna to' the "pettile .prlntezi &n sot the
lemOrte of, bureau* connect:4lMM the Treosiiiy,
'PosCOSIlee rind Interior DeOzziottain'.lll*XBo
la print. -Ttio antataciript:ophistatisr.tnports
I lot yet iitettpleleit,"..,- 1 ' '
Departnitnt hms Jost piloted
,goid.Clitilleates to thirainottat'lc-071000,90#
irbich are
be Seat to ttostlß4r.lallernon OcT •
anion , taw' disAintO.,',.. r,.- , . I. . , '
gay to Inman. • •
BT. Louis, „ 17.--The,a{ogifir
Bfefilt hetzed it t h d tow Hof
Len* 141 9tbi'fBlit i t iia ttl , f
end Inured .fee . $5O, . The steamer - Sur
aticfmey, which ,aule; lama Nck X 9, vsk
IWansedey, whi-valeel, a 9,150.0001:' No
nsurance. ,
'Gad. Igetchikite apier — teted the 7th of Be. ,
ctmber u a day of Theakeithing.
Extrntire Frauds in the Belau trodndian
PIT Ilokr., Noy. 17.—Withia the past' firet,
days the Government officials hare bromtht tet:
light facts which show the most extensive
frauds against the Internal Revenue Depart
ment. Yesterday the officers seized wells num•
bens 47, ..54 and TO, three of the largest wells on
the Thomas ffolmden farm.
The Government claims about kllB,OOO. of
which iSO,IIOO Ls against the United States Pe
troleum. Company, and about 6E0,000 against a
large operator here, who It Is alleged last night
made all his interests over to a second party.
The Government has tonged the owners of
the working interest not to deliver any More oil
to the United States Company until the claims
of the Government are paid.
Them Is much excitement over tlAs inalter,and
It Is feared the bottom has not been reached.
The War In Paraguay—Prorteeed Annexe.
Mon of Paraguay to the Argentine Con
Nrvr roux, Nov. 17.—Tbe Breen llamas
Ayres comet/a:Went eve: The recent capture of
the town of Uragnayana has greatly elated the
allies, and thby are-eontWent of sCon being In
youeselon of the Paraguayan capital, but their
milltlry preparations are not relaxed, and the
enlielmeata MR go on rigorously. It is proposed
to capture the whole Paraguayan comity and
. annex It 10 the Argeuthurßepubliz. There were
enthmdratk deMolistrattozus in Pao Janeiro and
Baena& Aim over itucraptive -ot trransYsue•
.The - Emperor of Brazil, who took the gllPard3-
lon 01 hie troops during the sego, was expected
to Um return to the capital. .
Steamer Ben Sticktiey sunk.
ST. Lome, Nov. 37.—The natant , Ben
Stlekney, one or the Mien txlate on' the rim,
sock below Island No. 18, lilltalselppl river,
yesterday. The loss Is not reported,
Tunis Embassy at Neaten.
BOSTON, Nov. 17. The Tunisian E21111115140r
and state Arrived here this afternoon from Prov
idence, and have taken rooms at the Nevem
'Governor Garvin Recovered.
NEw Your, Noy. 14.—Governor Clutha,
Who his been Ut In MR dt7 rar two Weeld l ;y
LA UG HLIN—EcICENAN-01 the lab Hut,
by Rev. ar. Broom, GEORGE At. LAUGHLIN.
of Pittsburgh, to Attu BELLE E., deoerbtor of
Bon. Wttusal Mamma, of Wu/di:Oozy Ps..
Ammum—Oa /Pride) , morning, 17th Ina.
at JOsEPH, • seem! eon of Sphere nab.
worth, deceased, and 17 yeargOlmont.42 and 20
The fmieral 1,111 take plate tram the reald•1101
pt ate mother, bled of - Federal etourt,Allegheny,
on 6t aciF 4...iTiBXOOS. at 2. 0 , 40. k. Bellylna
scoriae' irttletnizottoo at ZI-16'4Oct. Mordent!,
• of L6B fatally ore terpiretfallylerrtteil69-ahead.
LITTIX.p& Mdav perethr, Nor. Infi...Torizr
E. LITTLE, to trot Uct year of his apt.
His !mural "NI take plate from Ma table:um of
hie fattier, Wea Little, No. 121 Penoaylritala Av
enue, on SATUIDIT I .I I TWOON, at 9 o'clock.
