The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, October 31, 1865, Image 4
Pittsburgh anat. pey, OCTOBER ai, 18M. ....- moirELErafr GUIDE. 1 Ilriun'TAid Deprave or Trains. 1 . , Pennsylvania CentraL Railroad. Irpres . . Ms in, Mau -.... "4 .-.. 1" .. ism a m i Amain ISM a sa• rags 1dae......... , Ma &Ma Kali 7.33 s in' ion wail Assam. MN . _:'.ll 52 a si Pena Aleamain. WO a to 1 Phila. Lancesa,. CZ pto Id wait Atillll. 830 a m Johnstemn AB'l2 IJ3 p m Johnst'aAcen..lols am rut g4mi ....._„ gao pin am tat Wan Ascsai. CV am BalthamsEmps Is p .in Id . ' IMO aut'ad Wall Accent- pla , Oil o Si sas p iiit ehtta./isattas k. P m . Mb 0 .1 0 MOS p m,ilth Wall Amoco ate psi PM axp,vp'impaci2 shaman& he va ' ism! Enact Prin. tax p She chard% train leavas Wane Station every s litaiday MIMS A. m.l returning, tans Plttaborp ea taas Nat. ...... I Plbtabutgll. Columbus and IClnsittutt. me ----- witzmr - ----1 , 1,1,1 , ..,.............. 4:415p tairiprei &Op m Stsubeasilla aii , - , .• • ISteatiesinlo. i liaMasedidlang 42Cip m oommaaatioa.iiiMO 1 m "I:al/kinPort Waged! and Chicago. ti. g um ,.• i&I 14 m .Ex ... ... 205 a. 21 ia....4 rem..:...... -4..... s9O p mExt..?.-........- 6 . , X ) P m ......... 702 a In Mall ...:. Tte p in ten OM 440 • in ,N Maatle& mrla traZ. Dm Ragman Accommodation leaves Allegheny at II; a. in.. 1160 a. m., t. 45 0 In.. um ~ L . D a l Llacheater, 2:16 p •N - • I ' S" P. iEamonly, Cm p pl. W". MV 41aSae ' " _1 61 tta" ,, TV.,Cles eland and Wheeling. Depot , 1 _ Erm u a ..... -.. ailo a on Expreas .. arrives. ... 1.... 210 n n.r...•,... 2 A 5 1 , MI Expena ......... gjil, m 41.10 a it Man. WM p n litteubenvilla Amon= 'I , .1 3 20 °dation leaves Allegheny P m. 1 . a. f Pittsburgh and ConnelLaville. Anion. :i micoMAIL :7 55 a m Mall ....... -... 620 pC. IMM p m,Expreva ....-•• 10 : 1 3 o ta VialCeespori-ii on a nom Ricilletrint !..- 5 ° a a 4 .... 645 pm 22 ... -0 i P m • In Allnddoelfa.. 240 aam la : 114MICIOCII'l. Ban a m • Oa ° .... 4.10 p mad 0 .... OAS pm , . • Allegheny Valley Railroad. Depemt. atrium 230 a 61 Mall imn a L 3,... p ti 12sten IMO p m • L9t" • nunodation 2.2 M tat accommodation asoa m 1 . - Meeting of City Connell& A regular monthly meeting of City Councils was held on Monday evening, October MI. . In Med, aesent: Messn. Barekloy, Brown, Coursin, Ile ton, ~,llctaughlin, Morrow, Philllps, Quinn, Reed, Rees, White and McAuley' president. Mr. Barcitley presented a pelf lion for the ex tension ef itlatee_pipta from tine and Raso stzetta to Do Villiers street. Referred to Water Comm tt e. Mr. Brom:loitered -a petition from property holders on Bedford - street, for Water pipe From Logan to De time'. Barite reference. The Prt shlent preiteted a ball of Adam Berry, for 14,90 'or ice., Ordered to be pall, A num oial was toad from Stesers Kramer S Rehm, r , preirentteg that the city was taking • „ Dotronszo,. 'the trotted „3.1.1 doing toe, uppa Basin, I elosgleg to the- memorialists, fed way. no en/ore-lance has been made, but which they are willing to Bell at a fair once. Referred to the Witter Commitiet, Mr. Meldillatv - pmonteal a comtnunwation from James rieta-Ana - wrz.Dau g hey, lot own ers on Keating's alley, setting for.h that their progeny is being injured by the grading of tip alley, and asking the appointment of apprais . era to asrcs. tin d luta_ ferml to Stra t Commit ict Mr. McMillan effete d the "oil utn4 _Reader:l, Tca. a comma of toe. (one from each trail,) cur from tne and itive treSte the Cotni,mn eptoolLte , 1., app. ,rt nu a the cty rat:, of At, a Stied "A Supplement to an Act ineot pawn in; Otero . ). ,it large," passed March 13, td3: The ti rt lotion was reed the-a Unice and parted. drat' `4,llllLen, of the S.Aelat Brown o the Frorth, Contain of the Sixth. and Phillips cf the Second Ward were appoint al on behalf of tit • 'Select Council. Tea Comm Council coucurred and appointed feesra. Mr- I Qnevran of the First Desrkere of the Third, Ring of the Fifth, Besse of the Eighth, ana Deals of the Ninth Ward. Mr. Itrcd ptveutell an ordinance to pry, at the defacing nf tekgesplt 'voice, by the erection of signs, and posting of hand lulls, etc., thereon. Lead acid adopted, Mr. Quinn fireschteci a r es olution the Water Conntdttec. to lay a water pipe on the „, tato:mien or Pennsylvania is rrzt t. Water contre tire. In 1 . C. not acted on. w Mr. (tabu °Mad r..olut 10 authoroan t 'lt • Street Ct mut otedlo Imre sido tr catkin lat . of tle agle Hon.:. Adopted. .Not ached on in C. C. rye: r74.- w.- - erthtastn .ot, (I.ucl over St,pt uncla rules,) woo OF for noel action. oa rt acret.-1, .re thli it :0 how pruposwl to do nate lit- -crotted in litoSoklicrs' Mt - As ecsUltlC. , for tie. put ro-e of ere, ting a to u meat. , Ac anitcstei die casein's t'UrQi d --a number of tneMbe , sUire the view that the site was nu euitiblr fur a Itteh Sehtol, whlie ethers con. {ceded that ft vr33 ter a proper site fo'r the .?; menumrnt. Ttc quisliDa was ralstd whett,er, after the orditaace had been parsed and made, and the mot nwia is good faith. - the ordinal:Let E., could be lepea'el, The City S J.leLior, Mr. Slagle, was asked for bin oplakm, and meted that whrra no expertia bad been item red, sod no it tereat Inralyed, the gilt could be terokedt The seas and nays were called upon the . 4.lbance-, end resulted as follows: Ycy-31e, - -srs. Ilearce,:Coftlre;llerdennu, PhD ? lips, (It:inns:n(l • • Nnys--.Messrs. BaPtlekey,- - Cartrsin, McLane:ll Mortiiw; leech, Rues and Whin: .V7 - ‘, Tile ordinance: eillosienearenanse:.-i'• , . . . TLOor.:+ +mem Mr the eoustrocuon 01-a seer, r on Glatt rtreet,, Lid ore; eas takes up atd adopted. and Meters: STeKem,.. or the tilnlb Were. Hale ton. of the .Fifm Ward, P.O. Ba'' , Y. Df + l4 +++7+MMAlVited, were+ appMet- rd a Tien,B. Tii)i acted on In C. C. • +. 31 r . 31 th' u jgbliTt . frlni ..; P+++l - 1/ 1 .%, ieketkilhe Raortr,d. City Prop. tits+ te i TornserEli to iette colbc t;t•st rstlYant • ;0. ate, end fr EU* a term rr yeara WS they mar deem ad vii able, tba Pr.:Pt:l(T a , 0 . ; and iltst to 'let" the rtEncqpled rocs it 1112 thirtrelcuy of the ‘Vestrra Market Hove. On Won't of Mr. of the rt•o -,,:' lutkot n to the 110010 lot Was referred to ".1 , the Winer C'omuilitor.aud that pOrilotrin ref ' .t entire tr. __n r _ it filo e use was' er t kr 4 31artet Cor-mitLee: Not ;vied on 1,, C. C, 31 r. i'Lilllps offered the followint: . _Rfxr.trre, that; itto,Ovnictuitro.iit Strevs Le 't"o EutLerizA !rietroeirsl to e.rrrrottt-tuPeo..- watt trar.rtil intarl.v.t wen Tito Phtsierrn on, .Mteh.irs' Turhalke.q.e . sweriy, and ihr CoY Conter,.. to Taler 84.LCItlatfOr syrisat's A crtne ps 7tµ ,wittitt. the northert, . side 0 .a.'4 Hreet to the City line. On trot Jon that Restgatiott was referred to 4 the Pt. et. ConsmWep 't•'• Its C. 0.141411 Conner, preset:l Messrs. Ettek• Ding,. Dsoli4Dettrre, Harr, Hun. talcum L.. AEA, Mairbinne-y. Litt. Me- CandlriF. Siol.:loland, A. B. McQue‘rzn, It-ex . Racist, Beisely, Tolulinseer, Steel, Pres ideLc. The - intuirtee 4f vreVir)lll , POReiiDg rcagl . L-Car4ll , - - . I,l:cce4pideita pprulan co, pipe ou .hat;:re Referred to Witter mkter— Rolveldaas, Tielolutio” a f r,o s vict Jaw'. era the tlinglixeco car Beveutli . .trect ry eßey. MS - erre...AD C471371111itZ1 011 trio 1.12 1 1 t: jar,. Mr. IPA. ..i.c.:catatui audaarizis.... M.. .1 n 'Y °, o:Lbo -8, vb wijd,SO4:n.a. additien 11 of nine* eixteen feet' to Ids frame house on Congress street.4n or lto edabf 111 m tO res. mole an iiiightli-OsdPreif staffs: Antis - rod la Committee on Wooden Salldfogs, 'deb • powerto act. . -. . Mr. Cleland, a' petition from citrzeas of the :i. Ninth ;ward. graying for the removal of the car pent= chop a Mr. W. D. flatbilton, deeming' its exhitencalts endangering contlgnour prep i: ertY fiiigtge attraction by tire. Deferred to Com m re ft tee ow Webden Buildings, with power to aid. i , 'The President, , (Mr. Tomlinson to the clitir,) . .. ogheg-ie refolneton for the appolotmsot of a ',- 'Committee of two from the Meet mold three from the. Common Comm% to maven 11111 ordl ,..nshee -apportirettag the members of Common i. Councils rot 1680,"67 and '6B, in accordance - wllli:lhobet of Assembly of March MI, iet, 7 said Committee to repertotkeehLateellog of i.CranOL The resoltition was.paued.snd Matra. -.--Daykr-A, B.' llicqueeliall mut Me6cr-eppmniett . of C. M ' MU i'eabtatiori iess,,,titrie: greatly withdrawn,c . ei . *-Bsliat,CoreseB haring - 1", •Iread.„,_ilik•ti__ . .eetrieti.onitheitibject.:i -• ,• - !T - M mare Mitred • Rtsol•ti•• Itiatrardlng the rc E peammittee to prepare keomemebenSive and .---,- Slant of sewerage far the 'whole kite: .7 . ; an on a reermletion of the plan 15_,ptesent f-l• the same ,tte the Councils for their mortLectithan, '-' - ;'or rejscilemi -.Mooted. 8. C. non.eassnrial; • ~ ~.' TrmideatAttiele (Mr. Tomlinson still , In:thii '-':,-. - thalr) or Tesolutlons as follows: , " Tim' •vi e oguree ' o . -from the Beleet and - three Duni the COVlRen.beopicalud to con •-c"-, ter with ,' 1 ; ahottaillatir-lrom -Ailcien7 11 , Oil log •tholmrosem adjoining the two .cities; -,-.. for thoporli ng, sking into, considirahon,tpn, 7: al ll !eno7d TordsZolil VOlAtiii V 11 . 1 .1% 1 5r. • .-:—.- lowlszlog•and ourlaoliefrefailiem among '"--the great gibeottbactrustrylalsoPlifitlhej --triensin the immairate skimpy otymptimi. and boroughs or any tit thettifedtoPoitif ~ .:d a z a to r o ta raitrepi rg.mearauctislor theeent e P- Igrieolthimei 'were adapted, MA .3lepars.. meg, - liars end Dief#4, - AMPOMad* - 1440, L ; 1 .- -c. ~:c.' The §.'-c ..f ...fogiftf -4 .01 t iOA44. ---- Itaisse. Phimpriuur vaws.:e : ,-, ..;:? , ..t n; ''-: ' 2.W lISTe ailed PrO,e-,M 4 ,1, 4 4 00--P.ard..4 ' : •...1' : i..... ..c , . : li. ~.',*:,:i',,:'.TH::::_-::. n.. .••' • , • .imag es sad t.ette %VA rt., (N. e• -WV 7-; -,, v eer Oa CaraJO In etviOM the vetnn side of Laverty L., be unlit Fads of Carson street. At the last mea t tun 'be , s,ss-t of the viewers was as-Tamed by S. C., and new viewers appointed. In which action the C 4 C. non -concurred. On motion of Mr. MCCandless. the action of C. O. was ressanstd end...a .he matter referred to the City Solici tor f 9 examination' The President called up the ordinance laidover at last meeting, authorizing the grading, parlisg, and setting in the curb stone of a por tion of Pennsylvania avenue, beyond the city „limits, and mored.its recoasideratiou. The or dinance was resonaltierci, and referred to Street Committee, to make inquiry as to the tet.. lure °idle contract entered into between the sty and the turnpike company. Mr. McCandless offered a remonstrance an the above mentioned Ordinance, and it was also referred to the Street Committee.. , . Toe President submitted a euermutilcatl.m j from the Controller, John MlCargo, Esq., can' clog Wile of H, RMebe'spar, City, ftegn;stor, t, for ifst7 ; also hills of various parties (coo- i tractors ter c-ading and paving) approved OF City Ittgulator, for 11.e41,04, for grading and paving weer crossing, and itanneentOnS. Alsk lath of Wm. Ft eh. for same purpose, similarly approved, for $80:75. Also. bill'of Jra. A. Bell. for setting notices, for 825.74—ail these Willi chargeable to contingent fund. Toe COu:troller, ulso'flaggested to Council the neceasity of a transfer to the slivel, appropriation, in conse quence of Its being exhausted, and he also said last it wan not probable that any of the appro. priatlons would be sufficient to meet the demands upon them up to the close of the year, and the several (ulna:thanes the unea sily of eierelting ec: ,1 .9 : eea t r ndeo si ttserv in ta n ; Pt a 0 tiveness imaginable, city debt, lie also reminded' Councils oi : he fact that warrants cannot be issued wheal ap- , vropriations ant exhaissted. Oo mOtiota of Mr. SlcCandleas, the bill of city regulator was !sierra to the street commit tee. A resolution authorizing the payment of bit's for parina street , ros.,arga and internettiolla was also. on mo:lon•ot Mr. Hare, referred to street committee. A resolution am hori zing the tranufer of $2.030 from appropriation to D lonongahela Wharf to the Meet al•proprlat ion Was adopted. Mr. Sterl called up the petition of Price A Sims aching the privilege of erecting an iron clad machine clam on a lot on Price street, In the Sixth Ward, and moved a rerin siderrtton. The Select Council granted tlin prayer of the petitioner. bat the Cuinmon Connell refused to concur, reel rrd the petition to the Committee OD Wooden Building, and finally laid it oa the table. Sfr. McCandless presented a remonstrance, an 4 moved as an amendment to the motion to re consider that the petition be referred to the Com mittee on Wooden Bull(lins. Lost. Apes—Messrs, Bole, Statehinney, NlXanAlese, and itebmsn-5. - •• • . Nay.—Me.isrs. Be, k, BozgA, Davis, D,aloirs Dickson, Harr, Leosard.,..i. B. Mc Quavras , Ili est, Snivdy, Tomlinson, mad Priisi dei.t The amendment being 1. Et, tb go:Igloo r currt d upon the motion to reconsider. 14. hicf2aod:e , a ral:ed the yeas and mays an they were : Al es— 3ref-rs. Boggs, Deatere. flare, Leonare. Masehtundy, A. 11. 31:tleeman, It , . re, Tornio:son and President Steel-10, Menu Rect, 11‘, 1 e, Devi', !icon cote, MeCan db-e, Mdtlelland, Ilebmat, 31r. 51cCaudleas objected and aLated that at der it, lalt% ihe mutton to recouldet was Teel, ierc-thirds tot baring voted to the apietna tie,. . Mr. Tomlinson (in th. (Lair) tkni, objection can, late, In. chair 11.1,1 n, au Iletipeed the vote. • Mr. MeC6vllvee-1 °kit ted I.•Voro the vote pan uttounced. I alq to ever, member prei ent if reel, Is not fart. 1 . 101e";oetf the elvilr NI r Tondin.on—The oNertion eatue tub late. r. >I et...illeQA appeald (nun the dueiiion. Ihe ,uu-lion on the appeal was taken, and Lair deeidud that It (the chair) had Vren .t.-t:,;ned. Mr. Mr 4 notHeee moved Urn the mar,:r Lc i.a.slittoactl toe,:tioq. net elinirmantl , rldtrl tn.“ lon out oft.. an.: the quet4 ton on CODA tterunt, n it', let 1 I r it lJeing taken, it Iva. deeldial ~rar.tisu the prayer of the lA - tiC.,:t v. Nl , CeinlleSS Said he svf. , il , l entei h.- test, and Iseu . u.,l the members of Om vollueil rtraem!.., the ruins ~f tL t hair. In all netlen, POI ”:11,11, I. . 1 , 1 left lonncirconcurrt . I. Uu 1.110,Q11 Supreme Court. MON 1. obl`^ Citcrf .1 u,tl. - alp! L.-4d 31. d Pllisi,ur.;l4 n.rininglatto Rail st . ;iy Compa:.y. vs Ju.lz n; J . I leeariuz Oplui., 2,y ili, mat,, or the application Prot:. °notary of ti, afern Iciatrlcl for a rah: c•. en 01.inivn p.rnn.nn tii la TM /10. of A,1115tr0r... , , t Wetimotelsod rraf. call,c IriltaLN Apr.., I, We..1111 ,- ,t7ALd; .. I .ltatli of appellant !En* 4t 4 4 . 3rd oskO , OrO3tioned. Mtv ray Tt. 31LEar.i..11;estmorelsall, None Prtk, • • Ere,ts vs , S4-vsrd. d. and Mit; hut vs. g County Inadrapcd.Com 1110.T—dotlilt gtr i a•ena 37 Palll4ei.o'lll 01.1 the 21 THlsday of.; so nary. Irt;;;, Pru,le vs. I,ondery, tVesttoordlandi SJ'le Pros. 13;endlinget vs. Yeory:ry, Cambria; continued. ( acobrla; argued G. it :adv. JUT Appt Pato, and Johnston contra. Jctin V. Vainter. or Armxtrong canoty. Wow, (.11 motion of gsin. T 1•06143, SdWitk, d to f racti, in the. Court, la ibe inalier ufa 1,11.1/ie 0 0 0 l (min Tire , l%, Indiana. ATLIIVII br IV and Dank, e,,Qtra. Aimrs'roit: Idol for I . l,3ltitifi, ,rwr 13p4:4%, 11 ,, Ifman ‘leCr,a. A tn:;, • p. / I•ll..itfit in nrrnr, and liy p in r w.„l,,mh,i" . CO)Ull/1.,..F Dloe4 lllograr eft,' C0n411,1 A hark. driver 11 the, name of Jaw, McCnn was gulls of atoll mutat:eons eon4gvt, 7. , :tmlart as ib0r..13 have sultyried him to the henVn rivalry ttot the law' could It Ilict„ It apettarr that he was in at • andanne upon a facers), and was eery tit sub. lie vas drluing nor! of the car - :lap, IL r, nick the mourners *are seated, and asn• o to ;1.• Flrt4 , Ward it wel dibeavered that _tri e lsar toe tine Lto mince , hi• horses. Ito war ant. lir at Led io h. ye up Its scion, and allow a, of Lim fr rsOli to re, when Ay, nownaanaad Ca.,. atd rwenr lee a marl l'lnlent manner, atm gtnelelyjt whr ulshed to relieve his, art s“, malty' Liat Lt . & ILIA %mean and carriage lit tit it rat tutu at private vettly.l.whlch was stand /cm a tort ride of ' the orsthrtoor+, and narrowly cots at trembler, ir, and eamme the horses to ro away fle was ao tart rme sued oy, priroak r At l / 4 Leo, him to Mayorsoatmorttan../ta tuna o-r V.l.tto. It ertiiild hate beenr ' ell at All . , Ver.:title. ifctrir tltip 111abeao ' Corry',. Gass ', —1 u , •o t the A liege O . Ai tot dererni;eltasett [ ou natl.. ~,,,, I /nal& Stowe, on SaturinyAfttr;ctaubma the arancaeata of font.-el, on tiro Welt of rl4llnre . . et,. _lmo, htu.a in the • .L. of Jae: ton And zaith, charged with tto o order of Brennan and Men . .... . I 41'..f,,,..,aL1t4,ed,...t0. ~.,,41,,;;...:a4un0k1fc:r.f=dd.1401.11n,"0,,,raga7 ; 11ke. ,- .• . . , :•••ie , t and ( oche.n apre,fiel fnr - 414e der; stelaut.. and 11 C.tankrtzwuldetk ;ori'Vetwir Or 04 Conitrioawoalth: It uppe,s, s from the argtotiOnti Of couu.ti and the erldouce adloceth ituthliapt JoitTry otantnlttfar the &tondo* ird A further tittarzg on the ;arty.. of Oe!tlhor• • and On the at of the Cantu metal, the Grand, Jury found a true W(1, „ „„,.. After louring the argument; of conemei , th e Court decided to dlachar%ithedefetutao4 Nunth on f15,09U and Jeekton ' pn *lOO NIL the nr eveary hail woe entcrCei awl the dokottanta ~hold 4e trial at the presout term of Court, ' , Two o'er Disorderly Cases. ers Campbell, /lees awl Scott, of tb , legt, en! potter, on Monday ,oretted In Darmrsoc Borough, rwojumi by the mane of :ticorol ; Lau?, etyssimaaml Thomall Conley, claargeil on oath of Sfeyert, propylutor of the 1112.1110/10 H l / 1 110.!, 'Ooh malicious r 0.6, cr. 31e Y"' kePPz. - ibt"'DTPcma borough. madon f , aldi'day eyenlui last, a, onto, ,berbffellown'M the baser sort" did there non • greguteond'Oltrary to the wishes of the .pr - prietor tondo*. 'Ad "tap" a barrel of " - which' they 'did aorwithstauding pro prietor's—earnest youoascranamr- Aftrlf _Met:twelves to theroatents of the barrel, the par 741.egoinatened, but Information being:tondo beforol :.Alderman acting Mayor of Alleulmay, the aforesaid were., arrested &Mil hold itl'•tit,3' tombs 41 . A night 4o await a bettehigibeine,4le— eldedly underthe „. . • : woo ytotcpcul to 04 the contron an . 114 d etment for td assault and hew, wins 43;;•• yy,p.Comp; Isbleh the Grand Iftu7-tuttl , retartiedTpinrrunui, - The mac Ilitte fotmillty , nits gonatittdnefintb in regard to Bridget IfeVarland, wholutd , Yiti. Trued's cbairp or , assaun and beam wall* Illsii4l,.tbe Grind - JtOy. tecon , -alder: St Afectia!ry to proral, -case to ..the: Cont. .Melling ctri llurday. , —Jobts , ' Elwltter ace Peke Gmetetlidlettd for selling I.lpwrozi Bp4. tat, were kidged to jsji letterday Ottor e.„k.e 1 , • 7•1:-• ", •••-• “wa • 1 p , stltylr (it, adore the fact that I 1.. W. !..per.f.,, dectiet . ”f Pena .greet, had I nen i. yonecuted herby,- Aldermen Kelly, frq• an assault and battery .upon his serrant girl, Hai-. gar, t Mullen. A hearing was had In the ease, bat It does not appear that the eecused was hold to ban, or the infoririatlon returned to Court. Subsequently the prosecutrir brought snit before Alderman Strain, against Dr. Spencer, for wages due her, to the amount of seven dollars and a half. Judgment was given in favor of the plain tiff, and although the defendant talked of "taking the arny, — upon the suggestion of the magistrate thatta be might 08 well pay:the atone] atoned, as mpead to justly due, he forked orcr. .Nlll.s Mallen, who, It would appear, was se rarely, abused in the alleged assaultand battery, inquired concerning her _ prosecution of Spencer before Kelly. Her representa tions 'were of such a character as to canoe the belief on the part of Alderman 8 Taint that all web not right, and .after consultation with some of tier fneads, tome Ulu litallents Infortnettion agathet Spenser fea 'easel:tit and batten, trpon winch-4m was arrested and held to ball, Boma days after we first noticed this affair, we were Informed(not by alderman Kel ly) that a hearing had take place, and that the defendant bad "beaten" the prosecutrir„ From what we have since learned, we are blel hied to the belief that the only beating to the matter wan what Miss Muller, Is alleged to have re ceived at the bands of Spencer in his own house at the time el the alk-ged assault and battery. Iturglary and Larceny. Isaac Smoggy, Michael 0,0013, Harvey Shive ly and Jett CS Bell, the young men charged with entetten iii breaking Into and robbing the store of Mr. Edwin Tate% OD the earner of Sixth and Wood streets in September last, were arraigned In the criminal court, yesterday, up on an indictment containing two counts, one for burglary, the ether for larceny. Smoggy,. (trees and Shively, through their comae!, Mr. Swartz. weld( r, put in pleas of guilty, whilst Bell Weed ed not guilty and went to trial, with Captain Young an has counsel. The fact of the breaking It to ma robbing of the store was established be yond question, and police oflicers testified to the fiedlng of, 1011)6 of the stolen property in the • poem-salon of the defendant. Bell 'was arrested in the night limo at his ftrther's house, lacni Cork's run, one tho South aide of the Ohio, and with him was discovered a coat, a pair of pants and other articles, including a carpet sack, identified as a portion of the stolen g,ooria. For the defense Bei a nt= and Shively were ex ambled as witnesses—the court permitting them to be sworn, the Jury to Judge Of their credit:ol:Y —and one swore to having sold the defendant the pair Of pants. and the other to having sold him the !oat, two bane kerchiefs and some collars, bah the carpet neck remained to tie accounted for. The cane Ivan not concluded when we left Court. An af fecting episode In the tnst was the appearance of Bell's mother. almost blind, and conducted to the witness stand rp a Irttle daughter, to give evidence le his defense, Amusement.. anal Thum, we, main Milled with no a:•prr , iati,. , malleure to a hairs Mr. Adamill.. rformanec In the (10of Meu of the Pat It I,itlirrA eirtarireiilrirr talent to .irthe out our iTopie night after night t. arc any artor, hut Mr. Adams has pror,d his to talent. of an extraordinary character. and one ambsentent seeker,. hare shown a Ju.i appreciation of hint, by the war they have tiilleticesery seta t ther theatre during, hi , engagement. To-night In• appear, In the beautiful play entitird Wild tilts, n piece iu which he appears to unusual advan tag••. Gn early M . you with a teat, or - . .itrl•.•ttrr, st 4 ore your a. at. during the day. Tan CART= Zouare Taourn.—Thi, deaue rodly pri ular troupe of artistes ennoictint for she cola pert at yeast mists, toads their tow teat alibi at Alasosle. Hall, and to say that the audience was well,pleaged would-he slight praise. They we., ds d. 1116 troupebuye lust none of theu_pr, stigo since their last wig!: !tilt byte rather Unproved. The new attractiAs. 'Proteap, or we are hi rr, tat not here" Is • illOSt woad:, fat , linalon. When the cabinet Ls Ibont open, d, and you Imagine you are going to set • rt rtarn thirty, you either see aornethlng else or nothing, and as for Mr. Paul Pry, three is Int one word that r rue asset Ctrs eharaottr, and that Is -. abhrs - tour." They sopeag again tO-night. Orgara Horse —Mk le. 230 sOpdared last night at. the Opera Haute in the sensational play, =- titled "the Angie of Midnight." She aplsears In the tsar piece to-night. Cast. St ttleti 1'333ie,3 offing Greet street. Yr"trerdaYr tee !UN t Mott .lobo 'darner take Into eratorirr, a burly looking fellow, named ratrlek picsently there appeared two women, one rather young, Paring under are name of Catherine Meliville, end It, nu bs ra:hrr sar.est, wiros: ante we did ttt care to lel sire. Tae eircutu stance naturally attracted our latentan: . The sr ;.eg er comae, sw!agi az her "suburbs'. ra . .ber nervtiesny,, ran op to the officer and said, t •That's the eery man." The oirresteinespond ed." Low do roe know k - 45 r' rei wffiett the wo man !corked, "rook at ray teeth, Lod dare. deny it," Bluntly alter, we dropped ILO the office ot,,Aldermars Batter, cod learned that ri,riclt bad eslied at the beast.. No. 19 filberts street, ecrelath Wardorhere 11113 Melleille war stnpulug -and for roam cause committed an assault and irotyly, atrlktac. Ler a severe blow on : t h. The case was "scored, — site, - a hest.t a. by the defendant parlor the route Corouer's Inquest . . ou intmeat at Devote's 'Coffin • Wore. room, on the body of a n3•ely burs child, found iu 41 vault at thr corner of Pasture alley nod Fulton street. From the tastitnonylt appear%. ed that the same of the mothorta the‘ child 14 Ann Erao fiordun, a ne4to woman, and [hal ou Thursday last she was Mareled to a tolorttmett. The hither 01 tpc child hopes or Ls a whittocann.- She states that as she Was in the water Clint 4e etas tulcen with premature pains, and Intl • 11 , control over herself. and while in [bat .illll - she ant e blnl3 to the child. At the In”us.t, PC. (km L. feCik - 313 trot raped in nail .mule. a pobusortrm exarsillatlion, fled nr lollop.: • • • . I was eathil by the Coroner to matte s post =stem • hiamheation, nil lila CtalA found in vAio It near the cornet Of Ihictere alley end Foliar. stint. 1 made the examination le. , coldlohly, and Cobra It to be • female child tulli developed, In all its pans antreateruld It' losttra - Carry Isdiesttotrzf' - k"elitkrbotit maturity: Is exattihmtv,Ohti el‘iiittttireit6ll4 I b.uid [be turret - ealeeoco of a mature child' dean 4vfrtl, aid 1 etart Lain no donbt whottevei' elite taatog been born alive. 13 is a cold oC mint 31 blood. The }My, aft, a ear. hal investigation of th Lev of the ['age, rvit41,11.4/ 8 V •rdizt •'th • chile emit. to l; ft death from the tote 0t1 , 1,11 nez Itct lle mother." Convicted of Lateens Mesh:wet ll,Ler, better known at the Jail and Msyor's rinse as “Cock Rubins." sins tried and . remelts ed In the Sessions, yesterday, for ti e• !Irvin of rite hundred and slglipellsbi dot fart from -n woman residing In ('lorry sidry. atO stmegOi d co prison for' nenfailga. 'The an. _ensedi ttprtsents that the money stolen, none of 'athlete 1, AS then recovered,. wee glven-hyllet n police Offiq;, led such credencalta• been given so Ler . sdatement as to cause an inreall.Satltin to be resolved upon. IShe is quite an old,svonutu,. and has destr-..ded w tlie .tower depth of d'ai , peachy. ; if arday efehool kliaalobiavy pbrinal nalrelonetry meetiog of the Kati. tmt h Schcoli cc, ltb 'Lbw; 4ver itreetl. illltabeby, wan Lela la ilia ',Jay of lheßibilreb =Agra - day afcerrood adailinnke addreas was delivered by [kr. Isaac Aiken:fon:de!), Neuffr of tlitni.iburenj and AV - plq}?r!/(4IEANIte nude by others. The caw. tributiona qf iha tebcol and congregation der. lertfit'Yitir 'Ave been large. Proapeela for 00 future are moat ausplekina, n 4D , T • ± -i. The Grinders Muptritqulr) klebecivoutda wifb ripe.] La lhd copd.tiou ar.d whercahonts of 43Orri !Jr,o‘ !hobo, band of Mrs. pactits Grinder, the murderess. Fofithel fnfo ata& dti nor inn readees. we Will Meta that bo I. Aafely loest in the emery Jall , In se conittiodicitin on 4 nc Ritizt- Eoltabl, eiusrurs as Jailor Vr'hito Carr thruistt. Ile Is supylind with everything necessary for Ids 410/120ift 11114 d tapir. amppo,Apa. 14140 quite ag 4 7. 4 o4iblerhut thaembarraailux air? tumetances Iver ■ i The futiunat )ts Ilia %colt Chichil4slol Ow'. Jury, engaged In Innintitreilllg 1 e debt cue, scea•Aftpatit iti ao seutenient. et the atopefillnfOnana of Stf,!blaPlnatitifilelthiatibut, o"cquig, at the abeence qr Dayqfp, yaw wall eneaseartly absent ettalioln 'lt 'Metal, It yr s, Alain ,aguin•ned until W day - awl:Aug, at ,• teieg weloek ta meet In lila seine Mara. ~,,,, ,:tietillithsll. Juroni — Fr# l l I litinint 4,11,4 thrown out by Ibli Prodding JOP'or , ii ,ll frionti nal COurt;lcattpisy, . inetinctlunt titivate ',ltirora ithfijailfinf 4w onawer In their IMMO 91i minnlif-IO Altana/ince will be "atttnfleft. tqq,a4 • Wirt defaulting. juror's linyn 14f11 7 4iifiAg , Ow meeur tertuOlai tent fflyWitffifinif afill 0/44.c. ki.roy ft* netatintf, by the' Ilifpnalf.lfiiii4 il hini jam...11110/11ra or leas, AllOglieu• lialpriner4eutivet ier,lli *L the Gin Compaor oral/tying down Myna filtligi bithistrut; /Ilk ben,. for that perltato 44 , tur, tubing to g pow n ( the I, l #st, Woj folk 4410,.. Thla wilt ad What anti/foliate tO 016 "eIIIZZIO4 of that WWI. so will add much to (belt emu. fort, Thaptive, •n - nadetatentl. gill continue i SS (Cr dein arililiberryfwpii. - • • Npreub nl (.1 rut.. Primula Testa, tutt Irish hula peocetsce •atl English Deutrathy; dellvetrut be tare the Fuolan Congress ht Pol44elphla—Put, Itshid by B Peterson • Brom. Prie• meanie. Pittsburgh: It.hitner, vi is v 3 rah street The great interest which is now telt In the movements of the Pentane and the reputation of the orator who has uttered this exposition of the subject, should induce a large demand for It s especially *maim the friends of the cense. Certainly - no more rim and [Wahl's document concerning Irenisnium has yet 1 0eured. Tex Philadelphia : Rio-Corm, rAI B. P e ters M b Kra Henry Wood. T. & burgh: H. Hiner. Bretz. Pitt...- Another work by a favorite writer, jest pub lished from advanced sheets. the character of her previous works is leell enough ghouls to the lovere of fictio; It maintained In this, yet varied by the tragic denouement Of the stor . Garnet League of Harrisburg. On Friday evening last, a meeting of the col ored citizens of Allegheny was held it the - Avery Minion Church for the purpose of co operating with the Garnet League of Harris burg In 'extending to the eleven regiments 0 colored acddlera which will arrive In that city on the 14th of Novezober.• welcome bythecolored reemerge of Pennsylvania. A coma:atm was appointed to solicit subscriptions to aid in send ing the colored soldiers of Allegheny to Harris-' burg to participate la the reception, and to give all the soldiers who way be In that city upon the occasion a public dinner. A meeting will be held at the Avery Mission Church on Friday ceenlu next to further the cause. Dl Died of Ills InJurlea..Mr. John Wailer; of East Liberty. in the one hundredth rear of big his age, died at ilia residence, in Etat Liberty, on litinday night, of injuries received a few dart pavlova by being run over by a buggy, the par ticulars of which appeared In the Goalie. Further nearing.—Jonathan L. Kliberaans committed to yesterday, by Alderman Don aldson fora further hearing on a charge of /a r cety. 'referred by A. F. Chatoney, sewing achine agent. Alleged lllganslat Dlacrarged.—J ames Hanes, accused of bigamy, was discharged from prison yesterday, the Grand Jury oaring ignored the bill against him. From Yesterday's Eveniaz Gazette. The "Disorderly Conduct" question—ln, variant Dee Won, A case Involving the right of Aldermen to try eases of disonlerty conduct, came up no a 'writ Of habeas rorptra, before. his Honor Judge Stowe, on Saturday. A few days preciously ]fro. Marin Hanley was arrested on the .i dlsonlerly conduct," and being taken be. Yore Alderman Donaldson, wag fined, and in de`anit of payment sentenced to the cotmty Jail for ten duys. Billings G. Childs, Esq., attorney lee Men. Manley, immediately ULod writ of habeas corptaa, with a view of settling . the jurisilletlon of Aldermen In tins sad similar cases, but owing to the pending trial of Mrs. I; rinder, ma. nimble to be heap? until Saturday. On the hearing Mr. Childs made the following points let. That the commitment 1/113 defective in Dot showier w th sufficient clearteis the otfeese committed. 2d. That the city ordinance authorizing the cone iet ion la onconstitutional, In that it author tree the deprivation of the libes ay of the citizen without triad by Jury. :13. That the Alderman bad no Jurisdiction of the ease. The sett rat FA:talons taken were ably argutd by Mr. Child% who cited numerous authorisies In their support, and the Court ordered that the prisoner he discharged from custody. As men) , of our Aldermen hare been In thebanitTor s.,me time pact of u-ing the charge of "Moonier!). conduct^ ws• a tort of tudiclar ••dragnet" to etch all mann•:r or testa. It Is lowprtant Mist thir witilic &honk! a new that their authority is do finitely &fiend. f The above ass prepare.' fer the Gmette of Ott woreteg, but loadvertrot:e untitled.) - - The Late Rote at the Opera Mune ' t We have already uotleed the disturbance which occurred at the Opera House. op Friday , eight last, between oftleer,llougherty and Itotwvi and Isaac Little. The parties had a final hut lug before Nlaycn Lowry to-day, which iusielted In Mdbert Little being hold to answer a charge of attempting to rescue a prisoner. The °Meer bad endeavored to endure Alderman Batter. (acting Mayor,)lo bold the accused (Or disor derly conduct, assault an 1 baltury, , and riot, but as be could not admit the oropricy or '•1.111eg of," in this way, he held the matter over until this morning, when the Mayor him pelf was able to hear the case. The Mayor re 'need to dna the man (or disorderly coulee', acJ i her, oo:d 'hem for ursault and battery aid rent, but told the ollieer that he ehould peeler whatever charge be deemed proper, and• toe send proceed to a hearing. The informathia for riot.was then refected, hat the testimony was deemed Insufficient, and Robert Little Was held to !cell for an attempt to rescue his brothier while under &met. The other charges were dismissed. The defendant allekos that be Interfered only to save his brothea from the wanton and to:meg:Os- Baty abuse of theolilierr, stud that when the ease comes on for trial ho ran prove that he did right' under the circumstances. Odieer Dougherty 'was advised, by the Mayor, not to eiblblt so much temper in making arrests, and to atittnio (Torn the u•c of the mace or cane hereafter. Court of Quarter Session'. :MosDAT, Oetohet 'M.—Before Judge.. Sterrett., Si°We sod It ono. Court met at Len o'clock. Bassett and Robert Tpp i !deeded indirtments for larceny, and were termed, the fernier to two years and gig months, and the latter to one and six months Im prisoutneut in 00 We.tcrn Pctlitootiary, -; George Welotong,, (or belling liquor without lleense,.was tined fifty dollars and mists. This wealth/ unit offense. John Brown, a returned soldier, was tried for ;the 'larceny of tlotbiLig fro= Eliaha A. Mt.'s comrade In news. at the Lanatoin House. a few weeks since. Verdict not guilty. John Eabberger pieml guilty to the larceny of siOthing from A, .1; E. Stang, at • carers In the blefoond. and Was sentenced to the i'eeltem t I &Ty for two )dare. Coma wok • tee,. half p. c. one Plead Gu T. ; Y, J. 1/, F prop letor of tbo oift Book wan cbarged with disorderly conduct in C tiering italuiting Oroonaltlou a to revealable Indira at the Fair. on Wr•dneu :ay last. and who van ib barn hat a hearing Lbls afternoon, ap t rar-r1 !Tiara %yr I.lwrs OA+ morning,,and ticad nulltu to b4O cha , gee. Fly was dlttOd,f2•l 'it'd coat., to tarn can whicti he bald, andlit4 t. muter ends. Ho bail tern taught a laisoz »bull, If he is a "Man man, be will not forget for the blot era of lite, or to legal. ditring Lie . / , 11.ty is al,: tototontilty. Hie enraluCt was that I a 1... a a if Orateribent libertine, aral hb•• curt" on. bla" It may too In Now Tork,it t.,1 to t• rat. •i beer. • Th.t tell 1,12 t. 'II,, t ,,,, i , myrr=. elyngeti with the larceny of an ail gat rront Wm. Carter, at Oil city,. had a further bearing before the Mayor to.dayond mewed his hued tor a final hearing some days hem e. The rine is conslderabli MIT.CaI up, but from o bat we ran learn It appeals. that Garter owed Myers krili, which he was unable to pay,lnd that hie wife (Iles. Carter) told Lim to ' take the flat and make Ms money out or IL fie loot ed-the flat whir oil mud cleared about $l7O un the delta Oil.. Carter denim that hie wire had nay fletbortly to hive Nlyera the nee of the ILO, while on thu otititx linudttklyers. counsel, can. ..tmids.that, whelp, she had any authority or not, ii relieves Wm from the charge of larceny. :no 41 ti oWI a t the wharf, and It will coil 1 #lOO ict.luten l i t t wed batik to Oil City. On the 11am .age,-6, EitsCillarti Indlyldnal. r. Joking In thee gnomon at hillg Jim Gordon." ptit.,a large•quan fly of fighting whiegyLloside his Jacket tills m ruing, and entering the beer galoott of Christ Uses, on Smithfield street, he i. opset "the . stere ' oyeeitiowil .OWO genarally, and slier being ' picdtedfant” he thrust ids not through the iron wigarm,absttarkur the Rim Ana clitsrlaglts and badly. lie was atrested tfy'neeets' Mess er and Pressler, and ,locked up for a hearint. Haus' bar-rota was filled with smoke, Bud twits Ltk danger of being ant , on fire.' _ Lecture br Mpsa litritcuaan,—XlaiArinig., Pleheroam. la, Annbuneeti to nellear a lecture on ,Thnniday rivantni next, at Lnlaj r to flail, under :ranges oft an Young Mena .alorcintlleLt• JI lioelatloL Too MOTO 11 , 1 2 / 1 0IIIIIXI0201:It null uillelont to Attract a limn audience. Thy sot jeer uhiclithb lady has chased la"Lrome Throats." Alo ir 0 Can spare WO tlaratftll Ala anxious trifler It r. ''' .." . . 0 ?ilea to. the, Foaltatettiff:7sVtlllma Cl A Champlin, sem e n A tar maott. - aad John Eth bergall Hoban TI plllitiltla Grand Bassett, eon. (elated for tarn* ware pikes - ta . tho rabiteb tryyy Ulla alltra ,by Wanlea White. , ,F, ~ , . 1 1 . 110 Minder' inhaling atie.—gr. J.T. .Huai him Issued, 1p pamphlet lona, a MI raffirt At lha Mal of Idartai allude( foTtlaa murder Qt Mta il artabrri, vapid. pifrbo had 1110511 PP; 00 Brost., i : sea. - , tor-mils VIA Young I urn Sut Taft...Wantaii4la r-nra Metal) Ms ses, , lfor mils by Oyatigbia,' A41 1 19r, 114X0mb stinit , !Yritsa, ' .A . paispitto 'aiz We sympt and- lvlb ireanaankat lama! ,dltesses *camps la arach Dar, 'o' ran all lia 1 tiV;adArearing Truing Hants Vm.,•.l,i•llqr VI, Vinelnnattl. with 0 th ree rout iniflonati, IQ Jiirnat TlOmpla. Unities 19upe:,.1 . jt. 'slim . , , u• ii. W. SOS WV°, Aillmormq. t. alit A SI. Clzir street saLsou.keepar, named "Peal," Williams, who has for a considerable time been persistent In carrying on business with/nit proper license, mai who-has also sec . eessfolly lidded the office re bi - the the. was brought up an a "short turn" this mottling by officers Dressier. Minot and -Kemp, of the Mayor's police. It appears that during the sitting of the court he Las almost daily absented bimseU from his house dating the day, leaving after breakfast Oy - the "ttsek-way." going through an alley to the aver bank, and thence to Lawrenceville, where he would soinurn until night, and then return home. The officers learning of this, secreted theta selves at a convenient point.on Monday morning, and "lay In wait kr him." They saw him m m10)115 toilet, and prepare Ibr his breakfast, and as he emerged Into the alley from his prem ises, pounced Upon him. He was lunch a -ton bled, but st.hmltted quietly and was at once conveyed to the Jail. At the June term he kept out of the way, and his wife suffered for him, having been fined by the court for the offense of selling liquor without license, At the )torch term he was lined for the offence. During the forenoon Williams was brought Into con rt. and JudgeSterrett,"understanding his rase," senteticed him to pay a due of one bun arr.d dollars, and to undergo an Imprisonment of sixty days in the county Jail. The Catholic Library and Reading Room. A number of our leading citizens have organi zed upon a strong and promising basis, a "Cath olic Librarytond Reading Room," and have se cured an clew it room in the Third National Bank Building, over the Board of Trade Rooms, eorner of WOod street and Virgin alley. The design] of the asSOchttion Is, that, wilily. it will he mainly controlled and supported by Cat holies, t shall not be rectorlan, but open to all who may take an Interest in Its success, 'and-desir, to shore in its belief:he. It will be their aim to present suck a collection of religions. scientific, classical, audmodern literature as -will meet the approbation or all classes and persuasions. The Institution srlll formally he opened on Wed - nesday evening next. daises O'Connor, Eto., late of the Fourth National Beak, is President. ! and N. J. BleivY, rice President of the Association. Many other well Sao en and highly influential citizens are contributing their means and their infuenee to the enterprise, and we may safely predict that it will prove an en • tire emcees'. The Late Steamboat Werutrig. William C. Champlin, who confessed to hav ing kindled the fire on the 10th of September last, which reunited In the destruction at the Monongahela wharf or the steamers "River Queen" and ''George Albree," was brought into Court this morning, end plead guilty to en In• dlciment for arson. with Intent to defraud in surance Cf• mpastieh. He was asked If he bad any statement to make In his own behalf. He said he had tired the "River Queen," of which he was part owner, with a view to her destruction, as a matt, of sevenge upon the other owners. Thus was all be said., except that he came from Connecticut, where hls wire and family now re side. Judge-Sterrett said that whilst the Court should "tempo Justice with mercy," he felt that his case called for a severe sentence. It boirever, be one for executive elemevey. CLAMplin wee then IlenteliCed to arolerao an ImPrironmelit of four years In the Western Sen to-lidera. ROBINSON .111eCLRELN &CO Bankers and Brokers. No 75 Fourth. Street Pittsburgh. Dealer. In alt kinds of Govarnment :Securities, GI Id, Silver, talaurri of Bank Notes, Foial4n and Uumraltc Exattagf., ko-• hc. EMOMM= Intent al/Weed as time deposit.. lallesst•oot made le it parts of the Unite.; States o mom. favorable ferias. mows Wed with dlopatch for erveyt coi in the b wiarsa ot the lio.too, New York .. PAW, cell his and Plitobuigh lirokori. Uoatd. otrietly On fOrotnl,6:oo. • Pr• • op d VT.EWS & en , New York, / 1 “ , 1111 &CO, PR/lade/pi/A; Messrs./1. 1/ 'HEAD ,1 T. 11. 1 . 1 . ://1/11 , 1b, Hoe} FINANCE AND TRADE. %I/LOKI:34S AA)) tIA !MEW. BOA Ito (M6IIIIK - 12, its 4061,80 N. irctx•sr o.', Oct. f'. M. 6's .......... ...terra Asked. led on -- lin IT CIO C. S. rtente. 97 0.13 °old . , ..... , Allrrheny Co. rj pirlaburgt 5.9 • ..... • a3Co t.tirrkl Gun... 1191,111, I 1) . 9 . . Fotolmbue Not. ........ 85 ro Fourth Nat. ltnni t lo 00 Pozrles Zintkonal • IQ3 5. innarnmens niaLlonul 12) 03 MUM& BA Ilk o f rouuncrur , op I kiln. Lan., d tfMerry Hun....... 1 15 1 'oz.! 1110111 .113nInct'n 1 tIS Manton P/0.011. Of I ... ..... . - 1 10 The money etarkst begin*. elute, some signs of Insprot rrnent indite rest. stet! percent. 14 readily paid on call Wane, while tune paper of km, or short deter mores bear try at higher Agana_ live error:lent Fecunttee a.l. nested a little In New York to-day, enough p•i show that the disotlon to want ...ter time. could be counted Upon, noel we shell look for tlio cafes current two weeks age ter) soon abrnikt. the boarcetary of the Treasure ocelot the funding proceta until t loruneee meet. in December. tkild ~C oned . a New York to-day et I tetr;. and neer. to The rstr • current among our Draken were 143% bayiug, 145d145! The steel, market opeert.l doll and !weep. N., sales went repoHird at one moraine rd,and none mute during settion The only bolding. to odes Wren ne I . or a brolled 'mutual of Columbia, and t tot nekton. A. tar ne we ,Wald Ic slot timer., wet no more dent on the Street. The eatfelaw4 - low figures at which A number of oil ntooka, once very eutiont a 1 M.P. tamed and on the stern), ran It bought, will, two-doubt not, One of Ilreaoday•stltuulale enquiry and tempt *onus one note vend driaotoe thtU lii bto thew up. Should were tw •0)Ilung In their pen.. rat or Penn , prospects N.. 041 whi c h • 1,,e, menu able or to/Utah,ran be tinge hero nee 1.01, , Of the old favorites now ontot.,l al . illtioliera• 'otunilaston•l' or less, which will underko thin Ltalog away prootta, omit etiongn Oriel obi Mord to ...rim. eontid oo l,,,, sanngoment” or Ili oi It' In 111 let the l ortunate purelumer out fatfety. We Could uaUlr se, erAl stoeks Melt sir think are being bong"! tip it Inc start nthia 'mores, for Jost the above pur pose. and perhaps with rvast.o o ll , l, I"r proiTect. oink log • pod thin:; out .1 them wit n 11l to. vividiy the MI ext fact to/11,4 15r tali, ten rep,3ll 11,0". bulletin, I hat - rupper stock opernt4irs their redden in the why of '-asnewirient•,.. cit., ell A. dui " ii it stuck ticertitor• ••11te coopers lisi Itsd then I lit It. spr• i t oh, t ler, 'ocrer ore o on. 'miter' drthr, I•lstoneuse - sato., wee et eitteed On Vritini ni . 1 s.4' ..1.- 01$11111r10 Ittilittork nod It milli Its Alm had their i tiro At rho Wheel, end lust. trtoyni 11, 1 Lulli. Theme nee bee . n eikl,llC . .11 wolu see u;role Luyol, st el It clomp Ilan iht lWe seldom Mei Apiece to notice llin {,nrl attest ...cements MA) ore fntllnpp so gently neon nue copper (ricotta, Out tee till. ttose amid mouths, That the l'oneutil l'uttwooy .entled for throe dollars A share. pAroble (let. “The unitsl manner of hundred. of ithAln• of WaleriPoiver I tee each dor figured lit the quid , Mos of the tin. hi. The t• erhit lone of this stook excite At press, 1 hot little Intereet, sod It is finite ger...roll, cote tiled that the prlitelintl inaniPults tot. el 1) 000.41/1 set, though the) .10 1.11, .21011- ally Indulge its { lse pretty etrong mot ements.“ —The t ulel}•hta r or: gerrint List. in referring to the revent et flor,ruey in the MOO •S market.. both nllll Vi l ert, comment• it. fuliuWit ••The banks Ural that their deposits &stout xcau., up to lamer fweragea, the amounts Airmen from them exceed the...ordinary sushi. The consequence appears tae carful recision of (half loan - Itati, I, end withhol ding of accommodations, which ewere ft abort Um before easy to be had. These elreamstantes ACC.I4OII A tightnesa In the' money Market, which tinders some permute who wore heretofore comfortablele their' means aornewhat analetak. Mr. McCulloch has aomethlng tondo With this, In con4equence of hie funding legal-ten ders' cempmuul oles and certill.atea. There is another m at, Mel: la that .ritruthern products are comg fetward, mai sacra Is a demand forour, rency In these settees so teddy condemned to the aceemulodatlon of rebel' notes. the scarcity of Vetted !grates Insiney In the ' , Smith lan emcee of suffering to many. Metrics', to whicdt,L for want of currency * the Old.faahlened methods of honor are the only Means of trmsactiug bualhoss. tel ail the noised* of the ffnanclal atmosphere it will bcprudent fur careful merchants net Id Make contraci• tugs - clays* They can scarcely expect a general Morena dkprlces, and the fall may be sudden and caper ell,' uncrearlng dlansters by ic vubdon . .1 u Hamlet" of Gke New York Grocery Market, ['From the t. tem/Trial Lut of 101nt...11.) Cotter—Wm, not re A moderate Indidry And Arm market for RIO, syltk Wee 0f.1034 bags, per EU:A bet'', At t 0.14000 do new, eelp, per poreller, 3.1 h, ' gold, tu'berll 1Ue44000 do, per Lord toltlinere on' lame we did ate I,leArn. Ilthn lands •nre quiet. Thalot Mita 911Jiisw, to arrlye, we e outdo Cl. Wit', Co ld , at nri nigaw bate i hre s atnee been gr n i bag li, 4 0 FtPCII Qr„ /Po., a 4 , enws.w. 1 ilugnr—The ma at (be raw hlit been dutte dull aline our last, no althoUghlddorn gene:Alb' Are drum, ante se tales.prieea yieta4crodb4ll7, and ere motel/0 iota 'sant 'Wirer; eat Imp. ki„ tinlnit - Oubell vt, iNctloixt, 4 10 l*illiille 5111 t 10 'WWI{ tftwerr ~, la, '', prime 10 a moo . 9 1,62 :telt nnotumea dug , r ,d ik.ut; b l:el6tAt i l.talne in . , .IPolll l 44 l ll.l4lftat I - little, loWdrl t ' InItIIIIS4P I Pe c a, 1 IIOGWIdtO 114.411 ~:l a nd ;elide( 'DOG. tem/ Monti quote Mei tont , folphtiket 'washed' erd:ll, Eno! , 111 rd and fr no(LNA, dhltd4 Illg t end yol. low II illjg,unish, " . didniers--Thl I NO OM. , Wind= • • of. 11npor -teem dune, 4141 1 OUT Inld. hp ,b4glncoe hams AI . mini ow re.l,, II I fo n Lobbing.' my - for floS 4dpnly of I(nndolinlit V 0 I* r Tea .19.:Ii.neul 1u111,4 Ottmilottitt' a. holders of. nfon fdiol pfu onfloodod. Ornue. lip. jili 1,,,,00git4 Men, is lota, at taregt,o3; Ile I'nly, Novo, mink:qt.:lli il do Interior, 6;, em 100 I. 0.1, I iVa 41Sit GB lA r : 3io4nar, 061. 0). a nns,,al mtrktte were net very Relive In day, the d onna .nd for most of the Wading ,oixtrno• &ties betas recta idled to supplying th 4 trinnediate wants of consumeta. While prices, geneslty, hove undergone no quotable change. It is a title re markable that Elailoy, eapecially the poorer grades, Is a perfeet drMg in till. market, awl can hardly be told et soy vriee. Sole of our large brewers contracted early In the season for leap quantities In the west, under theamprnslon th a t the crop here would be melt. If not a (allure, anti this, of counte, diminisheatlit demand for the Bar- , ley grown In this seeder of pountry, and MUNI the market to rule very altinieh. It Is thought, however, that tidal, prime. Qualities, 1011 be wanted between this and wring, and that better price. will be reall:ed. GRAIN-Wheat Is ,quiet and onchanged-but little offering. Corn la-selling . annall tot. Rom store at 7547 WI. Oata-Sale of Lo bush, on track. nt 40; sins, small tales at 6005.3.-. Z. 1a szettall way. Barley may ho quoted from wagon at it to $l.lO for Spring and Fall. No movement tat Rye. FLOVII-7s leas Retire but WMflotrt quotable change-regular sales from store n 40,754410 for Spring OR heat, mud •11:14Ofell for Mater Wheat do. Rye Floor Is nominal at s7,str pet bbl, and Cornmeal 11,19 per bulb. PEON' LSIONS-Bacon la quiet and unchanged. Small sales of Shoulders at k.SitAl, gad Ribbed Sides at 7-13 . .Y.:X. Lard may be quoted rrt nod Alen, York at Intr4:l7. " - POTATOES—Pesch Blows Item, wit zees of tWo 120 barrel lots st 02,30 per bbe—denl33l.l cess of the supply. Sweet. are quoted yt,3o 0j53,00 es to quality. APPLES—There is no falling off In the twelve*. but the demand seems - to keep up to the supply,. end entices ore well sustatned. tiele or 113 barrel. "mixed," on I reek, at 64.60 per bbl 310 tads do•nt 111,6007, end 35 halechotee at ST per bbt. BUFFER—NoII dlutter is steady and Hero, with fair demand. and we note regular sec. at 1.3rt0 16 cents for lair to prime. Peaked is ottiet end on— changed, FAGS—Have still further advanced, and toe' liner sales reported to-day at ere I'HEESE-1z quiet and unclzengesk aisles of. Hamburg at MI, and lioshen at 21. ORANItERRI&S--.St.tdy, ,etch sales to lots of 10 bble et of 10 barrels No 1 Lar , ,e Mestere! et per bbl. White - Fish are quoted a! 1230019 per half tad. , SALT—sale of ECO bbl. , to the trade, a S 1 per 1,131--4 mos; also, smell sales • et' $11,115613,2ie . erthe letter npure In a retail sway. ONIONeI--in fair demand and steady at *1,20 • to 03,70 per bbl, as to quality. 1111ELSE-50r•11 sales of Fla. ' , reed rat 112,100 11,13. No dctonntl t lon I'lo , cr or TIIIIOL . CI 111 , 111 , t '..• 11, PITTSIttr Rain PETKOLEU 51 MA Lai ILT .Joanna. Oct. ro,tattaa. DK-The Crude market WAS moderately attic and steady traiday, without, however, any change to lll2lke In prices 'ait• tali,: in bulk • aml bbl. returned, and ltSfir, bbla Included—the bulk of the tale. being at the inside quotations. The reported stales foot up, to the *ornate, some three thouannil barrel., as follows• i5OO bbls, in bulk, at 03 •,, 1015 fib's at tr.i, little included, free On board; lOn at 21., bids returned; Ii at bbl. Inclu ded, free on board, 60 at fia, DMA reaurxed; 60 at 13 , i; SO to =1.,: 101 at ?it and c 0 bbls Ainber 011, from the ...MI r rptise Co'•"iiiven county We 11... 35, hbis InoludiA. The market, apparently, clo,ml a shade stronger—holden being teen mallows to realize. It Er Ic El b—Thr re was considerable Inquiry for bonded oh to-tiay, on Philadelphia ardount Loth for present and future delivery' but hold ers are indifferent about of at pres ent, notwithstanding a aught adyance over tact week's quotations wits °tiered. We are cognizant of li9'; being offered and refused, for Philadelphia delivery, to-day, while on Saturday, fon.fa4s were the beat figures that could be obtained. This slight improvement in In consequence of the more (storable advicem from Europe by the last steam er, the siriia. Eree lid Is quiet and unchanged. PTUA AND RDCLUOU.II,—There was no movement in either of these articles to day, and. In the absence of sales, Thiptha may he quoted at 9!Y 11n bond, arolgaq42, according to quality and packages: and ketilduuM at kW' per baL REA:I.IIT, c receipts of oil by the Alle. &hen yrlt cr sit our last report were nl follow) : 1". I.ei•to I John 104 l'lAter h tiro Si; Ciotti t:o 241 oolrbbre b. ...... Lx I Dllushnel 93 ii. Tlo‘lngs leer Lt. IL ro/111.1 JS .1 1. I.lnt nr. ..... W. It. t't tolergrift.. AID 1 CASE ETS B/ TBLE3RAYI3 PF.TROLEIJIRIITOCKK iY NEW YORK Dispatch to , Weatera Press. Mrs, Yost, Oct. SD, 18'45. • P.rnnt r, V :TLACKS -- . 4 ilatittr.lll7 ac Ike leg in tee wil l a etea.4l, market: Buchulan Form, an ;'denyhoe, 74; Gr.:meal., 43; I'll I :reek, t 1,00; AnnaWko, Pothole In.ln; Canute, Livr; Shade Nit e:, r . ca , Prat lion, IC; Ineßater, Benn•hon Hun, Icts. Y,ret NitIOCUO, 79; Dlctilleaoen, 0,90. speaking at the recent teduetlan at stock In Om ' , 1n.. , to on I ilisbr.te CompenleS, the t tett. The reduce,l raplta! to the o••e of each Coronae,. rrorreerd• the amount actually pale up upon the near bare. Both Compaalea are ea peeted to pay ettrldeatle. It a great mistake to the recent 0 .611D121111011 ru Oit comp/mice that the!: par ce pits{ wen slued ROI/ to egoeu - et the capita: actually larvae*. : The policy or eoutreo: tton to better tor the credit of the eolarualetretett for the Entered ef - the shareholder.. HEWtutu: EGIVOLEUDI DIAIPIKEV breslal I 1/listrt. u Waters *re* - • •' Petroleum is more Sal46/f*s; ite• nned In Bond. e.s - ;03 9el tht het; Ife • Trii of at IX.. barlele bortes! at 69.4 e. Chicago 3! Our/. Ootaber —FLos Os • t•—•irhast settriabill4e7o Slottir; eloitna at jljta lot No. 1 , sad V.11;461,16 for No. 2. Coro ate•oy at 1113VAltel. of 1421' ic, olosisri, at ISt2o for N. I. nod 411,;‘• for No. flats Ova at 2714fttio. DI Is Flour; 22.K0 toll wheat: 43,- GOO Do limo; 7 , t Du aaaaa . boarmwt ,, -11.00ilbbls :10,000 Wheat; t6400D nu Oortli 64,00. Du Oats. . PROVID(I/31. —44 ul et. • FasioliTs.-Qulrt st 1214.01500 U corn to B u ff a lo. livan iVtIVST-41.1r U. New York Stock mad Moue) Market. • Writ YoteX. Oett bee so.—hinny easy at 7 per tent. taterltrg Each ante quiet, ooroinat an , un.. I hanged. flold guts: and steady, opening at 115 3 ; and Cialthg of 14.5%. oven: meat kLocks oaths., decided cheap, Frelehts to Liverpool dull and noossaal. LiTn - ke—.Nlions; Fort IStravo•, 11/.5 1 ;;; heel: In land, Ites-:14; Tolrol. • lue; North {Venom. ay uo Nein: xi, hew York Central, 95%; Erie, (sad og, 116 , i:oe preferred, Si • Ildlohlgasa Seuthero, ie i Cle•rlaul h elttah ' urgh, 811!;; M fehtsan Prattle Du Uhten. So`.;.; olekailver, ki; Ohio Oslo Aftsaroalt, 54, Tanners.« 6a, lit Or. Year tleeetrkatek Tint 15-1. Coupon., (01. oveashrr tr:ouvou,, du hew Lea tie, 101. Nen or\ ‘Veek Ratak StatemenL N6W Yonir, 12. Indrrnrc: DeereaSe. *41,650 .11106:,,A.5a Cireulratun , 2,123.72.C0n ftsni pti I Sit .... 172 CILI Le, s 1 Tender 41:421,021 CO 257.172 Market. "et ober 20.—PerouLee 111 ,cle, 311;01.1c1. flannel In Bond, 63W.390.• 710:ee. IA ro—Doll en.' deo:hone Al iStjet,7l6. h•tn— When , .lob; new mi. II re 11,12, Porn Him . )el tort, bite brie el :,1052e. • 11I• • IP C trch% i p.-1 a d steady. Wvo;•4 n.-011tiset4 arm h OW." .101 n tad rip neon.. Milwaukee Market 111 , 1 1 Ault 41.1. Oct -0 1 1 9 41, WhistA. 2 - 7 4 . w. t 1,4,4 -1,30 f. Olds t:toor, 29,9. tal ‘Vlir•t. Toronto Market. Oct JO — l , g,ouw—Voutple ottra 8.10; t0re,1107.0, No. I t6Ui,"... Usuo n— o , hem dull • c Rath} 3100 Li 1114rket Ml , ll. 'lll nit -r • URAIN ItY ntat,; 'porter...At 51,260t,Z. OA. r2Or3c. NB A% Yong , _ Oat. 3,t at vets for rthd , lltor,.ebteetr thietatter prices. flourt—Opened ateady bol , loae4 dull at gee 33 10 for Extra State, and ss6a.tat f,r Common to;eood eblplitin blonde, Extra round hoop Ohio, at era, 19,. Ca for trace brood.. Ea= ORAlN—Whmat du I. and In buyer. f avor, with /Jilt buelneas defog Amber milernumeo. Whaler BEd $2,30. 113 eelexily; Oxuedlli Batley imeite kit tire, Braley Zit let. duro WO out dteleed 4livuge at enigrdk, fur, imeotind andllkkir !Round mixed IVAlit.rn; .btfLOr plleeL Witt. altocErriza—Votrev f l u lot mod iugar flrm, flub. Mut coveilv). 1.1!it314!y, HA,kll. Milne. PL•raolAvio—+tEdy $11.5;46E3C.c (r crude, 65%'41. 69e. for repot dln ocd, antl.7:l7lafor do. Inter./ t Hope-110 Ws& te rtquest-IlL'Boe4o, !Or Crop of MR, and A 4054. for crop of ISo.S. Wool.—Quiet Poovouour—Pcn It firmer, closlogitoary at, Imt, 1541134,13 for Neu, c.ortng at $.14,00 CUD ; INISCrfor Prnak i gark6OC/Mto for Prime Nen. rw ( tirwat 'll,OO 14,ftrfor Plato Mom 3XI , and:514.00.£07 . 1131 , EMI% Ha. Riff Hama quint a n d elaatly.'ll.l.,, I T cooose actin*, Cumbartaodcut for Janus, ,Itr.. - 114e. p Cut airatsilull at I.6.,ityltlc far shout ' aim) ago for Hoop Lard market henry se to .. Mil,. 11 utuct4o dttoann Cheese Inner At 11 , 49 ----•--- Titled° Ilartetr'' 'recoil. O. ma—Onote—Wheit r/tilebinere White HA% Itsui ber .102%. at ele. Oate steady at am Am . 04 BOUM° DAarket. • • Iwamoto, Oa ii:o-..ruwati dutii`gigui cll. Amt. r air4to,ao. • (I.Aro—atom quiet; t& 1 - ._l_ make. ispruu sl,se. Qum ,loJet. u Ca* 51A: I. (Ate dull. 13ular--ablea 113 boat, thaarArt, at Rxe, witomy—lfeld t $246, Poovistose—Po • Oa ego mariret,:yßTElTTiL °SWIG°, OrtOrr P.—Ezotra stews , sod as ' thawed, at 1041 Aik•i : 4o3,s, sum*, EA/- wider, fo VL,P,Th-.412A-EVM.P*)..ll.potdro bit*. V4et4 u . ••• r‘pm Dos lea • W that tr 0, lON • r lta; (Oct, as r k A 7 r •, %LE picc.,ao,, or ma, O:1 MO - IL Bullefie tutsthefonowint report The Cr LWOW. • erthtUe riser are rat-ter lower; about heal arrtrad and aold parlly At 'role 1•4164 e for r..4.-tr.t; /413 , 13 e for fair to goodi /0413 c per lb lor sora.Vatt. as lo 4•14,1•• " Cite COnailliagirks the partleulAra or Pe 111, °well:NI:151[1e. areal ern, 13,30; v . lye, P. :17cFrlien, iveskro, lid/a. • 03, A. Christie k Bro.. western, 15 5 H, 145, seta Faller &Ca., western, 14.0 tn., • 4,1, Mooney & Salta, western, Ber ta',. 101, .1..1. 'l ea la h. Bro.. Penn% (442da , ( r . lea, It, Cbain,.Pelana,74O, gram 10., Hope a Co., Cheater Co., 0, 13e,14. /3 43 l D e y nosrt B ro.e, wswna tern, 45. P. Went. theater 00., me. lg. 144, E. S. Mel :tea. siestem, 1 4 416., Mt, Allman It Cu. Weltretio6l/ 140, Wayne a Co., Penns, e.rirt.r.. 7ltoooey Penns, once; rats 100, D.. YrarL , oeatera, soamherg It Ca., west., n, SHEEP—Are nit beta chengr; Poe heed '&11 , 1' 1 and cold al 7 , 47' per P., g . rner. tor Good tel Sheep; f:.fee , ii,6o per bend for stork Sheep, Aid 14@o per Lend for Leethe HOGS—Con tame dell end rather;:ttk.l heetdsohl et tte dlffereet rehht et I,ent the too Ihe net, or to queltr). COW s—A rvtle felt . &used et firmer macs; 173 heedkol,l e 1 $1,411 fur ',..prlttgers, rod $ per bead for r,o7r. likertau it - Gol Market With n tight money market and t.,"004 nlov iag slowly. this staple 1... axe, rather oilier during' tie pawl week. Manufacturers have a lltlet , et, ter supply df venter:. the mill st ream., bar are holding on; will mat stock uevrith material uattl they are what I . Tret, the 010,e1 pressure is' likely to have upon prides. Ii this atrlngesoiy should continue, or be further , increesed, It will he likely to sneer the su eirce native( wool, es well 1411 of isa fahricas and of all other kinds of usereliatuthie. But grower* and holders contend that wool 14 sow and hut been foe the last four years, relatively cheap es *amperes! With other conmustlitl . el; and that. iu a general aet sh of valises to the normal standard, their its e would sutler the feast. 3 'e apprehend, however, that thowractical rea lization oT this them:m . 7=W Jpson very. moos upon circumstances, =eh as therel, ation.o( sup. ply non demand, antitheability of wool operabars to anstain • heavy finanClM prvazum... It in an un deniable (4,1., that the wool crop of the country II at pi-earns entirely inadequate co Anna osumptlve exlge rketwei and forther,the it la pelucl pall-.holdeither in first hands, wise are toert strait re a-1 ize,, or by coomierviall: operatots Who have a solid bases of capital arsi heove sos 1u posed to make hereshary The article continues: to come foesoltroi pretty freely Ire. the west; but fine wool does not ac cumulate. as it it wanted Sor those cure eat and wagonette manuhreturee that cannot he .1 elayed, end is netting et Inft previous rates. n t thee. rates, however, holders are not very free seller., a,,4 in epitemf the seare.tty of money, the Puilk of rheiee triderand Tenen r-Ilpr are still held above the mat het, which' it irraduaily creeping. up to meet the elev.. of sellers: Soles of demseatic for the week foot tali some f,;,,,cn0 the, At akonat thelOrovlanseangeorGOO fur fleere,,fltl.664lBdo farauper and extra pa, flat Included are lots of allaed . westam fleece., at Gaa ve; 6,oool6l,Abeoaelahe W2hoe; ca,ooMbs Yew York at ..3eo - 101 tf,o)l lb. Vermont and r o me ib. 31Ichigan at S6ifidter;2.s,ooolbs - Now Hampshire at 70531:c.,• Several lane lottot medium And floe (0 tdo at 720,A1175e. 140,tagIbIr at the outwee); a^ew. tbq Southern Ohm. AntrPennayivanin ai-aoc; and son parcel. of sleeted at Eee-ernd upwards. emu. In collaring wroneutdet and uactaagnL In gminial is fear lot. of 'ape nail aleatl23 bare teen take. n at About fattloffe rates. :It,. "California, sales la, • lot bales-.od at 45Catae.,-/ladlertn. Boston Iran Market . The market Tor Pie Iron Is. retherlmore cute.. add fOrelgte descriptions Are to better supply. The domestic Reticle is stllhverv.sokroe„.as , Penneylva. nla men ofauture . ert : ate working on orders ahead, and very little isehelng turned out tor the open market. All Sande or manufactured Iron, particularly liar nod Sheet,. are very. firm, with. tie consumptive demaml. cessiderniely La excess of the supply. W6.lurvie. no•material choose to • make in quOtntletts. \Ye note smaltsales oLScotch. Net at fellf d:. per ton, the so - tattle ligurefor Clutaherrie- brand. American it scarce and sanlngel ttelt4s- pee ton, for the different numbers. Charcoal Pk: ka very firm at IbSit to pm ton, emelt. tier trop Is in Meetly demand, and rates front. store err tending up. Sales summon nt 111000 flat .rettrual Sige&C-ns per ton. American eanei'lleirls selling nt tilla`per ton from manufacturer's hands,. and 51.23 from store. Railroad :mo le Inn and in demand et Sao and upwards per Lan ton American. Marish In very scarce, and held al..itateyfri ingolth Boiler Plat. fire to {,OO/Ite/74eNt at I/MT.. rates. / We quote Flanges the at to I' Nod, fee and common plates, GAd pecib„cash. Sasses Sheet Iron 1a in small stock, and_prires are eery. Lima at tai lent English do Pet 'RV,. Nell. am selling sa 8, per lb for assorted noes. All EU EVIELLIGEACE Lent •Irtrintaltl. Intutt • Zarcsrlile. Pctrol t totrAttTrars. ilcaseer . l'arLalsttar .... .... .1/11 1 7tl - 1111 I 'lvy Ott I tty ct 0•1... Se.‘ Evan I..puis,ile• t:mmre raliam 7‘rtes. !Ile terlrohi ttIYMIE:YMATREtt, arc. • The river Tram at a 'stand last ttight.,vattla sin Dad a hnif feet In the channel bi the aionongethela, and right atIC a hat(l'y the-Allegheny pier malka. Two reports were in. circulation, yestentoy !rem Oil coach, one being thaithere were fire feet in the river and falling, sad the other. Unit. there Were alx. feet and rialne.• The for vvvort 1. toorelakety to he true. The -4 . rathittr wns quite cold yesterday mon:Lint. Ace hoeing Toward half 401hrh thick during the night the - water buck et. on tile iterrtrane roots of the steamer; 45 during the any it became ctulte - rnild; and. was vet/ pleasant. The wharf pieties:44rd n livelier appear , ' anee than we have seeninr many n long 4291. and. but-lee. as be wall-to k, fiat rule . Long Win] it wave. Thr I.r n I ',nil, Caph - JM.tthlrifitrelr - * . H. tr Ist, eirr k, rime hp if! thalaihiltcithaterahi 5.1 T. Char bag dirchanyed her frhlght at the little burgh helms, arbi,h lay. claim to the grad or nikvi. ghl.h. She, 1.. ill await her t tarn, mad 154/1 lona for Cinclanntl. • The Pet rolin teas :he only troll al from t 5:1 'lay yeatetday.• -She will return trontrallnte:y. The Bayard, 'apt. lieu. .11oora, len yesterday fax Parkeraburn. The Foreet tiny. Capt. Ges.lost. will re is toter Parker stern to-la, and nilt le, rr toointrrn On r return toil, N.l -hti. Vont. W. S. is us, fr Inoolng for Loulitt tile, nn•l,vut Intott ro.altatity have 1%11 al 'ton tin . Its she is alniont and t• rt.,. it int: TC L E n tal e V[taT. ' .‘ in, rr , yea lerdny fr r. m. 1.11 .11 Ivave oo her re- turn ttlp ILI. Jay at 10s. nt. tier manifest will he fuundel se tr e. The high-headed pneret McCallum, one of the Ilrzat ihrttlaa •tehttlnt o men on the el t.t. and one. o. the heel trolottra 111 vrrettloti, is fist watl, freight. mei trill I. re I. -n, ler- no err:tong Ter --O. lontin t • tio A. I'. Alta Jr., mill 0.., the honor, .if the entre II fravellnta trees Im• tattatirti with the Attu. tzl, finch. !“. it to4A Any fur • .Lt ,not I•t n an,lnonl. "inn a nil nnon lorntne u n . soca,: r ,133 The !fel/roar 1,1 it w, it n er,,, a , delveln the pelt, e.te--I-ty. .r. •he . lo that, with it - glthati iron ^ 0,141 it 5.,11411 , wltl prohatt3 tont Iter•.l.l Wad fat Keokuk . ThO ICrlit.n, pt 'not inn:4 n put thololl6-:. bypear, lv,tl !Oa,: fon ihtits after Tar 411 , 114.41:1,,%•0( . 54,111; n;v: th e Net Loilis, - 1/ie. The,Leaut ye•ter......i tar :11411,14;111e:a it Lori, .tril it.1.41111,W; Inv 11.2, Aarg/M•11) . ,Int. laid Nil 114:11 , NA t.1111C,, , trot proretaletlen her 1. ay my ;Mt rt. er (loin' It., wi.n, in., pr 4 if, firer 1t11,11,....1 the tie, lll.ree. no lo t • len he :ere trig rout 3TeitIIII^Y Pien4 on• genteneett In let, es 1100 4.01 Z. ArtEl 1111.114g chilly 0 four eery. iteriganno tit In the Weate r Pr.., on flat). mottl ,000 t4ked I, Te.1.,1 , 1‘y aftertrttoo . The .Silver I • nrrt tett or t I'llllol.Tb 00 Tbe J ••1., . LI.I 13 Ihrt, . lir 1, <4- Is: ••• . • h 0va..—••111., r ,%•( rre blve ,•• tv. 10 Us. the Ir re rytt , 5..411 , 5 .1.4 . 5 5 . a A .1, sot• 1 , r nt,. n n• 4.4. t. Itt.{hie it.t4tytts, rot the 11#04.1t of that 11 . 11 t Ant st 6usine, a, there. .1.411 et t•t, tether tilt - WWI of OM Ord ricer Itientin came pt., we AO ne httlettet of t tie :rats:rows VIII hove to grin Aryl Lear it.• -Deli n. Ttr Ti clluto o too or,' NI to l'inc4ontl Icor. I'lt cobtusta. t The .% I et N... Ivcc ovo.c. ad ten 10c40.41 Igo Inv Pittolourgh nj 31.c.n.• 40 r., Oct. !Att. - . lio• 101111 No t Lo.•:lturlLL. tor !1..k0 port topria.y. IMPORTh BY BAILRBAB_ Prra1u75.4311, FOIIT W.LYII2 &f.lsllcep o H. It., 1.10.. 3,)-..11) bble I:11, B L. F•Ar..,Mock, & .i.a... WM ~,,,,Am,l bbl ergs, .1 Cobinn..„,*• I' bids am,./n4 „Tolin • w it,oml l .ll Um flour, W I.ln.kmrti best A11 , h , 0. 0 ',Meld, I ear apples, OM bbli lint:a.m. L. 4 Volzt b. obi 15 bblei wool. S llarDnugli .M.) pdo 1c....k. 12: II Si tbrldne;?.no bolt ay.i.toa, IA us hart h. 00 4 0 ' ear potet.4.s, s cloodt . l&I bola higimines, L"o ben, sl.lplon h coo') dos bra Mis 41 m Gamlen 7 do do, %%Mkt, I lownrj &co, le) Ltil.., !tom. 13 bblll. ~.nulm...s,Whlord, ..: .lo ~ butter, lconry .Rat .jr; Al don•hrootfin77 Painter; MO MON ilour.,,l'AUenwo A. AthoiclOiloo do do, Shornalrer kr.'T.Ang; 41 Gigs 0.111 feed; porrlngton h. co. 71.1,tnees . I.abtoho, . - ':AL 'A ,ilo o, oo;4linpAnnl, tartlicerh, Louis fit bids ao. pen: I klr rre,7 C lenkint. 154 Lb • glaninci Clan h. :Lewd; /LAbblu npplen, Punter, Aiken h. shop- Mrl bates Imam rota, C II Manton, 5 Mg. In Thine UStrer. • . ' ilLMX.t.d.ho nap Pta - mnninit,lthlr, ROllO. • litt,..M.—bo Lbl• flout, W LlWlrtf'lo bs. C.lndles, . ' Vennltlon ; • I Obi rcga, 1., G Foie ..h. .-o; 10 libl• appira, Lb bids norm ta,Gioak.lasyoSasek! .. Godfrio , & l'lsrki 41 rolls Limher, Ova-41-4 ..,...: um ; to bbl. 011, II I. rabnctlooltincothirtret~. A .1 - Kerr; 134 WM nprges..,... ...!tr eopper; . ;:p 90 , 31.i.5 , Lll V Mgt a. no; G. Od4o,'S'fil3kle;l.s A lx i b,- , /I Welsh; CO Lblnonlant, SIM-ex,..fin!C,fiedl34o,og4C, n1:1= :`, ftr , 7‘ , 7 ) .,i'ltgliciV.P.Tal!•l 0 1 , 0 0 *, 3 11 0000 . 1, 1 0 dodo, li_Klog: Ir. no .10,W A Green: no bbla tlour,‘ 14..4C1‘,QC;:100415d0i' r , righ , osrr & Voaeor.P3lo.Nll,*,l,l - kr...U.4104AD don bm omn, Gay, Gurke,N - 514 4 3 iiaddir... (nGarcoe. J Cirsticl. ,-, .1. - -414140111112i111Tbrias.. 0zt....71.—:0 haleik • io,,p Ils 111 teWeltri , r; q ra j toot.442l}llet"loßUA G .' _au; t.. 4 pkga Grine, 41.0.unimyr va MumaiMl Z` bap flour. Iklerceo &Uhlman; 5 eat'„o ly..h , MtliNtll hyping, W FT 4 4n..,11-4,.1 .F lrwCllAol 4 4l,ll.ll ..t * .t.:o,!ittitttr ° ,..l:2ll'.4ql; ht 5.044,10 4 ,, / I, Ana , b. oo; 1 bbl. apples, J 1 t ,1,1, n 1 i 14 ” 11... o V , ' ' ','..* 1' : 1 1,71 1 ..4 ill CI 10., ie.:litter, 1.C.,000• T. LOGIN. ALT-10 1 24-rat i p-- RAYNIBiL ceriNar_ __WAR SAW AND KEORIA, DULEOT.-sTa i'LLA Nl' &AZ, E. NlGlLszroa, Muter, liars as WEDNESDa Y, N&let. Has good %coot:matt. ttom tbs %tames passages& ... • ror freight orissalaptapply onboard. acM Ewa -113 A, mucrEms 2l.l* ug t4. G 3lLTU rne.slFin:ziardi 13. termedlEe porta. The swift sldeorhettpanenger steataar, 3341 :31"/AVILIA: George D. Moore, Ei&ster. Lei p,MTTSBIIRa3BFOBPAggZESBI36O. esety blonds ar4 r ll o Ttursdas._ at It o'elocis A. - Leases rug PARKER OBLIAG every Bl o n d l7 andv mealy at. saPxotk r: x. liricumeo. Learn FIIMEDIBIL. , S_*l9lo3 FOB PFTTSBITEIIIi "very Tuesday and FrArtyotl 2 r. K. Leases .21111.111EITTI FOE ylrysgusayi every Tuesday art Friday, at SliVeloels v. a Leers* 11 - F 0 YITTSBUICGre every Wednesday and %Saturday at 7 For freight or pada:lgo applyon board or to °cc •JAMI2I LIDLIARS'It. 00., 'mans. StiCCPSSFUL TRU.T.MENT Chronic Diseases;Cons =piton, Serer aia, isypbills. iamb:tat Debility, and ail Female Complaints, DRS. AMOS ; SI, JOHNSON, 1.48 Eitreet... PITTSBOBCFIL "Zestlnuatdels tromVhe reed/Ott/ Ptatat• don anal Others Me. &Warr It Is trite pleasure L make lellOwn the followlng tams to Um Intel.% Whiney my, tee tualmy may Oa et sigma to soma Invalid s wheba. lathe:to fa il ed toontabo At all nestle / doing no more than lug blze to two medical fender. men et your ally, to co(^at that I hare sac. eetettaly non .Wr *invest yew hattattell settanal. weakness and beemlemr4plaby edgftw the hnso mole of treatment no tr] the . Y Jon. • 't • o' For female weatleza rdonoSktoworsaithles that eatiequal them temsdles- I lurrepruerthei. them toe slyest many buttes who halts bm tram hied for years with weskit:a, and sh dreary ease a. perfect mop has bees edeetedt some earl herb ums hay* yielded to WI mode of treanoeat• la. the short eyaea of two oven& • , Tours, ?meatball, (emma) 'l. F. DIETIM'Iltall. , (nee Mann, Ohio, L'esesther 22, teen ' ERTYPICAME FROM Tat REV. DR. AR MILT A" FRENCII Or MONTREAL I certify that Drs. masa a Jannson • sterllelnes• hare-cured say wits, whn wu sake* to debility many years. The =Reims were used'only two toostlla. PRENDM,IO. D.' . lanDortanf-to Ladlea, Oar PERIODIDAL 1i20P5 will Mint oil menthly.slchness In asseS of obstruction Doman , cease.• ii,:-Ladies who are prep. rant should not use num - Tank ft t.Yenale Wealgtess. a {attain care, So,- leßatlon for tho Whites or Lotuceraussa,Rl. DISPJONI OP TOE BLIX)D. Dm; AIM* • JaAnson-Vear ISIZSE at &can • tate that your rem.lleg tnr scrofula and blood , di stases ars nosily excellent. Par scrofula, syphi.^. •3s 07 imparttiot the'MOOd. / find they never. tau to curs wham men ax LcUrectssi. I have ars ceedectisr coning the worst cases of syphilis am. rn mu-hoolgtalN iv ths'altortalutes of two month*, • 9T.M. LESLIE, hi. Clincrusnstli. December pill; VIM• •. • SEMINAL' W.e.V.NE93.: .` DM Ansa t aktutHii: 1 Arvircinid,by thieve of your remedies, sereralpetlente thathad Wen in• • mates el the Lanais Aiintua Don the evil effects of sconnat weakness or sedantry habits.. Is all such oases i tatudder nothim eau equaliyour madt • •Id ISA.LLIP 8, OD D. Albany Y., October th, yts; , . - Take /Pool Isaias Na.rtles; -40 ra , _Atrast Ina J. riaan address all throe trho have InJoreat hen se ,ves by improper Indultenea and solnary hair. o whim% ruin both body and mind, nfitting them -far either boatmen, study, rociety, or marriage, 1 'Lose am some of flies sad land nislanahsly O ft e n produced by duly habits of youth, stied u We Ulm, of the back and titbits, pains to ;as hen d, dimnsea of sight, /pas of moment= power,- bus itatior, of the heart, dyspepsia, nervous do.' tea nty, dorabgement of CS d4tertlifo InArttolub. gent ral debility, eymptatos of oonsumPtion.S.a. MI En I. Amos tr. Johns= trams for many yeantent.: shod , rely devoted thedr attEnripn 10 the treatment • of ti disaiders•referseit lain therm tintlzoolothh. Ad dress, DU: AMOS & - JOllffSo.7l: Mei 11l rotirth arse. lelimmodstues Plttaburin. C(VIIR tIU 81056.i1 ' ' sul•amdal: 781ri!Mt - FO'N eBLIIEIIIOi3i MJGH BALSAM era' azwasurs blitaarthroirs- ourcni aels..4 Is was - tamed. ter sure Congtig.l) , alds Rearms ma, Astkuns, WisSoplag Co ,tiots llama; Ossmsspuon, und , Al.l iSastlasul .01Lti throat tattl by liensral Derpoit. tomtits treat, 01 All blattaal man aa.C..taa ant.asalk DR. STKIWEIT.A.NDM ). atui MBEs& ths malt oartalarackedt Ml:tan arta sat Draratary. tr a aoratiftuatr4- Ast/ ingrass, ' , admtbaatil; etboatiatassut easstrat 11 a and UV. to wpm • =De rat ulnas - Lame , for sale by , I=a, .oe= i t , sl a t. FonrthKtat ,.by~ ; .. ; • inlaCnAßWB‘.W:f: EtEtt 'ETC DD. DTEWMAdaiIIYS, 19:La stair Sla sans • mut thouraraia at Me vrajmassea ! 111.1.a1 sat' Blom, a ices-taarlsdtara call aL sat of eats promatlar. atm 327)x etnett., SSW war. „mud co iniza. For aals tikritagstta eta pat, attia , roarthisregt, taattraatiOr: =Du liortnemee, . 7 - Debility. •' •4 • DB, 5TR108.1.4195mM717 Cr. Ws sae I ••••••-•aialassio...•nxit AMeitttsb Liff-Alsplon ce. . • a + °. loib Warm* . 4.14'a It is • COL. let• Pets•• Dr )11 4401.10tui• / 1 90ossi it'.essUeseszbe orals *CD "solumnu a , It creates pad,suaff !swan, must tects Dyspepsia a-NLlTerve=-D , W4ty ; For sale by GEOIGE.I.. wwsw.u. a. E. 5E35,311.51% OD.' .. SOS. FIABACL3IO4. • bisuLesall.EN a.1.6C J. 31. FOLTD3r.. OLD. A. =LA esbany • Oats. cisirlec.:weesr, RAIR# 6 '- F ORTI YZA P . A our.straa 6 DIEMISI:7I (Biro 'the a ma wirtry,,na .104.1d01y y 1 parva by.poym. ai.4111. Ply long reeterbie I. tA' • 010, autourit of 4pazienut tutted tor WIT by ins. ait ettflidect mat Of uty,aubcen. , . SPEI=ITI)RBIIL3A • or.StraI Al. WE-VEXES • •Ay theret'il 432, ate zwel La - a . /with •borter Bata - than bock/ fors by AS. NE* VEGETABLE. Any pact of Bib V i lla... AB by cra nau.v.r..coral t ia r. damp retAza_Ettliette. I...tart.ettAistamhzt mired. (101., to tiaucrlifl/T LD aittole atutrUlia. mord. Addicts J. cr, lIELVeiSPEII.P. EL D., IV A.' v.tetiza•••,,A. Pa. _ . iRIVATE ()ace Z. 5314 11101P1 eD *ET. Citatiisal. • rue the cure 01 W dissaini• 05a eriVal.4l O r antro, Cain two to four coy% sr an estettezarei *al 0a1t ,,, tmament, Also, Souk& Woolmc.o., =Au. 4aseasea of thsgaLloologilkomoisol UAL', prepe fL u m , 1 Oats searracuelet mOianyttVozoloi. . • (Moo hcaro— . l to 10 a. mi...lf.Vlollomllito Ivan . , Odra's. balers W t ,...1A3 , 4 Rion nteet• - SV GABS--SI Z/LYS - - - M01R495E - 1 btda. thlkthed.l .o 7Tddroldsad Graft • X. A Collee 6.2 " Et do. ...304 - • road - o.,atEctisks.77 . • Priam •/.11 Caul >Von ado; . Ho P R. Yobbda P. R. and Cubt..o; 70 bbh. Booth baktyar. :EMMY: .'••• " etteles P...R.444guani • o N.D. •tl /.014.43te amt at t m lky. 07 dab ik by k hart ad= 11r.ok.thl 814 Wcol at . W OODS/Dr. s W•ALbAcE,_ Viirboo/cuiscalot...- I I_ .• 4t., AND DIAALEDS WhgA Less. Be , ' Lae. TASARWallitt) Vezoiskee, Lye Stggs, Wtqw eue4 SOM. Perfumery, Oenzol szYwg Oft AlsO, Agents toe Wlllteee net4tOn Eteeer3 Huntlton White Coesd;Obszekg•Ong Whys lung }guar; S. Willson% Celekeolwe redone ke.ohe Awl two wand eati. Na 37 WOOD STEMS; wrevarrs cramaßclAL *ORES. Pura: White Btirning:piti, cosseaskilr , felhAn 4.41 Riitau ..- TEE Ltivmeer zdoirikse:R-0-I:3V. - L c• it. l ! tiogmamb ..tokettre,l=lltitrie,94 ; 7 A.ND PA I rS 4 I ediaquv 4..tia4ra' tierztomsrs timattialltta Ati; IS 4 3I GEARRA -;•••• " 4 gdettP. agi IC no - omb , . 411 1111M131s PA II . 4 ,1 - • Whottiale deals rit is 11%11K1' aiNb Ow , Al frit), DRY 11(nliv o, i, Nal 4,4%, , q • i• 7711 Inautoo.l alkjt t:ll.+Asimk MMMIC EMI!!! LECH P.l. . '... ...:..... 4i.. 121‘,.......akt