The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, October 13, 1865, Image 4

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    iiitg i - ogit Gwitt.
FRIDLY, 00TOBZE 13, 1615
AlriTal and Departure of Trains
Pennsylvania Central Railroad.
Departs. Arrive..
SNIT ihtPress..... CADA ci.Pean Atecimoin. 7:50 a ot
At:common a-zaa ,a Mall . 120 • in
,tPitts &Erie Mail 7.60 a &Fast Line .. glar a ca
-Altoona A.055/0 I au p mrhtttk Erie iltall.t2ibi p
Thlia. Express.. saS p miltaltimore Exp'a 120 p m
jobe,etewn Acin ALS p ehils.Express.. 23r p m
Rost Dish p m,Sohnat'n s
hit Well Station GM a Mil= Wall Station 805 a in
pd. o Pal :5 a
° I:c6 pm 31 o xos p
.410 o • 6,05 p math o Gmp mo
Penn Accomo'n.lo4.lo p in Altoona At min.
and Eml t Trio. lo.r r m
The church ltabii leave. vs , .14 , • Station
Sunray nr9.AS a. m.; returning, thorax rittabia Sii at 1200 9. in.
Pittsburgh, Columbus and Clnelneiatt.
..Dtparta. . -41riatig
Expreu......... 2:10 a m 5.25 a or
a m :MAU 1:Ooo
2:45 p m Exprem. AZ- ru
:Steubenville Ac- iSteuttaciellin Ac
commodation. p ml , commodation. IMO 5 0
.Pittisbilligti, Fort Warne Oril Chicago.
Departs. 44nless,
Expreta— 120 a tn 'Elprecd a in
2:00 p 3:20 p
Exprem...--... nix , p m Express 890 p
ffiatl 710 a . lAO 9 co
Pt. Cealte ft Erie CM are Castle h. Sell SAO p
New Brighten AccOmmodation leaves Allegheny
depot 00; a. ha., albs a. m., 4.45 p. m., anciaboO
p. m. =cheater, 2:15 p., tn.; tiew Castle, 16.0
jp. Economy, it= 9. m - •
Pittsbtergh; Cleveland and • Wheeling.
Depart,. Arrime.
Express 2,10 a en , Exprem 210 e m
Express .. 9:16p arm.'
• Nceubenville Accommodation leaves Alleghorir
st 320 p
PittabUrgh and contiellmilie.
An - ire.
Man • 7:85 a to.:Mall ............ cm p m
.! Express 2 D 2, D M'Exprou ...... 1090 a m
'l l t• 21,,,ppitlimn a to 'ld DicKci4 , Pott 65.) a m
p m 4, ..... 2-.05 p m
i• lit Br ockl.. 7c.) a
m m li t ßraddock'. Bad rem
14 •• • a ..,.. 41:10p so 2CI p m
• • Allegheny Valley Railroad.
I tetail 700 a ra'rxprem 4"1"-t.
030 a m
Express -- &Sup mirdail. - 7c.00 p m
dasommodation adk , pm, Accommodation &We m
" 'Trial of Auguste Freoke.
Taqpiikr, Oct. I.2.—Before Judges Sterrett,
Tell= and Brown.
Court. opened' at nine o'clock. The attend
ance twits undiminished. the lobby being densely
packelothilat inside the bar the crowd was eo
great gist to.moye about was next to impossible.
The reporter's table, generally kept clear of
pentoWinther Matt those connected with the
press, was encroached upon to such an extent
ea to - greatly Inconyeatence the reporter, of
whielkihere , was a full delegation present.
The !Mesmer, open being brought in, was as
-, signed a place next his counsel. He is gener
ally regarded as a greater villain then 2darcludi,
• and the idea list obtained-that he was the lead
- leg apiritln the istarder.' . '
j. Harebell Wit/5110in; biought trout prison and
placed on the witness ' stand, the counsel for the
defense not having Linlahed their cross•cramina•
lion of him,.
Otramunatained—Got acquainted with Freels'
last fall, In Pittsburgh; wsa not worklag togeth
er at that tilee:".lenscialsiss no wife ham He
came to get sactrk.aißobertlloward's late In the
fall. Welefttheiriol4yaire . together three or
four week' , bnfifelifdifenttol l ew York:pucka'
was not muctent handadwork, and tufsald we
could do beget-1, rort. I Wed. near-
Boyd's Hill, on Locust Uri" about X of a mile
trout where the muftis* Was •tLommittedi Alter
we daLwork Frecke and I were most of the
Ikon together, and would meet at 'saloons on the.
Dlourth 'street road. Frecke boarded himself and
slept ae*uch it other liffO4i I
was noPuteeh'at houtW aftiftwe'rmit wdrir. When
we, (Frecke, myself end the stranger) left... Now
York each /Via OIiCY 'his - own 'fare.
I rEtts,,,stsabger any. Spletit'utehey,lloclii, 04 the way
to Pittiliniigh to mullet under lie itilineeree of
Nur. Neither were Frecke of myself. When
we got o ff the cars, on Melt striset;'weltent.
up Washington strooltoZasinsy c irtudas -Arouse,
and. up Magee to the quarry n head of that
street, then turned to the left l etad went up the
hill to the brickyard. We want - lcithe edge of
the bll4._llur intentl,su was 44 go - down the
- hill and mrowihe atuutger inetttbd - ;rfVery We
looked down the hill and saly the _lights.—
Fretke said to the we ' too 'dark
lo go down the-hlll. -Our- iptaratios.esee-to
kill him and thick hinflntatfaeliver„ andFreeko
sled if .we could; olthrewldis bald "the dyer Ur
kill Win anyhow. I said we had 'bettor bet:MAW
sharp about it, II we wanted to get a boarding
house Polka ,Mlirado. and
went td Beckett's brick-yard, where I got the
piece Ofromat iron - about two or three inches
thick. I saw Fred's at Miller's next morning,
the first thing. I had this very coat on. There
we/ no 'Mod Asp it. • There wasonly Mod' ow .
my shirk/demist hillier; his wlfe, nor • Frecke
said anything to me about the blood. Never
Geld to Frecke that 1 . - stmaid sharseiden lf he
Sold on me. We heard the excitement
about. 1 thtr. innaittr: ,C flair: sown.
Did not attempt le, ;Armenia the hodYl
Didn't think anything about 'Nat but got away
quick as possible. Th.D.,.,.^ 1 4 Inc o.
troughatesady,.." eati't dinetiy say where It was
that wefirsi heard of the finding . of thebody- , -
there waaxalkeverywhere tfitokt it. Did not ge
to seeithelally tlid Nalor's &die, don't
tlsink Freekedid.' and haw gepielere of
Ore licarderod mon on FjiVe: Wed:. Thant masa
not atnand-ea ybody t
Vieface, and Wes .1 would go to write my hand.
would Mats Ma . everidiina. ' Since Thome made
asp confeurion Ifeet better. I haze no hope of a
Pardon. / Wes In the lock-up two or three days
before Pale my confession. I did not hear
Frecke hadimado ersion.
un g: e 4 a Ll 3 .mlt, at pollee officer, was, fecaliod, and
testified teiYitsclre, cialmitiff'after his etrcSe o ne
, of the =deter
11.001/I or. nrctssen;._
A photograph taken of the murdered min,-
taken whilst exposed for Identification at the.
Mayor's Mace, was exhibited. Marehall'un, re
called and the pietnre. being. allowing him, hu
Bald thopery matit! , "
;451atehall Was then remanded to prison.
LTTISENCE 'OP Vill.caues nnoinim.
• •
Marehaft, sworn—l reside in New
York, and am a brothgr of If. B. Marehall. My
brother ttinZ gittelte were It Ntiir York In August
last tor ell 'or no cot drtYs..-When they were:leav
ing, I treatudcrern to the boat. They left apout
beren o'edoelvla the •
• -:.4'10E0011 WAVED CALLED..
Hon. Henry A. Weaver; Isivorn-,-Was present ,
at the Mi par'sofilce on Handay,Hoptombes2 4l li,
when Maittinand Yrecke were there. ( Watch.
of the =lidera man Mosta') This Wateh wee:
exhibited. Ito =Week° tar the; i ?Mete,'
recognized It quicaly, end aald it belonged to the
stranger who had come with thin In the CAPRI
from Phllldettli. His recognition was eo ,
.4nicit that/a:was. =Rested • that therweetrbe-
Placed In ble halide . • he then examinedit;_and
laid be Minified it by a pivot.
Lewit Stoker.was called, and the DisWiet At
torney cfferedto corroborate by him Harahan
atatemont about the lore of a dug* DllAler's
Mr. Miller, for the defense, objected. No
&Mende has as yet been introduced- that the
ring belonged la the murderedsdau, and there
.: Wire that now offered is not relevur '
.The District Attorney said he off ered simpl y
as a combust-Lon of a stataniep by Mt. Mar
dia. -4
The Courrsald evidence asio another cue,
leMedreomelanbe might be offered.
hDirtrlets.titairSe9onktaitittula thereb offered
le evidence yesterday, and Identified as being
finned among the murdered man's elects. We
will withdraw the offer for the present.
Sic-Mayor Weaver recalled.—l saw this nag
before. At Mt( Haynes office it woo BhOWII to
Frd&e, and 'the Tie/alto/frisked him whether It
belonged to the murdered man.
Mr. Miner—Do you speak German 7
- l'AltnesaL , No
VirAMlller—Then I obieM to witness testify
ing, the Prisoner having spoken In German.
' Objection enstain_ca. _ .
. 11;' ' John P. Ito essner, sworn—l am one of the
r•C Num I speak Germsa, I was piasent when
, t. Ihis ring was ehoWnlihn. Ht - said he thougt.t
1. belonged to. tho es ordered gum,
Craspexaminittbk- 1 believe this Ii the ring;
• ..1 not locdolanietaraly .at Atia letters on it.
' 4 Mayor asked Buck* the quallon, and Mr
1'::n Hontiberit zgDaitted Brenta
ea aid ho believe „tke t ling .rfer gen murdel..4,
; 41 1
man's. ; ,
Lewis fitcdtcr Incelled—Wraaau ' lost ring
and tontedlar it inDitlerNl4loo ll do Pennel l -
' , Rani& avenlut.; He, did' ; not. AO Hi I promised
.to bunt for it, , and- did.; :Itintidtt next monelp
'it scare it to him two or throe dams
Ihis la tler-einges, on Beturdavaled,
god. 2d, wirtil the *Plt W": 06 1. ,
eiririato4 ,thn
VrttiOng.Wll,3etaAWAN. and: recke were
at the saloOtte=lnel aftenuarr and etroajog of
44)Ptember-IS-rlier,l4lM3W.letlgrn ,‘`E.
f. • ,
1 =
4. J. Kemp, sworn—Am a member of the
Mayor's police. Discovered the large trunk at
the store of Mr. Bwolberg en the corner of
Webster and Elm streets, !Meth ward.
Officer W. C. Wray, sworn—Found that
small trunk in Marchers house.
Officer Moeasner recalled—Went to McKees
rstrt with officer Wilmot to arrest Frecko, found
him working In a garden, which I understand
belonged to Mr. Coursin, about 34 or mile
from . ..SlcKcesport. I went into a gate about 100
yards from the road where he was working
wills four or fire others, I called him by his
first name, Auguste. and told him I wanted him
to go to Pittsburgh. Hc asked what for. 1
said I was sent by the Mayorto bring him dowm
Ile said he hadn't time then, but would go
down in the evening. He acknowiel t red
list his name was Auguste Frecke.
At first he did not want to go. Hod to watch
tom pretty closely. We weal down to his boaid
frhousr; he said he wanted to wash hires ilf
nod put on some other clothes. He footed
al oat through the yard, not doing auvitilafb
Told him If he wished to wain himself to do so.
He went up stairs to put on his clothes. After
Le came down he attempted to Eel sear. whoa I
pulled Lot a revolver on him and said I would
F."-net him if he attempted to get Ito made
another attempt, and then I told Wilmot to got
out his banded He, and put them on him. He
bent his arms around and broke the spring of
the handrelts. then got a rope and tied his
g against him, and that
a L r o m n s e . e. o A I l it te , r th w e e t bad
be l o ra u iii tiea, came he"i al d on t g h , ere w as
Lim these tOlubl• be b e "'
yeihaps he relent be hack night. We
smirched him, and he stilted If we bad searched
Marchall tan.
3f r. Miller—.l desire to oak witness a few
Witnest—Have told all that passel be-
tuetu us. Did not tell Freeko that Mar
obeli had been arrested.
To Mr. Kirkpatrick—Fmk° said : If you
stare% Itarcludi, you ,rill find a Imife mit his that
he slat from me at the brick-yard.
C. Bwolberg, sworn—Live on the corner of
Elm and Webster street. Saw this chest. It
was irratizta to our stone by Erect° and another
man;ifter the murder. Did not know Frecke
when he came. lie said he was going to Me-
Kemporl to lir • wine garden, and could not
tell how soon he would be back. I told
him be could leave the chest be
came back.' Don't know who the man was that
came with Frecte, lie called the cheat his.
Said he bad fallen oat with Miller and did not
want to leave the chest there. The chest was at
my house about two wed:a. The Mayor's pollee
took It away. It was brought there on a Friday
mottling, and Fretke tame bacE the next Btua
day morning; he did not stay five 19111111LM. I
did not ace Fmk° at any time opals the chest at
my house,
Michael Coward, sworn—Keep the " Ward
Hotel" on the corner of nth and Grant. Tnese
trunks were brought to my house after the mur
der, and remained two or three days. He asked
me It I could let them stay there a few days,
that he had been paid tree dollars by soma
Dutchman going west to take care of them.
rs. Louisa SWOlbtlr,4", SWOIII-1 am tile wife
of Christian riwolburg. greeer. now that lame
trunk in our EIOIT. The prisoner brought It
then• on Friday evening about dark. My lin,
bend we, not at Lome at the time. Freeke Bald
be heal asked ray husband if he might leave it
there. Saw him unlock the trunk, take out a
towel, with which he wiped the sweat off his
face; he threw the towel back and locked the
trunk. My husband came in and told Franke to
put the trunk to one side, out of the road.
No eme.s. examination,
Joseph Rinehardt sworn—Keep a hotel on
Penn street, near Canal. Know Idarchail.
That in the man. (tilarchall had been again
brought Into court.) Ha came to my house and
two traLks were brought there which he said
were his. I paid the driver who brought them
one dollar, and Marchall paid me back.
The Commonwealth hare rested their ease.
DICIMNSB A. 1161. _
Mr. Blebeneck opened the case for the de.
&nee. •It never Cad been his tot before to be
=gag= In the tftsi of a man for ao horrible a
crime as that charged, and riever was he mere
=prepared. The circumstances surrounding
the defense rendered It Impossible for the pris- •
oner to be better prepared. He Is aectised of
participation in the murder, and or plotting,
•planning and doing the largest share of the
deed, by a man who had been his Mend. Re
had'nothing to say of Marchall. who had been
~on the-steed, and bin conduct and manner no
ticed. It was evident that he had received wit
educ.attor4 from the fact that he' 'mtve
his statement in almost gram.
maticallanguage- He was a man. of powerful
intellect and sense. The principal motiveofthe
robberrintsrobbery, and Mart-hall doubtless ex
pected to realize a largo amount of money, mid
out of' revenge Par Ms disappointment; whilst
„admitting cet-opertdion,haeliargedrreche as. be
leg the principal. Mr. 8. detailed Prteke's
statement as be had over and over repeated it.
MarchalPa statement the prisoner adinits is Main- ,
• ly correct,except auto ids (prisoner's) participa
tion in the murder. Marehall wee a doomed man,
and his motive was revenge. lie bad. narked
with Frecko and time after' time want to 'his
boarding boast sod solicited him to go on Meer.
uscrusions,„ fur thieving and bintary. Preeke
refused. tgionedayy Marchalleante and proposed
• robbery, when Puska made a vulgar remark ,
from which aeacret,grudgeamse. .The subject
of taking the trunks of gmde to New York was
subsequently introduced, and Marritt( offered
Nrecke. If he would accompany him, one-half
of what was derived from. the sale of the
plunder. They wept to New York, the goods
were soid i and Marchetti put the money en his
pocket. .The result of this was a quarrel
It Philadelphia, which was witnessed' by
the murdered stranger. 'Upon Arriving • at
Pittsburgh Freekst went immediately to Yllatz'a
house and slept In the same room with Mr. and
2drs. Milter.• At five o'eloek in - the morning .
Marchall came W. his *tart drenched with
blood. Me asked for a shirt. Frecke, there.
upon, told Mrs. Miller that if anything had hap
pened to the stranger, who came with them front
New York, Marchall bad done It. Marchall sat>.
sequently gave 42rercke forty donate,- and
said if he • ' blotted " ou him hi would
have him Joinged. The' trunk. was a
present . from .3farchall, who had told him all
about the murder, wilco, where-and how I was
couiiitied. It took piece, pot between ten mid
eleven o'clock, but in themoridngbetwern three
and lour o'clock. The defense was drag, enrich
counsel bad been advised could be established by
Miller and his -wife.
, .
Earn . Mt Miller, (brought In from prison)
sworn—F=lm lived with me tour months.
Heard in the morning from Frecka of the ater•
der.. An Irishwoman alsolold me ofif. Franke
came to my boaseen the night before about we
minutes after ten; heard the bell ring at. the
depot. It was about eleven o'clock by my
clock. but Any. clock was half an humor
three quay did of an hoer too,fast. came to
the door • and I 4truCkp lleht, aair no blood
about his clothes. lie slept tae roam near me.
Saw Frecke about alz o'clock neat morning; at
the same time saw Marshall blacking his shoes
In the door. law no lobed on him. I
heard no ta ping between them. Marshal
blacked his shoes with my blacking; i did not
like that. About ten o'clock Frolke came and
told me of the man being killed In the brick.
yard. He wanted me to go up and see him, and
said If the man was a streaker Marchall hat
killed him, and took his gold watch- Hi came
back again mad said It was soother nun, a man
out of town, who bed been killed.
Oros examined—l am In NI ; hare been
there about throe weeks. It was after tea
o'clock when Freeke Carla to my hones. My
deck war one-half hour too feet anyhow. I
told the Mayor that when Frecke came to my
•borne It was about eleven o'clock; did not say
It was after eleven o'clock. Frock(' did not
offer me any money to get him out of this J.)b.
:There Is &Imo armed soldier In the cell with
me named Howell.
Mr. Kirkpatrick—Did Freeke nol:olnr you
'PlarttaY to pay off the lean on your boom It you
.WOuld come In and oirear that he (.Frocks) was
In you honea at Lem o'clock on tea algat of the
murder, or worda toThat effect?
Mr. object. It le not cross-EX:11 - U1
Objections drerrnied.
The District Attorney repeated the question
more explicitly.
The witness replied that Frecke did not offer
him money for the purpose stated.
By the court—Where were you when Freeke
came to yourhonsel
Witness—l-was la - bed, add the lights were
all out. Did- net hear the clock strike after
going to bed. Went to bed about ball past
eight o'clock; bat coned nit sleep. Dld notilook
at the clock before Freeke came in. Was sitting
in the window-whoa the bell at the depot rang,
and aboatton minutes after my dog made a fuss,
and FreCke came to the door. L made a light.
Can't tell what the time was by my clock.
Wm. Miller , s worn—Was at home In bed whoa
Freeke came to our house. I had been sleopio4
Did not look at the clock.
Mayor Lowry re-call& —Nliiter mile a state
meat to 'me, about Frveke coaling to his
horesc. lie said It was fifteen or twenty u " nius
after eleven o'clock :
WilLiatn Ilerries, sworn—Heard Millie make
several statements about the time Frock,' Came to
his house. Once he said It was In the neight,or
hood of eleven o'clock, and at another that he
did not know anything shout IL
sworn—Oecnpy a cell . ln the
yorlson with Miller. Heard convoreatlone with
Fricke and In German. Ido not under
stand German, but got the run of the story.
Mr. Maier objected - to wittteaa. Oletaillog the
couvernatleo, as he was not familiar with Ile •
Gainu language. ObJectlon sustained.
• .4fr..llllller said that le the proper diact lirge
"Ithi duty, he dld not think It n eceissrp to
to to an 'arentnent to the Jury. Ho asked the
Ceiti,,haprover, to charge the jar,. 63 the mu .
ter olthe corroboration of liarchall as an ac.
Distr4 AttorocY KilkPatriCic reolisl briefly
.ccithg.different authorities on the question refer
red to by r. Miller, eholr that the piny could
Fls4vidence of at accomplicelf tin
carrOOrtitea. The District Attornex reputed
la ttte nag, It.
AI arena!' hi con ta. and
signs'd that there was staple corroboration.
At the concluelon of the remarks of the D.
bid Attorney, the court took a recess for dto•
The court re-assembled at two o'clock iu lice
afternoon, when Judge Sterrett delivered the
This case, said His Donor, was one of an un
usual character, den:miming careful and serious
cm:wide/mien at the hands of the Jury, un at
count of the atrocious crime charged against the
prisoner, sod the extiiaordinary eouree from
which the testimony for the Commonwealth
was derived. The counsel (or the defense had
theghts ar d iscpbrai.rogneedrtiaahevirindg been
duties. aleLtrz
ability, and everything possible done to secure
as impartial trial. The court could also bear
testimony to the zeal and ability with which the
In Attorney had represented the interests
or the commonweath, assisted by those ass,cl
- with him In the trial. Tno Indic tment yes
Of twa coutata. The tint was drawn to the °id
ft rm, charging Marchall with the murder of an
unknown man by striking him on the heed
with a piece of iron, and Frecke, the prisoner
at the bar, with being present, aiding and as.
misting in the act. It also described in toohni
cal form the nature and character of the wooed,
lc dieted. if tin prisoner was present, aiding
and assisting. and the jury so found, the
acts of ore were to he taken as the acts of both,
and under the law both were equally guilty.
The second count was under the form author•
iced by the Penal Undo, and charged the prisoner,
jointly with Marchetti, with the murder, without
setting forth the manner In which it was com
mitted. Under the indictment, the verdict
might be either murder in the first or second
degree, or involuntary manslaughter, or not
guilty, according to the evidence.
In this case the defendant wan either guilty of
murder In the first degree, or lie was not guilty
of an,thlng. Ii•lo question could arise as to the
degree of the homicide.
His Honer now proceeded to explain the differ
ent grades of homicide and the ingredients of
each. Any kind of wilful, deltberate and pre—
meditated killing. 16 murder in the first dep..,
Tee commonwealth claimed that the evidence
in this muse clearly established this kind of kill
ing, and on this ground asked a verdict at the
hands of the jury.
Judge Sterritt next recited the main features
of the evidence. The prisoner and his accom
plice (Meehan) became acquainted with the
deceased on or about the alet of August last,
and traveled with him from New York to this
place, at riving on the night of theS3l. On the
way they were led to believe that he stranger
was possessed of a consider Ole stun of money,
of which they resolved to rob him. Alter ar
riving in the city, under the pretence of tak
ing him to a boarding house, they led the
straeger to Boyd's Bill, designing first to rob
him an [ben throw him Into the river. The
light from the manufactories alotg the river
caused them to desist from this purpose, fearing
detection. They remained on the hill,
tte stranger was stabbed by the prisoner, and at
the same time pushed towards liarchall, who
Malt him deafly blows on the bead, while the
prisoner continued to stab him, and as
the crowning act of barbariim cut his
throat from ear to ear. They then lined
the pocket, of the stranger thus killed, took oli
his shoes andstockinmi, and threw them tre,retli.
er with his cap and papers, itc., into the river.
Such were the leading features of the ease, as
claimed by the Commonwealth, and the details
were equally revolting. If the Jury were satis
fied that these facts were cseablislitsl by the evi
dence, heyond a roe...rumble doubt, the prisoner
was exllty of murder In the brat and the
jury should so find.
As to the first Inquiry in order, the fact of the
murder, no one who had beard the testimony
could doubt that the unknown man, referred to
In the Indictment, was brutally and barbarously
murdered, by some one. Next, did the prisoner
commit, or assist in the commission of thews 1
Theion must determine this from the evidence
Two paste of objeCilon• were raised by the
prisoner's counsel. Font, It was claimed that
the jury would not be juerified In conviction' the
prisoner • upon the uncorroborated testimony
of Idarelia4,, his alleged Cleemnpltee. True,
the testinfouy of ito accomplice should be re ,
°rived with great caution by a jury, bat each
person Ls& competent, witattea, and It: was for
the jury to judge of Ids credibility. 'rig admis
sion of such elides= was to Weet the discovery
and punishment of crimes whtch Canna be proved
against offenders without the aid of such tes
timony. In order to Fermi • entire •fatiu us of
justice recourse is had to the testimony of ac
complices. ?he ccetrt, In ICS 41Scretinti. may
advise fiery to aeonit Weis sue testimony is
coMborated,ln material points, but the prep,it
flambee of authority is that a conviction may
be had an toe elidence of an scordoplice alone_
The ioniser Judge: fa. deemed ttin safer and
more metelfol rule, and in this case advised
that the jury should nut convict an the testi -
liOn,l of Mardian enigma they-(aced It corrob
orated in material potati r Ay. :tither evidence.
The toonnotwdalth delisted that such corrobor
atioh wee 19 be &Pia
It was elm asked by' otrantel far defense that
the testimony of hfarehall-ebould be rejected on
'the ground thAt he was %mat%le to' the obliga
tions oral oath." 015.%tritn fo s wittiest on this
grouhAtljtillld be tee= before being sworn.
Thla bad not been done,.and but far the peen
llar dramatise:ma of the case the Court would
not have liberty to permit an Inquiry to
be Made tat bunion= th whiel 'lt. had been
done. Ve...") , iineor Oen. open this paint, and
tbteoconclided as follows:
"AB we have already remarked, this Is a case
that deserves the moetterieus and carefal con
sideration of the jury. If the prisoner le guilty
the tWorti.onualicit should . fah upon him with
all Its weight and In all its severity. But If you
entertain a reason:Olt dsobt of his guilt, he is
entitled to be sequined.
"We submit the case to yon with the nen
lance that you will return :such a wittier is you
believe la-warranted by the testimony—a Verdact
to which you/nolo& can -hcreefter revert with
eatisfartioll air the rerun bf causeientlous Qs.
charge of,,tlJ,o4e,duty."
retzinrcz os acre.
The jury retired at kitten minutes before three
o'clotk, and returned after an absence of forty
minutes. Raving called their names, the Clerk
said :
Prisoner, stand up. (Turning to the Jury.)
'Have you agreed upon a verdict 1 Who shall
say OrSou 7 •
Stti ralJOSOrs-.Oar Farg=„
Cherk—fientlemen of the Jury * look'upon the
prisoner. In this tune joined between the
commonwealth and Angtnt Preete, the: pri
soner et the bar, how say you, is heguilty of
the felony for which he stands indicted, or not
Foremen—Guilty, _ •
' Judge Sterrett—Gentleteen, It le neceesary for
you to name the degree. '
Foremen—Guilty In the First Degree.
The prisoner, sibo rexualized Minding. turned
to one of his counsel, Mr. filebeneck, who eald
to Lem t Die Gesebwovenen baben Sie Shut
befunden. The Jury have found you
greche rrcetvrd tl Is snieuneement with as
tonishment, and was with dilllvuhy restrained
by bin counsel.
Clerk—Gentlemen of the Jury, hearken to
par verdict as the Court Lave recorded li. In
this Issue joined between the Commonwealth
and Auguste Brecke; the prisoner et the bar,
you say that be Is guilty of murder in the first
degree, and no say you all.
The prisoner now gave vcot to his feelings,
and said In a loud tone, Schnllig. (13¢11ty')
'kb bin so tinschuldig win unser Herr Jesus
• Christus en Firentze:lch muss unschuldig
I am at innocent as wasonr Lord Jana Christ.
on the cross. I hove to stiffer Innocently.
lie then threw himself Upon bin seat In the
box, and burying bin thee In his handkerchief,
Wept most:bitterly. Blood was observed Issuing
from Ids
The Court said—Lettlaeprleutior be remanded.
The box was opened, Whin Procke was mists,
ted out. Ae he passed mum' the court—room
towards the door, he gesticulated violently, and
Placing Me bend to hie breast,
"Gott le Mein Zelge, lett' bin unschuldlg.
God le toy whines, I am en lumgment man."
Exalting Afialr at Tilt/exilic
Un Eunday evening of last week, two men
entered the grocery etere'of Mi. Beldame, i h Ti.
tusville, tuid called for-elder— Upon being sup-.
plied with Ithe be veragr, 'one Of . Meal preteudul
to Late a tit, and George Aaron, the clerk hi
attendance, Immediately proceeded 10 • to
nere the pretended stoic man by bathing . t 1
head. While thus cogogod hlsoceoinulluerided
Aaron'd ruteketof $3OO In cash. The reornoVela
then made a hasty esit front the store, running
ti ii /11 . (14 the railroad depot. About lifteen
MI erwaribi, AR. Aaron . discovered that he
1..1 i.eru r..t..,ed and itmnediately proceeded to
the dilmt, where he net two ollirers, who re
ported that tw o met answering the dmeription
of the robbers had Just penned them and gone el)
the (reel.. TllO trio immediately started in par
mtit. and etude peeing a freignt ear, they heard
tonoiherM cough. Exananntion diseloKed
'non crouching in the corner of the car. Upon
being summoned to surrender, the man rained
hit arnt, and inalantly a sound kdlevred that re
sembled the click of a 0.401. The man turned,
leaped from the car, awl started on a ran. Ho
Was immediately shot in the lido by one
of Lis pursuers, bat proved to be the wrong man.
Thu auspicious eht tumptanecs howsver. undue
which he was found :and Ida Inability to give a
satisfUctory account :of himself, determined the
'aulluiritics to boldjhlm foe-further develop
ments. The man was but sllghtly rounded, the
ball having grazed his side and produced Daly
flesh wound. Mr. Artron,'nenompeinled by two
pollee officers, started again nett anurnlugun
the early train for Con-y;Mud while.etopping;
Spartansburg depot, dlseorerol the , Object of
their search in the per the ti PP mibber'•
who' wore immediately taken Into custody, and
6160 of tine money recovered.
Mary of Nuhanco.—Ern.t. Deckent?aa„,, ,, i 1
Wtni held to .aasyrcr. a <chargd
lag a uutaauOe on his premlaca D/04/0/3d
Icy. The yfabfahta Ckaa3.lsts la a piwpau, 4411 011
viglibort allegt: la kept
P.ttii.tugh tlosrd of Trade —At, A ' , pea! to
the Public.
Boson or Tutor Roosts, Ocl. LO, 1865,
To Oa 151-,.inn .Von of .Pfffsburtth
The uudersigned, a committee appointed to
urge upon the community of Pittsburgh a more
active support of the Board of Trade, apprehend
that In the feeling now existing of the necessity
of some common boainees entre to facilitate
wataactions, their labor is, to some dance, per.
The community, although divided Into many
municipalities, Is hat one lu business interests.
In this respect there are no surveyor's lines to
prevent the immediate concentration around an
executive body, which, taking, a lively Interest
In the welfare of the whole ate:lineally. shall
be the guardian nun promoter of rill 'taint-crests.
The history of ail legislation elbows that no re
presentation of p wrong or mtilcitation of r
benefit, hoe so much Influence es petitions cam
Inc Boca lioarde of Trade. They are looked
upon as the authorized exponents of the wishes
of the commercial cousin unit-Ina by whine they
ore created; and their expression of approval or
condemnation Is cutnwrs~mßnulYmultnnted.
For mere than thirty roars, the Pittsburgh
Board ul Trade has enereteod Its Inn tietteu
greater or less ellieioncy tarthe good
of the community, acting tiptoe the hest
Judgment of its tnetobers. Bering urat portal,
It has been hoquently called to evert.
t hi retuned I ref tidielal legislation, Or obtain lion.
(Trial chnelalletiln. hepatic(' as Lhat tea w,aen
1111, been by the Intermittent supped nivou by
our bestow-a men, yet Its rucurde mere that Its
volee has bean sellout raised In Vain.
Boards of Trade being. In fact, comotorelal
legislative bodies, they moat becesserily hero
ton mihnsion, attendance and worm stint, rut of
the business men of the mum 'mita. wheys In
tl rests they are expoclad W chimes. While
tbe Pittsburgh Board of Trade, frow it. foun
dation, has the stead) co-operation of w,mn of
our beet bushy= firms, yet the septum L of
many (and as to a largo number wholly with.
held) has bean so fitful that 11. has Won neces
sary on several °commie Since Its formation,
to solicit publicity, by committee, a more gen
eral support and more efficient membership.
The present committee, appointed for that
purpose, will not repeat old arguments, believing
the advantages of the Board of Trade to be fully
understood. They would simply point to She
facts connected with the existence of the Cham
ber of Commerce of Milwaukle, Detroit, Chica
go, he. Louis and Cincinnati, as examples of
the great good to the whole heehaws commu
nity resulting from u hearty support to such
associations. The facility which is afforded to
the transaction of Mishima in those communi
ties by the Exchange connected with those
bodies, is also well understood as to need no
comment uoon our part. We would simply
ask wby such a desirable state of sasha should
be wanting In this community ; and we appeal
too our business men to throw off that apstilv
that hoe heretofore characterized them in eel anon
to a matter so vital to the influence of this cons•
glut ity, and come heartily up to the support of
the institution In the movement we are about
making to gh - e greater efficiency to the assoMv
alien, end to reopen the daily Erchange.
In IstS4 the Pirtshurgh Board of Trade bad
newly Bove hundred 'limbers, nod there true
altaulicd to the inwoclatlon n daily Exchange in
successful operation. While the Board of
Trade has continued its functions, the - Daily
I n n- 7 '"oa l rt"" Z e r M" LT srul corner
n one ofclncered existence, wiAoutint,i.
lu the eleven years the city has so in
recused that a "Daily 'Change" has became •
far greater uceest.ity Ulan in Isi4, wizen Its com
mercial trunsaelione Here cunLuud to 11111.1al
rower bounds.
Since 1654 the city has perhaps doubled the
number of Its business homes, while many large
and new interests have been developed in the
community. The Directors of the Board of
Trade of Pittsburgh, while feeling nut a reopea
tug of the Daily Exchange is uricatly called for
'from all the circumstances that now surround
the business of the constattnlty, consider that
the present membership of the institution yields
an Mame Insentment for the increased expenses
that lie reylval would Involve. Acting open this
Judgment, they have appointed Block Commit.
tees to solicit new member's. feeling that if In
1554, the city of Pittsburg famished three hun
dred members for the association * the prompt
community of Pittsburgh ahoold In 1865 yield
not less than gx hundred prompt paying mem
The Committee to whom was eotrosted the
duty of laying the subject before Ite business
men of the two cities and adjoblln boroughs,
would simply urge, In costettiston, dust as owe.
brrshipfee cy ten dollars asnaally . ls tog Vining 5
Barn to be consideredby any who deiiteEo hare
the community of Pittsburgh betray,. by mantle
offer Board of Trade and Daily Exchange, the
influential commercial position she should, to
the business of the mutat,. and to. She jegisla
wee chambers of-the State and of the nation.
Goo. IL Tatailno3,
Jona Sarrorow.
G. D. lituonam.
Wee. F. 1..kN0. Coln.
&MBI. b. Wiccessnsor.
W. W. Warm.
Book Notices.
WTPT V . Its tams azb3 Antis. Wein bud
oil welts; m ov g=ol . Its sos t r tt ry ze Mt'
By Phtlseebi
phib: J. B. Ltprituran. Pitlaburbbl foe able by
barly..4llbrke, &Ob.
The anther of Os work is emended with thd"
Department of Agriculture, and daring a tour
of observe:led in ttd behalf through West
aisle bad aimed opportunity of mallog himself
acquainted with the mineral and agricultural st
sources of this part of the "Old D'emlnlon. 6.
The volume before us Is an elaboration of Mr.
Dodge's etploratlone ID 'an RO
coon t of which Is contained in the Agrtanitunt i
Report for Ito 3, On the appekrance of which,
urgent demands fete made OD The author from
variant quartets fora more lengthy account of
the "character and extent pl its resources." • To
these demands Mr. D odg e willingly yielded, and .
the present volume is the remit.
Some haw made bold to say that Weal Vie
girths IN , PM•rsAI, mineral wealth In sufficient
,iirtittitle,t pay the national debt„ dwell a
etaloatent, 101124, rt.emed rattler Utopian, b u t we
meet conk, that rifler gkirlaftr, tit afr. IhNitzb's
work we are inclined to betiern 11131 It i., more
real Ulan fanclfel, and, especially, n, he annurog
es that hie book contains hot a "part pal and cur
surYry. preliminary in it, tmturr. and by
An Mean, exhatirtile a the sohjeel."
lu adtlitiol, tilt work enntaina ara ioteret•ting
arroinit of the mit:in:ll Refitment and rer..1,1
formation and ortronLratiou of the Staub. I
tittote,ll nn pretonsion to acientitle deli rlptlan is
made, the work will repay a poritaak
map of LhaLhala Oil Plotrict, po.bilehed try J.
P. Hunt, No. !.9 Firth etreet, PltVal:krill. Price
nit Is the latent and most complete map of that
partlettlar locality we have yet need. The varl-
Oar landed properties between Franklin and the
upper part of Plthole valley are laid down In a
meant , that wilt enable every one to ascertain
the locations of the rumerout wells that are
being:referred to every day.
The same publisher ban Issued several other
steps Illustrative of the oil regions, and has In
preparation a map of Clarion county, which will
be corn out.
Central Hoard of Education
Tllt r:II It nrt of litliv . arkou
mil 'l'luvn
duy tn. 12th, 1 , 415. :
Itrth,l4, Duman, Lowe, Ma , 11.11,
le), No 1,1"., Bergoant end Singrrty. Mr. tzln,Terly
WOO rigloinicd Prcridetnt pr em.
A eunnnunicall.,n (ruin Mr. F. C. Nn gl - ey stat
ing that li, Iwd retnoved from the citi, Mal ton•
doting Li.. reFiesintion no a incroli,or th e board.
On motion received and reslgnallan accepted.
Idr. W. Creeford, Jr., preaented credentials
from the Fifth Ward Board as representative
from Feld Board to fill the vacancy occasioned
by the resignation of P, C. Noiley.
On Motion of Mr. Brash the credential° were
accrptce. and Mr, Crawford dechtred a member
of the hoard. •
Monthly reports were received from the Mi
ring of the High @chop', krlncipal of the 001.
ered43thool and Beeretary of Board, ifbleh Wet.
severally read and ordered lo be Mod. „
Warrants ware antborizid in payment of ibe
Naming bill!, viz:
J. L. Hamilton, nernsni!r wort so , Catornti
5ch001.... —579.14
Plilborth DliTalclor advertising— . 143
Mrs F.Sebacy, cltoolnit klcdored School •
Mans, ,Ue ........... ..• • • •. • • ...... - 10.00
. On motion of Mr. Mantua, the gonna pro
ceded to the election of President. 'laid °Mee be
log mode vacant by the realmnstiou of Mr. Keg
ley non member.
()a motion of Mr. Brush, Mr. Benjamin Ole
;telly was unanimously eh, led President of the
On motion. adJoi-ned.
Boating Challenge
The halt' flared creole, Itt• trel
heath , rat," Int rxt cuter clofrolod the New irk t reit
for the nlialnalonahip of the Am I 'll war,
bilVI. t Itallemwd the four oared crew of thltt ray,
oho WOO in the late rettnl4 a. It to pr,,p0:01.1 10
row a I; ve nine rare t for 37,2.00 a side.—thel'it Ps
burgh crew to get 3000 for expense, In ease they
eAnnent In row ou the 111111401.1. If OW race
comes off on neutral waters, each party trill pay
their awn 1•11 , 1•11 Sen. If the 111.1.4 1 .111 , 411Cr . 0W Will
not consent ha lotion /tonic, then the 'Newburg
crest to take The SGOO•rerr expense:, and
row at l'lttliburtzls. Tha challenge contaius the
following., by salty of a . elltlhore'
As it has been currently Bia_tc4 l p rieir .York
that nothingwould girt grater eattla4l4l4 to
the Pitishargh oantnell gr eat e r
akin with thelliesrlsurg erair 2 l.he./attOiliopkthat•
the roimer ITILL161.1114( arintimp4
reply to tills skeet, challeKNiats 'that (he ream
may tome off bcfgte aardar rtdrane.
ed for en aquadoormtest..",7
ands 'paella -given
~ 1
aiOitr liesrbunsfel
, 245 4 .4r mi0ith0 . on -
r.oneasiossa as to the nr ..4s.loiiii, _ .ot
ipp e ptiptided _the. ter5 .41....,,
_,s,i. s ,
... a
111 4 M 1 14 1 - 11 .. VIA. 571:U41/CU!. V. 4
~,1111!).7.:, , ,-1, -. ., .
4 4 214 11T e1ICU /ge.l' • , • l-..,"4.9i' ,' 1 4 1 '
;.-{ .:44.- 414 ' 0 4 '.
F.."l';•': 1...,-.:3,,.:
4 .• : ;.1":. 1, 4:'.44 '4- 1 ..,
Te klerlep Itay. ( ~,
Oor rradr T'S NVIr. tt. of
11 , 71er, n tv , 1,,,r^
I' L ~,
urtto,,lte I'llat!elo Ater, tf1111r:14, perlinn -'f a
uirl r nito t!.., of az! ! Looted W!!en r ot` tr and of
hi r rrmr ,o,,! f, trio!. in default of ha!! to
a 1... c,f ILA .11,111.1011$ Lit
latk r
•il.ollnt of 'Lail. ui
I .u: An
L., 1..
:, .1, v. r!,
al, ~r r.
I x 11, ; r /
141/1 ///11 Hi/ r.. 0. 40.1,., I,l+ • :1'1 I
a • , •:111 , 1 1,, .” •
III„I 1., has •••••,, I • or. •I • •: • 1.•
lir., •kI
Irlrti 10 IrTt,trt•prtr 11111. t,• - r :, . t
rdirloth from nn Inveto of t
MO widen he Invittniedogwottt
knot , c 'lVhdt action will I. oh: et in
Ch, molter, toe Calltiot say, lint ow: thin.; is L.
With 'hot In the ;W...., or Ili, pr 1110 r alt .
aneot Pd . tried, and on till wore o.,
the fir.
felolaut las rettl. warty. Whilit he will nor ltt 1 . 0
tlr.ty relieved of the charge JoAt now, he will not
be owlet the M. WOOL) . Or renewing hi, Italial. the
cod of the present term. After all that hat been
Raid aboat this affair, It seenta a mockery of Jan
ill, that It bliould thus cud. V.xtraeffortaahould,
lOW We doubt not will, by made to dlaeover the
wholi ah.lot., of Wermelh and to (onitwi !din in
nitre., cool itrtutvoite the rhartee, with II view to
tally its troll, at fitooty.
The Cricket Match.
r,, ~r v,
,1111:111,C 01,1.'1 2 In
k 1101 i
011/1:5111: rrIIt•EZI etrlt.
Arai Innmgr. ..2rcand Inning,.
F Coleman a Laugh.
Iln 0 Alteat.e. 2 at IthUral]. 5
I,r Moyne 0 lilctlabe 0 nut out 14
It vile 0 /12c1Jatot a c Fir, %a b Nletlebts .. 1
Cabby 0 15}11rattle• 1 10 cc b ....
-iii lip s. rut out 8 c and 0 MaCaba• 14
Paxton ola c1150c.. 0 b Yuntkg u
A. COICIDen b NV 011,
niers In b Youna 0
~ c .2.lclattt b Young.. :ti0,181 , 0. taut ,y 1
niltrllrl! a Untortou
11104.041 et
111:ple c 3.0,04
C I Yana;
slllitgoo Alcl:aLe c ' e Yount'
Dyes 4, Leg By" 4,
Wide& 3 11 By el I, Leg 133 . 40 L.. 3
Cameron b Young.. 4
Grand T0t41.... vet
01 • 111,1 , C 121,5. r rcen.
Yrnt Janina, Sty/nut /3bin,s,
111cOat41 b Paxton.. .
11 hitcatdes t, Mitchel 20 not out 10
ran" rca b Swim— 8
Jacol us b Mitchel:— 31
Young b Stritits 0
Bros u 0 tibrigta.....: I b Mitchell 4
Lo an a Milligan
Mitchell 1
Road c billitgan
SPritll 3
Klaiber D Syriac.— 2 not 0412 3
Br] on, no 4 out
1.0811.118 0 Vprigga.. 8
11y_44 9. Let Ryes I,
IN ta, I II 134 ea 1, Wines I 2
'(oral. 111 Inta.L 19
Grand Tot, I
In tlic o chin partook of no
excellent e.upper, DI J. 6. Kiamoly's popular
rmdsurant, on Smithfield street. atter which the
Washington Imps started for linme. Umpire
Grangn club. Mr. Thomas Doris. Unanira
for Olympic., Dr. Wm. Childs. 6,iror for
firstqc, Mr. U. Marker. Scon:r for Olympic,
Mr. Jas. liemtnp.
A Grand Gut Enterprise.
The New lork PctroleumPrlie Company will
open at the spacisons Mora under the Opera
Home, No, 64 Fifth street.= Satan:lay next, a
large and parried assortment of rich and valua
ble goods of every immagiaistde deseriPthel.
width will be distributed in connection with the
purchase of Bbares of stock in the compact.
The company, as appears from their adver
tisement, have a capital of 6123.000, and
owns some sae LerritorY, now about being
developed. The shares of stock are one
dollar each, and in order to effect a ready
sale they have gotten up a "•gift enterprise,. by
meanaotwhlch those who • are "lucky" may.
draw very elegant prizes. Among On articles
theists be:distributed are houses, lots, harem,
Carrlagek Pianos. dress goods,lewelmeratches,
furniture, sewing machines. and an endless va
riety of articles, large and small. The goods
to be distributed among the purchasers of
stock will be open for inspection on Saturday
morning next, and the sale will COMIROBOO an•
Monday, and continue daily for a few days.
l f adles will find= office In the ealearoom ex
elusively for their accommodation. All can go
and sea the goods for themselves, count the
chances, and act accordingly. See the adver
tisement elsewhere,
Clty Mortality.
Dr. Gauge L. McCook, Physician to the Board
of Henn, reports the folloirlng deaths In the
chi. from September 29M, to October 7th.
Under 1 leer 2' From 93 to 30 8
From Ito 2 2 .. 93 to 40 2
.. 2,0 5 2' `, 40 to 50 1
- sto io II " 50 to 60 1
.• 1.3 to 20 1,
()film above there weres Typhins„ 1; Consvimni
tim. 2; Dysentery, 2, Typhoid Fever, 1, Flux, 1;
Diarrhea, 1; Diphtheria, 1; Croup, 1; Croups {
Diphtheria, 1; Congestion of Brain, I; Pneumo
nia, 1; Btlll Born, 1; ConautoPtlon. 1.
S Whltc..
"' I Colored
14 1 t Tow. 16
Trunk Found.-6 small trunk, containing
a quantity of clothing, consistleg of a telf arti•
des of ladles' wear, together with a pair of pants
&ad other clothing, was found yesterday In
a core field In Pitt township, hear Penn street.
The trunk dap contained two PaPeri—one of
which wag a receipt to Wm. filing for rent, 44.
25 and the other'a receipt' from the Wigan
Gas Company. A German testament was also
found neat where the trunk was discovered.
Mean, Is a city In England. and the tenni was
doubtless the property of an Englishman. !Tow
Inc trunk came to be deposited in thin out-of
the-way place. la a mystery upon which It is to
be hopectsonse light may ho thrown. lhe p
fere and testament have been left at the Mayor's
t Mrs for the purpose if identilicatlon.
In the City.-114j. W. S. Mellinger, who
tnivoll the service with Cho — old thirteenth,"
and ;Ifterwartis is' lib CollllCellld with the 79th P.
V., o 114 In the city ycotortlay, calling upon Lie
nunwootak Glenda nod acquaintaures. Ile for
merly reslded at Monongahela City, Washing
ton county, but Las, wu learn, located at Clove-
Broducy cOtinly,, where is
ontzliged to liolnc.x+, :al proposes to rectors his
f.ouily. lie tlc.,erlbes the urnosto of Tonnusto,
mast drllghtful, and th. locality in uvcry way
Inciting to mon or c,iltrpri...
Md. Gen. liiiddoo.—We nreplessrd to leant
that Colonel Ktddoo, who nears in his body ...w
-end honorable nears front sovvire wounds. won
at the hvhd of his gallant rizitucut of colons.%
'men. has received two hmVets; first an 'Brigadier
Gdncrnl, mut Lately as Major Genernl, for hfit
hrusfe coudn.t. In the .ficid. These honors urn
worthily paid, and we are rejoined to one (lions
pollnq upon sitoniders of one who no nobly
deserves (item. Grit libido° is now at his home
in.lVilkloshurz, on furlough.
Eifeetlon lu idtaYer
tBIAVEII, —Estrous Guerre: The
niectioo pasted off very quietly. The Bute
ticket will haves majority of 760 to ROO. The
Entire Republican ticket is elected be from 700
to 860 attiorlty. The vote wan light all OVer
the county. A. G. 11.
The Vigilant Steamer was shipped last
evening for Miadelpiala, ea the members of the
company. who design participating In the great
parade, will leave on the Eiatnrday night train.
no parade comes off an Monday next. A
tyeantifill silver trompet,.for presentation W the
vigilant boys, previous to their departure, can
now be seen In Dunseath and Co's., windMi,
Fifth street.
Pocket Pletred.—John notify. of S 3 wickley
township, Westmoreland county. was recently
robbed of IS pocket hook containing - eighty
dollars. Ile b.CAMEI so dcalrouS.of ascertaining
who the thief woe, that he came to Ills city for
that:tarpon of consulting. a fortune teller. We
Hope ha hasObtaload the desired Information.
Death of Col: Anfterson,—:Ded. J.
demon, late of the - serventeenfh retaieficaata
cavalry, died it Beaver on hlchiday, otcllmum
contracted la the army, Hewaa to. the eeridee
throe year . , WA Mai with Sheridan hi ht.
raids. Be left Beaver as a gratilatitinitust. ills
ego we thlrtygoar yews, • •
The Found Man'a .Frlotut. 4 -Trarranted to
"care private Mamma. For rutin by druggists.
',irk for the Folthilidtues Friudi tn
giving thcolyroptotas and treatment of private
disemea'accompanies each Ba or can beted
by oddment:lg' ,Yeting Man 7 a - Ftitted;' Bon Brp,
ancienatg, wake three rent ntaiiptaeromni,
Jdnepb °barite Bayer, J .1 ..1 1. Mien s
!V" 41 Leo.y Aileraigal • .0118 m.
fl• ••nos F:47, , ok pknoli, for
41•111.-; I.lro been made at Icon Cog
n 1,21 -tro lid nod, tLc superintcndetn, of
R. H. Souse. r-o,ntly of tho Fifth Ar
-111:o-v. a zootionom of rapnrity and rncrer•, as
„ !ot:dn= c - dtaploto
I..adAd in r uldt - 6 Largo, 1110 truA
r in him y the Mardiurs of the Azricul -
Foc'ety. The Fair promises to a ,noco,,
cdrelon Tlckets—Plfiladelphla Fire
men's Parade.
I t tho fa , t o : aii a 7,lthi' , or Oar
,• • - th. ha..ati
ao,t tr 14.7 a rf_nr
i. F tho t f. it..!•••
• . r • 11 . 0.1 i.t /ll' any
The l'aitrd 7.talt • Court.—Mc nzleAs
term ~; :hit C. art a ^,::1,111.411.: on Monday
1 IA re mn au. tea vantncr of Casets to try,
L. , be more protracted
II A. 500 345 I. 3.00(58013, (('CLEAN h 00.)
.rn, r, Oct 12,
I, 50 10. i 111
I N 503 re,. .... 103 50 101 00
iOI 75
I' S. 1,30•,.. 93 00 -.--
U. S. errliacnicii
Gold 143 II) 115 110
Allngheny Co. Fire.— ...... _s._ 12 55
Pittonumh 69 00
1)51.511:1.5 Ilk R. FL L10n15—.... 50 60
Allegheny Das Co..- --- 3400
Cnnh Ind 60 00
eSI ern
El.rehn 51 00 — l,nnelly,llle R. R Inlerngt. 5 75
I.:, •..OnNI --Oa
I .111. 5 55 o)
0.1 • 1 ,
Ili] P. ,•111 ...
15, 1 re. k A 1 her
,5 0
01.10 Valley .............. r
Plll9burgh b. New intl . ^ 55
T,r3. Story & rhl rry Run 27
NY ~tern Pen. 160
115,1415 n
1 - 05 5 nly. (Ott 125
515,5 Vt•nnnr,, . 250 00
Po, A sl..w.trtx Rut,— I 43
1.. TrleTrmpl, 60 00 76 -
pro Pittsburgh ts. New York--4
as again a shade firmer in New York to
da at noon at I 4.5 t, Governments, also,
litter. nod higher. Eighty-ones are quoted to-day
at , against Rd% yesteolayi Five Twenties,
against MX', and Set en Thirties, 98 , 4,
90. Certificates and Ten Forties
11 ,11 1,l'AL PRA for the former, and 93ij for the
The holdings at the board to,lag for oil shares
v, re more nums•rous than ritual, though
Fn.. are few nod far between For Columbia Ii
01. none otterenl; ts for Ohio Valley, 25 naked;
•al .1 for Rosa, and t/5 asked. We have a sale of
I'll tshurgh s, New leek reported at 65-1 months
time allowed, there were also, some transaction.
to Ross at z 5.
Wnrren h Vensinee is in demand, but the ex
treme view. of holders prevents operatlone;l2so
vas offered at the hoard (iota morning without
Lromang out the stock—holders asking from 1400
up to Otttel.
—The York Contairrefal, of Monday speaks very
encouragingly hoth of the present and future
ptrancets °Jos:min:mm.lra. LI sap "Coal igtoetta
are attracting Increased interest among trivesters
and speculative operators. The coal compaolea
are hove having a P.m of prosperity similar to
that of last year, when gold tr6ll at its highest
pi-emit:in. The mines are producing to Lhetr tuU
capacity, sod the only limit to their sales Is in the
transportation flitellitliw of the roads. The an
tendon of steam .navigation and of iron manure,.
tures has created a demand for ooal equal to that
of the most active period of the war, and with the
current high prices for cool, there would teem to
he no reason why the mines ahonld not realise
handsome profits,"
—The following is the comparative statement
of the exports (exchulse of apeclej from the port
or New York to foreign ports for the week enMn.....
Oct. to, and since Jan. I:
1866. 1864. 18th.
For the %wk..... 10,22E014 $5,482.1100 64,161,461
Peen. rep0rti01....129,150,150 te0,161,a00 10N229,891)
Kinct Jan. 1...../19/4.155611 164,514,100 124,380,95.
Price of 2041 115
CENTRAL LIVE frrocs mum=
Reported for the Pittsbunit Gazette,
ni.Wr Wisner, 0dt.11./ ,
CATTLE—There Las been a very good itboles
demand for cattle at these yards this Find
while then ana, tht*b 4 4l76i ,
no material change tn. pekes. Lltaring . to•dail and
yesterday, however/ holden eduleavoredto'llstatt ,
lish sn advance, trtit tram lilt We tOethl
were sucneestul. Tho Dgat Ersdna of
. Iteersan4
heifer. sold at from el; to 0 eCals, gross, whlel Ii
about the same as lett weektlor
air cattla. -There is e oontinued fair demand for
stock catkin, perttoularly the best:gra46a,whieEr
may be fairly quoted at 64634.. Condeititi - told.;
feeler sold at from 6to 6.4. There has netbee e
good! attendance of eastern buyers during the
reefer part of the week, but the Phikattelei
h f ;tt i lla'f l re 'r elr as6.uftsual—p 0000 ' r ' o r b O e i b i l ' ,7 , th al ey d could n ot ke
get i class of stock suitable Cot thatutarleeilit
their prices
ROOS—The market for Hogs has - been a little
dull doting the week, and, as contpared with lent.
week, priors have declined from %*te I rent I,er
pound. The brat averages sold this week at la%
let.., against 14...,0144 last week, and even at the
dechne, shippers appear to °Orate with great
caution. The eastern market. It appears were'
pretty well glutted this week pausing • depression
there, which, as • matter of course, produced '4'
, orresponding result here. The general Uwe' ,
sloe among those who ought to know, la that the
' , rearm, pricesannot long be sustained, and a
still norther dec line, th crenore,lii predicted.
SRI:EP—The aupply . of Sheep has been rather
In riff r this week, then for some weeks past, owl
wish., towards the clime, the market ruled a little
tame, there has been, se combated with Mal week,
no material change to prices... There WAS a axle
this morning of shout dig bend of nine Afilegheny
Co Sheep, averaging .heist ninety pounds, at
Mil , per cwt. cross. interior to common may be
quoted at than',
.'nr.P. OP 11009.
43.160.. Puler. Ange, Price.
0111.114/.k13 . Leedg 47 210 pa 00
..... 99 230 13 90
14z9143 93 230 11 .0
1004 tiilehrelet . 63 260 14 40
Ward .tkikhzeina 1.53 434) 14 00
TAgg.rt.._..._.....C.ass,lberry.._ 91 200 IS 60
lllnt'ketenc.......„CneePlberry—... 71 '650 19 10
1.39, L 49.3.3 ....... 107 034/ Ia eV
Anderson T •cde 97 .41 la 12
%V 643...... . 47 .130 13 00
Setter. 6656 r. Na Arge- Price.
..... „Ile•srt 3a.
Adam. .Are,A l .l 91 66 13
6J7 66 6 Si
1 • dr 90 92. 6 Oa
Taylor 11,5 , Hi 4"5
P0rne11..... .........H 414 IV.I 416
l'oolor --.Hr050r___........... 153 *1 5 SO
Bradtl4l - I`rartly id brad pretty good tot le,s von
sglar arn, at f.,76.
rddrhice to Crosby 44 head stoskers, averhglog
et Ot
Thomas Mooney hoight 10 head of ndxert cattle
Campbell to Datiby head stockers, aycraglrig
798, al tShiedst lo 17! head of eat rn Ohio Alcors,
averaging I_ll2, laSe.
ehlehlx Smith ba head good rattle, nveraglB,2c
Hatt, al
Crosby to liLiester 60 bend, arcraniog 063, at
* Ytirk to Scully 41 bead bulls, slags, steers and
ig Sol, at 6 , 4.
°4 V:iter 4v iTA l Ll 'n] hendeommon stocker,, swing
ing 725, at *o sper bend.
klree to Fisher HI bend, averaging et 5,31.
()'Shay to 09 bead stockers, averaging
154, nt 6,16.
014 hay to .Klemm aal head stock cattle, arsrarr
log 674, nt 0,70.
ilosestirst to Rambo 63 head good stockers, firer•
aging tik.s, at 0, 00 .
tagllue to 'Sine heed good stockers, av crag
-11.7t7,1011,an't to Rambo :0 head, averaging WO, at
'l e t. ron,Patoto 11 headprettS good Catio cattlo,
ftVero{.7lll6 90-3 at 630
tern to linatt.o I It cad good steers, evernin;
II et
Welsh Fold _I head to 111114om:1m r steers a”,t
!Leiters nt tst.„ A, staging 915; nine it head mnall
steers to Yount, no ernetng 0.10, at 15; also, 75 head
lair sierra, everaglng 1075 tit 611,
.1. Montague bought It head extra cow. and
heifers. no eraglug 1106, lit 7c.
mansaity bought 40 head fair steers, avenging
1050, et Cry.
Klemm; to A old lea head of fairish ,took cattle,
avernsiag h 95, at
Win A. I's.tnayles 04 heal stockers, aver tg-
Ins &0, tit 0.
Rosenthal to :11caarvey 47 headgOotl stock cat
tle. no ersgleg ` ,93 , of 0 c•
Kelley to Duffy 11 head, aVersging VO3, at 5%.
fluff to IllcKelly 110 head Mockers, averaging
695, St 5,30
Herat to Earner. head stockers, averaging
1410, at 500.
Hoff to filler heatrgeod stockers,
946, t
tree to BattinAri GI si . id'fite , Fsiip,T,9o V. 6"
Ha'Mare' ritsiikt;
Rn LVNORE, h. Only Co
=port Wet pc GO bogo 204041.401 ' d. Primo
/1 held limn at Cr 4 At /11 . 1 W. York, to.dor. 21 4 03
" E ' rL ii9 .--Vl4 2 k i ttt l it 6 l 46 efea d. rl l :eft
logy repOrted , Ctiroor to,lrir; incloded the
a l es re 10'0 boetr white 01 t4, , X , V70, 10 t
or chalet rokdi ICuO both felr rod 1
01. card and a lot
of 150 btsh prime orfn.,o6,per tossiml. ,Coro-1103
bubh white •nd. Oro hush yellow reeelvedi frOu.
ltd in t he ...ties weroloo hush white* 9 .00 5, 4 AI )
bush Inferior slid iso bush now crop ot 00e; lin&
R.Y n - hn,h yoalow 01 94/20,--earsi m Ot' tick
bushel. Os ts , -3300 bosh offemll de
with le. of Mc blob iIVS II , ttlht•
burla reeeircd, VA bush reported IQ CCatpipez
Oct. 1, 1846.
Td• coneral markets we moderately active
hr.,/ trh there is nn quotah!e
in •oluea. There is • continued fair local demand
for to•.,t of the leadulg arlfcles, mod sloe lea, ger,
rrollt • ore light.
tit:AlN—Wheat la In fair demand and (trot, but
uneh awed: sale of I ear fair Rater Red at *2.10.
Barley Is eery dull mOllllOl.lO appear to be the
ct , . r• 1 e (lota sclaCe nod its good demoudt
sales loom store at 5.5e55e. Clorn is selling La anialt
1 , I • ot Nothing dolly& Ili Rye.
I.l:lll , —The grocery market has been
mot,rt ro.•,ree. dlirlres the plat fear day., and
prl.o.f 7.1, 7 ettll further adrarteed. Sugars hove
h• 7 V 2 , S 7, He per pdund, and S) , U , SII nod
a:Watt-es 5 told cent, per gfollon, The stodlor Long llcht fn country n ,trt further advance In
ret expe,trd The foll‘fol rig ore the
qv" tlLit.. fair flubs Sugar, 13h; Good. Id;
Prlti •• 1 , 1 rhosee, prime Pnrrn
!..i. lti: loose House, IS; Hard Rented,
do, eon, “C:" _I. Porto Rt. ,
to syrups3oc In 11,50. as to
.f.•, lid .on to B. .Id, a, Set Lacuy ra,
I ld /I (4 i • eftßet I.ut term, and prim ar° weld
• 1i re nt A itlChl f ng in n. e
Ei r e
ii . nois irons map tie fairly given al 5 , 0
Ica goo.: • en! Family, and VII for Winter
I est •.•i siale 01 110 Wan ninon grni!e“ on prfvare
Pie Flour is selling from store at
I 10 IV I olf -Baer, In Ara], with a fair job
r.l .1.. en.; wt. note regular snits at' pre
t.- hunt nrione The stork in thin mat keg in
Tr.,y moot: ro•iirei of prime kettle-ren
s. rv.l ni llvan Pork lo eprotro• at Si ll.l I Swenit are oiling to fair
p••e:• CilP of 1 cot 0 1.,,b
- rout "Iluc•keyee, - al 50 et, per 1 , 110,4:
I I , • l'• . -I. 11i0n..." at 0,10 per ltd, 40 do do, at
1. • .1..0 43.0.
11A:CW.11111 E--1 little more Arrive hat aro
el. Lnge.i. of tdder nt 1511 per 001; and IN s r tc..3..5042
and; sales reporta4 loilh at
fit - FTER—SaIe of 6 kego prime fresh paCk4l St
8.1 l•rime fresh 'Roll IA quoted it 40g 62.
I'II Et. I: lo tins nun looklbe . up? sales:of Test
ern esers e 16419; and Fsctory arid Goshen at
APPLESFirm, with et demand enrnesvhst In
excess vi t supply. We note sales of 3 ear loads
et ett.:o 10 66,50 per Mil, 08 to quality.
s El:Ds—Flx Seed is steady At 1113.03 per bushel.
Tlmot t:y nerd Is doll sod drooping No demand
for Clover Seed.
SA Li —ls.llrm but Unchanged; sale of HU bbls
St Ea Ler bbl, delivered.
ws. JS`;—Soles at '1.25 per bnahel.
If Y—le selling st city acalee to t.:4 to,
lon, t, to qtr.allty.
TO I•GHDAT, Oct. 12
I E l'l , E--The Prude market was a little more ne
tt, e though prices were unsettled and it
o tr .and-at present the general tendency' of
111 •ti to In fsvor bllyen. The present n
;noel tlll/1,1 I. re vin t.,rnloo
rxes. i 11h
nn In the East, but we nee In hope.
i.e enwn' ^lan) ,
dot, 1,1 ht.,. The ,• , ,k In
1:.•111[4.! IS very much red.-tea and the arrivals
continue light snit nrr like') to continue PO, while
the rtver remains i it. present condition We
lunge sales reported to-44y of :son bhln, in I Aoki, at
30; nt 31 1 4, tibia returned; 113 at .311..,; lon at 33.
and no nt ad , Lthis Included.
It Itil'llVEll—The demand for bonded Oil conttn
11es Ileht, and the wicket in quiet and unchanged.
The only sale reported was 3.30 bids for December
delivery, seller's option, at 66 cents, free on
boned cars bcre. We hear It stated on good au
thority that there are quite a:large number of or
dere In Philadelphia. but exporters ore holding off
for the present in hopes that by so doing, they
can break the market both there and here. In
other worda„ It in n little "bear" movement, but
the general Itnpresnlon seems to be that the "bears"
10111 be overcome—not by the.bulls”—but by tha
fact that the demand is conaldernbly to excess of
the supply There la no stook in tide market
comparatively speaking, and the same can •be
truthfully said of New York and Philadelphia.
We have but one sale of Frio 011 reported—a
bbis at 10.
merement in either of the above articles, and, in
the ab&ericeollraleOraorpolpsuotatirmsi
.RE:Ck.tri.-The receipts or of by the Alle
gheny River, at this volut, continue very light
The following la • partial ocacoutt of the Arrivals
doling the past taieotp4org.hogra
'AI. Linton in Fieher h 8en....._10
Jas 4' I.lnoathri.oßallAsher- t 550.
Special Diapatpli to WastexciTcen.
- 12, ISO.
Parental:rat Stocis—Salts6t DePow at 139; Mt
tuttekat 616; fits& rivir, 160; Guinan= Fenn, 94;
Central, 77; Ttrst National, 66, vet.
let for SO dirt; 09113reek,i40* B . '10; Rrad . runt,
89; 1761146.§4696 . : Orkii l . 4 4;,EgaPit6
City, m, sales tOralanstan,B% itteparlek,lo4t:.
minions BT Trahuttnr.`
York Market
"Feb' Yeltat. Oat.' its--Corrats-41rai, at 58 a En, •
fo akar alb*/ .1
.Flo a = r oto attire and tedlas - tostter, at t.L.00
BP tor Nitta State, rt,S. PAM
OM for contemn to maw= w.tra western, MP
9.t5 for common to good ahipplag brands Erma
FL II 0., sod 19.w1012,15 for Trlslif Brscala—the
matte: doctor: Arm:
_irsaflocl /a the sale are
t malt parseltoluiterloarEglors !Wits at EV:505,25.
Wlngsx—Steady. at ga,taystga,3o for Wester*.
014 , 0—Wheat_2(tao tterl a t - 11„Vall;7 tar
Chicago Spring. nraa, 1.13 Tor snakes Val,
NOtor abbey BURlAPkidts'netir gYLL.
NO Arsine? Stith. and g2,soLoliw
Bran. Rye quis andltnn. Beraer_LatichweriALF
WS tor nate; stuittyaraliatYl nor - ~ ~Uer
.146 for Canada Wee.. Corn 102,0 lower at '
tea for 760
n'eml: l l%"a2 2 ‘ll444=s,'fir l a l a ix f ed or
=Round. and
e w e for sound.
Clitocaturs—Rwe dull. Untratadull, Sugar quiet;
Callk Muscovado, 14X01450. =Gasse& dal':
,PieraoLsom—Yirmer, little more do's f.
a& 14.9051 Ne tor Crude, 0.063 a tor - Redact in Bond,
and ra for Retard Free. .
VZOor.—Quler. and Arm. , •
.. , Mvuuorra—Fort Berm and lower. at
60 tallest—elulna at IM ,° 5 tar regulats.
ith - Zoo — &r Prime, and caltPloo for Prima taxa*.
Reef Bella it 5108ea13,30 for Malt; Mesa, 4:4334.,'
Ret 6 .oo to: Eatts Mess. Best lianuretttlet. Out .
?loots steady. Lard dull, at atta18 , , , ,0. Bailor
fa demand, at ratre for Ohio. Chesse firm at is
Id setts.
New York !Montt and Mote;r Market.
Raw Toltx,Del.. 1.7.,-itronge SbtlEe land 'Anti
7 per eat. on diatom:a Zteelin;t. Eschanao'doU
and loner at American Gold
without decidetteitentehotitotdscat 14.5%.ftivasaid
AO ler% and closing at 145. Government. Stooks a
*bade donate !• • • •
Prenatal° Live r p ooloenaliniv a[rthinit Dotter Lorrain.
1:1,17. R. 1 i• II id
& P. DuO...L.- una. ,
C.* T— Heading .. 4164
O. aN. .. .744,. P., tt. W. a. 101
Cleveland WPittaohO. & .70
Dllehigan Southern 76h IlitaautiSixet..... 717
... . ... Year pertifieites.
Cu,_berlatterpfd.... 5.0 : 11 . ,0 1 1 1....
61 i4;17rad
New ork Oentini No I Savetahltilain...... as
Baltimore Cattle il:fatkei
BALTIMORE, On. is asa-rLsi-..The offer
legs of Beef °Attie during th&week were 10,0 /0
The week opened with o brisk market, but prince
aubsequently irare._ezep fully SSe, lftd were alert
tussetued. Sexy superior Beeves I3iSS,SO par 100
Ins, rose, fair to good , fo l .; 46fri,as (or veep
good, 045, 75 for wig prime. Battene rata
could mot be obtained at the ologe.
W IN; E—Tho receipts of Hogs • are in =cease
the dement:l, and.prlees have given seny fully
per Ir, Therees of sow mon to print Hogs range
from $15.25 to Ity.ta per 1O 1100,set- The market
tree thactlke at the Close.
rar—The market Is lately supplied and pricel
Sr. wit boui-es steels! chnuge. Upmmon sad stuck
eep are selling 11.4115t35,60 per NO tDa, gruel, An&
tsar Lu prime felps. Taco n seltylit Improrewe.t
In the better dcanrtpitoas. -
Buffalo ,IllarkOt.
art, I CO N
. oa. 121—FLOrli-yr 61:10,3
012212—Wheat firmer for Spring; nate. of No.
2 C 1312222 at tl,bo 5.1:1‘222kee Spring, por &ample.
21,466120; No. 1 Milwaukee Swing, corn
Inactive; No. I, 700; worm, 62.3.447 , 62 c. Oats time
line. barley quiet and notaina4 at 51,15 for
nadian. Eye 930.—Ai 52,V. •
P2o2l3inmi.—Pork, ir.e37,50. Lead. 530.
Casai. P22lol,l2S—Wheat ‘ :no,. Eft, 19i; Corn s
1So; Oats, 11;ic—io New York, I
threu7a—Ylour, 17 671 bbin; Wheat. 75,000 bniSi
Coro, EV 6 do.
% , 0111 , —Wittat, 22,W4, bust. Voxna
10.460, do; Unt., 40,,8ar/19,
42,b70 do.
Sal, a nnali Cottoa .3florket..
SA vanann, .oe4. Cerro Th e receipts of
up.and t' ltneMe past ;rent; Tao% op at 1,31 baler,
Son laisnd, 55 do; I;nmestin, 55 , p10. The export,
dent g the same penal were TO-bales Qplaod, dd
bales Sea Wane, and lel bales poweatic leaving
a sinng on hand and shipboard, 3ot niggard of 1,43{
bales of Upland, 104504 Dales ofehealaistrd,,Durr
leg the peat Week the Cotton newts& has heetevety
arm, nod within tte bet few day* the never grade
UTZ Ilya:Led
0 2: la par , ponne, and of the Soar
gdgely quoted at:34 1 :36c; Lo l ;:ali n dlllnl,g7Z`nd;
Medellhg, We. •
Chicago Mark Ct.
Coicaoo.Oct. 12.—YLoac—DVL
aata —Wheat Ilzni and la bleket, aloe ing at
si 013€11.40d4 far No.-1, and 111,422p1,26 far Ho. 2.
Cum 4utat at 6165414 a for N. I Wad 51®52c fat
,210. 2. Oat. dull and unchanged;
MG.'. MU — A.4v 414 432legaL
.Yurvi net , —Weak, at Ito eol coza,.abot oi
Wbeat to Butalo.
scam,lour, 7,pro bblre Wheat, 77,000 Mica;
Corn, 105,000 do; item si,000d:o. L •
So Irxrars—Flonr, 6,1503 bblso7fh.a. CCM buehl
Vora, 00,000 do; Oran, 66,000 do.
, • ()Mega lilartAt.
. .
OnWrOo, October la—noon-4n good deowot,
at 19,10 for Na..a !Sprigs, 110 a for R-041 Winter,
10.1,40 far White, and $lO6O for double Sarre.
Oka in—.Plbeat dull; Old•rio. 4,111,71 n; =wow.
ate Club, - WA& ."16„ Vela arraice and nomMab,
Bexley loacideo and nominally! lower; with na
inlet. Ry.s.psm but sates. •
-“ Toledo 'Maxkej.. . ,
CI 85. Octru; ult. at 50(1
Montreal 21 at14. 4 . • _:__i
' ht02 , 17.m5t., OM —FLo ' int—gaper
1311.mM-1 4 heat, Inifit,3o. Oita. 3 2.313ei noth
ing dome m mind to ts elnonPViin gendes
On stases noirtega,
Few. Ctrleans MaikeL
Raw Or.x.r.Asis. Oct. 12.—Ocrsio3, aotivetfalet
I.6oo.bajc. Middling at, '
0 stOctirsa—Sugsr apche lged : 7 PE44:17P..
~bzoauvon—Oa.ties3ei'Y ib~3o et~oount:a,`:
ui r itiki.) . 1444.. •
"ftfik " Vtti t ig:l72 r e l d,Tvrt it14: , k4rt1 .4
!at.4l,tt. Qua
PITIVIII:AGEI. FOOT Wayl/B & 01304G0 B. R.
Oct°lv: . 12-109 hbll 1101.0, Watt & 1711502 . 91 do
o, I/in Wallace; • ICU dos brOornt, Sho &
L‘rIZIF htts scrap, Iron.. Singer, Nbotick & c 0.341
pa-. lead, J B Canfield; 103 bhls flour, Jot Bor k /
r.arO Solomon; I do do, J J Rol a; I daS
B Proctor; I ear potatoes, S Hatt , agh
& co; pi lead, B D Dltheidgm 30 bble high
spines, Jos lr yar; 30 do do, Wm Cate; 3 ears bar.
ley, bbls flour, Shomaker & Lang;
too do do, Culp to Shepard; t3O pigs lead, /3 A.
Fattrte.tock hales hops, J Rhodes; 30 P&P
candles, .1 s Diltiorth h ,n; 71 bhts, Potter, &then
& shep.rd; I car wheat, Noble &An3e/:3031.-treil
apples, L A VoLv & co.
CieViLLIAD .I.2eD PereSSITTUSII R. R. Ga. la.--
I ear . ore. strwrooe Knox; t etnee;Conkc &
Bro; lltta trlla paper, taoltrey fa Clark; SL oats,
le3 do barley, t bbl, trioett a ArmstrOrt;; 19
bbl. Apples, shomaker a. Late, 30 do do, Potter,
Aiken la Skepard, t hales wool. S Bradley; akt
pride. Bryce, Walker S. r,, ; 1 ear brink, Lockart &
Fren ; barrele twdatrw, Gran' tr. Relter;lo2o
1.1000 . Perk & 'Bo; tdi 11,1 c SppleS,:ttl bbill.P7Be
toe, L II Volz & co; In. tble potstoes, NV Green;
ler: de de, SI Tool, ?•ears wheat, J S Linea;
It.. bat ley. Jelthples,
(from the Sandusky Register.)
The ca tell of the tinny tribe is on the ineresle.
An average • of tire tons per day Is now reccia.o4
and. shipped from ,this city In a fresh state, and
till oor nab men are unable to till their order.
NV bite fish arealbt taken to any amount as yet; a
tat or two of ouch blows as are arc [WV haring
nl.l 1., apt tb bring them along.
&lining Stocks.
ex Tomes, Oct -The priers Of itoeks
bid to borton tiadm ,, rcre: (Topper rolls,
Eger k la, 37%;11toreek, , 15 , 4; Huron 40;Ierle Eloyal,
10; Mutnetro(A, 18;Qnthey,ip,5; Reektutd, 2; Sups.
nor, 3.
Toronto Market.
TOROZTO. October 12..--F7.ora—Double Etta,
Vico; Extra. 01.1,25 •
OILAIN—Whad; Fel4 at,isol#3; Eaglet, tog.
Halley, .Se. Eye,aae:
. Peas, Bic_
111V5.14 IVEASIIE,a, STO.
The bottom of the river Is !dill rising &Ow - 4,
sod there Is only about .twenty:three 'lndies . 6n
Glass House., with a talc prempect at - ft -getting no
better fast. The weather yesterdaywu after the
style of Toodlei,—ftrat It did and then it didn't
look like rain. A very diminutive specimen of a
eountlnkroom could hove trammeled all the bud•
nese done at the wball.
Yesterday on the landing teas a very g00d,,, day
for contemplating rphyttlegnoniv. We noticed
small group of steamboat ea talus trying to keep
up their spirits by crocking Jokes, but the attempt
woe so perfectly abortive. that even they—pore -
Or, Sow It was a failure, and gave it up.
To Ltr.—Any enterprising Yankee who ,Is deal- •
Neon of entering Into a speculation, and itialthag A •
good thing of it, can have an opportunity to lease t
II:•- old channel of the ricer for • root, course, by 1
.1 ) flag to the clerk of the weather.
il,e yoreat illy was due yesterday morning,
but no dew fell the Meta before, has not yet t
COMP ha are hoe e a honey frost, she may
yet Ie Al.'s De slide tn.
Three was not a single arrival or departure yea. -.
tetday, always excepting the boots that run in the
big T pond above town.
he only departure, to-day will be the • fl oOltits of -
Just men made perfvet," alluding , as a Matter of k.
course, to the spirits of the ateamboolmen, made
perfect by trial and tench tribulation.
Capt. W.'S. Evans, of the Nevada, arrived In the
city yesterday, acconipi
anted by Ids clerk, Captain
Jas. Miler. They left the boat somewhere below
here, on a "ralyche" to graze.
Good news from below—the creek has dried up
down there, thud the fog la so thick every night,
that you can cut it with a knife.
The blissotal to falling all the way down from
Omaha, with less than four feet to the ellahnel to
t'apt. Wm. Hanna •is building, and has. nearly • •
completed, very large and powerful tow-boat for
Allegheny Hever tootle, Ind expects to have .. • completed no as to raise steam on het about
this day week.
The St. Louie Republican, of Wednesday, gays:
Here, in thelast twenty,fora hoq.he et ge toll
one and a half inches, 'hating rfeetlu the
channel to Cairo, wi th Ere 'Vetted nehea to Rea.
kuk, thirty-11x inches on the lower - TgPidadrlttal • "
to twenty-two inches oahhoard—fout..fset- h at, the.
upper rapids, and fair:and "w giululte,,feet4lf St'
Paul, At the lattertottlEithi elightlPTlVll)g • and
falling the balance DE the waydoten.. • p.,„ •
'Red-Elver' Is dead Jew. t • d
The Illinois Direr I,l4l.lttilL • ' n ' • ' .
The Cumber White, Atitatitas nild'T'Cimes...' '
she Riverfate 'stationary, ,Hoch means they,havo
.tiothing In them.
The only steamer now running In the"Erbaltser..•,: . j
land River, is a little boat called the "Try Us." .L
She runs Dorn Smithlond.O4.oantort. • r „IA
• 4",•rnawin 'HAMM -aomtt , --,A0.. Moro ;harpoon
much speeelatlln Of late:ln•Vegard to 'Matte Ap eel
the steameeHard Tinsel andther-ensw, ace stab ,
•a •
the tonal/leg extract from,, lottertromiltH
nedy. Jr. td - his (Ahem •le thivelty. TITO OWL, .st
insured In • Mnetafiati °Mats to -the LionOUOtzot •-• 13
= L: .•PerAttout, 41199E•1 '•'.•• 1
,Iton FAtittP.lnotvetake this oppartalty
doopptng you Id* Itries:to-leVyoit =ovef.bett
bed In gbottepitita, • We twee tedbereclefe'
Any; thnfifteenthivday'alhoeWedeft Wier Orleans:" • •
.Hre have-hail ataightprough• time aril, We Were ,••
.In twogsreepl • Watil•sfol 'iotteeditrutrtell yetvoihl a:
. wouldta great deal Zatlier MT,. beta it llonte.alf • •
,Tsvereto tell yinTliorr thetbott:rdelced,tiwowirt • • •
lough hi hie:• treat thecae 'pliteeVve Skye, t• t •
- and .atraniatltr tHght , holaks, ' , but while roe- were , •o*. •
Joie up, we , had a Oral-rate time. We weot oye-••) ••
terizigigitt are.-canstit in Marl dtNtti •iseeetoaldh ,l,
.eat,, and* a great Irately:. mere..' The raptaftf,trz ')
4Brquoilevlfe. and .solli,Atind the tow-keepothatatf ! •
wife are going , to , start - -overland - tc.inctrroirTOP'
Savannah.e havegivera bp all hopeolOf ivretaitleeht o.' •
lag Pittsburgh ogoin, - fole•I." do not: think•thlibeltah•t , •
will Dern, : gat it, tiowszonsh,••and if she' freVer .I • ••
caught-4n a stem on the Yldrida eoostialle gette,h , ,
and In that hie Jicre,forwEhaVanokildng - ta •
- tint thew amaitchalns to hold hat,tmilltt Molest,. 1 . .•
Aare, • they snappect like pipe atems
,a11tle), t
)Y nnp•••ed
. to 4
Tedict SeH76llE•tolt
the steamer Dun' City MP nOW:beilldft'one 41Dttop Iost•o.
rilnent slarmweneet stosnieretliat hai twee '11414.11.114 4
port: oho In Intended 111 1 1, regelaVrtakettiet,
St. Lools•Andtheltoeky-tobtionitnyOLulloillltsika
her plarela that trade'eurtmorgee'eompretidt• Thflialathr
hull; Ipgh
which is betfflt at'llellfetfaitibrigHtiltra. •Wh )
Craft WEAtzttnetg tem :fait .444413 •Ibehbeittli6 ))ll )
feet ihold,wout 4ength , oVeY , All•Of 46T-feet.' ThltlaWn
boilera'Ara betnga stnlPlau
are throe lunru,ibervall ftteTteirin•etianatte_ r,_aritt , ••=h
26 feet In hlmt.h. , TbehenstrieS •Itre bittOt. Varltl47• ll,4 P.
('apt. Tax Hem, and are:l6•tnetgeylledeVlHlMVlneß-'4.
Ire foot strOker The'eatilltr,:ivhlHE WllEWait'ex•
tra thirty•-fotir itabb:ratimiD , She • a.?" ) ; •
has Ono otthentrongeottadle.trtet tilt/fed colt - for • •
boat, of her class, the timbete 'belligZittichn by
Vo t 4 ch etlVl e Ct a ta , J l L e r=l4r isn '•" 4 'Oept= g olt
Noss- .••••.•-•. •-• •I'. •• 721, .
jo r tu i.. Ecl on li T olv t. ll 4%' s ,4t:? stOt.,:tttl ll tte , l",t
• • 'lt&
•C. J. corranr, Erg.: The Dictator will lease ....
this poet to-morrow, Sonclay,or ;The
Machinery works well. W. B. DONALDSON.
5TRA.1yp304.T4,.. ;
BALTIMORE. ND ruirxorra....
ICESlittaGill e VA..—nue amend -Ja'Artr." - ; t r . r
soonaodlounSteimes• WEN ' ' !
Mews, ruck regularly between Qtetotoressports, :.. r i
once a week, leaving kaltimore, from her wharf,
oot Of South sitclit. evert; •ReLll4l.l AFTER
-4tooTe. at 4 o'clock, and Ikedericksburgh, every
~TIJIZDAY,II7.OIISigtiCk. Pktimosters an+S Freight
carried at kW_ rein. Through -FlYitht_YrYiaPtlg
attended iss. mreeheroteaftonelfast new Write ,
. Philadelphia, or elsewhe to entre of -.-
StecnertfONAl3,,., takezidistgi atm.
-medletely upon Its arms in Baltlnore, charges
- ludd, and torysided:Prolsl444:tsse of! oLzigi• A
Mona. rtmionif frbsi the Northern Eitates
to view Ado BAWD .11.416 i of Virginkt, qe tii.loo • •
'lifter the bodie s of trlendSkild:relatiook•-lakeo
the bettlerof the Wllderncia, Ohsumilonniftle, • et.
Fredesickalmtt,r Epottry o ar d s i QoArt.
,ji e s. a ge wErArt u ulp.royi3OZat i t 1:
lent Starerooma sod )3m l .lteecommOsiallcom anti •
Lined ery :expect a firairclaas Rost, being new,
fact and cammodloua, • •
For leferetualou. * oi pa apply to 02
addrese JOS.
JO. JA lFX,Pureer, ouLbo OR. ard, ovan
JF2I-:dt:u Reat. Fella ay.. &M re
ime . M ,
ctoleriairar tor. saws-emu , ;
FILL TERM orzirs.
Wednesday, December 20, Fall Term alosatfTltura•
day, lannary 4, Winter Tenn openarr relay, March
ad, Winter Term doses;
en, Apto 2, Spring ,
Term opine; Titnrariay, June Vl, - 3prtrig Term
Location beatdltulAtalthfrd, cud euy eyeicese „
Ltbratiu, cabinets:and apperatu tut tuttliUg ,
teastre and velnable. A neve boentatit wish
Completely ferrdebal ; moms for the elpoweede•
Mon otone hundred niltinnta„ . l2644ll4; tronaliaria • ••• •
to $41.00 Or -
col 2 a 2 n*C7ratilfludir itllnfbe
turned It brldoolog of the Fall Term.
We havi tia
Adamotine and Swat Mill 'XIV*
and . , B ye
. .
con buy trio sbore goods breakout°. Ohm rook,'
freiySt osug exprorrs, at New Tors Dnepr, try oaf.
Fos: 78-and 80 Market &trod,
Washington, U. C. /903-c-'
liffeoll24ll.TiON has rbeen received at
IRparcznent..from•Mr; Georen,SPltauf;
the ooneut of the . unstec:Statax , et , ll.aniectient
Japan, oLthndenth, on tbelech-esy ot , linrll
rt /okohnam .10.1111 Hospital; of °HASP 1 ,
SCH3III/EA 13414 754.3 V, Den
impaled is - Pnaultne =blea t • hiving tare.. ips.,a
'Man at lat Pittitenih; „
Jean • oefoin,4•,_
`...538,000%-a:ULEPAD zloaTereas
Tm.ur mrrenieft.' -
--04;,7th, 1 , 7 040,k...f1ees .04,1;1yorder •
of "JSZOSIT•tug t trUltese.Ot•Pittshbrth Trust
o,7 t 7 .Plunven teeemat oggrbout gt.sualeeoememe,
_ti e seuevi M=4: tho Vaminetetai 7
.log 91311%2'114dd stSeet,ierpolete the c ,,,,,,, --moage,;••
Pittsburgh, thlrtiNelght-tiessuct Mol l Cglillatoil4ll
Witte Pittsburgh suet 86eutstrisilia -
rot WOO syseisrrsith guterest couponsstuoiriktSS
aliasted. (oes) A. AtoILWAINEvA *wit •
'• • • ±
• 5 ,vitzroueuriri-chit.' 41,Ilases.i i k!." ,, J!,.'
~..6 -d i A lMPltaiw, ;
a. -tae Auegteag LlSTattt Works, ,, acoso
Vicintriet u t3 mEtWl bettom i Ag i al aBL O r r it: ' .
. R. b. iterepois,
City Coatzerer.