--- • _
matt platurepooplao s of tlipacl,m.y.ittt.uste
oa the upotsots, trtmcustelg no.eth_ ..tegoir
Cityou Kew BristitOn HAIM. '4 . 11110111 vrb,
lag to alga Burial Lat. min &DPW S:per
totexuleuts CoOloo, 4t the Oeciottra. +. 4 ..;, Deed(' •
Pertatta and 1.11 other business via atte n ded a
Ma Drug Warebsues of the tuulahntuad, whet of
Tederia anilloisoq strong Atir.,p l en.
Sect dottkii atAreast;turel..r.
R . R. =wags,
tr - Arzwira-zuuscia rs ..
BS Smithfield Street, near Fifth. Street
Air °MINS of even description. otters.
ALS recersitsr. FirtAßASsip! 0 411 MES fetrelettadtvlrrea
Lacilasainrals f Oetag th. estOt errs Platettli,
Bea. F ozk and Shut east Steel. Oast Steel for
Reaping and Ironing Machines,
Steel PlowWhzes, Sprints. Alfa, laisculass. *l.
ast and Common Plough and Spring Red
0M..--Corner et Fiat ►ad RAM drama, tmo
bloat! above the MonOtirthela EtOtiatt
Manufacturers al
/to Any
&guar a,Tlat a troportna ndOctaaon
or to
manufact all ann.
ed In Int Warrant
lar OfEke &SW warehouse, Nos. It, =14161
and 14 awl tzT Sacosto 11711,11afv,Ptttburg4 "'MST
2 car loads Shelled Corn; •
100 bush. Timothy Seed;
26 palls fresh pecked Butter;
12 barrels fresh Eggs;
KO boxes Factory Cheese:
la bow' eD . Chem;
IS boxea thew W. . do
2:110 bbl,. eludes Winter Apple.;
6000 do Lake libere Potatoes;
11E0 bush. Rev halve. Dried Poaches;
tail. Eastern Cranberries;
6 bus h Haulm:olj
SO . Black. Widalits;
Is bush. Chestnuts;
NO doz. fresh. canned Paestum;
a 6 bbla 17inegar Mar;
10 boxesple Sugar,
go Kelly Island Grapes;
• 00 bbls. Dried Apples;
600 pOtladl Feathers;
ScOnewtitumy Bags,
For sale by H.[VO.KFF S ed.
rice TWO L.&II,GE
Front Rooms or Offices,
NO. 60 FOIIBT/1 crummy.
A Photograph Gallery
lION PllRtnedias =max
Imiedlare pOiscsido4 Emanlre of
isesastat; num a ea,
cola Arronairri, as seam Street
nrrcozonox3inz - /arDirort E4A.M.
, 91 ,
i i bbls.APpktsj
o Paumow Potatoes:
1 .." White "
Onlnnp.t Beans; •
. ;
No o Jena Sweet Potatoes;
021gboxes HastAttelt Cheese; Goshen do
bbls. Orsaberstes i
o Males. In - salt;
12 halt Was. Ploktes, for iabli;
a do White Plan.
.1 do Twist;
ibiaseels Timothy Reid,
No. 21.5 Liberty settee.
po AND °MIN. 1 1
i f
: do do
oo g onod o
d rl4 d i i '
1 Lab bl nrim arnil e r E F a ci : 07% 4 itit'll"
71:1447; ' '
,xO4 pupal (Mta; .., t ... , ,
.Brl . wr
_Bairn -.7 i... f j
ill ISO l g a jUM: 1 1: 1114. " ' ;, 1 :1,-, ' ' , .1 1
e 4 ,xatatorr a 00.,
o.__,_____ . , ...1 ' d m- ilud Ma Piqua street ,
SUCIAIIS-81.2k113.,...,M0TA55EEL i
r-" .- ' , .... -16 tel ..,_ .PPifisrodl and ?Ilia utittc
...,,.., i t s.. '...iii Ira tzlysvp - , - -;
..:; 1 .' I
nv ;C' EFX o lketaittitafi; ' '-
- 7 ,i
aii4 imuicepu a 4o; , ......i
, t up - 11, P. ft.- , , data' •'' ' : . 19,6. ..• +-,
~• so Midi P.'s. suallat ',..".:.
;...1 4 , :. 1 ...taga750tru k a, Edirtrszim 2 ' ' ..-: 11 ' i
ta , Okigea P.R.44 mu ,-. •.,
5 __ , , , .!.:,25' .
_4 L•do - M.O.' • ip .- ..: ,
f 1.49: 2 ALF. 1 01- 1 04.- Pik fits i -.,....i,. :, .._,; 1
~n as
.___..., ',- ~1 .-- - A .vbaliozaaHr 51 i0d .r.M},,... 1 ,
, - d*. . 1; 0
: • 0 , ' 'II ;
L 'i 1 1
- _._., ~ ~ . .
- Ixii , 4 tiitiovoil their aztaublvit Whl ~ .Dtote .axil ,
mu A7 to ..N0..141 WOOD . soma n;
Illl t tori . them emoted to all .
or den 1.01, LAS &HD SWITCHIS
pro =My at th*/oWezt Inlet; our'
XL AECESIOA. that noir =tea lee et Tian a , b
:md VASE DIVIDEND oe the Graz and emelt
mutaequent vaymmt of ',remitter. Its CASSIE'
0/11 , 2741. affi eectuoulatfoo of 8L600,000 .fa
eV:welt blurted La publle stook, arat roortgager .
0/DKAT ESTATE . It Le cow ht ita teth purely,:
bagbary,:tifld haa 7 pafd to tee artoome Aso ou.
raauaof Itzstunastre the aunt of ONE au..
LION"DOLLUIS. - To LW date not &single cue
of MIMI= has eccurred, , 1a evidettre4hat
alloty viratgatr'delllug liEespechtlity with Ulm_
° Ttii p i lielhe or tars-colipatir 21 1 0110 i forfelted
by reasoner hea.paymenE of premium after Opt
woad year. NO payatente muffed after te
feats,, boy polidetattattnuegordt through .11/14,
Z. O. Wit.l.ELAPrealdract. -
N WHIT E, Vice Prealiteut.
s. 11. Secretary.
Breach. Ogles for Wartent PetutaitreouN L _
Crirculat, and Blank ApPtig"U"
fu atoti.
ea, as Woad Street. Pittabtugh;
dgelol.s Wanted throuOvat the State. ANA/ 4 0
ocaard F. E. (JDELII St to Affect- -
- O
Insurance Co. of North America,
nariford Fire Insurance Company.
al - PLltection can be sectiied In the AbOve into
anC retulacrawayudes•
C RARTER 1829.
PlitLADELlis Flip,.
gigots on aani t ry 1. /sty. 82,437,949 93.
4 kr. 4 coma pri
isteessmdPremlonsa. - - ,teal
Limited Premium 1,030,=1
Unsettled Minn. 8,410
Lseataa for 1914 aineao
Losses Paid Mee MD Asset pp ;.
PerpetDal and Temporary' Polls:Lesion iltrons
Charles N. Bancker, , in,,,,m 7
TobiasWairo.'", 1 .- 7 I Ed lard Dab,
t4 21 2.1..fria1 a - eMe nt lijk .
Jatrob S. Sad
George W. ma: I Flail!. W. L 4410, a- In
oganzps - R, gaNGlCElt=deat.
EDWARD 41. 1 1 /LIZa VI"
JAS. W. raael.Lisnots,...'!4;.,=,e3L, .
-, - .0. 40‘.....-W,. ,
, - why earner Wood /Malt-ad .-'
Bili.LE:ft , reside/4
Wm. P. HERBERT, Starsani. Jr. ," '
oak., No. en Water street, Spouse & Qa. , 4 W
hotse. up stalre.PUtstraratt. k.
WIZ insure against all kinds if Fire arid Marina
Huta :4 HosetelastChttias managed by Directors mho
are melt known in ine cantatuntty, cab ado ern deter..
ensued by promptnere cad ttherallti, to maintain Use
charade, solsiol Meg hase Enrctoett,.or rafortag
potrmims to Mott into desire to be memiel 11to but
mAPP 2 vos
E. Mina, Jr" I Andrew Ankle&
Pinzel afr-Aula, Ala:mker &oar
Nathaniel admen,
Nmax, ZOilr
Ritaztpardt, .1. Thomas,
Ohm. Clark,
, ILIZIP 11 E. Herron, John
0 . W. Butes.. AE o sota
' 273° M I AL P. - Secretary,
P .PITIBIBMGH.....cum m , dorm e r . •tuft.:
andlWater streets, seeond door.
ecretar HAOALET y , ?Widen/.
/antra Steamboats and Cargoes.
lnsurea elalnst loss and damage In they brie*
on of the Southern and Wmumm Hwang, muum
uu] Bayous, and the navigation of the Seca.
Insures agalmt /0213 and damage by il/e.
Wmuel Bawer ,
, S. H. Hler.
Sam Hex
.Ina. Part, Jr . , Johz` 'Paz
W. G. Johnston, 8. Hartumpti," "z '
B. P. Jone s , .Y. Calttwal,Jr
Oeollß ,
Hon. T. M. Howe, lota S.
Buelay }Raton Wm. A. Hovers.
Blelutai. I deiodyet
mute, A. E. corner of Wood and Milt WA:
E LBB AND 211,111.113 ilmtraarc z
Wm. PIMA Capt. John L. Rhoads
John E. John Wart, Simnel P. Shirter,
Parkm e. 0. Hum= Dove.
Charles S. Ettleell, Charley Azimuth,
Wm. Van Eta. Jot= r; Kirkpatrick ,
James D. Verner. John Glyile. ,
war. Prat-caps, Petbfent.
JOHN WAIT, Vwx Prsident.
WAS. P. GAIIDNEE Se c retor. Buady
street, Bank
H lIT SICHEcH.—Offtea,INo. ST pith
BLittLautres against WI kinds of Era sad 57440.
YSAAQ HN . 1 10Priz
.rigent. I 1
D. PI - 11002, s—d.,,, WOO ED , figs P.14,-..
Et sq./Amu :
lens Joao, Jail 11., ZiLre,,
0. C. we a r L
.._., rblato eck
11W ,a 1 . 1.0A 6 i
:•0 oh a Irwin, Jr.,
B.L. Meth's'''.
13. L.Zikustork Robert H. Mild'. .
11 . 1 : 3-77 40TVICIISS Op
AND ALL Ecnms Or
. itramutvv-Ir valsx.xlval-ei.
Special atteatlon told to ROLLING MILL.
EEPAIRS attended to protoPt/T•
As beretotore, the beat motertaLt tsl4. alma To WI
osto at this FonnOl7- no24yd .7
A. elitxmar.
,roars X. aurxemogi
(Successors to Bollrosn, Garda:my 4 C 0.,; --.
Idu rt
ntaorers el Cbllledßoldersof all sizes, foe
Iron, Steel, Brass, Yana copper, fillver,Golt..
Straw, Boar= Pa sal fwht Rubber Works ,
also; 110/11%tect Outing' o de e
r, wit! /lark Double Gri with a varlaa
or other patterns, always on tuned and dtted to n .
rd er *a abort :Maas and favorable terms. ,01Iletk :
C ad e w arehouse , us ShatalhO4 street, pitta
woßzs Jam
Lamm enter; between Federal and Samizty
• Arr.sonzar Cfri, PL.
Manufactured of HTM AN' S PATENT'
AIMS, Shafting, Ptuenz ed ,
-notring of all ktottLat to ,Nagy
JORN .131 it co '
03:tcycno .13Xassurssaiturorets
ANDIRON FpLeistoEfts,l'' •
/mew '
fen Zio. rap rdnzurx.srxkrr
.00 barrels Motor Whet 4 rams e Flour;
612211 do oe Oats; 'XXX ContlnuiDd N
,_ •
.11G0 , do. .Esr Coro; ' '
60 ,:010 • MAIO, Oaloas; i . , ] '
•., IWO do - ta do • ge4.1217 • -I-- ' '
iiit,tl.2LPM nu?. ZP(I. / Mini : . *- 1
~A: d i, ricalbtati Syup; '' ' , -
WO roods:Doll" Dotter, :„: :' 1,. ! •
. ' "ei rieked
~.,.,_ _ ___-•-_._ _' - Dutton ,
, v 0
,-SO-boxei-Weiteßesee Choose;
tFor a l e 6 jctl w
,r."I..DEVC-&DOc .'486 Liberty stereta
~1 PARLYIB AND rif.A.TlNG'iltifiZi,
. TAjili 'A . 4 6. 44k!i4ll "Eß eir - . i
.., 's ,s sii. irefUbei , ' istreit. - -.' .
.7"-" mad Aza , Zrt. Nomeg inoT.
"---''"''''''-•••••-•'•••--.--!---,--,-......,_ • . _____
zumnimpian,:tima u t s lisiA . B - 1; 6 i 1
lzitwi &hoz, main t' tirotagarAtzvasul
,z_ ultobintoa„ Antibe s , A z -1"14141
R EN O:: a , Wt.t , xuTsi
rear the Palatal* Oar Steel
'JAN 4lt the UtOttfli "1(11.13
W. L. JONZS, dezrr,
14 Weser Stresita uo stairs.
lair47 - 4 0t %1
ras THE Am=
J. H. & OQ
el-mums. auc .1!&
aeszlll3 k
ars 11.
F°: thl following touortz
You he* the finest stock LI the city to select
Yea only pay the Publishers nriee for Seeks.
You also teethe at Hine of parelutse uprenal.
Your present will be worth trout Re. to jiaL
You will be entirely ntisfied with bath Bair
and Present.
.All we ask, Try its„
4600.bd15. C rown . Williptits Paper.
1.000 bal.. medium
1,000 bills. liedlguzi
. bcll.s. D. C. anal n.![. an.
Ite They haves's° an bawl aretioastgatly mei
weights and lines, DA.RDWARE P • tal
"weights and sixes, PRINTS, DRY gad .BATC6
All queztittes.idd sizes of PA PDI4I MADE
ORDEM at - the shortest n•ttee, to snit smeller&
. .
, 0 6010718
ant OCW litD• M •
Prr R&
azsr= _ - PLITSRIIRD.II, PA..
. pq,9ItBAT k'I7ItIFIBM. ,
Ciiioo// ClTaro .;
• , .nlyn 01311* ~EV•p,, ., ,
tk?.l4.ulat nikeTunitimnaWeilrehtla:ltal;
Dalcia and
o fAfis,,
,a ,A o.-Zono4 a ortivelsz -8,
1 1
rll / 1
gettloa and what, mama jai Altman
and IS =add tea &total to loorourritta ', -,-
YiPraPtlT ,
....eo rnarnadtioudandibufflu arseu .
...., .......annyi-i ca i treit
,„, ..niourr.,.
,1 1 -440D17 CEL ,11 :0.ifizoguttkpa , 2auk
;) gdoomss.Fesstatly'lresh Rolf Bitter; " ' ,
1009 Ibr. fresh stew Lesui tem,- -
O be - seven/a Crease sad' .•
,slo.saa train E. - , ,
"' SOW ibr.l3jsekistuit ' •
b rearsallsetutolCoressesTi
-X0 bushels sesS. Dried Plusetml
:Ts els Olderineor ,•
Ushers' Obeletttar
tg 8 • -1 4trti.
44azi Iliiiatlsst
L .. yip b '
zAYCuIa pojttaanosists
Pottiedlia t raksq
A° unlit - r
1,1 r1.74144 StrneY Swell ialtOckpw,'-'lO
; it t - rTef r •-r-0
WdOz• 2 pone. tweed rfasp — iii;
LOOILIIEBB.-- • 7 - 7.,
542.011 . .;;
riczwz, raumis,
&ad A 11103141 of CANED ON 0411*111%.
Jour U. coAZTA •
64 hL New erceem st . Wat 7 "a'
Pm T " • -
Concert Hall Shoe Store.
Womems' Extta Ettbbets
ALL OT E . * GO . lO S
Than any Rouse TIL Use Cityl
Cthildrens' Shoes la Gents;
oas EtALL apum
fp. FllMpgarasr,. ,
ace Lisa wAraartci
"r A" I.gLY,
- •
grAIXPY CA.? ar
and all stylai MI
EGARDtm ss OF °cis
OPIMIte the Opera Home. offig/
74 , E7IT/31 sTnEET.
de. lictit.
40 buy/.
a~ ~a~.~7Et-Libatp