The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, November 08, 1865, Image 4

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    ght ,Pittsburgh einettt.
Arrival .
aad Departure of Trains.
Pentleylvanla Central ItallrOad.
Deject-3' . /nava.
Day Kapeess.... 290 s m Nail- 130 am
Altoonadimmhi ana• m Fait 1dne....-. 290 • m
Nita aPirielital 790 • m lit Wall &mom. itas a as
Mall ~.-11733 • m Venn £ecomo'n. Valk a m
. pane. Boren.. 496 pan 2d Wall &moat. 890 • m
join:Wm Aen 4.33 p m Johastlidee'n..io93 a m
bait Mae—. Ida pm Pitt/LE:in Diall.tilnei p ei
•-• Oct 6 Wall Ancom. Sao • m Baltimore Ex?' lia p m
.• ed Sul am ad W Amain- 203 pm
• Il l b : : t:le&W Aaoomlstr.:
team Aecenia'n.leZa p m Altoona &men.
. . 4 _i • • and Emig& Ten.laral pse
. . ,
The church train leaves Walls , Station ears,
' - Stu ft " " li. BLi rintlllllAgi.l.ll•Vel.PittibUrgb
ilt p. El.
' . Pittaburgb, COlambiti and Cincinnati. -
Ihparrs. amver. •
..... IMO a ni11icintm.........-.. TATA in
.. , . T Mali, CVO am'
„ A11 . ....t.......... ll9op m
... Espress.-..-- 2:45p in - 895 p m
. - Steubenville Aa. AP.
• - sommodatiOn. adati ea =orl ° stip:L.loM a tn '
• ..
~, ~.. rittAblirai l Fort
. Waline and Chicago.
Depau. - Arrive,
• It.'i-,',.- Ritpress—i..... 120 a Ill'Expreu ...... ... 2= a at
V-1 4 :,--.42,1fmetrar........-. moo p in!lbspren........ 1110 pm
E*-1 , ,.• - - r,', - .Zwenta....t.—. too p miEprca......... 010 p m
-;•;•-:-.;-4. , -iI 41didt_. ..- ... ~__ 7.0711 In Mail ItOp ei
•"•• 1 - ::-,•, ..W. ralisci:Eria Eno am N. Castle& tale ado p m
~:;::: . ~;_:2l -.,,. -gem Brightest Ancommodation•leaves Allegheny
".- - ~....,..,._ -., Adria at III; a. m., 119 a a. ni., 4.43 p. m., ands9oo
, •'-' , lla nt. hicheitar. dad p., si.i New Carle, eD
v. m.ilhanomy,lll3o p. tn.
Pittalnligli,'CleVelatid and Wheeling.
- &Font Arrives.
Vans ..... .. ... anti a nil E xpr ess. ... .... ado ait
• vcreet. 2:43 p in 1 Uprem......... tad P. ,
Azi Ina a intal.ML .. ... 990 P m
Steubenville Accommodation leases 71119/beal
• •at 390 p ni.
PH:Mbar& and Cannella - dile.
' • ii:Perta Anima.
- --,- Snail hist a m Ma il . . ..........
_a _m__ p m
"- —!
riti r d e annmMll:togMglVP o dlTO:t
_ (Y.. 15 p m i nt .... t. 03 p m
,--•-• ittara4dOOMP.. 70/ • ElliadOCk'a. &SO a m
..7 , ... • Itt, "..... 4nopmad- " .... 6:46 pa
•, . •
'..- • - ' Allegheny Valley Railroad.
. . &Twat.Arricu.
. 790 a m ' Kip .
Tett xllO a m
• 1.: ..ress &SO p m Mall 71X) p m
a •- - odstion 290 pm lie commodstion 89ca m
- .
410 Wierzrx. Street.
—4ADIES DAIN & SON, Proprietors,
%jail Wawa Alan, Carriages for FLUMALL, Wed•
and ParUea•oc D A Y and reasorrahle
ddr:lyil •
Yriderick Fan:kner for the Nur
air of Thomas Madden.
.{,pear or Una AND TF.O.Unt ea—Before Hon.
Ste Hon. E H. Stowe, and Hon.
Toadry,Nc.... 7 . - -Tbe ease of Frederick Faalk
tier, Indicted for killing TllOOlll3 Madden at
Have' Coe! Works, was resumed at nine o'clock.
J. W. F. White, Esq., for the defence, continued
tam 4rgnment upon the question of law submit
ted; and dwelt at cooaiderable length upon the
point whether or not the defendant was justifi
able In the killingpf Madden, under the circum.
at meth. an appeared by the evidence. He cited
quite a number of authorities.
.' Mr. Kirkpatrick followed for the prosecution.
" said the Jury were mom to try the care
ece , rdtetg to the lam and the evidence. Ceder the
; Jamelof the cue be argued with much force
.1 `that the killing of Madden was unlawful, and
under h e law th e Jury could not acquit, admit _ '. litg that all the evidence for the defense, decle
miens of defendant, to be strictly true.
5e Judge Stowe delivered the charge of the Court,
' ,aud his visual of the law corresponded with
.those, Mr. Kirkpatrick. His Honor very
expounded the lase of homicide, and ad
ki".k..-i,.'1,1-is,i.%; the evidence sold he did not sec how
could convict of murder in the second
but thought their verdict might be man
it' ter. They were to Judge for themselves
itrdiess or any supposed opinion the Court
heury this cue conclude at the close
of T
ye.t J erdai - morningit sessi6n o f
the Oyer and
Tc , mlner, came into court In the afternoon
about duet o'clecir, atd rendered a verdict of
"Guilty cf Vs I autary artalaurrntsi r.'
-A motion for a new trial wbs entered by
Captain Blaulc, of counsel for the defence, and
meantime the defendant. Faulkner. remains
under ball in the sum of ten thonsand dollars.
The fact of Mayer Lowry having written to
Germany fir Information concerning the man
murdered on Boyd's Hill, is known to one read
era. In addition to writing,,aame of the effects,
clothing, fie., of the deceased Were forwarded
to Germany. On yesterday Mayor Lowry re
reined a reply to his commonaation, which we
toe hot permitted to publish at present. for no
good reason as far an we are able to judge.
The sobstance of the information is that the
tams of the.,
.murdered tram Is Henry Foster,
that he wasonincrolder by trade, and that he
Lad been employed In the same. establishment
with Flecks for tome two years. From the In
formation given by the ilisyor, - and the at isles
forwarded, no doubt is entertained' of the
identity of ,the rourdetcd man. The ring
Sound In' -- Marchall's possession, sad
given him by Freels. Is stated
to hate belonged to Foster's first wife, and a
book also found In Mara:lairs possession, to
%la (Foster's) second wife. It is farmer stated
that Fteckiisras well acquainted with Foster (es
might well be supposed from his having worked
with him,)-which fact will go far to increase the
belief in Slarchall's statement that Frecke was
tie lending - Spirit In the murder,
HOZ.IOS3; or, American Life at Doan,. Br
Davis B. Caatedayeakor isle by Burry Miner, 71
Asia Ts Filen atreet.
Tr.:e Is a toad picture of American life, and
IS Written irran easy dialog style. It sbiands
in Incidents of a commercial and domestic
character. We have alai a gli cops • Into tAe
cdilnrlal deruclam, and are shown how Bradley
Ho dun failed as an "able editor," through his
indlacilariori. Th 3 book is' gotten up In
f cyle. Ln'une' ILLUSTRATED ALVAVAC, for
/NA, has been received by John P. Hunt &
Co.. 59 Flfih, Ia g buntlfal
t:nol. In addltlgn 10 the titililltlef and the us3al
iot 'elate of an almanac, aunt are many in
k aitlcles, and nrirevrirna Itinst-ations.
ccntains also a goo lithograph of Preslde.d.
• oiuson. •
W. A. Glldenfenny, 15PlItt "ftttamm
Freak Leelles' New Monthly, one, [tai_
•,..11Ou'a Dollar Monthly Iffmniine far. December.
AlLb good nuinbent.
' '' ,Tire Smilax IStioszron;.l=Ml by Macau
—.Guthrie, Ds D., is for silts, at Pinochle opposite:
"the Post Office. ""
. Dr. Guthrie, the Editor, Is one pi, the mos t
I eloquent preaccens of the present day. Hie
Opeting article on Autumn la worth the whole
• 'price of the Navin:tie. Among the contributors
Are Dr. Hanna, son•ln-law of the late Dr. Cbhal
t, Nortnen McLeod, Dr. Hamilton, of on
.- Arh, Jon, DentC,lfinmay....stui Newman Hall. The
hi/gash's la richly Illustrated, and is eold at the
tow rice of 2533ents a smatter. •
tii '
' .. The following Inquisti, which4tad been ad,
T ..fotuncd over C f::Y:7 to titer for-fartheretl
, ; . lime, were ficallirdlstafrof yanks,:
The Jury etapcnneled by Alderman Dcatal6.
On, to investigate the circumstance, under
eh a fain named John ISuott came to his
I.b, at the mouth of the railroad tunnel, at
strect;on the 27th ult., met. minima to
gyournment, at the undertaking establishment
W. H. ggraro, on Grant street. After hav
: ...... St gained all the information which Rented
gotaible, it was concluded that the : ~,. -
"... cattle. to his death by Wag acct.- ,, - - . 1 ra n
eferly the ears of the Steubenville BM:pad, at
the time and place mentioned:
Copper Clawson concluded the MOW opt
the boy of Edward , O'Brien, at the Maypee
t Sleep O'Brien wathe ADILLOIIO..
•;*tile. on the y:i t:ls al to b y
;- - teamer
f• ,g li vi ay..-it. T i eob zz,-.., , "...... I ,
7.* Was theretul cot aceip el ye„ ...."
.., %wit mining a Horse Vika Pelee Preterites..
- . ? - 11 .'ohn Sir', yesterday , lodge'.} ga information
' ...ii, ; ;"l . ,Lore ced Ald ic erm p an urchigo Strian t , iie nalas lorga t tio Daaj oitail el Aco f :
a, h,a ctuda repre g hi sca mt ta T u tr us en s. k 4e obtaist an ed ege a s hem 3 th at e un der
lode hundred and twenty-firo dollars, and at
311ei.sapding a buraeltillik-lbe the money,
ittookposacatiqu ottbe ,
the stable- of•Thavo;nn`inv.Milittlaibt. - "T'lle
ratted to par over the ~.invhswe money, and
ilostVe pltd4 eakted
Meet on rytday.-.Thu /Id= , Ineuttre
.cotiugegtee, appointed by the last Mayoralty
, , Getiventioni we nudezetand, !Ili baye a tines,
j Hon. George Thompson or; the Ytatoset the
George Thompson delivered Mootecond lec
ture In Plttabargh,lost evening,at Masonic Hall,
under the &coulees of the Tennyson Club. The
learned gentleman commenced by the inqeiry
"Why be, a stranger and a foreigner, should
presume to discuss questions which are of a no-
Honed chamfer, and which would seem to be
long exclusively to American eltlr.ens;" but he
would newer that he was a man, and whether
hero or elsewhere be bad always been the friend
of the Ansei lean and American Instittrims. If
In times past he had mid bard things of a aye.
