ilatt 4v. I.llo3urgh tazetie. rOmeloco TB tuarntlittsitstma'usectito TUESDAY. 4:;;CTOBREL 10. 1065. ith Sik.A.TE tICKET. Pm Azimut, OINISNAL Gra; JOli* F. ELIMILLNEPL, Of lifaii4g:omecry county. you striveyos canzaaL coL. J &cot M. CAMPBELL, COP GObrul away. .1131 ION COINTY TT POE sq&Utcr: A_Troszerr : Lira B. MIFF, 41 Alltrautmi. PQ cotr*rr cornsinsci. HERBY lABIEBEitt, Pttt Tcrohia.t,p. . 00 '7x 2, W , RIFF4 4.#.740 . g.„,10f !amity TOWD3I2a. 4011%,*.1'irA SIMATI 768150 Allegt ens POI ASUNISIII.N: am T. ItleKEElNorta Fast= Tow h.. BAND B. 11EP. 211.oGanctwa Toumbhlc , ALFRED - SLAVE, 7' A 8.1 011 ,1. DAVID SILAFEII, cr St. elal.r. J. P. GLASS, P.itaokaglt.. SOHN A. DANES...II:W= Towns-111. Boa ociyi4sT uoinusenosaan I Locrtz SLOW, Tp vox COFIIITT 511712VNT011 IL L. ZILOULII.IO of Ifirmlashm. POE DIiCOSOR cry roost 61°W)- Ot TOwiabit, • TliE 141( OF ACTION This la the dtfy for verlfying a man's words by his deeds. If a man says he is a Republican, and Aloes not vote, we know precisely how mach his profession of Re• publicanism is woitb. The test of a man's political faith is his readiness to give i t a practical expresslOn at the ballot-box. The Republican who can vote, to-day. and does not, is guilty of a gross derelic tion Of dul!r. A rhan's rights are given to him to be extrcisr , ', at the prorer time ; and to-day is the nroptr time to exercise the right of votiri. After many anneal contests, heretofore. we have beard rceu bewailing their neglect. of 41114, Fie 4tlse tarangh their neigh. gernoe, curate ba - .Man, or some man w!th bad principles, woe i. , ectel Pennsylvania Elected the Democ-atie ticket for many years, Simply because there were thousands of Voters, oppoSert to that par y, who could not be eitummett',.'ont of their stores and workshops on election day. Let 1 - fgpOblican ley hiniself opent to self reproach by ,Staying at home to-day. It is no special trolible to vote. The polls are easily, reanhe4 by Any, Toter.- All tturt Is required of ant one is to go a square or two out of the way, at the furtheat. Five or ten,olinties Wall eqver Lila expenditure of time. is that too much to expect of a man who really loves his country ? .n exciting e.ectlon is often followed by a close contest in Me succeeding year. No matter how decisive the majority may have been, in any giveia year when the fall vote Is out; in the reaction that follows, that ma jority tratianiatly . • The democrats Were beaten in this Court• ty in MS by 'i,6S9 majority; nett year an vote,pjuPAokikonc4ary wap , s / _tic, and very close 4ffesy (s•ltrty` iteket: = ' ' in 411 the Plne , Pgtarita B P e i" 44 by B,ooo•Maibrlty; intEettllrey earned-'tire' comity by 47 utaiority on Senator, and we saved our Senatt4 %cp., Agprz xaly-Ay being connected with Butler in a Senator rial district, whidh county fortunately gave Danste.4B majority, atioltio saved him by a bare majority or 01LO. IrtjtBo , lreip . r4 I...xifixix,in this county, round 'en thoui.nd marority; hi 1881- ste saved our county ticket bps bare excess of rotes over our opponents. It follows that the greatest danger ' tice have to encounter, in a year like the ores sent, is that sense of security which takes P°9 143 15 9 1 of 'V flikc'effr - tri Par ;9 ' alto? . pD exelt6ettiiB o6 . tibre campaigi. M'e - ouglit; party ftiends, to take warning from the ex— periexce of tlai past, and kit raliyiag to tho sAls to-doy, avoid all p: esibility or defeat to our Statnitztiii •-; • , DEMOCRACY A YEAR AGn eietribt . -firth thi azete of Jaattary 22 .1,18G4, shows how the Derfandroly,liarti, thcrarn}llorit : :Onlyl few etufrt m o itta g j oi - We roust apy,ipat laic% abide all polit ical KeitiNeee, eve ;die pppuoidlo the prin ciple of allowing;reen - to" bnte on* of the State on any pretext whatever. We be lieve in thp dont. pf .otir -esqllesustattas men: AillitaL.lhra gnadq Pa dehtetona r to a reprippc. And carlter belleveihekeving soldiers-the-power-to Tote only dcrobJea the .danger. Trim rebel syninathizers - in Pennsylva nia, in a tit of dent eratian; have renewed the fight of last year, buLtuader a different Piet- Last yea they, cohg,hi cts in rebel grey; th's year they sp ort the army blue. Butit is the same enctirti. The clothes they have stolen :nre-itiCe -, slim(' for their limbs, and one can easily--sec the rebel grey protruding beneaths.them.:, Eveme soldier in bluelmind on the Dem °made ticket to-day,le but the advance guard of the guerrillas behind, and are pit forward to ilcyAve. and throw ea off our guard. It is an old trick of the rebels, and Skews what schoOl the De — m - ocrats have been learning in foilinir years: Fntenns We are Lighting the same ene my to-day we did last year. The sam e principles are at ;;stake, sad there is the same need of Milkman and watafelness as then. Will yon;r of spare s few minutes, to-day, in suppoit 443 rinniples so dear to Tins only hop§ ul the. Democrats in this election Is thst. the Ilispublicans, seeking relief from the .prolongerreental strain of the war, may neglect the election, and let it go by default. riThat sole hope of theirs must be din pi* ed, , _ Bunn By Till Itiomr. - -A Democratic emus, to-dayfaill be claimed. as evidence of a great ruction, and will gladden every rebel heart c in Dime. To _prevent sock ,a result, every Ittipublictintrtistatand by the 401, to-day. . TEC iiiiiiecinea' ces of the success of the Democratic State ticket, et this election, would:. team le. The fruits of the war would be lost, and the, end-would bo the reinstatement ~pt the Soothero rebels in power. TMERE are or:or 3,060 election districts In this Etats.. 1 one Republican stays at honie !reach, We lose 11,000 Totes; if but two, we lose 6,0p0; if only Cow, we lose 0,000. Thinks that, reader, and turnout!. ^r; the #SptOnus expect to . carry : thls tlectlOn thOy.p3#l4 sots. Elections cannot . - likbeitarriedisltiOt'yotes. Do'hot rely on rll 4",vthe.lll4Xi r liti: 00 :Feting, but go and help s em with your rte. • ,* _ ZvEsTcosds opposed folks ussmnp • , of the Re "National debt must Vote the Repnblldittfiehet tomato ldr °nod- Von oucceeifhl. - 4,41 otwoßisa , :to the .teptidia ton of thirlfadoW tike thifoi toot, I ) THE HOPE THE WM'S E St RE , - EELS Ist] - the Northern Democracy. "1 ‘rn sue, " said Mu. Were, a delegate In the .recent Alabama Convention, "those who had heti hAtlthal hiohepolitical pledges and adhered to our . political principles world have saved us In 1860—the Northena De- mocrucy. " And then be adds: "and after ';four years of separwion—four years of na iflonal suffering and calamity—four years of battle and bloodshed—when the clash of arms has ceased and the clouds that inter vened and obscured our vision have passed away we behold still proudly floating amid the ruin and desolation of war, the banner of the Northern Democracy." Yes the one thing that cheers the heart of the con quered but unsubdued rebel, as he now %mks over the field, is the banner of the Northern Democracy. Ile knows that those who cal. ly under It are truly his friends. WHAT GEN. GRANT SAYS.