The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, October 31, 1865, Image 1

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arrr .NO'rICES. -
Country Merchants,
Nebo would scours asegiana Sias, (n 0•44
Dress Ocsbes or Dos:maks, dould not fall to sail
•on Dates 4 Bell, No, 21 irlfth street.
ItrOus Orld, or Laughing Gar to Dent
Dr. (. Sill, leading dentist to this city, has
p r c!ed ktMair ode of the molt tamale* men we
'hat. • Dittas the flint to introduce the use of nl
- okld. Rattgling gas hers. This he did more
than two yeayi ago, and has used It with eaten
!thing tomcat in hundreds of eases. It is pleasant
to haat In our midst a gentleman to whose hon.
esty and ability m mush reliance can be placed.
its hat been la a successful practice In Dia city
for may yeaut j and le askubwiedged by the peo
ple and his own proration ace dentist of skill and
talent—ever on the ,loOkot4 for impaMements.
We know of on one Whose prospects appear to be
so nattering as hit. The popularity of nitrous
cold sts an ascot in the dentistry lo' his hands
speaks volumes in favor of the thorough knowL
edgnof bis business. With the use of this agent
as many as ten, and twelve teeth have been ex
tracted under one application: wlttipot the allelic
eat BIM of 11.{ . 11 on 411,111 of the patient. an
article In a recent cumber of :the Boston Medical
end Surgical Journal, refers to the laughing gas a.
10/f OWE
. "Few egrets employed In surgery and hygiene
ate more widely known and lou understood than
nitrous oak!. Tee fact that it has been taken pos
eesslon of to a great extent by qUaeke to science,
ha. canted the more intelligent to neglect the
'study In Its nature and adaptation to No retie( of
path and disease. When property prepared and
properly administered, ere cannot but regard It •s
the safest ofrnhalants. That =War= by our
selves we haviinhaled to anteetherta one hundred
and ten timer during the past ten months, with a
very perceptible Improvement to our general
health, white we haveglven El= gag to others sone
three hundred limes In the same period, and to no
1: 1 111,10 lust/mei; do we remember meeting with the
leard =favorable reldt.U—itiiritictryh, Commercial ,
of Monday.
And SAcques, et - Flf.n street
Hr. George 11. Heyeer,
Ut Ise Wood street, Pittibutifi, As., has been
stopping In our oily for the pait week, at the Uni
ted States Hotel, where he will remain until the
mose of the preseurnteck, with ao usortment, of
Trusse• for the irafir`ot Hernia or 11.ripture; Sup.
pectin for the cure of Abdominal Weakness,
riles, Pulmonary complaintsuurd Shoulder Braces
for exPindurs and enlarging the chest. Dr. K.
also treats nil cases of lirooked Spine, bow loss,
ar d most cases of contracted limbs, end every va
riety of disease in which reeoluinical remedies are
applicable. The Victor lectured last alght on
these aUbJeatif &di/name ; Sid respectable audience
In Kilgore Hall, endersas listened to with marked
attentioo. Ills lectures are exceellogly interest
lig, even to those WhOdditoireilulre /Ii aid. We
learn that be will probAblY lecture Kale to-olSh .
at the same place. ma Itetutes up to this Ume
have been free, but he propeles to-night to Make
a email charge In order to defray the expenses of
the Hall. We would advise all who can make It
suit, to attend - these leetales,Ais tee know Dr.
Keyser to be smut Who deserves the respect sod
°vendee@ of thi eMitmirnity.—Sreoimnoilic d med.
At very I.cov Figure", at Bate" & Bell'•, No. 2
Filth vueet.
• .
wouhl say to any or cult readers. who Easy
Wsat white lead. by all moons purchase it Of
Fleming, No. el Market street, 'as we guarantee
you will yet a 'triter article (or less :none/ rhsa
eireWhere In the city. (hit this oot for reference.
;:-:',„ • . 'r.. : . ,
....-. i ,,• :.. .!,.:1,„
All kleale—et pAtee as Bell's, Na. 21 Fl WI sere
;or ouglis—A Cure thy Uronehlils Near [tome.
Mr. bean SS axon, of Westmoreland county, says
that he was curra,:abont one yeanago, Of a vio/ent
attack of Bronchitis, by ono, bottle of Dr. Kay-
Bet'S reeter.lSYM._after hainnk been attended
ler eight weeks by a physician, and Ms breast was
eomplete/y covered with tartar enietle sores. with-
Out any relief. Baia now entirely wail, and has
not bad an attack Since. For sato, wholesale and
retail, at Dr. lieyser's Drug Store, No. its, corner
of Wood street and Wirsin Alley, stra of the Geld.
'I. en Not tar.
A Speck of Danger.
The minutest bleak spot on She enamel of a
tooth Is en es wefeethat deeni.s assist.; anger has
touched it. laterpote the Sorodont at a
ufeguard, or the tenth is golly and net oaf) that
one, but perhaps hilt a dozen. its assured that
noth!og bat Sozodopt 7,04 either, etreatually pre
vent or arrest death &swum. -
Mourning Sltks
At a bargain fmm the New Yarn Auttlops e oa tG
rotner et' Focittittod , hlsritet street..
Walla and colored.. A vary....targe . otota st
. Priers. Remember t tCb cdrserolFOorca sod Blo c
ket 'Beets.
r r Chanyer than you coin th em It any othe
TiOuse la the rat? Beni — ember, [a:the
.eanset o
[math and Market Directs.
_ --
.' ... s• Ladles' Fur,.
The attention of the Ladles 6 Jai:lto l to as ex,
~-, funinatton al the Immense stock al Ladles and
i 2 Agues Furs, at the nrif-olnifrlint, dap and Ladles
, Fur /Ouse of 'William Flemlan, No. Idu 'Wood
Plahr Ind.plahr of MI am , rs as volt oo white
dnne made and imported. A very fill assortment,
; 'at !..Than the present eastern prism. Romani
; on the non hrsaf of ;Fodrth and disr•
jut at fiats.
i • 'Vail and Winter Good,.
, it is with nett pleasure wii nil! th.isatention of
,o cc readers to the superb stock of Fill and Winter
i doodsJust rcecl cad by Mr. John Weter Xerchant
. !faller, No. is Federal street, Allegheny. Rill
, pock embraces some of the rarest and most beAu•
.-. 41.ftde/uthe,Osssitneres.tivereottingiatuWesting
p, in - ft brought to' the western market. Ills assort.
' • meat of Furnishing (locals, eomptiging . s •lirta.
Paleers, Collars, lfielictles;liiedkehhitia, Am,
~ gannet be stapassed east or west. g large stock
.sif readrmate Pants, Coats, Vans and Ore:anat.
legli also be found at his establishment. Persons
' 3 . to pant of anYlAing in the clothing Hai; sbouldnot
4]: Saligogice Ass, , 1 74, 4 ,.. t ui r ,
Osatera ft. 1 DitZurylif
bib underslgneu lurri Uuuutintfy.oa hand sad
*AY daily recrtufurfreali .54.a1401:41tfut0nf074,
•4 ten, fa eau bucket■ and ihe4,, AU% litasse,iFisb
se ginned E'rufts, 'Praia we . cis perpAl,“ to fur-.
ciffearwanteff at reasonala rateu ,Suflers taw
suf4roluptiy fitted.
Bcce Atfi)4:orn,;,,
rirrite fc.r tr. I. h th.” 39,41, st. 1.1/
Orett or It.atoornt cia'2s:l 4%1
. Thomas . len - Part* tt: Co., !.
.:Etetical SI US
,liO6rai s aildStalf4i kaelican
.9tata, of rattans 40nrco is 'l46)m:idea
katolli.s, neat' the Water Wctria, 1 . ittabllrsh,
No. 79 ' , Oa* street. , Ontora . ,
Atteptly stet inns to. an woilt wairantiewaste•
• 44nOr„ Erpilriaplono it Vies rforcest notla. No
on r e t , atti;lfiro7rl6l , the 'roof la not.
*nava attar liont on.
• - ror,e nympersli Cure.
1 , The only ratedy eve rdlreovered.thet will aure/Y
.etut permacer t.y ems tlyepeerts, ledltertion, rfek
heeeethe, and entitle dyppeptlee to eat hearty - food
'Abbot tag' of ellitrera. Sole egiot tor Pitts.
70°-ereJos , e ph
ta I t o. 81 Meilen street. If
ouifterx Goa n:4 elyo
ibibe cm:minced., .7 0 u 4 Ay/ :
.:. --, /2 , 4 trial,
a obtOirmtop. ; :11
11seloX raurcertrefterartibien4.itibreir Years
the harlre9pezy4 m op 11,0 1,60.
4Jobbloy In
the carp:Ve See.-arsitimritei4,
ritv. Alloy; between SalltlglellaY'StetAt4Clbstl :
itiir• Pnl.ri •oll.llea Sa4titrteillaY
11,11.11.7 „.(it uarttiog r lithltu tsh
M from oniot Euro NotT:1"orli
to +C A
ul wltt be eo fold et a banalp. iloioum;
. e r, ey the
ti or. th e eottter,e4. troexttleztd
• o?ttisei f
Ault CiPened.
'tit new cloud* Etouihst-sl rum
okoto wain, or e
• "l ottuntAlsrab l i k or
2 Airkemiltrei oe
Wu. prcFpu, AI
Cot res, ce of the Pu tabor:Sl Garet t o
l'ioneece, tetober 10. h,
A local lerident of Importance has occurred,
for the first time since my arrival here. ft has
rained. There does net seem much in such a
fact itself ; but when we remember that It Is
four months since inch a desirable event took
Vince. you may conjecture with what phaeurable
feeliagn the pelting showers of yesterday, were
hailed by the inhabitants of town and country.
The Bummer heat had continued with nausea'
intensity, down to the beginning of the present
month, and the parched earth a'leerented the lm
teepee plain of the Arao. was reduced tei• state
of duet and derolation. But more important
than all, Is the reflection that the cholera tom
been playing around us in all directions, and al
though the scourge has, as yet, remained oa the
other tilde pf the Appenines, there was no say
ing hew soon the currant of airy Infection might
leap the mountain harrier and Worst upon us
here. It was ardently desired that the city
might be washed. and cooled, and cleans
ed a'ter the locg summer heaii. bKb
as the bete preeervatiye against the threat
ened attack, and the best defense against j
it, if it comes, Thus, as you will see, a day's
rain was an event of real importance to us, and
a matter of congratulation Lo the entire city.
For ;leeriest time, too, we can boast again of
itavlng a river at Florence. The bed or the
Arno,(which is in tact onlya mountain torrent,)
had become completely dry and overgrown with
grass, except where a dam collected a little wa
ter durteg the night, which was drawn off again
by the cora mills next morning. The handsome
quays which line the banks enclosed nothing but
an unsightly waste. Now,• copious though
turbid flood from the Appetlnes rolls once more
threngh the city, adding its salutary led emcees
to cleanse and purify. Among the many wants
or Flnrceee as a great capital may be especially
noticed that of he bridges. There Is not one,
even of the few which exist, at all litted for the
treffic el a lege and populous city. That
now •in view of me as I write
and which forme the access to the
town from the South, is only some twenty feet
wre, (though the length is about one hundred
and thirty yards, without sidewalks of any kind,
flagged right across, like all the streets la Flor
ence, and quite dangerous, from its high p;tce,
for hones and carrla s e, which reqare the drag
to be lint on every time they cross it. reties' r.-
aze are mixed up pell-mell with vehicles, ace
every eat of animal of the brute creation, pier,
males, bhcep and oxen; and the scene on a
market day, though amusing and picture.que
when seen from It window, is anything re i
agreeable on a closer juxtapesitlon with It. Tee
streets of Florence tbee4,eelves are only ladled
alleys, with no payed or nsacaistaileml roads is
the centre. Widin by chance you meet a man
on horseback en them, you thlnk.he must have
lost his tray and got there by talistaee, and you
sincerely wish him safe out again. considering
the total nt flutes , . of such a locality for a horse'a
foot. One or two streets have been Provided
with very narrow sidewalks, but as in general
there is not room for two pecp!e to pass each
other on than, Lee elepping up and down is
so incessant and drsagreeabie that, as Pally
meld ril the sedan -chair without a 1 / a tom, if
wren 't for the "bettor and glory of the thieve . '
one mould as lief be without them' And, le ,
deed,lbe Florentines have been so long accuse
beta d to walk in the middle of the street, that
they tee re quite capable or doing so at one
Wblta Lead
lint If the confusion In Via streets of Florence
in great. auasequent upon' the daily lacerating
population and traffic. the cottfusion laxttemin
lstries tad public 'offices oral! lads to far great•
er. Every one Probably, has known at least
°tea in hip life, what. It is to “move" a family;
and there Is • saying that three mt. yes are equal
krone !Ire. But few Can picture to them_a-ires
without teeing It, what It is to move a capitol. I
certainly never cotiLl have link:teed what It en.
tailed, ncilei.s I had visited some of the interiors
while the process wee going on. The files 0r f .4.-
pus, fornittne, fixtures,. and nutted:4 of all sorts
are Indescribable. How as Italian minister of
the Interior or finance has ever got tbrenti his
wort or toted a quiet comer to do buslnees e
ring the period of transition. It Parses
prebenstoo to understand. The other day, ry
great favor, I wad permitted to view lit' grand
bail In the Palazzo Vecchio, preparing' for the
deputies. and !hat in the Cilirst hr the Sinai,_
toth of which I hope to describe to you. 11 Jt •.!
the same locality I witnessed the pile 7p,n thiq
of material mitt:mord with the Hotta°. of Path i
nactil. arrived nod arriricg ( - nth:malty, horn
Turin. Then only I reali ell the amount of r..r •
matetlal difficulty connected with the underta
king iu ahada Italy is ea2aged • sold i exclaimed
almost in despair: "This 1t is then to 'change a
capitol' "
C - HANSON Lnvx & Ego
_c fLexsox Lore it Isrto
..._ . _
lelhanee and Trade 111 Tic tv Y o rk
ti,' } t om: , Oct. 30.--The folloadit,.: were 0,:
Cttoino ipicnailocs of stock at 4.30 p. rn .. -
!its. York Ceatra,. Ilii.;qiiiell. , :," Ede, 91,, — .,i,
ie.i:l4; Iteadlinv, 115 1PF,k1161i; Illinois C.oori.i
Brilp, .13,9t.:(413;0:': Clerelitioi & Kaha-4r,
Eir3N i Rock Island, 1;(01,0(c , ,, North w A .
en, iil .„ (3 . .31.11'. Da preturrert di,‘,"@l3 10; P ,
wayoi.. 101', , x; 61 , 7' .; Prairie Dichien,ol.6@9ll,
Ohio & 3,11.1441pp' C , rilfiestes, 2''.@.0;.4 -
lin tic Mail, 2 . - . 2, i@1.1111 Canon, 4•3,,,,;(112.7,1-;
etuntitristal Coal, 43!,;(73.'44; Qlicksllver, LS',
C.ilA.7s . crs Lf;r6 & lino.
Gold dr st n steady at I{s-„ 4 1;.,,. ,
Tbo hack matt meet shown • decrease offp).-
650.40 In the hdas, which about repr•wdlis the
amount of the temporary laal withdrawn from
the ISO-Treasury, and therefore cannot be con -
shlered as indicating any encitractlng of dtr
ehhal aor Ordinary loans. Pri-rate are
timer snppiled with money. Mere-113,0 pre
fer employ ins their balances - with them to toe
bank dnrfng the present hlgh rate of interest.
w.hicl, eery pat I Lally amosoit for the downs dr I
ttndet. t y bf the bank deposits for the las; titre
The street is well •oppiied with money a• the
irgal rue uciformly. There la 01111 a very an •
.ive demo d for discount', and with a
altnply.Ot wohey. Tee transactions are lifer us
ed DLd the close scrutiny somewhat relase.4.
Very choice names are tab ut at 7 - per cent, notaillrgc amount of good paper passes at rr4th.9
quota cent. ard second class at a very it Lapis;
The gradu a l r i turn to no easier launcy•
bet, encourages oocrator4 in stocks. The opera
ilone of spc.culators, tin',,n e r, are conflicting,
the market bring anoint dh.ided 4etwc,..11
operetioiN for a rise and (user jn ir. a, Tine op
erations for it fell appear to be intliicurixi
Inclq 1 unrrtl led feeling- ari,,ing at the ore le l 4;r
Congre- , s, s Inieh can, only bc , tputixd to ;. 11.
tern i.orary.
'I bore waran.advahee in anma-of the LotelaJt
tteckr,- rap-rota) tort Wayt.e.., au.l
Prairie du Chien, wh'ch rose 7 per Cent., and
Cletdaecrand Pittsburg:4 and Pdieb i g a n e7a sv - The ,
trwpsattions at the 'first - hoard
uhrattatly 1 , 11:C. The sales 9f, R.vidin,,
aan Soothe re, Clet eland and Pittsburgh, Norte
etVeetcry, preferred, and-is ci Sys
to 25,000 *bat os.
I Rovernment,oeuriths were rather more ne
lien and.- on the whole, firmer. Oki .5-Ve
roes 1040'A, and 7.....7044t hi ihonewr'NMe.
5 3 Arti,- - iltel fled 34';, andt4ttlfictiftir Of Indebted
The rolloinna N stlaiialaiJi/Whaalx.a 41(4
:4ikaatao.l7 the Searpfetatrof 1110; Trataazry
ruxoOl as,'
'addllional " depositories:or pardle
Tiret . I slatlonril Bank totSpdrikneGf; gad
Flrot National Pank.6flfor
Fr Ulaaater om New °Amiga L oad 211Cnisio—Ilarine
percatcri at 'taw-
. Nor-Oahu/8. um.: 30 The 'steamers PUT
and Mhalselnpt, arrived from New York. NIA
INDel NAY/ .nmather.. TM/ atlssiulPOl"
70ftllostlicroatiol books,. sixty tills - of lading and
ee OA mall. ate: Brie saw a Urge vessel
soak *Scapa Carraveral. A large qaartity of
wreck. d muff was secn_
maismaratdal.sibe 1.M.6
fret, try t tic
I.IN wore twatru t and driven off,
.61 *s\9i
• e
I TS t U
1786. 'l3
Itir - _ to/ _
-111_ „ I , friii
An Immenoe Emigration
An immenee emigration will pour down into the
Southern :tat. with the restoration of peace.
Thousands of mouthern mfUltees, from ell the town.
and cilia of the North, will return home ; thou.
ends of northern soldiers will move In the Caine
direction, end settle in the clues& Dead. of onion,
among their southern brethren; end, in obedience
to the saw. of demand and eupPlY, thOueends o;
northern farmer., mechanic., and laborer.,
.well the mighty volume for the re-peopling and
re-building the wute places of °the Sunny South?
b4anthdpation of this grand diversion of the tide
of emigration, and from the increasing demand.
upon them the proprietors cf Hoetetter. Celebes
ted Stomach Mims an putting up additional
thouunde at boxes of their universally popular
tonic and altErative.
Ws have the textimoor of soldiers, salters, tra,
elan, trapper., miner.. emigrants, refugee.. far
mers sad planters, North and south, as cloud or
isltnenes," that as a safe and reliable remedial
agent, and as a proteoti m against all the com
plaints incident to exposure, privation; change.
of climate, diet, water and habit. of life, liosTer-
Ten's Eh rrene, used as directed, are worth their
weight M gold. North or South.—Coemmoicated.
-- • .
It is also proper i o state that the Bitters are
lola exclusively In glom sad never, udder any
circumstances by the gallon or the barrel. Impel.
tors and imitators are abroad, anti the may ante.
Guard that the publia has against them le to see
that the Hitters they buy have the engraved
label end note of hand of Messrs. Hostetter St
Smith, an our propfletary stamp over the cork of
the bottle.
Our Special Dispatches
Position - of Congressional Candidates,
Scarcity of Food apprehended
The AMlialwedort were in lull dress and din
played on their Messrs marks and badges of hue -
or i while our Corsiii wore the Consular uol form .
Standing near one of the large mirrors Wan the
i'lle yeller Antoine Conti, the Secretary and in
terpreter. and next to him Consul Perry. Near
the latter ware seated General ()mar Flashem,the
Ambessacheretand &melon' Seward. The fifteen
or me re spectators present, including several la
dies, occupied seats on the opposite aide. While
yi Melee' for tee President a desultory converse_
ties was carried on by the dlttlugulatted parties.
the question having been used how this room
corresponded with tilt palace at. Tunis. Tee
tent/den Secretary replied that it was not the
room that did the honor but the persona con
Consul Perry esid the vialtOrs were mach In
terested in the Kati:Zee operations. In many
of the things they had seen It seemed to them
that something wan wetting, bat, notwithstand
mg this, they, were mach Pleased.
Th,•s had t xpreseett their surprise that the
ctplt .1 of the country was inferior In slzr to
other clue, ,Their Impression had bpcn that it
mi esstirtly eon ontreted tha ele , ati. e and
richness Of the entire country, hot o c i thts they
tv, re undcalleil when they n. re remind..) or
the feet that It .tae not a commercial city .
Secretery Sewall! Mid that Washington is as
large now as any other city in the country was
at the Ilene the teat of the National-Government
was :selected, and rare some interesting tarts
connected with the erection of the President's
Cenral Perry stated that there are four prinei - 1
pal palaces to Teals, adding that there are sev
eral palaces, elk Important, besides the palace
re the Governor resides, and at these he is
entertained whew he rays hit vitits.
This desaltory cotrvenailon wee interrupted
by the entrance bf President Johnson. All in
the room immediately rose to their feet. The
President advanced to the group and bowed,
which sale/tattoo wad In like manner returned
to Gs Excellency. General Ilashem read from
a paper written in Mettle and address, of which
It, iollowine is a translation :
I nor Feeellerey. lid Hlgttneti3 the hey of
Tunis, my sugtuit Sovereign, , Murata to your
Excellency his wart greeting acid the re
spectful homage which is due to your exalted
petition. lie has tent Melo appear lit your
treaenee, for the purpose of exprculng to gone
, Eta-hetet, and to lode people, the great pleas
\ ale I ..r.g, Oct. :A.—Tic St Thomas cor• are which he experienCed on the ccutlitiGM of
r Th.t.deut of the &raid, under date of October : !rrpeca:/:011‘..: wrir,ri.;,i,aiiiiiid-..,,,,:i.x.,..z::
7.11, -tau, bit th. i 1 , 11..1 St stet g mho= Kan i ,oaot,, My . 4 , 8 0 .. 10 h . alto
et P. I 13 -1
t then
t ipt I : h imol er ,
t., f t : t
e 11 ;p 7 1 e t5 ,: 7, , ,,,, : : : :,
i i i t
, u . s ap i t„ t u r: il t t bo d tur 2
Gr o:
u e .
wan, p d r e t in Ac
eb t.
i t o t
ra y o mt
h 7 e . t E t T
rif r e e t
i t . I
, th e e o y d en
reel on the fuse.,
Lincoln. who."
Tlis hennas 101 l PhiladelphLt ou the
~ , 1 drab Justly exulted. nalvcraal grit and exceed-
tu a -osi, and .arrived at the Cope on the /.s 1 L t e r ,,01,,,,4 hivin c t, f , e , ly i , ~,,,„, ou ,, -.mana there out!'' tin 21 Inst n -, I and ray
floc with [bit evil may end the rule
enc. of matters coon, ex .1 wall the a , ftatiMe sOf the Culled Mateo,
uon, ahp It has sloe. n rni um l e I 11, I i
ta i n n i Z u h : lii, ° . l . t h h i e s ti a i i _ e h n t, ... „. b
, P t. W e b h-s . , t he
d, .tatuitne that a• !ow, 'h. 1. . Zi‘ -n t - p ,
• ,, b3 ,.. b . a ,:,.....,,,,?
0, his the
P-est.leitt t .effr it 1
' :a.. Lta• ion 01 which between our rest.. tlye
This arrangement wie brought ab tut c* path 1.e.t,1e. h s Ilightneu bat a lady Interest and
the action taken by the Coded Sl-etili a Cortaul, w arn s ftleadsbip. I feel myself flattered that
who w " M one "le I. some danger through the choice of his llighneu these
Alley on Ms to l
the savage treatment of the Inaurgeata under accomplith this honorable th e who. sc. (
Salnore, who held the town. Cape. Wells de. rest I should regard as cute ot the mosf, tiOxpart
aired the Conant to notify those who comid- art remits of my lift
fled thi tinily. the authorities that he would 1 tyke pleasure In stating on I h.t .... s•pn, fri
resort to extreme measure* should any Insult be preset', of your &tell, ney, that store tor a
rirered to the American flag, through the per. rival In th s country 1 hay. ev-r) a hen• ri
ace of the Courtlier Otherwise. lie also notid ad • i ~I ilie teat cor.dts' ..nd nail via, do , ones
them that he would hold said an:horn/as to ac" , ~,,, h. .. , goat ...ewe.... or ...Paths far itiY
count if they coetiened Let take Away rat coal i .nt- foe who b I ant di, o-0-11..‘fi,1
belonging to the Veiled Males GurerammL. The Presid, at "pont . 0 1 h., ,t,puz.,, .. , ,
'I.Ic iv youc, Oct I u —The T. those's Washing Tha r. % a ,t i l iti t n u:t o e f
. I p h t e Isi7ir,, t-gitt,S,iamatuFet.srou 1..., IL r at A
r t, k . :;1111; 31 , A . ..4 „ : h t ,e ,, t ,
~t ., 1 4, ,f , .,
, 1.1 ,
rn 0 , 1L,13 . • ,, rit '
ton special lays Chaplain French, who has re ''Pe
-f1... town of Cape tfar.len never ~ ..intatts.l ~,... , a.. I it., L ,an ....Tie , ~, ,0,, .11.
rattly traveled extensively In the interior of mere than Dec theta/Lad Is/habituat e sod he i n ,h t lie i a... ,I . ~., 1 , .y, .11c1 ent elaily
Georgia, tadn-ei sing neatly fifty thonsaud freed- . Urrt ctin. ".. Wnd .ed Wi t t" it. I llnl" slant lt i rt. , ' l'rl ' lto` , . Y his li.-h ,, i` Y"''
Captain Wells thinks that two handrail dater- tri,' ta at I t - .-. pro, h, II ighncsa, the Bev
men mit mar y thou./Led planters as to their rel-
Mined man could rare taken it at any terse la thin tor Ai itl an na•lon ~-,• tryina. as ecr u
cave du lee, s hire. Ile reports destitutioa fart the attempt at revolution is regarded as a ternt It ~ nothme It es iliac thin `Oielhr - l
amore many thc loaned freedmen, and especially very COntemptable •da r Salnore In said to i.e. 3 , p,•,, a t , pr, „ ..,,, libel-Iv., nail at the same
e Man wee NOM at .1 waGLided I.tfirard's L .. •rei plea)
those sent into the State by force and
Lb lenestat of State, fur ...tilt h mine he had to The - ceeeta plealitna and painful to whoch our
abandoned lay their formerowhera on the sums.- f l it scond beyond the seas, hence ha hatred of here referrail to In your sowch, and which you,
di -i f the rebel al my. Many citizens are glad the GilTrard goyeramadt gosernmeet has referred to so kied'y Ii your
that slavery it done away with
„. When the Ksesmi left Ca Pe ifs glen the letter of credence, ere Incidents of this great.
Gmted fades steamer D-eota, CsOL.alu Ws'ker, trial We hare neer turd them as such, and we
The . rates of freedmen above the ability of
and her umenefe m e l„ t3 ., atea .„ S a il D ~, bark fed
i 4 . 1, h. has saved n a from the e a
tie p enters 10 employ or support, Is causing were In port
latalteet which threatePed et Wu thank
peat eMbarra3,l32Cni. caul threatens serious
him for liarolhe inclined the nations of the
Ln'ub t,e 6te" 'li'r is
6 '2l"
14nl'he ' j
Ern OSION OF THE Sr. JOHN. carer to Interpret these e.lMes and their cause
It la t mineuiled that hodierteada on the pub
quences so Punta.
lie Linde of Florida mighs relies.: many thous
We humbly trust that our warns Vii i he bo
ards. of
ne.n in minority here are nu
nefleent riot only at home but throughout the
derstond to fan, this Maa. Thal freedmen gee - Bodies of the Dead W hh 4
....0......0....• world, b , setae It will tire asthrimee that al
eran3 plead for schools.
ttic at, h war and emir:lett grades/cued by Novi
Chaplain Pruned. bat I.cie rt. tOznalllteloned .
dente to produce honey -cat eite-ts, Jet that
by rider ol the President. at, this Josal, retinue B ....RIPW...nECKS IN TELE GULF Genre( !erre and peace am ever better agencies
of Generals Steadmen, liettem and - Gilmore and ,
te timmote the progress of eiVilization.
ordered to report to General !Inward. lie goes
The portrait of the &to , which lic !us ..rat nt,
boottlit to represent the warts of the freedmen. ; \en I one Oct. ..0 - The number of tlilel h• "av" L. '"-: IM ' r4,l°F
at vii &I : 14. lit ' n ''''/
Thei receipts from rot, rim! no, ~.o. oo s ~., f by the 8, John 0 3 ... bow ro .
up of a rittirma' Mean, It i Oust ~, to o i , s w o rk
t thirteen.
natty unoluilal lo 11.0„‘„.150 Ih,
~,, r, ~ ~, ad tittr, &still/acti o n Ind
i 7 hi followiug important order rel.iny t / t o th e Mr. Archibald, of Efontreal. min Mary J. Lyons, can, will he appt toed of the gift rh,,, lie'
the mustering out of 'hi 1 eteran licscree Crepe i Adam Searle. and W . Moreland, of Albany, rewire Government will endea• - or '' :coke veer
Was halted oti lent of
The °Mel• aliCtircnt'Y 1 haying died during tire night. The most hot- urn ...rv't•i' It vt i well m all '''"'"' h
contemplates the retention either in the rnilitar. I
nide robb ries were lel login the ra .. .
eo „.. u
ir ph said t.' inomott. Me wales of i ur (elect.
or eirtt earn, or all st ho desire it, whale disahlf , '
Itastrophe, the dead body of Mr, lirrenWn lainif
The letter sent by the. !ley of Tants was then
Ulm entail, them to the favorable cowsidcration
iir Ihi f:osernment
rot bed of hit watch ass OPeleet Lank, acid 11, presented, and the distinguish I .1.1 ors were
It el. lire r. liDif Tt,T (It'L.P. orr/CE. f Stairs was also robbed of a I watch 1. ,s aeserailr intro.! C'd to the Pits , last, wet old
Wesnesuroa, 00. Mt, M. 3 sa ,
that while hers in el dl: and Jodi. ii czytaeltits,
he waiters oil board the 6 . er •.e
(~..•re/ Or a ', • Nn. I '..5.—1n clew of the very thought t t the everything would be done at Make left •i) tarn
n oho , ' et et.' Messing appllealloolfordlscharge ' l. ' s % ' one of whom b" been '""" .-1 pleaaat t off! loteri.itioc, ~;:i was ode of the
by rue-cte re, el the Vet. • ran Itcservi floras, the Tat steamer Massachusetts at Philadelphia nsual coartestes, and be rainelse' Ina hope that
U, i atimi it t urnmetedrre will canoe all °renal- from KO Weal, reports a tor o p t tuna rata titer, ell relations Meares the l ailed `Lairs and Lb,
sat lons Of t hot e.. rt , *. within the pur,rlphie.,,i on the 211 t ,ery vessel ex tept the maThaeh o . hat bars States may
r .i.l '4 . ...I 0 3 I sm.. able
(.".".I'' ev ( tto; 'tag °Meer, at thou after ; Ind eight wrecks were nattily from we lu,hoot. These remarks were Inter, eted in Freneh by
the ire, pi of this order tis or/ale-abl e key ' Th e gunboat Mitirall 5 wen , aahrir, bet got
Longo l'irry, and Swrerait "iew• I then handed
brnesal or g,.,,:i ,„ir rn, —,„ ,t., , y within A large ship xrhet. Mime a unknOWil, Went a col
,s of the PI, sid.t t s s, te-h to f, a
the Omit of the li Partm • I. ..% 'S se
eon 1 ashore high and dry ye tie reef near tn.. hgtit Ilashcm Thu an
ion ,
hi, t-rannated, the
et lased may he detail.] lor this purpose I house, bat no neGistanGe meld lio renehed, on/ 7 Mast.. Amtnwe•dor the President a.d Seer.
fee t filter %11l %testier/ each olli 'ear nod on I l o g to the high t ta, trousiderable d "haze was tare of mate theklug. bands at carting. Every
feel man as paraded, as lowe d ther he wishes du, .e to the roefs of buildings at If ..y tt es. ban
pm. nt seemed much , t crested nthl ieati
to be ditch or to remai n i n th e sorei..... Teo {-remi t um eritutietile• here have redoeel 1, d. th she micniew.
and will makeout separate flits of Ms, .1 J Olt ,r rhpital respeit ~.i. tr on sl,ooo cola . 1
with a discharge, and of those spah t . re- fhoo,ooo
i (repla n Niel:tate
Main in the service. E.sell lint wil n etc read F !tern orlsonets ',eel vet! *entrin,. , , .. i e ' \ y e . • , , i , Oet . :An -Tti
before the cffleers and men, who will have an S ir, Lowever. •
escaped Irmo jil t }Laterals) in .rn- 1 I emote Senate routlaued their
a s to-day
opportunity to correct it, eo that It will ne a true !or
The roviceedings worn smret, but It Was rep:oriel
expression of their whales oh the sub) .cl. f tie 1o it Lett o owner of the Sickles cot dr that nget.ii were to be sent to Ireland at ounce to
eflicer will alto all those who may be absent va'sti pl. Ilettes . Inter 1.... Admiral InregOrr. de 1 yas.; . the great ieridoilou which It Is from 16e the parade, and in a similar manner obtsiu tint , i„, any more dn. k recta with thin 1/googol!, Ileved will tab, piste In a short time. r. is alas
tater Wishes and enter their na Pleat, I Lb, 1 , 1,i, ,-
From Nest Orleans—Platter s lit Lonalalla n 'a f kl e Ill h eral t s ib in It
l'O'si‘c°,:uhnaLrvye,resc"nli'see° t o h lt e tti e ss nd ' WI?:
Th. rolls , roin. r , mil mei, ~I, , ~,,h t• b,,
dischar.,ed, .01 tab be turn,los. rto th Oct.\ iis craws., (Wt. 'JTM. Gov , roe Alb ti net only lend luspiratlon to the in ivetni ii Ini
pilliii,lira . , aril nrziog th. witlidrie,., of lii„ will be a guarantee of fliee,k, ite elf ,:i t . alap
T n l "ar , of mac , ~,, who win at one , most , r out tiptoe as n c labiate for t 11, t,ut, ro nort h , to be wade to efft 'I the detente release or Jobe
of ten ic. • thimi or host ildnie., on on the rolls of Chair A letti r lat. le r r.ti,.l from hint sh , w, Mitchell, le order that he in ay take 30010 pg . .
161711'111r ni.dn'l'o'L":l.7: blltri.e7tet. tairsear‘yridlitt%bte'llind tom- hie determination bi rem .tin t a Mex. iliv live part In the ap proaching Ocilla Instr - rec
friends depTrat, attempts to tier• inn I, Me 10 tiOn
I•lit, rolls .if the, .1, hiring to remain in service, ,ain r , It clis •
so is to calithit nu, rank mid dcsree of disc
hint y, Theo r 11. when , ornplete will be for
nanicd to the AdJut tot fun, ref 'lle. nem,
or oak', ~,,, ,0,., :01011g/0g to 4111r...eta
l , /111.111, i 01 rt,rtiii. not will tiot t. LW the
.ant. wills In ~o, ~f air, above ~,,,,,,,
Th e rolls on tho..• uhn whdt to r. male in the
e' melee, as well . flier,. lehl weal, (Of , hBl II 1, - -
Wirt hr mad.'on tit( pre,rib ct blanks fn' 'u',• '
ler anti tieni Houle roils, and wall conwiln .01
invometi on , t cording to the form of UP• lila nk
Department runimandere trill See that this or
der is tun. ULM with promptnem.
By order of the Secretary of War.
i Stgn. d ) E. D. Ton %mist', .1. A. ti
r . l. !blob. i sbccial intimate, ilia Ju.ti.
( h .... .PI ri ..1.41.
Col. Dahlgren's Remains
Ste,/w1 loispatcl. to the Pittht , urgh ,iezette.
It appears from private Intelligence received
from North Carolina, that not more than two of
the candidates for Congress,in that State,if elect
ed. wooed be able to take t heprescribed oath that
they bare never voluntarily aided the rebellion.
Mr. Pennington, ,11^ editor of !I n•
Prp-rss is In an r;ty. Tic atv.4 lt,at a Par
LW , Is 11 ,
r MVO',
c I tic mgro population to a satlbfaeto.
no?O t ion.
I le'ls olio apprehemive that there may be it
dearth of food In North Carolina, before the
next crop ie t•e, umd. The present crop is very
materially Injured by the protracted der aelit
that has pre ailed. The crop Las 1,11 n,ry
limited in the parts of the State a her then•
mere mihttry operations on a !.,r-e
he Tenis'an Embassy were to-m.llly present
ed to the ereeldent at noon. They presented
their err dentials std their written address in
Arabic, ahirh were It' at e.latcd by Consul Perry.
They wet e arrayed in oriental style, and pro
fusely decorattd with gold lace. The President
sent his own ra.rlage 1.! the Embassy to ride
to the ExecutlYe 1160P1:61.
Colonel liablven's remains were placed is
state In City Hall this afternoon. They will
be removed to the church to-Morrow, where
Henry Wald Beecher 1.1:1 deliver an address.
Gov. Parrots, of Alabama, vialle d the ?real
& nt this mortine.
Additional List of Death::
special Impatch to Plttaburan Gazette.
NE W YORK, Oct. 30.—The following addit ton
al deaths from re,•elve.l t y the erpl o ..
Mon on the sicam!roat St. John, aro annotinced
Mr. F. S. Lyons and wife, J. Lambert and John
And, rson, Seel: hand.
-- - -
Great Destitution Prevailing
Important Mustering Out Order
Proial Ir Rr.i ou ion of Chief Jotiir , Chan
No Senous Assault Yet Made.
F ei Eforcements for Maximillian Coming
Nen 4 /oLea,,, ch.!, 29-3 latainoras ad•iens
to the !II at Fay Teera has been no serlotte sa
teen yet. 31 , ,1ia has. fifteen anndreg elllxtare
(ore, it I,oelde ithe any, and several hundred
welkarntiii and dlselpllned eltlzeria Walden, be. fog mo&Ily foreigners. Cortina.; is In' Beowne
rine. end - Ss rata to have glue's up tanumand of
Lite Liberil force because be is not allowed to
lead tbe Assault. '
ThaLlbetals are about two thousand stron g ,
• nada Reealadn. Mai la has Iron, gunboats pa
• Mug gm river above and bean, 'Rasa:torn.
I lipgiraateard at - Br:zos On trio 3211,donbtlen
a anboat practicing her Puna No aPProheti-
Cons are rntert,alaed In Mateo:toms of the fall
of tbe.clty. '
Cona'es la at Wier - loryink bevy` (vont ri
bts.lohs. committing numberthas °tarok.. and
orthzingthos, tnemloints who owe money to the
ehleeeeof Milt.enorm, le pay the debt Ca
or he alit b u . n the'r browses. him.
The MotAmures Jlo.ltoe ha edvire.
H.lgimn. dbc tboooned t 010nt1..,, ,,,0 from
Omer, mr Elm leireri dt.“.
t out hem National Banks
NEN , ' Yous, Oct. : 1 0.-7he Worhr, gr.
says: The TiEusian'Etram4y f;rtn ;•
presented to the Pr;;;;;Ien: at n o ,,n to-morr o w
Perry arrangement Is prrfreted for the
luterchang, of d'platnatir ermresira
.htl •
that ceremony, tha Embassy will visit :he p•l'a•
lie buildings; In the afternoon, and in Ow ;wen
will be entertained at the the arr. Tiwy
leave on a ; to Richmond atemt th.• mald:c
of the wed;.
The Union Pacific Railway Company. hay
received, it la Bald, the promise at the &lovers.
meat to !ssue bonds due the Company, an pro
vided for by an Act of Congress, they having;
eampleLed the number of mile. of railroad re
qulren by law,
The fintee ' spechil says. Since the Cause of
the rebellion thirty-five new National banks
have been organized to the Southern States,
with en aggregate capital stock of 54,474,40 D,
distt ituted among the States as follows: Vir
ginity, sixteen banks, capital atonic 51,000,000;
Tennessee, seven backs, capital stock $1,000,000;
North Carolina. two banks, capital stock $lOO,-
000; Georgia, three hanks, capital stock 5800,-
000; Alabama. three banks, capital stock I 400,-
000; Misalssina, one bank, capital stock SS°,
000, I,uisiane, two bank. capital stock
COO; T,zee. one banks, capital stuck $ 1 'k:100.000.
The Tribum's special :says Colonel 1: ,toe.,
Assi,tant Commie+ioner of the Fretdme❑'s
Bureau for the District of Columbia, has been
breveted Brigadier General for Meritorious err
vlccS In his present pzsition.
The Bereddi Toronto correspondent nave
there Is much excitement and anxiety of the
Government and loyalists of Canada over the
t rtsent and prospective movements of the Fe-
Mans. There has yet been no arrests of mem
bete of the older, but prominent Irishmen are
constsetly watched and dogged by soles. There
Is great uneasiness regarding the intentions of
the brotherhood, and the regular volunteer
troops are much mistrusted by their
cflict rs. Of the former, sults& are con
ale coot tantly deserting, and at least one third
of the tatter are believed to be enrolled for or
are in sympathy with the dreaded Irish uprising.
There Is no abatement in the mysterious stir
and preparations in the British provisional
corps and garrisons heretofore noticed as Indi
cating spprehensions of sornethins extraordi
nary shortly to occur, and soldiers are being
put In the melt complete state as regards arms,
tquipmint and discipline,
American Consul in Danger
tiott r..zist , r.rtg• and inhfr._ ualbi
Vining on hthddy .
Gcti. l'artbr dve:i,gt(l pr..vent 6,11 n ., •Litv4.
ho, who o.ltl/ 1/11,1,J.• ..1.-
Gerrrul Fullnrtlo boa s'mlleh.4 Nf or
that Coons emp (tally ordaniz.fd for till Freed-
MI Bureau In this State. Ali cues relatlOZ
to the fro , •dmeo are to be torn allover to the. S,ato
Court 'Aires,. who will, bowpror, see toot the
Ireedthen are treatcol►ltb')uatleo and e4latity.
01, ." 5- Y. tat , Commis/donee of Freei awn as
signed to duty to the District of Columbia, and
a pottlon of Northern Virgtala, and General
Strong, lespector of the Bureaux - rived hero on
to tour Of lanUentikln. Tboy will vlelt Texas.
It Is understood Gen. Bears will assume the
dot!, s of asAstsat Com mlsalmaer of Freedman.
vice Funerton, temporarily assi‘ned elsewhere.
Arms t . ttlitttett to Ilraztt—Potroteum as
Nurl — Gemerat Ctrtut expected at SPIV
Nrw Your, Oeriher I:).—Ttro batteles of
(7 ,°/- Louses ropentlng eartnotta were ye4tertlay
pi +wed on board 91 the steamer North Amerie.
lathe , onyoyed to time Brazilian gmayertialmA.
This is the Brat shipment of gun! . MatlP from
this city to Brazil store the war on the River
Platte. They throw 'Monk haii, al tpc rate of
one hundred per minute. "'
The Tiumea LODdOli , iinter The engineer
at thalVoohyteh Dock Yard, ima been fora long
time thrltitigelperimeuts In the use of gunrola-
Jim 4 gTuel. for steam etigleet dollenr..
.11, perfeetly man/en-able and free from danger.
General Grant is crnported to arrive here to
night. Rooms have been engaged for him at
the Aster Itouse.
Airai Sekato Juan& trots. Callfdzolst.
NETOE; October 30. The San Francisco
corrzwzadent, elf the Ileraid imp : Considerable
quanutle. oritnn. Imre bcca scat to Jeerer (torn
there, labelled as Munoz, he. (icneral °clew,
agent Col Juarez, has been compelled to start for
New York Ay the :Overland- route, the French
consul fhtenten‘nt to delLo him if be took ou-
Bake en one of tJur Padlic Mall Cornpany'S hosts.
Base Ball Match.
rintsrief.enia, Oct. 20.—,The first tame le
the great ban bal/ snatch between the Atlantic
cud Athletic clubs was played to-day. The At
iaefic were the rletora. The following It the
aeon.: Athletic 91, rare,. Athiefie, 15,
1 heir Address to the President
Out. ao4—At noon :'-day in
101•ortlanee With ate preliminary arrangements,
the Tunisian Ambassador and mile were vie,-
t,d in the Executive Mansion by the Ner
1.411 . 1 , of State. tt ecompanicd br M- Perry,
,deiul at Turn-, and Mr. UOl, of : , 11,.• Depart
ment. A large number of persons had gather
ed at the 0111, door wittirag hc urn 111,•nie,
'turf 0 111 at c,noe e, mdnet ,. .'. :w• ilia U: tie
Regulation• naeu, T
4.11 • I IJ. et. (let- - - Brigadier Beeeral Fiske
i has Isiiutsl an important circular to regard to
regulating the status of white refugees, freed
teem and abandobed orphans, or both sere,. Tog
State law/ of atiproctlecship will be rev I‘J {,l
by the buftati provided no distinctiou of calor
le made. lu NI •e they do bO, the lawd aoplyitig
to while will be ellemileil to colored children.
The officers of the l'reedineu's B arcatt are re•
corded asgusrdiank of the orphans and minors
of the freedmen within their respective districts.
Each parish or township studg care and Provide
for Its paupers. The vagrant laws made fur the
free people !AM In force will be encoded to the
Alabama Congressional frelegallon—Wade
Hampton's Pardon—Reelgnatlons.
New Vona, Oa. :30.—A special dlepitch to
the World contains the following:
WearimuToe, net. 29.--Governor Parsons, of
Al ahalriti elates that Alabama will have a fall
Comma:Urinal delegation before the meeting of
Geerve LiO
fan merly or Troy, is W ln
tOn .
rreildeot has I: oder consideration the
Pardon of Wade Ilamptoo.
In anticipation of the fettlAtidng nitisterine,
ottrerders, several Genetals are tenimltig their
resbreatlatis. ;
!• ituother:l,f, lento Lead—neventy Thousana
- Tripe of Coal on l e tra-74.nother Dock
TAlL—cannon ler . poossos Ayres.
' KM TOntt. Oct.-30. , -Gape• gr. Idoe, one of
' the vial/nit of the fikjobtr dtSaster, ojs sloes
Some seventy IhOueetta Iva of coal,,belong-
Ina tit • Gal Coneffsay up tqwn, la on lire.:
haying bead hartilng toreedays. , ' . • r
Too Attooquin sod Wiloos wit: eOnttaencel
another Sock rams to•roorrow... : . -.. • .
The steamer North /interim, kir bums ss .1
4yreil: , 'i
carries oat to that eatottr7 ,asss) 'tilittotler . . 'or
teouret'a cannon -- , :,'•' - - , , • *I
IPhlladelphla !Soldiers' Homo Pah,
PottaDErnuza, Oct. a — TltiCiritgd air tor
the &idlers , and Ballots' tiO natreanannas In
saceerefoi operation. To-night the Academs,
of music wa s crowded to witeees the Menlo-
Lon of a matrolllcent flag to the Rome by the
ettizeLs' Volunteer Hospital. The presentattwa
speech was made by fbn .113 0 . W. Fc.racyr
oin IV a shl nal on—Tunisian Embassy
Repin to on I nteriinl Revenue Pre2nring
—Caleb Gushing's
AV Lsrit Nuinrs. On. :AI —The President to-disc
rreriNed in a formal wanner, tho special Tani.
-inn Ambassadors, the introduction having. WO
ronditetcd by 804 relary Seward. The leuer of
eredence (rout the [try of Timis was read by the
Ambassador, to which the President responded,
expressing his gratification, with the his
appreciation of kind twee and friendly sentiments,
enunciated and ...yin; that eiery facility wmad
be afforded to make the visit both agreeable and
interesting. The r , tytrttil of the Rey ty in not only
antireciated on account of t 101{ :1 01;4
besides a wonder of art.
! Mr. Morrill', of Vermont, states that Cmigress
will await the report of the Special commision
are now taking evidence on the work-
Inc as law. This will probably throw the rev
lernoiofTltheyeßevenue system, and the revision of
co ye tiarstion over to the !Atter part of the
t o
the Revenue CommissioLgrs will not be
I ready to report for month after the opening of
I Congress,
Mr. Caleb Cnsttine',. miirlun to Eatrland Is on
hublnt set connected our claims (or damage
by prlvatesra. lie la preparing an elaborate
argument opus the trtlent, arid arranging the
numerous i Mime that aro tieing gest into the
department. The President is fully determined
upon asserting stir claims for redrew.
In Texas—The Tunisians—Appoint
ment—NM Arrangement. for Jeff. Da
rin' Trial.
Wasni:eorost, Oct. W.—letters from Texas.
say that directly after the war. the people of
that State were willing to agree to almost any
thing for the enke of pacification, but now, ow.
log to the dilatory motel:news of Provisional
Governor liandhou, much diasatiefaction beglos
to be manifested. The State has made het lit•
tle progrees in rmtoring her relatioua to the
Union. nor are the proper facilities yet afforded
throughout Texas for taking the anmeaty oath.
The Tunis embassy win to-morrow visit the
fortifications, and a salute will he fired in their
honor. At night they will receive the odi.ers
of the army and nary at their hotel.
Clare❑cc Eytinge. a clerk in ;he State De
partial:Lt.., well-known and appreciated for his
gentlemtnly character and scholastic attain.
menu% has been appointed Secretary of the
Glinted Stales Legation, at Lima, Peru.
There have been no arrangements made as
yet, for the trial of Jefferson Darla
Soldiers' dlonument Itaanguratlou at Ct.
rand. Pa.—Governor Curtiu to Speak
there, and to Cauvaw Western New
Ile imam no, Pa , Ort- 'W.—Governor Curtin
left town to-day to participate, on Wednesday
next, in the ceremonies or laying the corner
stone of the monument to the memory of the
soldiers of Western Pennsylvania who fell dar
ing the war. Ibe monument is to be erected at
Girard, ErIL county. Governor Curtln will de
beer beer -address on the occasion, and the bal
ance o the week he will devote to the Political
races of Western New rock, makin g speeches
at Fl Ira nod other points.
Geo. Howard's Sea Island
Nun I*,mv. O. :M.—A special t tho r://1..
dated Wash:noon. Oct. 2 , 31, says : General
Howard's mkslon to the Sea laleode was to in
vestigate arrairs there, and Dot to settle them.
Many of the nermes have seetunuisted proper
ty valued at from IWO to 115.000, load z lust
.eLli,me.r of lime-1111,es of) easy mu
- -
Shoctlng Allair in :rthiladelphla.
1./M /1/111,111A. 0.1. et, - 14:Ivy SW AI
nt , ,ht hr •L hitt° LL.LtheLl 111 •ma, Ir L.l
Lit slth.Lrx' I•3.L.rniitn. n' thr r..rher
Fifth nhtl Lintuhnnard Th.•
le, can.- cr L .
L L•Llnv lin ih • I-t,nnloni th• it it
n.. 1
Thankuclylug In New York.
Oct. —Governor Fenum has I.
sued a proelausalloo oamiec Thursday. the
'eh day of December, u a day of Ibaulregiviusr
and frayer.
Steamer Damascus Due
7111 h t i n ; ; . 2 ., ; r
John trittcnrit Released
Locrr., ••
:1;e aut.! 404. I;.. r,lty
A -- at !f
Jia.L.wo! ilmtat
O• la•tn
that ..utrt La.! corn,
..Int !!,
.arty-..;,. onle• to
actor, the
SIR:VAR-T.-0o /Header erealae. r.t ltth
•• lesldeace, oh 1 etre stet, kLr. DA:SILT
hTI.W,t HT, la Sae 6eth leer of re
we sge.
Them of the lhaerei 1.111 be rely entioko,e,l.
CILLESTPHI—I :1 Moollxy es /think. Val-otref ro,h.
et 7 .7.6,7.5 e, kf re I,OUL:A 1, tll I tier EH, It
of Thames k . Chester. In the VI! I, jeer :( her .Fe.
tier tuners! err! Ike piece frnel, the reel lea..
of her bushand, Gt t satre'SVOllle, Tar. ; Coes.l ,
• r tahnoe, at n'olo:k. The frlsars of the
fare HT 'spencer...lf .11 I •ttaad.
88 BrLithiled Street., nets Fiftn
ar :OFFI NS of every desorlpllo, 4 , E LA. p E
OLO 4 V azt.l Itlyjsti I
F urik-u.
st.LE,—laterriti jp L.l.ea iylog
cow sit tie • • Leer lick • " also Ita the
l'lNt HUN rAum
rootAtqlog ft us sere...Host,' on Page /tun a b
"recta Pit Hole land Ott Creek. Thew, Interes
hre Otary itturable, hat the itlttvatlone Sr. .01 ho ,
Win I •a4. rampart or
W. I .a 11.11.1, PA rrytt,p,,
.4 Four,
Niceolip a Co.,
Wholesokle tc.
la, Cap.! and Strait. 'Good
: 1 1, 1 ;
onr Store tae lamest tot most comp
Leer (Mewed le the welt. Mere nl •-e req.'s*:
to c•lt end execcano ant att... be •
•t reu law rate&
run ILF:It
LAHUF: r , FFIChS RovILS No. Go FonttEl
atreet. orrinlalte M. at K. num. imitable for
a Stale, firoke!.. Onions.lan.
I. I.A/I.•E I'lltiP/f41141.11 Iia.I•LER Y.
3d. A InALIKIN, In aim.] Inc atleau far It 1:1 •
siva Restaurant. evan
Fourth t 1;..! °Nektaf:•Atret-
e. from he city, SALE—On the,
Steubenv italtruml, seven
Steam and Water FMarlng suit SU , r NMI, eel
other flue Improventeuta. Foefurther tnforruntluo
(Opyoatte the ilathearsh)
°rant street, NO.IIO.
Js isel
809 MIGE razr tint Btr a.° t,
Importers or German, French and Engl4ll Tors
and raney (foods,
Dame Ware, Sipes, canes, ad.
Wholesale dealer In s,le Fence articles.
ee 2B :lmdeod
Nos. 1 and 2 Dianaoud.
Pr i T3B U ROll. PA
Exo & 11UPK1NS,
, ;
A.Nn sruekaans,•
nem. Me Penny's' ClerStiblee, I A.SICILIEI far
elehed'at the Mertes! aotlee- oeiNttr
it STOCK'S. --The undersigned win
0 ~•.'
mu Q .- senslnuir attentio a . to toe Dunham, sod
80 1 c
A 4 4ttrfLumat .o C
c '
j. h. ixontares -, --, "
'i"‘,.•qi .,- .i.i;:lt. , Li - , • i. , .
1 .'71 1 40.'.:',...:'.....:,'. Aft,
v7.3bIIRTB~ BTREB! ~=~.
Uereoticsr, Tagra, foe aui 'R A
lad °rata Baku. of IluT cups r•Hr
V sad- Grain Ribes insult/mond
CL.Poll an,
.limalor Mule° &name. allegnalit v
nIIINCE%=-10 bble. choice Quinces Just
recalyad .ad for sale by
aorta ILL•rket and tin& ata
APPLE CHICESE-50 bxs choice
toe Apple ( )biter /tar received and for tote
cn23 pclvnlcn
Work* •nd Office, COLLINS TOWONUIP
Unice t Pittxburgh, 24 WOOD sTar.t.-T
These Works hove the largest esponty la the •
country. The brand cands the highest to Ws
put t o
for quality and Oro test, ^
and the oil le put ln wen seaeoned barrels, preparai
espeelahy for export.
Manufacturers of EOELE/f9, STILLS, TANKS, I
...a I urPRovED BORING ?Outs toe Oh Wells. IN
. • -- -
°flirt Corner of PGA and Wayne Street%
Thi. Company was oriro aired the :Me lust.,
under ti . Pennsyl,snio alintns and Marinfootas
lag Lew.. The Territory col the
th in e l an ds
on Dunham thwelt, between the Ise • of the
I,, hithrd Union Oil Goer y and the Dunk
ard Petroleum Cowpony .
Par value of each . 5 han.............. ..
. gO°
ISAAC NOCK, Seesd:t•-';aI:c'EIX,I .... ............
J. 0.....
I . G Weir,
E. W. liltobis
Jame. Graham,
F t rank
Sephen Laarwm, I
Office Corner of Penn and Wayne Ste
?hie company was organized on the mth inst.
under the Penmylvanta Mlilyta. and Manufacto
ring Lams. The terntorr of the
Joins the land& of the 1/unkard Greek Union Oil
Com:many, of tirt• city.
Capital Stock
Working Puud
Par Value of Eaell
Pre.ldellt—S. A. JOH/ST:iTON.
Secretary had Treanneer—lSAAC'NOCK
DI te7.l. "'-
L. S. Hlanow.
W. Ku, a,
H W.
S. A..lomss-con.
raw,. kr Ss
F. D. °LUST,
i rsurEiti
Rc are c on•lruclinß. and will keep ow liana •
superior 51710 0:
02L El IST" C - 2.1 V NI
zither a Common or Tabular :Boiler
WO Invite parties needing engines for this our ,
pose to call and see them, corner of PIKE od
(ERA.RA STREETS, noon City Water Work,
012130Ciall• Way, Plltsteigb
Spetial Atteniton given to Ow SAL AND
SILIPMENT OF PETROLEUM mn,l its products.
e'''ZVauo`Fl37ll!',lll4"l.ll'."- mhg-
No. I At. CLAIR NT., Plttsibarill,
FuR:, AND C1.11.111SS.10:1 MERCHA.VT
PLTHOLEITM COLS, etemantly on Ima4 mar
for male at the lowest elArket pekes. C.:tetrs
went• and °Nen eollelta.l. apt-dm
•-•••- -
Oral Lamp Mining/9,,
Man n factored of XX Flint G lass.
Tame are Inteneein for the flat name,
nesting all pans of the glass equally, does not ex.
1.0.0 it to cracking. DITH.II.ID,I
ion Pitt Illau Works, Waseln,etou street,
PutabarCt. Yean'a
LA ill et ...lit, 4T.e.1 - it ANTS.
♦ND nitoZzin ral
And dealers in Refining MaterLsla.
.21-17 No LI BA RR NT ST YltLezrVh.
BogDD WA.RERUL - 141; Or
Phenix Warehousing Company,
Foot of BALTIC At 11.thRISON St. . , Brooklyn.
In Teaks Eterrel. See ()Ironic-a.
urn", Nu 93 REAEL STREET, New yr,r9..
0014 y
Pare White Relined Carbon Oils.
4 . ),58 IRIT IN ('O.. .•111.
III•rre/AUTIII2.. 11,
Oil of Vitriol an:
OFFIC/7 No. 15 J-17
Aqua Ammonia,
No. 106 .17"1-11Ia. S trout
Will attend to all business to the lbne of filets
Feolession, including THE outa.eurtuer of
Mr. ds..s.eLitfairing been Mustered out i the
Fluted States arsine, mill hereafter Ire alto.
Lion to the busineu of the nrm• ILtUntr
The First or Second Three Yeats Service
00 receive the full bounty the same aa If :` Sy
had let red Use full term o f . ea:diatom:it by calling
• SoliNtor for Domains, Pensions and Pay.
No. Icor 1/FTtl STRE ET,t'athedral.third door below the
lex. at. siorsan, - --;
SO. It. ...h.:ill:UN.
ALittc.orimoyis s at ..X..ealas
Oelce-No. 60 UHANT STREEr.
7.0.. AL Pittsburgh, Ps.
... . ..........
No. to Di•roao *MUT, PittabUrgh, Pa.
Court Bu.t.eas, Examining Titles, lloornyanw
Log, Collgotionn, and all ktrula of Leg al Boalaua
promptly atteWlml to.
X. , 5.1717 Ci.M.X•mcm.
No. 144 Fourth Street,
Will I Marilee In the varloun courts of Allegheny
and adjoining counties. apAlid
_ _
..!... .. • HOUNTLE/i, BACK PAY and fifIGLTARY
CLAIMS of every description, collected by the
eubserlber, at the rouowinx Pates, via: Pausions,
310 i a ll otherOlahnli r tS 00.
U. U. TAY GOR, Attorney at Lae,.
Diamond street oppoMta the Court Kongo.
N. 11.--do charge. are made if. the mins does
not aneceed, and all Information given gratis.
Ma y
n - c.
ILS. zat..waisrp SOLJ3I.I.IIS , CLAM /wen
ten to
11.91111itee LIP 'Wounded Soldiers ions-nal In from
twen days.
Iliredias N ty o. ItliananT sTaisr, Pittsh
Call with dlsoharws *ad two arlt.
..traenet aultiav
Dow ratan/4'a lot at to tar lowla cholas Trio
Mr &War. authp with peat wire, comp :Wag all
ear toad. thee amp l e, at Liberty mien,
t. H. rotor it OM'
71 7 %.,V11/Zarm . • - •
_ L
• 7 7 . 4' Il:losus volt BALE.'''
--- •
Dee Ticrunt unarrnzas, nee Waft.
4A all DOUBLE Ell—ted me
batten iul tirgoodtreeloteg order.
WM be bid at a bargain Elloiqulro of or add,.
&ta cmzETTE. Ptstneszet4 pa.
JELLI.Sts-200 do , -Currant. Blackber-
JelMeneeTieTieereAgitrneZP_i b e "r7 "4
CHESS/.—^Oo boxes Goshen Cheese, 100
Best Quality, Superior Finish :And true-
s 00
Concert Hall Shoe Store.
Children' Shoes only 10 cent??
Womens' Calf Shoes only 'Weems,
flint K. illig
J• 2MITH & 00;
You Receive a Preset tgit4 Each
cieß4 TRIUFZ,
. . . _
•-.....: iniioii,
34-11-1 Nt..96.112'1411.-
. '
061180NBACATrallA/FAVAILVII34 All P,
itabnat. style. otarittsola ane4 Dr (Rasa 3130 u. •L'r
faattuen. Orson promptly Stied, • , V
No. 139 ar.COXD STEtrrr, Prrrsariess4 PA. :-...,
oat - tyd
S FENCER ,s 2 i.
ArgAr. F
Phanix Steam Brewery,
U. saToogitAkEti. -
Pittsburgh White Lead Works. q F a•
DR. STRIORLAND•S PlLde Rtlt6ol As, I
fund thousands alae worst ester or Illiad• awl.
Bieedi ar pop,. Italy= lauttedlate relief and efc ,
'teats fel, try at ,Sure. rit directly. It Is , -
_ For Belo-by all DrOteists it lc:teertlnyer bottle.- f :.
• -
R. E. SEL - ratts aco •.• , • -•.-. .
ocuaid Wtrossasim-Aelorn; ,C A
Etik r MACHIN& WOREB 1 aziti ~.-
EricirrE BUILDER AND stiontitsr e • r..r .:'... ..
Lscooß mew, between Federal -,andgelory, :-7...6
_ ALL: t amn. Oren PS. ' f.,,. ,
restunlaetwer Of W (furze Aloe T pATRIFt: - fr i -
.itylr, hc."_ • ; . jl-.• - . , •• • ,F.,,1- , ~.
RiPthitMll4 AUUded 16 ' itlay ;,_. .
CATAWBA AND ISAB4•VA et*Zits., ~ ....F. ... ,-
„p,6prigai,iortini .., restiviit'imr - r
.lapreatranif for tale by
CULP k SUEPaUD, t;:.
oliii B.
147 Liberty stre e t T..i.
Rltc.l74s Zkritsatstmotuuremili 6
i---NO. X 273,
Concert Hall Shoe Sfor
The tersest assort meat
nooTs s itrOX's.
qualed in Style, are n
Selling at about
Go Early and Secure a Cattalo.
!in. ID FIFTH 9 rittET
irIYE CLOrti
ul ER - 011 OF ALI. KINDS.
FEvi , BLAU'S. PA.NTs. :14;
Oppealte tee Opera Rola..
WRY YOTT 5H0111.4