The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, November 01, 1865, Image 1
',EBrfAZIJSRBD. -- ,gi ~tte.~'~~~~~~e~e. eft/di& •L2s,;=.,:za 1. 7 .. 1 o 7 Valralanda:Clllllll.Lt 010041-4TRAISS'.4;Ve-*Pd ht _rum, rhlch it ma nn at the very lowest the Pltee naieViortrpi , lterakatber walk en the Itrna-Esiat caner s I Fourth end Market stmts. gteelickTo-40•.- . tatiiite altrerizoi - ilaitnteil TO it.e of bran ciao, picee sod 7ltig . e . ,.9ittr,i thin, iheifi r vy.b 4 a ,ipurcrt to the city- Hew thi plied , o f ern cor ner or niiitif CA MOW, . C. Her . sw. TOTE h Etc.e. 13.4J,ar advpilaemerl.. es fun nOn, Win SATO • wboirtraiLzits. tb. be botigAt at soy other root, whg Duy }heir is deq.'Witt: lama lad illatitirgq•: 112,ets city, as 4 he ti ri • iiaelthardaßheft House in the city./ Parka h hdratasenfea Iro at+ - ICelOl up re orm who hat a• •frered "" 4Utl"llll.h'C'-'l' who _ hat of trim the terrible ravage' or tbot m alliliesieii r lyibaystirihrd who btu botrOeurt a by r EWA Ps t% to ,t c ll %. thei • Mends arid ' wilyhbots of et "Do Hilo ol.ets es you won d the isb • to le tuk tr likve'otheye do,unto youo !CZ anal tt, knows 01 tta Wontleptlil t.ursiblve powers In dyspereln, Indienr 1364, Alatollinel, l .Ic headache, soar stomach, heartburn, ebokr• raorbus, and we, Wight sap, every 4/..iense that arises fin . in • disordered stale of the stotanch and bowel►. Sold to Pltlaburali, ac Fleming's Drug Dens - -140. S►9fadL•dt irtreet. lebtitrtirj r Mere:lMS srpj. 1 . 1 . ; . 04pyr, -pest Ja tAr.dirtreace primbe tween itomht east inillitimilAulluomil cUl fdd g.kqta , 74; , C(Vs,fiff Tdialtrivatkltit. They illttionnee Iltes , little dream • Winter Is Coming, taking ehld you 00.014 Stoll4 YM••4 with • W 4 s °o 0! !um . W/110 you eon en at extremely IoW plea, et Dttas* Eliker&Cols. They hare ' sVtrY Wire stoat 01 width, eaves, collar. and rietorthes Cur 1 a dierilicue and rte....p..4th of_ er,hlyh lye know they an. selling it totem' prices_ than - any other time la the VIVI: F ed" F. 14,14 : 70 . fq l i gben T . • • • • . Cloaks and ; Shinty. Heeds of Faiitllei, the llArtier b. upon von, and Itairiettledttit,:aaAolabtlarsiewill be roar Pleas ,ttrstip ritiet:Oot Wife, Mother, ,s4ter or, soy other female friend, attlied Winter Cloak or Shawl. At Sates ABellts. 4p. 21,Ellth street, you will lad all varieties of Shawls, and every deecription of Clo ' l ‘ l o.-Stellnah / 111 14filas% Call at No. tt Fifth 'licit; and tell.rwello not:tell tai'ttitter ' . • lautLense• lUtagratlen. ailinianzag eptAna.4oßo.l.ll.lpour.4 . lcorA. Into the Southern States with the restoration of peace. Thousantieetiontherlireifogsiesi freafaillate town and cities aflthe North, will return home ; thous ands of northern soldiers will move in the same divevtl,Pn, m tlmeNweet bona of union; asnlingtlitirantitlicen'tirethien; cad, fn cheater= to the saws of demand and supply, thousands of northern farmers; mechanics, and Laborers, will mall thstedghty,volurce for tke re-peopling and ele.liollearthrrriate places ofytbe sw a b s o .q.En In anticipation of this `rand diversion of the tide cf emigration, and from the Increasing demands upon them the propristorief Hostetter's Celebes ted Stomach Date,, are patting up additional thousands cf .texes of their universally pnputar 'tonic and alterative.. . _ We hiaSsitinsiilitimOnfof soldiers, .sin, eters,' triplreis/ mfnertrrecnigrente, veltig-es. far mer. and planters, North and South, "a cloud of scitntales," that es eat° and reliable remedial rgent, ant as' protect' is, against all the com a taints incident to exposure, privations, changes. of climate, diet, water and habits of life, Hoerr, -Trate BteTestai stud as directed, are worth their weight in gcilii; r'South.—Communizata. It h also-proper to JULIA that the Bitters are sold exclualvely to glass, and never, under any ..elretunatances by the gallon or the barrel. Impos tor. ~:4,-,lailt d p g re are abroad, &lathe only acre smart 'M Lac Nalsie, tham'ls to he ..that the Bitten they buy here the engrevel label and , note, of hand. of Memo. -.Hostetter k - Smith, aid totleprbprlettry Clamp °Vet the cork of —the bottle. Fall surd Winter Goods. It fa with great pleasure re call the attention or ei as readers to the srapitaVatoth of FAIL mid Winter earedsjust received by Mr. John Weini Illerehant Tailor, No. VS Federal street, Allegheuy. Hli Inca embraces some of the rarest and most bean- Atha NiellisiCalsbuiersleilNercoatingsiuulVeattog 4TerbiaigittlAr fed viiitern mArkeY. .B.M assort. anent of Flumlabing Goods. comprising Marts. .Drawers, Neckties, Ilmulltershis fa, ha., etsmarit be evipiimed east or west. A Large stools. it readymade Pants, Coats, Vests and Over:oats m LUAU* Le fompd at his entabllstumint. Persons In Mantotank&Yngin the clothing line should not *LI to give a.r. w elm a call ~.ThedglAs W. Parry 4: Co., truth:al - Si.Ot Hooters. and Male" to Accerlclot filsta of various. colors. Office at Alexander 6eughlirrs, near the Water Works. elttsbergh, •a. 'tteilelisite. !fa: IS Pike street. Orders J►onpthr attended to. All work warranted vatet Scoot. Repairing done at the .horteot notice. No ' , harts On Main. provided , roo , is not stoma after tali out on. A speck of Danger The znintitest, black spot on she enamel of a tooth is an evidencethat decar• erasing floger has touched it. Quickly interpose the Pozodont as a safeguard, or the tooth is gone and not oat, that one, but perhaps half a dozen. Be assured that nothing but Pozodont trill either effectually pro. ' . l`eittor erred dental disease. .Ciirpenber Jobbing Sbop. tiering retnrnednftea co eheence of three years the:annya have re-opened my ehop for all eons of lobbing In the carpenter line, at the old stand. Sm , thpow Arent sad Cherry - allay. Ordeal solicited and promptO'attended to. arn.T.L.3.r roaahar. Just Opeaed lOW new clottingliouse, et 63 Vitth .fleet, when, We °ref CW,On worth of clothing revirdlets of PI, 14 U.k Hell oet. 6-tf. C. Silljeentle. 246 Penn street, statinal savour to .2 tresinen hie prole ly. VAinotts irE6t9.. Oa' jdoadity . alght, Or. 231" rat., a mai eause,Steer Deser's Comer, Del., was deetroyed try. -.- • lour, 00gro children, ( 0 • :01dent :/ibentt seven pare.) were iburna.464edidr ID- the bonding.. The child's 4aPirotkinf, FrOTO twine, tearing them In charge of 412 oid black women, who, hearing 7,,ltherher eon hid rotaintel from the. Wu that - deg, went to , meet him. The children were - fend telt to thezniehm, and perhaps set ire to 4he hone& 6 wtdie man went to render weld- Am:y=4 cot' kicking the door, sew the cite; *cots - of the poor creatures w rithing on the barking bed, but could not retch them. eind rff 49tPoW 1"; old s.?l?ge hot' of three years. "What for, my dear?" ~aWbyp Shares a gentleman In the par lor who Says helldle if Jane don't marry him— and she says she 'won't." • logy Hagar, who, with John Cooper, was artested 4er - tlte nuirder of John Rodenbangh -wear Kent, Ohio, has made a contesaion of the murder, bat charges CocTes with befog the Iprinettalactor;lnAo LA. ~ , _ A arreemme murder bas been committed in ClevelatEr...lll6 - todjfht a ynneg mdsi wan die• °nem & eadOlSFtzoredegi on the -lake shore, bearing ',ldea make of nolenee.. o clue to his =seer Hatter the canrclenir been els , , scraitit - a &white, Ints been edged by marts: a man Mire recently recnycred` lPfgir "trout the 'oWifer or a dog that tit . 4 7 A _l,4 l . , CTVghing 2.l,pounda was recently eaulfir bre" Head, - England, In whose, "..210111101itira.tottnti is pair of spectacles with 1; titan prisoners in the Wtuiellerg . Jall st -".teidthed to mug last Isbits7 Met.' 'Toot had snored through the bars of tiu3 gate When db wakeireff. : . Gov...tprinp, or Wisconsin. has Issnela ROC. -In atlOn 3 17 ,6311,2 Thnrsdki. 20th of Novan tia, la a difottbazikfutilag: - 4Tir tre about waft luttasaso cottoa ,xOlll ,Chlsigo I'M a darting capital of a lull "' . - ; Tussah repot carnet Oil: the (Wetter& ° "Th l gliVeheJ Arkin xers• datttate thrum ' Ctiait VF stantte;..!; boy of iliWnife t _wee -ma oterfatuihalletl by the eels seling, on .0211aq 4yellboin , • • . • • I - 7V a , •id t , -• • , G-H - FA - • LATEST NEVV'S Hy TELEGRAPH: INTERFSTIfiGFtOM' Tbe''etii , of Bostori ArigVed LORD PALMERSTON DEAD tcrclary Re w ard' . Pertm platy Ditipalc4o, COLDNESS BETWEEt RABB AND AHEM: The Choloru to Parr 'PREICRESS CF THE SOUTH AMERICAN WAR THE FOREIGN MARKETS NEW Tenn, Oct. :11.—The steamer City of Boater, Iron Liverpool on the 18th,yla Qneens torn on the 19th, arrived this morning. The steamships Iloraviao, City of Cork and Bavaria had arrived Ont. . Tbo steamer United Kingdom pot In at Roth Mallon d:sabled. Lord Palmerston la lead. Lord Palmerston had been seriously ill (or some days from the elf cta of cold. The symp toms had been very alarming, but he lusrin?vdd. On the night of the 17th, however, a bulletin was Issued to the effect that he had Deeocue worse since morning and that it could not te disgulaed that he was seriously ill. Telegrams were . oonstantle. being sent to the Queen at Bal moral. Lord Palmereton would complete Ma filet year on the 20th October. The sensation news published by the Teat, that Mr. Seward recently sent peremptory dLs patctins to Vance, continued to attract atten tion, but was generally regarded as wholly un founded, and this slew was contirmmi by the Moray - lan's news. • The nmca contends, that let this remonstrance be what it 'may, 'coolnessilSe recently arisen between France and America. The Star prontinces the Times! remora entirely without foundation. The Pada Temps says the deaths from cholera is that city were aseraglue 200;per day. The Bourse le firm at 611. s2c. Rio, Sept. 25.—Uraghayana :is closely Lairst ed,..bul, had uohbeen4kkeh. Cape ofGoed Rope, Sept. I.3.—The; Sainte war arolinuea, but Mashesh had sued for peace. Iknaay, Oct. O.—Cotton materially advanced. Cotton goods-aro also advancing here and at Calcnttai"' • _ - Landon Homy Market —The funds on the 17th were firmer, but closed. raider flat, under the discottraging reports of Lord Pelmemton'e health. . . .. . Consols closed nt ssx• for money. - • The denial of the etateen#ll that Mr. 'Seward had recently, sett A pereniptory dlipatch' to Fmoce, PrOdueed Mod effect- fleKtel: u r gi! -1 4 good demand et the bank on the, 17th, and rata writ noctianuted. Lin:Brom.. Oct. 17.—Cotton—gales 2don day and Tuesday add up 35,000 halts: - A allgttt advance took place: on Monday; especially to Egyptian, and the market was rather . mtlet, but ptices were, firmly malatalned, and the receipts were large, Trade eata - IxelzeeMr—The inaritetaara strong and prices on the average higher, but business bar only been done to a small extent. Advices from Ingle hate exerted a good Influence on the market. Brcadspipre.-111chardeou rt Spence, and Wake- tieni,Nash rt. Co. report Flour quiet but steady'. Wheat firm at full rates on last sleek; Winter reZ, 9s 4 !(;&9a 10d; Chicago and Mil Waukee, 0! Et% 8.1 'par rental. Corn 'quiet but steady; mixed, 2.8 s 61®28s 9d. Prorisioar— Wstrucd Co., and me?, Mc • Cann& st., Co., report beef Ora for flat, which In scathe. Pork is also scarce and at higher rims. Pacted bacon steady. Lard is la very liculttd supply, and consequently there Is little doing. Butter quiet bat fltm. Cheese la good [emend, led rather dearer. Produce—Sugar in good demand at improved gutter—.lBmallaalesaloontAttptv rata. lice—Active at full quotations. Ashes—Steady at :19e,nd per cwt. Pearls—Unchanged. Crude Petroleum—Small sales. Refined sold at '216 lid per_gallon. LOWDON MAY-hta—Breaddl/3.—F1011 . 7 lirm at full prices, owing to the scarcity. Wheat In good demand at former quotations. Sugar good at an tali - ant,: of Chi per cwt. Coffee steady at full prices. Tea quiet and easter. Rice steady. LONDON, Oct. 19.—Lord Palmerston died on the 16th, at 1 1,35 A.M. Great anxiety' prevailed yesterday, to know the reattit of his Illness- Business on the Stock Exchange and other quer. teriwea almost suspended, add a deep and uni versal regret is expressed at Idi ions. E trl Res sell will probably succeed him. Lord Clarendon taking the foreign Milos, bat nothing ME eel has transpired. Lai"zarobt, 19.—Cotton sales for two days:l.3',ooo Oahis;.tha market Is dull, wicks de chne- Of 3i @id. Thallancterter market Is itl/CtiTE. and prices are realer. /treat/—The market }srkm. Corn 'islet. Provision market buoyant, and supplies mostly exhausted. • Oct, 19.—Coosols closed at 5.3'.i . 6:9 . 55 far money United States FiVC-4,MMIOCA, G 4; Erie, b 755; 1.11.1n01a Central, 59%083;,;. FROM CALIFORNIA. Inc fan Reports of the Shenandoah, PREEDREA ITORMiB CALIROViII NINES Sandwich _lsland News. PAN Fits:cream, October 26.—0 n the arrival of ('oionel Buckley and the P.ussian American telegraph party in the vinlnity of Plover Bay, the Indlane were extremely shy and hesitated about coming JD board. When they did, they reported that they had seen a a enema burning ships In the vicinity but a few days* before, and some of tho crews belonging to the BMus had been sent inhere by the steamer. The Indians did not un derstand the burning of the TCII3BII, and there fore hesitated about coming on board. Buns two or three of the sailors set ashore by tee Shenandoah. are reported to have been taken off by thetelscraph party, by a young man who re turned by the Palmetto, though Col. Buckley does not mention it In his letters, and nothing la known of the present whereabouts of the pi rate. Seventeen mites of the Western Pacific Rail road, extending from San Jose towards Stock ton are graded, and laborers are now engaged in laying the track. The Work hes commenced of developing the quicksilver mine, corned by a Now York Com piny; and situated near Metno Lake, COO miles cent of San Joee, The laborer, employed are freedmen, reCently imported from Richmond, The randier the colored rnefi , i newspaper, publishdd Ibis city, Oct'swage similar efforts to employ freedmen, as the best . peesibla &T.:4% in: of Sandwich Island dates of the nth inst., are received: R. C. Wylie, Minister of Foreign, Affairs, was dangerously ill. The barque Albert had arrived from Chitin with a cargo of two thousand coolies, including Over forty women. They were bound to sbor five years at four dollars per month, and cloth ing themselves. Their other necessaries were to be proilded for them hrtheir masters, who were also to take care of them in case of sick ness. The average cost of procurring eciolles is eighty dollars each. South Carolina, Georgia and allealosippl Nrw _Tann. October 31.—The Roan dis patch says& The action of South Carollos in electing.Pirrule Hampton as GovernoT of Geor gia In feel:Peeing - thist i syment of the rebel writlndehtedness; and of Ississippi in reftislog to tako , up and pats the Constitutional Amend raccid abolishing - slavery, la belleind to have se riously affected the future policy of the Presi dent-concerning those .Btates, and to have ed fdangerefithnamissloa of Chet:4:4B;4es In the next WWI Had.ldissiglppl cheerfully pined the amend ment a gee smactsty would ham been at once declared In fated of all rebels. As It is but few anuientles will, In all probability, be here after granted Welds= Of These Staten: The male it erne of Gantt and &filth Carotins. The action of thetr - conventkunt has net justified. presidential confidence. and the rigors of Kill tarn Gofernotent and Martial Law be She coneequence. Cold.: New Youn t Oct. 31.—Gold la firmer under tbo kienni news. Tho deelinaln 6 Wa. and In cotton, and the dullness of trade at Mancha. ter are considered as natorlng an expert of gold from thu alde, and hence the culotatlons are fraction falboc. The gnotatirme opened at 1453 l and closed at - diO: siikisrskint to 3, U.* -9 • Report on the . frnedm'en's Robot. CALtgeIISHING'B3FISMY, recal x• -la Aka a,lort wet flk, Ntw Toatt , Oct. 'al.—The Axel 'pedal aitial It It terorted.. teat Wa recattpx: -.. , 'Orldalsl7 conaideringlbe fOIoVoI coTtortotia it the, aeo• ranee of Wgzi4 #optlaooment tox_afa. Fo de- eialon as yet has bees atmonnedi. The Piesident fo diy ssecelstdl}4r, PlaC' tborGeersda ®late (lel:readmit' leasi &Stared's/is-. veil abolished by a - uiabltetras 'Tote witliolit debate. . A lazge Lumber of yiSlSOS:se4titucall - to lm prleonment In forts atill petatandatiaigduring the war um woo be . relloted,, • The Bn ald's Washington special says: Pre rarations ere being made at the Freedmen's Bureau, to make an rxlenstro report 4,garding a general school system among the blacks throughout the country, so.. Re ea their educa tional facilities are under the control of the ECEITI4 'ln respmse to a communication from South ern gentlemen .ho propped &stale measures for re-tatablishing the latmi listent of the South, On. Howard haarepiled as follows "any speellicyilentatlon regulations which are not icconsittent with the Leedom of employees may be adopted anywhere. and I will chenrfery aid in their execution. but I am equally aaxic'w to afford as much latitude as possible to Lodi vidnal enterp , /,aariLtionc assuming to interfere too much with merely local reguletions." The Tribnrir's mondial says the statement re: etelly telegraphed to the if raid ebint the trial of Jeff. Davials without fouridatles. It says: —Stiouln.the eau brouent Wet le the Vir ginia Circult.cvldunce will SIM* the 'personal preecretemf"litic Davie on the field of battle, and therefore co question of constructive pres ence will be raised. The Tiows epeMal 8211 S: A wt .11 known North ern theatrllal manager lately organized a dra- Matte company to =form at Lyachburg. Ye. After a few repomentations.the hostility of the inhabitants to anythtng coming from the North, was a+3 apparent that the company had to dia. solve. The World's wrist say son. Caleb Cub it:4m whole going to Eturtand on a conlidenilal mission fit= the State Department, la still la the. mu. ItL amerted _taut_ Ite_goea as a com missioner tosettleiheAlabamaelalms,or to con ter on the business relating to Hudson Bay cons- Z The rum,' correspondent, written fmm Moat gomery; Alabama, lays:: In the:fullest extent of tha term, there is little or no patriotism is mistral or southern Alabama. and but very little love for the United SintraOnTernutent In north. em Alabaman. The people are sincere to their devollow - to , the Welton. This feeling la rife In that' 'Portiere ' of the Sternlying north of tith,Tanneetee item, and runnier from Tuscola the west, to Burrenaoa. In the east. The people in this section are true to rte Government and Its interests, end Can be relied croon - tinder any and all circumstances. In thcSonthern and Central por tions of- the State with_ a great many, the spirit of rebellion has - not ceased to exist. The most that ere Inclined to do good, are offi cers and soldiers who have fought la the armies of the late .Confederate States. Two-thirds of them not only confess themselves whipped, Inv gracefully: acknowledge that they have m fairly dealt with, and are ;tapered to do anytidog honorable. All ecknowledire thattlay have been whipped, and whiPPLM fairly, and are to a man In favor of peace and the obligations of the past. The railroads is Alabama. with the exception of a portion of tee Girard rJad, are in rustling order, and most of them are ma very good con. die too. No cotton has been raised this year. FUNERAt OF COL. DAHLGREN. Charges Against Gen. Hatch. BRIIISH RESTR:GtIONS ON AMER:CAN VESSELS Leber from ..sccr4.lary Seward. WA 3 .I 3 4Mi I CN, Oct. 31.—The funeral services atter.dast en the death of Col Ulrich Dahlgren, were celebrated to-nay, the President and Cabi net and a large number of army and naval offi cers were present, with hundreds of others, in the First Presbyterian Church, to which place the remains were conveyed. The . Bev. Raul Ward Botcher delivered an address on the ben efleial results of the war, thounh at the sac:rifles of life, Ind eulogised Col, Dahlgren to this con nection. Brie. Edmund Schrlier, Inspector Gen esi, who was directed to Investigate ectuln ems plaints of attire:is mad residents of Charles ton doutb Carcillas, has made his report fully exonerating hi. adealtilatration while to com mand of that post. He repoits that he belt-Yea General Batch to be a capable sad attentive of ficer, just to his decisions, and guided by what he believed to be the best Interests of the Gor en. men t The following Is a copy of a recant letter from the Secretary of State to Olean:retail rf the Navy upon the 'abject of the removal of all restrictions upon United States war vasela la BrUlth pont. It le also nederatood that andel latelligence has been received to the effect that Admiral Denman, the llritlah naval commander In the Pacific, has been ordered to send nrui.era in quest of the Shenandoah, who are to capture her if met with. Dtratt.T3ITIVT or BTATE. ASERNGTON, Oct. 7-0, 1815. To Hon. Gfdmr , ircL'es. Stcretary of as Harp Bra I have the honor of submitting for your Information, • copy of a despatch which has juit been received from Mr. Adams, together with its accompaniment, a copy of a note of Earl Russell's relating to the reatriettnns upon American National. vestfle. auicb Istely were maintalted by Her Majesty's Government la Brit:sti ports and waters. The dispatch shows that all the oijectionable restraints referred to have now been entirely re moved, and that it is the desire of tier alsjes ty's Government that 'unrestricted hospitality and frier dship Shall be shown to the vessels of war of the United Buttes In all her Majesty's pals, whether at home or abroad, The' nesldent has directed ma to make boost to Her etsjesty's Government his satisfaction for this pleating manifestation of consideration and Justice on the part of Great Britain. beer, therefore to ruttiest you to inform the naval officers of tbq United States that the irettnctions that have heretofore been given to make discriminations is regard to their vessels In British ports and their intercourse with British naval 'easels ate now countermanded and withdrawn, and henceforth the most ilocral hospitality and, conrteay will be expected to be the navl attic United States to the navy of Great Britain. I have the honor to be, vb., your obedient sex - vent, , WILLIAM H. finwsno. DEBTS OF THE SMPTSERN STATES acnool System Among Freedmen. BOGUS NOTES RECEIVEtt ii Ir - Case .Mb! Considered SEiv Tons, Oct, Rer.dirs Waghlug ton speelal sap: Mr. TOrbert, formerly urea'. &lit of the Bank of TCDPINSiseCi, and an appli cant forpardon,waz loudly declaiming last even ng at a hotel, against the Justice of any in terference in the matter of the Southern States paying their debts. The Ifreedinen's Parcae' Iv making an atom , sive report relative to s school system among tLe freedmen. Several bcgus notes of a large denomination have been received at Washington, having meal through the hands of several of the tiab•Trensurers. The President has not yet taken up the Wire . • • • West leftists Nrw Toast, Oct. Bi.L-Thisteamer Eaglaltrom Barna. 21M. ,13eicatart,2921,,,haa *mita Havana Andel= of the Olst , are .tushapottlett. The health of the city. wee good. No cbolerli bad made Ms apeatallee." veiseLs from Spate "Vs closely quarantined. No late advlces have been remand foam Met- Freshets In San Domingo had dole Wedeln, damage to propertr. Fire at ItaimAch, Conti. -NomerkWur,..,fierunber BL—A Ire -lett Toning totalli.destroyed alt.erth hlon need% frame entldingsz eti...the foside of .Wall street. The itentnetee on the banding and .01 the block was pO4OO, — ' and will be 4°141 tom • :PITT S 81JR411., IVEDNES !AY, :N OVEM 13 E R .1. 1 565. FROIIiI'iNEW YORK. Slr Marta reWs 'itartsweltaanqatt. ME LATE STEAMER EXPLOSION.) lipporlant Aarcti Rendezvous' NEW Yews, Oat. 31.—Sir Morton Palo, whd takes ree , EngUttid id the pill _ to-morrow. tendered his American (Mender a grand farewell banquet hut evening et Dalmcm. lco's. The entertainment wart one tie the most elaborate character, and in its mognillanuce,mtz ) celled any previous affair of the kind 'hi Ltits lijiieelftwerCtude. by Sir 3fortou.' Chief Justice Chase, Mr.. Walker, Gmerals Hooker Etna bit, 'Vico Admiral Rarnazut, John Sherman and Mr. Ogden. The lestivitlei concluded with aclmeeri, 10-the parterre- of the ettablishment. " 1 - The hernia's Washington' special ge.lses all members or the CuisAfforpo baying P 4 Peri act vieeof that.Cormi to Imerard them to:Getters' chamberlaln at graWancly , Stalne. Colonel tlahlgyettrebody Etas arrived - 'ariddwo 'Ttteran reale:cute Will. mean the gcmaira to the hall feliere they will lay le state.• No further dcaths among the Psnenzett le piredly the ed. Jahn disaster are riPlrted - :a day. The steamer will wan undergo , repatra. The funeral of Treed, 'add Mary Lyon.. mar ried Inet Thursday, and scalded to death nu SuntlayAnorroltig, took .pinto this alternoon at, St. Luken' Church. The steamer Victor. hence fur New , Orleans. which ..was towed itdo -FfaePten R3w30,, -was almost afotopletty IrrtleiC A Iterille,lllmdre: letter alba lit. to the. itcraidi. , nateelltat 4111147.-iraithen'agEl Thc.Frenelt - Went*t - their way- to 'that .phice. where they expected to anlie fit* reer,daVe. • The Englieh expitaetesceyelbotaints totpetr American friends week. The Sena mere ttor:ltis:rewendTiim lon. Roads 'sabot - tie to be the [endear - one of 117_ largo and Important ffeet, ot otlrr nava: veSselc Theatonmships, Vanderbilt ntulillonitnea, which anivedthereern Servidae,being pioneers altar maratinn gathering. From this poinkettie inv. the ~steels will his dispatched -to. wlttoffroiii Int! d.derent parts of the - world. - ATE 9 ,T FROWI EVBOPB • dr►ival of the Etanier rriziaqous, - - LORD RESSELL TO BE PREMIER. Commercial IntelligenCe.- Funntert Pomr, Oct. 31.—The steamship Dantasens, from Lirerponl On tbo 1021, vls lawidtinden7, 20th Mat., parsed this Point Cu : nmle for Quebce. It is actittally haltered that Uri Amen accept the Premiership, hat nothing Oftleial has yet transpired, the Queen being la - ficitinkiL . . Litti7poot. Oct. 33.—The mica -of cotton for. the week amounted to 80,0001411e5. These - were 10,000 bides cold Ott 'Friday, the market' closin' firmer and nor hnnggd, with ik farther decline of ".o.(ceid. on the week. Middling Orleans; 244. Breadstuff@ firmer. Corn, dull and declined 3d. The provision market is bans mod quiet. Landow, o.i. .—Consols, S.2CRSIti;. The bullion in the Bank of England, has Increased' Eis4 000. United States 6114a6.4 Erie Railroad shares, 57? ‘ 'C4.32 , ,, Illinois Cen tral, b 3 ii. • . • .I.4verp.a, Oct. 20.—The Brokers' Circular re. ports the sales of cotton for the wink at EO,OOO bales. including 32.000 bales to peculators. and 10,500 halo to erportere. Tee market opened burlent, with an advancing tendency on the first of the week, bat receded, and closed deli, with a decline fully per pound, The au thorized quotation are: Orleans fair, at 23!‘dt middling, 24d. Mobile middling, =-Xd. Up land, fair, 25': middling,. ir.l-?-. 4 'd. Teo stock of cotton in port, is 260.400 balm, including 370.000 of AIIWIC1112; sales to-day, Friday, of 10,000 bale , ; 11 c ma. ket Closing firmer but unchang.4 YtOirire)GE , quiet and airs eT 1:oct, Br4diatar. firmer Ard efts truailin adlanceil except C. 1113, Which is-Writy Wind decked - } "``'t - y. tgri.lbt•Sooxienti- Soxins he latest sales were mad. at the fol. lowing quotat'oost United States 3-20 ht. Cq.64 , ;. Eris Railroad Shares, 57N(V,'sti; hip sole t„entral Railroad Shins. I=!ECI:=1:1!Itii'l:3 New Tone, Oct. 31. 7 —The &deices annonacutfr the death of Lord Palmerston. and a decline la American securities clamped the apecehnlre feel leg In railway shares at Bock Eacttange. The market opened with an enemy feeding. and New York roads were weak with considerable. bans• earring on Central.. There was more tone sad steadiness on Western stratus, and biorthweat common addealy rose about '2 per cent. The minket was Irregular at limed board sad lower at call, Etta has been frmly sold today Oct the report that the Atlantic and Great West ern had made connection With Morris and Fa..x. and atter roads. At last boards the market was a little smonger. The following nitre the elosineprlces et 4:.".6 p. m.: New 10rkCentra1,90,46244; Er.c,9lli -40-1; Hudson River, 1086103;4'; Reading, 113%6113;3; MiClll.l3ll Southern, 74671;4; Illinois Centrist, 1:31€1137q; Cleveland and l'ltttebargli, .83!; Rock lalan.l, 107; Northwest tru,:4634l ; INCirthunstern pre:erred, 1113 62 :‘• Gold closed at 1441614084. Government Securities are dull and lower ender the decline in London. Private advisee generally report prints CSlIj for cx-conpona,whlch 13 equal to 66M with coupons. Sites of NMI are 14 . !ewer; New Issue, higher. Seven thin ins are steady, with a prevailing diepoiltion to bay. Money la comparatively stringent with Cankers. On the street there la a fair supply of stock brokers., who are readily aappliel at seven ma cent, Coal Stocks and Miscellanoons Shsens are Inner, From Northern Mexico Liss/ Y one., 31.—The Tribunes letter from El Paso, the k 91.11 of Bent. sap. The pros pect for President Juarez to remain here for tune. at least, Is becomlog better and bet te.r story day. There to at present no appear 'thee o 1 the departure of the French from Eel trebles for this place. It is said In El PaSSO, bet the Yr. nen in entering el:alumna, hire been r-celved very coolly, as If they had enter ed a deserted city. A few clasetut were the only persons who took the trouble of making any demonstration In honor of the French. According to the same tertimetty a suite of siege has been proclaimed In Chihuahua sad Impetlel Jemtis or Committee of Notables of the city appointed. The public places and prome nades of Chlhetalma are completely deserted. Not 'single family hen accepted ea invitation from the French In the enmorone couslcalaelrees the latter have given to the inhatiltaits. Capt. Hall. the Artie Explorer New Pone, Oct. 31.-51 r. Osborn, the nasal reporters has received a letter from Capt, U, F. Hall, thaArtic explorer. dated at Repulse Hay, latitude CC degrees 3 edrintei North, aad longitude BO degrees B minutes West. The let. ter was written August 20th. 180, and Is eight months later than the letter published,a month ago. OWL Hall is in excellent health and spirits and is confident of succeeding in his mission. Last rioter ho "sada a sledge Jaime, along the west coast of Bic Thomas Rowe's Welcome, bat ascertained nothing now. At the time the let ter was written, he Was preparing . 1 ° make rat' explorstlool, of hopes to naa some of the surviving members of Bir John Franklio'e par ty. Fenian Renate. New Your, Ott, 31.—The Commercial Ark - maw wsys it la understood that Gen. r< , --. secOmmend to Congress to entail- Cultoele a... tor tbe income tax. tats a tax on au._ engaged the new The Fenian Senate ... shalt meetings Ball, No. 1.08, Broad Way, who, - - .don was elll oe held In future. A secret ses bald there and the announcement by ?sudden% of the rouse of John &Metall ere. ated much enthusiasm. It to probable, that the importpatehenges caused by the death - of Lore Palmerston, ' the subject Of &catalpa beforathe Senate, eio far u It relates, to the replan orrlsatloo, "' Inxurrectlun In Jamaica., , New Yonn, Oct. R.—Th. I'4=s , Printe the Ltolh wing: The Evans Meniners ISt ttds Pen this afternoon, brings confirmatory news of the up. rising 'of the negroes Sif Jamaica safest the whits& Her Majesty% , ecrtnd at this NM; is sold, is .in, rem* of dispatches of the undue loiportance. Many revolting tro= sentima tadimee tW by tinknegreti.• shockinglyzetitnaltealtflegers and toes cat off, and chen,anurderaVeterartdeh a aggro otmege,glyped open bareha The mutiny was spreading raptdizaa leer meanie and the gmatest Mann • preratled:s#Mig the wed en. The Late inpita:petiolkt Dmistorr, Oct. 31.—The Lite gra imthe Michi gan Central Railroad freight tit", canoes no dmentkerof inuintss.: The - Ise-mita for the prompt handling ofrieggheitrei at goodt Half nail** OP .1011 i MITCHELL; , &liana Thanking Presidetif TOliason. f . ~. .I•Ntly..The.A..Ohl. , 31.—rpott Ute release ft . .lelteltltebell Try the President. on sPritication (tithe funfair ElonerWei at Palhetelphla. ore. Meted tVistpechd envoy, the Gamtreas dPrlrl , .4 Shat 4 41Titstiotrihottldbriiceed . toVishuggron clOMPP r id ad eo to the (heat of tieorgril , atch. , Accordltaily CoIOOOI.SILU, Robert. ,s,ltof Kew To, 14"rreildept of ..the ,fletoWnMOrcipan- fe 4 tYlldr• 13(0'.1.arry Proceeded to tho White Hawse, end were Owen alt Maly, Interview. `ld l " , nntititiniddr-eM thorrestpritie r thllowy lir. Yoestdebt4i4frateithwhotor - of being dale itatte(by the convention of IrlA, Ameridan Mb- Idene*. ldtensbled In Philadelphia, reprlesentlee lame ;.t . teOst '-fleeaci): An. thirty States and terrl thth a. le Wienpon.yottr Eiceliency and express! lo deeply they feet the act.restorieg to eredorC4 ma weorn they love andverwrraco for . ..tdasetryytihciogdeyotton to tits native . tad. if e hey redembel• 'nothing of John liikterrs reorient, career. but they can never forget tint risked all a patriot should for Ireland. I sett fire; your Ezerileacy, the Americas people will have no cause to regret. ire sympa thy they feel. and friendship we belie e they en . forth& fellow dilzens of. Irish birth. ,'We art unconscious of the fact that we hate found In Atomics, liberty,' Juitice and an 301. t :dent Johnsowreplied in substanceas tot- Mira 1 Gehtlemen, I am glad to leara diet the stops 'fhibleh bare been taker In the matter referred total* tart-ottb the approtal of the gentle. ,e t .koacnt you A.l yvadskeatety remarked we cod ..not remember Mr. MitoetteWS American career. bra we were anx pins . 'as s.: ,i, ,- niacin of respect land, courphinews :to: a large portion-:of one le6UMmtPslfelth whom Mr. Mitchell, wen, pee. YlOhilyiktrosialloe' :to. yletd to attr..'4Prkadd4.l. avier *mit finbier Om's:anal:Vl:4 lowmati . icY theAelegatlon withdrew. . . Il . swatk.s 2 lok tivtarneliveftd. , *Sr. 81,--7110 Denier 'ineelat from Lswiencer Kansas, gays: Gen. Ilarners Me( clerk, Irrn.arrtied from the Indian Coml. cil on the head masa of the Little Ask:arum iicrr. The Council was In mission twents.two dm and catcludid trestles with the, Arrapa boas, Cheyelties, Hiowae, Cornancacs,•Caltdoes and Apaches. The wildest... Abel of }he the - Klowas, gate up two White sedMen and fix chltiree held as prisoners for eight minces. Presents were 'CUatrlbuted to the Indians alter the treaties were Igesrly all the mambos of the Commission ate auffertog iromftver sad %ran. Gang of Counterfeiters Discovered. Arrows,l" Oct. 31.—Rerr. Si. Smith, of this plagraftsiotithelleetof or interim; Rlvenne, in the discharge of his duty dories the past montho &Worries' et llibrpeth - ttst he posed to be • retreat for eonoterfelters. Re last week communicated with Stu eriatendent _Folk, of the lirooklyn police. The place was -watched and this morning seized by six detec tives. In the place were found thee, stamps, &c. hid In the cellar, and It Is reported .that one hundred thousand dollars In counterfeit frac tiotal currency and two of the countertel4rl wele captured. Tho rest escaped. Attelpb elate PlilladVphla:Sobilcra'Uome Poutrintztru, Oct. 31.—Tho total res' cipts of the Fair for the Aoldlere and Sailor.' no= for eaten dayr, mat= $44,000. It trill consume during the Tt e of Pilmident Johnson are on a virlt to this etiy." Tha' body oat Co. Dahlgren paced (11,t0tItil title 4ty this *Ransom, and was smarted by the military rtoitigte Washingtcroui the Ptillagel• phla Depot. Sntso Carolina Election—Orr Elected Governor—Perry ratted States Sen ator: • CoLrinttA., B. C., Oct.?l.—The returns front all the diatoms give Orr for Grversor anaut five tostUred majority over Wads Itampton. Governor Perry was elected Senator to day far the long tcraa. ST.IT NEW Y 4, 'limas is at urgent call for churches et Polo!. Isom Centre, and three building lots alsre been donated by the Central Petroleum Co, for the le kik& of a many planes Of Oldie Worship. ave-eesisnlor Lisevutn.clitus ira►krieriasa . Catholic snd Methodist societies respectively. We hope they wont make use of the steeples for derricks, or turn the vestries into oil ream cries. THAI "Coto" at the Trappe, Montgomery county. of which ao much ben recently been Laid, turns our to have been a "cabbage hair," and the landlord at the hotel Close by, who has been doles a thrlyteg business with Mallon to am the ame, Is no doubt 'laughing In Ms sleeve," bow ticelY they bate teen 'lcatri In." pt ?norsave Dou.arts were resod by sub. sertpttan last Thursday In Corry, to come etc the payment of the debt due by the M. E, clety fur their church. This Mates it free tram encumbrance. Tor. jailor of Monroe county lately entertain ed ►n old prisoner who had reebantly aeryed ont mi imprisonment le the penitentiary. In the morainic the old bird withdrew with the Jailor's pocket book comfortably filled with greenback'. D►rin Qoonra►s, for many pure pro• pri•tor of Ocacllenbarg Springs, In Franklin county, fell dead, a day or two ago, at his resi dence, in fihlpoombeirg. Lsbar.on county. De ceased was a Well known citizen. and highly res pected by the people generally. The Pottsville Journal states that there Is a case in that borough of prweention against the election cfficers for disobedience to the law dis franchising deserters. CtINSIDERARLC delay has been experienced In rebuilding the bridge over the Susquehanna. at Columbia, ardthe Spy thinks the work will not be accomplished for some years yet, Tffir llanotcr (Pa.) sp,deac, sap that vriiil pigeons to large cu mbers have appeared the woods lo that ricisity. Da. SAIILT.I. flourroa died in Marietta on last Wetivesday. Toter. was a alight flurry of anew in H last Sunday . worming. 1111mWN—On Frld•) •eoing, ♦t ^ o'clock, TIM MAY, deughter of John R, and nth Brown, aged *years and r. months. The Irtendead the family are respectfully tool ted attend the !newel from the residence of her parents, No. lad Federal street, Allegheny (My, on i'llrill/PAT woz:nrzo, at to o'clock. 21 REEVEF, t7z9 - .73T.4%.72r,A=i 88 Smithfield Street, near FAA street otrentirs *fern* desortptlon. GRAPE. CILE3 and FURNISHING FOR FUNER ALS natty. air FINE HEARSE sod OAR. faralabad Irr4• AItLEB BOWS, MAINIUYAOTUREB or IMPROVED BORING ,TOOLS. Sinking Oil, Salt and Other Wells, NO. 136 WOOD . STREEL PITTABIIIICIII, PA Tool. warranted made of the vary beat SLIGO AND LOW 110011. IRON. . WELL BORERS Lovireasit 404 sh Faricioas with such article' as are nevellikt7 to contluct op tratlons, ARNVI hS, LS IiATOBETS, ELO hAWS Sck, SLEDGESSLEDGESOH IBELS HAISBIERt3, •IVISENOIdr.S, SUOVELS, PLANES, PIeES, • ~ Itch LEVELS, ' r m.., 4..1,..- • nape, Leather - Cum Belting, .tors. AS.U.Of. %blob I pate outs.. T WO Modern' Rouses %Per Bale listagomalTlecae6on Webster 'treat, (lam ads of WeattloiUnuo4 near IrtMt.claznisolllar Air Ann yksw, sad b_apolkl4l72_pootma. • ThOOOWIIII $lll 01 DIOPIerII Dillia 4 lag y. gall ' l4 - .CFM*4OII :'.. USUALLY' ,FOUND''I N FIT'CIAA 'IIO I BEi. ,ormeosiloFtotrintOrmatlei io • •f, 045 a FourtAst.anuttisado RSti&li EB =- 85 :dozen. alsoltelk gte ..a". guy! tteelyurfad- for rale by • atriums& =Os.' SAZID:PLIABTAIL , IIO !ON; tbr valaky tE.~:~~~;~.~,~c.~~ cHARTsit 18294 eERpET ULL MUM= FIRE INSURANCE COMfitIV PHILADELPHIA, Assets on J.nonre I. ABB4. 06457.8 n Fle Capttal m oo Accrued Pam Joan sum) Invested Premium 1.0611038 8,414 Income[ rlB6l Koten Eses - Peld ends ISSIS. Sscx4cKe Per s petual =I Tetnporars Fasten on li bels tdrta; 61cm:rectum.. Marie& Pl. Bendier, Lew Lea, Tata. Wagner, , Edward (I. Dale, Samuel Grant, George Pales, Jacob IL Smith Alfred Paler, CHrorge-AIL Bleinirdt fru. W. LOVII, b CLLIGLIst. BANUIC.F.II, Prenident. EDWARD - 0, VALE, Vice President. JAS. Ws BLIALiIrGaLG§an , 'J. earrnu Tre/. reh29 soccer Waa u. l and 11161 FrRX &ND :MARINE' Insuranoe Co. of .North _America PHILADELPZIA. •—•—. ...111.75%00tt, Hartford Fire. Insurance Company. t 0.353.000. 110P.P6Omition nen be insured in the above name witralliakxotapantes. •• *. - L.-zorrits,',2tisorw" =Nay . at tr.cartiurcutuoirr.stm}.-7 WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY • or PtTThBTJ tt3H pr;nilza, VIM P. Hilt REIM B eet, a. - Ma; Nis Piston str Spain ta 0o.:s . War, house, up stairs; Pittsburgh. Fral thrum against al 'M. rutt hf Firs cud Startrat Rigs. IL Hams ttirtlos moved bp Iltrectors tem srs tura knows la As and t.k." 610 ' mixed irpruripitilltS MOW l - S% e/ its dirouster esti.* amp Übe ogrusset=rrrur.g l 4 , v.:ft.:Hon to Awe moo dtstre to bor max9T o As H. Misr, Jr., Andririr SWOT, JaameShlsamisy, Mesmsder Spear, Disthantalßotaus, David XL. Lost Alm Males. Hem J. Thomas, Goers. Small, Ohm. J.C.aark, (horipbell IL Herron, "Johoit hlsthme. C. W. Eastomo my3o tht. E.LIXELBSILT. SearrMAN CITIZEN'S INSURANCE CORPAMI uF. 1"/ITSIWRIGS.—Ortee, eraser Mutat, anellWaterargots , ,iecood I!ocer.- - •• - •-• line.l/813ALEY,-Preildes4 • ATISIPSED. Seceder,. tarnrerStemboatssod Cargoes Ow= top, amp damage la tae Dried. rim _el Southep aad Wasters filters San wag BagomN Sod thesavitattoa alba Seas Jgag.gept /on sattlsmagoby Lre. I:Smerroza S. Pl. , Mar .Sliparrel Jo Same Sb.lptoa, :IL Coopar, W a tl'..Tabatal2o, Sl.E.Jaseer eaktsr How z & E s t, Johnn S.Egresolli, W atarettasr....Se Sadgcca., . °Maga l alllitoNs, 400-41/4 • pzems. LNEMBABGE 00112A1TY omet, N. E. corner otWood and 'PM se. 1 LEM AIM MEM MIMS= DISLICIVILIi ism. Phillips, Usld. Join L. Shoaris John Virstr, Ssarustr.Starra, Joan E. Puke. C. timmos. tam Mules S. !Smell, Charles Ad:Was, W. Can Kirk. , Joan F.'S.rdcgstsla, Jame L. Verner, Jobs 131, . . urn PaILLIPF. P mrsk yd. le•ta. .30 Lis ?maw. WAL E. GARDNER Scraart.Haly A l ik E ßNAligegZenttl street, Bank Mock. - • • ' Insures aplust all bate of Fire axul Ruin. Blake IF.A.AO SORES, Praidait. JOHN p. BI'CORD, Pn.idm-tt D. M. BOOK, Secreary. 0221=11 Iris Jones, k i. :L 4 :luj b a i re ( Pa i Irwin, a 3 l ;" . B. Fnhm ionY Jahn D. Ina Cord, Capt. Adam -Manna, pt. B. B. Starti Dean ng, W. Ca ß. D. BeGity. Hobert H. Davis. MAIMS, &e NOW REIN° RECEIVED THAT ELEGANT STOCK OP CHICkEItIiNG PIANOS, bilteted personally by the subscriber, durlns a recent unit to ttle Factory. I 3: ififY~ll~Jt=t:~it+if:l are now open, and ready for anatztnatlon. s public are Invited to call and sea then. Warrniated for Five Years. ORARLES O. IMLLOR, CO Wood Street, Sete Agent for the anlaltralzur Plena* PIANOS AND ORGANS., TILE CELEBRATED BRADBURY, NEW YORK, AND Behomaoker & Co., Philadelphia PIANOS. TILE AMFIIIO.2It OROAa, and EtSTYS (WS COTTAGE ()ROAN, admitted by dealer+, Lad all who here beard thew, to be auptnios le wt. to ell other butrumeota of the Slott gas rra lectured to the Uottal States. Wo;erc prepared to (midair, et the ehoteet notice. Brass and German Silver Instrmmen% of every denniptton, for 13raas and Cornet Benda, et Iselnsert palm. Illustrated Chita Logone and Prue I-Ista funtlehtid on calif:n[lon. Now and peeoad•Liad Pianos for Rant. ALL THE LATE SONGS IND PIECES Clonstantiy on hand. • WILIKELINX & BABB, Ifch 12 ST. CLUB STEELT VABE & CO.'eL, HIGHEST PRIIIII— tua Grand, Parlor Grsad, Square led Gp• right Pianos, with event/mug ban, &grad* treble, (WI tree Improved trains, and all the valuable lei. prevenient.. Ther tens is pare, brilliant, entirely musloal character, of the beat ererkeiruuldpi Weida evenness end timidity of tone unearpaiaeo by any. Prob. Pluto guaranteed for elpt year. CIIARLOTTIA BLUME, No. A FIFTH STILEET sell Second door above Wood EION41! W. as wirrit sTstria, -1 1i f 17kocasa7oam .IP.Lastcoss. or ',mop U. tv• J. sotitiorat. Pittsburgh White Lead Works, PCBS 'WHITE LEAD. BLUE LEAD B Oa OIL Di Di OIL rim PAIN'? OIL /Nro. C 3 WOOD mum. PALE REMEDY, DR. • STaxygrways PIGS am/ eare fmoesdingt : . tho pazump ui thi. atula i r vii th o t rate. :ol4=_ te of : li r a t liv_ l i d as. ul. ytanilte4 it ler)p l eTp llt ,Dtajjttttlit . ilieesAi ;u bottle. EI.I.DDS-AL DO. :70/14/11!'''': liscra Ern. N - 34 311‘.0EURE it.ipriGniritard oz io w i , y{(ORSB ids --t•Vittritirk.7 Vemsrtil'lmnigszo smilianani7; • - 41 9, 9( 4Mm : nirr, ;Welt; Nanuftettmet ju a• •-VA ITha 6213 P1L ;Els OrNrs; s wung, Mu, • ••• ' •Z•lPaign" 41" r bons chola 1 -.Gwcaux , okri/tlvakirtii - Put up exttr ' ettli . roi : ti;;;l4 , : is. ' in. ,- szpoiming brats Dr „ 31;t. _Axle . It . outwit 4 pp 11" , 'EAD-41 , 3p0' llgey',Boft -Odom' Lesqz. „ J. , }3.041107:6411 - •. • . ruttiot;mil:nil cultic littNEN: Works and Mee, CIOLLITTS TOWNSHIP. Mee La Pittatiumli, 24 TTOCID ST4TEET. These works hare the largest espardly L Vs, couatry. The brand , stands the iugded tu,this cottatry sad to Europe, for quality Cod are teat, e,4 the oh hi pat to well smarted barrel; prepared it=fttrr export. antra of ISOMERS, STELLS,TASTIES, and 110.PEOVED BOEING TOOLS for MI War. =EMI TIONAN'T PLRBI OIL COMPA.NY, . Met Corner of Penn and Wayne Streets' un illa e.ti c . ° 7:ll,o l ":" WW 1 :: a o n n i th intutta ll l eruz .2 1;4 Lava. The Territory of ;to Company to not on Dungan: Creek, hotamon thelande of the Dunkard Creek Union Olt thootpany anntlontennk ard /beak Petroleum Cpoopattir.,..,' Capital Stook sitnoo 00 Working Eland Par value of each Shan.•-• -, 00 S. A. Joistrsurt, Preitient. ISAAC . 00CiCt Secretary and, yrennt,Lrer. Juan Orabmn, J. G. Welit . - Stephen Lawsasi, H. W. MUM.. Frank au3021 ' nUNSARD CREEK PETROLEUM . r60.511 , 1114T. Mee Corner if Penn and trayie • Ste . This company was angsnlied. on the 931.11 ender the Peruaylvaniehithins end Mannitettu ring Levi. The tarliZOLT of the company. at Joins the inn e r of rho leinirnal Creek Colon Qil Dmapanyiof this My- Capita, 11203,000 War Mug tame r 25.000 Par Value of Each Nonce. 1100 OPPIitrEAS t , • PrestANA—.s. A. 2013AWTODI. ficeretAlsrAnd•TAAA.o NOc.I. Daszciszi: i B.' A. JOHlssiott, , r. S. ittoorjr,: I 'MLA& barrtm-A, . JAzza (...I..:dociA. F. L. Ogres, W. U. Kum, jaapd Et W. Anon& - OIL lING NES. We• sre constructing, and Actll keep on hand Olupaioc sloe! al , OX XO .13114aeX.W.EI •, Either .a Comm or. Tubular... Boiler. We invite panto- smell:4E4l4es for Ms pour poke to call Led tee Mtn; corner of PULE sad UqUiEdteTILEEPea erne 011,9 Wate.rWoles. Jeri bLAOILEeTOSII. UEN.II:III.L Ea 00. JAMES Wthiplib r . •••• • saoraa , sao muses IS 4 CRUDE AND REFINED OILS • .... _ . . fou Dcattliesalek Way, Ptt 010ga . , • . Spodal adtenttos etvesto the BATE AUD EaI.RELUOLEO2I and its products.Elowevakeßsa rospectrally solikttog. //FP OFFIOE BUZ k 42. Ines. so. I et. CLUB Pt[Cabaret, fORWILLIALIVG AND canussion assacliA_vr, AND DEALER Di OM. ILLTTISEINAMEi t 1.170810AT1N0.. - CRUDII PZTE0L1:1 1 11,0.21,4, ace,consteatty o itscid scull for hale at the loleert•mariut Aden. COarritok mods and orders witched. PATENTED OCTOItEIi 8, I.BBV DITtNIDOE'S PATENT . Oral Lapp . Clainnargi, . lionufactired of XX Flint Ohm. Thew 11111aum1 are.lateadsa foe Can ileit Aka* aeatlng all Vitt' or Dos 'glass equallant peso it.totrubtog. • -E.' D. Po:SPILL Ulm Works. Wackington.streos, apt, . „ PW.shupgh.Parm% ••• . ....11CLICY MEM WARENG it XING, C05151155/int ZERCItANTS, PETROLEItIi AND ITS PRODUCTS, And dealen W Banlag Sister* asSo-ty no. O MARKET ST. liiltesburo. _ BONDBD 7.1110130115 S Or_ tiirnirlidielOWo33ll - 030; ' foot of BAlalir & ELL&IILSON Sta., Brooklyn, Pna•e* 0 / REFINED PtilitoL2llll, to Tanks and sorrel.. Sae CirOulars. Office, No. I/3 BEAEJ3 ST.ELF.XI,NO7 yorlc. 0r..3-ty Lucxerr OIL WOREB. DUNLAP di CO, it.msys.s.cratraza m Pure White Refined Cabin Oils. No: SIM LIBEKST STEEiT. not • X. "lout= JAMES 113WLN a ca, Oil of Vitriol and Apia Am:twilit, OPPIGII No. 15 MARS= St., 1.7 PITTSPIJRGIL PA. DESIRABLE CITY-PROPERTY Ist, LARGE OFTIO6 BOOMS. No:, GO Fourth street, opposite DL h DL Bans. Eatable for a Stole, Broker's ODlses. As., fee. AL D. LARtrE . FILUTOGRAPEI GALLERY. rd. A SALOON, to a good location for an eaten • sire Reataurant. E. D. 13A.ZZ4..11. o. CO Fourth and 39 Petto area POLL AND LIME PROPERTY 'FOR SALE—Oa the Steubenville &inroad, seven miles tram the any, CONTAINING ONE HVINTMED AND EIGHTY SI; tiEliEs, Steam and Water Flouring and Seie Mill, and other doe l'aprovemente. For farther Information aPrrY to WITA.TA 21 WILED. • (Lippman the Cathedrela Hit Grant atnnat. Ho. 110. JOUN DULL, /502 316.sislmat DElltzeot, lenportern of Gorman, French sod 'Mullet "rove Wholesale Feney Goode, 4.31010 s Ware. Ptplei, Gssee. as. 'Wholesale dealer to Duo:testis Fowl) ertioles. se29loodsod R. a .TAcic, 13- Pi. 0 CI El Nos. 1 and .2 Diamoud, Nueay PTITSBOROX PA. OPENING OF Vf&Te.o3 JATR.BETpf The isseaents uponths yr:vent:vs bane!? to pay the me- :damages' Of 2titiatuirt i pt the °pecans of, Watson street ‘ havalpeen In my hands for co Ilettion.• .MlLthe pavans who hews beta assessed are hereby notiefied .to ay their assauntants within thirty days from this data, or the sad assessments win be tiled up so liens against, The. properties. with irdeptt costs and fees for trdlectioris. • J. W. F. WHITE. walOOto . City Solicitor. SPENCER tC 8P.11.41.1.... • PUB, CREAM AND AMBER ALE Phamix S4ans Breicerin RENO & HOPKINS, • c CDAL &ND COKE DEALERS, MA.III:IIIEST.ER. sin itts-PAnanger Os:Stables. T&IIII :LIES 17 the shrilest fance. . ot7:itr eith . EiToo.lo3:—The undirafgiso4:.`pin , Lx.prepartiodar at watt.= up tas raratasi - ax4 ALL - : 11=1 of 11414.13:14. 'Oprip*N. Ilwritiluyers and sell= tp. alk. ~;., OIROICE-W/NTAVARKASr._WG 4111 ' =Sr riestreug is lot Of to ear loser otiotoilirla-1. ser Remle.klnt. sir with greit eme:otetartielet all Sittesf goodtcea tti,z crag:TWO, ws trtAaell - Inlotatisnit,pnt4hasal, 4OA last. tared GI is salle4l.l.seteaSspbstiltdallethrettetrelete , .047, _ . 28. YOuir i CO, ' GRAM r MATER : • ' '-:- i - PRESSES*FR'SAM + , , one TAlt - LOR.;OTTAND Inaba. + - OO TATUM DO It oX+Dollied M Whim idi in tlxl4 'or ateer. , ..— ' + , ' : Mato sold it s bil2::l 4 4 9, - ALIA* ' 7.V : • la ~U0..1,4.-ariniglititYWA VOLUME 'L;i4.-Trir,',;',t'.',N?::?7,j, NEW ADVER ',NEW IiPTELTIO, G REA NS BOOTS - .;SHOES Best finality, Supertr Finish And 'Otte- iron Tr.m - r PHILADELPHIA. AD SECIPVEBS,';... a. a. amazes ••: 11 .n:V:rffxsissur ~v '' L - 4 -- C" .,.. ... NEW ATTRACTIONS:: W'_ Concert EaliSkoe Store. The largest 4sortimat Of BOOTS .41JeTA SIMMS. Taxied in Stile, are tow Sellll4 it about lAA - Lab- PRICE, Concert Hart Shoe Store., Co Early and 80nte a Bargain. Childrenst -Sloes only 10 cents. =---- Wontons' Calf . Sloiis only cents, • - . OIL DBASSED: No. 60 FLEIZEI STREET. OAE HALL etcrrunqd HUME, .11 . • ` 1 Eo. ti Flrril tritEET. NEW cirJ 0 D 3. mama rtxrgrota COA74 SACK CfS)ATS ENGLISH 176INING MISS. OVERCOAIS OP? ALL azzros. .TANGY C*P FIND RLLk purrs PEG TOt.PARTNI and 111 Ores of cunt:tiro BEG.VIDLII4OIOT QO9l run nnz NFetT CO DAYS. J. H. sbu & crortirens, OAK ItILL, Uf/PCH 82%. (*pod?, We CITIZENS, 2.80U1K t LOOK TO TOM =MST. THE HEAAON WHY YOU SHOULD PLITIIASE ALL BOIKS AND IBM 74 FIFTH STREET. Ton Receive a Pieseat with Earl. BOOls Oa A.LlMitt, W 1114311 IS SOLD Nri" THE PUSTZSEIEBS • PRICED. CALF. 15 - NE, COMA ALLLI GE=M'S::FID=IMI STORE': Nos. 13 St; Clair-St TM &Ma:lona ttto Putlia is called to ta 12 I and exteasiae- stack of uENTLE-11.1UPS• YUIE • • 111.SHING GOODS. lan opened. al tae 'bows meatioawl place, width/ am now °Tering 'twat& barglin& - Any ow in volt at Mora Goa* Wilt Bad it to Mei: sivaltairs to ilia ma a via, cad cumin. loy• atoek Wears purchaling. •: where. They earitta4 theism*, asaLlasolwalattaV • nook of Floe White liZSe!•; extra r e ed t I Shad, Wooten. Cotton- - ssol Liao Ta= Wits and Drawer% Sear% break Tlea,Elooki,EClOW Baltergles, asutaverythiat Turatahft Occdz, theldty.. ileinciabei . its idata:3:aad IS St. Utsir end. - ELM:TEL LEVIN; nr. B. 'it large 'talk. otlilata, - LiTh im t . wlrwootra. thinfava. BMWs ••raml!llio 11, will be ai Isom than saai. traiaawasur G — ERMAN ACCOrpEONS, :sirsioAt BOiES, VIOLL . O. t 111303, HABILONI6IO3, to. 1;21733.4ra1ei15zt1e44.12.1121. 0 . : J. G. LAurirs, VARIETY AND TOY STORE. Nn 2.ol.l3Xes*.isszet Cllgrimat gESII 17/Fra• froo • BULLDERS.--lealed .propoidt Ina' • JO be i•cotror by Mb ma t t e : nen/ Prete. +My ber.. ten =Wan at: the Won/ % Pm* , En*Beseituellenee, on Winton done...WWl OLD* I , IBDAY, - Mnrineber itch at evetterp. 'and ernelilestlons can be Sten - Webs obleiln - 11.- .4erben4Onteraio.l:6 I VYnn • EtreW -matte. ;awes Uuvrlgtn-to reject...alas Aictrees, - Veidnnen commute!' ne cur reoeorxuAk . '- 408EPR UFNEAT 6 - luta InalesslsszA CITMEBSi Statia realms TOBSAM . .. pro. 434. I" bre* a% Maas alts -.417 1 417 rrEM PLELOT -131tWid. . wand lisnopay, ot frit awn =D an a cirlh mit virtan 4 laStia e 4 pra.o. imally and dyit Wawa: 1114= lottyi 11041.1filkstaVASsoa* t l rr Eff!..lBll-200, rho Cl umez urruit , /- pa Julies tow 0;210:9444V1V EMU