Pm which now no longer exists and of these
aho defended it, it was not that he loved one
country less, but that he loved mankind more,
old to the canoe of liberty and republican and
std detnomatic Ideas, desired to see the stain
upon our otherwise proud and glorious escutch
eon parted away, and every star upon our Dag
undimmed and radiant.
In the recent conflict through which we had
gloriously passed, he considered It not a con
flict for ourselves alone, but for the human race,
and those who gave old and comfort to our ad
versaries were practically the enemies of man
kind. He had icing regarded this country as the
battle ground of liberty for the world. He had
been with us in our lite and death grapple with
treason, rebellion and slavery, and he saw tn
. our success a nd:triumph, the complete fal
sification of all the papers of our enemies,
whether the ungratethi children or your own
soil or the beamed sons of Great Britian. The
hero dwelt upon the dark days to come,
prophesied by the Scriptures. This glorious
era , by prophets and by bards foretold, may be
afar og, but It will surely come, and even now
the signs of the times presage the appPnbeh.
Both in the old world and the new, old things
ore passing away and, behold, all things arc
become new.
There le • voice on every wave,
A sound on every sea ;
The watehwordof the brave,
The anthem of the free.
In this great work Christianity is to take a
leading part. the result of which would be the
penes offeeedom and of lore. This peace includes
the equality and brotherhood of the Duman
race, It abolishes the distinctions fondle! upon
country, ellinate, and complexion, it commands
us to honor's!! men.
Aliready *1 majority of the human race are
christlarts. The Musselman scepter in India
boa parsed Into the hands of a Christian omen
ttr.. Ica Turkey the Grand Seizior Is no batter
that a trcr_fthllrg prophet In the hands of
the statesmen of Europe. The great Essiern
Question (so called) la reduced to the simple
question 0 1Thu among the Christian monarchs
of the west shall passim Constantinople ?"
That city, which since the time of Constantine
has teen the seat of Government of ao many
mighty and victorious Moslem, rulers, Is now
the mere rendezvous of amthssadore
from iterz.. , ., while the Sultan of the oncetio -
mldable Turkish Aupire Is their effeminate and
be IpleSo tool. The speaker then compared the
present with the former power of the 22 ;al
Thrum. Passing over the various European
Power', their past, present and farther great.
pees, of a bleb the speaker gave an Interesting
egeoul3f which want of space compels us to
NLORO St Frain-E.
. .
Bat the grave question still remain t, "artist
shall be the status of the four millions who have
been set fr..a from their personal ttualdorn 1"
BIM they be planed upon a keel with the white
population of the country, or 'hall they be con-
Blamed to tbecondition of outcasts and pariahs,
and left to the tender mercies of their former
minas without that power end that protection
which ea titans! alone will give them. That
is the question of the hour, and the civilized and
cl ristlan world is lookng on to sea how Ameri
ca will balance her account with the negro.—
flow In the hour of her triumph and nee omttipo•
ter. ce she will deal with that ['Jared race whose
future destiny eke has now the Dower to deter
The Providence of God and the -LSSUC3 of the
war hate placed In the hands of the people of
t his country the power to right the wrongs of
centuries. "What is the use which the people
will make of that power?" is the great ques
tion to be decided. One thing Is clear, the Ir.
repressfble conflict ran only end with the prac
tical application In
_Ps largest sense, of the
national principal that " Man are created equal."
The reproach of America will never be utterly
wiped out until the man of African descent is
clothed with the full and unabridged riZtil of
0, It would be a glorious sight to sec the two
great nations of the earth who are one in origin,
in blood, In language, in literature, religion
nod law; and one In a common crime and a
common guilt. united to redress the mighty
wrong which boo keen dons to as unhappy
continent, and to the maple that were carried
from her shores. •
For ages no winds have wafted over the plains
of Africa that have not gathered up the sighs of
bleeding, broken hearts. nacre is &namely to
be &mat the sand upon her beach that has not
been moistened or sutured with the blood or with
the tears of her robbed and immolated rictims.
And /bust who hare caused the sorrows and
bate stud this blood have been called Chris
If I might be permitted to express my own
individual opinion upon the vital question of the
gains of the Week man—the opinion of a
friend and ardent wedtwither to DSc- • fiatetree
stability, * boner and glory of this re
public. I would venture to any; that an con.
anti:diens, laws, and compacts which violate the
Immutable principles of rectitude necessarily
contain within themselves the germ of revolu
tion and oaf dotrtertion. Let them know that
however wiaer aad•-pomorfal they may esteem
themselves to be—however expedient and poli
tic may seam the eon= they are Invited to pur
sue, that neither- Individuals nor nations may
with impunity set at defiance, the oryalele Irmo
arhiell rep-nine Loosen society. What constituted
the early glory of the people of this country T
It was the glorious and immortal truth shining
out from amidst your Declaration of Indepen
dence, that men are created equal and endowed
with a right to Life, liberty and the pursuit of
happiness. And wiast canstltuted the glary of
sritainT Not her extended sovereignty, her
military trophies, her world-wide commerce, or
mechanic arta, but her act of long de
ferred Janice to her oppressed colored
children, her transmutation into deeds
of what you declared in words •
1 . want the pereplie of this naleh-,y ricion to
return and stand with their feet once more
upon the impregnable rock of their alt but In
spired Declaration of Independence; with the
nem of futurity stretching before them; with
the peoples orthe world waiting around them ;
with a Jot and holy cerise to nerve theca for the
COL diet ; with - the stern lights of experience to
warn them;and with the precepts and prosains
of God to guide and encourage them, and in
the strength of all these to do their duty, and
leave thereat to !leaven ,
In reference bite qualily of the negro, the
speaker declared that he had proved himself
equal In courage, equal la endurance, equal In
cheelpline„oluai In disregard of danger, irqiiil in
:etc of liberty, and more than equal in thospirit
r f returning good for mil. (Applause.)
Our ... fathrs sowed the wind, and we (their
k 'Wren) had reaped the whirlwind. They
•ou,„-tu. to found the government on tujosom,
r rad behold the result The lightnings of Hea
ven had shattered it. We must build anew.
The altar which our I:411AI erected wanted the
crerot of rightemoness. It woe a comprotrilse
between the divine principles of liberty and the
diabolical :institution of slavery. It should be
Lorne in mind that all constitutions violating the
principles of rectitude contained the germs of
their own destruction. When we build again
we should see to it that we build aright. erf you
rho( the black ram mg from rinser's/if', or atfempi
to Mal Atm met, Ingot iu erns as you brow had one
rebellion yeu willhare another/ (Lend &Waage.)
He alluded to the remarkable Inteirogatorbs
hi the 59th chapter of Isaiah—"to pane the
bands of wickedness, to undo the heny bar.
der.s. to let the oppressed go free, and that you
bleak every yokel Is it not to deal thy brand
kteagry, and that thou brine the poor
teat are eastont tO thy' honnn?" H e teen add
td' "Y DU /id iot done Its Liras as a mi li tary neces
sity, and mull s done
perform the other yoltu,..
tarn.," you b 0T the
that aro ce . st out: 1m 91 „,, Dooio Ai r ua
shell thy thtbicak orth le the °nil g,
thine hea lth shall springforth speemdlly•nand and
rightcotteltera snon go before thee- the . g lory of
the Lonl shall be thy rearward." t,
rat will
the militias of the earth say if
you break the
bonds by military pedestal. and thcn eoluntor-
Ily put tbeitack man beyond the
p it° or your
Cortititullool (Applause.)
The Tanta gentleman coneladed by aih y d i ,„,,
. 1
to the steed taken by the aristocracy of B e 7„
land agalnit the mate of the North, and to LEI
noble and feed wrifitini support whirl we .
celved .tptl
fro.,ltty ieg • meaasapof Ea land.
With few estaryibles the laboring r
bad always bean our . edeidfast
blends, sod he appestat; to Ifs is. the
most earnest manger ,to
_econelder to ,
- talked of a war/rah gt4)mul*E 6 .4dgut which
wonldiaU egth &ushattittl u ehr friends
there, and he but little felt by no who had
been our lineages:, Ed deprecated the yery Idea
of wartand'munseled peace and amlty between
the twohalloug, a a.
The nature wu one of themest able and. ow-
erful.g% rrer listened to, end was warmly ap
,Plended throughout.
ficatenced for Larceny
Frau: Marton, Indlctod for the larceny of •
geld watch, put In a plea of silty In Um meal
nal coati, reaterdsy. and waa sentenced by
Judge Stowe Ect the Vtaltanibuy for two years
and nine months. Merlon le one of the puttee
who molly attempted to break Jell.
William jolsbl was eraltotal of the larceny
of a con from Capt. ettorgot Manchester, and
untaxed tote cAphent : lFJ . tor one Tear and
limas riders , by Ms IlaU,—Bsrasnl Vsn7,
Juno last, Ida:vet/rare, and bold to
linaller a cbarge'ot daallag la 'lottery lickala,
;was arm:dared by We bail, Jobil?pre.T ! laa pp3Ru •
A Common r•cold
"Scolds, • " in a legal cease, are trittbleeonse•
entry women • who, by their brawling and
wrangling amongst their neighbors- br eak the
put He peace, Increase discord, and bp•oome a
public nuisance to the neighhorbood. "the Pun •
!fitment for the offense, under the common law
wen ducking Ina horse-pond; but this punish_
meat now obsolete, and in the rase of the
Commonwealth vs. James (12th 8. & 11. az) It
was held that the purahment was tae same as
in any misdemeanor, fine and imprisonment.
•In cur Quarter Sessions, yesterday, Wilhelml•
na Tinier, a German woman, residing la the vi.
c'Dlty of 81x Mlle Ferry, wail tried upon an In
dictment charging her with being a common
scold and a dletarberzt: the . eadee of the neigh
borhood In which she resided. Henry Misers ap
peared a prose nine. Itte.iBfebeeeCk apncared
tor the prosecution and Mr. Hoethen for the de
fense. Quite 'cumber of witnesses were called,
and there wan herd swearing - on both eldest. The
esseonelpiedthe greater nor of the afternoon
session of the Court, and haying been submitted,
the jury, alter brief consultati without lea,-
log the bon rendered a verdic of not guilty, the
defendant and 'prosecutor each to Foy ode-half
the coats.
Opera Haase.
Mr. C. Barton urn made his second appear
ance in our city In Bulwcr's celebrated play of
"Money, or Duplicity Exposed," Oa last even
ing. His rendition of the part of Alfred Eve•
lyn we have seldom seen surpassed. Through-
MU the play his acting was easy, natural, and
replete with the line touches which an educated
end studious actor can throw into such a part.
In the last act he was worthy of especial com
mendation, rendering It in most superb style.
He was supported by Miss Anna Eberle, no C:a
ea Douglass, lutist ably. To-night ho appears
as Lord Dundreary in "Our American Cousin,"
In which character be Is acknowledged to equal,
and by many said to surpass, &Ahern, the orig
inal Dundreary. We understand that the man
agers of the Opera House hare In preparation
several novelties, to be produced durlnz Mr.
Ears engagement. To-morrow evening the
great sensation play of the "S'reet. of New
York," with Mr. 11. in the part of Badger.
Turkish Life and Manners.
Profesior Oscanyan, of Ntw York, deiteered
the' opening lecture of the season before the
Mercantile Library Association, In Lafayette
Hall, het eventoe, to a crowded house. The
subject of the lecture was ! r Tuttlell Life and
blear-cm," which were portrayed in such a style
as seethe Tui shmenould denim them. Mr.
Oseanyan's description of a Turkish htTeth,
bridal procession, school room, r!?1 ih - ts; habits
1631 customs of the peopli, elicited,frequent de
monstrations of applause, and produced con.
wellies tawnier. Not natant, Lae least of the
tolyr:tious of the miming was the appearance
ma the platfordi !rut Isdrin se elabo
rate Turkish costume, which was minute/y ., de-
Scribed by Mr. Osesnyan, to the groat dzr2.,;L:
of the audience, and ellpetiarty the fair set.
Hon. Schuyler Colfax will lecture before the
Au-edition on the evening of the 14th Inst.
Seats can be secured at the Library Rooms, on
?donde,' morning next, et 10 o'clock.
Comm Med for Hl Inooleuee
Atraham Kimberly, of 2d Ward, who pros
ecuted his brother for • rather simple rup
sanit and battery a few days previously, entered
Alderman Strata's cfilea last evening, during •
press of Maltese, and whilst there were a num
ber of persons In attendance, and acted In a ruf-
Zanly manner. He rimmed the Alderman, with.
rot the slightest ground, of improperly settileg
tie assault and battery ease,Atid of having dons
eo for a consideraUon. . rat accusation, and the
insolent manner In which it was made, met with
• proper response from the magistrate, bat the
fellow persisting in couductleg himself other
wise than gentlecutoly, he was got rid of In a
summary way. The Alderman committed him
to Jail for Am days for disorderly conduct "on
Slew." All who were present on the occasion
tecculed the Alderman's action.
Trial for Higamy.—ldichaM Price. meetly
from Ireland, was placed on trial In the court of
Quarter Sessions, yesterday, upon sa Indict
ment for bigamy. The preemptor was Patrick
Price, brother to the defeadent. It waa alleged
that the defendeat' on the 171 h of ./111, taut,
married one Bridget Callahan, at the same time
having a wife In roll Life In Ireland. The fact
of the last marriage was estabtlebed, but the
prosecution falljng to pront the.drat, the wart
directed the jury to acquit, which they did.
litayeris Ofilee.—James McCrady eras ar.
reettd yeeterdsy, and committed to jail by the
Mayor, for surety or the peace, on complaint of
Agnes HeGrady.
ratrickBcanion was committed to Jail by the
Motor, to answer • charge of larceny, ureter, e I
by W. B. Shaffer. Re Is mensal of 'breaking
into and stealicur riaxili from freight car► at
the railroad deyot on Liberty street.
Threat with a liaises—Patrick Dteter yet
torday deposed. before Alderman Strata, that
Arthur O'Hanten bad threatened to "run him
thnotgls the body with a knife,. and ha was in
leaf of bodily harm at his bands. C'flimitm
was arrested, and in default of $3OO. ball com
mitted to yoiscfn.
Disreputable Hawse.—Alderman Strain, of
the Tenth ward, yesterday took the lalorouttion
of Michael Sullivan against Elite Cady, whom
he emotes of keeping ■ bawdy house in tb s
Third ward. The licensed was held for a hear
ing to-day.
Proaeratera by His Bra , tzar.—R. Vf. Mrs
Conn yestertlyy tad his brother, Thomas
H. MeCourt. - I,ldirroan .ftirato, for the
lareetty of olothlag from a boarding house, cor
ore of &gond nod Grant armo r it aCCIMI4
was held to bail.
Violating the Liquor. Larvi,—.Alderasse
Strain, yeederday, held Patrick Dwyer to bail
to answer charges of selling Poor on Sunday
and selling without literise, preferred by Arthur
From Yesterday's Second Edition.
The Cholera—Timely Action
The appearance of the cholera la New Yorkis
ell calculated to excite attention, and, cauee
strict investig,atlon as to one sanitary condition.
It Is not aiitielpated that the dreadful malady
will reach us before next spring or summer, but
it is the part of wisdom to prepare for it la time,
and to leave nothing undone which will la any
way tend to ward off lie approaches or lessen Ito
ravages. Geeltizons =nut begin too soon to
act In this matter. A convention of physicians
has already been suggested, and we hope that
our principal medical practitioners, without re
gard to school, will meet and have a full and
free consultation in reference to the best meth
ods of treatment, and give the results to the
public, that all may be prepared to act intelli
gently as soon as the disease develops itself.
We are pledsod to note, also, the timely action
of the hoard of Trade, in appointing a commit
tee to confdr with the hoard of Health and the
city authorities as to the most efficient method
of protecting the city from cholera. The com
mittee is composed aft folio's a Wm. Frew,
chairman; Andrew Fit:mice, M.D., Mark Wat
son, Esq., Jos. Albree, Msg., General T. A.
Rowley, N. Grattan Murphy, Esq., Wm. Me
emery, Esq. .
The Board of Bealth have also the sublec
tinder cmeideretion, and are devising mesas to
shield the city - from the pestilence. The 8 3cre.
tart', Mr. Fortune, publishes a notice (In refer
ence to the cleaning of mules is) which Inter
esteall property Owner!, and "tab. If meted
erpov, lalugreai iy improve the unitary condition
of the city. The practice of removing then
accumulation in the summer months is every
had tee, sad we tits a,-;.!7: at the
beam, in fixing tbe prlee of permits at five dol
lars daring the spring and summer, will amount
to a probifiltion, and that the work will be at
tended to-juring the cold weather. AU filthy
places shoOd be cleaned durliiZlt.: .."!"."'"
ter, and tba opening of spring should find us In
the bee: poralble co:MIMI to roilialiteeppreach
of diocese, li we do what we can—parley the
city, rellere the weals of the poor, abstain from
excesses breathe pure sit and keep i our bodies
clean—thesholera May Mahn but few victims •
here, or happily. may not visit us at aIL If we
neglect the warning, we may experience anew
the horrors of 1854.
False Prstenies.—Mayor bawri leered
warrant today, for the street of • young men
mooed Duff, charged with defrauding Meurs 0.
& J. McClurg, of Buishil cid upset, out of II I 4.84,
br luaus of a bogus obeck. The stuck vim
drawn on N , ibitees eh Sons,payable to "J. A.
Athma . "beam." arid 'ivied "W. B. Wilson."
Thilchelnl weir elide resiag Dalt sad purchued
for P g Ym
n. 9 Mnelentni . who, as; proactive It
%Steed thst the names were tic.
thins. or at_leestuiss the partite famed had
no butane= i-i-nusade.s with the Dank.
crying cibi".urtaat, night, is officer Jere-
IT!lgh Smith, the Alle g l ienl night watch, Was
Ping his r clLndl, 13a1 Vora Latta soon after
to had 44 eried the' boor Mau "mido his ap.
,•ariteee, and absotried Likings- As the °Meer
Nought Ona• tine %In!, adnelent, he arrested
the man an d 00;111170“ Ana ktthe , tombs.
the healing this morning he gaTO ELautit ,
Mathew Campbell, antilabi• Moral nnhts way,_
home to bianchtzterwlmah comae:relied. Th u .
Mayor fined him, the as in= grill. and he
was discharged. • . • ,
David A. Davis. formerly of CheiDers town.
ship, this county; Media idarlpona;Catlfarnls.
on the 24th of September last. the' orentf
second year of , tile age, fle hid 11Yed ttt
forola for about three yews/and etas hllLtrty es
teemed, Two of Ide brothers, Wl:Uinta and'.
Thomas D. Dole, were killed In bettlei and att.
other.. John D. Dols, died of billions .<lever
Si. Lenin. makldifortr deaths lo Item than fen"
leers. The now said to be a delicate
loallb• •
•I. - .
Supreme Court.
Tr PADAT, Noy. 7.—Premmt, elk( Atstice 1
Woodward, and Judges Thonaxon, Stroll; and '
Gllson's Appeal; Westmoreland, Argued by
Stewart. and Weir for appellant, and by Foster
Commonwealth ca. P.ozeni; Fayette. Argued
by Sine for plaintitt in error, end by Vecch
Dalid - Lawson, of Clarion county, on motion
of George W. Lathy, was duly admitted to prac
tice In the Court.
Boyd vs. lieNanglitorit Clarion. Argued by
Reid for plaintiff In error and by Lathy contra.
G. W. S. Minor and John Collin., of Fayeve
county, on motion of Daniel Seine, and James
B. Neale, of Armstrong county, on motion of P.!
8. Golden, were admitted to practice In' the
Gellbroner re, Wayte; Jefferson. Argued by
Jenks for plaintiff In error, and be Gordon
Road from Blisses to Sandy Lick, Jefferson.
ATtle4 by Gordon for complainant, and by %V
P. Jenks Comm.a
Treasurer of Jefferson county vs. Shan non;
- Jefferson. Armed by W. P. Jenks for' plaintiff
In error, nod by Gordon contra.
Appeal; Fayette. Continued for sub
Grim el ca. Vs. Salmi DireeCons ; Green. Sub
Hart's Appeal and Russell's Appeal; Greene.
Non pion.
Brown dal. vs. Scott; Butler. Argued by
Golden for plalrallf In error, and by E. M. Bra
den contra.
John Fuller, of Fayette county, on motion of
Hon. 8. A. Gilmore, and Henry thee. of Beaver
wanly, on motion of Lowly Taylor, were ad
mitted to practice in the court.
An Adventere In the 011 aegiODS--A Mgt-
;cayman Vanquhthed by a Parson.
' The Rev. J.ll. Stubbs, oethusville, related
the following at a prayer meeting In his own
church, one day lest week—having received his
Information from the hero of the story
On Twmday last the Rev. hit, —, of the Bal
timore Conference, was riding on horseback
from Patiole to Titusville. tie had nearly
reached Pleasantville, and was trotting coletly
alone, humming a psalm tune, when • man
stroped into his path, and undue his horse's
bridle, pn Rented a pistol at the parson
matded hie money. Nothing disconcerted the
traveler calmly remarked that he was only a
poor Methodist preacher and had but littio nun
cp, but 50t...1 givonp all ha had. The robber
made no re 0 7.7 bat maintained his threatening
and patiently waited for the Confer
irecatbOom"ter t p o re d tt l r earnestly, tly n , e an d o °M irin le ark ey ed ed w t l h th e
gnat tatininity, "You can' have my m may,
!herd, but to nuke and your own
seal's coke, Ora op tlis boning itt of highway
robbery." Tne freebooter dropped his pike:
at ht. side, and In a voice trembling with deep
emotion, exclaimed "Yeti can pas* on
A Reunion of the Protestant Assocladed
In accordance with invitations wended by
the newly installed officers of the Protestant
Associations of Allegheny City, a large camber
of the members of the order in the county had
a feast of good things at the house of Hr. J. K.
Brown, of the Second ward, on Monday night.
The tables groaned under the supply of all the
luxuries of the season, and after all present bad
Billy satisfied the inner man, a meeting was or.
pitted, by calling R. A. Colville, Esq., 'to the
elmir, and appointing Joseph . E. Robinson sec
retary. Numerous toasts, appropriate to the
occasion,. were read wall the usual formalltie q
and amid appirinse. Tbetoosts were responded
to to a brief and eloquent manner by A. S.
Burchlield, Billings G. Childs and M. A. than,
`Ett'rs. A vote of thanks to the host, for the
magnificent entertainment provided, was pro
posed sod passed. by acclamation, after which
the assembiage present dispersed, well pleased
with the events of the evening.
The Catholic Orptuitta , Asylum
The new insildlnp tO be erected, near the
bract of Wylie street, for the use of the Catholic
Orphans' Asylum, bore already been coin.
menced. They will consist of a main front two
hundred feet long by fifty feet arida, and three
stories high—each story twelve tee.. and flub
divided so as to form priors, school and work
room In the first story, and dormitories Is
second and third stories and having four C. 1060
stairways from the first to third stories. A
back wing eighty-two feet long by forty-two
feet wide will be carried bock In the rear of the
centre of the main building, arraigned to form
a dialog room nine by fifty feet, and hitches
and laundry In the first troll. A chapel thir
ty-clue by fifty feet, and dormitories for ses
rants In the second story. The building will
be of brick, covered with a tin roof, and will be
in the Italian style. with iron turnings to the
do , re and windows, The oatimatad cost Is
Near Drug •od Prruertprion %tore
We noilf, Va..: Mr. S. IL Drui: h
the cstabliebnant No. &I, Federal ,treet, Alle
gheny, near Robinson, which be has refitted and
haniiblied In the neatest manner. as • Prescrip
tion Drug &ore. The firm is tl. EL bruit ..t Go.
Mr. D. Is well known as an accomplished Mir
marutist, haring been engaged In the business
In Allegheny and this city for enemy years. Ile
therefore brings to his new nstabllshment an in
timate practical knowledge of the bmliness, In
all Its details.
The stook of drugs is fresh aodselec•ed with
reference to pnrety and quality. All the lead
ing. Patent medicines and Proprietary articles of
acknowledged enlue, are kept coo band, fresh
and genuine. The stock of pm's. old Liquors,.
be .Id only for medical purposes, cannot be et•
erred in either city. and include French bran
dies, pure rye whicay, all therCallfornia brands
of wine, etc.
In perfumery and fancy toiler articles. Ids
stock la unusually large and wall selected. We
observed pomades and olls of every description.
powders and COSELICIACM Innumerable, with an
(redline variety of choice and delicate extracts
for the handkerchief.
All le all, Messrs. 8, IL Drell &.Co. hare a
real and well arranged establishment, di serving
the patreseee of the public. Careful and ex
perienced de, ka will be in attendance to put op
preatriptloos at any hour of the day or night.
Fire at the Petri:ate Itellstery.—On Moe.
day aftercoon.a large still filled with heacofe, lu
Wormter, Meyers &Co.'s refinery. le the Ninth
word, c.ught fire and horsed with such retie
metre that the works were la danger of de
struction. The fire coglees were summoned 1.0
the ground, bet the fire was dually extlogabdied
by the forcing of steam from the boilers kilo
the stall.. The roes wan frillier, cud the : • atuage
to the works will not board their bueiness.
Correction provoking error occurred In
the "dividend notice" of the F.errira Invur•nce
Company, by which the Secretary. R. Finney,
Esq., is represented am announcing • dividend
of "1," dollar. per eh•re. lostead of 'VI.,"
The r rror wen typographical, ano not the (milt
of the Becrcterv, ea we find on referring to hi•
Bleeding of the Board or Health.--A? n
mceliegol the Board et Health, hold ou Man
dot, the oth inst., a resolution Was passed to
compel the owners of property lu the Fifth and
Ninth wards, to till up certalu holes or iu
their property, as Lie same was prejudicial to
the title health, cut a public tIIIiSIBUCC,
Wife Desertion.—John . Aithin, of therenth
Ward, has been arrested and hold to answer •
charge of deserting tall wife Sarah, and runs
leg to support her.
filarah Illeytrw woe the name of the girl who
died at the railroad depot yesterday. She was
fourteen years of age, and a native of Hanover.
She was trailed by the peonsviranin Sallreaft
The Young Man's Priend.—Warrante4
cure Private Diseases. Yor eale by druggist&
Ask for the Young Mao's friend. A pamphlet
glving the syroptome and treatment of private
diseases accompanies each Box or CM bled,
addressing Young !den's Friend, Box •80,
yi;t!). with • three cent stump enclosed,
to Joseph &nth*, Crotlin Buper e l.ll'. Tact
8. W. rot dr. Co. Aliegheni. v
07710 E OF 4115411T1P1T 44.0•IITER5AATIG0.
101110.4.00, /it, bootees 1511*, 1805.
I mlll sell at Publls Auction at the Govern rent
Warehouse, Nos. 201 and 40a South Water Knee,
Oldrign, 111., on WEDNESDAY. the 10th deer of
November, 1565, • large lot of Army Clothing and
Ydvdosse. via:
302 VW 'orm Coats . 1 Shovel,
1:214 . JaAteets, 260 Nod Auks,
4,541 pairs Trousers, i I Arum slag,
li, 0 busies., 17,500 Ilsennaelu,
2,C00 Cars, .
5,f119 Great w.f.., 1 41,7. n 7 g u nitiza les,
1,606 ~
;,.., . iltrapa,; I fromoot,
I,oll,Wonten Blanket.' et Drum Heads,
• Dtdebfer 1 40 Bites,
3 7. Pouchee, 165 plass Store Pipes
320 Seek Coats,
I - Elbows, (tor 810.
I,33PBlOults. 117 Pont.,)
5.487 Knit Blouses, ; el Drums,
- 151 Aisle,
tad Shi rts,
ots_ , ISO Ana Ilandlss,
422 sets Tent Poles, N i l pairs Drum 81101.
AIDA Teat Perar . . '' Beings
12$ Sibley Toot doves al Spade",
KM Capp Kettles, 151 Ilatebeta,
WINO. Pans, 8441beteelat ;Blendlss,
53 Pick Axes, 50136 CantehlrlA ; .
32 PlkAullandles, .; '''
ADO. a small lot of BOW si - oopte, Illotklitit,
Cats. Caps and bushel:
Safi to commence se 10 deddele a. ten and non.
UAW/ 4001 day to day until all the property WM*
posed ot.
. .
Man of the glottal/ le sew. but ittegulei•
Tutus tub, to Goverazeat tom%
Pnltmly to be teetors4 , patehuet wittla
tirenti-tour howl alter Os lode
etetala awe deslitsot tigertetmestei
notlootto •
. NEW 'rms. on. cm. Mat • ?OR
SAM loelalthrthe elrldeaa-ekow Sauced' will
sell chesp, 44 the salty seeds mows.
'lite - -./.-, - -, - - -, .....ivshawn •vd. '
Bankers and Brag
N.o. 73 Faurtli, Street PittebtU4ll
lrestfee in CI GOrilTlniAtint
(Irk], Steer, I ncarry nt. Bank Nast, Forelgn naa
Demesne Exchange, exc.,
unma. raceinnet ru PAZ FUNDS ud CUR
Interest allowed on time deposits. do . Ileettoue
made to all parts at the United dtates ea moat
favorable terns.
Orders executed with dispatch for everything
In the business at the Baotou, New York, Palla•
delphla and Pittsburgh Broken , Boards strictly
on commandos.
Pr• • on A. CLEWS & CO , New York, 3AT
COOKE it CO, Phtlactelphis; Mem& D KEAD
& T. IL PERKINS. Bost, &.
(coutacrrin By itioanraorr. aroiana & 00.)
(Irv,. or 3.1311 Pt - r•rsnrnon ( - 3 zrrir,
dome. Aga.
I:. 6•M'a, ..... NC 60 103 00
V. S. 1-00 a OS 00
V. S. 70•4011. . 00 ira 03
C. S. Ut-tlinCatel -...... 07 OS
Gold RS 00
Conzelln - ille R. R. Bcmds—.... r 9 )0 el 00
Iron City. '8 00 fri
Third Nation) 1W 00
Allegheny & Pittsburgh 0i1.....- 6 tO
Columbia 011-. n 00
Cherry Run &Pit-hole
Bun & Pittsburgh
Central Ratan •
Eldorado .
Oil Creek k Cherry Run _
Ohio Valley
. .....--
Pittsburgh & Phil%
Pittsburgh & New York 60
Western Penns—.--.... I 00
Duck Creek Vallee VI
Coal /thin) 3119106 1fu_....... I 23
Ralston ___...„--...--.-. I ba
Ross t't
Morning gold quotations In New York
afternoon. 147. Pittsburgh brokers were buying
most of the day It 145, or s traction higher for
large amounts. Govonament bonds shade weak
er on Five Twenties; other denominations un
,hanged from nor quot Pawns of yesterday. Sales
nr Fire Twenties in this market IC*l'; same rates
current in New York.
The roortotag tsOnid 11,1 hut alhelitly —no
sale/ mete reported. stare board we huge r,
ported inlet AB above or Fuer Twenty hood. of
tt2iif;; of Connell. Me at 80; of Columbia oil
.torte at 11t.t0.4 and $27. The else in I tolorabla is
attributed to the near approach of tht idend day,
and the teports current on the Street of (at orahle
oil new. froin Europe, and a "Int+ „„,
dend certainly, and pp, a th rrr The
IN Of eminti, Conjecture, merely all the board of
diteCtOti :..ta not :net pet. The demand for the
st oil: late la the do) , Was ateady It $27, balder*,
oho la the tartralnr, were ready enott,t,rh to sell at
that s.24tr, finding buyera read) to Mee: t2lOlll held
There I. ready sale for Cheery Runk Pittabut,-,li
at 43, and for Eldorado at 'do, but none to be had.
Ex.., in demand at 23.'r82S We learn from
member of the board of director.. Iliad they h.'"
recelsed information from their manure, that
the old well belongiut h. the i l dmlan7 1. now
pumping it barrel. per clay, and the yield In
The New York nil board Is la g rite a fonanat.
Stool's moving Omskly. Eat-hole has tiara to
tilh6Oper share to-day, and bids fa, to PO yet
higher. What others hove sympathized In Wm
upward bound we are unable to state at the mo-
Meat of writing, and will point our readers to the
late telegrams to "1:102/ . ., column.
The steadineas In gold sitrotationos, these 'pea
Motive movements in New York and Philadel
phia together with the favorable oil market in
Europe hat o combined to give courage to morn
as ocelsionally "take a ity"irr stoeksof one tort or
soothes The grain and near movement ht. JlLir.
patron, seashell its limit In the west. The ware
housemen hare given the 1114,4i1001111 notice that
their groin must he moved within floe days. or a
het, ) tots to thr way of storage would be 'salami
hen,, enough ion, to a tpe out profit. rapidly .
The effect a be heavy shipment. east a de
. Lae to prices. and an rosy money 'market, by the
sadanot thus realised from dealings In grain.
b - peculation over in that st.spe, Oar ora l
a ope
retort will tarn seam to stock of rose rid or
antra tier
Railway shales, tloal or thl stock. as
the) hate already done to Sea York sod
tint errant-at. are too stale in chsrsc
ter and slue to he easily tossed op sod,;
and will therefore to t great rates! remote. ow
out." of the flew
Wrtter• rat e ono., mod do Mal/ tle.lntro •gn.oet
.. eptteu In ttort,” meaning the euddea rtse and fell
ot slocits or grain, and w•rct th• greet public
1,01011 11 . •1 the/ wool , : I child agaluet the are,
hot 40111 the .'great it:moo-vett tthltc,” pot tog no
heett to the trarolog, go Into It let th nil the old
ml .ad let er, nsul L.. born the ea.( in times
el , no, nouw.orne out with run hands and
not some, ales • with grief and
“tusrut fluent" Agolost same etude of specula,
lation there cannot he too much written or said,
but there is an Improvement la values and prices,
sudden to it may ho as meanie the Market, which
Is legitimate and proper, though 111. mlartiemed
epeculatioo Men of sound business pliticiples
and safe habits do s 1 limey buy largely that they
may sooner or later reap the ren ant of their wise
forefeet. Following these there in . class Who
etc ready lot any t maitre flowerer crary,
wile but little to lose either in money or churn,
ter, who now sod then prove the old edege to be
a tear toe still. "e fool for The med
freaks of such men, wade without any IntailiSehi
rwase end etlfert, get baptired Into the YlOO name
with the carefully pondered venture. of blot who
Its. spent year. in closely studying the lows of
trade. And so “spreuistion - is the nnoe for a hy..
tire-heeded monster, we all profess to here some
knowledge of but none of us can eecuralety
The following •rock. were void on Tuesday eve
ning, November 411, •t rlommereloLSoles Boom.,
No. 104 rtmlthneld stn-et. by Alex.
suctloseer •
Alieghony Natfotal Bsnk
Peoples' In•tirAcee t' 41...
—During the month of October fi. , ...vordivir to a
oornPari•on of the statement of the Severing . of
the Treasuri for that month with the enhtbit of
September, there ws. • further &ore,., to the
wetted debt of sl,rxr,l, , T. on the last day 40,
tober, the total funded debt ICU $2.,734e4.54.7.,1,
against $1.:44.a.rif. - dd a month sew and 112,733.A.47
ill on the Slat of A ugust —showing a reduetion et
11ti,S/4,312 within the last two months, or at the
rate of $101,00011710 year, Thwiteht no the Otto of
bet :die stood as fol n Cgd.P.twArda.K. tans. J 37.-
02, and currency-bearing, f 1,101.919,TP, the Annul!
u.terest charge on w hitch taftlre at 1/.41.7.,341
Mil; II I, I 5T1.2C.7.L5 In currencyemoting the total
yen rly Pot e rat 117.4,,u00,070. In the coin...caring
t ion of the dell, aglnerrase as sitsceralble, and
lo Ihe currency interest portion, a corw•pondlng
con. tact lon traceable to the reeent. litodiog at
compligund intercut notes into gold-heartng
Jolson.. The cash balonee ronialulnii to the credit
of the Tr usury In the l srlous deptwitor...3 ..t the
puhlic moneys at the close of t icpotsir, is given at
160..sAryialt. including 100.6114,513 in coi n and
wto,t idt it. cut tone). fir NIA balsa., the - tut-Treas.
OtT at Taw lotk held'is;,9,n r l_h. This tull o
ctant it eneournglog, though there is no -lom the
largo pairs 01 refuse materivta and property none,-
eery In the late war fir. materially contributed to
this recoil; yet we have MOM:Math paid Out two
deltnri In dirwharyfe of allteriOr obligations to eta
dlers, tailors, ronfrsetoce, fr.e., for every dollar re.
egivetl from cloalint-t”tt Bales. It Is not to be te
te/led front t i ttle, 1.0,11,3 or, that there Is to be any
to fixation lb a quid systems of economy and a
pertliltent eflest to gather In 01l the taxes Im
There' Will, In all probability, yet be seasons
where In our system of stringent An.', so stg hi,
taxation will p ros e leas prodidell re than nory. 1 , 1,0
. 1 . Anding legal lender W!pl.i
EISEn t •l -• govern.
1.1:13 current meek
amounted teas Against 0078.126.040 at
the close of the precedlng mouth• showing a re
duction of neatly forty-four and a half million
dollars In this Important item, within the past
' four week., or at the rate of over eleven million
dollar. a week. Including the compound Interest
notes, the Aggregate paper cilrreaq Ott" be Set
down at about nine hundred millions of ' dollars,
that.: Legakenders. 111,13,7 M/ , notes of Na
tional banks, poy !MAU,' aad of - notes of State
blinks, ;stain: i'P 6 aldiAoo 3 -1.0 all, 1.100,6%76.5. The
compound uttered notes are practically with
dtatvn (torn circulation, red/total tne volume of
Our elltreucy by neatly" two hUdttred.
Vas totaltdered one of the greatest achlevement•
of Pitt the he devised It oinking fund whereby the
row, debt of ,Digland t if It could not be paid,
nd o t at t oas t be prevented from Increase. The
totted States has lure better than this. tr hen
the expeasea of trt, warmia hard r ly be raid to l aa an
ceased, the publiedebt Is redutted more than Wk.
teen million. In two months. And tbis without
extraordinary means, foreign or forced loan., sub
acrlptlons or ang resource but that derived from
the mentor of the country. 'This Is gratifying
cvldence of the eutistimtlel prolperty Of the cows
l o h n : should
ee,dls n e
r f
. Wb i . T u h l r
i s ; C a t : af.r:4it little
settle% Who should - be at once turned adrift. to
addition to this there should be 2 thorough hunt.
lot out and exposure- of , thefts and rasealttlee
which will furtheeald 'line - venue of the Nation
all rea•Ury, and strengthen .our eredt at horno
and abioad.—Pagadetplifs Ledger.
.1-PefAilkti ran- Dtarket.
flt 2q.0,44(..:The isles on, i ghange to-day
Indicate that White has nominally advanced I coot
has advanced 3 cents. The last wiles were at eVd
for No I White, 81,01 for No 2 do, and 42,03 fog No
compared with the price Min week ago.
I amber. These-figures, hewever, would be billow
the ylgws of holders of large lota, if there are
any Mich lots on the market, but bilyera are on.
wlllft to take the risk otbuylug i o t a Al
full Wes, owing to the lateness of the season„ sod
the difficulty, Oct to gay UnpOsalbility., of niliDiOjr..
up Cargoes before thf close. There is not a boat
load on the Market, and consequently no 4:deposi
tion to operate. Street:ales; nfo.i whir. aq,
2 do, $1,90; Na I amber. 4 1 .45: No 2 do, el„5.
Corti—The market continues very quiet, and
cominally withont change: Holders ask Me do.
li vere d to D , .Nomlual wholesale rate, 630.
- Stricty -
VattriVery aserce, and sellingffrom wen., nt
'45 cents.. •••. •
. ,
parlay—State is salltaa , at 41,tat:01,Do it too . tbb
otomwstaat,' •Zrottulloi dal= la Caned., owlog to
Chet fltm 'lnn of boldera.
114fiTtlliv id g fi.94•RNl.tatr,,Ty..p?t,
N & CO
01 - I , lk a or TUE PraTaartoapaZETTE.,l
To - Eimer. Nov. T. (SOL
Tte general suaketgm quiet but steady, with
a fair jobbin deilthrd torizo4 of the leading com
modities and there is buftile fluctuation In
prices. The receipts of produce, generally, con
tinue large, and, as yet, there is nO falling off in
the arrivals of Apples, the supply Ol,toldcli is
larger at present than ever before knoseNin this
GRAM—Wheat is quiet and dull—but little of
fering. and but little wanted; sale of 400 bushels
prime bill sr isiskle Club at *l,OO. dull, but as
the stock is light, price. are not quotably lower;
awle aft car in bulk—the purchaser to alma them
—at lan; 433 do, on wharf, at 50, delivered, and WO
sack. (torn store at to. Barley continues dull and
neglected, and there U nothing doing on which to
base quotation.. Corn Is more active; sale of 284
bush, new, on wharf, at 64; 160 sits do at 65, and AO
aka do from Igor. at 70. Rye le selling from wagon
at 50.
FLOUR—Continues dull .d somewhat ne
glected, and Spring Wheat grades are a fraction
lower' Good 'Winter Wheat brands are in light
eupplpe and held pretty firmly at former quota
tions. The demand la light et present, and re.
stricted,Lalmoat entirely to supplying the retail
- trade. Bye Flour is selling to a small way at
g7,2567,ed per bid; and Lion: mama at sl , lo per
GROCERIES—Market Is quiet and n little dull,
but prices are without quotable change. Cuba
Sugars are wiling at 1434.6104;P0rt0 Rico do, 1034
elf IC Crushed, 242234;"8" Coffee, 2n34. "A" do,
214. Coffee is quoted at 3134gr.4 for falr ' to strict
ly prime Rio, and 480_60 for lava. Porto Rico
Molaues, et to fl 10 ; New Orleans do prime, $1,35.
Rangoon Rice, OkiCarolina do, 1234.
PROVISIONS— here Is no improvement to
note in the demand for Bacon, nor Is there any
quotable change in prices. There is some little
movement In Hoge at 1134 to 12 , for fair to good
o ver rs
In le g s f . a rg e u . r pa e inC q h u s i v e n t
" ot d pury
I' IWITOES—Peach Blows are in fair demand
and steady,-with regular ealee at 413,40 per bbl on
track, and $3,60 for small lots in store. Sweets
ma A ciT L , dolt e, . t4,60i,7
railslig s off In the arrivals
of Apples, and, as already stated, we have no
doubt the supply is larger at this time than ever
before known in this market. With only a mod
erate demand, and the market completely glutted,
prices tare gradually receding, an/ we heard of
sates of good
go es,l on track, at faitd6l.6o per
bal. From store, otatione may be fairly given
at WS to Aniall6 2b.
BUTTER—Continues exceedingly dull, and with
a supply considerably in excess of the demand,
prices are droopidg. We note sales of Roll to-day
atmats, for good to mime, watch last week would
hare tootight 434545 c.
CHEEhtl—ls quiet but steady, and prices are
mistalned-20 for Hamburg, and 21 Chao for Goshen.
EGG In fair demand, and fresh packed are
still commanding 40 rents.
nal-T-1a arm, with a demand, apparently, up
10 the supply; sale of 150 !phis, nn trseit, In per
bid; email Into from store at Sa a tlp,l.s delivered,
and •••••il
prime Eastern are held II rinly of 111140,15 per hbl.
I'YESTNUTS—DuII, dough the supply this
mn rket 1.13a' quoted nominal at $.60111,..i t0 n
r • re Seed la In reznlar demand at t.1,7n
p:.76 bushel. There Is little or no demand
for either Clover Or Timothy Seeds.
FrrTs - ;;;;;GR
Or•ura or TOE Parreggafiar nA7.7:722
7 . 212 , 0ar, November;, 1005.
PrZr —The rrade market wasmoderately
tire today but unsettl:d, and both buyers and
•.lien were in quandry In regard to which course
to pursue lididers, apparently. entertain strong
hopes of getting a eta: further advance, while
boyers, on the other hand, are predicting a de
thee, and between the two the market may be
termed somewhat '•muddled." Prices., however,
undergone but little change, ode way or the
other, though to-day, asyaaterday, there ilraa quite
a range !isles of 160 Olds It 210. bits returned;
400 do do at TOe, ate included; 500 at Igo,. bbl• ra
t ward. 40 , 0 ill hint, to arrive, at UXci IMO 150
ill. at bbl• included, free on hoard ear. There
leas quue an error In our report of yesterday, the
sale of t 100 ibis of Ptthote oil, to arrive ao tint
o sLer, being Booted it 30, I:notes:1 of 23 cents, and
,n„ther lot of 8 , 0 bids was contracted for to-day,
or game delivery and game price.
