ESTABLISHED IN 1786. pitsibuyfri 03azdtt. CITY NOTICES. Cloaks Fifilitreet Bilk. k.,1431 4 a, No.ll. Ilftfliirest Cloaks At Bitia& Bell's, No 21 Filth street. Bowels At Eitel k BeU's, No. n MI stmt. slant:num j it t Estes k 13e1VErN0..217,4* itreet• • • . ; Baciv, At Bates & BelPr~ No. 9t Ft Markt • , ' At Batts & Bell's,:io.2llAft& street.. SUVA. At Batas &Bell's, No. Filth Street EMEMI!EI Diy Goeda. We sets FLne Drees Goads Cheap tr pian any. ether Hoene to the City. Remember the Ninth-East corner of Fourth and Market gamete. 0. HAkbok Love b. Beo. Dry Goods At either %%cassia cr Retott, Cheaper then you • n and them elsewhere. On th,e North EMIL stanlista the r h gee rtich have 1...50 mad,. MUM MON 1:1 d 111.(1t1 licrrible Barbarities of the Rebels FLEI hi \ AND ortirit‘ iIIALDEREP inert, Nov. o.—flaysns corres p ondents say !bat forty Insurgents In Jammer bay.; been narbantiaa C , MIIIIiV,4I by Ole re 1., I. are shcaking. Mr. M.Comma - K war dashed to L ageinat a cannon. rtes. .11r. Rerschell'3 tongue was cut au'. Baron N . Yn Kett.. Hon's fingers were cut oil' 015 band of negate. sight hundred strong nod thoroughly organlsta, and. other volunteers, pressed forward Unveil . , cap turing several prisoners. who wore seat to, Kingston. A dispatab from - Llon. W. IL, Gaorg I was read on the commercial exchange stallair that be bed been sounded, and that II m. Bacon Van Kettle Koop, one of the ofllclabr In St. Th ,men, Dr. Girary, Anthenv Prie, dtennen Li, kr, and NI , . II have seen All/A • A !oh r d.apatch contlrunt the abtvet In Dart. fdtran Le, ::nool the losergetas. was killed. An :111,1•1 named Henry A. Alberga cut his head otT, An Isspectur of Pollee, Franels Rower, and John Wolter, wore also shut by the rebels, A Secretary and Justice of the Peaoe are re ;oiled mu. d: red. A council of war wan held in Kingston on the 10th Inst., awl subsequently marthd law declared for the district of Surrey, In the unmet of the Queen.. hfaJor General O'Connor has taken comtnand of the troupe concentrating on the Island, and :tell* =mitres taken for a s hr • zeroes campaign against the retools. Paul Bogle, thtfleader of the rebellion. In nit y ta; netred. A re. ard'is offered for his cap. Lure. The latest dispatch received by the gov. ernment front the sent of war !Ina -/be retreilloo la Increaaln, troops me wanted, and no ltmn la to he lost. Among the Mei - omen killed Is Rev. Mr. Foot, a most eseellent MIEN ====l2= oda Contradicted TOUONTO, 0. W., Nov. G.—The sensation tel egreme from this city, le reference to the ex• citement caused by the Fel:dans, may be re garded as the production of some one with a lively and excitable imagtnetlen. there heir ' , no excitement whatever. Tito feeling Is, that the government is quite able to deal with any Fe nian projects that may be hatched here or elsewhere. The banktotain au"-extra guard, as quite s number of daring bureatics have re cently been perpetrated. .The daily papers have' oecasioual articles on Feniunism of ' a decisive character. ar a a l / l ! e t g er ed . v ile xc f rm a c d c.. tbils i there "Orb ab signs of the The weather Is quite cold and stormy. A hurricane last night it is feared did consid,na ble damage to lake vessel.. Terrine Cale un Late Ontario OwEco, N. Y., Nor. G.—The gale on Lake - Ontario yesterday eras terrific. The sehoonera Morning Star and Aluitm arc ashore near the city. &•sera! resx•la had thcir caurass torn la Om, and conic lust their deck loads Thu Orl let w tLis tltr with limber anti A rriv al of the Peruvian (bolero Preventive Regulations ENGLIIitI CABINET SPEITLATIONS. RAVAGES OF THE , 1.:-TE GALE: Prriniuliro. kr Lord Pultner , lou'A Formal pr,s. COMPLICATIONS IN GERMAN &HAIRS ' and :tied th. 6 week,. The ,rind Jou has aiso Indicter! Thames Anderson, re ester of the \ ,:la Franca, on a charge of failing to furnish and distritonte proper provisions on ship board. In the United Starr.. Circuit. Court, the rase of Isaac I wk. of Chicago who stied the Tiebtat FART)] GI: Pain; Nov. 6.—The steamship Pe- for 570.000 bought tip. No de. 'avian from Liverpool oa Oct. ?t, - .h vi, Leaden- video we, made. deny on Oct. 27th arrived off this point ah rat Th e ren t estate in thle - city betonglu, six o'clock. this evening. Vii, Ketchum• •WaN ski at :ion 7V 13. a 11d.isk.z - lx.. ta. . . Tre Aficertiser thinks it will be inspossi.fle to , Frr . ttic, for Gladstone to work the House of Common. Paracengurs by the Atom, Vamp. un'ess with more help than is visible. ;owed t, , toter .ir , o nir:l.• The 0111. and I - The herald rays If Russell makes any Ili. II I.r r,,Eo•_ •fos , cal move the conecryati cos will certainly lose no,rlunity to check mate h Svereta•N of tr.c Trcusury ,nt •L telenrarn Liner/tot-4. Oct. 27.—The funeral `,,,„ t „. , 11 . Moe- ' art, ~c , Mer , tOn is taking place to-day. rat.•, :lot if the stealth,0,,, of buoy, supposed to he cuotonarv. 1,1, N ew Yr.}, &sin, tit, a blockade runner in I, in 413 don. loos. .dl , t barge C,mtruander Bell, of Brooklyn Nn•y tie one of C•iant, •i • r I Yard, - should be placed at their disposal for the The toning Post 1, ailon rent in , purpose,. of taking oft board persons wise come tle 0c.c. , ,,.;• , n, and it says the feeling of the I to Olio port In any vessel than :nay bring rases ctltry Earl Russell's ministry, trill be of cholera. ~ n e of total apathy. The country will see little I Mayor Gunther, to whom the subject woe t., praise or condemn. It will he no oast' Mat- ref, rred, has written an order to the Camman• re, Co reconstruct his government in the House der of the Nary, and a vessel It to be dispatched of Commons, hut he Milts certainly introduce to the rowel quarantine as soon possible. The some fresh elements to retain the majority n passengefs of the steamer Atlanta who boa inally aequ'red. not been attacked by the cholera will be talc , . The Archbishop of Paris ten- r isititag the eitol• on noard this vessel. It is reported to-night lent hospitals. I lint eleven new ewes or choices bar, sp,f.rel A conned of Nl.lll-:-, was lucid 01 ti. on t h e A t l. u ota, all being akuoun the steerage T 11.• lip iva6 ILtt iti lienel., poneeeg re. - ct at C,f. . The ileettld has additional details of the rata. The Noi^ , K , n arrival o • ••a gas ant-ng a: 0.14,00 g on the Florida van.E.t of the 's:fils the recess severe gale. Toe stean,h•u N -u -nto Ring and Qtero of l'ortuesl wen . ec been which arrived at Key X\ cal of the weird the same es'. uiu' Tue tows would be picked op on the 28,0 nit. , 'trot on a raft, the only survivors of thirteen liel•anzing to 111 uminaled. Of sixty three elections for members of the stip Mercy, of Liverpool laden with mahogany, itallan Parliament, 'rosy ere known to have res whit 1. foundered at sea, They had been lot, jutted favorably to the Government, days . 1:t food or water, The Neetbsrn saw At STIIIA.- , Priniiiient Murano thinks according the basks John We.sley and J. 11. H J.- to the viewy of their party, the Hungary debts ard, besides numerous additional wrecks. Is not in nes...dans, with the strict to7ai riches The steamship heretofore reported usher. at of IlincnarY, "tai rests upon a bowls of e,prity old Carrysford, Reef la supposed to have. been the common Interests of liung,ary and Austria. I Catharine 'Whiting from this part, oh the lith, ALndrta and Prussia bare adliressed a for Galveston, It is thought her passengers remonstrance to the Senate of Frmikfort us Orr and craw Were saved. - - _ •of cr.,: attat I:, no toe I ,v" principal , ~•rman mwers, nu.l tho Mayor nod Senate willk intLricuti.ous 1%41.1.r • I- '•• ~ U ADMISqI!‘ _ LSOUTHER\ CBfIRESSIIO, th.legotoL, Ae r,raltt.,l. ECIII.E.SWIri —The 1 -.. „„i ww Con re beer have attounced w used to pa ,— ot the Inhabltaots from recogni- ILL° :.lic fluke of Ancusienbura or toy other person as having authority In the Duchy. The On ,:(011 to the I at En 6slulord Is the cause cf this drmosstration, ersin —The cholera had entirely disappeared from Barcelona. Valenti& and the ltslearic 10. lands. At Madrid fifty cases occurred ou tne iit.34, of which thirty. two were fatal. Citron - -AMo-ctis of the Chamber of Com• upirsi had 14,, m id at Shanghai, r• .Ir,sati.faetion witli•the working of th i os I.irri ti.• is 0111( r,pnrtr. 1 t.• do word. MEM=i=El The rollowlrg I. a ropy or the Leers anion vy Ice the rirawera Etna and \ , which sailed Sow Llvt rm.'. October 25. It had In,ri dee.dcel, by the n c,,, of t; been that Lod i'dlrn,tcle should be O eib a future funeral in NV or rolbe'.er. of tee warns w,l' tse repreeentml by del , Latina,. I.luslne,i to 1. wis," will be almost entirely suspended. The Slos•k F.r.changu will be closed. No rtttrtataonoubs emeni had !seen modo con • cerrlug the r banges I s the ha'. an of ficial ancouncemen: would t,u made eller Vs'. mereton's funeral. The Globe says the queen had expressed .he wish that Russell w.oild aszept lb, Pr ecuterstop, PaleSrli hod rtc,-iced a-surances 01 suopart f rot ail hie colkazurs. The Globe kell,o. Clarendon w.ll tat., the iorelicu oreninn generally favors Itussel:. 'the Paris correspondent of the Ton, reiter ated the statement that Seward bed sent a di..• patch 4e t• e French government. The African prc is rt was thought of. but ow,n, to the in inn's, lion In the south,tbe troops could not he sdared, so the prrject ft II through. The 7 WV'S, wbieh at heat favored Gladstone, had 'ether veered around, making It appreir that tile. only r:ason and necosalty far Ii tsscli's ap polttmtmt was Decease England had still to settle with America to their mutual satisfaction. and Muesli was well posted on the sub.i.set,, and had a reputation to lose by has. complianess Or -reediest war. V:ewed In this light he vela no. ctatary. The Times says. If America had reasim to Mink such a scheme Lad been uroposcd, She was folly instilled to rtmonittstlng. Apart from !he introduction of M email - nen Croons Into Men. ten America bad so Jost urz;. , :s*.nt. France LL ,1,5 quite certain that the occupatlan was temporary. and solely directed t the eltain tenant.. of Ilaximilian'a tlo-one. The F. niece were to be :riod by a special e0t1461.51011. The excitement had almost en tirely subsided. It was stated that Mesiro was about to settlt she claims of the deferred bonds. r.ngiaed *6l tegotiating Let a c,,aliner....tal treaty with Austria. The Committee of Control of the Austrian debt were about to hair , an Interview with th Emptier to present ohi.ct lons t their removal from dire. It woo rxteeted that the Imperial Polllll,lli would be given to the new regulations propcer.d by the committee. It was reported that the Aust-ian Cetus of Ministers had resolved to couce Le a separate ininleur to Hungary. The statement that Aut riu was t doing trawl fee Mexico had been modifl d. Ittvulatio IA we, prattling for permission to till v..cancl.s al lb. Mexican typeset. The fees town of Frankfort had entirgeticaliv reprlltro the Imputations oi Austria and Prussia •r.. 1 the Frankfort Senate bed letermined to up cold the Independence of the elle. It was thought the case le once( attempted apollatlon. C, s ome ta t.— Oct. 36 —Cotton sales of the last few days Is 2.1,000 bales, lo- eluding 14,4) to speculators and exporters. Mar ket has been dull and prices hart declined one penrp per pound, cloaLng with,leas disposition to Nets Fillet , . , 1,, -• M A 11,6 Tei.— reads t ulTe tunes u pis cnd bilibrr. Tron lint; firiner,;Cor. ire Item. i . A/116(119 nen quoted on Tharstray (4,9 rut (money. Erie Shams, I plums Centrai Sierra, U n ie rt d orate, s ;3 lati.ot via. Londonderry. Litetricel, Ike. 23.—The cotton brokers circu lar reports sales of of tton for the week 44.000 ales, of which 11,000 bales were sold to specu lators and 11. (010 for export , . The market opentd steady, and closed"rl I ,war tar A nor ran and Bract'. Au hurlzl quotations ore Fair Orleans, 241; !diddling, 22';; htildling Mobiles and Texas, 23d. The Stock in port Is estimated at 305,000 hales, of which 50,000 aro American. The sales to day. Friday, foot by 15.000 bales, the market closing firm at an advance. Breadsruffs are still advancing. Prices are slightly higher. Provisions scarce and [trim L,rulon. II). Evening—Consols for money, • IV cutest. SO; Erie. Spates 5.20 • 11, ii3L..4o4,;istoth to-dey. Governor Fenton Recommend. Waran- New Tonic, Nov. n —An Impotent corres pondence has lately taken plane between Gov. Fenton and the lf,narantine Commies'otters, in which the Governor flays the Commissionm a may rely opoe being austained by the next Llgis!a ttire in whatever they may Reasonably do in gnarditor against the apprJsch and spread of cholera, and promiaes to recommend to Con gress an appropriation to meet the ilabilitim in corm! for this purpose. A return Bann Bail match netwiea the At lamics of Brooklyn, and the kthletics . of Phlte delprla,, was played thin afternoon. resulting In a victory for the Atiaaties, Bcoreof Atlantic, 193, of Athletics, 54. Sudden Death of a German Girl At the Union railroad depot, yesterday fors noon, German girritged fourteen years, daugh ter of rmigrunts vetio hod Just arrived in the city, died very suddenly. It appears that she hod been afflicted with consumption for two years, had doubtless her death was hastened by the fatigue and discomfort of travelling. Cor r:seer Clawson was summoned to hold an Inquest, but this was deemed tumeeessary, and the body taken charge of by Undertaker Devorc for bur ls], the expense to be defrayed. by the Poor Ftind:" -Haavvono, Corn., Nov. o.—B. W, Green. stsPresident of the Connecticut Fire hunt; ones Company, In aHs of Insanity lasi ,ent his wife* throat, causing her death in a few 'momenta. He then cot his own throat in two places and gashed his arm. He In still &nye, but there Is very little protoeet of his 'llan- A bendoued Finds to held by Freed:men,* . Bureau. NasuvaLt, Soy. 6.—The statement which appearcd,relatire to turning over property bold by the Freedmen's Bureau, was incorrect. Gen. Fish was directed by the War Department not to surrender the' prokerty, held as abandoned, PAW VIILUIsi to aTbs dip rrs,=.ldc. NE N -, Torm, No, A —The t.ratiVary to -day iudicitnen is against lwerity.e4;ta ter* Kern. Tory Will probably be arralzued Funding the National Debt P47EXT OFFICE d1T.11113 Nate T,.un, SOT 6.—The , 'Lva,rirre,dl', Wash ington correspondent any': Though the mem bers elect from the :South will not be placed on the Ch rh's Initial roll of representatives. It is regarded as a !act that seats n'timately will `,e granted :L. all sells se respective States have re nudism d tte war debt and adephst the an , slavery amendment, and If they can take the loot oath of The announcement hoe semi-Wit:tal ly stn . . to leading politicians South that they may take due notice thereof and govern thorn erlvts accordingly. It will also be .oe.stionei whether the l'reiddant's pardon does not oval - rule the test oath and make the recipient el ii;• ble to an official position. • Ibe opinion it gaining ..;orind lbw tli• idea of trying Jeff. Davis boa been abandoned, and he will be exiled. The President to understood to be sang - nine that Soutbtru representatives who can take onto will be admitted to seats in Congress. Cemmissiontr Newton has received a le: ge it. rot, of seeds 111111 a rollection oflnserts ef greet value to eterteniturteLe sadustu-ni:st• It - understood the House cove metier .etee I to take care of the twill. la re a tact that the Treasury linnet Teel has under mesideration a propoaltb, fir !undinz she difisrent Gescript.ons or the public deb . .., or 5., per tent. being the rates proposed. hires whale the Treasury presses are kept 112 active operation. The conr.terfelte of the National currency Is a aubJect of grave annoyance to the Treasury Department. General Spinner adv. Cale, a death penalty for counterfeiting. Washington la in a dirty and ti:thy condition. The approach of the nob ra la dreaded. The managers of the Washington Monument art poi., ing for another appeal to the Amer:- can peorle. A large pertlon of previous dona• Dona have been absorbed by local and State COl - The .ral . l siwelal says The Cornmisslon, of Patents refusci on So'ortlay to rxtend the 1w patent for the cultlvator. It Is much used out Wo.y. The Cotutd,si,ner, In Ills as. nual report, will ask Congress to withdraw from tire • ommisslouer the power of granting ex tensions In patent rases, The whiten of the Volunteer Reserve I ori. nearly all choose to leave the 4ervlee, and ail be mu•tcrcd ont occordln•rly. Voters! of Lteut. Col. ReTnold. NEU YORK, November o,—Th: funeral of Li eu t, au : Colonel John 13, Revs°ltin, of the Marine coils, t 0... "lade ytvterday afternoon. • in ilrebklto, With reremoo.... tln netPtlev the rank hies he of the deceased, and the estimath.— Was held, L' —On Sari:lay evening, November 3•h, r tocgrstion of the i,ts., Mr. JOHN URA , In the 47. 14 y ear of his age, The funeral will take piece vine (Tuesday) •rreirroos, at 0 o'clock. The ft:lentil of the family are ieepectlully la, lied to attend .11a17171HE Monday morning, ixt. oth. Wird ALBERT, coo of Johnston and .1 trio T Menthe, aged 1 tears. 10 :youths and 1 he friend. eft he family are re apertfu t ell to attend the (mural on Tcoor,i, 101 l . at it , ' o'clock, Iron. the residence of hie parent., near the Itlanchett,r station of the Pittsburgh and V.nehe.ter Passenger Railway. PRE W.-On Saki:nth mot olog, Nov. nth. at 10 , 4 o'clock, at her late residenee, In tiecil townehip, Washington county, Mrs. 111.1 OTRA rttEw, the loth year of her ago. 1 he friends of the ;family are respecililly m illed to attend the funeral Oa T 117. 1 ,4, Moan. lLe tth lost., at it u . c . ,,ck. to proceed to Met tiers Cemetery. T.iIfADALE c ,TEItY—A rural and oot picturesque plot, o t r.epulture, situ Ste on the upande, Immedietelyth of Allegheny 'lip, no the New Brighton Bead. nor Persons violat ing to select Burial Lot, will apply at the Super intendents Ulnae, at the Cemetery. Title Deed., Permits and all other bootlaces will be attended at the Drug Warehotm of the uoderitornal, corner of Federal and Leneoek otreeta, Allegheny. e.. 0 A. KELLY, n0...1yd Seer etary and Treaonrer. REEVES, 1CT.D.17C13411. T 8 EC. PI R. 88 an ithtleld Street, noir Fifth stray. Lir UOF FINS of every deseripi.lon t)E.IPE GLOVES and FURAISRINLI FUNE!? ALS generally. inr FINE IlEall.SE sal OAR furnish/4 10.11•11 - J AMES SOWN, MANUFACTURE& OF MIMED BORING TOOLS, F OR Sinking Oil, Salt and Other Wells, No. 136 WOOD STREET, PIITSBUROII, PAL Tools warraoteilmado of the yen' belt MAUD AND LOW MOOR litUN. WELL BORERS t urntahed ►t Lowest Cleadski Prices with such articles Al anc ;iceman/10 Conduct op cow ions, TIE ANVILS HATOILEIS, BELLI Sews naEs, sap ekEs au tsr.Ls AWES, wu eNwiEs, sum; rak , "LANES, 110 ES, ; LEVELS, AXES, I NAILS, cm Rope, Leather and Gain Belting, All of whleh I have constantly In store. ocilanol BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS PITP9f3OHGH PA PARK, BROTHER Ai CO. ttannacturer. of BEST QUALITY FIarINED UAST STEEL. Squar e$ At and QcW.ort, o all gluon Warrant. ad aqua Ito any Imparted ar nuundacturad to COI gauntry. OMee sad warehouse, No. I 4 sod 151 and LW and 1215amit0 simmers, PM burgh FIBS} roll-rd L111&-200 I. ls i Zesh, for VOLUME LX.T.VIII--iNO. 279. GFCCEE!FS, PRODUCE, &c JENKINn Commission Merahtmt. 89 Ir_. 2.23llElpawir AND PURCHASING AGENT. PITTSDIINGS, 2A. maw? to Floor, Grata, Seetta, Butter, Cheese. Fruits, and all Farm Praluets. Dent band. Papa lly FLOVlit. (sencrsztell) Always op haail. A 1..,. BEFLN E D OLLs. Prompt atteztion given to coustgnmetas sad sorrespoodenes- Weekly Prise Elsrrepu seat to . Dossliatora. Orders aad Conakralakt4ta IfaftaL .133ydavrl BOOTS 84 SHOES pATTERSON, AMMON s CLl.,'' t iss to rs Merchant!. Your, Grain and GENERAL PRODUCE DEALERS, No.. as° sod 382 PENN, STREET Ssott'• New Llusidiss. opposite O. a Y R. _ • spezty _ • 0. 21111.4 . 9ILA/1. REITER, PRODUCE, CONI; •-. 4 MISSION AND FLIRWARLiINI. DIEN CHANT'S, and parchsaing agents tor 101 Pitts burgh frisoufsctures. W oraboust, No. 9ti Liberty Street. Pittaburgh. PL 10.6:14 , 1 4 LIM X lInHL WB.A.NE S ANJ ER, Conanisi-qoa Nlerollants. Flur, Grain and ri,odnce, SECUND ST, betweea Wood k Sta4roleia, a:6N[t•¢D I)UTTEIt, SI&EN & SIIEPSIUD, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Jorelrn snd Dome"tip Frtill•, flour 'tot ter, Cheese. Vial., Polstnen, •ott yraluce gener.ily. No. tat LIBERTY" TIEET rem ouposße Paasenwer I leeor-, Pittemr CHARLES C. BALSLEY,_ PIioDUCS od Gommisalon Merchant, are-tiousa, No. mai Liberty sL, Pittsburgh, Pa. • W Wholtasla dead er to Butter, Meese, Lard, Ems,.Poic, Bacon, Beane, Tallow, Feathers, Rroomc, POtatom Hon,. lay, Pried Fruits, Get en Fruits, Onions, Floor, Grain, Ulover Seed:, Timothy Seeds, Ppm Seeds Game and POw."„ry. Particular attention given to Prmiumc 'boalwarnenta. ! auts , LIN/lA-P:1 • r I (Srcceßsort ro MACK OWN a IdiILAELT,) =xi • m-s...cytTisk Produce and fommlaalon llerchau t fet:lv Na. 351 Liberty sc., Pittsburiiii. lITTLE, P.A.TTO.N, Who:c -1--, sale G roger. and Commission Merchants. deal ers In PRODUCE,' FLOUR, BACONCHEP.sE, FISH,. CA HEWN AND LARD .OLL, iltAiN, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS,.end Pitts burgh manufactures generally, 113 and 114 SeconJ street Pittsburgh. •• !ULP t SIIEPAIiD, Com Mission 51... r. chants and dealer, In IPLOUR,,fIII,IINsAN PL E, No. 30 Latest y street, Fit:tabu rlt. Choice brands of Flour (or lialt.d . rs dud enually use constant ly on hand. Particulafattentlon veld 1111100 onlato for Aierehandlze gelltrapy. ottrrdly WIPE r. 6144 k reran.; larrunabt. WISI. P. DECK C 00., No. 14.5 Liberty Stsett, Pittsburgh, P., Wholesale Orocers, 'onlntission Merchant. and dealeraln UC' NTRY PRI )DI'CE, PROVISIONS, BACON, LARD, BUTTER, EGOS, M FB, ars., PRO. DUCE, FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, GREEN AND DRIED FRUITS, Soc. SALT and LIME. jyte :I 0111 , 1 13. CANFIELD, Commission and Forwarding Merchant and wholesale dealer in WESTERN RESERVE tin.Fr•tv ! LA RD, PORK, BACON, FLOUR, FISH, POT AND PEARL ASHES, SALERATUS, LIN SEED AND LARD OILS, DRIED FRUIT, 'cal Produce generally, No.. 141 and lag FFont aueet. Pittsburgh. es./ W eiucear It, . ne.. J. L. Y 413. , , ,, 1 I'AT RIC , BRO & CO., r. to joneph K Irltyntrtak &Bro., IV lit /LE SAL E Uronertee,. Flour, t_ir.aln Mist tA101.116 tab, tlneene, Salc,l. 4 1nai, an.l NotIII runt Ina Lllterty rett. Ps. jpli JAMES DALZELL ffi SON,; Manufac Dirers of LAltD'OlL,end iltimmottsston Mee. chants for the purchase wekii ante ot CRUDE AND ILEFINLD PETROLEUM, No.. fa went Wester street, httsburith. Advances coAde on cons 43- teems. ..4C11031A Eli LANG, Wlholestie drwlers to 01i()CERI, FLoUR, PRODUCE, PHOVLSIONS, CHEESE SALT, CARRON MT., I'OR , 7 71 ..4 17, Woeil &met, 0000 Libvity Strset,lsburgh, nel3-4.11y Ctsonol B. timer , OBOCOIISIT.O. I [L- T/ EA.D METZGAII, Groceri and Coin ...-. mission Merchants, sot deniers ti all kinds of Country Produce nnd Pittsborgh Idenufnetures, No niS Liberty street, opposite nee4 of Wool street, Pit'seurgti .pa-ty CrTWEE • 66T111....11•1i. O. p RYMER S BROTRS, (successors AL to Reymer to koderson, i gTholemle Dealers to Il)REION FRUITS, rstrrs nod CON FF)CTIONERY SUGARS, FIRE WORKS, Noe- te and , Wood std set, abOre Pats burgh. )9-Md FETZER & ARMSTRONG, Forwarding end Commission 51erohnists; for the sale 91 FLOOR, ORAIN, BAOuN, LARD, BUTTER, riEF.DS, DRIED FRUIT, and Prii.luse generally. No. Is Market street, corner of First, Pittsburgh, Penns. fe:ls,ly TA WALLACE, Comnuss#.n. Merchant .1 1 - , • smt Wholesale Dealer In FLOVIR & ORAIN sas Liberty street, opposite tenitisylvania R --- Dpot, Pittsburgh, P. Storage 'Wayne P GALL strecta. Waretoisse, coring • not-we • .11RIDDLE, No. ISI LLPERTY ST., • PITTSBUROII, PA.-0 ,gpmlaslon M. chant, Wholesale Deal, in Oonntty Produce, ()Nudes, ;trot Mutineer Man War t -ore. 4 /6211 .I,llpc,Xl 00A)002121.11:621111, 434 oatillor Pro-inn get:WIWI: 61121:611 It . S. LlOO2l, .101117 L 112,16, • • • .. . JS. LliioETT & CO., CITE Fa. uR • mu .5111.16...q,c0rner Litinrty' and Adana streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ina - thipaelty, 400 barrels per day. min _. _ . J - I. HOUSE & CO, Wholesale. tiv GROCERS AND 01 /MILS:MIN ME:, CHANTS, eoruer • Smithfield and Water street, Pitts/url, R . . . -- • • - - OBERT DALZELL & tO. Whole Lite Grocers, Coramtesion ll,Jad I- orumnitne Merchants, nal dealers In Produce And Pitteburgh manuinctures, Liberty street, Plttrlburjh. - - .0. /LOT°, WILiIAN morn _IOIIN FLOYD &CO., Wholesale Oro cers and Commission Merchants; NO. 172 Wood and ZS Liberty streets, Pittaborgh. Joie , lIARLES L CALDWELL, (successor to James Holmes b. Co , PORE, PACKER and dealer to PROVISIONS, comer of elarket and root streets, Pittsburgh. - • , , ATT & WILSON, Wholesale Oro cers, COMMi6•1011 Itlereh.te, and dealers In Produce and Pittsburgh manufactures, Spa L6B Liberty street, Pittsburgh. }tad - . plan DICKEY Co-, - Wholesale Grocers, 0013.11.111012 : , terch sax, awl dealers In PRODUCL, No. 60 Water street. ascl 65 Front 'net. Pittsburgh. L. VOIGT & CO., successors to LGraff,. PRODUCE AND , COMiILSSION MERCHANT,, 20 Liberty iticet. , Pittsbuty,h. nAVID M. EDGERTON t Wholesale Grass soil Commission blot t,107 Wood Sheet, Pittsburgh. Ps. . 111318.1 r LAXBIXT..4OIOI arorros.. A. 0. W.A.L.LAON I AMBERT, Si:UPTON CO. Whole W Grimm and Produce Dealers, No. t Sixth Btreet, Pittsburgh. ?ate pITTSBURGH FOUNDRY A. GARRISON Sz 'CO. (Sussesaors to Bollsoan, Garrison, k • FOUNDERS AND MACEITITISTSI hlanufast nears of Chilled Roller's of ail Mtn, for Iron, Steel, Brass, 7.lne, tiopper, Sliver, Gold Straw Boards, Paper and lndia_Bubber Works also, Bolling Mill Outings of all descriptions, Bub nu* Patent Double Grinder, wtth'e verbs ty of other patter: d, stomp on band and fitted to order on short notice and favorable terms. Oflive and Warehouse, ltti Smithfield dine; Pittabura. litany wootipsiDE tc WALLA.OE, qnstalossalo Driagg;:tost.a AND DEALERS White Lead, Red Leaddtharlie, Paints, 01 , Varnishes, Dye Stuffs, .ndoit lan and Put Spices, Perfumery, Bensola,4.7a on 011,Aa. Also,Agents far Wlntert UMW' grown Palnt Hamilton White Lead, OtArter Oak White Lout and Masers a. Whiton'sDelahrstsd Patna' Dryer In one and two pound cans- No. 37 WOOD 11;131$10,. (OPPOSITE THE ST. 0141.41 E( HOTEL,. PriTSZWIIGH. PA. J . 808 00P4 M A K Fillsbargb White Lead Works, pose WHITE 4iCAEL BIXE LEAD GROUND IN OIL FOIL PAINT. MO OIL BARRELS. ge6 NO. 133 WOOD PTILEET. . EAD.-4000 Pip Soft galena. Leaittor 114 Vatlf/litai SE zsr4rEr-rs NEW ADDER usT A LAJIG4 LOT OF Fall .andt Winter T. bo sold at RETAIL AA' LESS PRIOEiVtIa b. me Nr FACT MILTS PSIE by the . The Largest and .est../ts.sortment BOOTS 4 .r/ SHOES. EVER PS yHE CAT Y Ali of wliteb ,rel be eol.l %boot 11A7,F pJ: ,ICE. Rene; Heavy Rip Blots - - - $2,50 Women's Calf LeatlzArined do - 1,50 Childrens' Shoes for And AU other good.' et 01,am:et , r‘tlo. Catalyst Itaminsrs rr Su the City Bettrr Goods than es eriin the County. Mort Styles than any Ipaise in the State. Lowry Priers than nn House is the World Concert Ha 4 Shoe Store. The Celebrated :hoe gmporiuni No. 60 FIE4H STREET. OAR lIALr No. ea F16 , .,,H STICEEI rit.w t?vuu.l VISE euritt GOA rs NA('.B.OATS ENOLt` , a w A:l., K o t;c4sr., OVERCIOAI , AF A.LL EMUS 'TA N. Y OAP PA.:MS. 81401( PANTS PEO TVP PAN'Is M:= Cl.Orir% i ftEOARDL4SS OF UOS FUR 111 E €4 p.lYs J. H. SMITH & CLOTILIEhS, U.AAILALL, U FIFTH s'f., Opposite the !)pets Howie LATEST NEWS.I (:LAD TIDNIVGS TO ALL: ILLUSIO WHITEIVER, WE .AltE HERE, ALWAYS WILL BE HERE GIVE AWAY VA:i,TIABLEPRESE3fII, WOE *H PRON.( 50 Cents to 500 Dollars EACH BOOK SOLD; BOOK PUOLISIIERS':PRESEITITION DEPOT, 74 Fl rat • STIT EET. Call or Send fell. a Catalogue. IF Y , TR ELAIRIS FALLING OUT RO turolog Ore go to t"":ke CENTRAL pRIT3 STORE, and procure a bottle' of HALL'S SICILIAN HAIR PSI:SERVER, One trial will coavfaoa You of Its L value. Also, GYCERINE - CREAM, COLD OREA.SI, for chapped hands, Leir, and FUG. COE'S DISPEPSLA CURE. Da. SWAYNE'S (K)3IPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY. You will always Gorton hand at the CENTRAL DRUG STOW:, wt. 01 Ohio aid Federal streets, Alleabevy. eel t • GEORGE A.. KELLY. • IRON LEGA Corner Penn atl!d t. Oitir Streetih PIITS%., DEMI, FA. The largest, alassfcat and mon raceentol BUSINESS !WS COLLEGE IN TILE IkNITED &I:ideate enter and i'vterr at any time. Air thuders, contedning iformatloo. sari ore to cnY &MTh. en application to the .Frlnct pal a. .11 VEINS smr*, no3o:lew.lillewT PITTSS III 6UIS4 Pi; 1)RI/D .NOW RECEIVING. I me au Treeh Tatde Sutter; 100 boxes Prime Cream Meese ; 6 barrel Freida Etts ; 60 4 . Sweet Pwlatoea ; 6o Extra laml4 Flour; 25 " Choice Arples. Tor .ale by 11. iLLD Dia No. On Liberty street. ,OPENING OF A'a.TON 13TREETpa 'd The amoartionts.epoa the prevails. beaorn d to pay the Munagils of -W. 61). - 214n6Dlgti the opening Of WateMi attest , haos.beco Ptoor , , tri my hoods for colleAton. ^',,&ll,thopproone.,erbo..:i hays beta anew& arm herety-itotmr=3 their asiessateata *this hits: "doll ' date, or the said rusoinnears „inn be Med up ow llesor salad thepwWitettles, with Id -m+ l.l ?_” I and tees for collections. S. • W.. re • ' cellar& .City BOtiottar• saaaarazizair - 11:3=2,isust rte. Iss U ~ttmuiWl at all Wadi, .wino. of rapir al VrattaithUfg Gott f 7 : tnroiane b&I. dayia Zane _ Rvv. 11. Riormovtoo—Bosr.ADarli "Imot,itafttptions Evisaulo lamob U.I2E/tier :No,. WALL PAPEnB, for Parlors Piga ami Zola; Roams, Hall. lad Mamba; us d.coranTe styles, se:No. 107 Sertei srillt-ttest Flat, or2l :308 -B. uua BEti. ' • ~ REESE.-209 perres Goshen Cheese, UM a.... , do, Ilsatryg CI:Oro: /go lit i WI ii WAUSIII,2I