ESTABLISHED IN .1786. 'aritt Viitsbargh audit. CITY NOI.ICI--_.: .1. ON CITY COMMFRCIAL COLLEGE. JATIONAL TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE F. W. 117 1 M 1, . - J.O. Sarrit,-A. af..„ Prinalpals ALTS O.VLtT, H Cortege Pea". and St. Crate VA. , (..ddFettetre FtftS al,, as ' gat. 28 and QS St. Clair t" ARRIVALS FOR THE WE'RE =DING (R7T. 10 * K. W. Minor. Eaton. Prebie co. 0. g.r QwerOlodluitoWn, Beaver o. Pa. J W BOTIRes, Steubenville, Jefferson co, 0. Wm. Miller,Duncan& Falls, Musklngue, co. 0. H. XeEreer, Beaver, Beaver co. Pe. A. R. Moesskey, Ftvedom, Beaver co. Ps. 0. W. Ruffin.., RoPe Week., Greene co. PA. V. K. Strickler Middletown, Dauphin co. Ps. 6. a.Woods, f i tistitmeh, P.. Crolvllle, item/0, Pe. J. Eal_, _Plttstin•gb, Pa. J. X dttiffla, Wier (items. Ohio co. W. Vs. D.H. Ault, 1.6411 Fipple, Lawrence co. Pa. o.l3layney, Pittsburg/,Pa' 1.8. Irwin, Pittsburgh, Pa. D. Pau arson. steobriatmle, Jefflinum co. O. D. Itiobst, Knoxville, Alar'on co. lows. K. Hsu/1 toe, Sewickleyslile, Adegi,daY co. Pa Lents, Iltinckstrilie. Tea. eo. 0. J. A. Hamilton ticks. BACCUISU c.o. 0.. Ri um %:= lg L cl airil, `" : d aTil.... 0. 2 • Q. Sprague, Wooster, Wayne t. 111. S. Tsedway, 'Warsaw, Oman. c. 0. . . T. Heys, Brocawaysllle, Jett - co. a. 0. Bollinger. tuphrata, Lane er to. Pa. .I. O. Burnett, KAttannlng, Armst us, co. PA. W. A. 1.1112134. VARA. La wreSee Pa. For berme and Information conc. rning the Gob ge, addrcas 31312.1110, ClowLY, • - " P ttsburgh, Pa Cro _ Earl Liberty. Mufti/ Lots—the nth great Ace. %ion Ss!, of //hick comes off Ilds\siternoon—are berg purchsied by OUT enterprising cltivins for Domestil , de, and the work of impmsement le pm. ffressiog. The Fore Encore:on TrAls le ove. the - Penrayisarda Depot at 2 o'clock th s a tei noon an usual—free (or al/ bath w are. Have You a Racelrlag Vault t This queaton is frequently applied by those trite prefer some other mode of death than to COO,lO to grief by ben!, talked to death. Be that as it May, the people never get, tl . - ed of mitar - daflg the LoveMello the shape of dry goods that are daily Lyezed out at Bates & Ben's, No. 21 Fifth styezt. ..dimong the specluinehthat are on d.aplay !Lassie at the yr - cent time- is the stock of Eselern Mai Conan y Blachets,whleh world b lug tomato the eyes of an Asidenonville ex-priaouee. They are teen, serviceable and cheap. The as:oatmeal of hoonkeep.rg Dry Goods is unsuepaseci 13 th's rity. Rr mrxbr- a Faith anent. Worth Seeing Be extensive display of alike, moire antique, Irish ooplinis silk and wool hens, printed cash. :urea, cobra de ohambre, with s great variety ef other dress ; goers. Cashmere, lons and othr• s'-awls, choice houaekeeping goods, such as table Barns, table cloths—white and colored borders, Otto, napkins, doylies. and towels, table and pi ano covers, linen pillow teeing, shirting, Be.. be. Cloaks, mourniceloOds, tie,, millbe made by Barker d. SS Market street. The Males should bear Ibis basal:Ski kilt is intended to be the grand see display ever made in our city, and tie are sat 'Wed that it will prove to be co. The mermen. Talmo( the goads carried by thin firm to order to Sire the Ladies Of -Mir city every advantage Pea' Mead by those of the largest titles and V, is ileserv lag of the liberal patronage which they have hr e Wore received. and aro still stoicism . le. Let the ladies then reatembezmonebm Belnuit of Atabaseaaes . rrw people **hinge - the tad that disease Iles in SuaLush everywhere, ready toilette upon the weak. The strong pass through many perils in safety, the atrengthiewigiliky the wayside. It is arnaztoy„ that the feeble should totter with lir.certain steps Wier the &reef the earth in dan ger every day of failing victims to the motbid lluences by which we are all surrounded, when a :tested and proven vegetable Male, capable of en 'dewing there With tbe vigor themmed, is procurs !Mein every city, town and settlement. It might ,reasonably be thought that after the tweive years , ~ lisperlenee which the world has had of HOSTET. ceb &rowans Brrimaii: AB would know that its ,affect is to prevent disease. The fact is notorious that a dose of poled,, which tarllkacareely creeks vigorous man In perfect health •x - 111 kill ei weSk 'One. "..Now, what is the cause epidrmlc diseasesi -?often in Inc air. At this ‘iler-Fecaeon the eittiospliere II surcharged with the "efedi of interadttents, remittente, rheumatism, 4mb:weary pisdideia, billloui t mptab le , isnd the . •Ilke. Persons whose nervous systems are relaxed 'ire the first to enceumbtothesedistempers. Brace • 41 . 1 the physical energies they with this potential ' 3 geyetable tonic. It is the most powerful reciaper - *Went which the botanic kingdom has ever yielded to •,, *silent reseerch• and- experiment. 'Try it. The ' ?nr.dent disciple of the old medical dogmas will at haat admit that a tools and alterative, compound ' approvp herbs, roots and barks, can do no ?rm, while the testimony of thousands Invites a 41s1 of Its chitties. To Dry Goods Dealers Ur. William !Temple, ths well known dry goods !desics, of Allegheny, has atm oa hand • large and 'fs oleo ameortment of plain flannel., white, yellow -11111 l red; plaid and country flannels, cloths-arid ;pure:ems; French merinos, detainee, and other ;desirable dregz gobda; pests, gingham., 1 0. er. Also, Mita, ribbons, dowers, plumes, eta :at stock is one of this largest ever opened here, ! . .and Dlr. Semple* fecilities for keeping 'up his are melt es to guarantee to his elastomers that their orders will be promptly and eatisfscto• ( F r k ry flied, at easensble prices. The &Aunties of he trade is specially directed to their bonze, as /among the most entrrtiliallal and reliable In en 4 ACOetto.4".R. . _ !,.1 ~. Fall and Winter Goode. , t le a lib great plasm= we call tha attention of IA readers to the superb Stock of Fall and Winter icdsjust received by Dlr. John Weler, Merchant ailor, No. tRS Federal Street, Alictifitchic Eli feel eibraetu some of the rarest and most beau. lltilailottuOlasstraeres.OvelbosHittlnudVeglimtf ‘re:l,rought to the western market. His assort * int Of .Flinciellug Goods, oomprisLug Shirts, 'Erasers, Callus, Neck4les, liandkorcidi ft, tSa.. • Slaknot beatiriansed east or went. A large stork ir teady•matie Pants, ()rata, Vests and Overooata • is ill also to found stills eatablishisent. Persons ), want of nal '' l g in the clothing line should not • II to glvb Aka. water &call. Tllomaa W. Parry .3; Co., ait.loll SlittA Hooters, and Defame in A 11382.061 I.te, of various colors. Office at Alosandet usbnol. neer be - Water Work., ittsburgh, a. Residence. No. 18 Pike street. Orders 4"pmptly attended to. All work want! ei. Renalnset done at the ehortest notice. No ' purge tosrepairs, 'provided the root is not, ;abused It It tevut on. Carpenter Jobbing Inkop lancing returned after an absence of three years a toe army. I bare reopened my shop for all aorta Le'ebbing to the carpenter line. at the old stand, irate Alley, between Southfield street andQuirry ialleyi Orders solicited and promptly attended to. cOmmess run-were. The Teeth Often -131 e Long before the system loses Its youthful vigor. .This should not be so. To prevent this species of .12Ger031.1 use Fragrant Sozonwer. It keeps the _idental bone alive, the enamel spotless, too gums „toffy and elastic, the breath pure and the mouth can. On the Counter, alt ttn Frderst street, second door from the Fast }Natrona Br rk, good butter scotch mud cough candy. hinsulnstuted and sold by George Beason. oat. 10,-IW. Just Opened tr new clothing Hopis, et G 3 Fi Rh street, whero enr 1/20,00 worth of clothing regantlen of Oat, at oct. C. Sill. DeBIM. 296 Peuu Street, Atka& promptly' to ell badness - of his proteo. oleo. LI. OFFICIAL RETURN?!.. Eartranft. Davi+. 11,199 . 6,619 2,9.9 2,606 16 MI. Allegheny . Arlescioatr. Maine Blau .. Berks—.— Becks-- • Carbon gtee " D r e 7 l;;Z:... Tambria.—,... 'Charter Delaware 1.49.7 1,773 15,193 .3 . .mj, $7l MN. 191 mil. ......:..--- ! , , ? .I tl , 2.933 3,714 957 maj. 7.69.: 4,547 , 4 973 1,251 2 641 1,344 1,794 taq. 3,1335 • 3 673 174 autj. V° F.ILle.: Prayl/110 117 my. Rumlfrgann..-3.--'...... 2,529 1,537 07 rani. Lanesster—...----... - 11,02 NMI Lehigh " - X.swence • - 1,053 mai. 1,331 mai. , 629 msJ. :.,teer .... • 6413 Raj. nteenter7......._ ..... .. nroe - 1,020 inej. 7,509 meJ. t 9 au.l- •stortbseat.t. ..... 1,937 =J. pl,undelpida--...-...::.. - - • Sebuyikni .............. Semuset.••• • •-.... ..... Vennogosnautiwa • ••• . O , ..... .._ , Wei ..•4-.... Ircric ~; +:* ~ : _ .~.. ~.' _~. __a_:_ VERY LATEST NEWS. THE PENNSYLVANIA ELECTION, Hartrataft's Official Majority REclitirrSO STATION IN THE SOUTH Army Transportations to be Sold FOUR HUNDRED PARDONS GUN TED. Union E oldie' s Recommended for Pardon FENIANS ENDEAVORING TO FERRET OCT IRE ENGLISH SPIES, Special Dispatch to the Pittabumh Gasette. ii.artranft's official majority in Philadelphia ls eight thousand eight hundred and twelve. Far Mayor McMichael has rive thousand eight hen drr-1 and exty-line. For District Attorney Wain has Ise thetuund seven hundred and ten. The 101 l rote Failed to elghty-eight thousand five hundred and fourteen. In the lath Legislative District, which gives usually a thousand Democratic majority, the candidate, Shallenbergcr, is only defes•- c 2 by sixty four cotes. Donnelley, Democratic being re-elected. Our delegation stands as Snit reported, fifiteen Riimblicans and three Demo crats. For City Comptroller. Given, Union, defeated by tliirtet n itmolrod majority. At the recruiting atatiaas le the South a) ,'on la made to ertkrug men lately to the ret army. c•.nr u. Al lt!on !s to be sold forth with, excepi c c lour mule wagon for each py thon( I pmt.; Fourhrvdai paidona were announced on The office of Drug Inspection at the AtLintle Station houses, being a sinecure, will be Ih:con tinued, and the duties tranferred to oue of the examiners. 'General Munn, commanding' at Norfolk, urges the pan onof the Union soldiers In prison chew o c sentence of courts marquis, as the pardon of rebels covers bunch more hellions offence. The Executive Committees of the Fenian Chats In New York are making exertioas to ferret oat the EndLeh spies In their order. EPISCOPAL RURAL CONVENTION, Day of Thanksgiving Appointed, WOW 10EA NEXT PLACE OF MEETING Enna Dm-part, Oct. 14.—At the Episcopal C3avention th 4 rooraing, the 800. ficnre &n -osy Intr.:dual the follow.cs Bnolred, That tbls house, In moat cordially crzcarrl7.g. es It Du done in the resolution of the hovel. of Bishops, appointing a day of thantaelving for the return of peace to the count•/ ad rllty to the church, moat re:meri t-my n 2. - css to the Reese of B'shops a most entacst dessre that rellsious services be ap• pointed ft r the,day, and especial thanaa are of. feted re Almistdy 03::1 for the reestablishmmt of the national amitarity over our whole roan• tv, and for the removal of that great occasion of national dlEseas!oo, towbich oar late troubles were due. Judge Chambers moved t 3 lay thb resolution C 3 the table, and the Pennsylvania delegation talvd on the ayes and nays. Mr. Pinney said that there are tratb3 Is which no nureaur3 has yet beta given. Mr. Blaney was loudly called to older. D. Ocedwin ■eked l( the qac - alo, bed been talea. if It bad, he called for Its recaneldera• Vole. Judge ELAN r, of Scrth Carol;-ts,morett to ley the motion to reconsider on the tale. Dr. Caromloga rose to a question 4:lp:tellers, but was noisily called to oraer. Tee Hon. E. 24 Brnoot tr:ei to ask a goes- Con, but was also noisily linen-up:M. Res. Dr. Goodwin asked if such a course e• was proposed would not ilzally math+ the vies- Ven. The Chair decided that it could not be brought up tc-day, but could hereafter. The ayes and naye lulling teen callel for were taken, the question being on the motion is lay the motion to reconsider on the table, the erect of wh'cla would be to prevent the qtrit'on being taken up during the session of the pr sent Con vention. The result of the vote by ditmses was as followa: Clerical —2O apt*, 6 nom Lay-15 aytn, soya. The consideration of the new constitution at the Theological Sem , nary was coatintvd, Vert. one articles were dtepecd of, and on motion of Dr. Randall were amended. Tne Constantino was ordered to be ors:tented and made the order of the day for Wedocoday next, at 12 o'clock. A met/wake from the Home of Bishops was re• ceived, fixing New York as the place of mestinz of the Triennial Convention, with concarr,eice of the Lower Hove. The Convention then pror: - .dtd the eonsld rra..!on o: the col”.taty canon, which la to Oiseng.'on, which was pariocipatad la bs Gov. flent..lcdga Otis, and Hew. Doc,irs Adatas and others. Finance and Trade In New York New Toes, Oct. 14.—At the Stock Exchange the ralltoad lett is generally atroct,r e:. The partial relief In money, her reduced the combs: of telt - , and three is more disposition 1t bey is antle:p .l'os of an upward Tura In prir:s next wcia. Cievo land ft rattlr-2n contiours to ba told Le '7, and ache, d further cluing at 783. Is Reedit g. there Is a farmer decline of %. Other roads were mostly a traction higher. The &^_Y market wan Ormer on the St./Pet ebb ftiuelllC on. aftetopen hoard, with a moderate demand ror for stceke. The eloslog pt,ces at 4:30 P. M. were: New York Central, 1001;®101; Erie, 92;,@5'2'.; Hudson Slyer, 108!..'@108.14; Reed leg 118,;;(1.10,Y ; ; Cleveland and Pittsburgh, 79; Rbcle lelaed. 100 , 4(01093; Northwestern, 41,41542; No thwrob—u preferred. Oe' s guU%;, Fort Wayne, 10134%1013; Ohio and Ifiesissip -91,2994@k0; Camel,. 42,@42'; Cumberland Coal, 473; Quicksilver, 493 ®49";',. At the tsard, Govermacuts were active, ray clally 7 o'e. Partles who have Invested their balances; In them are selling out under monetary pres sure, sad the panic is again lower. A lot of 103,1:00, second Pt 'WI, was sold at 453; seee 2 S series, emelt, fold et 117,14; old 5 20'a fending lose up to date e e atout 825,050,000, Including the snoscript'oua at the National Banks. The money matket worked melee to-day, and it 7 per cent. there IPP.9 plenty of capital for first class t:rrowens. There is a felt demand for discounts, and paper Is not discounted vett. 'freely. The rates are 7@12 per rent. The Assistant Treater erkilspurbed today WO 000 le redemption of the temporary loan. Shipments of specie Ibis week 8812,030 The movement in Cattail has been very active during the week. Tee receipts have been 32,549 bales, making total Import since Sept. let, up to 151 251 bales. The demand hats been very active, and eels reavned nearly 50,09) hales. Filers to day are 02c against 50c Mat Septem ber. The Dry 0. - .0111 trade for the week, has been active, there is ao accumulation of o.oek to no• goods being taken as fast as received from the matufac.uroli. Forego gdoda are active for most style:, and heavy woolens sell freely, good :Wes common venting and coatings are In demand for trade of this sod other large cities. To day's quotations ere : Bl,wn Cottons—At lantic, A. O'd!.4 colt, LI, 36, V, 31, G. 30. 8-eton 8, 39, 0, 35, H, 3134; E, 55, ft 37;4, 0, 35. N, 3214. Bleached cotloas, New York Mille, .583,1; IV.:ret owl ; 53 ; 'Lone:isle, 50; 11W, 4734. Prue—hicalrbac W, 54; D. :234; Pa• cite, 31; American, 51; Bpra.tucs 32; It ehmend 00;4 ; canton flannels, fidnail;on wide, 52;4c, F. 4:le. Nashua A. 42;4e. Tickings. Aenosee ag A. B, 73c, C. 5234 c, D, 41, ' t4e, Everett, 43; Birtpes X, 4734 r, U ac:aville, 3814 e Atom, 3734, Albasy 257, Denims Amoskeng. Blue Hill, 3834 c, Cornet JOSOP. bates, 321,2, Nantokeog, 373 , ,e, Pepperell. 40e. Fancy .9. elmeres, Evans, 225. Delains, Hamilton ant Peelle, 35c, Spool ontoo, Coat's 53e, Willa mettle, Ble, B , afttrd, 6734. The following dispatches have been received to-day: The Boston market is still active. Large con• tracts f r the future delivery of print elotb. have been made at full prices. In Pelladelphia the dry goods market I. firm, but lhactive at the late advance. Wrolero. are stlluff more freely and command full prices. The Baltimore mar ket Is gaits hutry. Cotton goods very firm. Cotton stuffs at yesterday's onotatlone. 9,409 maj. • 6,1 , 7 6,631 .1,167 mei. ses cual. 4,001 5;97 4,611 6 934 froityr bolt. Oct. 14.—The Heels, from Lit , — oroool, ;Sept. 30, tom been signalled, and trill arrive up at 2:30. a it . ....> F'so . • • "•• ' dr - NMI% .t* • 4 ' Ati— Vi i ' 4 0 h A k: tic g r E v iL I NBu ittitt Pum.uleastuk, Oct. 14, 1965 Steamer Signalled 1 FEMB MEETING IN NEW YORK. TE.V.9.ESSEIE RZILRO.I9S. Bold. and Euccessfal Burglary Vt 6ISTA EIECILON RETMIIB NEw Tars. I , .14. A large pubile meeting of the Fllllll,. wee he'd debt nodar the must icm of the Lev Cc )1e at So. eager He':, on 421 street. The Centre of the C, ele 01. - nt t the mt. :in. He remarked that whlie the Entiliils mis-ruic a of Ireland, were gloating over the capture of a few revolotionary literamtur sad ttrey rount men In Ireland, the Fault:ins um FOP eve:Juin - e working quietly and nnln'srl entsdir. with their usual dream. spc Won end vigor. Moen aho deem the recent Wester of the Bralsti, cad the silence of the Irish Esimblleana, the syrnaloms of a serious chock to the latter, undl-rert-id eel v poorly the volley and mat: Sal o'Vie movement. Tho Stern cent -e then gave a leng ltty et 'sliest Onto, [Dent of the ease of Ireland st7al-st England. Further speeches wca made, end a large number es. rem efts were ohtsined.'lle'szat- - t 3 the Coo green were elected and the marl ser aljousae stoat 10 o i ric rk. A meeting of the Emmett Circle was held last evening. Admiral Fares-cut gave an entnriainmeatt on Thursday tvenlug 1 , the French Admiral r.d staff. Admiral Bell. Trvariow Weed and a namat r of other dletlugulshcd pc.• Sorts ware present. Aleut A. Jones, the defaulter 19 the Erie r11"11113' cftice. who abecoadri sine time bile. , Wsth KC 0, woe arrested t, New °Heads. The ItVrld's Narht Ile ere:iv:ide:at says: The relit oado in tbb State here all b ra turned over to the Compeoi•.e to wool], they b e long, lu mpllatee with the ;are order of the War De portment. Thi re are nearly a don: t COM)aule , In the State who are sty siting Over nerve to Int their road In good travelling condition. A large force of workmen aro employed on the dlfiertnt roads, repalriug the tracks, building Midges and otherwise ,improving generally the cond Mott of the road. A large amount of Railroad material belong:lK to the Government has been purchased by elm parties irom Alabama, Genni.a. Mississippi and Florida. A large amount has been to,seci over with the mails on erblch it be, been In nee du• clog the war, for ah cb G ive-ement will be re munerated Caine :awe day. Arrangements have been made, bindle; holders of roc to that r firm. The Tunes v. - Eshlngton special any;: ore of the boldest burgiarirs on record. was perpetrated In Georgetown, very ea:ly tbit morning. The sof ties, of Adams' Express Company, wet entered by the beck door, opened in a scientific manner by professiozal burglars, the door of the wife drilled into and then blown off its hinges and Into a dozen pieces, the-coneassion stutte-ing the glass of three large front windows into a lhontand fragments, wakening the people of the relgbhorherod, bat before the ;cool° or poit got on the ground, the burglars were off with the booty, 14,000. Dating thetr , operatiotte the gee was belkhtly burning. • The safe stood six feet from the window, wh'eh could to Ic.ikt 1 into by any pairs , by. A young man whoa.- business it we.) to skip in the office, was ah:Tet in the country, and the only octinpants of the room were soma doge, width the thieves pa - h the culler. The n'eepts of the 'ileum! R , Fentie to io we, e $724.569 59. Tne Washiatttnn sp-ssial eaye: The rrsiolar Cabinet senion to-lay lasted but a few minntee. Secrets-Icl Seward. .blc7,anc rh and Speed were absent, but were duly represent.:l by their Asaistant Secrets:let. Returns prom the Vireo is &edits a, shows that tirce straight-oat Unionists we eirserd la the Alexandria district. Conrad, who signed the Virginia Ordinance of lik:tssion who de:Jerez be will not take the oath, Is elec:cd by a small majority. Oen. Carl Schurz, who bas been for lame time a secret agent of the goveroment In the &arab ern States, arrived here to day. it is understood Ws mission Is ended. LATE SOUTHER NI NEWS. Alabama Churches Still Closed GOV. WELLS' LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE. Now roars. Oct. IL —New o,iescs papas to the 7th lest , contele the fallowing item, : Brigadier General A. Bayard, who supere-:des Mr. Conway. at New Orleans, it the mansze• meet of the Freedmen's Bureau, retelved his nF pointment from the Psesident himself, and not from Geo. Howard. 'The fact to this connection in finite uncariant. Texas cotton contlones to come la quite briskly. The Sbreveport Houthwectervi, of the irtb ult., says the receipts of anion tor • few days p ori ents Mil been rattier light, owing to the =bored tent prime of freicht in New (Mesas. The military order cle:'ne Ibe Alabama eborebes is to enforcement. A Mobile correspondent ander date of October :et writes thus: Althongh the Rse. Mr. Mitnti ell.. of the Episcopal Chu-eh lo thla city, has been in the habit of praying for the Prtaiduat of the United Btatee, there to no IeATIOO In this church to day In obedience to the order of Major General Woxl. It is to be hop&I that eitbrr Salop Wilmer will reacted his inatrocOone, cr that a General Convention of the Episcopal Church will soon be assembled to take action upon this and other matters of ImPortanee. Governor Wells has written a letter accepting the Democratic nomlnatloo for Governor, he says: I ern happy to pereelve in the eriolatlor.a adopttd by the Couvent,on a foil, -ea and t auk recognition of this ohlizatton on our put In the declaration to the eft_ct that the people of Lou isiana adopt the eenl ' mcuts of the question In volve-din the late strvszle: that Wd have renew ed our allegiance in good faith and- intend to render our tomcat support to the Coietltution and the Union Of the States thereander. P: 1-• ident Johnson vacs no more f vim vs. The AAFPI corrrapondeur of 8 lost ar 26th, of the Gaiveston limartic, says: 0 ivernor Hamilton has appolntod as hie Pt Irate 8: ni p F. W. !kern. Esq., wtio raisti a company for the Coah Berate act vice, and aurvel with tt during the war. The C'rre3p)ndent of the enyc Now that the war is over Sir. M man e^t cpLa the pcnition In al aincority. St do his duty ea a good Cio7., to let tr ac talthfally ta r order and gaol government, as Cou rt re., rnle com :"rd him to lobar for i.s d. ttttc 'on. In appo'ntlmst him Privets sscretary )vet aor Hnm'lt'n pant a CJITID:IIIIent to !Sr. Mote's well known honesty and integrity. and none that 't apven, atcd cilia ap poi n in a more prominent Prous Solce of Pnblic Land, NEW YORE, Oct. 13.—The Bernicr IVsening ton special says. The General Lind officer boo submitted to the Secretary of the Interior for approval, a schedule of landa including 471,- 2113 acres selected by and Inuring to the State of lovrarander the swamp laud great of 1850. the domain to be convoyed Is situated In the Iron ton diet rid. An adjustment hue been made of the account between the United States and Min newts, Involving the 5 per cant. fund on the nett prose= in of the vales of public lands situ ated within the boundaries of that State, and the amount due the Government has beau collected. Twelve thousand three hundred and twenty acres of tmbfic lands were taken up with Agri cultural Colima script at Topeka, Kr 'eat, du flog last month, and upwards , of 2,ff1l acres were actually settled upon under the homestsul law. Seven thousand dee hundred and eghty five acres of public lauds are reported to have been taken up for actual settlement during the month of September, at the land office in Min• wants, the proc: - xis therefrom amounting to 8182,82 ' 9. Three Ocusand as. es were taken up at Denver, Colorado, during the same month. The Commissioner of the General Land Office received on Monday from St. Pau', If innesota, a tette , dated on the 2d, which says that the tercet census indicate a rapid increase in the population of that St ate, espec icily In the southern districts. They yes id al the crops this er will form - that of any former year. The average product of wheat to the acre being twenty five bushels. Four of the railroad cos. resoles in the Sate are advertising for five bun dled laminas each. Lesor la very high, and 1.3 - commanding 82,50 per day. Late ble xlcan Adv!ces—Escape of General New Yo7r, Oct. 14.—The Herekl'J apeelal neyr, Intelligence bee ticen received here by the Mexican delegacies, that Gen. Dias!, of the army of G.e East ; taken prisoner when Aazaca fell, and kept In Puebla as a prisoner of war, has mope hie escape and reJ3lned the IttpubD ean firers Oen. Demo Is now In thn State of Anzaca at the head of a eensiderable force, and intends to semen the °Mealy° In a abort time. The Inbabltants of Ls Sierra and Ls Canada are In arms agans Maxiwllian, and Gen. Di set Is actively engaged in organizing them int') I regiments and brigades. Great alarm exists I among the Imperialists as the Masi is regarded of one of the abit Generals on the Laval` aide. The well knows ill feeling existing be tween tbo French and United States troops on the Rio Grande stem to encourage the disaflec \ Von. PITTSBURGH, MONDAY. OCTOBER 16, 1865 WIRZ MILITARY COMMISSION. Testimony for Defence Conclr,del lIIGHEFNTS ON. THE LSE PRZPIRING St 4SITI3GTON, Oct 14.—Tbe Wox Militsey Commis:lon ri -ereibk I this rm.. ,al,g. J sage Ad rocace Cc Ipm a's wide r ime remarks exerilpeting Maid :row the charge writ against Was yen nay. I. we not tits (Cara. Chipmen'e) intention nor that of the C fut., to attach blame VC - iy I, any: aiy. cal. Culp man then ottercd in evidence the tousolidsted rr turns of Andersonxilie pristia, dot 1 S ,p_. r 1, 186 i, with the view of remaving the idea that Cam.. Wile was absent dn. log chat mouth. Edward Welituf;; an. of use dil New morx Volunteer, test-rind that he was a prisoner at Belle Inland and Andertonc.lle. Tue latter was, better than the former. The prison a carried with him from Bello Isle were sick and some of them died on the way. The rations at Ander sonagle became smaller as the number of pris oners lucrrased. The bread woo bad and burned on the outside and raw within: The prisoners sometimes ate It and sometimes threw it away. Daring the examination of the witness, lir. Baker gamic some remark, to which Col. Chip man replied that the counsel had assumed as a far I that which was not true. This brought on a lengthy and violent ahe m/en betwrees the Judge Advocate and the rout sui. mite; the breeze had subsided the ex amination of the witness we, resumed. Witness then testified that he was one of a dec./talon of six pr'sioners appoletsd It cline to Washington and present a petition to the United Pratt s autho-iti. s for an cache-if., of prisoner., lir n. Winder acid Capt. W:is asseut'sg to the et re,d. The J oder advocate ohjoc• c d the a.imissto: or r bis eViiit Deo, but triaohjeCtloll TIIS OVerrill:d by tho court: The wanr - s teaUflad that on their i rat le Now York wal Mr. Trioy, ono of the deNuater. they apttati. to Gen. D.: for t - shsporistion t,. Washinston. but Were routed it. Mr. Biker said they offerci to show by the witutne, ibat the latter recrivt i a lette- tram Tracy. dan dWeshlngtan.statin.g, la anbatance, that de leTwt(l were trti , lhZ un the authori ties and mattinc know_ tnetr basinos, but were refusri re.tuitb•eo to COON! with the authorities. He m -art by the antheritirs, the Pro Went or crelary of Wee a • both. Col. Chipman bald that witneas did not time to Washington. bat that some me el' did. lie did not bOkve a man o' the fame and heir. irld char:wit rof Pr tident I.,•neo'n would have re,uerd admission to anybody on an objec: of that Gad. The (netrt moat not allow a blander of that kird to be re;,teted real tat ro igi - e - tt and good a roan as the late President Urinate. Mr. 'taker—Tee resuarri of the gentleman do not rzfcr to my offer. The akdmo :ch about Pa:taunt Lincoln was out of the line of the prosecution. The J ads° !Ord cite had no more reverence for that great man than he bed. It was his (Mr. Bikers) duty to show that the prisoner was not :ditty of the enormous charges against h'm. He wools s• •w that a wovoeltice was made to road 15.1`) prlsoteta from Andersencire without asking an tqulvaleat, so great was the anxiety to get c' the {alsoners, and that this woo vdot Col. Chipman said Mr. Bake- ocezht to here *eked a tuato•ca for Mr. Tice,. The Court—ls tag wa.:'eshocile buss •. Col. Chipman—"lle cal t fir It twt 2 - ty.four hours." Mr. Baker then Oak, i the• he be pro itr 7! 1 and called. Colate. Chfpmen tenaalial tt a L'os C)J-sel Oot vrot. t Cpl. OnIO. Mr. Baker replied lhst ho but U. world 1:10t delay the t' but when ho was tura , i upon In the manni that ha hal been. be wish. !o: addltlonal testimony to clear ttlsetent. Coldoel CO;paean sold the only y dint was that Winder and Wien male act effort lrellng to a mlssiod te Washlogi en. What the mission we - had nothing to do with VP. cc.ce, or whether the Government wns right or wrong. Gcneral Thomas said Colonel hold know au- Government would cot exchance with the re bel government wh'en refused t 3 recognize col. ored prlaoners as soldiers. and mulct-el them. lir. Baker cell he crantnl h show that Winder and W ewe a not gollly of c Ice Coot sultalued Colonel Cb.pnlsl'e ob Jeetino. Mr. Baker then offered 'rt e.:deece • copy of the pr'nceerltnos and twat. ore of Coon- net Jr' which tried the raiders anzforn'ci were approved by Geo. W , ade.r. It was trot In b'r power to produce the original, which was scat or Stet-ac ed. This record would remove much of the blame which had beext canton Wmdc and Who. Col. Chipman objected, and the court smitten (d the objection. Col. Baker here reetrd the case for the Faw cett:on, and aid that be and bill arree tors pre pared to let the t - eunse for the Fattener make out an 'tidatit for what they could have p.avt 7 by those whom tht y wlebrd subpoenst - d. Tar oe remerka were undetatoed to refer to Gees. Jolt POD sod others. The court said it had neve- decoded that these witoceses could not bt t ten - alet he r. Mr. Baker said on the whole, he would mit that these witnesses be subtee:lasi. 'Toe court said both sides now rowel theueate. Mr. Baker la ro sum up In behalf of the pison• ra, and the Judo Advocate for the prc.tectit.on, t tb arimmeits te be la se...t'ng. The court4ken adjourned till Vfedneaday next, to give the ,easel t''xie to p-epare their a-ze • SWIM. TERRIBLE RAIL} RAD ACCIDENT t Per-isoao S.ULloct P LIU:lb/Sr no, Oct. 14.—An accident happened this alter., to to the day expec , 11 t'a'n boned east, when t here and Lancerter. Four cars wc - e ihrowo I ora the mob and one of tint m we's spat:; elhht persons were killed and two ?lightly Injure!. The only one of the dead that be. been I*-et.nird up en th is tim e Is the wife of Jas. P. .of Flthsburgh. The accident woe roe.* t by a broken rail. Last:avec-a. Oct. Is.—The following lea Hat of the kto.d by the &olden; yeaCErday on the Ptere3iyac'a Ibis pier?; Mc.. lie r, w ie Uf Jr,. P. Ba**-, of PAt‘torr:ll, Hs-an w•; , , I. of hew C °mt. -land. Pc., Col. Helier and ',le, of I tr.•t-ta.,, Fa W. H. Better, eirrk is the he ree , - General's office of Peen ey:ycna; hl' Ci“..a Getty, of N.Pwrault:e; Out tray, net, r iknown; two and e f t etc ysr c of r fir , oa me unknown. FLIII.IDELPI , S, Oct. deapateh from Leucect, The following explanatioa of the carte of the Railroad accident yctterdey: Yrstr day the day Elem.:a go ing *a- - ; co the Pc onsylvani a Italltoad was with in four of *.lO, city, an a-le of the turd rer broke, pe-t of which struck the bottom of the ( . 3 . It the *, mint c id and tore out pal t of the bottom, prectpitating the mom tn'l of threo cents to each tide. min the pound and they were run Pet - by the whf els of the rear ',lets. Eight persons were killed out, ght and another died tome hoots ands. Dartlv Divorce Case—Damages for 1.431 , e, In the New Torn Mots Feroiered—Tue English Rel.ond Copltalmts—Expected Return of Gen. 111,C:tenon. New Yoms, October 15.—The tetrice; of the erideree In the Ele'ds dlvo-ce Ca', at Now London having be tru coactridci c Ft -day fore noon, the gist acun of that d-y and the whole of yesterday's sitting of the cow. were Oczapled in the arguments of the c 301151 11 on oath eldcz. tes far ea the procecdiage in or -t court are COO - the Cite Is now conclude"- It Is not ex pected that a decision wit' he rendered a: nter than eight or ten days. In the Court of Common Picts yesterday, actioa was brought by SlioC6oll \Rice r'etnet the city for fourteen hundred and chesty-fear dolires, Is ironer damages alleged to have t done to the plaintiffs best and shoe Loure during the tots of 1e63. The cuinsel for the city moved to dismiss the CILSO, briinute the Fox' , were carried away and not destroy, i denie; the riot. The Jury returned a verdict for plaintiff of tei(X). - - An Cora talnment was nivel last evening. to Elr Morton Peto, Ills fellow Europe capitalists and other gentlemen of promlntana, by W. P. Kt outsrd, 13upertntendent of the Atlaulo and Great Western Ral , oad, at 10. , residence at Glen Cove. Long Island. Maim General McClellan, Is expected to IT in ibis city from Europe, In about tbre wtsks. Frauds at linuillton, OLIO hew Y onx,Oct .14.-A mon g °their revenue frauds cently discovered. Is one at Hamilton, Ob'o. where the attempt to defraud the Cloven:meet out of $20.000 has b-en followed by pas ma d. e 7 the 520,000 and a punalty of $20,003 more. and by a tat of a third $20,000, and another Dol phos. Ohio, where, It Is be li eved. 1,700 bamils of whlekey bate been paired without tat, but where testimony of facts Is deficient. 120. 003 Is st.ile oilseed as o compromise. Wax,'" °lnters Asking for an Increase . ;1 0 . Puy—The Tunisian Embassy '''NEss , YOUR, Oct. 14.—A reocral movement hne bern commenced by tlesoffictra of the United States Nary to petition Congress tbrAllt Ircresse of psy. The TUIIIMIII2 embassy left the city WI night on the steamer for Troy; to make a visit to Niagara Faits. LATER FROM EUROPE SOU' era Ec curl tie in 2.lllirla FERIA-NS COSTINUED. ,I• • , er 40,13 ero.• r.oitit Tlt• .itti ( :•, 21, City of Yi :k, •. .t., 1.t•• rl,lll QUe., .11: • ,n In, ID-i. , t,•“m . 0111. Amer., a, from Y. . -k. A ionel ..erlJlltlllll. of sons ink in h , i 1 the old - ..I,ltl. a , hate II II aria arn pun-m. l v in coliseami tire of lb' nor, with 0 11,or n.f luL , , a ..111(11illi ;IR, in re , in 1 0 ~filch this agitation Is ',mullein, 1, f1,..”.11 Is , if Virginia, Lotthiann, N Can.lina, South l'arrilna. Ga Sirri, and Carious nthriiiiiin and auk, id 0.10, SLAI.C2; the whole ul %mica repreetnt a very heavy aalount. The Deay o:ty article says if the la - dtbt..d States ahould stipulate for at - Mt tit for coding the erre', of dlchl-.llt. It It prchab'e that the ervdnore would chef,' to cot et them half way. In ric"d to the pet Ilahed hat of peranos metre .n.; by the t:.alrd erste can addn'onel denials e - n put fart. Ttr nava In a leading article. t rt ms the list a mallrtons Impo.ste re, It nays: The woven:tat that the e titnr of the Times la a hold, r of We ft denote stock to the &moult of ten thousand pounds or mire money, is s COOOPL:t faltellood. The I' mimes and loaultiog comments which the , tar has te.scd acne otig;l1A1 f thsehoods ere the! e•ore ec:lrely uuferen.led. No repudiattoa COD be tco area Al betty which admits such ImpWatica c 7 lb° authority of tho New Ymit Herald Dud then makes them the theme of at. ft eledelhdtec st'en. Tee F. n inn:sts c;tl'need The total c emit,' In ail was ant two hu , dred. A anapielrus vt a! beat leg the Ault:tele/in fie: and atm: rid to be oat: of thooe tm.p.mLed w:tlt yam had nitro, d rCI Qn.. - tratown, but the &gen 1 111 to it t. A !LI - MIK, TC7 , 20 was sail to have e:tt a leur: on char.-, which wan ofer.ued eta L ard to ettatelo a 691 for 521030 In Lew of a mamba of the Peals, orga,...a 4- Our, Tin'mamMation of Foninr, a! 'chile wa% tor-1,1.1 ~0 the ind. Tho additional ovil-mce doecloped nothing new of moment. Flt of the prlnonert were committed fur trial for h t it WM° , toted that the lit ~- ,1;oo.7-Inn—tt pro paled to nuaranice the rmadinn Lan. for the parch., of the Hull.. itar Ter, lupl•y. Tbe the retnnt that the Emprets Eugenie had puht.ln,l a patuptl , ,,t on Mexico. Latest by Telegru.,4 to Londc miorru LONDON, (JC.. U —The Siva of Franre hrt cdranotAl the late uf e! - .ourrt how a t Ltvanhoot, Oct 5 —en? =OM, eiesn c-ng nnd ciced tte-dy, The aivanevi hive t en 3.4.e.1d. owing I • 4.1 at vette, In the t ek rain. - rent. on Monday and 6on Tturedny. The sal for , on , dnst have hnci 70.0e0 •, Includ , ng 5.1,C,0 to bite.ntlitort and 11,Ted•nr,B. firm tat quiet. Southern ltnlls—lrate' an , Plrenue De elston—Smalt Fol Among Southern !le- grecs, 6.c. wAimrsnyo.... Ilrtoloer I 4.—The Ira General has ordered a mall service from Savan nah to heron and the int,rtnedlate points on the railroad. This will put Milietb;erille in siommuolcation with all the prineliol cities of the &bah and Wool. The Commissioner of Int , Titial ftrvenne ruled I -i-day that where sales of produce brutes ex cordtheanncnl value of ElO,OOO at sly time du. In the year of his license, and the Collector is thereby subJectol to the liceose ofrommertial broker.• it new license should be mraoted from the first day of the month in which the liability thereto accrued, and should he ia•rted on the Issyment of a rate proportionate wlth the muesli cost olatteh license. Goyettior Ple.-point, of Virginia, was at the White Liam thin rooming, to consult with the Presidentirulativeto the affair , lu Vl In Lc. Information has been rek clve.l at the Freoa men'• Barton from the doled oilleer In charge of the freedmen In Alabama, that the atroll pox ix raging all theenth the Scat-, and e't hough every preoaution han I 1,1•, its .preadiL se a k aro typed./ to firrier3: Autoo Nirroo in.rt a y ap rob fteti by Pre, , ,,lent to he ,r of toter nal Lcreun,, fur the lab IJlntrict of Ohio. Tbs. Lase Fire lu Belfast, Statue P.1,...,1, n.'; October 14.—The fire to this city originated acscalcalallT at about It o'clock, to the Iss., shop at the head of Louisa wharf. foot of Nlaiu Street. Vsrlag 1.11 the lots tale, reitr of a stet . , a deficient fire appae,tac and a f. --it wind, the Itamtst coon scattered, and in ei time the 1.101.141 gs near the wharf Arc, runt rimed. The pi-n t tiest of tha llamas was it sr:plug half the Int.idfngs on the west side of te h. f 'amnion, and als o 1 1. 1' feral street. Thr western sith. of Crosa Street was:burned, in• eluding the house• Or! Sp.-Itat street opt., MA 'hn, ack's block. Many o u..'' weve ;eared ofthrie contents and the deaf ruction of the whole ally F.ern Pei Ines it.itle for It time. Nlta't of the !mild - 111715 dettraycc, acre Laal, nail wIl soon Ix ,• placed. In the p.a•sent state 'losses • ..1110: n.. accura•e'y ...• btu they will not amount to I.' than a ,pia•.•r of a miff:ion fft•ulars, oniy one dr. h tett: , .ll . covered t, Tne F•>gll•h Ru`lro.Ad Copltall.ta. Nene Vn lIA , October 14.—The Cc.n rsre na • A r.ununnl , ait.,n has La eu -add, rly the Irs,ellsh roh wall the /Llama t linear \S , •steru 11311r.)341 th..ahzll America, ans. by the IT. -view of the 11 , b el S. S. 1..110411- siedlea,lo the Ihreetse, of the Ere Hallroa•.l.r,o -posin¢ to er...lid:4(e thr ninninz of the two r,ads,and t •hattde the bock or the Erie road front *sr, t. , Ssaos,es, th British vaphal. A • ,atfonitat . 41P . N.1 itodia.teui Sir lln. ton Pei., [lO4 , t• 11.,111. port ..r Atinuldc and tir. Wt •At, • and tbe Etac 1.1• r,-ctors opiot the ntatLer, tint atno d titian o contlustno Lt. to t, rtachoti. A fur,iiiir iota: - tido u ill iinil.aid) take ;lot arriva , of Mr. I ill, uttni•!:. 1. From Fn.• Moo.oe---Jerr. Dwie mud the other Pekottero of State. —The Pe' •,:bnrz ~••. of the It .Lar. , A •reritlornalr traq in ttriY for ,an tort vc t-not torrmitt to e.•etr.Nt. Aborlay Jr!.•r Clay and John MlAJoril. Tito Two fu in. triporrrod otroenal and eontantol • tort the lat ter -4 , .11,d Sild and g:!oot, v. ll` thrtt the pcootrors are all vor) ably /03e t olo r l ,141.1 doily frrnlel,.l with tho pry diet rvairtr yho • Nrah/lt. and 1111tIm.ire urarkete the reatrainl.• itop , ood I.e pri.rtnorse rr. ,rrahal ,Iltt tied at thl, tuna', the ar , Iriothls ..tralit dt arc. Nntr a• re. Tim partial aireinz err duel', : the week m..,1 of iIA , •01.141111.1 i , PII RI demands for coat )1119 is issm.equently The reesirit s at ilie Conlon] House roc the n . .. 0: '',eon about one Million and ti-imie less 1.11311 rec.:li.. Titt: price &vitiates bet Teti, 144 ~,441113:', with a downward tendeney. The insporis Coe tim wock arc nenrir two million,. tar Ina week, but should the quiet in the markets i•ontiime. au In- CRafied I propo. Lion ur el• Imude.l %rats-hoe. 11. =MEI Y‘11,4. 0 lobo!. 14.—The • 1 , . Jocks4./h% II,: !His hoe orris NI hem. Tlv! Union cow nutivt • rt tort pt,v, knit nI yoig). fer iu that ititizt:T. T. itcwittittt: tlt • th - ttit: t 'on ht the Suit,.tn,ettlittth the ,•I the 'tit tuat ~ th, lett,. hyz.,,,v hit. in futon. i.,• alltl f, oat L I ',1.... tot , Tio• coonni , ono, point..O by the Prt-Oth•nt ro rrport on t Union Pot On. Lollro.ol, I,ot i, moottug, bat QOllll not Tn 0 rej.,,, will he math , the inaheily . . 1,4”1 am' the minority m ~n r ulni • I.tin,. The regularawl f- , :.:1" uin. a 11“4i,,z r,gulnr trip, nor h.• Secretary Stanton a nd the Colored TfOop. WA 4 1! ,,,,, .. h-t. , h, I I.—S. , r , ,ry SLal ton deelit, to int . .,c,re with Ith- l'avot,ter Uctteral In re-01,1 to re,l rir 'AK! . h • W n,ldntyott negni.trocipi4 to 6100 bounty, but 011 , 41,.. will Ott eon') their ri tr. Pardons Gra uI ad Octol or 14.—Thr . Th'•" W:141, pvcial says: The I'n:skit,: 4xlne Issued four hundred panions for persons in the States of Louisiana, North C.trolina and ; nth Carolina. President Johnson , . Message. 4 1, :l e N;A d P y ti t l i N u rt u Tn e .Z ;1 ?Clni , T . I: .1 1 . 4 ; -- . 7 . 11t.l .i rreStiOnt. work opo ' n tils 3 fortl l nniuliZo LTess.a:ou.7° PEN:YSYLVANIA ELECTION Lost Year's Victory Eusurpas,ed, OUR IIA:0-1" e I.&RGELI INCiFASSiI P:1 . 7 11.:111 , , I pr 14.—F rom I! r at ire R ~‘• !tt,11,.1 St . I sev- P1111,7 , 1 1. •_1 , c —Mr .rssss, r Choir mass of Lbr tCc tt•m . C . nn, 11 e15.21(3 Inn fOl l on.r.; ul. Lan.l,l I, Int A J 144 pr(1.1:41, sliv.s&n b.). ) two t,a...e.s r 7 JO msi . is, IL , cs - s...lda s , . msfosisy of c-vi . • rib ,3 .s 1 the L.: l .st., of the el st , t 'also s. I, n 5 Ceti t 07,5, rnr.jes,sy. m,,,,5;t3. on she bane 554 n e sr..; I La,: of tf'cl‘ it l)crs N en this home es,S 4 - JJ) YJ .1 by stre , ao tbou,cd. • The Velma hay] L rm. tYrds of 1,01 bri,e7. I O 7 tt,e T - !afore. The V0i , 113 la 1 . of f,-y -Iwo oak u'ly r,fe-ae Prom Vlic .ula—The (t. rent Elertl,op Cum.lllut Dual Amendment-Subsr:.ptl4n. to Go,trovent L 'arta by Preedzieu— letter a a (lon. lir heir. New Yt , 113. Jet. /3 —The Rera r Richmond correspondent of the 12th eaVs. up to this writ - Mg, the indications that you may re' y u t in the election of the fol'owing named gentlemen la this District for Ct Ig•rnet B J. Berhow, ID the house of Virginia Delr-at to. Team is mow no doubt of the electio . of N. M. Leo, Ready It, Grafton and [AOC -le, from the ety of Richmond, and Franitein ;Stearns- Cron the county of lieurico. It la Whet lee that John 11. will be elected to the 8 , .te BJllate. The defeat of R. Chivies ?airier fir the See etc is a most &Astir no indication. lie Is the dtaticeulrhtd Lhiontst abo i :me week, since was ,tillie.l,l,ll Aanson end his Cabin,: at the •,newly, m tceioa, ail largely ef. , lllliieute • ed th his em.lted • , •a-aeter old rrie,s to the Uclon tt, otizhout the Pe... war lii Rich ran r:d. hs returns are fayorable to the elettior. of Charles L. SI isby, the eligible Can• eiders of the Fifth District. J, if. lie'Z'ae is pent bly sled sad to the Eighth District. The Con •Itutional amendment Id adopted by au almost era• mirth vote. It removes the &la bility from holding (lice as applicable to those who prr mitently participate In the rebellion. Facts are auveloping the aollity as well as the (lb:post:in of the negro to rmontalu his rr ea lexxl. I have it from an authontitive source that oat of the amount of 159,003 0)0 of the Government loans subscribed for lu Eastern Vir ginia. more than 59.000,000 hays been taken by freedmen, and that tile reeis , nler was tak(r by northern wen doing business in this State, sad so far as the rri—rds stew, not a dollar by a white as lei*, I hare t er from Geri. J. B. Briscoe, now on [mar at West:Ms:awl fir la •• cony of United States woolen and bullion, dated Old Capitol Prison. In which the General e• - . 1 a suspension of Judgmeut on the part of hi' military friends, until the evidence for Ito 4. fence is taken. fie adds: f merely wish to env to you that when the rifler:nee is all taken slam facts alll be discovered of which yon and the public are at prment Ignorant. tnd which el!, trust, tend to place my call tt a In ditrrrent l'sbt tbso It le now in. N attire:glen Tirritory Emigration Welton. —Florida Affatra—Southern Mall Routes lowa Election. New Yorm,Oct. , ! —STr. Mercer, of the Territory ern.•ration scheme, and now in Washington, telcgrindie that he Is to have the steamer Continental, and Government will fur nish the coal. The steamer will pass through the Birsits of Magellan Instead of around Cope Mow. The women ...11 sall In a few days. The steamer G Cromwell brings New Or. leans &deices to 7tll. Oar they contain no The Tim& Bu rover, eorresr sellout gists an coo':vs:log sccoont of she progress of affairs to she .4LISII. Dialer General Asboth, whose health deosanda a sea voyage, lei. for Washington end New York via the Mississippi. The Post's Wart,' -ztyti six cial ts)• the math Combos delegation bad another Inters :ear with the Pr - caldera lists nsornlng. It Is nsift - stoi.:l theft errand sini, fruitless. It Is In reflation to Jar. Davy. General &bun has rearms- 1 r - om the Pratte, having completed his mb-s.on. A lance mamba' of Soothe, a mall root - ' rod post einem are ordered to ho opmar J. A dispatch from asps: It la probable the Ncrth Caroller Cony( Ml= fialsh Ito bumpers today. The Tribues's special, dated D^s Mill:lft, lowa, to-day, sap- — ne ma).,ncy fbr Governor .bo boldly 411 rcreted negro starare.srill be 15, 000. The of the lt!pablican ticket 15 Elected by 40.00'1 mejorlty. Presbyterian Ft nod of Kentucky—Meeting of Colored People 1., in% ,t..r. Orto , ,cr li.—lie Pre.,l9 tenon Synod of Kentucky brut been In t., ,‘on for titre, days. No action of the l'oneemion has yet been made up. nny prop,,ti;on. save the organization I vr..• the regaler officers were clec,c 1. Dr. H. J. I:reel:cm - Wcc ramie 3 motion fellqllr ing and rropwing to cut utf tbemaJurtte of Louts elite nesbyters, alleging that they bid rebelled stalest the of the General Assrambly by se-ptint a psvcr entlth clarations and testimony again. t :the anima of the Arigmbly. and errors petyer.6.,ted by the Assembly during the last doe Dr. Brock made a rfoottb of eonsidere • ble lenetb, yost,d. v, and will bo flllogrod by Dr. Wilson end otner members of the LoulsviPe Presbytery to-day. , A luge audience of colored people at Centre street church were vhirrusell last evening by be. James Maas•', ~r London, agrat of the British Aid Bock .7, Lt ,r 1 CofUl. of Cluelariat!, agent of the Fr, ^ tt't wel:can Ald 8 and Oen. llrlstou. The 11. - itish Aid Soc'ety have already rsl•ed forty thousand Doane. sterling for the Amrrl•en in.eitramt and Mas— sey comes to 'seer - aln what farther aid on• Truc t imen recr.“ . Fag! aod. Trial of Emeroou Etherldge...Sccoinl Pro.-vrdluz.. Cal no. 04.3. I'..—On the ercond day or the t•,el of Emetion Ethetide,e, the aCCllbri, we, boo been pewit — II t r'eld t: on a case, rce I a vita dead. act the Jurlsdlri , un of the baco't shq6. witch the roe 1 watch Mho dee 6 , d 2 , eirept.on 1) the pL ei Dot the che spc:l• neat'c- , etc-T. the • -nod •r - "Plcat'on, er:-"nd ',vat, to wt. , * be lb - ni "gtflty," on 'be a"ow . ecz 1:1'm to ',I - educe the whole let.. ,t em which en rt,reet we - mode. Thin tter iron non the Der - den tear, and Is et* -1 JELFIr 26ta, In wh'ch bo male the deela - C . 0 , 3 that Tenner,e bed no law bet 're, and no sena- Mance of c..a . I ~,..m...tment, &Ile or Fn tern) but that a rev r ante. c , I hi the b.:.yonc.a of nrart• t. C 3 et' d. A rne cv uence for the ;wet ratlrn. the 1, - .el 1 the eon,. with a wtltt-m whet elm", at the 'rc;e In the 0 , -, che-ze namely, eltam - norr went of rc - b.tence t) the r.l`;o' the halve. From New Orleaoa---Keeedmen's Bu reau Deemed Unnecer+ary—lu j ulcilou Against Disloyal Voters. NEW 01t1.2.4N11, 14.—Mr. W. All.r.101:1, spreial agent of the Cove .11334nt to entiu• - e 11.3 the cooduloa 01. I uthera stra•:•, lef. yeaenlay alter moo, CLC7 a shoe. oily, It In anC4.—.l , ihst his oFlelou of the Frdroeti's Bureya, In the: it Is so 111111CCCPiory ba-dea M the 004 . . 4 . 1. meal. The Provost Marshal has ordered an 1 1.pc^- tion o!the city registry of vote., with a view to strike irond the rolls the gannet of a cer,,aitt portion, charged with certain sett of ditioysity against the President's scraggy pioclasoation. Of that, who, In 156 . 2, registered themseves enemies of the United State, this waxed strike off one dl,h the registered voters of the city. lioverter Wells prottati aralisi tin's as an In. terference with ti i ettablisht.l State ! 41W. If t h e P l .p,t6i9t sill appe:d the President. Trouble Among Freedmen in g,uth Caro— Naw y,qty,. (Jet. 13.—T tie //cruhre Charleston correspondence of the lleh says: The troubles on the coast te.ween the whites nod f.tedmen continue. (he. Bennet yesterday Sell a force of Ruh p'elted men to AsLyce to quell a ditfted hauce there, which threatened to become E The f-rednien arc re; cried well arm, .1. Two whites who went np kehle,y river foe the per pear of Mingled woad to be city. vettra aa3llt twenty talks destaut were se 'alio, one of the landings by four tlacks, eecb armed with a r;aN and the'r boat taken from them_ after which they wee stripped of their clothing ned el:n yelled to travel to the city oa feat, aerlymlhmo In a state of starvation. Firemen , ' Parade In Philadelphia Now Pons. Oct 14.—The inceggemeet for the firemen's parade at Philadelphia on Mon day are of the mczt ein'axain order. Toe :41. lowing companies ft °oath , s col left this even. Ind for Philadelphia: lone , :cui Enema No. 6, Fremot t Asrocialion of Ee-mp., M m 6.113111 Engine No. S, Marino 1.1,": No. 4. Live Oak Enloe No. 44, M'Cldian Ilaie No. SO, Petry Ease No. 26, one iiir,illlC No.- 3, Of BeColtlyn. Tncts CnTiliranic9 alit be !weft:Ed by ampoules in FLiied, Iphia appall:lied to take Meta la charge os guests dorm?, their (dal to that GUI, VOLUME LXXVIII-NO. 260. CALITCTNIA STATE ELEorioN Z.. 47 IC)XL Cr 4%1.1a. El 14 .—F:3na pr.scatlsdi n:l 11 , 1 the Uu', a m•?-nty in the Lite tiCalo2 VIII ex, a that of Mr. L.nco'n hi c..rveral thcrwAhd. C,ll3cial reltrea rrom 0 - 47 cputtles thus tar ha, I etl r d , a-1 :1),114-7'.% corntv ace 3 ,; The lees,•• ...e br r re:.3 Lwa .nd 1.111.^ C`l,trameh 1 end thi•tt-two we :nd..l. The rcrelpts of the Trer , nrc , for e , ne m re it a-e t4J .CCO, a tre'l ore- L . ... 1,12, pro of latt je..e - of 0.10. The co:ne,pr at the mint for tnc le 0 1 73 huh:. thr IL, -up (we- 1.6,t):)),• GOO. nochaaged. Part of a car:» of 1 , .”1 , T Es, pt,ear.t 1 for St, Y. rk: Lraa cret ;Tr . ; CND at 15(r,..20:, I - re n el - A nice. al Exhibition (net. 15.—Tholdecretar, - , of St Ica Fns duet loord a pamphlet concerning the P...r.s l'olveresi Etbnhitlon of IN?, In which It was aurciar,d that all applications of citizens of lie I d Spates Invest be tiled in Parts before the hit October tact. Iu thus publishing the correse.deuce Ste. Slimed felt It to be his duty to stated to the rtaQsaze to that effect in rue. r.l Mr. Hlteeht•lo stepatches It to pre sume-3. he wryer, tont the Imperial C.rutnission adl accede to a requerc which hen been made to cur Nlli.ister at Pat.' for au eat:cation of tune fcr applicationn from the Veiled States, and that even If they should be unable to bo so. !dr. Br/ licrith, our special canto:ol3sloU ex at Paris, can draw up the general piao of organization. ri /faired by the programme, before the Ist of this mcpil., I- crib a warmer as to provide for the admissthe of applications from the Caned Sutra which may tot made before January, 1866, or a Web nnylhe receifed at Paris In time to be included, If accepted by our agent in the detailed plans of arrangements re - quired lry the Imperial Committiou from Mr. Beeckevith, before - the :list of the last :tamed mouth, as stated In at oedipal 110t1ha pubiLehed e fe lfys ago. C. Doyle, gsci the H: iced Suttee dispatch rpm at New York, So. 5 Shruee strati, has been appointed ageht tar Lae exothltlou Is the 1. ultra elate,. Al . to exhibit nod fun cf./rnlation s 3. A he uderessed w ttial• Ho to allther,Zth to eluleo l l'/Ili . y 01 car:. a, i..liettLlone elth reeertl to the questloe of Rat spc - thip. the programme gives until tat- 6th f "ad oh, 1867, for the admisclon of forelr - n produce at French seaports, and Con gress will. therefore, have ample time to de cide whether they will, as heretofore, on the oc casion of an exhibition of such magnitude, pro vide free transportation for articles gating frock. the United Bums. It should be borne In mind that the inventors and producer- of the Vatted States-, leave only to make up their minds, and notify Mr. Doyle, with reasonable promptness, as to what they propose to send, to secure the admittance of rep resentation at an exhibithin which will probably surpass all of predecessors in splendor sod Icapurtaece. From Washincton—Naval DI-bursgmetits NETY Tree. Oct. 15.—The Efs.tald's epeefa from Washington contains the followings The fourth Auditor's report for the Veal year ending July Ist. hr+ berni made.. The number of 'squishier's dr,nrr or the Treasury for the seulemett of carwutts for the eels...ea of the Nava Drpartment during the year amouraci to $12,678.577. Eve thousand three hundred del- tars ht.4e paid over to the Secretary of the ,Nas I as !xi:Liar the naval hnapitit fund, and the Commissioner of Intl.-oat Revenue hiv.. bfen lAntflttrd to the amount of $112.488, Obtained through animus aotoces. Nearly 20,000 pries claims have I..r...ccetycf, and 512 of them al- Justs 3. involving the disbnnsement to Miatterv, sallore and marines in nil pert+ of the crwintry 0(14,159,595. General datum to tie amount of $500,(00 have btu' adjust, Quite • reilon.l riot cse aricd at the Baltimore E,lpoe this forenoon between the 1071 h Kentock7 color( 1 minima, recently assigned to the ear-' ikon of Weslungtom and detachments of white treops preparing to Co notth by the 11 o'clock wain. Muskets. pistol. aid bayonets were freely need, and a corporal of the colored troops was kified. Several athlete were severely woun ded. A couple of Veteran Reserve regiments wcze promptly ordered to the scene cf action, by the Getters' commanding, but the colored rioters left the Cold, and the excitement anb sided before the veterans arrived. The President ads afternoon appointed John Connell Assessor of Internal Revenue for the 4th dietrict of /ono. A New Sensation—Reported Escape of Nair Tone. Oct. 16.—A Washlvatno Ws lel to a Aunday peva says: An extra....edliaati rumor pre*rillelhere to-right that Jeff. Davls has euceped from We place of confinement, and le now afloat en the C 4.431, bOrld probably far Nue= ft mill be remembcced that Davis had recently barn removal from the casematee in the Fortreea to Carroll Hall bn'tdlng, in the letetior of the fort. where he was given com fortable apactmeiata. The etmy win. than on Friday noon, Davis ,Fot ant of the F.o.xcia In the dist:Mee of a negro stevedore, and got on bard of an Enelien steamer whlch mat welting In Hampfma Roads. Toe vanael set sail Inure 1- lately as he reached• the d it. It Is feather triOnt said that the escape arse winked at by the bighest el:Relate at Foriex s Monroe. IN ism thePlaltea--134 the e with the Indians, New Tons, Oct. 16 —The Herald' 's apedal states that a telegram rceeirci at the War Dc gartment from General rope antalelng Intelli gence from Centred City. under este of Septem ber 27th, boa the foltcrwingi General Cotter hat eurprieed the Indians on Teague River, kil ling Sky and capturing ell their winter stares and •lx hundred borers. On the let ult. Col. Cole's eemnand bad met the Sioux, Arrappa bats and Cheyennee, and after three der. ^on theou fighting. had killed and manacled over two hundred of the Indlaes, and scattered them beyond recovery. North Carolina Conseatlon New Tor.t, Oct. la.—The Raleldh correspondent says: The North Carolina Con vention has almond Its other labors reccastruction of the State for Con7esakinal representatives. There me seven district, ail nether, end as they now stand oar Raleigh with:pandas puts down the Fleet; Third, Fourth and Fuila es sure to elect unadulterated Union represonualves, and :he Sixth and Seventh as a Muth doubtful, thoudh the Unioniats are confident of being able rry them. The Sowed disv veld to be etrounly ecceesion. It le believed that an no onllpro uttringly union fer:oslstore will be elected. North Coayethlor RALFICLI, (N, C.,) OcL 15,—Tee Crlvrotten c ;tee day retitetv d the d 4 eco' - 'on of the A'lte dtbt, hoo—h the ow , tion we, o . .lught to hove t 2.1 std of on the previous dey, lotion w, pc, - 3' d r .tfL - thrt the 6,tidcnt tt it rove e' 1 urges JIM the Stet .1. 'I he Co'. reli 1..1 , be In of :ewe some da3 Revelue Frauds at Nashrti,-, 14.—1 n the , ere for revenue krands at saspittlem was flint around by LllO febet. that SJO harrele of whisky were shipped am Neshvire, the ill st shipment of whisky user made from the E..mdk to the North. A I re? the tithiShi was sels , d• toe parties offered EID),,OPO tor its relevv,'which was revered. Elretiou FORTR3s Sfmtws. Oct. 12.—The elections In Norfolk eel Portsmouth pa is r 1 off quietly yrtterday. The vote wed small. L. H. enand ler-for Congrt - s. kale willa a handsome ma jority. Mcs - ca. Herat and Langlreide were enacted In the lions, of Driezaus from Porte. month. Virgarist. Chandler's nasprAy is Poi teistitirg Is over ICO. Trlat of Elam:lea Etheridge- Cairo, Oct. 14.—The for the trial of Enienion Ethridge Li now in r-sslon at Colum bus, Ky. Fhhee.chne st-ilsi he hod no obJeetton to any nicmbeti of the cut, nid to act es his oaO couns..l. The cotri*t efautti him time to fi!e bit pled a.,:tilest the ju-,stlieth t of the court, the. Another 1211 , 1 road glapg,hter Naw Your, October 14.—Th,ca bones at &ciao t 9 a heavy we7ort bear, .a.; to Mr. Klbgstabd, par: maker et 13,11erPle, N. J., with the di ,vt - , t over thks moudog by a railroad L - air. Two of t . r, were 10 1 1eC, cad a .31 at unknown, 113 badly ir .ur,d that be 13A1:R _ Or , ::tu,dA; Iset, of re,e'ved by to late Manatee, near Lae.cauce, Pa_ Dirt. ANN liAll It, aged :9 ram. Tte funeral will inke place on Tonsos.x WORR tra, 9 o'clock, f:om the rcal.lerce of brr has. bend, James P. Barr, Stevenson street, Doi:gait, the Mercy HospiraL The iriends of the faintly are resrectfally Invited t, &Wed. Saturd4v moil:dr.', 14th Pict, et the residence of her lio-bneet, at 5.:4 'redone., Mrs. MARGARET ty.tßD, ri.,cr a lingering tPleor.. the Rod re, of ter age. R. R. REEVES, 171`41 - 30M 1 FUM.A.....g7 88 En ithfield Street, near Fifth Street ta - 00 FT ENS of every efrxriptlom. (;RAPT:. GLOVES end FURNISHING FIR FIRIBV• MA generally. sir FINE ki.E.LELF, mr.l tu,rxesakes is 4 Int Mercer and Fayette Countle_s--Offietal The Uriam ccejelity In Xcrcer county, cad ets, ) cu the 5" u;s Ocket, Is 543. Minion gain on mejoety of 1662, 476; Unior gain In ms,lnrl- T ov,r boats TO of 111 3 4: on home , and so , c'!er vote of 1564, 197, F 4 Scris manly f..".TC3 Dave 7,870; nav;renft, car!olity :Jr Day 51D. LTE!ea gain OTC' TO' e of Net yes - , 416. NEW ADVERTISEMEN TS G REATEST BARG!, IN OF TED BE4SON, Concert Hall Shoe Stofe. ALL GOODS, ANT) WffiTER STOCK PARTICULARLY I WME M F M.n Pte. 11-I= CCI WY:. MYNS' ELEAVI BOOTS, $l,OO, ETELITHINO ELSE I PROPORTION OARCAINS!CARCAINS! ALL Tilts 3101iTA. Flo. 60 lelioTH STREET No Connection with any other House in the City. G RF 1T 'EXCITKIEN'T Ha, been created of late at the different gam of afar -akent, rud people creed them nightly to wee the No. I Stare Lot the Star in lb line of bust. ream Is the BOOK PUBL.-SHE/IS' SitESZSITA TIfifff DEPOT, where et:lnds think it as great ff. privilege to be se AT THE POLLS. Varlets ran be fen ad all halms of Works which. am aeld at the publfallet price. Th l / 4 eatahttah- - meet Is one et the FIVE which ate the molt fair Ann liberal Institutions 0I the kind to the UN lON, thoueande• of persona will tattler who Lana porehased thole BOOKS and ALBUMS at this' place, and the MAJORITY (Jr whims !tact reaelved GOLD &ND S LLVEH. WATCHES, ICI MICELLE.% MX as plea of Sliver. Fest, cash purchaser receives somerthlas varying •alue tress Se cents so *SOX Woos asters flop of all persons so PENNSYLVANIA Ard ourroo- , 114 reontry to 74 FIFTH 1117 C Where they cat. II et e‘hit for rer,tsiog 110. • 0a1t.111,4 0 R HALL CLOTHING HO L'S E, NEW GOODS i'IFE CLOTH COA LAsEasH WA.l,l{LriG COLTS OVERCOATS OF ELL KINDS and all styles of EGAILDLkSS OF OOST FUR THE NEM r al DAYS. J. H. SMITH it 00.. CLOTHLEAS, OAK HALL, tI3 FIFTH ST., Oppaalte tte Opera Home, FINE DWELLING FOR SALR, situates! at hi comer of Duncan and Davis streets, Pev.nth ward, Pittsburgh, having a float uf fia feet 3 inches on Duncan street, std eaten. log along Darts Street tto feat, on Wblah Is erect en a Few Twe-Storied Slick DwelEng. • Containing eecen root.. tech room and dresairrg room, botched attic, wash house, cotter under the entire houre with cement floor, 'gas and .wateck Grafi... Large range in the Itlichenotrartdo mantlen sou hoe doisted grates in the parldr, dining room and bed rooms. lite house was tett in she moat durable matner, and Masted in • he hoot etylea for the owner's owe oecupattoy. cligps •irlaes inc. fruit trace and a tine sulectisneal flowers. Any omens reairous of szacileng the proper ty.rail on the LOO , otnired bT hit TIIO3. SNOWY:KM, and they 17/11 rue ve tw itter pullouts's. terms. fur. ficlirinod REN 0 & HC,P.KINS, CDAL AND COKE DED.:,KKS, AND SHIPP 4as, IDANCHESTEIL, neer the Putenger Car Stshhet. AEILXEs Da abated at the *tartest settee. Otardti TiILOIZS 'WISKiIIiG TO RELOIRTS INsTatiunoss Tms ART or Cutting Men's and .BoyeGannents; BY A.OTUAL HITASITIIEIIWT., 'would do woUl by calllag_ S. V . EI.ETT. At BIoORATTYM Outlast-80re, Southatok ecomenameodii r 01110 ob. and /141z9r.42 4.likellf anm