EFlN ' ED—Tbete
I. no improvement to note
in the tunnel for bonded all either es regards de
end or priree, antanthatanding it is reported
that • he advice, fess Ystrope by the heat steamer
ale of • more fat usable chareAter. We could hear
of bat one operation tredny, POO table. for Loamy
atale da livery, at 61% Gee on banrd can here.
Foe Phi:unto/11a delivery. sales could bore been
male at aa rents. Fren•Dll Is quiet remt unchanged;
small sales et tOcyld
N AIPTHA AND Da:tall - UM There tau 00
nor "lent an either of tine arascaes today that
we could I. ray of. and. la the sheeny.. of sales, tae quote [tons Frol.ll nit that tat :elm, tire
etovia of N•ptha 10 rely lataat. and toe A. 1.1, re
ark, alit al No npply to l'emt.l4um.
1: Ft' Li PT,--The receipts of oat hy :•..,
cl.f.ny /11 r cnee last rewort, ufollows
oolz ts . 11, I ro 14,
Erportaq Jo: t!.t. l',ltoburrh rietze,e
l; e TN,PIII. 11:• i r ,
p,-;rvot ...0, Nor. 7, ISM
1171_1 T; aril; vis of i'stile were
ent!, 1; Or tits week, en I s ar ouly shout tole
free or iohneen handrail head, Out the market,
nowt hziaroirsq; ir a. Imy dill:, sat quite s nun;
bee of small dross. were left over. The demand
WI. "Almost entirely local, and restricted mainly
to supplying the Immediate wants of butchers,.
sod tie nuarber bought for shipment was eery
small. Prime Cattle, however, owing to scarcity,
brought fs.l prices. and sold pretty readily, While
common Ind Inferior glades were exceedingly
dull, and ruled considerably lower. Tltedesammi
lot stock salt le continues limited,and "scalawags"
appear unsaleable at almost any price. We quote
at for .. sealawagat' . Stine for common to
to prone stockers; fripfric for medium to prime
butchers cattle; and Tliff,9c an Choke to extra.
HOGS—Then is no improvement to potent the
Hog market, either as regents demand or prices.
Our packet are still out of the market, and are
likely to stay out until there Is a material Marline
to price*. Last season IS wan considered serf
hazardous to pra - k eagSe.., while this season the
prow is fluctuating between 12 sad 13 for good
averages, and the future in regard to the trade, Is
certainly no more promising for packers now than
It was then. The abort crop theory whlztv has
been so long aid persistently advocated by those
interested, Is now being pretty well exploded, and
Mete seems t• he so doubt but what the supply
will to fully wit° the demand, and that ere
thare wilt be a material reduction in pricers. We
glee tr l 4l7lie.grosa, es the ruling quotations et
present for fair to good storages, in round lots,
rid 130t4r Ina retail way. Messrs. Ernerick
s I eirort the following purchases
1:7 km.l a v CragLu Sr lb. at gI2 00
r. do do 251 do at 12 00
90 1 do 242 do at 12 00
to` do do Z 42 do at 12 30
•:: do .to 20 do at II 00
Fins{lab „a }fiddle so; l head to !Seymour, are:-
awns .uu V:,
1-.1.P Market q h het but steady, with mod.
r rtle ettl! dernshyl at u to atsc for good rr.tatuu
,herp, nod o , ,,ithi( (or lair to [tweaksot grads,.
he supplytoss nut very I. r lots week., though.
Nos resq,„„up to 14 demand. There was, soothing
aft, m Strick rrheep or ',rob.
/tudson Wholesaled 22 head of rommon atatic
trttiv to 31Latto/4 Loud al 5 retadlad 2 Load
nu and at (42.11. i.
i lase a I.nnorty sok! 21 head of Istria ^ows at
at f pet. head; 12 head •toekera, easeraglng
at 0; 14 head - Itcetinvreqs 4 " •veraTinfr (.1. at 4 ,, j; 3
of oil cows to A.( Betts. at a-.„; rotaile4 40
head of oou-a and heifers for Jorsty at 111,7; also, Z.
Lea , 0! I).elr own amount at aittl.
Math:Dore Market,
HAL, aorot, Nov. 1,-I , tor dull; sales of How
ard street and Western Superfine at $0,23,
Liner.— Wheat ateddr. Curd firm; sales of New
W hue at e . /eStc; Yellow dull. (Jots netted at 50c.
Hie quiet' sales at 15E,2t.
A. Porter re,41,-,1 13 head at 5,10 to $6-11 head 6 , .... -01 .T.rretel Flut.eed ILL
11-9 al,. o rear— Active.
vreftera t!rito,4.4.
Ilurrrnan retailed head of n;114.1 cattle at
ji lo ar. Cron; totalled 10 head for Kreerliog,
averaging see, at s.sisseSi; 19 he,,t for authrie,
rarer - RON; son, •1 asaW.lg.
totaled JS h ied, averaging from BOu to
lOW. at
Nanvorbeea to Ens. k. I'g - rler au head of fairish
cattle at 6.
Keetan to Marks & Traurtann 1: bend 01 0 1 , 11 ,
tunatah cattle nt
•5.11 . wholesaled 15 head of corn
non stock cattle to Alcthoniss at 61 retailed '4l
',end for Patterson at 5 iil/c••!ii le head f, DaviS
lbligtit o ; 10 beail for at 4ilijit.p4, and
oad !or moor at sy - pli v .
diarlea is Traurman wholesaled 54 heed of fah ,
noaee.. at jil ;it; headi 15 hood. areraglill 1100,
et oli; retailed IC4 head at
OP.. blacks retailed 44 heiW at 1%401.
Vetoer reports having so d 26 head at
In addition to the above there was quite • num
ber of other sales, the particulars of is hlch we
Were unable to obtain.
The nog Trade.
Mutt 4(.0, Nov. 3.—The receipts to far hare been
•ery tight in comparison with inn year, as the
following figure. will .how: Teklitg the month of
October, lag; the receipts were 127,133, shipments,
.4.110; leering for packing purpose; 85,192. °e
tcher, 1003, the reeelOis Were ehipmenta.
(1,628; leas leg In packets' hands, Prertit dhoWing
a decrease in gross receipt. of 02,411, and of pack
, log 4a,9a7, from correeponding period last year.
The market shalom symptoms of a decline.. Price.
range twiny from •9412,26 for medium to good.
Only one or two of our packers, to far, hare done
anything, and that only In a small way, •
Wr have not heard of any Hog contracts haring
heeo made for future' deliveries. TOuchlrig the
crop prospecte for the sliming nelson. we have lit
• tle to say just now.. - Hog drcerers, farmers sad
opeenlatort are , generally united In preaching
short crop, while other good ahtlibritica declare
there will he at the closelwrilah will be lab%) as
many pound. as last tenon. Ourpackela gee giv.
Me no encouragement to farmers or drovers to
bring their stock in, .imply because there), noth-
Ing In the present, or very apparent tn th e astute,
toinsuro even getting their money back, at the
Current rate. now being paid for the .almal.
G. W. Pirigt.trs.
The LOularille Union end .fren, of &Mitts).
morning, .aye • •
A dealer here has been offered 11, round - let of
Horn la Georgia at 7c, Iron. We hear of no triple
_nett, o, to report, but quote the. market dolt, and
nominal it es, g row . The packers here are wholly
unwilling to threat their maltsl In hogs at the
peexaUing rates: The market at other points
where puking bee been commenced has been sus
tainedthue far almost exclusively In packing on
English account.
ht. Lout. the prickers', see to no hurry to corn.
mem operatic:a, and packing. wi ll be late
“ in get.
t ja p fUla d Vm f ° ol• l ntrfg a , d has r it% e fel : lo7i of
The Influx of hop. Cato this et continue..
anointed. The receipts for the or thus far are
over 12,00 More thin ter the same
These large receipt*. together-with the ehh dle•
counting reports which comeback from the East;
have caused a further depression of prices to•day,
and the market etoacd-sresk at decline of ma, ..
ale per lop lb. hem the rill= nites..4lf yesterday.
I.4ht host are eery dull ap.4 a litt..wkl!ible,
varep,timithohrtaoc.. .1
Specie. Dispatch to Western Press.
Br.. Toes, Kor. c , 1455.1
The following' are the quotaUons of Petroleum
Stocks today: Buchanan Farm, 60; Cherry Run,
23; Excelsior, 22; Webster, WO; %thole Crook,
Itynd Feral, 90; Shade River, 3,291 Name ? , 1 . 1,,a ;
Breeoort, 16,00; Ganorada, 3 1; Manhattan, 2.;
Oe. WC, 62; United States. 28.40; Watson, la;
Bradley, 1,12; Fee Simple. 20; First National, es
Idt. Vernon, 65; Oceanic, 53; 011 Creak, 1,24,
Special Lfryetacto Western Peen.
The Petro!turn Market Is ra.her droner. but In
active. Crude le held at an4Gre.. Refined at Pe.
In bond. leo coin have been made.
Rely York Market
Youx, Nov. 4.—Co..os—llleary awl 2c
lower at 64856 e for Middling, closing firm at the
latter price.
notra-643210c better 38.3008,63 for Extra State,
89,6042:10 01 for common to good shipping brands of
extra mind hoop- Ohl*, and t_9.oeet.2A6 for trade
brands, the market closing quiet at the advance.
Winos - y-I , mM., at 33,33 for Western, to lots.
(Mein—Wheat more motive and IBlta better, at
111,71301,834 for Milwaukee, MAO for old do In
store, W.,3682,1/3 for Amber State, 33,01 for old
winter red western, cod 63,40 for new white 311113-
4". Rye, tu3d 7,603 bush warm
western et 101,05. Barley moderately actlyo and
firm at $1,12 for State. 21,13 for Canada East, and
31,13 for anada West, Bsdey Malt quiet. Corn
1c better at 620820 far unsound and 091:630e for
sound. Oats firm for sound and heavy for an.
sound, at 46e600 for unsound, aid 1652630 for
Onodunrs—Cotree quiet. sarar firm; Cobs
Mtmcovado, 1134(11M ; Havana, lac. Molasses
P37notxtru--Qpiet. 36ftl, te for Crude find 800
far Earned In Bond.
Paovimons—Pork firmer with a fair demand;
$32013,76 for mess, closing at K 1,73 cub, 1 3 7,32i2
26 for mime messt . also 7 17 000 bbis mew far Novem
ber at buyers option at .72 a 25/032 , 60. Beef steady
at 111014 for plain an sl4Bl7ferextra mess.
Beef Rams unchanged. Cot meats doll at 153isp
Ito for shoulders and 200230 for tams. Bacon
doll. Lard firm al 24=5 3 40. Butter:la demand at
10G42c for Ohio and 4033A10 for 'State. Cheese
firm at 140103.
New York Cattle MaTaft
lune Tong, Nov. 7.—The following are the
current prim for the Week, at all the markets:
Bar Oarrmr—Flrst quality, per head, Ms*
VS; fAi
1110(g12. r tu Irsed,SlMS°; common,
Cows arm ()AVMs—Extras, per bead. 6900120;
first quality, MOW; ordinary, 446Cae; common,
13ep45; Inferior, WOO
N. am. °A.l.vm.-IMst quality, oer pound, It sift
I1G12e; Ceramon, INCI1c; lederloe,
Stexre ♦am Ladrret—Extra, per head 1:8010;
ordinary. le ed. , e,.50; conatoon,ll,34(o ,63;inferior,
tem et—lteay7; Coro-!ed, per la, Ile; Lleettt and
Bedlam at 13!„4 Icll • atilt fed, lifj)lta,
The supply ol Beeves Is again large, In view of
which the Market la scarcely ware except for the
best offerings. Str.cry prime Cattle are rather
scarce. In view of watch they commanded full
Pru -
*—c - A 60011 many sold at 114 c. The quality
of the WaS •••••, were neve he
leu L gOod many common, which mid at ISNIfu.
Hoge were active and higher.
The total reeepts of all stock at all the yards,
for this week and last week, were: cheep, Beams
and Clams, 14,604 head.
Dry Goode Market.
Now YOB', Nov. 8 —The felletrini quOtattams
sad dis_patehm bate been bulletined the Dry
Goods EStil1111[0:
Standard Sheeting; 21 4 Prints, SSTs/nem, gen t
American, 21i Piscine, 28. Hoop Skirts—Duple'
Elliptic, SO to 80 hoops,B7lasl,os per dozen hoops •
8. T. ai A. I'. Meyer, 20 to' 40 hoops, I tapes Id
inch, lee per dozen hoops. The market b m
stocked with many styles of - Enna and French
fabrics, end holders are muttons to reduce their
Mock. The storm not Black Silks me heavy, and
with the prospect of a heavy decline, as headers
are anxious is reduce them, preparatory to Spring
importation. and to any action that mop be taken
by Ventres. for the reduction of duties. to im
perial good. for men's wear Quite • falling oT has
mikes place. The demand Is still good for snot..
materiels for Ceatiag■ end resting', and WWII.
meres for pants. iyhe low grades of Imported
goads are dull and difficult to sell. There In not
much demand for very heavy woolen goods. Li wen
Goode—The stocks of these goods are better, but
there Is no surplus, and prisen are well nishitalneL
The market I. unite and dna.
ST. I OUIP, Nov o.—There is something icing,
but not much. Price. Follow the New York Limb
CP Tr. /1 no, Nov 8. 7 -Duelneu quiet, tt bell; ales
lion day. Prless Strll unchanged.
DoeTos, Nov. 8 —The market hardly sustains
Itzelt but ae active trade Is doll= an over.
Pa s, Nor B.—The Dry Goode market
Is dull and primes are irregular. Jobber, are hold-
Lrg off and trade to reneraDy very gnat.
BanTranu, Nov:lt—No change to note La the
market mice yesterday. Cotton asfyWr.
New York Stdek and Money Market.
New loae, rior.7.-31oney actlre at 7 per amt.
oa call loans.
O , as has k..obatielt doll at Ihn - y. 4 01.09.
aid is sett/lout decided ckanne, oyentag at del tjj
dee tieing to 14614, sad aloslag of 111.
Govercanent Stacks quiet.
I stahtn to Liverpool, s half penny better for
Stocks sarong
T.:nMed States 60....61, registered, 101' ; do. 'Ol
c ou p om .. ft 1, 0.80 Coupons, 013
1; do. Nil,
100 1 .. ;; sto.7-Wra second s•rles,lrlti; do. ad tenet
tr; , ,,, Vatted States es, one yen: certanostea, new
0.14 . , Ohio and Altsstrelppl 11ertdriestes, str,l , „;
Quicksilver, 60; Carlton, 407 i; Cumberland pre
terree, sei; York Central.; RM. 91 17;.;
tan southern. 1111nots (Antral, 103 . 4; Roca
Island, 101%; Prattle du Chten, 6.1; Toledo is Wa
bash, CZ: iort Warne, Ilk%
Finance and -Trade in dew York.
New Tons, November 7 —At the Stock Es
•hange these was great excitement during the
mules Keaton, and a very heavy business was
transacted. The demand wudistrlbuted through
out the railway There was a sharp rise, as
teasel), on Ens, PltteDurfla and Old Southern,
weivb were the favorites. The exelteateet in
Prairie Des Chico hai somewhat subabled, and the
movement is probably culmineting. [Awned stock
wan called in tO-der, and force was kept op to
squeeze the bears. Stock meld et 2100226, and
waged at 235 216 regular- Several contracts
were settled yesterday and more today. Trees
aellorm In Olevelandi and Pittsburgh apparently
connected with the cOrnerlog operation, emitteme
very large. Sates at th e Board; 11.400 shares:ma.
king 22,1101 sold sumiyeaterday morale
At the last board * the market was
heavy and
fenerally.lower. The following were the manna
price. at 430 D. cc. (few York Lientral,l92ollo4,l
Erie, tre?Litlr."; Hudson Elver, .1085.A1e.8%; Need
ing, I WACO.• Michigan Southern, 1316ige0!i,
Cleveland S Pittsburgh,Ruk
leeltti o9 74; North 'Western. 54dy27,;;„ North
Wm.'s-re Peaderted, 66 Y41 60 ,1: Fort Way... 1050
1n656; Prairie Du Chloe, I:20.
uoveroment Stacks were dull and &Moat um
gLetaly lost sight of intallway .peculation. Gold
is Item and rather mote active. .It Is reported that
there is an Mere-axing demand from the south,
wt L h tem:tato swell the volume of bus.Dateu. The
demand for money today was native owing to the
great increase to the volume of speculation at
the Stock Exchange,' but at 7 per omit. on call.
*mum bad no dedlerbelty in getting euPPlted-
Chicago Market.
rot, - suo, Nov. I.—PLorra—Quies.
K best utile% and 214623 lower, at
sell4Ql,s9 for No.: I and $1.0411,17 (or No. 2.
Lora Inn and 2;.ic higher at -6651 c for No. I and
5.7‘,..a for No. 2 Oestallem at 27027e,ic.
ti,oleworfts—Steady at $2.27.
Pa ,,, alons---Ftrmi mesa lurk at 11 31 .6.334 for
old and new prime; mess nominal as 121,74V27.
RZCZIPTfi-45,110u bbl. Flour; V.. 000 bu Moat;
83,v0 bu Corn; t 9,00.1 bu Onto.
SIII4MINTf—dpU bbla Flour; 44.00 bu Wheat;
KV./ Du coral 136,000 bu Oata.
Oswego Market.
Onirrno, Nor. 7.—FgOgli—UnotoL vd; 8. , for No.
I spring.
“ 4 " —Wh ' " '" .• Amber MaWynn 82,25,
No. 1 ;ibid. , - vinrint t i xo.
uo gator and no
Watley anti ant lower; thumsda fl,tl. Eye
. ...Longed; Cumin 95.. Peal qutet.
PnalonxiStendy; Flour , Cc; Wriest,
len ; (Ana, is.tio; Barley. tta; Nye, 17o—to Nov
Plaladelphla btarket
;,1553.rm5, No‘. I.—FLoun—Vzz
an 515—Wbeet 52221 Near Red, $2,- 2,35; Old
d,.32,5;42.4it d 2,6062.42. Oorn dell; sslis
of lulettl77 indlood old yelivw, 52'455; new do , 74
(e.h. Oath ailll 0.2505;2.
I"ri noict - m—Stendt, crude l3C.i free, 73 5;
IA 111.41LT—Uteard firm el $2,4r.
Toledo HarkeL
. .
Tattoo, Nov. o.—Wirsar—S4les or Sikhlca,
at $1,62; Old Winter, ss; Near do.. 41,80. Corals
hoar, No. tat 61.. Oats doll at
ratooess-7Offin Wheat to Buffs!).
Toronto Markt.t.
rozooro. Nov. B.—runru—DOtadet extra bag
3.20; Extra. 0207,201 2108ardas MS"
OILAIN Whew Fa,l; a 1,4201,33; Spring, 111.20,3
1.23, and Quist. Barley. 7503270 sea totlve. Oat.
34330 e, and quiet. Era 604,60• and gated.
Dillwauftee Market.
Bllcw Amu., Now:mint 7.—nor it —Dull.
Wa.r—Dull and p4Paiieed lazei salsa at $1.7
0149. Receipt. or auto! , bla flour and rOOO
Wheat; shipmeuta, IBOODbI. 1:12N sod 3TOOI bust
Mutrati, Market
Door A, Nov. 7.-.FaMan Dolot mad tomhaoratt.
abr-.Sales of Data: tomb ffillwautoo Spring;
other triddi neglected aila DombraL
Gum-Cerro, arm. Mu, Inbctlvo and nomt
baL Reds), Weld (bowls Ot
Watazirt—Fina. or aD.
Poilic-4114 woo •
Chicago Ltirii Stack smut.
entc•oo, Nov. 6—The receipts al cattle dace
Saturday niyhbwere DSO head. The mitered tales
abase our last report !foot up sw7. sales were
made this morales at prices rametng from 114 to jb
per 100 pounds. The supply la theyards t 2 1104,
and the demand pod 'for the better grades of
stock. 'Prises aro
_ -
The recus of hoss time
i ttuLtday night. wee
= d. Th e hea entered Sates ee -out b u t re p ort
Soot up 7616 bead. Soles trete made this Moran;
at prices ranging from 02 tor light holm, nr.ti.2 per
1021brjor premium- heavy hogs. The market Is
tom at our quotations. - •
plc.hhep have arrived and so :AM of no in.
quill. Prices are norulttal,
Ittcaus: lallniblckeits Co. harp received.
telllgence Qom leashrktle, Tenntmsee; advising_
them of the shipment ora small eonsignmerit of.
cotton to this market, Which, we. Wiley° la the
first eonsignintmaillreet _from
burgh:since Wore the te h ellton. ;draws Dicker
&bit. exert to - recelri:Minsignments of 'cotton
thieptitnpprerilliefi; ;"."' •
Forret City r yGordon Parker•b,m,
sill or ..1 Cin , :innati.l A
DE. irt .
Um 0:IA(1r sham .StUll
Lao, No. 2.....p0ri10n 011 (;:•. y .
arrrsor . EATirr.t, ETC,
The rh - or we. snreiling slowly at this pets: tact
evening. with a Utt over six feet in the datum/
by the pier marki:e litlegheay wu reported.-
fslllra et (41 City; With twentpelght lathes in
the Channel at that hint. The weather continues
cloudy, but pleasant: or the se-sson, and very fa.
Yorable for ont-doorisperatlons.
The Ells er Cloud Ip the only transient arrival
from below. The *pant, from Parkersburg, is
doe here to-night, air; the Nora, from Cincinnati,
may be expected In tki•morrow.
There wee , ' eo dePiFlurce jOSttnlty aside; from
the regular packets.,.
The , Joh. Hanna, d'4i - Vet Ilanaa's new Alle.
ghen river tom-boati:ruaile a trial trip yeaterilaY,
and, eo me run inf4ued, everytbicg worked to
the entire aatisfacticill of all speerzed, She has
been named after th4lste Capt. John
veteran Allegheny rifinr
Capt. Are Sheparevetne new elde-wheelar, for
theFittaburgh and Mae:shim trade,la at
the Allegheny whartlAnd tt 1 . thought she will
be ready for huainearttn'the roam of tour or tive
weeks. She go. lilt* the trade tn. ennnection
with the litayard, and'avill be a very valualde 'dee
ceaticm. •
Captain. WtltSnm chid George Hazlett, are bull&
mg a nets alde-wheelek here for the lower trade.
The hull has already kterival at the landing:
The Silver Cloud, Capt. Conway, has mita,
alga for Memphis anitiNear.Orlearia, aud .abe will
be ready to Ball about:the tatter end of the week.
The Armenia, lilapt4lolding, to nest in tUrti ler
St. Lout. after the Ehte Putnam.
The Lormaa and talChner, =lied at St. Louts
from Plttstrurgh ora SatuMey laati and the flitlhea
reached there on Sumiwy.
A very silly rumor sas been eturent here for
day or two to the ereitt that the steamer Dictator
had been blown op-4,10wn all to pieces. This
anesteamer, as we learn from our St. Louis ex
changes, Is advertised:So leave St. Donis for New
Orleans on the 7th Inciant.
EmPonTs BY summit;
' Prrniouttaa, FouX;Varki & 131103.410 B. R.,
Nor. 7,-6 bids oil, WoMaser, Myers & co; 50 dos
brooms, J Painter & eel,. 60 do do, McElroy & co`
200 bbl. Sour, 5.i OarEiner, 212 bag. mat feed, S
II Floyd; 100 bbis tiour,Eulp &Shepard; 400 do do,
A Moore; 310 appkm; Balzley; 61 Mai car
bon oil, Itarbonr te. col cars lumber, I. Langham;
Ido do, Hemphill & 100 bbls apples; D Ser
geant; I car lumber, T Young; 93 bbluipples, 21
bbls chlehgetzer & At 200 bags bags bar
ley, Fred Kaiser; Illb`kla apples D Wolfe; S Oere
storm y I I Ralyn; 12 141 s barytes, Schoonmaker
& Son; 30 butt. tobacck; Jos Murphy; 3 aka coffee,
7.1 t ale , thdrd & Paitots 2 plums butler, Meek &
Artnetrong; 100 bbla apples, S Preston; 62 barrels
carbon oil, Barbour aOO bbl. apples, A Levi.
CLlrmairlo •wri HAIL HOLD—
Nov. 7.-100 bbl. dour, gi 11 Leach; 100d0 do, Seghe
myer a Yosearnp,• 10, de. do, SloapßOn & Knox; PM
cc do. Keil & Maim t;:in sack. rag., Godfrey &
Clark; 14 lAA. Soar, pH; a bola eggs, S Herbert:
14 bble apple.,
flutcklason: 13 sack.
I. Robin.
.on & to corn, Shomaker & — r.,;iu t :4, 30 dire oroo
andlesi — B & A 0 Duloanfligibbls
110 '2, rr LlnLart; I baja wadding, EL 0 Green.
wood; 4 lible apples, D gilcDonald; 631 bb apples,
1.. Vote & co; 01 bbl 4 armies, G Hackl ,er• 140
do do, Sturgeon &
do do, Graff & Reiter;
100 bbls flour, Knox &113oNee; 3 cars mbell; Lig
gett & en' 1461 k. potatttlx, Graft & Itelter; dod
brooms, Shomidzer & Laing.
PITTS nre.oll, 001.1:111a8 ANOCINCISSATI
Nov. 7.---Mo tibia flour. 19; Llintsay, Jr, k co; 100 do
do, Sethi:Ryer & Voscanip.
61.4.sealerr STATIcui; November 7.-4 hbd to
bacco, R t N Jenkinsor;• 1b can arbeat, Kennedy
Bro: I car stares; J J slp i t 9 bales tow,4 H
Childs & co; 7 bbl. cide D J Forney; Robbie Oil.
Bradley; to bbls npplF,a , Ina O'Hanlon; 2 GAIT
shingles, James Alcalat; 1 car corn, Simpson &
*nox• tae bbis apple., r/ Dyer; aka barley, S
ecit; do do, John ßrans; 6 blare-tyke. 1r
Gem . .7
Govern nun! flroad Froperfu.
ST.a.rtairr Myrna os rat• Zinrawss,
0 lux, QE4arositAarts'a OFinom,
11. S. auz.rboir RattriOAlNS,
NoosTrirs TiOto"• Oat. its., MI
Will be sold at Pub%) Absalom, ou NoTettsber
Vbh, 1565, at the loot cl Poplar street, Si- Look..
_ .
TWO FLAT C.i174, 534 FT. GUAGE.
04 :November 25th, 1E1(3, at the yard of the Ter
fmaortv ille Railroad odap..y, icte..ol. , tue..L.-
illana, c .
NINE FLAT CARS, lAGE, 4 ET.' 814 INllpf
m (:> 11 1
c t .ovw eLb ed r .: 7 7 ll, 1 969; at Lbultrillle, By,' '
i 43-Pre. Wheels & alike,
211 (714 dale., a Tender,
i 1 Smoke Stack, , I Engine Truck,
I Palr Drivers, i 4 . springs,
I Parallel Rod, I . I Bell and frame,
, 4 Hand Oen, l' II Track Oars,
r 60,C00 I.ounds,9l Sem Iron.
On. .December let, 1594 at Hemphill, Tenn., the ,
enure stock of the U. Spillitary Rallmad Sup.
plies remaining on hanckar that place. connumag
in part a. follows:
030) Eighty tom mortid Den.
(6001 Eight hundred toria-Sarap Iron.
(3) Eight tone assorted' SteeL '
(I) line ton Mg Land ,4
able for
And a
railr gener aloads. (Lawrie:Mat of- small Stores, suit-
Gr. December 11th, 1865, St Nashville, Team, the
entire stock of new and serviceable Stores of the
U. S. Military Railroad iffniatalng on hand at the
General Supply Store, consisting in part as fol..
so,cee Twenty thousandnes;
it •
tome Tons etsa'd bar Iod4 , rd.sq.hird. Angle,
80 Eighty tons Boller had Teak Iron,
Ili TLUty-(he tons assorted Steel,
sto Three hundled tons Se-ep Iron, wrought(
and cut,
.D,C4,0 Twtroty
thousind grounds Engine Brass
Gas Pape, ileating Stoves,
Brass Pipe, lies Yixtnrea of ell Wade
Spring Balance., ! 4 / 1 10upe,
Shovels, lama Clinks of every da•
Hatebetra I'. ecription,
Nuts; . )Globe {mitres. all sine&
Waidese, wrought and; (, Linings, Tamping
Coat, 1 i Ban,
Nails and Spikes.lf ion, and Copper Bleete
Maness,! t and . Burrs,
Sash, Glus mad Patnylteet Capper end Braga.
of ' kinds, Chains and Rope, of all.
IMilrond Lamps, - r Hue
Cooking Stoves and Pla- Ppsiika , Tackled, Sasso.
1008., ,ban) ~. Dean Light&
Full Sett. 'of Carpentebe, Blacksmiths and Sad
dlers' Toole, Rubber .I,Jah , Sprints,, Belting:Gnirt
and Leather, Filmy Butts and Serene, lintrate
of all blade; and almond :every artteJa
for Railroad operattons, a: of the very best goal
ity, Ai.o,
(3) Three urge Lathe., Sikverte S Bro. Instifea.
(2) Two Planers, Sitera tell°.
(U One Bolt Ouster and , toear Cutter, Gould &
Bro Blanobteturni.
(I) One Axle cut o ff Lath ; Warner h.:Whitney.
(2) Fan Blower.. (nedinni.),
( i) One 15p right Engine, Simms power.
(I) Coo Trip Hammer an Engine, Howell'. Pet.
(1) One Brooms, eld Steam Hammer. , .--
(11 Ole Seller.' Steam litnimer.
Will also be sold at the aims time, a Large
amount of Serviceable anis, 0P 0 0Zd .44 ... 4 r 4 . 11,0 a 4
TOOLS c f nil kinds, oonalettagor
Carpenter'. Tools, W
Wheel wriehl'e Toolds •
Blacksmith's TOol.,
hLachtnist,to Thole.
Stove. sod Pape, Ropertaina, etc., ate. -.
Catalog.. of the matt 'aim to he sold in Nash.
villa can be obtalned by aiglicetion to Cant. S. H.
Hamill, A. Q. Dil., and of tliat at Memphis, on I.p
-ol:cation to tient John PrOke, A. Q. 54-
The ;attention 01 dealezie. sod Railroad Camps. •
Mt • la•partienlarly Insiteti o lliht sale.
Sales trill seen:Emmen elle o'clock 4. 8., on each
day, and cautinue daily tom all the property la
disposed uf. re d F. J. CIECILLY,
nosud Capt. A. Q. RL, U. S. A..
A 11013:SES AND MULT.,S'.
Ci Otir.ALl 0771CS L tj
%TASHI:MI.ON, I% C., oe 24th. mg.-4
Mill te sold at public au4lon during the month
of N. ember, to the higheit bidder, at the time
and places named below. sit,
New York Clty—TUESitilf of each work, 00
MCLES each da tt
MiledeiPtia, Pa. — THURSDAY, November - ;
9, 16, and 23, 0M
Harrisburg, Pa.—TUE:M. Y OS earn week, 100
M ULEM each day.
Harriaburgh, Pa.—THURSDAY, November 1,9,
le, and 23, to k 3012,12., eafr, day.
neehanicaburg, I . ..—TIo'IIAY, November 1,
Allentow:. Pa — WEHISDAY, November 10,
Pottsville, Pa.—FRIDAi, November 12, 100
Chester, Delaware muntylPa —WEDNESDAY,
November too HORSES:"
Titusville, Pa.—THURSDAY, Noveiaber 10,103
Titusville, Pa.—TECURSpAY, November 10, HO
Titusville, Pc—THURSHAY .and FRIDAY
November 21 rod 24, 100 ATLYLIEa each day.
WilstlnFton, DeI.—TU&'iDAY of each week
ICOHORsIS each day._
'Wilmington, DeI.—FRIDAY of each week, too
MULES each day. s
Baltimore, Md.—WEDNESDAY, November 1 / 5 ,
100 HORSE:,
Baltimore, Md —WEDNESDAY, November 29,
TUESDAYS and arESE l34.' 1 1
IPo . of each 'week,
100 11011sEs each day.
A ' ^ l. series of sales alliflier deeetrimeat uti
iii.c. w in ~,,. disposed of. Bayer' should therefore
ate!! themselves of this last s opportunity to pur
r Aka of Ptitite MUM: i . in the West, see of
&it! 'Western amspapera. ,
Au W ads will be told NMI
Lisle s s i ler .--- At Mkt r.
kat piteare a battle ,;(Itr.i.ii Hamar;
- - -ILSID , PctENERVER. o.mauwlU coir/a4NI
jr, oritl value. - . •
A.tcluaa,m GLYCERI ed NE OS v2.riD 011,EAar,
ter tuumio. ao - act.
CO , Dlsp CURE- , • - •
Da. syrAYNEPS. ixpartivan :iihup or WI LD. WILD LDENN,Y,-
• Yrnawlii away; COI ts4d at tba` A y
ItlittiatiNOßL, ear. Of Ohio, lad avaast atteeta.
cal OpiltGE A, BELIIT. •
9/ BAii
• -•
per or am Ala bunutta assyras
Rooms es,4 eitibules, tar Ititirkat street,
toet4:4 "ntletrilltalfjeus4 Weatt.: