The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, October 10, 1865, Image 1
Filtsbnigh oSaititt, CITY NOTICES. On the Counter, tii Fcdru g rtreet, second door from the Fogg bonol Book, good butter scotot s3q cough dy. Dloaufaoturcd and gold bg George amen. Oct.. ib,-tar. • aid, stripped, plain and polka spot dress goods, the rely latest' etylca nod richest colOts. 80 , ,mbor the place—on the northeast ;Omer of urth and Market street. 0. Hanson Lore a. The Store 'looms, e f n. to and t . 7 Fifth slant,. "T. A 111 . elland, s !I:Tartan:o will be closed all this NG .. to con- Autinie of Improvements. Will open Sonday, '.it. Is, with a lerse assortment of desirable boots, des, dry goods, not lons, 00. Ross 011 Company Owing to no quorum being present at toe Aden,' Meeting on Saturday WO, hoc will be a Wing of Stocktoldero on Wednemlni. the 11th at., at a o'alock. By order of tho Board. Houser Wilar, Jo., Saerstsry. Drag Stone for Sale A Drug Store, doing a good nominees. sltue dOn a mein street, will be told cheap. Trio res in for the isle la the proprietor he other beat en that engage. the award* his tine. APPLY to SELLERS at co., corner Second and Wood street. Rome Again will be seen by ¬ice eleewhen 0. Hannon 4ve bee just returned Crow New Yore end Phila. .11,1011114 end the firm In cow °pectin.; a splendid to* of dials goods, shawl., flannel', ;blankets, alto :and eoloied. A'so, prints, gleghisss, titli ng% Shea*, he., to which they Invite the .lien• ion of both wholesale and retail buyers. Bement ICS they are now on thenortheast Goner of Fourth sad Market streets. 10 Dry 'Goods Dealers, Dir. WWI= Ser.plr,' the well known dry goods I,aler, of Allegheny, hes now on hand i large and olne %apartment of plain flannels. white, yellow hAxt'd red; plaid and country flannels, cloths and easalreereir, French merinos, Widnes, and other 4estrabla dress good.; print., ginghams, .etc., el a. Also, hats, ribbons, flowers, plume., ctn. The stock la one of the largest ever opened here. and . - 111 r. Somplefe facllittea for keeping up his Sleek are such as is gulrantee to his customers that-their orders will be promptly and ratisfacto• 'illy filled, at reasonable prices. The attention of the trade is specially diluted to their, hopes. as among the most anbatantial and rellSble to the Arroeltles. . Octlo.4w. • . Beware of .Ambitheaties t Few people ieelize the incl. that ditchse lies 'in :thtliush everywhere, ready to seize upon the weak. • the strong pass through Many perils in safety, the :strehgtbless fan by the wayside. It is amazing that the feeble should totter with .ianchrtain steps-over the face of the earth to dan ger iturertdsEhl falllug tictlms to: tlai Morbid Ir. ;Tluefices by which we are all surrounded, when a' tesied and proven yegetable tonic, capable of en dosing them with the vigor they need, is ptocura hie everroity,: ‘ tqwn and. settlement. it might reftionably be thoughtthat after the ti6li - 4 years. experience which the world has h 5411,44 Hoerr's- TE*B 81'03Iiell EMT'S/0, till would know that Ito • elfeht lap 34vezt, SUei l; -4 The fact is notorious that a dose of poison which will ecareely.elittet*viVrousautnim.perfechhealth will kill a weak one. Now, whet is the cause , 1 of ppideltic aiteSsest - Palm in the 4tir, I season the atmosphere ls surchargd4 with the seeds of Lutermittenth, remitiehts,thmunatiiim, pdbaonsry disorders, billions complaints, and the like. Persons whose nervous sYsienlit areze•laxed ware the first to succumb to these distempers. Brace lip the physical - energies then, with :this potential vegetable tonic. It is the most powerful recuper j out which the botanic kingdom has Mier yielded to ; patient -research and .experiment. Try Lt. The blindest disetple of old medidal dt4rcaa will at least admit that atonic and raterntire, compound• ed rif approved berbr, roots and brwlca, can do no harm, while the teattmony of thousands invites a Mal of its virtue.. ~: I !. Fall-and Winter Goods. .."; ' - iis to with great please= we call the attention of 1 -' wt:reiderato the =herb-mock of Fatima! Winter :,'... I .' , toodskist received by Mr. Saha Meier, Merchant k ' N D °. l es 23 l F'der o fti f the e tar t est and " most heo . ma bean. '',... .. 41ful OlciltvaroosttopszulVestuLga 1 :..,;- grarbroaghato (ho western market. HL assort. '4l , %cat of. Poralsking , Goods, comprising 821114 'L t: : Meyers, Gollate,Reck.t.tes,-.ldrukts, &a,. .Sanoot besurpessed east or west, 4. iarge_scock '' of readpkd r elle poets, Coati. yestsarat : Overemsts ' - 1 ' Will also be ' found at his estabhatunont. Persons ..:, i to ward oeliVON ln the eletnitig*Shollbanol .",! OW to Ore cur. water a call. '.l 1 • . Parry &. • ' enatto4Lx.t. apacas. Dnio lia A.otattaaa. Slate, or various colors. eltkot at Alextuadal Lanotalwa, near the Water Worka t r Staborglt, Pa. - BeaUltbse. &o: Ma caret... r ttitiort OrontPtly attended to: All work wayrantod water proof. to at The ahorteat notice. No thane tor Prorillittr 1.24 Ft.tor'. L eat abased arta t all MI ca. Carpenter Jobbing Situp. — keying returned after an ebsence bf three years a the aria; Iliareaoopenedrer ahOP for all aorta Webbing In the ear/muter line, at the old steed. Tlrgln Allen between Brathtleld Ants and Merry Orders maenad and promptly attended to. Oru.ctait Cocoon. The Teeth 9lteh Ole Long hgrOrel ttie.! system 'loses iiii,grouthful vigor. Tias should not be so. To prevent this species of illeszosie use ,Fragrant tinzonpn - r4 It keeps - the ..:dintal bone alive, he enamel spotless; tne gums 'rosy sal plastics the breath put , nnd tit? month • Just Opened. Our new elattdnif Mame, at 63 gun/ street, where we offer 1020,000 worth of , elothint; renardlats of ant, at Oak Hall. ' oat. 64L C. MU, Cletittit. 240 Penb Street, AtteadtOlOptly to $1 trcuditeta of hit profes don. _ ROTES OF A TRIP IN TIM NORTHWEIT A Railroad Dixaster —A .Parer for the Traveling Public—The Labb Tunnel. • TIBER LITMIL .ECUtors Pilishiega Gaxtte : - "Chicago In twenty-two hawse' so I said to a friend "tapping oafs car on the Flttaburgd, Fort Wayna 'and ehiCako railroad. My arithmetic prbied delective,lewevef. Chicago did not ap pear In twenty-two. but In tweittpelght hours. When out from the Smoky City aboutninshoms, the train stopped suddenly at a point where no alp of a station appeared. Looking out, noth ing couldbe lean by May. aid ogj,lie moonlight, but a,vast *tramp. stretching out on every hood as tld ea the vision could range. Instantly the Car door opens and o voice called put "The train albtadattma luta tarn up the tract and run off unto the swamp, We will have to !nay here all night." Bad news to sleep on when one wants r e. to make twatity.five miles an hour in the arms V". of 3forpbous Going ; out and eurVeying the pros. Wt. I found we were in the greet swamp west ill of Bacyres. - Ohlo, near the Ladish% line. Noth ' leg but water, mostly congealed by heavy tall gram, lobe 60e21 any where. Working my way along the narrow' path between the ease and the water, as belt:Leonid, a fearful eight presented Itself. Road torn tip about one ,hundred ramie, Pieces of rail bent up like hoisp.i, ties piled in .Wlidest Confusion. locomotive and tender - away 1 . - down in the swamps, nearly submerged, baggage car, in the same position, on the oppo site side of road, with the gra passenger car perched en top of the locordotive and ten ' der. I trembled. " Row many lives lost I" • 'None. My breath came easier . ] " Row many ' wounded l' , None, only some badly frighten ed, having some slight skin Ba ttel l es. What relief this brought. What a miracle of escape. The accident occurred from the breaking of a 'driving wheel of the lOcomotlve. The engineer end fireman stood bravely at their post; and when the engine stopped at the bottom of the swamp, made their escape as quickly as possible. In a little while another western passenger train ; came up behind ours, making three to all ; and by and be an eastern one from Chicago. As speedily as possible an exchange or passengers end baggage area effected, those of the eastern - tram mdefing'onse of the western, and those of stern taking posseetion of the one tr. ' the e t e h ru, width reversed engine, and put off wrest, as then& nothing had happened. With theccoments nf.thttel trains In one. seats for all were not to be thought of ; but as misery is a . 'gnat leveler, each one cheerfulif endarcd, mak ' jug common cause of the inconvenience. As we neared the city of Waage, .a man passed through the train distributing grata'- . Unity, "The Chicago Daffy Reeord." 6 mo ment revealed Its character. Xt le a !Wert - as' teined by asleep eapimlleta; and design f! 'ed erect/ale for the - travelling pub. I , Ile, to give them all the necessary infar motion relative to the business activities of the um re illtiLA city, It is a fine specimen of Chicago enter prise. It furntshes just the information the stranger wants, and cannot have so satisfactor ily through the regular daily papers. It con tains an exhibit of the cartons branches of busi ness in the cif s. with the first class business houses; the hotels, with location and daily ar rivals; the general markets; the postolTace, with branches. and opening a=d closing Of mails; the railroads with time [utile, icc. Every great city etionid have just such a paper. Chicago distributes it thimigh all trains from east, west. north and south. Why cannot our ihusbnegh merchants and maneactriners inaugurate Once an enterprise? There is no want of capital. Your correspondent finding some hours on baud,before starting for lowa, pat off in com pany with some friends to "do up" the latest wonder of this wonderful city—the Lake Tun nel. Arriving at the City Water Works, and passing through to the lake shore. the first ob. ject that saluted ns was a mountain of bine clay excavated from underneath Lake Michigan. Approaching the wooden shanty on the teach, which covers the engine at work ; and the mouth of the shaft, we had our first eight of the very much desired object. The conception of the Idea of this tunnel was truly grand. hitherto the city has been supplied with water by the extension of pipes into the lake, through which the water has been pumped and conveyed to the great tanks distributed over the city. The citl ions have, however, become dissatisfied with the proximity of these pipet to the deptents and agitations of the lake shore, and, therefore, the greed scheme of the tunnel, by which they may be supplied from the region of the deep, still, pure waters of Lake Michigan, They at one time hoped to effect this by further extendlog the pipes, but thin had to be abandoned on ac count of the danger arising from the anchorage of vessels. The cost of this tunnel will be im mense, but that is a small matter with these people. They are proud of their city, and just ly so, and all measures for her advancement are projected on a grand nude, and of all grand schemes for the Improvement of Chicago, this Is the grandest, The tunnel ia eightyht feet below the heel of the lake, five feet-eig in dlemeter, and when finished will be two withinng It will be arched with brick, and the arch will he deposited a huge Iron pipe, for conveying the water to the water works on the lake shore. There is a shall at each cod of the tennel, the outer for receiving and the inner for giving out the water. The shaft an the shore is excavated the entire depth, and also the tunnel to a distance of three thous and eight hundred and sixty feet. There are twenty-seven menlemployed, inside the tunnel,' divided into three sets, each working eight hours in the twenty-four, They advance at the rate of fourteen feet per day. They have built a Railroad along in the tunnel, Oyer which a little mule comes oat with clay, and returns laden with brick and cement. When the excavations commenced, It was thought this clay would make brick for building the arch, but alter a few experiments, the scheme was abandonee, on ac count of the clay being found so strong. Few large stones have been encountered. I obtained from, one of the workmen, a very fine specimen of barytes of iron,taken out In the comae of their excavations. They have also taken ant reek -from which pure petroledm oozes out. It has the genuine petroleum smell, quite strong.— The shaft in the lake Is not yet down. Opera tions have been commenced by sinking an enor mous crib, fixed Immovable on th e bed of the lake by thousands of too b of atones. This crib la being exhausted-Of water, and this once done, the workmen will proceed forthwith to excavate the shaft, throwing the sand and clay over the side of the crib, thus tending to strengthen it In its position. Having reached the bottom or the shaft, they will carry forward the Gimlet until they meet the art of men working from the shore out. The crib, covering the outer shaft, is so constructed that it can be opened rod closed at various depths, at pleasure. for the regulation of the supply of water. A non= will be con structed on top of it, from which lighta will be bong at night, for protection against Teasels. During the contraction of the tunnel. the work men at the farther end will be boarded In this house. Night and day, all possible force will be applied until this magnidient scheme shall be crowned with conceal—a speedy certain success to such an enterprise. D. m worthy achy that thirty years ago was a mere trading poet. that twenty years ago had a population of only twelve thousand. and to-day la the home of ono hundred and ninety thousand lonia, At FROM THE TENAROO OIL REGION West Hickory and Tidionte A NEW BALLBOAD CONNECTION Co.,,,,,ndence of the Pittsburgh Gazette. Timorm, PA., Oct. 5, 1865. EDITORS Gszirrrst—l went offer this after noon to West Hickory creek, to see how the well, ( u Melt I designated In my last letter as the Mlles' well,) belonging to the Warren and Venango OR Company of Pittsburgh, was mu <lacing. I found that, from some cause or other. It bad experienced quite a change, and instead of producing two sr three barrels per day, as It did a week ago, It was now producing fifteen to twenty barrels. The quality of the oil has also changed; at first Doves heavy oil; now It shows by Betimes' ollomster a gravity Of twelve de grees, and it Is considered to be a superior ar ticle for refining. The Company have erected two large Wks to reserve theca. &Wend mem bers of the Company from Pittsburgh, are now at the well, and appeir much pleaded with 'heir Property. Messrs, Jones and company, of Tldlonte, Who have been boring a well, half a lane above Tidionts, oh Gordon Run, (on the property be Inngiqg to Cho ildicatte -and Warren. and the Ralston Oil Companies.) commenced to primp this morning, The well is producing about d teen or more barrels per day, of a beautiful semi-transparent, amber colored oil. The gravity Is 97 degrees. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company have a largo corps of engineers at work, locating a rail road from Irvine to Franklin. This is not a re. Wmuoisance, but a final location, and the par ties who have the work on hand, say that they Will have the grading all completed from I r rine Station, on the Philadelpbbs and Erie Railroad, to this place, by the first of January, and the cars running from here to Irvine, Wore Bering. Tilt re le no doubt this ricer road will be made, and be made soon; It will be agreataccommoda don to the oil men generally and by giving them a new outlet to the East for their 011,1 t will con tribute greatly to Increase the &dna and travel on the Philadelphia and Erle and Pennsylvania Redheads, and will enable Philadelphia. If she Will only improve her advantage, to *inset a large amount of the oil business to herself. It will alto, In connection with other roads sew being built, give Philadelphia a new and luderaudent route to Cleveland, via. Franklin std Germantown, Pa., and Ashtabula, Ohio. It will carry esetward the product of many oil will, which has heretofore found a market chiefly In Pittsburgh. The 'Smoky City" east arouse herself from her apathy end form a speedy end close connection by rail -with the Oil region. qr else she wit find out, when it la too late, that this rich bas passed into other hands. 1:= We condense a few Items from the Erie Da patch of ytaterday: Wells bored abont Die City have plenty of gat, salt, water and some oil, but none of teem have yielded oil In paying quantities except the the Al.bof. The Tenth street well is 780 met deep. It has a large supply of gas, which Is being need for fuel at two of the iron works in the city, further notice of which will be found elsewhere. From reports we have of Stewart's Run, that territory is proving to be productive. The Gaited buttes cell, on that stream, as we no ticed Ina former letter, has been prodoclog eteadUy at the rate of dO barrels per day, end we now understabd It has lately commenced to flow with the moat promising,rrsulta. The tutting from Plthele to e'Mltler is very near ready for use. A test with ureter revesled some weak points which are to be remedied before oil la introduced. The plan promises secrets. No. 110, Rooker farm, like the Grant well, Is repldly incrcesinw since the redo were po led. The same with No: 15 tbk Pratt well. A well on Pine erect, near Enterprise, le yield ing six barrels per day acted; mewsurtmeut. 01l on the creek is selling at from PS to Su 5o —attituaville, $0 50—at Pithole, $O to 1 , 6 50. Visit to A. H. Stephena and John H. it ea, u. NEw 'roux, nt.— A Herald corresina • dot givee an account of a recant visit to the rebel Vice-President. and POstinaster General, Alex H. Stephena, and John li. Hagan In ran Waereo, Boston Harbor. He found Stephens physleally In the same emaciated state which has charae. !alined him all his life, but with Intellect nnlm pared , while the latter to robust and In excellent health. Both are cheerful and hopeful and cenversed freely on pnbllc affairs. Mr. Stephens looks with distrust on the present activity of prole Went rebels In the work of rconstructiott. Judge Regan has wt Men and forwarded an aodreell to the people of Texan. He cheerfully accepts the results. of the war, saying: "We staked all Sad lost all." He advises all rebels io regale their citizenship as soon as possible and to hereafter to faithful to the constitution and the national Government. In regard to the freed nun of the South. he Is to favor of admittling their testimony In the courts and of granting the elective franchise to of them as can read and write, and frill be hapossline long to deny them these privileges:- The Political Campaign—Valuable Tablea of Referetkee—.Past •Eleetloas la the tetate--Vote of Pennsylvania In 1863. and 1864. We present to-day a series of political sta tistics, valuable for reference and preaervatlon. In 1662 the contest for Auditor-General was between Thomas E. Cochran (Reimbllcan) and Isaac Sleeker (Democrat). In 1E64 the voting for President was confined to Abraham Lincoln and George B. McClellan. Our table of this last election In cinCes the army vote. •-. 2,655 2,966 2,60 1 11 1 13,823 1.905 21,319 12,414 2,230 2,416 3,528 3.241 2,2E1 1.731 3.237 2.394 1,619 1320 2,336 2,712 4.550, 10,484 6 710 1 1 13 156 2,485 1,994 3.292 2.696 .... an 'n . 1,701 6 , 315 ' 3 . 13 .... 5.866; 0 5161 I 0.4241 1,335 .... 2.170' 2.015 3,415 2,941 -... 1.5351 2,111 1,244 3,036 196 i 136 325. 238 8271 1.691 1,721. 2.251 - 1,13161 3 957 . 2,611, 3.3.99 1.214 4,319 0,446 1 6,981 t,:sa; 2,335 1,199, 2.833 1,315. 2,161 1,516 1 2,901 1,167 ' , 1,544 1.600 2 , 135 1,3821 2,9.2 1,914 , 1,497 5.306 3.363 6,441 1,22 2,671 3.615 3,194 4,321 4,169 3.270 5,444 4,210 2,132 1,464 3,334 2,141 175 5 1 46 345 830 1.253 2,713 6.911 3,713 2,799 639 3,221 4,118 3,461 1.140 3,902 3,1221 - mc 1,393 694 906 EC 59 65 62 949 2,969 1,451 3,074 1,466 1,e13 3 331 1 2,411 3,126 1,596 4 3.10 2,191 1,31 1 1,493 1,9(1 1 1,411 3;194 1,045 3,437 ) 1,163 11,471 6.,e32 14,469 5,448 I 7.,503 1 063 3,420 1,331 3,045 2,213 I 731 2,719 2.,509 4,760 2,906 5,979 5,76 3 5.399 1,641 10.035 2 669 3,3 , 21 3,401 4,22 2 1 784 62 1 6 797 910 3.4^1 1,049 4 2 . 20 1,4 2 8 1,330 1,643 1,110 456 2,119 673 1,691 6,119 6,741 0.972 1,943 763 1,313 1,130' 1,493 1,069 4,440 3,710 6.944 2,995 3 063 2,915 1 6 ' 9 1,911 1 939 2,496 2,446 36,124 33,223 65,197 44,033 135 1117 213 1,190 1,173 326 1,381 631 6,481 1 1,573 7,831 9,591 1.362 1,253 1,479 1,1,29 2,415', 1,413 9,799 1,719 219' 90 3EO 660 3 913 2,149 4,263 2,939 2,792 863' 4,673 )1.554 1470 1,133. 1,916 1,332 2,565 o,,urr' 3.819 3,741 1,84g1 1,31/1 2,541, 1,505 1:614 11431 4,951 1679 -. 1 1,819 1,7601, 2,074 2,3E23 . 3,693. 4,940 LOD. 5,971 1,104 1.34.91, 1,331 1,8 J 4,110, 1,3 9 41 , 6.563 SAW Adams . d neither, A toll trong B r. Bedford.... Bent Blatt . • Breutfonl Burke_ Butler . r main la—. Come r Carbon..... Centre theater (Anion ( raw!, rd Cuml nand Dauphin ... Delaw aro . E1k........... F . F'ay et. ariene 141.111t 1 / 1 00 1 / -.. • • I utast e La or ma.. Let.e.non LI; ter...—. I.yento hag .... cKeau.-- M error ..... 111 Mtn dontge .. Montgomery.. .._... Montour ...... . Northumberland... Perry Philadelphia Potter sehoyikill ...... -....-. Somerset Wisrlen astioeton • • ),14 VI est morelsrid Wyomlsi--- YozX '-• - Total 216,61G' 21a,i401,"311,791.174,3ta Slenker's majority, 1,6313 Lincoln's msjoilty, The following table gives the official returns t the borne vote for President, la this county, r ITTY Br ROIL Lincoln. McC7clisn, First Ward 913 211 Second WonL 491 181 Third Ward, tit precinct.... 313 146 Ire. 31 do. .... 311 615 Foil , th Ward 516 205 Filth Ward, lit precinct.... =3 231 Do. 2d do. .... 480 339 Sixth Ward 631 412 Seventh Word. 316 IR Eighth Wald MB 214 Ninth Word. 7= 251 ALLEGEWR tint Ward Second Ward lard Ward, Ist precinct... Mal Do. 21 do. .. 25.4 Fourth Ward. t pc . L. 7.19 Do. 24 10. .. 39i 8./BOUGHS. LaWremserille, Ist Inecinct. 204 Do. 211 do. . 2EI Birmingham, Ist precinct... 224 To. 2d do. ... 514 South Plttsb - arch. 26.8 Writ Pittsburgh tae Eno Birmingham/ 421 Temperanceyllle 178 DlcEeesport.. =4 West Ellubeth GO Elizabeth 121 Monongehale at Duque.. MO Mancheater ...... .... ..... ... 430 Sewickley CM Sharosburi 171 Tarentnen 111 T0W31.1111,. Charture Ile Patten 111 So uth Fayette 111 'Findley la) Snowden 151 erreseent-... . '2l room ......_... .......... .... 16 Tam. 21: ' Aloon. IBl TJpirer St. Clair 81 Lower St. Clair 35. Trebles. lit pre-tart 243 Do. 2d do. 109 Cellos —. 1120 Tersalllee.-----. 123 Bs &win.— " " • Wilkins Scott _o ._.. Bohn/son—. T a' on.. /11111110—.—.....—.—..-....... 015 lleyilha 61 North Fayette 041 Plll 334 Ilirateth p4lbl McClure .-__ 171 Ironkilo 23 1.88 5kater.......-- Wo Bees 174 East Dee: _. 175 Rue 'Here . ye 229 Pine 72 Sewickley 63 . . 111051 and . . 78 'West Deer —.....—. 130 Paws/re 3 McCandlese 71 Ohio lit MEM Finance and Trade In New York Nnw YORE, Oct. 9.—Wall street is excited to-day by the news of the advance of our semi ties at the London Stock Exchange. and by the 'Bert relaxation of the stringency in money. The consequence has been speculation for a rise, and quotations are advancing. The stock market Is Irregular. Governmenta era steady, 7-30's being rifle- more In demand. In rail road shares, with a strong disposition to sell, aspect:ly In Michigan Souther,i. At the Close there wee a taLte - fecilag. Of Erie, 4,300 dares told at 69a90; of New York Central 1.500 at 99Xa100%; or Michigan Southern, 109; of Pittsburgh 2;300 at 6334a84; of Nortimetltern preferred 1503; of Fort Wayne 1,950 at 101.148 102. State bonds lower In Missouri, bat othe-s steady. Miscellaneous sha.:es firm. Coal stock steady. Stock market decidedly stronger at tha opening beard with increased demand. The Im is quite marked on New York Central, Hudson River and Michigan Southern. At the second board. the stock market woe excited and there was a perfect rash for stocks. Prices were from one to three per cent. higher than at the opening bard and a large business was transacted: Af ter rail, the market fell off a little and then rel. lied again. At the last board, the market was firm but slightly lower afterwards on the street. The clueing prices at I:30 p. es.. were: New York Central 109%; Hudson River 109X(4110; Read ing 11 7jgal 18; Michigan Southern 77ya78; Il linois Central scrip 1351130; Cleveland and Pitta. burgh Bliy,sB3X. Gold cloned at 145Xa146. To-day's Imaineta at the office of the Assis tant Treasurer Receipts, 52,894.164.04. Pay. Meat,. 52.863,582.39. Balance 309,409,223.33. North Western Is quoted at 31%.@%, Pre ferred 37, Fort Wayne 102. Prairie Oa Chien 601/, Ohio certificates 30j4, Cumberland 47 The demand for money is active but first class found difficulty In getting supplied at 0 per cent. on Government and 7 per cent. on miscellaneous Stet:UW[9. There was a good °emend for die m:va end the market ranges from 7 to 12 per cert. for commercial paper. Exchanges at the clearing helve this morning, $1,407,995:09, againstl33.sBo.l3 on Monday last. in some Instances the Banks bays called in 7 per cent. loans to secure greenbacks for the pays:teat of cheeks drawn en account of purchases of gold from the Govern menefor greenbacks. The Commercial says, at the morning board stocka showed a general tendency to recover the decline eel Friday and Saturday. Most of the cliques appear to have got out of their opera tions, and are ready to start again for a further :lee. much Southern being the only important excel lion. At the close, of the morning session prices were 1,;03234 per cent higher. The arrival of the atismsattlp China at IIsIBOX. announcing a rise of 4L4d. In cotton. occasioned firmness in the produce markets. An advance of 2 per cent. In Erie, and a rise in 6-90's to 7048 bad an extdilatory effect upon the mar ket, and produced a still further advance to pri ces. advancing to 9151a91.14, and old 5 20'e to 103ryia103,16'. The upward tendency of prices, however,. Is checked by the partial stnugcncy In money, the Increased activity In which may be judged from ' the fact that the exchanges At the clearing house this morning amounted to $1E098,540 against 589,0E0,104 on Monday last. PI GAZ ETTE. VERY LATEST NEWS. Our Special Dispatches FIRE AT PITHOLE CITY. 4,000 Barrels Crude Oil Burned. LOSS ABOUT 570.000 Speclnl IThrprttch to Ale PI:lab:11;h Gszette PITLIOI.O CITY, 0.1. 9, ISO From the carelessness of a hand using Crude oil tor fuel at No. 4 engine, Mornay Farm, a tire occurred, spreading to the Urant Well, No. 19, Ilolmden Farm, burning about four thousand barrels Crude oil and sixteen tanks, with nine derricks and shanties, valued in all at seventy thousand dollars. .1. F. IF SCCOND MIST` ITCH.) OIL Cm, Oct. 9.1'415. The fire Is ont. Wells burned on Ilalmde❑ Farm Nos. Birtren , Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty onb, Trventy.two and Twenty-three. tin Morey FaYet, No. 45. The tire covered an area of about five miler, Loss estimated at one hun dred and tilly thousand dollars. Crant Well. No. 19, reported g sinCe the lire. Your tbun4lnd harreli of oil only :430-std. Another well Is reported struck on Fanert Farm. It IK reported as yielding two hundred barrels per day. PITIIot.P.. THE PROPOSED TAX ON COTTON. Derision of the Treasury Department PPESIOENT REFUSES TO REMOVE GEN. C4NBY Alex, B. Stephens to be Released SECRETARY SEWARD IN NEW YORK Speculation in Southern State Sorb NATIONAL CONVENTION OF COTTON GROWERS. Departs Cuuceraint the Mexican Republic. rusanyr JOHNSON AHD THE MATT URDS. Special Dupatch to the Pittsburgh Garotte. PITILIDLLTTLI Oct. 4. ISOS The 1 reasury Department has decided against the proposition to to ail Cotton la the Bolt-here Interior, tweets , per cent., as had been augge.,t ed by . numerous factors In 311asisalppi. The object was to protect the Government Interests tom secure to It the cotton which came Into Its possession by the surrender of the rebel er mita, or at least a partial equivalent. °emeriti Sheridan supported tha proposition, but as the Treasury Department have decided against it It will not be enforced. instructions have been issued to recognized government agents not to take a bale of cotton unless It could be proved that the original owners bed received mssulv altmt from the rebel authorities, in the - latter case the cotton would lawfully revert to om noVernment. Bat where no payment had been made for it, the cotton Is not to be taken. Most of the rebel cotton loan owned in Rich mond, has been lately withdrawn from saloon the belief that the loan will be ultimately paid, and Southerners state their faith to that eli. They also firmly believe that when the rebel . States get en their feet again they will pay the rebel war debt. President Johnson has Termed to remove Geo, Cechy. General Rooker is said to have interested himself to gw.l. A. It. atepbeea reamed, which. It Is said, will soon occur. 10 911 10 ill 'Ol 71t Secretary Seward arrived In New York City Friday night, on Ms way to Auburn. it is said ho will visit Europe mat spring. Speculation It Southern State Scrip le legato active Lu New York in consequence of the low Prices. A Nations) Convention of cotton growers boa been projected to be held In Washington New Tort In November next. The Press' correspondent at Cl Paso spin writes that the Mend= Republic Is arplodcds and that President Jaarez in in Texas; but be said the name wing betore, when It wan proved to be untrue. It Is true that Prestdent Johneon hiss resolved to relieve the Nary Yards of psrasan doming. W. Advice■ from Charleston—Civil Law Me stored.-Governor and Legislative Mem- bees to be Elected New Yone, Oct.e.—Advisee from Charleston state that Mayor Macbeth and the Common Council and other members of the old civil gov ernment of that elti ,pave been reatored,and that exercise of tioeir !Unction and the principal city buildings haves-been given Of to them In accordance with a military order leaned by Clan• Bennett., =mender. of the sub-district of Charleston, on the 2.1 that. The Mayor Is to heveintladictlon of all casoa between MO whites, while the negroes am to be turned over to the Provost Marshal; the military pollen will be re tained. The orsraninallon of the State Militia le rapid. ly progressing, In some aectlone. They are to be !subject to the national oflicern, and to cooperate with them In the auppreaslon of the prevalent lawleatneas. General Bennett has leaned an order directing his Vabordinatea to assist in the formation of this State force, every member of which, before joining, malt take the national oath of alle giance. There is a great stir among tha South Cara.. na politicians In anticipation of the forthcoming State and Congressional elections, and candidates are issuing addresses to the people through the newspapers. A Governor and members of the Legislature will be elected on the:l6th lust. The Ketchum and Jenkins Defalcation Cues. Now YonK, October, 9.—Thts morning the cooed for young Ketchum announced that be would pat to a plea of entity to the Indictments charging his client with forgery. It appears that the prisoner proposes to plead guilty, but as matters affecting Ms late firm and their credi tors are still pending and unfinished, and his explanations and testimony are still required by those Interested, It Is desirable to defer the pica to as late a day in the present term as praatica tie. The District Attorney said a request was net prestuted, and gave notice that the plea must ho put In on the last day of the term. This wee agreed to. The case of Jenkins, the Phcanix Bank rob her, was called this morning, and the Dlatric. Attorney aueounced that he was not reedy to proceed; besides he learned that Jenkins was about to make a new plea which would he of a kind that ought to have very careful eisnaldera— lion. Ile therefore requested that the case go over for the term, to which denkin's counsel agreed. The Recorder gave Ms assent. Highway Robberlen and Garrotting at Pith°le—Vigilance Committee Organ- l'iruotn, Pa., Oct. 9.--3ighway robberles in this section are t,coming of almost daily occur. ranee. The scenes of operation arn on the roads leading to Titusville or Shaffer, and the parties ale so numerous and hold that it is not cafe to travel the roads. Yesterday Mr. Rockford, of Jamentowu, while on his way to Shatter, was waylaid and robbed of fifteen hundred dollars nod a cold watch and left for dead. lie Is alive. bat not likely to recover. Garrotting Is of al most nightly occurrence here, making It unsafe to be out after dark. Those doing business here arc now organizing themselves Into a vigi lance committee for their own protection, and II env of the parties are caught. lynch law will tale Its course and no mercy be shown. onclda County and the Several Drafts. New Yoex, Oct. 9.—A special to 010 Herald, dated Washington. Oct. Sits, says: Capt. P. E. Crandall, Assistant PSOVOSt Marshal-Dencral In the Western District of New York. under Major Haddock, has been in Washington several days striving to secure to Oneida county the credits for two hundred recruits, nn overpins from the several drafts, to which that county Is entitled and from which It was defrauded by the mal feasance ofDlaJor fleadrick, who has recently been convicted of and fined 10,000 dollars for hls frauds In filling Western New York quotas. Capt. Crandall hen been em' neatly atteensaftil to his investigation and has placed something llka 400.000 dollars to the credlt of his:count to the settlement of Its war debt with the Empire State. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 10, 1865. LATER FROM EUROPE The Fenian Excitement EIMMIIION OF 711 F, CONSPIRATORN Oct. s.—no steamer Chia a. with dates to Oct 'Alta of sad o.2tobal Les arrived. A number of Fr a pri , imere mnOrd brOutlit before the police magietra'e at lb:din on Sat urday. The government counsel state.l that large sums of money had been received by some of the prisoners from America. A letter was Intercepted In that (lays' mall, containing a large draft for one ul them. Some of the correspondence seized, shows that tn. tz stigns of the Fealans were of a most +engin:lu character, being thu extermination and assassl natiorrof the nobility, on the bresting oat of the rebellion. gurntorrown. Oct. I.—The Feoiac pritiners were brought before the police magistrates at Dublin yesterday, inelnding the editor of The Iro eh People neirspaper, and Mr. Barry, Queen's counsel, appeared for the crown and ma le a long speech In which be said that within the last fortnight £3.000 had arrived from America, to be expended in revolutionizing Ireland. mud by that day's mall the Government had inter cepted a letter for one of the prisoners named Lassa. centaluing a draft for four hundred and five pound. on the holt.. of Pete, and several other billet., containing bill. of Exchange, The making of pikes has also been extensively carrild on. One of the prlanners had made 20, ow of thorn murderous Numerates revoivers and breastplates bad also been found lu to .[F/tOll of the prisoners cumected with the Irish People newspaper. lie quoted an In. csindlary paragraph, urging the employment of recce, from a number of that paper which was about to be Issued when seized. Mr. Barry concludes his speech by asserting that the Fenian• were powerful both In Ireland and America. lie trusted that this affair would end forever much hopeless conanlraclet. Evidesce was thee given against prisoners and acme of them Neer. identified se connected with the supprenerd Fenian organ. The Investlea ton Is still pending -and will probably last for several days. At a private examination of iii of the Fenians at Dablln Cartle, ye-terdny, evidemce wan put In showing that the plot of the Farness was of am town eaugniaa - y character. was to cite dow n names of the at bitocracv sod the laud owners and assassinate them all on the breaking out of the rebellion. The Mike of Lancaster and others, at 'e specially named fur assination. The !filen manufacturers and other. were to be callel on to give materials to stippirt the canoe under threats of extermination sod con fiscation of their property If they refused to do to. Evtdeaceof treason agalust the prisoners Is sold to be nicest complete. P' Friday Friday neut.°, Sept. 22.—• stuffs eloMd upward. Wheat advanced 1(42.1, and Flan' edg Is. Provisions steady. Cotton sales the week past, 18,000 bales; market ex cited and bans ant, an advance of 2'o on A med. Iran. Laaryael, &pt. 80.—.Ecoting —The cotton sales to day were 40,000 bales. Quotations hero advanced I@2d. per potted. !diddling Odell:is, 22},d; middling uplands and Mobile, 241. The market closed with an advancing • tendency. Brendatedre closed on Saturday ntmeorith an up ward tendency. Provisions. steady, iSraterday artery—Consols cleat at 82' .laStt,, , for money. Made Cent al, 84348 051 Vale, 60; a 60,1. 5 We 70370 1.;. Lircrpool, !lot. 29 Pamitvl—U. d. 5-30's. 70 ®701.4, Illinois, 7434, Erie, CO. Console, 52 Ltrid&Oot, Sept- 50. men:ling.—The Man che der market la buoyant. Macs are still ad vancing. tireadatune tend upward. Yew. ale. Maher, aid wheat 1824. higher than on Tuesday. Wakefield, Nash &Co., and Richard son , flpence & Co., report dour Wive and 11. blear. Meat lirM ‘ and laid. higher; winter red 0a.4d,505.101.: white wester' 0..8cLa104.81. Corn Wet at 285.0da201.4d. for mixed. Protlslcma steady. Mnira. Mislead. Atitaye & Ca, and Gordon, Mince & Co., report bait firm tor:Sne and tending downward for Inferior. Peak wady and scarce. Retort Inactive. Lard atlll amen; sales at 90s. Butter active and na.a4e. MAC. Poe Broker's Circular says: Sugar Is [till advancing. quotations to-day were 10d.aLt. higher. Coffee, quiet and unchanged. Paroltam, quiet; at Ws. 10d.a.205. for rased. Linseed, finet iv.als. id. higher, closing more Wei : Linked oil, quiet f. Loaddri markets—Barlag's Circe:dm reports wheal Amer. and in higher. Corn, Ores. du gar still advancing, and prices is. higher. Caine, Arm, Tea, quiet; but firm. Bice, quiet; but firm larmv—Bp telegraph to Quetmslown - tiorr• pool. 6518. 30.—Cotton Was to-day were 40,000 bales, of which 20,000 bales were to speculators and exporters. The market was excited, and the prices are ld.a.n.L higher than yeaterdar. Mid dling New Orleans quoted at 24,ki'd., and mid. Wiry uplands at 24d. The market closed with still an advancing tendency. Mote of Tralc--Mancheeter adders says man. tqa turent were offered hammer. orders for gems, but the rise checked bush:u se. B eadstuffs firm with an upward tendency. ?ravish:malady. Lomb's') &Pi. 22—Errning—Consols closed at 60},5.00).„! for money. Illinois Central shares, 2434155; Erie Bharat, COqa6o , ,i; C. S. 2.20'5., 70.70 ti. EPISCOPAL DMRAL CONViNTION, Itisbop of Tennessee duly Elected. DISCUS,9ION COE INS NEW CANOE, rntLanra..rinho, Oetoher,{)..—The t ;eneral Con. VQUtioli Of the Eplaeopul etym., h, as,:llitacd nt 10 o'clock thin morning. The Rev. Dr. I errea, of Maine, from them/11- mM, on t lie room,rat lon of mportmt that due ye idea, of the election of the Rev. Charles Todd Quinetard, 11,111,1,p.,1Tect ha* Lem 4u'lnitteit to them, and they bubmit ted a tosointimi to thin ellen. tcldnh wan adopt ed hr the coot coition, otter a loot and excited dlrwossion, that they approved oft hotest Imonials of Rev. Chorine Tkaid quinetaril, and dry their council to hit com , ocration as 13h-hop of the ciliary. of Tennesaee. A petition from the Diorroc of Pennßylvanin ohing for a division of that diocese, was present - hy Mr. Wyl.ll, and referml to the Committee on Dlocerr, The Hones ag-reeti to vote with the !loose of Iti-Inoret nt 1.2 o'clock on Ttle,lny, in nowinat inc Boned of NI Tlot wag 111,0 Mooned on 1110 61 , 0:- 4,11444 - 4114 - 1 4,1 the day, namely, the proposal hew ttiotto preventing vier;unt,t, rivoi entering It, wilhan or naval Ben lee, us eh.tpleina. After a long debate, the discussion of the pro posed canon was postponed to allow the dens ties to elan the testimonlal of the Bishop elect of TevDIMICe. The different dioceses were then called in alphabetical order, One member from Miu• nesota refused to Flip the tintimonial and all the laymen from Massachusetts with the excep tion of one, did not sign It The members preens from all the other dioceses signed the testimonial. Adjourned. North Carolina State Convention Now Yana, October 9.—The Tribwie'a letter from Kelelnd, dated the Nth last., givei the re port from the Business Committee of the North Carolina Convention of an ordnance legalizing all laws of the State passed before and sines the 2uth of May, 1801, not Mime repealed and mod ified, which are compatible with the Coastltu- Mon of the United States; also, all Judicial pro ceedings; also, the acts of civil oilcan of State under the State laws when consistent with their allegiance to the United States; also, exempt ing all civil and military officers from liability (tom any act done under the authority of the State or Confederate Gov ernment, with the proviso that nothing herein shall be construed to debar any citizen of the State from his civil action for the recovery of deranges on account of any Improper or Illegal execution of the law Imposing such duties"; all oilier lame or ordinances are demisted null and sold. All contracts made since the 20th of May, 1881, not Incompatible with the Cotunitu tine and laws of the United Stake, and all the marriages which have been eoletnnised since that time are declared binding, and ell children born of such unions are legitimate.. All men and women slaves, who have cohabited as man and wife without lawful wedlock, are permitted to make cath of the same before the proper tang- Istrate and have their relnt on ratified as legal, mid their children legitimatized from the date of mild connection. New Counterfeit Ten Dollar Greenbacks— Arrest of the Partles—Deacrlptlun of the New Toss, October 9.—The Government an tuorities received yesterday a copy or a new counterfeit' ten dollar greenback legal tender note Jr:Let put in eircnbstion. Arrests, have been made and others will be made of persons engaq edln preparing and inning this Counterfeit, but for good MMUS we are not authorized to give any of the particulare. This new bonus borne le dated Washington, March 100, 1662. Letter "5. ,, The red seal ie badly executed. ae is also the border of the note, which is made up of a repetition of the letter -X" irregularly pt.. together. The general llPPeentneee of the bill be bad. BRITISH illfftrAN CONFEDERATION. The Fenians in cariacia. VARIOUS ITEMS FRO! WARENGTON NEXT torts. oc,. t.—Ttict Fiera'. rs Toronto eorreependrat 1.e.00W s Isignia,:lat speech by the Car alien Attorney General IrineDonald. Ho said (Lot Ottawa will, ere long, to the metro pe•be of one. thud of the Arne-isso continent, the capital of all the British Not. American protirres, which the British goverament and Canadian authorities are determined shall be united into one Grand Confekerai,t re. in spite of all oprs : ,ticn, before another year has pa-sod. IL to acid that Jahn C. Breckenridge proves, to become a 13rielrh subjcet, and enter into to, pa' It beelines. Nova Scotia papers of the 2lith nit., announce the arrival of General Sir Fenwirk Williams. lately Ccmandeolti Chief of the British tureen in Canada. Williams has been sent oat to take the management of Nova Scotia, which hitherto btu; ahttirtately refused to see the desi rability of the confederation. The Foilaus e - e creating a stir In Canada. Aphis of IM:organization recently visited both Quebec and Ottawa with a view of establishing h.dgte, and It Is reported a number of the Brotherhood lately left Toronto on a special Mieston to Inland. I A IVashlngton special to the Herald says: Over two million dollen unclaimed claims are la the ben of the Nary Department, and BA pension land atecutnulated from captures, is somewhere between eight and tea rullliou. In all probability sto more appropriations will be on, led by the Navy Department for the nett four years at least. Dames FoL bee, who has loag been agent for the United States Sanitary Commission, in the irratentelm settlement of soldier's claims against the Governor , it, has reelgked, and Wm. F. Bascom appointed In his Lance. The Sanitary Com Intro ion hat yet a large surplus fund,which will be uted in the gratuitous nrosematinu of no!dirrs' claims. but it Is stated that no claimd it 11l be tit der taken after the let of January next. The Triturv'• private Inter Pom Colorado states that General Bough in all probability will be retorted as cue el tie Senators from (het State. A special dispatch to the Times says: Mae. itr graham, a sister of R. E. Lee, appeared before the Protest Jiarahal yesterday and took Get oath. General Howard, of the Freedman's Bureau, endorses the proposition 'or a National cotton glowing convention, end Fti - Zez , a that it do held In Washington or New York in November non. Gent ret Howard says the planters of the South are very anxious to prmure labor to rOLielee a large cotton mop next year and he feats aleurai qet such a convention wonid aid In the solution of many practical problems concerning the la boring interval Of the freedmen and the material Interrals of the country, The total amount V defiC , '-a of Post Masters at the South before the war is ascertained to be .158...X508. Latest Foreign N ewe Erie Honda Paraguayans Detested—More Pentane A itlted—Commer tint Ma Et!. rs. Furman POINT, Oct. 9.—The tamest North American, from Liverpr -, 1, on the 11 and Londonderry on the 2901, has arrived. The steamy Tripoli, Irons New York, arrived on the 25th. The Peruvian, from Quebec, on the 25:h. the City of London, from New York, on the 20th, the Begonia, from New York. on the 28th Faun= Foorr„ Oct. 9.—The latest news by the Noith American states that the bids for the Erie Railroad bonds are several times in excess of the &menet required. The Para/mars= have again been defeated by the allies. Arrests of Feigns still continue& Business IttrAmericatt stocks VOA larger than at any previous period since the rebellion broke out. The salsa of coat= on Friday were 40.000 bales, with an advance 111 the price of 34@ld. Oa that day the shack In port was 201,000 bales. being only 85.000 Wen In excess of the estimate. The total advance In cotton since the Persia left. was 4d®5;93 per psund. Wheat advanced 2 on . fta-day. Friday's advance is addl tlenal thereto. Liverpool, Sept. 28--Fee North American— Cotton; sales for the four days snot up 105.000 beim, of which 47,000 were taken by specula tors and exporters. The market advanced ld, but dosed quieter but steadier. Manchetter market. buoyant and ynees still Jr_ .11 .' 7 ... Spence ,S; Co. re_ por t dear quiet with an upward tendency on 'Tatesday. - Wrest still advancing ; winter red &ads Td. Corn quiet and steady; mixed la 21. Provisions: Wakefield, Marsh S Co. report beef quiet and steady. Pork easier; bacon In active; lord quiet; butter firm. Petroleum nominal but firm. London wheat tends upward, and prices are partially Is higher. Sugar active. Coffee tend ing upward. Tallow steady at Os, Consols closed oh Wednesday at 897:@39% for money. ILL Central >harts 00(M'00 , ,‘; O. B. 5 , 20'570, The hank of England advanced Its rates of discount to 434 per cent Latest by Trier/mph to Londonderry:— renrom., kept. 29,—The cotton broker,' circular mania t4y time of cotton for the week at 1 80 :;s0 661 e% Indianan 84,000 to apeentators ern/ 103.000 to exporters. ma market has blip excited and prime are 2348. higher for Amerleal6, and 2d. higher for other description! , on the week. The antborized quotations are fair Or leans 23344.; middling Orleans 31;10.; middling noble and uplands 21 yid. The salts today (Friday) were 40,000 hales. The txcitemant Ii inertaring and the mien are 34 dgal d, over the above quotation;. The seta. al stock In port b 221.000 bales, being only 0,500 bales above the estimates ; of the stock, 20,500 bales are American. 'rho Manchester market is still advancing. Brendan:dß are firmer sad all descriptions a trifle higher, except corn, which is quiet, steady and unchanged. PlloTl6lol:l6qU'et and steady except lard, which Is firm at 00s, The Bullion In the Bank of Eng land has decreased The London Slates on Fenianlant—Engllah Cattle Plague—English View of Presi dent Johnson , . Polley. New TORE, Oct. 2.—The &Mama Bremen, from Southampton on the 97th of September, arrived her Um:UM. The news In mainly an tielpattd. he London Tim,. In a leader says: The more we hear of Fettle. Ism, the mere are we struck by the cord rest betwetn Its essential • eakntm and the extent of MI ramifications. On paper, no doubt, It must hare looked for midable enough. What Fenlaulsis proves, Is that the influence of emigration to America Is beghming to react up mi Ireland. No Irish mind Is logical enough to wade: stand how It can be right theta man who cejid make his fo-tune In America, should Ilse In • mud cabin In Ire lane. The email farmers and peaiects receive glow• log letters from their relatives In America, de. smiting the prosperity which may be enjoyed under a Republic, and forthwith draw the In ference that a Republic to Ireland would at once Increase the population and bring plenty to their homes, glee them the meant right and abolish the polecat disease. The truth Is, FrmlanLim, ext - avagant vs it Is, has In It more the elements of social revolution then any previous movement In Ireland. It strikes at all authority, and wcald level the Ro man Catholic Church rialto as ruthlmaly at the Protestant establishment. We have no fear- of a Fenian armada, especially after the parent society in America learns the fate of their dill host-ring delegates, MlCafferty and O'Connell. bet it may take some time to extirpate the leav• en of American Ideas, which Is now mingling will the chronic discontent of Ireland. The story of the American ship Hannah bay ing( bent overhauled by a cruiser carrying the Fenian ii w m a hoar, Five alleged Penises were arrested in Killa-ney, Including derk. In the Killarney poet omen and in the Crown Pros ecutor's office of Kerry. . . The cattle plague Is greatly increaring. Borne diserse has broken out among the sheep. Post mortem examination on diseased sheep proves, undoubtedly, all the familiar marks of the same disease. The Tama says There Is every reason to hope that peace abroad and at home will he President Johnson's paltry. Few expected that ho who denounced the rebellion 50 sternly, would display such moderation In the hour of triumph, or so eager a partisan would prove ca pable of rising so far above party Influences. From North Carolina—state Convention and the Ordinance or SeCe3l6l2. NEW Yolea, Oct. 9.—The Herald's Raleigh torreepondent says: The people of North Car olina, and especially those around Raleigh, are very decided In their approval of the 'emphatic way In whica the State Convention disposed of the secession ordinance by declaring It not only to be null and Told, bat to have always sines its passage been ao. The inhabitants are also rep resented se beteg extremely hostile o those men who enlisted In plunging the Biate-bet° the rebellion. In the Convention on the 4th Met., resolutions were Introduced, but laid over for future actior, expressing the utmost amildence Ig President Johnson, and thanking him for the coarse he has pursued towards the erring people of the South, to the gratitude, of all, of whom it is ho neyed he la entitled.- The resolutions also en dorse Gov. Bolden, wed express the belief that no. Stato will ever again have a desire to abandon the ['oleo. VOLUME LXXIVII.---NO 255 i Medea Corp Abolished.: 6 . 4:31: YORE, Oct, 9 -Tao Cotes of Jandlcal-_, - - ' Inspectors organizon hoe s alter the CMlU4neet! - _ ADDITIONAL PARTlcubarte. ii i,o6.. printitally abcdAhad* _, meat of the tar -an .„ by mustering out of the officers as volupeers and throwing than back span thalr orWnal 1 rank as ac my surgeon* la the regular arOrtca.,., Amount of the I oozes and Insurance. ' Now tn.[ their cervices are nolouger e liaaes t why are or - - ?minuet Marshal - Genrl - C on _ mitnvry, Govern, of Huskers, and many 6 th er rrra.,:.... Oct. S.-The most dest-nctiv . c to- ' scrennmerarlenalodiagenscowith. - . v 5 ., ..• • flaaration that ever ir• - ik Mace In LIG ~.I ; a4lons . The Atlantic Cable 13Uoy• rccutTod here about one o'clock this morning i , and which fortunately terminat , nl without ICM. of i .‘' si . r st ‘' ( ' '` ,l "" 5.-1.1 ” ' "r " eS Eshei. life. 1 - es ~..'r, is rd ”n;Satrudny, and repo. t thht Oa The tanks of the largest do ,, in? w,. , 1 .., P., i .1., 1 , ,,.. 0. ~.., pi, tuber, in laiitale 52. degi and Bole, known as the Grans, routalulr.g 4,C , 00 h tr. . .i • . .t• .• • 4 tt ., _:. 40 min., thry saw Ihe red,itioy, Gas of oil caught fire, Sprawling dent: action to t o i ti.i. i• •07 ,1.15. with three or the red digs on 11 - - iii .i , y graic. The teal was ,ditight all directions. Thirteen derrieks and engine I Ti . ,i t IlLii.h. i: Ras attached nom the cabl6 honer, on the following leTitis were destroyed: ' Not. if, l'it, 15, 15, 20, 21, 22 and 2i; on the Holuiden farm, and Nos. ii. 4 and ior the Morey ' farm, covering a surface of dee Beres. The W- I tai loss will reach 5150,000. All the oil hclaigtia to the own, -s of the land Intrrest and the Culted States Petroleum Company of Now York. The tanks, building and property belonged to the \ owners of the wiirklag lea, rest in the well and was insurid fee 129,000 In the Associated Com pany, of Nose York. THE FIRE AT PITHOLE i,kti JIM arsrATCII.I PITIIOI.Z, Pw., ( I. fire at the (Iran'. Well was extinguished about noon. The wall was not 'elated. Tbe lees will not exceed MO,- 000. Mr. Samford, 'oho wa; waylaid and robbed on Salurday, is :till alive, and hoped are now eiaLer tained of his reCotery, klartliquake at Sao ',Tramlaco has FIIASCISC., Oct. b —At a purl., her' one o'clock us-day, the a, restearthquake eve, felt eccerred here cad fristtened &most the en• Ure population into the strosta .Eliff ink hair a minute there were two tremendous checks, cans. log buildings to rsck to and fro in a manner al liddrethrr alarming. St reicea were over In moat of the churches. The large coogregatlon of the Unitarian Church was being dismissed when the %hock commenced. Tho ladles shrieked end rushed for the doors taster than they could be accommodated with ant room. Similar scenes took place et St. Mary's Cr:the , dral, nod In some other churches and Seibbath Schroli. The rash wets so desperate from the Catholic church on Valleys street. that the large doors of the main etitrance were carried away. BeTeral persons ^fere irmrdd oelog tramped on. The walls of many buildings were cracked in may places. It surprises every one that the large and stately calk - es, like the Occidental Cosmopolitan Hotel end other bollding , s of that class were not generally more seriously injured.. More or less plasterinc rfn imrimpg half the cello gs of the city. Much window glass was demolished, Fire walls and cornices from many holdings. The entire front of a large four story brick building jut erected on Third street, fell outward, covering shout one half of that wide street with frag ments. One Independently constructed chimney 6f the Lick Hormel fell in, crushing through the roof of the dining room leaving piles of brick around the tables and dishes, to the astonish ment of the boarders taking lunch, Three servants were Witted. Fissures two and three inches wide opened among the lower parts of the city, where It is mace ground. Some of this ground was eleva ted mane Inches shove the former level. Brief e6counts from Sacramento. Stockton sod an Jose represent the shock as the se verest aver felt In those cities. It war not felt at Marysville nor Placersville. The town of Batts Cruz was shocked with great severity, some of the brick buildings suffering severe damage. One or two were destroyed. The Ram Stonewall—Secretary Seward and the Fenlana—The Jett. Davis Treas. over. Wssnmovon. Oct. 9.—The United Statee steamers Rhode Island and Hornet, the latter formerly known an the blockade runner Lady Sterling, have been ordered to waxed to He. vans to convoy to Washington the rebel ram Stonewall, surrendered to us by the Spanish an. Glorifies. The tealgrommt of the Rhode Island to thin duty disposes of the eft repeated report' that It was fitting out to convey Preside n t Johnson to North Carolina and other Southern ports. The English story that Mr. Seward gave no • rise to Greet Britain of the Paden movements concerning Ireland, continues to suite coin-. meet in the Secretary's absence, but It Is dis credited. The treasnte captured among Jeff. Davis' effects has been counted at the Tremor v Do parimrnt h anso.••• Arra in g.old.tioi.stly tn. - -unr, T 8.529 In Otter, 146 pieces of for elfin coin, gold and sliver—value not yet esti tuated-fifty-ain bricks of sliver, weighing over five pounds each. the estimated value of width is 1100 earls. The value of the whole is somewhat over one bemired Unmated dollars. Americans :n Europe-.Thetr Reldtious With the Rnoslans—The Attach on Mat amoros Deferred. Twin, October o.—The arraur, Paris consspondent says : There are not less thou fif ty thousand American, at present traveling iu Europe, spending at the rate of ten million dol lar, in cold per year. During the Last month there were a series of fraternization, between the officers of the Amer ican squadron In Cherbourg Mariner, and the officers of the Russian Corvette. The Russians, in their attentions (1) the Americans, entirely ignored the French and English. Iltutteq kini , ter is cnvironed With owto.. t o - dcftcicucy in Lin accotuns. Ile has sum,vesterl haying tin in treakld Income and other taxes, causing great, apprehension and excitement. Ti.e 'hyoid Brownsville correspondent says: The atzack on )latamorna by the Republican, liar heel; ctublpotatAl, till the DAUM of their agent from the United Status, rent to secure material. It is now said he has Iran successful beyond an ticipation, and a vigorous campaign would soon take place, compelling the Imperialists is givo tip, both Monterey and Ilatamoms. The Ineelion In Georgia—Complaints against Negroes—Valium of the Crops. NNW Yong. Oct. S.—The herald's Savannah correspondent says: The election to Georgia was proceeding very guletiy. No military were near the polling places, and everything le con nection with the election was being managed bythe civil officers. In the majority of the counties but one ticket was run, and It is said that a good class of men have been selected for candidates. In the Interior of the State, general harmony prevails, the people accept with a fair amount of grace the new order of tainga, though planters coming tato Savannah from untie sec: lions, make strong complaints of the necroes neglecting their work, and say that In conse quence next year's crops will be a failure. Presbyterian Synod of Virginia Stand A loot—W Ithdrawa I of Congressional Car cllttate—Rebel Cen. Johnston Bat rrstorm, Oct. 9.—The Presbyterian Synod of Virginia In session at Lynciaburgh, on Satur day last unanimously adopted resolutions in favorof maluming separate church mvaniaation In Judson Crane has withdrawn from the Con gressional canvass. In a card, he says: I voted to ratify the Ordinance of St ceslion in Vi and sympathized generally with her, and ?a ll ot not conrcientkmsly and upon constitutional grounds also take the prescribed oath. General Joseph Johnston arrived In Rich mond on Sunday night. President', dottn.nq Contemplated South. ern Tour Abandoned. New Tons, Oct. 9.—i special to the Tunes from Washington on the'dth says: The Priest— det has abandoned his contemplated trip to Richmond and North and South Carolina, and Yesterday nailed the Secretary of the Navy that the vessel in waiting for him would not be required. Arrival of the GlStli New York. Nary Yang October —The sSth New York Vohmtem regiment arrived in this city yester day from arldgeport and Stevenson, Alabama. This regiment, which now numbers twenty nine racers and five hundred and slaty-eight men, also Includes the 45th Now York, which was some time ago consolidated with it. /iestroctlye Fire Br. Louts, Oct. 9.--Cralg's drug store. Renick & Loving's queensware house. and H. B. Ketchum, in St. Joseph, burned on Thunday. I"; of farmer 560,000, latter $40,000. Mostly Insured In Eastern nooses. Considerable Injury also resulted by the removal of goods from ad-. Joining gores, and tearing down adjoining wooden buildings. Death of Gen. Saunders—electing of Ctt. Izne■ of Wisconsin. Now YORE, Oct. 9.—The citizens of Wlscon sin, now sojourning In the Capital, have celled a meeting for to-morrow tight, to take appro.i. priate action to respect to the death of Gem Horace T. Saunders of that Stat.% NEW YOllB, October 9.--Gold opened at about the closing figures of tiailirdsi, and reniebieo steady until the receipt of the China's news, sod Produced a *esker Otte and a pattlalfati In t6ll premium. The quotations ranged be- meth 46%®4133i, closingnt the latter. ktizilsolppl Election. Jossoorr. Mos., Oct. D.—The majority foi Gen. Elnniptirey kw Governor of this State, over Judge Flatter, will probably be 10,000. The • jority of G. L. Potter, the anti-ttegro teetlmout candidate for the Court of Appeals in the leclE• eon district Is 9,000. . ',7 1 11 i t• g Reporttd Flight of Pre%tieut duarOz. Y,nK. 'O, tot w:r f9libOlphi3 • or-t-plident of Septemik• - :kl the ttit ••rtol. Benito Juarez. tir...•• hat, Pct . -Meld of M.CSICI), 1 DOW t otter =ldc, timt lo the .Vnited. R. 11, REE TER, larricom - Erov.a.mcin SS BroithflP/ 6 " Street, near Eittll One Er COFFINS of every description. eicP. .FF... OLOCYS nod FOUNISHIRO FOR FU.OIEI7- ALS k_s ersily. WELNE AEX-RSE soIIOAR. RIJN futrusited i a ogim • • kTs 3~'~l~3tL117:1d ;t~! ~i GAT !r UARO N 8 OP TE BELABON, Concert Hall Shoe Bilge. AI .L CIODDs, AND WINTER STOCK PARTIOUWILY SELLING LESS nMI PiRIZVI3E CCOS, FTC:. HENS' HEAVY BOOTS, 0,00, EVENYTIUNO ELSE IN PELOPICA.MIN. BARaAINSIBARC4INB I • :ALL TH,,,L5 IdONDL No. 60 FIFTErSTILIOI. No Connection wit any_:' ` other House in the CITIZENS, AROUSE I Look. to Your Interest. THE Biasori WHY YOU sEgArLD PURCIIDE ALL BODES BE ALEC 74 FIFTH STREET. rots Receive a Present wile each TIOOK. OR ALB 81, WHIM IS SOLD IaCV NT Tax rt*ggEss. 1.11220:NTS WORTH FRAM 6ft..:00 8400. Alamo or said for I Catsloeae, 00l OAK. BALL °Lolling . ° HOUSE. No. 63 FIFTH smart, NEW GOODS. POE CLOTH coers4 SACK COATS. Z' Er Gina WALKING MOLTS. OVEFLOO&IS Of ALL 10:!tillT 3. • FANCY CAP PANTI FIND BLACK PAN'[6l PEG TOP PANTS and all styles of CLOTHING, . EGLEDLIESS OF COgn, FOR TEL NEXT $3 D&l3. J. H. SMITH & C0.,0 CLOTHIERS, 01. S. HALL, arra ST., 'Oppeette Ote Opera Souse IRON CITY COLLEGE, Garner Penn and t. 11711 r ittropti. PITTSBUTUM. Pd The largest, cheart and most tea= BIMESS 0011EGE TN TEE MUTED STATitS. Stitheate enter and review it say 4tut • Sir Otrenlarc, containing hill Iticrcituallyttu Ire, to any address, on" application tit Ma pal s, . o'l l3Ctl'B 4 - 17271311131111, P r. salpaikAdMian SPEIsIOER PALE, CREAM dRD AEBtiat fait Ph cenix ateans iiryoL,."7lr, 'PICKLES, PICKLEBi PI • bbla pnsbilim MX", • • --.Febrisa% u bait Pieklesit ' Fox able by th a t •SIAIALEY. oeE !o1 ufbety atreet. TA - LLUNV 01L-20 bbla !arrive. / 1. 4 Or L5A16,11 DIMET R 00.1