gittAPthsburgh Oases, MISTBLEAD BT UWE itrildune- LUOCIATION, - ; %IMWIZISSIVIt=fti 1 —r. - ......, • . _.:. - - -c.: 'IL 3 T Fos 1001103 Gmgaz : GEN. JOHN F. HABTBANPT, . ...Is, . ,Of hfcmtgomery„,comty. .., , z- ; :-. 1., - -.... itbunorizrounbcrouu u,. • . r : 4 , COL. JACOB M. CAMPBELL, i Of Cambria COTLIItY• ' • :11H10i Vkirrnioarr 'from xrumturr Aprons=; 116110 Leaumar, Pit! Tettgahlp, son Tzufastnizz: GIG= ASIXER - , Jx., of LltarfY TOwluihrP. p from alma ionwris /Medea:l4, 7911 AaillXntir I flap. Y . f ortotta T dim 4=t}UM B. m .i r o p. J. P. 4:llWra,_.Pi JOHN fraDLllSP..Friorafroivathlo. ios ocrowitfau I MPZl A 4 g.n i gf Y •etb"Pta. from convoy anti/waft: goon - golltri. of Ilmologaim. r • WISES CHESS =th w mircKni-Po.oady. MCCORD OP THE DEMOCRATIC 0T.541171.. '17.0 We Invite special attention to %a...article I do'a paper, showing iihat la the real! WAR of tb. s- 4taugsfiCPartlN. Vranla on the war. It hat :been compiled' - With great care, repay metal It iseems something like an Insult to the! intalligence d ot i ig t *r i ga rry to prove! 'to thitrithat theeletiorslitid party in Penn= isylvanbc was hostile to the war, from Re „Eyeubody knows ! tto be the Vidlitre Calk-riveter! ! „14p,.ths couniry who cannot . 1.40.1 to hire tfie -reibileCtibeof sbmi . eitent or in- 1 cident that fixed - the fact in his memory. ty, Mtn; dttempt *to - pro vit what every ,bodyloiows to be true? .tlfruplr becausai the actors in that dis graceful clzsesition to the war now affect to deny it -They unblushingly stand up to 'claim That they - have all along been in favor -of rho war. and_they nominate soldiers' on their tickets in counties where they have so chance to demonstrate thetraffection tor 'the bop in blue aid to prove that they; ' , only, were the true patriots during the con , test thq was made more bloodtr by their thostillit to it 51 . 13 ucb7brazen effrontery as thltedemands ezposiii. Now, when the recoß is fresh,l is the doe to gather the evidence together! and " p it out of their Dower bii 7 maintairr this lying attitude. The men who de.! ibunced the war Trom the beginning, who abused and vilified Ll:scour with a rancor lleveni_before hrtown, who discouraged re cruiting and opp.v3ed the — draft, who sneaked off to Canada to avoid serving in the ranks and encouraged the desertion of tgfiefelffenda trUin the army, who 2voilil against the supplies to carry on the war; and gave all possible aid and comfort to ! the enemy, must be confronted with this clanualticirrd l iihich they are graceless' enough to deny. We do not wonder at the anxiety of the DeP„ Qqzata 'A° Da, Mi•rexiird, to Eight;' aid 'Cart" &freak Upon better ground. It i 3 a record of which any' 51:S ta kk; XS.I3I,PIi fisP4Red. , 9 d a . wonder at the unpudenZe - whiat `Priimpta but;t7anxyhnt Japan, and to'parejiheinielvetaeas been patriots Inalaltof-traitors dining the' The posseilifon of the alig Men degree of..modectp Would have kept them in the background fora few years, counting temporary otncorny for the present as the snreir way of seeming forgetfttittess for the ut:roodesty hra-trirtae the- Dimocrata ;i*er•liosaeased.....The.* tipOri atOtitttint.theregeivesforvrard. 88 .I=l2 ette4 '''`tairptibile con fi dence,. and meat, therefore; 6 44ect * Muse tbeii ihanaeldtishas e'o,ised.` Read, therefere, tha , fatts we Itava wart , shalledliahaiiihein. With nil the eft troatee_hppi' Pen:worsts of 1865, time Is t can Gam that record. THE TEST OATH The New York Times argues thitVite &publicans of the cotalry need not tear ,the return of_ the Repels _to power, as the 'test - bath ihipdted by Congress will efl:bein. ally exclideLthera Crete that body. The nen forgets that the doctrine put forth by Joiiiiitis prevails throughout the - South, to wit: tiat man may take what Ilerepnlidersenunconstitutional_Ostb, with lite.ftdl intention of violating it, and that Niiinnith. has no bidding tbree In it 'On. der this logic there is nothing to pre%ent Ake &bets from taking the. test oath;, and .'When they once get into Congress, thereto itpildng to hintlerlthem from repealing the AttrififhicielhipOself the'Oath. Once decide ). 4itidMilting the rebel' States' to 'their old.posithminiCOna!* had th 4 je ib .4100144.4Lv#74tOgg,cfur. 0)4 ilkeTeMWorst =rebels+ the death. cam t•talos,:--They ibiltitietTalliheir ibis*. Censtitution when they seceded 4 t ' and thetatarld' prepared at this moment to take ante rtcbitn any other oath that maybe dmposeartpon them, if tfiey do not like it ' W 4 94l.PoFae't 3 Pre4 - Posts indeadr when we'liave no othei protection against Tehetriati than Alto sanctity with which the catiltevierainvestrot oath. • • vrinteiti rsr ,§,. .t.-Tagejf , l49.itiglYt qOPPP-rheatiVaPer is Tenzusylvatila.thaicineWashington fawn. olser. - Its vtaiiitani - thOSO et Vai'eAVntd ' ittatjuidlnoisit4z, and Of the the at Tatra wen et- , that- tarty. -In speaking of the Unatroyerm between'the cfraraercial and i tit,ectanse.pailt Is a - ccusiii.ttiti.other of I=3l3, s, inctsqutepsetkpqamex+ lase ogre= sides; but confess that thes case seeds Clear to ne, MtlealiffeATi. Z. -igra 'G i lagiErut qFP. 111 4 3 sinrsehiis its views, azette , has no- E:i. oadossaagebof..elatuling wi T , lig itt, , =7441; .7 ,- - - --, .. - a deretionke the Nirstebingto t .t • 2N71/1,1. in itlw'Tierwe m a be be considered l 'aminqsspezta4:' by our ' iliaghbili - • dowil **X4lll4loal P e 9 o l ol Westetn Penn- o'evivia_di,V44, Aturally be- easptelons that thaws:Wei basomethhie Wrbisg ittini there ' . o.4.;V!llhiillintee orvietra between inch agtaioP7 -- :. - - ) .- ;'_,;z___,...'-•;; .*. •; -' T. - ' , 44)13if4 Xati t eliii! ,-- 4176,,„ -- 3 ~ .431 kid. .-ifiii:igearaie t .crtietettd-ihit the liepab4-: sins . of - Ifireaebusetts : "from in "favor of 4 teWinti6o : sciad that the'platferet eftheitr" .. ' Bl VieSon'ir . fnlYielfas an endorsement of its . icoli - 1rf . ,,,, 11 ... c3X On thes:ointrary, 41 19lAwleag ?a!' 1 Akiit)iteali (latch , .. _ kii, : . 1,80 / 01 41 11 182ab041 whit' •-aresiainttett, - amt . _Mean) Ms: - .sin detrandlpg equal - segti - foi l'. the efreednese..•and dean g that the rebel States lehalt.gotiftl fOlgotelt to thellillort till they_ ' lute concided Ws rlghi, - genitor throw , 4smenity had the hearty assent of a iarge; *low .of the 'Cloametione r Right de liroheitiSciok at wlOO l /rachlirttie i*• mend of the *publicans of ZdassaclrssettV and thiaigh - the utnibit:tirlandship is p - 1 - fessed for President Johnson. he is _ _tattklititil_polict.atiestomtliiif 'rim i s ~.tdulyillho osurg o idey .., miaow ...- 1 T 7 ' .'''"' 7 2 - - • . ' 4... Tlik; CUBIIMA:C/1.4. - I The Commercial atilt Juniata tha'. u •Ae rebels did in point of fact withdraw fiditithe riziron, and set up a govere..ment of their own, then they were right In point Of,pvi and that all who recognize theia skate. of belligerency, admit thereby .that -they had a right jT r I Jags. . .an „IS to separate from us. It follows, thertfore,according to the logic of that paper, that this right watt admitted 'by the general goveriiinent in,. men( it beanie riecessarY to dell with the fact, by waging a war against them napub.. It thinks, however, that If Me 'principle for which we argue, that these States were out—against which it bas never yet been able to - oMf a toolitary 'reason, eicept the supposed opinion' of the preeldent—to cor. rect. Mr. Davis his a perfect defense against the charge of treason, and the gov ernment Is not Only trying in Its proceed.- inga against' 'him, but hes ciinducted this Wertfalee printiples throughout. • -Whether Jeff. Davie can defendlamsell successfully against a charge of treason on the ground that he was a recturnized heyfger Grit, we have nol yet Said, and dcistoti tdtil d wally; nor does It make any practical•dif• Terence to him, as there_lies. Vela. I ?ASV that he will ever be tried (or that. crime and still lees that he ivilleiei be-otat- I victed °f it - We - are 6i l e7iitairind par tlettlitily &boa Jeff;"Dailtd.itheni site di verse ether f teo Plegkend,YPardfieral by the • P* 4 442-1 60 de #r i ccl /iinP I t.terher 4 asriellly aeriedoes.' eirse4mall - linatter want ~e'comt trot pmde We Can re -place foundations that will be secure: itotila rather hit hint go, than lose the advantage of controllfrtgl these States by 'treating them as out, r and; 'deciding on - the terms on - which thiy-ell! ccmcback again. If the other conspire- - tors, whlrare antlestrgnilty than hinttelf,lo are cobs re , initated in their Ohd - authority,. there is no advantage Ira'seapeloat, that' we-know-of.. He ndght as well be made BecretarT.ef. War again, as; any of his fellows. The.. Commercial would rather take the whole of them back, unrepentant ' and devilikh as ever, to trample upon the loyal blackman, and defy the government as they have done before, than lose the chance of seeing J;:rr. DAVIS pardoned, -along with the rest of them—any, it would rather see the negro re-enslaved, then consent to the legitimate results of the, law of war, which makes the conqueror the master, and gives him authority to pro vide for the future security of the nation, and Without which our victory is no better: than a defeat, and the mar itiself hit- a costly, horrid and bloody farce. lastaidbf saying that'll, our Principles sic correct, sfr: DAVIS has a perfect defense, and the Government has coiiatieter the war' on raise princiPlationt.; it would be a much Juiterjnoment, that if we aro wrong, the slaveholder will escape the just conseqfledafinflats rebellion, 'the • forfeiture of his human chattles, and the government has indeed conclaeted Uurwar on principles 'Mit" cannot be defended— Takeaway the beligerent conditlon—youi acts of Congress interdicting all commerce with the "pdopte, - whether loyal or clisipyal,, , , are worse than aullftles--your proclamation of freedom to the slave of no more 'value .than the paper it was written ofi, — tudff the more recent manifestoes that declare the plan or policy that has so bewitched —we were going to say s debauched the -slavieh time•stsmers of theparty who would Mini away all the coat and all the ,experJ ienbi of the eau' -the. beat indefensible of usurpations. There are people, however, who are willing to take the consequences, to see slavery restored, white they alfact to be on the side of freedom, and hope to maintain their credit by skulking from the argument and keeping up a Show of confidence by sheltering theme - ayes under a system of studied miarepresentaticum and epoollla!loo, end amongst them we regret that we are compelled to class the condac tzra of the Commer:fal. If they' would defend their positions like men and show that they hadj honest convictions to rest upon, we could readily forgive thiS ence of opinion, and eentinne to respect them. The strategy to Which they resort is one that is not suited to the times, and will never win. Their own readers will soon tire of it. IF we had the room to spare we could till cur entire paper with extracts from Repub lican pagers ehowing the general preva lence of hostility to "restoration," and In favor of treating the rebel States as con quered provinces. We have already given quite a number of extracts to this hod, and now add the following from the ClineLemati .Gazelle: • It is only by virtue of conquest, of the supremacy of martial law, that XI, John eon bas done, or can do - anything in the premises constitutionally. While ecurquest is the fact, and martial law the law dondt nun, Mr. Jolmatur can appoint his , Pro. visionalsGovernora his rules of as he ' 4.4lTeire.tway the law and he can nothing--absolutely nothing The rebel States must on this point Tomah: otitaide„ am! without a Government, and without the means of tasking one. As fact, they are simply conquered territoriesi On the Union,) but in' the Union without laws or Goverment. Why should we put these rebels in pow; Cr? There. are some Union men in every State—why not giyeQem the po wen if - not, why. apt keep it•tMe military? IS the value and importance of the..e rebels so great that -We must rush into their arm% present' man with a ballot, and beg the.fityor of lila not shooting es the neat minute? Are the men who starved our poor, suffering prfueiste itt 'Andersonrille (nch amiable and 'estimable companion's that we must court their friendship? Are we to present' these barbarians with a bal— lot and , a pistol, and ask them to outvote is • with otie and ontshOOt nswiththe other? Govannon Pau; In . his menage to the Booth <laidlos Convention, Kays - that thb Septum Court of the' trolled States has $6. 4 4dcg• Governor Le 64241 - bnand the — times. The Dred Uott'cleeltion and Di aiiihoi all° • botb`dei.ii : That Opreme Court, u It nor: tea% reversed that declalon when ~I March of tho putout - year, it edinittOd negro hiwyer to practice uz that curt, where lIOTIO buttitizets ecof practice. Tl4e citiv.oshilrof the- nCipti Wll6 Ikea practical-, brand. efectually recognized by that tribti-! eeL The Governor -Us evidently nevir heard'of that facb •-• • - • ' TITEIIIORTTE TIC/MT.—The Conensrsiel wfll haveit alp cur coarse tends to the 'defeat of the,State Ticket. How can it bet Votrtibiort the 'ptate.T.Ocefttpon the , plat - factof the StattiCentention which normal. ted lt , and take teribintekt: Ilethenmerefalopposesput piatfoTin, theffs-_ hy . injtqleg_ the ticgetiOnelnated upon it; .. 1111a then criefiolit c • IlLe4iartYl Titebecot IN ottrtht+2othe.r4 „ _ Ale Commcreiv Ic 'Willi that - raPq_ .ftwostume valattlietihilitilforlart vacy, anuFt TOMIZMOt nta,lfcatil?4, 431-43Cf.*,,mend Soovekat tfick.'ll44;**lll ,bl,4* rzab;:.l .7 - 71/73r.tiiiiiiTcptinAnw*Azir e rAFF. rfat**):Pm ol64 4`tiqi.;94gli thq e aktrutiliitft lade In Cntleligo dinguati tit.; teldliglahliiiir studies. If we are asked for the records of the truth of these fearful charges we answer unhesitatibgly that they are accessible to even , citizen of the commonwealth in every county where a Democratic newspaper is published, and where copies of it are open to the public. They are to be found in in• fiammatory newepaper appeals and denunci ations, and disloyal resolutions and speeches of Democratic meetings and conventions. We could fill whole pages of our paper with the mere extracts from those productions, and hence It cannot be expec ted that we shall comprist in our evidence every county or every newspaper. In order to show how thoroughly this disloyalty characterized the Democratic organization we shall take the !Jingle county of Wash. ington, and give, first, some extracts front its leacing Democratic organizations and their resolutions of townships all over the • CeettY. as well as of the county Itself: .„. "The Aboltion Proclamation of Dictator Lincoln 'meta:ionizes the settled policy of the country, and riolatts the international obligations that are acknowledged by the cit. ilsed nations of theglobe." • • • "The :Abolition PrOclansation rthotteet the COalsiliition itself, and unmistakably evidences the practical establishment of a Dictakrrhip/"—Exaniintr, Jan, 8,186.3. "Mr. Lincelln dead, hit memory will go down the pages of Wilton , stained with tile infamy that belongs,ustiy, to "an enemy of the American Union. " —Dame paper. "Let not the useless Jute/wry have the grace 01 another day'lPtiot. Anything-4- anything rather than thie harrtel, meederou t. inhuman war."—graminer, Feb. 6, 186 t, Besotted, That it now behooves the pie t pie tospeak to their representative& in true a way'as not to be misunderstood, and say that the.present war, as now waged by the Administration, Is repugnant to the minds of all lovers Of the Constitution,' and fs only a money making scheme fa certain party - which hes no other object titan a dissolst fuln o,f our ones glorious 'Tilton, or to 'et.' tablish a despotic govornmentiver such wt. Cone of our country as they tear find theta.' aches able to cubing o ' ,D morale Conrail aofire.olfga, All'im 7 /PAW, . . It is manifest from this exhibit l4 , the gdftoT.cinhi 43 44 - r - . 3114 note r. merely the.ebniftion of his own dleloyalty t gl be it i fifered nal.4 1111 7: 110- gol*Oilforr of ...,,.„ • „ - • • pantlioliticisces, and llr &dor hb,flitty. i - •• seletia • giitistiiert fihiplisoiibbitrA . l iT V F il r , 47 , e/ . & - 9 11b24 7 ) i t l Y / T2.,,A 14 ; ec) 1, 'hislust iis saltily tiOiut,agMhal. any Other - ,✓• . countrif tvetsd theapacez• 4,101. tfopkins .ieriterented• thft diiskiaki; tier when 1/e lotidlv° ;speech In the PC4lol 4 4tet A P 4tl OIij" '186.2.: • . ‘•I alarm, that &one suite 4 0 .„/ in battle hereafter, fail not in , a war for,me restora tion of the 'Communion as it is, and the union'as limner but in a war for the istio _ The Democracy of Bedford 'county, in convention, assembled on the 21st of Jane,- 11364, and adopted the following rosolc+ ri ibis:, ' " , • "Btarhatt That WE ARE IN FAVOR • OF AN "A lIMISTICE AND,ORhiIATION. OF, HOSTlLlTlBBftichrol_c, in ordor to mike way folati testoritlOn of ottr unhappy ;laud twits old Dentacratin Alm tuad- wool tos • ril i astdi in lava? of .alLmopir ow SESMIA 017 ARAITTiSRB, which tog tythe~e•of ,the Somhern `.O ' 4tll4roPlititlirq9# 4ebti''' I • l ttltti4elf o l4)o4 ll .li l 4 l )3_ fu!letd : ctotti4 laid on 115131 h of Maretzi isea,laa, ~ ing;ftegi7, :,,, %I Di 4 . 7 ., 1 i -.1-YThezh*ixis. l 44lt " 1.- "Litt 4° 41, 9 04 044 0 1n:elifeTmeffi'0":14 Usqi * tin s tionowaeliell.)mkterilltsqffieren .. 4 •MatectErkmity for the zamoistalto wre :who will'ilin .scruplo. , la,disgraes• If ash the' COmmtmity ;hi 'which he-llrw_ y • 'accattbsg this moue office fPxotot4-ffisr. G'OII[QUIEST DENOtRALY ill PENSSI 1111.1 In the great eal*at now pending ,in this Commonii - ealfh, the Democratic alter a career of affiliation with rebellion, treason and disloj eity, sufficient to kink any political organization, would fain seek to dirgu , se its pertinacious charactarjand. obscure the damning record .of lta past career by throwing aside for the time the men and the utterances so odious to the people, and seeking by menus of soldier candidates and specious resolutions to be as harmless as the masses once thought it. We might rest our cause with the intelli gence of reading men who have perused for themselves the proofs of Democratic trea son accumulating daily ihrtingh the past ten years, for surely what has been so in dustaionsly written and printed by num. 'heirless Democrat[(: newspapers and spoken by equally runnercrus Democratic orators through such no exciting period cannot have, passed out of the memory of thinking - Mem Bid as in such contests as we are now einbirhed upo , the insidious wiles of Democratic' s are apt' to' delude the eci unwary, and itig e 03 os of the public press to keei .the pleihe la beib , ma it Is Most ease-mid fo' the fo. knew, and to acts PON weak the . ktt*lo s zt . Pr. Ottr tee dete end of the people generally-to cur 'rim, review a-,d.. aioxi g e in(l_, 'LAI. ,6 1 Tent/ titlitanis of this thing WWII: tit Iti-i appropriatly calls Itself the Demoeratic ' party. Tus INDICTItICZTT. The Union State Convention which met recently in liartishurg, laid: the Indict:Mem .AO/flat this pernicious and destructive Par ;#:llltel:trut 80 concise and well'considered, .thet, as we cannot improve upon theinwe , d ielt i A t Lein I:tr i via . 'That the'leadetriof ,The iNtOOpintiq.PgtY itaaQ ettitigned: Were theMO PO" . tityVvittiti 410-eenttbualy , obbtrammg the efforteof the constituted 400h:fen tonifiltt- , • tarn the life of .the;;Repttblig. • They did My'littlanidng the paasionq of their lguo mat fellowerk riven, the legally elected officers of the federal Goyerament, and refraining from all reproach against treason or armed traitora. By procuring a decision from the Demo cratlejudges Otu*StlorerneCourt, denying the righter the Government to the services of the citizens of this State for the defence of their imperilled country. By discouraging men from volunteerinp, into the armies of the Union; thus render ing it necessary to succumb to treason, or to pay large bounties, and so burden every ward, township and borough of the State with debt to fill the ranks of our armies. By opposing the enlistment of negroes for our defence, although ono white man leas was required for every black one who ; could be enlisted, and thin at battle of the very me -me when the of tlettyiburg was raging on the soil of Pennsylvania, and the result of that 'decisive battle was tunortala. By denying to our soldiers tie right to vote while fighting for the flag of our fath ers, on the plea that sta rignin were not allowed by our constitution, and, by oppos ing an tunerdment which removed their objections and relieved our bravo soldiers from thl, dleabiilty. By exaggerating the public Indebtedneaa, denying the public credit, andeaehing that the financial resoitrees of the north were unequal to the suppression of the Mottllion. By a shameflil ePPOtilllon measuresfor relief to the families of Union soldiers., al by a malignant effort by these commit to secure the success of the rebels in the field, or each a protraction of the war as would exhaust the nation its ItiV - efforts to sultana int frfenda. By tow heaping abuse.upon the Govem 'smut for punishing assassins and their ar-- tiomplices; by demanding the rilesso of leading.trultors, by frowning down all at-. ttii p e d tii;sing punlitartent to fiends who our soldiers, and by atauriag rebels that neither in person or property shall trey be furnished for their crimes. And If -anything were wanting to com plete-their infamy, We him it in their de termined opposition to free - labor, and to a tariff which. while it would make labor profitable by protecting the working men Of PeMlßyfratall from British competition, would largely increase the revenue essen tial to the maintenance of the public faith and credit. EMAIICTTING VIE utcoups - - aral.l Let [La: me._ e a ...• hay bo, stake b . " his mind that ue rannot live a m i t e J n, 'nor - die an honorableteleath. t 4- reltlelnhir. that be mama hi .. if the hireling ormmrped power, tie Mankm ofthe enemy of popular liberty, the tool of r - disgracett - and- doomed Admirdetration. Let him remember that , he beepmes a vol =tar/ instrument for the destruction of the Constitution, and„ therefore,-4 very discharge of his °Dicta duties, makes him a' perjurer and Is traton ' And let him be Warned that the people will not suf fer him nor his masters to wrest front them the rights guaranteed them by the blood boagbt institutions of their fathers. Take hum county and we find the Lew istown True Democrat delivering itself thus on the 27th of July, 18134: Abolitionists" have bawled themsgves hoarse at the barbarities of the "slave deal eursj" irret7rorinmgtLaettri;meoori their families, and separating them perhaps forever. That showed their sympathy for the negro. Yet now hundreds if not thousands of poor white men In the -North are about to be dmggeilfrom their homea and helpless and dependent families, never berbaps to be permitted to return again, by the inexora ble conacription law, which was enacted by. the same abolltiOnista. Ti spews their sytepathy for the White men. We t iiiaeleg ' • ' our readers not to form the hepreision that we . are selecting ,c1 . 1 . 4Y ti}e worst . einierdes. b efore as. lye tair i g tEete ;dime counties of: Nymngten,Delifoidand - Matte, because they are Inwcatern Rena ayiseeja, remotorrein thergreal, watt and cauterise& trees= and in regions, ithereoul • aniwbeee to , tha country, Ithelletooeraticl .partrotight to haws hear loyisl and 'purl - °tic: That tiietrethlt that the State istgitir-, 'elation of the - much- *ol gime tone ea Mali : loyal orgaiii, in pee°i of this we ts:ke the foll Owing , estract.from, the address of the Democratic State Oen_ tral Con tree IA1,180: ,ANier9lPAY,irigt, !cor,cmiio. substantls: Interests of the abuth, 6cqecia, l / 3 '. t4e, alareholding iuterent;',lstere' Maio/44 drain utorrOdadaliftt. ' 6 .0 o .tbe .other hand, the Abolitionists 'counted: on en easy triumph through the aid of re. Volted slaves, and, in this reliance, were careless how soon they provoked a collis ion To cover np their own tracks, they invite no to spend all our Indignation upon "Southern traliOrs;" but truth compels us to add that, Jo the Inca of treason, the the orthestartrnvetors to the Conetltution had ." In 1864 the Democratic State Committee extenefrely circulated a tract, which tend thus: "Fen3rens—tne n of the rural regions.' This abolition business has ASOISTGAGED your fartneforerer to the rich men of this country and Europe for every penny the lands are worth; and you will have to pay the interest of this mortgage an/malty in the form of heavy and evevlaennuring tas -ca. This, in addition to the chance of be lag yourselves or of having your Ulla and relatives dragged away by the Datrr, to meet daager of perhapsf death vin the battle held ! All, to set loose npon . the Country a parcel of brtttal Africans, who, foY alrthey can ever hripe here or hereafter are better one their present homes than ' anywhere else in the world, or that they wonhibe In Africa Weir." AUTIIO.Ir.ITY Dr TILE coNsyrrunozi TO rtyr DOWZI lUMELLIO3. NOT LI it strange that the party In this State was thus disloyal when we recall She course of its greatest leader, President 80. (MARLA. In his message to Congress, of December 8d,1860„ Be TrAXAN thus agreed that them was no Constitution' authority tO tateefere+ivith rebellion: • - "The question fairly stated he Ella the Constitution delegated to Congress the right to coerce a State into submission, which Is attempting to withdraw from the Confederacy? It answered in the alarms- Usti, it Must be upon the Nino/Ole tkat powerless been conferred , upon. Congress to declare or make war eon a State. Af ter mach serious reflection; I bitife arrived at the conclusion that no such power has been delegated to Congress or to any other department of the Federal &remnant. •• • • . Without deacxmchng to panic- Mars, It may safely be assorted that the power to make war against a Butte Is at ra riance with the whole spirit cf She Consti tution. .. • . Congress possesses many means of preserving It (the .Union), by conciliation, bat the sword was not placed In their hands to preserve It by force." cornet= OF A STATE EI:IMPLANT - 20 IT I ExrcLaion rnou TOE MIMI. Mr. 13rcnesas was backed op in hit refition by mother distinguished Pennsyl vanian, Judge JagEldtAll S. BLACK', U. S. Attorney Genera!, who In en opinion, do, led November 20th, ISCO, just after Mr. Luscotree election, mid: "If Übe tree that war courrot ba declared. nor a system of general banalities carried on by the Central ti - nerintrent against a State. thou It Seems to followthat so attempt to do al would be fyisofeefs. alt erpuld.n of such Stale from;At Use," being treated as au ellen and as eneinf. she would be compelled wart. accoralegy. And If Congress shall break op the presetit Union by unoonstltutlonally putting strife and enmity and armed hostility between different sections of the counts'', instead of the 'domestic tranquility' which the Constitution was meant to 111•Ure. rill oat an the Slates to ebsettedfrora Asir Feder. al °Mr/ 40 ...1 Is say Donlon of the people Wend to contribute their mane' or their blood to curry on II contest !Ike that I"" All the subsequent disloyalty of the Dem ocratic party in Pennsylvania ;nay be traced to these teachings. But in Philadelphia treason was, perhaps, exhibited more billy than elsewhere in the State, and hence It may not be insnprerpriate to see what it said there. January 3d, 1801, Amigo ELLIS Lwient, formerly Chief Justice of the So. "Prune Dmitri of the State, and a leading . Democrat, offered the following resolution at a public meeting lallutt city : "Ilesolved, That If the Northern States abaci be tuievlttlng Igtretognlee their coo. stitutional duties towards the Southern States, It would be. xi t to acknowledge the independence 0 5 Southern States, instead of toayktg e n u awful tear against Wein. Jan. la, •., 1801;ft greet Democratic meeting unaimously endorsed Barham:oe message thus: I . "That - we cordially approve the disavow ,, at by the beildeitt, In Ids last annual mesa , age,. for bltillfeirrutd Or Congress, eta iglu.- , AttAk/i*Pilwcr against a Slaw or the Coe uktlentcy, Om re•afilradng the express doe trisevol•two or the great • founders of the :•Oonatitatida, James !Mahlon and Alexia ter mi/ton." ; ' ' - P,O•tt therefor ?', o /9 40 eed , to ant. 4rte coin t l q atiaserrlacred'by a per—, rt% . itIP e /1430•Parti,'WPIlottiot010:, Alexan der __,,Flaglcle.,__,tg 0 ,,,f d A9ol l 'lli 7 1 Ilil morel, '-' 44IS4,I4 PI4LWIFIrinePt oppose any II At• tire= POI/CY4rAtilgo44l,4l AVARIAI to be "' Jane ‘ll3th;lBll3,' when--Leo was on 'the 1 4#44444 rinakyOttillit, tclward lager soil, in an adeiren delivered by him before ttni•Detneetatic tentntl 'Club of Phliadel- Pbia.,vaidk., : r. • . 1 • “LintU . the spi;it of disunion and hatrod, which is Abolitionism ; is put down In our midat, goveromentilwitich alone can give ns peace ; Is Impossible. Don't trouble your 'selves about the din:talon spirit of the south ; don't trouble yourselves about the , :tkuttleivretotedaracl ; take the • beam out ,oryour pits's; eye ; T wo will find political oc -9/20/911••enoge'k at . tome. tor sometime to ,Xorito.•••rWhert the redeKig Adfatnlttingoa I c e ms k,,, ,b e a go at, lum,ieißre 4 o ,3 c a nothing Iml•the.dnatinet of hatred and ; de. • 'traction against one section of onrcountF 1 , that Session L truly and motor - oily .4„, ; ,,, grata VAa:tellf?te 'sr , of , ifs astral fa sns r. , ;nerd.' O liiill ChM illiiiiiiii4 OPTUE gOUTA'r : ,If 4 li6-- gletitau Me l! I l eth irfs' merely "rifiteriii: xesci line Viii - 81 d s` page of - war, Wea =acme that there lis ftoilt to stowtodulexteggic The Itnintuise ihnociatl44l4iilut - UV arbleticidei•*l; "Philadelphia,' January :16th,408‘ndopted a sake 9,1 FereintionztlAvrtgeh w,asAtasilbL , - •joir6as . -'- ', • :' c • ;-, ',tso. n l e h ra o r o a T y titt. f oh i 'd alp e h at i n j d usons kiset o 'We IpetrlN of reausparb, um Alsouuol ot ho 1 one b , th etcparatum of the whoieSorah. e resuls eo stall most alt,t7ely dsp',oro, may release this Common.. ealth from the bonds 'lrttleh Dow compel It ;rah the cour-aarsel, sr , d wadi eoresswirelma nriwirer. eitie e. through a sit =mention to with be assembled for that purpose, to determine whom their stall be whether-with itiiiiroribilidwi lot ci - ma /Taman, eia hos precipitated cloo 04 • wit ni h our brethren of t tw hi gol2ralaerli rt th,Arkbis inaagi we feel as our—own r or whet= ••• • eladl 41=1 by hereelf,..ready. when OCC:12401/ to bin& together the broken A DVICCZATIC WHEW! OP DISTDOW THOS UNION prro 5P,017015a. In connection with this we ask attention to tho subjoined extract of a speech delivered by senator Wait, of Mew Jarsey,before the Demo erotic Central Club of PlilladelPhia, May Oth The plan enggested some years ago by Ile Val f landlgham bears the stamp of his clear sa gacity and statesmanlike forecast—dividing the country Into four large sections or masses, and requiring $ majority of the representation from each to consent to a measure before It should ;become & law. Mr. Calhoun, notwithstanding ;the undeserved obloquy now attaching to hie name, was to my mind the most honest and ;comprehensive statesman, who . .grapFled with national problems, and I make bold here toaay that no wiser, purer, pa ricaic Statesman over lived. It may be that the South alight b e all- Sr g tolvetuzu upon the adoption of some am* spasm of reconstruction as this. If We.plan of reconetllagon and reconstruction fails, Latta a separation must be the finality ;,, This passage refers to the following Constitu 'ilanal tunenament, proposed by Vibtlautorrast: "Article XIII , Section I.—Thu nitecl4tAlas ' are elleldtellittek: bit secilorus i asAcilrowal '.7 1 /bEAettik or. 314115. a423ilegEAci" `t...llAseariputptts; Abblikrtraiiii; Cdnuomil-1 Pas , NCW :r914 . - SS!, 7 0Kfa. and Pootni s grA aa, Tiroi lga t te lOW/ COI4IP. Pectlon. go 4 ,141 91* riat, !I:babbitt:id Oblo, Indiana, Pines, „limn, Mammal; Mitmesota. reta,apd, • va rsilkall- can 6 U M 1, 4 4 0tt14.) 1,0 444 lAblits.ll n aelifiosi'-, • • "o t&dat P . and f - aball c01F44 - 04. -theeNoma - - • quoiltatee of Delaware.: ,Itaribtakitlrgbali, Borth Caiollaa, Bomb earollaa. 6•eorAa . , Ida, Alabama, Wialselppl, Llaisiatta Texas,. Arkin/as, gesmcesee. 4.entanky and ' Ulai)ati ihaa, *tarittati .aßotig section, to be :lcarnen•ae the Boni*. 9 .drticle X/Y. Ito State abaft accede without .;be, consent of Um ,Letrilatnres.of all the &atm of the section Co which the Slate proposing to recede belongs. The Premdmat shell bare power; •to adjust with seceding States all questions arts_ log by reason of their aeration but the terms of adjustment shell be submitied to Congress for their approval before the same shall be 1 slid." Stony 11. PErcinzron, Democratic nominee for Vice President in 1881, and who was voted for by the whole Democratic: party of Pennayi yenta. ortistalned this plan In • lineal In the U, 8. Rouse of Representatives, January, 1883. The tarty In this State voted for him with a fell knowledge of this feet. Ww. B. Remo, late Winter to Chloe, and recognized as an In. Snead Democrat, published a pamphlet in ,A mat, MO. from which we make the annexed selection "If the choice be between a eontinzunce o f the was. with Its attendant sufferings and,de tnorellaatkeh certain miserleasand uncertain re , trona, and stuccognition. ot the Southern Con-! • federacy, I am in favor of tecognition 'of donna nuking the Abolition party reapontine for this -dread nematalty. The blood of the Union ht on 'twee. - • • .If it be 4 choice between the,alow'hn4alt manly anccessfal conduct - of the'war,`the and jugatioa of (bulbul:here inane Mennen° ae mere tellitary - prolltrine;' invilvlng of council radial change la- the - political orgaoluatlos of the tit Change North, ao as Virtually to abroi rah State rights and ca entranced nest barbs with all Ufa here so ft e day engrafted, aid peaceable recogulUon, I attli prefer recog nition. . "If the laqtdry be further pressed as to how r I would arrange the terms of pacification and recognltlon Ido obi hestitate to say that, dodge or defer lt as we may, In my opinlon the deotsion—l mean as to Ilmlte and postilh4 as in debt—must be made by the eatattro and their deems, actitig as they did, when seventy pure ago they entered Into. the Federal eompait. - There la no other coneetralle mode. Mimfiand and Kentucky, after all, each for henna, will have to deMendne where her lot shall be cut, and What her palmier" Iliddllty must tro, whether pr efittata of the federal or of the COlll federal., debt, or whether to be exempt froM both. What Asmdand and X.Mitacky do, re.n. sllsasta and 0410 hors ark/it to do. This media the question of bonnearies, and nothing else will and Vibe decision Involves the abandonment of Washington and Icarleg It the monument of what was lots once the Capital Of * great Re-. public, be It so. I would rather see It a tale then what It Is now." Ithro`e idea was, that each Suite should act for LBW, where the Democrats could manage to get a convention called. He was baked op by men In other Staten, bet condi:deg our attention to retr.sylrania, we find Cardoso Inciartsott,, the orator of the day at the formal tnmaguration of the Dttuocratic Central Club, Ia FidisdAlptils, January Bth, lECZ, speaking thus, "nem ta bat one way of arriving at a solo- Lion of the qumtlon as to whether we are to have a foci* peace and Onion , and that la by eon. realities of the people. To effect tide, le not easy of accomplishment, berease thronghont Ltbe limb there are many States la possession orthe Republicans, and there Is hardly any Blare in which the Democrats are ar holly In power. In this Ware the Dsznocrats.bare the Governor and Renate against them, with the House la their rarer. Under the elrenmstances, we shoed do what has frequently been resorted to In England—ay drotdd refuse ae turplita. The apeaker advocated this measure at some length as a means of iestltntlng a mete Convention. This would be followed by Conventions through out the Northern Staten. We should them be In a petition to offer our terms and settle with the Routh this great question. Mr, Ingersoll concluded amid prolonged applause." OPPOSITION TO SGOILCSSION ON TITS SOCTLI All that we have quoted from the proceedings of meeting's of the Democratte party In Phibi-' delphda, we Mod fully condensed In the Mow ing rasolutioaa, paned by the Democratic State CouvititirM. held at Hamaburg, February '14.1d, 2801: “itesoised, Thai we by ail proper and irtilthute mesas, oppose, dLseonntimanee arid • umustitany attempt on lee pmt of the Repub lica/mu In tumor to mats any armed axgresslon upon the IdauthVra State; especially 10 loos u lags contraven i ng their rights shall remaht ne m:oiled on theatatote boalia of late Northern Mates, and an lona as the jut demands of the Bomb shall continue to be unrecognised by the s ltelmbilean majorities In these State% and on the Cansiltn mored by ption. ” roper amendatory explanations or TU MITIOLLIOrrf Ler OPPOSIID We hare given above some p room of the hot- Why of the party to the enforcement of the drafto November 10th, 1563, the three Demo cratic Judges of the Supreme Conti of Pennsyl vania proneuneed the enrollment aettmconatitn- Lionel. immediately the Democratic prom of Os State need this as a pretext for resisting It. The Philadelphia Age of November lath, said of this act: "lt ceases to be a law, sad It he comes the duty of every good eaten to rello Eta enforcement." We have not orace to reprp. duca extracts farther on Una point. When congress net, thenon. PAUIp Johnson, Dame mat ttaza Pennsylvania, tatio4uaad. a rasolauan call* al= thiaatlanal„Go!araauait, to acgq— ..faaapAlkla*,declalink, or taenbmlt the g a q 103.lchat, Kim la Maas mesh , vptiti The ObJed of theta akayera,l was ' p." p e ace b 7 arresting the , reinpreetatalt Of our armlet. IDA MILOCIPAtION PROMAMAT4OII.,. The Pialladelpitlit Ape, NOT. tBcL, tans speak, of Ptcaldent.Lincoin'a Emancipation proclans. MOD. "The original draft of the EmencipailOu ;Purloin:talon le Cro sale out west; tug one bid . hap been °Scrod of twelve rhandrol .dollara for sgrap loyal ,Leturaer 'hopes It- 141 , be ne -66111 for a lois! illetorical Society; Meg. Tiniu'it: comma/glob to rob °lathe highway,: wzga this occenlato rascal had drawn 'wand forged the seal Ana slaw= to. recently /did I,oagoo . for £3lO, just exactly the price ar aro d plc Eakaaelpaslaa t'svaletetUoa.., •Mr rhiladelphia Evining Journal treated the r iarit . ttl*aeat la the following * - ,i14144,14 eiractAtt httletattati,toh;the:Netth: pisynwit prcpore to 4411Vig, to a 'to:Oro/Mi. ; gneti#43( ilhad al the :ailPeh4tt: atrocities, I irhir4i arthbelUSWYntal.tildite; willie,Y . t sage, algatP . Welt atrib;hl;uti: eismaa tampergy ti 0.4403 thelialket ittitta . :l4/44A. Stites, cad Attrat re. 'ffiVildb:ArqoAt S e alietZ . 460' - en44-1D 3 17, Orftn l 7 l uchhtegrdpitatoe the .;Dercaoitratta 42elaveaktp • , a .t 3 hellikierilieOilichitAiitilliafi'egzer t i • ;e4ndie4 * l .4 e =.4. 6 fir triatlvAbe !&rtßd p i titalreatt. . o.:t4tielta ; C0.4;:/to.t.:ll44s6l.ltga'aullcret .4;:/to.t.: 1 144561.1tga'au l lcret Oa . 0W" hem ast -,7l2ol,fletuotpttlo talseehti,Aietatrippal.4 peerat,.itatri4a-, • inatieft, thhtt#igt4 14414t4 -41:teattlo4aitraettptt.r„. Eel whii r eediec take.thaxi Liainfeit aiprits4' cwt , . when wo and etc Democratic otaie Central Committee, of amain& thee Nor : hov cmildagpi .„. tamp e ote*an •o • . enff,eB ?din; tml •• • it and udly away from the audacity, sr mApsnit.v.rl 433.1 4 It nAnltatighpb msan , ,la Ittgi•yrig,citadel of the nation. Moneta In • • - Itnetaanti atheists to rellgian ; 12011 who are lb one epheid" sad kee thelves In nary wellnettletl=prlaciple ok,parte right-sod pritate virtue no fray iht'deaUnles.of VOA Itegabllc, an'd are crashing out the vairlife Amerlearti, DIDISOCRiTIC orroarrlow To soLnans' vorrs,4-: We have now cited proefe showing the truth of most of the allegations contained he the State Convention's indictment. As regards the *then we Itains a few words to say. The opoo. anion of the Democrats to the right of the sot diers to vote wee systematic and general. In the State Legislature it was a party measure, and was pushed thrinigh solely by the Union men. At the Foils, When the question was upon the amendment, most of the Democratic noon ties gave majorities against It, while every Union county gave a majority for It. As regents 'the exaggeration of the public indebtedness that must have been plain to all, and It would take up too, much space to cite extsacta.' Even at the present time thismlici Is still pursued, and we Had the following_ paragraph in ths Pitts burgh Post, of September sth, 1585, evidently tending to repudiatiorrr-- "Bozoostraccr &P.-Beton the Imr.there. were bat Area, Atl),llonik of dollars IM,b of Wares lb the'eorfaler, tsanieff -by less than ball a aall • Ltd lamps, Milo arae-galled .tb r a alareocracy. .21m, 0v0i 401 44. 1 4 111, 74444:419 4x61, •Wri hippo ,u u t gap e ect . p flave-ogroy, it:Ui epitibiealkllll6 t o to It. Thellkeit bft fti.. , .. ' Itirtuid-bilo goveratam bolidi'qa7ll.lliitet 116E2* Lida Wert :half. malltioneelespltallata.,49PLe7.4&,4111314.4110P0RMa1m1, 4adi ibalpelgtej,,COßefl. Abell yel deordflian l 1611dAr korrinege die ilivelotet a tilt oo kat 11 iiiVeiefOlpfloirfeticiiiitiolocif Mb ft Molts abatrjC - u , lb4lsota!zfiC:eelt &zebra locesq: U 441116 ellatwof,eterzel .ileirell,n4q upcnk .0 . le h lte laborer. z.• REPp•DLATJIN. • Tha fotiowing plight= wu &dui* the' Democracy of Mercer eountj in lInI We meet at a tome when OM. country Is drug. shag In an to excuse ' and desolatieg w a hen our young and middle-aged men are marebleg by thousands to ;untimely grayer— , when the whole laud is filled. with mourning for thou who hive already Wien In this ruthless strife—when than highways. and byways warm with the tnalnied and mutilated objects of its chaacra and ernelty—when the InutOrable and never endive moscription is selecilog fresh vic tims to drag to the escrUichil a/tare of the war dernot . —when debt has- beep eibod 'debt - unt Wits swelling greatness astounds us. sad an see that the generations that follow must, puffer the moat abject penury or aervowin thaoldl_ gallons created by their fathers. The o PPosltion to the Punishment or reels and assasains was also general and octal-lons among the Democratic organs and politichtusi Proofs can be found everywhere, and need not fill our space now. The tariff question has been shirked as usual by the Democratic Con. 'cation, but In all other States these (maven• idea...have provisions for free trade, and that le the policy . of the party. We place trail record before the people. Oar pfOora have been confined to oar own State, autt..the eitigentief, 4ds. oPtripsonwealkiiight Judge of ti m : a ll7 lfatietut comae 6 f. those ta who they know. ofileUt his;beern Ofkus. lain the fearful Indletmeticof the trelon4 , itats Convention, and we think we hive done so emu phaticatly. Now that the great War for Union and liberty is over, we must not salter thous traitors to meek back lino' pettier by meahs of false pretenses. How any _honorable soldier, with such a record as this Marine him, In the fan, can accept a nbisioatioa at the hands of tab 1 Democratic party, passes all comprehension,. But to elevate any man now to office, *oldie! or not, at the demand of melt a party will be to stultify the record at -- ibur years, and to cast is ' repedath cipdh thalutftuhry ot.the patriot vhose blood has given us this dear-brought victory. It would have been far more honorable Wile Democratic party todssband and yield to fats as etc B.uthern coadjutors dhl. Why did It not do 167 Betanse It hopes te main power by the aid of the reconstrueteti rebel States, and undo the great work which we have to nobly whin- I ved. We leave the people to ear whether they are prepared for this, THE SOUTHERN PRESS A free pees la but another mode of exercising the right of free speech. Under, the wise and tentacled rubs of our Geveromeat, Its proper exercise has ever been seemed. While as public Journalists It hal ever been our'detty, as It al wats must oe to our Interests, toctuard with jealous rigor against say Infringment of this right, we have come to the conch:Won that unworthy chisel:a may work graat Injury by atuairg It, and It is no longer ot4zestion with as that greater evils follow the viclents'ezemise of "the freedom of the press. tban could Pftd lay be inflicted by • temporary withdrawal pr am tight, in certain extreme eases. WlClfitt men are deprived of their feeedonr when they toe It to work Injury or murder in the community. fi.heis have been denied the right of suffrage and their otherwise legal elections.hsve been de clared null and void, because they perverted the right of liberty to the plotting of treason and Ito overthrow of coed government. It oceans to us that the time has fully code when Able principle of abridging privileges which are being pnatituted In the inter: ant of slavery and husuboraination, should be epplied to the Southern newspapers. Aimed without exception they arousing their•lntinesee • and position to ell tip new aniumittles against the Norther a people, and new opposition to the' Govmoment. While the great mass of the Southern people would naturally steeonsmodate thettiseivea 10 the new order of things, partly from patrlodsM sod nerd: Mom 6 Ell4u:toss, there • era constantit, coming back to their old places of 'lnfluence 'St, the Sokh, the pardoned wretches Who, at the., tint, preelpitated the war. They are the old, hack- orse politicians. Their suction dependi, upon lag up an Intense sectionalism. With out Nib th founder. HMOS they appeal to "Sentrern f ge . --they "Ire the SontheiM heartii . ln order to fatten upon Southern patron age. The newspaper la their favorite and moat powerful weapon and they are using all Its fa. ; elides at this very hour to hinder the happy read prosperous reconstruction of the States recently In rebellion. They are opposing the alteration of the Con elltution doing sway with slavery; they are even counselling and planning resistance to the legal dcebtona which grow out of the pronlatus. Sinn of emancipation. °atlas:raid istthat Ettme calls upon the Alabama Convendon to repudiate that proclamation, claiming that its fuedeteci' went would-be an Insult to :the; heroin rebeli, who tome been-ehot ;While attemptipg to ruin their country. The dangertrel but mewing Edi- Ltor of 0 sautttern Pater Weak anew theedrigatao Ait (01/7 Zl*3l ego s aid startles:his readers with. the stesounnenteeithat turnterringiuffizstifirt -already toildi stn - the-- IfOntlidatlitalka, constituting "a akeadliig err ; my 'WhiOh . can Did defiance to the • world." We do not think...the world" will take that New ell this bash° and blimter are lel them.' oink bermlesa—the snake has loot, Ks fang s,` .bat makes ad the more vigorous We rit-; tics. ' Bat-the pressor the North sacmlds find guides to a large extent the public Opinion of the North—and the same "le the case, and in a larger meatier° of the Influence of Southern - nerespanere: They will make end control the public opinion of the States which soh are now striving to redeem 'end '' to reconstruet. Bat It all the crigiticcalot of ihelletithtgn preen Late ha • brelught to beer to hinder. neelmllte and open. to moat the edbrta of the GorernMent in re, iiIMAB Unnen T ,nn i ly .an d l 4sltYriMacing the wogs, then bard will be the task' and distant • the day of accomploshment when the South'A la he' reiteethed: and d*ttirans.!. 4le .doubutitythet fiersuag 4 44l4l*jani4A . dream of " • proMerousrhappy and united pei.;l tihE 1; pie canleitibeftsbakEd."'' !-Olielii4Priffili:43 / B ' P l ettli . .9ll ,o lOtats Irii Ea ki pl a* . saakm4ltgcn4l rgiarded as • crini• Wit:l.4oM firer. to resist the GeyernMeitt With Seine, ft shanYi.. be reierdod as iebeilloit ' Mamie or to - attempt' fawn= in any way whaieiei. If It eel* tuXialmed ak oncost 11,014: au,et4;de to sow pop ul ar dLsoard •andi manbordia at 13 Mfdllior to PKl:Nteitlift Br Abe tidepleadgnst di g feitidak ,Ltuld:lsß4,:niOotrea, et: the csiotetamaat sictistelm ziaissi4StS*aory; , It appear* to us :hat 6 1 . , e..tiovernment not haltate "to minnow b ot h tooet7 gad 3 for found guilty of giving seams; ; aid OR itinfart to Ite enefgalearr4 ;Ate prnsent erg fonts a crisis at the South; when intr oo on ioi .p measures may be called for, and when they littoral - be eiliitedbfpenalires prompt, emloby and severe. •• Thereis talked establiDdlig a new ..lommal la Washington.. -not. at JIM e day, but to, grow ItacritKlatty in •• time if it ahrrald_ meet with :Mr: ersa.. Iles Ides Om yet IWlty , doteloPeog to dart • paper somewhat like the :Naffanoi -Ira beat days, before Dr. Balmy began, to slut miler thedisaise which finally killed.iilmi;_ It' Is aka aliPAron, not of the President Al.r.; . : ll ta of his Cabinet., but of the lending .14ess.of. the Reprobliesn parry. Burl thelaialter =OM' paper whit k a few thdaghtftil- and_ssaelous men here havepalked over among farmwives I doubt whether It can sthemei. Dr.Bitileytnerie the Era It was I personal newspaper i that 10, It contained Dr. Sainted Ideas, and people took It to read Ws editorials., Now, If there la a man great enough to win ea capers, and feels se cured as editor, the paper rap gain a .reePeeta ble circulation. but Washingtonianot so good a place tcr_Tmbllah a newspaper from. as New York; and the Nowa frelresdy trying the =po sher= there.— Wershragran Correspondent of Us Spring/fart Mena. &Lrrmsxliate2S twin tsa tiartecelit heavy •eriUlery tame arrived lo..Leiliegton, iieclmepe late ler one Imsatred witneseed. piim:/sl4B,io_l , 4toa-1 'prop..s Enna's , arimunver smer AT lON.-14. MIL tin calbp,olo/WALIMIL4 jszpciA7lol , llrin b•fishil i,••• - ", - • • BOARD Or TB D$ atibitit% ! 'tins • fall aftpxidaampf of Crasualtttat oaDo lipf,tfeatlPtsiate •+• cii,lot ..mmirofiarelicarnetPlem wswiv ►.. n .intrealw. flat 1 5 .7 MI 8 B carrams..A. sime. 0 0:21Of of 047i AriMsgrue s r, 1 74; TothET - 1111:624‘.. 3 , - Tea and eoffee Sets At Ariii-pkirik: Na YEZDLEAL sragEr, orrallt tiONTII(YLLIR'S theme, QEALED PRt II43.7 AL 4 73 . W isc fLI - nB msßE— utlVhD as this shut until TUESDILTo rah last for jun:as/dug lad feet. of four lama WATER PIPE, each pipe to bah feet toner, %tash thick. tad eapaNa of star.dbma lresure of 004 Pounds to the squill lath. Tee COe to be dell , . tied elvish pieces la Alleglumyc at the Caalciriaa sd the Water Oossedstee maydhect. Bidders ape requested to Este when they pre. Dose to have the coatrisatcomPlqed• BY direction 01 the Water Calamine,. 011 , 1711 OE YITTIBBIIptemb er EGII 049 4 30.1rTCYT1 So ISM, MSS. ELECTION OF : rnuSTED3.--4" Stockholders of .the Pittsburgh Gas Gossi. pass are hereby notified that ail day) Will be held at the once of the Compan. tsbrgh tha 1 , 1161' ItIGADAY (araDad OF au. Tolima oetween the hours of. IS o'clok, neon,lin ditoltlook as , for the purpoce of elsot. lay. THREE PERSONS 'to sage. as Trustees of mod Company for three years. s. .elau team onaistr, READ TIEUL , REBLD&N1111-.For sale - 6 - 0 —Staving a Croat of 60 feat. cut the Ohio river. hi faga 2N o 4allit to Pubis 0 1 66ho.latilt,Eirlf . k wet! pm "e' iLi f t 4 A sta nn u r A tithe Ps "4llt 4 t 4 l l :: Tzfg roOwa With zoldlaw deem Vivid Min. ez,aat aza cold srates, are ..chsattm, tistireenn. r aotithonottutfltOrahlti at fize. wadaCooool there bap 44 41 4,44" , boats, li n irPt , ..F.S B9t . aribbezt Imes, 140. • P shit. ' S. fir son 9 ,, - -,eflarketortraet p r g . M ALtt r -SZAI r E t tI a gtOVSATIS , 44 Fa., r Leda n= m adR inenzing oaths giedsy.or OtITUDER4.IB3S tine ending OZ , the tht, Of Of 1 1 .41b414 wl. l l- be resylved by th e abseciimmagAl the Mid taajn ts °VOA iy . *Oa WY * s1 11 .141 . 141; t.PlloUntial ' a r l w . t , *z 'Z uN ''U'ej ,+% inquallen4 ndllto ' 1134 9 1 X* 1 - (teas and ithankb bititza 411aP Limo, probrbisqusall4-04 tng R the terrea and eaZ.101211.0, tem 4. be facillalased on a itcstion abs imbae Allegheny, near et-caburg °ELL ,5e11#443 OrdnsnrewearA.llll3. DWELLING ROIN3E,INALLEPI S' 0 Mi. SI 41. .Ma A ems and a. half story frame Cotten . ammo, cone Weans ram parlors' Cag ltttepen and four chambers, meth watarand gas, ooetipylng a /Cot OX lughly cultivated and ornamented with shrub bery and shade trees. The stuyostodlngs are pleameA, etording ample apses for fresh air, and the outlook on the three rs c ommar.dlns...A.l3.o.llensive and warted view. Yor [teethe, Information, apply to* ' id. BRYAN, Broker, Fourth. street, Burke'. BiAldlei wee '1 g, IIEN WIT.R LARGE `i i - Fn.] a rat* opputunity to malcs7isonny fru* au sat truly niviir aria uidul invention, which is past entaid meets universal spprobstioa Call opal% ..craicts si..BLooD, ratuthatreat,.(up MAIM) /17= 2 . 2 417LAT08.% 07 /lON Septeteett res 3. SS NOTICE 15 HEREBY 'GIVEN TEST I bave !Writhe Mmemprpot for 'the - cost asill expel:me of granozi psving end. settiMr With matutone. of ..PIU (lanai street& 0 , - lima street. The sums tee be sem :et my °l9oo I n M. Burge , Bulldog. until September girt, ism, atter which day It Will be hafOlgi der to the Qtly Treasurer. CHELULLS R.E I OIISPFAtia. Beeordizyr Iterutgor. -111:1EIREss IYIQHT iocic Book keeping, Arithmetier, Pelmet:3Mo, bei.; taught aa practiced ILL Fool - ItirMietteed . twelve, Central . Ellgh School, oppcnote the PcietoCke. Opus „tram 710 9 p. to. Tema Joe a full eoUrse"ol three toontat. $lO '8 1I"" azaAt. •I'elvim %TVA= Mteltias dere to crter. ' Call at roomtkoz addles.. O. U. uminear, late Supezlnteadamt at Dore College, Bookleeeper Fahreettheks,Bere aechlied, COAL DEPOT..—FOB T.RA RE OF TEN ysans, the Square on Try itieet.frouThlrd to Fourth 'duets, raining tualt to BM atreet,!U (Cr Lew; the abut of SEerE,lll3r3, pouts will be teethed far le ulngthe above prop. erty, situated on the Stenbeavitfo Baltroad, now ready fox nu, where %Witches can be wane tit son • nen err.h.a/1 the Ilatiniali entering: the - sad • the moot ccaranitla il,fit the cut forth a, of Coat Sealed mainsail, for the *bore. tyldrnated to the undersigned; will •tece =eat prow; attention.- • 'OEM • 'Try atria, Raab ' • ri 0 LIST,—VIRBT FLOOR AND OLI, ....LAS OP MBE, aQ trot arum Oa molar ot giooadgad Try street(.,u regard{ ,Otte tome_ bona power ran bar hid rOr rumatbserg got ar falti . Orageg, or arkep troa gr ex feAre. • s of gra 112 eow or Oro. Ds 0.6 magma. ate= 85 . HE WA RD , —LOST, ON MON— DAY. the Mk Inst., a . Hatelterlsr D 161405 ItANDI73I 800 E. It le believed to :have been lost at the Drove Yards, biAlletheny. The above reward will to pea for the return *Leis Book, by the 'ander, at Er. SABIPLYAS PEItIODICULL OFFICE, [Uinta:my Depot. PATTERSON '1 AMIE, MOTILE TO CONTILIBTOREf—Pro pots!, for the pedlar, paving, sad rattans with marbatoze of Ogler& street, from Una Weer, to the posedllAA of Duque:A44 VA will b reeneed at ea office of. thus and i tho's Market Buffalo ut ita t zw a . l , 9 =Vs/ oi Sept. ISSS." .- zeraaaseitana, DeconunieDuatatorm 4 4. 1 ;tGHT.102,02.4 . _ 'eldB?- paint 4,0-14.1 betereen ineenkllit atte (qtr. The owner can here the astertby ball pa GABBY- FREEL, artio moth at EtawiLtllatac oat provlagpsopertr and paling chew& BU T TER. — Freah — Butter - recelTed thk, d r kers. — takes' vriatertrilannvr,- ' suoimp - IuBBER 13,,-Receivett uft.t.r.3 bannlinntant renalpt otrigLei Soaked unatTonguen: Has by Maud:tan Or sin' istall, at thealatutrOxln__ • • rno, n-40 L o t ' On= MHZ AT A-I, J. W. 13 ABBAJIAWS Boot sad Bboe.l3toort comet ot , Alarset•strett sad tba Lisatond s - patio TED.-40.001InsIL: for which we will pay .the blahese =mita 141 :Z et aasl.l.buti ' BEM* 00. Wain]. large lot of the fittest - T.lbtstalajuat ttoeircd. • CIWICTMonght... proasE FOE SALE.—A.-,Jarga. 6.:year Bay Hone, wurraatol sound. ..Arkir at 191 Lawny stun, BEM tz. SAND PLABTZIL-40Ablkaw: it , IIBBIUATING 01,144.60 bbl3.. g for r - At lake by, • • /3..14 onsass.. lip °SENDAI& . 4 "pilltilt-'loo,=thlt i -AN For Nab by mr/L48.-470LLTN8.1, 0 • A R• OWI bye.TOLLnrEv.:c —.u . NLf3,Fcw Appu it ie,.tstita raft torsale CLOrnzr.D. arriv kr - ram= k oo• L aml Welty 2Z-bb*now landing. F. ILISM . .4DICIESI lip TA,LLOy—i t 1301 E, lila;c4n start latiL ..!-tfor Welt ':-./9410/11/CUEST*,-CfN, rI'IsTERSEUP.—The covertneri RoMP beretcfora and ClalVdro l rneys tweaa aw eras diseolved by mutual consent on the eat day of September, A. D. ISnn. The business of the late at* be settled by both or either or the pastleSi 'am:ad FOURTH - 2a*-Payer etAil3oghen7 take rtialco. • tau, Sa:bezebr.irtilialbaitbeae4bl„,. Tax., summed on mama •oaaapation. ar opartogsald-aPuttla QUA • ImPlP".t'° at a. Ealirvwcton wed, aad avast Ds paid tbirtl d.apaaftlk.,4lll2l2qUents be Prootaw num tCt 11W. „. BER Srplinersa T BOLE. aeStawd Washington. oriottuxu. _ • xiaxtts, "4".; zar , ..xtvomrizaw, will qaen on SATVEDar, tla 73a past., an O. gantanoftnont of NE W AND - FASHiONABLE-MILUNERY. At :6, - ati FEDEEtaI. sTarzr atet:4l2 • 11Q0133 OIL PAN-Y .r-A a meeting AAP °tile Staab - ai ooll. m ortaa ROSS OIL coat- PAIOYAoId at-t eiroigeo.orklho stn 1.14 at. ;T:ti l l. °llb t r rfr lnT ,W. u°l4l -AW TW.OD.,q - AWD SitaltES. StooklualonroWill Plow take llClEdelani:Val and 'taker on% UAW proves abate t a now iitOW.itikit Is Millar, to have hinds It I:mediae to' Carryon lbw morn now on akazl7J orthelloara l asszsrsoir WElTEAl...atskea alp to, Alloghtaki% 012 Weifitteulan SoPtIAWSIC.44 /4 1 .4 t V?? MBE ..13211' 7- NE&RE, Aiwa Asada higis..iiat tOo Tri atitti tdottleis, • Mtivittexpktl,toollatuta."Notteitt* hozobyttirso : tdOiolub on , tatoctmat at , Poixoof , par , talargammostoatat twos tosoloonli t."P"al 1.01110.1n10404 ay„ 5,, ,, ,,, , ,,,,, , ,. .. . TN nE =ST .OPCOISIMON2kLEAS A.taruargrwri-rmanme, NO. rikootoloo7rottolOsoi M eta a s lox ix. '"letra 4 /2Co4446l3•dierliie, MOD. i 0 Jot .3 al ask atotapoo,.ltamtes to - - 444ktuarInalt=iesdiarj; ra• Zillitasygew2 apo§. 1.149 WE -rm 43f 1 =Vat Atilt . atortttatOW;Tat& t o k Ute si tsV appear • toe vbflaitams littooldi t=teredttOwnscuorstrolost3Osai fat MN; tortOOOlor4Oittlrhygitiptloll oAooltilzsothttuned to topic{ Ahoittuno. JOHN 11. — tet Etyma' 'slid% k - Idt - '6,l>war i Attoraer tot instaticr. seettnet,l .- • • - • OR .BAL.r., aailrritwooo4 so4lxd _r , l77Ah Dzipinet. foil-rpm; ot,__Ll/101.1794 MAX+4IS4O,II .Arkll. U. S. Pr o p • rximerwroa,-I).ll'.l ur 1,1865. ' JJJJ n' n Will Qte r 'rar ' ZOISIESDAY,. &Rte . 244 .1 1 3 2 , rA2f I°RSVLY° thl EM l tliti 'au 'I P with thenlantrang,ldole,birddia T i llirtitteA and treekettan'ecrtiter, e Boillaxlllll4,erjak 44,1740- vSla , and (Inane:moo, Kallecnd. . The latflAnd - Inaebtnery nonserneted to4e4bl railroad- -Evn,, AUL of Abe moatt .ineprovetl - eternaer,” • , • 101 4q2 1 . 1 1escztzition , of 'o l ) iralren, eepeedtp Sn,apply In Verson-or 'lst Inter ta T. w. •Yit.Rlg„,ry, baperl nkuitlent, , Cauttsnanga, Te ATA t : L id be e4e . chase to ppr. clui,,V,Zonn Riming pair!. - - • • • D.-CA. - • ',_ • • lain , rtgeMer . , meirindatlbte at nclaGtUit ne r r iadeam !• !Po tatatutirrbls-luo i zezecess adTcibssaferAtut s ia tbCitia l 4 r -16ZONWEenD ffilil. the. Sleantot meninx - Ude to extend/ dlui Ibis vroarenrat,- 1816, name 'Loaf} • A=U. UrC ? LLBbyU=.I Ann ..ceneral Manse= tettUst4.' lrattarrEalltosail B. B. FIIATTOM Olty Outtothir 10 1 . 36 4 En COLLEGB, ; 0 43:yir.ILtE - ` WlENtibilf,'BiEtidiEGM 20; FULL• .IgR ,ffif QPE.fiS. wednesdayoamt.: z 5, FalbTaTra clases;Slttus. day. Taatutry Wiatte Dalai open: friday, Kara /O r Winter 7._erta closes; Monday, ApxlX S pring Sarin ow/lAA. T2tarsdAy, Jima lairAdyclaft Sam - Vows —OI:II,IIENOENSNT. • La:Wan tekautul,bealthfaliaadauy Zittrazdasiaataitata. mad apparato2l aII ; ,teruilye and.ialtabla. A neat •boutior AEU WM ito a l zd i stely • bdesdahavrootui , torAttar•saaditaladaq •liaao VOM r tAm . l l,lllll34:l2l4:l3o4lzakethXll4loll aszse. acalreaairit be Yorar r et t!lte.gpr• 7a.latetaEollTetcal, , 3 ;• • Seiretary of tlie Faratati• ri - EE.EI4, HALE, •3110th Ant! Taliqrs'c. NostE-v est thirsts OP ens eaxcuini • .". pirratibacm, Takes peat anacituutw Whit tamer ma mama aud tbs pnwle,ww!tlly, thathis gV ' e te a tair4 zw=l4:l for S. telectel not* -11reocaut. tlagututaistizt hwtent:ettlisi Daly _sx,ea class rood* IS asa reaajae• etas„ ecreWhlab,eap brawn the w zaa twat 'approved **NW" and styles, tetszkaaatist irtexturqrsztsd nut seara - Bale bassasoaesr4sass Izqa lia7VAtoraraerst OciilOß, AND Mrs ____tir'cLtaLik:tvaptatect• ti 7 Z.T . Vhf,-QTlCifir a;iti mew mat kap:giro Amts. - L Snot vouitty at pure existrassta far Pants stidlkott,lar htainahtraculZva s Oar Cl . 414.3ortliar, , t •il, ~,,„,...,J s ui. ~......., ~ N v n" c 'tefi"d T wdf- 7 - ° R 3 - - bT, o...Peuit..,a's — orreet.agr the Cl e ty7f el VejAny i ..! until Friday, th ektintt., for the tonstrnetare GI 1 a seterreitersee rederti „street, .ene a'so . Won Bearer streetir the north, aldeof hif i Avenue. rhin-i and specie° ettgattstaer . 'all theneiren. .111fitanatIon th e 0311. 1 etrastionof se sew can to ob eta froot.the S. EteonOtna...Britaetor. sale 111 also ba rot, celvrd at thesa.lvtlee toPla)Virlausg and PILT/14 or Cc:term:noel etc = Ohto-street to Otturott are. 7 our, sod ArhuroinavennetheeestaldeolCeder avenue to the.Weenr-elle of traria irmrts, to. gettotrertththf4teestarytideveltrandouvuteonnt on for MT q * AtA g ant Pay Log of the sidewalk, 4, on HITS livek4l4 rr - orck at ,3 east ride Or nOr VI .treet to the tertilhe of the property owned y Dr. ALI, liaomr: 'As the Starch rectory. Alai city swill oe lawn le for, the: Panne= of sewer% Paymeatr w ill. ' Atlas 'to Vie centimeters for gnaws et aea - ftereatttecolleeth)ne Lee it licrtd7 jr",lth'7!L"l9s6.7t°o2l.l":'h:e"idUELL.l7ll'.:=7...._ f ala rgial ddtrtaiviti. -: . , ..„ „,,.,. NoTralL. . , We - zteie Eti-546 . Agenirfor Pgtibayel;at the V6ITED SIATEdi FE copal; Alto, lidwattritine and Sian' R !. ll2fook ' 11 4 Die ComßanY.' ' - vraoLzsia.r.„ Duzioss; AVE. zownas em buy 'Co above goods - by Met Mrs &Poing frrioll mug orpesks at. Nine Tors. PncvskL9 call. • fez. 73 and ED Naafi ittint, ' : MIMI* GLI6DE & CO. matt ursr. Trit Wend! , ye siLm or theombSClther A. Is calmed fait t ile , t l tosse 4 lattiektaltdi'atierat 1 sociatis.-wlthiall,tee attntiteattlEUr al tlia_ttiatThe I Passent‘r.tallirs%ttuiltioglttelMoeutlmAtil a .Adth TA, &maul/ft/ m*o thttazighoila Iskitwrely 4 best otls,lneltalts all sheistcdptctlmpumuni mbi, be PM= y wit lose las Joitlul lipanct 't ltut , an elegant bum,. 'Tao gasSailsnatilta klttg l it aid out, °mum.* BYO scrim With ths: . yaztalirattentruvost'niltfraimillunbtigb awl :; - Apwery arata'A Matla a r t a kiaraWAL4Vlta I 'o aaniage4wasa aaa . Vas ilosablzted, lad two • '.: - went lama mita, dstera attalvire nem quit armpit vstett.wal soplles 4,llrttk 'tot im4reola - lirlltitt.' lausl abaft la otter _ .AStankat 431 . 1 C 1 70 3 13 11 taitis lb Otiltrialli , A 1:044 I V OU Pp a., l o tEntgt4:,l6KlMilii. au •.; 'PI, z 0 9 1 . -PPFas lAift: • ' ''' L lITMEZ, ~J -110 41Ird ,", •!: ....,-- j_.______a___jr2___, _____zis.l.abersy4tnet. .;; . 4 , - COU erA), • • • 1 4-7 7 1 'We 11114"1144- trst 04, en? 01 . 1 " 9ARD=I corrrrEßS ,1 . piII nno. mr- arra, ma us ail i 1 • 0 1 4 11T8'!.. 2 'lttat.* GVITE 4 ec-,evpt ••• DEAR ORE(' _ ) UtWM4LD - ...F PO. AN 0A4.5 mall. bt -teestre, :lei ! Ofeathis• Earthialeand, lmooto:ot A BE O2 IO/113 - UP ;VAX 13=1,11— • 41g. - ta/.. ROAD %Gaud Itoutupldavolif4to luaus, t : '. bmgo ii=titioo mule* -• - West .• m.. : yilio. o' toillowil of .... • .Itotilicktiook .'r' , „ z t..ll4,4 Stpteloboxibila .- • , p . .... . Impi p• '.:_,. . At madvineost b=iirati7ra „,...M, , :,- vitit-nreeanueogeseptearbar • to ..... .3 lioazO of Throotoso will sorer 14. ,, - 1, t..r.::. ; AS Afonantioa our be. • -. “•,. bill • --• 1 41 -lilW.Blaffr 9 aoi,r4lF: '. ~1 1. t 0 r.,1 1 :1400004/' ':..,' 'pszli lq•elMntifit. ''...61.4i —l""=4 0 ~...,......,:„.t ~f , •,.=,--,,, oteeresersiozzissup 1 --:,. :1:; , 4L t. rA.sleeastcaleil, tls:l4 - ik ; : gWte zrevines 1311 Ai i5 t p . n.u. '% mu r- ..-.- 'P lIr ,- • le= br 1 7 4.1 11_11e_0 sestifiZigell. ung; Thi.;:ostedibiug Jusi e tht llMSTS:, ..,- - ros Mitt se tit !Atoka:au:W.l4lloft te sse. : - rielivitilftfamilwagen,aa-Appliastudk,<B7 4,1.1 i- - - 4 • matletet -.0 ~ .1, . atitetaitt az- ; ••---:; 1-: stop; N riisESUSST lAA nova 'z ' ~..____L. , .-.. itOtykaThft PaIiEITS AN • ° E orAD r - 5110881010. earlier/at Muted , strett,ana zl Us pa:lmA dratucuo.,. • - 5: - IMMM =OS. EDWARD, DELLIMIS 0. CHILDS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers