The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, November 04, 1865, Image 1

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4-1% glitg
Cam_ ._.. . ,
-, 1 ,-- -MID :
r ...
sircllfY. 1 .
J.( Ti e ti t h• 1 1 7.., Ydnaipala ..
t ColltOtitt."ll, : Career Pelican& 6?. Mar ail.
•sel 0 j ••:„.. 0 . , 04rFettosea*Bultdiag, Fifth.%
4. ° ' - "•' ' • MM. 20 and 2Er St. as' St.
WWI iikra , •iin Wag same°. Nov. ac leall.
. Falwell Zr; bligta, Blontaa - Oo O.
r. H;Bla Ile Fallow Fall OrilwtordOo., Pa.
.Oosolo itaStaborgb, Pa
..-V., Haw Ws. .Valleli. attleg4ea,..Y. C i' , r a '
. l&Flaak ra agt pd.. , •• • ' - r• • •
.i. -eli t l ti Udlttalli AillawlY - i Fa.
T. W totaza,Ohallant, plhampaten (.o. O.
.P. Boltea,ll7f iiitembuyatlawreaer <NO.
..a. 14e!"LSa'pdy.-: Cottuatnalle 0. '„.
-O. ilDdleadltlk, (Aamwtaacaetre Lte yo., 0 1
• 5h0uP,..11.1 a t' lon troVlnd.,_ , •
li.D.=.4l4,l4l=iinet.Y=Y3 . - !; 1 . ., ,
7- 5. sPztufpArL Clinton, A.Ltitglat4l. Co., Ps. ‘.
. B. Foste, • Adana; larelatong Oa., ra.•
4 OollinAllgardildAMlll, Alidadalai.ijo.,!o.
. IL.-sie tsbotultaiewLitoVialtettt Oe..ra•
T. as nom 02, Well' Tallnery toe Po,Fa,
B. Soma ir, (gam!, !Leta a Oa., 0:' • •
.0. Watud I. iluatarille, LAM= 00.,i/..! ' ..
1.14 Mord Km, E. Spriestiarld, Tor. ocq, V.
[aria Pdle X, Fatal:ninth, Pa.
*. Wolt,ltle• ;..lore TD :, Altgkeey Oa, Pa.
L. Suffalan...•Alleilha n y ,
Alfa: Co., Pa.
.. Warreaiil iwaawsbrli,Bel. Go., O.'
W. lilles,All . Wan, iodate - vo, o
• 13 .• Fore Sta , Woweavllle, Payette 0., Ps.
il• ao
L DI, 0:. o, Talk,. Opting' , Oreer•o Co..
D. A iralsa . , Patabh e
, A..
Abledall, Ada, li la Oa. O.
I, A. Orate,: FradPort, Hardsoa tloy O." .'
I. T. Moss. / New Salem, Fardta cid A L lafortollon congealing, the gal
~sattae,`sYrca k . Comst'
PltttburLh~ ~°
ete 'nun
st Plttock's.
Eattt —Welitern 11.12111 e.,
elivezelt ti xour itt.idince or office, rittock,
Get - * Popy
,f this
:131sweek• '2l.tiOelaiwsusr u
... . .
Gtr nage, Viry Strange,
ret 7 tla true, 'that then! Is a ThuLdootae rresent,
worth from an cents to 113,00, kiyanwith each Book
,old all No. 'th , Filth &trent, and at tho same time,
wiling the 1 Books and Albano at Publisher's
BMA at Lt+A Price.
Bilks or Al I Colois.
Silks .31'1.1,1 Pattern,.
Silks of Al 1 Designs'
SUb In A.ll Prat:Atoll. '
Silks at Palace Prim;
Bates & Bt zt Ft= street.
SI Fifth tor S4lta.
Sates Stßoll—Stlksi.bUsa,
silks atq4aAes k Eflreet.
' ' ' s
e tem we have done, with "Blanked Batteries,"
"Pentodits," "Skedtddles," ..ionnities" end all
other war ;Remo tha. Were P. lasoillarto Our ;ark
.ttosne time ago; werireeow initiated into "AthieV
le times," "Skunked," "Scored" end other "Base
Rawlins." To WI thole who wait Albums, Pock
et Books, hold Pens, ,PeW.cilyes, go to Pit
Only Thief, Minutes Walk
"From the new ioarkertdicore; fin TedetalatreeW
Is public are invited to Gall and examine
my ,to of &tate candles, tattles, traits, &c.
N. at (Wylie O=ll,lllM odarket l2 House
• on Tnelday aid Friday morality, and at I Fee
,eral Wort, SetturdaY evealska.
Dry Goods st Lot! Prices.
At 13nnlap; it ra. • you will dad
bugged. nod best assortment of dr, good. to be
had In the city. They have a eery largo assort
. meat of-flannels 11thithets, Of, white end
ored, and • doe eiscirtisient or Vreeon marines,
nub= era. wool &tieings and wool plaids; idle I!
largeosteek of dont - dale goods; in fact, every6 o B
, rumagly kept in a first class dry good* stare, whi l ch
they ttre selling ns• tow, if not lower, than soy
other how Ota the WI, • at.wholesale and retail.
womb!' adytii: onrgeadeis in want any thing
to the dill , geode inOUnlitth tbetti:A cell, for we
are seglsded' IL' be Phased triththsir goods
• sad Pt' ,Rd raelllberrlile,pieee la -tag Federal
• 1 - '
Ao Ilmuionas Emigration.
• An b 'menu° emigration will pour down into the
Souttu an StAteal with the restorati peace.
'noun inda of soutbethrefugees, fromall Om town
and ail Les of t Lha {forth, will return home thous
ands r, !northern, soldiers will move inthe same
direct, 00, rd [elite-42 thee -closest ocindiptunton,
• Amon, fthel southern brethren; iirthe In °bedtime*
to the Limit of demand And .supply, thousands of
• north. en farrae4i, 'meedithiss,. and laboters#
swell the mighty volume for. tko re-peopling, and
re-bull ding the Waste plates .the SI/any:South."
In ant faipationtlYthla grand diversionol the tide
a Of end sestina, anig'fronl the increasing aaansods
,1 upon yamilienrolitisthei of Hostetthea ealobra
led S tOrthth Batters are putting ugaddtUq*
thous Inds cf bona of their universally • popular
tonic sodniterntive.. ,
We have thikestinioriv of soldiers, sellsoa, tray
elers, WOW,: miners, emigrants, refegsts.
end Illanters„Horth and South, "it cloud of
witnef wee? that to • safe- scut reliable remedial
agent, sac as A protectiln ansolust all the
Plaints i 11101 dent to exposure, privations, changes
of eller ade, Mot t writer and habits of We, lionrier
.., I.We used as dlrreted, are worth their
, S weight . gigolo!. Aorth or South.—Cemteunical e d .
It Is also pioper to state thlat the Eaters ace
. sold a tsluslvely Jo glass, and never, under any
dreamt lancet bylhe gallon or the barrel. Dupes..
tors an 4 teals/torn are abroad, seethe only safe
, guild bat the public has against them is to see
that tb S Bitten thrY buy have the engreval
Label al ad note of band of slessm..llnstetter
sod out proprietary stamp over the cork of
he belt{ le.
Fall and Winter Goods.
i it la I elth greed pleasure we call the attention of
eat Tel Ors tothe superb stock Or Fail mad Winter
g goods , tiet reCbteedbi Ur. John Weer Horeb ant
ilia: LIS Federal street, Allegheny. ills
stock e tubracen some of the rarest and most beau
:. tiful Cl eths,Uassimeree. Overcoattngs endVeetioß
5 everhr aught to the western market. His assort.
went. • , fnetlisbine, Liondsv comprising -morn .
Dream to, Callan, Igeck.tiez, Oet
*ulnae be mops:zed east or west. A Large stock
et real y made rants, lJoats, Vests and Overeaste
T rill M • to he fonsd at his establishment. Persona
t m wen tor AtC , ' , A ° l to the clot:ling line •honl.l not
can to give .r. wider. snail.
Tboutas N'., Parry & Co.,
1 cradle al Siiiin Roofers, and Dealers to n.mennin
Gigs.. Ca virtual colors. Wilco at Alexander
.". Liner! . kikk,neac Ake Water Work.. littebargh..,
Ara Si eddetria. ltd. , TS Pike street. Orders
groraDtl k , attended to. All work warranted water
.. ; Wool. I tepaltingdone at the shortest notice. ao
.!, „b a p rtyr, repatra,prAvlded the roar to riot
;. t busaa r. 0,01.1t3i1711% 011:. ' --'.- . : • 7 1
i 7 , ' A Mpeck of Danger.
The re tr.thest bluff 'spot OA Alb =Mlle of ft
- tooth la ev a evidezeitbsidecari staling gager lia.
; twirled I t. Quiakly futerpose the Sorodont as •
safeguard . pr.thet . .otfaigothe' lima Maonly fat
ow, path . . to 7 haLf it dozen. Ile assured that
nothing b. Si Sorixdonf will either edoctualry two.
7 . vent or ar Wet dental dfiticast. •
wh it s hh , t soltted. 0. good enortment la low
to the northeast comer of FOUfth sad
idetket alit ete,
pry ooeol w v-2,fsi stock at' low Pelees, of Oa
northesst cot ALT 4 f Fourth and Mullet strata
O. liessox Love es 800.
t wed Foods.'
s e w coo oars loins - acylts.' at lois , Mass, , c 6 LOS
cortbtlolllOlOf lrotatti sod Mutat s treats.
iipalAillr diltAP,
anet-te'Artet mots , •
- el
"" toirt &VAIL
atuotOPe ned .
c i ao
aux obi 'tithing t" blue; at, gg ritin street, where'
two ore': . I ' lo to btlb ot g"tnidrig regsrellAul Or
art, M Ir,latbat 12. -- r , ait. .m r.
C. Sal,,Depthit, 2,40 Pent' Street,
Attg imi.., i L
i.r Af.. ...,,811-41Ili brirel
we,i i
.. ,, i. r: w.
of 0 4440,3 Afitopotkri,ityor steF4ity is;
toc kw ,
. ,
tall'andGct, r, .
A 12.00 Briy. roz , Scus_fits .
4:4l;ilsiptur.'F!cl. ,
Get a Pocko /.!!1: 1 1 , a;
Or Fg lltii
- , Att iNcri efabtr .11f!gtrAkiieilr!,`
.G.ll:' GAZE
littnsittarertvz tins occurred early Thursday t .'-- " , , ,-• ,7: .-,`-t-..• -- -- -•‘-
Mott Inge last' week. In Indiana, fa. It ores. 1 Bit - VitLEGIi.AH: , . •
Maid in the stables ot DOLIYIAer'O Hotel. Wo ...
gliateffrorn the Register that the fire destiojed
the two large stables of Mr.Datwiler. tits stables
of Molars, B. 51. Clark, A. W. Taylor. J. W.
Mahn. and heirs of Mrs. Templcten.• Thelma
will afferelisie 85,91904 es :
,H, M. cbtrk,.lsoo,
8100; 4.. W. Taylor. PM C. "Detainer. 14 ,000,
. .l J. Cr• Mahan, about 14,00. heirsef-Mm.
TOIIngetOD. Stela $l5O. lo the stables of Mr.
Detiller, there were at the time 110 to 115 head
Of Dines and mules, all of which were saved
except. three, A number of bogs were also
burned. One wagonEr,' a gentleman .from
Jefferson crmaty, lost his team. two fiAO,IIOCHOS,
10 ttiri dames, He had been offered 13T5 for
the horses the day before. lila loss is about
$4OO. Another man lost four sets of gears,
two perhap $4O. There were alto other W
ear losses. The fins woo the result of the care
lessness of some of the goners in the stable
Of Mr, Detwiler pre wagoners
for au early star
A tipanotter took the candle out of his .lantern
Mad thoughtlessly held It so near the hayrack as
.to ignite the hay In an instant almost, tbe en
:Ore.poper part of the stable was la one vast
sheet ej Milne, defying 'all human eff sets to stay
its progreaS• - .
-,JOirrtt Alcoa', of Kittanning, was too sharp
for a couple of confidence men Ist Philadelphia
, test week. Raving, as they supposed , ingrati
sten themselves into his confidenee they pro
posed tp borrow • tew thousands (to Pay that
Old 0111) on the strength of brens cheeks against
JO ;Cetke A Co. lie was favorable and agreed
tot:elect them next day, when they were arrested
end committed to jail in default of 13,000 boll.
'ltie tiorguatown, W. Va., Poet ru - ges the con
struction of a railroad from Fairmount
G . tact
to ljnianumn. Pennsylvania, by way of Greses•
burg, in Green county, or Geneva, In F igti d
• meaty. A contention is proposed to be hel
at 'Fairmount, on the first Thursday In blovem;
bcruest, on this subject, and all counties alon
ei t o
• the Rae of the propoved route era ronnest
send delegates to sa.l convention.
Drano the past week thirteen arrests were
made at Franklin for robbery. Nine of the
persons eno ff In jail at Meadville, as the Ve.
tango jail Is Icing repaired and enlarged to
meet the demand of that region. : On Tuesday .
a meaner attempted to stab the deputy sheriff
with a large knife, but before he could accom
plish tiismtuderilins purooso he was seized sad
tbetolle taken from him.
- WA gave an account a few date since of the
' discovery of gold in holing, for oil on Dan
, kard Creek, Another "strike" of the 14010
, kind hest:leen merge by the Dunitard Creek Pe
' Micron Company In Mononzalis county. W.
' , Va., at the depth-of live hundred and tlfty feet.
Other discoveries of gold in the same neigh
borhood are reported.
Wilms firing a salute with a field piece, at
the inauguration of the soldiers.' monumeot at
Glrard,last Wednesday. a canvass-man engaged
in Den Ricers show, was severely f. Jared by the
premature discharge of the piece. Ills right side,
• was nearly blown sway. and it wan not expected
that he would live until morning.
Filall:Rfl, and other wise people in the rural
districts, predict an early winter, a lang one and
a strong one. One of the slims 1a that birds
early took their flight southward. and another
that the bask or the growing corn was very
thick at d coven d the ears to the very ends.
Oux new Manch Chunk Railroadl now being
mmst , neted along the Lehigh Valley by the Lo.-
i:liigh Cristiana 'Navigation Company. wlli con
nect with the Morris and DMZ, at Philipsburg,
N. J. This Is a work of special Importance to
the coal operators of the Lehigh region.
Kt:ILIAD home toot fright at a railroad train
in 4eltdilig feat Tuesday, and broke from the
gears sod ran Into the entry of a house omit
plod by Mr Todd, rushed to a cellar doo r insidas
and tell into a cellar breaking the w
haircut down.
-. - 4
maw named Wentzel, in Reading, had ivitti
hlkeirs burned oat last Tuesday, at the West
,7tell ding iron Works. •
'-• ft: oas'iMnpany is shoat to be formcd In Titus -,
villa, According to the Herald, this will be toe
making of Titusville.
' W. P. W•RREN, of Lewistown, had his pocket
licked, at Tycoon, of *550. several days ago.
STATE tin"
Thu epringfield Repub/itan narrate- a curious
railroad accident, which occurred ;id Clifton,
(Sotto., a few days ago. An express train wa:
uplirnachlog, when s cow, annoyed by a ants!:
dog, iwihed on to the rails. When the train
had passed, the cow toy with her head cut all,
and the little dog, with his tail cut off, sat be
town the rail, looking after the rrtlrtrig, cart
with a face indicative of the most litmus,: as
•. DcretiotLY.„ of Nova
while in Montreal, recently, v'sited the convent
of the Sacred Ilcart, at Sault Recollet, and vent
particular notice of Miss tlingttie Davis, daugh
ter of Jefferson Davis, and sent her, before
leaving. a very valaable present. Hr male II
talrnilar tn.:tent:loo° to the daughter of General
Carroll, n pupil It, the .ante establishment.
3 GAnnrrl DaYte and Brutus Clay, who have
sued tier - trate Painter and Brlsbln lot abdnzt
. ing slave, are themselves to torn ti be,sued be
fore the. Freedmen's Bureau for holding free
peraons to tabOervithow. pay, In violation 31 a
law of the C sited Btetes.
Ire London, on the lOth instant, a goods train
Was blown two miles through a p-euma' lc tubs
in about Hee minutes. ,The Data of Bacletna
horn and several directors of the asmpany were
bloWn through in the same length of time.
Tire aggregate vote In 'Mississippi for Dover
nor, was '1.7,971, of which klumplarcy• receive-I
111,09S,•Pation 5,768, and Fisher 9,411.
Trio earrierboy of the Corry Telegraph "Article
the other day, since which time the editor hat
carried his own papers.
-- • -
The Last Outrage tar Mexico.
