pi lii.sintro tut*. ITIMEROID IST - 11 4 13 Tni . PULIEUB issocutom, / MPTYLT , !proms 3, 1863,. TIM=. r4.4***F rira s VENeaIEIN F. HARTRANFT, „Of Montgomery county. lon BllllVrtell GH3IB.&L COL. JACOWlT.'tmarsErdr,, ;.• - Y~ r-^ Of Camticlu cotrav mnos TOP At-7mm' psv . -13 7 , pimr, ovanangay. *At )2(0134 - 002 1 71110USIt IlialAW44, EsPirr; Fir; VOSMiIIaP. 11l VAPID AIKEN; Mu, al Min) Tainahly. irtarm siarAmm 3 • 7 ,1 3 / 24 :6' L. GRAGAM, Allettr.Y. Siilik. ; i: ; 44l=,,Frorth ApAte Totrnati). RASA B. SIGGYni, suAtep. XosvilAkAP. ALFRED SLAWS, of ghimy. IDS= SHAVE% Vpper 6rnslx. 4,7 i GLASS, ' 401ilf A,VDANKS: Township. • • '`stakicroriT 'co sofa 21pri n agqitar;:ol-Lowar %Glair Tp. AtcrapojOgyr sinmesti, Bfti; /110:114117,"Of ISzciabashim. soi of:roon COSEL9 GUESS at Chanters T 0413411174 TO OUR COONTEt* READER& the.etiltion of our weekly-paper whlCh id to:day is the last-before the Elec . .... , -%4TZll ol4l lOrtt.*LttY of itailltg a. 3f;;;;A4`l4 words to oir country readers. Republic:aria of the rural districts of --lids county have always been noted for lbeir warm and unyielding devotion to Re pnbliCan principles. They are rooted: ami *rounded in the Republican faith; • and hence'can always be relied upon to rally, when. the.bu 4 gle viands, to the maintenance of their policy and creed. . .In many contests heretofore, we have appealed to, them ''.lo come up, as one man, to the breach, and we have never appealed In vain. This Is now the tenth year in the :history of PDT patty, and in every year of that eventful history they have not failed to demonstrate, at the polls, their zeal in the.cause of. Freedom and Humanity. • Anti now we renew the appeal. Twice 21aWs_W*.triftipked in Presidential elections, but th e battle has to be fought,-0111 suave ,we the same rummilPaletot enemy to Overcome. Theymust come up, as in days gene, •bY, to the defence of the right, and :vindicate, once More, the grand principles which underlie the Government. e apathy which'usually prevails after *l r residential election has been intensified this year by the reaction which naturally followed the collapse of the rebellion. The :Democrats, counting upon this apathy to keep our people at-home, expect to win an easy triumph—to catch us napping, and rim their candidates in through our supineness. They must not lie permitted to succeed in this way, and we confidently rely upon kinicetiatty ilieads to undeceive them. Allegheny-county - must give an old fash ioned, wising RePublicammalority to our \State ticket, and, tie Republicans of the iniat distrida mail do their share. The same interests are at stake to-day -that have been at stake for years peat. The forma of public questions have chang.: ed, tut it Is the-old lesne at oottom , -Right against Wrong, Freedom against Oppres sion, Humanity against the still living bar baris:ms of Blaveryand as usual, the de mocracy are found upon the aide of Wrong, Os premien and Slavery. LBLICANE) OB.A.LLECILLENT Courrry ! 8)411 the appeal - to yen be in vain that has - never failed belore?- - The cause of Free dom deminds your activity as well asyour votes; your, zeal in getting out the voters as well as your personul attendance at the yells. We want to' see every township and borough roiling up its old majority. To accOMplishitthi there ninst not only be ac - lien, but concerted action, Will you not, therefore, at once consult with your neigh. Lore intitaitisuch steps as will insure the majority which our friends abroad have a right to expect of us? Our old opponents are full of tricks, and Will strive-to kat you into a sense of wend -19 that raeioproie fatal. BeWare of them. 'There is no security out ins full Republi can vote. The mid who stays at home at .such a time as this, is directly playing into Democratte _bends., The very thing the f.DOESOcretklivintis a light vpfe Pennsylvania must be • kept upon the right Republican by a dc. • delve majthiti, but that majority needs t 4 • Omit itself constantly to be felt and respec ted.. A. party -must bembre,thantenyeans iSidlieforeircsn'eirordto lie , by -and take, things easy. There trettO great °filmset stake in this contest,bui great resultimitjr depend upon . it. The Demo:rade party. -must be taught that it cannot:again be entrusted with 'plower, and the Republicans of this coon tart:oust do their Share In teaching them this salutary lesson. - .'_ - .FENIABISIII-BALE *ND RELIGION, Our British consitut are greatly exercised lirleglia to the Fenian movements on both sidei of thewater, and seem to regard the . YankieOlken,' who have been natural '''. ized in our armies, as at the bottom of it. We should not greatly regret to see a little ileMenstration on that side that would enable rs to realize the advantage! of Brltlsli et ample, by recognising an insurgent belig. erency and fitting out a few cruisers to prey cort,gritislicounstercemulerpto Irish flag, . 'without damage to our iieutratity or incur. slag any of the risks and expenses of ac tual a ar. We think we can comfort them, artiiiiirity with the assurance that:these Fenian]; are a very harmless sort of people ict.letattre. and rather lined launch eiaggehted "Donnybrook's - exhibitions es thosh With_:which we were treated In New York during the crilds, of the war--.but generally satisfied with a little kir :the altathroch and shillelah and a few explosive deMonstrations of the ora torical kind, at a reinectful distance from the troporyd theater of hostilities. The Euglishpreas Inclines to set this move. mentzclewn to tLe account of their military •eduestion, and the bad feeling generated amongst o urselves by the attitude of that :nation toivard the loyal aorth during the _recent struggle. Tole Is bat carrying out the idta thsy imbibed from the .southern• Demirel. era, and their owp mendacious •corresporidents bete, that our armies were painlyccruposed of the rabble Irish, who haintaight ever with hem an intense ha red of the people and government from whose opprassiona-they had fled to find an - '";yltiO'nfion'bif ' ' • • Etlifittitqitisitact, how , ..ver, which it is ~.praessed of, that feopa, 1 4 , 40f511 the - return of Ancttmsrion \\.• uais, Rork Bititillistailmwhich he was, . , deispatc'hel by Mr. SEIVAID, if we remern -- • 'along with Trimmow WEED, Co. -the courts of Vevsailles and Rome, the Cpl.. tic eletrOf; WhiCh'itrirted out with corn. Siendable zealot the commencement of the , . detached itself entirely from this Out - ernment, and took sides with its ancient a wash,. Englati", an.; a" the ayverr.a.is classes titi' Bum*, in the endea4or to 'Over throve tEe very inititritionV of - tad I country which Atarigene.roinly stretched out 'lts arms welciam It, and had accorded to it pilviligeo iwliich,it had never enjoyed before. The New York riots, which were ilittC 4 C) Ag -Prevent the smforcement of the draft, were one of the pet startling and public. evidences of iti defection, to be follovied afterwards by each' a universal • stampede from the ranicsof the Republican or. war - party, on the part of that element, as to show a degree of concert throughout the country so marvellous as to be inexplicable perhaps to any other parties than Ite Priest hood. Our English cousins may note the fact as demist:ad:Wive of the sympathies of this claSs, that ifs is hotiscoti—vrithout even an exception, so far as , we know—was cast for hi' CLELLart, and against the prosecution of the war, and in favor of an armistice, and a ,division of our great empire, just as they would have cast their own, if they had been in a position to deal us a fatal stab in that way. Nay, we will tell the m further, that without this powerfhl element. the Democratic figure at that election would have been so contemptible, as to have Inspired only the derision of the friends and supporters of the Union. The men of American birth and educed on—thank. God—were almost Invariably tree to the Union of their fathers and fought this battle mainly of themselves, notwith standing the false and diiiparaging state ments as-to the composition of our armies. that,were 'manufactured in the South, and so Industriously circulated abroad to grati fy the depraved appetites of our enemies and detractors there. If there were any foreigners who aldbd us—and there certain ly were—though not by any means In the proportion alleged—they were not, how ever, of the flock of the successor of the fisherman whose lieutenants were In Ire land--silent when their voices were In voked in favor of .the draft or for the sup pression of the riot, are said to be now dealing their thunders round them against those who have embarked in the chimeri cal. project of overthrowing the British power in Ireland. It is not difficult, we think, to see the rea son of this difference. The Celtic element is just as hostile to the English people as it is to us, and if its strength was such as to make the struggle a hopeful one, the men who govern it would have encouraged this movement just as they did that of the rebels In the south in their attempt to de stroy this goverment anti erect upon Its ruins another, which would be better elated to their traditional way of thinking than a Republican one. Nobody can doubt that they would seize with avidity the first op portunity that offered to break down the British government, which they have so many more reasons to detest. Whether this difference is a question of race-or religion, or both, would not per haps be easy to determine. " The Press" newspaper of Philadelphia suggests that " In the heart of every movement of this kind Is a strong antipathy to England— to the Saxon—as Englishmen are usually called by the Irish, who forget that they were subdued not by the Saxons, but by the Normans," &c. But upon this subject we shall have more to say hereafter. VARIOUS ITEMS. HANDEL Cossuast, on of the English v Is• item has patented a plan of rendering gun powder non-explosive. It consists of mix ing powdered glass with the gunpowder, the philosophy of the thing `being that by mingling the explosive gunpowder with a certain proportion of non-explosive powder of a much greater degree of Paenesacach grain of gunpowder is surrounded and is 3- lined from its fellows by a aon-combustible wall, thro ugh which co fire can penetrate. II then, fire should be communicated to any part of this mixture, only those grains of powder will be burned which the fire actu • tually touches. It will not flash through the entire mass. Very satisfactory expert ments have .been made with the compound at Jersey City. Nrantv three tbonsano workmen are constantly engaged in the manufacture of fire-arms in Bilmingbam, and the wages of these titilltd weramen vary from £OOO a year each down to £BO and £7O. As far back is the war between England and Pranceit was the boast of Birmingham that it could produce a zun a minute, which is 525,000 in the course of a year. In 1818 no less than 490,000 Muskets were supplied to the British Government, and 150,000 to the late East India Company. Grx..oaaar, says the Cincinnati Gazette, • • having been ask Fd for hie opinion of Gen. Morgan, who is running for Governor of Ohio Agana Gen. Cox, said "he knew of him in Weld Point, and he,was remarkable for twothings—a retentive memory__ and a great amount of brass. The former made him:lll24liter of any , speech be Might hear,. and the latter enabled him to deliver the speech, thee carried off aalds own." AI9DItEW JACIOWN DONIST.SOIC has writ ten a letter, in which he says that of -plantatios, In M slasippi, affairs' are "in the beat possible condition," that "there is better discipline - than there has ever been," that thereto "no grumbling, no dis- obedience, no disorder among the nag roes, and as good a crop as could have been ex pected alter so groat an overflow." DR. Wenn, of Albermarle, Vs., has withdrawn from the Congressional canvass, because he tannottsite the 'test oath that he has Ingo way assisted Rebelllion. Re says in his letter that nothing should be done to endanger the recognition of South. ern members, because the President needs their support in the noble policy he has adopted. Tins Baring Brothers, the great London bankers, have made arrangements for a Massachusetts State loin of Sae to ten million dollars. The opportunities for in vestments have been such that a foreign loan could be negotiated on better and more advantageous terms than from Mas sachusetts citizens and capitalists. An advertisement in a Lynchburg paper requests the ladles of that city to meet in the lecture room'of the Second Presbyte rian Church, to take steps towards pre native a .petition to the President of the Malted Suites, for the pardon of "their let Proldent." Gentlemen, too, are Levi ted, to attend. Tun President is ea d to have promised 'Governor khamlette that Kentucky should erelong be released trom martial law. The removal of General Palmer from cons. mand is said to have, also been determined. His successor is not named, but General Gordon Granger la most likely to be the oliE of the pritelpal clillleuhica in treat !" w ith tie rebel Indian!, and bringing them back to loyally le theemancipation of the Blaves. The red men are unwilling to glee up their hold upon the black men. If elate bu evidence of high civil ization, the /oaths are tar advanced. Facomanjournala report that "Mr D in ald 311C3y, the well-known American 3141 milder, ha ln thla country and in clote CoMmunicalion with the Admiralty, on-- the subject of torpedoen,' which are to b 3 lad down on the phannele lending to our Luirhorr, in case of a'war." A court EePorIDENT of the Evening Post writes from Petersburg. Va., Ihat outrages by retuned rebel Soldiers are of almost daily occurrence there. Uuarmed,Duion soldiers and negroes seem to' be the especial objects °lnversion and attack. TDDAIMI WOOD, one of the. cashiers of the Bank of Lonoor, was committed -for ttlel at tbe Mansion House, on the 110, on a f charge of embt uttog two gums of money, amonnttng together to about £3500. ' _ , TRUBSDA7, an lIIIKIIOWII man,: ahaut thlity,yeara or ate and dressed . In aoldier , a uniform, threw himself before' a lin 'son .river train in the upper part ed - liet , ' York city, and was almost, Instantly killed. ITEMEN i2.loleunk Isumnehazana County—no 011 ?AlerliEhultenif Righ. ..: ,, lbelbagiuustogi.or. T.) : • • says: The oil fever at Friendaville in very lughogiMe_contsgion is spreading in this section very rapieDy. The reports which are brought from that section are all that could be desired to get ups that clans ex citement, sautsvhat re MOM they-are-very straight and well authenticated. A -num berbf-gentlemen from that place , visitedthe well in question, bringing some of the (Aladin. them, which is of a. thin, semi. limpid quality, resembling kero si ne in some respects, and buns readily with a dark heavy smoke. What the excitement is can be judged when disinterestad , men from this oars return with specimens of the oil, which they aver to have been taken from a well sunk only by a ttibe, and that as yet less than twenty feet deep, and when sticks are probed among the stones in the bo Win of the springs within fifteen or twenty rods of the well, flake's of oil can plainly be mute rise to the surface. The land is leased by a company of gen tlerren bum New York, some of whom are on the ground ;superintending the sinking of ti welL Real estate in the vicinity is not for sale or to lease without a very large royally. Security ibr the Future Among recent contributions to the eluci dation of the question of reconstruction, we would call attention to the masterly let ter Of Hon. Thomas Williams, the learned and eloquent representative of Pittsburgh in tongrees. Ttdr.lettetli addressed to Mr Harlan, ihe - Setrettitf oPthe Interior. 'Hisahows that the Presidential policy has met at least tbet hearty epprtivil ••01" all the enemies of the government, as well as the. infamoustherderers of our captive soldiery and their fie thful Democratic auxibarieti at the North. lie further shows that this policy "leeke to the reconstruction of those States ,by the Fame element precisely that governed them before." This elaborate letter &cell:ldea `fy an appeal to the people of the loyal States to insist that their will andiliefre only, is to give the law to -the territory they have conquered by their arms, and that-their representatives will be expecteddelcokEto ir, that, "if the sins of these Faople are I lotted out, and if there Is to be no Indemnity for the past, there dual be at least security for the future.." Such a voice from Pennsylvania at - this moment ought to be heard. But this is also the voice of Hastachusetts.—Boston . Transcript. Tnn New York - correspondent or the Philadelphia Ledger says: • Our Irish fellow•citizensare greatly ex cited over the news from the old country, and the anxiety that is expressed to hear still later Intelligence as to the progress of the Fenian movement is such as to remind one of the memorable excitement of 1849. I learn on good authority that shou:d the next Intelligence be of a hopeful character, a mass meeting will be called la the open air for the purpose of forming an Iris% Bslrec tory to act in conjunction' with the "Bead and Sub-Centres" of the Fenian Brother hood in raising funds, giving advice, and in other particularaperfecthig,the organics lion of the American party of this now to be Irish Revolution. There is a possibility hence of stirring times ahead, unless, the whole thing is prematurely squelched on the other side. Art Italian latter says that the commis. s'on Appointed by the Italian 3Moister of Public Works to decide upon the beat ptsint for a tunnel through the Swiss Alps, and especially.with regard, ha the interests of Da lien commerce, lute decided in favot of the St. Gothard. It la estimated that the weak will require eight years, and 80,000,- 000:trance (5.15,200,0 W,) Thisis the calcu lation of Grattonl, one of the devisers and present directors otthe Mont Cents Tunnel. Jaoint, it Is said, reckons sin getting Switzerland, Wurtemburg, the Grand Duchy of Baden and some other small States, to contribute;' 135,000000 francs. About 20,000,000 francs more, it is hoped, will be got from the towns and Chambers of Commerce most directly interefted, so that Italy would only have to contribute 25,000,000 francs to this gigantic- and most advantageous work. Bins PARTHEN/A HARIIIS WELS brutally murdered last week near Buchanan, N. C , by a negro woman formerly her slave, whn beat her head to pieces with a rock. Tie murderer a as arrested, and upon tio feiston, hung by the neighbors from a s tree. PUBLIC irOTICEIL MANCH ESITEIIa U. 1.--A INFETIF U F=7 r 111 ho held cox MONDAY LITENING, 21 10,1., at 7)a o'clock, at their Flail. A lull attend aro< of the membess,Ls requested, as bustneaa of Import once vlll be tractaacted. MANY MEM KEGS. BOLD/EDS' nos units r.— 'knit eculectors for tbti lituaUliTh.LlT ASS°. CIATION ►re requested to report o.l' LIffUE, to the :leaven of the Elegem trootmtttee, Gen. . PEAIIuOII, at his Offtela. estß►nt street + . geld WI. Unta'n Vous. TEIR I. PLTISII AND LEMIONARRTAI. lER EON OP F,UERS or IRE Il'cAbay Cherry Bun Oil Company . RIU he held et their Dine. olt Thll3 IItSDAY, Oo ia=l"zia";.lialariii.tll; nas. wH BM IS SELECT SCR DOL. to. 12 ISABELIA STBEEr. never St. Clue ovot & 14i. the cousre ft lttlag lit h meta, G ram mar, cOn.43tosrapby awl °too nolot y. Spacial aturatiolV (loco to 0214.21111tra wad lodation. Tar=-5.40 per atcasth,lrd class p,to per mboth, Primers ohms MO ter smooth. I have mandril for were iest, papfti—e.SPECIIA.L EVENING tiLl 4 .. fer Witt rsetle l sad orshogreptry. Young Ladles who &A Uh rmlet, Qualify themselves for Olesksttlpe, ahould-.*halal• thls . Maw • lI.—ALL Uses of Oraismeatat Melte Work taught, tither with or without stodlea. as per ar• hamemetti.- E. - Sat/LEM PatiePla. seWiaCts,o.7,lo.l4 • JrE sr .dIIAratfiTISEAUMITS. VISH.-25 bf. bbla .White, Fish, 2•Y do, Trout. For raleby 7. 8. CONFLEZ.D. Buz LLIIY.-200 bbls. fresh, for sale T by J. B. CIALNFIEILD. OHEESE..-200 boxes Goshen Cheese, 100 V do, Hamburg do. For gale by oc2 , J.B. O&NFIELD. PARLCR DWONATIGNB—PaneIa In A. Velvet entitled& Forrtle by. ot2 • ,N. P. atessa.tia. EW HALL PAPZRB.—Just reeglred . 1, and for sale at No. en_ Mast sweat lass, kWh street.JOß, 11.MILIGH.E.1 b. BRU. T)ARLOR and Oit. with Colors, very bandsirsue, For agile 1.7 rile:Yet street, neer 111th. co 2 JOS, a 111:101.HES ir BitO, 11 I N ROOM r ECORA.TION.B. Fruit, Dead Game, and ocher &turn for pen el papers. Just recd hy v/ • °ea P KARSGALL. I.IIJILDI.NO BUIT&BIA POll a manufactory, lagoon location. lot sslo by S. tariiii&RT & tkONS, cos bf Market stmt. Sw EET POTA.TOE&,-25 bbls Jiiraey , Sweets, Just received and for sale by FEtZER & ARSISTR.IIIO, oc2 ' corner Market and pm .s.s. vainly wiNDow SEIAD6 4 ,—knew anp beautiful attibloubtch we will ull cheap. ht Va.'s :I -ad 0, Bt. (Asir atteet by .1. PaiLLIPs. APPLES. . An , 140 VII, Cbcdte Appian Jest recoil-id and Annals by Frxr.e.u. Ea iIIinISTRONO, or 2 - ectii4ef !darket aad Firs: Ism tIiT)LA RUBBER AN 13-01 LED CL'Ylr ING, of be but qualltv and as lum priess. A large stock on baud and for sale 'Mbar mnoletale rated, rsts, at the; 'rad Rubber ' Moot of IL PHILLIPS, Del Ho.ra 2$ and SESSt. Oast Stsset. I)19 (PO AT AIIuTION.- - 1, ;s= DAY 111010LINO,.' oclobter Pd. ac ten Oclrek . .br Con merciniSelea Room., UM , Inth Gold otlce, 1 Mara:lsar 431E43600t0n Plana, and I upright mahogany coin elann. • • oc2 et, bitiztveneE, CLOTII9I ctiL t =For Finoic ntnlrs, Tabl., Vaunter', tr:a., Mao, Wirdow nbedes and Trimming', itlway• on kind tine for t ate, 'libel Witpleasle of Retnit at tbo 011 Cl th brpot, rt 0. and 28 - St. Clair street, Mt z J. k H. puILLCPS.. TWo MILEs 6 FROM NEVir BRlGHT ()N.—Valuable Farm for solo too pleased, lo au, o, onehal milt from trio railroad. qua hon. dred + errs, well or water, cmi and limestOne (tu rn lo good order, orchard of 10 acre., choice fruit, Waco II wellttkg flour° of armee room., large barn, out homes, e:c. For price and terms apple to a. ()UMW* & stra, ordi Et Market etreet. VALUABLE STOOKS AT AUCTION. un.rtyk,ftey r•VENtritt ()cob, id, will be suld Commoredsidedes Hunts toe ~, c tithtletd street, 'score Scar : 23 • 3 1 3 ,,,, e3 Fecund Nst.unul Rank; Ya Alteehmr -30 . M a. DI. " " Penniylvanls tntareoer ti o . ety • A. AIaILWAINE, /Luaus:seer. $2O BEWARD.-1;081%--Ou. the after noon of thentiSeettember, between Lima. twee end the ldslieesport Flay. on the west side of the IfirnongsbelaElver,* idteit'llf MORugdo POCKET BOOK, with. bill TOIL oßthe side, ton. taitallt about WO 0? SIM BOUM Paw. or Rovo•• one EIP:OPP, eid 'owe wept" Of memorands, el no consequence. The finder will reeelve the above. rewtod on leaving It at the office or Messrs. LLOYD & &LAME, fig Wnter -street. Pittsburgh. ocitltdaltwP K. E. ANDREWS. iciaTisignEdri;s. imam} lietnMElspitie- INLITYED.for itiamthlic monthla • country town ln Ohio. Salary, ISO per month with Ike privilege of teaching Wort classes on 1 applptenteyseeeunt.-19aigKeLDepaysti mtn.. A graduate of DutPs Oollele Pro. erred. drua r tn thahattrlsnithrs of the volt. Man i LOCKAW NO. to, .~jj ~sLttd~ry` FittabzMM Pcnaoftlee. 1504111 X. T 8 PRIZE JAVA OOFFEE, ID More and for sale by SHRIVER & LEAZEII, 27 and 29 sadthdeld street. COUNTRY FEAT FOR SALE.—Four teen earn, tbxer.rourtbs of a mile from Home wood Station, Ma miles out on the Penneylvanla Railroad, In a choice location, part of which le in native fo: eat, and the remainder in a high elate of cultivation. There 11 a two dory DOUBLE BRICK OW EL. LING. containing eleven room., Including wash• house and pantry, with hot endcold water; a both home and tango In the kitchen; stone spring house with Mining Water; cistern, 160 barrels capultYl barn and Vivant ).0010 combined; hydrant at the Darn. For further particulars apply to B. 8. BRYAN, 67 /Market street, net 2, '65. (Bases Building.) CLOTLIS, Cassimeres, Tweets, Meltons, Suitable for Boys' Wear, I=3 WRITE, ORB. & 00., =II p ITT 61113 RGH NI KALE EXPRESS DELIVERY!. On NV EXIDIESDAY MORNING this new enter prise will be arm-deuced. Packages 01 all sizes, fro. a paper of pine, or a pair of shoes, to • tale of goes* will be delivered promptly. The wagons will be running through the principal streets der. leg the day. They are securely covered, and with good apnoea, thus Insuring the safe transportation of all articles. Allies heny Oita to included In the nitwit', the stirroundlng boroughs soon will This ewe! prise in one extenalvelyy followed in mot t of the principal cities of the Onion, and has evert where proven to be a great public conveni ence. Signal Card. will be distributed by the Mana ger, or they may be had from the drivers of the wagons. With these, the dealer or benaskeeoer wishing to scants the maxim of the EMPRESS LELIVERY, bee only to display them In a law days Order Roue will be ready, the lo cat:on of which wilt be duly announced. The manager requests e lair trial, intending w hat oe; to melte t au enterprtail to thls localitythe Aden, Expreis CompaPy is to the country, and all that he mks le a trial. Term. moderate. The location of the Central *Mee inn be-announced in a day or two; in the mean cline, ostlers may be ad doused to box 1331, I' ittaborth Pcatollice. JOHN D. M'F&DEE, oat 3-SW Otaxaosn. N EW STOCK OF CA It PE T 8, JUST OPENED jer BI'EARLAND& COLLINS , 71 and 73 rush sired. Velvets and Brussels, • Beet Quality Two-Ply Ingrain, Cheap All Wool Ingrains. Wool Dutch. Hemp, List and Rag Carpets. Floor Oil Clothe, Window Curtains and Shades of every deem iption, at PCPULdIR Next Boadlos to the alnitec; St aler4fautOre Homeland root Office. 500 BOUND BOOKS.. MUST BE SOLD AT ONOE I 2.0400 IM ovolto Efolliacis /3,000 TtFc.l7ll2lllllll FOR FOR FIFTY CENTS FIFTY CENTS ! AT PITTCCTS, leis OPPOSITE TILE FOOT OFFICE. MRS. M. L. ROBB, No 109 Ohio Street. Allrgheuy, We al t rrepeet fully /12000.0 to her cortomere and the pulrhe to amid . that. the her returned from NEW YORE, and Is now °perdue • PIAIRORABLE STOCE o► Bonnets, Hats, Cap., Turbans. Velvets, Ribbons, Flowers, &o. She would also call attention to hat taelllthie for IBLEALHENG, ;DYEING AND PRESSING, all Etude 01 STRAW WORE, to good alyLe and at .htn satire. flarrlletedanta , and Dltlhners' Straw Work err. Llct: ed. oefLard J . G. LAUER, No. 101 ili:LairLset 1113 treat. NEAU ' ►IFCII, FANOY 13001)N TOTE, BASEETS, TOY OASTS, WAG DNS, WHZELBABHOWS, 1717 big:ales/610 awra..3 IFLartzl6l.l. cat oN CONbIGNMENT. OW bushels Timothy Reed; to half barrels White Flab; ao banels Pickles. 10 barrels • meet Ifttateter 100 bble. selicted Peach Blow Potatoes—to ar rive; to boxes prime white Honey—to srriye; 200 boxes prime Hamburg Chose; 26 boxes prime Goshen Cheese; roo barrelsprtm• White Beans; so barrel. Onroor, Co barrels Dried Apples; 5 barrels Price Peaches; • an barrel. Plomita3—sery sheep; rm Cumbers Barley; 36 barrels No. s and 3 Mackerel, And for fink by GRAFF So REITER. oc3 No. 215 Liberty it., Pittsburgh. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. sTirMr d :m f gago e n st A ert i o N YVH F regigFeei, and for the GRADING, PAVING ANDSETPING WIIH OURS grome or DIIikUESNE W.T. from Irwin street to St. Clair Wrest, will be to. mired •at the office of the undersigned, until TnENDAY. the THIRD OF OCTOBER, at 1 o'clock, P. M. CHARLES BEICIHSPFARR. Roaordierg Regulator. , ONECIONMENTE3 OF PRODUCE. 78 lota. -Temp Nweet Potatoes; 6 Wife. silver akin Onions; 9 firkins Buttes; I keg dry Sweet 00101 33 boxes W. R. Cheese; to bones Herkimer Chine; 60 bass Pee It old; PO round. Beeswax: Ito bide. cholas Green Apples; 6 blob. Crab Older. Just received and for tale be fie 2 POI TAB. AHLEN HiIEPARDM `OR SALE-- sVitumber of Lots, well la voted (or private rcaudencee, Wolfe on Butler Centre and Mill street.. above the new Psesenger repot, and will re (lisp ised of on very liberal terms. Also, a large number of Lott to Liberty township. .8 tee the Pen.se. Itatlrold, and 1011 be told for the low prise of 450.575 end l'loo spies.. 7Ws le a 6ne chance for persona of small means or investment. Apply at the blest Estate sod Insurance ntlisa or • ••• p G. y BATES, Butler street. Lawrezioav 111. P. VET TO LOV g; or, Dr S. M. L4.NDIS' OFT.EBR ATER INPAI.I.II3t.aI PRIVATE LEOTURE PNYtiH ot.ri3ltlkL YAsf/I NA VE/FS, 6th (MOM kut nut. It teach°. yeti to charm those you to Love; how to redeem straying 041:10anlot 1., he it row ale• many secrets worth Scent , g. Price VI cents. A'•o, GREAT PRI VATE BOOR fer blesttßlliD or GROWN PlM snipe. Every lady anneal have one. Prise $l. O O. Reed price Of eithor or bathAbittl No. 1312, Chestnut street. Philadelphia, and resoles by return mall. re scaled envelope.. A ..aawase BOOTEr' will APO accomittoy flesh honk nett w DRUG STORE FOR BALE. A tamp. B?ORE,dnttr a good bumbles.. altos ted on a main IMO, will be sold cheap. The reni son ter ihe sale Is the proprietor has other bust mess that engages the,most of Ole time. Apply to B. E. SELLERS h 00., CO/Per Seccod 'tad Wood .treot. FOR BALE.*One Coat Boat Booom 110 feet I.g tp 14 feet, wide, ,ho onowalls are two fAn c iti . zheif e ttaal . .. or T f lg t fln bo z o: in to moot qulro nt Thtvln .terl, St ItToKea's Zook., or to DICIHSOM PIGLET, OWners, Drams alloy, 51 "elletler, 1:111/1f Thompson & Brown.. GM- Ceti Stem. setihtWit 401 5 1121171 BANK:OF PlTTSBtlitili. Preraarnciaa petobep Iwo Loans. Bills, Discounts, (;e:tltl catcs of Loan and tr. S. "aBO Tress airy N0tea........-....111,291.931' al T. S. 8aw15..., 6k,= 03 lasi rotate azultfronni mai MS 'Stocky and 4071 Due.b7 other Banks i 11,853 77 Bank NoUs, Cheeks a Trea. Miter mein 0 •••••••) T 23 ,E , X , -60 • • 1e.,58i,71k LIABLLITIES. Capital Stock.— .... ao Profits and Earnings 241,645 63 Unpaid Dividends and Snip. Aee't. t5,0t3 69 Due to other Banta art 26 Circulation 2.1,665 00 Deposits 1,159,601 VS Cate kt The shorn etetement is correct, to the beet of my knowledgel end bellet JOHN HARPER, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed, thry'rd day of Oecobe-, the.% before me. S. SMITH, Notary Pub OC3 itd (WARTERLY STATEMENT OF THE , 0A IRON OFT Y NATIONAL BANS OF FITTS. BURGH. Mow - nre, October 21, ASSETS. Lonna end Discounia 1 662,199 II 11. S. Securities 611,366 oi Penne. State Sot de. 6 per cent 9,200 00 Banking Bowie and Lot. 20,000 no Taxes sad Ex sect... =,697 21 Due from Banks and Henkel. 367,968 16 Coin and Legal Tender Notes 639,615 42 r 4 Otte and Checks of. other Henke.. 46,611 26 $1,2R1,203 at Capital Stock . . . _ . a 400,011 00 Ctrotalation 325,c00 CO Circulation State Bank 514131 00 .Due to Depositor. atone 63 Due Banks aid Bunkers 51,030 OS Profit. and earning. 5r17,152 30 Divlitsud. unpaid tars co $2,93,1.03 el The above atatementie correct, according to the best of my knowledge end belief. .3 NO. DIAGOFFIN, Cashier. Armed onto before me, thin day. oclatd S. SMITH, Notary Public. 1 4 ` IGHTH QUARTERLY REPORT FIIIAT NATIONAL RANK OF PIITS- Bi HON. Pen/inform, October ed, 1865 RESOURCES: Lonna and 111.caluots United State. Boadi - - - . IMe from Banks and Bankers...... 609:919 69 Specie and Legal Tender Notes.... 653,849 00 Note ml Currency 911,160 On Note. of Solvent State Bunke 56,243 0) Cub Items and Reuuttance, 65,351 19 I Impended Debt 65.75.1 54 Real Est sae 11.00 00 Expense Account 11,26 s et MI=IIM ['appal Stock $ 600,000 00 Due Individual Depositors. 2,031,131 63 Toe Banks and list - Aces.. 118 400 19 Duo Treasures, of th e Dated States 117,633 79 Circnintion' llontingent and ?rutlts es 112,337 .2e I hereby certify that the abaft . statement to a true abstract from the Quarterly Report made to Comptroller of the Currency, October td, 1867. ma a ad JOHN J.s. SCULLY. C.his, nEARTERLY STATEMENT OF THE •oc , UNION NATIONAL BANE 01 pirts- HIJHOLL PITTSIWRGII, OCCOOILT 4, 1565. ASSETS: Loans and Discounts. r S. Bonds and premiums.. Dne b Banks and Banker. Expenses and Taxes Remittances, he. M=tM=tl flank Notes and Cho 21,611 53 193,234 51 Specie and Legal Tender 174,144 93 51,112,325 71 LIABILITIES: Capital Stock ~..► 160,000 00 4.llmilation 110,003 oo Contiruo at Food and Earnlap—. Dail 76 Dividends unpaid 1,130 00 Do to Depositor Mall 41 Due Banks and Balmer, 20.033 73 411,112.ra 9J I certify that the above statement Is eortect to the best ef my knowledge and bel/eL oe2.ltd R. EC 81111111, Castled, (lIIARTERLT REPORT OF,THE CON DITIuN OF •THE EXOIZANGE NA TONAL ts&Na OF PIDISOUROH. UcTonay., 21, t 668. e2:Xr:AO 0:1 Loans and Dt•eount• Wa=2SIMBM 7 3-40 Notes NI 600 GO 1 Coin mad Lei l reader Notes 351,V39 50 1 Cheeks and Notes of Banks 50,016 10 Due by ftsuks...... 250,240 75 Real Estate 50,600 al Tsui and Eipensca . 17,76.1 73 Capital Stock 61tenletion of State Deng 1,116.2,1 P ! '".— ' T ' i re l u tOO L ,VeI t 9 .9 Doe to Dan 16,247 II Note, In Ctrculotlon of the En. IMEIMMME P 1,132,559 W The ahore statement le correct, to the larst of nay knowledge end belief. oat 3.11 d R. H. 11 , 1IIRR&T, ()ashler. t (-/ ARTERLY REPORT OF TAE Cll- %ENS' mom OF rirrsounriii - - uei 21 ormi3 i...ctoeer 2, I . O. F. bllehed In cooloreety with the .t.ith •ectl Hi of the Nanette' Cue,eLey Ar'. must. Notes sod DOls Disc, untee.....—.11;65,41 1 ev r. S. Securities 611,10.1 .I 1 661 41 161.9169 95 1 ,64:1 tR 'lnnen •nd Ex raven... Legal Tender Nara.... ensl ran M=EMEMffM f 2 104,11 , 53 ft 4 41401,030 notwl k tht eats. ioa lilt itez.l. , Bank Dep.Hors 4'ooth:tent rum! E•rolvg• -. 1.1,916 42. Une to Ls WI . . 4,651 PS Unpaid Laval t• - 2,191 01 t 2.194,9,11 ee Th. *bore stotement it correct and tr.xo to the best of my knowictlCc ond ballet 11. K. WILSON. !List. Cashite. Sworn sad 'subscribed I dots me tlas 24 day of Cletoter, A. V , ISCA. a E. DAVIS, Notary Public, EC015.111 QUARTERLY BT&T EX ENT OF THE fd.E011.10273 RATIONAL BANK OF PIITSITONOIL Prnsafroon, Olt I, ISO. Losls, Dhcounts sad 1.1.4 d. tient& cafes of if ebtadness.... ....... -9 1167,..U7 67 Tutu sad Zspenots....-- 8" 97 U. S. Bonds t 0t9,150 00 Ifue by Banks nod Bankers 94498 24 Betolttantes and cub New 2410 011 Nato and Buds of other Busks-. 38 18 184 Lsgal Tender Notes and Specie— 911,107 88 L1661L.fl E 3: Capital Stock, - * MOUS CV Profits and ........ 211.332 Notional Circulation 2.45,84 ou Sista Clteulatlno C 3,8341 ao • Due Drpositote • Due Banks and 1.1114cr0 Maulends unpaid 51,275.8i1 27 The above *Weasel is merest to the best of my knowledge and belief. JOHN O. MARTIN t Cashier. Sworn before me this 2d day of Oen:Mari SM. oc7:ttd S.OMITti. Notary eublte. I WARTERLY REPORT OF FOURTH NATIGNAIs BANK OF PITTSBURG LI, on the AloStasso or MOIR oil . , Voted:ear Id s ISO. ASSETS: Loss., Disusunta and Vaasa States sicurltles .. ... ..... —.—...-- 6111 001 19 Due no banks and Bankers 16.109 05 /1.. b 127 MS 01 Prem. •vd Intsrest U. S. Securities 14,51, OJ Over Drafts —...... ..... 27 90 Expense and Taxes— --.. 8,666 32 LIABILITIES: Osrital.Reock..— Mynni oo :lonelngtnt Fund _ 7 39 131reulaUon Outstanding Psopt and Lan.. CeII 950 00 biVidend Unraid . . :Ciao 00 Delimits .... —__ GS On Duo Danis and ilinliT ...-- '533" dt " n ‘991.241 ID Ri TLER WARD, Ambler. Sworn and aubaarlbeal Ire.fore ow Ow 3.1 day of October IRS. • S. S. BRYAN. Notary RTATBMIOT 01? THE BECOND NA. TIUNAL ilium OF euxolizear. ocwium 2 was. ASSETS: Disebunts Wad Recnri PgMiNiM Expanses and Taxes. PITIIPULDI OCS,L:4 II LIABILITIES: Cmdtal Stock ClroulAlonOutalardlng Due Hanka •nd Bunters Prot?, and Lt. Deport. as t1.11.G 11 J. N. nAvm ANL) FITS FITS—A sure sure for these elstre•alat a plaints I. now made aIIOWD T, eat no on For• 0119--1110 and haute Hob.] rrepsrmtino., panne bed ny Lr t, Moque Crow. ['he preror I , lls—t•no mu. two...ea Mtn in a providamt .1 IlianDrf that ho omonot cen•eleatlonsiy YlTa—to m•Ne In known, ale h... oared eve.i. body arhn Ln. noted It. ter, having Flt d—doßlr one. Is la rattaiy sure to case. ati of 14.Penanal 000 the in...MUCUS lallny ea VITS%—ob Mood frgas any druggist. Snot tree to all on 'reel. t of Eveceuts to weipsy eta. TrlF—Aedre.. 11r. 0 PHELPS IJILOWN. I.- Oran. , ...eat, yerrey env, N. 3. segoat q" -- HE UI'DEInBIGNED, EtkiIETOFOR - E igsesseling 19111:less t o gethetunder flat name a, THOMAS RBUCKLE 4 00.. Anchor 1)....t0n Mille, Alit gi toY alt.. tierostier eonol toe ohs bw,,lntla Winer iha hem, nal= and .03,10 On & 00. NaTHANIET.. 1101. lips, WILLIAM M. HEW., NEIII BEN TAY LOB. Estate of a. O. W. Jaegion, deaeu.ed, by Wm. Earentor: seessiosts 29, IE6I , • LAXSEED W ANTED. —10.1:03 F for Which Aro will pas the highest .martot pritihat IS3 Libel ts stmt. Brae W. it Bro.lll. & 00. .I.AO i"I,2I.7.IaZoIiMATIZi• CLOAKS! CLOAKS!! CLOLKSIU PITTSBURGH CLOAK MANTILLA STORE, NO. 73 n&RKET STREET, OUR STOUR OF Fall and Winter Cloaks •I,CM,bb II I. replete with everything novel and elegant, sk vie from material the teat which could be found n the BOSTON AND NEW YORK MARKET. We lave on hands a auperior onallty of LYONS VELVET BASQUES, Ul ECU Lea 8, SacqUEs, to If hleh aro Lone the capecial attention of tae N. B.—COUNTRY MERCHANTS will flod It to their advantage to call and 5X1117111105 our stock. Our prices are from PO to It per cent: lower than any Wholasale Cloak House to Philadelphia. We have on hands a magedneent gook of CLOTHS, Which We can cell at AGENTS' PRICES. Call sun