gite 1,- NEDIFSBDI74 - BXPTEMBEEt 13, IBM TBAVELINES' GurDE., Ai rival and Departure of Trains . - L , .. Pedrisylvania ' Central Railroad. , Drinfra. - ... Anima F 'EXIT Express.... 2:50 is♦ur Nell -. . . ... ..... lain 6 - - Wail *nommen Ore. pm : Fait Line . , ,. _, . . . ,,. 20 , .. m Pitts &Eris hint 1.20 prulflatta Erie hiaTi.l2.b) p m Phila. Express.. 4aS5 p maltlmoreEZPWlAtiprn : , :-Ilart. Lam, .-. 11 - 40 p ad Phila. Empress- 230 p m , - Johastownllen XXO p asJohnaVryateta..l.o.3 a m '.., .14 wan BLbUon thAl a m In Wall Station. 6a3 a m F. od o . o 11:40 am 24 860 ao4 i, At 4 4 42.3 pm %I '• . 4 206 y ',. leh - 4 '. 7 A - 05 pm Ith 4 . " 1140 prs i,- Pena Aeseme4o.lo:3o ,p A Pens Xecoesta. 1144 at a 1 7 The church train leaver WAAL:O.:, Marlon every Illenday at 91)5 s. ak.i retell:lW; 7saveiPAtaburge c , .. ' -at now 1 ,:rt 4 , .. ~..:4 • • , •:,,-,.. • Iv • • s , , - Pittsburgh, Fort Wavne„and Chicago. Depart,.. Anion. EZITCIII.:2" cao • ni Egpren.„......... to:Express ...... .141 p 111 Opm;Ezpreu........_eaODw p 'Dian 71/:15 to 'MAIL . 7,50 p Seo thtsn e t 6 sero a M lgaittos: — leZves l Alfr• 2 ll:4 depot at Via. m., 1100 , 5 , Art,4,45. p.• emu 604 p. _Rochester. 2ild. Few Castle, .330 . JPlttsburgn„ Cleveland and Wheeling. lap va klairlxxrpjrcul„..... . a:lOamdtall 9s pm k. , ten - am:Wills Accommodation leaves Allegheny at ass p Pittsburgh and Connellevllle Depots. Arrives Mill t ss s ra , llletil SSC p m , LlZtegiqii.l i ttiOli M I t P gritecuport i gg : to ' r. _ - s3. ~ .... 2:15 pla 2d n ..... 1 - 03 ..s. al ,' . tit Braddock:a.. Ix* a totdßrobtiwkos=:so sb .. ....,. 630 por 1:13 AlleghetijOi Deperts. a. 7004 Z121411412172200dar10a m PITY AND EVBEIIIIAN. - AlA“thiacritatnatottlatom Dirs. Grlnder—A Woman Poisoned and Bobbed-wiles agape from tne_Tolls of the Iddidereer. ' ' • Another peen Is added to the fearful criminal history 'of the Infamous Mrs. Gender, which, althea:lb It records no consummated murder, haTertheless reveals beyond doubt the Intention to commit the horrid-deed, prompted by an are. ricions motive. ISSI, Mrs. Ellen Parker, who is now a Widol(emplsied as a domestic on _roltrl-, street, secelved a re:alliance of silo her linguini used In g tilitornA, bc; detraiin • • _lei expenses to that State to lota her .husband.. Slut intended to have started co:tate:nth of May, t: butlfor'lMMe titaaClß postponed her departnre a -few' days, tad In the meantime was, intaced y - aki - 'iriirimet - lbrme "- - - - • Iskrinah: tense, to pay her a visit. Mrs. Grinder at that g • time residectin Pasey's court. on Rend .street. E ShOwent totlthouse,abd complaining °lanced , achh,laid down lied bielk.s alesp. trpati a ad: marl tibia 4tratsaler I}4cket. book, amtainlagthe $l5O, was gone, and as .hero was 110VerStin An' . the • home sate Mr. and lire, Grinder, she inspected them of stealing It. a T trn:lreting i s g t u er efr n h irot n en " e n e u .' '" l' (itiZ and 7 proposed - P:lll2'sta should have an adVertise i meet inserted In the papers tbat'She - had lost amid perhaps she might ti.ntirle to ree /yes It; • to which the lerly agreed, anal-was on she-point Of leaving foto the - purpciseVwtten ktre'G. ba r- aided that she ahould remain and she herself would atteddloit. At - the same time she Misr '•ed her a cop of mem - which bad tee etf-et. of ' . =teeth - et. quite sick and unable to stir from r. the :Loat. hire. G. bed adVartleenient Ineeited in one or mom of the layers. Mra. Parker was induced by., Mrs. Grinder a.number • of times to take 'Sena *.talfree,_taftetildimiking she Invariably took a fresh attack or ill. • t Ness, accompanied with a burning amiention in • - She stomach, Stie.,remained thus In the toils , of *re, Gilndie fora pairied..cif days,,when e-", . she Succeeded In making her escape tibia that k Trainee was temporarily absent. There is but Itttlei doubt that:. it -she bid not stolen away ,from the house, she would in a few nays bare ' • hem taken 'rota It a corpse, ".. 4 :1 While AM Was. with-MIS, Grinder she was ' ittlbjaCt to the vilest abase from her. Her char- F 'actor was maligned, and she was accused of xi' being a Woman who had" forsaken the 'plat of rectleade,lnat as the unfortunate Illsa Buchne r, an'a character Was attempted to be biaate.l by 1.. her at the ticaanvbeu, the inaldtions poison pro. , pared by thie.Antirderera , was destroyuag the life of her victim. A physician who was in attend acre km lira Parker Curiae her Illness; t aced her on having taken some drug which was Injuring ' her eyes- She states that while at Mrs. Grin , rler'a her eyes became affected. winch ehe thinks , was ins result of poison administered to her. Mrs Parker. upon leaving Mrs. G.'s house. V". itunititted a,bekwa -Mayor, Lowry. When the case came up for trial, Mrs. Grinder bgonght a formidable*Fray of ladles of the high - eat reaPpetabllitY, who..flecclved. fly the aancti rimalbasz debeirttnexciritieh 'she bad alwava manifested, seemed thunder-struck at the aces . tattoo against her, and were meat Norms.) in thelr,dasederatlmls as .to her moral integrity,' She Was, then tore, a quitted. • - • Mei. Parker appeared , at the. Mayor's, ante last tight, and made toer atatentidu as* aboie, > alleging that she had never doubted Mrs. Grin-. der tad stolen her money, and since the recent developments in her citae.ishe felt :enured that - )dra. Grinder had a design upon her life, through the sgsialVdtpcihWe, and was ionly'frustrated lb E her litilillOn - airribore related. 111811/inor: has. - notlfted her Drirripear before the Coroner's "ta. trace; as a witness. .ddilloteio(oiiiineis:tiiies Disposed of. lisycr Lowly iiiaterdisy award ortherfollow, ulitiasanet _ Jseeb Bopfer; 4 Elalrattle oath . -ZDed #5 and 1 . 4 am* for maintainhigainuhsiuice In the . shape of a Altb, Pig _ . _ _ _ _ Brl_dgetfineke. - toed $3 srubtostaacer keeping, 1g ea ,_j the loralltj knorrm iin j a o t t.a.stipp for fitiidwaLho..4.PidoWrlliodi 33 =acted ' ' ' . tt:', fa 426 'PT" 'Pan' '""a'" or maintaining a nnisanee 'in thofOrtants 311174unter„ if Timothy &ikon Cid Pii3lloitean were each costu.for keePiagAtteturztromika:*: 'lle state: . enotTother naleenee easesarens Mats dlapos-D ed of., Thaftitentkro °rem Mayor Inning Wan cabin to the ponds of btlw e water In the Sloth aad AX.-' teWdayallonsuottried ProP , ety f, , l4.shave. thensOidinad Iltled;cm, Two of the parties so notified neineetlng.rlo' anti in CDs matter, have been rued for metal/dabs a kthectercles,sonce five or au, are pith' wafralrpratarffe4o tilled up_with, earth.: isailltel the or the 'ssunsonitv for his , aaenmary manner of treatbcg these long standing adduces. The - folainvifyAlnys sm:actitter t ifore these - out ponds was sottelent, bs"vrecis weather, ` 'Mks Ms' , fireark!to Wee& a pestuancertt. the aernkreataptiilaterfor malsatree tau %la, before the Mayor are made at the unstafide f , Cie Board At. HMte&v-111,n4folluris makes-it, special business to report to the ktai•Crilr Infractions egalnat,.ctrekultmoce'elaitept then '4)117 Code - 10CM striertres'isCreitt4ionoin, leg ut Ike Bonet to z 'bar;;gut. In•Jk apathrictralf ?tanker' , measores,,ws. ,overl the • • City Coaaettr haws rude iPPftilliada:rai;l l6 fintt*sei:: Tho aafia,i4Are:sli,&4o Atoll= team all, that ItiOastadtfor, liaggiceou di& contWombarelysndieleageops-ytherfan-'. - ,OrAndle*PlMlndulalsrfieli in 51 year' snag/Alicia Vationlttedarte .Baulbattekattba altm anttdoo, -- :....., A..-- .r z ~;? ;I'~-- ~4 . . mOgettrg* 5,1!.. .7 434 ;itid ' iiiit ,i xi;laitsil'tsigo4CP44* , . • FppartoThighthe a niriFitiv The - -settattlti. . 1da!4114474MW 4°..V 1 ' ',1,4 A' 1 : 4 '0 5. 4 1 1 .. 11 , wideVaheWillasectelatthichithetatiett 41,1400..fiv Ettesthke*fffeenchtle• the entAtaktaiiiitfcLliy..i , r - Pieweininiwerwanwir , erbeavreltelwias ot ..Rooetae,t , with arr. Barret as Elliott Gray, te; atia the attraction at Efettdirson'a Theater. No one whsaakeetlewlt,ehonld neglect sho too; rfs , Weed Ada:, Tint flame Omen, D. Janke" will deliver tilelrMisa slsPe.h.t l o.-. l .4 4l 4 l llLlSlLegfelde gaikon variety of topics. It mu &atlas be 1 highly edifying to those who can properly ap• i:. ssectate • r - T.. 0 The Depd.—`p/orsmao aro engaged in teadaedown the platforms of the old reamsyl.' , 'logo teunrrooad I ,PlR l o4:_and - alaocrescarrinx the c ad ;racks, for thczee of converting the grorcad tritcrelt* Vfiples!. , phstronna - the teen:TlM bracerSrtlibe tempo !. of =press and othef,, *".or Bela to_ Frederic-li . iratammaa at Itaira , cool wiirlts,yrbo abot Thos) Nedra ortrdstaf'fifithibiassfifoilifbCkalbro mut resterslay, tad held to 810.000 ball for lILI appbaraace at the October tcrai of the Coast of onrsairmilerf r4,1-ITl`, Betiig Itebuilt.=-The Ainenenn: building, tee Mail gliriNdi- 1,7 4 1 a:t 1 1141 4grcled b* fire I- nionthielnecis 'now at rebtal: We • • underetend s le will twee a ecnieen ball, similar to that fermealy blown die "Melodeon Morsonal.--Dr. Christy, Mayor. of On City, 'atm. ifith Malady. luso justrotorned Mau a so ; jot= to thomorootalas, !snow to the city, stag. Pgi&l4 3:40144;411,2u5e. '/=ds , sftmt,. Pittsture! Conference Methodist Protest ant Church:M=6On, Pa. . . On Baturday the Cononßice on th s question of Upton of Non-Episcopal hiethodlsta reported, sod the suller..l cal;e4 out I.l)llBl3.rabaa discus sion. After a few slight amendments and mod- If[rational the repo t was adopted as follows : AEYORT OF C05151/TTSE ON UNION OF ON The Com.raittee, to whom was referred the Circular teem:mending a basis of a proposed halm of the Noe-Episcopal Methodist Churches, report as follows I 1. We concur in the call of the Convention of Non-Eptaco^al Methodist Churches, recommend ed tiy the laic Cleveland Convention, which shall or Invest to with powers to fir a basis of union, exalter., however, to the action of such bodies 39 - way rs presented therein—said convection to be conetliffted In the following rat!, of repro , mutation, etc . every Live hundred mem ! °rt., eaen tonlerence shin] be entitled to one ministerial end ere lay delegate, provlced that no one - body shell Sr deprived the pnviliige of sending one ministerial and one lay delegate. tl. We recommend than the Convention, in forming a basis of union, shall embrace the fol lowing principles s 1. ,bet general and annual Conferences shall be continued. with fall Powers to mate rules and regulations for the pramotlon of the general intense of tile church. 2. That an efficient itinerent Ministry and the libtfly of the lo t s! churches, lif.accordauce with the Holy I:Scriptures, shall be maintained. 3. That the title "Methodist Protestant Chard " be recommended , tuf our preference, being slignifleatit.ol . our - *ginned "protest" spinet a ehareh government le Sittose ecclell mticalomnselisties laity have no donut:atonal . representation. 4. Wer meOtamend that thIS Convention babel] In Union Cluipel;Cineltuiatl, Ohio, and that it commeneiSthts_24 Wednesday ofMay, 1866. W. Cotttaa Ono. Beowsr, 13„Xottorint JeinseltEnitisr. The: following are the names o 7 the delegates elected by the Patstdmiti Bennet Conference to re pr esent ' 3 ' 4 body in thtrOnion - Convention In (Talon Chapel, - IrrelnriessslL, the second Wed nesday 0f'11ay,1.866 hITNIST6ItS. ii3eßnititaiL. L.:. a igxpEcjia 2:21) m .p m Accommodation elms m, Deleprotra—Rev. Wm. Collier 13.13., Rev. Geo. Boma, D.D., Rev. Wm. itefee, D.D., Rev. Jelin Scott, Rev. James R %loon, Rev. Henry l'almer,'Rcv:l. rk. Um; Rev, Ale:Lawler ICJArk , .4igernatev—Revl 'a. B...lließlroy, Rev. J. W. Ruttedhe, Rev. E.A. Brim:ller, It ,v. T. H. Col. hour, Rev. R. H. Batton, Rev. W. R. ?elope, Rev. Tim. Wallace, Rev. Amos Hatton. LAYMEN.. Beteg:des -J ohn Redman, H. F .rtlyce, J. W. Troth, K. H. Marshall. O. W. rJitla, H. T. Reeves, J. H. Bard, J. B. Myrna. Atterwat,s- Wm. Mille:, Wm. T. Regale:A, John Roger., F. C. Herron, .1. R. ilcisley, Jacob Holes, John Rankine, A. G. D :Thd subject of Home and Foreign Missions iteeli - nd .10 ' 41 41 111 M Onaltlarl ..attention, 'add' , liberal amid:girt/aloes were ordered'hy the Con ference- Thd following he the list of appointments for the ensuing year,: , . Prey , denf+-Wt„ Rgerm. Pitts•dirgh,'lst•Olitneti-fohn Cowl. '• " -James It itnson. Allegheny, let Chnrehtalentitie 24 .-To be supplied. Birmingham Station-ft' FL Hatton. Sew Brighton " -Wm. Reams. Elizabeth " --James B. Lucas. ,Sluermiburg• pHs:tat-41 F. Crowther • Codnelisville Lucas. Browneville-C. K. Stillwagon. i..itlioaonzethela " -Wm. Wallaco Rogersville "ri. -I'D be supplied. Obto " -Wm. Wragg. Maneheater ' ' " -David Jones. Trumbull " -T, H. Colbnur. Clarion " -To be repelled, Cherry Tree " J. Wood. Susquehanna " -W. T. Wll on. Clearfield U " -J. Clary. Trough Creek " -Amu, Hutton. Youghiogheny - Mission-M.: P. ,Httilwall. r.Washington hiLs•dost-...T0 be Anjity Circuit-C. P. Jordan. Uniontown Circ uit-Ales. Patton. Wellentrg " -E. A. Handley. &aids:owe " Maio.. Brookville " ties:applied. 'Yotuagstown " L-Vdnry P.dmar. - Loaned to Union Chapil, Cincinnati, 0.- Alex; Clark. 7iIEI=1;1 Prtnelpel Allegheny Seminary--G. 3. Mc- Elroy. College Agent—J. 1/. Her. - - . Left wittout appointment at their 01•13raquea. .—T. ,H. Smelt : 4m, Enippa,pl. D 1. K.,,Riee. Trianierred to wastationed list—J. R. Tygard Butierannited—George 11 - town, Wm. Collier J. W. Rutledge, A. Klugeley. Dec. sterl—W. AL Smith. The following resolutions, passed ny tho Con ference, will have metal tittarest to tidal:we. don of the country. Ts* proposed Tolnuse of Dr. Blown will be a handsome one of same five hundred pages, and will be :Scaly announced to the public: MIEIMAII, We have learned through the col umns nt the Wegrrn Saiderlist L r r.tcstant, that our den arable. father,. Elev. George Brown. D. D., of We Conference. has completed, after years ordcdl and earef;theduannacripts of ida'kutotd. ography, And, . r . Wirguits, .0, prominent publishing house In New ark has .ntade a liberal offer for the mime to baisened la &handsome volume the coming whiter, Besotted; That we, as .a Conference, most besrlilY recommend to all our people this forth. eiltang work, entitled "Thscollemlbeis of Latino :ant .Llfe,” as one eminently worthy of their patrenage and plermial, not only on account of La hhstorleal Information concerning the birth, early life and etmples of the iletoodist Protes tant Clutch, bit also front' the fact that the author hp been. a laborer In this Conference Iron! Ira-organization, and. his antMiagraphy will ho sat:doe-and-hear. book In the families throughout the district. Resolved, That we, tut mintefcis sad dele scans, will use our beat efforta to circulate this vroLamon the people; _.- • teed. That we luOtcate to lie. Brown„ before tins jadjournittedelSt C , uferhice; ibilfrobabie nutriber of eoples required for sale in our re spective fields of labor, as the bailie of an order fur 5090-,of the drat edition. . I Central Beard of .4dacatlon. Thercrattral Board of Education ant on Tues day macciltig;i3iiii.'itib,lB6s. Present, Mums. flrath, putran, f.ove, Ate,fili ke r, Sergeant -sad -Bbvesly. Mr. Gingerly ana appatited Pried- The calumet of the last ineeting were read iapproyed. • _, ..rTiefollowing reaOlUtloas from 111th ward Bade, ydard-orere read and ordered to 63 re . oelead find filed. via: , Ziocivoi, That tbit Board recommend to tha Central Board of Education" the ettablishment -of al City Norma). School, Ike , the, Attazil4g of -irrachers, the same tirtat considered's branch of theientrai. - Bigtalicitnal.,,..,. • • .' ofre.4, Thie, In tee_ opinion of this Board it atliasair td tbn prfection . at our Wool ..:sy.ternaor the fotbierbag yeacenia: - ' . '-.:• ..' 1 11- it•artlififtra,itha large class of young ladiaa ltia wish to' t , me teachers, thb opportnnit, to obtain the 'spacial tralaing , for the duties of tiler Remotion, which is Conaidercl caseattial ; lb meccas. , 241. The nalformly. of training la a Normal School/Vl:mid tend to, produce uniformity in tearkingael ten c' aud thna - b1 =lt our City system 'could become mere perfect. : .. - ante tfllchmt 4 The capacity of taw-ooplls of aim 114- School for je e, -;n4l tea teaching would' .he ...o •=icaen, wad Meade Abel &removal& the tit "nail hare tho opimrtunitir.of MOMS th a `be teaching taimat unit ;more certalnq than un exam present arringemetm• - • r" -•• , b. Suchactimals. hara..becii. stabilithld in = tal ell tarti eithatAf Ouf ',Vpicabon u l -r o .ao considered - en:thump! successful andlaati .o le. ,c , u monthly o .t u& riacipaaoLth o ;filth and Caoml a / a Of the Merle/cry .yreu. eyast4 and eceyted aa.dorgtnill toint wd., r, Val application of a. C. Canna for thfr usb at It roonfil tltrifilet - &lag for the purpose of hetlng a "Business Night School ? " was fated referred..' :W arm " wer . e ,k u l l P rizc .4. tkIINr.. 4 : I A.M..tK., - totioling-bilisi- '-- " ',' .. ~, ,_ -- - jeaba . a YustW s iihti;iwashitti' -tiro 3 Tri Boma— - --..---- ........ , i - 4 - 3 - tElo Quinsey, waltawautaaa Luomir...a ...e..,3 TWO( ROOM 7 01 PAtPUZ 2 ;O 7 O634;gI- 1 4:1 14 Bc ognaAf M. 24cAtilenalLaPPrORtlatkaa. of ousts stie`thad„,,,, „..,_ _a ,_tb..,,,O;#A , VP.Fti*' , "P.4.b SAW:V4.-4 , 04 - 13 PU1741.:1-, , t '....,....0 'a :',II Cl., flenotionr4oure;ed: _.1.;,:.-- !, . 44' ns^:, tr. tniiiicrive..twe-El'auaarifiligg,Thitie **pat misea aa•-this reprint -Bit- .liaptat: The co:alias ditiirlie:Vety.:dtiele/A ve.-apithE ) off tirtc , "M*llectlortarin , Zaganttp lei la-,Tdail littaiiirratiltothreliClthetligotOz; itittalelOribit . - ter. the datda ot. tookittlta--, ' 'SnlerittaeatAhan4tatiattlsbnctiAlgrinass;l . • e..talatrals.futr 'pi:mak:tart:l4V seats IsAigv' Ism Mops - of thy .wp reielvettlatn44:..l.Lei Um; tWO,Unallft4t neir totps'Of 44' MALTAlsiecknt.T. itio o 4 l l . Weisel AnatitY.:Wa Arc, 01:1 regions. Them iz o s Ift.prtheipnlit conrpired trout Me lamp. Ahatc.the_township Amu, td a ds autOratiF grtusgs. ‘ ,ll O-pusXstlqgtitautp, 4.‘ _ accluptge.vAtemeathi of thVail tchann‘ held • ' , Medley morning at thole rooms on Water street, - the resolution passed July 25th, recommending a redaction of one cent per Woad In the wages of the divers, and addax the works then paying flee cents, tO it* Stntillogi ITU =21;444 P.PIeCOPAL PSZTUODISTS 1 3.0131NE0N. IitcOLEAN 8c Bankers and Brokers, Rh, 76 FaMirth street. Pltt•aaesb =calves In Pea FUNDS and t.) Collections made In all tans of Um United Ntates. Soy and sell at market rate,: L'. S. a per cant. Isel, Bondi; U.S. do. 646 do.; C. S. 6 per cent. lam do.; C. S. a per cent. Certidcates Indebtedness nOm r,s. 1./io Treasury Notes. Met Also BUY ano SELL UN commission .‘ the Sew York, PhliadelphlA, and Pittsburgh B. •Ics, kinds of GOVeralnaZlL ..Snettritlec Ft ck. Bards, Gold ke. ks. e 26 'FINANCIAL AMI IMINNEKcitt BROKERS AND BANKERS BOAR r, a O BUCTZI. ST SOBINBO3. MpOLSLI h CO.) TOCSDAY, Sept. 12. 1995. Opened. neee 107-60 MI 81,4 C. S. 6.31ee 015.-........., 6 C .. I S a . Seven thirtles 2 7 . 2. P. S. Ten rort.tea allochinig UnlarltY 'Pleas, _.. Allegheny City' 6 , 5-........,... Steubenvflle Scrip (tlencractora). Lowrance C0.. "9. 40 tki Regret as luanrence (J 0........ 5o 00 Ceoh Insurance -.4- re en Eureka Inturance _ 50 50 — l;Yeat•rn 61 Allegheny Valley . ... 100 ,Connellaville R. R. Interest-- 976 Connellaville IL R. Steak, eon int. 9 50 Allegheny Net. bank.. Fourth het. Bank.. . _... .. . Iron City Bank 6tcf , & Menufae. Nat TlOrd Peoples' Nations! National Plank Uoromereg.—. TrAdearnal.■ Allegheny It Pittsburgh Matra Bs= EI!MS3 Murray (n 1 Oil Creek la Cherry ' ''' '' ''' ' ' '' '' MA., Lancaster IS Merry Run.. Whitely Oil Tam St a merry Run Phillips.. ltousville 6 03 . - -•• 2 73 • • II 00 Dunkani Creek &Union Monongahela Planner -. Ralston =MAT OF maul. IWO 7.30'5. (July haus) .. (19 50 These was nut to nothing done In our cock market to-day, but one transaction reported which Is noted above. gold is steady but with. , o t decided change, and the same remarks will apply to governments. Bank stocks in demand, but t he donor. offered are tof euglclently large to induce boldars to sell. 011 ahem, dull and de. pressed, and for the titre being, totally neoleetel. —The follashog Stock was sold on Tuesday evFaing, Sept. 12th, at Commercial Sales Rooms, HA Ste itbliecd Street, by A. Ill'lleratne, suer ticker : Merchants sad Manufacturers' Nat'l. Bonk, 356,0 c —The Commissioner of Internal Revenue has orde , ed the following tilling When the dech ion No t4O nr. made, the Ft... Twenty bonds tutted under the act of- June 30, 1861, had not been put into the intaktt.. 561,1 hand. should an, be Ln eluded In the llst of United States securities, to be deducted troth bank capital, under the section of the revenue laws. —At Indistitpolls• .eetreepondent nags:that oil. scents" to 1nd1.04 are despondent, and be In to look Opon their ictrestotett. siiies4 stock. Shares in the moat promising wells, which, a short Ito. atom, could not be bought at any price, are Dow for cal• dog cheap. The Jennlngs-conaty wall, which to k tire at one hundred ind twenty feet, Owned out, and was OttaIIIICUML has rea. bed • depth of treat elk hundred feet od the he* oore. —I be lota expolt of specie teem New York last week was $422,273, and total three let of Jan. us/7 1 , 20,760 bed. The Imports of dry goods for the week ere less than for last week, the teal be. tog only tractan over two rell/lacw; but in ex cess of those for the game parted of 1661. The to- tal value of goods entered for the week to dee, neatest §.2,361,61.1 tto own on the ntarket,show log • withdrawal rf 1167,6156 f goods from bond. The tetal amount of geode entered At New York lance the let of July Is 617,16,61 6, against tirsei,- • US thrown no the market—annulus • Charring down 01 the Warehouse reserve of 45,614,744. —The Nuttonal Bank Currency Bureau nave ra teeny made so tmpcttant AZIDOWIDOOIOIIi. U. purport is, that although a bead might be per mitted to orgabire without circulation, by warr ing their claim to it, yet the law napalm all banks to deposit Minas; one-third the amount of their capital to Tutted Statai and this re. yuirttneot Lao In DO teas be dispensed reith. though the privil.T. of circulation cony Do valved, the , 01 , 081 t aboye stated mug: be made. —rho demand for gold among the merchants to pay duties has Induced •n agitation of the qua. mon Ly the la. I.tharaber of Commerce, whether lt-sal.tenders .honed not be received In payment of datiu at least to the amens of tea per sent. At • meeting of the Chamber on Friday, a Mit Low said that these was but little gold at Ohs command of 114 meter ants. Goods were higher even than gold, end the marktet is more than usually state. tire. ; lie thought the payment of • portion of the deficit on. goods In legal tenders would warrant • speedy return to specie payments. Ala saidle eat. tender Iles at the basis of our. system at fuvseots and be hoped that the Uharsher would appolot • committee to take the stutter 113141coualderation. Others spoke to favor of the proposition, anti are gentlemen wens named as sash committee. Dlr. Low. was added to the committee and appointed its chairmen. So timbal" istpulnia mutton. We shall soon teat 1/0111 the holdall of gold.bessing Government smarties should this proposition to tenet hem from the pledge of the customs serums be no tato any probable cOnsudifttarlort It he no satisfamory armies to the dconestic holders of these bonds ,to say nothing of the more tens. Mous foreign holders, to slay that the revenues are now /netts In excuse* the gold demand for : ht tereaL and wontibe equal to It with turillowance of Into 16 per cent. of the aggregate payable in legal tender note'. They will not relinquish wit. nag,/ any odFantetrts they May hold -• capitalist has too Wawa siworltY, and the adoption of. any Ouch measure am proposed, conk! not • fait to affect seriously Government Lirecuritles —Phila. lagrr. —The Asnerbean Bank of Hallowell, Ida, some lnontbs ago surrendered Its state ebrirtor and or. gardteil end-t to... National currency law, with a espdal of Oily thousand dollars, kavt.fattha time as ontstru,dlog ark:dation et-about asveatg eve thousand dale... and among its meta were norm of the late pntedent, Henry. - Cooker, to the amount of forty thousand doilayn. &pout two work. eao - Zar• cooper la reported o have and. - daily dbuippesred from Ilaliowel, and tt Is map pots d that he has. absconded to Enropc The available usets of the bank being Jason lent to meet Its Ilabilltlea, ft no longer primes lt• and It. snake will be Inunnutrilif likened , * by the 'Dept/In/ant By the /awe ref peAtate,res AS by the National Banking law, t h e property of the stockholders le holden, *ad lets, hoped that WU neater no erfentind lois; will. &onus to the bill hokere. In the meantime tompublic Is cautioned against neetleror bike of Ms n.k, whether la sued before or since it beeseto • eatlonal insiltop Ilan-11. I'. Pod, ALLIOGEIIEaIf CAMX;DIARIKJECT. Reported Expreuly for the Plttehttrgh Gazette Auxins= Um; Netit,..4 Oh.TTLE—Ite market for tettlo.tias. to wean expression cOlneson with drowns "rather hard,' the supply behad larie, and the demand, as eons. 'tared with. last, was somewhat restricted., There was not tie same atteodanm of .took buyers that there has berm forth* past two or three mon hi, anfillom this fart It, may be. Inferred that the' eastern NA of the State to 'pretty well supplied. Prhes, however, except for Inferior stook. have undergbbe DO 'Quotable change, thoustrthere I. Ito alrguonne the Let that-the motet ruled to faros nf buyers, sod that sellers, as a (covet twos, .werp more anXtout to realize. Prime fat steers and heifers; Mich as our . drat class butch. are eccastomed to buyingwere net Very pleat and 'sold pretty readily at 701=att a" fame` bliter esti for extra—while satoeksirs," to falling o ff In the smother otbuyershrtiled du and In stoma tosses eontearlatut Seri. Made. ltr• order. to effect asks. V si c quote thlir part Solar. altar of stook at 4,244, -. the &attained semi tor.4lnferlor. Solar an We . el) 4 :earn, there were bettflitrPhiladelphla buy. ;Me •attendanor this week ' , math* as a matter of tune , had a tendency to depress - We market. 7 1-. ~ rell‘B,lll.llS—Tnersrfle •• 'bonusued fel demand for Sheep, turnblpuly for shlornent., 'sot wl.h but little otteriratilthe . mark.' ruled ~ste•dr it. kbtedalastrOadtre shalt:Wm AS ciente, re1,,,,,,,i,..,,,., to quality. liolMt. n01d4116 to.Cflassa Latllsrlar, pea amaze, am 6q, sad . - some other lots were wholesaled at dt. lambs steal 4 0 ir,m. guff :k'Afalt... &Mend bat un. ; s Ti&S—hfarlcet has been morelloilve dannstho / p Welav but" there. Molt Auhtable• change .14. prl a Several bunches were wholly at Iltp •/I and • fair ontobereferte setraom from IPA /GI as to rstalllty and .sondltteli Therau,pplyie.• Ill*, 4CII tbakarrivtiabOntlaUe Ilatlted,• . .. r .... setts .toWderl.rdtt Glass& Laffett'yerhaterateditt haidgeodategra, to,iceiretl:l6.lM; 10 heal - mg atm, 1110 1,4114 'n to Reathee at ity; retalled.te hetulat $ 0 . 03 42 7 , 51 -- uchuvatuar aaatitAllola bead at, e—eobead left ovir. t i er sold as head of a , od Ape* cattle 5t134% .ret &I.gos 5t,6004, '1 NW / Moo to orteawa,tala{ansiOtt24.ooo4 : er WO id 4 '1414 heifeiri t at a • ,- . . () W diso:42l haul af int .9 6 t0 altfa .0 , 9 h I° , it tents. • ,;!, Marks le Trutt:matt Wile sweat Bead-.10/4?" ;tead of 7311110 baths to -Joan . ml Ely rata id' „ oadjg _ asolltzatma4 of -alait4zciiii us.; ; retattealt9 head se (I)id c , , :"E Greenwald Ai rBahk who l ,;f ' =oak cattle asayic somia telact Moots suers otesit,gin lita& Lett OVet. „ i 6004 acKtutt who'eudoll9 bead Of geikt oMafeosperTer 11%. , , Vetter erhotneW hemg of vely, fed/ Ohio, •-ateen 16.. Imo, thiruak go aX., peathcwarazemai ntlatted and wholesidat • 11:0 head tet.e(Maialed; i,„ iutuia. ,0,7 %PM,' L. Bothehtl4 k Eaue,lol4yellmt or tar it.. ;i t° Buoktrelderati=W-N. 26 heads& 609.4. lierriactlkra& in all GS had as 4203, Inta&thint & Meta whoZt.W.Aim& "at good stock Olt a 95u,,at AL 41 head do 4Tesiti&S DON 111 1 6Zr0 1$ ilkasd 4tirlN. arca Ority bead 6f good stool carps L tO ri Ct . 4 1 t Au h"& hb ila ,111 9 191 9' 0 . 4 . ,im a4 ,t i g " Z;it l r Vitt 4; (7 head for littd• COD lle alas ale h wheal of pretty aloe far S st ryzoour r at , an ac4 ll boula verve t of steers as °roue - Hau wholesale.' 9) hoed of mixed ranchers at Ott retailed ID heed et at wpm. 44 J. Wilmea w 94 29 hoed 10.0.0166 a 4 4,44 VI I Ir , ll,l.i.takll A, . general market, continue* quiet bat aia..l) TricanAT, fay., The -. • aria; • fair local trade et kneiianged Priem GR AlN — wheat La firm, O2d In domind with but Intl. t tiering. uetoattnue so quote prime Deans tied at 11,8.431 8 / 1 , and. White do at 111.9043 C 2. Harley to in good demand. and new 4412,p.e• Melt Itanll3 floin wagon at 61. (rat. arm It L un• changed; 450 lot trwed on track; sale it 6 0 3304, new in ethic, aiaoiwco. Nothingdoing in Rye or Cosa. I. Lot 11-1 he market to moderately art,' btt tttithanned. stn .11 .1.10 In store at L942)315 for .164,...th03p.,60 tor Winter Wheat braid.—the leiter figure tor chose tit•tols. Rye S oltt 1. qutoed at id.aa. PI oi 1, 1w. - In weedy, with • fair , .ate., na.l the +twee lare al-ee Laid • newt firmly at ac advance, 46 0 t 86: for Inc tor ket.lo tendered. Dried nee/ It Orb Reg AIDA mese Pork at 0/.50,3633. FI.I Eater„ ie ach. course and hoc • h up,se,.l tender ey. c l ippies to good de. nu.,sr a we quote 5( ;44'6 per .01 ae to qUe.l , ) cy,•l A/ g tt. 14.0 AV !tee y,'...t•• yet, the d. maw:, A ~ 1 ee,,t.11 :Of prim , Ca , 1, U., Lto :he eupt-le DI! s are vretz) s tri we I. , •le ul 13 0 0 Ihe common racked at :Le; tn, do at titc, 11 Seam gout at :'le, arm 14 keg. prlare I.eeb at 3.4 ECU --la demand sae prime fresh permed sell readily OD are it al at =lc. CIILEs: s fim an.• looking up n•let arprlase Writs its R 11.‘ IBc j Hamburg •t 19c. (1,1 Cubes at sl•Ejvle. - SW ELT I I , IAT tES— le too.; dement arid scarce with sal,s of some . 4JO but, • •Jersety'e' et s6,LOattl,oo per bbl. 1111 . L I , P.ED—Is steady, and moderately, but unchanged ; we note sates at 76e tor Bran ; for Shorts; 41.tegtglaee for S. coatis, nod jt,i6~ $1,50C ft r Middlings. EDmall Wei ol Timothy seed at pr. Clans ratere•-nottdrig doing io clover. Flea send Is wanted and would sell readily at an advabee, but t here is none in the market. It has advanced , to 43 IO prr bashel in Philadelphia. SALT—is steady and hem, alto a fall . home and ahiplang demand, at $3,7U043,234 per bbL la a re tail way. OD 00 - 1.33 00 BD ca 00 - 125 00 - 104 00 - 120 00 PITTSBURGH PET ito4.Etrm MARKET roomer, Sept. 12, 1581. OR GUl'.—The crude market was rattusr quiet to. day, tinexpentenly ea, as bath - Hy it wee earuwally pr.,l2ette would venue as soon as the river eras in navigable condition and Lew leo:lets and so,,pites inereseed. Thle may be attributed to the race that buyers ee ee all) ate he Ming off In entwined., that the increased eupt ly wtll break the market down, and Isom prices arta then follow. II to hitt proper lb !mai k, however, that there la. M yet, no elisposltion manifested by holders to make con. cessions In order to °treat saleg, and prices, miaow quently, are well sustainer!. We note asks of 61 tibia at 211 2ln at 21%; ILO at 21; 125 at 2114 and IMM at Mta tree on board can here. - 110 1 16 1 61 ED—The exellemeat in regard to bonded oil seem. to be subsiding somewhat, though the market is strong and Illeinand prices are fully sus. taint d. lb* principal Immo. for the comprrattve quiet le owing to the Wit that W ere la n oek to an drat hands and our retinue are rather Imitilerent about con•racung for suture delivery at i.resent quotation.. We bere h..t two operations r.oort• Ed bias for September at to, and EV uPetro• ilte." to he delivered between the telb of Sep em ber and the Atli of October, seller'. option, at at, Ira ron no, cars here. Fie. 011 is quoted trot at refrior ter 1 rime city brands. ANI.I REhlUUT • hl.—riaptha U dull depress a, and theta U nor, and has not for some nu. pan. been enough doing In the Snide to to tst 11.11 quotation.. We nuts so Occasional sato of h. ~n. el le,to. ,Htl t 1 PT&— the followtng la fwerttat seaottnt of receipts of Oil Dr the Allegheny River, since our 1,11 nlorl : Joe. .12 eau. ey.—. etke 1111111er fa FAlwards-2100 Fltbei et &0.,_.. I J. E. Strickler V PETROLEUM sTuteltS IN PAIL A oLLIPHIA. Spiels,/ Dispatela to the Pitt/Morel Gazette. Palte.lll:Grine, Sept 12, ISM 011 sOoelts rote depressed end very dull .0 day, burro, gore ally haring the advantage. Tionesta Bold ea !,;I,elsorlow, trtioo WsAron yi; St. l cholas, 1 1.16; Mango, 2; Adams, 2., Da/sell, Hig Lakr, h; Mccuntock, • PETRIII.EIIMI STAHL:KM Il NSW Irtllttl. E•pecial dicpateli to Weatecn Press. • Po. Sept. 12, 1862. troleum Stooks were nevi, to-day, the fol lowing rage.: llermania, 72; Eureka. :,g0; Wet. liter, 1.50 ritttole Creek, 1 - 55; Watson, Val; 115 enanen Farm, 15; Rooky Run, 40; Oceania, 76; Kalcketbocker, 15; OLI Creek. '5.451 Ryud Farm, FP; Emp , re City. US; Mount Vcroo4, 60; Efulte, Mates, 21.013; McKinley, 2.50; Eureka, 2.50; Urook lyn, en. NEW YORE PETEOLEEM MARKET. Special DIVALCIII. Wectece preca ~Yns , Toaz, 1501-12, Petroleum taa been to more actlie demand, tbe liaquLry Wog from trzoottera and apeauLatore; aelea to-day 'ltt. 05d far Crude, ads for Hello. Ila Rood. and 71567na for do r. f re. MARKETS BY TELEGRAM. Now York New YORK, Sept. ta --Carron-Very erns, with, flowerer, leas dying. at sbetaa for Middling. Ftonn-!lull and drooolna. a 5.17,1117107.83 tar Ea -7,010.70.1,1,84:Fr 10 for - mars B. Id. , std ss,2o ®1 1,23 I. Trade Branca, the market atoning heavy with no buyers at °Outdo quotatroas. Vi 7 a ,=. Western, g2,103d, and mall I 6 ota 17.753057 suns-Wheat dull atm Meg lower far Winter, and h. loner hon. Western; 81,11/01,64 for tinloago Sa . ngi u stid 011.10.ordatzelluts fa cir tr te a lltootier Rye Quiet r &fl and Barley Malt dull awl nom. foal. Pound than ay (tea lower, well. Unsound ls ten/ lower,• at 71087 a or Unsound, and 64Up13140 tar hound booed Western. Onto dull and lel. lower, alMefelo tor tltata, and 64053 e for Weezern. Onocenirx-thoffee steady Sugar es sadgi On. by 715:®4Mat Satan., llobases quiet. Petbotaux-.FPrn, at 3534123ir for Crude, alie Mid lee tterined In Bond, sad 703 for.Retlnod Free. Bore-Steady, 20050 a tar atop of 4888 , and 400 ale fOrerop of GOO. . • • Poonnuox•-•Pnik erm,e8611,37%.012,75 far New Meto-ekodog at g31,27,4ea5h.1=1V. IX for 7888-4 do. 124.24176,00 tor. gnu" sod 439.t4in,00 for Paine Meas. Beef tam, ai gtosoeukoa for Plato M. Ifs, ana elletS tO for Extra mean. Beef Ram quiet and unehonfed. Oat Meats 'whirl Woe at too plop at tittywl,te for SD utehni, and 15t/zto fat Bane. Bacon dull. Lard firmer, at 21e27a. But ter melee and dm, at Zapata for Ohio, sad &Mee for State. Oharae dull, at ittyttrAe. Sew York Stock and Money Market. Now Toon, Kept. lit-Money esn. at flee per *est, Sferllng Intehenge dull at Une10954. Gold tower. opening at thX, sod closing at mu,. G. enrment Stocks abode low :r. Stocks,• hies MI Coupon 1.07X171111 10407Joupon. 101,, "1-10 e, mond mules. rifillehigsa Southern My _ 2 d IPttelfurgh. 11 I Year Generates. SS , :O. AN. 10, Teatime° Sties— 80 0... N. Itt httraourt Sties..... 73 0...1t, R. .. . . ill Quicksilver... ..... P., 5'4 W. h 'Chicago placket. CozcaciospLAl. , --rAntrit Gasts—icassi flotAVOrtodadransed giver otOobtf 1191 L 1,1 1 0221,00 for NO. A and 111"401,32 for tin. 2. Atora sad dadiaad tc, salsa at 01,40 for No. tvz 0 &Islay , Oats steady at it!dc. itatoacs,DoLl sod datilrunttoktry 00 Corn to Buffnia. 70n22.2:625—Ftrm; Aron Cork Sif,Pdxsi Airs els qr. fironwincs—hstlvai sales at 57420144 a Roc.' r7•—nour. 70.00 bolo; Wawa. Atom Sash I Og re 2.00 a ; Oil. , 1: to do. MMElalll=ll Evxsacq an* 13.,e.v.-4)tirl. Oasis— Irrtarat losetly. .nd norainst. linru to! o titre sad beared srelee-led No. I, soCbout buyers. ustS nor lora, as tie. Barley, Rye Sod Pour:toms- • PROVISIONS.-Pork, 1221232,60.... Wtriszy.-lumnve And bat $2,22 CARAT. FitToWrias—Wtitat, 170; Uatti t Ida; Oats, att—tai New York.. • • 1 mem:vs—Flour, B,TIt MA E; Wheat, &UM [nub; 0nT0,11,030 docent. .; .3,000 do; Barley. 4,191 do. . CANAL Sworn.—What, tondo, Dors, 117, 830 (18; 0887, 1424d0. oswegif:lll,rltrt,' Oplrsoo, Sept. 11.—hotw-la mitre d.mmid, butluoply heel. 01 , AM—Wheat quiet. Coro quiet; Na 1 1111• colt held at Bic. Bettey unehexrtel, Whit w au*, t itealawl. .. )0 eUiet • • .... . IWs Az. 1 new ure—Llnahuwed; Flour, 434,141 1, , mien lief Limniv,,,o; ilafrr,,u, to New 1,,,r1i,_ et no, delan A ibstip ~ c:,:v , 1., rt+ i ,E . kr. 'Nil rmacnits.,Wlass4l3,ooo-bush; C0n2.21,. Goa pi Jiarlay,23,aoo anvlcye, ism ao. (Thom. Zartirmis—WiLearAtOO taxa, Spire= sir BAIT. tibilour; 723111)1a.. , , • ~ :vs ti,,.. T a tal:tr : b .. p.2 l l:ft . cii L t. .._ vr i 48 ' .t. ilea r Ogattedrile, 3'1414(4' getlood in Bpsul, 151 • tit ee.7l • F eat -1 , cry all; jeer otSuTler at frep 60. . ra—Vlatat 'Nat New gad, itagun; Ohl de i* .2:02.60. Op= .1011; £311d11 . 01 Fano! as 050. Wilizar—D4l,Afi= . 7 ' ' ' ' ' ' , 7 -Bailin:titre , .Market. 4Atrtoax, Sept/11:-.Roma dull, quars-Whealo,elul.i ; lied 111,10,111,C0. (Jona heAvr I. WidiefOcr. (iota ann. • fa."=ther O:Mader* 13340180, , 'IS edere..,ll4l, ~ -.. ..,.. 1., ./. t flunaa- Active and very fi rm. ~ • Wtrlbirt , abOl arlbgnin2,76'33; Lea . :, ,/ i =, r i 4' 7 : l7 fclithurikribarf , 1111allter., 'n ho , ,n ~.: L'- Nitariciza 3 eatakt , frogg , t ( o l o.iiii ,',.-,' 01 4. 3 x - rtintettlea..3e l PgitilluLJAlCl P zffefrY busolist gwattf," . " • Firainfues-oNtirolillt. ,,, .de .er ..,...:: . , -,.., ~.. Nanturrs-F10ur,1,50 8 bbli; Wheat, grsofough. - Slitizwb b rliput, ,1,039 oblbi l Wheat ! , Atiffb. bui ! 4v' :in :..2illtlia. Stbeiti.'d ‘.. ~. ;(1,T , , t„, ' Borrrois, giptaKi.WetatienavArsucartses artt n'Pa l i gtv d A s AMV - Aatfar iikAlgt, b ,, 4 ,ti r aundw4 - ,, , mituntiloyosin; Itnekland, ayir ifitiorj.Sli, ... . 0 _ t.o T• , '.., , ,, ' - '' • I . TOW tt • • . --,, .. " ,*o, - r i e&S •l ' o r A ie - t p i ll t nr l t 2 m . i a = i s a .e c t l l e i - i r i lt i w s m tb 3 u4 t M th l a e 4 t s a l te l d l i lW ii - tram.rW ig.-'O. Biltki ffi ;.l,a t, V 3 O tbldmlian 01i OW I ,: Ptmsioltikla Cottiolligig* ' lll l O l . itiibitueSdatkitisigiith . oriiictin i tere I 4 Ind Mem ham advamad. 'About '4 9 t o )' Itt" r f rivedand ma de WEI Nana for aredriel .l atter,.', rats for a few ab 1 4 81 -1etP115%14 tar Zer : l_W, lol °: l, ,:: and 110 .41 1 00 tot oopunnty-ar tter;lbibt: - - ~-. isHbaz.,„P -aragatbis_biuer.t.about 5. 006 • • :head arrived, daobililagrom 7 4 4 ..Krarrit 'tn. s a g ata i rl ie" Pr r list ' mr a( - e 'iti' blyt pbr b ad' b Lembo voWF-Are in ROCId itemand at L ambe . alvtore I 1'35 bead sold at 1.1111112 $30"470 for Spring r 4 al t SIS up to_tge per head for mar and calf, m t q My. • HUSS-Tha market le arm at MO n • 2 a o r eoi brad tole at the different Iftila at Lc ' ' '' ' Lefiogll 7 dlit• , t , IR lAA illOkaMota, Buflalo Market. • . —T . ., following me t!.e ce , r, utprture, lut US/ weer, nt ell the markets: /limy Csvrte—Fttst quality, per hest, 1117t/18; riot to gn0d.1 16 0 11 ;4 0 t.m... i 12 , 3 Vii. 50 ; /eerier. :cu . . AND 04.1.VWD—ENSMA, per eenc 00 ; . unity, rsist•n; Dowd7s; eumn"a. *V4/6'l f-rot. oto(p6o. VEAL Ur.s.raet.--, int quality. per P.A.!. luall;4a; cotamou,k44oloe; tufet tut, ge 9 34C. auger AND LelinA—E,Vl, per be..l. 17 ,646,00; ortliu.r), ~I,Stedre,.so; minims), ; .4 WI bet 5.04. Stet" . 0•Ied, per pound. 1.1‘,1 11 Sr light and Medium. 1.1e1.1 ..e, I. d, Tye eat le tuatae, wae d. uttleatt kt.tte buoyant Eta. week, anti though the sutottty waa poor the uestker la la , u-nett•lly zled rte qu• or the eed. Irat. tad,. rl d the it were very hey. The chic et as a .11 Itt hic et' 'I he 1....4 el w e ,tt.t•te atilt at I tate tie k • Id at 'he severe. q 1 lona abut°. Mtlah I oe.• rttn..n .toady ..t our quote 1 torn V• ale were fnlrly nett, at ftt.n lte I 3,--Itsr lrttei re, fir .tstet y In telba utie letts - .otl end yarn , " pact, a,. e,tt 114 a../Ve lior. were n but rat eel, metre, The total terelp• s hf ate stocks at all •It wale sf 1,11 a At t Intro 's--1.131 I h•eves, 38 co.', 380 veal cal • B 5, 80 Pp a..d lam n At fleoWning'n- 24, teeres, 64 COW, 4 1130*! es 11,02. sheep and lamb*. At PH lents-37 De •ve, 19 cows. 361 sneer 11,11 lathing. T.. Butcher. —420 , cal naives, 3,1 6 heel. nO , l l•mhs. At Cham , erottnt• —6l beeves, lit oes, 1 , 3 veal calves, 381 sheep and Ifttnt.t.. In Butcher.. 1111 , et—hitatt heaves, 8 1 81 vac rB,‘ es, 9.0 she. p cud tarnos knot of Thirty sev rolh street-10,19: swine Tntal-6 561 beeves, 163 veal on 30,747 aheeo 1amb5,10.491 :Swine. Total Inst twoolt-6 Lod nee.ea, 121 e.t.a, 1,315 Teal calves, 1.1,771 sheep and lambs, 1,045 MOM. Clouregt, r Birk 31.ariet—Sept. rt. irrr the seeek.l—George's Uodtl.h—A south stock market, and prices have advanced. Sale. of erten et tali; dry N,4 .allekeral—Late advi• era bum the Hiy,repre eots introit, of Mack- I. ahil prices have Improved. Saha 01 No. I, 2 3 at eifd.i. 0214 sod $9143 marltiit, solve, and b., • tell •. la ail all they arrive. Shore fleet are or moo. dousgg of late . last sales at and jI6 lot Noe. I and Y. Freon Halibut very soar.. Sates at laritalici smoked do laal eh ilea luta 13.40. Oil Amoy", sod price. have advanced. Salo. at 33 pee Dbl. DR FORTS BY' RAILROAD PITTSROLGH. 11 1 'OUT WnTwa lk CHICAGO R. & Seri.. 12-4 liquor kegs, Little 4 3lechling; 3 ears wheat, J S Liggett a c 0; 1 car barley ; 1 car oats, Nile}mock ; Pdelirearty aoi . 6pkp tarsp Iron, 7,ui ac 00; Ido cot taco, Baker, Smith coil kegs but ter, Me It Armstrong 13 hldew N Hollbtotti boa butter, 1 hb, rais, 11 1./ 2; 213 aka oats, W Neck a go; 43 der e a, eta, Means a llama; 65.40 do, 31111., a Nickelson; 0; do ko,31•11ullough, Stbith k CO; 1 Car 40.1 41, Nimlck hi 00; le bads ea. ova, Jas H Parker; 200 Ml§ dour, frhomaker Langi I car scrap In, Graff, Byers a00;1 ear* metal, Jas Woon a Son; 10 11,1E42 rags. Gorlfrei & Clark. °Wier-LA.2M •rar•Pirettnunon H. H. Sept. 11.- 70 hails tisitrastl, W P ca ano; 8 11.11 fipples, I. ft & co; I do do, Potter, &Hien & , bepard; I. tallaanatra, Pouter, tlloas a co; 69 do do, Hem mer 9. Lawler: WI. drone, H Volst. & co; 4% do N J lirr.deri; e Dill. tialPey tilaritt Dbl. •11, Little. `laird a Partoo.l bole cement. Jarapa IP:emirs: 1 Owls [cheer°, .1 61 Stahel; 1141 bap alb lied. Uotr neon. & co; PO hOla tow, Jam.. (Janina. 1 twa• off bids, Flatter & Uro; 403 bides, N Hnlnatitt; 714 blooms, Joon, 11 til & ed; 31 hill, time, 7 11 Et ant; i .b. teed, Fetzer & &a:i -snot:lg, 4pip tubacco, rob. Ore z a; 1 cal, tattesi, Pl' Hammond al co; id° bob tetrolourn, Pieta a Btu. ALLtmosare Se,rsos, Sept 12-111 *are wheat, CC...cry & Hoe; 1 no ahleol.a. Voeghtly a 1:• , sp; 1901999 !wary J B Blob; 137 hafe deemed. Al 13 Su,dlea, It de du, .1 Cute.. 0, 60 p•per. rata Pap t Co; .1 bbl. egg., CI Well; 2Ce bb • wheat, 01 more h er; 1.9.1 49. Simplon h Knox; s box,. e 4. 37 Khenle; 2 ear. stares. J Meyer; 369 hop Owe. , d. Ewer a Hanalltua4 7 beta du. J 39.1a0a: 10 Les dm., A Kirk. 0111iEU lIITELLIGEINCE, The tiler had commenced to recede slowly teat eight, with nice feat *coot in the channel by the Monongahela bridge pier mitt., end ten feet and a half by the Allegheny marks. The weather was very warm. Brunt*. it the wharf was realer doll. The America, Captain Golding, having lust come from-the ways where she has beta thorough. ly °vet hauled, and repainted, vW com mane. re ceiving fiesta for tit. Louis today, &hi will leave for that port ou Saturday. Tie !Steads, Oaptatu Evans, LB the St. Louis pa bet lot tc-day. Her freight Is nearly all on boa d, ac d she Intl have dispatch at Ate regular MALT. Ihe Clasen, Captain Armstrong, 's tootles for St. Paul, and the ruts on the I: r oper Miss'scum. Captain W. B Donaldson's tine new enema; nln at. r, is now receiel• g the finlabing touchro °tabs mental's brush- She la reserving frestd.hrr New °nese.. fur whlsh port she will start next Monday. She will be ready Ina few days to re ceive tlritoet, but at present, her punt being fetch, a strlo, blockade or upper works la kept. The Celina cleared roe thl City less elreolny with a good femght mod a large number of ". .`" ! 11 elm, from Clorimmatl. Leduc here to-day, and the Permit City, from Parkersburg, may be expected to uunigh.. ate Leonidas., in command of Capt. M. A. Cox, it text In turnior ht. Lout., alter the Plemnia, tee will doubtless commence receiving freight. This boar has tees thoroughly ormmitulod. repc , ed, •nd repaln ed, and is In splendid condition for business. Cal t. A. H. Shaw's new packet, "Minute' La rapidly approaching sompletioo, and she will soon ha ready to commence business Toe alight Inju ry h to e mored be, c t^y tomplet fire h• on hominy morning, or tie ay ion. The Go. eon, left elt. Louis for Pittsburgh, on Saturday I •, and the Keaton. ellrmit.• for this city, passed t alto on the same day. We take, the folio:rite from the St. Louie Dram rat, of Mon arty 7Le elver here, end most of Lbw upper rivers, are fading. Wight ilse at and below St. Paul, from hr avy rain. There la close about eight feet In the cLannel in Cairo. four feet 10 Keokuk, throe and a half feet on the lower fay'dir, and four feet above to St. Paul. The Illinois is falling rim sere, Oar at the tower Sad, and eight at Pau- Ilk Ihe Missouri Is falling I , ula v nod getting lower. Boat. are now afraid to eta, t up, drawing mon than three and a half feet wafer. We believe they get now $1 Wiper Ito pounds to all points on the II introit Boothe= le nod for tie matron. The weather la enetordittely 'nary. Tba Cincinnati Ltimmerctid of yesterday, asp Tba weather continues very warm. with an oc esalonal !shower yesterday, and the mercury ran. Ong at 90 degrees. Here, the river is receding slowly. With 10 feet In the alosanal htutca to Lai:i lly-illy and SI feet to tba canal. There in ni Unities in this Cumberland and felting, and if feet in lb. ellsalsalpit from SL Louis to Cairo. The C•malla was preparlay at Otticinnati on. Monday to depart for Pittabiugh at dark, with • fair tr pot freight and people. Basta cue at Cincinnati-31e Delaware, Nevada and FizuLeler, from Pitiabargll STE4ABMSTS. FOR NEW OBLRA kEidt NB I IHE STEAMER DICTATOR, WBE B. DITNAT.DSON, Raster.' The finest steamer welsh has left the wharf for Hearst yes" vtll have for the above port on MOSDAT, SEPTEMBER IS, HA& For Preight or Passage Apply ou Board r Haia t I ALTIZEIORIt AND FRISDER•I I S3 2 I lUKS/11,11Cif4aVA.—The new and commodious Stem:lei WETS Mani Oar Joc• U lisencknuis replant.. bemoan the • or. uorto ono a week, Leaving traltlinora : frees her whorl, tout of South street, every 11F7D&Y SITES, BOON, so 4 o'clock, and Frodarichobutgh, every TUESDAY 11101LNINC*. Paaseniera Freight carried at low rates. Through Freight promptly attended to. Merchandise from Baotou, New York Ptilladelphia, orsisavehere, consigned to care S if Steamer WESONAH, will be 141444 charge of sus , incilately upon Its arrival in Bsitielore, charges Paid, end lorwarded promptly, free of aoinainti stone Persons [rum the Northern Stazew dearth; to view the Bettie Fields of oe to look after eke bodies el him. And ...oar killed in the bottle, of tne Wildeeneso, 011ancellorsyille, Fettlerickdhegh, or epottaylvants ilourt Now., , are splendid opportunity of doing by this , kite. The MENONAH to prodded th excel. le.d. State:morns and Sean AreocuuNlaiions, and Is .Itot y :event a tUct- state :.vat, thud net, and cuiertllaua. Eatticnnatlint. MOW , or Phu.% cooly to or address Jess. WHITE, Purser, on owiel,„or, „ JOP. TAYLOII. Agent, , • irstSissi •=2 west Sidle AL: Haltictore;„Md 4170 Ar pas- Ac4glr . ateltuar. , ol7/ZEUT. Usutslu Arawarong,.. wUI Wave fur Lbw Abovo,armilatcrumUnatu porto Cu ,IMITESD.IS34Ititi tact. • Togrtral,spit ot paungo 'Applr e pn Uuffipit to S. D. Ov_r4art 70113, "Tama,- Amu.. ROORRIZI3, , . 60 hogsheads Fair to Prints, Flora:I to barrel. Crossed DO do. A Cores : do.; VCXeistotke Reflood do.; Trigtrp— 0000 10 ' Booth a Edgar's Syrups . .)1201.3.NNE.. 20 do. No* grog N U CO - do.' PottO Rio& do., „au do, , Outo. , AtirrElg—' tato prime ItIO Cathay 13 OE4. • '53 - do. plane Rangoon Ries ZtfrlliAoc!!'!t'slilaek t;.7_1.7e 100 .-;bocubliptliapianialsetc• dio 7 : 1150.4.1 - 3 6 . h 3.13. new large , NCI• allasksraii , tohfwbtila:4o. . do.. .404 ”, / 4P 4 -P 1 '.:10 1 2'.411.;.11:11. 6 4 „„ • , m , 3Lbertf etre.. ; . d Tua Bews.--Bao,000 La& 00.000 sturn mits - Bnima; Carierars li ". tdbertt Sweet: Emir St i6O MORELS SWEET POTATUEB-j too matte!" d flora; 1050 do. Ear Own; Eooo do. Oete. fn ttore and fee sale by PA'VTEESON, ?OSMOND & 00., EV.3* sad Sean street, @WWI OW 83.6.4=4. coMMELCIAL OIL. Wußlis. Pure White Burning Oil, Coestantly un hand. 44.1 for sale at 7 BE LOWEST MAE. HET RATES, B C. & I H SAWIRB. I )I:Nii ALL CitErli PE CI:OLE:L.Ii csoIPAINT. Cffice Corner of Penn and Wayne Sr, COrUp.l3) w. ll OrKft/S{lCti Nth in IL the P,Otta)l, AC, :411111.1g sot Ilnulis,t rime• The E., 0, 1.4 the eorepre 1411 MY., 01 the 13.Inkkra Creek f1c , 0,3 .11. 1 hew... 3), of this clt, Stock fornutag loud Par Value 111 i Each 4.11nr0 P 7 rstfleut—,. A. .1 uHNsturi. tiecte•tsr, awl Tres.urar—bA 1 RAP At L S HIP 04 tc. JAM]. 1A• W. (3 Klee, S. A. JokINS7OII, W.Lny Cort. - rxn, . L. U/1107 jr,/yd S ANDARD PETROLEUM REFINERY ILARN, @ SUAINER. Works sod Office, COLLINS TOWNSHIP. Oldee to Pittsburgh, 24 WOOD wruzer. Theca win= navy the letymt capacity In the eamitry. The brand amid, the highest In this comity and la Europe, for quality and fife teat, comity oil is put tx wall seawautdbarriaLs,preparW especially for export. lianailactureis of BOUXIIIii II,STLI4S, TANKS, and IMPROVED BORING TOOLS for Oil Willa delstly CHAMPION OIL COMPANY Producer& of Crude and litonufacturcrs of itedllca Carbon Oil, Benzine and Lubricating Oth W ORKS OPPOSITE SHAKY'S RI TEO Office Na. 69 HAND street, PRIIIBUtOII. Ps W. D. CIISEMAN, Sup't. alfam L} WALLACIn. ....... 041111211 w ALLACE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, CRUDE LSD IiKETSIXD PSMOLSEIid, BENZINE AND LUBSWATINO OILS. tat soUTH WHARVES. PHILADELPHIA, PA. StonV capacity Vander cover,/ for lISAMI barreS. Aim excellent facilities for !hipping to American tral Forelgh porta, at our wharf on the Schuylkill Ricer, mar the platform of the-P. B. II BONDED WAREHOUSE OF Then Warebonsing Company, root of BALTIC k EILitALSON Sta., Brooklyn. =rin REFIRED PETROLEUM, In Tazain and Barrel. See Crltoulars. Otkee. Kg. 116, BEAM STREET, New York. ookty JAMES WlLEillib, 111101C8Z MID Dlll.llll TM. CRIME AND REFINED OILS 1 Perry Block, Dugaesaar Way, Pinstrarb Swelal attention siren to the SALE AND SHIFT OF PETROLEUM and its products. Uhushtilments respectfully solicited. Pittsburgh Uestry for VEISANGO OIL AIM TRANSPORTATION 0011EPA.N1r. B' POST OIPPRIE - 1101' rc - - mho- y J,l No. I Fit. CLAIR ST, rittabumb, 411 DING Atip CONMISSION XISACHAYT, AND DEALER IN OILS ILLUMINATING, LUCIRIOATING, ORME PETROLEUM OILS, da., constantly on head and for We at Use loves , t. mute/ prices. Orssign. scents end onlers sonolted. spl.Sro w il'ilßw ix & co., lILLIIIII/ACTIIIIZED 01 Oil of Vitriol and Aqua Ammonia OFFICE No. 15 MILREEr? st, PIITSInqtrIEL . PA. 'IA, &RING littN6, PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS, And deniers In Relining Dlntartaln ociNiy No. n MANICET ST. Pttintnannh.. LUCENT OIL WORK& DUNCAN', DI7NLAP & CO., Pare White Refined :carbon 0112. Piro. 211 LIBISBIT SVISKT. (-)114 d STOC.IIB.--Tee undersigned will sate oflve particular attentian to tee pi:debase and Stocks of ALL RELL&BLB • Companion. _ . I Invite buyers and aellen. is IL NOILIUSGE Na Uri =WI= STREET COMPLETE STOOK OF NEW LED DESIRABLE -PJALL.OOODI3, Just ter elved, isetuding very largo oltl9 l cld l 4 HO of riuonoti CHEVIOTS and LONDON GAL.HAON h. LS, the largest stook to the city, nary etylls A full &revetment of FRENCH and BLLGIAN COATINGS and FRENCH UASSLITES ES for Ltounis to tort Also m full Uus of FRENOI3. sad LONDON BIELTOIOL koluelng sew colour, kit of which ue make up to order Los superior =mum, mu/ to the Wert sad moat approyed mode. Aa early ea/2 Is most respeoUully solicited. .. GRAY. POSIKE/. & (Bueeeitoro to El ORGY SON,) al r 0 311./A .t TAilcl , z . 62 FIFTH S2'IIJECT, .0 B. WOOD MID SMITHFIELD. BARON LIEBIGB' • Nl7T.RlTrira ROOD , FOR orparrrs AND iiivimps. rai. =Wags platen arultdittdy teeterthea SOVID: :WIWI ehltd o rr au drirsd Of the nutlet , s. Fall dltratloaa4act each - for tale•2l the Rena of Ohio and Federal erects, to the Market House, Alleihemy. GiORGEW. EMMY.' galore' 11744: 4qlT cs.)Atrillfr. °film Coraer-of. Pena and Wayncitraiis. pa: campy* 41111 0+41104:V1 the 2Silt but., !arldSrti-a P a rAse_ r .s4l'• " Tak " 4 24 an a4g, tlt-! iircLaerj, TTeriltars or ono a - iimpinirn anted on tunnarn Qmekten,weeatno Lawn of the DOnkard Vttek/Union ointOompAny Cul itui Dunk- Crook PatrOlOttos. Company. Vpttat Stock 4100.000 00 Ina ' SSA) 81.) , P f r value of each Slum. ..... 100 n.soapsys, reennient.- Isaac NOOK. Elcaolonvina =wax= D[iLCS Samuel atalusm, 11 , • , rreadr. thr7oii, • James Oraliant, • WAD l( pben Lawsois ‘ • : c • Ttsmotis.L. • "*" wzissaiterraakia, reatorpia tbokiatlgtin' Store ame tuto: to no, :WWII sr M. cornet ot Virgin Allswito_tnv..they_ aro prepared to au au , onlaro tot fI'.4.BI3HES AND SWITCHES promptly la ttisioiren ottmik: ! art :z 'JAMBS M. - - Brohittoot, toot, vrtmor Cartabi l Akkungi, owa taLEPEat • tumm oammiab2VirseD .. psort srazer. tprya Ifta TIM .1..101111 11.11 =AT STZEri 'es ItAILNYv iltaekßrelsers and Real Estate 41§314 . .atosulansbiAnd wd =la - m MAIM XO/11.5 CZ= AW,CECZ -4.,E+;Z-s LAJIGE GOVERNMENT BALI Steamboats, Wharf-BoaS, Barges, and other Property ..,r•trre.“Pleonto • loowa Pyr,oo. ~, E l.norow Lt.O..JtllyslKts. I PEA t.EU P11.•14714.11i H an it lei:ad 4od .ILL beat ire p4s er I 11.3, Eh. he , e. Irt t L•aLed. tom. the p..r...0..50 of t torlo via; ❑n 7.1 , • F.. 1., ,r ; H ot,ILH, At 4.1..1.ure. 1 , 11 . m.13.../pp , . It'till lorttlat it 1,,r3 11=1 It} .14 E. A I/ 62,34 00u 25,000 111 no Al kt uutli M..yday • ' , ei•tr ur rr I. 12 34. 7 l Iv 7 77 t •.7 I-bey/L.. 7 1W Was. • alto,, M war )I.e it) gunwale nargea. 1[777 7JI 7 7 ••41 boat' , All 777 u I Sun nnt. be area sr NATt.7III7Z4 010:1PPI, uuW the day oLigale , At !ken 111 Ira., Loulmulia, twin •VrfneS aai, i)t3,.ber 1, /2 31 , For the n Duel barge Mulaves, sad oat (!) oval boot N bleb silo: he see. sit ritlir DSON, ISOVLS• in ri A, 051.1 the doe i•f mach For the 1A N1ttarr2,.2641 WWI; and wie 12) coal hosts, Which can be es en :t BATON 1.1 E. 'LOU irliAls A, unto the • Ay of sale. For the Siste.cshscl .reamer litilearah (bubdtosh itglstered 220 tons. slessmsr registered ens tons. elde-wheel steamer W. E. SaVory. registered 62 tuna 151.66-Wbeel Idea Mer .1. X. Brown, registered 119 tette hildr-wheel steamer A. 0. Exo6lll, registered 229 tons Slue-wheel steamer Ohio lick, registered mai tow. Side-Wheel steamer ;nor nag, registered tong. Side-Wheel steamer swat Charies, registered 667 • SUM& Side-Whew , 61.111er Inane registered 790 togs. Slat-wheel steamier ii....Felrehlids, registered ICI :0.. Side-nice. steamer J. Adams, registered 07 • It MI. Side-wheel steamer Switzerland, regirtenii tuns. Stew.e beet steamer Ilea 3L•y„ registered 260 tons. stern-. he. I steamer low.. recatered 492 toils Stern- creel attempt Aitntpuut, registered reSions. Stet n-orneeleMatuer Glee Felton No 2, regishen , ons. Stern-. h. et .teen er Colonel lienedlet, registered till tote Ste ere-wheel Steamer Colonel trhandler. reglitered 20 tone Stern-wee...l steamer llorede, regtrerad - tone Store.-.heel steamer Lazzla Davit, registered - tens. Stela-wheel steamer Colonel Chapin le;istered Sore% tug Leviathan, registered 124 tons. Screw tug Bionic Bank., segletered al to a Screw tug Baltic, reituder.e 11S tone Screw tug Captain retains (now building). Scent fag ton name oho now bat lamas) - Sco:s tug Clamp. E. 1 yler registered lea toss. Sere tr tug Amtnoa y reglil errs. 419,M as Screw rug Hatiloi, regodermiladlOne tug'Admital; registered tas tons. • Smear tug hilsdletor, 11l tons. Centre-wheel steamer Kopper, registered 81 tons Oct ere-wheel steamer General Ransom, register d i W tdos Centre-wheel steamer Colonel reps (mad 61 tons. bltetel Luger Noe. 10 and 11, nerd Abbey. - thaell N at Rosa le. Tea (io) ronwsle liar-c. Twenty foot 120) noun , • 'tote (.1) y , r busts, one 11, sail:hard, one (I) Mos Laths lash. use 5 .arils, one (I) set of wrty.. All al whkht eon be teen at NEW ORLEANS, LA., Wall the day or sale. . At Mobile, Alabaina. until Thu reda:t.Pc tuber 19.. 12 M., For the eithe-etheel eteamer Laura dill. reit/stetted. 'ZI tdos.. • ZNIr-mbeel stenrser Warrior. registered 466 tens. Elde-teheel steamer James nettle, registered• 6.161-4 t eel steamer ...lel, rmostered W 2 tons. Side,. bet latusmet N. %V. Thomas, regutered 61 term Side-isq.eed steamer Starkb lA, registered .31 On.. Slnr~vroeel.ieseel' I..erville. registered 505 L?) as. Endc-v.i..0 siren,. J. L. Swam. re6latere42'7 toes. • Stern-wheel steamer Jennie Bogeys, regletered eta inch - sleanier B. B. Hamilton (=ink),lot. etered 1,9 g tone. Strew tug Petty, 'registered 154 tons • SmeerauitAlpir t.utting, regieteral 95 tons. bercw tug Illosaom.'reglatered 5.1 tons. Bonet barge Yard, canal boat, Golds° Era, canal boat Oa same), folty - (4o)Voritoon barge., thirty (0 , ) and three (3) seetiooil docks. All of which cao be teen at MOBILE, ALA.' until the day of sale. . . Perrone making proposals far more than pee boabor barge, atrould give the Same or oroncer of each boat or barge bid for, with theories proposed ee Oren for ea,. ESA r nvelepo containing • bid should be Beetled, Aid tee name of the belt Or balsa. deseriptien of the property. indorsed thereon, and addremied to lid gather.l.lentrat L. B. Panne", Uhler of Ball mad Hirer TranepOrtatfor:: in cars of the officer hi charge of river transportation at the point deals. eared for opening bids The geovernment reserves the n ght to withdraw any of - the above property, and to reject prooceals If deemed too low. Pilymenta.l.o bltata4s ma Mailed State; currency, upon the tereptince el asp propos:Li and - prior:a the *slivery pi the property._ A 11,01 description of the property mar be:es• taint on applicirlon to Colonel SLAB:* Edirsfdp, Asslaraat Quartermaster, St. Lout, n ow t By order of Um Quartermaster Liam ral, Lewis B.' PALB•SONS, Brigadier General and Mid of - Ball and Blear Trazsportationl -•- au9=4l. 'ABBE GOVERNMENT BALE OP I,O45lFm' a rLYL . s. I.),,A.irrrtheieTria . 1320rZilens Unite, W AelliattYrOa. D. U.. Antu•t 0. Wed LI3) I , I2IJeuSA.L.S are Wette dat es *lll be rr <cited at the pine. and until the C are• ana temed, for the we chewy of 1l the surplus °al at them, ',Laces, belonging to the t}ovesn• went. AT LOUISVILLE, SY., until II o'clock tc., oi WEI NESDAY, August 00, for Cosa lvlar:at LOl ISTIIy,E, EY.. and NASHVILLE, TESS. AT ST. I OtIS, 1W" natal Is o'clock of ttLsy.xoetbe r rkoilly.Mr.tACtl isgiXAti"l"MTSA;:and DJI WHITE RIVER. A 'S ICHISBURG, 51150., nntC ti o'clock Cc« of limey, September le, Ipr Coal lying at VIONSBc'HO, _llllSb. AT NATCHEZ, MISS.. onto l 2 o'clock m of MONDAY, Sept. IS, for Coal lying at DIATOM parateiarrioselio or received It &i -mam Om/ for Mc Beiges or Boats containing ix. Cost. - • Dub envelope containing a tad should beritesle, ea, end the nave cr sambaed! the Barge coo • talent indorsed thercan, and addressed to Brigs, diet GriversieLewieyt. enell Rive, Treasieortation. lo sate of the Iltsiarten . master to enarge of river transportation at the point designated for aliening the UM. • , Psi me at to be made to United Buries Own:rosy upon toe acceptance oi.nAT PRPhstk.llo urlotto the deliverrof the property The Government reserve' the right to withdraw iny of the Coal sun Use 'Barges cord mining 'yang to ryes,. proposals ir deemed too low. By order ul the Q oars rmaster General, • • •. LEWIS B. PARSONS, Brigadier Ginietral and Cheer of Hall sod t tra tvensportation. - • sonne: COMIIInIMAT OW .11711318TENCIN1 igtiXCITOS, D. a. BePt Caber 11. pROPUISALSFOROMMR.--IBALt 1 . 1‘131.Wr511L.9 are invited until the Nth da . of SEPTFXBE.II, 12 o'clock tIL, 1 • Subalstonwe Department with On• Thousand Barrels orFlour. • Tke proposals will be for what is known at Dili Depot as Doe i t Z and S, and bid, will be eaten Maned for any qtfantity Iris than the whole. - Bids must :be la duplicate, and for each grade on teparalsisheeta of paper. • The deliver, of the Flour to commence within eve days fronithe ripeatne.of blduantrenem . , be delivered in such quantities, Sally, as the Oat , ernment may direct, elther at the Government, warehouse In Cieorgetorant, at be wharves orrall. road depot In 'Washington. IJ. (2. The delivery of _Maur awarded to be com pleted within twenty Cape from the acceptant - riot - the bid. - . , Bide will be mewed for /iota , to be delivered' In nekr.seds btrrelh head lined. • • • 0. - r Pas meat will be made In web funds aatheSkOr :: errnment may have for disbursement. ibe timed Clenretninent inayestban will be made Jug before the Plow is reeetree, and none will be aempu.d .htth .4 not4reshatenlni. l2 d of A nr ' ;Willem onalitp. . . Ato tattatOSillettaare meet accompany the bid of bachbuider wharma not, titerosta on file In etas Odor, and no bid will be entertalse4 tcom parties wilodammistivisathilMkni,E,o t oluly.iv_,ltk sAt., bids, orisons Medal' oat WM., Iveann.." • , 0 overnment reserves t..YlifriSto reject any „IF mite: Bt to be addmeed tette =dam ?Sl ,at No rtes ... Street; Woofed " Pr o p * '. : . , fa for elem.." . E T. HOUIGES.. - .:7 40713 FU TUBE; AlqD-.- : oan.AWOQP • , • P.,. 1:0 • , :i!lt2l • ' , An:it:ma:se= ,tufAlt-rma,„, ~ ADVaalte E Lamosulsolits.olVA.aguE ARAFAIL.FO=I , I STUMM. M cC° 1q 3 4 4 ;9,9• 1 NP#‘3?.Re: l ,°-,- nuts, IMP* int4.7..rfs. 1 1 1 : 6iaode , , MITI nom it Mors tlitislAISLIM. Po* satopkt stock of _ ; -.7447 amps Fort i eummt“, Era Sifersttlistbasnalsclgrothosioriarriquirot to cal assosioseststossraSis—sk will- bit se ray low rates, - . Lot - • - • q;1•4041106 grzricrat ar.%)17314,11: •••• PAXlJllinilial:-Ikilli.:l:63EßElt ALES, ; L ai ar ...l ..t t,4. viwAItURGII, PA A PPLEI3, tee , Ws Choke Apples. Jut rceelved; and for was by nazne ARUSTTIONO, rick corner !Shake( sal First Sta. Tl6a Tht&Z`ii F. flank Dlseases,TonsuMpilob. Scrof ula, ey obilis, lep_itoat and all FeOle I omplaitits, DRS. ANIOS:::A: JOHNSON, 31.42 Z • cz•iaLt;rit...ti Le, treret. PlTlsitlol4.l3, 11",%. • Test:manials fron4itne Protes alon Othe.a Lite,u, it Is 1414 ylessure9 note Itawrla ine t ollue 1r66 IACI.• IO CAA meter t11.11•./.1 mat be ul tete:4e to some invall. ern.. h is Lei [0 to op; eltrenef at allot en,. oilt u [tura the,. tuA to *0 two amlle,l gentle men ee,innen' el attie tKet 1 dere sue rest • 0.1) rent re Set etV it} b. 4 essai of eeellusi v 4 ea tweet sac it [emir eNitub.eiuts, by A,lninin4 th e ILE se t.l tseatineni un i te , t.teitelibed by Drs. Na q & • • • .1 obi .on. • • S. I% 11 , 1 P, /N!, Fur ...1111.111. a enkur.%l u cog triuria of az that SAO equal rime! tat. !•-• LUPO pl.= th. 121 for a great meoswllee who taro heal trOw hi. d ior )ears with 1N41,1111, et 1.41 to C 1417 MILS k 4 purest cute On TtrUbla cas..• Late jit ide to moue of trestxtezt la the abort •pa.a . : MC. • Y resptl: folly. Cat n, Ohio, 1 eZ::: . 2t 3 i!F17 12.4 31- D. • Eli I'IFICATE PROM 1 7 g7R 11AXILTilff C. FALPCH 'rf N0.Mi1f:411... • • 1 certify that Dia 611 Jilatileit 4 ttiffititlllX.• have cured cry wee, ws.b eras tuoject to debility navy year. The scerLoira were toed only tiro mouths. El/MR.714 L. D. IM2POrtant ' AQ : jogleo; Our FERNILIOAX: 10f9iebl: bring' on the mutably slekneu in coos otoblituction fro:Ooze nun. Pelee U. N. lie—Ladle* ieno - 10- prep. mat enonid not use thee. Tonle AY Female IFes neee. s aortal:init.. et. Injection for theliniNes or Leueoextene, gt. •• • - - LIBBABEB CF 4118' BLOOD, do. Dn. Ames fr Jelleseri,aliter;Are,' g must egstet " state. Met your remote!. fur scrofula and moos di.estes ire really exceliOnt. roristrotUnk repel= its-Or impurities of toebloottil•fludltioy never tell to cure when - used ;es - direcied:::Unstersoe .- seeded In curing, lbs FNnet eases of riphill!nour. to our noelti.els. in rits of al mot two months: F.:,4V.'IE. I EtiLLE, AI. D. Dinctinsti, Tiecimenet.lBcb, 16131. SEMINAL Cif use ? Drs. drws t Johnson: Lhasa mu by the use of your reneedleo, several Pgstientz Wet se, had. Dean In. ate., of the Lunette A.+3, , lues freak the evil errata of ossninal weakness ID', wdnntry heel'.. For ouch eases I cen . tCer nCiasag tan equal vOur stay tomes w.seidarcs, al. D. Albany, li. Y., OcObot,loth, iSsr. Take Particular Amor Johnson seams all than - I mho baos Injured selves by improper indnAgenos and sPlatary tub, Its, whiten ruin both oodygrend mind, nattlng Vans for either business, I=ol soolety.rem anima These are son e of tlalvad and ntelsonlioly. ft as produced b eariyiarsbits . of yclthr.toewl: W esiness of th e b5e.307,-)ind Illatrs, pains la head, thinness of eigt'o . okantiantlar pore Palpdanon of the Taysprpsisotervons WI • - lability, derangernent orSape - ellgestien insetlou general debility, symptogis of zonsistapthor. to; .r • DrilL Ames - es Johnson:rave. formany ftirs es • elusii , ely devoted their shdention tothetisat of the dimrdsre referred3o m than twit:cola. Address, Dna. Anted & JOIINSON, , ; NS..Fourth streeK a uBamdotlmeudr ssiv pirtaboros,pa....u. 111IIIILPHR41" - - , Homeopatio,c,Spebillas7'7', s , Have proved, Mon - the r(aa.aieple atpellswer e entire 'access, simple; wage= and rattable.l - 11C,-.. Jre the ordy coedirines pe- redly- adapted tapogo. - ar use—liodrapie that o d arlakes cannot be guide 1a _ nslog Hens so hertedess. 0- to be tree trio. danger, 7 - sad se efficient u to be silsys reliable, NO. I. cures Fevers, Irdienannr , Goo ar,„- .... as. S. Wormai.'elforal..ralrerav • v • Cr I.o.. ytag COW-, or teething of la. _ Islarrlarea , :447oll.l.lrec or swig 6. Dyseuteryil Grilling, alloys „, .a... . 1. " Cholera Herod., Fames 15 1. " Cdftds. Bronchitis. .H, " Bearedelarroothachax Feeesobh , S . 4 Headaches; Sias Besaisches... 25 N. N Illaraperretala BUN= htoscardr...: 207 . '; hoppressest. ecanty sod ma fulperiodts. 1.2. Lamers halo, or 11, mop. horl4 cough. 'CO— tt v Bats I:theals), Erysipelas, Hop- Lima 16. nnet111106167)16, 2 / 1 8, 66111 : 61 : 14 , , P Dam lS. Fever s . anapser cam Fewer 17. Piles, cereal or external to optotahay, flaw, indsansal eyes.. 21.. Catarrh .. .ld txte chraddc,thdo-10' eauoo 47. v Whooping ,:,..cough, wasmotie. . COuxhs Asthma. 0 2.0leteod ... .. ^••••••• 60 ". Ear Dl :argent, latsiced- ' lowinv 5* v Eirtrofals, milers-el glands 40 , , General h*lsillty, pnysissi 110 25. Dropsy sod Bnnty Secretiort_ .. 10 2a. v Bea flielstmesa„ or slaw= Mlle CO tiring _ -a, m. Filldway DiWmae. 7 . Hervotoseltzleal, • • .1; 7 . imuidons.iltairolaztarr al& ...... o Moro Moultu.or tor "„:1 Erhatu7 jrnkostUuriineo...... 11. " Painful .1 . ,0010d5. even Booms. .. der " cis i tliii;;;;;;i - 1 / 11. .1U Epitoroy, ft?tkaras, .St.. - 1 / 1 1.oe if a !loop ace Dlst .t ierlo..;:trioorato4 • HO2ll - . _ /W m; cuss.. ewes Or is vuus, moroccdkisbo and ..... ease of de large vials, to narrow° and book. / .. . Duo or I* 142 5e11111, P 161.1 3 ,42.116 and b00k.,..: IlJase of 16 boxes (Nos- 1 lib- ) book" ' lel " `A, IT. 3SS Mir, • Wholesale Agin% Patera:LlNpg, - For alibi by - E. 8 1 / 1 21132, kg doth.httek3 street. , ded a)J. J. EASTthgrOadil 41.1korbsoN eclel JOSkr,ll. ELLWNG'S Drug sad pia, cot: Medicine &pot. 0.8 •Cktarket 6 . 601 1ker Ott - . - • • the Iliamond and neu Fon-I=h U. HiOdirerst C1017 4 4H- Ro ROMS,n, TILT ' B7ILICUICIANZPS 11111LIFLUOTIV COMM 'BALSAM sTICIUICLAB334 seasem. is warranted 'Wawa Rinittist Roarnness. witainpang Cloup„ -Bars Taros; Ocrcimption, =WWI Wranatawl Ante IL', .Faraant-t7 f le /X 4 .. 164- - • enter Madiul and . ricusaw. DB. STRREILLAMPS. 1475: LIMA. 11 1X4...',".. .rialtE as Me only sertailz i gly Sur Dlitrtzets Aar - " . It, Is a on el Asislageauk , Sthatuanis , Altionsamit wiresatad arposs za Otis iha.!--. : -me ant` . . , i have talledL ~ . :•,: "' i.. ,7 . . .: - ' a.; , , For rale la Dm:OW 0. ati :so. ca.:nail, i• Fonxtb Axed, CtP ,,,,,, .0ti, ,k. . STRICKLAND'S PRE REIODIV DB. 812LIVILLAND8 BIENXDI tun ivied thousands ad Ms yam eases at Blind and l'ased!na Piles.' It alsoir ,,, e ol reu4 asteLsitc Ma sts a vonan t ass at Tr 7.4 dithatly. lola was . For gals by all Druggists. fieSsuld pep,* /flat rope& street, O4 `.; Dwwb, lSlervet*oi. Debility - VB."KUMilitifi'S 7 .01170 .. . gre ian resnaminand tired4riering withica.".::''-..'` ~ s tlisandlsest.ton Or Irk.r=rousarra.;"..--. 4,64 Neenee Tao. my, ts -Mil 'a 252•1•,, . It li • vegetable pre tree erom sdeordenvl, 4 , Lbrnars4ll - -slaingth ma the w sterl9l:l3 Iffitratf,)J. it ereataa • good a is • warrantald besuri-- ..• papas and Zierreas y. - _- .- ~.....,.. -, wa ls trite ; . EMIL" H. XE ' Pittsburgh. ..„ 4 i H. /S...S.ELLEIifpa S.N!, ..I_. ,_ JO& F1....12.112iCiP .. - - - N. niceLanaz= & Co.. " unitsuis sum% ' " J. M. PULTOgra , _ OW. A. )32114Lt• Alleghoug CAM ... , aserlded.nair . . .. RTIBABB • .is DzaqualizinzaiairH' - Slims ma ilirlmowledge - WWI aoquiract bJPtJ*; _ f • _mum hip inscof Lg.uildents 1 9 12sualty pafAs dsti *t afi i XtrAi. tmuterza • Arol_all diseases aril4t4rON than oars:Lts ttext &oda laws egilk wruran by.ay atm VAXILTABLE I HESILEDEM. Ziedldestes seat ap7 parted thst" - Alni. - tea mud sodatla:! tra t lSNMMitmozounK,-,-,r ,taclad.{W as ASireu I. W.DI ral(4" P ll2 4LiBdr• ~• _ jqfP4-2?!. -*•EtagH '.. ; 4 :fig - Far tram tiro to taw ans, by IA %Well new sad Aga trratment.....mito, Seminal ydiSeamto of Um genital Matt moimawniti tun warranted or money . Once botus-7 ta ia a. 140211;114_14#AP. &On= Igsars,W,.*). sari • s T p uatitaiL M S' NP IEI T O XER 9 ` — ' wnmarcms4fAtx:- The ituticitit iftwit bagaz 443.4W1TP 1143 following] 0 RATES OF ‘COIVFAAIMON , TefslAt 4 loyemed thereVVii-tedi 4141 r ***aux 1111 mut tcbcot - - S - 4GUr 3 til ' At7 d d t, :-:4 , -tTAlLt*.z.v 1. 12,i1(4-•eicGssm-* • ; Uzi' Mbui error West ilWiftikkie:ttleLlv toutot wok on the thir barrelir lUTUCI! tbs blander! 011 Comma: of P2IILIE week 1 / 1 1b02. .80- bp ll' to " - • • "Y. Wilkins HAW. TrinVEERSAI4 OLGTEME WRINGERS.: —Tb best to use. kuatser leUlt 124 Astra. isind and far age at Naa.1 4 48 and i St.OWc - drest,by J._agEL, PHILLIPS. t see Sala A6nal3Qr MN 2.21P24. _.ISEL 0/G4F L. MIZE!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers