.ggiA.BLISHED IN 1786. giftsbur# tizette. ' 7, _CITY ITEM. IRON - CITt'CO= CUL COLLEGE • riAtioac'rEizqmPti INSTITUTE_ b 4 i • ; • , • .m. eg* 8 A, ;[. 7 pp : 4 1 0. First ORlpelJoad 419; Comer iemt. and St. Oaf; du. Iftat‘ " fagot Batt& miVrA St. Tkin: ,IVOL and IS 84 Car E. Araireael YoII - tFI9 ifia " •B. tvNillusog ua lutsestown, Maul, CO . , N. Si. - O. Yaw WA Alit/then% Go., Pik 11..111cOullm libuTa. Pa. 8. A. Quist% bare,o, Milers 00. Pe.. B. N 12 :44.• CalAtondialeStrl 470.,,E 6 . • J. G. Ilioinvoy • - • ' O. W. otbson, Dia l l ome, rnaes, Hotter 00. , Pa. H. P. 0..91et Diturett li nter Up.. Pa. J. W. Booty, ilstlan't Chester (Jo., .Pa. Walsontowo, Roechostb. Co:, Pa. E. P. Ralston, Smi Ltield, Jettarsan On, 0. e. P.R. Hopkins, Yellow Sostoor,. Greene 00., 0. G. B. Myers, LittlexAwa, Memo co.. P. C. Welhett, Llttleetoo Adam 00., :it • W. S. &Imago, ~Etrelkicaville, Tie Co., Pa. J. Inca s: V . , rdanebeldan A rtgbany 0., Pa. W. J. Sheri n.Obast.istk , T. R. WlTlgif Innlnstiano, 4 .. - I. K. hat W. Alexandria, Wastl'a 00., Pa. W. W. Stiller. ttsburgh, Pa. P. SeoU,palrview, Hancoak Co., W. Vs. J. X. Abu, bat/MI:M em. Row 00, Ohio For terms and . lanauttiqn contend og tee mt . lege, Matte 1, 4 ? 17 3141,11 *ift : Sllilit fr. Ccrert.zr. -:- tf - t' , ' i', :.- Eltt'sburgh,-Pli: F °nr W• pen on Blonde a very large and well ailetttd etcck of Dry roods, many of them betight Jittery decided ba • If we only had few articles cheap, we m hi quota prices, but as our alLek_ is all very cheep, It weul't he tee expensive - I ti;pay far tee IPSO required in the .01ty pa)OIS tirgnote the Inlets of all. We will say, however, that any prices you sea quoted, we will levee to sell the lane quality' of goods for money; and Mosso we should not have the exact same tutte:c., trevrtlaell a better article tot the lame prier. Remember we' are now on the _Northeast corner of FOurtlvend kismet atreets. nlio3ooo h Ben Lim- i It Br . liNotbrfous Piet That at Flemines Drug Stole, No. pi Market atreat,you can purchase a pure article of North Carolina tar, at lower rates than can be had else where to the city. Sold at Josgra FLI,XINWS Drag and Patent Nedlane Depot, No. diLorket street,. corner al the Diamond, near Fourth atroct., ; .patro Quality Long - Moth Olterting at 3 3 coots, • andgood yard wideditto, 2ty esats, at the special sale at Bather n Go's, No. io Market ■ lreet Also, fine Sheetiegthiroarths of a yard wide, at 2.1- 1 unto, French Mutinies. Poplins, Repps, Repltas . and Plaid Dress i:loods, very cheap, at %Barker Et. Co'., No. VlM:anal eirbet„. Drees Goods j From IEN to s cents, in abundance. at Barker Ec Co's, No 59 Market street. Beat De'ninee at st. cents. Mann°Ls Cheap, .I!.t fluke: is Co's, No. G 9 Market street Economy Ls the parent 6f integrity, of Liberty and of ease We linov of no bettreePtiustopractiso Ms cant nal vistne then to ' , fait Thomas A. hteOlolland's Boot, Shoe and Auction House, Tim 65 and 57 Filth street, immediately under blawale .Holt: - Bear to mind that Tom does not gtro Ids good, j away. He tan believer leafree Breech and all that eon of tbioin but Mi. boots and shoes are to be paid tot, but at lqw prices, eat and examloc—, that costs nothing—and stir word for it you will ! 'become purchasers., splendid assortment of Dry Good. will be found upon the shelves of this 11201111 d, of stores of Pittsburgh. Iklarikets Cheap At Darker & L'o's, N0..59 street . 'Unabated Excitement At the treat hut, cap And laktfe*' fur how:, of ; Wm. Fleiolog, ro. 139 Wood atrcet. Thl4 popu• lax home ill'conitantip thronged with customers We would advile all Who want .anything to the tar line to call HALL the lea* poanible eclea• . - iX , .0 4 1 tacc...ta istOelLor - Laatdonahts goods will • 1 Le sat at lees Mite than at einy other Louse to the - Slawls Cheap, As Barker as Co's, No. SrrMarket street Coe , s flyspepsta tare Dorm cot exhilerate aml excite the patledt If refer, likeatcoholla Dttteu awl Pererages, all ad ♦ertlsed to Lure dyspepsia, but it Ls s medlelne most wooderfLily adopted to all diseases of the stomach asl.burclA. ,Whereto Get Them. We alludirto Blankets emt /itm-Seeping tu g We my gb toittites rt. Belt's. N 0.21 Fifth street. Theif Kock. of Illax4cets, Flamm-ie. Ma- A. Ilea. &C., &0., esttt.4 De surpeumod.. Nos, is the time to buy. OSII early, sod secure beeping. Rally the Sytti•ick L.: After a dltense has Inca conquered, there, atilt fi the weaken, that It leaver hfliMil It to be remov cd. Gonvalmeenee to a tedious affair. If the cu. Mebled an/ needed muscles, the 'chattered nerves, the Oda and watery leloml conldspsdr, they wordd cry far help. LI too many sates inch help as La given the Is tined' the-sigh: ale l,the amp Wm -01-u.lanta of chmmeree do harm. They latodla a tem. porary flame, mblek tee mockery. Their effect l passes, atd the last state of him alto Imes them is - sr orselhart the &at. r Not ouch la the Mites of Hostetter'. Stomsth Bitters. There is no drawback to their tontnn propertia. Balsamic plants and barks and root. contrite to their restorative juices to render this .do °Mir IC and strengthening preparation a'protte rt tire and reMettlalagent. Ito buds is the only pure .stimnlant - which hag ever been produced contain : log no tualloil Or Othredsletstionselement. The moat eardol and ektßful chemists hero analyzed the Bitters and pronounced them harmleas. Vali is ardentltio testimony. hot the testimony • of thelimadreds of Mown:oda ratio have experten -1 - "id the yreventieemed ettretive.effecti of the Great .l 9eyG.,bte 'route and Alleralire of modern Llama la still more coneltulve. In . lever7ml eysymp 'ir oile r billousnese, nervous complaints, general de- baths. and chrostosromplalats, It Is u neatly to fallible as fen M OS' tnthGlnluliJ wdrla RSp bi ‘ t 'Sold eresiwhele. Fall and Wintei Goods. It Le With great plats= we call the attention of oar readmit" the Superb stook of Fall and Winter Mondelirst received by Alr,Tohn Weter Merchant No., 126 Federal street, Allegheny. HU ' 4 ,1, stock embraces tome of the rarest and most treeit. tlfultilottur,puslineresOvercostingsandFesting ever Monate* the Western' market. Ms assort. ment • of Furnishing Goods, erimpriidng Shirt,, ltrawers, Opliars,. Neek-tles, flaintkeschiste, , cannot be =passed east or west. .11/ergo .Stoek ti -Of reedPrnade "Pan% COAt4 Wits and Overioata 4 will also be Imind at his establishment. Persons to want of anithing in the Clothing line should not gall to give 4.r.' wiles a sell. - Thomas W. Parry di. V 0.,. erairkleal Sliheji.ool:4B, sal Malta" In Atoeruaa Slate, of ,To/10 . 4a scion. Office az Alacandet Lstrarthili::,ttear the Prater V 7 . trrlca, TiltabUrShr Residence. • No. WI" Niro :street. Orders 7 ,• .arrOMptlf attended to. All work warranted water Soma. NepoiNtiockUms at :the shorted. nothio . No for Tepidn, .provided the too , is not gamed attar It Is put. az. ea.rpenter JObbink Shop. z..!. Harlot retntned attar as abtente of three 4 - ears ?, ya the have raOpened tor ebbp fol aorta OfjObbing fa the carpenter line, at the o td stand, .111rjarallst, beptusioSmithllela street andfftbary Oder; Aolitified and bromvtly attendid to. %rattan Foamier. Tim Sweet South Wind . &mating chi - beat of itoletn i la not moth tot, 'grant than Faancalont. Um atoms which 4thaka,oomnituthattel Itself tothntnnith of aU :pup tins thla mazielatta denitlttiml,tahltal :ruddy gums, n awes motniiiand ttu .on:tile/Pr r onjoyins these dairaideilithaOlitnity, are among - iinbleastata derived fromtha tne or Sozot oat. 11Ig=g= . "Omatbss and livery stab% 41.0,Pian itseiti 'James Dan & Son ProPrlnfols. Oluitmaia tiatt curia* famished tlrtr u. oulanigea rot Caner wad. divarlibt:PAlLlat'sr thortimace; and tessoaable rates...l34l4lolMi azurnittit • - Netztral StaidPir,*'l.4lle, espitsurtegoldic. 'rot 5a1eb7,.1141 , 141,4wr s 2 utiate, corner of renninit Mali street, Pittebns6h;, i i •b ;•• (1 . • f Just ellowiett, .01w osw Ciot/Whe Upon, &tee Ilith Weer, where we offer 141,r00 mirth 0f aothial iettawff els of cost, at Oak 1144, „ ,„ „ C: SM. Dentilt• 410 PenliStroet, iittenctifprom,ptir, sti ~.ottoo,of sou proms. • : THE DAILY There Were Giants In Those - Days la Adams County, Bliaciaalppi,lcomence boon, have been exhumed. which Medical men beliece to hare belonged to a gloat who mutt hare been forty feat high. . We give the above as. bra tt tbD ]Boston .edmri.ser, but think tie estimate of the giant's apisht is too /ow. /he bones must have been las- Merwe ens, ugh to have belonged to a giant at least ,J 79 feet,high• Our filing Robirrstm, - .ot the Rena id J. ie; Robinson &Co., No. CI Marl. - et street, says they have no Sims largo enough to fit feet of such mulatto ;aspen tons, that they have an im mense StoCR of hIl tho'Latestt Styles of Heats, . nOei, b aka ands, COngreia Glide* Crum and Felt Ovarahoes, which they are selllag at wholesale and retell, cheaper than any other First Class House In the city. Remember the Number, 61 Market - Street, neat door to BartteVe Dry Goods Store. Marriage In ilgh We; An umpiring couple In New York have juum court pleted the marriage ceremony le the clouds. The txploit strikes mils beingsomewhat absurd. They shotuld have been married on terra firma, like ten sible folks, and the groom would , further evtnoe his shrewdness by enliltig at Plttock's and getting one,of Rpm Leautltul and cheep album•, or a gold pre, or pocket book. Did Vrit Pay A visit to the Greet Shin which commenced yet lordly nt,Shellabk„le Thsiclav'c, of Blankete, vela, Shaiele, Cloik - a and, Dress Goods •! If not, see that you attend to thin matter to-day. It will goy jou to give this arm a coil, before making your purchares In the Woolen ilea. Remember , Cdr: Bre litre Stand, No's. 74 end 76 Market .attrot. - , Only 31 Ten Boles of Flannel, Juet opened at Shellsby Banta e. Five Phan Red and nee Plain 1 ell°, Remember, there Goods are all Wool, and cheaper once Callen or Muslin. The same Goode cannot be bobritt ln af y hthhr Reuse in the Zits , for less thee one e. Cell before they are gone, they cab. not lest long at the very low price rf cents. Fullertonln Barred Plaunth, And AU the Whet' celebrated makes of Flannels and I.Pankeq, ere telling a lermihnsfpreseat Rion• uteettnt re pilots At Shelinty AL Bn:etasis No. 72 and 74 idarket street. Weeklies at d At l'ittceles, orpoette the roatehlre. • ••sunday Leader." Get st this ace:. All the Nortmber Magazines AL Yateek's. All of Dowley'. Cheap Hook,: At I.lttoe6'r. S 2 Books. A few lett to be void, at oat , / CO crate, at Plttoelea Get the "Leader" suuday triortabg—a good ntOnber. Morita For 1E45, of rittock's, opposite the poet° Mee Pocket Albums. At litteck'N opposite the postoelee. I=3ll Ippcelte Pittock's A nr.smsvr of Safe Harbor, in Lancaster ektin:y, was brought us Philadelphia last Tues day by one of the Deputy Marshals, on the charge of dealing in counterfeit money, which he received through the Postolllce from ?bile delnele, Mr. Hess, the Postmaster at Safe Harbor, bad-for some .ttrne suspected that this man was engaged in same unlawful business, Out never had an opportunity of ascartalninc its nature Until a short time, , Eko, when, by accident, a package which the accused Beat off became opened, which, upon examination, was found to contain several sheets of spurious United States pastel currency notes of the de nomination of 25 cents. NIL ik„ EL CAE Pr. Sues, of Lancaster has a curiosity In the slaps of a nut, busught from near the head of the Amazon river a abort time ago by Prof. Manning, who had berm traveling tbrcngh South Air.erlea. It le celled a snake not aid scows apse a tree in that region, and Is eo named from the fact that In the Inside of the shell is a round ball of waod, representing a crake called up. Tee natives say that where ever theee:trees &re found there exists a bur row of snakes, which are from twelve to fif tem feet In length. and are very vcnomonu. When these nods are green, the cent-% can-be distinctly seen upon -tats cods, and It can be taken by the lived sell drawn out to lu full length. Is is rueposun to make no extension of the Local 'Pelt/graph to connect the Small Pol ace pital, in Ftilatielobia„ with the Board of - Health e Bice, thtetugh . the medium of the Central Sta tion, at Fifth and Chestnut streets- Small-pax Is a aiNeaBe that prercits more in winter than In the Summer months, and for several years the Board of Health have taken every precaution to prevent it becoming epidemic. The pr.:sent suggestion of extending the telegraph wires to the institution on Hart Lane will oven:lnd,: the necessity of eitlzens going to that place to In grdre after any of the Inmates. If the work is accomplished, then all Information respecting patients can be transmitted be means of the magnetic medium, without danger of COllloChm. ANOTIIEJ: strike among the coal meters in the Morning Valley took place la•t wing. Tao demand was for twenty per cent. advance (some say only ten per cont.) and 4EI per cent. was granted by part of the cp:ratuc , while others declined to advance at all for the present. Tne Boron! of Mc Ttmes comuituttne on rots says: It dcea almost seem as If there mnsht be a secret league between the irmidersof the llifiner's Unions Bed large operators to farce coal up, even to tbe Ices of bones! and industriosto miners, who e Leep at work if permitted. Bat wa C11.711 , t billet , it posvitilm A accident as;:necert at A s hland on WordAs of last weak, by which four men named John Cleary, Coleman King, 4tichsel Campnell and Patrick Barrett, of Ashland, laborers, lost their lives. It seems that they were ieadlug cars with coal dirt for the purpose of Illitag In at Mlle other place, Unfortunately. they un dermined the Minh too reneh, when It cared and borlEd them, suffocating them to death before they crud be extricated. OIL developments in the neß,tiborhoodf of NOrth Montt:lt , in the Wyoming Valley, bare given an Impetus to travel in that direction. NUP.ItIbTOM x grocers uow genermly keepsor— gbutn syrup, and It has become a regular ard cis of tradt:- Prlcee for good q lailty role from $1,40 to :1.25 per gallon wholesale rates. Pf AND POLITICAL, n met that 'staunch old patriot and Union mar, Ttiaddens 8:e7C123i on 'Wednesday last, on bin way borne from Gettysburg, where he hsd In en • oftending to some loot. baldness. Mr. fitevins lora& as young and noparently as vigor. ono as he did twenty ycsra nal, and will bear the storms of half a dozes more Congresses be. (Dee the peolle. of Lancaster will be willlnglo dispense - with his vrvices. It is decidedly re freohing•to meet with a ; man like him. now the acknowledged representa.ite of the nation, and the noblest RomeD of them Yuri Tnta Demwat. MOVEIII:NT AGAZY.T 217 C SLATE MAW; is Crsi.—Pricace artriees from Cuba state that the Captain-General has given permtsello for the formation of a society iw opposhien to the slave 'trade. The members of the association, who are already numerous, pledge themselves not to buy any newoea that have ; been. newly Landed on the 114 and. , Tholoratalvtganliatlon of the society trill take place on the QIICCII'S Saint 'hay thellith of November. • ' Lorna PALWAitSTON 1945 the first who Intro duced the waltz In England. Ills daneing,. at Almalek's, tlfty years aporititthe Princess of Lievcry, the feminine - Erisslair diplomatl.t and faithful friend of M. Gulzot, was much admired. Rev. Mn. NASBT says "The utter and Mr gect state ur emaltood Into which the dlmacrity -Encl-themselres, North and south, makers A day of rutin' appropriat." tbY old report has Jiro teen revived, to the effect that Queen Victoria rea❑y intende to ab dicate in favor of the Prince of Wales and them are .iCtinible men who Menne to accept tho rumor. 'lnc prince Imperial 181_ o vatec of a rcmarka, 'bin violin, bequeathed to him..by tho late, Mr. Viallet,-an eccentric admirer Of Laois Napoleon and hls cOtrpd'itat. CIIARLts Ikon, the:son of Victor, • tras lately married in Brand's-to a lady bathed Lebaine. 'Among the witnesses was Lords Blanc. 11N States tionotor colamer‘ofiVertncinfi dangerously ID at his residence in Woodstock, with congestion of the lungs. Gra Asnrmws, a dlstingaishal Demoefat of ilitinessotaOrlio ortgkungy opr karnialadi's suffrage, has recently favor of it. • - - • • Ann-rt., Kuno, thr• eolObtatalitratt :neatr, has been 0011god,•by folt r op it.myrna, on Ids journey to his African barna. v. . . JEzma Lion's heoltfklis , Ant oligm Ile, to retire to the mint' of ElorOpel-' , i,T' • Lone Psumzsro.lF: mgedle thla - of himself: T Was arming teas,the Duke of Wellington made an appelatenat with • me at half-pant aeamin theraorn,lng, ataraolaei one raked me, 'Why ? Palmerston,' half irillyou :leo that engagementitoh , I .ot coarse, ..the easiest th ing In th e, muld. 4 shill keep It the lan thing before to'kti.'" LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. EXECUTION OF WM Be lteelares Ms limoience. MUSS AND SENTENCE OF TEE COURT Firmness of the Prisoner I,ISTAILB OF THE OLO3ERO BOFNE WA3FILSOTON, Nov. 10.=CopteIn Wirz was bung between ten and eleven o'clockthis morn ing. On the gallows he declared his Innocence. He died ,withont exhibiting any symptom - or fear. 'This 'mortirg father Boyle administered the sacrament to Capt. Whe, and father Mad of the Roman Catholic Church. lie then pi act d r.ron the prisoner black cambric. rentark- Ing,.as be did so, I hope this will no turned Into a white one in the other world. At twtnty minutes pact ten. o'clock, captain. Wire. Caine. from his cell in Atd Old ' , Capitol Prison, acconfpnnied V:Provost Marthal tell and others, lend by Father; Boyle ending. get, and passing between a military guard, they ascended the scadold, and the prisoner Ives there sealed. The scaffold was twelve feet square and fwe.n'y-two feet to the top, with a strap twelve feet from the ;muted. The gnarl eettshded of the 155th Pennsylvania Volunteers and three detachments of Veteran Reserve Corps, tinder command of Cept. Wolhridge, Military Superintendent. of the .01i1 Capitol Prisot. Tlierb r.CT.O. buudredc if , ectritanapidrerat i besides tivilines having bees admitted on slide' passes. Amid profound silence, Pratuat it trehal Rua , eel preceded to read the order of the War Dee partnient, founded on the verdict of the Court Martial which tried the prisoner. Ha wee charged and convicted of combining and con epitingfelat Jefferson Davfa,,t. A. deddor,,Elow ell Cobb,. Jr.e. H. Winder, Richard B. Winder, Isaiah White. W. S. Winder. W. Sticloy Reed, R. 11 Stevenson, 8. P. Moore, tb-err, late hospl ad steward at Andersonvilie. Jas. Duncan, Wertley W. Terser, Beal. Harris and others whose names are unnown, and who were then engaged in armed rebellion against the United States, malielouly, traitorously and in viola tion et the laws of war tp impair sod Injure health _toad destroy lives, by anbjecang to torture and great suffering, by weaning them in unhealthy and 11ORtIOIGSaine finartill; by exposing them to theinclemency of winter, ard'to the dews and Darning sun of rammer: by compelling the use of impure water, and by furniablog insufficient and un wholesome' food to large numbers of Federal prisoners, to wit : to the number of about 45,- 050, held SS prisoners of war at Aedersonville, within the hies of the so-called Confederate States, on or before ,the 27th of March, 1804, and at divers times between that say and the 10th of April. 1805, to the end that the armies of the United 'diet's might be weakened and impaired, and that the Inscrgents engaged In armed rebellion against the United States might ided ard comforted. The order also states that the prisoner wan found entity of the second charge, namely. murdt r In violation of the laws and customs of war, and Kinky of all theapeclifeatioss:ezeepting the 4th, 10th, and 13th, 'which three set forth He killed a prisoner by &hooting .him with a re ',elver, that be ordered a sentinel to fire 111:P31:1 &pother with a revolver, anti that he shot an other with is teeolvee to that be died. The order concludes as fellows The court dies therefore sentence him, (Henry Wire) to be hanged by the neck until he be dead, at such time and place as the President of the United States may direct. Two-thirds of the members of the court cone erring herein. The court also Sods the prison,. (Henry Wire) guilty of hey. Mg muted detth in the manner as alleged in speciLestion eleven, charge second, by means of dogs, of threw prisoners of war to his custody and soldiers of the United Stater army. One occurring on or about the 75th of May. 14e4 Atio.ber occurring on or stout the st day of Sroteenti,. ISi 1. which Siding, a, here repo...wit. did enter Into the sentence of the court as before given. 'The pro ceedings, and sentence Le the foregoing ease having been submitted to the President ssf the United States, the followine are his order,. Execreirc Mareiros, Nov. 3, Pa4l3.—The proceeding, tindingS, roid sentence of the court in the within case are &tiptoe:4i and It Is order ed that the sentence be carried Mtn execution by the officers corny-audit - 4: the Department of Weshireton, on Friday, the 10th day of Nevem. bee, 1t 15, between the hears of six in the morn ing and tw-fee &thee, soon. !Signed .soricw Jona: SON , Pter-itient of the Hotted States. Mein?. Gcceral O. G. Attar commandine, the Department of Wasbleclon,l. commended In cause the fote,,cnlng sentence la the ease of Retry Who, tuba rally eternted it accordance with the Prceideut'll order, Th: nnin.ari , corn mlsslcn, ef:srhich Major General Lewis Wallace, United Nantes vollustente, is president, Is h'srehy dtsrolrtd 14 command Of the lbraident of the United litste, E. U. 3" , ..“5n - sp, A. A. G. When [he rouding of the order was complc. tea, Cep:. Wire :unversed srlth theme on the platform with arming eoutideuce and and It woe remarked that he had a smil ing countenance. To his ap:ritan: aJrisers he suld: "I em innocent a^-t 1 have to die, but I can die like a mon; I hare hope In the future. I have nothing more to say." Mi. ler and 11. nt, Nrere tied, the loop neOIII.IIIIS neck, and Neck rap Waced ores hia far, Ut .tood . erect without faltering, evidently ha', len; netted himself for the .4oletan event. Thorn on the platform retired to the. lent ing the doomed num in the' centre of the etrort ure. Afti.r a km moments, of profound the drop at a preconcerted rigual fell; the tontats oceziloned harm; reached the. corn of the promi-elcit3 crowd out Bide of the old but Ul3O were not privileged to ia the ace.; lon, u,s responded to by repeat ol -1 ,eta of 4.pprobntion. The eon' - et alb,: falling was Coe,litt trafily ag.iteled in Ms legs, bat tha azday was soon over, lie hltil2 iIbOUI, fifteen minUteS, and then was Cut down; his bode woo laid cz.lti stretcher and eorreyed to prison where tt was placed It a edlin and transferred to rather is. 31e for interment. Ills neck was bllkee by tie fail. All the proceedings occupied about three rinariers of an hour. en • SOIUTS. EUICA War Between Spain and Chili COAST OF MILLI BLOCKADED. New YorM, Nov. 10.—By the arrival of the steamer Ocean (teem, we have Panama &deice% to the 3014 oil. War has been declared between Spain and Chid and all ports belonilng to the latter are declared by Admiral Peri', commander of the S;anisli squadron, to bo blociradetleincethe 24th Wt., ten dojo being allowed the nasal! then In port to clear. The Chillan Congimul authorined a loan of $.20,000,000, and the P.recutive is In vested with unlimltul power to raise treoPland. procure ships, Am. The diplomatic corps In Chili protest emphatically Against the mode Of bleckade, the Admiral proposing to maintain it by means of cruisers. The panic occasioned by 4tuddott restriction of business In Chili, greatly prostrated the English Ilea ofsteamers between Panama and Vaparatso. They receive no passengers or freight for arty - point South of Mulch. It labehevod the matte Carried by Mena= will be received at. cablia„ by so English gunboat, and conveyed sloes the • Milian coast, 4 The United States sloop.otwar St. Mary was at Valparaiso. Dlaaticctien was arising among the revolutionists of - Peru. There Is a prosvoct of all bodlea binding' together to assist Chill .against Spain. The murder of Barrios In Central America is not strengthening security. Dr. Wm. B. Little, of lieyad.A, newly appoin ted Consul at Ilavaria,nirlyeti on the 28th ult. ' ' and has assumed Lib duties. There it nothing of 'lateral fro wee ltddrior. Death or the. Deeeldetit's'Brother SnISCPION. Noy. 10.—A dispatch was re - .c4ied this afeerrehedi by 'tile Secretary of the Treasury, from Shelton, sped. , I agents dated italveaten.lstov. 4th, vis. New:Orleans Cth instant, announcing the death of WHOA lobinin. Esq., only Deothered the Pula:zap! the United latices. sod collector at New Orleans. Addled front the. cads of an acci dental gunshot wound. - The lt a ibbery —The , UU.. Fa 04T"te Cimino, Nov. 10."—The amount of money OW= from the:lonetican &mesa Llatapany jytatettal marnheff was only 440.000. The rob wera argete4lll4l, night and . allgte money 109frentl. Collston , EcfiAr $07.10.,,Tne propeller Froo atate - ,, of Westata,Aronspatttlon .tlontpotire fr9T4,hgkidi AMl:Cage.s.enalded , Vith vessel On the.ot: Crlin•Trtyr.r, - I%c :returned to Detznit leaking WI sztil 't ti uQr 9111110 PITTS g URGH GAZETTE. PJTTSI3I;TRGH, J SATURIAY. , NOVEMBER' 11. 1865 PROVOST 11ARS1LkL GENERAL'S Mgt The Jamaica Ix;et,Vection. sEvgaz sETALITION BY TUE ~'lo'rlcla iC4cosAcro2ltlCl=. . . N" . F2trY....X,0i*,,:113:.;—Th0 Herald's spa- . clot says At the . ;ftivost Marshal Bureau, a corporaPs guard of cleats arc enga g ed • la settling np the affalm of Lids onto' terilbla branch of the Go ..verament.. „It Is supposed that Congreis - U .. gh ilnrian, and Gen. Fry willreturn, is Ida rank as LA.,CoI. and As. latent Adfutant'Ciendral. Very extensive, returns bombe= received , during this month of the sales of public Lands . ; which were offered by the Land Office, this morning. At Brownsville, Re., 16700 acres are reported eintered; 'accompanied with casa 'sales amounting to nearly $4,000; from La- Crosse, Wisconsin, 7.100 acres wore entered, with 61,200 of cash sales. The State of Indiana hay notified' the Coin missioner that she will accept the agricultural land grant, awarded to her •by Congressional COPealent. The Jamaica Colonial Standard, of Gat. 10th received here to-day publishe. the official re port of the British General Wilson, In command stMorant Bay, is Which he asserts that every insurrectionist is beteg summarily hang as soon as captured; also that tier Majesty's gun boat wee moved to Idorant Bay, and opened fire upon a collection of about SOO women mad ' children; that after three shells from her thirty two pounders were exploded among them theft acre illsprrecd. The howl of the English pre Over this brutality is Impitient4 awaited, - The NavyDepartMent has received a telegram from Hilton Read to-day, dated November 7, stating that the United States steamer Tioga land arrived there, having on board Oliver Mar tin anti Josenh Norman, who were picked up at sea fron.tle missing raft, and the only our rivtera of fourteen who attempted to ears thettl.: eelves from the wrecked steamer Republic. The Timis; Tallehoose correspondent thinks there Is an earnest desire on the part of nearly all the members of the Florida Convention to conform to the requisitions of the Government and the neceesitlas of freedom. Alltieslro peace. aid good government, but how far Mayers pre puce to sunder theories and prejudices when It comes to she detail or &rake, can only, be aster tatted by practical tuts. The session will be a abort one, as It Is composed largely of practical, experienced men. Nona of the rabid llrucating element Is thus far manifested. - On • the Mth mt. the Convention declared the secession ordi nsoce snuffled. The taaertlos 1010iitingDO grace to the Courts was to come nr.rnert. free nuts says , . Daniel hillier, the confi dence men, has been held for trial on two charges—of defrauding the National Bank of Commerce of Georgie, and Messrs. Stewart A Co., bankers, of this city. Re went to jail In default of tea thousand dollars ball. A mid slams for him is also on the way, from the Gov ernor of Ohio to answer charges of defrauding Abe Ohio Valley Bank at Cincinnati af-1110.000 sent to him In Jane, lens, by mistake. The charge of bigamy Is not made against Mut as one of the ladies whom he married has pro cured a divorce, ST. JOHN EXPLOSION INQUEST Verdict, Nobody to Blame„, REPORT ON THE CHOLERA. Appeal on Behalf of Fenian Prisoners New Viug, Nov. 10.—Thu coroner's inqnl altion In the explosion on board the steamboat Bt. John, was brought to a elm last evening. The opiclens given by the witnesses wore that the bodes had been Improperly braced; that the 'dvdroststle pressure to which It bad been sub jectsd hid rendered It unsafe to carry a head of steam; that the chl.aei cut made whit,: caulk leg bad weakened :be rereptable, and that the feedleg of the boll, ea with cold water before they were cooled oft had proved damaging la the extreme. The inry rendered a verdict urging • more thorough bracing of large helleta, more L-cgoent lospectiacs of the same, and the Oct RI laot in. stead of cold water Iv the application Of hydra stretle tuts, hut failed to camera any person as having been Instrumental fa the disaster. Thfrc no new cholera Cases In oar harbor reported, and apparently the disease Lu disap pearing, at last, ht 'card for the present. tar. Wilmm. In charge or the hospital ship at the lower quarantine, has made a report in regard to the history of the epidemic among the At lanta's pa,,enger, Out of five hundred and tweet) fiva in the steerage, Ilboto sixty were attacked, and sixteen died during the nassage. and since the arrival thirty-sir. more lime sick, mai and four died. This eorripara lively mortality he attributes to the r.oral condition of the ship, Food quality i of on] supplied and attention gaven the :offerers. Tiro Doctor hopes for the speedy disappearance of the malady. In epee:deg of the matter of quaranttnirUf cholera ewe, be nap: Eadetivera mast be male for the varautbac et persona and not of ships .or ncerthendia;.. It to urderelood that the Na tional Government proposes to cell to the State autherlace. for merely a nominal price, the old receiving chip North Cerollea. It to to be eta tinted nn' Cooler Taarantiac es a permanent cholera bet plc el. An earocet app ..al to the or nom= of Ire land Imo punlithed by the wives of Aotno of the Fenlr.e priseuers in Dublin. It set, forth the gate of 4icgtittl , ifi?. Into Willett they have braPn pltrzed, ettributtn; it to the act, of the Ii Itith government. The addrees avows !qui, pithy with the prism:ale, and yet appeala to the woo:coot Ireland of all cards and polltici to contribute to their support. PROPOSED CONS'IIIUTIONAL4DIIENT, Ihfeat of Union Candidate:lin the South. MOBMONS RECOr4ING SZDITIOM3. N t s, Yong, or. 10.—A spnial to the Com ., rr.al rtl3 t It Is suggested by lending pulltl- CLIMB that an amendment sanctioning "the ULiOD debt and Igsering debts for the over t t rod of the Union heStdded to the Constitution of the United States, acid that the Snithem Stints t)e roinired to adopt It lettere recogni tion. licence Guclap Vat to hard en interview with the President thin morning. A special to the real from Washington on the ithanys , Advietia from the South show that the Union zaedldatee have been generally de feated. The bolter attached to the tonseat Sacred Heart on Bloomingdale Road, Manhattanville, exploded this morning, killing. Mr. Fitzpatrick, the engineer, • • , Some . thirty -rodeo ado an attack on a Railroad train at Feterson Wednesday night, but were driven off by soldiers on the train, A doien - of the former were badly [Woad. Judge Clark•yesterday decided that, the State substitute Bier area unconstitutional, as it limit ed the price tube paid such persons. Geo. Areold, author of tho Madrona papers, and a member _of the - pre of this city, died yesterday. A bait Lake letter to the Trefima dated Oct., Bth, states that Brigham Fops and otter lead ers of the Mormons haya changed. their •IVes and now proclaim polygamy to be their religion, which they will sustain by force of arms. They are hostile to one Geuernment, and are drilling and procuring an= and ammunition &c., and openly deny the Federal auttiarlty. A telegraphic tire alarm system steelier to that; In Boston, la being pot 14" operation here. Janialci Usurrection. 1 NEW YORK, Noy4lo..—The Panama Star anti Heed of Ocarina, gives' farther particulate of the lastoreetion scam* the blade of Jamaica, gleaned from Jamaica paPerat (Merge W. Garden. of .Ktugson, the principal mover In the Insurrection and. the lender bad • twee arrested and were being tried by coati itutrUal- ROT. (1.11. Cole and- James Roach, ; two of the moat prong:tent Instigators, were also arrested, together with most of the leading mon in the movement. ~ The Maroons of the Island are true and loyal. and have done all In their power to theses. dyes and quel the insurrection: 13ritance forma , tune aome of the prisoners abente tbeantentlon of the ineurrectioniste to spare no whittipeople, but to slaughter all leoterirolnalely. -.The teboleare deals with In Meanest summary way, The capture of the leaders hal dliPirttei them: and many ere surrendering,;Wite - -Frotehanan _of Nice Is clOsed, and those - connected with It are arrested on charge' of publishing millions.. articles.' Urgent dispatches •,,Iraye 'been sent to' Bainadoes for fuser.' No ... e . pprOtmelon le fell mothomoth farther tronble.;, ~ .. .1 77. , . • PlOni,1 1 10410; ' : - . . Monlyr, ,un4e . 1 14, - , elected to Congreie. ; - • . -Cotton soli. to-day wore three Ipandrid bales; middlingendic. • !IMITATION FROM NORIII CAROLINA. Their Cinterence with the Presideat. REPEAL OP TRH , TEST .0,1711 Irrms of Union Preerribed by the President. 1 , -WAIIIIINGTON, Nov. 10.—To.day, the map bent of the late North iCarolina Convention and ither gentlemen of tliat State, vielted the Pfeil. dent, when the ittutalr. liked; on behalf of the Conicalttee, over vrtitch . he had the honor to pre side, presented for hie favorable consideration ,eateitt Q its:proceedings, sayingtutteng other .111Ings; that the diet act of the Convention was to declare her uninterrupted anneal= with the Union, and that the ordinance of May. ladi by which tile State was attempted to be reve►: d 'was null and void. Alia was done by a vote nearly approaching ansanitnity and thus the drat issue in the late war 'wan yielded. The next thing done was to reoldbit slavery and thin was done by a unaal• sense vote, and a committee of able lawyers was provided to prepare wholesome laws for the eonolderatlon of the Legislatere and thus the . second issue In the late war was yielded. The .;Convention having yielded which was involved In War, and being of the opinion that the State was and always hes been la the Upton and ;that our relations had only bean disturbed ; era not destroytd, We respectfully uk your Excellency to declare on the intl. of the aitihoritles of . the Val dttd Staid, as the Braid has done on her part, That our Government relations have been recon ;ldled, The Convention Instructed the Legisla sure to provide for the payment of the debts of the etitte, declared all debts contracted In aid of the rebellion to be illegal, and prohibited the .:ipaymest of the 1111121 C. ' 3lr. Reed said we I have beard that, notwith -7.standing the State might yield as we understand - .lt has yielded, all that was Involved in the tear; :and notwithstanding our people are well disposed =end anxious for fraternal relations, her delega tlon In Congress nould not be admitted nukes they luel otutllftentlons not pre cribed by the Constitution; that they would be required to take an oath which few awn in the State can .tate, alarming not Merely that they are right know but that they have never been wrong. The exclusion of her delegation upon any Inch tests as auggestedovould be felt by oar people. universally as suck a deep wrong, that it would put their atninivderotion to the Gov , ernment 'and their lively hope of reConcillaUon to the severest' trial. • They can understand - the bitterness of itzife• and - the aversion to • treason, bet theyvvill be confounded at the re pulsion Ofieftereitlidandahlti and avowed loy alty. ''' • The Convention therefore respectfully asks Congress Lotepealtho test oath. Ibsen thought it respectful, both to you stud to Contras, that this requen should pass through your heads, with - the hope that your eteellenyy cud mitt nattlmity would add to it some reflections which would avail that body. Alter further remarks by Mr. lined, in which be spoke of the , rohlidenee _reposed in biro by :tenth Carolina the P resident responded as fol. . . , `12dn..211r. Reed, I receive from_ yon pleas um, a copy of the proceedings of the Cot veil thin of North Carolina. I reciprocate cordially the conciliatory apit - it 'du which you have ad• dewed tne. The Codrention of North Cetroli• oa has done much and will do much toward.: restoring that State to her proper natural rein- Nona, but something yet remains to be done to render GrAi Met - oration immediately practicable. An acceptation . : _2 of the Concreaslonol amendment abolishing slavery through out m ale , United States by the Intro of the State of North Carolina. is -In my Judgment practically important to Gib anceessfel restoration which Is so mach desired by all. Without awfwering specifically ' the questions you have proposed to ma, It will tiStullicent to say that my action must depend on events, and that 3lr. Golden will he again !attracted fo continue the exercise of his func tions as PrOvislonal Governor until be shall have been expreisly;relleved by order: to that effect. ADMIS-lIISSELL CONESPRENCE, Secretary Seward's Reply. ?MON lEEKERS AT - TBEVIIITE WOE, Mister Out of General Officers GOVEIU EXPENSES ESTIHTE New roan. Noy. lA—The Thaw' special aaye: All the report• about Cabinet discussions over the correspondence tetwoca Lord Hessen and 31r. Adams are absurd. That correspondence was in the hands of too Government several weeks before It was published, and Mr. Bewrril had sirtittin a reply to Kill IttUsell's last dlepatch at Icatt eix weeks, ago. It la generally under atood*that be had Informed the English Govern ment that we should not press the seuestion for areitmtion, tor 'hail we conamit to submit any quEstien to the .deciaion of a Commission, unless at cAims at bane between the two Gal , erne:mute are submitted alto. It Is prohable that air_ Reward's dispatch was mainly a regurat to know whet topics were Intended to come before the CO6IEOIEIOS, FtlgljeSiVi 50 a neceasary pre. Ituanary to an SCC,pllllne or deeitaation of It A World'. special ears: Thera were large numbers of pardon seekers al thn While House awn whom was Genera! Lenz greet, Alb,rt Pike and Extre Billy Smith. The former had a private Interview with the Presi dent after the crowd had dhsperaed. Teo Latter, where par-le bad expired, aOted to bare It ex tended so that he could visit New York and nthrr States. The Pr - cadent granted his m ote. The order for the mustering out of general Gillett's, which has bees ID the- hands' of the secretary for nearly a week, heir bum suspended for a few days. Its promulgation wtl 7,rounce great oonelrfiatlNl athohg the general °Ulcers, ea It makes a pretty genuel elearance or all (facers whose services are tot actually required receptive theca who are wounded Co the service or otherwl.." disabled. The e-tlniatl 5 of the War Derailment for the next feral year have not yet been transmittal to the Seeretary of the Treasury. They will not be ready for severill days. The Navy estimated are ready and have been Laid on the Secretary's hide. The edthmate for tIM actual expenses of the Government will bs considerably over one hundred million dollars. RUMORS ABOET THE MAIM 1111NliTEB, Looked for Execution of Capt. TVirz THE PRISONER'S P 1 ENT CONDITION Executive Caniency;tisprobpide Russ Youa; November 10.—The fliyalipa apa. cial says: The remora on the street late this evening that Senor Romero, the Mexican Min ister, had asked for his pasports with the Inten tion of ;Warning to his Goternment; can bo traced to no credible authority, stud are euppoeed to emanate from interested partici. The looked for execution of Wlrz Is exciting more remark and occupying the public mind to a much greater degree than did the hanging of the conspirators. This Ls probably duo to the fact of the extended notice given in this in 'stance before hand, while in, the ease of the formerexocution scarcely more than ten hours of daylight intervened between the public a - nonneement and the appearance of the co demned upon the scaffold. Mira la mid to be in better condition to-. 1 then an time daring his confinement, He has .had considerable a =deride ap petite, and appears to gala more Stamina as his hours or Ilfe tole approach the lat. - lIU epic- Itnal 1414fier . Faibell l3o 3 4 e, was with him during most of the afternoon and left his cell 'abed' a quarter past six this evening: " Mr. Sande also tatted him after an inter view. of the former with President Johnson this. morning. • The Interview is imown to hats been prodnctir& of nothing to indicate that Wirt would be reprieved, though on the streets and in-hotels tolllghtompular belief seems to. bo gradually and accurately settling Into that .con yletion. Mr. Johnson': la_ knoWn to, hare. met the petition of Mr. Schad° for a commutation of the sentence. withlrint and attentive• regard, but uttered nothing to cause a , bellet - Mat-exc.. cutita clemeny wilillm-exerehled: la Wire% Mine, nor does Sir &Lido entertain - the . shade w of such a hope. • ; NiVada _ - • , Bas f'ziAtlecd,lroz o.tbe Maki piectioa Ncvidaforlgcatofficcrs,mooltiaraM tidLei. Lit= and cougreSsMlll, took.pym.en.the init. D. n. ,Ashley , Ralmhtlean t , for COntress, has about vitc taindivl mvjoiity. TEE LAST HOURS OP CAPT. V 71112 Interview with his Camel LEFTEII IA BIIIALF OP lIIS HELL wAsxmoroN, Nor, 10--Mr. Bcbadc again called CM the President thi■ morning to make a Anal effort to save Capt. Wire from the death penalty, but at that time, unknown to him, the prisoner had been banged. The President, how ever, eonld sea no reason (Or changing the sen tence, and stated that Mr. Ballade 1133 the only one who ramie an eeriest appeal In behalf of the pritioner. When, between: eight sad aloe o'clock, Mr. &bade took leave of Capt. Wire, the latter ex pressed hta thanks for what he had doue for him, and regretted that It was not In hla power to reward him. Mr. &bade said be trusted be would the like a :man, to which Capt. Wire re plied r It Is nsrdly accessary to tell me. but I Intend to die like a man. Mr. &hada says he was called upon by sev eral persons lan night, as was also Father Bode, who communicated information purport ing to come from a member of tha Cabinet, to the effect that if Wire would selmowledge that Jeff. Davis was connected with the atrocities at Andersonville, his - sentence should be com muted. Although Mr. &bade diduot place full ccnfidence In the report, be considered it to be bts duty to relate it to the prisoner at his last conference with him. Captain Wirt in reply said : Mr. Behade you know I have always told you that It did not know anything about Jett Davis. Ito had no coat action with me as to what was done at Anderacnrille, &edit 1 knew he had I woold not. become a traitor agnlnst - him Or any one also W awa my life. Araoak Ida last ants Cept. Win addressed a letter to Mr, D.B. Baker, one of hls conistd, In which he remarked that he shad not said sword that mold be construed Into a reflection upon hint. lie merely stated that he had Mit selected him as his counsel at first, but accepted his services clmerfrilly, He concluded as follows "I will say to you as I did before, that 1 behave you hare done ail you could for ate, and there fore accept toy thanks, the thanks of a dying man." The following letter was written by Wlrz be fore mounting the gallows: r . OLD Caprrot. Prowl:, November 10,1814. Mn. Penang—Dear Sir:—lt Is no doubt the last time I addred myself to von. What I have eald to - you often and often, I reptat. Accept my thanks, ay Mame, heartfelt thanla for all you have done forma. May God reward you. I cannot stop. I have something moos - to ask of you, and I am confident you - will riot rotas° to receive my dying request. ?Ictie help my poor family—my dear wife and chil dren.. War, cruel - war has swab: everything from me, and to day my wife nod my children are begl-ars. My life Is demanded as an atone ment. lam willing to give it, and I hope after a while I will be judged differently from what I am now. If any one ought to come to the re. lief of my family. It Is the people of the South, for whose sake I have mcriticed all. I know you will excuse me for troubling yon again. Farewell dear sir, may God bless you. Your thankful, 11. Wirtz.. STRENGTH OF THE 11. S. ARMY Mr. Seward's Dispatch to des. Perry WHAT IS 61QEIRED OF SOUTH MAIM, Warm TaGTON, Nov. 10.—It to ascertained from an Oficial fOll,OO that the army has not been reduced so low as seems to hare been sup posed. Its tell and available strength exceeds one hundred and eighty thousand men, of which eta:nit ball is on each side of thh aippi river. The following la a copy of the telegram ad dressed to His Excellency B. F. Perry, Provis ional Governor of South Carolina: Tour letter of the fourth is see...red. Willie much has been done in 8 loth Carolina that is conducive to pence and restoration, the Presi dent still thleks that it is impossible to &Intel- Pate events. its expects. therefore, that you will contlaue id extents° the deities which hare htrelefore devolved upon you as Provision senor of South Carolina- until you shall be re leased by his order. Lie otor-rrea with regret time. neither the Ca.- 's - elation cos the State Legislature hss pro pounced the debts and obligations eanthscted In the eame cf the State foe unconstltutioual and even rebellions purposes; to be void. He equally regrets that the Stares seats to decline the , e.earesslonal amendment of the Consti tution abolishing slavery. 1 telegraphed to you yestardsy es follows The President directs me to Lay to you that an early adoption of the Congressional...amendment of the Cocrettution of the Untied States abol ishing cheery, by the Booth Carolina Legisla ture, is deemed peraillarly important end espe cially desirable. With reference to the general situation of the Union, I hare now only to say that the President's opinions. before expressed, remain us ebearged, (81getd) W. 11. Sweep, Sanitary Measures in New York Now Youi, Nor. 10.—The Comudisloners of Health, presided over by Mayor Gunther, held o meeting title afternoon. The Mayer submit ted rrsolutlons that the City Ins' Naar be dr.:, led to assimt a suitable number of .oillcers its his department to examine Into the condition, In a sanitary point of elms, of all places within the city, and make n report dolly to the Meyer and the enrnmlsslosscrs of health of the, condi- tion of all houses alstich in their opinion mar be prejudicial to the public health, and also all unisonees that mar tend to engender or am.sra- Tate one pmthentlal disease, which teas adop ted. Al,e, received to send a circular to th e citizens, Informing them of the best modes at UrCien log health. From Cape Ilaylieu. NEW ti t qt.'s. Nev. 10.—1pteliIRcaee 13 received that the commander of the British war snip Bap Dee, hiew hcr as %ha 25th aft, at Caps Elarticn. &shalt Sniwaine had taken by torso some Unytlons under protection of the British Con sul. The commander of the Ball Dog asked sat. Isfaction, and gelding no reply, he opened fire on Fort Peckelet, the fort replied, old the ship r.etting aground was set on fire, abandoned and blown np. It Is reported that the commander nailed for Jamaica on one of President Jet. frard's basso. Tbo affair sof the Country are la a Tory tin tattled condition. Nonfood Electlort--Betrard Offered for Arrest of Incendiaries, etc. PA:Gra.Bit November ttl z — Latest rotaras from the Twelfth Sodicial Psirict indicate the citation of Spends'r, Union candidate. provided certain Hiegel votes taken In &waved of the Registry law shall be tbrowa oat, The Union men claim that the law was openly disregarded in some districts. Governor Bradford has offered a reward of fire hundred dollars' for the arrest of the incen diaries who destroyed the Colored Methodist Church, at Mlddlogton, Kent county. The motive was that the handing was used as a day school for colored children. Governof Bradford has Issued °pro:demotion for thanksp vine, and appointed the day aamatt by the President. Fenlueln Ceuade—TU SatinderPa Kidnap plug Cue, Nrw Your, Noy. 10.—Fenton bonds are sell ing in Montreal and 'Quebec. where the deter flues are watching the Irish. The Laufer an nounces the discovery of a plot to rob the Can, adlan backs. Two men are now In jail who hale confessed, and several Americas Foams. It appears, are rng • force of ICS) men, to make a raid on the banks, Much uneasiness is felt tu,bushaess circles In consequence. • The Bannders'kldnappars were brought before the Court on a writ of habeas corpus, but the Judges refused ball, and they were returned to prune. French Mediation or Mexico. New Tome, Nov . 10.—The Independence Bed says: The , Intention of the French gov ernment to abandon the occupation of Mexico beyond what is absolutely needed!, IS more; apparent than der now. 'The:iittentlan Is strengthened by =dent; 1 on. :the. part of the Aston . Vahlnet, awl Anon/ -dpecially by tha despite* ot4lifkUng; !ales ffnancial tilleadou.'. It 18: 43•612 laaid at ..the next meeting of the Frerictit, Chamber's announcement wfil hOntadtfiSfbniisai*i entire enetaPott of Meilen by the,French troop!-- United Stnto elleerjilliedin 'Minty. Atim , Sran4 VA. Nov: 'reninnntra tookplace to-day,,n4 the, cititfotel, - between, Dr. '3Dfddoi;"6CFennsilei:.eoputA'Atia. • malar Dixon, of thu Drat& - 13theni Army.- Ma jor .Dlxna treeivdd,abellttlirtni ego .penearating the bowel/. Ilia -opeedrdengt ilutztounend tab. Dr, madder:4w surrendered idlnself - np nn : ;•„ ' Facto?? nurnt. ivraattiont;Not:lo,--Theto mut a iteatriek-: titeWslfoit. evening at. nbao o'clock, al: Ban crows. mats, between New Starket aild Closter, or io orate tamest-fcletcolea with - Its - I'm:dents, was &tiro; ett. Lo s,CrOjtcy. TREATIES WITH THE lIIDIANK • Peace with all the Tribes Expected. EEfOBS Oft 71113 ALGONQULI AND 1171$01)311 C ,,, ,uni tt ere l . : tary : a n al n r :tirl o 6 ,nt r ico:m N lG7 llF ter n i :n ini l l o c o ali ti : s o lfa l : 7 7:: :c . e l e 7. l o .:(l l4; :mb t,e c i. Fmt b h , :e l the President to nedotlnie treaties with the Indians of the Upper lUssonri river, It appears that their exertions hare been enaincutir sue cessful. Treaties tuff°, been concluded with nine powerful tribes, fueluding the Mlnueba• goes, Mackfeet, Sour and Lire Kettle Bona, nunaliering about six thousand two latorMtd souls, and portions of the Yauctons, Sonoma and Orphaphs, representing about six the's and four hundred scuds. -The latest telegram from Major Gabe:al Cur tis states that Information has been received from other prominent tribes,of their desire to meet the Commissioners and treat for peace, but that in consequence of the lateness of the season It Wan not deeded practicable to treat with persons so remote, in - view of the short time which elapsed since the Commission was appointed. The department thinks they have aeccrmplished as much, if not more, than could be vitsibly expected, awl seems ex tirely satis fied with the results. Tha negotiations „with the Indian tribes of the upper . Arkansas lance not been lees successful. The Department Is advised by Gee. Sanborn and his associates, of the la:reclusion by them of the treaties with Cheyennes and others, num bering come 12,000 or 15,000 aware. Every thing seenss to bare been done which it was practicable to accomplish this fall and there wee but little reason to doubt that early in the spring we &ball be at peace with all the flu:taus Of the plehut and elsewhere. The prosecution In the case of Osumodore Craven, before th: Court, closed yesterday. To day the Coast was en ages in hearing the tes timony, for the defense, of several °Meets who were utder Commodore Craven's command at the time of the escape of ,the Stonownll, , Chief Engineers Dart - 4 and tieing!: have made reports to the Bar, of the late competl• tine trial of the machinery of the Vitooaskl and Algonquin to determine the economy of feel with which Alie power was reptively evolved in the two cases. ; They ray the trio) was con ducted In exact conformity with the instruc tions Of thel Board of artltatt 4 30434 ,s and that the Wicoosld'a =whin erYmadd - the'ralme ex hours run, marking,' In the most perfect manner, and steadily' improving, giving's better result for the last one and a halt boons than for the first. • - • The performance of her machinery In every particular, !caves nothing to be dealredler effi ciency In a marine paddle wheel steinies,, , IU desirability and rellabllllynordd be depended on for any length of embalm. , They says the :Al guLquin was evidently wanting ha these partic ulars, and In proper adaptlon fonmisrine piqpo• seas In st3le, finish and convenience for manipu lation, It vaiss also far behind Da competitor. • Battle with : Indians. T. Loris, Nerv.lo, , —Tbe Denornat's despatch from Lawrence, Kansas, says. Toe Indians are becoming troublesome agnispon the plains. (td ?amide./ lam, they atteeLed the whites at Pole Creel:, captured the mall ambulance, moles, endeorna Government holies. Gen. Heath is reported to have recently bad battle with them and killed twenty nine, No date or locality is given. Death of Senator Collamer Ifr,Trauma, . VT., Gov. 111.—Hon. Jacob Collamer, United States Senator from Vermont, sled at his residence, In Woodstock. last eTen lnir 'ut ten o'clock. The Vermont Leglrlature adjourned ear die this morning.. North Carolina Election Lnion., N. C., Nov. 10.—Nine counties heard from °Melilla give Holden, for Governor, 3,790 and Worth 5,409. Worth's Idea& claim that ho has the election, though Holden's do not give It an, contending that his majo•lty to the west will overcome the majority CO far. VARIOUS ITEMS Tun ironma3bers and workmen of Stafford attire, England, becoming tired, at last, of quar relfinz, tiac Pledged themselves to give. their best consideration to some plan for the avoid ance of strilies and look-onts. Tnere is noth ing like expea - iccee. Ton steamboat inapectors hare invettigattxl the St. John 61camboat explosion and attribute it to a defect in the holier; titer say that ,each defect was unknown to am mechanic, engaged in narking the partierfar plate; and that it was of tech a character al that the hydranlic or other test wecJ.l cot reveal It. Turns are .Fito,ooo,oo',l 11nel:dined deposits In the savings banks at New York. These millions bare been accumulatinn for a century or more and am now ree:ardmi as part of the enpnal stock of the lairs, since there is not the rr motest probability of any one clalnung the im mense fund or any portion of IL Ttm street mm-beta at Albany N. Y. arc stra ti:ire of life there, anti prices ar, comparath ely low —thus. potatoes $1.:10q.P.1.30 per barrel, mutton 9043 cents per pound, beef 9(1912 cents, chick ens 92 cents per ported, ex ft per pair, and ducks $1e51.2.5 per pair . Tuntart are one hundred and twenty-five mid shipmen in the new clean of the naval academy at Annapolis, of whom twenty-two are from Pennsylvania, thirteen front 'Massachusetts, arid two from each of the otherNiirr England States. A or o and hear fight true produced recently on the stage of the Opera House In Virginia, Nevada. The bear, though a fresh young cub. whipped ell the dogs set upon bite; and the andiance became disgusted, and stopped the fan. .Tire cetrelal popclatlon of Great Britain amounts to I 50,000.000, inhabiting the four great continents 01 the globe, and tr.:shies this ehe See rising colonies In Australia. Tat ftwslan ttlettraph expedition has struck 4old; the greater portion of the employee. hone been discharged, and operations for the season hare been partially suspended. SirrGGLlXti Is exicasivc:y carried ha along the Canadian frontier. Whisky is concealed in flour barrels, and raccrachanni plpii arc bidden in loays or bread. Tareseason has been very favorable for ahe lemon crop no the Island of Slelly this year, but the trees ore dying rapidly, both old and young once. Ton last lEspatchca sent by Secretary Stanton to Minister Adams are said to be °Fa chara^ter NV bich will startle European diplomatists. Tan manufacture of slate flour for fireproof email roofs Ess commenced fn Fiord pounty, Indiana. Ilussian EATtRoAPCAns —The Nord contains titc , lptlon of the iallwap carriages now run ning' on the Moscow and St. Potersbargh It eroears that for the trifling addition of two retitle' to the tra - rial . fare travellers are received In brilliantly lighten ceOnttS, around which Int - re nrl c ons ose„ to w t h es il S e U p q e Stl z lal i n ho baLlte i th p e t 7 riw eitry le lo and newest novels. which are scattered on the tables. When the hoar of . retiring arrives the .cia de chturPre conducts th e gent l emen pas .. eengers to limit Sleeping 117—"rtrzleats, while smart chamber-maids point out to tne lady travellers their bed-rooins and boudoirs, film :1121 dhe advertisement Sava, "with ovarp modern luxury, Including baths," ,te. The smoking room has perfect contrivances for ventilation and the thoronst enjoyment 'of the agar, pipe or hookah. - HAD TO ELT/7.00/DR.—The daughter of one of our well known citizens said to her father one evening Oils week, that If he would give her one cent on tho folloWlng morntnx, and double it every day doting the month, she would not ask him for any more for a year. He, not &lug It a thought,. replied that he would be glad to. 814 contranted the agleam and he Icrandthat IL wouhl be $5,=,707.52, an Item rather More than his Leconte would allow. Me commendation ands daughter's shrewdness and a new dress ;Were aufflclot 801027. Porn rr , c , .11r, it Journal. ' DIED. Tztunday timothy. Nov. 9th . ADA S., lounged d* *ter of Robert N. sad Ad' alias Minas% In Me 11th yOar of 4ter Lte. The -foamed will take mama on SALTIMHAT iris -Took at o'clock, from Um rendeace o bee vocrixitAitormomiltelo Borough. 'ffILLDALE , QICILETERY:!!-A T una and tarap t =r l. c-f lu s :roi n Ve l Ar T _ -la g oa New' Brighton ed... Petions-Wls. lag to select Bartel Lots will apple et the &vim. latendeate Ofbee„ at the , cemetery. Ttuanned ; Patadts sad an °tau butttutts erlll be attended at As Drag' Warehouse sr tbanadetionledi 01 TederazaatnektiTs%_AufThelv saan..a..a.taenTe -1102:1711' Sec:elan' sad T,reseatei, B. REEVES, - • : I : 7 ZTIMER.W.EvES-ErEi.: 88 flaith i i , p laid Part, mar Mt etree . ' acip;i:laa - of ev — eri de:soription:‘,2,RlPE,, %MS FIIHNISPLINce ELS& - xir, - ) 3I 3OICWEIVer : P1,40,1311:10q 111 :f:tfratr:4414=1,1tVgz I..t.nt s ernxt ind Ear . sals Uts Family Orwell saw* to onzr A. =MUIR, lag Min /arm sal Wag itrMik VOLUME LXVITI-,.. NEW ADVE IVONIENB' sa•r4m.. Elm num - ciocbsci;ti /MKS` Most Superior (futility for $1111; Concert Han Shoe Store, NO GO FIFTh STREET; SU UNDER THE OPERA HOUSE. .11 FILE saToelic OF WO3I.ENS . , MEAT kIID CHILDREN'S, BOOTS AND SHOES NOW SELLING AT Alainrr HALF Ito et I E 0&E. BALL or.puuroj, uuusis. No. LI Far= EItiLEST.. nrE cLota °okra EVGLASH wlagLoro CKliitff UVERCOAIS Asa e autos saNey 064..PAN-ra, TEND stati currairm, , - - .613ABDIJ: OF COS FOR THE N.Y.:±t 60 DAVI J. H. SMITH & 00.. CLOTH IIaLS, OAS. HALL, 0 FIFIIS ST.. Opposite Lee Opera Etotiss, SUPPLY YOUR Wa.INTS BOOKS AND ALBUMS BOOE PUBLISHERS' PHESENTLTION,DRitt. 71 FIFTLI YIELEET. For the following reasoo.l You hale the finest stadia. the city to select •froin. ,„ • You only pal the Publisbers prier, for Books. You also rereire at timef parehose a present. lour present - will be wor hfrom bat to 5503 , You will be entirely 101 l lied with both Bak si i and Present. All we sell, Try us, CALL OE SMD F 0.13 A CATALOGUE M'CLELLANDI3 DRY GOODS, BOOT An SHOE EMPORIUM, anti4.fthz•'42ocirt. .U"-Tritate Wes iliv an&bsettlng. note DBMS BULGE., t ktiTC on toad a largo aLs' ortment 01 MOWING 24AOSINES; la - c),lveintzt zimacEs3; &raw Cullers, Scythes and Hay Hateg; la. 28 and 30 01110 BZETII. BLACK DLLIEOIiDTsEr i WORK& PITTSI3I7EtiIt PA. - - PARK, BE & Co. aanutattn et • BEST QUALITY FEFINED OAST STEEL; '::,.,.; squat eXist and 0044n:fp.ala xlxes. s 4 egos Ito any' imPorreg r , Isttracriglid O.a. air:Oßlce and warehouse, Roa:tn ind in_ ava.l-13 and IZl.Szcozo gurgling!, Pitt burst Frame fell•yd VANCY coons, TOYS, • PATENT DOLLS. CIEUNA VASES, 120(.711NG HORSES. 4. 3 Ai • . J. G. LAUER 'S. 1%1-9 ' ligil - ri b lNV; l 4ll:ll, re e,::-: ra.Att sum_ air 7. coLuats....------'---01mb IFILLII/V:. COLUNS• WRIGHT .1 1 • 1184$ si MU 1' W04:11169. ; . 7AII - ECI - N i ngitn i banignatS, .dlingsgr, ttyla of Brittanta bud by typtsy. Yrstsubm. Omen bramptly , llllM • Vb.= 5740.113§..TN2rx. pizw-G.4OCpIY-Ttit mideptsfigu*Auts ENTITIEJLICIWW-STOOT 6 - 1 ; Rea na swum arraunzo otoortiun tietrAzwarcum:buptussia . 4o4lllfflgaDir 'Wawa& Would 041 =au= to Wit atom - Eagan' J11:0!;9111C.16DAS • - EL 13C0'27 4tireatermr4razartizerateeil!.' —WOW fiatal.E4 plainiqtafraad atft, iGUt Hat 4 IMUlattiltBE7lo,lii Oat sallityist 101112tricet street. oca JOS. 14ititIGEIDES ti BIM —..- RIME k CHZllBl3.— k too totes pelmet Goshen Merge to stars and for sate „LITTLE, & PATTON, oej ziesals 444114 ul*limb:9lll4k, 1 .; ' fj 0! t 1 ...,-..,., ...; .'i: NO. 283. TISEIS . IM'I9: AND qr THE NEW 0121bD1.' seOK 1101.143. PEG TOP IP&NTx and ALI atilsa et .s.razanzrir