The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, October 14, 1865, Image 4

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    Zit Iptsintrgh azett.
Arrivai and Departure of Trains.
• PenneVivant* Central Railroad.
&rota arrives
R t irsareu.... 230 a in Penn Accomo 4 n. 7.50 a al
- Steommorgi23o a m Mall 190 a m
. .Entta 2.Erle Mail 1730 n ml Fast Line...._.. 233 am
Altoona Aecm'n too p en Pitt& Erie 5ia11.1333 p ra
=Express.. 405 p eO Baltimore Exp 4 a Lao p a
town Ao'n 4.35 p mtPhils. Express.. Its) p m
Fact Line—_ . sac p m lbluiern ikee'n..los4s a a
.12 Wall Staton 6:m a mast Wall Station oars.=
ir. 1. o ii3o a m'ld 44 ..,
red , ~ " ;..;;; 2! id ° e bus pm
.4tit' • 4 . 4205 pm Rh " 0 6:73 p m
:teas Accomoba.mas p m' Altana AeM 4 n.
and Emigt Ten. 10.35 p m
The ,church train leaves Walls Station every
gllinilay a 1.996 a. in.; retuning, leavetPlttsbotgs
at 1100 p.-m.
Plitaburgh, Columbus and Cincinnati. .
i -DAPait.. ArriV(B.
Earnest ..... .... edt, a ni Expr0e5............. titva a
Nall 790 a in Stall ......... 3941 p m
EXPress.—... 2:45p 85 , Expresil.-.--- 835,4 ai
Steubenville Se- IStenbenvins As-
commodation. 400 pmn commodittioa. MO* a m
Pittsburgh ? Port WaVne pad Chicago.
Depot,. Arrives,
Vapre5a........... 000 a I:canna ...... ... 1.10 • in
Expresa......—. MOO p M Expreu ...... ..,. sub p m
EEx preu.......—. SAO p in I Express. ..... ... 690 p al
_ 7so a in I Mail 730 p m
N. Cults & Erie a:4o a m I Pi. Canis a brie auu P m
New Brighton Accommodation leaves Allegheny
gaped at 41; a. m., 1100
ii. m., 4.46 p. m., utal3oo
boa guichester, 215 p., m.; Now Castle, 69
. a.; Economy, 1120 p. m.
Plttabtirgli, Cleveland and Wheeling.
Deperut Antics.
ESP's= 2,105 miExpreu • 290 a in
Earess ...... ... 2:4S p cal Express._...... 146 p m
6:10 a mi Mall goo p en
-,, Steubmaville Accommodation loaves Allegheny
40 UM pm.
- . Pittsburgh and Connellsville.
&pais. Arr.,.
Sall Sidi a Whist' sod p m
, Romer seo p mi Express ........ leiio a
'' let 2444SeraporM119 0 a twist McKeesport 630 a in
~, , a .... (11.5 p mild
~,, mO5 p m
tat its[24o•Cba.. 790 a mils& Braddocies. 1330 a m
6 3.5 p m
• Id .., .... cio p raped
Allegheny Valley Arrives.
i Esparta. 930 a In
pr eQ
ess 7:00 a ~'Farm43o p admit 790 p m
' iivotrunedation 293 pai ,Accommodation 834 a rn
manneartu.rer of Steam Engines, Stealth
ery, dm.
Pittsburgh has become noted for the extent to
which the manufacture of steam engines, and
Other Machinery has attained within its limits.
Coda Robert Fulton arise from his grave, and
-Vltava to what perfection the conception of his
brain bee been he would start with as
tonishment at the wonderful spectacle. The
'team canine has been Introduced into almost
every mechanical department of the age. Not.
only are they called Into requisition In manatee
. torke ‘ teills, and as a propelling power by land
and-by water, but even the domestic arrange.
meat of some of our principal hotels and other
public buildings, is considered Incomplete, unless
„the aid of the mighty agent steam Is called into
~,,requisition. Meals are cooked by steam; mann
tdry's worked by steam, and in fact It appears as
thetugh eventually every thing had is give plate
to the mighty agency of steam. --
The Duquesne Werke, owned by Capt. d as.
Rees, ire situated on the corner of Duquesne
rimy sad Hay street. They were established by
• theprestat proprietor In the year 1854. The
building at that time was email competed with
the one now used. The present works covert an
- area, extending 130 feet on Duquesne way, by
183 feet on Hay street, the front building being
four stories In height, and the back building
„ three stories high. The blackstalla shop has a
front of 24 feet, by 72 feet deep. This depart
, meat has five forges, and room for three more
• The foundry is Id feet wide by ono Mindrod feet
long, having two blast en*as of • capacity of
t/ five tuna each, the blast being supplied by a
Slues, fan blower Dora New York, which is
drew= by an Independent engine. The roun
dly Is supplied by two powerful cranes, each
capable of lifting twenty tons. Fire pines with
logs of hose are placed at convenient distances
around the yard, so that In case of fire, they
can be used at a moment's warning.
The original truildinghed a front of but forty
eight feet, but dittlng the summer of 1,583 the
'3 establishment was burned, and since than it
has been very muctiimproved and has been en
mwlarged to about four times Its original size. Its
_form now is that of a parallelogram, the por
• ";tion fronting on Duquesne way being the
. .. - ftrandry. office and drafting mom, and machine
shop; on Hay street, the machine and black
smith shape, the latter forming the battudery of
the back ecd of the lot, the remaining side being
formed by the foundry. In the centre le IL yard
for - the staring of metal, and other purposes.
Thet fear aides present solid brick emfaces,
eseept-ao tar as an exception Is made as re
gards.. entrances and' windows, the building
having been erected with a view to a plentiful
supply of light and ventilation- The entrance
to the yard Is between the office and the foundry.
The office is a vary neat affair, looking some
thing • like a magi banking house, and over
• it, rooms are fitted up for dratethtsmen.
We entered the building from Hay street, and
found ourselves to an extensive machine shop.
filled with workmen engaged oar almost every
n,ales of work connected with engine building.
The hammering, the screech of the
_ planers and drills, sad the dull, heavy rambling
of the turning addnes, was absolutely deafen
ing, while t busy forms of the men, as they
. moved to d fn, guiding and regulating the
presented • spectacle that would
hare to e seen to be appreciated. Ascending to
the second storf, we were met by .Captain Am,
who upon being infermad of our business, cheer
fully 'accorded us all the Information that he
weld, upon so short pollee, we not having noti
fied him of ourintendedvlelt. In the lower MOM
• through which welled just passed were six lew.
in and turning lathes, need for boring out the
cylinders of engines and other work, and fur
teaming the Iron pillars, columns. shafts, or
Other species of iron work seeded in the com
pletion of a job. Here are also to be found two
planers, and two drills, for planing off the sur
faces of the metal, and for drilling the bolt and
any other holes that may be necessary. Two
; 4 0•4es, cutting machines arc also to be seen in
• tftialdepattment, arranged with tapes and dies
suitable for cutting any size thread, In the
'second story, we find fivemore boring and turn
ifig lathes for Iron work, besides two lathes in
the pattern shop for turning wood; and at differ
ent places throughout the establishment, we
- `slatted sixteen vices, each with a busy occupant.
1 'The pattern shop, which is in the third story,
is quite a proininent feature In the business. IL
; contains five bunches, and It is -here that all
:patterns used io the works are made. The val
bue of the patterns at present on hand will
..amount to about $12,052, althou.,-11 a t the its
fto years ego, Captain Reel sustined a loss in
patterns alone, of about 111,000. The room- for
the storage of patterns are in the Rh story of the
main, or front building, and the 3d story of the
• ack building or new addition. In the second
torysof the new addition, eKtensi ye. preparations
4. z re being made for additional machinery. The
shafting and belt wheels or drums, being In po-
- -
talon, w
and the other machinery . being
place. The engine that drivei the maeltatery
in the new addition Lind aliki In the blacksmith
aop, Ls a very hand,ome horizontal engine. and
IS the same one that was on exhibition at the
Sanitary Fair In Allegheny cite. It boo ate
-Stich cylinder, and has a btrolie cC ei , litten ht
The boiler, with Lis t h e 6:1111C one that
was exhibited at the Fair, Is a tubular hailer, tee
feet long by forty inches in diameter, witli . o
large fire tine, and tun smaller dues. to tic
department Is a vertical engine. 60 arranged
to drive the machinery throughout the en
'works if necessary.. It is su4LI. . by s dou.
lined boiler twenty feet la eugth by thirty.
eight inches In diameter.
These works have the capacity to turn out
1125,000 worth of finished work yearly. The
- consumption of iron amounts to forty tons oar
month, or four hundred and eighty tons a year.
Seventy hands are employed, and the total er
r' penes. Including every thing, amounts to one
hundmd thousand dollars a year.
Captain Rees has turned out a yearly average
of tWelys boats each year since he commenced
businese, besides doing en Immense amount of
repairing for general customers. So great is
, the popularity of his engines, that we know of
Inntan where a party building a steamboat
Ciehmati, came to this city. and ofered him
a bonus of one thousand• dollars, over what he
could have procured the same engines for
In that city, to build a pair of engines for hls
boat. This may appear improbable, but it is
nevertheless true. Captain Rees had fitted out
morunboat for the party referred to once be
bre, and be was so well pleased, that notwith-
Mend, the hull sod cabin otitis bust were being
built at such a distance, he came all the way
hereto be supplied with his machinery. Ile has
•4f•bulAt. the machinery for some of the finest boats
that plough the waters of the Mississippi. He
:has also built live. boats for the United States
~ ,Government, of the class known as tin clads.
Be takes contracts for building steamboats COM>
pieta, from the hull up, or will furnish the m
;•„: chinery acperate, of any size or style. Ito has
. 'constantly cmployed—latiependent of their assist.-
..4.i ante—three wood-workmen to put up machinery
on board of steamboats. lI s bar, rod, strap, and
other iron is always bout In large quantities,
sothal, It la procured the lowest prices.
PriOrto the war, Capt. Roca was pretty erten
; t :eel, engaged In the manufacture of spear mills
r the plantations of Louisiana, and he is now
a I.rgpirOd to receive any and all: orders for the
17,q, eigaebranch of manufacture. The present cos t
of • sugar mill mould be from ten to fifteen
theoutaad dollars. although berm the war,
It would have been Much - less. At present
• , :r he la 'prepared to accept orders for all kinds
of work, from the cariluga fora rolling mill,
down to the smallest cast Lag called for. The
el recent extensive additions to We old estao
',. n'elishad worts, gives •to him fealties which he
T.;bas never befbM enjoyed. El airing heretofore
'been successful In all of Us tmdertaldngs, we
assn only add, that profiting by the experience
of tie past, his guarantee for the future is beyond
al peradventure.
Yesterday afternoon Joseph Grimes was tried
and convicted of adultery with the wife of
returned soldier named Cameron, at Sewickley.
Grimes was married In Jane last, by Alderman
Donaldson, to Ann Lane Beatty, since which
time It was charged that he had committed the
offense.. •
Aaron Primo, colored, was tried and notate
tad upon an indictment for affiliation, and the
newel eenterco in such vises pronounced upon
Mrs. Battiste. colored, was acquitted of •
charge of larceny.
Wm. Stewart and John Shields, soldiers.
charged with being concerned In a disturbance
at the Boidlers' Rest some time since, were dis
charged from urlson, the hills against them
baring been ignored by the grand Jury.
William Howell,. a one-armed soldier, se
curd with William M'Farlend. of conspirwy
to defraud. were also discharged.
Bills Found.
The Grand Jury, yesterday, returned indict
ments against the following parties, for the of
fences stated: Three against Owen Hall, for
open lewdness, assault and batter, and
licieua mayhem ; prosecutors, Mel 6 - 1 " / John
Casey ; one against Lewis Alin, for aggravated
assault and battery,
11100 prO.CC Igor ;
James Mei
one against William Stewart and John Shteldi,
for riot at the Soldiers' /test, William Shore,
prosecutor ; One against John Bl'6lloll, for ma
licious mischief, Patrick Boyle, prosecutor; one
against Witham White, alias "two shirts," Wm.
prosecutor ; one against Leal" Lissler,
for false pretenses, Victor Bch wie rd prosecutor ;
and one against Francis Harlon, for larceny,
Frederlek Well, prosecutor.
Change of Principals
At a meeting of the South Pittsburgh School
Bo a rd, last evening, Mr. Henry G. Squires was
unanimously elected Principal of the school of
that borough, vice Mr. George N. Monroe, re
signed. Mr. Squires wee recently Principal
of the school of the Fourth Ward of Allegheny
city, and the position he has now taken was
most satisfactorily tilled by Mr. Monroe for a
period of four or five years. Mr. Al. resigned
with a view of going to Oil city, whore he will
take a responsible place in a business establish
ment. Pam to bidding his pupils a formal
adieu, on Friday, he was presented with a hand
some testimonial in token of the high esteem
in laden he was held,
Crosa Suite.—Alderman Johns, pf the Seventh
Waid entertained ncomplaintof David Williams
against Mary Howells, for disorderly conduct,
and after a hearing discharged her on payment
of costs. Feeling aggrieved at her persecution,
and satisfied that she had been more sinned
against then sinning, she made an information
against Williams, for disorderly conduct, and a
warrant was Issued by the Alderman for his ar
The Hazlep Rape Case.—ln our notice,
yesterdLy, of the disappearance of the prosecu
tor of Captain Heziep, tor attempting to outrage
a child, we crated that an indictment had been
found by the Grand Jury. In thin we erred. No
bill has yet been found, and cannot be without
the presence of the prosecutor. A process has
been issued far his arrest, and officers have been
looking for him for several days.
Mrs. Grinder, the Alleged PCll9oller.
The Grand Jury, yesterday, returned an indict
ment for murder against Mrs. Martha Grinder,
in the case of Mrs. Caruthers, whose death is
attributed to poison, administered by Mrs. G.
With the particulars of this case, the. readers of
the Gazette must be familiar,
having been given
at length In our columns. It is probable that
the ease will be taken up nett week.
Put Into the Costa.—Thomas Richardson
was prosecuted for mallcieus mischief, but the
Grand Jury haring returned the bill ignoramus,
the prosecutor, Thomas Graham, wee called in
to Court yesterday afternoon, and being Present,
he was, as directed by the Gread Jury, required
to pay the coats.
Taken Oyer.—Edward Flani¢_ an. whose curt-
Action and sentence for larceny la noticed else
where, was taken to the Penitentiary yester
day afternoon.
From Yesterday's .Eveaine Gazette
Court of Quarter Saeatons.
FITIDAT, OCT. 13.—8 efore Judge's Skwrelt and
Miller Mitchell, alias J. P. Paxton, was ar
raigned on a charge of adultery, preferred by
Robert Montgomery. The testimony went to
chow that the defendant, who has a wife Using
In Lancaster, had nlisndoned her and came to
this city with one Catharine Steel, with whom
he lived at Rattle hotel for three mouths. The
jury found:a verdict of guilty, and the defend
ant was sentenced to pay a tine of two hundred
dollars and undergo an imprisonment of one
year in the county Jail.
A. C. Brant plead guilty to a charge df selling
liquor on Sunday, and was sentenced to pay a
fine of sixty dollars and costs, and undergo
an imprisonment of ten flays in the county jail.
His license to keep an eating house was revoked,
as he had once isifsfre been convicted of a viola
tion of the liquor law. He also plead guilty to
selling liquor without license, and was senten
ced to pay a fine of thirty dollars.
Mrs. McCullough plead guilty to selling liquor
without license, and was sentenced to ply a tine
of ten dollars and costs.
Edward Flannegan, charged with the larceny
of a carpet sack and clothing, the property of
Samuel Reynolds and Edward Ward. at the
boarding house of Mrs. Phillip,. in South Mt...-
burgh, was convicted and sentenced to throe
year, In the penitentiary.
The Union Skating Park. Allegheny
The managers are actively engaged In pre
paring this flea improvement for the use of the
public- The grading and embankment has been
completed, and the water pipe laid. Workmen
are busily engaged upon the betiding, and the
latter will be ready for occupancy within thirty
days. This fine Park is located on Tremont
street, Second ward, about forty Tanis from the
track of the Allegheny and Manchester street
railway, on Western avenue. Tne grounds
comprise six and three quarter acres, enclosed
by a tight fence eight feet high. The buildings
comprise an entrance ball, ladles' saloon and
dressing room. gentlemen's saloon, rafrahment
Worm. skate room and ticket office. The men
agers intend to render the Park Just suck a place
as the gentlemen and ladies would wish It tube;
where they can enjoy the faac.inating and Invig
orating exercise of abating, free from any of
those physical or moral difficulties which are
incurred on the river, at a moderate expense,
within the reach of every family. The depth
of water wit, be such as to reader danger from
that source impneslble; and the surface of the
Park, during the season, will be kept smooth
as glass by artificial mesas—such as flooding
over night..and by On use of the Ice plane and
brooms. We hall the dawning era of seating
perks as a ate, in the right direction.
The Allegheny Library , Association.
We are rejoiced to observe that thin Assents
Lion le actively at work, through Its standing
committees• and promises to furnish the young
men of Allegheny a comfortable, commodious
and weillurnished hal:, where they will find
ample Intellectual eatertalnamnte, during the
approaching winter.
The tine Central IlaJi so liberally dedicated by
Councils, to the one of the Library A•BoCiaLlOn,
le Bow being fitted up for the use of the mem
Lashio. C ace and she vas to receive the two or
three thousand volt= of bound books which
compere the 'manes the library, are now
now being 'put up. - he [tall has been neatly
carpeted and furnished with desks, tables and
chairs. The committee have made arrangement,
to place on their tables and files, all the leading
newspapers, the monthlies and quarterlies, and
to furnish members with all new publications,
as they are issued from the prase. The Lecture
committee are also In correspondence with some
of the ablest public lecturers in the country,
and expect to furnish the Allegheny priolle with
a comae of enterulining and Instructive lectures,
during the season. We trust that the citizens
will encourage this effort to promote the moral,
Intellectual and social condition ofthe public.
Death of Dr. John McCook.
Dr. John McCook, a' well-known phyhi.
- •
Steubenville, and only surviving brother of Dr.
McCook, Sr., of this city, died on the 11th inst.,
in Washington City, after a long and panful
Illness. For ten days before his death he mi.
constantly attended by his n.-plievr, Dr. Heorsit.
L. McCook, of this City. General Edwas
McCook - , hie oldest eon, was on his way to Tes
as when he received a dispatch from Hon. l
H. Stanton, stating that his father was deal.
He Immediately started on his return, and ar
rived in our city last night, where he will re
ceive his father's remains to-morrow, and lin.
mcdlately proceed with them to Steubenville
where his father will he buried.
Dr. John McCook but been for years a prom
Inept man, ant has held several Important Dill
Cebt He was noth a patriot and a ehrittlau.
Embezzlement by an Express Clerk.
A young Luau named Alex 11. flame, employed
as o clerk In the Adams Express Office, at Oils
city, left rather hastily a few days ago, and on
examination of his accounts show that he has
failed to make return of between two and three
thousand dollars, received by him during the
-two or three days previous to his departure.
:Elie gay man is a member of a very worthy and
respectable family, and as his character hereto
fore has been unexceptionable his friends are
at a loss to scconnt for his strange conduct. An
Information- has been made, and efforts are
now making to secure the arrest of the young
marl, Ws Where:MOMS are as yet ■ mystery.
W. H. Stsca's Concert. in Ecceasior
Hail last mains, was a great 'success. Evers
seat In the Hell was occupied long before the
hour named, and standing mots was es a oremt:
um. The perflarmers numbered snout one hun
dred and forty, and the fine choral pieces were
rendered with a powerful effect. Several of the
voices were very fine, and gave evidence of
fine culture, reflecting the highest credit on the
professional repatatiou of af.
Peliodicalt.—John I'. Hunt d: Co., 59 Firth
Street, have received the New York Indepen
dent, the Round Table. the Nation, Chimney
Corner, Frank Leslie's illutrated Newspaper,
and Rarper*6 Weekly.
Frank (one. 70 Fifth street, has rerelved
Frank ted Newspaper, the Round
The Young Man'. Pylentt.—Warranted to
rare Private Diseases. For sale by druggists.
Aat for the Young Man's Friend. A pamphlet
g i v ing the symptoms and treatment of imitate
Aseases accompanies each Box, or can be had
by addressing Young Man's Friend, Box 05,
Cinch:instal. with a three cent stamp enclosed,
to Joseph Fleming, Charles Super, J. . Frilton,
ur 8. W. Fox ct Co., Allegheny ,rll:6m.
Bankers and Brokers,
No. 73 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh.
Denning received in PAR 'FUNDS ►ad
1E.15 - 01
Collections made to all partsof ths United States.
Bop and sell at market rata:
U. S. 5 per cent. 11161, Bonds;
U. S. do. 640 do.;
U. S. 5 per sent. 1040 do.;
U. S. a per cent. Certificates Lulebtednesc
Sew U. 5.740 T'ressurc Noted.
at the New York, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh
Boards, all kinds of . Government Securities,
Stocks. Bonds. Gold bta., hs. 425
COMILICOTISD NT 1105.5011, ■'OLYAA et 00.)
FRIDAY, Oct. 13,1465,
U. S. Cs 1881
U. S. 5-20's,
U. w. 7-30 , 11,
U. S. Certificates.
....... 98 00
* T 3 63
_. 69 00
60 6 33 00
....—.. .....
y CO. Fives
Co:knellsrale R. R. Bonds __
Allegheny Gas Co
lionternens Insursage
Cash 1n5...---.
Connelisville IL R. Interegt.
Connellgvllle R. R. non-tot...
Exchanges:gat. Rank.--....
Fourth Net. Bank--
Lron Cit
31. h 31. lint meal Rank ..
National Ronk Of Conapierve
Tratiesme ns National
Allegheny tr. Pittsburgh Oil
Columbia Oil ___
Oil Ilairrn---
Ohio Valley
Hoes ....
Terr, Story h. Cherry Hun....__
Western Penn.*
Warren h
Pitt• a.Stervarts Run—...
Pittsburgh gram Elevator
Gold at 11 s. tn. 144
coop 740', 21 series
Gol,Livits held pretty firmly in Nem 'York
Say at 144,, Governments Were slightly d
pressed as compared with yesterday's .luotatlons
Flee Twenties were quoted toalsy at los, mains
lost; yesterday; Seven Thirties, 00, against cc'
Eighty-ones, luSl,; Ten Forties, 00 , ., and Ccrt
nettles, .
Our local stock market Is not settee, bait quite
steady at quotations. Money ta stnngent, and th.
best business paper is offered at a heavy disco.
for accommodation
stocks remain quiet and unchanged.
The demand seems to be restricted to the stock of
two or three companies, and the holders of these
do not seem disposed to sell. As will be seen by
the board list, Ad was bid for Columbia; 2.50 for
Wirren and Venango; and 1 for Ralston. On the
street, we hear of lOU being oiler for Warren & Ve
nango, And ref used.
Bank. Insurance nod Bridge stocks quiet sod
nominally unchanged. There is some Inquiry for
Bank shares, but buyers sod tellers appear to be
apart in their views, consequently, we have no
sales to report.
The Associate Banks of New York at a meetlill
October unanimously adopted a constito.
on and plan for the redemption of National Bank
blesses. Robinson, McClean & Co ,P7o. 75 Fourth
street, are purchasing uneurrrent southern money,
and peinons wishing to dispose of the some would
do well to give them e .11 They are orepered to
buy the notes of Tennessee, Virginia, North and
.th Carolina, Georgia, Tronoaae (7oupo.
fiestas - Me k Chattanooga R. R. Bonds, (endorsed);
and Memphis tiny do (endorsed.)
—The branch railroad from Blairsville, on the
Pennsylvania Railroad to Freeport, on the Alle
gheny river, is completed and now an use. At
Freeport this line strikes that of the Allegheny
Valley Railroad, running thence to Kittanning.
and now In progress of extension beyond that
point of the oil region. This branch having been
built by the Pennsylvania Railroad, wall be
worked by that company as an avenue for the
coal, non and petroleum trade between the Alit
gtieny Valley and Philadelphia.
—The grain elevator coropempanies of this city
have given notice that the rates for elevating and
six days storage, on and after the 16thwin
be, on eats I lie per bushel, and oti all other grain
20 per bushel, and they reserve the right to require
the removal of the gamin at the expiration of the
first six days, upon spectal nonce being givern. In
the absence of such notice the rate will he lc per
bushel for each succeeding twenty days alter the
first Mx. This action they contend I. necessitated
t nsound condition of most of the receipts.
Many o f
the grain merchants feel themselves ag
grieved thereby, and propose to resort to the sys
tem of sendingsacks to their correspondents to
ship the grain Gazette.
--UrvlVle I. ST ATell EIST OF Off= flux errs k r , Ex
PISNDITCP.. ur GfIVERNMENT FOR run ttu Aitrf.l4
ENDING. Jva following le a Idaho
merit of the raceipta and expenditure. or the tine.
d State,. for the quorter ending Juno .7), 1 , 165
• elusive of trust [undo:
Drr kC73fEIT
FLEOIST4II..f , Or t) In.
From Customs.--.
,tate of Public LAnds.—.—.
Insect .....
Internal nevenUr. ....... .....
Incidental and Miscellaneous source..
Total receipts, eaCillaiVe of loan
Oct & 'OM!
From fractional curycncy, per c
Dl arch 3, 18S1
Sites, twenty yeses bowls, per act of
July 17, lint ........... ...-......
Tetporary loans, per nets of Feb. 33
and .March 17, I.iw _—
Certificates of Indebtedness per acts
March 1 sod 17, Inta
Sixes, I,dt bonds, per act of March 3,
sites, compound Interent notes, per
act a Of 11, 1003, and June 3u,
Se, en t hrrodent ha throe years Tress.
fay notes, per net 01 June :10,
Sizes, tivr-1 xvertry year bonds, per set
01 June
th 710, 1,01 .......
Se, en ree-tenths three sear. Teens.
ury notes, per net of .11•reh 3. .
0061 coin purchased per n.t of 111 nod,
17. 160'2
Tot al
Oral.] total—
eisil—FOrelgn Intercourse and mis
Interior—Pension and Indian
War .
Navy ..............
Interest on public debt, including in-
Redemption of Texan maemnit y stock I ,:721,Miti
Retniburaententa of Treasury notes,
per acts pride to December 29,
Payment of Treasury notes, per act of
March 2, 1801
Redemption of United States notes,
per act of July 17, la6l
Redemption of '7 5-10 three years cou
pon bonds, per act of July la, 1911 ..
Redemption of Treasury notes, per
act of February 25, Dud
Redemption of postage and other
atamps, per act of July 17, 1802 079,7.16
Reimbursement of Treasury loans,per
acts of February 1.5 and March 17,
1 02
Redemption setart inmates of indebt
ednetra, per of March 1 and 17,
Redemption of fractional currency,
per Oct of March 5, PPI3 ...... 1 , 7
litalempt ion of one-year floe per
vent Treasury notes, per act of
1n arch 0,1
0 .
Dalempionf .w
—' ye
— f
ee per
cent 1' reneury notea, per act of
March .t, latz • • ••• •• • . „ . 2u,31 , ',71r0
Redemption of three year, Ali per
tent compound Interest nOles, per
arts of March 5, Inca, and June :vi,
Purchase of gold coji, • per net ot
March 17, 1n q.
()tend total of expetsclitur s e.. , , , „ ~
~,,,, tu?,.674E3°,1•141
Iron and Nalls—Another Advance.
There Is a continued good demand for both Iron
and Nails, and our mill-men are g o tt, og otth . r .
Meter than they can fill them. Owing t o an
vsnce of lull per cent in U. wages of hailers, the
price of nails has been advanced seventy-five
cent. per keg—making the third or fourth adv..°
within a comparatively short time. There in no
change In the card rates of iron, though it Is hold
firmly at card quotations. The corrected rate.
for Nall. are as follows
101 to lod,
/id to ad.
(4 to 7.1.
ad to sd.
Flevorte4 l for the Pnishurgh Oarette. FE.a,, Oeit.. 13. BIS.
FurnAr Oet. 17, 1455. The general markets were moderately active
nut friends In the Drag Trade are doing a good and drat to -ley, with a fair local demand, though
ltustaesa, and at fair prelate. the jrannaetlons generally were of no unimportnn
The demand for goods has been enormous, and character. prices remain tem, but without out
sli sources of supplies tax.egi to the utmost to sheet
the demand.
Many staple goods have advanced very mate
rially mace our last revision of the list, and are
held firm at the advanced rate., among which we
may note, Acetic Acid, Balsam Copaiba,
Chloroform, Opium, Quinine, Morphia, Castor
Oil, Lard Oil, BI Cart, Soda, Sal Soda, Caustic.,
Soda, Soda Ash. Whiting, Venitlan Red, Rhu
barb Boot, Oxide of Zinc, Putty, Castile Soap,
end Camphor.
binnufacturert of Window Glans and Mat,
ware have advnne•d their priers by making their
discount ten per mint len, than formerly, while the
en rd rat e. remain uneh angel.
I n oon.reinem i e of the eengity and run inn,'
high pLoc of Caustic Alkali the Peansrly
salt filancf‘cturlng Co. have hero roinpelisl
to adt all, the price of '• CONCEXTILATED LYE.
They now quote as follows
Less than 50 rases..
NI rases..
'.ll, cases..
This range of prier. will Allow the whole/ale
dealers to supply the small trade at suet prices as
admit of a fair division of the profits.
Linseed Oil went up As high as elm pre Z.tion
A few weeks since, hut has receded to $1,5040,55,
and ratter weak at the decline. LaDloll Is held
at our quotations.
TurTlentlne, Roala, Nutyralla, Guru
Shellac; and a few other art idol are lower.
Spices of all deseriptions are held firmly at ad
armed rates.
We quote the leadlog articles on the Drug li.t
as follows
Acid Acetic, 61 165 VD.
" l'itnc, 106 1 12. • 1
" Dlnriatle, 53a 1 "
" Sulphuric, 4 6"
Tartaric, IOS e 110 "
Alcohol 69 per cent, 470 0 4 'l5 2 011.
Oh per sear , 470 6 4,15 ••
Aloes, ilape, 35 6 S 3 il D.
Allspnie, p 31 '‘
Alum, 5 34 0
Ammonia .9",un. 12 9 1
rarlionlle 30 6 81
Baleen l'opali , •. 1 4.. 0 1 IS
Amentoeli , l4, 4 , (y 50
""ack I,enii, ,
7 0 4 • 1
,§ 75 ''
3, 11 "
15 la '•
I . 7
146 9.'
' l(2 Ino ' -
143 • 1.50 "
1 90 0 2 00 •`
,n) 31 4 . 4 40 "
.1 08 cp 45 "
2 45el 050 •'I
, 6 0 , 3 1 1 5 3 , ::
61 Igy 0.5 "
1 35 El , l 31 ~
li ' a . 85
15 fa 14 "
1, 66 0 .56 "
I 50 03 51 "
25 6.. ••
65 0 90 11
f.l i 3 Ito ,
5" idi 1 1U "
65 iry 75 "
100 ta I 6.., ~
1 65 6 1 70 • 1
2 26 0 1115 "
5 15 " 49 e 75 "
8d 9 "
42 Sp 41 "
3 4 "
3'.4 5 "
1 13 , 0 1 33 "
02 0 65 "
'l5 (# 165 "
:Morphia, 9 50 41 665 V oz.
liitiate Silver, 110 ty 173 "
NUtrinegn, 151 1 08 h 1 1
Oat Meal, 8 1 10
Oil linseed, 25 4 60
liertanaot, 00 / 1 i OCi •
Lemon. 25 150 8
" Prppernalnt 00 660 "
" l'od I.lver.
75 3 00 par gal.
Lard City, :3 d 2 35
" " 11ncinnatl, RI 0 'lO 11
Linseed, 50 4/ 55 "
(Hive,' 73 00
" ( - rotor. 73 03
" Sperm Genuine, 10 SO "
" Tanner's, 55 95 "
" Whale W. 8.,. 1 53 y 2,10 "
opium. 12 0 , 0 1,,e0 "y 1 5
Polo.. BI Chromate, 29 (d 32
" Misstate { Yellote,) Pi 6 02
9 r (Red.) 1 445 0 150 ''
" PotsB2 horate, 83 (I) 10 "
Platt y (in bladders) .1
8 5iS "
Resin itibl of MAO 13 l4 CO per blil.
Root Gentian 02 15 V 15.
hiloger, E. 1., 30 il "
" " Jantatea, su 65 "
'• Ipecac (powdered,) 525 600
Jain'', 350 6 165 "
Rhubarb E. 42 751 ••
Turkey, 17 0U
1 1 1000 "
51 11 "
7 1 4 8
1 50 81 900 per bu,ll
3Or U 173 '
19St ND.
so 31
so so
15 1 1, 18' .; ..
1 1, f: 7.
68 0 IN ''
12',0 13.;
2 1 6 91 5 03 la., gal
65 0 200 "
_ .—.. 3 0 , / 45 VI •.
Venett,, 11,..1. .6•,4t 1 V o
White i.rad in .01 1 .. . 1 . 1. , 1.5',9 I. "
" " fans) tir•nds. 8 02 Di ~
• Dr y . 115 1 .4g9 16
it. ,
1211 ' to ' ..:
4. 6 ~ -
I,', S 1.; II
tie PM,
Borax. Relined,
Mlle V it rloi,
.• Flowers Suls;hu.
Chamomile Flow's
Corrow. e
Cronin TAM
rAct 1.00 , 00.1.
.1.1,4 , r5< . A.1. - Lbrt
(J.l) ,1
- 1153 00
9 25
33 00 35 00
` ,•O
S F..
waver Berrie.,
Longwood St Doer.
l• Lluruprx , hy
- 150
I 00 I '23
. 5.50 WO
91nFuceln l'nrb,
•• ~; nlclnel~
sal E11a...
deed 1 'an 11
.• Hemp,
Senna Alex,
•• FAst
Sala Fat l'arD
Soap t •sat Ile,
Sue. Lead.
Terra .1/gamma
J • p nn,
R I 1,1 , 1
Zink +.1.1e
oar, Oct 1,, 1931
( • 111 LlE—The market forktfrude woe painfully due
rl to-daythe reported ruslessmounting In the work ,
gate to only ~ no hunched and rea bawds, the 'Ware
ds)'s operations we hate had for some month.
There 11100 abatement to the demand but tuyers
are holding off hoping that by so doing, they will
be enabled Lo break the market, as well as pricks*.
Thu seems to Ine the pulley In the East. Moth In re
gard tot 'rude and Refined, .o we are assured that
orders are to the hands of exporters, and they are
not [Wine them for the tn..ns already mentioned.
We have bit f two sale. reported to-day, two lot. o.
fifty tiarrels, each at 33 cent. Mil. Included, Quin
t st Inns may tqi fairly given at SW3al, little returned,
and 3.544116, bbl. Included. A phi ate telegram Iron ,
thl City to-dai, reports Crude Mtn at lib.Soggle •
the wells, and $14,:.0 at the mouth. We heard
one at our aperulators offering km cents for lOW to
Likask Wilk of l'ill,ale till, deli% ertl here, which otte
tins refused.
It ftl'lN ED—There was not a Merle operation
reported tr.-day, and in the ntotence 01 isles we
omit quotatdona. There seems to be no demand at
present, and rts the stock It eaceeallnaly light. an ,
the 000. t MM. - 1y of OW' Refine are sold ahead
there I. little or none offering. It Is generally pr
dieted. however. that there will be an lmprnrt
foetal in the trade hat/ore nanny days elapse.
RAVI liA AND It Fd t, l hl—N aptha Is qui,
.2,1 In the %toter., t.l att!es lye quote 1.41..11FA::, I:
I on , : free Rettifluum Is Irregular 'kW
n,a, 14. goof o:.1 to., And P.IIO per bbl.
930,140 4 161
^ .)4,621
If r 7 The receipts of oil cont3nue
:/OPt. 11,1 , 1 of seffensfity, cocain,. eo.
the t rl.l,Ntns In Its preAent slngaAnt eon.
wn Tl.r nrrivNls wnri. follon ,
NV I( V %tnlntvrlft. fl,o•i•n..s• . .
Hrrur, Ilnrniny I,ll4nnlzni.
New York Coffee Market
rie T•ors, Oct II -Sin., ;or, Inn; says the
emsncrentr Lierry nn v.letwool tins api •01: up
lor it.e, and the sales )enter.;,), when the prim,
pal 1-11•1 nen. was done, exeeedinl 21,003 bogs. Toe
nos rket close. very strongly at tile full currency of
Friday Inv, though we to-lir-Ye the sales noted
show no piutieular The stock of ILIo, Al
ter the transaction. of yesterday, was 19,541 bas s,
against I 130,45 brigs, that. 11, kat year. The tales
are 80. bogs Rio, per Wayfarer, nt II f,c gold, In
tend; 1;13 do, per Ricardo, ro ; 518 do, per Hydras,
both gold, duty pald• OM do per Camporne
ro, to go West, 14X; S.Tio do, per Wllheloano And
534 do, per Meanie, both tfel,i; 3,00 do, pN .
all gold, in bond; 400.1 do, per Christian's Anil
I. W. Stetson, from London, 4400 do, par Vesta,
direct, LOA du, per %lona Its; do. Skimmings, In
resider per Catharine Scoti, all on private term.;
and 010 do, Santos, per Eaglet, 13-"Ic gold, in hood
—A total for the three dope, a small portion from
second hands, of 31,530 bags. Other descrtptione
are very quiet, and we only notice 3:0 hags Lag, nay
ra, and 131 do Curacao, on private terms; nod Java
100 small way, from second bonds, Ikki Cash, cur
rency. The stock of 1110, nt the ports, 51onda)
evening, nir mide up by Messrs. Soot
1111,101 I Sons, was 40,471 bags, tlr.. 40,57 I bags here, am
10( 0 1 In Baltimore.
• ----
$ I .
I 1.1 ~
Import. from Jonunry le!, to Sop!. %nth, 18 . 4
/Mtn ton• Ion Porto ..
l'oeoawier P0rte........ •• • • .1,1!!»
I, t, from January Ist, to Sept. 30—
pkg....99;207 I lb, irkgs
SRCIIe I Ime. 1864 .---.
The Supply of Hoge In the West.
Therele a very buoyant feeling In all artividi of
pos , taunts, anti there •seems to be a disposition to
loree prices up to the highest figuren of tart year,
on the ground that otocke ore lens nolv than they
were last I ,ctober, an the nog crop, it Ix arytied,
will be less than in lett. Whether thin theory
about the supply of hogs Is correct or not, tt le
certain that priers are looming up, awl, with the
feeling that now prevails, they would sell. It the
packing season Were opened, at 11501., per
net. But there may be many slips between now
and the middle of November, and packers who arc
smarting under the experience of tact merman, and
rut olt at the Idea of paying $l5 and upward. for
hogs, think that thin inflation may culminate in
time to give them the advantage when the pack
ing sensor open.. In regard to the supply of hogs,
we should think it hardly safe to calculate very
extennively on any great falling B
v i , e crop as
compared with last year. They nderfully
productive animals, eetrecially when stimulated
by high prince and a large crop of corn. But how
ever this may turn out, (semen racy ealoulate up
on getting about ISO per head for all the hogs
ready for an early market, and thee may get CVell
l'i.over. AND, Oct. IR.—Flour—Unchanged and
quiet at eli for city made XX red; SL2 for do XX
white; tis,iocio,so for XX red, country brands; si
COLN) for do X X white. Wheat—Market dull,
onset t led and inactive. No sales reported and no
correct figures can he given. Corn—Weaker and
nominal at tic for No 2 mixed. Oats—Quiet at
Siff4,44c from store. It ye—Nominal. Barley—tio
$7,59 per krg
8 09
. 875
9 75
. 7 75 "
table change
GRAM—Wheat le firm, with a good demand
and there Is but little offering; sale of 2 can No I
Chicago, at 111.00;2 do do (Witreontrln) st 111,05, and
B corn do 11111wairle club nt $l,Ad. Harley canal tn
very freely from the adjoining country to day, and
sold from wagon at it to 41,10, ite to qutitty .
There is a good demand for Oatcand we note eaten
et n retail way at 5-n4,1 f'orn In firm
and more ,ellve, with an upward tendency;
of 700 lamb in store at 220. Stye is dull and ne
VIA firm, nntl (Jowly active. too wlthout
quotnble change. Snivit Syria n w,,.„,
Famlly at Oin. and Winter nee do at El }'they
roaster held from 21 to it per bin higher . Rye
Flour as netting from Into, at r,m
PH('VISH.SS—IIadon Is firm, tel.h n fair job-
Idng demand but unchanged...flan .L.o pound.
Shoulders at I/oc: and to. o R.nhed sot, s.
Lard ,n q uote d at S, for :ntry. ! eo r e;; )
Mein Pork In nrm and Idn'het. note , : .1
to-di, "I
POTAIIIES—reach Blow. sre FenlllS! from
store nt CI to 1it,25 per tdd, and I toot.) sweete'y
A PPI.E.S—Firm. with A ...dhow! en.elernnly In
excess of the supply. Sa:es at C. $7 per WA,
according to , .llty.
CHEESE—I I n firm rod AdVlll2l6llc. vol there in
little or on VI enter!: Rearm,. In in trl. 01
kinltiblirg at itre'Xi. cod 11-Oslirn nlLltn.Ll.
131:TTE.12—Yneked Butter I, qqlet but steady
,th 'Alen ~f prime pricked ..t
tes at ...In
Roll prey he quoted at 414 i 42.
EaliS-I..tuoted •
00 tnnt
SEFlts—There Is little or no dem,nd for ...t her
Clover or Timothy Seed. Flax seed IA In ,toad
demand at Vie. , .
SALT—In firm with n gond demand. and we note
reenlnr sales At per bl.l—del.tered.
111..nNS--U.rtlet and one l. diced; we
cantonal nmall saleper hunhel
lkis--Quotod Lt
413 50 pet CIS,
I'2oll "
00 "
. "
PIO LEAD—Firm: sale of plgs at I/.
PEARLS—SaIe of tom at I.
011.--Sale of 25 Ws No 1 Lard 011 at /2,:51.—/en
erally held at C. 3 5.
HAl—Sold at scales to-day at 313 to $2O per
to , as to
1203.1t1.11 BY TELEMPAPH.
Special Dispeteh to Western Preaa.
Now Yonif., Oct. 13, BM.
Pirtnol..scat Sroeirs—Sales of Nikole 110 7.53;
Webster, 1.24, Buchanan Farm. 91, Excelsior, 73;
ileonellott. Eynd Tarn, Oceanic, 51; Untied
Pratt! 09.25; Ocrrnatila, it.. New York, Phlitulle.
plita sod Baltimore Consoit.lsted. A 5, r.
1.50; fires .ort, .:s',riey .Ir. 01. N.nicsertio. - ket,
17. Northern Lliter. 1 '5; I war Nation el. 19. South
ard, 70; United Petroleum i arms, So
Nets York Market.
Now Took Oct 13 —l'. - 11 . 70:l-1'amt . r. at 6!c
for Riddling, stud by suction to-Sat, to, .iovcru
meat account, 1.2'0 bales, st tqi,3olo stret 10
good Middling 0 3io for low Mid iling,llo l 4l for
good ordiDary, 530 for ordinary, .57i-it for ,ow do,
and 53034 c for retell.
FLOOrt-151arket 100 Mc better. at 11.9509.40 (sir
nutter State, /81009,7 , for Extra State, 17,23 OS
for Super Western, 15.6064,0 / for common to me.
dlum Extra Writer , . f91049.a0 ror cornoirri Cop
ping brands Extra R. fol. O , and 12,10M15.2-1 (or
Trade Brande—the market tinting wile; arid heavy.
WilicKT—Steady. at y 1,39 for W eeltern.
G At N—Whellt 1024 better; 111,75401 50 for Chi
cago sprint . , 51,7 4 01.00 fat 31.111.1,111,ee 1 05, $1..,04
( r Amber Atli saukee, 32.3501,14/ !or New
Amber State, 112.20R2 11 for goal Winter Ito
West, rn, and VI SO for New White Michigan. Rye
• shade Critter; tuned. 11,10 Barley heavy. Corn
igt - 20 lower, at 7144 yc fur unscund and 900110 for
sound Id lard Writers, the latter prier fur very
choloe• Cato heavy, at 46,095 for unwind and be
Mg 2 (or sound, the latter p: be for prime old.
.oice sr:inn—Rice dull. Coffee active and•rry
firm. Sugar dull; Cuba Munroe...lo 140151. MO
lasso dull.
Palnotricat—Dull, at 73c for Crude, dlefdr. far
Rennet to Rood, and 691540 for Nan nod Free_
W onto—Quiet.
Piroviniono—Pork Irregular. lower and onset
, Red, at P 4,706350714 tor bless— .lost gas,oo
attath 930,00 for Prime,and 13066 , ,50 for Prime
Mesa. Reef firm, at 1115,b0ft13 io n for Plata Mess,
d 613.6at05,b0 Mr Extra Mesa f Rams quiet.
Cut Meats quiet and steady. Lard a Moeda gnaw,
0413 234 . /Raw .reset, .t.pons.c for Onto. Uneaso
atrady. at 1343 1 1.2.
New Tort Stock and Money Market.
Dlr. , Toes, Oat. 13.—Money active and firm at
1 per cent. on call loans. Sterling Exaoang 3 dull
at 10221210334. gold. American Gold without decided c r i openaxi at 143 1 4, declining to 1447 5 , ad.
it •n to 143, and cloth K at 144%
Vogl; t. t 0 Liverpool quiet toll Urn.
sto.k. SZOODg •
C. 5.0451 Coupon, 102 Erie ..... W q
L'• 5. $4 6-4713 s reps- to 7
tered. 100 1 4 Reading 111 X
R. S. 020 ex-Nov. Michigan Southern 713 f,
Coupons. MPS Pittsburgh 62
1.205, Bret settee . O. aN. W It
nit, wood eerie. ero.: o.a. N. W. pfd.... 1351 ti
tan., (lard series.. atilt, do. oraterred...__ fishi
I Tear tlertleutaa, O. a R.l tO~CC
094 P., kt. W. at. LL,....
arm Issue
N. C. Sites ef.t,i' Canton—. —..--.. 114
O . in. certificate. re!.6l
Mortal* Market.
Brreat.o, Ott. 11.—Fmors
Unary —Wheat quirt but nem, partial apart;
i to helot at *1.12G!,61. Corn heavy and droop
ing; No. I held at 70eu Cats ioactrro and held at
440460 Tor No. I Sound kludey aornlnal at $1 13
for Rye— Warm TR; sound r cgton.
Wirtalf •—.113,07.
Carat.utmost—Ts New York: Wheut. 5 11 431
Corn 18. e. Oaks ide.
Ist•erm--8 lour, 141 bble; Whiter. 1,753 bush;
Colt, 164,130 bush, !rats, PAP bush; Berie2 • ",
Li bush.
Ca or•i. Er r..27 - 1.—F10ur.1.5• 3 bide; Wheat. ta. -
eat bosh, Corn, .1.441:1 laciab; irata, 5 1 ,3 1 0/ bush:
Bic 5.503 bush.
Chicago Market.
Cnirreaoo, oet.t.ttra.
0-Rai,— Wheat quo. at $1.43421,40,44 for Na. I,
sad 11 knMl. lll for kto. Omit dull and lower, at
Wu No. I, and 60e for No. 1. quiet,
te IA toe,
yrtor wows—Dull.
Riots tele
I amours—Dun, at Ito on Wheat, and lls on
Corn to Outlaw.
iterairra—rlour, 0,00 bbls; Wheat, SACO bath;
Corn M 020 do: Urta mom dn.
• nPs es - ra—Plour, 66,ern Dbl.; Wheot, 14.000 33 1
Porn, 01.002 do; Cads, 4 Me do.
Montreal Market..
11101'r111101., Oki. 13 —FI-00i1—Soper Extra, $0.23
40,144 Ex..- 17011045.03; Tenor, 52511,23; Welland
Canal. PL05041,23;, White, 1111,301,36,53.
Onatn—W heat; Canada West, $1.1.2.
Toronto Market.
10001100. Ontober Egtra,
15 00; Extra, 11,00.
ORAlN—Wheat; 11.4241,66. Spring. &too
4106. Barle7, 90674 e. Bye, Pa. Pea., 40310r0c.
0010, 2155145 e.
Cleveland Market.
Oswego Market.
Occreco, October 13.—FLors cchaneed
°Rata—Corn dull; No. f !Wools. 7earc. Bar
ley tamale.; sod droopine.
raw •I. I , • Flour, 63;154c;
Wbc•t, 150, Corn, ; Earley. 13c; Nye, ;Cc:
Oats, Bhp--to Now York.
Mining Stork.
N'o TOME, Oct. 1.2.-The prices of mining clocks
bid in Boston today, were: Copper Fall., rctij
Franklin, g 8!,; Hammon. 41‘ Huron Isle Royal
Atinntsote, Quincy, 61;4; Rockinari,
Supetior, Central, 40.
Pb Bad elphia Martel.
rna A.DELTUIA, October IS —PiTILOLEUI. lover
Crude 3EO4C/9. Helloed race MGM..
Lon a—Firm at Slidta.
Wel ara—Slraa Rod New 10.,141 ,, ..4u. Old do
1 . 2 4 , 11.4 M, White 11,1063. Vora Was. Oat& Sta.
tec utaas—fl,32.6a 13.
Baltimore Market.
BALT:Nonni Oct. 12.—r...0, a dull; s ilea W ester •
let a at 51 °,5 0 i 0 . 13 • 75 •
it as a—Whet Oren and advancing asy te. Cor ,
11.,1 16c, While and 1 et os,
VI wait —lloantlce and In demand. at to
sad heavy
Toledo Market
Tot.emt , Oct. 12.--On ON—Wh•et 1:i51 bete,
e• Dew Waite Mtrhteen et flee &mho,
chigan O.en , . Ihe Corn ,a:e. tiOc. cleetue
,e.e• at Eye .reedy; el o.
et I , e.
AIL•trrn—rMeee, et On Wheat to I. of
Detroit Markct
Flour—Market In better supply, and ten len ..y
,tow( w Int. Sales Ps , bbis earn tet.dl l i, Its , do
superior nt $ll,lO, 100 do at nod
WI. choice extra at 110.124. At close, superior was
uttered at 1011.12t4 without buyers.
Wheat—The market opened without matertal
(donee, but after report, closed doll anti lower,
with tort little disposition to buy. SNICS before
re;strt '2 cars extra white nt $2,3 , ; I car Nu I
white at 1112.2 f; 2 cars No I amber at y 2,02. and
car Nu 2 white at 412-0 o After report., town, hush
buyer 2 white noall ulleted nt .ux without takers. A
olfitred port for boat lona of No I twine',
but 112,112 was 11, best ott, tor small amounts For
tt fewcars No 2 amber, 01,85 Wll onore,l No I
white was offered nt 112,24, and myeutoti amber at
fl,be. without buyers.
Corn — No ebonite, being in moderate demand at
7100, delivered In bags.
(Mt Steadyat lfte l 0 1/oxt. Street price, Ss,
flarley—Steroly, A good atticle of State read
ily commands 0: at.
Rye—Selling at sue. by the wagon 1011. Distil
lers would pay The.
Apples-103,504-1,00 per bbl.—Tribune, Who
Fri-Morriell, TOUT Warne & Clisto•OOß.
lo tdrle oil, Forryth & Itro; 10 Im xs chows, II Rid
dle; 14 do do, li 1 ralrell h. co; 11 do do, Potter
A Ikon & Shepard; 2 bbl. eggs, & Inc;
1 rat u heat, .1 I.lggirtt co, 4 btrls Apple., t'ulir
& Sherrnro; Pro 1 1.1. flo s.
or, hpplcs. T r' Jeri.
kinafrli kirk apples,Potterstikunh Shepard; Tr bble,
y' lc, Brabant & Long' r 0 ph. potatoes, E
T I. orap.on; "4,0 We., ti 10 Ilotratort oil
s r• rr rosaug.; 1 ear barley, Z ant righl; tic .12.
Joshua Rhode.; 100 1/1.1. flour, • & Sher,.
o ld; 2 cars londwr, Shorroberger & 2
w Toni, Are, 1111.0 re; Ilrlr tilde apples, 1. II wigs
rro, ru do do, .1 31 nharpc; t pkg. produce, T & B
Ct.s-reLSIVO w heat, rlTrarstrtorl U. Oct. 13.
Oct irl-1 ear w .1 Liggett & 00; 153 bogs
barley, Shoruakcr & Long; I Writ apple., (11nrp.
bell IlUtChill8011;:. Os. cheese, J B Unniteld; ci
Ibis apples, irks 70001001. 2.0 cheese, 2 polls
butter. Paler ; Aiken k. Shepard; ma bags barley,
Spencer & ay; ices do do, WII Garrard; 30 el"
rags, irler 'ullough. Smith & co; :7 pkga trotter, lot
bids apples, I. II Volga as co; lonlthls tour, t It
Myers b. co; Ital do do seghtnyur Voskamp;
J a
pkgs tolmcco, It Robison St. so; 70
B 1 0, 11;
W ll7 do do do, E liessletonr 1 car wheat, D
/discs; 1 cnr barly, othun Rhode.; barrels
crackers, A Arthur. ; 2.5 pks hall, Orttlf tr. Roller; IS
Itgs starch, J S Dilworth is co; lot blooms, Park h.
Ltalirlsori Hrartina, October 13.-5 rolls leath
er & son; 2 keys butter, S. Dyer:
10Ws Apples, Jae ileirdiner; 32 do d04..1 Coblain;
bble npples, Jos o'Hanlon; I car wheat, Joseph
rrnig; R cars onts, 4 cora whent, Simpson h
Knox; Ido do, Gilmore & ,3,; 1 do'do Noble &
Angel; 2 owe (lammed, M II Suydam; no elm do,
Fhter & Hamilton; 21,0
barley, M. Hecklemsn;
d o n potates, .3 Muspnve; doe brooms, A
Koehn 10 o brooms, S Oyer; 0 she rites, had-
Frey & Clerk; rolls leather, N H e nt ot t, di do
do, 12 Fulton; 10 curs whent, Kennedy al3 rt A l• 161
hldes, A Holeteine; I car corn, Simpson & Knox;
npples, Owens & Kconedy; 05 do In, 11
Roon ey oney lb ban Cheese, Shull., Sono co, 62 bales
0051013, k ennedy 013.11de,
MILLI 1/11r,LLiunte..
mcgT, IPEATITZI24 ern.
We slatted the ricer yesterday, Rot to expects
of ceiling any ileum, for we well knew that
soy such hope would be fallacious, but with some•
u bat the same feehogs that we visit the grave of
with tearful eyes upon the prospect. There lay
eight atenmboata, and an innumerable quantity of
tugs, like a long row of alligators that had fallen
asleep In a pond. with their noses out upon the
bank, and if by our team tee cool! have raised the
r.ver. we would hit's shed so copious a eupp.y,
that et en the boulders that pave the whet should
bat r been washed away, supposing such II shower
thin the range of pnisibillty. Hot the fates
have no istheil It, and we must submit. "Othello's
nerupstinn Is gone" until the ram mes. There
teeth DO creel .Ivpartures. The weather
n Pi! quite Irvin. and very ;ear fur t'itts:.urgh,
rld indicated anything but ram.
he low water marks on the Monongnhela piers
nre entirely ü bliterste•:. and 1,011 if they were
u 0 do not t•onbider them ns iodic:A . ..rig the
wlter t IMPS House at the present Stage. There
rl3, boats up for se, erni days, wr nre
.loras to wk. water there is there, but
de not suppose there le mid hi or It! :aches.
M..% 1 . 1,, RI, AM.— For IIIiOrTIIII.IOII concern
.ng n stenmbont ..111,1 the Fort Pitt whereof .1 hI
F. is ?kite, 11. It II ierk nod NV R. barkeeper,
nod u toe h st.)ried for 141 'it V. on Thurs.bay, the
lust. When I.t seen she was being towed by
skiff Solhing having been heard of
bet for seine dn) a, It is feared she sod her crew
Lat. I ecn evicted In and loat or
An nc hi. Aug conceruing her wal by
thnnkfUlly reeetved.
The above tel appeared in the col
umns of yeaterdny•s Cay.oneretai, nod is supposed
to Itnve ea:wanted from the brnin of so escaped
w W . W .1 he whereabouts of the
. •1 ort Pitt" is ors in doubt, and we All gmw
thrvugh the agents of the law - related Pre., no I
I.) nrrii ale, that she hos nstontehed the
nal tees •.111.1doili by her benuty,s) metery,grnce
apved, as well . the hospitable sttentions o
the gallant htujor to the barbarous dent.ns
[hat benighted region. we not ot.1) claim the
word, but al.) other the alwrve libernl sum to no
roe who will deliver Into the custody of Dr Rep
nt Insmont, the nforeennl W. W. W. The dime
for his apprehension Is to our poinieselou ludepen
dent of our claim for the shove reward
'I be bar In the t duo i.e.. at Evansville has cu.
away rapidly. And thechannel is n)w nearly
the whittle of the river. A. bar Is forming on th.
opposite side, abote the city. which will tend t
tiro, the channel further towards the Indivn.
Rosiness at the Memphis whorl is very netlve.
The t iiioinnati t ornmerctal, of Thursday, ha
the following Items of news
A 111,VA:1. 1.1 . A RTC - I/PP. — The Lent I,ot
a.. In l'i.tftt•urel with h nle trli. or frelzh
.• 1 , `... ..‘ v tv,ter. t ,
won li.t
e Le, ~mt e
i' i 'i ...• e. •
',11 , ' fr , lll IZI• •.
Ler tr..;
t. : 1.11 11,1,,ert.
) 1111.1,1, i•u t•
%ILA. She tear. t v zons
The lirvenue left Inc Whoelln, 1,11 of pen;,!,,
and all the ft, wilt she c carry on the 0 itor
111, 1 . ... LAN. —At .meeting ot the Big stn.
ily l'aeLet Company recently held 10 Ironton.
the folio, log directors were sleeted to SO ['VP
doring the ensuing year • Capt. W. Honshall. of
'atletteiburich, I apt. John Kyle and 'ant. T. N.
Jhn/ton. oft Inman. ti. Mr Thes• I'. Means. of
Hanging Hoek. and Mr H. Campbell, of Ironton.
This ompany 1,,, e also concluded to build 'sooth
er tine and fast sidega heel packet for the 1 •incin•
note 51111 BM Sandy trade, to ply In connection
ulns lb, Telect
I tie l'eople's Lane have chartered the II •rthts
ei : tee Louisville trade She leas es to-day, to
mother true the St Nicholas.
The Wagoner reports onto forty-alt Inches
at Illslng sun Bar. She left th
r iteerless round
there. n
k the 1,31.11. enoigh to knock
her chimary a overboard. They were neatly halted
out again.
apt J. W McKee, of Cairo, passed through
it e city yesterday, on route for Pittsburgh for
'.pram W Rusk yesterday purchased the St.
apt. Eiliott, for
The Cottage Nu wna detamed up the Kanawha
1 , 1 low water.
insane t o crater, the People's line have
ads mooed the rates of freight to LOUIE, Ole and
The news from below as we learn from pester
finy's Cinctrionti Cdninel cost, Is absolutely refresh
ing 1 here ere four feet water In the river from
that to ',ins, and three and a half
fret in the canal. There are fourteen inches In
the ttomberlatot and falling, and seven and a half
feet In the Mt sssss pl from Cairo to St. Louts.
There is less than thirty inches water on Buffing
Below we .
Ore a list of the gunboats recently
urchased acid that bare been repaired acid re
modeied, changing their names at St. Louis t Allen
I 'oilier to Imperial, De Sara to Alabama, Forest
Hose to Anna White, Florence hillier No. 3 to Ag
nes, J. H. Baldwin tot'. I. Caffrey. Sybed to Com
et. Emma Duncan lo Dora, Brilliant to J S. Mc-
Cune. Carrie Jacob. to Louisa,lMattle Gabler to
Loom, Victory to Lizzie Tate, Lotus to M. Burns,
Silver Lake No. I to Marion. Willie Ciamage to
Southern Belle, Exchange to Tennessee, and Ken
wood to Cumberland.
The Pocahontas is undergoing complete repairs'
on the marine docks.
The Potomac left the marine ways last night, in
thorough repair.
The garibost Mary Miller has nearly completed
her troprovements in the Eureka Dry Docks.
llCapt Frank Davidson. Informs us a new well
took ITre at Burning Spring, West Virginia, on
Monday night one mans horned to death,
and another, It Is feared. will not recover.
The new aide-wheel steamer Calumet is offered
for sale at Madison, Indiana
The Cottage Not only reports 72 inches in
swha river.
T y he New OtICAIIII Bulletin. of the eth Instant,
The Tycoon's crew deserted bee on Friday night.
and shewas obliged to stay over to complete her
freight . whotti Is the largest load of cotton taken
from Ihls 1 , 07( since the war began. She Is In stied
up to the pilot-house with cotton for New' Albany
and Louisville.
IOESBUROH, VA.—The new and
commodlocui Steamer WENONAH, tlaMa
Dawes, runs regularly between the above ports
ones a week, leasing Baltimore, from her Wharf,
foot of South Greet, every /WILILY AITER
NOON, at o'clock, and Fredericksbargh, every
TITMiDAY MORNING. Ps:seaters sad Freight
carried at low rates. Through Freight promptly
sttendol to. Merchandlee from Boston, New York,
Philadelphia, or elaewhere, consigned to ears of
Steamer WENONLEI, will be taken charge of ma.
med:Maly upon U. arrival in Baltimore, charges
paid, and forwarded promptly, free of commis.
dons. Persons from the Northern Slates desiring
to view the Battle Field. of Virginia, or to look
attar the bodies of friend. and relations killed in
the battle. of the Wilderness, ChanceLionville,
Fredericlisturgin or Spottsylvania Gotta House,
have • splendidoportunity of doing se by tale
Tonto. The WENONAB is provided with excel.
loot Steamer!. and Borth urcomloodationa and
is in every respect a first-clam Boat, being new,
fast rod commodious.
For information, freight or passage, apply to or
eddies. JOS. WRITE, Purim, on board, or
JUdo. JAM. TAYLOFt, &gent,
hal:Um 212 West Frill. ay.. HMO= re, 11.1
SILL& PACKET—The tine pas- Zikt
!miser steamer LAIDIA anal:MM. Capt.
Stull. S. U. Hose, clerk, leaves Plitaborgh for
Zanesville every TUESDAY at 4 r. o. Return
ing leaves Zanesville for Pittsburgh every FRI.
DAY ate A. X.
For freight or pessaire apply
_el, board or to
°aril J. D. 001.1.1NOWOOD, Agent.
BALSAM In warranted to cure Cougna, (Mai
Hoarseness, glatturta %Throning Cough, Sore
Throat, Oonanmptron, and all affection. , of lb*
Throat and Lungw
For sale by Druggist.. General Depot, a Era
Fourth street., Oluelogratt, 0.
273. ,9.-R1M,234:23.66....
All the Medical men sae the pre reeomeeste,
STILICKLAND'S itAN - oxiioLE:se , zux,
rt.' RE Le the only oftrusto remedy for IhArrhumar.ll
fly•entery. It Is • oombuu,tlon of AstrlagootS.
Absorbants, tithaufants Oarmtne/ re. and 11
warrsated to e-Rtwt • sure alter al) mesas
hove WIN.
For elle Ilrutt. Ilene Jot. thus
Fourth street, ClhoWnsti,
cured thousands of the worst elutes of Band sad
/11e,,Iteg Piles. It Oyes immediate re 1101. and of
am • permanent cure. Try It directly. Itiu war
mated to cure.
For sale by MI DrUggina• Germ.' DirOot,l3al
Fourth exalt, tllnclanatt, 0.
Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Debility
Ws Iran resenaraend Moss surtertag srlth loss
AppeUte, Indigestion or I.ltvapepata, Nervous... Ana
bad Nervous Ilebutty, t. pa :;t rick Wad'. Tonle.
It is a vegetable preparawon, tree Cos alooholls
liquors; Itstrengtbessa“ the whole nervous eysters.
it creates a good appetite, and le warranted to uw
llyspopria and Nervous Debility.
lot lode by
GEORGE 11., KEYSER. Pittsburgh.
LULU. A. ILELLY, Allegheny Usy.
octnn vd-nais
titres me • [noteledge seldom acquired by Phyrd.
clans. My long resldenee In this city, an: Lid
amount of patients treatod annually by me, ad
sulliolent proof of my success.
And all diseases arising therefrom, are cured to
much snorter time than heretofore by my RSV
/my part of the rbalon. ALI letters must contain a
stamp topay return Oorreepondenee hcif
sacred. Moe, Bil s rninzia) street, near alls
mood. Address J. W. BRANSTIIIIP,
Wane Uos SM. PUtsburst, P.
- - •
Jmee 253 PENN !STREET. near limy
For the mire of all &scum of a prlvath nature,
from two to four esp. by an entirely new and
treatment. Also, Se minal Weakness, and all cokes
diseases of the genital organs, and them prevention .
A aura warranted or money refunded
1811 co bours-8 to 10 a. in , I ,‘ tot, and 4 to 8 p.m,
Address Letters W eall% Peen street. sal
Lacoon nrsuissr, between Federal acid Sandusy,
blanufseturer of W IG B TMAN'S PATENT
DINES, Shafting, Pulleys, he.
Bellislelay of All kinds Wended to jel-ty
Ivll3t.sklLL EuUS
Agricultural Society,
OCTOBER 18, 19 AND 20, 1885,
The Board of Mutsu - era announce to the vita
that they have leamrd fors term of years the
commodious and naturally beautiful grounds
known az Um
Situated at Lawrenceville, near the city line.
Large and Well arranged
Have been erected for the display of
li ECM AMU,' A wrs, nous Es.,
Aare been made to Insure
To Exhibitors and Spectstorx
And the /lapisy in all departments promises to be
The Mane:era have provided
I Suitable Course for the Display of llorsts
Ana, in addition to teals epeeifted be the Pre
mium Lieu, th e Mon Me
will be open each day tor
t:adez the directiorue of the Committee.
Supplied With Pure Water
Hay and Straw
431-rain at Cost.
IRON CITY PARE can be reached by the Oit
liens' Passenger Railway. Also, Acoommodation
Maine will be run by the Patnaylyarda Railroad
Sir Premium Usti can be omired at the
Rooms of the Society, No. WI Ylrth Street, or by
optrtution e
ee Lttr . ; : al the
aoU nrultigioLab!,
be t .I.V.arr Ra l oka before TUESDAY BYRN
w N( ltt6 the irt ß clC :011er I L I VIIIES or t e l t IVIt ht
Air A Brew Rmad will b een attendee...
Or Ample anandementa for minds.
4Adi=on IS cans.
11 cents.
Veree sJe.hoss harse Vehicles 25 cets.
Sine Vehicles 20 cents.
Single Heiselo cants.
g a pr e ic
ana ay la nlno a sc . latlen. Ms
Judges' Report. will be read from the Pred•
deur.. Lead Cu FRIDAY, OCTOBER 241, ac t wo
For further information. address
_JR., Superintendent,
teen. JAJILES S. NEOLEY.OorreepontUr=
tare of the Society, or S. SOHOYEa,
17 to tho Board. sedinteertbr
Office Comer of Pena and Wayne jitreele)
This Company was tie d on the MTh lust,
under its Pecuirsyl•sola and Illanufactur-
Mg Laws. The Territory of t • Company 1.5 Mi
naret! on Drinkard Crank, between the laads of the
Creek Union 01.100 imperil and the Dunk
sad Creek Petroleum Company.
Capital Stork gide= W
Working Fund ES,OOO WI
Par rains of each Share I 00
S. A. .I . OIIIThON, President.
ISAAO NOOK. Secretary and Treaaurer.
• •
Jame Grebern, I• --
W• LC*. Weir
Stephen Lawson, H. /MAU
Fume Snyder,
Moe Corner of Penn end Wayne Ste
Tilts company was organize,. on the fah inst.
under the Pennsylvania !dining and hianulkatu
ring Laws. The terriry of company ad
job. the lands of the to Drinkard ths
Creek Dolan Oil
ter r italf Cis , city.
Working rand 25,000
Par Value of Each Share 111 00
President—a. A. JOHNNTON.
Bearatsu and Tressarer—lSAAC ROCK.
- -
S. A. Somnrrovr, D. S. Rzatrow.
Priam Sarni" I Jilt= On.LELLa ,
F. D. GRIST, W. 0. Size,
jasayd FL W. RITCELI3.
Orgcc in Pittsburgh, A 4 WOOD STREET
Theta work. hare the largest capacity in the
country. The brand stands the kitchen In this
country and In Europe, for quality and Pre teat,
and the oil le put lc well reasoned barrels, prepared
ear:daily for export
anufacturere of BOILERS, STILLS, TAKES,
Pure White Burning Oil
Constantly on hand, and for male at
B. C. & J. H. SAWYER.
have oa hand • large acsortment of
3=01=1.131E3 FILASIEUES.
Straw Cullers, Scythes and Hay Rakes,
Ho. 28 and 90 OHIO BTRVET,
can be had On the most favorable terms n lets
four or rise serea oat:Vl:Lately Creek, near the floe.
tog arell ( barrels) strack tart week by rho
Standard Oil Company, of Pittsburgh. Apply tO
St9O STEEL h EILII/ET. Willa. Eat!.
, • mAnue.umuumos
Mate Lead, IteaPaula Lead. Blue
Patty, Li
den ma, Mune, vie
and Dealer In LINSEED
and Warehouse. No. CI Wood street rahlanyd
stoek Brokers and Real Estate Agents
Stook. boughs and suld =as
Ti.ofpee. W111C11 5 15 H&L)
SB3VERANOE, NO.' 63 Water. tit
. autautireurer of HOLIER an
ErR, anri EipllM3, common aod railroad,
a l e ry=ratr duped snits =alums
CURB or =all, mada ta orderat shad *alas. a
anostamt actaitaotly mimed. onlialts
SAND PLASTER-60 bbla, for Bale by
MENET IL 00/41.1113.
Wail Laboring Under tbid Disease
cm muds
7:a t z• sa t
cua.ciro.l3.o,l ,
Many years ago, wntut residing in Mandel=
0 1 . bset i ressed cel .. ually ei tn . to le
oop.ys gt
my reco4rT r lteing liemeitedl ‘zu edeLal by
my phyoiclas, Dr. Pante/4 to remove into the
country. Motreetowli; N. J., &bent 9 miles dio.
tent, he= ai natlve place. was removed
thither. two full days hi tuussition.
My farnotr, and her family, belt Lived and died
thus-end dial cif Pulmonary lersowhopties. On my
arrival at Morrestown I was pug to bed, where g
lay for many weeks In what weedeemed a hypo. •
less cornillion. Dr. Thornton, with bed been ski
father's family physician, and hadnliended tam S p a
his last Woe's,
be called to see alas' He thought
my eau entirely beyond the reach Of mediates., and
decided that I most die. and gavezesane week to
arrange my temporal effete Meted seen all ntlf
Wadi' die of cotaumbtrna bra 4•refore caaSISS ,
aid that death from the edissese which had carded
ail my kindred to the grave wciald alto take me
there. In this apparently hopwjess coalition, I
heard of the remedies which I now make and sell.
It seemel to me that I Could reit them, working
their way. and penetrating every narre, fibre and
tisirue of my Oaten,
My lungs and liver put on a nom .orbs, andtte
morbid matter which had for nous acsumulatail
and irritated the different organeof the bod,y, wee
elizalled; the tubercles on My lungs ripened and I
expectorated from my lump as Much as s plot of
yellow offenelve nutter every olorldng. Az this
expectoration of matter rubsidoigltm fever abated
the p.m Len me. the cough ceased to harness me,
sod the exhausting olgat sweat@ were no longer
known, and I had refreshing sieeo, to which I hid
long been a stranger. My appetite now began to
return, and at times I found It to restrain
;n o i r. from esting
gained in tem . lau t et . rh m ttils .w ret . ze
I am now a healthy man, with a large healed
inestrix in the middle lobe of tie right lung and
tie lower labe toothed, with cbmplete adhesion
of the pinto. The left lung Id sound. mud the
upper lobe of the right One Lie littlierableklealtili
tu mble at that time Watitleinght to be Mt
inauarble a ...sue; by every win, phyohnens as well
as those who were unlearned go meteine—esione.
wally such cases as were reduced to the condition
I WSJ to. This induced many -People to Wise*
my recovery only temporary. I Saw prepared sad
gam themedicine to tonstimptiviss for some tilde,
and made many wonderful eared, and the dement [
tutressed so rapidly that I determined to WM
them to the putties-lid devotetatundivtitedatUrn.
lion to long diseases. In truth. I Was next to 2.
forced to it, for people would send for -me tar and
near, to asramtarn whether their CUSS meta ulna
mine. Having wooazlon to exislies luny oases of
lung efireent,/ was prompted teignvent the instrw.
meat called aSotenck's ReilpfrometelL a which
materially lutists me In deteellng the earlOttli
Deem of lung diseases
or many years, in conjure:thin with my prfnet
pal once in PMladelphie I halt taerunaktorreg
visits to Nesegork,BOstnoeßellialOrezllall.
For several years put I have made em Mini
Ore hundred examiussions weekly with the °Rea.
=ter." For such exandoution chine Is
dollar*, and it enable' me to Doe each pso.
Cent the true condition of hie disease and trUbilt
frankly whether he will get leaf- • .
One of the paten dilleurlilia ItaTe With VI.
tient& takin g un disci" 111 10 convince
them to avoid little eoFfs. - Many think II
i t trlo "k w . rni r eti ' eu nw reY ei ' Pre l u n k ari
a great error, far si any one will res...emer the
many cures which I have pubirnhed from time to
time, they will find that most of tau= were thoeo
Of persons who were confined to that bele Dad
could not take cold, and by this careful ovoidal:lse
of - cold the lungs were boated. "Phygloians "Ashes
their patients to
out and fatale the freak Mr,
but do they cure by so Qatari!, Let the toadrsds
or death. by coutimption 'to 'every 'city answer
the question.
I would rather rid, a patlentAn a tight, illy yea.
Metal room than let them go out end take
laght. cold. Sisig a who have been . Carol by my
medicines, whim absceuea oaks, warn° offero
Moe, that one could hardly remain in the roamy
and yet they got well withoutrizoosteretethe opal
The greet reasons Why ptijkielalle do not care
consumptien Is. that they try) to do WO moat '
they give medicine to atop thee:mgt, to stop the . .
night sweats, hectic fever, sell by so doing, they ,
derange the whole diyartlialtsystern, keeling Up .
What ec I
dto O retiona, and eventually the pedant
ois Out makeeiterefulexaMination
with my Respirometer, and 1111 dad lungs enema „ •
left. I Weed. the patient how TIO ILO the amen=
edies, and thus core him. I know vary well that
It is impossible to make new hinge ar even rested{
the portion that Ls destroy*, but j know at that,
same time that cavities in tlie lungs and oloismo
Cons to the luny: and bronchial tube. aea be.,
heeded, and just such eases ari county the pre= 2
use or Schenck'. aPilinionte Syrup. & end o
drake Pills." whilst they are dying deny .rider
the ordinary treatment of phylicleas.
It is a great militate cornmeal among many lot&
Ugent person., that there erenialicines which will
purify the blood. Ripen the blood Is diseased It
cannot be purified; It Is then-the same as ether di.
sense matter in tue spite= eel will have to be ear.
ried out of the system by the organs which Sr.
r by new
blood, whietombe WlVvi=l:e
functions and setting the digestive apparatus In
good working order. The stomaoh.liyerand bowels ,
came restored to a healthy. condition then
, ; .;"
abundance of good, noarielling ti
new blood whim ia will push ock, as it Were, mad tidal
the bakes of that which is dDeruled. and tons up
ly the want of the body. •
'rag PaiSfriSlO Synor is One of the most calif
, able medicine.' knows. It Istutricent, poerthil
tonic, and heeling in Itself. 'lt is readily w di
and absorbed into the blood to which it Depart,
Its healing propexties. r trnow no medicine that
ha. done or can do as much to rebuild. worn-out
and broken-4°w¢ candllione Of thekinten.
Sommers bacon= Tonto Is dlstllled DOA
' seaweed, combined with othiei tonic and alterative
root. end barbs, In men aMisaruir as to make a
decidedly pleasant moulcD4 baring a powerful '
tonic effect, without the t dinstrotta results
arising from eicooolio stint tants. The Seaweed
Tonic produces luting yentas, thoroughly Doric.
orating the stomach and digestive system, and
ariabluig it to eliminate Bed make into healthy
blood, the food which may be used for that put.
pose. It is so wonderful in its treats, that a wine.
glass full will digest a hearty meal, and a little of ;
it taken before breakfast Atli give a tons to the
stomach which few medicine" Dowses the power 01
Tas Mmennaga Prtte mere betaken with entire ,
safety by all ages and condicons, producing el
a t es
good results that Din he obrainrd from calom ...
any of the mercurial medicine., add without any
of their hurdle' results: - They carry out of the
system M. feculent
Shea worn Ton atters lornosned
eind dissolved by my areOSe earl Puiszont
glans full wile be seen tiorn all throe In my null.
sines are needed In most Dues to cure Lloutunto
SUM; and, In tut, my large experience enables me ,
to decide any they have cured more cases of that
di•eaos than that comillustiOns of mediclne know'
to men.
In Lao serious editions of emphlets I have pub.
llahed many of the most w ;Mahal cures of Poi
monary Coesuesption on 'word. Persons, many
with both lungs affected, itornethoes large uvulas
In one lung, healed over by*, medieleee, are now
Diving end enjoying exultant health- I will give
a few cues and select theandrom different parts of
the country. so that those Who wish may visit or
write to Memoir more pesillye information.
Rev. Henry Morgan, a minister of nigh tepates
in tie Sta tes of Buxom sad s.arell known error the,
United as a man 01 treat &putty, wee card
by tekt g Say medicine alter all other treatment,
had failed, lie has often lion writing to me with
regard to the recta In his ears, sail always answers
ot am the =Ai' A full atatemeot of his ease
nay be seen to my pamphlet. He had profuse
hemorrhage-of the ituige, and win very muck
Robert H. Deacon, of Bitilington, N. J., wag e
cured of Scrofula and Itherourial diseases. A.t the
time he commenced the malleisse he was
almostman of some i.e is now perfectly well
and attributes his cure entirely to sly medicines.
Martin Koch, former, 1i0,n9 near Pderawv,
Arming wanly, Ohio, was a eery SCS Cate of Pulmonary
ethressaftion and Wee entirely cover by e ay asearSlSS
He is well known in time callarsaffy,
hero been 111.
means oj tnducing a grcol caingess - rna .l OM. te
hest remedies, and wit), graze moss. Ills no
rep., 101 l before and after he scar cured, can be Seen
my Sy enDs, Dr. Krylt r, Wood Steed, Patebergh,
Alexander of Plttaburgli, Pa., we.
cured of a very Sad c ase of Dyspepsia and Liver
Complaint by the Seewetd 'Tonto and Mandrake
Mrs. Jane Barber, of 'Washington ally,
cured of a bad case of Dyspepsia and Liven. '
pl a int, She ts an aged women and her compLA
reeovery Is very remarkable.
Nes prudence Johnson wife of Cwt. Johnson.
now residing at No. 12 29 ' . Third street, Williams ,
bole, N. Y., Wu cored of Pulmon.oryoollSUOMS -
Sion, and is now es tufty em Old Lady so caaiel
SUDS. 11, „
Peter Sifter Beekman; of Somerville, N. Js,
was another remarsable care of Pulmonary Coco
stimptioe. Ills certificate Ls attested by bisclezyla
man end otker well know" citizens.
t i les
Mary Schmidt, or Kensington, Paying, •
bad case of Ooneumplloo and Liver Complaint
and suffered greatly from polls, having at One New
more than forty bolls,nfein her person. All. wee'
entirely cured, and is tiose married and tiring
her le.mlly n Osolnnati. pap.
Di. SCHENCK'S prize -Apo omen te at Ne-
Pole, Sixth Street, comics '$ Coemeree,?4l,,
aelpLla, Nepere ell order; most be addressed. el
es. be found there, Proi. , EV2117 SA. "
No. 140 wood strtit, Pittsburgh, Pa.
t ene t
sa t
agent for the sale Vot 111 ea
tudiciugsh MIAMI/