—During Gen. Grant's stay at Harrisburg, in the course of a tree conversation ou the events of the war, and while referriag to its glorious ter mination, Gen. Grant emphatically remark ed that it wai his ardent hope the people wool,' not neutralize the effect of our vieto rite )r ti'e 8 Id by cffering a sort of apology for them at the ballot-boa. "The American reepte.” observed the conqueror of Lee and the her: of Vicksburg and Richmond, •'ra n rn'y nrhtbit their approva/ of eiherg oat done :A the field by their armice, by endareiny (bore up for high offite.9 Irlto are identified with poll feral 07 . 7tfiliZITOCOO nrunfrtzicaPy eyinpathy itd!h the Corer 'merit ! Ix lE\.N6YLVA 2i YOTEO CONTRAILY TO TRIO ,PILIT, SITE IS ENWORTIIT TEE GLOM-SITED 1" DON iiraz uY 11Elt DEAD DRIIOE., AND DONE vi , Toni ON ILANNERS " Such were almost the words and entirely the spirit in whiLh GlI.l Grunt referred t, the po. s.ainilion in this State. , lguai Corps WI , ( iv , h the 1,1 it 1 , 3 recently I. I S d!runt the \N ar I)epart merit , rs uli n of, 'siz t Carps ale b , g r lot hy discharge i, and s ton 1. - tll soon be .!! sw m hinte d. P. no f he military service tits h.. n .t it tioown and appreciated by ihs pul I c Our commareier- in the tie!', hoe Cite, shring the respomtbilities and datirt is 1.1 , 1111.4 upon there, hard place ire, rest :mu cupou their signal Mll3, sod hitsthem in li 4ihrsgard and favor. Taou..,h cot pallsrd noon to wield the sword or tent ket in the deadly strife, they have borne a conspicuous part In every encounter, and by their taithfulness and skill contributed to the general success of the war,and the over throw of the rebellion. Posted along the entire line of battle, sometimes for the dis tance of thirty miles or more, it has been their labor to watch the enemy and report faithfully to headquarters the hostile movn manta taking place, and conamunicate In return the order& from the commanding Generals to them subordinates An error -in the spelling out of a single word—the -ordering up of one instead of two division& to is threatened point, might decide the fortunes of the day—Or-the failure to pro perly, report a flank movement in progre s by the foe, resat fnearnage and &serer Obliged to occupy prominent 'points from' which the theatre of strite could be witness edatandr waving fillip offered a cone mark to the hostile cannonloes, and •very frequently inviteda shower of shell. Those whotterem at Freddckshurg will remember how avigorcrardy the •insurgent artillerists plied theppiscoftel Church steeple with projectiles ever's , description when it was arcertabae that General Conch, with a de •tachinent of the Signal Corps was taken ob servations from it Though affording great oppormulkei foe corruption, no soldier was liter reported as having betrayed hie *hest. 0 :cc having obtained the key to cur aiguslic the enemy could di vine all one movements and inten tions; a d for t Ida reason a deserter to them from the Sion! Corps could com mend nay sum for Ills knowledge By 'Bobo me an= 13n =Mel& officers once learn ed the Tele, kelt, and nseditto amuse them selves day eller day, in front of the Lacy houtr, whit reading the c numunlcationa sent-wand fro by the rebel generals through their signal stations It was Expected the • grcs• results w Mid accrue In the coming b Ole from I his information. 'When it took place bowers r our officers were unable, owing to the mist and smoke to distingaish the rebel signals When the balloon and otter contriran for ottal itng and communicei n.t Inc it mitten tailed, the Signal Corps still main tabled its commanding importance. and be came more Mei, at than at any previous time in the history of vrarfarr Though its imembers may not return home covered with scar= and the smoke and dust of bat tle, they have yet the astisfactlon of know ing that they have performed tarsi nable !services for the Republic, and hastened the coming of peace.—N. 1 - , Com. Ad 1:= Tor Greene enhaty Reprifilieun says: The wheat crop or* this county, if we credit the re portspenerally, will be a light one—averaging a lattlernore than half a crop. The nom enop prdoestally good, and will turn out a genii. yield. Jai:Slay (but little sown) and oats. a good-crop. Buelrwheat sornewtrat blasted be the sun. Hey and manes abundant. Menhfuntrin Exarntner and the Washing ton EademtDemticratte organ., of Waahlagten nonott. have been cotusollctinvi amd rem -now published tinder-the - bead or ft/mammal Ea. =doer: , tTheforroer editors of the two papers co-operate an the consolidated one, which we Wtiir. is lea I wyroveaneut on ha predeceasoes. trrit=ilipper patio!).ln Evicts; says that on Thitraday, the-miners employed In the LAMM Valley' tattoo 'held' a meeting and boon the promisee of Mr. Ealdwall that the co:nosey would advance an per other leading compaides, the amen went. onittly to work 'Friday Morn ing. lk Imam: family was poisoned In Csnottateerg, last week, by antimony being need instead of cream of tartar, In making biscuit. None of MIS parties died. ITE.LS - tds, of Thompson's 71'.115, Wash . higton connty. was bansed to death, a !"evreven-. Inge ago. Ile was assisting to fill n . 110ted laity with crude oil, when an ea.gloi4iii: am's - red. L. K. Ewe..", has dispose! ofthe Gte-ene county Itcpublkan to Mr. .9b. Watkine, under whose miensgement the paperhas none of itainfluenee. A no mucus Cc - 2.zar. has been estanlishal to Etie, .L Cunk, L in.Brlng4.3l. tionnT: thienen arc .zalsi strands:at la Ede and Crlistard counties. , . The Poard or 1.7...te10wi r .,00-21ratf05.7.1 Af The Board of Camvaltsloners for Foreign Illeetons, now In tension at Chicago, has adopted the following resolutions: Rooked, That we here record oar heartfelt gratitude to God, who " with a mighty hand and eatattetehed arm," has now delivered the nation from its foes, the church from Its grand incubus, and this Board from Its apprehensions; en d who, daring a gigantic struggle, hts so largely tilted the land with uunrircedemed prosperity, comforted Hls people with nnmerams revivals, and filled oar uusslonary fund with Its largest contributions. Reselmi, That we profoundly feel that God hal saved the nation for the tato of Christ's kingdom ; having, in ancient times, planted hem that choicest vine—a religious and • missionary snick, Involving the vital forces of modern Christian Mvilizatlon, having secured Its steady growth through countless dangert, icorporated Its vital power into the nation s life n and hull. Lotions, and now, by its ripe fruits of moral health and Christian manhood, having rescued the national life from the deadliest assault On ream!, that we might bear a glorious part in blessing aU the families of the earth. lrounmomo Bl.vws.—Thin somewhat un usual proceeding took place In Bidarouth Chnrch, England, on the morning or tha 171 k ultimo, A flebermau named George Cordey made known hla Intesdkat In the parish church, In accordance with the mud =Mom, 01 being molted In mar !Mgt to the lady of bin choice. But not as anal did the announcement pea& un , bal aged, for at the conclusion a young lady Mood up pronoun. Wog the °mimeo but seldom nag= words, "I. forbid the Dahom.r The ghl, whose name Is Ca. appeetato Poi:alder that aho hem a prior claim to the' faltbletes swath, and there/01 , g took thin oppoithraf of endeagOring to enforce .her tights. The affair Otnitedle matordsh meet amongst the Congregathm. . I Is not stataarhethP2 thacetrismaar promell il. Bat the Inference is that the affair Daly ucaaaalumaldentbla matcmlshMent In the ctra , ' ri t urr AIM POLiri ebb OPINION CLD BE .LE: (PIC DEM CRAT. "Peace bath Ita vlctOrimt ne well ea war," none of which, }vet now Ire more remarkatlie, then the overwhelming confaal,n brought upon the late advocates In the North of the Confederate States. What a end embitntion of recreaney does It Unfold, and what an instruMdTa 100.100 It ought to convey. A recent suggestion die— .clostite comes by way of Philadelphia. N. B. Mane Co., ere puellehe, or a newa paper at Augusta, Georgia, and they also do a little In the *iy or Priv tmg pamphlets &e. Since the squelching dl the relmllMa some of these pamphlets have toned their way North, and emu the cover of one of them printed tie following advertist meet: A NOVEL AND INTERESTING to Press end will he puintsbcd in a fin. days A PLEA FOIL PEACE. By Dos. B. linco. B,itig a Statement and " Vindtcation of Certain Politica! o,.inions," Together watt Letters of with Jerigt C ;0 ,-_l;, of Alabama This work was Issued at the north, during, last winter. Only a few hundred copies were printed at the time, and most of those were 'neural and destroyed by Lincoln's officials. A copy of tue work was sent to England, and re•pabllehed In that country through the Influence of seine southern gentlemen, and has had au immense circulation. It is well worth feadlog. Pricedl. trade supplied at a :inert./ discount. Ail ei ders promptly filled. Oddness, ti. 8. Noun & Co., Augusta, (; a. klerdby pends a tale. "How Wm. B. REED, the eminent Mandarin and leader of the Dtmoc racy lu l'hiladelplia, daring the dartt period of the war, wrote and publish. a pamphlet en -111.1,d "A Vindication of Certain Political Opia• tops." The editor of the Poll•delpturi has Bern this pamphlet, and says that, "in It Mn. Aram reviewed the acts of the Gone from the time of the ...ion of Me. Lisc.tis La the Presidency; bolilef the laanr re>:-nsi ble for the was and Ito Cons,lll , :ne,s, er.:1!..114 the cause of the South with alt the tophtstry 01 which the author is au eminently a master, and in short, n•giag thn rctaßa Irian of this 5..19,-, Oonfedvracr, and, of cdurse, the dissalu tto (1 thel ntm. and the o sit of Ainerlean n t tioraPtv. The ramAlet 'nal a Ilmlost th .n. I,Ut Al 11 , 6,1 5 .V1:11,71"1 t 4 I . :, el It) :1 sl,l. that i- oath I,erdMlnV atanytett, used terry •-:aeon to trrt Rsk. In ran destroyevert •%1 • , v Lost caul I b, 1,-tiri en. Crudes that had peen plan nose the 141 e, pubiLe were t .k. O. an tarrciaitittusly tty •s st.a in the interest 51 the author of the wink, not dually, Wit a stogie po far as er, can•nre, re ta sioest In vestu re . Thlr ecur won In t hands •.I tanine-ttly levy ts, titfot tt st I- -`sat del then Haute It so en evidence of the disloyalty and treasonable Utterances or Its author, titer It wets dna:melted ter eafe keeping in the vault of a bank In Phil s- Or Iphia, the receipt of the President ofthe Inati ttudon being taken for it. • The turning up of this SJutherp od7nrasement phones the peralcions illtiallaCt that Northern wpperhent'sm exertel to the 8.4110:1 In way 'of prolorginr he war, and in nolsrebreaenting poo lie opirdan at the North. and It also pros.% the rerttehed tneentu=s of sonashod,y, who Look ad vantage of circumstances to eonStrue no set of cowardice spot the pan of the author of a treat, Onside wutk, IMO govertonatal inteferthee with tte expreetim °ells eeutlio!.e.. / 0 UHL, C Jro Ti E *lain WA an tiousTylu.--rne I Ted-p^yers of the Mean Waal Ofthis eltf are hereby bolded time the• ,county Sta uteooo la tom due. All pmeorm who mend payted the tame with Bouniextele. will ylesseva them tb the Board of boot Directors, which will meet - do .BIONDAT, ZSAISS riadY1111)11Y EVEN INGE of emelt - week. between the boors Oftadd 9 o'clock, p. m.; 'el td, tielo.l Hoene , to add ward, November let[,, 306.1, after 'Me i time no . pooch wW basscricm for Lama. .1. N. NOVELS, Prein. • .415. 3r. Evvoia, Secy. oemtved • uoi.Coola OLS. V , AfPAST. OrXh. Or:. th, e - 17%...T..The Stetted &tonilhly 11lee O eitia. of be i&-m - g of filo award of Lareetoro of Ott thoccpany h 4.4 at :She .otfit.. to. elitabargh, on the ECONti 021134115/....1Y, ttLh any of oq. ober. eta The Itstszfer Book" or the llyar,,if will be O10”d ftum SALtatilay, Wean to Alooday.. the .16t.r Of bar. Sy ortler.oLtho tiomprO, • ocilmd r, W EStF.R.V ELT. Soceetofy.. I"RPM. !MARVA ELECT 4411001... ' , •l rio. it ISABEMLit STREET, MtaghooV, Da., 'rho St. Clear it? met toloat . ILescl.ox, Wrst4.l, tootle, Orecosho.lll.tory, (i ova:.7, übro• LT. Npotgorifteztion Koreo to %pomp 11111:103 and' Dictation. •• • - Tema—V.oo petlrstra.l4 . 2rtblals6l,6o per marrtP, Pr mars .v / a a caaat 6l e. PaPrl , pore pupaa—a a •: cC IAL ENEN e NC (LAC , (firwllll fl, Altattaettej aad tin hography Yonog L. tr. ti•hollisolieita ,, plaltr? thraptelyea fat Oterkant,n, shouts atte , l tht. ti. n ;A% Nnlta ork. tatg 2 t..11.1 , er wit.l or 4 . lLtx .at taste.. so per at. tVlcklv. ' 'Ft Z. Pr.trOlpaL WAPP,11,3,7,t6.1.4 • SOLDIERS' 310411.1.1XENW.--• TIRE l'eileetara for the 1111J:elltaa lAT lON are renuroted to report Al: UM/ to thomars at, the Fosace, Comm , troeiCreek. L. Sidia,WN..a.t.his office, at fir aptitrf4C.. IWP W7c 7. r 7 tif/En l 4lr.gurk?. Pm. ir,a;Dr f2 TIBEME.M'T9 - . A liISGRBI4II-..43Y1124a1iT10 ALSO MATl.ol,L*Alladombetat to good atan,:im S HA A IB A t ALittxx. aDFtC i.r7.11N .0111 EALL. Imp.rt Ara bliAlAtia %Mita Cab. pa WA, iigoidgi atne 4c - 24.1 a. SECIAMOUT '76 - 11SIRABLE RESIDENCE rofwewe. —T....,4ajp arotra,.l6 6 tend Boni, on Inks lOcaltlargo Tainalon Hoe Or portito, wide UP, t i t partors; disiny loom, kttchess osth-Souse, c six shame. as. nnished attb*yis and %Mar ares,rstable sad landays honey._ Barden. Rid a nid shade trres, snips r dzsoe. 111... t ylaasant locattOn and good neighborhood . Apply tos ys, S. CUTHBERT SONS. al !dulcet street. PANIC AND OTHER. TDOKB. ---OA TUESDAY EVENING: gabber 10th, at DA ono.k. warbe sold, on sesond liode or the Cats tnerelal Ss lei Bwm,ioll elwitthtteid street, oppooto the POOL% VOLCAN thatalltarldr stocks: / 0 shares. thereon Bottoms! Sulk; to do Second do • ‘lO Allegheny ab do 3D do and:2ll. dr] . 410 do esaudreirkals 1111untoCe 00. A.ALatt.weaNz, 4=41, ALLEGHENY LESID ENCE PR SA 7.E. tha t: two more BERM !NG, Pro. 261 Rebecca ..teat, Ailed:may, contaln t•,Q parlor, dining room and kitchen on Prat door, thve anneals no areond door. gm and water. A t otltt BOWS HoUde: on rear and of lot, f.m Mg on Pareilreet. Apply to • B. S. coo 67 FOTIHTI3 ST., (Burke. Etuhdioe.) /IN CONbIG NALEN T. bushels Timothy Neel; So half bangle White Fish; so barrels Pickles. ' 30 ballets t tweet Potatoes; 300 bbls-seteeted Peach Blow. Potatoes—to ar.. rtre; 30 bozos prime addle tionoT--to salve; am - boxes prima' Hamthitt; Mose; 10 boles plum Ooshetrtibeetel, l ed bonded balsaltsmthaus Mae Bomar tjo s Otdons; t.arrels Inted nooks; kfint)s LtledPeaaes; au -barrel . Hotalay—very sheep; 700 bushels Harl.7l • ID bomb:No. $ sad I Mackerel, fled loesals try OHAFF REITER, Oea . No. Oil /stbetty at., Pittsburgh. TREES, VINES' AND PLANTS. Alarge and .Tinburtigtock end•o33. NA razziTAL etVERGBEENSAGBAPE TIN HS and .a , USIIMIOUSE ,PLAUS. 80. QUlTS'and OD ' s roowzats cow. Settil (of Ota/0/1110 0991411 end examine our stook. • - JOHN B. Es. A. DIUEDOOB, ' Pitaburght Nursery and Oabasad.Oztenhouse. asfulyd. JEW GROCERY—The undersigned has opened an ENTIRELY NEW STOCK Ruh arA WELL SELECTED GEOCEMIES their NEW STORE In.addltlon to other ono elites, they would call eventlon ho theta.atom of Earteru MUSS BOUND CEDAR WAlll}. .1, EL SCOTT iclo trues tamer Lthorty and Tem exams. A FYLEIT ---- 140 bble (loin Apples. eist received end for tale ß. by FETZE tc ARMSTRONG, pct , comer mulct end First Sta. iriVEET POT2aOES.-0 bbla. Jersag tswinrrr, Jut received and fnr sue by • • FETZER Q . naIbISTRuNG. (le COMM . bLarket-son Finn at& D 1 N INO ROOM v WORATTON...L FttatMead Game, and other pictures for pen• el mere. Just =OlOl4 by octt W. P. ICIARSELA.I.L. SWEET POTATOES-7GWs. Jersey ~ , beset Potatoes.recelved and for eels by FETZER & ARIRSTE.O ,R 0 Oct. cot= rduket and-ELrit arrests. R,ACK SALT-4000sacka 13alt, dairy, in store and for gale by REYMEN k 809. E 0i.5 Nos. 12$ euul 128 Wood stmt. YORK ESTATE iiPPLIO3.-2 car loads -A- pet= Lek* Eiterre:Apples, now La stare and roasts try . :Le EL VOIGT 00. RMIENS—New yoreAd Bunch liaLdnit, La whole and half_ et treed 111 farads by ; 006 . 8.5.111511. BROS. Jra: 14 - die" , IEIE2IB ' r . ,,,541 , I ________•_,._ ......._ 'rills 81A.10,10r fie Counti' 74 re- i ' F o•Lattr. nopo'n h.,- hten pl ...,ea in ,;,,,,, of the *taboo, Roar. lax-payer. hav l g not yet paid I Cori; t aN:, .1. ..1,o.o•. a 0 ... t.,,tia. Aa. CA 1 at ?DELP .PARR CO'S ffil. ~ wan he sni, be feaLy 4. fettllC t:1811:. ' J.,.9.1we • IS AIC sTEWA HT. t7M lector, ( * RAPES! Liti&P.E6.!-5U cquiCe CATAWBA A.Nt.) ISA BELLA 01:CAPE Put Up exprre.ll for frvoily or,, jo a at rear ived irer Lx re. 504 fur Sale 12L:LP & SHEPARD, 0110 347 .413,17 at-Oet. )E:SIIZABLE CITI FErtteriliTY FOR I..pertv moo I, cetipte.l the vb cri , to'hl a ( tlOrElitti SHOT. to he Fourth h, 1,41 ni f. 0., !II .ch,,g hack 114 a L• 11 ry. F rsc.,' et.qo:re i/pc• t•,l 13. he: t, • • 1 , n 20 LIN rty .freer, or or the • u p/rnera I) ()OM WANTED, =MIMED 1I I )1i V' Inn ctre lIMMENEEM It able live of :coth.r.ra wall! he. Poet o:aile. • of nit rho.: pro.. tit Aoori a 1. T. , yclr.fnd I I no noon OVII , E. C ANiJ LOT ,1:1" • N THUI,4I . AY a • rO, at Aims,. 11011 At.otiou H ode, Nos 10 a• Vllth street, will be aohl, a deal fable two story 115111 K IIW of 7 welt finished, together with • St .his and ear. rta•e House. oleo. a I.oi 24 feat 6 tech.. by Ito re. c to n if loot tory, bontorigb streat, A: ogren), De, thent N sty i'eloona. , Jon be x antici d rt any %eye. fml at sale, T. A. Meth 1.161 N I Anat'r. ifbrabriat,T or Oral, , Washibetot, Oct. ern laus. ; •ATI ,, N has Liteti rereived nt t. Iu Pelr,l no !too Mr teonre the IlyttoO Sill Ad at KanOws Japan, of Ow drallt, no he 12th .Lt of oit o • 4'16.1 Noe. fah •if 1111 A 14 6:li ! - L:Ii511111,t:11,11. Art 1.1..1.1,, I'r. ts atlt/1, 1, tying ~.r-nt. re e*.ot 1. , clear PletrbOrgh, W 01 1 •• 1.110111 /- ,c,“ or age. 0c4,3“1 _ , ry:er or t/rI,IPANT. 1 1 11/I,cip• (I.Le.loet 13th, Hi.I,EISY GIVEN !II it 11 I. •,; r Nto '4., t• 111014• ' \\ I 7: •!, ern:, I.t. 0,1 tt t«ii ol the w. 1.1 emu onn fin. me " F. b• r. tilnitred :t.,[lly.M . l4 . Tntn.sbCd ;MI ars. EENItY ET..11.U. ILEE \ id. RILEY. I SA LI: IN ALLEGEIEN CITY - .Ie zaldr• is ¢ ••o rtror a' Yoblla Sala on •I tern:•••. %Iloyheny rlty, on SA,TPR Y, •I W . I. /II . 2 4 . 4 l' p. ,no property ay, le M,,. F.l:. , •• •on rostore Lona A ',Lolly t Ir.. jou'l:ty :he Tann. ry :of Jona art. It loot -1 ol•ot.' , •,. • - IA r •rr .1 rx , ',At thou: .100 ter,. It Is "f Itr' , • 1' 0 .'4 ;T -r, deo In l'1•s• H••••s 1, i•aem 'II. sad stot:rarra 10,1 t ,11¢ Its • on.l.e•ad d to It. has* :orlnlite Frame FL orrr, I^.•!a sh• ol,th• o n 11.1, toss fruit Ere-, me. It troc'r lor •' ,era ro.ot aids s' /n , or, I( IS, ;•• led :a la. it would mlitata delairbtral n • .r.:•- s t• u o 1•••• male asa sw!•.r,r, or it•VIA ••• plor!1••• ra a• 1 rh • trroolnt it) car wo: • ca,•!c enry, Porael•tna ran Le alit a lattar•lla•elj. .1 W. P.l WhII:1•:. • • Scrhlh 11.4 Vint, asses . • . THE CENTRAL DRUB .TORE, Y. - . 2 Will proeur BROWN'S BRON,HIAL TR CH E. 4, fin Cougtis, LONDON HAIR DRE N 0,1 SSPOZ) ANiu RESTORER: lIVIBRIBE'S RIO% PA , B) ?IRE. OLIGERINE for tut, name; 1 ultra S; . - - NAIL. BRITSTIES, A full Paul oomplete stock a. Du. 1 ,135. PAT era Enici N DYE srUFFS, RED sill Walt% I.!' Wu' •Irs op b.sad sf, alma Cur - 14141. Llftlit/ S'l Wall. garner of Ohio awl Fidatal affects, all. Shealy. GEORCiE AL KELLY 1.101:16E AND LOTS ON PENNSYL. VAII LA A V PACO E. —TUES DAT E PENINCI, 10 th. nt h'ethelf, tetit be told, am the ...- mid hoar of tee Oommetelal Sale. Slalom, Se Smithfield street, optenttet the Pon Otrine, the toll lowing valued• property, la 0.1300 Ward, One Lot feet front, on .rent. Avenge, Lama dtately shove Price Street, and adjolniny the properly Of 11n. Prieetentend.4 Gael( St feat to • t 2 rat atlejr, with the two etarr tidal:log" No. Rat. ifscla Lot. In Immediate rear of above, 25 feet front on COll7tll erect, acid 91 feat If' depth to the al Tee y. le two Loh' to - bo soLltogethes, with the Dash EnlllllnCa. Terms of se.le. orse•haif cash; Issiatser la onere.t. with Interest, assured Iq =nrie.4. 01 the prowl, s.. 4.1 A..3IeILWAL:(E, Amnesties,. E. WA It D. —LosT —_Theunder. WL- 1 dosed, who has Juat Niro rhustert‘rout'of ryss, Irselment I' 0. (I I. lott In Vain, tientee the Hood *trees Bridget to the Eta vtattte lintel en ',Warty atrrwt, hie E. lUKEC .11 MIK.. atttit twelve ; 677. ate. y, of VZO goll,•to/Of 1.100ora• tow; Two 'turret, dollar bills, One tea ' 1411. a nye and a two •loilat 9e.1, •ne lh. reel In treatment aurreary. The lutcr is very poor. the •000. tors..g the mn,ev he twvl. Any ens who tn.) Cod It alsa key. it with Lim or the Ejilor 0/ ths Oases-or, Mtn. Lion. John Sllnrrlson. Mayor ri Alletthent. t•oelve 'h.•••0, • r•••••••• 3 1, 1EP11 H. P 9.174.11. oe7geed 194 S4exieeeey et., Allagheay. ONSIONDIS.NTS 01P PRODUCE. ‘ bete. ler., :sweet Potatoes' • Dun. •tlroet WWI Untmox; 9 tttkiue Huge• ; I lug 1 I.4vett Corti beaee W. H. Cllcel., ==!=n= too t+Nitra• itrcswvil t-t. I. etotce (beta APPIC 3 i 5 LLIe, Cr*l4 JuAt reerfred Int ewe by e. rPi ,1 TYR *IKFN * MHKPABD iltU'DUtte titnir , ttiri ES; NT o NOW I; tear loads .hr Mid Corso butte-Is run tuts, (ho t.ushele New toothy Fweal; 00 barrels bee Ce J'etsbees, the bushels FM o'd-Applesr ' reil dozen Fresh Canned Peach' ea, to barrels Irmol Pelatel hsr. els Maple Sugar; as kega resekodel3l3este r eer Web, nun a uo. li x t4A L OR E.X .I ONA L N —The aw act partly utijl= ' •?s3 . Lad 'l lnkeroren, : i ' oeste% at ths mouth 01 t/Lartiere Creek, o. the Allegheny tree , There is on lbil prupirry • ream Kill sod eigo Harms—will be sold cheap, or eschauged foe propenyto pursourch, Allegesay or lemma:WO rine. LT DAY is litt.UßPFetilif.i. 0,150' Poet Haloes Hand cored, Intuit/Ana Verasr, REN 0 cz HOPKINS, CEMI. ANU COKE DEALERS. AND SIMPVEBS, MANCHESTER, Lehr Ihe P 1.156115111.1 Chu Stable,. ➢ MILLUES fur. Inched at the shale at clocloe. ctaltatl 838,00 t, IttaLEtoAl) MOkTGAG Toeeday evening. UCL elhh, MAU . ** o'eloalt, will be add, by order of latleS Laughlin truetie of PittAburghTrAst Comyeoy. on netannt of whom it may cooper% On lre enema tinar of the f.../onettereiel Seise Hoodaf t S salt h "reef.. opposite tha Gaston liettse. Ptttibergh. thirty-eight Soo-sod IllortAnge Floods of the Pittsburgh end Steubenetile Railroad ea., tut Z.IOOO nosh with lutereet c:Ripens since 1850 t•s , ed. (001) A. 51(.71LWAINE. Auot.r. LOOKING STOVES, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES, ORATE, FRONTS, FENDERS, &o. Ms% all kinds of HOLLOW WAILF, OASTLNO• No. Sel Liberty Street. oWyd ALLEN AIeICEE &CIO BUT COAL.— OCasTIIOLUiIi'S 0,71014 I j City Of An Oct.eghony, 4th. leas. h calm! proporals Do terelvta at thin o re, Oho' ItIERVAT, 17th lola., toolitsPre, for dellvor. tog at O. Abriormy Wntar WOrli., 30.060 isOmli El's OF Gout, NEttt7H AIS I' &OLE MR r'ph L. Tile ...iv, to Ls aoluplat. ,, lt.s. Ilia first tlny I Isusary, (068. R. to. MANUIS, Clty.UontrollFr. pITIEDUROD AND PHILADELPHIA OIL 0014PANY.—The 111100211 meatball-of theStockholdem of Ude Uompany. wlp Do hold oa BIUNDAY, October oth , NR A BM, at to ottlook, m. at UM MN* of the Oe., No. to Fourth street, fee the purpose of cleating adman for the meta: Sear, Loa trundles lamb other heathen as any came. on them. A. T. PASNESTOOB,, ocottd earetery. el QEPLAAST,. nato4amx.... nar.amairs. NO, 21 WYLIE STREET, MAZES TO CEDER &EMI 0tir....1,N2 AND MODELS FUR NEW INVENTIONS. e2AM:oluat - 110100813 OIL COMPANY.—A..meeting of the Stockholder. of the Roos On Company will bo held at their office, No. 4 Hand Street, on Statfb DA Y, Om ober tho 7th, for the purpose of electing officeta for the coming year. All proxies toot be dated within ten day. of the election. By brder of the Soma. RODERIC WRAY. Jo. ant99l Secretary Roes 011 Oompan7. ri — EatEsD, CHEESE, CI:LEESE. 1,, ico boles Goiboni 36°' Wr"to arrive; 20060= leaeurg a r ri ve, tO For eale•by GLAi.3BALSLEY, ors 201 Liberty street O ut 15 barrels No. 2 Lard 011; 100 de ours Duck Creek Lubrionttnir, 10 tore and for axle. JAMES DLZELL & e n A act() Watar otniiet PARLOR PAPERS.—PIain, Gilt and tvll. O L S rkehltre O et olon', ve JUG'. ry handsome. For sale at near cat JOS. B. HUGHES fr. aim. VARNISHES.—A large lot of the finest Orandsjust received. J. souoormuura, oetS 43 Wood street APPLEB-200 bbls. prime Apples rec'd see tor WO. r oe4 FETZER &AV =ROM/. WHITE LIMB.-200 bbls. freSll for sale by .T. b. oardniao, dp PIER TLSCOIL,..'tt • V lur,i LA Itil E ( ()kill . IT TEE, SK.CON t T ' Vo• 3 Itlt. — ri I t• hFIIOI3. - - Jerob K:nzer. A P V..rff , ,anffrof T B.ltt , ,I,fie 7Xe .... zaAN/,,,..1 .: Jrmes Illneb. . 3 ituts It • t. low IrS Se,l,y. I. il. ...ilyti , •l. tout LtU 1., (40. ti. H. Ctwtm•} - Ct m. le.: 7 , '..m...A Vick. k taut.. . A m. 1.1. mama.a. Al :Data'. ''*zllt.l ;tic lip. J. , IAn I' ISlnttern, , Intat W11.A3, iltpt. I. W. fie stun. EL/ezwZ3 Lim gas. Th.m. lit I. !. lin f - I , s.l. 11011 1,, r.y..i..k. ii.L.,ty tito.,t. w I.•AM.W. A A-c•t,l, A:A.. A natatt. Mara.. .rollz I bane.., V.,:, P (Infer, • f.,.A0 0 r r f. e , : ,, Thorn., -1: I :,, f . ffbcf 11,,, ~f . .. , .. John Pflf•Tc- r,,,... EA . " - , V .. I. Nft•lmko Mmawas :am,. tientzr.hztalA, ilimr.. A. . 4. ' .... • f ',tiff .::‘,.. II 11, ) , ,frllnd fl,f, f •f•fx, Unt. If 01'.‘1,i • •Irt, •.....“..1 Lr,nr, J'''• o l.'"'r fohn Mel) lfros .7., . hif 7-I,rallef.. fl• 1,4,13 1 . 10,1.5. nttle UNT'S 10311 ALMANAC. I=l3 11=1 I=l 1 l'Al D, oa lecelpt tno tta;er c. l stamp.. JOHli P. HIINT & : üblisher El= bWLL Ni; :ALE n: / 1 I nml n. s, I by, n.• . o ; feu, • h,t3 ..n C4ji •1.11 • 6' •t••111' IP,I st . . I (. t., on ionlan I: n-c... tw 1 wc-Stcrie.: Brica r Iltalnicr I, en t 0,1.1 'n.. n nod ,!I -noun: :00k . !ibis; titl %MI, 'yeah • • elitli rine•r m,•.! ri 11 or, 1^ • nil ai lirati's large remge le Ui' kit. bta, marble insiitltr iv " bri in 1. , 1 • belt CO n uar ne I. I al:table inn uet, no • w , se 7t,t. rti 1e.111 , 1 the owner's 11,0“1 ve.ll.nticr. litog ...1”e. bear. Inz, I. att. tires ,n,ln ras Al fl .wen. y .• p r. 110,11 0' ra.s...l.llultpr th• prn. , ll. l). .14 tan p PPP • h •;.r. tpy Alf .110 , I 1 / 1 1.\ M.! Ole y NV.O Itter partlet.ilnrs. Lt.. . r 1171" h ir r.; •t.r pm,' • chl, With 1.41. c el', .01, ed 'sr,' Ira Mt= B 1 ANKET LARCE SIZC SUPEIIOR QUALITY, WRITE, ORR & CO 21 FL TS STREET NEW YORK OBSERVER A WEEKLY RISLIGIOUS AID SECULAR NEM:WEE; Tor Me Famity and Um Tileside, vrm soon enter rorrx.v. uitr.u. YEAR 01 PUBLVIATION. rur to the CIIUBCB,Ihe CONSTITUTION sad th, CNIUN. It Is calculated to salty hod Ohms both OLD AID YOUNG. pi NEW SO SSPRIBER -; psylsoi us la sivanes let IEII7 eta: here tnetr names imusettlatel7 ee tetoe, ane the OBSDRIII.R" will be Beetle them tIi7ILJAtrUARY FIWT, URATTS Ponce/It - a poost, as the rasa rarmaii will coat merit weer. nhe tome. are clitiP•al t•1331.te aupies to Roy odder" run. Tei ms: $3 50 aYear in Advance SUR , PT P. kin nRSYI. Jo., inelhatni r Park N. York e LJG LI FITZ F'ATILIC rlnsr P EJU I UOT GELD PEN MANUFACTURER, I tillo EMI. rm. Third and %lirlid 3U. Sinonliitory, entrance on Third strnct. (lola Per.. •T.l (Ida and SILT., Plnall Cases, whole's', mad 'retail r t‘,..palrerL Fusions having Pima to repair !A rand them by mall, sad lb.? promptly fIEPIRA i3LISIIESIDEI4ISB FOR BALE. undelidened will elapses of - Ala Ram demaagOgreli !Omani • trTHE SEM MART,. Mrs. nted oritca eoM beak of Was ....linearly Myer, e• !etc mate n otlig ot the Sorweiti line of latataneing. Pormayikords, prerntsm wonslite of between throe road tont sores of Land. under good kucei a large, gond and emarnallaus 8.11106 OWCLI.III6 iliwittrE, with convenient. , frame Outlaw attached; Canino tiourtgOlsoble, Ilterit is an unfailing. Vrtt..L.• of dellghtTnl iron waren 'YOUNG ORCHARD, with game trees la beartnu a productive Garden and nne Itlitedow, situplud with - wager. Th. rummer/la generally conalreared the Dant to or art.:mind Manilla& For terms, fie., apply to • Pay. B. R. IS 'LIAM ELLS, cga:m d Htt.rmunlmg, Pe. J UST RECEIVID, A SPLENDID STUCK ,IF FAIL AND WIRE& BOOTS AND SUBS, Ib:nap/W.l In pert Meat and Ross. Boots and shoes,,Bongtess (*satyrs, /34lnorst Women's and AWL, Balmorlds andrleiters and Bums; a lane esiortment of I.7htldrens . Shlste, which has been purchased before the late advance In shoes, and VIA be sold cheaper then an y other house In the nil,(DottedJ. ea , K.M.XY ,47 Fifth at, B. 1. COLLITD.-.. WRIGHT .COLLINS E WRIGHT. 1-2 WICIVELVO - Xea.. DRLES AND ERECT ME rA.L WO [KERS, BRITTANIA CASTORS, CARBON AND LARD OIL UtraliS!“, sad all diamcgt .tylca, of litittaula owl tey khan X.. , fixtustre. (Thigh promptly WWI. No. 139 tiItOorroSTIIIGET, PiITOBUnG I3 S PA. .oehlyd. tEY TO LOVE; or, Dr. 8. AL LANDIS' CELEBRATED INFALLIBLE PRIVATE LEGTURE ON PETOBOLOGIOAL FASCINA TIONS, Sth edition, Jett out . It teaches you to charm those you to Love; how to redeem stearin y e,..egroloopt.o It contains many regrow worth e 25 con ic . Also, GREAT PRI- Tai l t g i3oolC ' for M ARRIED or GROWN PER- Buis pr . grery busy should have one.' Price Moe. Send lee either or both to DR. L MDI% No. IMO, Chestnut street. Philadelphia, and r l eoolve by return wail, In posted envelope.. A. "SHARP eIIOOTROLO will also accompany mutt book. °Witt w T BOJICKMMASEIi. Cr • Pittsburgh White Lead Works, PURE VIIIITE LEAD BLUE LEAD GROUN HILLIL FuE PAINT ING OIL LS, NO. 62 WOOD STREET 114IVING REMOVED TO AO. 32 FoyErn STREET, I have opened a splendid %madmen% of the latest etnes In BONNET.% HATS, 111131301tS h•LOWERS,PLVIXES. FAN CY GOODS, A. and ant now prepared to watt open My 013g0121111, and all others who my favor me with a all. acenlmeed MRS. U. H. WRIGIITER. 800 gatroot, PHILADELPHIA, Importers of German, French And &satin Tors and Fancy Goods, China Wars, pipe., g l ezLee, Le. Wholesale dealer terDomestle Fancy articles. senlteidood ATRAY COW--Ideme to the residence f the anbiatibei, tome ten flaying*. on Urn. Hove youuy.sooyna atty. The, owriariwill pLoaae cell and prror» DronertT, PAY anawrecand cab ker away. Lapin cd AJEIAILL.Es 017311MENGS, 0c73t4 Itrunot'a t.-71 k.._sr T.. ~‘ i iC . 4 L.s 1, lt G ov ERNIIMIT SAL I=l 13LANKETL , , BED.STEA.U.2, irt l Eft.irS it'd in WILL BESOLDAT TION A.T TkIE Z €dial Purvc:. ()I'd Wareb.c.uso No. 18 Llfirket st., 144.5bv1110 On 7ivsda+ , If IL 1 , 14 at aO' deck, MEM@ ?.111.6t.,•A 12, • t.. ) 4'7 r q ti e:N,I • .s. I. h 7. • LI. .7. - 1. r 7. A Inrae pe:t ul 'Luc br.k , :em bre l'n.‘l.tgl, a lin,y b. t• ad ,n %pp', llt •T r' Dar • , b•Ar • ‘.. -1 it Ur' I , N I'll FROPO- A 1. , PO 11 FL .1 , ! I.( Tt.k, . 1,, ANN/ I . k , 7 vdt,e o. Il.e gut:6o6,:yllr/t evel;;,a LI gn Act ta '.;e:r; e 6 ; I I,: v .do ice). 400 ruo 444 10 d 01 ;!,.. 6; •, n ; el, ' opte i 1: 1: 6. , ..1 It,, etvuee on 1,6. r lee. ley 'l6- 6 • ; ;•tee; 6.6 • lees e 6666,66, t I It e • 6 ••1111. ....1 1 . . ~,,.. ~. ~ . ';~ MENEM •r • tr, I; LI l•••+r :ntt - rr , t.ttirir 5.1;0.. • •, C tin.? ea.. • ice...lllof C• t • • • Met nht P- tri a!in flow rra nr.a. r•••to n ••I i fi. nd.e 4. aDd Ono I • /At •L: •1 Evn,'s I a. TI.. • la. 1, ..r • Olfit. I lot l'e•ltticattm, raw t• ••t•ot t••• •••••1 Ttenst.ry Notes, u'lln de„" to ttt •Kr •: • 1 1 . 1• v -r slops rstl, dether them t • !no 1t., ,, :: •:, ton ths tt•tnot • . .o tt•si ; • 1 , •• , • of the I cited Stan', or to any N •.. toi T hank %shish e... consent to • rsttts,. tar hem selththt etts:ga Intenest Will ,Moved on t: ; stn. a In debtedness anti on, and by -yearT.e••••.ty Naos, /nal uted - or maturing prior to ttts ttr•t of Nnvooto hee, 1868, al, to the date nt tuntor••4; stol wh.n maturing after the ling et November, interee, will be pilots.; to that ttso. Upon the Clnmputtod Interest Notes , he ia.errst will k.,mtatter I, I Sti.i. amount of Uriaripil anal Ictereat ClMl” ea the back of add Net...hum the horlitil nest prior tt, pat date. , principal and lotereat of smth Treasury IV 0 , es and 410:1[,t.011. will Ire considered together 40 no effierr.foreonsttniOnt Mit When. attar deduct .tot the principal of tha Bonds anal hien per cont. premium, Mere reseal • fratrtinnal pert of noe hnotited dollars, than frectichnl part tv....1 ec paid to the depositor. TAe S.t,tary tettorytm to him.tlf the right ni Islihdragrlsis this proposal et any tine print to said Itrittda) of ;I, , semoor, prcrykled Ofty Wrists shall, pilot to that date, he .otTere,l for toa vehdon as • , oreatld 'caters of to ,, truntinne .111 be traeratttitd the I ado. officers authorised to render Cdttll , onto. and Notes, to which artentino .• 11 melt , Ll,ooll. er.6,3fdlask2ats Secretery of the treasury. ECM NEWT GOODS J. A. ROBINSON & CO. 1 , 4 e. 61 Market Street Have just aoudad au lastuauao atools of NEA'S, UMW, EIMEs . IND VitILDMI Elva's, Sikoes. 80/morals, Z. Co i_. i a 3rz ~3•=tyr, 2 s,,,, BALL AND WIATER WEAR. We bare the Seat assort meat a MIEN'S BOY'S AND YOUTHS' Graiu and Water PrOKSt t 3 000. IN THE forgo O. tom bollel MAIM :r *THEFT', text deo ,. to ll.X.Stfik:h•o. N. EL licit !loofa zaa.kla to order. face OIL LA 1).71, 90 Acres on Pttholo Creek, About ooe mile west of Trensburg. It Ito. veil 100 2.0010{1 Is coneildered good 01l Ctrrltom, and will 0 60111 tut ncetLor, or to lOU of to soma. It coin oi .0014 cheap. The 11trtr todirided One-fortieth Part of 42 ACILHS OF LARD Sheet* In Corn Planter Telenetlp, Verunen Ps., between Hein:teen's Lull and PitholeCreek, Obout three -fnurthe of a mile from the Oenerel ran; Welt. This lie part 01 the Wm. alegiebeT 4"erm, which lh lmommistely natal of the Morey Fpm, We will sell nee or all three eharee gather. A Few Lots of Lund oa Vest Hickory Creek, About twonslles from tidloute Lod one and a halt miles from two flowing well" on Dennis- Bun. These kits. Danish anout one Lem cacti. They Ile well for boring, and offer e good opportunity t 0 indlvideale and COMp6frle., to puretinee a ..1.11 amount of tSPIltrYi la foe ample. at imcderstia prtce. Title warranted. ALEXABREB. WALLACE, oallcd TTICOOTE, WARREN CO., It AN ORDINANCE , coavraing Bec.tion 10 of the ordinance the office of City Controller, cud defining him Mutes Sco. I. Be U ordained and enacted by Übe Select and Canso= fifounads of the City of .Illeohnry, and if is hereby envied by the antharity of arsons, Sso. I. That Section CO of an Ordinance creating the office of 0.17 Controller, cod defining hie do. tiee, ka. be and the none is hereby emended act thet no t hing terrain contained &all be cOttetrued. to refer t. the ordinary espenditatret of the Wa ter Wnrke for repstre to machinery, bolters and ft:reams, coo the auppkes am:easily for suck re..- sec. S. That :he Controller la hereby authorized to certify oil Wile made for rich repairs or gripe plies vilwa be beleiven them to be correct, and . when they batte twee duly mowed by the Dante, rankles tuck iconon of. Sunfish:rig luck anpoltes U, darned end clouted into et leer, this the 6th day Of October, Annu Domini, one thouenral eight hundred and inxtpliva. lAA= MARSHALL, of Select Connell, 0. W. BEN-N EY. 'rent. pro tem, of common Council. Attert 1). 111.A.OPERBON, huh of Select, Council, DL McGONN/01..Ei Clerk of Common Council. oeOltd • pETROLIA. ILA.OHLNE WO Mls. B. IL LEO%Y, Dlanufactarer of his Gale bilged Patent Improved OIL WELL TOOLS, *mug).* I , w, AND WALKING BEAM 160 add FIXTURES [DAD IN SINE. INC/. OIL AND SALT WELLS, Nos. M add al OHIO STREET, on the upper route of the Man chester Gstinger Railway. P. O. Addreue, Son IT, ALLEHSNY, PA. Particular attention is Invited to Me late Im. provemento Ih lan mid Joints, all made of the purest Sligo and Low Moor Iron, hammered ex Needy for them. All parte warranted and mad to standard dress the pins and sockets of seven 'set doing any ether of his manufacture heat; the same number. Steam naginia and Machin Work made to order. We theltathe public for sI and cassoltu.., and Judge for themselves I acid le erucilemm equality of workmanship awl competa Hon. Seca , for Gerd land Chreillee. MalosMaa ,POAL • LIME PROPERTY FOR •-/ SALS.-On the Steubens ills Bal/reed, seven miles from the city, CrOIiTAINMI3-ONE SIX A HUCM NDRED , AND TXII3ELTY ES steam and Water Flouring and flaw MM. and other tine Itoprovoments4=er Information apply to F WARD, (Optickaita the Cathedral.) Grant street. No. CA HEIBAI'LNAKA, (BLOOD Cum)... 4 . 0, A mesa remarkable article and ybaltive =Us far 64:1BOYULA, J Tl 9 1 's 111 :d GIA. DYE, • rFIGPEI ITCH, • W Omani or the BMW. As a Toms tt tha t alrbelabi 0 , 41 mt gesttan and wholly rerteres rhhyaas lark arid Is Deeds bat, a trial Wpm* to eitta Tor We by SIMON alltalkSTM Drealel so= ElaglAnald sad roarth Mint A L LN ,Ly TENTH 7i NU AA, I. 1-7.A.Lit IRON t'in PA HL CC 19, 19 ANT) 20,16'85, R VDII 4'll FnlY hl• eryr • pr yn.s • the .• D•• , 14'•••• 714,1: al 4tolt ad, 11),( PA I,K, IZIE=IIUIEI Large and arrtingref • 1 I N ,JA JlrcirAtile wrei, I .1 i• 1.175; E7i A 1' 'LIZ, VS . GE* Al% AND .WINE. 4P I) I.e.t, ,1•4,1 LIBE.RA -AAR AIS GEBIE NTS bxr ..1 e to Inaure EATIRE SATIFFIEI lON To Ext,l,::,lo•rmtl :ipertetors. LARGE PREMIUMS A 111.: I.'FF: it 1.11 ) And the j dcbbrcrnent• 0.3:111.1es te be EXTEEEIVE LID 1:31N13 II 4( )1-?!...i11 -1F4., Tit provttled Sui•uhle Course fur the Dintthy of Lnrses And, n ardll.on to the Lobe ovecille-.1 In Llle Pre— =lulu kilts, (.Lc UMW& , 14.410 c. Cpuu eanA day far aQITESTRI/DI PIRFORMADICHS, Under the tUreetionx al the Outantittes. THE GROIIIILS ARE Supplied With Pure Water Hay and Straw FURNISHED GRAMS, Grain at Cost. IRON CITY PLR& can be reaction by the Ult. tut.. rsecenget Railway. Also r dariecricaocistion Ma= will be roe by the rctuoylicatila Railroad Vow. yang. Sir Protbalm Ll= can be prtioluCit at the Rooms of tbe Society, No. 63 Fifth Street, or by n pyhaatiott to either of the uticiewhyded. Sir. Articles: awl mho* MM . Wwasted ea he geicre,tery'a books Wore T,IMSDAY Far RN NO, /xylolcVll.l, and (trcept hones) brought within the icalosine satirns IVES DALYNOON iris - ct. - Rceseßabil will beta excentlaace. ceir Argyle imatiscatestc-toe cabala PEIGEB or e ........ Ch~llArm, each eons.. 'Tsro.hersti • Vehicles tloont.. Bihite , herieNthleles., . ~1 . .., ,..:.. wag Wine. tAgeatg. Oceapluatiroreebieles loin — prey In addltton, the regular priceeol sdlantaalah. Judges' Report. Tit} be mad from. the Pcval. dente. tehr 'FRIDAY, OCTOBER Vc at Curb CASH PREIIIIIMS WILL DE PAID I=3l For further leformailisa, address Copt. JOHN YOIINO, Js, Soperfatendent, 'tea. JAMES S. NEGLEY, Llorrespoostutg Sc.:o leo of the Somety, or S. 'SOHOYER, Score.. me the Board. • • • WV:davits (omE ONE, colas ALL, - GENTLEMEN'S FITENISEING tsrrcorus. N 05.13 and 15 St. Clair St. attention of the putilia to the lame and extenaire stoop of. CiEN7I.X.VMS FtlE- - KISHING (300 fro, just, opened at ths ancomal . mentioned place, which' ato note ottbsing at great bargains. Any arm fare's= att. above Gocds, wilt end It to Mune advantage to dve.swes 0.14, and lormoine .my Moak. Odom gnolusshats clie nt/ler& They ears fliad. %ha Migsat ant belt_leirtrd noon at Irbne fltdrut; antra lazes. Pgmten Sblrta r Watolera eittlon-sett Oslo Ttntild °ode* , glints and Dramas, Smola Neck Ties, goons, Stu Widen, Butlarttlekaml evil= Peraattling no tilaGentleman'a tor:diking ill lb* clty. sltaxxx,ser Dime: .44 ')st. Olagiltrect - " ; • SAMUEL 1113 1 711 q. Dr. 13. Joree dock, or Bars, urzra OOL lam locicwood'o. lintrereal, Byron`[' Elleteeled sad ww.."...fu1, will be sold lower thou ilia. &Zayre...ids GOLD Portfolios, Paper Weights, . Stationery, of every description, Time Books, (heck Books, Dray Books, Blank Books, Copying Books, MYERS, SCHOYER :4/ CO.. Is VETE STREET. ALLEGHENY COLLEGE, MEADVILLE, PA. cicile3scia.x. for 1.1365-86. WEDVESDAY, SEPTEMBEI 20, FILL TERM OPEXS. Wednesday, Damen/vier Terni closes; Thum day, anuery Wmter Term opens:Friday, March 10, Winte - Term closcei Monday, April 2, SpAug Tenn °pram Thursday June 23, Spring Term closes--CUMMENCER&NT. Location beautiful, healthful, and any of amass. Libraries, ea/Amts. and apparatus unusually ex. tenalve sad valuable. A new boarding hall with completely famtabod rooms for the aecommoda lion of omil hundred students. Boarding from 113,00 . to *too per weals. Classes commencing Latta and Greek will tin tinned at the onioolos of tho Fan Tama.. J. TINGLEY, Secretary of the Fe:culty J . G. LAMM, Na .O]. 111Letalis.ot 'Street NEA.H pi-Fria, Dealer in all kind! of FA.NOY GOODS, TOTS, fi&SEETS, ROCKING HORSES, TOY GAITS, WAGONS, MDIEL BARB° W.% , At reawnable prices, 1:1173aoloisurslo az:LcX R.ertall. ces Mr cCORD it CO., Wholesale Dealers La' Mats, Caps and Straw Goodst Hays now la stare Ms largest and 1:1104 Magid stock at GOODS FOR SUMMER AND FALL Ever *fared In the win. Zilathanta srerequarts to cult and mamba our stock. which will in mid at ray low mos. - m Woob muter. FREES OAT 3 AT.A.NDIGRITti--A *Maim artlele. rite dried and Ambt , Draper. rd,'Mat remixed sad' for Bale by the barrel or at retebt, by JOHN A.RENSHAW, oaf _comet 14berty And HAM ste. ►.r• r e •>f•os' AT iet NO. 17 FIFTH SrligEr F. a, Ji ST 4a A CCMPLFTE OF L 4 , 1 0TA,A1:9. 4 r , VP ;Ct . , lIQNNIST. NECK AXti JABS!. E.S.Tk , A tILK 1,2 --t :11 e, Pi... 51. ), I I LV r T L - .• VE:,VET :lat. EP. .E 'A ItT,E.• A Ni) phi , NET EtUFP'N.s: , NEW t•T . LE 14.1.1* . te.RE,au SAD L.S..r •411 ,, ,Limat; BEAU.I:N_I'IIEND AN,1:41:,r,, AND CL ft , 'if FrLI. a FT ENI-;d.[Mi 4.101/I.AN Lulu tt u LO: I 'ERN 11\U~1LV VFW; FINE At , 5A1,1 , 31E31 . 1 , .!,F - . 1, 1i r YARNS; , TIPNS or-NERAL nt • W holesalearid Retail F. EATO4. !Nu. ST BATES & BELL • ERE NO' ":141.Rt,:iNG SOCK OF SI f DBBI GaDDS, MERTINOES, 4'°slead 4+° No. 21 Filth treat. Ivil f (gD2 s 4 AC i t i. AVEE ADMIT. , Frank Van Gorder:and Calvin tiagan, The partnership to darsid::roni Ansurt lit. and tlie and tho Dwane*, to be rridneted udder the Dam* sad stele of 1. Iffacrum, Clyde 8c Co; AT W aILESAL.E. 65,000 Enameled 'raper Dollars; 26,000 Common do. do.; 2,000 palings 14till Enitfina Yarn; p.„000 dozen Wool and-Merino lloset• 200 doz. linderohirts and Drava% IS cartons Beiad Gimps; 600 dozen Lace Vett - 600 doz. Laellts , Linen .11614; /i",a Ta 2 it."7.44 Fancy , GoadkNottorta, &C. ,i,es AT EAST4Ife PALO.M. NEW GOODS I - 4 New TWO eases LaddePlllke• Eibbed.'ls4iido &oak+ 40, tna eases lamina . geOekiaike +- , two tam Oldiarenti Add* 'and irldp, • &Moir koalas. imigozisse Ceuldruk nor stockinge, twa eatitittreth" Smits: Mrs fiiter" - Shirts ad dripreil. an& is tall stAfik BALMORAL '* - 112ERTIEk" Uoop aldsra, Hoods, Epatags, Mgt alum's: rfn. K u, Head rlwtk. . 4 ; 1 4mp,. ,TrAxsmilat s Stew" 'bliz 4:llllll =tro= .tzrge.:..gin Our Naturg Departmeni, W'.fl a4nstilally • well STOCKING ifARNSi ,- -: 2:CO pound, nperior itako-all ccdorsortliegal* and ret.sdirtt eastern DIM. • • - ..Jog HORI9II - 4t CO. ' °Cr 11161i1IST.SiTAIM w. w.-11166kiikA.lys, 81 Market Street, NEW FALL COORS, YELL LINE VEL4E,E,IBBONS, all colotz; EriEBEUIDE=S.4 I AND , PANOr IlOODS; cn..ovthr4Elosmay ; " .EMBROLI44.IID, TANEN and BILE #.&NDEEROWIMPS, EITIA BkLTrACtSixt al oolori BEAD SETS AND CORD TEIIIININGs, B.LEXANI*3 lUD GLOVES WOOrds6lGooDs, in -au 'elks: FOR ENTLENXR-- • ss 4r A. Et !rim Linen iumi Paw COEIVB, unde:#4l bresters; Ties, Suspenders, 1314 a, lideldit& CARLISLE, go. 0 P R snttsr. warm IrztaVe.m) nruarzast.f s run ascAzaae of aues for LADIES. 1111814013 AND CHILD.'111111,: , . JuiEsoeete~G by 40RitlyE& OARLIBLZ, 10. U Fittli street. A . BPLENDFOriIitIETY OF BALMOIiAL SHIMS et aufalll bargains, at Naga 3t a ilaßrisLvs. " sew No. LI ?ME atzent WORTH 111.00,3! Belling 49 cents wick PUBS LINER OWN lIINDIERCIII2I% *oatint& OA .4:Teri% - N 0.19 Flab 9treet;. RICH NEW e , t/LEB OF MiD Boxcar TREIMERG :5 , JUIthORS. AT ZI4IIII7AL ft cusszinari No. la FM divot. HE'wlTrit POLVTRIGIAT - • • ti.CIPIE HAM,, w ac kacnogNigutt*Attlitiolisse =edit to be A No. 1 - T* It yo doubters andilbe coast:ad: Farris or all draggles. - SllllOll
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers