The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, November 06, 1865, Image 1
he Vittsbarilh kt nett. CITY NOTICES. Cloaks, At 13atea a neloa 21 Viral etre, t Diatitillas; - At Dates 8. Dell's, No. St Fifth street. flacpues, At Bain & Bell's, No 11 Finn street. Shawls, Batts 6./1.11441 Fifth street - 11 Fin itrett.. 31 £lllll strata Dry Goods. Bite* & Bell Hates S HeWs Dry Goods, zt Fifth stmt. At eel& 21 Fifth street 'Bata & Dell's, tilirts, 21 Firth stmt. . . An menu Emigration. f hameese e ignition will pour down Auto the 40tIptIttli Eta t with the restoration of peace. tholieettfle gee thern refuges., from all tiui towe ling tilleeefithe North, will return bone t thous t~ndirthorthera eoldters wilt move in the same and se Us la the closest heads of union, amoral their "out ern brethren; nod, in obedience to ihe rage Of d and end initttly, thoUtends of northern fanner. mechanics, and laborers, will Mesa the mighty volume for the re•penpling and ,rishaNdling the waste places of otheSwtny South.. T¢ latleiga2Foin of this grand diver ton Of Pao tide ' 4Z*Siteffigitm, thirliniteatting4eUtende • • **them We proprietors° f liostetterte delerths-: thd ' Slantiaoh Bitters are putting up adflitlanal fitionseuidnOl hazels of their universally popular 41110 fed alterative. Mattatony of soldiers, sailors, tray- ' ehets. , trapperm-iiiners, emigrants, reforms. tar amdlgiOlteNtiffOrth and South, mood of • identioNo 014 to Cleo dud tellable reintetlial agent, and as is proteettnt 14.4. inst all the eout plata' incident -to eattiMitre, privetionsrohanges 4 climate, diet, water and habits of life, Itoeirier , ride's Eirrons, used as &nested, are wdrth their *fat In gold. Emilt,orSouth...-Comewniemed. it Is also proper fo!itite that tho Biden are sold exelcuilvely to glass, and never, under any e#Otlzatialleel Mr the galleon or the barreL .impOs• • mho end imrtattors are abroad, awn the only safe gwd that the pnbitt has simian them is to see that the Bitters they buy have the engraved -11Sted cud note of or Mesas. llostatter Stelth, and vorproprietterridamp over thernile of North' Cirolltra Tar • II WA low at Fltalatea Drug sad Peteoi bledl -akite Depot, No. 81 telDket 'treat. Fall - and Winter Goads. It le with great pismire we call the attebtiOn of Om smuts» to the ettgestb stook otrillimaitelatar 40 ettekletteeelyedorm, John welerllirchant ' tto.: ,tedeiiii, Street, elletilleak• HL crock embrittikciiiiit men and mod; beau. Ittalultdimbeastaere4OraproatlnglamiVesting sisorcitight to the western market. His Assort. meat of ' randahlest -Goods, erimprialcur - Matte, thcilare, Seet. ies, Serulterchltfe, nOwt be surpassed east or west. A large stock of ready-made Pants, Coats, Vesta and Overcoats will also be found at his establishment. persons td want of anYWN In the clothing tine should sot • tail to give .a.r. crater a call. ' • • .11 'Mans Iv. PariT. a co, i. rrietleal Slate Roofer" and Dealers In Anjennta Slate, of earls,. color" Office at Alexander Lenthlln's, near the Water Woms, I Ittshargh, Pa. Residence. Ho. IS Pike street. Dater, arharptly attended to. All work warrkotett lister ary'rof. Depalrlax done at the shortest optic+. No rhatge UV report", provided the robe L not Inner,' after It la pot on. • A Speck or Danger. the minutest bleak spot on she enamel of a ,Oral Lan evidence thvdeettra.erasi tie linger has tcunbed It. tat:LOWY Interpose , the Sorodoot as a ear/khan!, or the tooth L gotta 0.1 not octir that one but perhaps hello dozen.. Be Xosured that nothing but Sozodont will either effectual/1y pre ve.Otor Wien dente disease. • Carpenter Jobbing Shop, kaolin rettuhod alter an sauna, of haree . yeara e1k9 011 P1X..4 . 49 1 491vetF4zu ahoy tor oh! aorta In the carpenter line, at taro old ,rand, Philp Alley, trews., Snutheeld meet ac.leherry In . Anshan toholtned and promptly attendhl to. - tettti.tx Po aniac, Dry Goods at "Low Pricer. At Dunlap, Luker b. Co.'s you. will dud tl e ,largest and best asaortment of dry goods to be .badilti the city-. They have a very urge aisort mentOf flannels and blankets, of white awl col ored; and a fine assortment of French marinoca, r gastile, Wool delainea nod :Wool plaids; also. na . Stock of dentestta goods; in feet, every th fog visually kept in a first class dry goods store, %apish they Are aellixtr no low, if not kewer, than any oth hence in the city, at wholesale and relail. We would advise our reader. in want of any triton in the dry Hord, tine to give them a call, foliate are satiated you will be pleased with their goods and prints. „Remember, the place la 130 Fediral at re et,' A ileglieny. Pray Three Minutes Walk Auto the nem' mallrelt bens., 112 Federal street, where the public are Wetted to call and examine stock of choice-eandies, tame, fruits, ho- N. D. I urn only be found in the tlarket llonse en Tniteday and Friday .morninis, and at 112 Fit end greet, Patutdar ernrdnan no3:ll. Strange, Very Strapv,e, Yet `tls true, that there Is a ilandsome Present, trosth,from6ocents to 0.5,00, given testa each Hoek told ',Oen.% VIM street, and at the same time, aelllne the Book and Albums at Publishef's Priced.; Monleis, • White ' and colored. & good aasortment at I lav prlces,r n the northeast corner of Fourth and Wallet streets. U. HANSON LOVH & BRO. leolce&le 1 nocds..A seal stock ea tow prfees, oo ahi torthenat corner of fourth and Market at owe. C. Masao& Loves Amu. • Lervban wr Wit. LLOYD GAIMISCNJ—A larzo andlergge gathered last evening at the appointed place lat listen 1G a lecture fro m Usti famous apos. tie of human freedom. The L- Pssi.seresent amt Future 41 , 0nr Ora atry" was the subject chosenr atrardlog a wide cud fruitful flel j for the itanurevr, Mr. Garrison hsudled the subject 1s an original manner; giving his own individual and peculiar views, with which, of course, everybody whi readadajtegnalated. • the lemtnte was intensely Interesting, and was listened to with evident ant Jolidentand satisfaction. We trust Sir. Garrii son mast be penluaded to visit Erie far a second time.—Apia,Difamayme Sattorkry. „..icttroalms Insurrection. New Xotux. Nov. 4.--The iVorldhas a Kiag. ton, dental - y . lOBlE6r of the 15th ult., which says the principal cause of theoutbreak amongst the neg„roes is owing to th'o real - Muse from the Rome Government In answer to the petition fur relief from financial grievances, virtually tel ling them to go to work. Also that several gross frota the United States have disseminatell pendulous Mean among thel,gnoratit blacks,. and the friattr.`orn large number ol brutal ne , -rocs of St. Domingo. Several white men and men in St. Elizabeth-parish have been horribly nirdere4ond toe:utmost terror reigns. In the. Black33,Oß yro_nity, thern_will be attOmilscrim- Mate Matilacre % TUe rating.* ttniveraal. Vitgliiiithiliof Wolin Van Buren. TROT, lron. .1:oln ran Ihsren: —The untlerrfenictilyereirith yorifrbm the close of your e4dreis at'ibe'Metiiderrtie meeting in Troy until solf-fetfitki togicd Itint night, and pronounce thestatimitnt r in:tho-: New' York Tri bnnr of the Uillaltent,ll3 :febitlait to loa real r, Goveriosfirmaparand ctwebicagavolimaion to ba 4 tPittersc l 4l4-0.e.1. Utfeitstettterish Mad. -,44434. 701 ,Gno:„Tl:•Vironea, , hicCONitty Jo. • Meeting Or Me .rfatern Liegatiate Press. :Special Dhipateh to the pittsburzh Gazette. C..rtoinsviLLl, lido. 4. ordei of the President, the Western As- Sedated Phisswul meet In this city on the 22d inst. TheVestern kiimehttkm extends a ear dianultsGen to the Press or the South, and Can tat hope they *lll attem} this meeting,. Trust. Trotitng on the Faithton, Canna. New You, .tiosember . 4.—The -trotting on Falbton Caare.e. yesterday with Limy, to a 2 50 . Pound wagon,' nzaterd, - Efonest John. in Umtata Was for 11,000 tneth--nitle heats, three In fire. Moore won all-oesttl; time. 2:17,; 2:45 and 2:15. The .sweepstakes Y - I,ooo.fordlins estlerlash, In harness ' was won by 31: 1 5 0 1r,Wortil. Gsorge rd Commo dore sanderbtlt annotosetd to trot, was Post poned. There wilt be a math this afternoon at lUntott-Cottrse. THE DAILY PITTS URGII GAZETTE. -- Moe,: hi uses are wanted in Bedford. The hi s LATEST NEWS quire,. sacs, To-day Bedfcril demand• tifty ; BY TELEGRAPH. Wid they he [Anal from all a lth a comes the walling tnterrogaiory of the wife, the' BUSINESS OF THE PRIZE BUREAU_ widow, and the orphan, “Ans I to be turned Into the sires , and to one who has the capital deigns to anew, r. We ask in the name of humanity. Large Amount of Fractional forrenry Onlertd are ant laboring People to be left Imuseless? Er. I ery one of fifty dwellings are uegeutly demanded, will nct acme one, who has the money, proceed at once ki Belli ve this want t Let etterpriw the tsar. Yon. old fogy, who hove closed by with kilned arms, for twenty years, and aptoo nothing, stand aside, let live men, men who know our wants and knowing dare provide for them, take your place, As Iron Company from Danville. propose to lease the various ore land. near Bedford, Pa., pledging themsel ves to expend several hundred thousand dollars in six months In the erection of foruaces. Thu Beilfo d issysterer nays . "Ttrenky furnaces could not esliitust the supple of ore In this vicinity In n thousand yours, ;m a there it , no good reason fur a less le.l/ 1 111;: :11: the ors In the entintry. There is no better Ire Una in Pennsylvania for furnaces and rolling mills than Bedford. We are O.M-distant hour,. the Alleetteny and Broad Top coal O, Ids, only .1 few miles trite either, an I loth on the line of the Soutlion P, int•vlYntati, Railroad,— A ar4l of infanticide. occurred In ni; Car last Tuesday. A w..ruan vote rweivol v. the - New York Hole], Ihrolltil charity. During . the niztit .111,2"z:ire birth t.. a 1 1, 1141f1111d. S plelon Cowan! her was (IMIIAOII, and upon questinned, she made a ....lifession, and stato.l that she had throun th...• 1,11,1 into a privy. A medical esartillina.m ihow.l l'tat the child aline when born. Thy ao r n ln dyes h.... n. Rachael F.lizaheth Dungherty, an I sac her mod, a w, •ow ronu.o, and.t . r.v. Plthole. She state.. that -It, it a trarr,•••l man, her Ittt.thaotl, anti It, (Attar or hatln.rl,..en killed in ',trio of the last batiks of the She a ill -eat t.. Frank:in, to tti• tried for the crime. A TOI"Nts men, Lieut. I dieg, lets of titttery A. Campy ll's Peunstirsole Artillery, and formerly a resident of Surewsberry, York 3t1.1 ty, committed suicide at the public house of Pettr FornofL In York Borough, last Sonday morning, by discharging the contents of a Jowl ed pistol Into tie heed at the temple. He lett a puree eottaleing some for.y.tive dollars, and a reatost that he should respectably Interred. He added also that his brother would knob• the cease which induced him La Mize his life. Toe annual session of am "Mercer County Teacher's lastitate" will he held at Sharon on the bth, 7th. and 10th of November. Tfteliallowinz distinguished Tarzana are enacted lobe present to give instruction sad deliver datum : tine. David Tud. Ex 6ov. of Obi i; giamtlel P. Hues, L. L D.. Dep. Sup't Dom- Schools of Pa : Prof. Beer, of Ohio, author of Boers. Grammar; Jo seph C, Cooper, A. 31. Price, N. W. State Nor. School, and it.seert Kldd, the celebrated elecutioniet. Duman the heavy rain week befere last, the of Mr. Samuel Wertz, on the .Tulpehockon creek. In Berke county, was stopped "for some maaccountable reason. Upon amunletation, It was found that the stoppage was occasioned by the water wheel being tilled with eels. Oce hundred and twenty pounds were taken out, and the mill was again put In operation. Tite Lawrence Journal says t' Workmen are ennaLtd in erecting me Iran Bridge over the shanorc k at the bead of Washington street, to New Csstle, The structure, is our opieidu, will bn neat, substantial, durable, and much er per than a wooden structure. It Will be an ornament tonic town. • TnE Pella& Iphia and Reading listiroati Com pany hate introit need gas to their L'icometiien. for their head lights, which •in more brilliant. end ennet queenly aesurers more safety thou heretofore. A confw of eneineets are surverng a rallYoa.l rento from Wa.tnngtoo to the !tuning lisifroad at A rdsborongh via Kennet Avian: and CYnts vale. Tut: Stews. Flelde.koper, to divitruntian f atone IVoolen Factory in Meadville is recordel elsewhere in this paper, intend to rebultd their factory, and other Ftructalr.6 without delay. Os tile . 25t.11 ult., Nlr..inlit t E. i'11:11 lantn , Y. shot .1 fnm a tr.. on Lock Crcck. n!,;. - It ton t,, wad wrn•JiTt from tip to tip. Tut' Portabl e Sam Af.:: Rhine-, at I.ak.• t tlarktu. I'. NI:. tQtrued Ime nighc tart rrne6. IV •1, laarn any of the particulars, . ON Thursalay, the 25t11 alt., a I...,l::::ntatt • ing at I toltlbort k Luzern, nottnt),• l' a„ Jtt t at •: Om bonier of Wayne. had his j. - ,14,,a Int, and mhbet.l t 2,200. THE. tr.n k , of the !or, rn;:road iu J•, !..liug from I?, Cam . . 71.1 Ir to W ti 1:i to :aid tht lo,rr end .kf to:, during the mtdult of 4 ktober. +Mini:LEN! chdt v, preacut thc Slon.on.ut In in.: at * Pal on W,lnf•t.4fay. Tar lag pew raper that we hav L. I th , Clo , • 72 that iiallet,n, a at 11:on \I::1-, Erie ( . ..unty, 'l'a . ,lia—l. nEitT, of the CiliCLlA+.‘" 11111:4 na, has lamed 3 pre , l37ritinn t , . IJ!: - no wak,wz Itnuwti cori , :u,i., l l of lb, v „r Fun 11 the Luibrd btatad, and deal:Attn.,. t hat aa: are at an end In the Chtekataw Nation. lie recounts ark that u..groe, yea•-y of.oz . 1. indent:Jr,: to No it torn,: tit ...we. on:1 age, that Llw former tuaster be. ohluted Is: taro or the ta;ml ;do, . and nurture re , orn al !• It] law:tract, 1,1, at fair wag..., and dou no trouble will follow madden haat, le, titer 11111111111. • A rata dredgefor deepening La,. channel , 4 the Mikeitraopt, at tee mouth has been eoypi•u- Id, and In thus deneribed •'ll. I,is the form of 1 huge harrow, with and will vc tut• draguo do: the eorapact sad marl Wu , •'I form the bar. This wlaturn,, h: Lion a the wat, rh—the cart:mt.:— . •,.a. nate the pa ta,:es over a erea,t sa - lace, aid tho,k'• ei,n the ehanne. MEMO TIMM: was a great meeting of w.):1(,),(.a In Fwatu.: Hal', Boston, OD Tauraday WOt t help forward the rnoveca,t for eatahl!))hlog a). eight hour aintetti of lanar. 1:0801W )no wen. EDUpI , and nurtehei male 4y W,adon: l'a.l lefjor Mahn)) and ()the', advoreki•.g the ELCIVCIII3IIL, Mr-J./ • 1,, H L, • , f t•p - izi.z!i I.!, 31 1— dip..l at 01.• bretaklaat obit, Sunday lo.,roin .rist the io- , t of :I fame. of ,•]..:11t r hildrun, ‘.von or whom di.' so (Icn:y In thvii chatrn. thy elgtan fu.. ,n A taro of ',tutu Irni,ortun: e trai (1,6.1,1 io tit ornty Court :It Illinoi3, tL. o hr. 411 i Y. A farm had bete surd oath a horboal irt, , enation of :hi. ~ jotriTlZ crop, It W3h hold Chit th, tto a with the farm, as they could Lot ~• „let-cited 11 , a more voehal agreement. it bas teen tugeested that the Itrlti,th r, to- OrnrOclll. 1.1101.1 id vote a cunt of .t.:31/.000 to aso,r. tale whether coal Is to be: found W the nel4b borhoot.l of Loodnn. . I . l .2nygeolozlsts, it scouts, be litre that the Ilriulan coal- tleld extondi along utter all the southern eocittlitd of Eunlaad. A vn:.IIItADLE gentleman, lit the with y•.et re. tiding lu Full River, wean a pair of hoota which be purchased In April, ITV:. fur whiei, it.: paid tt I. sum of ( , :1,50. They have lwen wore art r nr Icse , every yenr slime their purchase. form y ;amines at Now York Cr., is seere% ward now, that the hotels charge regal tr Loarerre rozetyulau Why du transient Knetto. The IV dk,i 419 prefer to keno botckt rather than hoorah g uolutu. • TUG Gram. Northern Railway la godland •Is golog to introduce, o system or consuming the emoue 01 dna loco Dupree, and thereby, at the same t;tne, manaractare the neetssary Gls f o r lighting LLB I rain. ctputlition i s Itra4ll Ii sa alr, rlr collected an lIIMICtIIWIII/1111.7, of 5r.,,c.,“ In the depart of natural histry. Emu, Iv Hew Fpcciutett.i. of Itielot, an: daily I, and one day ill. nornher renehed t _ sp.. t -tu tAt . Inehne of hurtle P tin St. .10...1.h. Mo., on Manila, of last It eek an.l ho‘e. pr,, alkyl in v. parin K 051.411 within a feu days paet. FOI:11 of bartea are at 11171/Isol,, i t , with lalators at twenty c'cola a hit tt1.,1 for St Lout, and Ismerkeg. shipper* w.l make a dollar a bushel oqtr all coot • Taa,' 'acre high prices come.frarn. Tire Boston city eoverttineet [Wined as order, Monday °MIAs wtiLtiOri 7 Ang the Ga:blt Elate water hoard to beild a reservoir oltatid 000,000 capacity on tha Lawrence ;Deaden', in Brighton and Nedetilo; 14 coo/0004100. A Tratt or peat ;Was made on a loeoUlotive the charlotte branch of the Yew York . Ceiltrel Railroad last work, with excellent success, a etrong and even heed of steam being kept up l by it.- ErNthotl.4nil ennui of bind, owned by Waldo P. Johnson, formerly Caked etatce Sun-, ntor from llkonourl, la. being sold fontlebt Intyd sotitbw,et pert of dilimouri. Mr. Johnson inrrn . Europe. triternatkinel h Cotgreriv,to prevent. - MO Ir L p r a i d e o! tile cholera, In to re eld at, Corltitati . ; IVA, talking In Cleveland about haring a i'great Public Park, everlookleg the shore, of Lbke Eric. 6, , To people of the Northern port of Medford .coonty are aelteorg the nubj, et of a turnpike *ern Pot:or-1.11:nt o flop,. Bell, EMZECICI It lOL S ITEMS WasursovON., Nov 4.—Within the last few days. progeny of wrest value to Loudon Cone , which bad been libelled and condemned under the confire.atlon act, ex . /. set apart for the ltureee of Refugee Frreedme bud Abandoned Lends, has hem released by the INteau /10.1 the orders ream inu it to owners have been delivered. official roller woe delivered by our Sitirinter at London on the 15th or March last to the British Government of the termination of the Rerit rocity freely betweet the United States nr.d her Britannic Slydesty, le conformity with the proYlsionauf the treaty, and of the Juiat res. °letters of Congress, apprr,Yed , alluttry 14th, 1805. ,ColleciMs of CuStotns andOthors, there fore, are of Instructed by hbe Secretary of rho Treasury that the operation of the treaty will realm on the expiration of twelve mouths from the time of which the notice wan gluon, The Europa HUH at, ttuarautthe-4;holera • • In Parts, • • New bone, Nov. 3 —Ttia steamship Europa, from Havre, Is still at the lower qusrantlne, Nur 'gain Burden slates that all are Well on board, 'no carne . , .of choler's were .kooir a 11pp Harm prior.lO.thin selling attic Europa. Sbeitopped at Mat btu three hours, 'blob Ors Is represen ted porffctly healthy Mow of bar patseng,rr ago from Parts, and Bishop Lynch of chsrieston, stairs that Choi, ra presalLed to Paris, out Dot es: an cpliternic. rMITItrAkt 3tO/4120E. Nov. 2.—The PoeMe foot to-401 rot. Francisco. tt tonsktoll of the ..tealnera Vandorl•ilt, To.,orova, POW hattnn sild ibe , bothle ter , ttv.l ro.olitor Manatloock. T.o.y vla. Ht. Than t,. PROTRACTED CABINET MEETING. Maximilian's Assassination Proclamation REDEMPTION OF NATIONAL BANE NOTB, The Cases of Bohrcr and Paid NE, 4.—The Tr bitna's W 3,01 Ugt on we iul says: During the month of 0.• tobyr last. the Prier Bureau of tho Treagury IM rnlment adjusted hive thousand eight han dreg and sixty naval cl.tiots iniolving . over eta tullhous of dollar.. Thy lollYetor for the district of South Cr!ai nil ' , Tort, fourteen cot-Con manufacturing untie within his district. The Secretary of tlic Tie :liter) . has order,' a :arse 111Z101111l a; iractional run airy The tier/Ws ate el al nays: A pro. r 6%3 , 1 Cableet wetting Was hrhi io-day. All Lt. , 113tISIttra were tireacot. [MI Ulldt r ridtration our lorrten affairs. S.cretary&ward et, tcrl‘l the o beery to a gainer at hie reateenco on rho radar. The gi'vyrt menu will ;notably take early ;teflon fit recent . prv.clazonti.ii by Max :lon ian, ical ranting the aisseinstustion of every pris oner taken by his forerS. A sp. cial to the World hoot Weshisirton on November 3t says: The IlMmptroller of the Currency has Just called the attention of the National banks to the prOvistons of the law rrquiritig thtin to provide for the redemmion of their notes. He is determined that action on stoli part shall re taken as siitedile as ism ethic. Some of the banks hay: already 'skim the hint, and arc sending that hates h.:re for c.erllstlon. The occupant of the house in Wm.hit._;ton where President Lincoln died, Ilan made a claim for damage done the room and furniture on the night of the asaaaalnation. Relic hunters would buy the furniture at high prices. Lame rium• !wrs visit Ford's Theatre daily. Ninety-six-volunteer medical officer. were breveted on Thursday by special order. A special to the tierald says The calls of Levi Bobrer, charred with gigantic frauds nn the Navy Denartment In the enlistment of sail ors aril marines at listilmore, will tOttlol,lt, be fore the Military Commission to-el ay. An sweet from the War Department dissolved the Greene Military Commission lust as It was about to take up the trial of Capt. Pettit, the Alexan dria jailer. It Is not probable that Pettit will ha brought to trial. Insomuch as some of the evi dence necesoaru to convict him would Implicate ;imminent parties COW out of service, who can not afford to stand 11l with the public. The WaShinti,nott Mon mental Association eornin . e , loned Or. kfnegowan to solicit vontri- Indions of Lapidarium stones from Asiatic coun tries. The Association have determined to coin, piece the mon umeut as soon as possible. CAFE OF GE Y. ORT EG A. Itliscr ilaneous Washiogtou Newi, I.FghIiATION iii REBEL I", , RE, Nov. 4.-111 tip \lien vs. the Mexican Gear,ralOrr.,:a. .tfl we, p:etsti yestentash showing 11:1,1 ~r Its:ter, no;z3titel 1.1. r, •tf etwt so I.:111.1 by forlie 11.11 fO, I: VV!!...)n an.l Farnlm..rt LA, Coll. 8111, =ME that th , •y acre BIOME tvlodn h.• datt .e, , sl falsity % ffi • adavits testffitsi h• th, had t' A/n.n and t, 01/ t (~ t tic :ALL , . it rp Um' istunty lastkers. Alice itiavh .mml, Atli iIIVIto. and the Court its* the ratters for de t ask.. 1.1,4;e5: .4 , 1,rt.”1 4 ' ,.111 :1! \ 41'l„1 York IL Poinstion..n.s he, h., ;,,ot•• hom to vuI..PI. j": 4 I,r theWll: ./:. 111,/ 44, 41,1 '1" he har iirzi.l upon the riioloritl, ...hit tio. or the estitnaten for the e a r ;e itegiiiation, ah. i•., t o fff Li, Lar, tie fr , Pit • after the termination of th -eelpowinv The leodp, ;0 to; u?,:r ,11/i p. 1:•. :j •11 lb , 'I. hare 21,7 cd. t... /.. Syyrw i A•wi•rant ,Inc w :, I, t., one.ii, ~• ,u telt, ;Ft which turn, of Inh,thit.tots . I criy d~tn,i , ....11' J r.a., the el , tys cf it:tiler, has rct •utl, . iv nr for ..1 Presiq-nt ! IN N.., Itachs, trot of Nira, tA.itidan,that or Dr. Cainitil l,Ur. Mui r and 1 ,, , , rn1ni.,,t C.1!7 , 11., 11n n In fm it !, ~ 'FI lion an.•ry AL.., Mai/ itt tle•e; ,tt• Ih. t ta nrtr . i ; \ .I'll PI. The Rh Itrnetstl Prp..!.' at y. A ' ant! fitly • , ittrt.•l, re 1... NATIONAL BM AT NEW 01ILE ;NS Captain Mooney SL-Itonced A 1.l LI. IN ht 111.44 AITI,ICATIONS oltK. Nov 4.--A el eea; to the 7 ..0,fr00a r vNbligter . NOV. .4), 641)1 The eyp!icaLlou to the (- etc Li roller of the I orience. for the ea thl I:r.Ltn, I.(a Note-on , Heck at N vr!th a teoltal ut 1,tal)900 dul;4l - 5. be, Ileett granted. 'lco , War DeparCznerl has proma;gaced ch. ,entrf ee aLana.4 Cap'. J3,no. .Mousey, of Ci.' 19. h 1 S In teetry. charged with eollitlng, at ty. t og and Inspecting, In January and February wilts no rvcruhcne. survlce la S.lh . York ell). I' Err fir an, Michael Llilearney, and eleven I . to, r perH.os, and severally cradling them false ly to two or wore towns In the State of New York. at the same thno, and receiving corruptly for each recruit, a credit of terli from boun.v brokers. The sentence of the court In, that Capt. Mooney be dlsoonorahly dlsmksed tram the cer clot, and pay a tine of MOO dallars, The Secretary of War approves the sentence but re. tulle the hue. Tbt re is a lull in the pardon linstuss. The ss orrat.ts of Itog .1. A. Pryor and it ,beri o,sid, await the sictiature of th) President A rnong the latter applieathins la that of Mejor General J M. Withers, of Aishame. CO %MIMED LANDS RESTORE 11 Termin .lion of the Reciprocity Trim' y •Tto • Pacific Fleet wiled PITTSBURGH, MONDAY. NOVENIBE It 6. 1565 THE RED RIVER EXPEDITION, s:lt • $3 tau 3.5.. el• • • r- t usEs or IT I'..IILURE. sent:. N, r. t.—The Tribuu puhlishoi n. Bat kb' o poi ei lb,. fled Iltver The aOClll,lif rl:lsh,ll3 and a 113!t* co:atna, The Mans of the Government from the Incep tion of the exp, dit ion are (tiny detailed. one (ordered by the secretory • of War, and by G. Herat liatleck, then Coalman der• in• Chief. TLc faioire of the t - rpeditlon Is mainly charged upon the naval fore; under the c..inntand of Admiral Porter. Gen. Banks says the army was delayed sixteen day. at Alexan dria by inability of the navy to pass the Rapids, and three clays at Grand Score, giving' the en,- my time to roncentrate. Admiral Porter mean while employed his men and boats in collecting rotten. In the comae of the report., he us, tie , following lanynaze: "ln view Af Turman,' dispatche s of tlen. Porter. It is proper for me to 'ay that every position of difficulty in Wilk!, the army war placed In tills campaign wen the Im mediate and dire et voillicfporiceS of delay In the operation.. or th.• navy during my term of service. It Lae been an inviolable role of conduct (rain which I tiny, nuvee depar.ed, to forbear Or; prt•exiOn of ,rphli,a, or , ollll.lalot Iwo!,rii a 11( i• lo es. ton I lout It a In, y 1. , 113 1/ ...Illy Lai 1111 , i r. A,1,.„: ,411, la; •i a. ta • ~ a, la d to i1t , ..."/Ipulgu are at Tartan, it h a which there ate many (Lon s.incl hying witne_sKes, and do fool Injustice to the olllecra and soldiers of the army, 111 , 1ng and dead." liebtralßasika eaya the partial of dialotegra of the commands wan a cause of embarrass ment though rot of fedora. Ile refers to the lb abil;ty of Gen. Steele to form a Junction With the Lenin column, the withdrawal of the ma rine hrigade before thi movement Was completed and the feet thatiGeti, A, J. Smith's command combd remain with:him but thirty days. Ile 'aye even had the alloy reached Shreveport. It could not have maintained its laeLloa there. only possible method or maintaining thin poe!• tir.n woul.l have been to concentrate a force au .ti numbers to the enemy, with snatch:Lit tin.t. W terror him Whenever he should Move, erVer. If it took un to Galveston. Tale was Aug. gaited as a poreible result of the campatsm, but It wria not eMbreCed within the orleinal plan. and wee specially precluded by orders received hoot the Lieut. General commandlag the armies. Ile dtclares that the enemy was defeated In every encounter except In that at Sabine Croas Roads, on the 11th of elpril. This defeat Is at tillated to lho loose order of march and in:t werp( r position of cavalry and tralna. FROM SOUTH AMERICA Progress of the Paraguayan War, THE SIEGE OF I/RAM:AV %NA NEW Y us, Nov. 4.—Later ostellopenee re. garding the moan... Of tho War In Soria' Amor 'ea, is contained lo the despatches arid norms. per files from Bnenos Ayres 12th and Iflo Jao cirtr to the 94th of September. Zbtre bad been DO severe engagement of the opp,ming maims Mace the battle of Yaltaby, bat he ideee of Uragoayana still continued. Un he. sth of A urual 7.1000 or S 000 Paraguay ...a shut themarivea up In that town which e immediately nealeTed by an arms of 20.000 B-a r. 111.8. Argentines and 1:n1E114p:toe. Up to the Int•et ar,vocte, the Ineeatmeut bad cautioned thnty-feven days, the little army within havio: worked ng111( and daft() ntrenytbo•o Ira 00510.3 arid cvntrcander peremptorily refui.urte eu: rtfitlrr. The Latteror of firaitil and the Prdsldeal of the A 'Tent too Con fah . rukno had goat, to Cr, I cuay t.. euatal to the dlrertion of Waive an] to hold a conference with General Flores, Pre:ldea t of I .aduay, who was superintending of the aloes, The :,.ter apuearr Ito ...• mane (mm a lack of trupttiote then the bet.tekt,l and many of their Or sope Lad illtd of eta:ratiom. They felt contllenz hi coon Lacing poasession or the Lena. di, Ltie prisoner-a we allies Lake they incorpor ate to Ohio o liutteri. and II said . ILO : ver we y e against their owe 3 ig, to st.• Vernon river the Peraguay.l4 had gained eitznet adventure., haring costalderairly damaged tltaa :tan fleet and advanced their tt041.1 and works on It. withdraw 10 down the rt THE CHOLERA ON THE ATLANTA No More Deaths on Board PROI u,SED ,d'ARINTINEREGULATIoN,4 New T. /OE, Nov. 4.—The oat . er In charge or the •,r sal er ta reports the ree v e: . 0 a dirty std ur by rood/lion. There were OTEI park. ar.d (ft ven eases of cholera aad fire en sf•cf •nnall-rox on board. 1 tie lista of the dt albs show the va.lms to have been nearly al: (irons. •, inclodloit sly children. The foil 'wine is repoltrd t r f)r deputy health oflleer ,tcr:nr, or the it/ wee 1 1 1 =r - rutin.. The eras-f wa• lu lanoton seven days, Al; the persons on hoard m ere as healthy as mama.. She r•retyod b • y lava. nt , ,ers from London and at.-tale 4 tar H.,. la here ,he lay :aro darn and rreelvell the la=!IICIM A4.. , tnn trt 'he .taternen: r:lAt.:Anna't 6,tmate.:woe., Atoottnt the gee. pretlutta to Chor mnittorkatton a: Ilarrn i:o•tmttintrn who trod the otnitt.-t:., ta,l he aa.acrt, t or, tAbard the Allaoln. tr.O a moith I :le tratetine. TO., 'A no pane fa thr rite ahtut i 6r - 90:t7t41. , a lit Itt.rta; `Ot j , “ 44 cm, ret,..11.. (,rent tt knot., . ts:t a‘a,t,,t the etotheri:;eA that t aril L tooth cut L_l a. • ale permitted to 1 ,, to 11,111 y. :I , ,netrauttor commissioners thin afternoon pa, d rest.lto for aen furrit a wio ousran tine ~f. a.: re,ecla arrlvlng I r sot Lt., date from itrrr. I,or dog, South/m ton. and r,rts In it, Medi. It I sal all othe ch !era por'n. No doubt boon °crusted on boar° the Atlanta sir, : yesterday up to thla afterarxrn. Al! the I. rellkOVed to a hospital chip. The dm, a, in of a raid rive. Mne rant}_ Among Freedmen—Choler a In Kitain—lndion Dele,Tatluu, etc • re, • W Nov. 4 .—here colon:as or frr,e;men ruin lu the SIULII at such points a, ter redid system of thu FeCeditldn'a Iturcau ha, not reached, tie mortality among the: freed people, no shown by official returns to the Bureau, boa greatly Increased. In a number of these nolo- PIM the mortality has been speedily reduced to Lur per cent. by the medical 'assistance of Barran. ttlnelal advlres from Catalonia, Spata, say the cholera there is dimintahina , raiditty ■nd hopes are entertained that It will , sum disap pear, rite CODSUI at Nurembnric Mates that the rc- Mma of cholera haelog appeared In that ci.y are untruo. Not a .Ingle case had ce:curred, nor was it Indicted that the Asiatic chdera had mode It. appearance In Germany at alt, with the tleeption of a fnw caeca repOrlai at Altai - burg. A delegatioe of tac Bed Fox Indians arrived titre tc-dey and are loon to have an iutarview with the President on affair. connected with their mut etive triter . The Pacific thinsdmn will consist of the fol. lor.lck named vessels : Powhattarl. Tuscarora. Veaderhlit and Monadnock, la all carrylad 63 guns, - alereet a 'Female Emigration Scheme, Now You., Nay. 4.—Some additional partle • nines Weld( at to the Ooiog not of the steamship Goo tlmmtal with female emigrant. for Wash ington Territory have boon furnished by ii Mereer, agent. The fell- complenteut is now. nearly obtalued and a vessel will ho ready forsea between the 14th end 20th of the current month. Males requiring bertha from the present date will have to pay twenty dollar. A limited slumber of ?copies may yet obtain P.aoair. at . , alf fare, CO- Most female passenger. to whom births have been appropriated were charged nbthing, and not a few paid tweaty dollars. The route to through the Strait, of Magellan, and not Ironed Cape flora, as had boon Pm. vlously Intimated to the detriment of the enter. prise. Substantial diet, brit nothing luxurious, will be plentifully provided Waahington Territory presents many advan. rages for tha encouragement of emigration. Mb.lulp pi Leghdat urt JA. XS Miss NOT. tt.—The bill to abolish •tho rperial court of eqrtity, established by Pro visional Governor littarkey, (marina the /louse over the Governor's veto, and Will pass the Sew ALC. Vbttelteglstered 1 1/ New York Ncw YORK, Nov. 4.—Thu World id , . Ike number of vote, r.gistered In New York un to last evening no figurmlare nil en jr,•iy corr.,. t !nt null he corrected ,1111110 N To SEINAH sEwARD IsslE of t,ol.l)tililifEAfE) Erging Itdemnill Maims Deprecated. AO DECIF lON IN THE WIRZ CASE' Clerk - A 1 7 i,zllarged FURTHER EUROPEAN NEWS, LndV Fatal Explosion cf an Infernal Machine too special says the inane of gold certificates will probably begin ID ruin City to-morrow. Si 410.1.1 E.: C.0181.:8 OF CHOLERA. mare fractional currency will be furnished the • Northern market at or , -sent A:, id one mi;ti o n --__- of five cent New Toe', Nov. 5,-The Herald say, a the preselnt I ,e bill s dot.will be sent South to supply and b The finding s In the a fi re ease are sti:: under petition to Secretary Seward is advisement bythe Presid. The prisoner Is laßoston.Omalready received the sig.,• quiet and cheerful, although anticipating the Lutes of some of the largest ship owners of trot death prt aity. city, praying him not to press our claims on the There is much sickness among, the t,,,,,, in Virginia and along the Mississippi river. 'Jae British Government. for depredati ins of tire troop , em ot o,ll. of poor rations. Arglo-rebel pirates. The petition gates Lust A general order from the War I meet. when England becowas Involved In w ar , , e .li„s mn.tering out about one hundred r.,.,., , s ern in , nt officers and volunteers, will prol.o ..y n•-. 1 be cetinot be far distant, the poeitlon w`iteb that , , till alter the . .....,_ , • promulgate.. tail gnrerDialent has taken In regard to the tittieg • The rub,: ('or e. Arr...., form,. :0 ~ f. Ow I ii,- ciM of 1 lir: pirates, if allowed to SLID das a tr•ri Star, ritorur.... ir nu: 0-::11 au o.t• .41 . 1:, m •if tuccectut, will give us much advantage that we the •au., I , of :h.• 1... r, „1,1,,• r,•.. ~_ c.o a by tarnishing Drlvateem for fur adversary, "fli.• I), par ruurol tlrri.. ..r, rr.l,rorint. al the Inflict on her commerce damages a halt 4,1 . it, . boia •-, 'O, oi. ,•• I hey ; .. use desk.,, tithes greater than that she hoe albwed to 1,, doitie no m.., w , irk .n ~. yen than sax in Indicted on ours. s. her/ • A large Lumber of Gerntan•, 8 ',dun aid 1 Orr lutlion oeligation ~ st .pping at the So Danes are you-log Into \ rrgrerto., tut , the ritittrly t.• ,, ti:• Ir. lira 1.11111/ to the demand. Inc. price trial nit. An order Icon horn . ..noel by trirr , r.•rary ILirlan. their s., c', , t , as Isn't, hands Cr laborers is 150 notirt Mg the lair 0, , ks in the Patent t)al , .‘ donor. oru or, with food and todginir, for men billitling that ti, it +ervices a ill b...l,3,..intiau c a betacen nO and 50 years of age, and for women otter the iXitl, Inst., . the !ardillug is required 5100. for other purpoises. Th,• pwiltim of th • lady ~ ,rlic .Ifrealtra Richmond correspondent sal . clerks a citing for till/ 1 /14/11r1111111 h1L311.10 is tin arnetal S. Cooper Adjutant General of the l ace cli.mged. repel armies, and Senior Major General in that The Iltruld'e Mean,...) ~, respoicielit of t li ,, service, who has not !won heart{ ti ,, m since the 3.1 in,t,, says: Rebel Atiitit.nt a„en, rat t toper' , dairritill of the Itebe!r,overion..nt, r ai d, ir,.., , ~ , ni.,i",,,,,0 rur..•h••.l Genera, :I ...Ty ..n.l Woo fur pon,,on,•,• .. ( 1 upplit..l for portion. Sorel. i 110 W11..1..1 1.1 Wlllb /11Ct./11. II .- r, - .141.1 .11 M o e., We1 . ..UW.11/0U I/1 l',ll lanond, he has been loading a to. ~. I , mt.". Virr.:•...r. e t ;Me at Mann( ' , Mantle, le,„ ; Wo: ~.61 tit - -- - . The Mass' Paris correspondent say, 1,, t.eoruia Co tripoli. cholera epidemir hat reached perhaps two 111111• NT L ~, ~,,,,, r r rn, r , r ., v., ..r._..1., .n. 1 ~.. drod attacks a day, with something 116:e im•l rou.lon v...t. rday, an ord... : , • :..I, -irate that number of deaths. This Is not. or M, Ratlroad and pay the State .I.•i ,t., ev,tl. the p , , alarming, as the iscalloll in too far advanced to c, cite, was tabled. The sew run .titati.m was admit or much loci - wise in the mortality. db. tie., odm -m;; t lir remainder or tt, day. In Tine TiMell . Loudon letter say. it was recently the omit_ ern:orlon of tire Convention, repeated that General Beauregard bad tendermi the Coestluition again mune up for discussion. Ms services to the Pope all commander of the In the afternoon, a P re s i de tans unanimously Papal army which is now being anginent,d adriptod coking the President of Lire Carted preparatroy in the departure of the French. A States Sr grant a pardon nu.] err his proper- Paris paper contradicte the report, asserting t toriniatider Eattuall. that °m ere! Benaregerd was a Protest- A Postotlir. agent la here from Washington. ant and bed never ttiotight of volunteering to arranging for th. resumption of the Georgia defend Pantie/. It Is now rnmor.d that Gen. Nlctilellart hits I mimic Mtlateit,as ILI.s, „Nov. S.-in the Convention had several interviews with earolnal Antoneln • to-day an ordinal:melees adooltd declaring it the and he boa offered Weisel( as Papal Coalmen duty of the ta i gislature to provide for the der. The tumor respecting the offal.. of Glen. widows and Orphans of Georgia soldiers, and McClellan is more circumstantial theta such , for disabled soldiers. add ratifying the acts of otortee naually arc, but still it needs COL 11^1ZA- . gnardient, trustees, etc., daring the war. A lion. : si resolution was adopted aslaism th e Provisional A Waahlnitton special sus..l."'• first 1 ""• c " i Gnecre.or to order the formation of ono.or more et, gold certificatta of $l.ll,Af den,mination, , millinery companies In each Slate ander the ap went forward to the NOW York Sub-Treasury, proval of the President. A resolut4on was io• The twenty &dim notes are lo press, giving oat troduced declaring that in the opicioq of the their elaborately eiurrarrd backs a foe almile of , . . sand totes onveetion the time fora genera! amaesly sand the double eagle. Pats of this issue or gold upon buff-colored totes will be prided arrived. The repuniation ordnance Is the pridedff-colored paper, special ceder for tat-morrow. li, one respect they will be fibs the Bank of —____ ___ _,, Et , land notes. Whim on is they cam. beet. . ( ottuu Factory Oar hr I, to the Trewury they:wit not he re 1. , net, Cat ' t. 11111. s Deis-Dia, Nov. 5 -A as he t , tsar mew twins furnished instead. &none Telegraph, from Baltimore. Ysi ore ties. Ortega, who was arrested on complaint of the ratenrove Woodburn cotton mills belo t ag. of ct I. Allen, the so called emigration for leg to Wm. E limper it Sae, on the N ',them the 3fratcan Republic, bats been releas,d fr ina ,„_„............_. ..., Centre' Railroad, three m i les from Baitin3 ire, custody :EINEMII .-.... ..- -f•F-; Was totally destroyed by it re this morale?. The At hat, past seven Ude forenoon all ai1...- building was tired by incendiaries. The ma yen certpra Ic front of the Wyorniag lintel, cti ,,, co. , „,,i at ri,,,,,,,:i500i to 4.219 . QQQ, No. 1::::: GreenlY:eh street, alhattcriag the from . and nes nll destroyed. The r. ,ck was say.rd. vi . a ' b ' d 'd a nd brea king "arty sic gla n ce The 10e8 111 meetly entered , y insurance. chi, ily In the Ltnithags opposite acid along the square in Northern companlc. Two San !red heads where the hotel in *floated. Two in, w t .,. ~, ~,,,,... out of mplos meat. killed ai.d rite wended. A short Noe nu --- ---- a kneel of the hold left a box as srrVire Near haltimore--Ileavy Odle. irirnY for his bill, and P r. nlia.d 1 ° Dal Timone:. Nov. 5.-The I.7llpt+er Cotton fac• call 00500 and redeem it, The box was plued ~ ~.,.. Si m Cr. f r, ,,,, th, , a , e. ,1,,, ~,if ,„„r_ in the barrage room to charge of a porter. This ,1,,, mon, ing, iv,. 0w1,,c1 try iVillirtin . floor trr morning smoke was soon Issuing front the box, , , le eons. The loss Is t'srinratrni at nearly sirri ' I t on./1 II wee lakes by two men and carried to the ~,,,,, and the in „,„, an , ,at s.-,,,0,,,,, which 0, 14. eldewa , k. Just as they reached the edge of the ~,, ~ „.,‘ ,I ; ,, ji,,,,j-0„,1 c;,,,,,,,,,,:„,, and _ , ,,) , 0, L ar sidewalk an explosion occurred. killing the tom in Id as sat itherett, C,,uri,rui..., earry:eg the box and doing the damage rehire I tro 3,1- no , ll, rn nle ter , '..• . 'n ' 1 .".' , L , crAtUen.d. The pulice at r..rstevf ail the p - e'utis ~ a n o .in ant rurri 10-ran:ht. Mopping at Lb,' hotel. and the Matter re note Ira- " ~ :liar arty ~ der InrcatigatiOn. The tropic,. it. r was Very - lond, and attracted tic- att,nt.ou .•I r.rrwres a -- - 1120 e cheroot from the borne of :be ocrrurrenou. Tlu Iler&d . . T , •roui., slispstch 4.1 yr.. E. a;- an, Grand Master of firanz-tivn, h. publisl,•• u ! 3 litaptl,to, de , ,ariii, that the IcUtans art• ri ng.,, ..Inrl.alliu r r or, Orr 01,1110031110T1 10 artus Tie t trstm, Le-cart, the Wadommi tteriar... .; tia. I• 't;. information of a , Intemplated in I -if th Provinces. Six ilttladr ‘ lti arrtml to, or ti .or r :nForenro)(umbers. )(umbers u. 11r. 1.•,..,.. non ..r. frat.rrolt.riz with the Fenian., nod th pet: mica orir.irr or ar oontrtriplatrrti atter:llpr r. Ica: Our Pl' 0 from the liritl connect.,. The F enian; Jell ,:i l 0r.m.., .. I i i • ht. The deputy health re)urts under date or yeaterday that the cholera aboa-,1 the Atlanta Is still one lined to the steerage p.seniters. der. tral new cases have bet ken out, bat one of which died. Not a case has occurred among the Mat or second cabin passengers or Int rrelf of the thin. -. . . Elichts-Innr thousand right hundred and ttranty rotate had neon foatatered in Olin city up to Hatniday-tacning, and lb. , registering M anes will be open to-morrow. Excitement About the Rechory lath lu Mar3lxtid. Nr , Ynttn. Nov. 4 —The 1.11:tImort: of Yv* , .'daY say , —We 'vote :art evening in focrutd by • gent , erola from Yrtocena Anna. Samaria county. Maryland, that a very excard rral feeling ells,. :n 'hat town and rielaltr la re:adee to the regl,trat tan lan and the anal:llg e'tetion un Tuesday 14,M, and L,uble la appre hended in ronet , oence. Oar in el/ILTA that the Commisahner. or the r tun.y arc men n ho hare been noted for their tyro of the th,er below un.loshli J. ucreg. erel voter,. and they have app.:. ted men for l !get at the COMM y rh'rl.lol7l who nee at , dinrl/1: rl CM, 1,1 . 1 4 In One th!le/rt 44,11 r view o' <10131.1114: the regktly .aw• and a:lon, ,g all .nor to Veer. diva na , :tl., woul . .inahrie h. I 'Or informant ol•rk puttee that It i m KM, hle tp divplay the natwaa: ha: that I..allity, a, the ha yard, are repeatedly rn. 1110 thought by the i 1 tin men generally th.t there will be rlrglag at • ho tx.:ls, [ll4 thoer opikred 1., the • lalry law I,trt. thrt.stened t the I.,,xer. if they are not t t rote. A' I I eland lucre ,r MtLl. 11 , rotu Nashville. tvaL tin. Nov. 4.--The pa-dLai of .1 this ivertoo, said to be the wealthiest tans In Tot otimer, was received be Gov. Itrowci iw SOLIIi3 days since. General Fiske, of thi Freedmen's Bareau, declines ho recazoiss it or restore to tireron his property. The prevails order of the United elates District Court was likewise not complied with, Com. Ftsk.o has gout to iLereon to Washington and Mr. Overton left for the solve destination thiq eveninit• roton did: nt 45netti rev to. The al toket has a downward wade. y; II:le 0 wen• ;he total ...lies to-day. The river in at a Stand. with :weety ,d .11 et en ilotp,th atomic. The c bombers of Commerce of Nashville and Memphis, Gov. Browalew and members of the Legislature had a Kratid templet at the Si. Cloud hotel last night. Speeehoo wore mule by Gov. Brownlow, Gen, Fiske, Him. H. Har rison, the Mayor of Nashville and others. Ti,. festivities were prolong's! mail 4 o'clock this mowing, From Me Mouth—Explosiou at elea—Switb Carelitia Legislature. • Nrw Tong, Nov. steamer Werbosett, has arrived from Savannah. Oa the inch alt., when otf Cape Hauer's, ebe saw ■ steamer blow op with a terrilic explosion, -She roil down to the apt and (mind only a wastage of the craft, fragments of bore', balm, ,be. The vessel was paloted white, and seemed a small sized river steamer, need as a transport. A boat which was near, is suppcseti to hare taken off all ox board. The toilltery authorltlie hive reeNelred the liovernment of tievritiwth an to Mayor anct Comet!. The Charleston i'ourier of the 7d , aeeoubece the election of Col. P. C. Gaylord, he reeeltdeg 11118 votes to 953 for General Schroerle. The amnia Carolina Legislature voted twice for hen. etor for short term itilthout it choice. The elec tion for Congressmen tuillaren postponed from the 13th to the 331. An, engine exploded on tie South Carolina Railroad. W. K. Leder, en. glitter, and. ISM firemen were ill, War 44 Paraguay. Bovrox. Nov.:l.—The bark Catharleo Sfaude which arrived to-day at this pm., brings Melon from Buenas Ayres to September 23d—eteven days later. The war between the allied powers and Paraguay etlll continued. ' The former had re ceatil gained an important 'victory. Paving c iPleiredthe'4dorn LT(tigitayana and dye thous and Paraguayan priaoners, after a alwge of elz week.. ThepiMmetle Woo entr:nil* dreposed of by being drafted In the allied anny to light against their own countrymen. The victory canted great rr)cdeing at-Baena Ayres. Close of the PtiULM:44lla /3/1111eril' ann. Fair. Yurtaasi.rnt., Nov. s.—The great Feb for the benefit of the &Idlers' and Ballone Health dosed last night. Addresses were delivered by General Meade, Mtwara. Dougherty end Charles Gibbous. The receipts of the Fair e , seneti $ B O.OOO, of which twentv-two thousand dollars were taken for admission. ' \ EW TORE. \ Iv =MEI ban_• ( . 4 , (ton LAI fur h. , and Z.:71./ for :ncic cot, Two .srge3, contalaing 2,40 bala of bay, We're sank by a laud iinde forty . milt, abort, ..If•monla, oa Wada•viday !ant, loan; 1,••0. Nlenaptda cotton ...kat wan e-y dull at 1:6,!.511r per pound. 1111 hard 51.tr0 Se, rota, balliard match be tween Kavanagh aed Came reek place peeler oey. Kevenazb wee wiener by IG4 poiate. T m, of :be_ game, are hours end len nainatca. Steamer thAe- • Pr.IST, Nor. Z . . vV' ..—Thf ro ..!•. •i;rl., .4 the -tvern,hlp Pert" 313 from I • ;pith, via Londooderry 213th: It • o r:oulog all day USA , IY—on Sundsr <stains. No sember Mtn td cttnrest ton 01 the 14.• J LthlN 'Sisk EY, In the Litt rent of his .re Nuttee turtaral w'sil be Oren to the evening. "ler, 1 ILLDALE CHNIcTEHY—A. rurai , anil pi:qt. - segue plate of Sepulre, tali sta nu the eptanda, immediately north of tu Alleghene t :ley, on the New Etrietton Rost. Pars?ua et:sh it. to ...used wallal hots will &poi, at the Slper. Jute:Went. unite, at the t'e Amery. Title iltisitia, Per tuna and all other button, art , / be attended a, it. Drug Watesouie if the unties . ..trued, corner of federal end Leasoca a:Jetta. Allegheny. Qtly A. KELLY, Sect e:ary and Tr...otter. no. 44 R. H. REEVEI4, "Cr.:INT ttT.3sF7 r. 88 S. ithfield Street, Twit- Fifth • /Er (X)FriNf Sof ever , 7`: iI.OF LS and FI , ItArISH I.IJ . /It F'll'Md• ALS f, Renera/ r ly. /Cr FIN I.: It KA @SE an I Ugh t• 1 , 4 ntsh... THE • (Z EAT PURIFIEIt HEMAPANAKA I BLOOD L A 1(1.,4 E. 51 A Lig 1111.. A fille LE AND Pt, ITI VL rtn: Scrofula, Ahe.umatlsm. Neuralgia. Itch. Dyspepsia and Pimples, AND ALLI.II-ESStS OF THE SKIN. A. • Testa, It revive. the appetite, pro.risa; cli (e. 1 4 ,11 and rebelly traltone• the papaws ur.reqie an,t it see. but • Mal to prove !Le virtu gale by ettleOP JOELMSTOII, Dmirtart, UP? versa Menblabl and r earth erect& liLifirthoki7- Over la,eno eoldters Were (mead of Dlarrhni t and Dorenteey lest year by the use of lir. STRIIDE., LAP IPS ANT 4UROLERA MIXTURE Toe feet o p r o sin used 50 ettensively to Lye 1.10. 0 1,,a. le of th ettleaci of •sTazugt 4 . lm s AN - 11.0FIELER.t RICETURE for the aura of smite and threats aesee of Manhole And Etyma. ry. Thle to the only preparraton ka own se • eels And eertaln remedy for Unolera. De out be With. out so v•lttable a medicine. Gat • bottle of It fit. may. It to rind by ad Drueitste at 60 cents per bottle. SELLEILS & CO., t WIZOLP-RALIII A. 4.111,1 17 HOLE efteia iiLL LAND ?int bALE,—ltiterestirto lands lying on Pit Lictia Creek. A 11.101 N INU TILE /iULIWEN ertoaa Si the Deer hiekr , also in the PITirE RUN YARDS sontainios (cur aares„ situate on Pine Run, be. tureen Pit link and 011 Omaha, These Interestis are very desirable, as the situations are all not, tom lands, Enqnire W. J. Is HALL A I t Z.T . JERSON, ey,, •e 7 N o . 144 pbcrtti St,. Pliteburo, Pe HUGII FITZPATRICK,- FIRST PREN - 1 vJer GOLD PEN OLINUFAMR:i:, TWIG Ball, ear. Thint and,thitket sts., Second Story, entreat)," on TWA unmet. whol • Gold Pens end Gold and Silime Panctl.Claaes4 esale end retell., • . .. Pens mpalred. Persons chnerni ink. t,,,,,p a i r can Viand them by multi JIIIi they will be promptly returned. oe7nyd ,jilats M. BALPII, . .. . aat Japer attune their areal= on amenable teem Alrofllat.on Anemone [trees, beaten Lateek and Bobleson, Allegheny OM. 86000 WILLTURCIWE TRH 4N. DEBBONllolltits.tiftillitetlikthilts built. The lot is ae bj 150 feet, and the buttalict U brick. Arius, built .espreiAly 10e hotel; it beim pruielble hotels' the town. • A. larim custbui can hotbed Pt CUie• Tenni easy. +etatitY to ' • 11. Mold a co., not •. Ira Fourth street 1000 SHARES PITTSBURGH A.N6 NEW K. WI. 00. STOOK FOR BA LE. In<lnning thedividoont now dealapnli Cell Cheap. an Inc {WIT .004 nan.y. oaf maLtobf A ‘,O. BAN I!: HUUSi. N. HOLMES & SONS No. 57 Na.rket Street. Pitteloqrge -1" le Ile reli I's W ary. n DEPOSITS REOE.IVELE IN PAR r r,:v coneetioei r tee oe the prtnelpsl imfaten! alteaStatea i,4 011111•d11. STOCKS, BONDS AND'OTILER Pal - U.:War attention p4d to Cho pureha.o •0 ONIC ur UNITED STATES SECURITIES, Uolted m : . Dates Ries co 43111 i pa , 5-3 0 a 10-40 s; Do. Dever -TVIrDs ilo. C. , DneDDo of ladebteotoom ORDERS AND vortmEas BOVI:HT Oh FOURTH NATIONAL BANK. 11. S. Governmetit Depository S 8 Jll.lllKA'r 811ITEET, • ' l'nialleti Paid to , K. 100,000 N' llll Privilt•lteof Inerenao to 600,000 kieving extensive correrpa.tdennit with Bank. and Backers .hr.oghout the eOhntry, we offer ono.. al fwtlltiss to those dolnebasiness with us. /Lod all other Gorernment emulate, (welched •ums to suit min:haters, Deposits received and Juiciest allowed by speelal4gretioetit. THUS. ntacrir.LLY, H. HMG. D. M. SMITH, MI. HIGLEY, HAILIT, SOHN F. HERRON. THUS. SMITH, Ji . :sl. H/HII.PATR/Vii .13 , 17Th sipn,.s. Et r WARp. Oast).ler. FyILLAR DA - 1414 GS BANK., Nu 91 rOURTEI.S72IXT. Open daily from to 2 Weimar, inn on Wol.nee day and Saturday everilag, , rom Hay In to No vember Ist, from 1 to 9 o'eloek, and from November in to May lit from II to 8 &dock. Deposits Dollar, sod .dividend of therprodts declared twice a year, In Suns and December. Interest has been donated rend-annually, In-Jane ' and December, sin. the Bads was erip inNlll. at the 1010 01 .0 . 1 per rent. a year. Interest, II not drawn ont,le plated to the nedll or the depositor is principal, awl bears tba same in even from the nest days of June and December, compounding tunco a year Without troubling Dis depositor to rail, or even to myna Ids pen book. At rills rate money will dourile In less than twain lean. Book., ccetathing the Millar, Ery-Leine, Buie. and ReguJetlena, furelehed QMla , 013 applisatlor et the nales. k iulE ta 3 BEE. snca razetaitzrre. William J. Anders., A. N. POLIOek, M. D., 9lln U. Thickofea ItobOrt Robb, Reid. L. Falinestock. Jct. H. Shoecherger, James Hardman, Jambs Shldle, James McAuley, AJeXander Speer, Issas M. Pennock. Christbna Yeager. Ualrtn irelluTalts. Adama, Henry J. Lcn, JoJoan U. Blndley, Petet A. Mad yn eira, Ueoege Mack, Johninlaranall, HAI Burg-win, Walter P. Alsams.L. Alon. A. Carrier, .Tames H. D Meets, tJaarles A. Colton. Wm Douala., JottraOrr, J. 01.0 I.linns, Henry L. Itmisann, J Gar. J. Gillespie. Wild.v E. Sclanvn tr. illtam S. liso. cr., AleYander Thine, Peter H. Hunker, Wllllam Vanliurk, Haya, Wm. Pt. Weym., Jain. D. Kelly, A. bead Whittler, earairer—CHAS. A. COLTON Sernfim.r—JA.ll.U. E. D. =EDS. •21 3Lb 1 11. • EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK! 0 f Pittsbli - rgh. Chartered by the Capital ' Or:noised ander State of Pa., 1816 sl,titlo,ooo; l Nate'l Law 1866 This Flask has been Isslamatesl. DEPOhITA BY • OF THE United States Treasury, Red •ppnlated agent lot the sate Of the 7.801 IA C:1 1..2" . Every feel lity will be offered to Investors or part ties purcherting for re-um H. M. hf171321..&Y, Cashier • rr.79 H 1.1 PEOPLES' NATIONAL BANK, Capital Paid in $1,000.000, with Prvii lege of $2.000.000. Banking House CORNER FIRST AND WOOD tit REETn. This Bank, °merited under the. National Bony log System lenow prepared to transact business at its Banking House, corner of 07ood and First streets. Collecttons made on all seesulbin points on most favorable terms. Special Agent. for JAI COOKE, for the male of the U. S. 7 3-10 Treasury, Notes. F. 51. IiORDON, U. J. 0. MeiIIEFISOR Teller. SALES OF OOVERNMENT IioLN.Es gr titT6.I.A.STnI2 tintrnizAktatOtivire, WAstitaoTl,l, D. C., OCt.IDDI. tsit, CCU , be sold at public auction duttriiz the month "1 November, to the highest bidder, itt the Odle sod pincers tamed below. viz: NEW YORK . New Coal da York City—T y. UE-SLAY uI qu), week, ioo Philadelphia. Pa.—Tl{ November 2, 9, is, and 23,100 HORSE: each dray., Harrisburg, Pa.-TUESDAY of cam; week, WO Mutes each day. Harrlsburgh, Pa.—THURSDAY, riririnmber 2,9, 10, and =, 100 ROE` , ES , enqh day. • Mechanicsburg, Pa.—T EsDA Y, /November 1, 100 HORSES. Allentown, Po—WED NESDAT, , N6vember Jo, 100 HORSES. Pottsville, Pa.—PR IDA I', NovoMber 11, 100 HORSES. l'hestee Delaware count!, ea —WEON ES DA. Y, November 22. ion Hollsp,. , PP.—THURSDAY, NO.tember 10, tbi 11ORSIN. Titusville, Pa. —r it LINDA. y , - No* eifib a r la, 100 HORSES. Titusville, TH(7I2SM Y and , : PR roar Nam:ober 23 and 4 100 ZdIJLES mittl goy. DEL A W E. Wilmington, . DeI.—TUESDAY of "each week 100 HORSES each day. Wilmington, Del .—PRIDAY of 'eaill.:•nrcek, 100 each day. MARYLAND. Baltimore, ,11,1 .—WEDNES11.11', Nl./erober 15, 100 HORSES. HaltlMos6, MA.—WT.DNERDA Y. " 29, 100 HORSES. - QTESUORO, D.''. TUESDAYS tall THURSDAYS orio[oh creek' 100 TIORSEs 00.0.0 dm". CO SALEs OP•III , Lts WILT. PLACE ..... •" AT WA.SD/PaiTOIY, D. CV, . , At this series of sales all the floverzuncat un real/ will be disposed of. Buyersellonteherefore a% all themselves of this last opportulayt to par. ehtwes For sales of pnbtle animals In the Kett; see 'Of— . Octal Western newspapers. Animals wilt tie *WO Sales to eentinerme a 4 IA a. fa. eosalulat;. • Tern e-4.1A31.1,1n Unitea atales'edireuei. —JAAI22I A. EKE'? 8r"..F814r oColzt.zti A IisENAL )4:Ortcg;• , -. • - MODES, itYRIEASGIOO4 e ut kilimittliVelgait rraltriMiti" ware r totae• No 1414 wArva aSET MEN • ; outifiat, 4 / I D - GROM sTi t y r rs, OP i TTAßiJaiali-.•PAt we.wanint inalwarebito inanufsouved )024'g los llonnts.Wi , AJWAT.; On bancvataametre a On gloved -uonOtion. • - Air omen prom,puirAtteaded Usk:pant topeOrttermonidn ' ; ano4v, BAli - CLOTHESIVBeitiMia . I Tee bee la use. Another large 10% _itiat - iita' telved and tor We at Nos. 21 sod 28,41. (Heir ptreet, by & If. PIEELLIPS. - set bole Agitate tar thipbe-or:c :YelF * l °' .. .. 2 e for ~,9 iiet4:CO. I VOLUME IsANKS AND BANKERS lEL M•XV lit- El :Mt. CURTLENCI BOUGHT AND SOLO ON CONINUSSiDN MEM .PITTSBUB(111, PA 7 8.19 laOlC-IEM. THOS. DONNELLY, President. Of Pittsburgh essn nu. REA, Prealdean. *A I= LXXVIII---NO. 278. NEW AOVERTISEMVNTS _ .j I,T REIc'EIVED 4 LARGE LOT OF Falt and Winter Rood% & SHOES To be soh! et ,?;iLTAIL. AT LES% PRICES' thea AI/ NITA+RWAS ASK by the gum:atty.' The La4esl and Best . Assortment BOOTSROES. ipiER IR TIM CITY All q, vehleh WV be so:d about HALF PRIOjj Ens' &ply Hip Boots - - - 52,50 Women's Cs.!lf leather.ldned do - 1,5% Childress' . toes for And sL 47:her goods at the same TITIO (irrateit Baranselte in the City Better Coods Elan eTer in the County, Mere Styles sks'in any bole in the Lower Prires Than any Huse in the World; ; Concert Hall Shoe Store. The Celebrated BLOB Emporitue, N 60 FIFTH §TRZEi._ OAR BALI, c', , ,.crrkuDict ItQuzz, N 0.1113 Fr lrli STRZET 11 4 12 W GOODS umarit coArs OK Downs. • ENGL.) . .) - .11 W.:LUCIA() c06.1"..3. • OVERDSAIS OF ALL KIND& PAV:Y CAP PANTS, euir BLACK PAM'S 3 Pto TOP PANTS sit: all' style. of OLOTHSEIG RELIA4DLiaS OF 00.4 FOE ' V EIT ..I.lto - ir'f- , 4 P.crl;7l,'ll-_,:771i. J. E. 'SMITH & 00-, CLOTHIEhS, 1:1'L8 HALL, d FIFTH ST, O7Deelte ttie Opera Rouse, *sky LATEST NE GLAD TIDIAGS WO ALL: 11,Lesitvr sraitzwrzEr,,, WE AEE HERE, ALWAYS YVILL BE HERE TO GIVE AWAY VA.,1,11A13L.E PRESENTS. Prrtlti FROM 50 Cents tai 500 Dollars EACH BOOK SOLD, A'TIIE BOOS PUBLISHERS' .FIESENTATIOXIIEfei, 74 FIFTH STREET. Call or Send lilt a Catalogue. .104 GROPER et 1ii..10-11'S SEWINC MACHINES Have been awarded the FiIIST PliErarunts at the following Flan for the year teak First Prarailana for tail fluidise work at Pilate. State Fair. Milt Premium for blist Machine Work at Ifele York State Fair. •• ; First Premium forbtsi Pam* Ataehlne At Oil"' ' State Pear. ~ That Pretaillea for bet! gge Atanufattnring nkiag at Ohio State Fair. ~ •- f itit Premium for be.; hiruinfaettLOAS*Watiarg,.. at Silehigan State Palm ' First Premium St a te Faint Ateenfastating Madan at I Vlsoonalsi State PAW, ViSret Prittalusti forlese Aran nantutirkf Drsabinif ' atniunrig=alr4kitachfnitat,gelleril Par; poles, at Laurence Co.4kir,pa. ' . _ , -- 11zilt Premium for - Oat Family . I fmtitine et Bunke 00. Fair. Pa. - '• " • .... . ".. First Premium fort eg l aanufeetutlagkiaelAn ~ At Basks Co. nar„ Pa. p Ftrat Primilmi far best klanufasturine silAraar- ily_lftehtne az Spring Meg Pair: Ohlo. Flret Preemaitaingtcor Imest....MaWkrieWetulParrf "TiLl=g,grofc=.,..u.,„ itirtrail Ily kinsbine At Stifle*, Eta. Fair.rf• Yr . l_ , : Plitt Premium for beet rixfaeturitte lApArej.: - ' it y Machine at Sokayler 0 Fa% N.: X. , °,: - is Met Premium for best Laohlee for IS purfrOeel at Ailseheny Co., Fair, ff 1 .; • • i.; .. . ,• - 1 Fere - presoinin for beat . iinufacturing IgLanttiMS„... at Allegheny Um Fair , Psi- - - •,- -- - FlrU fteWititri tol beat - 0 415 0bipac,Nro . ric st,c3 Ad thaly CO, FaLr, Pa. ---. . Aid wherever exhibitei,k ; ~ ':-:*,-/ .1,, 1.. - 17. -.r: - - A. F...-CMI TONEYI, - . . ac EtiExx, $E PITTSB , s 1 lf*Bß VARPECTIRMIG le t T. 3 x." 1 .90: 1 041 16 / 1 1051,fittter,k: Isit -, 461,1;;;.0 - 3 nitwit Lsoo.thus. kridiailij' 4. - : 11 ' 1 1W "a4 14 . 3 •- •••. , Etrz 87;i' ,45 ,1 4,71275:5 - 61;ff $400'14114. ' t• a l p} ii.:Jh u de;,.* TbetWealsoluiaria e.eativiatii diet tn 3 M Millia .P.trze ll a..,mr, ptiali lea alum; nnz.LewaliE PaPElte vt— 1144101ke1 __* -4. . 1 %' .5 1 ...uALLAlntabtifiludoftes;For rApthr..k.Alljg TC1.. 0 1: 1 • , st. the ftibrtest st42tfoei tei watt InlAnkeltrl s •‘ rE!"- - :: s' • 1,000 TONS OP GOOD 211810) Itatiffiv wAREHOME: *BIRD 1141.1" aa.llll PiITSBUEGH. LOBSTERS.-100 darin Faobtierlatektl':7'' ed to ease and Grath let4atig, zunr ttema. by. • nab 811011 v