int Mout* Cut*, 111.11Etil MUM ASSIMAtION, 'BAIMIDAY. OCTOBEER 7. 1863 UNION STATE TICKET. TOn mrorron mann -t" LEN.' JOBE P. ILIBTBAIMIT, :4 • Of Bolivar* County. ton maim= ova:. : COL. JACOB IL CAMPBELL, Cantnin carat. - UNION COUNTY norm Pon menu= Arroireinr: ILL I I/ B. DII7F, of Allegnany. sua - covirfr coirntozurs: Itlatql - LAIIIIEET. Pat ToifultfP. VOICTICIaIiI3II72I3 - • DAVID LIKEN, is., of Lnxlffy TownsblP. 70/1 !MATS 131MATII , HollES L. GRAZAAL /Wee ens,. OEO. Y. lifit EE,froitli Feyette'rearnsblp. RANS H. HEREON, 11100aeeleas Township SIaVEED SLACK, of AlleghenY. 17 4 S oamplataxEsiirppur LlCtlatz. J. P. GLASS, PAW ~ • 1011816: - DANKS.II TintuadD. vox coffer: o.tiimeozouli ' .10NATI1112f MIELY, • f Lower St. Glair TP % 102 oorarr .11TAITZTOIII -. L. zaapuLLLir, • , /31. 9. 4. 2 1. 4 . 102 Dutzer;, 'or roma - lIKOSES . CRESS of e • TownlihiP. TAE IRT.TY Voting is a duty as well es a rigdt. A 'man cannot neglect its exerclio without risking injuricutr-,results to himself and to the country,. ~,The duty is , an imperative .one;,..anditheMin; who fails to discharge it,' ' . disregards a sacred obligation. •-• it is not a bard dutp, to discharge, It re -Tares only a walk of a few squares in the city, or, a ride Of a mile or two in the - • VetnittY,...,to reach the polls, and a few .- minutes suffice to deposit it . vote. Why, then, should so exalted a privilege and so -sacred a duty be neglected AU elections are important. Some are more important than others; hut all are of sufficient importance to deserve the at. . tentionoeeVerg citizen. This is a govern ment of the people, and every voter is a part of . it. If he,-feels any concern In the t. government at all, (and who does not ?) he aluinld' feel. Concern enough to (LS charge his share of duty in It by voting. The present election - is a most important one, because it is the first since the euppres. sion of the rebellion, and It is essential that - the control of the Government should not now be permttted to pass Into the hands of those who have. been Its bitter and disloyal enemies r driring the war. The pretence of:the democratic party that it Is ready to sustain the Administration is , - a lie, and every lOyal man feels it to be so. There is all the mere reason, therefore, that the lie should not•he permitted to win. The 6andidatea presented by the Reptffiffi can party are men who have been faithful 7 . to the country throughout Its great trial. Ivery loyal voter in the country knows them to be men who have stood by the right from the - beginning, and that, too, 'from a love of it, and not from policy. To sustain suckes these, Inpreferenze to thine "t- who owe an allegiance to a party that has - '-pa Isis; eutly stood by the .wrong, would seem so clearly' fd- he's high duty, that it would be superfluous to urge it. °an - Stale ticket• presents the names of two gartun soldlcrs, whn gathered their lionorsVtero dangers werelhickest in the field, and now that they have sheathed the sword,:ihre their alb to the Party that sus tained- them at home. Their opponents may have been good Eoldiera, but they have allied themselveswith the party that op posed and obstructed the war, and by that act bays forfeited all claim to the suffrages Of loyal men. Have you, reader, as a voter, the inter ests' of the State and Nation at heart? It you have; will you aid the_party that has upheld the credit and the renown of both, and-stands pledged to maintain their n honor and integntY in air time to come, or will you suppori the party whose sore limit is to give victory to--the conquered, to lap thefoundsticine of the national credit, -and restore - the dominion of slavery? - Ton have to decide for, yourselves. By staying at biome you give half a vote to those whom you know to - be enemies to the beat Interests of your country. The test of a man'a faith in a-free government is Ida vote; and he. 100 - does not vote _ *tall L practically as much against us as he.who does not rote with - u.s. Itcpublican party has kepi all Its promirea. 'The Democratic party never keeps its word, except with the South Mitch, then, will you trust? The demo -. crab era now seeking . power through the aid &those who bektiit and carried on the rebellion,' and they hope - to regain the supremacy virldettkeir inabserviency gave thereof old, .by pandering to the purposes .of those whose-hands are still red with ',your childsci's Their sympathies are just as sincerely:with the South to-day 1 . AI they we.reEve yews ago; .sad for the .sake etregalning pewee they are ready to trade otfthe grafid.resOm of the war,, t talned at such a fearful cost, and transfer to Abe vanquishedthe trophies of the victor. 43balLgle poweil'Of the Government pass 'into the ittifith. of..cttich zee, of of such a party I , ..alhat. - Lthe , qtieation.:Noters, for you to decide. WM yokileglde it by stay log at llomp ag,eleotion th l y? . How, then,, yotiiintier= toyeittr eemselences when yeti find:gine; by scidcriag, yen have opened ti up onf,*uhisa great", and: rendered it ne cessary to fight tlie battles•of the; reholliOn over again? • .- , If.yod teliiii,'tiiePure pellet) andjprositeri ly you intistVe to it "that the Gaverliment ' is notionniiitted to,fite hands of its enemies and this cezi,:be demi only by right votingt. - The regionsibillty, therefore, of deciding this grave -tame-is upon UM shmilderinbthe ..loyal voters of the'county. They cannot - thiovr itThey have the votes to de-, ciao it rightly;, and if decided vrcongfullY • thrtmtb. theft' iseglec:t i the blame and the aware will be theirs. Ilictou within "Itglasp. We entreat them not to letit , to, bittlevexert.l themselves _as , men who 4 .4 , 4 have a keen and -senattive regard_ for the :W. hones of the flatten, and the permanent ivelfarti - ef the,peoplo. " Jtrnan Earerrnerr„.—.We - are under obll li. gations to Judge Shannon for• a copy of t; his ibiCipeeth, at Tilairmille. It was suainly7lClorlew of the speech of Thad. ti3ietreiiii - -;.w. Stevens and 'the Jtidiecitie - lethal' we tar apart as they seem to be; and. barring the one point of -confiscation, sin which , kW Stevens finds ceirMgmligrue - isithlitm, - therelereally no mibitintial r differencie - between them. The ..Tudjpe --- advaeates Mavens]. suffrage; and - when that is obtained," - blr. Stevens Will . ;he fa . weli satisfied iat, the results . that will JyoSj r elf can possibly be.- Lira; Orient, antll-istely the L edltor t end publisher of.the&rie Qpolieltisswith. teriei.luld Is Alciesded by, Mr. J. 2,7(1011111 foitrieily the local' cdl : - tor of the 800 ilispatelh — The initlalmim ' her Is int) deso; , The 'ziew, ises to make impingementsis vapidly - as possibre.4pßy :;ides - of Nov bee he hooeilds readers eee a neticsable ;311; . 4terenCii." • 7 . , cCiLelkini, MAVIS - AND - TLIN PAPEIr; There can be no question that CoL Da vis,. the Remocratil candidate for Auditor general tiSixtiselidifor: what is contain ed inidApaper_nots. _ I.l.lsataincie given In Iti.COlituna Units - editor,:. and. he.. cmnust sneak out of a full responsibiliVfor its con tents. In his paper of Saturdriy ling we find several chnlee extracts. He thus comes to the aid of deserters and skedaddles& , "At the last session of COngress - an - set was passed dkfranchising all persons who left tite country to avoid the draft. The late teas notoriously unconstitutional, and this was the general view taken of It during its discussion. . "We do not linow of any persons in this county to whom the act of Congress in tines ion applies; but if there be any such, let them demand at the polls all the rights that belong to them. The Federal Gorernment hat AO right to dbefranthise thew. Ti" I