"V; 20gTED.--110U114.E.-6.. emu, 1101.11•8 • sontaisins row, Ore of 11.2. rooms, drams In ISktsbargb Arftlesair Is sohnUiel 'bout the vrn of t4 T i n i l" nrOae.h.r: by s ssistimss, hie ' , lrtfo tlt4 {WO railltrerr: . AC , lresr, te , Ot .wArrrip. Gisztrrra Draws. ZOo'444olTe wAn-rED— iSittrau Tor DEL IMIAUL.ND'S LIFE C:OF LINCOLN. Terms 11LemL - . ' 1013 N A. EMMY, CteAgrel Agent,. lystmndiiis I.Abettv et4Tittaburitt,,Pa. §IIITABLE MA.N TO, salt tliyatelit tad the rainier of Goal tire I y I And ell, - theta 1515 ranee from thisc ity l c'c 70113 f4rtahla eta Dlemseat le ve rysa o mal nee?! atuy My) is tor ' " p ° t a t,: I m t.' ijago the whole =leg with atoll end :Mitt 4 : T e o c e; tweed Manager a very destrable situation ta V otfereel. • Icicis e e P a P u q t m c us ia. n me ngha ver o y f best teatime seta ISAIaH DICKEY h 00. • VANTED.--MIENTB FOR "THE SY: s3 .ahT SERVICE, THE YIELD, THE PCNGEON. AND THE ESCAPE... , Br Annan? D. IttorianDoOrr, New York Tribssu Gorrenpood got. The Moat Intoteatine and exciting bdok aver . :published, embragng Mr. RiattirdsorPs unpsrtill lote.l curpertruice for four years. traveling through Us South In the wind marl= of the 'Tribe. "at the outbreak or the war, with our armies and -Jettyboth Lag and West, during the arcs two Were .of the Rebellionitia thrilling capture; hie Itininnotacat for 53 =loathe le *gen different rebel gatay Lila eia spe end alinoia miractilotui journey Digit of nearly AV sign It will abound In leg maga and contain more of the foot, incl. Ident and roc:lgoe of the war than any other work wet pulished.dles, energeffe I - Teachers, la young men r end cape , adallyteturned eneNkesblednElnere and wildleti, ain Want Or profitable employm ir ent,' ortU end it pa. "taut , Vapte4 to the einclitlon. We have wen* clueing - 41.50 per month, width we will Mows to any doubting' tpptaant—tiecuti forew )an. Address , - JONES., BEOS, & oo. dr 1, N. P....eatur Sixth and Minor streets, IldTlendawg Vtdladeiplita Pa. FOR SALE---FOR RENT Fos SALE--Thst splendid Lot of a ro un d haying slrozaostrezoin Avec= ott3 feet, m 4 sirtstlOLos bask. =o tea, tq n ons story brlot shop. *Mt to MT B. hisL AIN h OO. VOR BALE.—.& two story Brick House el moven rooms, on Harris street, Lawrence trillthsll In conmplem order. per terms, apply at gm Irma auto an Insurance Mites of G. a. B Butler street, Laiwrenaegisa. ORRALS' OR EXCELANGEL—Tho v.- sm./ Elill property, containing about ten acre., 11 , snit andetiald with cost and mine open, locat at thy/mouth orOhartiets Creek, on the Altegnensr. Nur: gberli Ls On tide property a rjaw Dull and two lbstaes—milthe toldetcap, or exchanged for fproperty, in Pittsburgh, Alle,gheay or Lawrence rue. ' LYDA:7 IMORPErittra, OneDoorlielow Hand street, Dow:Leann Way, !Claim?! • - • WOR number of Lots, well lo SA. oiled lot private residences, situate on Butler Featm and billi streets, above the new Passenger pot, tad roils oo disposed of on very liberal rims, Also, a large lumber of Lots to Bloomfield, ;Liberty tuwnship, above the Pend'. Railroad, mind Will ba Sold fr the low price of trio, 575 an d )poo otaaa. pax la a nee chance for persons of ;amen banns or investment. Apply, at the }teal Estate and insurance Office o • oe2 - Butler street. Lawrenceville, Pa. T0T . 1 . 1,42iLE. Well 'Finlard Frame Two-Story Dwelling, =awing 141811.00RK newly Papered and Planted, AIII.P. PORTICO, aItDRANT lathlwand outside • the House. THE,LOT L Tortflce feet front; by One Hun Zetnel feet Beep, TINE GRAPE AB.BOE,FSHIT 7BEEd kO. Posiesslcm will be given on tne Lt . Aplit Ant: Also, ‘ll, CORNIMICIRE-ROOl% WITH TWO guING HOUSES. . - Yosseuten win be ;MeV= the let of it next. The proprietor will either JICil, or ezetMyge for :IConey7,Prwpextir• / 4141r° o i r 3. pr. TOWt matters=_ 'No. is; Fount) street. OR BALM— • / iLLT.7.I-13681{., a very valuable tract of 113/0• .. '.*fat aedegclaultaral land,zontebilng forty mum; . situated •at the mann temilnus of Blairsville, . .! ' end bounded an the south by -Cloaca:Laugh. Elver. *'Upon Vitt %ma them ere Wee strata, of leen ate. Aacceabia to Framer Green's report the ' 1 -, setwintaed..Welknened strata of ore la of good i lateilltY, eighty magnetic and will pled thirty , . 12, _ 5 .°.P - a,. Cl lefnl. -W.. eairs in resociat to AelumtitY mur. strar i wul sielalatial teas to the . 'arm of sab e r ore, raluoLeg this mule maw to • . .IAD ilia 0( 40ilan, ea ta reekenim the value 4 3f ore 0tt.55 mate par .to Ole ideate would '.. lam Images oat hundred Stemomnit- dollar& -, • iin mw.on ao*thla we have twenty-dream*. of ; Venit--fdleepeowl and ln mooessfal operation at slaw , This -property ie Worthy the at. Z e oMmapdtaUste. The lovartment mould be g 0.- ,, ,v ewe and-eate. -filitelneas of ere can be twee at 'W4• ?claim; • •aisg44. Z. ..e Ara, igiisiign farneoutaining : .7.' •f• 400 aemeoltuatain Merl mug Towntlum, lank ' alia welintliFaenteir the village of 4:treenville. , • {."The lawareaeeta ore ii two-efory frame thus, '').. •• - - the ' , eid. : end eat barn. in the amnlyt fended , ' 2maany , mood i WO. acme el the the remainder ..: 7 ;1 well gnawed. Tte ,land, is luxe meadows 'MU& prodneee Ilror (maim cd v. It ii very cos. i .::;.; ; 'ltallit-SOlduanquiriaboolik. villa, 11201M4 ao., ea •_. : 'TIM arapartir will be Kan very etteay and on. easy 1 4 . ,, , _alsai - iiia' of Wa .liar In I: l idett township • ' -- f . - WlialthitODMßlnis Pa. ( will be told cheap. _ ~-1•,: Aborktne best,,,farin an the Dloteregehal . a RIM i • 4 40 111:: . 241:11461 c alla Its, whIYD rule both body end mind, unfitting them for either buainnes, etudy, eociety, or marriage. Therm are sort., of the led and melancholy ei4 frets produced by early habit. of youth, jowl irenknme of the book and limbs, pain. In lb heed, chances of eight, loss of muenster pnwe palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, sertiOtUi Itr lability, derangement of the digestive function general debility, eymptoms of eoneumptton, ne. Drs. Ames et Johnson have log many years e elusively devoted their ettenuonno the instate of the disorders referred to on Chun Itmlintr.a.e Address, Dos. /OJOS h JOHNSON, No. It) Fourth street, aufhlmdallumodirnaW Pittaburgh. lIIIIIPHREYS Homeopathic Specifics Hare proved, from the moat ample experience, entire surnms, stmple, efficient and reliable, are the only Medicines perfectly adapted to popu lar one—so simple that mlatakm cannot be =Ms In and them so harming ae to he fres from danger, and se efficient as to be always reliable. anM Fevers. Consrertiotr, Larkmassr. QV/ troll 2 2. s• Worms, Worm • 21 " Crying Voile, or sectatag a so- Wats . Intorrhien of children or &dolts 0. " DJueniern Griping, Bilious Halle I. " Cholera glorbous, Nausea.— 7. " Conutba. Go/ds, Bronchitis 8. " 111 la, Toottuiclut, reeeschs a. lifiermine a, Slat Headaches— 2 Dyspetuars. Bfllolls stomach._ U. " ISvpprestea, scanty and pain• Tod periods..... td. 0 larecourboesa, or Whites—.... " mop,. horse eough—..- 14. " igideurci. EryidyeLsa, F.rup.• lions 0 It. " Itheurantizen, all Blienmatie • ocra— " Feuer and Ague. Cal Eaves 17. " P.llOl, Internal or external. .. 18. Ophtalmy, sale, inflbuned qes.... thuorrb, acute or chronic,thdu. CLL. 20. trimarans. Conga, tpasitoeu. condo u. " Asthma, oporetscal.---- 60 " Eat Diseltarges, laipaireni hearing u. Scrofula, enlarged glands ISo U. " Uotaerat Debility, phi-4w to D. a4aasieta. " BroPcY tullitiranty Sountions.r. 00 ns. " sea filetusean. or alcitnerui frors;fo rt. " Kidney Disease OrsveL ar " Marina= LloblliCe. .21.11.1 .." 4 " 140 4 . Galva XL " Bore Uourls, or Vat= 6 W. " Urinary laeontitilinee. Id. " Paiatal Periods, ties with it Sufferi ' spasm. ............. a e ngs at Uaactee ~.?.1 /f t. /. . a ElatelllY• I:sPalunz, 100 theca ulcerated Sore st. mputertat. rest ....... ....... —••• OMOLT OAS= Oaaea OT '.! vtaia, morocco we sad baqi - • coaplate 0 03 Osseo( se largo vie* to morocco sad book. 0 6 00 Ostut of lorge etele, plain late and b00k... 600 Oase of 15 boa (Non. Ito IS) and b00k..... 00 J.CA W. holetteige6S Ml Tttaburiti. Pa. roT role by E. killt=„6lsrachum And a IJ. J. EAST, O' 104 FWeral it., Alhophsny. Sold st JOSEPH FI.EMINS Drug sad Pe eat. Medicine Depot, No 111 irtarket rt., comer el the Diamond bad now Fourth is. 1610:1766. GOUGE iiCt MORS. MELLIFLUOUS COUGH 8AL9,V,1 trrittonaraos wers.rnalotrs crcreaa BALSAM Ls warranted to cure Cough; polar Hoarseness, lfiaLtons. 190 1coopncli OccaLLn .Sort Stool; ciamuz•otloci. col all affection/ of t and Lucia. Ter scab,4 D=l. !. 10 :0 01 . 11 iieLot 0 lia/ fourth AD the Nftdtcal met and the pt= reasterintent DR. STRICKLAND'S IiNTIOLELFLA Mai TITRE */ the on/y certain remedy for Diarriimaand Dymmtery. n Ls • sombination of Astringenia, Absorbents, Stimuncute and Cernithat rem end is OUT.- sited to cant • curt attar all means • base s ` by -.qt,. Oene Oct, Uwe PonDA Wee; ClaciZeti, STRICELIM'S PILE SPASM DLL Erramnuutivirs PILD REEDS tie cured Itiouaamds of tho worst asses of BUod az" Bleedinglas. /I elves Immediate relief. and al ecta a pormauctat aura tuft.. to bore. Try It directly. 1412 ~ For sale by MI Drugglets. (Imeral Depot, 0 Bas Fourtb street, thholllfultl. O. Dvspepsia, Nervousness, Debility DR. STSJOHLEHIPS TONIC. We can tecantuatead those ,uffui , with /cue /loathe, and biarvolV=y, c i r e. ilesiWalae.d,s Too': It lea vegetable pzeperat.an, tree trots alcoholic &mom etrezther, the whole nervous mien, en , estates itsl g appetite, sad is wartaated lona Fox Dyspepsia awl Nervous Debility. e GEORGE H. KEYSER. Paten:nit R. E. SELLERS 011, JOS. MMHG . H. tdcOLAEREN L 00.. ObtARLES SOPEIB, J. M. FULTON. GAO. SALLY, Allegheny My, Gatl'hlyet•eate FORTI 174/11i ritennus IN NIEEVAI. DISEAXIIM CHM me a Ithow=eldere apprized by lms. My L. 06 ha this eity, and tne proof amount oI patrenta Mattod annually by ma, CI sadden' or my suroeu. SPERMATOBEHM.A. or SEXUAL, WEAMMSB And all diseases artaug therefrom, are cured In t mirth aborter mparthan heretofore by iny NEIN VEGETABLE Annfr TUES. Modell= seat In any part of the l7nl All letters must contain s oy pa mum port on. age. Clorreapondenne her Luredp to . ofti y o,EIiSAII. , street, near Ilfra mond. Addrem J. W. DEANSTIIUP, M. DA, {allay Tem 60 0.1rIttabthrb. Pao pIiTVATE DISKAEBB. OMee CU% PENN STREET. neat Haad, For the we oJ all Weasel of a private nature, from two e to four nay; by an entirely new and raft treatment. Also. Seminal Weald:ma r and all othat dm...maths genital organs, and that prevention d. mare warranted or money retundad. Office hoard-7 to to a. In, IS.‘ to 1, and it° a p.m alarms latter. W.. seas,, Perm dreet. aril DISSOLUTIONS - - lIISBOLUTION (.I , ll' 00-PARTNER. BILIP.—The Portnenhlp heretofore seisti4 between the bade ander the Lam caMli at OEtY?LPTON a 00., for 'nen ufsetnto of Silva Peer! and other Soaps, Isar this day been dissolved by mutual ocmseat. sextuzz. YUEO, .I6dIN O. ORM/WON HN PittahniKhoept. le .POSTILIt. K. K. KTIa WIL KENIVIDY Y & C O . , Rtittattni to CROMPTON t C 0.4 Silver Pearl and Snorior Eosin Soapa, on LIBERTY erairET. Pirneußah - derlya 0 ., QEPLUEST, azolazaz. riccAtammirt4 NO. 21 WYLIE STREET, OLIE'ES TO ORDER. GEAR CUTTING AND Viah ioDEa tuctiLS FOR NEW IfiTEETLOSS. 7fS('T.,l.,LAtih;Olii Aft irl-A Hy Div 1F.1,17s OF TUE rrEFASEF, Cull, QT.I.JITZT.IIITCRI . U INTr.rr Alt} R Tr -g 131166. Lam Sole of GoTtratuent Propertj, 7 will • troy at Put , Stir the thll,K , Lag dett - th Pt , percy of the U=17.4.4 States, vit. .11 I t1.t...;47, L;z:Qtcr Jch.oarale Scow, 1:11;111T POCI LDING scc h a. Floreho,es, Kee. and Theeiii.ag Houses, &e. o h 7 hhreday, neeol:er 12th, 1985. TWO IRUNIILF.O ni - rLorNea. of dlffNert Mace, each Ai St 7reheases, Meta and Ineelitor Haultea, St a•lea. Se .•ItniXte.t la the lectany 02 :Le Neaten:a, Tana.. On Frlday, Oetaher ell,, 15.17, nee: . the CI:AU , - eaaga :ht., Nashville, Tana , A lag cially thereafter t: at i!comp vivo T11011:SAND TONS OLD s(11,1.1. 11:41w, (more or le.) ennst•tlns et Clrw e nn I t`nr /ales, Bridge 1/sstines nil tin to • I ntn , se essortts.t of On t not W(.2t . t.t Sens, T. Ito sold In Lou 0125 tont t.tt more to butt the I.u/chaser. FIVE MULES OLD Ninth"? ILAILILOALD rut tnble fora country Hone Railroad track. LDIALIT THOVSAND POUNDS NCI3...tP AND COPPLIt On to nnday, October 30th, at Smyrna, N. an/ C E. 11, at i o'clock, D. OtiE On l'eeedee, Octooet 31st, 16E5, at TallehOols, N awl U..t.1.K0 On N'ove.ber /,t, t.O, at !Peahen]. N. hoe. it. h.. TEN BUILDING MESS .54C. (o Thoract,y, Noreat'aer 2.1, at S.eyeaaotk, N, and C. IL It, Or, Thorsdny, Norcmber 24, 136.5, xi Bridgeport T.mua C. R. R, ONE BUILDING. Oa Thouiday, November 24, 1645, at Shellatattail. h road C. R. R , et:4 o'clock, p. tn., ONE BUILDING. Friday, November 3J. 1865 at Chatt IIIOO6S, On Ter.n., and coctinalny daily until completed, ()NE ftt , NDRED AND TWENTY—FIVE BUILDINGS, )m ore or Ices) loch as Storehuses, Men sod roweateg 'douses, Offices, Sta o bles, b.. A /srre propqrt ton of the shove mentlomed build ings are suhadentted and well adopted for either dweldrws or stores; at the .11.0 ttme they ate so constructed tkst they can ha msdliy remora! if 13e