01111EIS KEES EsTm34BIIFT),7 IN 1786. ' _ CITY' ITBMB.;:. South Carotins . .phavier; the istitiMer Dam the Wetitt the tttuatUti.itenateblei South taro. Vtref*Vtalt3Tiltt;!iteeue lotqutte waktho sun ....qty_: w o o **IAA* venture. forth . o s . a morning thealted bp-the planter tt the - Too eztly.i , . C 44 IMMO „I 6 - . . , if ifrop ea t i . mµ dear flolorwl,twht,t ears kpr. Frartkite• " . T.arly to tied" a . ran eialy, to rlwr ;All make a trio healthy, and wealthy lad wise. " wyery tan air; Ott all a falfaii. Each attar' 4andthirletuilatlen coon ari emotyirtottaelt Or the 'eam*: mataritiol Iltlioonitryi North' awl South, bay. eea "deattt - 0 tbbnlsadb slr, from the rain Smith` to thts. day. Walt : r -s - tanafior tasti . fpntifyythir elotWieh with a iridictl)t Oiil**;io4 tarri giatour:gipon or the nlght.bedelf exhaled by uir;iran, We Will take ',!tilut, my dear erolonilf=r;ini WO/ nit fortified with &wire glare fall Of DostettOre Celebrataul Mitiatiet Blttera +. “Ab,gi.ifittiroty:lstlek Lo Dr.' Elanklln. . nostetteva "Mt AVO/UOCAtt4 , EUPP,/eS me, and ligpeettle SA box to:day , -Irrlth my waren. T/ 00; Eltteri;tillid, ellrel/roteetlvir against all the fewtrifesultleg from oialarla. Dr, Frank. ,110 beide good, air, oven I.a . the swamps of South Vitro Ilea, if fortlflee with tiostettere Bitter. n Bee Barker &Co.'s atlirertlaement.- Cotton Batts We hereby give notice that tomerchauta buying this by the bale, we will sell at the factory price, t $ll,OO, and getarantee It the beet quality. J. %V. Balker k C 4 415.4 Market Ott eel. nottaw Cheap .Shoe Store, , Ile Chat° e el Federal street.- t. A Neat Reply. 0 1 dislike pour tayigg thst my teeth nre going. So dialt," Said a yeiutg lady to herbeett. "Not 4 "So don% but 'So-to-dont , on should have veld," he replied. The damsel pouted, but took the hint. 4 Vor need !the itidd, — Altat the baleaniid ereparation Ai:rested the sell, tliough. it could-not quite repair the damage already done. See Aldvertfaemene of Barker & co Have you seen That large and Cheap lot of tars at Daulap, Luker Os.br.; If not, go at once and get a bargain, for UST them ins; than present eastern jaw a very large attettateut - of ladles leaks la all styles and quality. Remember the "lace In 146 Federal street, Allegheny. The :Advertisement Of Advatlnement of Harker & Os. See IL Any of our Readers Who may have use for a pure arttehrof North Chszolina tar, will Sod !tat Fleming , . Dray, Store, Si Market street. To those who wish to pur chase by the barrel, Fleming often erects! lodge. Mentaln low rates. Remember the place. Sold at Joriarn Turman% Drug M and . Patent eMairds Depot. rici. 84 Market street , corner or - the Minuend. near rotuth street. Loot at the Advertlsemeet !Cif Barkiftr.tle. Dry, Goods -1 6t wholesale:' We have in store a very large '• stock of abeetings, shirting., •pants, flannels, blankets, dabs, eaxelmeres. sattinetts, tweed*, deans, ticking.. cheeks; Shawls, dress goods, tre., "'which we will Nell in any -case at the very lowest eludern prices, and ovary kink ol good! at much We Milt° mat el:tient' to examine our stook before purelaiing elsewhere. J. W. Barker 00„ 69 Markel street. Where. Did Ton Get iTbose road, kid boots t At Mei)ltotoik't,ll2 Fed , eral stieet. Blankets. ;Of all kb:do-at wholesale awl retail; great bar gain., at Barker & en . - Wakes street. •—• 'tient iteltunetnetita. , We are I:proffering emelt of the hut Ultimates Chataid di& Dees Offered m the Dry Goodall/2e t 9 tfit ; etti. We heti too many good bargains to !quote prices, but if xnu,teDl Fen and lee zottui of 1; the Goode and Vticen, etn wat be astontaned.— ,-!we are non% Opening some SPeobn Baron.. in Dress Goode. PlenneD,Dbintcoui, Prisms, D0.T... Cobsugn end Trager Aterinotn: ittoninber. we areziorw ant/it DroDtklEnst eon= of DITTAT.Tt aud Fonitlint!tets.. . O. ..ki/30 , 1 LOVE at, Lino Balmoral Skirts. We ars makleg a specialty - of :those, et wholesale or retail. We have all Walla s asolareeelling them -racy low. • ~ , Battarest Co., O Illarker, Wave. "4- • l'horpest'Aestitooent T:AT7141 , 3111.1 tgesootaad aline that, Is et Mo . -011ntook4, 92 Federalstreet." Grand Rally: 1: 1 Ern11. 61 17 tadkY fs gath to" DrsOlintobk , s t W ledriial street, Allegkeuy, for Atints boots sad Frinicit Bleilnoes„ ' , Opting; Rpps, LE:eipites end Plaid DMZ Goods, rery ahem+, at No: es Market street. Fail and Winter Goofs it with peat pleasure we call the attention of I ens readerstrithe superb stook of Fall and Winter Goodsltut received by Mi. John Wrier Merchant Tailor. No. 120-Federal' street, gllerieeny. ate Pock esteeratence of the rarest and•most bean ttfglClotbs,Oanlmeres,Overooattngl and Vesting everbrooght to the Western Market: His avert. semi of. Firinishing 1100411. com Prising Shim. DraWers, Cabin, NecirtlesOlandkerchists, ,riiisiOtt4inegatted east or west. /Large stock 4Yrier .. iy.made Pants, Coats, Vests and Overcoats elllalsotte found at hls estabilmhzesmt. Persons , to lent ofanJtbngin the clothing line should not tall to give Inn water seal. 1 .1; ' _litty Merchants, ; 13efore buying yOUn Dry Dooda, call in at Barka tgigi Mathes attict. Po charge for snow. log Bongo and giving prima, if you don't want to buy. ';:iThiliteae W. Pam C. Co., Method Rootcrs, sod Deal=s to /maims 111,104:40 , 47µ71 ode colors. 1991te at AU:ander Isikallnv.!aear•the Water Works, Flttatouth. Fa. Ecaidames, No. 79 Pike actual t Ordius MgisPIIY attended W. All work warranted water moat. RepaiiikiAoste at the akartest stain. No SUMP- tar assikaras Ppovided the, root] Is not Adquiel atter Fe Is init oz. mike. v r OLCSPriLI LI trkeny . .ktrida la one afore RS 050 be t.l4aitniffoltrertiatOrtge city. at Barker fr, Carg4tusr Jobbanir r kirislg.sitturati4 Moan age= Alt Ulna. Sean 4fll.tre/rOktitirr:/ Last ro,opette4 to 7 stoD forth aorta 5," - ailti/M t ot ,//d 1 taaPetair. / 16 4. at...thitol4l Virgin AlloyAstweert.Sautbrield street arsilehrory F gap criders tollonio sad pecnt6ptly atteadod to. cgitt.t.ra rolutsre. . i. 'Mimi who Would See ' clg il 1,':4 - iNiiiillherireid Atka large at 4 anil endless' . sviet.lpsf pry. Goods, must. call gamer ss - .3 ' ": ' < k 4 4, 69.3 "iket. ariPlto'l4rVlb , It and bar dmeibssAthikAry stitae,-4th Penn arca; Jame. Data tr. boa proprietary. Offulibusea and oirrlagez fornsidilid!faiall carriages for femor al!, wedding!, and punts; at short notice sad AnAionabio ride* Stable °inn diy.aftdAcbt. 00'41w Bar µR Cl „ otLtuj llauser, at a nab street, IfflOrsf wsafei 11.,* (933 wird'. of siof4ll4:r+fg_ofOloos, of 0 0 4 ,1 toaligiti% 14:2. j"; 11 . 1= mann Dentist, - ..216 Itnn.Street, Attedlir2Tto ut blui p hilto MI prole} ly .44.2:41 ~.--r,•2.1;_.,,,. ~.., .‘ a :g.^.1.7a....:4 - , ,,:qiigrade.juideg,,_,., ; ....^ , 1 , • 1 : yik: t FrLlV;-=Fllee:of tlteioDiclal pa. ~,,T.,:iilr ttifY . .M 1 ...Aeindalladfilttloaawspepev i",,,, AD' oft .aAaaraent been matted hereto. -- . ' itio 31.1 i rir Aiglim -, :aba contain accounts of ; a Otpir g if . mo r pt clemvstrailan In Ob4hattnur , 1. `iii,tharfaky appostald far trancelebrialoo ortni ". : ' . A ..e ateb r elnionehnsd.a e u a lo reirnr iAmtQV - . ',Hidalgo., The flegs were lowan:4l4o hag meg. .:..11Leacieace WU Ono ofß't , Cr. l giPm rather then of feslTlfy.,4 - .. 1 c • . • .-,21; 1.1 irde Wixonir. 147 4 011,1 4 Cit 7 of Witebig toWArcan EiterPoolmith four days Isitzr Week, 111 , ktg9l4 l o/ AdOnsait,wlP betlik; lids fora. fLt• THR':•DAILY - - ._-.;.:PITTSBURGH.. TOPICS OF TB DAY —.Republican ideas WOUILI 'Seem to be making,. progress in a quarter whom hitherto their pres ence has never been discerned. The An/puede St. P.."' 'tteriSia whielys the orgamof the Czar of R 13331/; recently congratulated the Washing ton Government eft the rapid reconstruction of the Southern States, arid designated America and Ruasla as "rising nations destined to have Interests and sympathies in common." Or pos sibly the official organ, when It talks of "rapid reconstruction," and "interests and sympathii4 In common," may not Mira In rimy the spread of republican principles. —Gov. Andrew, of Massachusetts, has lately written an important letter on the subject of moist:action and suffrage. 1 Re thinks the time has not yet arrived, when any one of the Seceding States can, with safety, be permitted to re-establish its State government. The Gov. cnior, in the course of his letter, remarks : “It has taken us four years to conquer the rebelain all of them. I would not run any risk —great or small—of allowing the same class of mcn tobeat us by an appeal to, fraud. They ippeeled toforcerend were conquered. Let us •hoid ion to the power we now hen!, todo right, to fatitiet the loyal, to rebuild 'the State, to re establish society, to secure the liberty of the people and the safety of the Union. Let it be used - with parental kindness, and In the temper of cenelliatlon. But hold on to the power, and in the fear fLf God. let It be used. It waabought with the blood of more then a quarter of a mil lion of heroes and patriots who hays given rip their lives for their country. Let us see to It that by go error of ours such torrents of human blood shall flow again. I think the loyalty of the South needs time for concentration. There fore I think no reconstruction will tie successful new. -r-Very strong resolutions, condemnatory of certain men Ministerhig In the name of Christ, together with the people to whom they , minis ter, were passed by the Presbytery of Northern Idisionriat their late !melon. These certain minf l are denohneodas willfralY and persistently t Lel 4 they religions influence In support of the late' rebellion, although that rebellion had for Its object the perpetual enslavement and , hope less oppression of a large portion of ouf far men, and In the prosecution of this obiect guilty.. of unsurpassed Iniquities, such'et-tieal!" Eon; covenant breaking, perjury, unprovoked starvation, torture and murder of prisoners, cul minating at last In the assassination of a wise, lenient 'and God-fearing. President. That the religion's)f said ministers and people rende. - a them Insensible, and obstinately opposed to all convictions of sin, for having done thus; stifles within their breasts all benevolent impulses to ward the poor and oppressed, add all Christian desire for their freedom and elevation, and causes them to oppose both the Word of God and the providence of Gad, by rt)lnding to hear or read that Word in Its direct applications to the charactbr of oppression and rebellion. The Presbytery resolved, 1. That we hold the rellg,ion professed by these people to be epos [sey from,tlfe religion of Christ; and that all true Christians should separate themselves from It, and keep no folios-ship with it. lint protest against It and oppose it as one of air Antichrists of the times. '2, That the Christian religion raotires it of us that sre regard the African race as a part of the human family in the same manner ns we do other mecums& that the members of sail race who are amonk ns are no longer even to be thought of as having once been property, or as bow being outcasts, lint arc to be treated - as —We think it may be taken as an indication pf great Importance In mard to affairs of State in England, that many of the more tkonlufal of the elsvr y and laity of the English Episcopal Church are convinced of the evil of the union of Church and State, as fettering' the growth and spirituality of the the Chnrch. In the Austral Jilin dioceses, those who lz IA in tail, that the Church Is a spiritual body, and should be free from the State, appear to be in the majority. Some of the Canadian dionesesere already estab• tithed on almost the same basis as thirst' in the United States, and it is believed all will roma be free from all State control. --Pleasing accounts are lately brought of the material. prosperity of the Liberian republic. The trade, and business generally of the country is growing, eery rapidly: undue the stimulus of free labor, its resources are., developing very inrgely; emigration, temporarily suspended in consequence of the war in the United States, is again flowing, In the old channels; the treaty obligations assumed by the people are opening new markets for native products; and imple fields for foreign enterprise Incite the employ ment of large capital, with a certainty of profit able retuniis. —The civilization of West Africa has been greatly benefited by Liberia. Its earlier history was a record of suffering and disaster, but the diligence, enterprise, sobriety end good sense of its leading men have retrieved its worst errors and started It on a prosperous career. There is now reason to look for a steady growth awl • continuance of good fortune. —Thu sudden outbreak of war between Spain and Chill, and the blockade of the Chilton coast was an entirely unexpected aibtir. Spain had some complaints against Chill, which were a abort time since regarded as settled by the ac tion of the Spanish minister to Chill. This arrangement was, however, repudiated by Spain, and a new minister appointed, who demanded apologies for some alleged injuries of a frivolous character, and upon receiving s refusal, at oats took the violettt measures alluded to, Peru and other South American powers are disposed to support Chill in the contest, and It Is intimated m our dispatches that our owntiovemment will use Its Influence with Spain In behalf of Cuba. —The French papers havaiialogiatleaccounts of thesolleitude which the EMpress has mans. fasted In visiting the cholera hospitals, and per sonally examining Into the coOditlon of the pa tients, She shows no fear of contagion, at time when more than one hundred thousand persons •had fled from tbo city. it is by such meats pat the Empress maintains so strong a hohl upon the elections of tt e French people. -The Gill of tights as repotted to tha Florida Convention contains twenty-0/x el/Mee& The sixteenth is noticeable: That it i no ta>< iu person shall be put to answer any criminal theme but by presentment, Indielmtmt or !Omuta • ment.'• OIL PRODUCT OF VII4I ANGO Co. The Quantity of • .011 Produced—The. Amount of Tax Pald—The Tax on Crude Petroleum—olle on Brian es. Oil In the Darrel." I For the Pittsburgh Gaiette: The following Is a statement of the monthly proauetton of the Venango oil district, tiara from the nooks of the Internal gsvenne office at Franklin, Pe. It la the '2oth iteventio district in the,State, comnosedoftol2l . counties. Venting° hcleg one of the lour, hi_ the great oil county, producing "rivers of off." " The last Congress Imposed a tax of ono dollar a barrel on crude oil, to be held attbe wells by the:producers, as sold and removed by them. The raw took effect on the let day of April last. Well owners raid JAApril op .... : ......... 1•11.991 - bble Wu, ' .... 99,394 " " June " .... .. i .... 112,254 .. " July " .... 181...;48 " ..,"Aug. -•-. ..... -......... ........ 2g2.219 4 , .. .. 8 .e7P 4 ': .3 ... 41-.,.• •• • '-• • ••• •• • 2 1 5 • ODO ~ I"rodoetionnf 01l for alx m0utha...021,100 - bbia, onishiehata=,ot;ll2.itlo9Dai been paid into theltitermil Revenge OfUce by the Producer*. - Of thlfetintintitaf prinliction on which tax .bas beavo:theritfictle weds havo reported and paid tax ctuilkdy 75,271 j, barrels. The bat- Mien oltlie*(4Uction: las, - been mainly . 6.oim Oil Vree1441610111 4 40 heiry im, Betinenoff -Eat S6it4irtbdtarles of 011 Creak— ' tturcealuttider run zbeititaitin4; gettefah" act exerabut OllturillEr from - 41w 4'3101 of, Ulf taills justly Ovutleall As peril 0f3115, These facts skew clearly : tho,:l,large amount of! oil Practical:Wu On Creck,notwithatandfer and actual Lugo pro d uction -of ha:ming the Ittrerfrallit to haro r p4oditeed, fortho time; the same number Of barrels as Pit hole, each hating produced 76,000 barrels for the six months enMagliept. 30th, it will Appear ;ebiit OftCreck, for the same thho, has preed and paid tax on 771,000 barreli. ' This statement ahem; an enrage yield, upon Oil Creek alone, of over 4,000 barrels dally—or an average of 1a+,500 barrels monthly—awl lo the whole dlatrio.,a monthly average of over 153,017 barrels. The egg - mete yield f,.r the month of October, will doubtless be largely increased over any pre ceding month reported. This opinion is made from the reports 'already 61. The reports from the Pithole wells up to the With of October, a m °not. to 42 r -1 barrels; ,add for the balance of the month at the . same ratio, the returns from Pithole aloncovill be for October, 65,44 S bar rels. The monthly statement for October may far exceed thin, as there are now completed two sets of 'Pipes' from Pithole, for car. ping off the accumulated oil—one to the Miller Farm Depot, on the Oil Creek Railroad, and the ether to Henry's Bend, on the Allegheny river—now the property of Hussey A: Mcßride It is cold that these pipes are now rapidly draining Pithole of all its Surplus oil. Should Oil creek and the Allegheny river wells produce for the month of October In the same ratio as the preceding months of August and September, the 11,,itere,, gate of the month will probably reach, and may exceed, :340,000 barrels. It Is not likely that this large produc tion will be continued through the winter, as a large amount of oil is now produced by pinup ing—the winter mouths being unfavorable for obtaining oil in this way. It is more probable, however, that the pro duction for the year, ending on the first day of April, 1666, will amount to two million barrels of oil, on which the well owners will have paid the United States government two millions of Sellars tax. The average price at which Ass oil has been staid for the first half of the year will rot exceed live dollars per barrel. Largo quantities, at some wells, have be.-o sold as low as 50 and ft; per barrel. I will hero stale some fee". on neefet r,t h the oil businrss, 411.1 011, nom., •Inarke may be regarded by . oll coca and others interested, cc not Mil Of 1,1000. coot of boring an oil well, or drilling one, at this time cannot be set down at less than 56,000. This will Int-hide the engine, tools and fixtures, tubing for the well,'when finished, with sucker rods, working band, valves, tank, she., and one month's tune of labor of hands, and fuel for testing the well, after the drilling is completed, as you cannot be eertatil that the well is either a tutees: or a failure until It is thoroughly beard. Oo an average about one well in ce , ., is, a suc cess. Hence every producing well is: made at a coot to the operators of shout sixty4.sand dollars. The ground being leased, th erotor Is only a half owner of the well; but, has to do all the work:. Thin statement as to the east of a producing well, is only tree In the . Iggregate, and not so le rMantto some territory„where the successes, are as one ID tiOt• or them. lint in such localities ad these, the bonus paid for half acre leases, varies from one thousand dollars to ten thousand dollars, and In some instances, eves higher figures haVe been paid. These leases are for hail the oil to On:Operator, theother half being royalty goes to the land-bolder many of whom Nava paid almost libellous prima for these lands. So that the joint ownership or a success fat well, in the aggregate coats about one hun dred and twenty Moused dollars, (4120,000) This estimate is true only In a general way and not specially so, as some lerig /enema have 'lam& ell" in the first hole. Ovters again have itteceeded only at the bther tarn. —having tarred twenty holes dye hundred to six hundred feet deep.eaeh, the last only being a mess,, and after all this L'etscre. at" may only be &fine. a tat or ovary barrel well, one-half of wide' Is paid to the landholder as rent on royalty. ()at of the other hatittLis poor fellow has to pay all the ex. pease, of primping his well, hoping In time to reload this groat outlay—first paying the or, ore dollar a barrel an he sells his hit. For the past six montlia the goverameat tsr has amounted to thence flfil part of the gross celpts from the wells suedollar out of every five for which Uncoil was weld. This lb certain ly a very large ter on a crude article. But It might be these "eft arist,-"aw" might stand mere —say another dollar • barrel. Tats would only bet., dor2ors 0.1 of fire, and as the "oi: don't ma tie might stand it, So once thought the Committee of Ways std Means. (It might be well fora delegation of oil men loon= more visit Thad. Siemens ("The Com mittee of W. and Means") at his special eon reolence. fie might grant them "t/..r(y min 'del" "to bear what La had to nay.") Should the Zoo question again come before Congreaa. as It will. the oil men should or.ent them with a tree statement of faCUS, tech as the foregoing. deck a atalecient will mat. It sell. evident that this obta.sed /teat coif of 14, , t• end capital.' That it is not a free gift /rant ' ' Freed, weer "' Casting ssothifig '" ' 11l the labor of inctiolg if iato barrels and abipp• al !Arm to mart.!, as some would have them bellow. It was this idea. that the oil Orel twitting. that ran ovary body mad last year. It was this "idea" that forested, or caused to he Invested, fire htuadret millions of dollars ($soo,000,00n) In oil stocks of the various oil companies. It was this "idee" . l7tat it corr, not:110g" that or. canlztri Oil Companies with paid op capital stock of from million of dollars up to ten millions of dollars. with a banking capital to the Treasury (said to be AMPLE for the de velopment of the Company's property. without further asserammits,) of from ton thousand dol lars, to forty thousand dollars, The "emplefend" for the development of these large investments, varied In amount last la pro portion as thia "icipi" that the proluction of this oil was attended with no expense, that Is that It. mist nothing, was more or less prominent or active is the brain of the dopes woo organ.. tzedthree oil Mock companies. Stockholders were, under this arrangement, confident of re.. calving on the par valne of their stocks, amend, if dividend of from three to ten per tent. Here Is a specimen of an 01l company's •'Pro. species:" "The Company's property consists of a lease bold for all purposes, oat two acres first class oil land. - Terms of the lease, thirty years. The Company ply a Royalty to the stockholder of one half the 011. Capital stock, 11.000.000. Blares, 100,000. Par value. 110 each. The Company have placed 820,000 In the treasury as a working Capital. This sum Is deemed ample to develops the property. No more aseessments will be minim! There are already commenced on this property a large number of wells with. • "good show of oll," "indications good." This means somebody else hos funrid a a rtat deal of on tome other place. This Company expects to pay a monthly dividend of three per cent." This may be called "Borealis" 011 Company No. 1, and may readily bo submitted for almost soy other number or name of company. 000 to *1,000.000 h u one to fit y—ona active working dollar is to'pay three per cent. kmonth on fifty idle dollars. It looks incredible Yet it is as true as preaching that a large Proportion of the live hundred millions of dollars (# 2 00,000- 000) invested In On Companies was Invested under these reprmentntkins, with this statement of facts and with these exceptions. This Is an exemplification of the "Idea" called "Oil on the Brant: " "That It costs nothing to find rivers of 011, and that every stockholder owning stock In these companies will soon be rich." It was ads idea called "oil on the brain," "It costs nothirg," "It will make every one rieti," "it will pay all the expenses of the war," "It will -pay the National debt," that, like a dream or nightmare, entered the Halls of our Nation. al Congress, and taxed crude oil one dollar, a barrel, and at the same time added four dollars a barrel, In addition to the already exorbitant tax upon refined oIL liembera of Congress were oat to blame. It was the "Dellrium" of the hour, that ran wild through our larr s ommercial cit ies, and entereltlie Halls of Wien. That rketrttled the whole- nation w iththe dream of sudden and easily acquired wealth. The retired adllionalre, the wealthy banker, the princely merchant, the shrewd, keen, active and safe business man, the eminent divine, the Rev. Doctor, the sage professor, of medicine, of law, of divinity, the officials of our government, the Judges of our courts, the head' of our army and navy, the Governors of, states, and their subordinates, In truth the whole country rich and poor, old and young were suddenly seized with the same bulescrfbabis "ecstasyr of mind like unto the dream of dichyme, that changed all things Into gold. Yet it was not the."tonce," of that "magic stone" exhuming Itself from dreaming land and Infusing Itself anew into the scientific hndu of the nineteenth century. St WAS not that , hot , a new Idea with new a nd magic power, menotrtt to the ancients, - and 'without a place In the nomenclature °flatlent!, until known, as "Wont& Brett," or upon the brain," No! Conarass was not to blame! She too was ecstatic lint since this dm= bah Paned Awn/ , and the sober second, thought is caged na Deckle reason and tA Jneginonf, this delndon and night mare Rill tio longer haunt the Hein; of (:on cram. Members of Congrots as well as ()them: , loin. from cad'experience., have ,learned fat , least sours of them ,) That 'IDS/ on tar brain" and "Oil bt Mi.flarreP are two thlngs. , .- Tbat the former has cost a great deal of cam; Sid the`, latter a _great deal of hsrdiaboi. 55 all teach! snoney. .That the theone is solidest mete/Leis and the otter simaantaf; and. when annaht for ti; found among the alert. Atio4lo o ` wh theY tax thtrone "011.1,4 tke harrel,", they should' tuts as they as the pelmet 'alder 1u=01.. - 1n kott_ore.‘ialead ore; an -11IsefInfb; In told t In the...quarts rock. and as other minerals ars taxed,.rbe elarge.kagtafdad labor areof ten; :snamrlymald 40'. the Prodnagos of the *Pw stattlial or crude articier asuithst Itis,very vortex; that This opreatantarent "0111 n the ha-, Tal e '/be falaly•dealt wltb, end that It laves/ let portantibei frandifa• a•fax4rw, to nlatlegeleh ..011 In the barter from that dreamy obause.. llduposthe.braln.'!aeittibu7d'.be**deli!: mental to the (andel and i Mot that produces ~00. e n , m ., 04 "r.. to be confounded - with the mild that" oikr one upon the brain. l r, .Ans new tax Iss „anis the amennoteat tothe old law, they Wald' mikes Minna Mit of dia tlnatlos lotweett "Bartrol o; "soil "Bralartle.o. L 4134.: . PITTSBITRGH, TUESDAY.. NOVEMBER 14. 1865 LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. lOREIGN EMIGIUTION TO THE SOUTH. Operations at the rretumry Department. CAPT. nIZ'S ASSOCIATES ALAIIIIED Proposed international Umpire, 2•• W FORK. not. 13.—Among the emigrants that arrived here but Week, a considerable som ber went directly to .he Southern States—most of these had selected their 'destination before leaving Europe. Gee. Flake and Chaplain French addressed • meeting last evening on the condition of the Freedmen -in the Sooth. _Troy stated that them was much suffering iniKentneky, Alabama. and Georgia, and unless Immediate assistance was given, fifty thous...ad would die In those States alone during the coining winter of cold end starvation. The condition of the negroca in Tenneatea wan represented as better than in the other Slates. The Commerciat's Washington letter says: Secretary SteenHoch Is now In strict retirement. engaged In the preparation of hia report, The latest rumor from titcyreasuryDepartmant, Is that he will eugg - eie the tenet raaislble awl will show the feaallitllty of en fund leg. the debt of the country; as to Insure Its e ilemption eta not very distant day. Thorn ore also rumors that the Secretary will re commend such legislation as will make It Im perative on the National Banks, to, rodecat their bills at New York:and will tons many of them to contract their circulation. • The Ecruld's Washington &Imolai sap- : Thera is mid to be a growing trepidation on the pe rt of Winder, Duncan and Gee, the confederates of Wire at Andersonylile, and now condned in the Old Capitol Prison; Winder realizing more fully than hie associates, the foil farce of the danger that hangs over them as partners and active participants In the crimes and incubi lions of Wire, while conducting the lemma stockade. lie in especially nervous upitn the subject, cud betrays an Impatient desire to place his record before the au thorities cleared of the damaging im plications that were deduced from the testi mony broneht out in the trial of Wit's. Re frequently summons the commandant of the prison to his cell, and endeavors to obtala some idea of the popular feeling that Is vneitahsed regarding his share and agency in the atrocities of Andersonville. The vindication he hat pre pared of himself Is already covering some forty pages of legal cap paper, and Is being added to daily. Major General Sickles will be ordered to re lieve Major General Gilmore in command of the Department of South Ciarellna. Major General Fred, Steele arrived to-day Irons the Rio Grande, hot nothing is yet known of the 'cause of his corning- It is generally be lieved that he brings important intelligence con cerning affairs Mire. The same speclai says It may interest the Fenian, to know that the British government sent a special detective to Um, country a few weeks ago to spy out theirdoings here, and re port them to the home gove rn ment. MS name in John McHugh. Ele In a medium sited, red faced, mutton chop, vrhl.kered fodielduah who affects lavender, kid gloves, and mach general neatness of persounl appearance. Ile IF now In Washington, and has already changed his name and place of boarding several times. The World's special gays: It Is understood that Sir Frederick Bruce, the British Minister, will be selected as the umpire by a joint CAM misaloo. to adjust the claims between the Uni ted States and the Columbian aucernment. An odic r In the old army, who went South and joined the rebellion at the outbreak, called upon the President and asked for pardon. The President inf.rnied him that he had not yet pardoned an cetera:who ;had: gone over to the South and taken up arms against the North. Be did not know what he might do in the fu ture, trot for the present, he held thole mikes undor advisement. The Herald's Berfn letter uye movezocata are in provlnsa In Itambargh, Braman, and Berlin . to raise a fund to all of the colored pop ulation of the United State. It Le thocteht a largo fund w e t L.-. ralsod la Germany for this }•nrpoae. INTERESTISG FRon IVABIIINGTON. Indignation Against Spain RECONSTELf TED REBELS SEPIAS BADLY Extra Pay for °facers Mastered Oat GEN. KILPATRICVS APPOINTMENT The District Tax in Eolith Carolina. ARMY PAYMASTERS BREVETED Deetaan Or Ibe COmpiroiltur or Ike T ?faqir] taster form, NOT. la.—Governor Andrew is In Washington for the purpose of the settlement of the account of idaessainsetts against the general Govertimer.f. General Indignation is felt In government and diplomatic circles at the wanton attack of Spain anon Chili. The BpanlOe squadron for the blockade consists of seven frigates. It Is revresen'ed that the snidest unanimity of feel ing prevails among the Chibans. Governor Huhn, Just from Louis Lana. repre sense that the reconstructed rebels of that State ere acting very badly. In one parish they met In convention and re•oetabllahcd slavery by formal inactment and resolution. Three ne gro® have been shot by returned rebel soldiers within a mouth, at Alexandria. Last week One of the civil courts sentenced a negro to be whipped under the old Virginia code. General Auger promptly annulled the sentence, The Secretary of War has notillivi thr Quay tom:taster General that the officera of the Veteran Reserve Corps, mustered out under General Or der No. 155, who held commissitios March 3d, 1565, shall rcnelve their extra three monthspay authorizoti act of Congress, March 3,419.13. The Times 'Washington special dispatch says: The appointment of General Kilpatrick Mule ter to Chili, will not result In the immodlatr su percodure of our excellent representative nt Santiago, lion. J. IL Wilson. Gen. K. has three months learn or ailltence to visit Europe. First he will visit Spain and probably come to some understanding with the Queen as to our position with reference to the aggression of Spain upon Chill; thence to South America, prepared to maintain the dignity of his Impor .Vint'inisiloa. Among the heavy war elements Wang settle 4 by the Government at the present time hi that of J. L. Sandford, of New Toro, for the char ter money of three atmmert, amounting to $BOO,OOO. The Governor of South Carolina has add rasa a ktterto the Beeretafy of. the Treasury asking that the Inge have the privilege of assuming the direct tax Mated by Congress, and that the same be paid In South Carolina bonds. lie al. tem that the State la much impoverished and cannot meet the tat immediately. No action hen been taken on the -letter by the Secretary of the Treasury. The 11mrs' specialties Paymaster D.R. Cow an hasbeen breveted bripalleageneral,audid ajar Priale brava inlaid 'The following naycuts ters have been breveted lieutenam.colonels: J A. Norris, J. H. IdilbOrn, C. M. Terrell, J. 31. A. Wlblei Geo. Phelps,A. S. Young, E. A. Adams. J, Batraten, W. V. Roomen, Jet, eob Sallade, 1.. T. Mateo, N. IL Mutat:. The Second Comptroller of, the Troia:my has made& decialori relative to Peasants'. pay. Itethe cue of a soldier transferred to the Veteran Rs serve Cotps, agreeably to a geseraForder pf the Prevost Marshal Here:gal. dated - 401 28, Indd. and zubsequeptly fahtteral'ont fleneral Or. der 1 , 10.110 Adjutant General!" 0124x , , 1865, allPlleallon !it made for the balance of the Recruit Bounty. • The Comptroller decides that as he tau ills et=by reason of the chute of the mar, he Is to the balance of ahebonntrthtsime an though ha - had ,xemecl :With hs regiment. The Mm of Ms being transferral to thoNeteran 4 teserrO Carpi and discharged from that Oman-. Izalco, dew not:alfeet into right to the b tatty to which hu - svat e =White ender ,Ills enllernerth: ihe.ettie of 'the' representative' White fir a PPSOn,not Sable to-draft,, It is held ttat the forme la entitled to Miam° bounty ot ler recrintaeullsted at the same time add' nTi like '1;n0e4. 1 10 ofaerlieg • ' Net; GOld !totes - Fo _More ._44. 11 to 1 444 481 - ,15,7aV15• Naer TOits. lb,„,ffilifield nolo of the denomination of $iOO: sera recOlfed..ft the United States Treasury this cit y • ' The CommeretaPe.Waehhhitm ban: Tlus Preattleulatoruted ca,ox;Oont Geo -oral torts, that Itla not Ms piellinituteution to „pardon any atom dill or elpett leader& of the Chief Jesttee Clime. Is eaPeihiot: th the ell!, tooslght, when-it Will be kuoirn, defialthlY tno. venting Jeff, pato 41.al mid *ln ht w:Need; _ • LATE LBREFEAN ADYICES. French Evacuation of Mexico NO 12IGLISH MINISTRY APPOINTED. Lord Clarendon to be Foreign Secretary. coierloarnciiiz I:RTEILLIGHP'CEL 8.1.3 DY boon, NOV. 13.—Ttic steamer City of Washington,Tronu Liverpool on the Ist, and Queenstown on the 2d, arrived here, Her news to four days later. is stated that Spain In tends taking energetic measures in suppression of the slave trade.: The British goternment has ordered all the restriction on die:dean vessels to be removed. The Paris corpondent of the Aforants Pon says : The intended withdrawal of the French from Mexico has lately assumed a more decided character. Maxlnilitan wished to recruit in Anetria and Belgium. It is proposed to permit the French officers and men to take the oath of allegiance to blaspmillan if inclined to do so. Maximilian seeeld Lind himself surrounded en tirely by his own army. The P.l says It Is seemly to be 'supposed that the Uetted States government wish to re place such a government and resume the Repub lican coatfurdan and anarchy. In the course of time the Public (Milan in America will acknow ledge the Liberal goneniment, now endeavoring to rate Mexico to oleillzation. The journals dented that France made any ef fort to exercise moral Influence In the Austrian policy towards Frankfort. The proprietor or the "frith Peolga" at tempting to bring artions against •thie Lord Lieutenant and other authorities for "the sup pression of his paper. On the 28th, a respectable looking man, giv ing his name as Lieut., James Henry Lairs, of the 9th Connecticut Volunteers, was arrested at Dublin, on the arrival of the steamer nom Liv erpool. The prisoner wan fohnd to have In hla possession a seven barrelled revolver, two thesis and moods of rifled patent ball calrtridages said to ho poisoned, a box of patent percussion caps, four commissions bearing ha name, LO serve In the Connecticut Volunteers as Lieutenant and Colonel, and also the sum of thirty eight pounds In gold, supposed to be for tho purposes of Fe nianism. He states he rettirned'to Ireland to moo an uncle, and intended shortly to return to America. Its von remanded for thither en. air!. • The Italian election was highly favorable to the Government. Gen. ICamseller was ap pointed Papal Minister. Two'Frenth frigates arrived at Mph' Vecchia for the troops now commencing the eyeetutsloe. The Holstein estates are to be convoked. gettleswig be, incorporated into Germany and that confederation will pay the expenses of the late Dentin' war. There Is still no- official announcement con cerning the Ministerial arrangement. Claren don is certain to I* Fortin Secretary. fhe Okbe drama forbearance on Me chance of the Mlnlotry until the government le enabled to lay before Parliament the procrzmene, upon the satisfactory tharacterof which Its existence 01.1 depend. , .! „ the flforvring riatfibliks the reform extren;i ly doubtful, the nation being entirely too indif ferent. The Prince aftd Princese of„Wale.s pall the expected visit to Liverpool on Ile ~let of last month. Ads/tees hoes Rio Janeiro:to: October 10th, Erdlar.d, confirm the capture of llns goalie= by the eines. The Paraguayans sur. re edam% uncondltlonally.and ell thonsaed were made prise:natl. Their General has been brought to nto Janeiro. Latzer res. Ltenarooh—The Pads corres pondent of the nets says : It Is generally re- Ported In the Per!Man papule that the French army In Meilen be withdrawa by Install media, and that by Adjustor Beptember of not year, the whole will hamt returned to France. This resoluttent L sea to be edoptad not only from a desire talliferd no reasonable graded of complaint to thtl„linued Static, but also on other grounds. !": LONDON. Nov,;:.--Consols for money S”,'@) CO. United 814.501 r :Aril 6314631. Erie therm laicals Central 80; ‘60014. Lieszeroor., live. 3d, 7 s. sr.—Cotton declined Id. closing witkOsin, upward I.o=telaCy. Froth lons ateally. Produce quiet and needy. The markwts were closed on Taosday. Lmerp,ol, Yoe. The visa of the Prince ens Princess of %Tales to Liverpool healed taken place on the 31st, bustnews was 'lterally suspended on that day. Tr,. Com mercial report a:momently is only one day later than by the Cabe. The thane market on tee 30th was wery4de- Plefiked and prices ea-stained a- feather d foe of about Id per ported. Sales estimated at 40,- 000 bales. Breadstuff.—There has been no regular mar ket since the Cuba salted. All articles remailmed serf firm, and worn a trifle &Arm. Prof{sloes, g‘ncral/y, were rerysearee, and prices remained very stIlL Lard, without change. Produce—Small Bales of ashes at 3iis 3d for lots, and L;al for pearls. Sugar, very quiet. Coffer, steady. Rice dull, but holders tirm. Petroleum, steady. London.—Ylour, IsGrls Id higher. rot , . alma wheat, ls(s.2s4hlgher. Indituacorn,searen and wanted, an advance of Id4ls fd on the week. Sugar quiet, but steady. Colice firm. FRENCH ONIVERSIL EXUIBITION Cholera and Cattle Plague Report. CONFEDERATE JAILORS TO BE TEL WASHINGTON, NOT. 13.—Mr. BigelOW, minis ter at Tarts, anzonnees .by a dispatch, dared °Lieber 3ttli, to the Secretary of State, that the Imperial Cottindation have extended the time to the Slat alt., at which, according to the origi nal programme, the United States Commission at Parts wee required to send In a plan of ar. rangement of our part of the exposition to the Slat of January next. This leaves our citizens until about the lit of January as the latest date at which their applications eau be received. They should be addressed to J. E. Drr by. Esq., Agent for the each Universal Exhibition, No. 3 Spruce street, New York. As be to to consider and decide upon all op pllcationa from this ooniatry, ■nd then to report such as are accepted by our special COMMIS - Mont r at Paris, In season for him to send In the plan of the arrangtement before referred to, by the 31st of January next, parsons who do sirs to take pan In the exhibition will apply without delay to air. Darby for forms of appli- The Department of State has received a letter from Mtn ter Pike, dated /Lague, Oct. 18th. In which he says there Is little of public Interest going on In Europe at this moment. excepting what refers to the cholera and cattle plague. A lively concern prevailed to regard to the former, MOB a marked ctia.ge of weather took place a few days ego. Tnt ereeptionsi cc tidl lion of the atmosphere which has prevailed steadily ainceepring, has led to the apprehen sion of some unusual condition of the phblic health. The gales and storms which kayo oe cnrred within the last week, have now done much to dissipate the remains of this apprehen sion. The great atmospherio disturbance, It to believed. will also modify the plague raging among the cattle. . nu Government ban Dun etpeclally active In obtalalag filets lb regard to the spread of this boarraln le Rolland, the natttre_ of the at tacks and the medical treltMCll6 In 'the Thrloll3 MCI 4 James Dunces and Richard B. Windar, now confined In the Old Capitol Prison. charged with cruel treatment towards Union prisoners at Andersonville will soon be brought to trial, and it irundersbEad a court le being organised for that purpose. The Forrest Muni martial haa occupied the wholo dayhearing the testimony of witnes sesrot. the ,deifeneditt tho 1410; Clomtpodoro Btrothael Cotton RBIs Burnt., Manta. Pa...Nov.,l3.—Thera. mut a' leg° Are at-Avondato. this mOrtiltiy, by Which the Stiat-• Inca and two dwellings were . destroyed. The property size'oined bylfiss Ellen Patter: 804.1114 gr, Rota. Pattorson, of Philadelphia. Tho snppo - soit to have bean the wort of hioendLary. .14.erabont 450,6100- Meeting ii.kl3o,o",c9—pLorpkeytrielflOtill; BOSTON, Not, 1.3.—A large - and Influential meeting was held, at noon today la tha M- ReilikniciOnditind , of; the A a matedlate coast:action of the Northern Pacific ItoLlrtnsat. Eli lionorldAtor - LlneoliftcoildodverOal speeches wero.nindo_ by ox.uoveFnor Carry, of Orttonj ex4nvernoc Valor; ot Canada and thqRVIPECIL iiilo3 IV, Nov. bad declaeCto', placT ii-Prqo of volantodi torirkec bgtct4,Atek PCILLIM salde:eriSti battalions bast itoOlsbd ofilein to hold tlfemislres SR mid: , I.ms .41r. ?luty. 1/24 , 4pumt,,ettlho Volnro teer 'An:6ollas bGeta donbled lirconsonneneo of InforralUlß teccleci.9ll(Faszpro)ects.- , GAZETTE. LATEST FROM -EUROPE. Reconstruction of the'cabinet. ADDRESS OF THE CHANCELLOR SF THE EiqiEVS.U. Itewult or the Italian Elecileili.l The Wcy.raigms FLummin Pom-r Nov. 13.—The steurrabM Belgian, from Liverpool. Nov. :M., vie Loudon_ dery on the gd, passed this point at t:3O r. en route to Quebec. The British Parliament has been farther pro rogued until the 23,i inst. The Times says: The present Cabinet is oom- Pieta with the exception of a ale gle office--that of the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, The Star alludes to and remarks upon the unanimity of the London press en the following point, camel) On reform, which rata, decide the disability of the Cabinet and the imperative necessity of • reconstruction of the ministerial persolviel In the CommoaL If the Cabinet is to face a new Parliament with any decent show of Influence, the province of England is not wanting in material from which the recent Liberal bases might be aupplial. The Star publishes in large type a letter from a member of Parliament that no cabinet will be satisfactory to his party, which - does not In clude Mr. Bright, and suggesting his appoint ment to the Beeretaryshinof State. The Chancellor of the Exchequer while on a visit to Glasgow, was presented with tkc free dom of the city. On the tot inst., he was in vited to a dinner, which wits followed by a workingmen's demonstration. He also received an address from the Parliamentary Reform Colon. The Chancellor spoke at some length, in acknowledgment of the honor of being placed on the citizen's rolls. He deplored Lord Palmerstoe's loss, and mild a tribute to his memory, bed bade the country be of good cheer. The name of Russell was a pledge and a promise to the people, and wm the name to forfeit the inheritance he had se cured in the memories of his countrymen! The Chancellor hoped the country had reason able assurance that the edlightened policy of the last thirty years would be still continued and be followed by those who had the respon. lability and direction of public affairs. FRAlier...—A reduction of three million francs In the army estimates have been decided upon. Tile Hengelar announces that Russia has Join ed the &gators , Conference at constantistople. The Bourse was closed on the Ist, being All EialntaDay. .Al76lllll.—The government had Issued an official Intimation which Indicates a disposition to adopt, If possible, a freestrzuie policy. Amterts.—The Bey of Tanis has granted a general amnesty to all persons Implicated In the late revolution. Other measures of clemency and progress have been proposed to the Bey. Tonirsr —Advice* from Constantinople state that • saw commissioner had been appointed to It ventage the physical resources of the Empire, with • view to chair development. Jaren—The ffhanghai, of September 21st, tars The quarrel between the Tycoon and Purace Nagato nu been - settled. A plan for OA murder of the former had been discovered. ITALT.—The olocticat rattans show the posi tion of parties In the Italira Nano:tent, as fol iose: Moderatel s llbOi Constitutionalists, 100; righte, 60. The Journal de Rome says: The Pope hut relieved M. Merodi of hl3 functions, for some particular reason. especially ill heal th, wittiorit withdrawing has strut:Liao and esteem. PORTUGAL —lt It elated that a few treat cas es of cholera had occurred at Oporto. Flor.serot.—The GOTtiIIISRTIt hid forbidden the editors of newspapers to glie any person titles pertaining to' rosaity except the king of Pronto, la &Wesel:, and the Emperor of hosted. In Holstein, Lt PlAts..—AdViced from Brazil announce that the town of Uragneyyna tali been ancondi tkmally surrendered to the Maui Mans and the allies, and the Paraguayan" garrison, 0,000 alrong, had been made prisoner! of war. The London num eVa the progress of the war is more satisfactory than bed been expect ed col3.ldannq the bravery of me Paragnsyszd. The news of an unconditional surrender to "-='.* peclatry important. Teo expectation d 57 be entertained distil would (meditate terminate the coo MM. ( 1 ,-f, 294.—A 27 -de telegram from Bombay to the 18th of yeiobor. eaysco t toa and good: are lower, Llturrai. 3.—Aallina.—eotton—The Brekm.a orrenlar reports the sales of cotton for I.: week at . 11,01)0 bales, Wanda: 16,000 bales to 'peculators, and 19.000 bales to exporters. The market was Erre, and ell qualities advanced to a trifling extent early In the week, but sub sequently became very dull under the Persis's advice, from the United States, and closed tilll3U4d lower for American end Egyptian. The authorized quotations are: Bair Orleans, ^.S'' t; middling Orleans, 20'1,1"d; middling Mobile and Texas, 2014di fair upland, 103 d. Tee sales to-day, Friday, were 10 000 , bales, the market elating steady, end with n better feel ing. The stock in port Is estimated' at 393,000 bales, of which 04,000 are eirmerican. The Manchester market Is inutile.. Bread ate& are adtancinz and priers are a little high er for all artletss. Provisions are quiet and steady, except Bacon, which Is mica. Leaden, Nev. 3—Emainep —Consols for 122011. ey, ShiiVilth Illinois Central, B.l(PiB3jit Erie them, 54(54)1; U. S.- 5-20's, 63",;(364. Liverpool; :Nov. 5.--.Ecentrig,—There Is no po- Udell unwept Importance today. London, Noy. --Consols for money, SSN® RO; Minas Central, 8045; Erie, 52. U. S. 20's, 63. The discount demand at th 4. e bank and on the street was rather active. There was no general expectation that any farther advance In the bank tato would be necessary. Liverpool, Nov: 2.—The cotton sales for two days amounts to 12,000 hales, at a decline of id per pound, We. Enurict closing with an up ward tendency for American. The sales to speculators and other parties were five thou mud balm. Breadstuffs Teas flan. Provisions steady; ba con coder. Produce quiet but steady. American Starrities—During the past week there has been much depression, the high rate of iaterest on Monday Inducing a large de crease of sleek, coupled with : considerable ex portation of both Government bond, and Erie shame, created much delinces. Five-twenties gave way about , s per cent, closing at t13 , ,,,Ca G3'„ Illinois Central, 5IL5;1&.:, Mies, Southern Ilelle/ Meeting—lnternal Rote nue—Government Neutrality Meal-urea, ikinv Your, Not. 13.—A Minter mectlez was held at the Cooper Inehtute this evening under the auspices of the American Upton Commisakmers for the purpose of relieving the distress at the South, at which Senator Morgan presided. Speeches were Made by the ?Sayer, Gen. Meade, Dr. Thompson, George Parsons, of Alabama, Gen. Fiske end Remy Ward Beecher. The address of the latter was full of conciliation, hitless and consideration toward those who were y In rebellion. Gov. Parsons antes that at the collapse of the rebellion, there were one bruadnxl aad forty three thoutend :the persons receiving State support, swd tha unless they have relief, fifty thousand whites d blacks must perish of star ration before spa g. The alerting was enthu elastic. The total ree is of internal Revenue since the let of July, a 113i,000,356. It das been d ded by the Second Comptrol ler, Chat mature and unpaid installments of Bounty. shall descend to the heirs in foreign countries the same ite Pal. The Government; In order to preserve the neutrality of the United States with respect to those engaged in the existing war In Magic°, will suffer no armed parties to pass our fron tier, nor permit any arms or munitions of war to bo sent to either belligerent. • This however does not prevent individuals from passing with arms for personal protection. V.rom Cairo Carno. November 13.—The Inspection Riling of tea catapults of the' eighth and `fifteenth regiments of the Veteran Reserves, comprising . the garrison of this pop, revealed the ghat tb( i r all the privates except three wish to be maw ed oat. All the °facers except one denim to remain In the service: Sewn hundred and dlly balasof calla panted for.Olnainnatly to laundrad.and aktr fbr et. Loma; and one hundred and.nfty,ft Estni Scut= elite Indium Legblatura nrin.trorle.'NoT. sesiton of the Indiana LegideturesonSenciLto.dey, The Erotica organization 'eras thos..stunnas -Lot gol den. John U. PetUt Li . flpeaker.- The Banda )uni not elected subordinate officers. The Gov. onaor's ine9ser,l7.l4 - pt:4tyiemi .. 10.1370rmr r . o• • Natteial Flnancea• -- trWisenioteit'llOv..ll.—A i'Mz;ll4:l4" Palled atstes , t ireeseives, mummy' ' sita deed: (Mabee. tha the amostat on deposit itcoLti Is $37,754,e0iti kid the total meant on 440 dr War 'nearTyhloo.ooo,ooo.,4ll; tha t epin -was , available. Thaamoattica vielamattatthealleav al Oatace. aa►kaeetlJr 43.0e0400, and the ona available (hada !Inhabit) heravreationary3tatear tlelp 1 1 • ireeeliTte.ooo.- A Msendaent : Pasted by the' ' tl 3MeOut:Veeelino. ietitielsturo; -, F C10144 . 54 " ; *T OY!U l eak4CortliCiltiltnt.i "-et.eitneadmeattbdUsblirelaolg. weed kith boomed- thelootat casollite..,lolllstute 'tlAv t ,terttit letklittle epoesittoo; Legit* `WO ildiemS l . l 6 Um Nth Wt. VOLUME LXVIII-NO. 285 • srLaR-00 Sunday night, Nov 12th, at the residence of her sot-ln liw, Jacob Ififoolift/e, Mumlate, Mn. KART, ELIZABETH SPARE, termer!) , of Carlisle, Pa., In Iha 71th year of hex age. Th. (antral veal take Mare tram the residence of her me, Lemuel :Spahr, East Liberty, on TI37.SDAT arrsossooa, Nor. ton, at Orlock. • EILLDILLE CISBIETERY—A rural and sane pletarasque pima of diepuittuu, situate oaths Uplands, Drunediately north or Alleyway city, en the New Brighton Road. Peredes wish leg Waded ra Lott will apply at the Super. tateadiats Ofiloe, et the Crialetery. Title Deeds, Familial:id 'Bother bedizen will be attended at tie Drug Wm/keno IT the usiderwiened,barnet of Federal and laacock agnate, Allegheny.: GILO. A. ItErsLY, Secretary and Treasurer. R. 11' REEV.EB,;': mr.tg - ioNal.wimharbanra.. 88 Smithfield Street, near Fifth , Street OOFFINS of every deleinlytioo. GRAPE GLOVES and FOBITI.SHING FOB YI H. ALI : M="2Y. mr.FENE 1313.111.9.8 - for OLP RCA fornlshad 1191,401 AUCTION SALES: AUCTION SALE t O G F E i ARM Y C LOTH 0771 Cr OP APIIIMTAPP Ourcooo, La., October 20th, 1895 I Will tell at Publie Auction at the Government Warehouse, Nom. Rol and 22,; South Witer street, Ching°, ID., on WEDNESDAY. the 15th day of November, 1865, • large lot of Army Clothing and Equipage. viz: 203 Cul' erre Coats. . 1 Shovel, 2,781 tt Sukets, ! 255 Bed Sacks, 4,844 pairs Trowsera, t t Storm tilag. 11 v Drawers, 7,F89 Raveraanks, RAM Coo,, 8, ,tr linapaseks, 3,359 Grestmaoats. • 21 Bug 1,896 tt tt Stripe, ]1 Trumpet, 1,816 Woolen Blank/Os 49 II Dr u m [leads, 6 Rubber fis, • 3 Pouches, • 168 pieces Stover Pipes MS Sack Costs, 1 w &e r Sib -1,180 Blouses, 3,451 salt Elotoes,96 Drums, 1,892 irts, I 181 Axes,_ 6,3•3 Th ou s Axe Handles 493 meta Tent Poles, 740 pain Drum S ' unks 8,03 bible/1.. Slings 029 Tem stOpes 88 Spades„ WO CIE* Nettles; 01 If Lt.chets, 92 9 ZUNI" tiIIPI I 144 lint/met noodles, n Pick Axis. 1,291 Canter-to. 17 PteltlLatt IlAndko, Alsoos mull lot of Booted., Boots, Stocklnks, Pats, Caps and SalhOs. Sale to commence; at 10 o'clock and coo. Cone fro f. m dimy to dap until all the property is dla poeed o ' Most of the clothing le nel4, but irregular. Terms tub, in Govegamentfunds. Property to be removed ill . purchtmer !netts twenty-four home otBer the NELSON PLATO, . Captain anil Audition Quartlartnantur. noldnolild GIATBALEOFVALUABLEBOoIs lOTOGRAPEF.A.LBOR VAMILT . BLEB, PAPER , Esnrimor GOLD, PENS: tam, tam, ke.—Tllls ENING It Vase& and the following evening), ataloseaketorar, et tne Ooka. menial Sales Somas, 100 Easilrialleld street, opPe• site the Pat OCllet In thil collection mei such works as Appleton 's Dieticinary of 111adlsanird, I 441:41 plates; 'MeV Dlstlittnity"of Alta and Selenees, 3 vols , WOO pletesth, 2 Volumes, 149 plates; Parrs Japan, 3 eels., fplaito. Miatrit• fully illustrated; Gibbon's Elloo,l vela., English ed.; Einme4 England, 6 Vol.; Maeanley's do, 5 M rob.; Scott , s ale,. voles Meal 01 *Y 9 Work" , a vols.; Adllsort'e de,. TOIL, --uoLlstatte. do vole.; Lamb'. doeftvoe.r- Demi , . Mu, vials; 14V t anderM4Mozah.=tory, vole; Waverly Novels, 13 vele; Ame ri can Cygg ? dla, eohl.lfh e mslo. plete works MOW*. Byron, More, Seott, Montgomery, linden, Oolsyler, Pepe Bomar, Dick, Boffin, Plott,tit, losepbes, Mtn. hem; hOlifire6 vOlmultelot mailer Nov.!. EO,oire, Player Soots, ao., a. F. 13.1toolts at private salt dining the dayat .very low prism • A. MelL MINE; Anct'r. J. E. Paaar. Salencian. ,44,7A1 FREE EXCURSION AND S&L& OF 60 LARGE BUILDING LOTS TITS BCIILINES3 PART OF lIIIADDOCAI FIELD. Oa MONDAY ALFTERNOON. Nov- lath. at a o'cloek, will be sold on tha re.d...4., .aiothing the Conn ells - villa Railroad r sr,. aerro ..rdi- Lag hicTae, Waller A V e . " FittOrl, 10,31 a, dry and 2daddno! .. 3 . ? r , . L d ey.' 9 . 2 INES LOi, lg. eet trot.% an rom i to MI 4 , ~,„,' ° nand . on the Railroad on Brad orf, Plant Road, and on rho ..'l3esujea ?.eggton and Allaquirpa atreeU. . ts arab° and GO feet Islas. and the alleys la the rear of lots are 20 feet Wide. Mande.. ls well knowo es the moat donna. ing locality around Pitt.trgh, and with its one qusUed advantages., le rapidly etrianig to become 'he most thriving manufacturing point the Monongahela Valley. Terms, onii-third ca., balance one .d two years, with Interest, secured by bond , and mort gage on thn pnerninsligTO tO be veld len tack tht when sold, ea past of cashbayment. A FII EXOI7RSION TEAM will leave tin Connelleville Depot, corner of Eon and Water streets, at balgpast 12 o'clock, to take ladies aml gentleman to and,trom the wile riots A. tdeILWAIN, Aunt'r. 'VALUABLE BANK STOCKS. V TUESDAY EVENING, November 11th. et Nl o'clock, wilt be sat on second floor of the Com merclalSales Room, WS Smithfield street, opposite the Post °Moe, the following( Stock's: shuts Minns' National Bank; 00 do Exchange to do Fourth MaaM)33MI MERCHANT TAILORS IV ENTER GOODS. CRAY & LOGAN, 41 St. Clair Street, Hare now in stare a completa WIN TEX. wort men& ol BOYS' SUITS AND OVERCOATS Harney, Garabaldi and Metropolitan Saito, D. B. Sack Overcoats, Cape do S. B. Sack do BEAVER, CHINCHILLA' MELTON AND WHITNEYS 1.1. SIZES AND STYLES AT NO. 17 ST. CLAIR STREET. GRAY & LOGAN rio9lird COME ONE, COME ALL 1 GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE. Nos. 13 St. Clair St. The attention of-the nubile Is salted EN'S tante and extenstre , stoakt of GENIZEDIFHA. NISHINO GOODp, Jun opened at the yeast. =Atoned V i re, - wwg mm =mattering a..grest =it Y tt= adMinta the ir= U N1 1 1 11 1 : and exam i n e toy stook Wore purgoultl else. Where. They ean dad the largest and beet 'sleeted noel of Fine White Shirts, este* els* Beate-gee soirts.Wooleo, Conan and Idahl Thread Mutat. slats sad Drawee, Searle, Neek Ttes, Books, Bal. irrßutterflies, sad everything portal. to gdsossav Yernishlng Goods, lithe atty. romioaller tdo Wawa Daadlb SI. MU street., SAMUEL LEVIN. .IP, It. A large stook. of Hats, Cape, Orates CIA /ark yakekwoodna niversal, yrou's and Xamtoll, will be sold looms than Out. to • FOR WINTER. 0 Ir. S: Blue Chincliilla„ BLl.ek Chinchilla, Brown Chinchilla, Daliah FINE FRENCH BEAVERS, all colors „.„ , a u r ke el .p a g ity rr GRAT, POSSIEL tt ;MESE., Successor; to S. GILLT k S9N. lon MaiWn4.ll;rAlioms; IPNRY Q. Allprchgtic i rcinOi Nonn-wrn wassai OP flfl . '1 " 5 ; 1 V 134, F. • . . ~ u l, :. .Tatilt gnat plume In Innoinaneto WI Lli2 ''.. an* ,ftunaft '. and - Ane prlshUnnenera u t4la tds Ind tirtolttlif SE& • grAt e itnyon Milan tog Dercoulfir tell:014 ir tat k 400 hoses In taw I.Aninizt MAC' ' anon I elm te aul au. - sully be mulls 'irblinitas.' besain. 10. Itinntot nest , . 11u4er.lab 'lad ntylo. thnentlisennictentos Latooratied mat; ,Ter..141,121.114141 3ll iarl : 'IS SIAIDIriE 00tonliilLOTIW , 411141Z444172 4111.148iu - iataal i in!rtit , er , 44 . 1.a_ 'sl4ldArdritrurr xtelr'. 4 ' 4o . , 44 ; 4l4 P* , ntnr;stsrle tor entire sults: :_. _•__ - _-, 3. , yen indrny_. of ;PM OAS'S mica az sac - alma =I Yens, tor sl ow , AO EtiqOir t WOO.. 11 7 AOLESALE BUYERS, , COUNTRY DEALERS, BOOTS& SHOES Concert Hall Shoe Store. 141F411:44ikflig:4;TXV:t1 GOODS ALL IVARPLU4D, GRATIS- Prices Exactly-. Right NO 60 FIFTII*TREET, UNDER THE OPERA HOU4E. OAK HALL CrLOTILINGIIOI7S6, [No. 13 rani:sll'RErr.-- 700 2:1; ;I : • rtsz morn OATS I • sags 00.1.1'S amount vvezir.a*crooalvi. OVERCOATS 01* ALL KINDS. ELND BLLOK PANTS -.... and all fftyLix et --• I I EGAADLESS Or OOS Fos TICE zrzrr)orpLyes. -'•- • J. H. SMITH & (30.. CLOTFLIZIIS, OAS 71.1.14. .3 'Tem sT., oppeEte tae Opera 'noun. • MStir SUPPLY YOUR WANTS BOOKS AND ALBUMS BOOK PUBLISHERS' PBESENTITIBB BEM Ea= For the following Miaow lon have the finest stock In the city le Wen from. You only pay the Publishers price for Books. You also mire Mimeo( purchase a present. Your present will be tiforth from 60e. to till. You trill be entirely satisfied with both Beak and Present. All we ask, Try us, CALL OR SEND rOR A CATALOOIIE moll PAINTERS. W. L0N0....1011N -11 S1......TOZZIDOIMOZT LONG, LE dr, CO., SIGN LUTISTS•& aqua PAlMaill. No. 60 Eltaitbtlela St.. Pittetnuih. LETTERER° 42 ALL, EIADS aximatip a P7 1311 3 j2116, &TNT ' CARl i is on •nasdad paper of all eo lora, od au= SIGNS ON °LASH made to order and sea s td all parts of the =unary. PICTORIAL DEsIGHS ezentadla ar• HOUSE PAXNTWG 4ortai _witA regard to du. rabilky,_barmony, of eoWla4d =Musa of SA4I4 work at reasonable eltela WIMMTJA It EL BROWN, °Mu, armor Ibutralt/6014401N HOUSE AND MGR ..PADMEL EMgl!!Mt! Market stL, Q 5H!)141131. Thoth°last stook of - aoLD AND axixErr, lisrxrcazs, ctocms AND =may, arc broasht ghenT r zia, CILII 1101T.be L 69 of FL TrrAGES: 13432'etteral Mitre weTinflz - of the bat mann; JEWEL,. HY of the newest atyIds ‘ CILAXIMI 'of wary doe. crOtion of best Amman and ntach nutters. PUSH BILVELVAND PLASM:MOODS, such •ao Forth Spoon' and-Ronny Want., floluonlan awl ranch Mina and Waal , VASES of "holloat patinas; and an &Mato belonging tonitayba of laudneu, which "chi los *old at -a pent !MM TIM I Fins Watch sad Timer? worn *Rot made and , rapalro%. Etteast.ptiollipahillne 'Enver; Vfna't fOf faith" plaltaL9 tftl mee k Augonwir, . . •Batt witznzia, -Roßrar War. j Z on cumeouti vizi:warm L i g za.l3"4"ZeitletssVi V iti Arum mated swot Witt Plia.rtb. -19 4 ter OIL It impirtien haan-flitch, 13 - aIgAREI ..bsinnr , olMataArddrak-that tif f «ct nws-rans both caw n . z WNr meal ln . ota.Joiaarou. • "Nur' 'Tfifiiixtir:tersca or : von,t nfr 4i G 6 a gwcusr IMMO wad PatiratsW ii : w xy coNsmm or-rfamia ct z inff.4 . was rad.. zio wzwierto9E47-Tao - 13;11.:4 hag 444 rrfritutitittaviiiiii - 6e „,,,:rana-Imai-superimprn useir NEW erfaaßv-IsHolatiatt. so atbar stir - tall Mutation to tWeAteak AmAwasolnuregasik waltz. .4 , 11..5c01er - traajai :: SUPUR" ;amp sa44 MOW