The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, October 07, 1865, Image 1

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ii'•_'•ii -
TMI is a subject whICIs - shotild interest 'esity;
en , 6iihiving T erhoathWarth.thlaattSation,and yet
deubt,whet hei,tha r Sarne. interest could be em
cited in thledrieMen,iii fn tfiat of Waving them
itnereeisithbut , fatiricaeitcole 'I have made
ieWnthe fart that teeth, minbe,:extracted with.
at palaordanieFto - Ille - atd - health, r am daily
overfed tei talthlitit , :teeth which would make an
euest:inanahudder„to hear , the responsibility In
rolring inehli - itinitice:' • *hen'We assure thorn
4 the etetyytOe of;tho natural tooth, and Ito
,tn ite - 'eohiliiHelen with artifidal teeth,
>ie are =re cl to the cheapness of tho latter, say-
Jig that a g tact
,canhe secaed at the cost of
*O - or ihreignod phdie.:. Tina sio have cold water
.brown upon our efferta, after- having spent a life- ,
time in the principle add practice of saving the
.rcturall teeth; and if It was not for a few who aro
faithful to themselves and that which nature has
"given, we wouplteptouraged: to the abandon.
meet Of the Moot ziehle 'part:of - bin. irt; 0.. Sill;
Dentigi; 418 Pena- street. -
and this Satttrday is the day, and the only day,
no go teddy to the greet clearance eel of Dry
Goods; Hoop . SicDta, teeleiy, Gloved agether
Pith - Soots; Shoes iiidGalters;WOolek
At McClellan's, 6.5.11fth atrect, .r readers
*ant bargalna ialhe above goods, we a else them
to embrace this great aztAzDurApplaort• ty. Who
More will be cloud next week lb! Imp ..vemeafs;
- • .
' . Wow Goode and Row pros'
Wo would resiorroursreadorew fursos . vendee.
runt In anedbet nOtinari 01 . eitAjestra. J.
A. Be binsort & befit at shoe store, No. to
idatket 'areal; 'll4eleglttet arifiea from the out
orlth 4 superior new $IQok of goods, they offer for
iNda_ments ladles', 'misses , and children's boots,
'oboes and tor tall ind winter ware.
They hare also the beat usoetment Litman.', boy. ,
and Meta , grain and water proof
in the ely: n4r.„sont4on, the partner of thl
Crm,ltad been hi thi ettif,ioy Or.lsll..James Hebb,
for a great trathNterireestyrlneljtatirOleaehaNend.
• , Wog thorobihty ireqietuteltrttathe biutneer,
the proper ;moulo cater, for thirestabllshment.
trotat.freornmenO our readers to stye then a
j - If, tied diartfOrtl Of it, They *tit be teen muted.
;, • It Sbiond be Itememliered
That the hest place and the only place in the city
`lthateloo twelve a 'present, worth trem6o ceuta
' IRO with midi book or album you purchase, le
at the Behk-Dith/Dherel gtesentotion Depot, 7.1
EUth atrcet.-
.cttpap Dri-Goods-
li ,
be. •
eminnr Dunlap, Lnknr ratio. have received
!.snother lot of. those gitoci printsse,a.i. cents, sad a
Urge steak of tiesv . y grey twilled . Hameln at So
-gents. Sold'evirytreere at cgi cents; Aloe; d lot of
:good balmoial Wets at i 3 oe, gernelaber the
Thee, 100 Fcdeest strerit, A.uorkelw;
Our BpadtertTlV . ill Remespber
51aat tbis ilthgreat,aale, al buildings and garden
jot/okt Abgrarland'n, glom . East...Llnexty, ad
•TertisEd 'ecienisiii ire on 751ondai tith
, Inst. An excartiorLtrAtz4 , Aaiu:o3i miliinnvn the
Pennellynnilk pip l 4. 14 2 ndci pokanvlsclT, on that
dat. nr4 uilloPetoisad from the' iiie fregf.
4 1 bum4;AIDlnn
; .Over two •Ittafted. Ictriga rot ItLadtug, holliag
twelve eaßato twotattalrod, at 1 5 /neck's, opposite
l,tbe Peat - '-*
A Gold Pen Worth _Haying.
We hark had some expeifinee .in golf Pane
. , ,Por tweaty - yeiriiiiiihia - kbiemludzijivtat - grialer'
ior leskeXtent, .the, pens of the mast celebrated
, ttlanttlictitiritialde 'cant*: Sortie of these are
i' Very lee, some soOditanalagerfroiortion angst
.?: But . Dlr. Bush FitiOatelt; *hese card will be
k ,,, i, atuld in another column, makes &Fold- pan not
• i ! excelled by any Am.criaan or.Fin:l:Peen Pen, an far
• l ' ; , LI ettr,exierlinco hiUs t extendhil.• • Hie -material la
' 1
-I. of tlivrtyrkejrSzittallty, . and his workmanship is
1 rarelreotiallcd.- Fora good pen werivottid rather
• ; t trust Fitzpatrick than any other mantifaeturer
4 .ifyhOsis pew= have aced. We advise our friends
,zeho drelnneed of inch, ansrtials to pstronize Fitz
".. 4 ipstriekby alli*ntfi, lillsestatrEahmeni.:ls 75 pint
;i= street, near Merkel, - mond .. floor, Pittsburgh
l.:'` -Presti,rerirn Lauer.
I'3o Cancans r
".3i•likehl, the Dungeoa.tatii.rjetiaZiri=t; rh e;. ,
,Iroalte the Post Mace:
sober Facts for Ohl:tiling' People.
Year alter year, for anidghth ate 'notary, the
I . l.Press of the country har.chroatcled the beneficial
t - fitets orliowrarlsati Sreasou Barns. Edt
•••'; 'tors, authoir,.Phystelans,. 'merchants, officers of
the army and ruivy,._chendsts, conitielors,
'liters of the goepif, it:Lettere; a last eldudof MG
if,:tiesses of efery. profession, ,trado and ositing, have
• testified to its - efficeer n* a tonic sad reontstirg
litetes: and statements of these
i:..Witnessee- tire hien "PUbibilted 'id: the public
is. 'prints, litany of them aro well known to the
Whole public.. 'heir _ testimony lutCnever been
.impugned. Upein evidence far less
weighty men are acquitted or condeMnedby coa
t: Stela:diens Juries:
• RetrarrrcettA•rearatwritavene hi o'er, however,
, lt beebeen tried and pronounced on
'the autherity, of those' Whose lives and health it
Pr . 6 8 7 0-4 1, imizeOlsawen, and ewlnently
• •
salutary preparation.' Attempts brie been made
- to rival ft . Theyhavefelled. Oanttceneagrarsi
lk to say why they have falledl Ask tie recovered
stripeptice, Mona arfferers,vintims it fever and
twee, and nervous anbjeste.who have experienced
• its effects, what am . think 'of re. Ass wawa and
lbe guided sole* by, what they say. I solaevery.
Card Photogriphe
Of all proadneaaricii 'and Womtn. at Piit o .lo
Itaosite tbe '..aistrOftlee. • -
; - Felt_ and winter ,Goode.
ii'iiittitteetplesettiebit eigithoitteutleO
' • but leaden to the superb etook. of Pallnati Winter
14 • Moodsjust teedvea by Mr. John Welet, Etterah ant
jttoolt enititaces some . of the rarest ang;most beau.
*vet btotight ter the western- market: iitintesott.
bent of Furnishing Goode, comPtilger Pattie.
41ratrete 1 Mollets, Week-ties, flantiketehie Ls, &c.,
fleennothe snipe's - Ed *eat. &large. stook
cif real...lll4We- paste; Omits, Vectiiind Overcasts
VIII Alio bo found at . ,ZO establishment: Perms
went of galth‘iig in the eiottileg tlntiehoniii not
AU to giro 4 . 4..w,e1er a call._
Gold Pens, . •
Vekllhts Dndrocket Boots; a Pal oolOte.opipoifte
the Post afloc. • ,
ThOzniii iY Pinf& Co:
illegal Tate& Roofers, and Dealers # Ametleao
. 4darolor'eisiolit cadre. - Office' eV:Alex:node!
Zi" 1 . 01 / a 's Water .Workor ribtabunk
leiddiocee, rro; • ' IV Pike strict - Orders .
vtorentrettended_to,, All work InliTll444,lwatet
Root - Reoablei ildno"afdie iionbeit riottee. No
t.trberite Zoe Mars, stroy!dol.yttte " :WI to apt
Mused. ofterteloyea
••=! A 42.0 d i3oor
ar• r fl(ty-Cents t ,„s,P.lttosk , s, 9ppostte „ the Post
e - Ake They Golnce
W. 'refer; reader, te soar teeth.. Be careful.
Tint to youreies,itereteetti are - the moat prect
ous of your facial organs. Vie the' Viegraut so.•
tedent. will at once meet decay so prevent
- went are nowonere 'peeks from bobs orinoen In
?brief, it wIU save and beautify your teeth. And tt
lathe ontrpillis that puke/we.-them. Selloct on
Artemas {YnM's'
,X,ete Look, et Pitt&les, opposite the Post ()Mee
f;srtar returned after au Absence of ufte ppm
tl7.ll,l T e it'oPAPfx o7 stop toraha o rta
olAbbutrr In asrpeates Ilne, st tan Old saw,
All qtbetw.oex 13 *thficia igzea Cheni
4)% ( keen salielte4 and PrOMPUY attended to.
•-• .r.,,ate Papers .. • Ohre.
CIO BM el3thing Roues, at 63 Fifth street, where
Ke 0fter.6 20 , 1 160,13 , 76}61z_0f clothing' r9ilutlces of
tos, 01.1:$6112. ' ' 0ct.54.6.
_ Song Bookn
-At Ottoet% o PPosito the Pest thaCe.
236; Penn Street, ;
atiendi promptlyite:all buitness of,blsilotes•
A. Goan- Paulin:n: 3 =TM Canton - Reposteary
salt:- Rabe= of anno anti& abont cow
iitlf against , aorno - linnor sellers iota Jo
Mo on by ibo - wive,sof acme then
_who bawl
beali:niado drunk by ilia - aforesaid Iliinor 'adieus.
rCaTflinitowo labooondnyit tout for Woman.
11 %. 13 = 1 L Orgr 4 Vited ass found Ito way Into tbo
_mopes Offiee ba Friday; and which with ba,
pitOg:Fort ita cur wales to a
Price of Oil at Pithole:
Speetal Dispatch to IMPPittsburgh Gazette.
Om Cur, Oct. 6.1866.
On at Plthole 66. At on Creek 610 . : Well
No. 6 on theLllyner farm; Pilled; baS commen
ced to Clow at the rate of two hundred barrels per
day. • FITZIOLP.
Private telegrams received yesterday report
that the Venango end
_Warren Oil Company
made a good strike on West Hickory. The
Stock of this company is held In thin city. The
MI 10 of a lubricating character, dad the well
promises to be a good producer. -
The Holmdel Pares, Pilllole, It now yielding
over 5,000 barrels of oil daily, which at four
dollars per barrel. the ruling price, makes a
gross income of SW,OCO per day. There are
eighty wells down or doing down on the farm,
eightee;n of vrhich are producing. Most of the
non-productive wells are down within a few
feet of oil depth.
A one hundred-barrel well was "'truck on Mon
day on the Hiner feria, Pitt:tole creek.
A runDLE COrrespo laden t writes to the Erie
Dispatch under date of Oct. 9, as follows' Yes
texday morning. at an early hour, the cionnee,
tlon Was removed from No. 110, Rooker farm,
and a sharp Instmment in the shape of a tap for
cutting thread secured on the sucker rod and let
down for the purpose of removing the lower
valvd. Tive experienced men were engaged in
this work. The time occupied was one hour. The
valve Wee removed' wtthout difficulty, and we
calloiate the well at present to be a 1,200 bar
rel well, but will scud the exact amount when
the 'Atoka are measured.
No. 108 will bo tubed to4ay.
No. 5 Is tubed and will bo pumped to-morrow.
NO. 5, on the same lease, still pumping water
seed bag not Ligbt.
. .
No, 109, llolmden, etarted last week, and bldg
Lair to bo an excellent well, Will report further
concerning It when the rods are out.
On account of prom of other matter, we
omit the detailed telegraphic report of yester—
day's proceedings in the Military Commission.
The examination of witnesses for the defence
elicited little that was new, or which differed
essentially from the tenor of the testimony
given during the past few days. A statement
made by one of the witnesses produced a rather
spicy discussion of the character of the New
York ire,' and Brooklyn Eagle for loyalty,
Win's counsel considering their support of
President Johnson's administration surfactant to
prove them sound In this respect. Besides re
turned-prisoners, several Southerners, including
two-ladies, testified in defence of Wire.
Finance and Trade in 2ceT7 York
Youn, Oct. 6.—The Stock Market con
tinues excited: The speculation fever has spread
over all the Railroad shares and does not appear
to have yet culminated. Some cliques are set
'out to realize profits, but without producing
any effect upon prices. Outside orders continue
to Intreame. both foam city merchants and the
Maeda?, and there seems a decided prospect of
,protracted activity.
e leading featereof the morning's opera
tion', was,is large cileue_operatioa la Ft. Wayne,
10,000e/tares sold at 10 to 12, the closing prices
showing:a rise of 93i on last evenhng. A few
shorts were' put out but the stock is strong
enough'to go considerably higher.
Ncirthweatent continues to be forced up, but
with some opposition. Common stock roes;;
and preferred ;.,,• Michigan Southern common
stock shows less strength, owing to large sales to
realize on the late admen.: Bales, 11,500 shares,
of which 0,:110 Were cash; the stock price closed
down., It is quite likely a second attempt
Will be made to run up the pica. About 0.000
shares of Ckveland.and Pittsburgh were sold at
the board. The stock wee strongest on the list,
and the price closed at a rime of .114. Reading
appears to have been well squeezed by the party
lately handling, and continues to be sold short.
The price opened at 117 35 and closed at 110;4.
• Erie continues quiet, [hepatic,' being to keep
the stock still until after the election of officers
next week. Most of the certificates seen on the
street ere in ()fa Broadway street bro
ker, and thereapp...ara little doubt that the spec-
Magee directors will occurs the . Presidency.
The price declined II" this morning'. New York
Central was qutdt;but advindadßg.
Coalstocke show great strung : Ht.-but are not
. yet Sulkion..toll)Mentitilepoculattykdetriand. The
reporrof wiellerti-tonaddre'dellveriertenterday
is without foundatkm.
• At the second board there was a sharp decline
In stocks, with a strong pressure to sell, After
board, there was a marked recovering, but the
Improvement waseoon loot. At the last board
the intaket wan firm on fliadson and New York
Central, but otherwise lower. The greatest
decline of the day is on Erie, Rock Island, Old
Southern and Pittsburgh.
The bears are hammering-the mtocks severely,
• and large short Interest Is being made. Tne
realizations have been very heavy, in conse
quence of the increased activity ha money. The
following were the closing prices : New York
Central, 2.5%, Hudson River, 107.1,vg %,; Read
ing, 116@;;, Michigan Southern. 7231;@;1"'
Cleveland and Pitushnrgb, 81,r‘@...52; R ock
Island, 110 @ii'; Cleveland and Toledo, 100;4@
1101 North Western, 30@y",; Erie, 59.41170%.
The demand for money la very active and the
rates of interest for call loans raised to Gel per
cent on Government and miscellaneous collate
rata. Loans were freely called In- with a view
to affecting the stock market, and this effort
was eucceesful for the time being. The dis
count market waaflrmer, and commercial paper
was done at 7a12 per cent sterling. Eichange
dull and lower. Bankers bills at 1093aM. Gold
opened at 143. advanced to 140. and- fell to
146 6 ;a3;. Governments were sold quite freely
to-day. The following was to-day's easiness at
the office of the Amistant Treasurer. Total
receipts 62.519.449,10. Total payments $1,907.
403,47. Total balance $68,703.356,07. The
receipts Include for customs e 817,000 and on
aceount of the loan $220,000.
' The Commercial Lixtrert!ser Bays: The stock
market continues excited. The speculative
- fever has spread over. all the railroad sharer,
and does not appear have yet culminated.
Some of the cliques are selling out' to realize
profits, :but without producing any effect upon
the price, a — fact •wfilch shows the great
strength of the market. Outside orders contin
ue to Increase both from the city merchants
merchants and frourthe interior. The spirit of
speculation, indeed, appears - to have been par
tially awakened, and Judging from the imam'
of the streets, there tierces to be a decided pros.
Peet , of the unusual activity being vary ',pro
The profits made during the late rise have
been so large as to tempt to further ven
tures, and there is no saying to what length
speculation may go. The leading feature of
this mo stag's Operations was the large clique
operation la Port Wayne; 10.000 shares were
sold &eine ®IO2; the closing price showing a
rise of 23; on Mt L'Atening's!price. A few shorts
were pat out, but the stocieja strong enough to
go considerably higher. •
Northwestern seems to be forced up, bat with
some operations. The common stock rose 3c,
and prt.rerred Michigan Bouthern common
stock shows less stragth, owing to large isles
_having been made en realize the later advance.
The sales were 11,500 shares, of which 9,300
were cash stock.-The price closed ' ; , down. It
Is likely that n second attempt will be made to
Inn up the price. Abort 6,oooshares of Cleveland
dr, Pittsburgh were sold at the board. The stock
was the strongest on the list, and prices closed
at a rise et 34. -
The Reported Conrersatton between Gen,
Grant and Budge Catou on Mexican At
Now Yonx. Oct, S.—Judge J. D. Caton in a
note to the associated press, dated in this city
to-day, says: In reference to the coaversatkm
between Gen. Grant and himself rpon Mexican ;
affairs, that Mr. Smith certainly misundertood
him of his version of the conversation Is'
correctly reported. Judge Caton says he never
was on it train from Cincinnati with Gen. Grant
to his knowledge. hut that did once have a
casual conversation with that officer, in which
Mexico was alluded to. In that conversation,
'Gett..Gratt In some way Intimated to him that
it Waa the intention Of the Goverment to later.
fere in affairs,
Gen. Fiske states that dnrlam the put week
six er seven hundred we:ernes have been sent to
their former homes In different parts of the State
and have contracted with their former owners
to work for wages. Within a month there will
be a general cleaning ont of all Me negroes hem,
arrangements having bean effected to procere
them labor in different parts of the Smith.
ersiew between Louis Napoleon and
Victor - Eiaanucl.
New Yong, Oct. 6..—The Irenacra Florence.
Italy, correspondent Own en !recount of some
snysteticits communtottkine and lnterviews ,.
winch hare lately passing between the
Sho Etaperor Loots Rspolron end - Zing 'Victor
"Emanuel, whlchnre suppoSed to be roman:mere
of recognition of the Kingdom of Italy brims.
trie,.the. settlement of the , Roan difficulty
and the - lemming cf the Pope of his temporal
- fiorceztaini Soli of Beer. • • '
- Govercmion
cold 2.2.5011c0d ot.beef cattle:at an ovorcle of
aiaq cett!°, I P9m , . 7 -5-
Philadelphia Custom louse Investigations
Congressmen Asking tha.t the Veteran Re
set vet. be Retained in the Service.
Late advice s from Charleston
Special Dispatch to tire Pittsburgh Gazette.
Tht Fenian Central Council has held rut:ani
mated eeesion in New York, and resolved to
summon a general Convention of the lodges
from all parts of the country, to meet in Phila
delphia on the 16th !nat., and an address will Do
lamed to the people.
A special agent of the Treasury Department,
who has made a thorough examination of tho
affairs of the Philadelphia Custom Hone, has re
turned to Washington and will recommend some
Important reforms In the management of that
Institution. • "
It Is estimated at the Treastuy Department
that more than forty milllor.9 of the now loan
will be paid with compound interest notes.
The War Department has received COMM] &tea
lions from a Largo number of members of Con
gress asking that the Veteran Reserve Corps be
retained in service and voluntenni be disbanded.
The Becrete.y will consult with Gen. Grant be
fore deciding.
The New York an 4 Havre steamship Une will
resume operations in November next. Another
American steam line to Europe is projected in
New York.
A number of the leading citizens of Virginia
have published an appeal to the voters of that
!State, earnestly advising them to elect as rept e
sentatlves only true and loyal men. to whom no
objection can be made, and especially to rota for
no man for Congress who will not take thO test
Private adviccs from Charleston and Savannah
say that although the people of the South are
subdued and loyal, the feeling is extensively
cherished that in case the Democratic party gets
possession of Congress again, the South will ask
for the maul:option of the Confederate debt.
GOvernor Plerpoint has written a letter to the
same effect, and urging the Ocetion of such per
sons to the Legislature as are eligible, and that
no others will be allowed to take seats, the
Corostitution being In the way. W.
Rulings Under the Homestead Law
NEW Yong, October 6.—The Light
house board is constantly directing the
re—establishment along the Southern coast
of lighthouses destroyed by the rebels daring
the late war. Large appropriations will be re_
glared to put the coast in the condition it ca:
bayed prior to 1861. Nearly every lighthouse
from Cape Henry down the Atlantic and Gulf
coast, with the exception of a few In Florida,
were destroyed by the enemy, the structures
being torn down and the leases broken or car
ried away.
the General Land Office has answered the
following gnettions raised tinder the Homestead
Law and presstited for ruling since 14;2
Question. Can a preirreptor ille his declara
tory statements uprn a tract of land previously
entered uneer the Homestead Law I
Answer. He can if his declaratory statements
arc accompanied by hie affidavit, that he lint
actually made his scutintent prior to the date
of the homestead claimant.
Question. Can two or more parties enter the
same tract under Cho Homestead Law I
Answer, They cannot. The tract should be
awarded to ante applicant, and If two or more
apply for the tract at the same time, it should
be awarded to the party making the highest bid
for the privilege of makinc the entry, and the
sum thus bid should be credited to the Called
States, In the returns, as an excess, with a mem
[amide= of Umlauts.,
Qaestion. Can a party enter under the HMO
steed Law, a tract upon which a preemptor hiss
filed his declaratory statement
Answer. He cot, If he files his affidavit that
there Is no preemption settlement upon the
same and marks his entry subject to the pre
elm:tooe claim, in case such claim slhoild be
established after notice to said parties had been
given of the parties concerned.
A Washington special to the Tribune says:
The proetedinterrot the Military Commission at
Cincinnati, before whom G. lit. GeorgeGreenfel
tried on charges of conspiring. In
violation of the laws of war, to release the rebel
prisoners confined at Camp Douglas, near Obi
engo, and conspiring to lay waste the city of
Chicago. was promulgated by the War Depart
mcne to-day. The prisoner was found guilty
and sentenced by the Commission to be hung,
brain crauilderation of the recommendation ofthe
court. and the success of the Government lb sup
pressing the - rebellion, President Joheson com
muted the sentence to Imprisonment, at hard
labor, for life, at the My Tortugas.
Number of Pardon. Granted—Protest
Against blustering Out the Veteran rte..
New Fon& Let, o,—The noes' Washington
special soya erroneus leapresslon prevails
with the public es to the number of perilous
thus far granted by the President; some esti
mates placing it as high as 25,000. We ascer
tain on official authority that the number up to
and including the warrants signed this day. I.
but 2,758. Among those lately pardoned is L.
Rope Walker, the first rebel Secretary of War;
the man who gave the order to open lire apes
Fort Sumter, le proper to state that th
cabinet have declined to recomnfend the pardon
of any of the excepted classes coming under
the 73d exception, known as the 829,000 class.
The Secretary of War has before him a com
munication signed by prominent Senators and
Representatives in Congress from all the States,
earnestly' protesting against mastering out of
the twenty-four regiments of Veteran Reserves
now in service. They ask that if It is intended
to reduce the troops to the necessities, and of the
establishment of the volunteer forces now scat.'
tend throughout-the country, and so anxious to,
be mustered out, be dispensed with first, thrit
leaving in the service only the menhir army an
the Veteran Reserves, which combined amount
toseventeen regiments. Most of there regiments
need recruiting: They also ask that per.
minion be granted tothe Veteran Reserves to
' remelt their regiments up be the lull number.
It It urged as one of the reasons for retaining
these mops that most of them hays received
during the late war such bodily injuries as unfit
them for ordinary business avocations, and as
they promptly abd patrioically , volunteered to
put down the rthelllon at ha commencement,
they should be retained In the service, and ea•
pecially as it !Snow known that a regular force
will be required equal to that of the regular
army and the veteran reserves combined. Sec
retary Stanton holds the matter advisement
and for consultation with General Grant on his
return to We city.
Mass Meeting of Freedmen at Natlitrtlle—
Negroes sent to their Former Homes.
Natamnxp; Oetober O. —A great mass meeting
of negro Freedmen was held at Eagiiield yes
terday evening, six thotsand being presmt.
An address was made by.-Gen. Fisk, he re.
Joked that the negroes of Tennessee were free,
as God intended them to be, and that they must
prove themselves entitled Co the blessings of
freedom by industry, sobriety and integrity.
His duly was to see that they were not oppressed,
and also to see that they discharged thelrdatles
He would put the black man In the Jury bei'
and on the witmeas stand. His.-remarks were
received with enthusiasm; and were folleviedby
the revival of other speakers, after which- the
meeting adjourned.
, Bands Approved.
Now Tonx, October - O.—The bonds have been
executed and approved M the rollowlog cases
newly appointed receivers and disbarsing agents
Milton Barbour, at Ls Crosse, Wlaconsin t Jas
Borne,' Ohnicothi, Digo • Joseph Cushman,'
Olimpis, - ,Wasidnuton Territory; Was. huger ,
bi ontgCnnem.: Alabama, Dexter C. Bloomer.
Council Mi n trsaman; itimmosow,Bacw, Stemma'.
Point, Wbststmalski in. Z00n.. - Indlanapoilk
ladisma;,Mlre Shicwrical;l4We 11°aq...trimness;
Henry r Warrett.': Oregon 'Day, Oregon. The
last two named are designated as 17ntind Btates
.::?..-..,:,:,i1..:. 6.":,..,:,i::,-;.,:::,1....;:,..-,.
Welcome to the Southern Delegates,
PHILADELPHIA, Ont. 6.—The Convention re•
assembled at 10 o'clock.
Dr. Rugby, of blew York, stated that twe del
ceases from Tennessee were present, tee owing
to the absence of the Secretary of that diocese
to present their certificate, he moved the names
of the Tennessee delegates be placed on the rolls,
which was carried.
The Committee on Canons, appointed yester
day, reported in favor of the adoption of a new
canon, prohibiting clergymen of the Protestant
Episcopal Church from entering the military or
naval service of the United States, except In the
capacity of Chaplains, or to enter any military
or naval school latent as chaplains or professors
of instruction.
A Message was received from the House of
Bishops, enclosing an address from the Protest
ant Episcopal Church In Canada, to the Con.
.veation of clerical and lay delegates of the Mil
ted Staten of America.
Bev. Dr. Dania. of Canada, was presented to
the Convention and mode a few remark's, Re
is Procurator of the Canadian Synod, and author
of the well known catechism bearing his name,
and visits Philapelphia as the bearer of the ad
dress above mentioned.
The Rev. Dr. Folford, Lord Bithop of Canada,
made a few remaras relative to the convention,
The aa.ttion was discussed of alterfnz the
canon which allows Bishops to distribute Easter
motion to recommit the question with in
structions was lust. and the committee Ilsch.srg
ed from the considerathm of the subject_
Rev. Dr. Cummings than rose and offered the
following resolution:
Ratolretl, That this house offers its profound
gratitude to God, thnt we ha ve again been
perniitted to meet in convention our brethren,
the clerical' and lay deputies from the Dioceses
of Texas, North Carolina end Tennessee,- and
that we recognize th. Ir presence in our midst
as a token and pledge of the future and entire
restoration of the naton of:the church, throughout
the length aid breadth of the land.
Judge of Ohio, hoped the rem.
lotion would not pass. We were glad to receive
our brethcrn from the seceded Stares. But he
was opposed to letting curatives down In Itn
nnliatlon to the earth. We are glad to see
them, but he considered the pbsago of such
a resolution as a premlutn for rebellion, lie
was entirely opposed to it.
Mr. Fornell, of Pennsylvania, moved to lay
the matter on the table, . The motion Was lost
by yeas 94 and nays 44.
Dr. Here hoped that the resoultion would pass
the house by a large ms)coity. Ile athored
slacay. He was pained at the degraded con
dition In which the colored race was kept at the
North. If we work wittilhe feeling of patriots,
we ought to remember how large a part of the
Episcopal Church wan implicated at the Sonth.
II we can hold out the olive branch to our breth•
ren or the South, we ought to do so. He was
surprised at the objection made by a member of
this house to the resolution, Alch he considered
entirely Inoffensive. He welcomed our brethren
of North Carolina, Texas sod Tennessee with
open arms. He was glad to see them here,
Thtir presence gladdens our hearts.
Her. Hr. Cummings had trusted that when
the resolution was offered it would have passed
without debate, and In the spirit In which It
had tern expressed by the last speaker.
Dr. Dote also argued the passage of the res
The resolution then passed.
The question of the provisional organization
of Dioceses was then called up.
Mr. Haggle!, of New rook, moved to refer
the question to the Committee on Canons, but
afterwards considered that by referring the met...
.ter to a special onnmittee, the brethren of Teo
ressee Tel-a 3 and the secesded States would
act In harmony with delegates of the N,irthern
States. He gladly withdrew the motion to Pe
ter the question to the Committee on Canons.
Dr. Vinton, of New York, suggested that the
mutter be referred to a Committee of our from
each Diocese.
_Rev. Dr. Wharton declined to accept the
amendment, as he believed a commluee of aloe
eruld be as full! competent to attend to the
duties as a larger on.
Judo! Ate" void that be lend moved for a
committee of nice:ten with the view of the re.
gaols:glop of the dieeesee of the whale country.
Or. Mason. of Maryland, asked for the read
ing of the revolution, which had been offered
TeneMlo3%. .
Ths resolution was accordingly read. ,
lit. Mesondlicu continued his remarks: The
committee could only consider the subject and
make a report i the Convention. No dellaito
action could be taken by then and a mall com
mittee could act as efficiently as a large one.
Judge Oils accepted of an amendment making
the committee consist of 13 gentlemen.
Mr. Wbarteri, also accepted the amendment.
Mr. Win. Welch would like to see the church
throughout our whole land, wonting har
moniously. before any question watch would
commit the Convention to any particular coarse
of action was adopted.
Mr, Mason, of Md.. inaved that the report of
the comeolttce be made at the next Convention
and not at Ohs ono.
The remainner or this e!easion nom occupied In
diecuralng the propossxl new canon, relative to
clergymen entering the military or naval strylce
except as chaplains.
Freedmen's Affairs lu Western Alabama.
Stew TORN, Oztober 6.-4 special to tire /Jer
ald dated Washington the Stb, says In regard
to Freedmen's affairs: One of the Assistant
Commissioners, who has jest completed a tour
through Western Alabama, reports that the
negroes are in the main industrously at work,
but that the crops are poor, and it
Is thought that they will not be sufficient
tow:main the population daring thaw - tater. The
greater part of the Inhabluints are indisposed to
co-ayerate with the Freedmen's Mutsu officers,
and refuse tocenaider the result of the war as
decisive. It Is declared that there is but little
loyalty among the utsJorityof the whites, and
that they secured the oath of allegiance as a
mockery, to be broken whenever contanicat o
though returned rebel soldiers are mentioned as
exceptional:l these respects. •
From Mexico
New ORLEANS, Oct. 4.—llatamoras advice,
ray that Corßoas, COMIII.I and Eseovide, and
their combined forces,• are marching on Hata.
morns, with 1,200 liberals, robbing and Mandat
ing the whole country. Captain Noy and his
cavalry are outriding between hiatomoras and
Monterey. Nine hundred 1 Winne and Mexi
cans defeated three thousand dye hundred Bel
gians near Caromora,•itt the State of Michoacan,
on the 17th of Judy, capturing 141prisoneri, ate
honored stan'd of arias and six pie;es of artillery.
They prccecdcd In the direction of Termitan.
Telegraph Bees are in preens of eonstruc.ion
to connect the raincioil cilia, of the Empire.
Arrest of, Counterfeiters,
Pnovmmircn. IL 1., Oct. G.—Detectives have
arrested fear Inca in this city for having and
passing don:crick United Btates carreocy. A
large quantity was secured, including a 8100
note, $2O note, $1 note and fifty cent &Pp. Oao
of the men la a wholesale distributor of coun
terfeit money for New England, named Henry
A. •Wood. alias Buchanan. The others are Win.
Pearce, clerk at the Adams House, 'Aelomon
Gage, /leery *table keeper, and Pat ElcColley,
State prison graduate. Ammut the bogus money
ware tans on Thompson Bank of Connect!_
, cut.
Dr. Mud*, Attempts to Escape.
Daniel Webster; fronit4few , Orleans, on thee 821
oh., for New York, put ler here, abort of . coal.
She reportalandiug Boole prisoners et the Dry
Tortugm, and that. Dr. Madd had mule. an at
tempt to escape.. Re was found secreted In the
coal btuakers of the steamer Charles Scott, and
terms at heal labor wheeling aand. ai l Qater. ol the Scott was arrested for ing In
his effort to escape.
• New Toni, Oct. G.--Gold excited. The bulls,
who ban been operating for two or three days.
forced up the, price to 149, after which the Sub.
Treasury threw hilt a million upon the market,
under which - Ih° price receded to 14714,
Idonetisliggood demand, the rate generally
on call is 6 • per cent., with endeptionrin .012/7
Per cant. Discounts active and rates higher for
all except first. class bills. The mamma( are
7®12 per cent. •
Brig. 'Geo. Parkhurst Diusitred out of
Service—Trial of Col. Joseph C. Crane
Nsorru.i. Oct.Parkhurst,
Provost s SWAM Gummi of t he Wepartureut of
the Tennesiee, has boon mustered out of service.
Me office will be filled by Brig Om. P. W. John.
sou. formerly District oordmeilder or hittareits`
The trial of Col. Area C. Crane. by court,
manial. will be restinUtd to-morrow,
IP tlUens fur Pardon:
Nre , Tirax. oct. IL—Among those In atte
dance at the 'White House to-day, seeking par.,
don, wear Robert Ould, late rebel Commkeioner
or excheorge k and the rebol Gen. Peck. General
' Plllow obtalned amloterelme 'with the Weald=
lend thanked bled tor the Ex:mitten clemency.
ktrarg. Lancet also luttl anlnterrles vitt the
rrealdent, and rumor ;um its /O' behtar Or (4n.
' '
Secenion Ordinance Declared Void.
Nrir Tong, October o,—The fkrard has the
full message of Governor Holden, of North Car.
Mina, to the State 'Convention. lie says. North
Carolina attempted In May, 1001, to separate
herself from the Federal Union. This attempt
Involved her with other stlayeitoldltur States in
a protracted and disastrous war, the result of
which was a Taut exyendlture of blood and
tremens on her part, and the practical abolition
of doMulle slavery. She entered tat o the re
bellisn asieveholding State sad emerged from
It a nort4Lavetioldlug State.
InOther respects so far her existence as a
Stal4ead her rights as a State are concerned,
eheltasaindergobe no change. The President
of thh Efnitedatates wisely determined that her
alpha= es a State should not be extinguished,
burin:der that clause of the Federal Co:ratite.
atm *lnch guaran toes to every State in the Un
ion a:republican form of government they might
so alter and amend their Constitution, and
adept inch measures as would restore the State
to hekiConalltutional relations to the Federal
Gov tent, and thus secure to the people
thcreaf the immeasurable benefits and blessings
of tlia Union.
It da my firm belief that the policy of the
President in this respect, which is Ls broad, as
liberal and as just as the Constitution itself,
will he approved by the great body of people of
the Utllltd States, and that period Is not distant,
if wean true to Onrselveti Mad prospelly and
regaidf ul
In of the reasonable expectations of our
frlanila other States, when oar Senators and
Iteprhsentatives will resume their setae In Coo.
gem, and when oar Stale will enjoy In common
withal& other Suttee, the protection of just law,
and AIM Constitution of our fore fathers. I
take It for granted you will Insert In the Con.
mitt:Ann. a provision forever abolishing slavery
or involuotary servitude la North Corollate,
and that you will submit the Constitution when
altered or amended to the people of the State at
the ballot bor for ratification or rejection. • I
do not doubt that the Cosstintlon thus altered
and emended, will be ratified by an Immense
The Herald's Washington special says: The
business of the Fourth Auditor's °dim for the
month of September, amounts to 62,414,000. The
accounts were as follows. For navy agents, ac-
COMAS, 6t 1 84.000. for paymasters, e 5-45,329, and
for prize claims, $256,430 were disbursed. The
pension, marine and general accounts swell the
total amount of disbursements to 511,739,101
Thirty-seven prize cases were reported, amount
ing In the aggregate, to E 510.275. Rsqtasitioni
amounting to nearly f 5.000.000, and eighty m
unitions amounting to a millton and a quarter
were entered.
The volunteer naval force is :tundergoing a
great reductlou. Discharged sathint are coming
forward for their price money.
The Post's Washington apeclall , ayst Garret
Davie today headed another lied tucky detc.. , vs-
Liell to urge the removal of Gout reinter from
command In that State.
Gcn. Grant and Ma staff -arntud hero this
morning.. It la acid the tiancini ns mach all-.
cloyed by the publication of exprgssions erron
eously attributed to him.
The rreolpis from Internal It trniaae oo
day were F1;165,117.
Account of Naval Expenditures.
ITASIIINOTON • oat. P:esideac
this cvenieg received the foiloiiing dispatch
from (los. Holden
fluxion, Oin. G. 1565.
To 1 / 4 Presithnt f L'a Statei!
stn—Tice Convention nas Just pissed the fat
lowing by a unanlmons rota: • • Thelirdlr.ance of
the Convention or the State or Carolina,
ratified on the llat day of Novimber,
which adopted and ratified the Ccitetltutton of
the Ur lied Mates, and also all actvesd parte of
acts of the eonoral Assembly, If:Vying and
adopting the amendments to said lonstlteilern,
aro now, and at all Unica duce the tiloynion and
realficitMn thereof, leave .beea In f force acd
case,t'illaittOttariellac sup d ordinance
of the '..Mth of SVey, (('dl, declaring Lltie same to
be repealed, reFeluded and abroga cd, and the
add euPPosed ordinance to now and all times
bath been null end void."
'Cho Cor.rontion wt_ll dispose of lba alsviry
Question to-=ortoTr.
The State election will be lige(' for the drat
ihureday In November.
Very respectfully.
(Sic - bed.) W. W.,
Prot - talon:Lel Governor.
nova received from the Stale of
Chihuahua, says that the Mezican General Vil
lage, Republican, attacked and took possession
fo August, of the city of Paral, detcodad by the
Frame. 1 e ludleted great lows on the enemy-
The Republican Gen. Iticogni was killed in the
battle. The Preach were coldly received la the
city of Chihuahua.
Gen. Brit:mutat has circulated a proclamation
printed In the et, of Mexico, stating that he
had been welcomed by the people. The next
day, hotrever,he declared martial law In the
Stale of Mexico.
The proclamation of the sth of September. la
Led practically to rattabllab ala fay 113 Mexico.
He milli the slaves, woiking men and their
19115/011 manna.
Gen. 11. G. IFluntobrey It Is understood, was
pardoned by the President to-day. This will
render blm eligible to the Governorship of Mk—
slestppl, to 'stitch offlee It is probable he will be
Walter Lennox. formerly Mayor of Washing
ton, has, after • confinement of twenty.cme
months, been released from Fort Malenry. '
The Win trial was COMMCZ(34 on the nth of
ugtust, last. The prosecution examined 125
pimento the number of days required, for which,
wad 23, the record making 2 t M6B foolscap pages.
Thedefense was opined on the 20th or , Ben:em
ber, the number of witnesses subpoenaed 106, ex
amined thus far 11, and 55 have reported them.
The ambassadors from Tanis will doubtless
meet watt a cordial reemoton from this Govern
ment. They expect to anise here to-morrow,
and hotel accommodations have been engaged
(or them `o. the State Department.
Reports received at the freedmen's bureau,
represent that the colored lessees of farms In
Arkansas are doing well• and raising largo crops,
while other headmen have Interests In the
crops being relied by the planters.
The only members present at the brief session
of the Cabinet today, were Postmaster Gen.
Dennison and Secretaries Stanton and Wells,
the other members being absent from the city.
From Ca'Honda and Japan
lita" nuarcraco, October 4..—Dater from
Kann Balm, Japan, to kaLmt 10, hare been re
The receipts from the interior had been hb
erali but the extremo mines demanded almont
preclnded purchasers. Bilks had also advanced
so much as CO bariCTUIJ affect business. Stocks
were acctironlatlag. Timm was an active de.
mod for silk, and eggs tot export to Earope.
Exchange to London and China was lower.
Then wafuothlag new In political &disks.
Juarez—Delegate front' Sew !Lulea.
- Sr. Loins. Oct:6.--nm Espubttean's LosVe.
gin, New Mexico correspondent, tinder date of
Sept. 15th, saya: gentleman ftom Saute Pee
reports the tutu] of Juarez at that place. It
Is supposed that he le en route to the States. Ito.
port doubtful.
Col. Chiner was elected a delegate to Coact ess
from New Mexico, over Col. Perea, by 1,500 ma
• Colored Odd Fellows , Celebration,
Dmvssione. Oct. 6.—The colored Odd Fel.
proosepion wed quite largo. and the display
vs a creditablo to lb i taste and /lberalitv of thou
concerneu. vne procesSion marched to Montt.
meta square, where p stand had been erected,
and where addresses were delivered.
Mobile and Montgoinery Oattread Opened.
Mores., Oct.'.—The railways are now open
to tits city and Montgomery - in this State, thus
completing the Connection with New Yark via
Knoxville, Tenn., and Lynchburg, Va. The
Mates' Exprasti Company Las opened its Milee
at this place.
Great Flrea6at Mobile
M 01117.13, Oct. O.—The Planters' w arehouso
with four hundred bales of cotton was burned
last night by an incendiary 'Are; loos 6 8 00.090,
mostly covered by insurance. 14'Gneasmith's
Warehonse wms burned this morning, and 1,800
bilea,of cotton destroyed.
Fatal Casualty.
. BOSTON, Vet. 11.—A. mass of rock fell, yeater,
cloy, to a elate onani Llttletotr, thus, killing
Wee men, Jno..Caton, Pat r ick , Follett and Car.
Editor of the lUclunoutißulleUn Released..
cm orate
editors of ►the Itlehmerad Atittan i • tie boatiret-
IFalcd from 41rest1 1 •
Earthquake In California
Sic Fainconpo, October 3.—Tbe steamer
Constitution sailed with SIIi3.COO In treasure for
.New York, and ¢362,000 for England.
The small town of Eureka, on Eumbolt Bay,
t a i n m d a m ted uch at ~
was shaken by an earthquake on Sundat , last.
Nearly every house was tom down or cracked,
Crockery ev e e k r ej
th br us k an en d ,
do T us he rs. damage is es-
National Bankers' ,AssoclaUon•
Nave Toon, Oct. 6.—The National Bank
ers' Association completed Its orgauization last
night by the election of E B. Judson as Presi
dent, and Alfred Wliiiitson as Secretary. They
are of Syracuse.
Gen. Grant at IVasteington.
WASEITh - raN, Ott. C. - -Gen. Grant and party
arrived bare this morning from an el - tended
trip through the western and uorthevostern
fl , wran. frt C.—John J. IVntontt. of Futtnn,
brtet twett nttittinnted I.) the li.f.llllll , ftps fat St ‘lt.
SCII.II, hum thtveftft Dieff.t lel, t'llail
Hon. t ith tri,uf ft,: to tl.r NVII l'utit 3,1-
evening, Oct. 6th, at St. Andrews' Otiorch, by the
Bev. Wm. A. Shively, ICSI. P. .11.1( 7 /16..8.n.5ux to
AGNES P , daughter of the late Uhea.Demilston
all of this city.
Office Corner of Penn and Wayne Streets:
ft. Company Was organized on-the 28th
under tie Pennsylvania Mauls and fdarmisetur
tag LAIIIM The Tenn.:my of the Company Is th
roated on Milliard Creel., between Uplands of the
Maraud Creek Caton ()Hempen and the Dunk
ard (fresh Petroleum Company,
Working Fund
Par value of each Sham
S. A. JOHNSON, President.
ISAAC NOCE, Secretors. end Treasurer.
. .
Swan 0 /*ham, .1. G. Welt,
Stele...en LAIV2OM, I H. W. tilublo
flank Snyaer,
Office Corner of Penn and Wayne Ott
This company „was organired an the 48th inst.
under the Pennsylvania Alining and Illanulsotu
ring Law. The territory of the cod,..m.ny ad
Joins the lands of the Umlaut Creek Union Oil
Company, of this City.
Copilot Stock 6223.000
ork tag. Fund 25,000
Per ;Value of Earls !More ill 00
President—S. „fl.• JOHNSTON.
Secretary and Tressurer—LSAAC NOCK.
S. A. JORTMTON, j L. S. Ammon,
Drama . SNYDZE, Jaxma
T. U. ORIBT. • I W. (1. Kin.,
e33yd E. W.
Office In Pittsburgh, 24 WOOD sTr.zz - r.
These Work. have the largest capacity In the
country. The brand stands the highest In this
country and In Europe, for quality and lire test,
and the oil la put Ii Well seasoned barrels, prepwed
especially for. export.
Mmufeeturere of DOILERS, STILLS, TANKS,
Pure White Burning Oil,
Constantly on hond, sad for asle at
B. C. & I. H. SAWYER.,
.111." Block, Dagoetort• Way, Plttab'fb
Sit - Special sttectlon given to tho SALE AND
ISIIIPiIraNs*T OF 1 , /..1 - 110LEVAI cad Its products.
OonelEnrcents respectfully whetted.
SiiPs'atiT OFFICE DOX 147
J 13E201
N. I st. 'DILLE'S ST, Pittsburgh,
PETROLEVIS ULU., he., conetaalls.. hand and
for ale at the lowest market prieca. U 0 Lip}
Mem ts and order, .ollcitpL alrkAn
liittilitEDUttUßEll 8, 1861.
nrrußrpars PATENT
Oval Lamp Chimneys.
Itlanttfactured of XX Flint Glass.
These ehtmneys ars illtnlll/. for the ilex alma,
resting all parts of the glass equall,tioer not ex,
pose It to crackles. E. D. DiTHEIDGE,
Fort PM Olass Works, Wublogton street,
apt" Patabtugh, Penn's
And dent en In Befinlag ffinin.,...
ocl.-119 No. 1:1 MARKET ST. Pttt■bn
Phenix Warehousing Company,
Toot of BALT/0 h HAARISON Bta, &ook lpy
lu Zulus and Barred. Sea Cdroutare.
°Mee, No. OS BEARE STREET, New York.
We ere cormtrkating, nail win keep on band a
impel kir style of
(arta 33ZT4Gr3=LVEI
Either a Common or Tabular ',Boiler
We Invite needng enes ot this
ees to call an d see them,i gin
corner ot l PIKE b
and 'llll.lin STREETS. near Our Water Works.
Pure White Refined Carbon 01Is.
j AUBE: IRWIN. it CO.,
Qil of Vitriol and Aqua Ammonia.
IL BTOCKB.—The nnderoigned will
era particular attention to the maul) LW
alo of
Otorjss of ALL RELIABLE Companies
I Layße buyers and sauers to can.
elm be had on the most Wearable terms a lets of
aso.lte.s. on Whitely Creek, near tbe flaw.
leg evil ( A barrels) musk hurt Week by the
life acbud 011Son:y, of Pittibutsh." Apply to
ieo tiTZ. an
BAILEY. Wilkins lAil.
T . O. JZNEI/95.
Coma: lesiop. Merchant.
a e Ma LC Z 3 ZI FL vs. - sr at T.,
Peale; ln. nomr, own, seeds, nutter, (Massa,
Ymitzband Farm Products. Bost Wanda nun.
gq_PL inrAtrarranted) always On basoL Also,
/IEFEIPSI 011.8. • pd
Prompt attention 5iv0n....,, ‘ „, 4 ° "
o rjr ~,m , wit a to
correspondenee. Wilda/
VOnatmoors. Wen . ( • " nitt
aethrydasnr • •
WAU.A.O4. Col: minion tlerctuin4
--"O and Whalen" , Nosier In Moult &GRAM
.No. aaa Liberty sucet, opotootto Permaylvaola B.
Pasooager De tzt)41314 , Maw -
Warthog/Mg ea* . W B F. A ant rgan NINV 4 .I
• :
XE 15^' 4111 Eli _ _
Celebrated Balmoral Skirts,
AA R,2 12'
AL T-1 ra CO X-. CO FL 119
41 $1 50 Per Pair.
....8153,000 00
.... 23,000 CO
.... I 00
For Sale Cheap.
From $1 50 to $lO 00.
At ‘943 00,
Largest Assortment in the City
Mao .i.'.llaolollllEs
Gardner & Schleiter's
Cbbla. Jersey Sweet Potatoes;
6 bble Weer Oda Calms;
2 Arkin Butter;
I kcs dry Sweet Corn;
36 bases W. R. Chem;
10 boxes Herkimer Clime's;
60 bass Pea Huts;
100 pounds Beeswax;
130 bbls. aboiee Osten Apples;
6 bbls. Crab Older'
Just reselyed and for sae by
9 oar loads Shelled Owe;
Mt) bushels Old Osta;
160 bushel'
Seed P er
do barrels Seed Potatosay
too boatels Doled Apples; -
ZO dozen 'Fresh CratmedTesehes; • -
barrels Dried Peaches;
SS bangle Maple Segal.
1 Bu
5 Imp Peeked tia,_ r
leby 12. - VOW . &
tielliS—On the Steubenville, }UMW. Oren
Win Dom the city,
Steam and Water FlOtllin and SAW RM. 11%4
other Liu Improvements. For Anther Information
apply to . WILLIArI IRABD
Sr.' - - chansstreetO&lia;
Fzea zant bbl& 7ldte 'Fisk - 25 do,
Tout»: rin bat ' Ito . QAArgailh
.. - .::ic:_H
.)vzir efDrigIITIREAPUMX.
It I. Ft ally a 'moat wie.eggiintablt cli4umataze•
We way eoma thing. iwectone (xi etas 601313412e4
Effected an eschanao that era trit4;MOnths
accomplish. Tntn i 6 dces not becomEito strange
schen leo !Ind a man who has to the spite ota few'
BOOTS AND SHOES from exborbitainiaeo to
such ileum that It ix cow au soknetilelsed Luta_
that they sre sold nhAver iu thLAfty-6AAA
where in the West,
• - ,?ji
Eecially, la It known, that 00 S 0Eitr HALL
SHOE 81 'Z/B$ the ,ittotiel shoo. nitorea WrAkt
Went -
Ard mierepresentod by down town ShO:Dealera
in etlectloi thcir ash., n lbw practice Which this
Tower or aahlo4doca not lasee, ea SU
who come
, • •
And 100 k In the windows or No. GO aid sea this
moat elegant styles therein &Splayed; info the
tonishing low prises they are marked, Will be atm,
sinned that 11,1 s the cheapest house to 41aterroa,
sod the safest one to do business Int as eary pair .
of SHOES Is warrantee end repaired fret., Satin.
(salon gastenteed in every ens.. '. 0071
AND !!';
Look to Vour IntceSt. .
• - 5' -
Pons Receive a Present wit each
, .
BOOK OR ALBUO S ";,: . ,
WHICh L, suLtri „ tr a r . ls
Airt,all or acrid for • Ostalngse.
and all atria* of ;
H. SMITH 80 CO.,
eLgratens, OAR HALL, 63 FEE'ra
OProtilte.the Opera House, 0
'vane Lead, Bed Lead. Lltbersp, PidatkCll -
Vantlebes, Dye Stade, Winder, Ulm ald , r - •
Spiess, Pertumeryitanzol= aa.
Ilaznaltnnl4= 7 Lear . Chattar s Oa Yalta Dna
and Blum & Whtton's Celebrated Patent lkster
No. 37 WOOD STREET, v!"- - - t, '
toPPosEnt uts sr, maims übrz*.i
jseeo 011&10'8
AND BARGE 714.1troi'l
4 .
Craig Street, Allegheny.
witicrarsErAtz.: ' •
Bardien And Broken Boardkunlniidortlkl:
Ihe following'
- - .
pie wlll be governed thereby from tbis date
liltosks tellies sZ SI and swer. 2 sZeZe- a inrriur*
le to
o % 1 2 krei t = 6. .
ituxi.enil over, gor 1 pekinne:, •
1PT1L8011..7288E W. QLLP..D•TID IV
WILSON, CA.1311 ds CO, -
• • •
(Ia Naisozi, tias 0„).:-;
• --
Wholesale dealers - Dr romadrr AND Doxii-sr,t•-;•
no DBY.GOODS, Rs. M .Wood stryst, MSS
Diamond alley . Pittebluga: - gun! • -
PALE. /iltlßlllt ,11,11!
Phirttfx Steam Brav • • - .••1
• . erv. g
ate:447 • " tptriszumi
A.R.81V.A.L.: 0$
. 160 half bll6 Z(0.0 Lure Zdackepl .
60 do, o Medium dot
360 : _ ! arm; '-
. •• Z 5 do ls ick No
do •on
tiarze p t •i.
396 hattbbla Irks_ litit
-dc; .
act:dived wad fotsido -
14" :---Ji.04111.11.9rag.16.6.31,77.!'