W.LN'rETl—nouss.—.ll •', fattr ,fire rooms etcherln Pliakt• oz. Adielltrolar' walitut Mond the k lift otkiamozwirottkolbel t y nine trorsbilken. Ailiur,,.44 - stm, WANTED : c}A=2 . 2II 027/Ce. 600zAGENT8 WdIiTED Osayass forDB. HoLLILNLYS LITE o uNcomr. •7etms'4tcrnL J0H1T..4.: - =Wir t Oencral Agora; fillittladxfl 753 L Wit 42. Put.ourgh. Ps VitidiTY.D.—AUENTS FOR " THE fIEDILET SERVICE, IDE MELD, THE DUNGEON AND THE ESOiIPE." Ilv daysnor ii. EratreitheOrri Now York Tri au< CorrorportO wit The Lloot It:detesting And exalting book ever greblithed, eadasolni illtherdson's unporat; idedentpertenottor lonr -yearn toweling tinvugh the Etutth-ln: Igo -seuret .servire, of the Tribotw atcthe unttrreak , o 1 the arm, roach our ern:dm end Setts, both East ;wad, Warty during ttk,nint two yeses AL the Elebellleat WSthri llle, vofitittel tis eondneuumt .for 'A) months 1. *nen ,l i ingot rebal Alamo cdrscrd one Journey :night nentlli-,400 maim abonnd drrffeataiktasontain more or tho tem, Anal. at tronnuma 0I We mutt/Sao rnay other WOrk yet raglans& trehete, laden, enirdetteyorted ums, and cope. y Returned end disabled organs cal solders, ,igutt of. profitable empk•yonsat, Will tel lt pe. willarly- to, Welt contlitiun. Ws hare eteutvoso,- Per mine liblAt we will MVPS 110 an itoldAing apolleard,' Send tor army. TE L ,jotte* - . .TON DEM & CO" comer dieth sad DlMorstreeta, lessaseAw,, . . _ , P24llutelphts. Pa. . FOR SALE-- - FOR RENT T ... A TARNEAY, IN WOBEING OILDER, li:VrlFFlT. l l._Fineserve To ynt saL Tar DIXTILIIII4OIIOpF.E Aithe jimatiou of "'mirth nod SWATS .tRWIrI, At M0.,13 - 314T/cn street. PILEISIE HOUSE. 61011 LOT. 2111 Witabington street, Pittsburgh, Lot 23 tet2olochea front, and 22 Jett asap; oleo, two 20 teattra ardO atbtrr2l.2.l2G72oll7SE on (WO. in (gay allquyire e, r of ittebnegh, nt( t• •,^ • - • GEO. SHISTFLEII a tlO, 9el4litao,l tto 10t llnettnoe'd street. /113iili E. OR, BXGEDINGB. 1111.11 - prOpertir, containing about tcm acre; pe.SDp untterlal4 With coal and Dunn opea, locate,' issn et thoutht,LClUmtleratlreca, on the Allegheny titer 11,erc Is on Chid property a tater and tole Rouses—will ae sold cheap, or exchanged for ptobn . .rty. IlitelsCirr,ll,Alligheny.-or Lawrence . LT DAY OfiORPENIC4+, Opus..Donej3eloo Band aired, Duquesne Way. setatim4 VORBALE..—OWELLING HOUSE.— The brief( dviellthg,l4n. 211 Wyde etreet. 1.1.111 PUSEY, N. 11. POSEY, 1 4. Executors of the esty.to of N. - Pasey, deed. Also, FOIL SALE. a brick house cod three acres of ground with floe err...bard, on Frauds street. For terms, apply to , 77ILLts , poorRE, Na. 153 Liberty Street. O$ SALIS —Sealed bids will be received by•the Committee on Olty Propert! for the sale of 000D1.1. - TENT YIBE ENGINE House, attlated on Wylie street, near Logan. In the Sixth larad, Plt'sbrirgh, until SATPII...A.Y. Noromber Iltlh at a o`tlock P. Y. The Committee reserves thiright to reject any or all J. Y. DIIIATIGHLIN, Chall•mah- Committee on Oily Propert , r Liberty greet. 0017 - 11 OR BALE—About one calf an acre of -•.‘ MOUND In the Tillage of. Springdale, dile. Pi • ety county, on which is erected a two story j, Irame Dwelling House, and out huildinca The is well improved, luortna a large number of ijilt trees and grape.. The Allegheny and Pres. po tB. B. passes in front. el said lot, and there will be a elation within 60 garde of this property. /Ilia sold bent° the Ylth of uctober, it will be sold at public sale. For particulars, enquire of MM. MOE, on • ille_prem sea, or of O. 0 TAY , LiiiPlaZati'yah DOW . , DO, 116 Dlaniond etreet, Pitts. burgh..oelflxlL7.7oct nOltliALB; A LOT OF`OROUND, con +=tairdng about Three A.eres, eltuntit In Pitt Tp., Allegheny county, between Inert. of Capt.. Seer,- - too and Mu R. beany, Tide 'Property le delight fully !situated, - overlooking a portion of both cltbe and the Allegheny river. it lea beautiful building lot for a Country Residence, but will be sold altogether orlo lots: rev tern. lirpillre of the Imdereigned, No. of I Dialnond st4et,rittabargb. 0. w. ROBB, r ' .708. O , BILILN, 0e19.4tf Eleauton oral. E. DI Go.rin, EpR BALE--The Hull of =he &combos'. GEORGE ALBEEFE. r. Will make en excellent Model El tree for oarryinz COM etliattrroad Iroe. En_guire of 6Gli BOLE k CO Industrial Work., - POlnt Ay and Duquesne street, Pittsburgh. olafhlw.4l FOR MLR OR RENT, - = ON PETSPErtiEIIEASS; 'All;that piece or pare/a oil LARD in the Mei of Allighenp, neretofore in the a:cayenne of the Peer.aylvania RaUrooLCompany, by the mites 1 and of corr. y apprpriateu by the State of " Penlia. for the cure and recupation of the Penn . 1 - ; tvlirazda Canal, the same haying reverted to lim on owner by tee abandonment thereof for -tbe.t.bject eortemplated by tee tiommonareatth in thamoneessioa of the proprietor for canal puma : - slots: • at rileu cf Land occupied as aforeaaid tfor. Pra m: Mani, tyftg at the margin of the . Alleyway elver, thence north to Robinson meat" embracing thn :mall boaln to.tween the two locks ..., at the Ont Jet thereof. the width of the same toes • meettained by the actual survey of the Eoginears for the Stow In laying out mud canal and bum I:, ledge= the lock.. ALSO, ? All that portion of pall! 'canal from the north /. side of BubLetron 'greet Co ' the south aide of Iwo. • code 'Dept, beim In length about 345 Let. Sill that Ironton of maid canal from the north eidcrefleacock etreet northwardly Cl ea includ. thgPm.b...in. A . wo Afithat portion of Said cooed from the basin afoielude eastwardty to Bent Lane where the same latereected the canal • • All that rortfon of odd ennal located between 11 Sandusky rind altddrulenon street,' eeing about Natter in length with the w fitly of said canal ae • laid W bet by-the Engliteer. between Saone 70 lest Is idth. Alf that portion of Lem heretofore occupied by • , therm:us. Canal; eoteprlsed inatat;:ot No. 41 : t at ‘bm::tl.4°.!e! In igaith with 'Be breadth of Per this proproty,ll2l 'lndisputable title will be . Made n.lee simple with formal, warrantee to the qurdbceer hasars. MI T!: Izorrorsorkhr-, ortlgwd -- -,••• near Stmosb.sion Brides. FOR ' A FARM of 127 acres within 3 sages of Lail. men ii Station, on tee Penns- Retiree". The lm . 4 provetnenur are a hewed log house and barn, young apple archon!: fencing good; DM acres clear. esti the oettnce welt timbered. Alat‘a small Least of. Land &di aiming the Bore: I, et Flleateth.eordelaloglaaerea, weal adapteo for ginderting. The poll is the very beat of river bot. torn.'iled is In s high state of cultivatiOe, Allit, Atom -II a - very valuable tram of min. • erg andagrieultn land, crentaixdog forty acres, situated et the eastern tennimu of Biairatele : t and bounded on the south by thmemaugra Elver. Upon•tAls feet there are throe strata' of iron t offs. According to Professor Green:a report the second and well.opened strata of one is of good quality, highly magnetic and will yield thirty , three :per. sent. of Iron. - t ip says. In reknet to • quantity Chic strata will yield Wpm tong to the sere ql patlYaore,ftail reducing this crude mass to •n Item or dollarsond tents, rest=ing the value a of: olit at:26 soots per lon, this strata would tbealtprocinde ono hundred Ohottaand dollars. ..:, In addition to thin wo have twenty-five agree of smal-pima opened. slid in snacessful operation at, he priment alma- MIL property II worthy the at entiftel of Saplialists. Tim Divestment would be sore and age. .Speeltnens of ore van be Been at Mee. AIWA. Wo.I Keck Wyatt: farm, oontahling. Kli WY, situate In. Cherry lilt. Townshsp, AILS county, Pe., near the. vlllaaa of Greenville. is The tniprovements are a two-story frame house, the 'Mon Ond best. Nun- la the county; fencing Seanany gieddi 010 ;tern :cleared: the rematnder Ken glabered.. The land la good,large maadowe ! . ;j which protthcei flnercrops of new. 1.3 m MY 40 n. eenlentta churches, schools. mills, storm, Co., This ptoperty wilt be sold very away and on cosi terfas.A.,.. •, - , 141/43; .goo YAM 'lig Airr es. in alois townsh Woshlogteoun o4 county Pa. Will be V sold cheat, ip Alsch; plant Ab o rlr e ar i r Am the Mormerwatala . l 7 liz i r o er ., t; Pa., eontainlcurabonlifflac cE ree. The Improvements are a As h baza, corn crib and wagon ahed, - Krith 'litter 'outbuildings. A large apple id bait:Men - 4W and 603 trees; a enlace io Peal trim,, and 430 peach trees. 'AlW,eha Meddle Farm fa 'Elisabeth Township Allostultby 113 , Pa. Pontaining about 111 *arm situaled'sbout three miles east orthohorough of clizebtr.h. , The impliwevanote are: a lerga orlon hones with nine well -thilsnerl rooms; • be ab i tt uAtil townie liont,anrrOunded by arnamoatal frees; &Ito. bo rn , with man) other butidlass, grood :tritium toured of .the vent but White Cott fiber.;-)Cis the best qumulty of limestone land, E AMU s auce ucrierliddlviltb Coal. : fUpartleolars. Inquire Of - • L - 1.1.12. TOWER. Be 61 Estate Apra. men No. 164 Fourth street. • A'Well F.nis -Frame Two-Story Dwelling, Efavlay_lSJE NOODIE, needy Papered area Painted, PINE POSTIOO, HYDlldriTiaaldeaad encode THE LOT ill P_TartTtive fret front, by Dag Elan itoa madcap; -nn.E OR&PE ABOOFI. FRUIT THEEPiIte 'Posteation srlll be given en the lei A cbgNENUFIE;ROONVWITH TWO Pozutshia WOJ be Xlyira oo too to et All . aext. PrOgniekn . either eon, ar "eel. f„ Ca l in trri ' Men7; .1401.6 inatigair .7ft zse.-istrauoti street. R a / I ,LX . . P OII : 6 TNr notroth, FLY WILEHL..aa. cots I 4 11 11-16161.0 iltiti,ettic =an aolfts- P zi te* etas . other arsbnas 'Li— , as salt t ot!litr ficass le- 1 P 3! a Ir. .t• ea srariurrei . ..ii =Err. B SALE—That splentlid,Lot orggaui hiring front on Petum - itrenneerf reni_sua ddingtslek 120 het to a ono lean' brieltowt.,- 40'f,.ref tileLati & PIX Luce 4r >ia..eyern•a, hiLIS &L IN= - Tint iipprArabee pt . Lba beautiful, accompll•hG4 Mid faiellatiug Darlee au, Actrern aua ("auto. MLLE MABIE ZOE,. The benntlful Cabs, gy/ph, mho crt/I sopesr as the FItENOII SPY. ffille MARIE ZOE la three cherectdrs, as•leted by the celebrated actor, Mr. HAIL tr. GiI.HE dr, •se Mohammed. • ..MONLAY EVENING, oct. t3l, commence with ROE /I DIA.IIIOI.ID. Annie Eberle. Atter which the great nullity drama or the IFILENC.II SPY, Mlle MA ZOE. Henri St. Alan Barnet .... . .. DL.P.thllde ... ....... To coroludo with tho roaring taco of TERN 11131 OUT. p ITTSBURGEI THEATEr. Itsfee and Manager—. WM. [LEND EitSON aL o gs e ,:tre nt .g.l he celebrated young tragedlan Mr. EDWIN ADAMS, for oh nliht. only. THIS (blonday) EVENING, will be performed Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, =EM! SAM BBARPLET'S MINSTRELS AND SANFORD'S OPERA TROUPE AT MASONIC HALL, For 7 Nights Only, Commencing ISATERDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 21st Tr e larged and moat talented Troupe ever or. HUGHE itemized. DOIJOiIERY numbering EIGE . ITEEPI STARS. Y hip. Inpainf at • O. 1 St. Olt& It S. i...SLNTOBO, and YOUNII RENOLED, • In new act. every night, euypotted by the entire g trength of the Company. Doors oven at T. 1 o commence at TX. AdaMe eon 35 yenta. Atom - red seats 130 omen. *RD OfFIUE, ==l:3 SDARPLEY, SAX. SANFJRD, Pr° P d eon. CHAS. R. (I SISTE, Agent. )2191441 PIANOS, MUSIC, &e NQW BEING RECEIVED THAT ELEGANT STOCK 01- Having second a large yard, and ft=tatted with the most Improved machinery, wo are prepar , ed to manufactory every description of BOILERS, to .the best manner and warranted equal to any made to the countiy. ORLYNEYS, 132.101 LEN. FIRE BEDS, STLAM LOCO3BYTIVE BOILERS, CONDENSERS SALT PANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS SUP TLING PANS, BOILER IRON, BRIDGES, SUGAR PANS, and sole manufacturers of BARN BILL'S PATENT BOILERS. Repairing dons on the shortest notice. . SEVEN TEEN INSTRUMENTS I t-4e LAKE NUPG/LIOR CHICKERING PIANOS, Selected peraonally by the tutomrlber, during • rec,ot r•talt to the Factory. are tow often, and ready for exanalnatlon. a penile ale invited to call end aea them. Warrr rated ibr Five Years aus Sole ACeot for the Chleherme Planes PIANOS AND ORGANS. THE OELEBELI.TEU BRADBURY, NEW YORK, Schoioacker & Co., Philadelphia PIANOS. T& t' AMERICAN ORG At, and ESTY.S & CO'S OCYTTAGE ORGAN, admitted by dealer., and all who have beard theta, to be sogry>r to U ne to all other instruments of the kin I mann Motored In the United States. We are prepared to furnish, at the ahotest nottee. Brass and German Silver Instruments, of every dearzlptlnn, for Blau and Cornet Aan: s, at reduced tune. illustrated Catalogues aad Prise Llstskproishei on applicatioo. New and Seaond•haad Pianos Lot Rent. ALL THE LATE SONGS AND PIECES Constantly oc b.ud. WABIRLIBR & BARR ler No. 12 ST. ULAIII STEP; Er. V.I4AIIE .3 CO.s , . I.IIGFIKST PRE Ml— um Grand, parlor Grand, Square ant Op. N ght flsocs, with oven trues bass, agraSe ttebe, full iron improved frame, and alt the valuable lei. movements. The tone is pert, billltant., euttrely musical character., of the best so ortnnumbitu touch evenness and quality at tone unsurpassed by soy. Each Flato gusrsoteed for eight years Ell At 3 LOYTTId IS.LIJ3IE, No 43 rim( iTREET. tele Second door ab ove Wood street 11 . 017.1L&N, HORNE d C 0.,„ 53 FIFTH !STREET, X=Peolz.car•st 17.1.4Di5a,c,.s Mr Best Plums La li.zascles. AUCTION SALES.• pRATT'S 28TH REGULAR ANNUAL a GALE.—BUOICS In every department of Lit. eratnre. Etienne and Arts, beautiful Pm:4o;mph Album., Floe damlly Moles, Letter eta Eacceter. dal Note Paper, r.neelopea, _Diamond Palate.] Gobi - 4,kc. AT AUOI/ON E VER Y EVEN. MU, a. 7 o'clock, anti at trlvate sale amine the day at average euctton price*, 000! Ms steak le all sold, at MaILWALNE'S AEOTION ROMVLS, 100 Sniftbtleld lttrcet, opposite the Post 0183 e. to the college= are such work. as Appian:'. NO“ , American Cyclopedia, W vols-; Haneroft'a illatory United Mewl, 8 vobi.;.PrefOOMS, 111514/155, 15 volume/; Applztont• Mettonary Mechanics. I vol times, 43a0 plates; Urea Millenary of Arts and Sciencea,3vols.t Webster's ntoa pasty, 3,000 p atm; T414:347 Novels, it vole.; complete moral of Mu: ton, ton, Scott, lrvlon, 'Cooper. Hugh Miller, Shake. spears, Byron, M. `Ore. Slarria, Joseph ,, . Mem. bermllica. ltellin; 13" volume/lot po, Mar Nor. els, btatt.es, Tales, Ice Mca m L W !LINE, A uct'r. J. IL Paver & Ban.. Saleen. one, f PEBLIC SALE 114 ALLEGE EN 1 CIT -1 he underalaned will offer at Public Saha on the premises. in Allegheny City, 01) SATURDAY, Oct. 213th, 1866, at 2 p. m., ths property where :qrs. FORD now lives, on Pasture Lane, AllegbetlV Oily, adjoining the Tannery ;of John Taggart. IL has a mat of shoat so feet OD Pas ture Lane, and eit- ads bask about 400 feet. It Is a part of John 0 11.tra 1 s plan of Mount Hellef, re corded to Man Book VOL 1 page 74, and embrace,. 20 lots of said plan, being lota Lumbered 6to 11. It has a:comfortable Frame House, and [hag/v=le ere p/antea with good fruit User, he. It 00010 be distded Into several good build! g lots, or, If Iw. proved is a wbolo. It would make a delightful ref- Lien , e. it Is offered for sale as a whale, or m sop state lora to suit purchasers, and the term. of payment will be made easy, Possession can be given Inunecilately. .1. W. P. oef#vitd N I. 106 F..'" no,ooo RAILROAD FIRSTMORT AGE BoaDi—On Tuesday evening, Oct. 2tth, at 734 o'clock, will os sold by order of !sum Laughlin Trustee of Pittsburgh Trust Co.. on account of' whom IL m,ty concern, on the second floor of the Commends! :Wes Poems. lOs Smithfield street. opposite the Custom Muse, Pittsburgh, Twenty First Mortgage Wads of the Chatters Valley Railroad Co. for orle thousand dollars each, with interest 0 -, upons at tached. GM A. Mr ILWAIYIE, COUGn NO MORE I TRY STRICKLAND'S AIELLIFLUOus COUCH BALSAM. Dn. Bvittozzirrn'a Mit.rintrous Cotton 8u Ism L woman I to cure Vontbs. Colas, KOUT' mess, Asthma, Wnoopini Clough, Sore Throat, Consumption and ail sections of t he Throst and Lune". tle the only preparation known to Cure Chronic I Coughs, Asthma, and Consumption. It never falls loon Whooping Cough end O m n i'. T rT a bottle directly. It is prepare dfrom honey. ttelnir t nn il r g; arDagwatesdaftognhe.ayirM sal the Ocitlyd Lt AOYIT.I. PILE REM ED Y. w.oLzsA DR. E4RICIELLND'S PIT.E BEIIELTY has cured thousands of the worst cases of Blintl and ma x im ' , Puce la elves (=mediate relief and or. feet. a permanent. cure. Try It directly. it Is warranted to curt. For sale by all firugglst.•at 10 cents per bottle. TA111171311,1 /CATION Fail t.:01:114- . TRY SEATS MR SALA situate on Noir :P.IMM four onto from lire elks, 01 Wits from LaughlliPs 5.1.2tt.0n a( the CourteUrrllle.Bathusth to urea. on-whleh- Is a gos Orchard of orer ',reit Trees of .firte y; In good condwaa; Tetutatlionste laud About 6 acres of. Coal, with pit and 'may opened.: . Also, another Lot adjoining the memo, eott•sta. log 16 awes, partly.underlfdd mkt COOL For plot oud other Informatloni - apple to ate • -M. idob&lN-6 00.. 1.0 Fourth et. AL AZ/WI:LEE PROPERTY FOR CO EALE,On the Steithear We Railroad, seven rata from the din. CONTAINING CHERI:G(I)IIED AND EIGHTY SIX ACRES, • Steam and Water Flowing and Sate ULM and other am bannnrementa Tor (hither latorantion oPrd, . W411.D. (OPPdalt• tan . Grant strat,Vonio. perza tiEOlO Ol F r ig andbutl i &dam 111 BoOm*Yall Vetilbulm_aer ea tea Itrtet b at ia reei t" : Oa J f OS. a. HOCni.ES & SW& • EDVVIri ADAMS I=l 31 Woot: Streot, Filti - stroa WHEELER & wtheoN.s Lock Stitch Sewing Illachine BUTTON-HOLE MACHINE R. E. SELLERS a CO, R. E. SELLERS k CO., WIIOLZIALZ ADCS?* kritO tatflplip PO i valtr. • 1115 et FOURTH STREET. N' • I 1000 lgs Soft Galena estLfor b 7 B..0,11i17:411 t A t root, to combined with other sabetenees of still greater alterative power as to afford an effectual sntldoW Cot diseases Sarsaparilla isreputed to Gate. Stall A remedy is surely wan , ed by thorn Who willbr from ErtrUIDOU.I sad that one which wir I tecompllme their dire Must prove, no this hall, Otill.OP s.!'litlek tll, Pill, riots a our sr. ed is lOW Citizen.. Hoar completely Chia soon• pound 1..11/ . do it has been proven by experiment On mane of the worst cases to be found ID the fol. lowtog complaints : Scrofula, Sen.:Wien. Str - sillege and Sons, Skin Discoed', Yuculm,ll.otches, Sri:100 0 4 St. Anthony'. pie.. llom or r ryalpelas, "ream or Sal Strom, ~ o rad Rene, Riosworns, no. Syphilis or Venetia! DiStit is excel) the esato by the prolorgr d u il se a, of this Se ilia, and the patron. is left In comparative erratic Thomson are mused by Scrotal. blood, and ere often Icon cured Ly this 01 Sat eariP• DO not discard thleinvaltachlo metllclne, Decants You have been Imposed .upon by something per ternlng to 1.0 narsaparilla. while It WOO oat' When yon have wed Aye/to—torn, nn.l not till For ?Matte particulars of the diseases It cures, We refer ton to :yers: Antertom Almanac. whiCh the agent Delo a named trill furnish gratis to all who oth for It. Area's VATIIIiIITIO Pitts for the cure of Cop tire:less Je,undlee, Dyspepsia, Lo ltgrtloty Dye. entcry, Foul Ste mach, liesztaehe, Piles, Rheuma tism, tiesrtburn arising from disordered stomach, Palo, or Morbid la/ union of the Sorrels, Flatu leoclrLOOl of APPOI.I.e, Laver Clomp' Int, Drops y, Worms. Gout, Neaurougla, and for Mauer Pill. They are sugar coated, so that the most smut, live can tea. them pleasantly, bed they are the best Aperlect la the scrod I for all the purposes of a family physic. - • Prepared by S. U. AY ER & 00., Lowell, Dole, nod sold t,y R. A. FARNRSTOOC, 50'f & OJ. and by all I trusetsts. setalmendUe&w liar irIITSIMEItiII SAM WORM% HUBBARD, BRaatICO. ICAXITIFA0111112:118 0/ PATENT GROUND CIRCULARS, Warranted CAST STEEL SAWS, of ovary de. a:Moth= Mill, !delay, Cron Out, Gang, and all other rarletiea All kinds of KNIVES and SPRINGS, made from Sheet Cast Stet ,1 • Extra Relined REAPER AND MOWING 10 , 1TVES, Mr Warehouse and Works, corner WATER and SHORT STREETS, Pittsburgh. Particular attention given to Retoothing, Gum ming and Straightening Circular Sayrs• pairs of all kinds. Punching and Drilling done at reuociabls rates. angady BARNAIIL., h lA,. Boiler Makers & Sheet Iron Workers, Nos. VI, 22, 24 sml 26 PENN STREET •Coiper Mill and Smelting Works. PARK, MeCURDY & CO Manufacturers of SIIE.A.THINO..II It AZIERS' litiLT COPPER, Pita:Skill ()UPPER BO VOMS, RAISED STILL BOTTOMS. SPALTEB. ' , OLDER. Also, Importers and dealers In MET. ALS Tih PLAIE, SII. LT 111(15, WISE. &a Constantly nn hand, TINNETIS` MAUI-LINES' and TUOL.S. W areliouse, No. ICO FIRST and 120 SEC UNL STHEXTS, Piqsburgn. Special orders of Eatiper eel to any desired Pattern. acyTecirdaleT 01 , 0. I . ICITER ....W 11. 111.5(.!...... J. Y. 1101.1.11.111 nr• EA BELLE ATEEI ORBS. REITER & CO Manufacturers of OAST STEEL; SPRING, PLOW sod BLISTER STEEL; SPRINGS, AZ. LES, CROWBARS, ik.a. • Sir Office, No. 96 WA rea STREET (uo stain) PIT TSIII I BOII. PA J5 - al BOISINKUN. \ALA& l 0., (suecoxors to .1101 , 17 , 600, 3111418 h DIILLCUC. - - Washington Works, FOUNDERS A-Nl.) MACHINISTS, Prrnmusa o. Manafacturers of BLIAT AND STATIORAIL Y STEAM ENGINES, BLAST ENGINES, MILL IL MACTIVERY, GEARING, SHAFTING, CA•rT. INGS of de.rtptloos, OIL TANKS o. STILLS, BOILER ANL) SHEET IRON WORK. ALT Agents for CGIPA.RIJ'S PATENT INJ ECT. OR, for feeding hollers. JOlllll CtINCHIIANI t 8110., :manna° toren of IRON VAULTS AND VAULT DOORS, _IRON RAILING, WINDOW SISUT. TERS, WINDOW GUARDS, he., Nos. 111 SEO. LIND and 98 TRIAD STREET, between Wood and Market, have on hand a variety of new patterns, Caney and plain, suitable for all purposes. gEr Particular attentiOn paid to enclosing Grave Lots. Jobbing done at abort notice. 111.12 TO N NU TOON Pi UTENISEItti OF 130TH SEXES.-.& reverend gentleman have tog been restored to health to a few days, alter un dergoing the usual routine and Irregular expeoalvo mode of treatment without mimeo, consider. It his sacred duty to sommooleate to his arttleiml creaturea the mean. of cure. fleece, on the receipt of an addrened envelope. he send,iree, a copy of thmpreurtption tuted. Direct to Lie. JOHN m. IJAGNALL, ISO Felten street, N. Y. Dahl I d gdawY SENT FREE.—A PAILPIILEt Or U immense importer,ne to the old and young, married end .Ingle of both flexes, telli be sent free by 64.3reselat, with atejittp enclosed, the agents; .T. E.F..XDBACE. h. CU., Ho: 71, Boston Poet 0111ne. mflithltdatel 111}.: BRIDAL UDARDRR, AN ES. SAY OF WARNING AND INSTRINJ TION FOR YOUNG MEN. Also, new and relies hie treatment et the Utinsay end Sexual Systems. Address Dr. 3. SICYLLMY NOUGHTON, How zed Assoclatton, Philadelphls, Pa. aptly SEWING MACHINES rpm GRATER dc BAKER FAMILY SEWING MACHINE IS TILE ONLY MACHINE drHICTI Embroiders. THE UNLY MACHINE WHICct Makes the Elastic Stitch. TILE CNLY MACHINE WHICH Uses Two Spools THE ONLY MACHINE WHICH Fastens the Ends of the Seam THE ONLY MACHINE WHICH Makes a Bias Seam That wW not Mutt or ravel In !ann.:W.ld LO toateriaL Tlr, Only Sewing Machine Company WHICH MAKES LOCK-STITCH ARD Double Lock-RIM* Machines lir Parchaecrs can exchange for either, if a lilted with their first choice. Examine for yourselves at NO. 18 IFT/PTH STREET. A. F. CHATONEY. aoaayeodra. aE2IEAL. &GENT. HIGHEST PREMIUM Afgeney, ..ro. 27 kl/Th Street. aes FOURTH STREET I;i i - vIL CLOTHS, a A., er ldth s ugw a ig i rl. evert Ii VERY SUPERIOR Cotton Chain, List and Rag CARPETS. W. D. & U. MaALLUbIi, r•I:1:34::i 4 4:00):4r1 1-41.N3th, MONDAY, OCTOBER 85, 1855. GAZETTE TERMS Deily morning 11l per eaauli do, do, served by earners, 23 neat, a week Dolly Evening Aozo per I ear. do. do., served by earrir-ri, 15 cents a week. Li'telily, la e 1.,. PI CO per Sear do, single coptes p.m do. RATES OF ADVERTISING cunt FO:117.1. itt-.-BTABOISIO LATTSII 1 Pally taw 9l r te. ,476.11. Ono time.. Two Um. Three Voles Four riot.. Five time‘.... 2W. 227 One Welt.... 2 75 j 1 75 11 YS. 7.i' 7.3 Two v.. 0066.. 4 1.5 2 72, 2 01, 127 125 Threr .6066 6 10 4 27 2 75 2 03 1 15 Ono 22003,....1 823 5 50, 4 Oui 2 23 201 Two month.. 52 Ot., 8 OUP 6 75 422 Three moVI3O 16 011 10 SI B 700 475 6is 111 mouths .. 23 50 11 75, 250 600 12 13. r Stine mown. 01 o 0 1110 12 U./ HOl II oU One Toot 40 00 2J 60 19 1:2 , II 00 2U 20 AM:TM-seri:cute amensd one year may no changed M the advertiser • pleasure L et chergc of 25 cents per spume, for 20 emits patd et the time.) but wad be confined to the Immediate husluess of the advortber. . . Advertaanments contracted for °there's. thsu .111 be 'smarted ou •uoh days as the oaks, aoky select. . . / raiment advertising CASH. Death Noticea. each ittacilim Sdarriso notices, Steamboat advertisementa, per trip Executors' or Administrators' Notices. YEARLY ARVEISTASEING swims One square—tongued to the immediate Dimness of the advertmer, end not to include diesolutions, km - elation of new firms, wants. Sta.—changeable once a week. Any excess to be charged as tran sient Mittel, ,3 Um. tuues time D. 119. le week.; a weak. s weak. Three menthe— 919 bo' 912 00 b" 910 Six months , 30 00. 19 DO' ttroa 10 60 Nine raoaths.... I cr 60 es co. 21;00 13 90 One Year 63400! 33 991 26 00 00 00 la.- rut Nonce, double the above rate., it le• aerted one mouth or more. For • ions portal 20 ccnu a line. Local notices at such class rosy he agreed 11r4411. Kir A square to be eonsidered es the spate occu pied by tea floes of the ordinary sdrervising type of the paper. CONSTRUCTION. The Cincinnati anette has an editorial on this ,uhirvt, which we give entire, as follows: The people of the South have generally ca rve-red their actimeseenee In the fa. t that the la v. sI.o. ry forever. The mti ti. n President tr ltrA e etEltlttion ed , • nt to ilt ISCLII II of the Stott' Goverintneni. i ii.i, I Ilia 1. is rac been ;II the fr,•cd 61. ate, have declar..l the ;on Ti, make ti,ir thol r.,,,,„..„,,.,, „r ,h Ann is rootirtd. n:: elect, at.,l Ibis Imiarn: Inn. an be made before their E , TrrFentAtiv.= and Senators re,ent them felves to Cocgress for admission. The condi tics asp, rd by Proqd, ot Jou a,r C a., a p to th, it reh0 , . 11U11 . .0•3 Ent I e , cEnt I'o 0310 - have ratified t hie t r,:ittal(l.l amendment; for al:hough we malt tain that ender the C'onto.i.V.l9n no ear ear be erprlced of liberty Neithoct legal yet the States claim that, wh,n red to 11. C, !Croat, relctiuur, hey wirl have rctoe Ir.rr,r oct r Lite rty of their Inh.nrri tar tit t they rn t‘y another chance in IL. it lor ,trutr...n, reduce the Line:, to 611V,ry. It 11 , I:11c t 001 an ainnmpunn WOU'l lie. of the 'Le claim of State aorereorn; y L et up ihr r.ght to accede. Firtbit bt, II 1110aM .ec that the ecttlemeut of the uer thel Tr us raised by that pret en, ior. ,h alt BU opcniug . fur ,t to tic t,-,..40,Lt It Is or,ue,l 05 :be tub , u•; rebel* that tha war he ~.ttled the . ! ac.,ti,m, of i•ceeSllol3 and slat err. limn let the settlement be fa: Ailed In goad fa, 1 The Constitu'inn is roeuvl,e as to the right of teer9sloa. It was a elaftu which went back of the S:onstitutiouard is the feel of the Istlcr of It. Being an unfounded State claim It 10 teak:zeal that the State formally aba.dons. the Cet,tltution of the freed States have done to far as they have been cot:La:roc:ed. It would impair the Constitution to put an Sr. It that would show that such a I iChl aa . ere; claimrd uroOrr It. 7 kit right of e.ecttion this elalmed . cloy tc the Conat titl,u. No amer.dmmt.of tis Corsti.stital can set asidea claim which as FISCISCA /0 to SlSpelifle to it. list •111 Vs re existed ul.dt r ;Le Constuntion. They claimed It as a Stale tight, and the claim was allowed. Thera. fore, It la necessary to the settlement of the slavery question that they should ratify . the Conatatutional amendment ea that the Settle meet shall not he broken by the claim that the Staler may let Ire It. We want no renewal of the slavery conflict in this republic, nor can any party or section look upon such a pas tlbillty at anything buts calamity. The Pttatment that all have agreed to ail not be completed until the constitutional amend. Meet to ratified. Tin prereqtthitd Colidltionsof rteonetrot lion Imposed by the President will not be compllad with until this ratification she I have made them binding. Good faith In the settlement requires It. To refuse to make binding what they bays agreed to would be Justly taken aa proof of bad faith. It cannot he expected that Congress will go behind the President's chanty defined ',hey on this question. Therefore, It mould be tuireasou obit, for the Repreventatives of these roron strutted States to regent thetrFelves for atimlb• Sion to Congress without this compliance with the settlement that they leave attreed to; and It trrithi he still more unreasonable for them to expro I that Congress would admit them without it. Tote resting Concerning the Great Tale Case to the Patted'. Property. The disastrous Are at Pithole confers addition al Inure-at on the case about to be litigated in the courts as to the title of the Pithoie property. It appears that before 1536 a treaty was made between the State authorities of Pennsyleaula and Cornplanter, the chief of a tribe n( Indians nhaliting that section of the State. By virtue of IL, the aborigines were to be protected against all Intrigues dud encroachments from the whites upon certain reset cations assigned to them. One of these consisted of a tract of land, about half a mat:square, on Oft creek, lying on both nice. of its mouth, the necessary papers for ot Lab were made out and delivered Matt:Wl:gel, then residing with ha tribe higher up the A Ito gbeny. What motive Induced him to make t his selection to unknown, but of the fact Itself the beet evidence can be produced, the treaty cm, veying the title being now in Palladelphia. Some time afterward, however Coropinutcr proceeded down the river to Pittsburgh, and, in no doing, came in contact with certain white speeulatora, who purchased his 011 Crock reser vation for the sum of js27o, which was paid down and the deed, duly handed over. But on hlo ar rival at Pittsburgh be found that 5.200 of the purchase money cor.ststed of counterfeit bills. The residue, liken true Indian, be spent and re turned to his home on the Allegheny. On his way he stopped and demanded good money for the counterfelt,or tt restoration for his title d car and the property. The purchaser alleged that it was out of Ms power to replace the:money; but that If Coroplanter refunded to.him the $75 opent, the papers should be returned. The chief proceed ed on ids way, procured the sinall-atn, came back and paid It down, receiving his paper. as agreed upon. But it appears that the purchaser bad, meanwhile, gone to Franklin, the county Seat, and got the deeds recoxted. The drcurn- Stance pooled over and was forgotten. 210 per son lived on the reservation, which consisted either of a low, impassible Swamp, orPreftiPleen too steep to he cultivated. Its note value ap peared to arise from it. becoming at some time oansenertlal trout at the lower end of the val ley. Coraplanter was at length gathered to his fathers, as? was Governor Wolf, with whom he uegotlated the treaty. The pa Per Itself, with several others, remained In the hands of his hardly, who took no interest in them, except OD etutositim . Prom time to time, how tiger, It appears that suspicions bean to pre vail among the new settlers in Oil City that all. was not right with their alas. • Tile Clatter was at length brought to a focus by Coreplanter's daughter mentioning to white friends that her father owned promy somewhere on the creek. The paper was huitU4 op and discovered; legal gentlemen were asked to take hold of the mat ter, which le soon to come before the State Court. for adjudication. As represented by one who has seen the deed, that reservation commises, at lust, three ttuar-r tern of the built-cap portion of Ohl City—lnclud ing houses. yards, landinge,. refineries, mills, etc., the whole worth more than a million of dollars. •Of the fact of the deed being in Com' planter's famllylhern can be no dispute. The defence will probably bomade on other points. The right of possession, as esteem sthifes, would be &aided by lean than thine years' occupations but as to tranandlons between white men and Indiens, the role does llOt apply. A 4 to abet .vlitne theremay be in the fact cal . regb4tnitten, of whin, It II represented, tba old : chief Wu Ignorant, ,and consequently took no . stepit to Undo; the future 'will decide, t TentP; employed in Dick; rann'o ml.l at lack 1;;;;•tr, fame In h;R death ir anu • c. tut manner. on WeAneadav aftormn•at, C:2. LI, • ir einut. env, talm•ur 1 1 1 !t• v•t trto. oltherol!' ;-• o ^ 0; I- r , ... drum, and throwo with ail tj, u moLim.LaLlt al of wbe^.l aea;o•; "1" LvL.r.i. on L114...7- i inthe Ride. nod am.autly —Otto lire 'telt: ut 1 .11 u t Ter) :ton, I•i n. l l, i. n .ttedy L,.. t•j,- iUt• irt:dt• I..e•nur. .1 mi in 111, ent..l.,••ta it( nt6ttt.i Till: N. :::•;00 1 , 17,47;ti •.,y, 1 ~..1.1.:11 ;Le w . . ~,ted in the Trai,pe Nl. , hizorn.r) e•eon • • t -, e,k, I. r the .ilet,, , , .4m, ~,, ~. ..,, T h. . o 1 , , (Imre!), in a little I Whet ~r, th e pr tie•rry of I I.uri, ileulup, Seen , 1.,•,, were linatile.; in th e bushes, when ~0 , of thin slipped 0 I 7' in the op,- ur- of Up C.: , - . and np,, -,,,,...,,, 10..1. It was forted that dou - n , lit nor.- 1.••1 th .rr, WU,O r..on, about .. v-11 h ,•I , 1113,, tl i,h .1 ii 1, , a,1.0•11 . li : n ~mall lire pin e.• ml ..hire; nten,:s. and a 1.,,1der by whi , ll th.• inhabit.,,,,, ~„,,,,1 egress to the outer world. Thr who l, Ay, I. II great mystery, and no on, kn o w., i d," ,u., 11 . pies it or oho hid!! il. Them are meat, b0,, , 5.0rd other unmistakable Oens of don't,' ir life about the nine, yet no one knows nnythiuz about It. A SID accident occu. red on the 10th lu...taut, at the house of John Itearn, In Oliver township, )lllliin county. A little girl was shot and in stantly killed by her little brother, a boy inns years old, who, while playing with his little ,ii icr up stairs, took bold Ll' a loadod gnu, unc:tp pet], and pointing several times at her, snap', 41 the trigger. The glut went off, discharging t le 1.,0,1 of shot In the little glrl*, breast, It Mug ler Instant!). The eirldren were on a visit to th it mule's, their parents residing In Philadelph a. Ten ]leads the daily Republican sayer A IR , d 1 gases reiboad is to be bath. between the to as of it, no stud Pithole wt -bitt sixty data. 0 er one Lunched hands passed through hereon Wed nesday to work on the road, and others will COl low llbtee , lately. (le,elal Burnside will have the anyierli.tet.dence of the work, and it will be leo,rnten in the most vigorous manner. It will afford the denizens of oildum great sati.l • lion to learn that the General In about to ide te in the Oil It. don, end take an settee part in e r velnplut,r, its wcodurful ri sources. THE citizens of New Castle era talking shunt a library sea /Cilithin. 'the Lswecace Jot,r , ad says: The most feaedb:o mold that we haiw [ward proposed is to purchase a piece of ground is a PloPer loCation. er -et a rnalket house, a hall for public I. etures...t.c., over 11, and a s:int. able roc m for a library and youth's, home. M 41.4, Fihtl nu, .iced II fly-um years. and on noirried, reerdino ra iletlod tow/midi? Lysol aules oordli of F ro.oloonlootraro, Lenny or cor,uty, rr oontrilired suit di icy Ironton/4 Itlm.. Il ii n i.:11 - 11 13 Wonroooeday. lln. 4LII of October. Ills Mend Imd Le' rt derary.red for arcs /law. • Till, 11,,i. , trtr T4egraph n a a ntatilltpwli mwna L Tat ra,• , al L: II kr ..1 Derry I, w ...hip. (b a t w "TX a,l- and :hr. , - "f Itl:/iAlia71.`, Ire th leg mad, rur erv,Ll of a Cara irlificr:, , a•lti a cap, it,' for ..11". tut..., 2 ;:r ed oil. al fir goo C tc, c cd. tl: - ;a, £3 \T lb lit.' U . it " i . .'t. li. t:..i. 1 , ., it I"Ai•riA . :.t . t . CO l7r. iI•H i'd of r llt the tire:L... of cLat tow.:. W.dco. , :ay cuurl.:u2. 'I lit :1,1 tO , clBccrutary or War. I. Popt t NAT j.arcoLed. Tlte th!rd and I.vt. M. z 3 , t tAll r;.;:700,1. Wriy. th-0, str.; :0, t b.; Jot., C. It, ck'or 1,!;• h, t,nr \‘'Llt crlrr, Cr• •II".•ue , _, 40:111 as W3F n•,t .rurntaul ! ) (ISE of the n 0 4 1 Kl.c . .nr cet.n , llnbo.no•• to .llcat,d r•c Lt.e a c, a - the !dna s•• t tee 65 - st none, has j'i.t rl , et I a 1,• p l 1,r1,1 by a p tttrt to tt, nyced Cdr y. nr tl c! , , , ,1 VOL , n 1 •• tllng yt le t.ce!., t vt•t c -Cabe ut nivt: a•rt , I ere; led trot nine In Mr morning' v tail indll—ehl in at rr.,g CI - 0401.11,5. With Leon tr, It, fashion changed, and'the /.I• I. aal. lit d. I. now closed, VI, an t a.ett Li, of forty fiVe yea, A• trhiht: iu the f th• t‘ritt'pl• .Pur ,r.. 41 11. .11.1 t;zar. i• n, , ' r11.1,t - I t", I. 144 11 tl• II llllt FULL rahtl. , I • !, o .!. .! • II ! ... r! I t.!. • ..o v t.. .he a t '; t.O lib Lio•ri. 11 Au the Southern atonsrla•lr ,•rson for %or) ,p! ~11411.• . yautootnin •• Nt. Lot (Prat snrsrtlber..! to the Royal Th,atre, of Slu.lt art. wt Die were on the rott-ha•td eicb . Late oil ors eived notice to pass over to the left, as the King of kliurt , o:ung will not have any psrson oppn,tte to him bat those belonging to :he nobility. A or tine in New York. while. drank, beat and ItighteLed her hoOmod to death. Ti.e Jure found that be was constioaptiTo, and truatrarr: nly hutiini-ri his nod so alit was discharked. Lucky morderuria, P(.lst t rP131II(OFF, a Hula's° srsh!eman, re• C(4' 4 ly rnry leed the fancy at a dress ball In Paris. He wore a plain hall coat, but he had to ho Cap, a black alert, a Mal:loot worth half a bray' IEI TEItS MA INI. Lt in the ?net Otter at Allegheny City, Pa To obtain any of these letters, the appltosal must call for clrrrtr..A Idler., giving the date of th:s Pat, tel psi two rent. rot advertising. II uut tor within one month, they will be sent toil, looter (Mice. $OOO Itoi Imlay let by r' 4 " l44 .•at the sea" S of owners may he 80'."000 '"1 "•44Y.ri the following ar - roe 1. Dints, letters plainly to the street and bet, as well aa the Post t /Once and state. 2. Haanletters with rho writer'. rod Office sod State, street and number, Mon them p, •lniy with full name, sod request that anaseery be d. coiled accuesl ingly. 3. Letters to strangere or transient I !sltors In a town orMay, w hose special addl.., Lucy be un known, should be markt .1 on the lower left hand corner, with the word "Transient." A Place the postage stamp on the upper right-hand corner, and tear< spars. between thestamp and di rection for poismarkiny without Interfering with the Wiltlitti. N. I4.—A nurturer for the nleenttlt of a Letter to the writer, If unclaimed within Tillery nave or less written or printed with the writer's name, Post Office nod Male, across theleft-hand end of the ens elope, on the face side, will be compiled truth at the usual prepaid rata of postage, payable when the letter Is dell, erect to the writer. (lee. 23, Law of MM.) SATURDAY, OCTOBER 218 T, iSIIS. A 'tense S • Nellie F w Alexander hate ((lass Sault Nelson Henry F A in:erson Jse _ t multi Jo. Noble Selma A Illes et IN, limy Jas Blain J oceeti A Wersor Lewis I; utht le I. Noely Wm Ai I. inson We, 0 Wen Mary Nellie Wm Anderson It 11 111mb/int Wa, F 0 ft I /ally. Wm ' Oxley Joseph it 11r) en .fins , 7 roh Win M tYlluold3lsrlith Bien n I 1 t irrthant It .1 P lie' hwell le I }ray it i ' Paxioe Geo 311. Bert Cora Illich Oat M Pout Sarah Blair T L H Payee Sarah .1 Ha! v., II S 'Hopper Arthur Perkins Jas Betiluor II Harley Anna, Pierson Louisa Blair II K Harts Kate Q Bailee Sarah Hill (Jarolice Quest James Li Butler Samuel Harper D•viii Ft Won n Joseph Harley Geo Rem Alex Bennetts , Jnn rd , Hillier Bare'l !leaned A BellisuangerJ (1 Heller Closest, kldgata Ann Brown JII Hoed Sant'l IFiay II M Bond John H 'Haskins Joist . !lingers Ohs. Burgess Jas A. lkillnenel loseph:ltegan Don't Dsneurts F A • Heath John , Reber Erre D 9 Heechey Thos Harley bother Holmes Sung Brown 's A 2 Heckard al I Koss Olbs'aki)o Hogg. Minnie 'Hartman 11l ARohboak Penni Bolinger hi J IHoorer Mary Tinos. Jam S Halley Wm M • Hickman W I' Ilaralis J Doane Wli -Hays Walter 2 kilettards Wm Bradford Wm 1 Rowland Wm Burton Wm llglnfrits :4 P Riley a Brynnt Wm Cr Reed Firmer Baxter Wm ; l ackson AO 5 Helmer. P mason Imo W 'Shall's, Aes D Braun Pim by K. 'Sisal ts Ana le c 'Kennedy Beni • Shanlin Edon Courtney E vy . Kearney Deal. !Spence Ella 00Uriney N }Omer F ISeibert F. J 0l ooze Jit ;Kerr lames .Sciarl Ebenezer Collins Silas ./!: renatriekJ 11.6 ummrville Geo Clark .1 .Kelley James 'Smith Geo K Cottewell .1 B . Kane J W ISt,. H p Casson John 'Husk II 'Snowden H Christian ThoslEase Wm P I -hun .1 Craner Leslie, lautedler S 3 .SlinOn on John Crozier Belly i L „a peer Thus CridgeMatheweLeonard A/1 !a/lullaby 1. Crawford id S . Lorenso 0 A Steele Walter Copps Nellie ,Lyon 1) H wrlaidalr W K crooks Robert Luther Esk IShipmen W W Ca rrad y Maggie 'Haag Oen ,Semple W T T./ (Lindsey Sarah Scatter Wm Dunlap A iLetterle Geo ;Sore 6 B Davis Eliza ' al :Somer. P Davis Nam! 1, ~ 1 1.1111er AII • T Duncan John ElMillar A 0 'Tailor Allen Doyle Jobs 'Mercer Ami..l 'Tower Lleele Danforth John I/Kerr/son Ellr'll!Taguart M A Dimmey .51 :Marsalek Ells•h,Taylor Mr Douglass Wm Moore Elva A. Taylor Loren E E Bill= Isaac J' U Eyrie Mollie Mar Jlloward . Upetill E 0 Eatchell A 2 Marlin Jacob , V Earl' Gee Belau .1 W !Virtue Maria Enstlne Win Monty:lay/IMo : W ! 1' Brom Veleta Wilson AR Fornot Barbara Miller LoutiMo Williams B Fraser E Miller Sikk Willard 0 Fogel Fred Madrid Was Wise B 11,, Field Isaac Biller Wm Orilryio Faint Jacob Biller PUNY Finney Levi ti Moody Rebecca WHilaMit .1 F Foulk I. Cols MaLenniketroug Walker J 0 Franklin Bela) Ilimfaudies WO WhivoJames " G Meitturryßlarth Walker Jamas Gleadall Anna Nefiowatillam Welker DI Good IFT . • feleZeon John Withal= a' , ' Graham David fdeVayJohn • iirllumas 3D ' 0 Glenn rjlaa MaKineyLinieg Mitchell *l. , (Darr Edward rdollarroll Ann Wallas* a Quo ker Fred McKean AJ • Wthot U Groves Basil MAE:night D 8 .. ..9 • , Gag Eilm . 0 ifOlineDa9l4 S 9 Green S • Nichols Think Young John L lASIVEL•RIDDLE, Postmager. am ;Si a. en to G p. tap Cron toms PETPOT•vr T " t LARK it SUMNER, 24 WOOt) SULEET Meet wort. have the largeet eflpsetty to the e , •t..tt,y. The blood stands the highest to this •.t.t.t.try nod to Europe, for quality end Ore hest, and the Olt t• put O. Wulf eessonod Pr0P. 054 eepeelally for export. PI tor ulect h re,* ~f NOILEHS, STILLS, TANKS, 'IPH ( tY El , It'tßtNti TOOLS for OR Wells. dettlay TENANT FARM OIL COMPANY Office Cuba' of Peon and Wayne Suits:: Tel. Ccoapnny rearr rtn , reh n the ?.9thunder tie Pennsylrestx Oltrung And Itinuolnctur tug Law.. The 'lt rr.tory or tne thernpany le so word CO Dunker° 'reek. between the iA2IIII of the Itunkard Creek I 'alt.. !Al Clompney nn 1 the Dunk tad Creek Petroleum Company. npltal Stock $150,000 00 Working nod 23,000 00 Par value Of each Snore oh S. A. JOlhltrStit.l, President. ISAAC NOCK, SeerotarT and Treasurer, 01 , W.T0(1., J.O. Wetr, H. W. 111Lettle, James Oraham, Stephen Lawson, Frank Snynar, susoM I )UIiKAIID CHEEK PETROLE uft C:MUTANY. Office Corner of Penn and Wayne Ste Ti.!. eon:lpm.) has organized on tue ce.h lam under the Prantylv.ta Mining and Mannfaetu ring Law,. The territory of the company of Jolna the lan., of the Dunker.] Unfelt Union Oh Volupany, of this eitZ• Capttwl tiltocf.t. $225,000 Workuair Fond ' 23,000 Vat. Value of Each Share el 00 onatonaa : Prealitent—S. A. JOHNSTON. Secretary and Tzesauxer—LlAde NOOK. D 111190 2 .0118 I EL A. °onyx-ma, - - .1. S. Kroocw. Famre Hirt DIM, liaise i1v.A1..•, Y. L. 0 MDT, ' W. U. Kleo, Jczayd H. W. fitrunir.. • _ _ SUPERIOR OIL ENGINES. We are conatruering, and %la keep on hood • superior auk, of OIL 2715i3xr..1-1, Either a Common or Tubular Boiler We Invite pestles needing raglans lor this par. cra MACKINTUNII. la Lmr,ti JAMES WlLhlr r, est.intajArtn DCALSB to OUDE AND REFINED OILS Sill's Mock. Duquesne Way, Filial:ern Zit - Sped/0 attentionelven to the SALE AND SEIP.M.EAT OF PETROLEUM end Its product.. Couslgrnent• respectfully sollelted. 04 - POST OIVIUE BOX 142. _ 13 - J No. I NI. CLAIN NT.. Pillaborgh, AND DEALE,B. IN OILS ILLUMINATING, I.I.VEIOATINni, LIAIGJD IG.TIinnLEUM 1.111. b, en :tautly on hand add lon aale at We iowest Aarket Inrdes. Cannalga. dente and order. candled. arldnn OCTOBER. 6, 1661' DITERIDOES PATENT Oral La nip Chimneys. rantinctured of XX Flint Glass. . - ese uhtmnel. are lIMGMIGCL for (be fiat name., tee n.I parts •.1 the gin,s equally, dues hot ex c. to cnekitig. t 1T11.11.11/G E, lort Olaa. Wtstke, I . ,ttabbc,th. Peual• ..w•wom. . ....... ..,311,113V KAM, Mil:;(4 PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS And dealer In ittitang ltaterleds. oc2l-ly No. El DIAIIKET ST. Patsburcl. BO.NDED IVAILEHOUtiE UP Phenix Irarebonsing Company, F.,t of BALT It. S. 11 At ftISON REFINED PETROLEUM la I ank• sad Bartels. See Orlroulars. r.Cue, No. 45 BEAER STREET, New York 1c cE.Rr OIL WORKIN DIINCAS, DUALLY & CO., 111.11-YrrACTINUCCA Or Plre tt Tte Itolue4 Ortior) No. =+l LIBERTY STREET WV. tIOLINIA I AIM Linn, JAMES IRWIN L CO., acermuctrtmes ON Oil of Vitriol and Aqua Ammonia, OFFICE No. 15 BIARHMT St., PLUMBERS, GAS FITTERS,& c ADDY & ISWENS, PRACTICAL PLUMBERS. Gas and Steam Fitters, No. 165 WOOD STREPT, (OPPOSITE FIRST ORITER;;(,) Pumps, Hydrants, Sheet Lead, LEAD PIPE, PIG a BAR LEAD ANI Plumbers' Materials in General OIL REFI.rERIEB Fitted Up in the Most Approved Style Teak► Howl wit► lead or copper. Howtes tittal tip with water or pia N. B.—Alleeders pi mpt,y vtended.to. lee pLuIiBING, Oa* and Steam Fitting In all Its branches, carefully attended to, by-sithe Hence,' practical workmen. A Inc iissorttant at GAB MS, nrronaz, aLE BATH TUBS, SHOWER BATH/Sy WATER ()LOS_ ETS HYDRANTS t).,actantly on hand and made to order. TATS & BEVELLE, . 611 FEDERAL STREET, Allegheny; And 927 LIIIEIII7 STREET. Pit 4 burgl6 uthillSawdiv BOOTS AND SHOES 1300 TS SAND MOSS. JAMES ROBB, 11late !Swims Streol Hu Jun returned from the EAST with a very fens and momonsble mole of .125.0000r13 43.1%71:21113331-43,ZU8. oz the VERY DFSI" QUALITY. Diens', Hoye' and Youth.' Boors AND SHOES in ell thou varieties end apes. LADIES WORK of the U nit and hest that Is menufeetund, from the One Polish to the plain 17.11 boots. Ohildrena' Roots and Shoes to every ityle and mild,. Our MOM is to will eturh, goods as win dint sat- Weapon to thopurehaset. dirPlease call and examine, and Von 111111 be &Wetted with the QUALITY euullnilo ROlrdi. Remember the place. I AbIES Rua oe7 No. 71 Brat meet. SOUTH & ROS 3 ♦re selling or their stook of Boots and Shoes REDUCED PRICES. T ADIS% rill ONTS', MISSES' ta rn 4 . 4 WitUaDgE Boots, Bison and Gaiter*, Of every Style,leake and Forge, at CIYYLVeI. Comer Filth and Wynn stride. /7 . MO ton PAU eviabotly, N. FIOLM_VS 3: SONS Z3.P..N~~zzs itreet, Pit".3b,m-gri I - PONFis R VEIJ IN PAIR FUNDS' ANT' ISIIIIMM l'n:ir , A , nszvule en n❑ tine principn: polo:37 • . 1 IThs:to , l! , ,tattt ,Lind Ca3.l,S. STOt.EN, fif , IN'Tgi AND (FIRER s.FOrRITIZ BOUGHT PZO SOED ON CONIMISS!ON Partloulta attentlurt paid to tile {mirth.. 10 sale of UNITED STATE; SECURITIES, tACTI•VOINO Vatted dtatid 61325 of 1531; Do. do. 5.20 s ; ; ID-1961 Do. doven4hittles; Du. DertUltates of Indebtednexa. OKDEESI AND POIIaTIEM UMIGHT uu )1118:17 COLI;EOTE _ THE FOIIIITH NATIONAL BANK. 11. S. Government Depository 54 . 71 1-IRICAKT SARTEET, Capital Fold In $lOO,OOO With PrlTllotot of Increase to 500,000 Having extensive correspondence with Hanks and Bankers throughout the country, we otter onusu• al facilities to those doing business with us. 7 8-10 1"470TEI8. And an other t}orernment securltiea, furnished la sums to suit norchasora. Ile:sorts roamed and Intel eat allowed by 'pedal agreement. 1,026,0(11. THUS. prtiNELLY, ..12. H. ICINtI. D. M. SMITH 7. HT ILEY. JAS M. HA , .1111 IN P. Ii Eltri"N MOS. 20 1 / 1 21.. I. M. K.ll:Keftrlil.7lt THOS. DONFIELLY, Presilent. BUTLER WARD, Cashler MEMMS2II DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, No .7,9 FOULTB STEWS, Ma= Open .rally from 9 to 0 o'clock, also 04 7 , godceo day sad Soturtay evening, from May Ist to No vet:cher let, from 7 to 9 o'stee.k, no., from Noremhel Ist to Kay lot from 0 to F o'clock. Details received of all sums of not levet/inn Dollar, nod • dividend of the proets declared year, 30 June and December. Interest hoe beer , :ec!..red Sr, n , ,i!j, 'lt .7 one vol since the Bank was organized, at the rate of ill h cent. • yen,. Interest, not drawn out, is placed to the credit of U. depositor as principal, and bears tan tome ltltRIV5l. Dom the Ant days of June and Decemar, compounding twice • year without troubling the depositor In call. or even to present la ha. honk. At this rasa money will double In less than twelve yeses. Books, soota!ning the Charter, By-Lams, tio:ea nod Reichlal/ohs, luzalahecl gzatla., oa appil2stior at the (,thce. - PS.W.I.DarnEOIII3P, LLB It EX., ' V/rn) ritlattnners. W.!unn..l Andereon, A. M. Pollock, M. I/., John If Bacnuten Hobert Robe, B. uj. I. 1 nlincrlock, John H. Shoenliere, Jan,. Henn:nen, James tlhidle, Jame. McAuley. Alexander Speer, Isaac M. Penn.:L. .- Christ/an Tracr. rIMPTISIVI. l 3n11.14 Aartm.e Henry J. Lynch, . .loon C li/ud,ey, Peter A. Madeira. (Jcorge Mack, Jahn Marshall, HAI linrsteln, Wedter P. Maralia.l, Alonzo A. l'arret, James B. P. ee.la, Charles A. Colton, M John H. Mol'adden,l Wm. Douglas, Jahn Orr, John Evana, Henry L. Ittnesalt, John J. Clilleapte, William E. SchniSrtt. William S. Hamm, Alexander Tlndle, Peter H. Hanker, William Varilark, Richard Hay; Wm. P. Weimar, Jame. D. Kelly, Dam Whittier. inrearurer—UHAS. A. DC/LTC/111 Scerenn - r—JA.III.I. B. D. MEEDS. a-11=1Am pax EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANE f Pittsburgh. Chartered by thr Capital Organized under State of Pa., 1616. $1,000,000. Natal Law IS6i ThIA Rnak has Ccca destenatoa a REPOSITA RIV United states Treasu7y, :ppolate4 agent fo: the .ale of the 7nso Ma OAL TS Every tullity mill be offered to Love.tors or pon ties puraullog (or rossla EL M. MURRAY, Cashier _ I FROPLES' NATIONAL BANK, Of Pittsburgh. Capital Paid in $1,000,000, with Prvii lege of $2,000,000. s aW i tHotsse CORNER FIRST AND WOon This flank, organized modes the National Bank tog System is now prepared to trans.:* busin at Its Banking Homo, tem? of Wood and j streets. Collections made on all adeeesible points on most favorable terms, Special Agents for JAY pooKE, for the s►te of the V. S. 7 3 .i v 's Treasury Notes. SAMUEL REet. Preisldeal F. M. aottnor;, en.hler. J. C. IIIePIIERSON Teller NCERCH.AI4I` - I'AILORS. -- STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FoR GENTL MEN'S WEAR. The latest Novelties of the mown. The lames and boat selected stock of EHENcH COATINGS HEATHERS AND catevivrs li.l THE OLT Y. Which we will make to order to • aoperlor atyle PRAOES MODERATE GRAY, POSSUM it GEESE, Sucoeuon to S. GRAY 6 BO*, OCI7 MINCHANT TA11.0.1, No. 62 MA 16. HENRY U. HALE, Merchant Tailor, sontu-sterr COHNISO OP PISSN • ST. CUM m. PITTISEURCHI, PA., Takes great pleasure in annonnalag to hie Dome; on. emstorcem and the pull* genenaly, that kis purchases and arras eats for the PALL 'SEA. idON are now ocunpMed having bees personally selected from the tirsuesin. cloth bawl in' t he . Eastern cities. Ord suck • alls e o f,oode ma 001:1 really be recent will be width ems brace* the newest and moon appro ved materials and styles, the . nt stook being very Ism, varied end ganeft. Mr Halo has much cr.ned.oce ut lark thsg earh , _ inspection. 81 JPERYINE BLADE, COLORED CLOTHS, AND.DOE SHINS, al 'usuali Warranted Last la =lei% anon sound texture, MELTON moru.s and other new coating; 00W eilde for totireLHEEES for A great variety of PINS (MSS Ev Putts and Tarts, Atr Morning and egg wear. BOY 8' DRESS AND SOIRiOL sun's. A nave lot of choice goods For Fan Wear. JUST sEoni.su tor GRAY & Nll 47 au Clair street.; Jo= B. graßox a co, attalrci 7 1 4r.a.nusi*oiharorss ANDROAI . F o llfrEßc . Moe and Saki mi. • warn inmario sTaZer CLOTHS' TOIL _0110111131.i-Fix noon. Stars, Tobtu. yountem•ks.• Wthdow ea sod Trimalngs, &brays-an baud satyr sale, either Wholemato or liptatt at Oa 011 cloth 1:km4119.213 and ri St. Matt striti_ & U. PULLIAM • 117 6 ,41 •A/cRAN 11 RIENY.—PENNSYLVAN , A. r. 11.6; a/. IL DAILY TR 11N)), oa aaa sets: IdONDAY, 0.„6. lelso CAI Unt..o .• ,serng,, c IV r asd Lanett; sir:iris, as lollowsi daily' except zuo...sy, 2 Se - a, ~./Lying at .I...linato at. tidreulaugt. 114.1,11 en, 6r. 1 ~1 panMpal at.:2lm..s, son :itshin.i *inshore (Or New'Y ork, It.: IL , ttre am N SeLlagteu. and at Phalad,iphila I, N. a do nut intermediate pointia. A LAGUNA 'Atiii.,AOIOIIA.T.I.LINi daily except hlt .108, at 6 to m. ,a. stopping . at all /regular .tondos between Pittburenand " 4 _ oisliing close nano :(ion with trains Oil tllt4tlet - l;renel, ',Bois R. Eimashilta - eiml rc,son R. N . enditalida' valearg.arnoth. r:rrsic:_ ...a .4 ERIE .d. 1.1.1., daily ego. cep) Sunday, at 7.60 s so., atopping only at Cone. roat.gh„4)6 Itt2on. Altoona. sad all principli siss t ions. ' making direct eon 6 , 3tion at Han Wier; New Y..tk 13.ttidilte, and Waentagtoa d.tby,leept, Sri 1. aye, at 11 an a. m, istOpihrot al/ regular Ito. /01,. bell ea Pnbabtinth and lierris.nrg, pax* 0a e• eel:lona with trains MI the Ebd.st. u:g sal Lirot-o Patron.% and Hollld ar sty dm Rai Irdtd. E:SPRES;S, dolly. C 25 p. .lopping at Latrobe, Hlaltaville gat-vacation, - Jones:, wc, 00min:weigh, Gallitter, Altoona, Mon ti) ~01. o . :„ 'Lewistown. Of inPu. Newport, AL14716. bll H arrisburg, Lancaster, and DOlentaKbOtlfiLd At rtsburg direct connections are made for, New York, Baltraccro and Washington, and at Philadelphia, for New York, Rolston and intag4- nedlate points. Sleeping Cara run through on Wit train from Pittsburgh to PhiledeiPlos and Fiala. more, and to New: ogi), br the Allentown tone.. JOR 14 bT UWII AIAtuaINIODATiC)N. dolly, Via . cept Sunday, at 4.30 p. m., stopping st regular VA! - Wow) tntWeen Pittabur7h, and Coconalgo„and entlg , „ nettles at intetseetlon with Into* on. the locusna Bryon and Weal PennirilW3o l3l l-147: FAST LUZ F., daily, except Sunday, at 4.313 p stopping only at tionsmsuila. Ciallitzeb,Altoo 4 ' na, Ituntingdon, Lwewtown. 1,11111 n.. Newport; 111 slue, klartiaburg. Middletown . 4alitnaltnto, Ann 1./raninglocin, mak ing'connedtion at Ilarrts4 - blow for New York, Raltunswo and Waildergtolll., and at Phlladr iphia, for New Yoile. Boston. &nod Intermediate °num. Sleeptng 'oars win tnrongfr on this trim 11 Palladelphla, and tO New York' by the Allentown route. First Acepantudtdloll train toe Walt's Stilton leaves daily (cannot Sunday) at 4.303.1 n. Second Accommodation Train for Wails Station leaves dal) , (except Sunday) at 0.40 a. en. Third decommodatlort Train tor Wall'. Statttur leaves daily (except Sands )'at Lag p. m. Fourta Aelornmalation Train for Wod'a Station leaves daily (,wept Sunday) at a. 06 p. to. Acronatendatron for Penn Stan., ' stopatngAt nil stations between rittiburgh and Pea a, as 10 . 30 p 'PITTSBUBGH, ee Tite Churrl. Trato laavea S:lnon oxen% Sunday at B.ot. a Pllll artivi, .11ttabUrgit ,, t , 14).0.4 a. m. Retaraani IPlttaburab St 15d: p. m and arrive.. at Wail'• Station at . 11.0. p. m. Bytom:of Trains arr Are Su ElttabcorVi ex tOUellts.: txo Les T'rtat I 10e... , N) 01. First Writ's Station Acxotturiesiatieu... 8.2.5 a. Pia Peon A tel.,. inostattoq 1.30 a Seined Wall'a Station Accommodation , Tchasioxin AceocimoiLstion rice a. m. Yttlsbergh h Erte 37ti p. m. Baltimore Fx.preas Pains Thirst Walla ',tat ii.n A icorataixtatioti.. 2.03 IN rrt, Philaelelphf .1 Ili:pre, to o P. ID: Fourth Writ*. Stratton A.ccommoitation 6.00 pi Pia A Item. A ,co maii.glationited Emigrant 1030 p i Ma . IA An Agent of the Excelsior Crairabes Ortia i tart9 seal pare thro_gn each trairtlefure react:tag the . Depot, take up a:lecke nod deliver barlagelo any part of the city. _peter No. ill Penn street, epos de y rod tri!ere all orders for the movement .f passer.;ers rod baegage wit rteelYe prompt at. torallon. .Baltimore exprcsa will arrive with Prelphill &arena at 2.a0 p. m. on Mondays. NOTICE—In nom of loan , the Company will hold themacirm Imponadble for' pcmonal baggage only, and for an amount not exceeding COO. W. U. BECSMI/Tll, Agemt, Al the Pcuns it-tssis Central Ratiroad.Passangas Station. on Lthmtr and Warbinaton atm-eta. 1565 . 1'1 TTSBU COLUMUUS CINCIN:74TI RAILROAD the Gnat Shurl I inc Route TO COLT-11.1MS, a:. LhE prakciPal Clt.es, MONDAY, OCTOBER OLh, IS6I, Trams leave and arrive to. tte 1TN.1.05 DEP,)T as follywe: DEPAUT3. Anarvrei.' Express 2.10 a, m. 115 s.tos . 7.00 ~L OOP. Oz.: Expreas ^44 D. M. 8.25 Accomma4s...42o " ICLCKEs. 216, S. F. 5017 - LL, Gen I Ticket keent., Steubenville, J. M. at. .MOFFIEESFEUCTR. • Ticket Agent., Union Depot,Pltteu - gb. c9:1y..1 ' pITT6BURGH, Fr. fir. na. -a - WAYNE tr: OILIOAGOChWatre!MAVI ItAILWAY AND 0/aNTIELLNII h PTETa tauten RAILROAD. SUM BIER AREAI74 EME On and' after May lath, iS6S, irelni will run follow., viz. Leaves Far FO4 For Pittabu.. - 7,lol3llloago.ll.llevehntl. I Whetlin Mtpress.— ..... ,2-14 01. , 2.10 a. m. 4.10 I. t, p 2.45 p. m. p •ff Extreaa 13. p. 0.10 For New Cjairtle ar.llF,rit 610 a. m. • SIONITMNING. Arrive M Pittsbureb—" ix° 5 . " C2WS p. 7.50 m 8.20 p. -. ev. W. C. lean C. It r L 2. N M.. p.m., 0.60 p. ACCOM MODATION TaAl2l. Leave Anee...—' ;etd Roebe6- NeWStenb Brighton ter. emate. L'eneomy I .tio r a.m., 115 p. 3-52 p. 40.22 p. 22.1 22150 p. m. 4.45 p.m, • 8.00p.m , - - Arrive at Allrihrny—P. F. W. k O. Eal:erie fa., ELI 6 a. m.., 1045 s. u 2.0.15 p. At., 1.60 m. er.d 12.03 p.m. C. IL P. R. 13,-0.10 a. m. PARE.o77llakit thwin ramaanicr glZini,VatTs A. Q. OASSEZBERRY, Au* Tleket Ava , F. k. TalrEES.Gensrarat Ap d VD I') rBBURGH 111 , 1Dangim, OONNILLS V ILL E RAILROAD. WI LATER ARRANGESIENT Oa and atter MONDAY, Oct tata.AttoS, the train! ‘eavo the Depot, corner of Roar ancl Wate. Onto, as follows Mittel 0 Pittsburgh. Intik , gra: Mail to and trout Uniontown. 1a.5 a. in. 1103. p. Expreas. Iron b. m. 10a3 sae. First bleEteeeport AT:men-1190 s. ISO IL WS Second " • rias p. -ears wi. Pint Braddoak's 7.130 a. B . San Second t . 440 p. p. Sunday Marsh Trabs to and tM XoNoesPort MOH. B. 1044. i Tar tiohdtf app!: A. 71. BHA diva. • W.B. STUI7T. Supertntoret. ALLE49I3SNY VAL LEY MATDROAD.- 011AN013 OF TLIME.-011 and atm MONDAY , run Oat bet Vt. remnant. trains will be anaugeM fa as tollown MAIL ITAlN.—Learn Pittaburgn at 7. a tab arriving at .11.1tuuullme at WM a. tn. Lewes Kits G tnlf g m at SO p. amines at eittaburgh EIPRESS .TRAM—Leann Kittanning at Ma a.m i az i rrlct z I ` ft rttsbtirgb49.X Le Hlttsanin av n us R. to. ACCOMMODATION TRAlN.—Leaves StMa Works at 6..10 a. m, artlylag atPlttabm.ghatB.ol a. m. Leaves PIN/burgh at 2.E0 p. m, arriving at HMI Mainetas at 4.t5 in. Bean P . WRIGHT. Stmerlatetulant. `%~~Z~~:~a~fY: ~,i a~ OOKS I . 804111.8 I Shaman'. Grata March; Civil Polley In Anacca Draper, TN' Sabbath Psalters. Exiles to Babylon; flochnt's Fifteen Disclatco BaBlel; 11111% infant Block's P Poet hotograt Bookspit albums; ra; Portfolios Stjulr t r inaerlcan falai SUM; • fcc=frls; Pacholdini; J. k e atlpS No. 7 alrogartkatesif.." . TEE STORY op SHRUB GRIM MEM, ryes the . • • DUEY. OF A !STAVE 41REIEELE._ BY BREVET-WAR GEORGE WARD inge*, ORE H ANDS°VOLUME. mem w rrs; s PRICE mAP AND: M IMEROU S . naiITST4ATZUNS. ..« 1111 .'73 ms eat tem by mew Weer adereseme.. MAVIS, CILARKZ*CO... =it fa:WOOD STREET., JAMES s. Loos:. .40off ra115...401t1 lioßiftlft LONG, LANE•db C 0.,, sin A R TISTS & ROUSE Atemits„,- zio. GimittbLiaid at. Pittebniet: wawa (S ALL ICCIRDS rfiacutit - with oftSoffosfgl et LFIXL sum ce.RDB7 paper of WI OW" ••6 CULTELIGES Mt GLASS, mode to order tad aant. to all puts of Ma th PIOTOBIALIICSIGM itioeulad La epi j sr: Hovsz_parrrtero - imii'lkii f• oll ittkoottrf fOlOll, ofht aftt,ooli of Ufa, ar.e-airsait tireliatalanlatitar, mitadr UMW ,BROAA Eistecinteftni of os*aMox sgi ow - NouittAznisprsilexima 11 , 1147 . iTyrnlargax - C LBT o etr assi - T a fl i a l krat=l r iisTutt O N,,sittsualutictu u. red • - - • kW taxi amitm - i itomi LOVISIYILLE, DIAN APOLM 1=1:113 i'XM9EIRS