The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, September 20, 1865, Image 1

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-- EST - A - aISIEED 111 1786.
Pittsburgh Casette:
Beautiful Dress Goals,
On the. nortb•eata aSinsr. of Fourth and Market
atreeta.-L RegtemPer the EilkOe, on the corif
b. HANAC7N .- LO'rZ 13ao.
A Large Sale or Costly Furniture,
Piano Forte, Velves Tapestry had Brtuorets 01r
lets, Cstriagcs, Wag.ui, Family Hone, tec.,
Anlllteke Atom:too Thursday in onaltg, at to o'clock,
at the mansion, corner ol Western avenue and
Bidwell street, AUtehiny ' Descriptive saver-
Menne:as canto - /melts= the Auctioneer, A. Led
,g9,l69.ut FetesoUstrec4.
I l lapriebt.l - ..l l ltulnels
Of *MY varleti—tip largir. Stook sad at the
41"ren plleat ititbs aLty. Memember the place, O
U 0 N. E. corner of Fourth and Marker streets.
The ErOtb Wonder
Of the fuhlonab:e woilQ, U Sonniont. Ladles as
they ate their. unsulllial ttnis •nd rosy gums re.
.cted In=lhali toilet:lnt:MN end gentlemen aa
Cebefr Whineintiwini flash through their deck mits-1
ludas, wonder how the benighted folk of twenty )
yearsiernt apagslatout the teet.44.pautif stingj
PATE:Dethuaragi3otaidant. - 6 - - •
• Wboliukle gums
of Dyy Infeiest : bl6d
and Wino. ems Dien Goods, such
* *- feditilllyiiisif-telaines and other Dres
GoOdSOIS • el),SlOtW , •tltt of flynnel• of all kinds,
Muslinsigs.49,lo. 4 . tajgerb* titb.pyti,Wl2 4trd
-,northeasteginsitlliqtte sal taiiket strest& -
t SwA w-:b-- 6 AO-41.WWEELova fr. Dam
Tee ;
Are creating Quito • f !mention In Ur:stele/LI en
; t rdt. not - only one actresses,
but sweellent vocialstVand rrecosspUsbad dancers
The Dyers House ts nightly attended by large anl.,
audrentesj -attracted thither by thee*
young, beautifir arid talented artistes They ap.
teat to two splendid idases to-night.
Heatetterre Celelpg'ated ktoMnek Bitters-
Baooxivit, N. Y., May 10th, 1667
.15tiRPHS. HOSTerren & Kairra
. have used you? Eitieraduring the last nix weeks,
and feel It due to you and to the public I. anemia
my hearty approval Of their erect upon ma 1
otter wtote a ' , lliad. for any one, and I abhor
atm thing that-travois of quackery. But your
Bitters are entirely removed from the level of
the mere nostrumeof the day, being patent alike
to all, and exactly what'they profess to be. They
are not ad vertlaed to. cure everything, but tt,,g
are recommended to arodsteature in the &Bevil-
Siert and ultimate healing of many of the most
-common ingnaildes of the rady,and this they will
SeeoMpllith t lied been un u ell for two months,
as brilstral - withlne doling the gyring. I was bll•
Bois, and suffering from ludlgestion, and a general
disease of the mucous Membrane, ant though enia
gielled to keep at everlide 'the alveharga of my pro.
fitialonal duties, was very weak, of a yellow coin•
Illexlon, no appetite, and much of the time eon.
flnidteriylied. trn.ii I hid Din taking Your
Bitten a week my vigor returned ; the callow
complexion was all gone, I relished my food, add
fewi.efloYfirodutlerttlf She mental application,
whichee recently were.•o very (rinks:no and bur
densome to me. Whenl used your Bitters, I fell
dalkangslarvery day. These are fats. All lilferenbe
—Mint ke made by each individual for himself.
y.. .. Yours respectfally,
. .
W. B. lam,
Pastor of Green Ammo Pretbyterla Oa tvoh
Our friend, Eli; Rd= Wier, No, WS Faleral
And, Alleeway. weir In the enat when the
.111tufouel name of the capture of liffunnond and
the frodyender of too robe' Genets' !. woe to
llediedi and tnking. attifintetie r of thfi - . pante pto.
Read, antYkromalmy the re-settot that woukl
low, made very heavy Porehow•
sad enamor C. 411 at shout onehalf of the
old litlemn Same of the flout ottl.hs, aulmente
and vestlnge ere Included In ttle stook, which he Is
prepared to make up to order, on ahort nonce, In
ha p gad otyles, and at • commandingly low rotes.
♦ choice aseortment of turniabing good. and
iadeelothlag arll also be found at nL elegant
iletabliatuneat. 1.1 Allegheny friend should give
lam • GALL.
,rl , lamas . l7V:Parry du Co
glite Hoidere, and Deadens is Americao
pf ,varions MA O& 'Ware at Almematier
Lanyhihrs, hear the Weser Works, Pittsbarea,
Ts. Auldenee, No. AS Pike street- Orders
promptly attended to. All work warranted watt
proof. gepairing Cope at the stoned notice. No
Shane for Maine Pain:Wed the roc,' in not
abused alter it is Pad on:
Carpenter Jobbing Shop..
-Having returned &flatten absence of three years
n the array, / have fattlxned my shop for all soda
of jobbing la the carpenter nee at the old stand,
Virgin Alley, between Struthfleld street sad Cherry
alley. Orders solicited and promptly attended to.
'From Columbus—The Monument Associa
tion—Tile Treasury Vacancy yet Un
COLtMBra, Sept. meeting of the Es
eentive Committee of the Monument Associa
tion was held in the office of the Treasurer of
State this evening. 'About $4,500 were reported
collected and paid In for the purposes of the As
sociation. Barrie further amounts reported In
,hands of agents, and not paid in, will increase
the rum to over $5,0004'
The folloWing were elected °Mears of the As
eoclation Governor Aiderson. President, vice
Governor Broaab, deCessed; J. J. Janney.,
Treasurer, vice Gamey,. resigned; C. B. Ryer,
.Secretary. vice Janoevresigned. The commit
tee congdentially appeal to the people of Ohio
to aid them in the nobib and petriotle undone-
Aing ef erecting In our beautiful Capitol &pare
• &monument which shall commemorate alike the
memory of opr fallen heroes and their martyred
. .
The appointment of &ate Treasurer remains
In - litaina "4'be Only' gentlemen thus far
known to bare declined the position are General
B. B.Ctwen,-Hon.. Jlt. Swan, John Andrews,
8. B. Warner, John A.edrews, George M.
rareena end J. 11,11nci:
Frcne t. Lclife—Completion of the Pa
cifie Railroad—Catholic Priest lo Jail
forliciiising to take tee Constitutional
Oath; or Pay the Pine Prescribed.
4 5,8 L i Louls t 6 =B , llm.!to the Melanatl
o Sept: 18, sayst After fifteen years of
ups and dowse, the Missouri Pacific Railroad
will be completed to morrow; and after a few
days delay for ballasting and finally adjusting
the track. passenger and freight trains will run
through to Kansas City. firm. L. M. Kennett,
who, as Mayor of at. Lmals, broke the first
round on this road la 1850, has gone up the
line with Geo. R. Taylor. the President of the
company. to assist in laying the last rail, and
to drive the fast:spike in what Is destined to be
a great link Jn • the, grand national highway
across the continent. • •
Father Cummings, a Catholic priest residing
In Louisiana, Mo., arm arrested a few days
-141Zttaken bef6s Ju d o Bege, of the Pike
Courtiald sentenced to pay - a flee of fire
hundred _dollen, for persisting ta presetting
'without - taking titc Oonatitinimal oath. Flay
sgreftused to pay the fine, and declined to per
. mit hiefriendato-pay it for him, the Itov. Father
_••lsoontineakrthecountyjail. Hie cue. wilt
bronght h efora Ma /3 apreme Court
fora final „decision. '
. • General Freniont *lll:take up Ids residence •
'lamb fewlaysjor the outpost of putting
"Into - ol eratiorra very largo railMad'irtm menu.
:From.tillage—The English Tourlati--
. A Storm on Lake Billebigan—A schooner
Wrecked—Craat glad Sherman.
-The distinguished foreign guests. Mr. Mc.
end partyrsisited various churches San
day. In the evening Mr. Cassham addressed a
vEgolng ofthe Sabbath-school Groton. Monday
'they visited the' public schools, Chicago Vatter
-Mt) and the grans of Douglas. In the Om:IMR
.:caost of Ahem attended McVickere :Theater.
• 'The; party . lewe on 'a • speols4eraln, nye ttie .
'Bllellan /Southern Railroad, at gig' o'clock
'ThetditY Morning, to Nlaaara Falls eta Toledo
and Patron.
g be leery gale from the aortb-east
'erldeh -preralled last night, the schooner ,rd
timph,.comthanded by Captain Peterson. in 111 -
1020 V-Init 'lo' enter the m 31141 or the harbor.
I r2 B - 14 4 1 1/4 agaleat North Mari The
Venial')'and crew, by their corn'sktil as swim
%Mee, wasted. by , the tight loose keeper, were
tweed, though the Captain had several ribs
•,broken against the pier. leis feared that other
"Muds on the - lake hays - been wrecked in the
number of tuner entered at the dastom
BOltse in ibis City as univcd, dur ing . the month
et,Jgs i, was 25PASO. For August It approxi
-inated 800,000 tuns. Daring the two mouths
anted; the numter of tuns matted u cleared,
leached 51.7,047., •
timr Shell= telegraphs to Governor Ogles•
01 that he expects to meet Gee. Grant at
Another Good "Strike" on Pahale—Pitts
burgh Well Represented—Production of
Olt on Plthole-5,000 bblo. per Day!—
Cherry Run and Plthole Olt Company,
etc., etc.
Special CorrePpinidence of the Pitt,burgli Gazette
On. CITY, Sept. 16th, 1665.
Dr An GAZETTE—The river is now falling very
fast, and there is now °al ythlrty inches on the
bin. k large quantity of 01l got off on the
rise and the creek is now almost drained ; Calla
han a sudden advance to $7 per barrel. A great
number of lefts of lumber have passed here du
ring the last three days, and doubtless all that
is rafted will get out, 55 the rise extended to the
head waters of the Allegheny.
They struck another good well on l'ithole yes
terday—No. 17, Rooter farm, nearly adjoining
the United States Company's prape.rty, and In
the same basin or sink of land. It is pumping
two hundred and fifty barrels, with a good pros
pect of Increasing. This well is owned chicly
by Pittsburghers.. .
By the cau_seareell And a well la I
this Eldorado that some lucky denizen of the
"Smoky City" has not got an interest in, and
some of the moat energetic and indefatigable
men of thin section, I am proud to say, are from
the same place. There Is no particular change
to note among the wells producing on Pithole..
I estimate the daily production at five thousand,
barrels, distributed salbitows.
On Elalmden or United States 00. Farm
Grant Well, No. Iv
Pool " "
'Clotted Steles Well
Irvin Well, No. 1...
" ••
,Latat col 04.1:K takkaL a laulelde .7.5,114-I—r-•
er 'Paha
eXcr: tr;
Tole! daffy prodtletiou on P,thele e,ouu
Kid if !big rdel trolly product, not moyc than
1,500 to 2000. narrels ere being sold and treatoy•
td. The temaindtr la accumulating and being
tacked, as altiag the completion of the railroad
and "pipe" door. Pithole Creek to the Aileghe.
By dyer, a dintance of nix miler, These improve.
merits. will both. bet completed In from nix to
eight wean, and will be of incalculable benefit
to well °where on Pothole. The radroad
graded [.bout three Bolos up from the mouth,
and the trench for the pipe is dux up to within
a half mile of the Liolmden farm. It is thu
nitro of the railroad company to run the road
down from the. mouth of Pithola to 011 City,
making thie !trend outlet for both the Oil
Creek and ?Mode Creek product. Turn berry
up your Allegloßny Valley lialirond, and the
connection can be toured which w.ll oho,. faue.
tithe of the N'euscoro nti product into your city,
making it beyoNt doubt tue great depn for pi
truluuen lu the United Stales.
The Homestead well isstill doing no goad,
although they are pumping her night and day.
The Grant well has undoubtedly tapped her.
I am pleased to give notice to the many
Pittsburgh stockholders that the new well of the
Merry atm and Pit-Hole 011 r •Cke, on Little Pit.-
hole CI etk, yesterday, at the depth of fire huu
dred and eighty feet, struck a fine shoe of oil
and a large vein of gas, rendering It almost
certain that Is will prove a good wet. It will
be tubed and tested next week, and if It don't
disappoint all who have seen It, you will no
d..ubt hear of a good strike, placing the stack of
this t'oixiltittiT whets all oh he friencts thought It
should bare beep all lining:ter.
They have 35 acres In fossimple of this
properly. and should this well prove as good as
l promises the st - ick wilt by very valushie.
So, our advice to stockholders its .3 watt a few
dayr—Oon get excited, acid we hop: to see you
rewar did for your patience.
- .
The Porter ant ideGee wells on the Farr ma
farm, over,the ricer, are doing Ca sly ; tha far
mer le flowing twenty barrels per day, and toe
latter is purnMng about the same. The new
well, No. 11, on the acme farm In which the
Cherry Run and Pithole company have one
eighth of working Interest, has peen put down
over 400 feet in two weeks, mid hie a good show
of oil and gas. There Is not one dry hole on this
farm yet, and kw wells bored and pro3uclng.
[From tEe Marietta (Uh Megiater.]
Phe "Caruthers Well." on the Fowler Farm,
two miles above Macke burg, has been doing a
fine butineas since our last notice. On the 7th
It st„, It actually flowed about 75 barrels of oli;
the next advice, were that It was flowing 2 , 4
barrels of oil every half hoar. I; is a tine well
and belongs to a Pittsburgh company.
The MackibtiriPetrolenm Company, of MU,
burgh, has struck a well on Deck Creek, oa the
Dearth farm. It 11 ,wed considerable oil. bat
caved In a a bort attic, and fastene.l the tools In
the well. Tory are row taking them out, and
are eangninc of a floc paying well. It Is about
iPIO feet deep.
Auoyurgt ell wed has been struck on the ht.
kinson farm, Duck Creek—yes, than 200 feet
deep; pumping four barrels per day with spring
pole. With an engine quite an Increase of oil
might be raised.
We Ore the following communication es
!t came to us. It Is on the whole rather ori
ginal, and donbtlees Interest many of our
Nnw Csavuo, 0.. Aug. 50, 1455
To the Editors of the Pittsburgh Goall,
I give you some of my views on the con-se
Lich I this!: proper to be pursuad toward the
negro race among us, and having-been born in
Virginia and educated among the eons of its F.
F. V's., 1 hope my opinions on Ilia stabiect
are somewhat mature.
:Ist. I believe the negross are a distinct race of
men. (It is lA:necessary to discuss the origin of
this distinction, hit we must accept the fact.)
In order to keep the races distinct as He has
made them, God bee insnianted to them a earn.
rat repulsion, which causes each race to prefer
to associate with the members of ha own species.
No time will alter or destroy the feeling, though
It may be inflamed or intensified by interest or
prejudice, or governed by philosophy or rel:4loa.
I therefore conclude the negro ques! lon will
never be fully settled until the race are sena
2d. The peen:lea came to this enootry not by
any fault of theirs. They are, as Paul tells on,
our brethr en. Fur we are also Ille (G: ntr
bizing. We are therefore not only bound to do
‘Lem Justice, but to act mercifully toward team.
2d. Lbs war, under God's proveleuce, fm.c,311
on no the first great act of Justice—the declaring
them free.
Now the future settlement of the matter con
sists in providing in the best Manner for our
voluntary aeparation, and especially to remove
every legal obstruction. While they were elopes
they were forced to live among no; now that
they are freed. If they are not ;aced In a con
dition to get away, they will be compelled to
remain emorg ns. They cannot go without
money; they cannot make money without they
have a chance.
4th. Tbm first thing impertlyely demanded to
give them a chance to leave m, is to give them
their legal owns In all marts, so that they can
collect their wages and other dues, and defend
their persons and property. Tete in equally
netereary to encourage the acmes to work
and to prevent amalgamation. No State there
fore should be allowed to return to the Union,
whose fundamental law is not sufficiently Re
publican to allow all Its Inhabitants jot and
equal remedies before the laws. We need clever
hopeto get rid of the negroes unless we allow
them a chance lomakotha money to get away.
5. The second thing to be done la order to get
rid of the,negroeu, to to give thetas fel: chance
to acquire an education, and if we are in a bur.
ry to have them away we, Should contribute
latßelY i iiiirennotatheir inetruellOs.. Therefore
no Stale should be kdaflttedinto the Union that
is not (sufficiently republican to allow all the
peoples fair and equal climate (better In separate
sehools) to acquire en education, thrills only
byrenlightentne the negro that you can make
him feel his certain and necessary degradation
in this country and cense Dim to seek a home In
the land of his fatbus. Let any Man who loves
or hates the negroes, and desires to get rid of
them, go in for their education. Their et:alibi.-
, moment will do more to get them away, than
any law of expatriation, for inhumsu lawn can •
not be executed In a Christine country.
6th. The right of suffrage is by no means so
inireirtant as the two preceding, vim Teter
oath and their education, but still It would
greatly ebartea the emigration of the uegroes.
tto long as they are dented a niacin legal right,
so lopg most of them and a large class of titer
friends will claim that when this Is gained there
will he nottutagoubste between the black and
whites, cut this last cord of hope that binds the
blacks to tu, and they will be thrown tip3o the
Latural Immo!' God; which work day and night,
urging their...separation. Man by his wicked
force brought the .negro : here. They can be
kept - here only by man wrongs. Allow the
laws of God to work freely; and the eopayetloa
of the races will follow an certainly, and ea net.
orally as that stones thrown up fall down, Let
the hatted of Man fully loose its hold, and God
in nature will protect the work.
I know that some nay the separation of the
races Is impossible, opulent' by the emigration
of the negroes to Africa. The whites of today
relatively to the blacks are much more ntoxter
one (=sequence of both immigration and
natural increase) than when our fathers freed
them from Africa. tiondca there has been lot
menre itopronment In ships and a manifold in
crrase In wealth. Therefore, to say we could
not help them to return to Africa is only ridicu
lous; and the emigration of the woad proves.
If they bad a fair chance they could and would
go themselves.
I will only add that whether wo consider the
subject from a chrtstian or mercantile stand
poLut, the civilization of Africa, Is the greatest
question before the world, equally interesting to
statesmen, capitalists and churches, and eve of
America have It in our power to do more at less
cost of money or labor than all other people, for
we have little more to do than to cease to op
press the African race among us, who would
gladly go and do the work, at the same time re
move a disturbing element from oar society.
Your friend,
Hon. John Cessna on the Issues of the Day.
We take the following extract from the speech
dehvered by 25r. Cessna hi Philadelphia last
Saturday evening:
The war le now over. The promisee; and
pledges of cur friends. made In 1864, have all
been kept and Those of our political
adversaries have all been dissipated, and proved
hollow, delusive and false. Thanks to the
heroism, courage and skill of American eoldiers,
sailors and ofticera, and to the God of battler,
our Dation Is saved and the good old republic of
our fathers still lives. Be eat pusee has again
spread her gentle wingshver ottronce happy nod
:stiff be-hived land.
The sound.of trumpets, the roaraaf cannon,
-the Sicilia of hanskelyy, the tread orcies, the
:1 1 dinlloitte cheat - of out brads sold and the
lad and sickenlag groans 01' the waded are
no larger beard throughout, our hlnAlert, To.
- day our hatiehatandla fOrthlmore blight than
-- ifverhercire as a fx•sconib the down; dudand
-OPPPiwed thrulighout the *old, airj terror to
.the..Vreutla Of the - tarth;;;,aa an asylum to She op
aff pinions, - and'ls the Ivondbb and
adWratilyii the-lovers of-liberty everywhere.
The iofci of the hdming political .ahunte (p
PenyryltaLlii ate already made, up:, The las
partiticc:of a proper aettletttent-and deterthina
. of these hawks cannel be ovitweetfroated.
The past,histary. ea well as-the preimLi p•iltlon
of Oar Steiterntilfe and will secure for horxrent
weight irilhatiettlement.of all queettens ofnition.
al policy, The repr9teettatifes of the political Or
g anizatioh with *Lich Non are supp,l.6. to sprint.
.Lb* declared as follows 'Thu Union Party:of
Penpeylvanta, in Slat& Conventlon• assembled,
twine: :That sa representatives of the loyal
PeoPle - Of the Commonwealth we reverently du-.
eke to Offer our gratitude to Almighty God,
Atka% favor has vouchsafed victory to the na
tional arms, enabled us to eradicate the crime of
alartry from our land. nod to render treason
aealLet the republic imp.mlble forevermore;
euo rest to Him cur thanks are due end ow
hereby tendered to cur brave soli!,, and swi
m,. alas, hi their eedurance, eacral,es. and
illuetrioue herokm, have secure-I to th Sir roan.
try peace, and to the dJantrudden, everywhere
an asylum of liberty; who have shown that the
war for the ru.toratlon of the Union is not a
failure, and whose valor has proven, for all tins,
the fact that this government of the people, by
the people, for the people, Is as invincible la its
strength na it is beneflment io its operation."
In contrast with the doctrine here stated, the
representatlyes of our political opponents, in
convention recently assembled, have also pre.
salted a platform of their prlaciples. In sub
stance and tflect they have declared that
"war exL,ted as a fact upon the advent of the
successful party, in 1560, to the seat of power;"
that "slaughter, debt, and disgrace are the
reenltz of our late civil war," that the eusassios
of our late Provident were murdered by mlllta
ry commisalone, and no more murders of
the bind will be permittol, wh..,thur It be the
Anderbonyille butcher, the importer of loath
some d164./LfeS, Or the great second Lucifer ty p o
now chafes and foams la hie cell a: Fortress
Monroe and who for so long a time has been
tier beau ideal of a stern statesman and a
Christian gentleman. They add, In express
terms- that "the mer and the party catmint...
tering the Federal Government since 146 l have
betrayed their trust, violated Oita sacred oh-
Ilgatione, disregarded the commands of the fun
damental law, corruptly squandered the publte
MCIICT, perverted the whole govnramdiat from
iterorlgnal purpose, and thereby have brought
on untold calamities upon the country." Toe
mearurea of the administration of Abraham
Lincoln were submitted to his countrymen at
the election of I ST,ei, for relit:testi-auor condom.
notion. It would seem as If a detest respect
for the opicions of thetr fellow men might
have prevented the folly nod malignity
of the so-called .mocratic coo vendon
'at Ilartleharg, as exhiNted in the adorelon of
their platform. It is perfectly manifest that
they have not aeceuted the resulte of the war,
nor are they prepared to bow to Its decrees.
Again fellow-citizens, they- have forced upon
you these Imolau. It will be for yon to decide
try your setter In ails campaigu, whether the
nor Just closed eball pralu,esu,Lantial results,
• Allatigereell•thatkoodhaud,kraasztre of the CLII,
Ulna have been expended and shall ilia. We
Intend to be meretfal, hot our mercy moat be
Impend with jostled. We ask not. we :r an
- .
not vengeance. Bet lediserimlnate mercy to
the enemy Is danger andenjuetlee to ourselvLes.
IVhenever and •lacrever our Late ad verstrlm
come la a true spirit of sorrow and repentance,
ebeathe the sword, and promise to obey the law
In the future, we will extend to them the right
hand of ft Ike stile and I rgive them for the
pant After they shell hare given us snail lent
security for the future time, by a satisfactory
prohaticu, we will then—but not till then —re-
Etoro them to toe anj ivment of all the luestl•
neaLie riaLles and Ligh privileges which
they F. recently, so defiantly, and
so causelewsly trampled ender their feet. For
the defiant and unyielding rebel; for him who
het ps We swertl still drawn, rerkleg with the
blood of oar brothers; for him who refits.; to
accept and submit. In good faith, to the results
of the war; for all those who glory In the part
they Lock In the rebellion; who still insist that
they were right and the nation wrong. we have
confiscation and lose of el.inenship; wed If la the
end, nothing thee will cure, we must have ban
ishment or the halter.
She Leating Men of Teens
New YOPH, Sept. 19.—The Galveston n,a2401,
la an article on the leading men of Texas,
says: General Sam Houston, opposing eeces•
sion In every way pooolblc, was hurled from the
Gubernatorial chair by a committee whose
authority he denounced, and died amidst the
crushing storm he foretold. Liettt. Goy. Clark,
woe installed In his place, but was subsegneutly
defeated by Subbeet, now a prisoner awaiting
trial. Marrat, another competitor, has died au
antic. Chambers, also a candidate, was assaa
rotated in the last year of the wa-. Ilecupssill
died :come time after his defeat for a seat in the
rtbel Congress. some say of a broken' heart.
Waal, who declared be would drink all the hitetd
shed in the cause of secuelov„ loot morn blood
from a shatte ed tiros In the battle of Saline,
than he was willing to drink, and in the Saul,
battle his friends Scurry and Anndolph fell.
The great leader of the organization, John
klarahall. was killed at Gaines' Hill. McLord,
Calmat. Baschil, Sidney Johnston, Thos.
Green, all honored when living, passed away
without a word of praise following them.
GOLD is VIROINLL—The R.chmond
Republic says the god mines of Virginia are as
rich as those cf Cagfornia. Mr. Wickloff, the
owner of the Melvin gold mine on Rapidan river.
has returned from the North with 75 'killed
mechanics and miners, and Is to work
in earnest to develop the wealth of Dia fortunate
possessintes. The company owning the White
hall gold mine are resuming operations with 100
hands. They are about erecting the largest
stamp mill ever built in the Routh, and contem
plate having In succesaful Operation at least 130
stamps before the end of the year. The Bowditi
copper mine is being reopened. Other mica are
also opening, and hundreds not yet touched,
but equally valuable, are temptingly inviting
capital, skill andiabor to coma and develop their
bidden wealth.
A CONSERVATIVE, FAMILT.—R correspondent,
written from Rockport, after alluding to the =-
dent building hnowa as the "Garrison lionse,"
withltaluiends Of witches and Indians, nays:
"The Natford fatally, consisting of a brother
and stater, have for seventy years resided on,
and never left. Cape Ault. They have never
seenrailload crs, although the whiatlapf she
locomotive can almost be heard at their door.
They are Intelligent, and have many vianors
during the summer. Undoubtedly, the writer
adds, 'they have enjoyed life better than many
who enter tbo busy COTES OE the world. They
are true cznservatlvea, of the strictest school.—
Boston Transcript
Otsflt. Helena' Island, Dr. Sams, a retorned
rebel, Byes in a negro cabin, and one 01 his
former Kamm lives la lala manslem homer and
Dr. Clarence Tripp° oaks the patronage 'of his
old neighbors, lo his card saying that he mai
be found "at the houssof John Major, Esq.
John Major, Esq., war, formerly his slave. 0
world, thy slippery luring
It having been determined toMpke Ohatta
nano a Permanent military post, with forte,
ate., stringed measures have !men caked by the
commandant to enforce discipline among ofd
cars and men. Vim are 87.000,090 worth of
niattary supplies stored there at present, and
measures are being taken tollemire thin property
against tare.
A LIIIII of /mall StearnDra has been placed on
the Illinois and htlebican canal. between Chi
cago end Peru. It Is 8000 to be increased to a
daily floe.
ATTBRAATICEI for 00 isouth—uolvansal ant
frage, or 'representation according to yotrm.
Our Special Dispatches
Mitlug the Printing Room Forbidden.
General Uoward on a Tour of luapeellon
Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gnaws
The Ledger's special 1.1131 1 The Treasury Ile.
partntent sold gold last weskand caused the fall
which cteenried la the pt•estihnm. Tbtx9V irNove
York stock Jobbing report and ts untrue. •
Tho same correspondent Opal General 111okll
Is otthla way" east a run Mr Coagresallt Masa?
aehusetes. Tian. la. slag beans. General
punka has nettled permanently In Wow Orleans
to - praettee law there. • : • •
The same correspondearlays that the woel.
shim of Governor Panlous,.of Ahspateur, Ls/sub
mit to the pyple the propoped . chain es In
~t he
State earnstrtutioer,'aftes •:thelt- pasaagi .b? rtha
convention, does pot meet frith favor (rpm the
National government. "Toll is true, as le Moo
the statement that the withdrawal Ofthstrtroops
from the rebel ki taloa wilt be4raduni, until their
militia can be (u+ly organized.
•It lie&-been discovered that the weal
corded by the•T^meary. ll•ipertmeat. itiff,olis
to (Trimble the arrargeniebte for • priatittg
greenbacks- Lai 'beta need by cou4i4tlV4o
meke'ctiph6`o(Me Teeth:wry. No more vitt
tors will therefore LI admitted.
The yressare of rohtbermars for posts to
ernment service is Immense, great numbers of
sprllrations being received. •
Littoral Howard comane'acca, ta-aa wrlw, a
tour of Inspection through Virginia, to aseer
tem the condition of the Freedmen and the
working of his Bureau. ft, Oztoher be will
make a similar tour through all the Southern
Starts, by direction of Proslilent. Johnsoa, who
desires to know by results whether the Bureau
shall be dlscontinued. In Alabama, Governor
Persona ect\parates earnestly with the Freed
men's Bureau, and has endorsed an order issued
by it, regulating negro contracts for lobar, or
wages whereby the contract gives the negro a
lien upon the crops to secure pay. W.
The ri. Albans Money Restored.
The ProLltiiirThiitea to Baltimore
Reply of Prtaldenl Johnso.t.
W/ 41:11YOTON, 19,-L.4adrs Advocate
Chipman stated this vaordiag Lha: be had
.übp, race. cleety teltnesaes' tor the defense of
Capt Wirt. and Me. Baker hod lareuty.two,
but they would not all he wahted.
The prlsoier aprearrd to be somewhat
leopm.c.d In though be was compthed
by weakness to Ile on • sofa aurhirlbe progrets
of the trial.
Is is tfhtlsrs•ood !bat the St.erelaar7 of State
hes ottn r fli 1.1., 1.3 formed by the 6 'sea. , of
t:a.r.t.eultan aathoritlos hare
ratti to the Iff,ks at Et. /Offen: lo that State,
/..ft14.5i2,1:, to 'fold, and 1300i10 in bank votes.
ronittant to 311 Ail Or the Canadian Parilll2lctii,
on account of the amount deposited ortth those
autholitles uttt.o the arrhst of the St. &than,
Ic.deol2 13. N:chol-on, of rerudaylvartia, ram.
Grant: Sae of ;le Lidependont Order of
I."‘ noire, Mr. Pale, of IV D. M. Cam
pt.,11, of ket..trAi, E D. Farm-mat, of Tea.
need t, F. A. E n. , of M.ryland.. W. tati of
ifardland and William If. SI. 1/1.1..1an, of the
Dietriet of Columbia, a committee
from the Grand L Lige 1101 V in aeaslon at Baal
more, this afternoon wafted upon the Preatdent
to int - tte hind to be present In that City I, mdrras,
at the erection of the statue of Charity. In
crartmensurrition of the Mtn...lnd-lon of Old
F. tiewahip in the 1:-.Ited Sore,.
Past Grand Sre N cholate, in his aidreas to
the Presiden , , said that knowdog the great in
tercet which Le took In eve:7llopp calculated to
re-tor: good Inc:log, • ,d bebv . ving that the. con-
Voce , lon in litlthoore would go far towards uol.
ling the peen they bad cords to auk his ap
proballut ec..d and his presence, which wonil do
much I.) bled the people of the North and of the
South more firmly together, Oar Southern
bcothr.n Lcd to-day erpre•aed, in the warmest
I rms,lbeir love of their Northern b tnrun, and
be b sieved the unity Cetwecu this memb re more
complete than ever.
The President than Led the delegation for the
visit std invitation, and expre.. - ed his gnstltiza
tle.n that they ba t delegates from all parte of
the o.antry. The Order, by' this cans - antrum,
shower] a good axample and one worthy every
where of emulation. If he could possibly, he
would accept the invitation but if he was absent,
be sr/ uld be present in sp irit. The Convert ion
whir at the proper geographical point, and eoeld
not fall to exert a powerful lafirsonce upon the
people of the country to the relestabirsheremt of
good will and harmony.
In the course of the gencrA rouse-Britton
welch foil card, the committee understeol that
e President accepted ;toe' invitsri ,n. la
slew of ltrls. the Presldeot is( the II etioanre
and Ohio :lialireari Company has ordered a
ep cist train for to-morrow wombs; at 19.30.
President Johnson will probably be accompan•
d by several 'members of the reabinet, and by
the Ma - or of Washington.
I. dent Johneon to-day granted psrdons to
ore Marylander. twenty Virgthiane, one Ken
tuckian, seven North earollnans, two Genevans.
two Alabamians, lire MisslesiPplans, and one
The Post Mice Dep - rtrnent has ordered ser
vice ou the southern Missirelppl railroad' In
cons eying the malls from Jackson to Meridian
and Intermediate prints, d 0 miles and back dal
ly at the rata of $75 per mile, per annum. Oil
er routes are to be nsopeood Id Georgia.
The President bits appoluted Raphael M. C >-
lambus, consul at Isola, Pern.,
Steam Bata for the Bro.llllan Navy.
Mlisourlatte,.. Going to Mettle In
New Yong, Sept. l9.—The Harold's Rio
jajetio correspondent gives the following ad
ditional Interesting intelligence regarding the
South American aan :Wo have already announ
ced the visit of tie Emperor to the atone of
hostilities In the pros ince of Rio Grande.
Thome he marted for the frontier Le have a con
ference with his two allies. the Presidente of
the Argentine Confederation and of Uragnay.
A large) steam' ram for the Brazilian navy
had arrived from Franca, others had been nearly
completed at Rio Jailed°, and It wes said that
an American Genemt, who MIA Just left there
for the Bolted States. carried wOtt, him a com
mission Tor the construction of iron dads In this
country for the Emperor.
Volunteering for the Brazilian army was very
active and spirited In the provinces, on the Snit
call for troops, but In Rio Andre It had become
necessary to commence conscripting, which was
being carried on with meat vigor and little cere
mony. Oedema. attended by gueds, stationed
themeelvee at the most f requ e nted places In the
principal thdrongitfares, and seized and cent to
the army rendezvous all passidg men and able
hope who could not show cleareases of exemp•
lion. Civil °facers of the Government. who did
not volunteer would be drafted, and be forever
after Incapable of holding similar civil positions.
Prospects of the coffee crop, lb Brazil were
most cheering, hot the experiments an far male
In cotton culture had not aff)rded much en--
A party of emigrants from Missouri who
were an wedded to the Institutio n , of Slavery, that
after Ile destruction they could not remain In
their country, had arrived In Wadi, and gone to
the Providence of Paraguay to nettle?
rnmLucLegiA, Sopt. 12, ISO 3
Nra Tbak, Fept —The irorhf's Washing
ton eprcial says The Richmoed of to day
states that General Lee meets the directors of
Washington '.:olirge on Wednesday, preparatory
to his assuming the presidency thereof.
Diapatches to the Freedmen's Bureau state
that a man In Arkansas, who declared that he
was aware of no State or Federal law that took
sway the colored boy whom he claimed as his
own slave, and who refused to permit said boy
to claim hie personal effects, was arrested there.
for and fined fifty dollars by the Assistant Com
missioner of Freedmen's affairs.
The T. iDuala Epeclal ears: Col. Redeloff,
Mlntsier of Denmark, who has for tne past year
r. sided In the city of New York, has returned to
the Capital. 'which ho will make We fatere home.
Ille family have gone to Europe to puee the
winter. Sir Frederick Buell, the tirltlett Minis
ter, le travellingin the North.
tam. Canby, commanding the department of
I.:Jula{aim, under date of tee Bth In•teot, 1 35 a- 3
the following general order, rela:lve to goads
cated and abandoned lauds.
The Commanding General understands that
;greens wbcse property boa been seized as (na
useated or abandoned, and who have had lt res
tored through the clemency of the government
have threatened the tenants or lessees of the
Treasury Department with writs to recover rent
for to, term for which It has bean held by such
tenants or lessees, and have endeavored to har
ry or coerce them into compromise to these on •
lawful and unfounded demands. Tenants of
the Government are warned, that rents for terms
during which they are held under lease
from the Treasury or other Departments,
are due to the Government alone, and no plea or
excuse of payment to a third party will be ac
cepted or entertained, bat the lawful rights or
the general Government will berigidly enforced,
and its tenants protected.
The herald's special 'apt, One hundred end
thirty one patents will be issued tomorrow, from
applications acted upon lent week. It has Just
been decided that reglatere and receivers of pub
lic land offices are restricted from entering, to
their own names, tracts of the public lead for
actual settlement under the Homestead law, the
same as they have previously ruled out from be
coming pre-emption purchasers. As they are
requited to adjudicate such claims, It would be
manifestly improper to allow them to adindleate
la cues involving their own Interests.
Maltreatment of Emigrant Paran:meta,
New Yeas, September 10.—The Einar* roe
ramorplient, writing from the Dry Tortugas,
says+ Dr. Medd Is in the prison hospital u
nurse. Arnold is clerk In tite,T'rovost Marshal's
office, and Spangler and O'Lmighlin are working
at their trade, carpentering, In. the Engitaer
The examination of the charges against Cap
tain Anderson, of the American emigrant ship
Villa Franca, of the maltreatment of his pas
sengers, and denying them smillelent 'food on a
recent passage from London to this port, wu
commenced yesterday.
The teatimonp:of several of those who w
penman on the trip alluded to was' taken
their Ornaments indicating gross Ill•trestment
A considerable portion of the food wan said
be triltrbl.
At the Fenian meeting last evening, In Jeisey
Clty.ontsof the speaker declared that the move.
=Pt was progressing finely, and that bank
note engravers were already at work np3n bonds
for thislrlek
Netting et the Grand 1 odge of the
tailed States.
Grand Eire's Annual Report.
11^ itchy Jfion invent Dedication
Baltimore Throug43d with Vizitora.
Bept. I9.—Tae annual me.Y.lng
of the orand f Lodge of independent Order-Oid
Fellow's of the 'Called Bildtr, took place this
Morning, lo the Hall on North Gip street,.
Grandetre law M. Vericia preeldlog. Heppe-
scntaUyes turns nearly all the EVatca In the
Union; amlitlyeral of the British provinces,
were 1n alhOldanCe. Title Is the MIL Wesel:l4
siithinitellist five years when brethern froth
all pprtt of ttin country have. mingled together.
MtddieFeOnfititrulations were Interchanged, tog
much - Mee feeling. evinced.
Tlietliasiii.BlisS presented los annuli rap*"
In wilt* It,. with no .ordl.nitry ematiktukitr
pleasure, cangratnlatsid his fellow rePreseute•
rives at belt assembled In another renal Ode
venthisior e Supreme Grand .Ludue; tinder
etch PeCtilisely Amyl/10/8 circumstances, sad
he exprieeektils highest satisfaction and rei
lug OTtlepriut permitted to most again, repro•
statilifti of nildrly all the Jurisdictions who bed
hetti feiellnied from the fellowship and comma.
'Mon Irlth the Other representatives for the
last fonr .. l.e-es. The retrospect of the year
funsiltal dltrandant cause of congratulation, that
the Orderlies survived the severe ordeal throuch
Which It hie parsed, and welch threatened to
imperil R. Unity.
lie retried to his cif wine] wore success
ful, In rceening communicatlau with the Grand
Lodgesof 'various Southern States. The II tee
dal condition of three JorinUctlubs rendered It
Imporeitdiffer them to meet the representative
lax Impacted by the laws of the Grand L-Mge,
and he Rads correspondence indicated Gast tills
would be no impedim rat to the admission of
their representatives, and that the Grand Lodge
would gene only remit the tat, as was date Is
the case of the jarledletlon of Tennsee In
ISG3. Reference Is also mad., to his nets in can
ecetlon with the Wilder monument, the formai
pase:clean of which will be wait, at this ses
Other Biafora of interest to the Order are ad
vetted to by the good 81ro, whn pay& a tri-
Dote to the memory or the Y. G. 81 It B.
13a3lestaf. of Sinth Carollud, whose death
occurred recently.
The report of the Grand 8 „erclary, Jr, eta L.
li'delhiras also anbailued. embracing a detailed
report bt" the condltton of the 0, - der la the var
ious juriedletione, In all of which the Order le la
rely prop recta tome.
Deng; tie flicsl year ending Septemberr lit
of the present year, be bed received from the
State Gland Lodges and Encampments, the
sew of $l6 031 11, while there was remaining
unpaid $2,450.05, making an aggregate of
• 7, 71rtilferiicarrtbsa ban 'c I:teen-rev
raved three the organization of the Supreme
lsodgo. Contributions to the Wlldey Monument
Fund to the amount of 111,473 have been in
.creased to nearly 113600 by Interest on the
fend invested. The city is thronged with
strangers to attend the dedication display on
Wednesday, and every train brings accessions
to the gathering.
BLLTIMOR; Sspt. 19.—Preel lent .141nson
ens waited 'upon to-day by a special contertitthe
of invitations from the Grand Lxises., Inclining
an invitation to the Cabinet.
_ .
There are now here representatives from semi
Southern State, except if arth Cluolina and
Floridly and they are not represented, simply
been:LW:of the lodge le those B:atm haviog time
almost arinlhllated by the war.
President Johnson exprmtsed his irratificstill
al the orlx,tunfty thus air wiled of particl p Wet
ID the nut!oo of representatives from every
Pert Of our eommoo country. and limier his
wllilnrucas to make every effort to spare atilt,
cleut time. The President and cautott vrtil, It
Is understood. leave Wasttiocton to-morrow
morning on a epecia! tern avl ar riva here at
eleven o'clock, when they mill be ,Tatrel by
the Oland Leal...e sod escorted tp their pusition
In the 'doe.
The city to-olght u thrlng4l with visitors
from every 14,, 41. and every truu brings 112-
C11:1,14111111, the gathering throng In the way of
dclivationa. A lengedrle.atioa bas J tt arrived
and Is Dow marching up Balltensre street.
LiatTrwilar., Sept. 19. —.to Ohio dnlezat: to of
Odd Fellows, arrived here thin morelng,accom•
par led by .1,1.1 of ova dr. Th-y wars rec,.vel
and escorted to tlierr ynarters by the canallitten
of eve ption.
Slatehuldtr Arrested and Fined.
IL Faure end Receivers of Public Lands
Cbangis in the Freedmen's Bureau.
The fiA Counterfeit Comptunil Interrst Note.
It'ztv Tong, Sept. 10.—The Tribeer's Wash
ington special says that among other organiza
tions the following are ordered to be discharged
immediately t The 14th, 15th and 22d Illinois
infantry; .52d Illinois cavalry, 10th Kansas in
fantry, 11. th Kansas cavalry, 11th 3lisineseta
infantry; 58th, 154th, 106th and the 7th Inde
pendent Company of Ohio sharpshooter.; 213th
battery, 13th and 11th Missouri infantry. The
12th and 13th Indiana cavalry hare also been
ordered to be consolidated to be called Hit 15th.
The Times' special says: Upon the snittei
(lon of corruption among the paymasters in the
Department of Missouri, the Government re
test]) cent an hutpector to that Opartmeet to.
Investigate the feast The ierspeCtor returned
home last Saturday. haying In custody Nyman.
ta Holt. who was arrested upon rations charges
of.cort update and [cond.:, The insPentor represt
seats that matters in the Paymaster's nowt.:
meet of Missouri are generalty conducted in'a
criminally loose meaner; that he discoVered
that seven or eight. Taymaatere were absent
frocadnty without leave, and that they operate
the habit of charging extreme fees for making
up stolen:tains for soldiets. etc. A general over.
hauling of the affairs of met Department will
Immishataly take place.
There has been for a long tint. In the Treasury
Dapartte eat a rale that no persona, °char than
those s the Government ftss lc Note
Printing Department. shall be permitted to
visit the rooms where the greenbacks Sr., pre
pared. unirse upah spocial orders from the Sac
t soy of tile Treasury. Occasioaally the Sec
retary boa given permits to visit these rooms.
It Is now disc o vered that some of these persons
have taken advantage of the privilege thus en
tended, and bare made themselves familiar with
the intricate machinery of the establishment,
thereby enablieg them to eonaterfelt the nation al
currency. heeretary McCulloch has now di
rected that. no °am' than an employee of the
Printing Department shall, under any pretest-•,
be permitted to enter the rooms strove mentioned.
The eetlre revenue receipt+ from Internal
Re'eine from:the Bret day of Mgt J aly up to and
lucluslre or tr;-dav, amounts to the handsome
sum a ta0.4:11,502 41. This far exceeds the ex•
pectatlons of Commisaloacr WWI), and, la feet,
is a much greater lam than the Inosi. sanguine
wrll winticr of the government bas calculated
upon. The rerelini to-day amount to t 1,815.-
Limit. Col. G. ❑. Tavivt, AMing Adj't•sot
Gentral at the Freedmen'. Bateau, .has been
relieved from duty at his own request, and will
:ender hii resighation and retire from the ser
vice. lie is succeritzd by Id-nt. Col M,n nool
link, late of one of the New lark Volunteer
Enzineer regem ante.
The War Department has decided that oil-User.
tendering their to dgmations art entitled to the
three moritaa pay proper, the samp an allowed
to officers who are mattered out.
Mite order to muster out the 56th New York
Infantry has -------• •
The licraZd'a special soya the amonot or notes
!salmi from the Treasnry to national banks last
week was t 3,421,250 making the grand total of
111163 400 870 now shoal.
Over one tmedrea pardons were granted to
Southern mat to day D 5 the Priwident, a plen.
tality of which were to Alabamians, and a ma.
jorny to Alabamian!' and Vninians. Bat two
or three persons of moth importance were
among the comber, and these of the negative
rather than the positive elan of man. Tito
crowd of female applicants• was not sensitey
diminished by the unfavorable state of the
weather, aril the ante-revms wore as artthstaa
tlally crowded and jammed by females mover
A careful ecnatlny of the new counterfeit one
hundred dollar comp - band Interest no.e, by all
the eerierne at the Treasury Department, has
convinced them that the a - ,te was printed from
the original dies or h 1 pieces hich were en
graved outside of the Treasury at the C JM•
mencement of greenback manufacture. By the
terms of the contract with the first engravers of
greenbacks, the plates and dies were to tl: :del/3
op to .he Treasury Department when It Chose
to take the manufacture of et:weenier lute Its
own hands. 'ibir retaries Chase and Fessendeo
each made nedbalds for the plate during their,
terms Or .ee. but never eec-ceded in getting
hold of all the stock, and consequently did no
pay . for Onolilakesentt
I. pen the acceeiion of Mr. NfeCalloch to the
Secretaryship. the engravers made a dem nod
emu tie to paeinert ailegir,g the t they hit
delivered all their stock. This allegation lir.
denied In a counter report from the Printtag
Bureau, although by some chicancery the re
port sever fell under the eye of the Secretary, and
all tram/actionn between toe outside engra ter
and the Treasury Department were cloned, and
settled by the pa•ment of the claim_
The back of - the new counterfeit le made of
the back of • eve per cent. Interest note of the
some denomination. The scrofl and lathe work
it alike, with the exception of the central por
tion wh, re the interest is computed, the letter
ing of the computation is couaterfeited. The
balance of the back, It is believed, 11.11 beep
printed from the miming portions of the stork
which has somehow come into the possession of
the former.
This opinion is shown by all experts In the
treasury save one, who think tho spuri)ll3 plate
may have been obtained by the Appleton 7-o
nes of transferring. At all events the one hun
dred dollar compound Interest counterfeit is a
dangerous one, being as good looking, lo matt
points, as those of our Uncle's own make.
Gov. Perry's Message
NE, Yona, Sept. Ill.—The steamer Qmker
City hes arrived frcm Charleston, on the 16. h.
The Courim. contains Governor Perry's lies.
sage to the Convention. He acknowledges the
death of slavery and counsels the wise_ fast and
humane Irratmtnt of the freedmen, by which
they may become as strongly attached to the
whites as whilst they were slaves. The Legh.
Intuie will be required to regulate the relative
duties cf employer:and employee.
The Governor eusrgests changes in the State
Constitution. making It more popular and re
publican In form. It is a reproach to South
Carolina that it Is less so than any other State
In the Union. He LB against extending suffrage
to the freedmen le their present ignorant and
degraded condition as llt , le less than folly and
madness. He contends that this Is a white
man's Government, and a white man's only;
that the Supreme Court has decided that negroca
are not citizens, and that each State has an un
questionable right to decide for herself who shell
vote, and be suggests the election of Governor,
members of Congress and the Legislature and
Presidential electors directly by the people, and
that the Legislature ediou'd be elected and con
vened In season to elect Congressmen before
the list Monday of December.
The (attire, he says, will be bright aid glan
ces. As long as civilization continues, this
great republic will flourish and increase In num
bers, wealth sad grandeur. In less than ten
Teats we shall realize le the lose of slavery a
blessing In disguise to °madras and ear chil
dren. lie netlike the Cleve:ince of the renstab.
lishment of civil law and the courts, and the
withdrawal orate troops from the interior to
garrisons on the roost. The presence of white
trool a will be necessary, far some time, to en•
force the duties of the freedmen and employers.
Financial Matters In New York
Nsw Yong. September 19.—Today the Stock
market shows a more general activity, but with
considerable Irregularity in prices. The Im
provement is spasmodic, and exhibits the fretful
character of the market. In the afternoon the
market wee steady on Erie and New York Cen
tral, 1 per cent. better on Prairie du Chien, and
5 per cent. on Burlington and Qum, but the
balsrace of the list was generally a shade lower.
Governments are rather more in
There are light foreign orders far ftve-twentlea.
but the supply is so limited that orders cannot
be tilled except at %. advance. State bonds ware
lees active, and are hardly so strong, The Mis
cellaneous List shows a general. Improvement.
Coal stocks are generally tirme4owl4 , to the
enlarges' demand for coal and mamma prices.
Pantil mall scrip advanced 20, owing to the
company having negotiated for the purchase of
the entire Interest of the Atlantic Mall Steam
ahlp Company.
Goods ate stronger. The Imp arrivals Of
goods by the late steamer, has ceased an active
demand for custom duties. The apprehension
of a decline In the Amium, resulting from the
reported Intention of ille.24cOnßoch, to fund a
portion of the legal tenders, has subsided to
consequence of no connrmstlon of the etete.nant
hayi N g as yet appeared. Money continue
Subpoenas :tat for Dtfense Witne3333
Prisoner's Case Becoming Worse,
WA r SepL 10.—M e. Baker mentioned
the Cana, of several whom he asked
to be called for the defense. One of them, he
said, would testify In relation to the scarcity of
provisions In the Borah as connected with the
Andersonville Department, and another In ree
gard to the impossibility of obtalnicg medielnett
even for the Confederate service. Mr. Baker
asked that subpoenas might be sent to these anti
other witnesses heretofore named by a special.
messenger. Some of these, perhaps, could bo
ranched by mail.
Judge Adt crate Chipman fed that the me,—
scorer could tot reach the witnesses In sit:
weeks to serve the subpoenas. Ho• therefore
suggested that telegrams b., sent for them to the
nearest military posts to summon the witnesses.
Thu would save a great amount of time and be
equslly as MD:stirs as dispatching a ,apecial
11r. Baker said be had been foramina that the'
we mo• In sada a oandluott that the
heart of Georgia could not be reached la three
The Coon, after secret deltheratio;. decided/
that the Jadge Advocate send sutspumaa for the
ytam4 tamed to the cummandasaa of the
gout - am departments.
Th. examination of witnesses was then is
R. .0.11. Kean testified that he was, employed
tinder the Confederate Goyerament mad April
of the present year, as Chief of the Serene of
War: Ile ide otheed the handwriting of the
Ater,tary of War, Seddon., and. the. Ass tart
Secretary of War, Campbell, In connection
with the report of Celciucl Chandler relative to
the &times at Andersouyille prison.
Thin document was heretofore received no
Witness bed a conversation with Judge
eau' j bell on the subject, and did ant know It
wee acted opus by the Stcretary of %car,
although the document lay on his table. He
tborratit ho wodid nave ktiown It the paper had
Lawn acted upon by that officer.
Welt, T. Davenport, residing at Ana,ricui,
Ga., Said he was an agent for roar counties, and
that in the year 1384. he received ea tailings,
2.47,766 pounds of bacon; baantLa of c.,ro;
3.507 bn.belt vrilent; ,ift'S.) bushels of rice.
J. hi. Foment testified that the number of
bodice buried In Andersonville wad 13,292; 431
bodies were unknown. The nunalter or graves
in the small-pox cemetery was 840. These in
c; udoi all they found. Tne bodies were balled
la tretrissa from 100 to 200 yards In length, and
so closely that the tablets contain' og tha name
and rank of the deceased almost toctsh.d. Tan
graves of those last buried were nut marked.
No distinction was made for rank.
John 31. Yooker testified that at Anderson.
stile a aick man who had escaped front the hos
pital, was recaptured by bloodhounds, Ho
right car was alma t bitten off, and othsr se
nous lap:tries inflicted. Wituerm took apiece
of kis spirt and tied up hla wounds. The man
Keyes likeness to a companion to deliver to his
mother in the event of Lis death, which occurred
mot morning. The deceased had travelled
thirty or forty miles, when he A. planed by
the dogs. " Ile endeavored to climb a tree, bat
was oreghle from weakness to do so. Lying
prostrate. the hounds attacked him with Vie re
sult already mentioned. Witness said he met
an old gentleman, who had cha-ge of the
bonds, In the grave-yard. He asked the man
to.yvhick he
w.y be ,
replied that It was by order or wire, who col
him not to bring back the of b —3.
Mr. Baker asked the court to throw out the
last t,ortlou of the witnesses' statement, but the
court overruled the objection.
The witness said on the Brat day of his arrival
at Andersonville, he saw Wleu, who was threat
ening and cursing. He came at once to the
conclusion that Wirz was e rough cnstomer.
Witness new a piece of tin lying on the ground
and, being a bleeksmitb, thought he could
make him a pan of it. Wire. seeing him reach
for Ii celled to the guard "why don't you shoot
that 3 ankee eon of a bitch." H r did not get the
The witness spoke of the misery that he and
others endured, tile stoppage of redoes, the
chain gang, the shooting of men on the deal
line, etc.
Ji mes P. Stone, of the second Vee
mort Volunteers, testided as to his observation
at Andersonville, mentioning several cases of
cruelty si milar to those heretofore published.
lienrge Conway, of the 31 New York Artillery,
said be raw Wirz, while in a sentry—box, sho st
at a man who tried to recover his tin cup from
the stream, Into which hs nxldeaslly drappel
A. D. I,drcutt and others were examined u
to the cruelties at Andersonv.lle, when the
court atIJ Jumped,
Conditi n of the Contending drmies
Nrov Tuns, September 10.—The
Buenos Ayres correspondent of the 27th says:
The Paraguai ions are said to have 30,000 men
under the command of President Lopes at Cor
rientes.. There are three other bodies of troops,
varying from 5000 to 10,000 and 12.000 each,
command...di by a Colonel, mid tney are polo
to,,altag with their programme with oat little
luterruption. They hay^ no commissariat
starts, nor Is there, with the army, a pound of
door, rim; sugar, tea, coffee, soap, salt, ors
bottle of wine or brandy. They have no camp
equipage of soy kind, no ambulances br otLar
wagons except huge carts, drawn by six oxen,
and these carts weigh, when empty, about two
The Paraguayan soldier, besides faring so
primitively on sheep and cattle of his own kill
ing, gets. no pay and no share of tee pined or
that goes as flocks and herds to time stock of the
govergment of,Estanclas of Paraguay. If they get
wounded, it all is their misfortune, and their sur
gery is not very relined. They march and fight
like machines.
The allies on the contrary have, compa-atlve•
lv, rcrfect dfsclpllne. '1 bey buy what they nee;
tin are well equipped, and for:this country they
tare well. The result for the comparative equal•
lasslon in the conflict 'nil be walled for with
great Interest. The war begin seriously to
effect the business of the city. The value of
teal relate has abated, and stock for farms has
greatly fallen in price. Therelnasreat scarcity
of work hands, as tbotisands have-entered the
The war has also retarded the development of
the Interior provinces. The effort made to cell
the public lands since the war, has been quite
unsuccessful. There was only one tract sold,
and that at about seventy cents per acre.
Losses Estimated at $1,600,000.
New Yana, Sept. 19.—The losses by the Ilea
yesterday are now estimated at $4,000,000.
Among the losers are the following: H. W.
Hubbell. /1,000 bags manilla saw ; H. G.
Ayer, 1400 bales hemp; L. Waterby, 1300 do. ;
8. Atkins, 200 do.; Tucker A Cater. 800 do. ;
H. Wheeler & Brother, SO biles da.; EL Y. Law.
'mice & Son, 49 do.; Napier A Wells, 400 bees
Jute; Farber, Coster& Co., 950 Wes /ate; W.
Wall & Son. 101 bales slug hemp; Dedelli &
Co.. all the raga in the place;' Tablas, Heuriehs
A Co., SOO bales gunney clothe; W. B. Cooper,
100 do.; Horbecks & Co., OW - do.; a HOsion
firm, 1.00 do.; W. Rapes ACo., SOO tonlienir.
valued at 1 800 00; Napier. ,dt Wells, SO bales
East India cotton, valued at 130,000 In gold;
Yhips & Co., a large amount oflndigu and shel
lac. The insurance on the buildings amounted to
5300,000 and on the goods about two million
Tworebel Kentuckians, (George klerriwesither
and G. W. Williamson,) while on board the Al
bany steamer Vanderbilt, yesterday, openly del
dared their rebel sympathies and cheered for
General Lre. They finally quarrelled with the
head waiter, Samuel Ward, and Alerriireather.
stabbed him with a sword cane, - Intlieting a se•
sere wound, On their ordeal here they were
arrested and committed, -
From Cairo anallrew Orleans.
Canto, Sept. 19.—Pour hundred bales et
cotton passed for St. Louis.
It to expected that. Memphis Neill soon be
abolLshed as a The No* Or
leans Ddta learns that' President Johnson has
appointed J. Madison Welles,Paovlalonal WM ,
. 11,011' of Lonlalans, with, the mama authority
its Is Irested In Goo: Sharkey.
Tho Della ilffilke the suembent of the State
Conventam can be elected In thirty &ilk IS
that the election of members of the Legislature,
Congress and State officers can take place before -
November and hopes the new sematont be'
sent to Weuthington In time fir the mectlng of
Political News
Tar 'CATTLE DISEASE nuncrnoPtr.
A ,, T.-T.A POINT sem. 19.—The etemahhip
Da mutts, which left LlTex;pool - on the 7th'' and
Londonderry the next def., passed this point
this evening for Quebec.
The political news witenvimportant.
Queen Victoria would rut; - ina to Ragland from
Germany on the 9th. The, annnal meeting of
the British Aasoctenon far the Advance of
12cleuee, had Commenced at Bixmtegu ti .
• Ratterwsithe's Circular 41' the tVQ:ang of the
'oth, says: We have mud= repots of conaiderstoln
hominess in American sectulties. Than wan a
Cisiosition to hay five-twenties on the expects.
lion of lower rates for gild, mull the ant-
Val of the Morsel= ruportang the prob
ability of a new loan, whouLthe quotations gave
way, and after reaching 6W : they dropoed nearly
one per cent. and closed et t" 4 44@6o)a' per cent.
For Erie thereities been nail' emus enquiries and
prices have adven - Mid inoriithan one per cent,
on the :'illiares m other .iiirautt crated for sale;
and although they ettabit tie 'alteration in. Priett
four last week, the' tone , Of the market - knee
/amen. Railroad boOds areqnlet..-: • .
The Paris Ifordnaris higtilyeatistled with the
manner in which the peopici; of Rag
land and France are founded' Interest,
and the nnifornaty,of their:Princlples In Mat
t• on of public Law..:Tltag rNalled one another
in disinterestedness to - lnauro' the Independence
of the Ouoman Empire, and when Franca had
freed Italy, Rugland.deterudned no longer to
retain the. lodised,. and consented to. restore
them to the originoanattora trles.
The Minister of Agricultuftr halt addressed's
report lo the Emperor oothdtattle plague.. PA.
Emperor has tamed a decree,..prohthlting the
Irodurtlcrn or rarsapre throridtt France of cattle
from England, flatland or 13gIgingl.
Bi TitrgropA to Loatiort,
Coo.= Brokers' Cirealse rirt.a.tha seet . of
cotton for the or rek at 1:13A0 balee, toelhdltlq
21,X0 to: Epectentotil:, T.
he {itathortze3
flora ire. felt Grlearit, 0t,!6'4,
Loner,, Sept. 9.—Co3soly claret, at 69 3 b of
90 for merry; Illinois GentrO, 7834firtri Tr. IN
& 20 , A GSM.
The bull.erl In the Bank iif England has da 1167,000.
The Indian eghuctl
FOL 7 seal, Ans., Sept. p.—The diffaience
between the 'loyal and dikoyal Creeks have
boll amicably adjusted. 'rib rebel delegates of
the various tribes represenyd, have !dirndl a
treaty with the GovernmentOvlth's nos daze&
ehthxdtg non-forfeltutes ot manoitier,
&c. A committee was appoi . 6ted to confer with
the Cncctaws and Chides/4s, relative to 'A
treaty for a recognition of th, policy of the Go,-
The southern Cherokees eatunitted a report
Manioc thet a committee baCtralted • upon• the
Northern Cherokees to arrange their diffensicee,
and asking them to Tecommend the Cherokee
council to repeal their • conllfeatlon laws, win)
agreed to lay the matter belot*theCouncli. The
same delegation reported thatiabout six -thous
and Chtrokees are is the ChOrwir and Chicks
arm nation on Red River to destaitteciermn
euincia and asked the Council for relict
The Commissioners have reused to recognize
John Ross as Chief of the Cherokee Nation,
on amount of duplicity and bad faith with
the Government, and n piper bas been acibmlC
led by the loyal Cherokee Llelmstioti asking
the Commission to rescind tiSeir action.. .
Tb Conntertelt One pundred
Compound Interest Not t r
amen 1::!
an an O ttglaal En
-..14 -- tieptember 19.—One of the
engravers of the priginsi dies or bdil
pieces done outside the Try:wiry note. re
ferred to by the Herald's speaal this mo rnin g
and from which the °Sleet! .4leppear to have
converted the °a° hundred dollar compound
Interest notes on printed papill . r. predicts that
the whole series will be counte'rfeited. He says
the statement put forth, leave Sit to be Inferred
that these dies and bed piece are yet in the
hands of the engravers. which: Is not the fact.
When the settled, nt was hadilthe plates, very
us justly, were demanded from the engravers.
They weregisen up under protest, the engraver
saying that after being placed 4, the note print
tic e department, there wonldhs a risk of their
leing improperly used. The risinalshowa they
bare been, and the the attempt to fix this ate
sawn Lbw's, who formerly held the plates.
this engraver says. Is slandertm s.
National Horse Boston
BOSTON. Eieptembor National Horse
Yale opened favorably at Hirceside Park to-day.
The ectriee In various classes :tire quite fall, and
embrace, among others, Hit following well
known horses: Dan Mace yid Mark Vernatit.
of New York; ' , Rome IfcCtelEhn , atalleon; Ar
temas Ward, of daratogo; General Meade and
Black Diamond, of Hartford; Leo. M. Patchen,
Jr. I . :ea. - nought, Lady Bhair and Csptabt
atic:Aow an. ',-
This, afternoon there was saddle race .60-
tweet, Dan Mace and Black Dlimend, and won
by the former; time, 2:5.5, 2.6, 2:42, There
was also a race for horses tha6 have never beat
2:45, mile heats, best three in five to harness.
There were three entries, viz: Artemis Ward.
Jessie Wades and Lady Beni. The race was
won by the former in three heali, time 2:80, 2:44
'llse fair will continue through the week,
and the amount of premium offered is 0,000.
Juarez to Abandon
New YORK. SepL I9.—Ae 3 EI Paso corres
pondent of the Palladelphia Erftutrer glees cur
rency to a report that Juarez Algal' abandon
ing his country for the present and coming on
to thin city, where be will Paln his wife and
Family, who have been for !Mine time residing
here. Before leasing Chihuahua he leaned a
protest against the Imperial occupation of Mex
ico, asserting his legitimate ebilms to the Chief
Magistracy of the c nudity. E. is said that In
thin document Juarez announges himself a full
bleroded Ind' in, and a leulal descendent of the
Trial of Rebel Steankbogf. Burners.
Er. Loom, Sept.. 19.—The Ulan( rebel steam
boat burners, before the 1,111144 Commission,
began here to-day, and the case of Wm. Mar
phy taken up. Col. Mtge, attorney- for the
prisoner, has given notice the he shall et
mon as witnesses, Jeff. DavhO n
lory and Seddon, of the rebel overnment, and
Admirals Firramit and Portscrji
Provincial' Eibibltion—ThiEngllsh Cap-
LcrtoN, C. W., September I).—The Provin
cial shibitlon Is now folly opeged. The elty la
<nos dell to excess. The entrielf number about
7,(00, Including 200 of live atoeli and 1,000 m
aim of grain and seeds, The l oarathae prov
ince, are represented.
Tle party of English capitalists le expected to
arrive to morrow.
Champ Ferguaon , s Trial - Closed.
WASIUNGTOIS, Sept. 19.—ThitrUsi of Champ
Ferguson was closed to-day. The deciskia was
forwarded to Gen. Stoneman. Pa themenatimo
Ferguson ritnalns in dose confinement at the
Penitentiary. Yesterday he atfvmpted to make
a statement of his case, which ras repnzsed
his counsel.
llfeeting of Banks; ris. -
New Torts, Sept. 19.—St Oa meeting of
Bankers to•day,..thirty•fize or fitetr banks were
represented. A riaolution to_Opolni a Com
mittee to ascertain what backalwill join la an
organized system of redetoptior; was adivie -
No particular plan of redemrion was dis
cuses% .
Brig ItYrttelted—Pitre fiketriont:
Borrott, Sept. 19.—Doitsitt ttaloyestordsty
the brie Comanettte liciekinsi Eden, kidney
from Pbfloifelottla for Boston,'.olth coal, mat
ashore pear Wetland Light 4 tape Cod, - and
west to pieces. The Ciptehte4tone maws*
saved and flit lost— .
Num , roux, Sept. 19.--Oold COPtlattee to taws
ap upward tendency, the Price having beau,
airing the morning, 1433,10914. U. The prob
ability -that a consulerahlo ha
eblpped . by tirmorroiee EarOpord steamer:
Engliatt Visitor&
!Tommo, flut.l9.—The Engl ilaWiri ) and
the English capitalists arrived beta:tllliszaitar- •
noon. The eltizeas are catertalbleg theta NEIL"
. 6
steamboat era :ram onlaka 116 -iiptT
noon and a banq uet and ball to , alght.. •
' DIED. •:1'
SIEBEHICK.—Last evening it 734 oelOg
'BOO daught3te of pun
max. sada. L Siebeniek, aged gime AM aro
months. -
The funend will take place aolonOir
'tits It to delock, from the issidenee of the pe.
tepte, No, Be .1411 e strut.. FrDn42. al t h at
Istailr.are SePPenifun9 invited tengend.. _
ItYND—Of typhoid gieVer, .4148 q,
the 19th yaw ntn etc ' •
The Mere! will tike piece .shiie dele;i44
WzDI►eDLT,, from the reeldiatee. of lili - latheri
Hezeock sued, AILIShez_Y, t6llMl4slet
R; 13. Ip3Drir2.3
88 Smithfield Street,: ttetir-rdth. Street,
• Aar 00F/TRIS et every deaertrillorc.l OWL.
ALS generally. DV. ELNEILE.F4SE and CAA
ILLIONA fundable} • MO&