We trust the government of the United State,
will at once protest, in the name of humanity,
against. the barbarous and bloody policy just
announced in an official proclamation by the
Archduke Marital feu in Mexic
In a proclamation dated the 3 1 of Octiab,r, at
the City of Mexleo, Maximilian antleatig, and
instincts the eweewsiaattou of every prisoner
thereafter taken by his forces. Any Mexican
eoldier captured, Is to be tried summailiv by
the commander of the %tonne who capture him,
and to be shot within twenty-four hones, and
It '
wine r e has mad resistance or um.
It Is enough If h he belongs e
to the forces of Jo
an z.
This is not war—it is murder. Lose 'lce,
the legitimately eltetad ruler of Mexico. would
Incur the repr,mchee of the civillr.ed world if he
she.uld Issue sec an order; but haw much more
scandalous is It t
relies an usurper, who twain
himself only by the help of foreigo mar
cenaricr. thus crders the wholesale murder of
the entice soldlera opposed to him, who we
the- Ling for their egin.el-iy and their bornee
Lel the nature tif this atrocious order be fully
mitten taod. The commute:at of auy force
which capture , a Mexican soldier—or any aim
t oe of such—ban authority- to try and to kill.
It may be a lieutenant In command of a :quad
—no matter, he is masterof life and death—
or rather he has power anti authority to to kill
with the least possible ceremony. In modern
war etch brutal and bloody inatrnations are
unknown; If a general had issued them to his
troops, he would be rightly called a coonstar of
Inhumanity; bat here W& iAn one whe bretends'
to be an erlepeeor, making an open proclamation
—not merely to the p,enerals who command his
stoles, but to the lowest lieutenant or sergeant
la hie ray. And troops who are them an t
to whaimiale butchery are mercenaries,
strangers to lbaicountry, hlreeflteg foreigner., the
scum of European armies and capitals, who
lave come across the wafer to kill at so mach a
month, and base no interest inAhe Cause beyotd
their monthly wages. •
Oar government will be /acklwg la ita duty to
humanity If It docs.not it once - mid energetically
pretest against oath .condact—Y. Y. &mini
The Cholera In Parls-19 amber or Deaths.
"There wereOrecordiez to the bast authorities,
one hundred and twenty-one deaths by cholera
in Parts between the Ist and „101 b of traoher.—
On the 13th, there n ere one htundred and s tasty •
one deaths. aro on the 13th one bunt:red acti•
eighty. A COlitppoodect ol Itte Loudon &read
"The authotttles continue to ignore the rs-
Istenee ot tee Alf eaae, one aro dt lug Alt they r an
to get op a pante by their Mame COlirse. !James..
they speedily ttirtroia r a new leaf, we may ex
pect a general emigration from Paris like that
-which took place from Madrid, whence not less
siren sixty thousand persons are said to have
110 in :two dale Meanwhile the papers
are doirg a good deal of mischief by publishing
a quactity 017etlf-holeraTapotrtteo"-nion% or
which are Col Meting; end dot - one df iridah Is
founded on experience, Atm-rata . are
r- ttfhat the trablln wants, -and dr Aimee , 5r..410t
granted we
. ma lock fr to atite,not tut
attended with' x
popular ' o ece war dntio r
ids. Id %ha new
Inoniteer of the Revue clis Dber - Vendee, jolt pub
lished. R. EtutetteefforPaY botleelt-tfu 3l tihriStb -
Ilc appear palmy mMtautinti eplelernlc
Ulla Teas thee ,thei did Is Aerie , and
WAS Tar inorifatiagies /act/ to td ,
mow very/Wilily ascribes to dui heti
• that In both tharcera AneAdlon iiiaPartidarie
had other things to think *bout. There were
. frequent =vacs in 180—and In 1854 the only
torte of paranionatieterest Nat the Crimean
war. Si. Forcade goes in for rational quaran.
of & • '
"Itlagaidi WAS decet know with what legith.; •
that the existence/Dr the Cholera in Parisian- -
tbe mamma the airrera and unexpected depart'
1 fur e of the Itieelinie•Ci , teen of Portugal." ' •
(JAW BON' LoYs. & Bao.
--l'entle Between. tt e tailed Stnta and Canada;
'Punishment Probably Not Death
Slave Casey in EentucWg
Diet bargee rom Ilse Department.
NEW YORK, Nor. :I.—A special to the times
ont Washington, dated November 2, sap that
;eneral Brlscoe', cane is still before the Secre•
nry of War.
Brigsdlor General Henry A. Barnum, Conner
y of tes wa. Army Corps, and now eomtnand
lag ono of the distrlets of the Depallment of the
East, has been breveted Major General of Vol-
Secretary McCulloch and the Commissiouer
of internal Revenue have under consideration, a
circulnt regulating Dads betwee the Vetted
States and Canada. The c reeler n
NV ill be ',camel
in a day or two.
The Tunisian Embassy entortalned a large
cumber of odieets last night in tris city.
The record in the Wire ease reached the Pres
ident this evening, hut has not been acted upon
A special to the Herald says : The conserve-
tire people take heart at the prevalent S
in reference to the sentence or Whs. tate
ments are made that the President has the An
dersonville Jailor's case under close advisement,
with a view to miate as much at possible his
punishment. Since Wirz's trial did not bring
out so much as was expected to Iynk l mplicate the
' rebel annorisiew-in-QO '
\ ......J,..l'.'Zl'-.Z tkLpa_sitLcs.
the trial was a sort of failure; according-to the
views of the radical.. Those who claim to
know the fee E
lings of the xecative authorities,
say Wirz's punishment trill not be death by
ha'iltielribtoir's Washington special as 7s: Wirz
abn has Iris
lately becn fed on hospital dlet,
y-esterlay petback up o n the regular army ra
tions, In eons-eon , nee of the surgeon pronoun
cing him recovered. When breakfast vraspre
smiled, he dew into the greatest rage, and pro.
nounced the feeding of a. prisoner wish sueb,
food an outrage upon hint, and disgracoral to
a great cation. ~
Freedmen's afar a on the sweeten* frontier of
Arkansas hareparted int unilivorsent. •, -
Garrett Davis Davis and Bram Clay, of Kentucky,
having sued Generals Palatir and Brisbane Mr
abducting staves. a counter suit has been
bronght before the Freedmen's Bureau against
Davis lied Clay forhoidink blacks to labor
withcrit pay, In vinlinscui of the laws of the
I' oiled B area. ... ..
It is unoenstrod Gennial . Long
rived In Waehins t Kpon Wednesday, anxious-
Is desirous of ohrainlng a pardon in order that
Le May be • p residen t, Sue Onverestrship of
his State, or be e of an Erpress Co m...
One hundred females and twenty-four melee,
al, e discharged from tno Treasury D,partment
ce Wedcreday, partly from -lack or work, and
partly to make racanOra for the soldiers.
Similar discharges foliewed yesterday from
General Leslie. Chief Paymaster of the D.-
Diet of the East.
The Burial of Lord Palmerston
Seward's Letter to Cur Frer. oh DI ioister
Spa Your:, Nov. 3.—The steamer Jct . :,, 'rt.{
QUI:la/DLL" , ix on the f. 41, has arrived.
Tho Woheawsrenartoos that Earl 1.1....,11
undertaken the duty of reforming, the Cabinet.
A Count wxs called for the 26th.
Tee Sat s E,erywhere it is a-stunted
that the Adullulstratson w only be rvronstrnet•
ed to the extent necessitated by the appointment
of rrentler.
Lord Pallnertson would be buried quite pn
sateiy Ltornsey. on .the 24th Inst. Tho Jour.
; ale 100111100 to lament ale loss.
1 re Sees says lb.. rrpceted ultimatum from Mr.
cewarer had dwindled dove to a staimoout that
Mr. &ward had written W Mr. 13:itCLOW exprems
toe the dulls of the American Gove - nment to
remain at peace with the world, but lutimatloz
that it feared I:savvy:as would demand exireme
a caverns if additional troops were seat to Mex
The rorefe say!: Mr. Blgelow abstained Ere - -
assatily, from rvflec•ions upon French M-
U:v.l,mm at-on his interview, bit that la un
tie pet tant es this plan has been given up.
The (..'otre'e Parte eorrespood.ut ray, Mr.
Blattner called at the Foreign office or contra
dict lb,- striation telegrams.
Moat of the P.DrOpeati GOVernMelts have i; v
en their assent to an lateral t onal nforenet
Cobstan. klpie, for the purpose of taain I tura , t
nits W prevent the spread of the civic,.
TLe Paris bonnie is arm.
Pnt sSts.—Austria has add reared a Mit- to
the Senate at Frank.f...rt, iu reference to toe late
nac.:ttn, of dck.gatt. , fr , to the German
t reo ten i 11:.7 ,f r, mon,tmllCe Is inc:i:11•
Till. at
TI, hulk-ra Las ailuo,t cl.a.ipi/carc ,
Thu trhOuvy warlt.o Is nor fay
Judge Gray, of Texas, Pardoned
Condition of Cur Army in Texas.
New Voss, November 3.—The //weld's Wash
ington special says. DIICCIIODS hIVO been issued
by the War Department to atop all sales of army
wagons and eyerything else In the line of trans
portation, There directions are received as in
dicating that an emergency may soon scree,
when army wagons will aain be required.
Judge Gray, of Texa g s, received executive
pardon last night, the document Del rig endorsed
with a statement that It had been granted at
the rtipicat of Rev. Henry Word Beecher.
On the occasion of the late Cluit of lleury
Ward Hec. her to Washington, Secretary Stan
ton presented torn with a Brevet Lieut. Colone
l, y for hen eon, oho I.BerVille. First LI.IteILVIt
in the 4,11 rargtiluri regiment.
'rue Ile-ruld . Niisehiiigton epeeist says! (.rent
.miplaint Is mode of the rations Isitie.l to tit
I.:•iite.l Stews troop. In Texas; the climate
and had food Lacing a pernicious effect open
the army In that State.
F en Race Ordered—Great SOutharn
Changed—Tax on Delaulting Natiutial
Bank Deposis.
Nast' Tons. Nov. special to the Trvehl
from Washington on the 3 , 1 says. The Navy
Briton net 4i hoe utdered by Rierapb the ems
race to Gate place between the Alguntialn and
Wieorekt as nottn as the former'd emglue can
be put in order.
The Peso-tains Department yesterday trans
fer, ed the great Southern malt to the Richavmd,
Fredericksturg and ROtomac line, by which it
reedits Richmond come hours swine% than by
any other route. •
General Spinier to•day decided that the tar
on deposits of 0 defaulting .national bank coat
patty ceases the moment the bank fails to pay
Its liabilities. Up to the present time but one has
Missouri Legislature.
IM:11, NOT. 2.—A. canens of radical mem
bers of the Logislature settled the question of
spealrershlp last night, ',and nominated A. J.
Harlan, of Andrew county, pr that pos)tloo, and
elected hint to-day by a to
General Blair. in a recent speech at Rona, bar
log charged the board of canessaerswith fraudu
lently collating the rotes at 'the last election, -
whereby the new State Constitution was
dee axed adopted, Secretary of State Rod
man Sent a Conimunicatfon f to the - Thank ask
ing to hate' appointed Jultt com
id mi tthhe to
count the votes, and degnitely dece the' rant,
Thsra, was no guorsatnift the Senate;
"' IV •
NL.4 rolli f :lOC. Da.ral car
ifipcadedt itiriett'etates that tho gas
vat Virlotaing ardied.tharc on Eltptember 4th:
Dispatch from the President. I
'Brought Over by th e Steamer Atlanta.
WaSrlDrowON. November 3.-Thesaio,or R., 1 FIFTEEN DEATHS UN ! BOARD I
Ft:W=2ms the (billowing:
/fll.43:Donyfiln, Ga., Nov. 1.-The following I nescresx-nal Crease is Li". 'Port. ,
iighlymnportant dispatch from the President. of
the Edited States has been received here by C. re. '
Johnson: sw Yong., Noe. 3.-Later SeCOILUL3 respect- Vi'asrit lo•row, Nov.:, --The tee -teeenty con.
ltaktriTireC MaNS-10 , , WASIILINGTO•t, - D. C., luithe cholera on the riteamship Atlanta, stato version bonds are hssueffeom the Treasury De-
Dotard:y.2S. 1805. that the passengers of the Atlanta, eumbering partmant as rapidly as they can be printed. A
Jas. 4.1..cni. rftriarmal Go 7.rac*•• Ifiwpmille , • one hundred and tifty-two, were principally million te day of the decomination of one thous
-0 ecTotas ' ' ..
- - Germans, excepting tho cabin passengera, of and dollars are now delivered. Those for w ee
tete . dispatch 1139 been received , T he P v° P la whom there were forty-eight. The vessel bad handred dollars and one hundred dalliers, will
of Georgia nitottld Met hesitate one single qtr be ready la a very lbw days. R-..ltered bonds
ment In rdrtielialliag every single dollaf-o debt taken early all the kilter 00 board at London
n ' 1 for live thousand dollars will be issued oceord
c-re.ated for the purpose of siding the
. rebellon and part of the strange passengers. but she. log to the request of the subscriber.
against the itorcrnmout of the CM= Stows. stopped al. Havre, where mare passenger wars The Department was to day preparing to than'
It will not dots
tha t
cu e taxes from the reeelved. medintely Issue United Siates &ands sat 'outlet
State and people that aro loyal bathe Union. to The persons who brought the cholera on
pay' a debt that was created to old in trikleg beard came from Havre on the first day after to six bnedred road forty mons:rad dollars lot he
Caton Pacific ltellway Company, II ustern Dict
them out., Mid subverting the Constitution of the Atlanta went CO sea, one of them, a child. sloe, or at the rate of els - teen thousand per
the United States. Ido not believe the (MU. file attacked by it see died ou the following mile, In atecordauce with slaw of Compreos. fcr
people of the s. ,_„„, 0r ,,, , ,,,. „„ e „ diy. I ethers became sick immediately. The dead the miles of the road which have been completed.
left Uninfluenced will ever 611hMit. th too prey- were burled soon after they had breathed the, In additiot to this aid by the Coverumeat, cer
motet of a debt which 'was tho mato tast. They were not, le any case, kept more tale quantities of land are to be glean 63 the
cause of bringing on their past and present tban . hodr. • nnrveYa Proceed and the road progresses.
passengers were In the leas t 'dr. S. D. F Lapeer, the well knowu banker
ligria ln •e g ested the th re e s i ca r tcaopritalbeinrebetheilicornea. tioTtih"ote eff N ect os ed e . ef T th h e e7m bi es n of sickness numbered, as of NOV. York, recently ' bum Furore whither 1,0
this debt, must meet their fate, and tree it ai ti reported elsewhere , from fifty .o sixty, and ii.,,e„reee ice eo ,,
,;,‘ e eee „ dee ,',, t , ht i e w ei ,,
one of the inevitable results of the rebellion, Ultra were fifteen deaths. The steerage pm-. for the GoVerrone ' ant, in connectioa with the
thongh it may seem hard to them. It etruild at wingers on the Atlanta, did not know, until they national oneness, held . Intervieu with the
Once be made known. at home and abroad, that strived at thhapoil. that the disease which was President noel the Secretory of the Tocasurc. to
co debt, contracted for Dap purpose of itissolv- Oolong theta was cholera Some of the most whom he submitted a yerbeO report of the re
in the Unlote.can, or ever will be, paid by ihtelligent among them suspected le but the
physielan careftely-seathheldatilt of his mission. 31r. Lamer everywhere
tsars toned on the people for swab purposes. Positive informs- I found the best of feeling prevailing in-tinencia!
(Signed.) or t he JOIIttoIOW, LIPUIrOII3 them, fearing the result on those not lnt. with relation to the United States. par-
Presidsut of the United Beate.. "acted with the disease. The passengers man- \ ocularly on Oro Continent, rind great confideuee
itested very litale smile ty. Is felt in our public ',emirates.
Tbe aeristout health cal ter was eosin-.end to I
At Fra n kfort ,
on t he Mole,ho sidressed at
tie eie ere r e at the Ailnetn hawses nine a' lll length, aher meadeg of ca - ultaliste. cm !Use.
Hen o'clock last evening. There was no light log represerativas from nearly every lead
atept that which came from a lantern, sad I Mg keu In Germany. The complete and utter
efrely one of the passengers could he teen ed. a OVerlbtOW of the rebellion was a matter of
time. They were not Separated,but were in their
1 berths es they had been placed When Cranny Pas equal surprise and congratulation aud the
NSW 06.7..1L5N5, NOV :L.-Caton dull and de- sage. Nine or ten were lock, two of tile num 1
1 power and wealth of the north war e subicet of
universal admiration, oat the war acing ended,
preened st o tealoattof I,hoo belts. Sugar la
Der nape Ins s i e ve of convalescence . Other i, the expectation eras confidently exercised by
little del:mend at liie. Molassws, 70e. -Exchange were en the first "cages of cholera. There were I Goa European holders of our sccurnies that
no unusual sights, but often Persons were I we would immediately commence a roturo to
ga' at lx, amount. , gromong. 1 wards specie payments however gradual the
Tbe Tung SteueF from New York-eve h uilved. ` , ,..Thls afternoon the scsstant health an, ,r a- Process ha each • directicn might be Such •
She fall In on the 'Pith ult., eightyseven milers demi the Atlanta to Ce l
lower bony, where filo. step It was represented was ausolutely ncees
now Iles about lateen mile' from this city . . The
Dorn Beau:. rt, with the steamer Chase, from nary to the tesittenarace of confide tee In Ohe
pital obit. k no wn as the Fi.,reoce Nb4litin- securities .d In the policy of the Govern:pelt
New Fmk to lirriannah. Too envies of the r i l e , pas been ordered to het old swoon, aud. I The ability of the country to bear all the btu ,
tilrill Fos down, and wan hoisted.hy lain planer Toglre patients will be removed to her and treated dens of trio tear was not questioned, especially
while the Caption was Lebow.
Chase Mat l 1 ? hQnDle with the 1 lipid progress of the work of Meda
-1 1 The latest intelligence Is from Dr. Walser, efructimu which bids Wet° restore political and
a heavy gelato the 213 d; the hull was fall of Who has charge of the patients no the Mm
nodal iii :ii, t o every pw.iptio of ,t, country.
WNW'. thetas pat en t and the engiromstopPed- , The number of deaths up to three o'clock this With a wise and correct policy there will bra no
The pedsengers balled Ler. The Captain repor- I afternoon was ninn. The number of cases I limit to the demand for oursecurities, not only
L e d h e r n a r,t and seen
input plenty o p eoe i , ito i fat board at thet h omewas mare than thirty. lon the Continent bet is England, where our
prot talons. Between Inpiter Inlet and Cape a The daily papers are calling upon the city , oam-reset were fast opening the eyes of their
Florida she picked up In a smell DOM Cape Ap- government to base the city cleaned and pit' In I people as to the vain of: , our hands,
Minnie and lour of tho crew of tins schooner a condition to resist the ravages of the cholera But Dec feellog agedtitt any further Increase, and
Minnie, of Mystic for Hey West, which wee 61 Much so pordablet In," latge portion of the in favor of a steady cbutraction of currency was
lost in a heavy gale on tee o r off J
ig u pile . I City the tenement bonalisnire `densely crowded , renotody expressed is the sole collator' ou
rpo.m,glistmersooorup.l;ledet t ir o
b b a 'a r,, Lbo w r i o th lumhttahio,alose: i fled in a horrible condition, If the cholera I wield. our credit alenindcould be maintained.
thefi. 'Celine among ea it it fomld the rn3nelhf will 1t is understood that the ',lows of If. Lanier
lug I.V.- brigs, one "hip, and the wrecks of i ce ,De VtTY great. rt se iofr an f were heartily responded to, both try the Lireal
weasels eunk and dismastai. Gape Appieman 1 : , dent and the Secretary ortbe, Tnnsury.
reports whilst at Jupiter he saw a propeller t rgom NEW YORK, , It is rain the Becretarrof Mate ts engaged in
towing e dilOgited brig. LAW quanthl oS of r preparing a reply to the dispatch of Earl Ros
eteaceloot and cabin 'furniture fluted ashore. . ^ --- I sell regarding the proposed enmailasine Mateo
A Isege, black ship, load.: with cotton, went 1 ~ , ed in his his lordahlp'a reply to Minister Af i us.
ashore on Grecian shoals, surrounded by 1 I 11011 FA OA the Steamer Atlanta. i fur lie idittdication of certain claims against
*nets. Ina atenol l3 s and Livingston brought 1 I this Governmint. The question at issue Is sold
part of the crew. TOO barks John
and I, , to have beett considered nth sere:rat Celli:let Meet-
Caroline, M . E. Smith and Wesley, hence for 1 "li in T tIOPFUNIS OF THE FENIINS, ' loge.
Livo pool, went ashore 150 miles from Key ; The President lass appointed .r. F. Meiler
West. The officers and crew were taken up. -- Collector of enSLOMP at San Fooncoca, vim
111 c steamer N. E. Smith was from Mobile --
end boned for Liverpool, and went ashore ou the ,
. ocetsareto fist( to be Esiablia ft ed. I Ch'i" jeWel*
The ears} court Martial, of which Vice Ai
French Reef, forty miles west of Key Woes. --. ; miral Ferrara is President, after finding et Ver.
One of
W es t. 'u's. crew of eine men reached I , _I diet in to ease of Lieutenant Cr/ onel el eretoa ,
„Koy The Captain and the rest of' crew ' ' y ew T vv. ''''ev ,''-'• - le e .lin'aen• Q'e rvn ' the l of tee Marine Corps, and which will not De pro
were enfe whim the boat's crevr,left. but nothoec• Sortie n, reports t h a t fifteen ricottas by cholera, mulgated until approved be the proper a ailyttl
bas been tea dof them since. out of or or sixty cases on board the Atlanta, ties. adjourned until Tuesday next. when Ills
The Betook ship Mercy, from ILOOditril , , ellt Mt, or Commodore Cr, Ten will be taken up.
ashore two hundred relies north of Key
occurred•in lac passage from Itrest There ,
Four of the crew hate been picked up In a dy. were also a few eases of small pox on board of I irt,..\\ 1 . 0 , n F L rn .‘
u t i r imi r Ta u g \ A T RI A \AL
, r )
.I. T .
th e The Captain and the crew had , the steamer Atlanta.
.oken to the balls nod rafts. Nothiug hod bra
-c Ot the seourga on used the Allsllle. the
L. aol oe them wilco the I.lvlmtetoo lead left K-v Cornrrasetal gals: Though the disease has been , ---
1% eft Fleet to Sail for the Pacific.
. imported LO our shores at this MLne, We do DOI.
' think tom any speelal alarm need he hdt at
present. It behooves us to prepare Immo:haul y
I ter the reception ]of this scourge. Not a day Is 1
to he lost. 1 Fitt LANS% CITIM BHT Ili
. 9 . 4;/
mat NI aret /xi. re, enure -
agolost tt M. Caldwell And Clca•,. a U. Wm, . ....&A..'";s'.
nay, ta'b's of the N ... So-k boweity Mercury, , ,'ten t,,,:.. , .et _
foe pubilablng mato .•.u- I, .- Ye. etl-ky
three 4. ntlemto wore omelet', au I gab..,
le if:,,Olal i fol, in I arres
Ili ~..
Ore. I o
er.,eleeet wrivn thie t '
y teterd ty
and .6 wpptog at the ‘l. ed t i rop. Mau It set.
:V idor Ocreerst Hooter than nolnee4 1,14 a
In nempli ece to recent ordtrs Dorn the War
Tae ensile and ...Deity at the Fool. heed
quarters In Ikea city still continua& '1 Ito rotate
ere eDleetelestly crowded. A report says the
Itrotherhcod hag reached • state of ire rfeet or
capitation. Every possible precauteon es taken
to keep the deliberations of the Senate eerier.
Ar coed sentinels are stationed at the entrsuce
to the roam occupied sot headquaners. ,
There woos a meeting of the licolth Commie
:de:Mtn. hail Al ItC101) 1..., day, lee oriacqueme of
et-poked peosence of cholera. The committee
ippoorted at tire last 'needles to draft a memorial
petitioning the General Government for the toe
of Mott . " on Sandy Hook for oust-melee, repro.
.rent the nrceassly of rigid quarantine in several
of the pores of the country ' , to guard against the
introduction of eholern, and that the
authott • Ina of Non York Cr , ' et Ithollt
a proper 'darn to es , abllsh ,otarant too
to meet the antimponal emeoccucy. in this
Allen., the earucoly request the general v
ernment to grant for temporary use,
40 mart
of the lan ds ees shall be necessary, now • Wiled
is the both ^' omen% at Study hook. The. me
rmaid w. adept ',dement. Drn Stayre iced Ct•eten
runt Mayor f lat eland n ert appointed semi:iron -
lee Io PrVecell to NV tsbington to ,L , tilt earner
h, fore the Government.
ieht . Ti e 'bit , Ith,ot from I mann, be no cOr 4
It 1 , reported that the Papal army IS nice. h of elhllve3
,11.,Z.L1117.ed The Gerrie eon , sp Mete... o f i .••1. her Idth
Lieerroo. Ntturchty dfierron a, Oa 21 -The -a). the: Poe.. hoe rres.elt rd to ereiblian en Elle
cell , o gal , to day amounted to 10,000 boles. band a w eon,: to le' tato/pro , oath, al l• ~,I I D tt
meta Vt 4 :,,I'oo to epoculators and exp wows. oe ihrtuinOhatee
market closed doll and cotobanged, Bread. _—
The steed - . neuter with a alight advance. Com goitre EXPLOSION OF THE ST. JiHN,
ProvlSl6oB firth. 810eleS scarce. Consols
closed et -toe:W. fs - money. 'jotted States
5-20'., 'it ',4964 t. Illinois General. or, Erie
Shipwrecks in the ..Late Gale
English Ministerial Arrangements.
al news 63 tit, Java base been rsse.3, - .1 I
The London 'nines thlzyks should F-srl Russell
fail in fortattt,4 41 ottntstly, a rot:W.l6.m bt :Is.",
the diners of sstet.ttAss of the Liberal., wil: he
come 1-...• essary. and that Lord ..ii.
probably tts tits person ands: whom tl, t.t. , u..• ,
bstotbrr of men mill scree.
Amt neon Adele.. received by Ito last steamer
had lath, or no effect upon the marielll.
Pa• iv medical papers ,late that the cholera re
frains rtationary, The E unarm Nap Aron via
Ited the Goa to satikfy himaeif ih" i ,, Pe.
care and attention was paid to the cholera pa.
Garibaldi had declined a nomiaatbn by the
Italian parliament offered by Turia.
I 1.0 , 1 ,0 N, (Jct. tThe Globe taps that a is
I not in a tusltion to state the p7ectse charactio
I of the micisterlal arrangement., bat that no ob
stades prtvail in regard to them. and teat a sat
latactoty formation of the nalnlatery is ex
The ,corny nays that nothing . dedrilte will
I trot -Ore until after Lord Palmerston's funeral.
As little change as peseible wal be made at least
. b, fore the ttpenlissr of t'arVament.
The Purls futures closed firm yeso.rday at 07f
( ioic for rtutes.
I It , RlaLeti that Ilse l'apat Minister of War
I has not ry.i4ned, of hat 0 14,1.,,,i 1,,,, „C
Georgia Convention—Ml. 1.11 , Legitla
lute. e—l.ntlicully Between the Civil and ,
)11litnry Authoritls a,
Mn.; KI.r.NILLE Ar s.. ()rt. ti.i.—Gov. John.
.nn e, of a message to the Co Ire ation strongly
urgit.g epudialion of the State rear deot,
The ,Nlisppl legialatare appointed a Joint
tothlitee to petition the President to pardon
Joon Thompson. The House invited Ex-tiov,
flail, to addribi them, He declined on the
wound of helog a parried prisoner. lis nays he
trusts soon to see Niirsisaippl restored to the full
exp., nett of equal political rights. with her sis•
ter &nice, and under the tirg of the Uhion once
The difficulty of some durstioa between Cap
tain Peel, provost marshal of the Freedmen's
Bureau of Coplah county, allsaissippl„ and Col.
Drove Brown. of Sheriff county, In which Gov
ernor Starkey and the civil courts 'had Mixt
seined, resulted in . Peck, who hall been sent to
jell by the coact, appealing to General Oster
haus, who sent back the neer° trOoPt to the
county horn whence they had been Withdrawn,
taking p1E13.213100 of the Jail, releasing Pock,
nod blecing the county under cliwie military
net vi.lllacee.
Advice , . (rota Mexico
N ENS Y ,, ItH, Nor. 3.—A special Mexican roe
respondent to the Tribune, wrl , cs that Mr. Ve
-10,14131C1. tie Leon, Minister of State, has given
tip his position. 'tr. Itunins, Ululates of For
ei of nign Alfairs, hsof resigned and assumes tine du
tes Minister Slate. Martha Castello luta
been am.olnted Minister of Foreign Altair,.
The Impend has decreed the foundation of a
national theatre.
As soon as the rainy season ends, the rem
against the guerrilla:. willopett vigorously.
The first branch of the Charles Railway, be
tween Mexico and Cambaya, was inaugud in
the presence of the Emperor and Empress.rate
Potitiou of Naval Vessels.
Is SW Yuus. ti.n. 2.--Blnce the end of the.
war the navy department bat exhiblted great ac
tlviii in atudisig,ont vessels for service to for
eign waters, TO tee Mediterranean we have six
vftaels, and font more almost ready; In the
BrasUlan squadron six yawls, and two •inere
newly ready; In the Cat India squadron three
vessels, on the Atlantic coast seem vessels, In
the Gulf squadron thirteen, In the tillaelsaippl
squalron di, and a number Of iron elide; at
Monied City, Illireels, eleven vessels, belonging
to the practice squadron a Ate [malls, Mary
land, twentrtoro, welch at .! on d so tredsOrts,
Alta. The total Dumber of vessels In t e service
13 701, add the somber or guilt Is 1,117,
MIAs fbr Southern Mall Itoutes—Cotton
Consumed During the Last Four Years.
Saw Tone, Nov..3.—Tranne's smelts' sass:
Only 300 bids wend recoltiod by . the Panellize
*Pbrtment Miterdsf. to isuppiy 800 routes ad
vertised to be let in the Scratbern Sates.,
The Commissioner of Agri=lime hes pm
pared a letter,of it . lquiry , for mannfletaMt -01,
cotton gobdi throughonalie Celan, requesting
-them Minter= the pepiototeet'aCtOOO afilho"
ticable, the ationnt of raw cotton consulted by
them yearly, troth 1830 up to te toetitit
These repo rt s will exhibit, th e -h atieteitltute, te
the cotton market during the last four yore pf.
' • '
tl)e rebellion. •• • • - •
Inve, , tigation of' it Cause
NEW rOtiK, ,v. tt ~rs.
John M. Weeks and Joel NV. Renner, steam
boat le.peeterE, ttok naeaanri s to oleos:is:ate
the cause of the St, John's They
visited and sear at Gees that the cause of cue
explcelon was a defect to the Iron nets the
point where the It Loge was corned. File defect
wrest taw' been ImpereepUhle at the time when
Lb. v resorneot Inspectl m was m atis.
Mr, J;cl Wright, Second E winter of the
•St. John, tertillod that there was getout twenty
eight pounds of steam In the bAler, lie had
never discovered the Indication of vecskacev In
the pellet. Baw no one asleep In the engine
The foreman at the skip boiler works, who
has been In the bustisess twenty years, 'waked
tkat he examlned the exploded boiler. He would
consider • the boiler well built Ann propuly
braced.. and think, the holies safe at forty
pounds of steam.
Wm. Fitteher examined the holler; thinks the
censors( the explosion was. the couu anal wok.
log of the iron from expansion and distraction
or continued pulsation on that part of the
Ile does not think there was any original defect
In the iron; thinks there was plenty of water In '
the nosier at the time of the eiOlosion.
The chief engineer of the St. June, lames
Coolf,wits off watch at the time of the explosion.
On the morning of the explosion, noon after Out
cl'clocll, a. in,. he lett about seventy-five pounds
of steam on when he went off.
The hollers were "Attracted for in 176 t, and
put In, iu 1•415. The tallier, were built under
ale supenision, and ho thought properly con
structed. lie thinks the explosion occurrent by
continual pulsation of the holler in that part, oc
casioned by the emitinual , relieving of the boiler
from preocure and taking steam in the cylinder.
Other testimony was taken and the Investiga
tion in being continued. The conclusions are
that tint exploilott woo caused by a defect In the
Mote of the Steamer Republic's P aueu
ger'. saved.
New Vona, Nov. 2,—The Baysnosh Herald
reports the arrival . of the bark Horace Beals.
with $ boat from .he, steamer it4rabltc, which
was picked .up ciulthe Noth cdsr,4 abont twenty
gaped east of Hunting Island, containing - a bum
tot of her passencers , and craw. They were in
the life boat 50 bolara, input, food or water.
A derdlotat of water which wee pieced on hoard
was broken by accident. They lost all their
Motblugand valuables and were nearly naked.
The eterdashiP Catharine Whiting from New
Toni for Galveston went ashore 253 miles south
rf Caryford. The Whiting bad picked up
two i men from the wreck of a schooner. the re
mainder of the crew tuning been washed °Par
boil The steamer General Barns which.
cam unicated with her was unable ro render
r i
assistance %be being far In the rear. The
BA es counted seven vessels ashore and MA-
I mar cd In eight of Cartallot.
.14cgs:•••••4 MOS, NOT. 2.-eahe. l ) l AW l 4!
die !special court of ettuity, eitaddlehed berm-,
visional .Cieeernor !Sharkey, pawed the n one ,
*ice the Governor's Veto, and will oasattle.Seep
Amcricau Securities in Europe
Reply to Lord Rwaall Preparing,a;
Im:ding:a, nation:, .I‘.!,i
is under tn. ,!lurk of the
seas v , y I repartruent. The rpm , that the
Pre...dent hail witdrawn the tiovernineat ad
vertising frost the h Vatiorrol Rape-141am Us denied
In Olaf paper.
The lien:hr. Fortress Monroe epode! says a
fleet of easel vessels consisting of the gunboats
Vane . erliSit and Powhatan, the sloop of war T
cart ro •od toe onitor Monadnock te. momen
tarily miredidett m to leave here for the Partri
They nett go to St.. Thomas thence to San Fran
cisco, and trim three to thstr a•sisned rendez
vous on the Pacific coast. All the vessels are in
splendid selling condition and the officers as
tell as crews are in exrell.nt spirits at speedily
t ntering on a long and interesting erniae before
Ilene. The zunboat Seneca left for sea this mor
ning. [ler -estimation is not known.
The Commercial'. Washington correspondent
sap: Admiral Potter is now at the head of
the Natal Academy, re-estzolishing that Instil
ttilien at Anapolis. The class Just entering
numbers on n e hundred and twenty-fire 31.1dsoin
Secret try Welles will urge in hie report. saga
CongreasiOnal enactments foe the promotion of
mkt I
line 'aal Naval apprentice*.
• The riaiblientoent of S suthern Piwtt - Mses
and routes draws largely upon the Postoill
Ponds. as it Is not expected that these Poetottism
will be self-sustaining. The department will
again have to receive appropriations from the
y nlrllc irearm y. To make the department self-
Set tatting. th Postmaster Gimeral is under
stood to 'aeon e
the abolition of the franking
The demand for dwelling houses In Wash
ton is tin pre. dented. Fabulous rents art as., A
•nd pall.
The Retail's dispatch Co u Toronto, C. W.,
on the bd says.. Fenian excitement still
continues iinlet. umber of soldiers are ate
der arrest for sympathising with the Fenian.
The city and its approaches are picketed.
Many Americana are prepariog to leave for the
States. Numbers of Orangemen are preparing
for the delence of this &strt. 1 hare positive
lutormation that the Canadiaicn brotherhood be.,
• vest Ban r, ready for arms neut. It is repsr
t. d that a cumrisr of r fli-lals of the gleern
n nt ate engaged In the conspire:l . . Great
.rations are going forward.
1.0. t amen Republic—suffering. of
the Survivors.
Nan 1' , 1:1C, MOP. 3.—The steamer Lump;
teem Havre, has arrived. Her news is antici
•The steamer Empire City arrived Irma Port
Royal on the 31st. She reports the arrival, on
the );.h. or the steamer &tweed Bruen sad
General Barnes. The E mpire City pi:ked
eight ol the crew and two passengers of the
lost steamship Republic. via: Passenners—
Captain B. F. Ryer, of the =h New York
battery, and Mm. C. Cooney. Crew—Felward
Ryan.second Date; J. Flerniez.Criarlet Collins,
and N. Nosh, Bremen; J. Quinn and J. Cretin,
seamen, and J. Mills and P. Maloney. wailer.
Capt Ryer reports that he left the vessel with
ten others oho, e named, In the captain's gig, a
small four-oared boat, In company with th
other larger boats. They became separated l ose n
the night. At times, tire boat ream half full of
water. They remained four hts and three
days without food or water at n
th ig e mercy of the
woven. Their saffcrings were terrible. They
were aboat giving up all hope, when a sail hove
In night, and they were soon picked up ny the
schooner Harper, Capt.' Combs, flow Brisk
port, Maine, and token to Hilton Ilea 4. Though
exhausted and conch swollen when rdened, Ow
ing to the careful attention received on the
schooner and at. Hilton Head, they are now do-
The Aseasssio Payna—Case or General
NI:, YORK, Nor. Herald pullkhe r s
letter trout George E. Powell, the father of
the :assassin rape, dated Live Only Alabama,
September 30th. This Is the first diriet Intel
ligence from Payne's family. Powell says his
eon was born April thkl, Pit 4; that he eaPert
eneed religion whoa twelve years ohl, and lived
a pions life up to the LIMO ol hie enlistment in
thu rebel army lie says • his sou was always
kind and tender hearted, but determthed,
The lose of Blualuter 4.C0m 6 7 dq , Ate yes
terday, evacuate to tls t r,
The case pol. All . wtin Attest Gin: Ortega
for expense Incurred In the 3daviaire'oo2lifistion
same, was In Court. , ..1i0 decision - Was
NASOVILLE.NO9.,SJ—Han: Harrison. At.
torney General of Tennessee, delivered Ids •
speech in the States .Ctrenit 'Court to.
dal aggimitriAtinChiror 14= cOrluts.
the Cade of Dlcit—rxeCatnn. deelsion'allf
probably bereaehnd by , Mondaf naafi'
The eottan morkeL Is ,dull to -day, though ;
there Werelargearri'Veli; 'The pricessonze from
46 tcr...47 -.eenti.. per . pound. sale of
one bundred - and tivatales was malls at forty
flve cants-yesterday: Thelteelpts tot!itsy were,
live 14tdred Riad SUOMI -has& :There' .iva r ‘,
shipment of three lindrea and twenty bites.
,The market elosed.firma ,
Riser swelling slightly; *Mita-eta! Inches on •
the shoats. , - ;
Death of Lord Palmerston
AO (t NT OF Ms
Collitnents Ott his Char:- aoer
NEW Toax, NOT. :..--lri the foreign 1,0,rt re- i
ceived by the Java, the Loudon Times Vwcurs
the .Pl'ointent of Gladstone CO the Premier- 1 1 •
ship. it rAy6 the constry has a right to efir.p.xt i
the Enviers of men who have nitathed bit clot i BOOTS ik
passed the period of their full latellectast ilgor.
Lord Russell Is 73 rears of age. It: has I
become sxhaasted UT the varieties of Itts Ont.!. AT
lie has recelvtd the hlxhest honor the crown '.
- --
can bestow , and his map!rraloirl, Way übre thr
fairly satisfied,
Lord Clardmirlon, who may he eoutidereit ' Concert 'hail
another eandhlate for the tittie, ia ,onliewhot i
stronger than Loot Russ, 11, but thon:li ion ex- i
perienced sod able Diphimatl-1., his otfielal life
has probably made hint !pore conversant with
the ways and manners of foreigners than of hts
own countrymen, and he has at least git'en no
roof that he pus-ewes those sympathins with
English Ideas and habits which Lord ralMer
stOu to pre-culisently displayed, and without
which no minister can be popular in t 1 6 coun.
lry •
The London Daily Telegraph .says the Members
of Loro Paltilketou's family. were by no means
prepareet for eo abrupt a termination of, hie
nee', stud giver the fallowing account ofthis last
moments: Ills state of mind op to thellast re
mained neilonded. He woe m lull poristeelon
of bra faculties. and Buffered very little Om, but
there came a lassitade over him which prevented
a effort or wish to converse. Tim questions
pm. e.y
en him were either disregarded or anewered
b e look or elem. eilerice, half imposed by
weariness, ball of his own Mclinaelon, possessed
On the day before his death. however, when
he wan In a doer, preceding the last change,
his mind was evidently arrid its old associa.
Mons or he was heard to mutter, an Ina dream
-The; treaty w Ith; Belgium ; yes, read me that
douse agate." lint at last, a pvrl'eetly osareful
demise crowned the long and serene he
of life life, Re sank' away, end gently
dickered a little like an expiring lamp, and
then went out rather than died, and tney ardly
hardly knew, In the dexth chamber, at h what
exact hoar the greet statesman, whose name
had been on every page of oar history for fifty
years, cease.l to ba'among the living.
The widow of the premier has been cheered
by the -cordial syempatity of the Queen. liter
Majesty, when the news of the Illness of her
first minister was conveyed to her, instantly
wrote by Gen. Grey to Lady Jocelyn, who is one
of bee women of the bedchamber, expresaing
her concern, and requesting to be informed of
the Premier's state, and-when the worst Intelli
gence reached Ihdmoral, she; wrote to annum
Lady Palmerston of her heartfelt and deep sym
pathy with her under this deep trial.
The Daily Yeas says, We cannot pep
better appreciate the peculiar faults and meriti
or Lord Paltncrater's character, than by con
trasting him It Ith two veal men, whom death
within n year has struck down. lilehnrd'
den, penetrated and mastervi by the idea of a
great truth, gave hi. life tee make it triumph over
eeeri opposition. Abraham Lincoln not test
strom,•dy, feeling the treizin of principle, yetui
shrank from puLLM: it In action till einctl
.inners forced hint to ;wt. But Lord Valmenstort
sh„ • largir 'glace In the weed's vle*ttian
leavte less by which he will be known.
;ban either, for there never was a principlete
which lie devoted himself, and' there were many
that he supported, brit it was not because in has
eyes they we
right, but because they were the
convenient expressions of an irrepreasibie pale-
Ile opinion. So, that though roe added In blea
t; if the triumph of many, there are none with
which his name will he assocleted.
The .If,,,ni.g Star reunaks on Olg event es the
cloth gel • wholeera ti , fillstory of Eiziand.
Pere Press, 1112 , 1eiDtIng speedy reforms
as a consequence of the Premier's death, says:
The old policy of England said be interred in
Lord Paleertion'e tomb. and the hour of de
ineeraey Will loon strike In liberal F.Uttlnntl.
The t tdles,man who would succeed to the her.
ter of Lord ellcLier,.433 must linen the courage
to Lecoa,- Otte Cubert Pe of universal sutiray.
lil,•Crillg of the holders of the relied loan,
was held in London on the tl th of October, for
the purpose of receiving a report from the corn
mat, e appoilded on the l th efSemmidelr_ The r,purren cue amount or 1,0545 In
lCiallola at two millions four hundred thousand.
pounds. They had satanitted the care to tote.
Fleming, the Quern's counsel, who gave a long
and elaborate opinion, entering fully into the
do. trine Of State right-, and arguing that if
the Lunf, , ,der tic Stara, had not lost their ogle
ten, as Frith-pendent States before the contr.-
ti On Of the loan, and he think: not, there is no
geonlid on which the original liability eon
he successfully called in question. It his view
le comet, then the Flitted States, having taken
the property of the Confederate States,le subject
to the charge of the loan. That what has be
come the roperty of the United States van-
Lauer leable to the
that ( the (
this 01:1111101
the conntnittee remark that the opinion of Mr.
Flomir g on the case leers no dlubt but that,
soontr or later, either the United States or
States which formed the Confederacy willd the
organize and pay the loan.
The meeting adjourned till tne
. 18th of demi-
ih ilw I •
New Yong, Noy. 3.—At the Stock Exchange
ben: was considerable realizing. and the market
was a traction lower, except on some of the
specialties. Terre Haute common and preferred
shares, and Toledo & Wabash were run up to
day, and were made to sympathize with the
Movement In Prairie Do Chien. At the second.
board the market generally was steady. New
York Central „.t. Erie in active demand at an ad
vance Of per cant. M:chizaa Southern
and Northwestern common !hart, were weak
and lower. There wad a renewed excitement on
fancy WI stern shares, and. the highest prices
were made. Prairie Du Chien rose Lo tgl, and
Terre Heels and Wattash each sold at 52"4(a.„53.
After call, Erie wasia large demand, and Prairie
Da Chita tell to SS.
The Mock market nota., sttongcr at the last
Loard with ;tool demand. The following were
the closing prices at 4:30 p. m.: New York
Central, 101 Hudson River, 1050. A
Reading, 115 , .; Mic hig an 'Southern,
:;1; t'lyveland and l'itisburgh, '11'6'992' Kock
I+sand, , fit. 10 4 '.„ ; North NVestern,
New York preferred, Ft. Wayne,
10:;' ; Prarie DuChien, 90@p01. Gold closed
at 1-lit,'„Etl4 4: .„'.
Thd total sale , of eotton to-day foot up 0:„,)
.;`,„:- rat 511(„1.37 for middlings.
Government securities were very dud, the
probable character of the dcbt statement having
apparently had no effect on the demand. Old
5 , 20's arebetter, new advanced LPs of
IS6I arc ;;lower: 10-40's N lower; 7410's de
clined !4. Gold shows considerable firmness,
principally owing to Governments having
been sold less of late thou usual, and also from
the large custom demand. The warlike rumors,
that iron clads are to be fitted out, and no mare
army materials to ho sold, and the army kept at
Its present standard, all tendto strengthen the
market. Money remains micbanged.
From Aashyi,ll..e
ri e.
VOLUME L Ir , •.,..•-,..'• k;"., -. 4; - , • i -.. •.- i. ' I: I . •
- ..._
i l / 4 -7- 7 -Li'
Finaure •nd Trade In New York
Tag Bandy-Lark Railroad Company, Intend to
put ander contract, as soon as law locating la
tlnlehed, six miles of the toad east from Clear
field and six miles west fromPtillipaptirg.
. .
• •
DiotRRIED: -
Riffs_NG.—lfisDßA -43 the filinallst , Of
derrcps Ask henr. on Thursdays's:Aug, nil bat:,
or Ant Rim. J.: R. Claris, Dir. A. 11.'hWIZII to
.A.NruE EIMER bath of Alifir,beny City.
tipxygD.-87—Ily Abierfaan RObinson.
of true Thild AlhlghtiltV on .tho rn day of
o b . aueu ILLDTV ER to Miss RAIL'S
b YDE—At hf, riddance, 63 Itobtnion street, on
the 36 loaC, alb% o'4.tonk., k. Y., X. HYDE, in
tho 661.16146 r of his ago. •
Ya 6 enteral KID take piker on S6III6TX, 6th
th link, from kW ILkto reilAeneriat, 2 o'clock, r. r.
The Iklands of tha WADY 11^0 respectfully invited
to - ntiend. •
111111,DALB mral and
most pletmesque place Seouhurt, innate
°lithe uplands, hateeMately norp of Allegheny
City, on tail'New Brighten Road. Person with,
Ing to 'Meet ratrillti•ata &Indy' at the Sanaa:
intendeetsClee,lit the Cemetery., Deeds,
Permitaand all other basins' will be attended at
the Drng Waretiotas:bt the undetal eorner of
yodersi sad heel* stirtse t t o U . eg A, he
E. •
. ,
*wary' siplalenuTer;',
• Dip 113.11 v zit.; ; rz
i 1 4 .;
1:7141410(1VAMEM.1,..:1 t..
.88. ti "
nlithlteld - 6treet, •,Irtri trot
Gr 001IFINS o Leval: aSenetiption; (NUPE.
ALS: aer►llg. Pr FINE HU RSV. n HMI
/WHIRS tat - MAW '
JOHN V. HERRON:;Si 004 . '
lEStc`lZO.Aitra+xx'sarAFV l4.4 FT oll,
- IF*l.,EPuNor.rks.
coNievki Awl* Pomg•Ls—„,.•
f et9 No, i7O SAO. ka
- i0 - y ELTIER,
Shoe Store
11001'134.1XD SHOES,
Best Quality, Superior Finish and trims
qualed in Style are now
Selling at about
Concert Hall Shoe Store.
Go Early and Secure a Ba rgain•
Children' Shoes only 10 cents,
Women' Gail Shoes only 75 cents.
tILOTKINO 11.0C3r,
tip. a FLITS:3 STREEr
EW (;() UUJ•
FINE 01.0T9' 00.trA
and all esle..l
J. H. SMITH & 00..
.putte the Opera Bonze, oaks
50 Cents to:SOQ Dollars
EACH 13001. i. SOLD,
Call or Send for a Catalogue.
, - •
.• •
• -
.5 0 0 r. 4 /..IL
•r, - -
Ladies, 1 - tit. -,
(lents and'
, ' ' CAUdretivx -2. *
S Er: S
rOk SALE LOW llir
• .;
• 1 .
4710* 106, 'IIY-0012
rocrsiwa, Bora, "
I VIOL/ 21 S / 1 4 2 /. 3 071 c_ it" Sq
amtmoracefg - 04 — .
, I
-til ....),AIL_,;63 :1(133 A
4f• - • ; 3. i ' UNEGIA- 1 ,, 3):
rlv7 LK , 010
*l.4w*.4lt.lll l sl .o ektl4) t r
(jegy...wif N E," flgEnt:T.D...-I=-,:1; luvrr
w e ott 77, ,-
, rl,:thstKapir irroa.r,
fl ogiv
J.". 7
1 1
J' i