The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, November 03, 1865, Image 3
4 • ok- Mia..B,logß iNalignalerE FOB •ranOmsua-5t01314T,110113 PJUNCAT wc.oDeRI374BVITIM-YMileourer , eat' Etzletklrelllartrlth.l o rem:. and tweet gate' of safe wsticr and. fruit , el ill kletlea: ltrose.Fetleral street Cl the itibeeriber, j Me M. UThE MAI,e2 . OOIrWORYA si audit ovik «s a te ll ". •. LEozr; raz iivizisANo; ickez AND Dint* the Jtastic;iotiiiirtli Andzibert7;stietiL o~,4was nom ' N 0.16 realupoo. elem E - " ~,complete, ut.. AZIP ordass orborlro tarall-uourar • or 114, Homo PowMparaiatY of F. lama, ' • . TV %Min HOUSE, Aartrar, s4n.timeistarra'AnreeSLPittablugh, Lot to , *tato otttoo,_ and 112 feel • dontolso,' ll %IV AU' .ROUSE oninityittlotaiittrp, 'tat etintottl, ff't feet tleta v n a tilltoT ,' .'ito: tot 6211tIttlalII feet..' it 111-4,3,. A LCiTOF. GRO I ithA t T Z . ,, mn egelf" coo. Ilita qm propottt rrilt oUltstl for sadism/Wag otesay.socrot totbe. Laatherter ramoger Railway, col'. . It. E. Nooldios re* cor on. tyo For teratio - • • -• • , vat ' ZOR ,33311C 4 -10WELDING , H 8 ÜBE.; - Thep Tro.loo WM "O. 'NU .987,, N: PUNIC? Edenton of thitobtst• oPttLit fleet. A 114.11112 BALL* briekboorwartil • sores tgrouea^ with tiarectrobOrilvOs • IR Otreelt Yes teragilifigy • , • JO Iti. 0.163 Liberty Street._ ?oR oft IiEVIIIBULAI BOLO. test S Inebsebga Ifteet k p eie;.64iettiethte9 ass, etght."lnclue a 7 metariitech leet (Clashes d 1-Illattes 41.ieVeeter• larfartber partlefolars call on the uneeralined, the Wryer of Pilo-and o , than, strati. BLICXPITOS g i BAPIR"-1/4" 00. 00.44101 • FF ° .;; R, 431418:' vs to;ft inat Th 0 1 titeadsaCtrf, , .tst apegbeay. Thespli .at TOW! s !Ss,* 111111 wo 13ftim., be tol eizbAniput tem: roperttlit.,P,StstwOLASle est or torwren6s, it* • ,‘IDAT EIIigPENIM I Clai P eAlt 'P0511.2.,"44.414P24"3" WAR bo jObiBCE mei ved I. WM - ElSlntatte!"4:-CllRTioPeits tor the ;ale ore" . • • GOOD DrOO/gr fI ] , itu.sodvioimue 'toot to2l/01Latibil, No atti iu e'ffixth 'Mut rtttoftwtroptcSATlTßutaltnbart Woo: it 'Me Mattuti' Wee to 414 :WO toit.,Aeet Air Oral s , Addreel, MaI&OCHIGIN. 3batiltWCPo4olll.o,loo'.Prolle:Gri Liberty strut. • : ; ' • `, - • 'Oen ottie t imixtrattly A 41 Acelo , ltteeL , weir , Ildrt•A P tu li t ..=VETA'TE.Rmoodst sins-wiriza Pine le 11105110t#1, .rtiirttAvoetlfßAtty.2ooAllinglHEoo lac°, lit YO., B . i n win 'Rotary rabliet iLicartja Tel veskteri TURPULLA'AIIOT OR , GROUND: con wain &boa Tkronamerostualte to Pitt Tp., .iffelleMeataart, lostlifttfilandi of 'Capt. Brew.. laraid ram E. b=7. propert y Oolltht- I lliff ley 'sad the Waited, Allatfil wrerlooltinvir of .11othful AllY fiver, Wll7i — be.auti "Atildirglot fora country Residence, bill will be i l l. / X4 / . l =i n = i iittzte. -- witioidgull. N 0 . ,/ Allradt 4 74M4 o/0 . 1 3[01313. = 1, • - .195:043RM14 _ oelYott Exeenforsof B. E. ITGowlli, deed. :DWF ;LING HOU SE INALLEQHENY 41.xexh' 1 ilii r e Ws tag intUrtire 001VIA,LIETAgef cmli• room, unman ono Tour -i.talothi tiro purwls, . 41 i/imams , with water sad ass. actirning a lots Vcultivated sad oluAUUsHaudicrtb daub. -lout dude trots. ! O ourissudiall Ws , DluzSlecithrlrlimPle •lioloo for fresh at; aud th is mama on the Ulna iamiro etnomutunus au ertuditirs slut varied vim Iro !WULF InfoFzuttollegr y , Brox— eci • 1 ' L , ' •, , Tour 'le 'Met, Burks% Buibitrig. • • -. -, , ormaa..u• irrrEa •In coinplets outman= Dunk ,_ - _ • - G. . MON .1301.1450.. a, trEtt, co• ' 1 • 12th n ftt ne . uraVaa ir reZn Voioa: r pollarapa; 00D , ,U 1 :4 111 F4 , !' re/4 ;f l' , laliahadtralla.• tot. . oopt., To • pnrebaser mho gonad tom u r n azitt witn. retard to bailor= goal es OAT Coaesta, tag Mang Ls &gad at& ADP_ ' S. BRYAM, 4 67 2731:18 r ir 6TlTear. (Bucker !wild* FOR fiA.l4 Titosmrsti me.sarsosz, BUCK 14017.515.9,' • zios *0 *An. =Lei aii* *id.; intsw coz ItiONOnexelbe , *team ttadoittseblamu a 24 tlntahect tlirottrieinttnistea 4 _9' evc,Tfux_ ItainnYeaunt4, ..e4.4 at Prenllnr r i4inthitr ordati one of lake clean. eVend teeeti,steetieW elfin - it/no In Alltantn7. PooeMlf ofityrtfref AprIL.U6II, .Entrainnt • *:` • , „Ulm T. eorem. ieleirtate Decker era Insurance Agent, de AR • ' No. 4 , 5 Pavia at., Allegtxnr• FoR 'BALM' = A Well FinhbafnuneTivi•litory Dwelling, Rimer Int 11001 - Mnirelp Papered and Painted. .V/RXTORIIOO, =PEA= Anxlsteand eaten% L _ the nano% I - Istntrthreleet front; by One Etna dred Dee deep. RE ORME ARBOR. FRUIT I 'TRIM 84 . • Paue5444.,411.1?" 401,4 h, /SC Ofdpiii MIZt. CPRAIEEL A: MO: TV—RE-MIOW WITH OtAg irnTu..IJNO nouSEL rowittwergrren tne let,oiltpra next, .! 'negro etthet settinr aZargt far 4 Gyalltl7 Ter3lllCalli ittgr w b , • S F A auril fdrlr, SAM Mitt Biolterantl XesurenteAtent, , • Im*ltalra tis rtdetsl eine; Aileg***i. VINEIDWELLINti' - FOR •sitdita - sfitieetitaez' of Mental( and .Thitrts ' etreeta;StesenthntirdjPlttabtugal havitag latent WU feet S . Ocarina Ehmosnatreet, sinCl extend. &hull Dials Mein lo b toot ; oti wld oh is street I • Bow lini:gtoiied Brick Swelling: ` • ...Om:Uinta", seven rooms, bath tome guinnlittelnj ream, finished Attie, wash house, cellar under the cab e news withantnann neorvitna.mal. water, (;tae's large range In the ldtehenonarble mantles • and One entabed - gestmrhathe PAUT:t dining roe and bed Innintr- , -Thit /anise was built ln-tha moat durable maalleh and finished In the bat styles for ; the oWneell *WE OWepanellz ,Oespa Van base , IspAlLtirOolkoa4 alas odectionot tower& „ , . goironioLexaoziatorkPo pro eari t n&isknreW l Mh nON, kr.S/IOS. SNOWDON, and they wlDrese Ye:ex it= pastlindatistennth a. -aell•Ond OR EI4UX.- ' 1 A FLEX of ill' ants "tibia's Ogles of Lan• I Ake" Station oa She Pans. Ballresr. The lin i Swoltifunts .areA , hand , lar•hOun and barn. - yonetanio Craw& Duni* goti;'ltl o !Area elinr• T ll i t rh. 6 =n " o ll a t t=i4Bnidti:thaloro , Of Zilzalmatc.acnnidatar la Inn...wali adapts° tor ardanlay. in soil lathe wry 00 , tot river tot. ltote. laud in a ß s state Cl oulUvation. ...: , Alan Allan Bank, valuable train of mho. oral and egrieult land, oantaintor forty morn, situated at the eastern terndmn of Blairsville and bounded. en the month by Oonematigh Myer. Upon this Aranlthere. am. =ma gnats& tifirOn Om IsecordinCto Profanor (green's report the - • womb cod: ..S.Meoed strata of ore IN of- V tn_l_ttlc bliblY thlitutitt i le u I'M fLeLO thir• ;; Inr. ntin.• Of iron. ,ys to win d to skessity Abia s onata will yieldlo,ooo tons to the ...0 of native ore, and naming this undo =is to ".... an Una otdollstre not onto, reekoning the seine .• .of on "at fil tents per IC% thls strata would ;then _ produce ens hundred thousand 'dollars . .in addittoo to this we have twardpnve acres of iltsbe opened and -iwatneatsful operation st. .. tte presenting , . VIM - property !Swarthy the at. nation of espitaltsts, T he y inefial/Ga would be sure and aafa t " ftpes . ittiSttr,e ;cad Watertat, 911 - 110 - 610,fitiiiii'llhaionts i rd ri t. 0 00 bab• COMO II COM, EWA Tinftalgrq Wt..: M ,c0ta1V........,M 1 4 win the 11/IsCr OM/4: 1 .pa ;mid Vol t ° VA li w tAla 9 alba Yffebd° lo .- ritegood; Ea aerenshr4l the teinnaer ell TS Tretiand.le lame rpm:tows whine tintinnt naps thet vi tLit st *wry eon. shmtant to mbar, adbooli.. ,... Ilde pr wilia•aohirrt -- ja. cTui.. -- , ~...,,, ~,,,. • ....___ .0....,:, .•:. Woo, • Ma of 19.11afinittlftlInaintornshly.. awilognaton sonny, Pri. :Win be:saltnezn. - Ate4tba IClA._firtit_ot• th•.•• Blur ;bent one nue Von rdelloespOrt, Co.. . euradatowararptitinares - Thet nr• • tram lusgtorsainalWitcanstibigul rim; =I6WPIA.B.7I2Ce': elielu ta r z a Z S . . ~ someo.....p.iiirrainipse.sl4,4l,titi , AZWIWTEC:6 O . , toe st l / 26 angie. • • - ft ".." ' •-• • • • nrlgt,-xthoi•Wea • • •-• ~, '''''-ir;.vsagatlAststarcaratiste ..., . - • , sLiiiim =Dr , * AnUalkal,p , 0 ibo ,,, reni• Wt4tp OW .•• • ..e . = 1 6 01 Wit i g 4141340.4111g ,' 1- , i • _.., ••••• P. • gritlums‘cris. r seat #. ..,,, :' -,,- ,‘ • . ir?girtrlA e. a. / , `:7 ,1 5 Z. fin zr,.a -r. Vartinin Ifireatt of Cho Cre.7c em6grala 4 a ; x'32o. Maas. .1%. Mutat sate" ipatitamis.ter and danserms. • Ala? STril* ZVEZ(I2to, for posttliretr be tint a e rtswis si i Vtinet 'lrcip's pass Invasion ea 41541ERAprAlacTurartryozras up OF Marie Zoe. f lltdiatictst SHERD:YAWS BlDE.Asais netts. 4 TovinrltytiPerlth Satan's crest vespilitiot i!mmog aaisous: San st4tgle M.. J. 0, Sefton. BATMAN AVIZEMON, TEN MfO t 3 PITTBRUREIR TREATER. lake iirpfeilit go' EtEADEICSON. . . PiticaaVarmaloir—Divri Mate, EA eta; Fast. .$;/7 ; Titinl Tier, SS cis; Private Box. ea is oo; B ;I' Mara, $1,26. Door Omit 7 teekkek. Curtain Mei at 73i, Farewell Benefit of the fayortte American trap . ,Mr„ I F.PNCrIN APAMS; :who rta Appeir u dariai 4n , TeLlsty 1a Edwilrreralit's pion At . . or. THE HERETIC. soactiiaii With auuutJAGE AT Atilt PRICE. Tnisiozai • CLUB LECTURES, urbayte, 117tato' cowry . , . , Mere... sat exam - y.4ns Leature Committee of the TMISYSDA CLUB Suva consented to ;Woe a Hunted number : at AXIIIRSE TLOKETS Sot'theEBSOICEMIEd IKS4. The ismtagera far the owning, Season itopria_mitosamea of. • OEOIIGE THOMPS.ON • •*ia,LLoiD . • VEREBEIeL FEUGLIPB, REV. IiEIiRT.IR JAMES. - E-IKORDOOII, BT. -REV. JOILti BERRY HOPKINS, And ethers. &tonna of TWELVE rCats will be term Rom the.Flntol. Notember neat. GEORGE THOMPSON. Gm serest Ermilsb Commoner, deliver TWO LEGTURES" hes fore the on MONDAY arid. TUESDAY EIERIBBIR.Tfoeember Mewl Uti. . Thompson will lecture only far the Teeny. ten Mb. Semen Tickets Sure, nOW fonds st the princi pal Book, Musk areTinne Stores. Reserved sesta will be held at all the lecture. lot holdelaref season Wrists slihoatextra charge. ocrlsitd OEO. T. VANDOREN, Pratt _ MASON/C LULL. ONE WEEE ONLY, Commencing MONDAY, Coot. nnth BET.uunag. TRBFA , Y-ORiTaS - . TUE CARTER ZOWAVE MEOW DE AND IMENII FEMALE ignAIIN AiraiD• . TWENTY_ STAA VERFORINEEN.. The management pbtat With no sasettneatides- Mcut to thee of Ilarlfallos•Petiormars and Eitraordlnia7 liorettlmtaadd.thinatliate, And beg to assure the i public that, theyltsva not stopped tai. e f x .'Fl r Tl6 .h ri, d 'l ggr a ePrt he le ' eall Vestablishment to the etiblitty. e .. -rose " iotnt to .:4=IIAV their ifforts.mith. Isatlfyab e pride. dmath thmadtone,to A generausoml supra • clangs tb parsed them for their walling efforts wadded them in ATTE ()TUVE, °HEAP • and NOVEL. ENTERTAINMENT. MB.. CARTER has- et an enormous expense. purchased In London, the new end wonderful t/PTICAI, ILLUSION, instated brrrof. Parr ea, entttled . ?EMUS; UT, We Are Here But Rot Rem IV/deb-Rill beeildnited teat credal' in cone'• gen wltbAlue mud novel and pleasing catenate- Manta ol3he Caner Zama Trout*. ..11eksts35 mat. Reserved meets 60 cents. 0e...64tA L. Di W. nEESE, Agent. PITTSBURGH TELEATIPL • ME. MOM AND SIG. SUSINI'S GRAND ITALIAN OPERA: Ax SniAKOSCH Mr. Sttahost% announces with muolt pleature, that he has sunteetted to amnia: complete awl efficient Italian Opera Company. a embracing some of the most tailcoat ,ant faVarlibly known artists, and a enmplate 013011 ITS AND OROUEsTita, complisitig tome of the most ' taleatee artists from Flew loth, with whom ha will give to Pine burgh, POSITIVELY ONE WEEK ONLY, COMMENCING MONDAY, November 6, SIS DIDIER:ENT GRAND OPERAS, In e style mil:Welled by any Other miumgement. The .folliming eminent stellate .frotti the New York keldeint of earuitituts the SuoiniGrand Opere Company : & Signorina ANGIOLINA. (MOM, the famous Dramatic „Prima Donna, from, the Malian Opera. New Yor k Academy of Music, and the Theatre Tama, Remus. _ Dime. PATTI STUAILOSOII. the favorite Von trait°. CANDIMSA, Prima Donna, Drover's Grand Theatre. signors le AO6YERIG, and ERRANT. First thnsAcuadfme New N Tr . , Roston and Phlacel- Signor ZdAlitlllSl, the eminent Bottom, from the Grand Opera, Theater Tacoh. nevem. Sigr or !MOUS LINO .SIISINI, the Grand Basso PrefunsitAlatenf Dim Diaretzehis ItallanOpers, New /Mk. 11 GRAFF, O celebrated B o Bu S IC u ste 91 Groser4 Germa A n Opera. Mine. PARO/Z/ and Sig. FAXIIZZI, Second Demo. Sig. ZTDIENEq and Sig. FERNY Second Tenors. Dig. Loce.TELLi. and Sig. RASSIO, Second Raises. ,Cmtdoeter --Sig FRANCIS° ROSA. Dlr. F. Zdttertort. Stage Dimager Lams.. Properties.-- . GtWO. Costumers .-.-. Dime. Nantat4 Sig-Santelm. The entirely remand costly ,wa..-drobo ban been purchased by the Dixecterin,Parla. Thu followirLortif WM be Whitened with a .cast of miser 4 strengttfi • • ERDIAN FAOUST. XL MARTRA "NRMA. _ TacmkrollA DON ' O / O T 4 N-N L Admission to Darpnette and. -.Drew Olivia, gi; steered 'mite, docents, extra, Enmity Circle, ao centsrFrtmste The tale of SesatierTicirets, 2N each), entitling tbeholder to 'atecurel Mat for ench night, orW commence on' WEDNESDAY, November I, at • A. U. at O. Dieltaelt blttala Stare. Gala of tickets for angle nightewill sommiettee •at the same place on FRIDAY; NOTeratieggsl at 9 • N. oeiMel fop 0, I:1 : ifh,v_t240414.2.51 ADDY & EWF.24B, PRACTICAL MOM. Gas and Steam Fitters, No. 165 WOOD STREET, (OPPOSITE FIBS? OHUS(1114) Pumps, Hydrants,' Sheet Lead, LEAD PIPE, PIG & BAR LEAD 4.6 n) Plumbers' Materials in General. OIL ftErixERIES Fitted Up in the Most Approved Style, Took!, lined with read or copper. Bousar Mad op with water or gas N. B.—All orders promptly stteadeci to. OIL REYMEFiIES, JII.IXIIF4CTOIIIB B AND DWELLINGS, Water, Gas and Steam, IN A SUPERIOR MANNER. Our 'facilities are unsurpassed, our stook of gdeds largeomsl our workmen competent. We give personal sapervlsion'to all work entrusted to otir eate r end endeavorte glee Vats& satisfeetton. BAILEY, minim & CO., No. 167 BmithflaidEltreet, De 3 PTITSMCIUGEL, .131111IBING, OAS dttD STEMS FIT TING L all lta arapenes rarelolla attended to b 1 espa rto:aid and praatleal workmen. A tine moat =tot of GAS EILTURES, • DIINN ATE BATES., WATER CLOSETS, • HYDRANTS, •thiliatontly an hang &ad =Ws to order. TAT 4 & 911 VILLE, jf .si nawau. arnirt, Alleatay. ~.'~nGsetLTBE.6TYSTEEETr'sltt~htt~b tnbllo*WAl* ~. +,r.. I. r nammeguesecirtgEktaltile: 2 7 ' 4 las nrancipUNCl • 7 ra.47, i4IO:'FKiB PIKT9-- -- 4 ° ;t l r t • feARIIMEIR 44'Vffts1=litIMI 131811. AI I , ONE*44.gemb Ci .".. • :kseir,StatworpfturysoirandOputikutpts • - • 11.1CUMILTEIr ISTREtw $. 4 el 1, " rA • Vtinuam;secre=vostit mam mow insar., _. ma ‘ : PPP 41 4 0 144 4. - TrnaCii eitiudensergtOriallUzblisi , ir l = w6 M=Altiec/1 1. ar' AU • MMNBCOI • 7!". to of the tholes root, et. comb , i .rte Ana subateutres of atilt greater aliww - 4r. 10 afford an edictual coltdote for else isaraapatilla is reputed to cure. Snail • remedy It lonely wanted by these who suffer from Stramous complaints, and that one wbieb Wl] l acemtunies tbeireare nansi- rpm am tbl l l bat, .mean! service. to this largo eau of our 111. Meted Mow citizens. How eempietely ihfl ecomm und mill Ms 11 has bean roven Lomamparan o po n many of the wont asses -p to. be la the fol. lodes complaints Scrofula. Screfulons.Swirlei and' So 5 0tH Dilemma; Pimples. Pustule-et etches, Ern tie. St. Anthony's Fire, Rase or Erysipelas, or Salt Rbenni..tioald Ilad,.ltinsororin.,4o. • SPURN or Vandal Duna, 'etpetled htelo the system by the prolonged toe of this Sartstew ills, and the patient Isiah to ecalgieratles health. Female Musses are sioseed try sotofaLi la the tiletod, and are enen go= anted by tide entreat of Salsarillh &Whet discard this lovsluable Wench:Mr because you have been imposed'. by something Pry Waling to be harm whilewas not- W hero you have atm till - For mturte partici:dare of ft:tease:igen It nitres, .we refer lvou ,b - crliC r American Milian" womb the Nren named' trill RRilledi Mai to . n who flit Areal Caesuurrio Prete. for the enre of ooh tivenam; Jaundice, Moods, inzSbill. DP' eatery, Foul BtOtalutte, EheW" Um, secants:on' winner= &sore mama Pals. or Illetb .4 : ...insetion. of the Soweiletw Racy, lobss'Of tiyizerOoMplaint , rakers Worms, Rent, eanta and (dr Dimisr They ate anger cos 110 that the meat WOO. , live eau Like them pleasantly sad they. *iota. pest spertentin the weld for the purred , ol • (amity phydi. Prepared by J. 13. EYED &1304 Lowell, Kass. and 5014 by B. A. FAILNESTOOL, SOY & 00. and by all Rimiest,. selelmeodothw Edwin &ham. terPATTEIBIUMaI BAR ROZION. HUBBARD, BRD'ariCO. Warranted OAST STEEL SAWS. of every de. RioBIM, Malay, Mose Out, Gans, and all iets All kinds of KNIVES and SPRINGS, =dot= Sheet Oast Ste° • Extra Eedned. REAPER AND mownra ictirirm is7r Warehouse Wodka corner WATER and SHORT STREEr4 Pfres—burgb..-. Particular•-atlerdltuk span in, Eetoothlng, Gunk minx and Straightening ° fr onts; Saws; al,o, re. papa of all lrfroi Pandang and Milling done el reasonable rates. andsdr IR" wee Boiler Makera & Sheet Iron Workers Nos. W. 24, :4 and Id a'alt STREET. HATII3I swami a large yard, and truntahad with the mast improved machinery, area= ed to maantacture every descriptiop,Of la the heatanuater, and -warranted 'equallei n ak made in &merry, _ommormkuu FIRE S,_,STVISII FLEW% WMIKOZI A aI BOILERS, SI GINDE N 8 ERN, SALT TANKS,' UM OTELLS 2SCliiTATlD sp n in sgr, TUNG PANS, sonde .utoN, 81706.R.PANS and solerneenractorn itWit BMWS FA • lepaiiol on the shortest notiee. if • SUPERIOR Copper Mill and Smelting Worts, PITTSBURGH. PARK, McOUROY & CO. ISlatt LDßl ufacturszs of SWAT/IMO. BRAZIERS . is SO BUM' COPPER. PRESSED OOPPER TOVfIyoSED STILL norrans, , searang inspailers ZARS. ,P n SR= and Osalisrs ISOM_ WISA, AA., hand. MAORINES sad TOOLS. IV trams's, tio.I4OPERST tad no BE6 OND sTnErra r ratebanga• ..SpeicW =los Capper cut to any dextral pSUIZII. 110641S4eVa grTO NERVOUS ItIMPEASERDS OR Hors sares.-A tovareaull ratter:mu Lave lag bear reamed to Molt!" to a few days, arta un =lmtisimouttAlut= mad troiro/or i< sacred dal tO etuarountrota to bio sanded felkra. oreitoreothoinsonsofoom •Iliroso,an th e receipt Of so addressed earelope, Le will seadaree, soopy Oahe preorrtption utaL Moot to Dr. JOHN IL DATEIALL, tfil Fulton street. N. T. aattutlairT .....DIKEOTOB ftWrIMO. MIT Lii. :unix Iwosess. ER .. _W.ItOLLILLY ""'" =TIM & CO, alannfutnrers of OAST STEEL; _SPRING, PLOW and WASTES STEEL; SPRINGS, LES, LIEDWIMES. AC. A' Office, No. 96 wAPES STREET (op dew) PUTSBUSGH. PA. Ira rgrEolsllll6o2l. REA & CO., (slums= *o goantsoa, Nunn et Kirasortsl Washirwton Work. FOUNDERS AND nawurnsrs, IdAnaseturers of BOAT AND srATIMEt STEAM ENOINF2., BLAST ENGINES, MILL NAORINERY, GEARING, SHAITENG, OAST. INOS of all deserip_tioi_, OIL TANKS S T ILLS, BOILER AND SUM IRON WORK. sr A.O for GIEFFAZD'S PATENT EUROD OR, for U•W-in,s bolters. FITTED DP WITH ON,4GEW PATENT GROUND CIRCULARS, BAlLNittla. a GM JOHN COCHRAN A 800 retsmuse. Wren of IRON VAULTS AND VAULT DOORS, IRON RAFLING, WINDOW SHUT. TEES, WINDOW GUARDS, &a, Nos. II SEC OND and 80 THIRD sTsper, between Wood told narked., plain, hand • variety of new patterns, Emmy and sult•ble for ell purposes. Sr Particular attention paid to &naming Greys Lots. JobbisisdOne at short th 7 D 37 - arSIINT us the PAIIPIILLT Or Mourns° Imports:los old and young, vaulted and stogie if both s" wall be sent tea by addressing, with Mame the was: 3. KENDRACIR ll CO., Dm 73, Post zurladrdewr HE BRIDAL MANZ elDr.,43±lEs. "lar l' SAl OF WARNING AND .. _ vox 105 TODNO MEN. Alan, new and relic. . ble treatawat of laga Sexual DOW .M Address Dr. 3. s trompaorr, aril Associsti • ' Pa. told isbiyr — s Arm SIXOES.__ N OT CE. ALL STYLES OF Boots and Shoes 68 MARKET STREET, sours & 13.088 BOOTS AND . SHOES. JAMES ROBB. Edo. If narked 'Stray{ fig' Jost returaea from the EAST with • very liege sad seasonable asoelt of = ri the VERT BEST GITIALITY. Diens', Boys' and Tooth" BOOTS AND %MOMS In all their varletlon and stylu. LADIES WORE of the fin• eat and best that Is manufactured, from the fine Polish to the plain Calf Bonn. EntWrens' Boots and Shoal to every style and variety. ' Our'atoject Is to sell such goods as will give sat isfaction to the p urchaser. firPlesse ca and examtna. and you will be satisticd with the QUALITY andIPRIEIE of goods. Redember the place. JAMES ROBB, ocl o. 71 Market street. LARGE STOCK BOOTS, SBOES, GLUM, 1311101111 A k OCR JUST REOEITINO. All the Latest Styles and Qualities, And Will be iota at the Tell LOWEST PRIDES CALL LT BORL CID'S, 98 Mraket Street, (2.1,1 door Irma Fifth. Soma soiled shoes on hand at ona4talf price. 0c213 ALL AND WINTER GOODS, 3. NT. CARNAHAN 6: CO'S Plavlngiut returned from the Eut with I ful end complete assortment of Boots. and Shoes, We Are ...bud to oiler superior loitureasente to putehatetc gook embraaes all liken of LADIES'. MUSHY AAIIOIIILDRENS , ErJOTS, SIIOES, C/&*Sti BALMODALS, Of -the best quality. Also, DiE.NS', BOYS" eau suernes , mem AND SHOES. Remember, the PHI.LADELPHLIk SHOE imam, h. 81, Corner of the Market and Diamond, ADIES' GENTS', hillißES! • caluanhays Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, 01 every Style, Blake end form, at COYLE' 8, Opener ilfth and Wylie streets. Air Prig ten eta aversbadY. . eta P AYRTERS. ;NUM N. coml.—n*l I4ai....ioint DOMMISI iPNaI LAX% '& 'OR, ; 8/GriatT/043 * ; sb4Ska LIME2I4, tre to thxdoneia Ist , Pittsburgh. avrizem- cat ~ sizsi -mews. examsta „ ggatFtIFIIL tONW , OILNDS -soattehtd, piipettl all obolots,andOWSZlONs ON OL6112: "tosa•tOtmiternad tamtioaltpasta at Nu toroatel• tpIOWNLAL VENOMS "Amsted ta•b%l4f aoe ' MOUSE PAITMNO• don. wta • mind to dr• ;Agglityhattoonterot•ar_ A pit coatuts irt Anis& !air Aux • 111111VMP.naAN irdeLly lez e ;:t •a. N'Jvz ; s:BEn ?, 1S GAZETTE Deily monllng 110 pa annum Dio. E 4s ,,s served by carmen, 25 toots wool:. dm do.,served by union. 15 cents o la,do per gjelt Weday, Inclobo Oh - tine* capita pule ad ve.r , RATES OF ADVERTISING. - nal tpui.2:l-4515535D550 NAM= Period. I Daily It I a wl2 t a wll ts wi Wkly 15 gtale l 4... 1 251 ....I$ 121 Ter e 0 times.. 73: I .... 175 Tlsettrees.... 2 .. I . 260 01/32 week ...: 478 $ 7i l ; r7l 73 •Tero weeks... 15 76{ 2CO 123 125 Three week, . 4se 4 231 273 223 115 Utre seszali.„ 5251 660{ 460 2 261 2to T6OO months. 12 cot 8 201 503 a 75 425 Ttrzse months /8 001 10 601 7 00, 4 751 625 1112.mceathe„..i 23 60 1 11 751 601 600 12 co im Pies ams .54 110 17 MI L 2 Coo, 800• 17 03 06. Year 40 06 23 So 01 00: to cp. sto oo .folveztoseAaetue unarm =re year may oe orutagiet o 0 the or pleasure,. ot drugs of IS cents pet ow!, for 20 to ti If patd at the tbae,) trot mturt be waft .4 to the treettellete Imainese of Pa idea/them =tinted ter othenvise than dilly, will - be laserta4 on Eton day. es the erne* sesy select. ransient advertising OASH. Death Notices, eastantertion... Marriage dotiees, Steamboat - idvertisernfOrte, Per trip s ce e montane or Adminiars . Notions. . to YEARLY Aaysaintensa BATES One equaro—oenflosti to the arnardtab attunes' of the advertiser, and not, to Include dboolutions, tarswition Of new firms, wants. be.--afwitSystas once a week. Any excess to be rhanifid Y Ulu. dent mallard ja Umeo Lima! I time. id, weer- [a week. nave mouths-- 111.8 IA 412 cm olsew *a o months I r:v. 11° aeethe.... o .1v: ~ Year ao co u se oo 09 oXI Fist Nouse. double the above relea r n' la gelled one month or more. For a lan period SIO tents a line. Loral notices at such rates as may be agreed e square to be oonsidered as the fps. 06011* plod by ten lines of the ordiessit adlterMiel i 9 90 of the paper. A GOOD SIGN The most difficult thing to be done In the Anal Is the reorganization of labor. Snit planters and freedmen are to be educated Into It., and their notion's were an wrong aj the start. The success of free labor has been beyond rea tmasYle exy ectation a, although the war did not end coon enough fcr planting the usual breadth of ground in the spring. Another year will bring about a great Improvement In this respect. The cases of marked success with free labor this year are neither few nor Mali, and their publi cation will be worth volumes of argument on the subject. Some of the most aneeeashil planters this year bays been northern men, and there will be thousands of inch scattered over the south hereafter. A practical radical, (and radicals era generally practical) Mei. Geo. L. Stearns, of Maesaebueetta, has written a letter to E. O. Cabell of Tennessee: giving him some good advice about the treatment of the treed men, and illustrating It by his own example. Major Stearns hired two estten farms In Mnrfrecaboro, Tennessee, in March, 1503. and employed some eighty freedman. at wages of $l5 to WI per moth and rations. They planted 500 acres of cotton, be sides earn and other grain, and the crop was large and minable. Major Stearns alludes to a friend who did still bettor on an adjoining plantation, and on neither was there any diffi culty In securing regular and reasonable work from the negroes. All were satisfied and hap. pp. The Major does not say hqw much money he made, but the fact that he Intends to hold and work the farm another year la evidence that it pays. The old planters will either learn from eneh experience or they will tell out and leave the business to wiser men, and the avi culture of the 133ntb will certainly thrive under free labor as It never would have done with slay ery Tile industnal c l Nita/cal prospect Ls goal on the whole, and no min with n healthy mind and a patriotic heart can listen patiently to the croakers. There is everything to he done, It is true, to give right direction to affairs, and to perfect the national renovation so well begun: but the men andtthe meant, the eourage and the enterprise, arc not wanting', and happy are they who compn.head the treat opportnahles of the tone, and have the wisdom to work with events. A LirrLE BLURRY Something of seensation has been produced to Eon Matt and possibly I n France, by a rumor set afloat tar ‘the New Fork correspondent of the London Timm, that Mt. Seward had sent an ultimatum to the Emperor Napoleon, on the Meilcan question. It was stated by the COMll pondent that the Government of the United States had Dallied the Emperor that the troops now organizing it Egypt for the aid, of Mad mill= would not be permitted to land In Mai m. According to the soma authority it was further intimated to Napoleon that any farther Interrentlou his part with Meglesn affairs might create a rupture between the two govern ments. Of course these statements produced • sensation and a flute In tht money Market. The accuracy of the roans, however, weregen erally discredited by the London papers, widths Star declared Itself "to be in a position to give to its readers en authoritative assurance that no such dispatch wu written or fbrwarded." This declaration had • calming effect on the perturbed sensltolltke of Mrs. Britannia, and she again sipped her potter and ate her steak with am accustomed relish. Tin Altoona Railroad Larceny—Nearly A whole Family Convicted. A most remarkable cruse of larceny was on trial In Hollidaysburg last week, which resulted In the convictlon of nearly a whole fatally. Tea victim of the larceny was the Pennsylvania . Railroad Company, as the can lay at Altoona, the party having fitted up a key to unlock the freight can. The father and head of the fata lly le John .1 Borkloolder, who Is from.fifty to filly-five sears old. lie resides near Altoona. He tna two or three marrlei daughters end as mats stogie, all Cr! whom were engaged In the alleged larceny. Toe goods were taken and as creted at the dill-rent houses, ocropied by the different parties, and Mood to hay mows, cow cribs, cellars, worsts, chests, boxes and trucks. Among the goods were boots, shoes, calicoes, wedding, detainee, 'launch', hooped and balmo rat skirts, plus, needles, tapes, thread, spool cottons, soaps, ecc„ &e, dcc. Many of the ar ticles were in large quantities. The trial consumed three days of the Court. able. counter being -engaged On both sides. Many witnesses wore examined pro and coo. The eyldence showed that parties connected with Ettirkholdees family had taken geode from care of the Pennsylvania railroad time and time again, the parties picking out what goods suited them, with the utmost Coolness. QSautitles of goods were brought Into Court and idtmtlided by their owners.. Some eighteen or twenty thous and dollars' worth a' goals were thus stolen and their owners compensated .by the rallromf company. The parties were convicted, but have not vet been eentenced. Lr, Llvlngston's New Expolltton The Bombay 75mes of September 15, says 2 Among the passengers from England who ar rived In the steamer Benaree on the 11. th lust., was Dr. Livingstone, the celebratal African traveller. The doctor is abdut ttrengage Su • other exploring expedition into the Interior of Africa, and hot come to Bombay for the payees of making some preliminary preparations. ' The scene of his explorations will be that tract of territory extending between the region which be has already explored and that dlscor erect by Captain Speake. Ile will commence his trays:6l2y following the course of the'rlver Rovuma, which Is In about ten degrees south latitude—towards the north to Lake Nyasa, and then towards the south to the Tenganylka. Ur. Livingstone has already explored the Rornma 'Air about one hundred and. Ilfty miles; but from ,that point towards the west the country le to- 'tally unknown, The object of the doetor's elpeoltioa bl partly ut open up the conntry fir the 'purposes acorn. nserce, and. partly touarry out. the' wishes of the graphical Society of London, by exploring the water-shed of Zambeeliand the dire/dee vlats tdd by Captain Spoke. ..The latter object pen , . 5 5 ,5 0 11 greet batted 'ltt this Estimation =re horn% 404. they aredestrons of. g whether the lakes dlicorored by Span, .Grant and .Baker, .are. not. supplied 1 water tiowingatill pirtherfrom the south l titan ',from any tomtit yet filsedvereft ' "' =rum= tam Mixtoo.i..yrfetrotorrys the cum:rata llse43O'nairi atini:44lthnitat4o tentopies ; but &libet is gm:grebe/aged nciirs Ia the recent ilectlon fp . lfett des, cite Btribilerszt eundidatis, ON' deleil*P to Coogicsa,xxcelied e s sil voici6goiniti6;lBo.lor rbrAap47.l rata., his Desnocratio. Ompetlicir. . 1 " " aa /At e lialegate• 1633 , Perea had EN tevitY• The hugeneei argils iota shwa Mat e,.. 'Mexico banana, quite. a /aTgis pupal' 4on. and..' • Mao Rav - told to not st. - ucted him to Enrc.pean languages, bn. also t. Seca gives 1.".3 mind a bent towarda European po:hics. ile completed his smiles al the L'al• versity of Cambridge, which he was elected to represent In Parliament. In the Tarp Interest, In 1811, and continued to represent for twenty ye are. B'nce th , nhe represented Tiverton. Be lost his father and mother when In hie nineteenth year; and this early Independence probably helped to form his character. His first cabinet appointment was In 1809. to the lieeretaryahip of War; be held this °Oleo for nineteen years—until 1828. In 1819 an attempt was made by a Lion tenant Darts to assassinate him; ht was wound ed, but not seriously. While he was a member of the admlnhitratlon, and the Secretary at War, some of the most arbitrary and unlawful seta which an English government has ventured upon In modern times, were sufbrced, amongst them the suspension of the habeas corpus, the establishment of a spy system to ferret out mal- Contents, Entering Parliament In 1807--at the age of twenty-three---Lord Palmeraton was made Sec retary of War at twenty-live, and remained In that place, unknown to fame, until be was forty-tour. In ISBO his turn saute—he became foreign minister, and at once, Bp the peculiar character of his policy, turned the eyes of European politicians and rulers upon hinvelf. It was as minister of foreign affairs that he be came moat widely known; and hls hostility to Resale; his friendship for whatever power ruled In France; his readiness to Interfere in every European quarrel; his success in "arranging". several Important affairs by the free use of English induence—such as the estabtishment of Belgian Independence; his extreme readiness to tato respOusibillty on himself In dealings with foreign nations, and his pertinacious adherence to Ma own course, even when, to carry ills point, he had to stoop to trickery—all contrib uted to his fame. It wu his self-will, which In Andwst, 1850, Rot him into trouble withe Queen, who wrote the following sharp note to Lord John Fiassell,then Premier , ' , The Queen - requires, first, that Lord Palmer ston will distinctly state what he _proposal In a given casein order tbaithe Queen may know as distinctly to what she le givlngherroysi 'action; secondly, having once given her banstion to a measure, that It be not arbitrarily altered or mod ified by the minister. Such en act she must con sider as failing in sincerity to the Crown, and Justly to be visltf:d by,the exercise bf her consti tutional right of dismissing that minister. She expects to be kept ir formed of what passes be tween him and the Foreign Minister before Im portant decisions are taken, based upon that In• tcrcourse, to receive the foreign despatches in good tima and to have the drafts for her ap proval sent to her In sufficient time to make herself acquainted with their contents before they must be sent oft. The Queen thinks It best that Lord John Russel should show this letter to Lord Pahnaston.” Palmerston quietly replied: "I have taken a copy of this memorandum of the Queen. and will not fall tro attend to the directions 'bleb It ontitatae," showing no resentment; brd. in De cember, 1351, eighteen months later, In defiance of Queen arid Cabinet. be committed the British government to the reolmoltion sea acceptance of Napoleon's coupd'etat. "Lord J. Raseell called upon hie a for en explanattou," Ma an Eoaltal.wrlter, "out recalling no reply, he took no step' in the matter. except to atung bin 'Moulders at blaForelgoßtnlnter's coolness and Inanberrdlnatlon. Her hislessy also wrote for an explanation, but nose was forthcoming, and Lord Palmers ton meanwhile forwarded to Earls a dispatch, entirely oa his own authority, and without con sulting either the Premier or the Queen, in which he renewed le a modified form, his opin ion on the coup delay, previously exprested to Count Willow'id. Lord Jobs therefore &latent the Queen to dismiss her Golden minister, and the indignant descendant of Queen Elizabalti, uottlig loth, followed the advice."—Y. C. Eve, - - • VA RIOVI4 ITEMS. 'rue Rtritmond comer pamtlent of the Wheel ing (W. Va.) Intelllgencer anima Among the rumors prevalent l 3 one that General Terry, commanding this Department, will shortly mar ry the daughter of A well known merchant of Richmond. The young lady in question Is about eighteen, and belongs to a family remark able for Its beauty, of which, In point of Ap pearance, she is CCrt111111) not an unworthy member. Too New Fork correspondetit fifths Philadel phia Ledger writes that the brief brt significant New Orleans telegram to the Associated Presa, annotivelog that the Jetirlists have been driven from hlstamcows, Is looked upon as the last nail the coffin of the Morioka Republic. It comes very Inopportunely for the Jeerer Flaaacial dgcnry this city, who have issued circulars to alt the most prowleent merchants and ban kers of Wail sod William stre,ta, inviting them to be present a( the formal opening of taelr xicaa headquarters Pa-morrow afternoon, at 57 Broadway. ICS llthetratlon of Raman rule is Poland Is down Ins feet Just enne to llebt. The Lune tte Asylum at Warsew...a Government la/Me llon of emote—has been visited by the pollee. Op ibis onsisioneoute 60 ont of the.l44 patients were ME:lmnd to be pollileal offenders who bad fledior refuge Is this abode of madness, and epeeist:reedy a couple of years within Its turd hie walls. The phyaielane isillnt hies arrested, together with the delinquent& truss Banau fitextrxra, of Gur_rensey counts, Ohio, tree eetelved the reward of 8500 offered by Governorßroagh for the arrest of the mur derers of Provost Assistant 'Marshal Gook. M eer and Elartnp, the assassins, it wilt be remem bered, bore been convicted and executed. Sons workmen recently widening Ifeeeh- Mati'll lane, Boston, in aawinroff the end of a building, nomad two voild shot imbedded in tha oak timbers. They were probably fired from the Baia fleet or a cannon on Bunker Hill In revolutionary limo.. bins. F;L.I.TADSSIS bANTELS,IOIO died recently at Portapior.tb, N. IL, at Md. age of Sg, had sever seen a relation burled. Her husband, adopted eon , hie wife . and their daughter and her hatband, and all her other relatives, were an lost at sea. Gr.ORMA Journal espy that many of the lending Methodist clergymen of that State, in conseqrs.nce of their hostility to their Northern brotbern, have made overtures to tit, Episcopa lians for a union with them. Tue ground occupied by the dismantled forts surrounding Washington Is to be turned over to the owners as soon as the buildings attached to the forts are sold. Lancia peat beds at Ellington and West Hart ford, Connecticut, areos ftre, the fire extending some two feet Into the ground. DURING the laAt gambling season at Spa, th bank eleinvd two million franc. (f-W0,000.) Terrible Distress at Glbral er—Tsvo Leon sand People Starving. oor tinders are already aw are of the existence of cholera at (Miratier and the extent to whtch Its ravager been gone, but few are acquainted with the &stem which has resulted indirectiy from it. On the. Latter point a writer in the London rima :—The Spanish alitheritles bare established a cordon across the silver aatni desert which separates Gibraltar [rent the IGO. elm. No one le 'stowed to pals- aging' t foam or to the ruck. Not only 6o but for. e came res eon—the prevalence of cholera*, eh O from Gibraltar are allowed to enter any Spanish port, That, on eel aides, the rock people are cut off from their kind. The inhaoltanta of Gibraltar mainly depend on their trade with itinerants and other ports. And now that this is stopped, anti all means of communication cut off,„ they are, to Ow number of two thousand, aimed literality ificruintt. Thiele a very Mocking rettelatlon, No one can rank but every one cantata come conception o the horror of and, a &Uneaten— Imprisonment on a rock with disease and want to do thaPi,acry, worst, ~ CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS, &a EOII7RTE. STREET DIVOGOETS. CRUMB CLOTHS. Gl' Wo are rum recalsittg a full Mu of the shore good. Moo , . a fun &nutmeat of avanthlng fn the' 'CARPET LINE. which ? offer at The Lowest Rates. 71 tg.D. & EL' !do CALLUM; 0.5 81 Foo t = siairst, . CARPET =BS W B , ARS DAILY itEfOEPIthQ ' Otat IiEW STOCK or i ct4 1 . 8 , 1 ' ,13 T • VINDOW 'T :WOOLENVOMON hiarULLaktraii GETS ea 01110 X OLAT DAMASK, ILEPS-lateNdae , WINDOW' 41WErrAOISC-r - '"^ dompruthseterol4-#l!l4laza,itOr poptiguipinovs , irrtitiritit4;atittillt quamtle. fikstre*, *xi &Alamo at Wm trulicoss ustustAwironum9% .40 (1 Urtil~ 1 ,_23.i30LEU/S REFINERY, CLARK & 811Nna. Warne sad 015ee,XIOIALMH TOWNSHIP. OMee In Pittsburgh, 24 WOOD STREET. These wake Lave the Urgent eellr All sonar,. The brand stand; the Invest ls country end In Europe, let queintAnd th= and the oil to put in wit seaacatedtP t ee es Tv t s . 0 TANKS, and IMPROVED BORINC:LEIVIOLIE Wills. &Way plum BARN of comPiasiri... Office Corner of Pena and Wayne Streets] , Thiel Cont wie ormlid an the 2Sth tad, ander ti.a lvania ant penufactor tna.Latrv. The ry of a Company le sit- W.M on Dunitani Creak, betoneo the - land. oftha DunkardCreek lJnionOUtlonipany and the Dunk atti Uneek Petrolenen Company.. Capital 5t0ek.......... 4h9:4000 CO Working Md. to,odo lo Yu valor Of each, Sbare... - 0 100 S. S. JOHNSON, Eheablent. MAO rims. Sectetary awl Treasurer. DULTCTOIS. James Otahaln,J. 13. Well, Stephan Lawvon, R. W. MUM*. Prank finVae4 I anaOlf _ _ D VNICABD PETROLEUM occerAmt.. Office Canter of Penn and Wayne Ste . This company au organized . on 550 ORA inst. ander the Pennsylvania Mining and Blannfaetu ring Laws. The territory of -ter comma, ad gos lands of tile Dankard Creek Union Oil caingtri 3325,ti0e Woralar Wand 85,000 Par Value of Facts Share... ...... 00 01PYWzralb President—S. A. JOHNBTOII - and Treasurer—lSAACl NOCK. 50751851: 8. A. lONWSTOII, tut - L. EL Mama& Pasant 8r21)111, JAMES OnANAS. r. Gairr. JOAO IL W. W. O. :cam. SUPERIOR OIL ENGINES. We ■re constructing, ►ed will Imp on 4►nd I ►uperlor ogle 01 401PX-ICa MIIVOrSIVIZI Either a Common or Tubular Boiler. We Write portico fteedtad engines tot this par. poae to call and see them, comer of P 1 lEE and MARA STREETS, near Our Water Works. Jae MACKINTOSH, Ilk.ldeettLl, ea 00. J ae WILEINth sactruluro ow= at 0111:1DE ANII REFIMD,OILS NIII's Block. Dim:issue WIIY. Oak 411H ri aM1 attention Oren to the SALE AND OF PETROLEUM and Ks Product+ am a=o ` M ' al l l3lV ed- into. 7 JBEHR t No. ISt. CLAM ST.. Pittsburgh. IORWARDING AND COMMISSIO.N MUCHA-VI, An DELI IN OILS ELLUMINAITRO, LIICRIOATTRO, OEMS PETROLEUM MLR. dra-, oorddaMlT oa WO_ arid, for tale st /oreot amtkoi %;0.11.1i0 =ad sad orders ordiefted. Spam Im:racial) OCTOBER 8, 1861• vITHICEDGE7S PATENT Oval Lamp Chi:moseys, Manufactured of SR Flint Olaas These tiktuuseps are Intense for Unitas Mons, nesting all parts ot the glass asinalliATlNStol a:• pose It to making. F. D. DITHDLUD . E, Fort Pitt elan Works, W ashington street, spit PlLLentrirh. ',Kamp ......... ......• • • ••...XIMIT ELM yy 'JUNO S KING, Calvin Mane Henry S. Lynch, John C. Malay, Penn A, Madeira, Oro Blare, John Natalia, w.tscr P. iitaishan, Alonzo A. Carrier, James B. D. Meads. Charles A. Colton, John D. Naraddend Vim Dotha John Evan n, ', . fiesulr John J. Gilleipia, • William L. WM= S. Haven, Alexander nadir, Petri IL Nankai, Venkirk, Elonarl Ham Wait?. Wermsus, James D. Biqa Issas Whittler'. Timimv—on.An. A. COLTON. 6rennui—JAN. l N B. D. NEEDS. No. to NAMES' ST. Pitrihnien. t annum ooym issiort BLERCIIII,..NTS. PETROLEUM AIM ITS PRODUCTS ADA dealers In Balsam Ittstesisig. BONDED WASAIMUUBE 01 Phenix Warehousing Company, root or BALTIO ft N Sta., Brooklyn:L. =EC] REM= PETROLEUM. In Tanks al.lßorrslr Soo ChouUr& BI O ce, No. 1S BE.N. nicest .3-11 f a irc..EN'T ou, Wo ass. DUNCAN, DUNLAP & CO., ir-unrsAarraus or Pure V. Lite Refilled Carbon Oils. No. 291. LIBERTY ETHEL'S. col JAM:wit. 1101.1 M LRIVIN Co.. .....J MUM /awn R ILLIZTACITIMIIIII Oil of Vitriol and Aqua AICUMMiII 15 MU= Eit. 1.1 IFTITSAIIEGH, PA. PIANOS, MUSIO, &o NOW,BEING RECEIVED THAT ELEGANT STOCK Oh CHICKERING PIANOS Selected personally by the enbstliber, daring i nand 'stilt to the Faetoxy. SEVENTEEN INSTRUMENT are noar open, and ready tor examination. a public are Lairlted to Gall and see Inca. Warranted for Five Years OELARLES 0. lIELLOB, aull Sole Ateht rot the Ohleherha Plano liisNos AND ORGASM. TILE CELEBRATED BRADBIRY, NBW YORK, Sehomac,ker dr, Co., Philadelphia PIANOS. THS ADIERIO MT ORGAN. snd EMS 4 00. ooTreux. ORGAS, admitted by denim; and ill teem Lava heard therm, to Ow oupatior ta tone to all labor lastrommta of Ds Matta, do factorial la toe Hotted Statita • We are prepared to rand" at the a/Latest notice. Braai and l*aaa Edlireillaartraluktba .pX every devEr ad yforihua and °omit Bialey, 'Priseuaed Utustrattd Catatoracts Ina Lids Da appltasUna. Near had ScamManci !Minos ear Mint. ALL um LATE SONGS AND PIECES cumzusto pa land. watannt, a sest4 EiT, awn, SUE Z% GERMAN ILOCORDEOIsiB, 103.5wAL BoxEso ' Vioptts BANJOS EULEUQPIIII62. Mt* WX1,4;f1004:43:00=4144.04 J. G. lakt313.11,!•••• ViitIETY AND •=t 1:47a. 31.011. niltaxgzet Otiroo l KRAErt*UIVCO34° .1111 i Ig ll ti='"mia n Ti,tPstor atus. a, 34104 ntr t 181 . las,u tser.- ' lt4i ßr, , I="4lA,rr II D• I. „ .. fr t iedraDOMWOOdEteliefp n )19 1711" . 411945110 n ES rrn iC I O O I,I P .. 11101.111.10111.11111 • 2.11,031"redi N a liaielpi ,, I MEM notika.: 4:: X3-111.=12C.331FtSEI. No. b 7 Market Street, Pittsburgh. DEPOSITS RECEIVED ER PAN pUNDS Oolleetionsinade on all the prinalpal potatelol United States and masa& STOOKS, BONDS AND OTHER t?M:BiTh=I BOUGHT IND SOLD ON COMMISSION. rutlimiar atteation paid to 1 S parches an tale VOTED STATIO Milted nits lazel• 1531 Do. I& • 62N I ' ' Do. . - .10401) Do. terthIDIDALOUSACIDeaI an• ORDEBS AND VOYNDMEI23 -BOUGHT On ilr OOLhEOTE _ FOURTH NATIONAL BANK. 11. S. Government Depository 55 ALIIIKET SITTEET, ITTS BURGH, Genital Paid In 8300,000 wink privilege or Increase to 500,000 Karin extruecn corrtspotulente 'rich Bonus crut Bankers I broughemt COO country, two otter nusu al factllttan to S t dointyOugliClS to= tuL. 7 8..1.0 INTCOTEItEII. And all other Government zeousitlea, furnished lo sums al lo wedurchasers. Deposits received and tzteteet by epeelal agreement. DMICCROWI : THOS. DONNELLY, IL EL KING. D. 31. SEGTH,HIGLEY , Js. BAILEY, JOHN if. HERRON. THOS. SIIITH. IJ. EDEILe6T.SIOE THOB. DONNELLY, President, BUTLER WARD, Cashier. seireysser!F DOLLAR- btu, 95 rouses Sneces. MUSTER= 1101' Open any Dom to Velma; Alm on Watnea 4117 IMO Saturday evening, from alay tot to No. amber lot, from to I Wane; and from November tot to Disy tat [roma to 8 rOclock:. Depoina received of all mum or not iess than OM Dollar, and • dividend of the pronto &demi twice a yea, taigas ,mul Ju n e" terest has been declared sezdaranallyiland December, ante the Duds wan organized, at Um rata of au per eate. a yew. • Daum" if not drawn out, la placed CO the credit of the dame= on prlnnipal, and and the.aaele interect Dom th e nett days or Jane and Docember, eampounding Wee year without' troubling Aka depositor to all, or even tondeseet raw wok. AC this rate money mill amble in las Dun Mare Books, oontatnlng the Charter, 89-Lamm,, Mlle , and Regulations, ftantiand Sant, as IlDnunntin , at the omen. rEsoundrr—ClEDSOE ALBREE. .. ..... .. William°. Bea J. Latiersom .Rober L. M. Pollo Roble,ck. N. D., Johnch= t Be 1. L. Fahnestoek, Joan EL Miromberger, James Rerdman, James Shidle, Jamm McAuley, Alex=ler Speer, Lane M. Panacea. Quietism Yeager. THIMTIIII6. 1 11 EXCHANGE NATIONAL BINH O f Pittsburgh. Chartered by the Capital !Organized and State of Pa., 1816.. sl,ooo,ooo,llatifl Law 116 Thin Bank has been dembrnated a DEPOSITARY 07 17314 United States. Treasury, ESE= and appointed shoat for the salt of Mc 7-80 Za OB.N. Every facility ha offered to Invaitars of pan , ties purchasing for zonal& PEOPLES' NATIONAL BANE Of Pittsburgh. Capital Paid in 81,000,000, with Prvii /eV of 82,000,000. mams* Coing*rnisr AND WOOD ST Thititank,d Ling Wen o ow pe p u a d e e c r t t o e r ß ft at u in t b al u B n u e tt s at Ito Banking- lionse,einacr of Wocd and/1M streeta - Oolleetions made on -an gwees' Bible pante on most favorahle terms. Bpeofal Agents Lot UT COOSA for the tale alba, C. S. 7 3-10 Treasury Notes. F. Id. GORDON, Oasbiat. J. O. MaPHERSON Whir. SECOND STOCK OP FALL AND WINTEB GOODS, FdIiGMIT.E.3I.E'S'S WELL HI Wood Stray:, The latest hock at The se lties letted St of the ason. The largest she rarxcACC IO A G TINS. , HEATHERS AND EVTS IN, TELE 0/1 Y. Which we will make to order In a inparinr style. mor.s racinmiTz. Gner,vessni, MiSSE, Buotesson 8. , 6RA.4 &SON, MLICELIPT rACC;OI6, Ro. 89 hitti at Hauty . 9, fusiart IttleteWt Tailor, - wank:nil am= or i kt* air.c4fa Takes great ple.anzetaenoonotay, to his atuitisr ouo ;Wooers. and the pang, g7railv, that his , Metnand arratteraelits' for. VFALErfilEft• V gj are 'atm etelPhstsaihreg beetberecotally sateeded ,from the M elect htortealsi abW. Eastern cities. Ohl sue .4aishise of goodaas eao,, =be ten be oWW, artuoheop the gamut veva Improved =deltas and stylesothetolttre ben very_largionaled addulast. Ilfratals las 121Utl oolafidetolsicaall'' tieg 'nearly Inspesties. - srma BLAOI4 COLORED LOT . Arat DOE , 811.11413,a0 'haul, warrinWe t!.st eolore,. kW-Round tertareP Da3MTOrt-I,7l.olllSvtaill other aser ectathrP, new style for entire sults. A. great variety of VOTE OAB9IZIERr.4bar: Pants and Vests, for itlerolub and-En2thg war. au= TABBIONABIZ' , , ro - ' aiiica 6ro • aotriplit hiADE TO, QP.pri. . THE 13 esT rpriixAf i nl•MANNitt.'' • .!. NJ r _tp trialyinrirtr,zii era _ *o 3:l fitcr T/4:40, !' s i rku .'''',.,, ......,-. ~ ^•^'. ...-- 4 ;00 ,, , ) DRIM - . - Abiti gaalloll' . r 1 ci t. •I'APuirulitCrique r. , p - - -, -..r, , ,c1: - ,. e:.. ,rl4 1,".7. , :p. l'J ti,il :, ;.1,: - 3:. ! 100111 1 AriAriti Wialari , j . v - r; •:e , _! ,,, ,...-7,•0t t - . 1 6:t• ~,,••;., • c.:l • i, , , , , qt. r...!e•1 V ,Ttql . E.,lLlf (i...z..7.: , i) g7d., I ;41ralKeatMalkri f .i . imccr=Eli EL M. 24178R&Y, Cashier SAND'S& BPI. President. CHANT TALH.ORS mural LoGANI . 13. I -- 4 , 711111 " :J. A 1: C.F.l4ra.a4. g.:13.- , :r • • ;-.2WELVE NAM ••• Wand after MON Le y, October Nth, am, Maine will Wave the 13 ab - m Tastenger Depot,caorear Wallas:Von andYMYtY Amts. al 10110 -km : MAY /APR datiy except Sunday" et 0.66'3. et..ortOppingat loblistown.cloneniaugh, Flamm , damns prinelteal,stattordlo , and linalsior • direct emumottons at garrithare.for New York. Bantams and Wathingbibi a:ll,tPilnaliskYtdli.. • tot Kew York, Seaton and in WM-te ALTOONA. AOCOMMODATLON. IdArt"ola•PW - Sunday, at 6.19:r. I. • was • stopping at , ' nit regular station" between Pittsburgh Ind , Altdpet. :kmll- • making close edmactilten 'with :Milne Maatidisket- Branch, West Ponta_ ?Irani* IL 8.-eSiatil 1114 • Wallop It.. It., and RollbErS1110%14%14;"-. PITISSPECtiI ecpt Sunday, at:l.Na' in., stopping-oellat.ConA .. mangh, Ga,littoin. Altoona. ' priaMpal Hons. making :tweet connettlem ar. afieraborg New York Baltimore. and Washingtolts • DAUM. ACOCIALMUDATION, dairy; eVleptglosts days, at ti 40 a.: pr. stopping s 1 All :Aar Ursa., oetweee TANOurea.antl:Elarrisb rg, mak og connectima Wart realm on the Ebealpurg lad Cresson Ralfat:llllr Bolltdaystourg Eallrasm. PHILAM EIiPILDSS, da e lly, at COP, 111 m., stoppinte . .. ttObte l e svi Pa=r a ,A, Johnstown, neinsuyh,_ nniont. Lewistowelna,..Neartm. Mita. Rarrtstrefg, berfellatlN, and,. At tug - direct - eCtanbetWir fur - New York, _r3attiznare at Philadelphia, for New Yorle,'BoMon , - • mediate points. ; SleeplarOrms rue Warmth **UM train from Pittelmrnlisq,Phliadeleida, and YAM: • - more. and to NeurY ark. by the ' Allantows toutev. JOIThsTOWN AtitiuMMIDATIQN. wit, ex ert na, atop I.l , Qat u rar two" lemma IT:tabut4:and- settl mouse at Blaine We terettatlarl the Indians Branca:an Welt MY FAST LINE,. swept. Sit ,DU zo., estopplagoay etablmulatommb. liuntmgdom-, bewail:own. Istitlittb li = Marysville, tiarrieburs. Middleto , and Iscu cingtown. making connection at Tiarris., burg ter New York,' fialtuatote cad Wableditece and at Phliadtiohla. tor Fate York. Bostottomet bistentediate pOUrrx. • fileephig Ecarersirt"Mrough ,- in (DM train tn Pnliadelphis, grog to New. yedr„.• oy the AllentoWn route. • • . , FiM atectrearotaistion; Crain -tor WalPs SMUG*. Itasca daily (except Sunday) at emu a on Seemtd Accominalatipalrain for WailltStatinti leaves daily Macept Sunda)) at 9 403. Third AecomaiOdatiaa Traia-tat Willi § ,8 4 26,11 hay.s daily tanceptStindisl 3.33 tn. " Potato Accommodation Testa ( dr Wb/Pkg lo 4 2 ; , loaves daily trampt,Sunday) at 11.05 Ao.eefffiedefleSS.:lo; •Peort Station, 'toted:Mg at AU station, between PittaDargil,a 44, " l4 . 4-at u. ro p. m. The Church Toth 'learei WrlntStatiOn"Weatir Sundry at Ord 11., arriver in Pittsburgh An 10.05 a. rd. Rettlllllo,- I.lll7EPidabtiftb,at. 12.30 P. frt. and arrives et Wall'. Station at 20p. m. Rrning Trains arrive In Pittsburgh as followsetul.llo st m. Fast Line.— A.ors;,st. First Well'. Station Accommodatfon... 41135 nu Penn AccOnaptation BU.M aM. " Second 'Stitin Accommodation .6a.*:. Jotunsown Aecommodatitt 101. m.. Pittsburgh p. " }Ultimata Express - 1.1111 gum. Third - Wall . station AceonunotatioM. 2.33 Philadelphia tairp. Fourth WAIN Stationlesemotodaticna 6.00 p. Altoona Aeconno4ation end lintigntnt- 10 .P.51 Ul. An Agent sit the bhseldor Omnibus C! will Fr . through' each train before mtablibld Usk • MT* take up weedy aad deliver badge Warty anti o the city. °Nee No. Do Pertirstreetkepen: day and night, where all orders for theasoymnstel.:. of passengers and. DM:MI tylU.readvsfa • tal:44- 1 k mamma empress will &Mast , With PilladalPhillt. Fixpress at 2.30. p. pa. on Mondays. ,• suer-of tae Coat • y Mill koid themselves respormibisfor L.kaggspi only, and for an amount siot.exeeed W. 71.11.EUICW '/..jailV," • Al the Pennsylvania llehttalllailrOad Station. on LiDertv and WrrhinetnhUrnetL , 1865.P/TTSEVEGFI,g4OIIII-1, coturars Arm OlNcarniterr RAILIWAIL the Great Short Line bole tin Nakao'lle, TO courant -8, LOVISTILLE, DULSAPOLIS, Ott. LOVith, And all ikie principal Cities WEST AND SOITIII-Wlgn OX AND SITES MONDAY, OCTOBER Oth, 1885, Train. leave ead arrive at the 0N1.03 DEPOT v.. follow= Dr!. 661.6. 61411111113. SAO 14, 15. Expreal .2.46 p. LIS Steubenville deem:lv:nod 5'a.4.30 " 10.16.1 S. F. SOIILL, Gen LTleket ASen• Steubenville O. M. IL 5101IlEttSPAUGH. Ticket Agent, Oaten Depot,Flttebutgll. ce9:lyd paTtiBURGH, FT, WAYNE. ► CkLICAGD__ NAILAir La AND OLEVELIOLD WWIEt RAILROAD. SUMS= AREAntirldEt On and after My MOS% tisane follows, viz. Leaves Tog Fos Far PutsbumniOnlcesgo. Cleveland. Wheelie' Express-- .210a.m.. 7 .10 a. sa. 916 a. Express.-- ..... ps. p.,16.1 ns. .2.46 p rL a. en 15.00. t or New °math sad Ede OlO Padre at Muhl:esti—P. 74 W. ts 0. Rad C 9.0 m.,140p. ES:, lAD p. m., 1) 7.30 . m., LSO p G. Is P. R. E —a. la a, at., 8.45 PAR., . COO p m. iotaTT Allegheny.. New Boeherl Note I_, i Sten). Brighton tot. CostU. :Leonotny: TUII. Aton.m. .1.16p.m. Atop.= 1.0.t0 p.a.' 8188. tim.tal • 44 5 P.m. • I coop. la I I I Arrive at allegtmay—r. T. W. s. C. Sanwa 1.0 a. al, till IL 0L.1.0.16 /.. az, 2.14 p. AL . , Lao m. tad 112 IL . IL . \ O. A P. E. A' —talteli , _. , . 41BU Z PAILICI2I67Iaketg ,.' Vigo* et Station. Pinar ~ ; e.. y e Cless V i Mitt_ . . . zvt tii_Nrns3B;pilerst -41111 %* 01 " Asti ' - pIII'BI3IIRGIi Alialag s tga , OONIIELLEIVIL ELLTLROA D. WI AItItAIiGEMP.ST. On and Mar MONDAY, Oct 30th, ISIS, UM tenths .osse the Depot, tonsor Of Eon AM.:Wined states', se follows: Lamm Anima : Prttebmin. PitMane.' Mall to and from - eniontown. Ids a. in. SMO - Express o • o . Slop. am loo &Oa. - . Fust McKeesport Aecom'n...ll9o a. m. ISM ec. ~ Second o CIS m.. First Breddock's o Ile e. m. &SO e."*: " Second o t:l° P• °L, bASP. Us Sunday enurch Tula to • r from McKeesport. IMO p. Ine U9O For Unkets aPidi . to I. SHANK, . W. STt+OT. SuPerfOrnn:. 't • VAL- affispn - - RAILROAD.— :e. TIKLE.,—On era eta'. MOZ/Miur • Octolya , . ' Passenger Labia will tar arti 14 . -rna as follovaj_ BLUR.A..M.....Legrat Pittaigugh at Lana RV T arriving at Kittanning at Llarts_KAZ: , Lumina at s,ps P. m.r atritwat eittaburgn • 15 p.m. EXPRESS laittiilN—LeArres-littuturtag ti a arriving ot , Pittsburgh at tat a. ha. %Lamm; Pitttbargb at AID P.m., arolling at Kittasuguat ai. ccoauiohort TKAKK.—Leatint it! , Biala Works It LW a. tn., arriving atPittibtustrati4 a.. , Lesnl.v.sbarsti &On. /1 tot eadnetas ta. sa:ro It WIGHT. SIDRA ' .• BOOBS. ALBUNISi-lktr. BOOKS I BOWES abotatarea Ong March: • . . Orll Polley 14 Anima Drakes'. ' - Tbo Sabballt Psaitta: . • • Exidealtaiabs•lat4 a 7. s«bmw mow nttecti. Podia ra ttim. • parztg .ac k -• -• • • PortfallOsi . Smith a. r ,p aa p n a a a u , ic:r r. : ittz . No. 71 rOstr&ll $411•4i '-' STRICKLANDIS DIELLIFLV,OII6 ,4 COUCH BALSANI"'„,' Da. Svrtczwql:6l,lll3 ilit4:44o4milligii,, - tupg Le warniate4 tcrAtutttioasaM.:ol , ll,,EtbssiaT:,,, am, lattittli hopptitg. tiottlt; Son Throttß" • Cottatimptlday , yak iO. anctions-bf:tlate-Thrtkg.t. 4lll and UMW' it Ittli• can lotitsmittatt".l42lll l l4wil 'i • cure Cfbionto tknighs, Maittoll, - sad OortrattS44 , ^Y) :Ulmer tiala.tApvi.loociling famhAse. pli Try a TxrttledltVtty • - "St It pretlt= :Atm y..., ; . -L lt, Dr pliablettlattfroesitustended foectheioau sa,..'-- , 'fba old. 801 l by all Druggists at as 000.4 girt 4 , 014. ,, :: t 116,. - ~.... , i1,,7), :I :ii - , ,, , f ',.g . ‘, - - .''...i. ' . ' . .' S " : - ' ' 7; LE. BE:Liana* 00;;: - -- - - , , b eitut ,:[, : t:•-,, r• - • e , • -Vrtrobtfaa ELIAST,i: 4 A - - 1 . 2! • COi Ce,%,ll4l""i""i'r ~..f _ ~L VV,tII px0.,1,,,,51i1 , 1 •POtatiat 1,•5-q:;.11 •int • '1013.. - WilieS, o !; , Cl • -, ',•- • •1.- ,•. , 00 .:,.1 '39 ll logsf- •• , .• ) -1...0 ~.4..1 t .,..3 0,3,t1T , I . 10 ,oi •ZikgsafititeoLt Pgtatkiesi ', : zcie ~. , -00 laid Ut=mirmesm+ t;!: ...:,:1 ,t.-. , . !60 f- , Hr4iGlitletu ,,,, - 49 . i,....t , : , a. . Z:,..,;$ T 1 .. i tigh I . l3 MC i - ~,-; T, - .1 ~ ., ,. ',.1 4 --. I' M 1..: , -. .. ", '' .- ' rut mu titut, P i lattablif 4 ~,, , ~A, A - -MKT . , i 40 do • mai rige,:3 i - 1 , , , I.: 711,-,D a:.,..f. I 7.30' , : 1kin if ToSYSt.,-.1. c',94 .Ji• ~ - 1 ,..!:,,, , ;dr ~,,i 404 b4 l o.4gUrthrAa,"'''ClpielltA v -V..'MC .1.. i ... • ....--, X x. 1..... , ikLEE. Anaii , . fhri , eri ni dNirt LAC , : :::' , 6',7":t . d: i•:13.1.,-npz,:•,,,,,.t5q :in,,,fr.,.„ 172g:XPECELT;#62,303.ttear,ra14, Igo, 16117 b , • of all• • 'MK , yiltkl;-. , 001112 gt ,-, 1.•k4i1. 1 awns :li ii Me c kna. IlliM m ea2M7 if : RITA .111 1r4 1 4. 9.4112 440LPV 1 1" EJ J , V-1. ncriant; OS. , ~,.. .. L.• :. " 7, te,'' - 1,3 41 - ''' " ,, .....-.1 7 .:.:0';.. ~... •;=. - i. rum