=!! 'fWANTE D.—BOUM—A mall hatters ' oontolokutroar Art or olx roiraisoillta or al ' to waotod Moat the 'EM of We and iro eDfiftea. tdoressi - - ..VArrtmEt; orsiroiarrune. WaliTBD -A LARGE DGITALE DOOR FIRE PRO . OF • ••_: • e la SAFE-, Vat at Nat. 79 awl try Dittrtet Mee- • MACIRIIM. ,GLYDE tr. Ca 2 0 . .101JRNAYAE )F qAtIPEpiTitB Wctnied TzriMediately; 1%- - AT FORREST'S CARPIINTiIi 840 P,; VIRGIN ALLEY, ABOVE SIEEERFIELO sr. 14,11 1 , 7 ernin‘*"" given ' ,w 1.41 F(ltti7 E. 41% NVANTRD. A Good Pattern Maker, • 'To who, a Constant SOD, and goal W tges wIU * be , " toettdre at • EL ar.. BOLE e, Oems, suma llosne: Point Alley and Duquesaa Way. AGIMB WANTED 7 • it. caayeua for DR. HOLLAND'S WPM Or LINCOLN. TSrm. liberal 706 N R. •EMEkY, General Agent, IT24l2cadirsz I*9 p it , auxo. pa. • ;WAFTED.—AGZETB FOR " THE " SZOILST , BEBVIOE r THE. P 112.1), raw DUNGEON "itßrD THE - ESCAPE. BY Azusa, ESCIANDSO3. fitly York Triksole .oorrorporot .4di poldhaelt. moat Itctotesting and ozehing book ever ., . , embming Mr. Bkhardsoni unparoll ~koso =palm* Cm tooryeark tzkvehrli throodk 'the'Booth to the klatret. woke" of the 'Mhos* the Cuibmk:F. 4 . l k.troz, wltti arlalf4 ASO. resets, both-Toult.: weft. Quittnelaltilirst two: Tun or thi"PkOOlllo,lthlothdhlki OlOtorar • -- ooaloaroont fOrlO toontho In - I.9en Offertat ADO rWOe; hkruottpo sot ohnott_Mitorolonsiourney E 01611.417.'400 oiLles. ";j( ritkonoel it events,'oofeohtalAkrirb Ottkinort; ltd , dad sad romo3weAt thkratwitAuottaT,Tark lot t. 4 h Yount Olehstild tuPB . dts s oaken art 'soldiery : to ono Air pro emOlosomot, - ikurflutf ot ou 4tßer "to notulltton: , V7a have .40gait' nOrOor..looolh. tchl,b Vey' , oat veto t okhotos„apphoutt. .Se 44 tOr unk. ' ists, . JON ~,' ,.811415: 20 OM, N.E.O ohrokr: Etith end Anddistreock Jorksineany ...,plusoulds Pa. 77r/_* 4 _7fr27rl_Mr'"l --- VOR - SALE„ , -.41; faravai 'about 208 acres la 'at slit la a kalp seteaereelied 'County ; Alsook Piste elle atelaa fa - Tram ' tomato, W A ,. „,_ altenatlea eoubtP,Pa, 'WIII be sold cheep . Fuse ar urea •fa Patreald 'toerasbilp Writs coluety, Pa. - +Atha -tae ;Ana mutates in Limier sawasalp, • , Weetware be ad Pt. aelabetae, the amnia Lig= Alga ate lota, with a large taiga Weise. ea* 11o• be lite borough - a t Llgoates. to ; • aaj.p.z. , , , Able wanes at lexu!!, w att lame acrutiae aeli, *I NZVCI atm at twaii- ad . fotatailaare gases. ahaq tart test War cc therataumeabela River. Mann ono iaUatratallialLearpork, takeaway Co., Pay taatablizeabentlafacres. TbeAmprareausoes ; , •Oa L Thaw , beretleuedtata, coca crib aatl.wiagoa ...abed, with , Wave, outbuildings: „.largorth wanatd arbetateesearor ard , 4:03 , ; at; zees, SO peartftagilail 4bOveseetereca. IranuatAlte lasces,2near the tome at -14gaelar,'Weeteeaseimed ecantyi-Ps.yearyabeaye • Zecrgezaterar Blatrreturft,...„ - rata the linalla Railroad. The b.UO I 4P are aad anaared fora hotal and noes. Thla ~ !=tabw ieo rsolfiro w si Allsgretny Co., Pa.. containing about %, atustiod abootttirseardies east. of she bore 41flt lama book I.,z i gm a tioutt trotl=o4..ito= flreset igs.l hattiorlth.- many otater r pea blades le aeres *en beeb muse Oa% Lb the beri quatit t rO l i limestone land, and is anondeziald with etel.•,' • • , • Alsei•A•Sleam Orin Saw ICU 3.1 n °amulet ,order, Masted In liesltaxeselt loweshlp '''lnwreetss ea rusty, .be -said at a great portion of the leaches° money will be tekse - la wellascate3„ Western :Lands or City • For Autheeputlanissi.lncinite ot • • -.G. EL TOITE#., Beal retate Agent, iteB • -•. • let reurthstreet. 4 F0j4'.11,43.1.3.-, . d Welt !.igshKfriune 14011;4 Direlling _ pers:.lima Painted, 111""liSil • (KOS, newly Pa ainattle . . FINE, ORTIOWZYDRANTId af hos Fartv.five RA front, by One Han ttae Ityktintti: Abe, ' ........ A CdtusIFFCSTIORE-ROONI E WITH TWO ... " ===:23:= . .. . _ .. . , TEstugar will elbeeleß,“oettehzinge r for . • Gotm;Ty oyeirj.. iturgre OP '; ~- S i411..11. TOWER, , . auakAitaatt ''-' ' :. Bo: leg Pbarta street . . ABILSOIt. 11.6.L8. SN , . " 41EIV 7 ELLE -VOW NS ' • • The Itintl3l".Tmia'cka4 It.; at' thibesd of Long plena (biesli:s.:ToTrmXP), seLtsiblb4r4 2 iscrog, io t• 1011:0111111. , it Is •dh•estlr opposite Binning ( bus tattotran - Itf: se-.F: about barbetets• .its: • therielfettsto geod lerge u re • Owl,gbOtiseslked one litialbtenint .tz ir za-n eT t it ! A r rooo•kiplqttus , tu oboe. . pear4terttriatete=t i i=git.P flu m i i r i e t t o `bblthnisnes.Vog tertileorthe bob .Loa good tandl=ll4. pre lae =r;PbirsTop.. peopestrtirthgoodeonditioni sed•tolib be sold on s Aity - bil:tbe , pleallists to • : ; .,4 1' !:.W..1.1 - 2 : t f.ol7P:ittr7 • ,R Raced ,rortshia;l !•; A veil kAt t Ze2ginteer tivraretnitite. of - about ONE 1•6U8 D.'6131/11S, 7 •_'utirrer a high '; ..state of efurttiallotOvlntblutabeedidtelded taw Lotaeoritiantat , troti peat* Prtreldelieres,Lautt• Will balbrulta IrreltaleVos, eds la Patdelaito= , -abssers._ , `"Tba Ineateo are Prow Deripriyis Bs" oh& Moire • •,... • With Siitiaelbtor Wog erWater - jrat, 'raise • .1' /I coluA. nereit alias owns/rut of halt, glomming of Applmr, Pesetas, Pears, Pi=o.Qulrkoes,Ctiesatesiers: latpoOrlarwof trur r Property Is usdurlai4 with Coal,. sad rues wlthSprtosObnaltlabaratt - b Fortsdi Mimi! wat. 5a2344.-+ Stant. Laansourevilts, • • F oßairm.,,n,..r m st r p m , oaW alle,Ebaladikrt.l,l4 %sad imancalag rod of wroaldn" • - Balers iturtabilicire,l2llit(eiTanisTer — Aub otiro wistabitinq plmney 18in.tonfEty hot sm4 . 401 4wrif4=1 1 ,. All5l .ri h Mfir',.7 ll44ll -1.1/4 "F I 81400,20 PIVIWATIgtiadMAtIVV, , allarlirialOntrWrateirtEtlittr. _ VAL AND LIME PROPERTY .FO B sa.T.E—on tia SptutteFirlrC -1WO:tu• reg. • IBMs from the alty. - Cormurnz4onztymmaznaNnigßarr3 -SIX-.11.43ED3g• Becaor and imd Saw NM; and • *Ups dim iTdrovvadoda: rasturthes Intamutp", - WILLIAM ,VIZARDv ) , .174 Gram FORIBAIX:2' • • REAETIFUL LOCATION FOR e gi PRIVATE aorasivar,7.a f. • Oontalning Floe cat 0 1 114: ft=thitxTes, ta:Pitt towaahla. a law ailantas yam &ammo this ot the knipagurEaUrcuitt 'Fazatretnante IscL; ?"2:f 64:-FQ4,ttreft:''• VON •13ALP.A. , —.0ne savisp-raan , BOlGElCinkterlyaear,Optit: " Oae Fd trAffirAfK•t*k Ma inch anew baik virs:thrht Zwitblial:thn rxhiorsrapunvemaw scr. WeetailtdriffeWitatt l aik. Mini BALE., 6 Lann JR BALE., LAllcarrinxt - mawr MAIM 11017013. "With Malt Butttingiazl4l.'LOTS op asumfa. -.sash Wweistv zrOaelinuctre4 hay sicust4 In the aartX Addeo(' Cana, strait- war to. wad . erat44 • Maids alleytattutoressulWattl, Alloslistviany, MIAs Pitpattlial 'bolo=@ rs4tua aft 11 , j. l.4' i oincirat thoitercate aarlltatrlnut .4 it' •-;Contlatonsu TOR-litUtßo . • ' 1 V., .I . ‘ • t • e a'n i 4IIIL/Wa - UOriSE 71- 4 1 1 bOmitir of Ltiv‘e,... • Wltabiaiiio Ohlojaktlvairokkain street, artrarans,ntem.., Amc WM CV Tur_ meaty - WM ber *Rd nor Tr ing"P.4l4.9''sl4" teFattilli.StrAW F 08:811..Mr4.z 4 ”. t...C-Sp:,is Y•4; . ..1.170114tiaM1112,- racist g Alontlexin:i „,„ r _ busmen rocraitrat (away ere& 1Y "TM ILI Z" Psiwtht 4P 21r0 srarranurai F°' 13MAN - menu saA w arna=picatkozem na 02 u m (imamate ant ehus l43l " lll* - PtisomUM(Mai imag For 41 8 1 11 ra y T. adem iff as ilf_ipacliTtir •, iftselbiatiC• Istmar t eii OH ukt AAll3)Wk.] 7 A WW I K liii333 a T - -43.fg tid 634 salleifirimil,lia twent. o 411 ths irsab l=Ve res ems, =V1".4c04 two oratistdsof Wad ad frills. , at Tx, rtaupply.loll. Raitirk *ma l' tiny yew.. 4 6 P¢. ,66 - S`ti ,Si :. 1017TSBUIP.9El THEEATEIL Lure u& Menem W. HENDERSON Parma osilmarsams—Dreas Carel., so et.; Pam ,Ay lambs. la eta; Third Tier, 25tctig; rei."4 4 4 0 z ea. f 6 00; Slagle SuLta, &I • .; Door! OPthi ai ISPahirelr- ezatita Heie K 74. ininezer • eke, plenntre fr. le :•.ou atter the emPiefheet gam OuoyinuistWasaut rmetectian LiWgENCa , BiagErt. ~or a lliattih" cumberwho win appeal.- Wedueida):Evening. •eptember 12th. hi Lester WeHack's b autlful play, .10 [lvo Pets, antltled RUtott Oms 'O P lrure t a ° I ger a a ; hUSS ANNLE EBISRLE Pialces or ArnttePider —Pdrquette, 751; Oro. Circle, 60e: Urebestr• tlhatn, •i; F. m ily Id= Colored Boxes. Me. • Curtain tit at Wafter to 9. dOlr• opt, st 1. Lcat night but three of SrllcS CHARLOTTE THOMPSON. Brilliant inmost of AVGLE. EAHNESTINE. WEDNESDAY EVENING, Sept. 14 Performance wlll commence wlth the new flee act . . Scallion of LIT: LE BAREFOOT. Little Bare 'oot Miss C. Thompson Omni dance 11191. E►mntlne. P.14.1 , 011.10111281C, 3c." PIANOS AND ORGAIsIS. THE CELEBRATED BRADBURY, NEW YORK, AND • Sohomaoker 4r, Co., Philadelphia PIANOS. , THE , Amistromq and EMS ts COTTACE.ORGAN, admitted by dealers, • and all mho Mont' heard' Them, to be superior In 1.120 to 41 . ether_ Instrument/1 of the kind mono Sacturedln thAthaited Mazes. ...We an prepared to hunlah, at the enottest notice brass and German Silver Instruments, at i esz t pp i heser t Moa, ff i r u LhatteAnd o Ccrnret re . lt Prue LLD rturdshed en anelleation. Rem and Becond•hand Plana lbrEent; ALL THE LATE SONGS AND PIECES . Constantly on hand. WANEUEnt & BARR, No. le ST. CLAIR DT.BEET. NOW 43EING RECEIVED. THAT ELEGANT STOCK OF . • ; • CHICKERING PIANOS, Selected pereonally by the mbectlber, dnrins:a recmt cult to the Factory. SEVENTEEN INSTRUMENTS,` •re now open, and reedy for examtnatton. I • pahllo are hilted to caltand me them. Warrnnted for Five Years. OEAEL o. twos, et Wood Street, :. . aab Sole Agent lOr the Oblekertn•Ptanoe. SECOND BARII / S DI O PlANOS. lars ls a. KEW ;%. KEW PIISO,I ANOS, MO ARO UPWARDS. GAO. A. PRIM= & UO.'S ceebrater ANIo. Matte Organs and ilaltdeona. Prise re PO to 026 Abo, a largiatooklor Shot Motto SO Mtbloal 0544 , ;Evipepip004.1.6141 58 PURA aXREXr. ~! - BOOTS-.&.r11 81101213. Q. 30 .000 WORTIL OF BOOTh Se ECISOIMI • TIMM* 3EICOI . X4S-7611D'Eli. Nevi Fall and Mater tieing Vaal Overt day. Now lo MO, time , to boy. Fa • and Winter Boots. Shoes Batatorala, Bitaktsul, ft= grey, Own awarina,lM Gaiters, Laatlng' Coo. gram and. /men °Van; !Amaral ., [Moroi= 'Eli inoran atornean anakina and filo Gillawn t of au Owe* Qat arc can be found, selling cheap, for :cub, at •squ~~ ~ ~,aosa i _ /Ire selling eh' their ort.9oh 9r 'l3Foots and Shoes !REDUCED PRICES.. alp" /03AD AND ItEPLECT try e*OxEr 24ontw., ia acrii a wa;a4gaiwitaaa Mai K., 'g,ei"h°l-471%,!4°4".rat J - ! •• Boars, , ••• 8 suazt4,- MT:roam ATTSS - - I of Anky tarerbantet„iurotiatdino9tialF. ' Clint Mao call, and Elgi MAO, /knell taloned stook taste ea =Anita 4. W. :O• Mars? dleriket Sires! fi .1 , t.. I • EL76~THS:333ST. •. ZIAZ Sitarsr. STralt% , indTaa Btipr.DUMitc,r4 • Eic;Noarei.a..tawsgEUEr.oo.lo.l3l, , Of Ourstwasetkitukgitv nizutejnot.oodved ANP SUM t'ITERATRTP, 'Aax..4.134 at .. Vanes' Or,IITIZP, 11111181113' AND ift ol o B / . 51 Pea CFPI . ,Wlig e rPl or WWI sty% fitske illd j'ariniist '^ • - tionterrinasalgyLbscasam. ia&Ptitetiblentlevtabodp rk" _ . torto,...;.4purtrascs..44.mor ta344Far "LOVG, LANE & CO., -• OMR ARTISTS it ROUE% MIMI* , :-.•"... iNo. 60 Balitbfleld Bt.. Pittatmrgh. , ... . , ..... . ,• . , . - • Inctbir-: 7 1 - ' taTrinaNci -6* his' " Melded ' .. mand wi comazgaesed DS - , IfFEA... th ERIOW CARDS on enameled skaper ot all =km and GILT SIGNS OR GLASS Amide to ceder and feat to all parte Of thetanntry. AncrroneX p EiltSilis ezeented to a Welly az- Me mannet" Botrairt . .4 2t iAi nuti to as. • - • .. liarnonota*tr and nestnessof Wan. A , r . worrat !erste& ' naleoty ,WILLIAM 80/MOWN, - I.ctawi , ohb dojo tkicinwitu.opo EOvan AND SIGN P f a iut tut sta. ,-. "DENTIOTIir. - „Mt;Ageoptatili& „ L i 0.; p, i .„ masshi pr ' Lm ' Ama ailtarellelasu, f XElo3.—Jattrifieitiei' Hauer LLQ orti lrof =k7atitib-11-061 banal, or at ratio, at the Fanglytiroc s 72tete r of • IEI,, W r P.. 4 0 -1 14S °13 01Val4 E gg r 4 24 1010.-5 BBLB. ONIONS just re r -1.4 As fqr Wit bT vinzattillitatstuastel, 1 77 Mast and Dart, ara, •::::i, - ;7•5.;;. - ti.i";.',' - .' 4-NtriBEM vrrTs. 0.4 E OA. 11. E EOM! cllAßzotru faxpink no, 411 emu arsEET, • . soeood door above' WoOd west i'-~~i~;. tr ~ ~. ,~ ~, ~ ~ , J. KORLOnra, 18 MAE&ET STREET Sonondatoor from Fifth. f-;l►rr:dv.:pti Cil a 1 ea:4i 1 .12 ArC; rtur.s. PITT tf hi at; iat HUBBARD, BRO. & CO. AWA CUSIOITILSA6 OW PATENT GROUND CERCUTARB, . , Watraated OAST ST=. • G: eretri 4 c , iieriPtirns aitil, Molar, Oro., Out, Gang, and all other earteßes. • All tlnN onININES antl SPRINGS, suidefrom Sheet Caat Steel ; Extis Refined REAPER AND MOWING KNIVES, or,. @Warehouse exid•W.eks,,.corner WATER and SHORT STIGIETS, Pittsburgh. Particular attention given to itetoOthibr, Gum ming and Straightening Circular Sears; siso, re. pairs of nll kinds. Punch!, and Drillles done at reasonable rates. ans.S:ly - & CO., Boiler Makers & Sheet Iron Workers, Nos. 20. 22, 11 sod 24 PENN STREET Having secured a large yard, and Ssmashed with the meat Improved machinery, we are prepare ed to manufacture every description of BO In the beet manner, and warranted equalaadui made to the country. CHIMNEYS, BRI FIRE BE, STM PIPES, Looorrvi sumEats D , S COND EA ENSERS, SALT PANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS, SET TLINO PANS, BOILER IRON, BRIDGI23, SUGAR PANS, and sole mruhteturers of BARN RILL'S PATENT BOILLBS. Itepaltins . done on the shorted notice. dam= GET LAJLE HUPEIIIOII Copper Hill and Smelting Works, PITTSBURGH. PARK, McCURDY & CO. filanufactuners of SHEATHING. BRAZIERS' A BOLT COPPER, PRESSED COPPER Bar; TO R LD AISED STILL BOTTOMS. SPALTEB An . Co fly on hand„IINNERS. ST IDINES and TOOLS. Warehouse, No. I4OYIEST end IN BEG. OND STREETS, Pftiaburgh. Special olden of Copper cot to any deniredVattem. sny2SAydny;T::, . • • RarBLIBI WM 1 HO W LOAM, HO RESTORE:DI-4ml Published. in a seat, lid Envelope. Pigeon. cents., A DEUTURE ON TILE NATURE, CREATISIESTand Radlosl Duro ot'Speroatontma. orseminal itivate to Marri Inver VnyEmissons, Sexual Debility and t stnpclor, Eple e an M ly g ; M e na ou and Pima eal lncapacity, remising how Sail Abuse, lea. by Rom. J. lierLystraviLL, JUL, author at the Green Book, a. A BOON TO Yrrove Amos or. Sllrranatta. Sent under seal, In a plain envel ope, to any address, post paid, on receipt of nix tun* or two postage stamps, by Dr.J.II.XLINE.,. It? Rowell% Nur York. Post Omen Do: 4,535. jetB3mdawT cum. wan= igQ ,4 3 LAX. BELLE STEEL WORKS. • • . REITER & CO., Mannfseturers 'of OAST STEEL; SPRING, PLOW and BLLITER , STEEL; SP=GS, Ab LES, GROWILARS, AO- Office, No. 96 WA. MEISTREET (up Atari) PIITSI3IIEOB. A. jra' BoMLANDA„ &EA & CU., titionatorm to Ronorsos, Mtn! A Mo.uuta. - • Waahlugtoti Works, •.. ' FOUNDERS ANA . MACHINISTS, Pyrroatotoz. Dlonufacturers of BOAT AND STATIONARY eiTEAM ENGINES, BLAST ENGINES, MILL MACHINERY, GEARING, . TANKS & SHAFTING, OAST. INGSof All dticrlpfjo STILLS, BOILER AND .SHEST IRON. NORM 43-Agents for GIFFARD'S PATENT itirsrm. OR, for feeding Rom . AI VOUS PIUITEKERS OP BOTH SEEES.-A reverend irentlecosn hey inybewirestoral trachilth fns few cuits, after an limning the twusi routine and Dreguler experisive roods of touttreentwitiwurimccow,twaridere is hi, wined duty to communicate to his .misted =retort' the lam:war wow Haws, on the melee of an addressed enrelwe, ha wilier:3;4/ra, soapy of the prescription used. • Direct to Dr. JOHN M. DBONMd, pi - Fulton amt. N. Y. - saw ayakin JONA COVUR&N a BIRO., znanufan lumen! IRON VAULTS AND ;VAULT DOORS IRON RAILING WINDOW SHUT: TERS,WINDOW GUAR tic t he., Nos. el SEG, OND andIieTHIILD ST , between Wood end Market, have on band a variety of new patterns, than and plain, writable bp all purposes. air Particular attention paid to enclosing Grave Lots, Jobbingdonentnhortriotice., - _Pn2 TUE WILDA& 011.411BEEL. Aga Es. SAY,OF,WADJUNce ANA INSTRUO, TION FOR YOUNG AMR. Also, new are retla' Ala treatment et the Urinary andStranet Syrtbfas, Laren Dr. J. BST?• HOUGHTON, lider aid rtuodaticar.-Peellis r -Pe,. 40.19 iIgr.IIENIVE OOLLINC,' PUUNABD WO AND VONANSSIOri MEROBANI and wholesale pale& CINEE3E; 'BUTT • SEEDS, • Arrodmid.! genanlly, No: 1,1 / - • • .-1110 - W 4Nulen.b. , LET, or = iliEr-‘1 bum= importooootoUto old and Your.C. minted aid single of both *B=s vital* the ih• by AMiessoing, with italAp esiztated,the siva% I. A. Ii.EISPBoIg. A,.o4l:oloAlll4..Boittat Peat 0 lea. . 1 ftrAgaretaw,r, CARPETS. OIL" CLOTEI "4, NEW CARPETS. WO On AMA 10,CW/ill{ the FIRST INSTALMENT or OUR FALL,STO,CK,! 13 Might .19 , 0 PreTiOnt VI a , / Wei 64.1 I vanes, which "vre Will WI, fttr the praise; ...Whric, ens. , I W. D. & ELPdC.aIiLDDI, tl2 /31-11101ErR STREET. WS _HAVE ,LUBTPU 140HASED AND itoorylog, estate actOttioistt of Carpets,,Olf CIOO, Matting, Sc,, Which, In addl t ra to abUI bfrgt6Pjth. r ie tra The Lowest Prie4s)*ool,,,quAileison. • , F 4 !?T a vag l4 ' 1i 25 NW house to lbs Poet Ofitoo. NEW MAMMA • In , I inpyllom OFir . . • . • - - - • -- ryItIIII, of yte,prymtAttop.. J 94 reaelvvd and i ga= 4 „ ) , ociar6. , :i3IO4IIIVEI rum mod' RIBBOLUTION 13F JULEMNICRSHIE ; The partnenhlp hetetoftre *Meting between la U. Balsleyised yvank. Van Clonier, ender the tem nazda r o%tt ; 13,413..,WA'nft, le THIS DAY dissolved by mutual eonsatit, RSA% 4 °2 r=a l ,_ of liloa "36l4l 7 , atips te TA scum& AISCOIUna QUO. saa 4 naiad the old Film adIALEY, •' G OADS ratan:elk &arm St.h., Isat jP44,1 • NOTlCE.—Hernmetiiid, from this tfnix or - Baxley kyttitiortleraOr theptia ti one of embstadiffn the Yetteunfemilla c errant noothtaimil-mrlttutoissor,Obarlirst ' Icy, to the patronage of al my old customer, wed &tappers. -% -• ' ' - vtaint-vittrooenEw. , , Prrromitaa. Augusta, 1.8111 IDLSSOLUTIO U' CU-PA' • zihlP- 11 °"ftic" =ltif nne ihrtiftWN ‘ !lOWliwithis4Vskpf gsti.7st Paul sad ottutri3Osgrhiti - thistlsy been.llismlts4 bYloutUSief • , _ Pittsburgh, Bert. tth, " Ar . as "I et um, terier.....*tht LIWILPSDIP O 4; c j niaratrunaitWo l tatemoargi - SS7 LlitEtriT ElTlZingn PtlTlZlatifil, • - detud restadAyaftentaoa. a buf affi4 'bolt tWe)lrb, yearn nailed Mortln Connor, a made* %Vas - inn mitered lacColebcoree berdweaTi same, On Federal street, Allegheny, and robbedgio money droner of its contents. A garcon p razz the Moro cpaemet •the led'e mocemente and , gate the alon; when. he was seescatti; and the too ey takenhom him. Other Jackson Scott- a tt ras ir Cen colled.M. who welted the - la encl. /A with Red d The,2lasi'ablice. • tyhtili on t 'me the boy lefOrmed Alteeigner OA , he, was la,tind asked the once n a b hold. • him, as he did not wish the by to:knoW ithet he wee under FITE, hit !keit coneettfed to Zio GO, ter. going js short distance tbd lad Wised anoldemay, and.staited Omni the street. ate rate that belled his assertion that he was ladle. He was closely followed 0346 011-elfri who recaptured him and took him to the Hay -nria Milos 'Ha wilt Inutrably—be sent to-4/16- 1 Ziuse °Melt= to-iday. • OIOEBI Convicy.. , EILOONB..ILLTSURIII4 IC riOBE STORY OF • Maili.SAGßOro BURN, r Fro - A um, , - MEV, OT. - A,EVEAIT M AU= , BREtgragottEOßGE - WM nicno 4MA.4o4mptoiNuateMBbinsia,:..) • OEE EAVIDSOME VOLUME 12m0 WITH A merAtql, ITUMF(UUEV,ILLTEL PIELME - r 4:.,.%* •", 'fik 111-70 41TAftlfroc,VIMIAlctsigrectlpy * r..p.M00D.62' =UM Idi tiviaseaus:l. Ctt't . . ... Kalisz of Ms WashrlAJ...r. blasiltes Madan a ali DArt..'''. TbseatAchem F •.-• ' ?!.. A Youth% mato ol&peu. . . r Hann Alum ~,, tr. Gar p man m PopulasTales P far ThomAtolCiAtl , ' , .. , i r IA A.MAN 434 2ir chugs 'Album r , ' :4- tA .tamstalristatt twritici fi• ,Asstsuittar , -, `!'..TT''' .. - .4 °l4l/ 5 -` t:t I_Eamilvanntiarespriosq.z, t ez 1 • ' :R,Lant Ll . l ' "1r ikefecyc 0t 9, 81.... Vincent de tWe e T l 4 4- P r ec t i tl.P ot tri T c hisle l gi n e e:trZ e c; 14 '4ll t i c ti i b l eaefit ofllt !of„lbe Rata ? Tickets, y e - en be beiefil , fe;frioi*Fee/AB , o9letA i Al 1 - regagr a sq... AO; au22,4( l4 dreet tipiiat. 4 ' see '• !' r a is:4lslEs v,4s. Cr.,l t.Y. •lk ~ • 4 Atia ➢• OA, P • ollition pinstnuti Ciatte. WEDMESDAT, SEPTEMBER 12, 18/15 GAZETTE VERDI* Lally morning — tillper manure do fb , re-vel ..3 , "tn .- 1.1.3..4,—r, . --* luny .Ers.ing 'cap per I.e4c. do. an serve.) by earrterf, 16 oent• • week. Weekly, lollube ti 60 pet yaw. do. - rlngie copies ""•"Od a. RATES OF ADVERTISING on 6 QUAIII.--57A.ISTM10 111WITZIE PertoTl. 1)342y 1t• 21 aAr oae LIZ A rIV., 0111.1 .. 1 'LS ..... , .... , .13 123 I'h:roe times..' 175' ....4 ....: .... 173 You tlaaes .. ' 210 ..... . , .... 1 2.3 Frye t1a,e..... 20. ....., ...I ....t 25J One week.... 2 73 , 1173 I 1 25 1 73. 73 I T6ro ' , eche ..' 4 73, 278 2 (30 1231 125 Three seek.. 658 4 231 273 200 173 One m0n20...1 625 530 400 3 25: 2to Toro month.. 12 00' 9WI 600 •.I 73 435 Three months. 16 00 la 30. 760 475 623 911 months... 23 30 11 75 950 603 12 00 Ni n e monad. i 34 uo Il 70 12 00 800 17 oo One Year ta Ce• 23 50 111 Ca, 10 00• 24 00 Adrellasementa tmeet..."..- - - edveziasements mune,. oue year may op onanged at the advertiser . pleasure, at a charge of 25 seats per square, (or 20 cent. If paid at the time,) but must be eoullned to the immediate bushes. of the advertiser. Advet 'liniments o'ntratted for gthernine than daily, ioU! ne 1n.rte...1 on anon days a. tale offtce may aelect. ransiezat advertising CASH. Death Notices, cut insertion Herin* notices, Steamboat advertisements, per trip Haerutors' or Administrators' Notices. YEARLY ADVERTISING RATES, One equire—oonlined to the immediate easiness of the advertiser, and not to include dissolutions, formation of new firms, wants. ve.—clianceehle 01:160 a creek. Any excess to be charged es tran sient matter. ;.1 ulnae 2 !am.; I tire e Daily. leweek.i • week. 'a week Una amatta...: ota *ls a) I cal aa) 91a months months ! so pe 19 ( A. 6) 18, 10 60 Nlu mouths 2$ 08 810 - 15 00 One Yea). 634.8131 12 00 to 1. 18 02 IT Flat Mottoes doubte the above rates, u ts- Betted oue month or more. For a Ina period Rs smuts ► Una Local notice. at •ush rates as may be .greed 4Peii• • AID - A square to be rons.APted ea the apace ocou, pled by ten lines or the optimal advertising typo of the paper. • XITY'AND SUBERBIN (Tacit rzarnan*i's EVE4Ma 44isTrif.$ The 11111111utttiteti Civistt--X'Shighhti Vamtty Arrangement. "George' Sillier , alliu Ifytrs, /I reference to whose case has already been made, was brought before•Alayor lows , to-day, for a hearing on three charges—one for surety of .tte•peace, an other fur assault and battery, and a third for adultery and bastardy. The prosecatrir., Hite lintchbaran, testified that she wee twenty years of age; that the defendant was her brother-in. law, having been married to her ester; !hat she *exit to live with them when fourteen years of age, and that In a year or two afterwards a criminal ;intimacy sprung tip between them, which was well known to her sister, but which could not be prevented, or rather was relnetantly submitted to. la •ordar to ""teep peace in the family." Miss' Hutchinson and her sister had tnade' Tretitient infsrts to break np this ar rangemenly . but the result was that George would become quarrelsome and lenitive ; and la Ste of anger would break up the (authors, Ind by this means succeeded In having things his own way. At one time he was arrested and threatened - with prosecution, bat on promising to abandon his tint praett its. eta snit was withdrawn. it was not long, how ever. until he relapsed into - hie old habits, and about four MOndbalsinee Miss flutchloson be came the, inother of a child. Since then she has eudeevored to break iiff,the Intimacy so ob noxious to herself aid het' sLster, but the result Dm been that George • has become very abusive, threatenlug Co take her life, striking her, and Lan tana himself as disagreeable as tiralble. They de termined 1.0 submit no longer to his beastro eon duct and:heneethe eboiveherges were preferred against him. Miller was noted what he bad to say in Ws own defense, and toexplaln bowfin came by the ,tune of Myers. Se stated that his name wis Hiller. and that he had been called Wrens be cause that was the name of his step-lather. He informed the Mayor that tds cm was not half to bad as Mixfoseated, and .itarnated that there .was no truth in the diet:MIMS - that the Intimaey was the remit of farce or compulalon. He also ',denied that behad ever been married to the wo man allegt4 to be hit wiflo, tintise did, not deny of having' . livid trig bet, as al 2 0;_ 1 0 0 raised 'a faintly of Are or six- ch il dren. He 'did tot 'wish to say an unkind word against either of them, but he thought that they Zed not done him Justice, ittathincloas they bad overdrawn the picture of his faults. Toe feet of his not - being married to the woman whom banned his wife, didnot help his case in the eyes of Mayor Lowry, mad having failed to meet the chargOs against higt he wsla committed to jail to answer, In default of ball: • The suougut feature In the case la, that the wife of Miller has always been on the mast friendly tqrsmi with her tater, end agrees with her in urging these prosecutions. She iris all the time cognizant of ens misdeeds, but agreed with hart/Ater to the Idea that the matte:l...could not ba - helpeiL" MU Hutchinson his been keeping a little lee meta hed ' cake shop in 80. 'wickley, and has freely oontribut4of hot =A loes to malntam he:ratite , . a family, while 'NU. ter has earoe4yery llWe roe some years The ease, is it whole, ikticide,llytuneL Stinday Uaor SelLers,llieLL :Mayor „Morrison Ltd before him today six • Cavern keepers, charged with selling liquor on Sunday. They all do business Its Reserve town ship, and their places are , said to be thronged. with inshore every Sunday. As was to be ex pected, AO made no defense to the charge, but .cutenedown" with the One of fifty dollars „sued XotiaLoll appearing Where plenty of 'wish.' Indeed the' Witness has become, no Treatable t9atta6; tide afford Lobate tt l:sv al few weeki and still make a handsome •of the opers;' lion, They, all promised faith ful ly to abandon the traduces on Runt sty hereafte4 but atteribe • lapse of *le fey wWie therralA be lie ball blaet pha— Thetra.stuicio.he _Paned - in t al heir promise's, and the Only way to dete l r thein late keep is strict add 'tenrstint 'watch upon them—a thing which is Dent tolosoossible to do- Mm., Apollo& Moll, of au( ?Mirth Ward. Al. ( itigheny; was also arrested and tined fifty dollars for selling liquor on Sunday. It was at the house of this woman that Mei= riot took place, and if she does not maintahlVelthr order here atftar she will soon again find herself In trouble. • eiti tat tar Marfifibthtitiint. - meeting of the Market CommlUee, held lest; eveniag, Mr. O'Neill moved that the COM* Wan, recommend Councils to'atroir open - Cdi Mall for market purposes, as the bmt and most effectual method of meeting the present limited :capacity of the market. The motion prevailed, Loyd Mr. Simms was notified to communicate with the Bub-Maumee Committee, so as to timer . tale when they will De able to vacate the hall. 'The dodzielon as LW& spactoucioultdont market purposes will Increase the present market accommodations more than one third, and wUI add VlMOra.ffear , to the revenue of the city, which Is tabtalliah• the halt can e'er ylerd.frde voted Meeker used, Till; as Shell, has me *.been Onkel of tr MIMUStiO, ,11a6 city, ape if our jatitlfet [seal uatt,he)Aoraiaaci.by It. &nettle %rablie tomcatted, Itabould- bo appropriated IQ alatke; use. as soon..FTle. , The hall, In fact, Is AmorattaZ • enta, , ,and unless mks! for that p Acit'pasi. Tha 'proposition. thereto . .ta r conintiat into. a nitartat place, Is a good one, andmre hope thoOonnells wane the propriety' of tidaptyiKtira , auggetitions or tim Fomroltt¢o.':', , • A Cuanistg '140,14 #nansP. „ ' The Mall/ tif #4l4l+er county, Intitlgtallritelth, emesnentliii eo•dai ifil"o3 perms convietallit o at the lsto Wm] tir tpei coact, 1,11,4 on tlaturdailasi. 2fiftslr m nam see dz.) d w "X 4 thairii. . 60 4t 4 4 4 Vdtbigaili7. and seii: rimmed to twente-ove , snouttov 'John 'Nicholson, Aim: naltelleed . Wive_ 47•Mootlas, and . Jobb . M *Mama tbr4 Umll4rAap4 fqr twolT4 , montltd:.. frhoteAr4l,,iftinslAztaer , men It' tle 1 , Nater All awanMgatlallos thoingher grant: Mottemeos, _ and gel" mowers fetaAtort abode , 4, :p m e mumuor am Otte Aitteriet. Beam . ty, MaitMetiOMMirmlettly amoral seat* . -bia some Madge .V.lbM'ldifdnolnlet.andlit Ws' al* of .R...1t0ti1% 14)%4Ilnlell. e9tile peetl- r tlatywas . Mnutit-112. , ,t I;6' ' ~ A Point of 'go Su. 'ay 1 .1.0 S , Jllng, al .rz a greater ur less extent from oat yearn' cud another, is at all times vCry diffbnalt to prove. The net of acseaLbly, is stew u: this very fact, holds out an ioducement to the to former, In the them, of one half of the does. V:ry few men, hos LLs.,, Lan be (tuba lu act 1.1., pan or . ick:o. er. Even police officers, setiet Instructed to do eo, are reluctant to engage in the huttaess, for the reason that their mottoes are impugned, and they are changed with acting the part of spy and informer for the sake of money, and not front a sense of dray. AL incident occurred in Mayor Morrison's office, to Allegheny. a short time since.whlch serves to illustrate this point. Two or three Young bloods of theta ran had been in dulging In Sunday tippling,and their wine having token the place of their wit, they became up roarious on the street and were seized by the police. After remaining all night in the lock up, their parents were notified, and after a header they were tined twenty dolla - rs ant costs. They were told, however; that If they would in form the Mayor where they got their liquor, their Sods would be remitted. This they licitly refused to an, remarkingithat it would not be honorable! They wanted the liquor, and knew the parties gave at to them with the implied ui derstandleg that they would not "blow." In the party was a young men whose tine had been paid by his mother, and she appealed to him to accept the proposition of the Mayor, and save her the payment of so large a sum—but all to no purpose. lie conaidered that it would be a very seem thing to tell to the parties who sold his Sunday pota tions! it is a very moan thing for a young man to get drunk on Sunday, a meaner thing to call upon his mother to pay his due, but the meanest thing of all is to give the slightest Information which would lead to the artiest and punishment [those most despiaable of all men—Sunday I , quor sellers. Tali to, indeed, a plus "point of onor !" Dian Killed.—A man named Thomas Cinlgh - ton, &carpenter, residing In Temparanctiville, and employed at Binger, Mullett dit Co's steel works, West Pittsburgh. repairing the roof, fell through a hole to the brick door below, a dirt tante of about eighteen feet, fracturing his Anil. nes accident happened between eight and oineo'clock this morning, and Creighton died la about two bows 'awned& He was .forty eight years of age, and leaves a with and three chlldres. . le.was • ciao of excellent char acter, and steady - habits. Coroner Clawim held an' itgeeat this afternoon; and the Jury rotted a verdict of accidental death. • Railroad Bridges .Washed Away.—The heavy rains ca Saturday lalt so swelled MOULIZA creek and Laurel run, !iv Fayette county, that three bridges were carried away by the flood— two over the creek and the other over the :run. Two of the bridges were the property of the Flttaburgh and Connelisville Railroad Company, end as the one over If Tints creek was an import ant structure Its destruction has seriously inter fered with the running of the . care. The com pany bee a large force of - marksmen engaged In replacing the structure, whlet will be ready for travel by the end of the week. The bridge over Lenrel run will also be speedily rebuilt. Sodden Deattiol a Phyalciati.-13r. Geuste, physician, residing on Walnut street, lied very suddenly yesterday alterneran. lie was in his terms] health in the .lorenoon, went to dinner, and after partaking ea plate of soup, took suddenly UI and was a corpse in a few moments. Hrs.., a resident of the Filth ward for a num ber of years, and was regarded /use very (attired physician. She Young ]fan's Priem:l.—Warranted . to euStiivate Plitseries . For sale by druggists: A:4IF the Young Mn'all Friend. A pamphlet Olinger symptoms and treatment of private . diamaitsupanle.4 each aux, or can be had hy)tdd.retalog Young Man's Friend, box PS, Ofercinnaltl, with a three cent stamp enclua . eit, Joseph Fleming. Charlenaurxr. J •q• Yniton. or L W. Fox A CO., Allegheny. 1e31.4m. Al/ SCE/./.4.4rE 0 US VALLTAIILE REAL ESTATE W BE SOLD •' OCTOBER 10th, 1865. Pursuant to the authority vestal to us by reso. bilious adoptal at • meeting of the Stockholders of the Del noot Iron Workailmnpany, bold on the taunty.itaird day OtArgast, MA the under - signal, Agenta-on behaU of mud elorporatioo, Will Sell et A.tietion. At the front door of the Court Howie, in the ally of Wheelies, on Tuesday, the 10th day of Outober, 1865, conunenclog the sale at tea o'clock n in, ell LW. valuable Real Estate and Appartensao-a to bba 8 Mb Werdot bid city, known sa T:1: BELMONT IRON WORKS And Nail Factory, Bounded as foilases, viz : West by the Ohio Hoer. North by Invistoe street. East by Male street, and Sooitt by ltutpropezti of bleasre.Calcheall a itattesatee. Aleo, The Coal Mee is amid Ward, ctownrorked by said Corponstlon a and the Ratiers, Connect-leg and himmmeni this RelitancyßLW. Also, The .Real.Estateand Cod Property be. letting I. the said Corporation In and adjo nag South Wheeling. Cunning the; meanly parches. td of Dr...J.,1). Campbell, and the chosen In sateen connectsd tberewltht.mulill sOOl2 Erne la Santa. Wheelie& tardy paranoid of thetal. 46 BE Bunk and ottcn, end Lot No. to CmLluell'a minaret to the city tit Watteluse, southasst oosson.et Sinn and Meld= atteetkuntb aye Temenuos eters on Etats-steepened that the Coal .Property to be sold eithaehe Works la .nrolEndenta to supply th Woiketor • .. _ , The said Real. t• besoli oaths Wenn withn CI: One earth mash, and thr ee residue, batmen from tberdany nen*, In equal hentramente.pagebbm In • six, Metelve and sigtat... monthettom gaud Cater thepturobeert et the Real Estate to4l:0 - the-stock • tin'Sand of materiels Inn, Whi r tens end chattel- prepirtymt • an spa leldeemenal to-be ends hy three =warmed par • sons, althea Oreparehasertetochoose Dentine undenelvaed agent. ananher ud the Min socaboa ten s third, Ins' dembalea et sa y ' Also aline-tun to of btedbigpsed the stook:en tarot to be paid for In -equal: lenalinutta • statoun six awl eight. months, with Wen= from Mira . The de -tarred- pm os•teth tee Real: Estate mad btockfo leaned hymen satisfactory to the lantnuilltmlnl. agents , . mliace - to be Mature oa the property , ' nntll payment. In .Itll. .The our, chaser shalthevethenyttotter pollee lathecul the whole purchase money, oar Amy ftn,ann portion the Owe 4afti Otte U. Eh-Ems:BARD, ORANCII,E, • Wheeling, W. ce., Antlettlel. • =odd OIL YARD AND IRON TANKS lENCIKIFIL - 153496.T.03;13 , , -. , . . W. an for data on aaasztaiggotut Wady oar Ott YAM at Lawranorsttla. , trith Tanltai- tilted", - NVaaahaltzei . glast Slat . .. Woad o th er dartstros. o • It Is tba ' Laodtot a 4al" els t•ti I ham 40 117 ' ocatreaftassior astalt pad idaaply removing uu, to, bulk of banelm, Ron still rites to to or loam haulm aloagsta• AbA l taghtar..jiratUor dad , snap as Pumps, e, sad, =ter, ardor), , Tar:dial Baltroad trop . et* Ward . 1 / 4 Mat, tro l au taus ts natataa=ttr el de %Addax Oar a Cradolat balls to e cata3loghal rak& nor. Al an 'ty, f or _6046, - Fe. MOOR if ' pomp, trtabiar to miltirtlllll. OWZ meisV.d.tirof Itablet ' calla 110 tome 'lto Vitalta toill'ilarsyr . tot Or a tirtoo &Lott pay ,pltx tit te l n twortn pe trot. by ourptteit. - '''' - For farther parttentara sopIT to _ . nntIVIDR, 00gnr , i - 00., ' uoniar Datkuesaa w,sp tad !iaatoclt at. J ataadtstod 4 " LP. DING FOR BALE . AT -OIL. , CITY. The fkanding owned by Brewer, Burke k with ShethitOlneo, Tanga anti fixtunkr, on bank of Allegheny river, at Oil City, will be sold at Anialort on WEDNESDAY, the kab gavot dep. timber, et two °Woolf m, If not tonsil groan bent atiPrivate Salo. =a Li intev. at the bent on the river bank, having onarnindnad feet river frOnt•ge, and' rarrningliaele, to the trot. 'urea, eritb ample thin inaant alig 2 / 1 1bninna, tuna Tanke, 'tack eis.btratred harrisla-aapuity,trwto .tort' Ogles building. iforparttantaratippirta , JUBA, 1 1 ‘la rith, ~ , ,,a nzurty a N rim to, Corner Dogmas Wag and Llatiebak anitatiniloit 'ETtlkourgb, Pa, yeLue:BLE FARM FUG' , BALE.: . , . Tbs subsenber olltre to? sail bla. EMUS. al egg ACREII, aituated In Bewlskly tTotrathita tbreerdissitaut lientlakig Statindr lot UP:sand a ball miles front , Lestsdals , Stattou......Mbets are about ninety Aim :Otesned 4 llls4-the, babuica is heavily Timbers:V . :The • lIOUSE gs. tame. eon. tatting Might 112eink, TAO-HAIM Is; of an ordl• ttiiits_Eztv.Tberc - Bse s 7 arRIMS of llnd , urea Water near Oa - 4114. 'T9IO, A.P.1113 'ROUSES; It kilo taint' a 141Lucf .0 0 . D, ol Apple set Pelletk=" l.- tg• AP; ' L tem , toohtloa- tor a Oetkatrutitare; liyi ben:, oainplid: Al OR4b;reg a blittallter lie - 10 4 . 211 a , eats. For fume! pAntaiilms, blot of.: W. U. • LatiSTY,_ • .11gUall atreet'gstalegassvills, .-:. VrgigrqUElteDlMß, ' i Ooratit et .:,?calFed Liao* ?Mt . ,s celdwecul .l lPtglial s. ?Mt. , . Ream RZMOVIIDt , ',I"I4i;a4O., .O. Cr, ,vll-I.—t: A i ; FOMITE/ ; , STEZET.l2llll7l4Penethi: ts!tsottsseat of Uuk.latoll Wits as, xranNErs, AL•7l3,,sursoss,, .imv;riiiim.:,.rwszsi ram av (loots, ika":•aildprettlitOS:mste twos my 4raskausrs, and sit ottsts *Mitositstot Attixt ' =" vi tettU: at 'll...Niittotrm. , -: AILOEB WIRHIttG till . MECUM . IffBTIMMI'WASIIT.IIIB' *Et QP - . . - ..:, ttitilift giViligr u plailtillNy; air Aar 41i4148 lin.Pirwe by aalna r ten__ co r i tt • . its: l ,lt AZ MaGRAM"& ,p 44. atnr.., 3 , ' •, 3 f . . 4. • 110DOSIL the BUILELITNGIVIVIIO TllB l l , llT9+ inam woorstrrivn AND OAR- WORKS batatigetrwrivowediseistor !ma w at Abot pales Mt "Salt atiuqh,s'll aqVag"-!. Huts asi tie:At ths or tot PP Went daloopm4l,Pir,war sent , EtailtuAroa;asotik • iz.~r ;~ . . .r • CT/ 0-r Ja-v Ars - - - FNNEVYLVANLA AVENUE 1•t: )i'• l, cokt oa THURSDAY EVEN. ING, September 14th, at 9 n'alne.k. at Masonic 11,11 rs, want: .1.4 01.4,c' ltoyttpa 54 fist on Pesansylventa Avantie, extend. fog feet to foot aUs6,pn lethal Is erected' mr fttlolt Dw'elltog and Stare, Pro. on. Alm. a'nt ~,,,,-44atedr..1 the p.m: or At,. ahlre« truntore za sea, Aro ca:duredi AMR, - eictoodidt bock 91,leet to a 1.1 loot miff; on wain! to a Brick Building. Tenn* etecle, • bed T. A. MoJLELLA.NO, Auer, - - 1 4 %97T - ING ROUSE FIXTURES AN SUBIDELES AT AUOTION—.On Wedoetulsy monolog September 13th, st 10 o'clock, will be sold all the furniture, g 0... tweet, cooktog Mtn ails, he, Sc.. beionging to toe Lottage Estlm Hoe.. corner of Rum alley and the old Penroyl. h Vita th e BaDdinc, recta D:pot, LOr.t-ez so feet. by to feet, also, lease or; the lot mauls:, f ur yews. The stock and fixtures comprise to pair,ljue b•lf barrel coffee sugar, 150 pounds colts, Lslf barrel or Soar, 10,001 segars, tOblenci, spaces,disl es, kale. and forks, spoons, craters , fruit sin d. tables, counts,. chairs, lounge sod mattr.s, eight day clock, seal. and weights, lee coolers, lee boxes, gas heaters, matting, table cloths, dime, bell., pictures, jars, 330 empty Seger boxes, large , cox al wee,parlor stoves, and all the necessary fixtures fora restaurant. sell T. A. 3doCLEL.LAN D. Anettr. Z.IIgA.T SALE OF BUILDING LOT S AT BRADDOCK'S FIELD. ON THE 00N NFI.L.tii. ILLE AND PENNSYLVANIA It ft —Will be stnered at Public Sale,on the premises, ~..turde,,g, September eth, at 1!; p. m., Twenty-Nine Large and Desirable BITILDING LOTS, In. SUCH. &NAN'S PLAN, eash Lot fronting 60 feet on street. So and an 'Get to width, •xLendins beak 133 feet, to en alley. Also. Two Loew Lots, or .aver I ends Acres, having each a wide e front on the 31onortealula river, and well eulted for manufacturing pummel. Suitable arrangements have been made with the Cennelleville IL R. Go. to convey all persons (gen tlemen nr /adieu to the Sale, free of charge. A Spesiel Train will leave the deoot, corner of Wa ter and BA. street., at I o'clock, on the day of Sale. No tickets required. tor Plan of Lot., and other particulars, see large bill.. or nicely to B. MOLAIXS k CO., Fourth street. SALE of GOVERNMENT MULES. Derwrt QuAwnsasusTsa theirgt.L4l onaci i ij r rITSIIIIOIOH.TL., 111, 1810. Goon SOuND SREVIGEABL HITHER be .014 at AseStorl, the' glrGtozzads, In this city, to the hig6estlipselyon the days7ll44 la etembere se follows: 150 llsles , THURSDAY, RAM 2C 1485. 130 `I " " 150 " THUBSuAY., " IT, " 150 " FRIDAY 'September 1, " 150 " THURSDAY, • 7, " 150 " FRIDAY.' e, " 150 " THURSDAY, " 10. 160 " FRIDAY, " Is. " 150 " THURSDAY, " It. " 150 " FRIDAY, la .. Sales to commence et fig Welotrlt a. in. Nuke sold mingle, Terms (Josh, United Ststes Currency. 0. GROSS, Lieut. 001. .11 Dormtsr (Z. 14. G. LARGE SALE OF GOVERNMENI RAILROAD ENGINES AND CARS. Girrnro S rages Mugging Reu.soins, Germs on Aseurrang 4417AILIWIXAST16, WA/MINGITON,D.Art U, /80. WW be sold at M I.NOREST 9, opposite ghat , mond. V. ,on TOMS OAT, Otte V , Twenty.dve (rot) new firer...dare Locomotive/Me =et nee foot gtme, r . foot drivers. ?Wi nce (11l ei=i 9 Looltkot t ives, a IL feet - fit' l inch gauge. rwohundred and Extraverted) new Box Freight Oars, five fact gene Flitcen ( new Pistforca Oars, Sr. foot gauge. Teo (II) Freight Can, feet 11% to. gauge. • Toe gale to sonUnue front gay to dee lentil all mold. Saleto commence si 10 O'lliOCk. lerms—UASll, le Government funds. a Li- ROUtriSON, Burr. Got. end A-Q. Q. M. UNITED STATES MILITARY RAIL ROADS. Urnais op gaseistairr Gltrawrinntaswen, W seal - tiaras, D. 0., July 25, t 340, AUCTION SILK OF ROLLING. STOCK. Will be said at PUBLIO &BUXTON. to the bigbest blades, the following Roans &toot; tie tTESIDLY, September If, at the Portland Company's Shop, In Portland, Maims, SIX ( 6 ) E.*. .motles Engines. Oa TIIIISSIJA.Y„,- September zu, at Hinkle & Williams' Shop to Boston, Maas., , Four (4) Logo nilinTZLOElMilY , Septemoer fa, at Kennet Square, near PalleolS4 a Penna., Flay (60) Box Frelght Cars, four f t-sab.o-tutlf tech tsars. n WEI/NES AT. Septemb 20, at Wilm too, vat , Eightrfour (tit) Box er teg. Freight Oan, nye loot gauge. The abo seStoalc la all new, and of the eery pert The y Login. tan fivateot page, do feet drie errant esitadera lex 24 lashes. Tney can be 4=4 to narrow pugs At trifling expense. to commence 0210 a.m. Terms—Oasli in Chavernment Ftuida. - L..ROBLELSOIL Went Colonel Ana 2, Q. Jrmlseptl AUCTION SALE OF Rolling Stock, Railroad Iron, &c, MILITARY DIMWIT 01 TEM T69111:38ER • Ma= vAirrauctsTsn'e.OrszolL B,U. BSII.ITART R•ILICOADA. biesistrichz, Team., Anuat IN 1865. E6ll be told, at Public Ametlon, to the Wettest 651IIer,thelellowIng impede. OA 0000IIIit 01 the Vetted State. t 'On , September 16th, & SonyFi lDAYWu Car Wort, OOLII&IBIJS, 01110 GUI , Twenty-five new Box Freight Oars, 5 feet gauge, On MONDAY, September 18th, at the =maw Oar Compeer* Factory, DETROIT, 511011., Yowler. new Box Freight Oars, 6 feet ga age, Alms, on NARE DAY, at the Detroit (Tar Oom. Pletory, Thherotaht new Plat Oan, 0 feet gangs. On WEDNESDAY, September xoth, at dulcet' A BarkeVattar Works, M.IOIIIOAN OITY, ' _ "rmentvflre tress Box Retell Oars, 5 feet Image. Sales to sommease at ti a. m. . _ T . CIIII/1 Cult, In Government Fonda. F. J. URILLY Inti:taAplB Oapt. tr. A. Q. 151., U. S. Aril, LARGE, BAILL OF 00VBRNMENT Cara, Engines, and Railroad • nerrin snars ' , Smut.? "Ran.no Ann, .omcs. 01P ABRIZINLIT IiIiNLICTSZSAISTIM WASHINGITOI, D. , Annst, tt, ISM Win be mold at CITTFOIIPT, VA_ on W SAMMY, Oetober It. at tto`elock a, tn.: About roar thousand Ro20) on Railroad Iron. At PORD3.6I.OWU, VA., on FRIDAY; Onto. tort at 12 ra.: • • Me (6) fliat•elatnLoentiotire Entfnea. — • About Arty' (60 reetight Clang and ono (l) Patten ter Cat. At NORFOLK; VA., October t o t at sp. a.: At new Loooccottire ne, 6 fosanne. At ALIZANDRIA. VA.,, on TOMDAT, oa tuber Pllto (50) r m. indelaza La:emotive Merton, 11 teat 834 _lnch gu Wee= (Wien, Platharra Clan, find toot gauge, 'anty.tive (ln) tow Basest* doe foot gone& het Mout N three Modred and flay (1150) , Bor. t • handed name &bangle handrW and Shirty (sm) Platforms do., 4 foal 8341 n. tagtui. , • Abott MAT )Stoat do4l Rod 83S1n. IMMO. Twenty (ID) e • do One (1) Wreektagrlos," da. Two (1) ae Truett. - Sixty ( ( 0) w do Roared. ftrartoen 01) ' . Abouttet thOtellial (OA% tone Railroad Iron. • 15alei ter panintentai t RTAX&NDRIA4 aD 10 a.. ea anTtd4ionthed..lll7 tedep . Until all an ' sow. fttenb. , Term-41 P e lVV..' . o6aufsort.. Col. Ina L.Q, , M4 RlUltary Itatirwtai a4LOBLITO BALES OP stadia:air Goreristatni'llorsta tradtZtisies. QtrAwreluturcz Etzsise.r...e (beton, Waeltreoretr,D tate. WIN be told afipbbllesuctlo dealer cliswe3L of BEPTEDIBE6, to Abe Arbost .b 1 01, the ' ll=6 "2"l"q• War b tai ll . New 'Fork-144N. icy at emelt weekolOo Heron York New . i p„Zbusday. ,p ra4"etch" lENNlr/VANI LL Xhiladeltde,Txarsday of each each day. • . . • PbUswelAta, Eisluzles., September 11. and Wed;, %Imes" and Batmen. al each weak thareelter.loo Pittabatqb a qiuiredey. end, tlidevALeset. Week. to Sept/Lulea.% kminalray , l.oo bltueseeabiley.. , • lientsbarti..ruesslay •el auk Wok. M l l O •=. 1 4 1 race . 'ao=t ThaVA*PtiMl6n&u& Wrnli gialbi.lloWet ne&g=Septataber le IPRell .air iiv ar 11.213 Alteumbo IkuzedaT.=bet W.. /CA FLOIZNI. • /edieneTwke6.re L 3, ts, 427 411414- . - tweber U. . tw Iforsewesta ibby. -•-• Indleaspolle, t3epteaber i =. II eu t 4 do AfulY ...:1 . _ • CUM SePbeiber 6. at,. I *ales der, — I • 20. . olualoo, SepteseberA • cash 017 DELA.I7 agtasy Friday of each Week, bite . leo, • g pi sack irse/t r tat .Etesos. ~. 11444 - Tiente; Tenday, SoptEmbet Ovltomouti, ; ...treeten, TuesaMelteloble IM kl.blee, • nmumettifTbUndeTitteidezeker. biertee, , , Danimenkin.quilleraber 360 Mow. St. Loult i Ttratir t4tebeilt ',. 413, 1T1..°± 11 . Ott Al I ....1(111.1","...ti'fol.1 ear—, imosita Foci Leavenwo rt h, mate Vlttedatlo*- tetbeent.the earitteelhit ~.., Alk_ottehtlates ea Ito 0.9.14:9•FitTWt1., GITSBOHO, D. C.. imam,/ sad TteaDaterpt dahltlreiki teollozsei • J 1;4 1°4 .1, 1 ,,1 414 animals to be iteltio Septombeilmll4llLiet".: " ter te soy ketitefetWOIIIIION sulartty of them ere lotted at* It is erpededl4o.lo Wu" o r etooskittlatetotioim bo ill it lA uas %,,N.• Saki to latettiallellit to ft. 'eV eaekdeV:' itTsv!sl4 ••-•" #l4ll.o3"ditato!OW'.., Dray. Efeata"7l‘).'" Oast:tam:l;7,i swat . . tto.ter Astourtsk!'. alto.ll=lollll.llSaW4l/1.11134.11“111/1141=91111 . ,7 'W/TISOLIO4IIII4KIQ4 , "' , f.F •-• 4r . ! Li , ~ , ei se, •,. ittiadie 04Lenvi:*10 . ,t,".: wholesiaa awes 'llO DRY GOODIN — WOO. '',.oetlttlit . it 40 1. 1,P0W1A 1.4°.35 • zk• 4 •ii".." rI.V.IXOGif L. BAY KING BOUM. N• HOLMES & SONS N0.,51 Market Street, Pittsbargla DEPOSITS RECEIVED IN PAR FENDS &ND 00u.0ci0n...1.., all tfii, principal paints' of Unita] States and. Canada/. STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER SEOURtTIE BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION Partienlar attention paid to the puratutee an sale of UNITED STATES SECURITIES, proLtrDnro Coned Ram Slim or Mai Do. do. 6.2 De Do. PIN* /0- 401 1 Do. deven-Miles Do. CortUladas iadtteetwoo. oiLDERS AND vokames BOUWOT on oor.,zlxyrE • DOLLAR bdlfillet3 RANK, NU 68 Ponape Sparer. MIL crtuurrEEND themdeity trom 9 to I o'clock, also on Wedne► day end Saturday even from finm May let to No. ember Ist, from 7to 9 o'cl ock, and from Ronember lit twill/ay let from t to 6 o'clock. D 'l mn it'..Verl aU nuns of not Leintillit One Dollar, end vide= of the profits declared twice year, In Tams and December. Interest has been Jaas and December, . 1 = Back wee oillailluda at the rata per amt. a re= Interest, llsert drawn out, Is placed to truasemilk it the depositor as, painelpa, and been Ilte interest Trot the Uwe days of June and December, g twice a year 'Without tratedtag-the, r to call..or oven =present his pus book. rate money. will double In lass than twelve mum. Boou contegnixer, on Rules arld gulationa,, ails, on ap tionplias at the °Mee ' Pansoreem.GEOltall ny.waEE . vpwranstroanza. , Wllliate J. leadassen, 3- 61—rovocor, John G. Backer= Reberellohl, 9.11. Febnestook, John Sboelgwxger/ 7amee Herdnum, James Chid* James Itlnenley, Alexander Spar, lease Yeenoek,. Christi= Yeager. rt Calvin Adams, Henry J. replan, John C. Bindles', Peter A. Madaras, (Moro Mack, John Mandtall, Bill Engrain, Walter r. Harahan, Alonzo A. Carrier,. James H. a Maeda, Charles A. Colton. John B . McFadden,' Wm. Douglas, , ohn Om , John Emu, HeraT L. 11= z, ohn J. Gillespie, , VDU= E. William B. Haven Alexander Ttelle, .:r& Hunker,. William Vartkirk, HAI; Writ. P. Woman. .Tarniz4Mt ts lsaac whiottor,,i HOL TON . fieereterp—J.Blll.li A. H. D. MELDS. Ailltilir ~ . P M- . • .. . • EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK O f Pittsburgh. ClutrUnd by tba! Capital Organized nude State of Pa., 1816.1 sl,ooo,ooo.llatal Law 1861 This Bann hes been eenlainited • DEPOSITARY OF THE United States Treasury, and appointed agent for the We of the 7..130 7-• ICP .A. 7Xl' . Every isallity crIE be offered to I.:mailers or par. ties purchasing for re•eale. EL M. fdI7RELBY, Cashier PEOPLES' NATIONAL BANK, Of Pittsburgh. Capital Paid in $1,000,000, with Prvii lege of 82,000,000. IbuMHouse CORNER ETRST !MD WOOD Ma Bank, organised under the National Bank In; Syatank I. now prepared to transact basinesi at its Banking House, comer of Wood and VIM igtreeta. Collections made on ell accessible points on mom isvorable term. SpecMl Aspen for .TAI 00011.. E, for the sale of the U. 8. 7 840 Treasury Notes. na111117.1. BEA, President. F. DL GORDON, Cashier. MEM 417701Ft.i7gFek a. 11. mCILASTIE..3. L ad 23411.4. L 517=7.11171111. McILLBTER, GAZZAM Si CO., ATTORNEYS , FOR OLAIRMS, Licensed, U. S. Eigersts, torprootoirut PENSIONS. BOUNTIES, AB. /MARS OF PAT PRIZE MONET. 00ELPEN. RATION FOB HORSES, and other prepay toss or destroyed while In the earsioe of tha United States. STOPPAGES OF , PAT. AND OFFIOZES, ORDNANCE AND atrARTERRIASTER'S AU. COUNTS odjasted and oertlEntes of Indebted. ApprOeoried: plinstlans by MS attended to as If =dein pews.•• NO CRAWS MADE UNLESS HUG OFFII3B No.:08 GRANT STREET. inyt P/ITSRCUIGEL: a. W. Pc eLIA.OLN WRITE & BLAGLE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW 2!Scp. Zoelli7s Eltroot ransmaparc.ran Will attend to all A tualitaits Itha Or' their a 14.12113 ,Pnafeation, GAINiV r including T a NE C VETI OLLE NDLENT. CTION .08 eflO 81.Lica hariog gem InustaxelOting . .4hO. Elaitod.Staten Burk" slit Itarontnn, Ara &Unto . t:on tolliebtudneas of thb akellt OUNDNI) BOLDINRB IN NITHEIR gy . The Firet or Second Three Years Service, caa raiatia 'boilitiqtvor iifftvot Lai IMMO] WI term 0117111.413011 t t o eM 8.411.84. von . T. WALTER .111,. ' 11011c1dirfOr fkroittoB,Panitaan Catatdr24. JAI .L FIFLEi STEEErvtladdoac want.. 71106. X. auras 8404. a swam, • , No 81 Disirozrrt soraza::,..entaaava pa.. Cow% ittudous. RB,B • _*".3.441 Title!. oaiiireiBno• • , 1811o0ollsot1Ons, an41.&11 Aoixubi of Legal Sol 11 1 8 88.: promptly mate:wed • 31 1 1LITARX 0/. 411 M 4 PIINSIO/S BOUTiTM.B.R.LOI. PAY end l'rowra PT, DEELS.,t every 4eritiptiOn, eollzatig nit4aribet at= tolto4rl4 Mu, : , Wecnis. 110 1 Wother ti to. TATLOB,latorguwattavivl• . 1 ' c ' 11:14t1111 .4 43114 4 4"7/01111"403 : 124 rimtIL, .11 VtituKßAMlNer'l ' 7• AfrOjitli 0 -At LAW; • s. s. ss:soisss soarus.s , mass 601241 - Brie' fez W0t01d944 ftg*l4 . 1 44todt_a, V5T l t ten litwouty dam. , • • ZON)fteo ehttg.wir" rittitnetti ~ ,111211 with dlichairo sod two witousea: — auttoV • I KEW BIZVENBON, '77 -:' , 4imnr;i46:l**mit;i;•-•,: . „,, t•To. 144, V.oVrth' ,Stk - oerp'. . • 7tirrinuFs. arth I teettoe to the rations courts*ettiftWO • Rao letJahttas =unto. t 41;641. i'^ UPTIPATt TAW VAUct, t • LEX, 'AIM' • r I:72MICKEEIRMAIMIZEI • ' Ir mo ClLAP itn a hus sict=.• aut zu nlitit. geadiagm„ IRMA , Yr. 011011.41E13PBOTPUDLT,,AN,, riWiseiblionerettetestere, peragar, tbs • lane britedgere • • . be mire :mean benueen ea Mottles Roam, lalg:7 - 7 — LA ''''' . - - .4= . :• t , :T. e•Aerf orho ... . • .. .',.., ‘, 411 1 ,, tit ' pod, Bakes • •• , - • • • • ' - , ...„, O. ... , , . , , I,AMIMINM AV gltilly italielertila f AI,Ie I PAPERI3. , -4Nefr —Papers, :Jot, Frenat sue -- asittrieszt - apanfirtunt et itne*: B 4 agar , r"•• , ../.., • • BRIPLAFIR .files i GROVER & :RLELER • FAXIGY , S.EIVIAeikI MUMS Is Tar. ma- ixeoiarra-*mat s talbrolders:. TILE ONLY BTACIHT47.-WM O2l —. Makes-au:l'lo4de • Stitelt;' .Tits ONLY meatrirs m4Mr„ t r aes2WPS.P OO / 2 0. .THE ONLY Nacrextis Nrdivit Fastens the Ends 4 pp We Beam ,l •• THE ONLY 151...5.0HME Makes Sißias Seam That NrW not break or raTti'iln strotohlag the 'sultezi4 The Only Sewing lia4ine Company WHICH maces . .1_. 4 04:11!K CEE Double loek-flll4 Arachines• Puschaters can entehaai tar etatet. U 1101 Nutted with them lint tholes. - Mumble ter Tounielvee at ;L: No. IS FIFTH SiNIEL A. F. MOONEY. GMAEL&G AGENT. sta:lstootax waimart wuecOs HIGHEST P 7101141 piek Stitch Se** Machine AHD , BUTTON-HOLE 14ACTHINE., f agency, Jiro. 27 enh Striar..r: PLUJIBERS If ZheffAirtTlZ7lBp pBT RBOEIVED, A lute alsOliiiii3 : o/ 1.4 PLUMBERS' EU!i.4.T A TAB, Iron and Copper Bath Tabs and Bolbws, Illarets4lnki,Biap2", Cast U 134 Plpeand Ifendif i r BRASS WORK for water, gisAndstesta ett*ger • -,:. Sole Agents VCR Knowles & BThley's PatenUASteam - Plimps;_ Highly esteemed for their iroteio Of eV euy and durable action and: thluinstf FOWITZ. . BAILEY, FIBM4 Ac. 004 sninunE MEET, " broth. Pt ADDY & WW 13113, Kamm nagapm Gas and Stew Fitters; - • No. 165 WOOD Mffff, - (OPPOSITE OSITB.OHJ Pumps, Hydrants, Seet Lead. LEAD PIPE, PIG & DAR LEO. AND ~F Plumbers' Materials GeneraL OIL itzwz.Sums Fitted Up In the Most &primed Style. Tanks Heed Irak lead or tappet% aeon fitted, ep with water or pa. - - • ' N. B.—lLl:larders promptly attail to. •ki pLIIIIII3INet, Gas arid SteamP.o)lng .- to a Ile stadia% emeems siti teiAirso' timee4 workmen. A s Portmal4 (- GAS , 'I3I6M ATII • COnstantir on hind and nada to C. " • • TAU SP/Wry • • it..p FEDERLL . 3. to . . ‘.. ' • : Ana znrasairrranpaO.P!raticotai j TER PITTEEBURGELPASBR7MAIRta PACTIEBEIRGE CKUIPALIMiAtAftzity . ; 4040 bells, Orrin! Eel ,kOO4 NUL ProdnagC , . tifol . 1101;• --, • Ns *1:000 • —lttgair;...3 .11)1.1 .14000 MU& mad MAL ah. rt.: ~'• - ••.,* - • all -1 They ban aisoiii Stom thelz Mitts, MAMMAL •.PEEi .• f ' • •-; weipts arsd HARDWILVIPER , lakti cr asA an st=ez:p •lutd t - - - • - 4t euiluantitteiAzik To"' ", 1 9RD1*,.,11:? . 1 . 34? . 11.11r . ,, t rut? ' • . Lopq TONS OP' aoanx*asa 17.6.8333.0175 E:: • PECTSVCrEOII, - PA. - • * • • • •-:j •• • ` , lu .•• • • li:ti, t , alabeet . 141#05r.: 1 V. , C t ii , r t , WAYVC.I .1 S Zsettt . i;•Jrl(4 , : 7-012.1. , d:C.4701 e.f. X", •P. IMIS. ilot.-„L•.,w, ~ 413.4,T.Zif . . 41 W 7 .1 1114 •:'5 ,5 )gheecitosigii.liintlik tii otatiosaltßA '5,!!: IgestrarveLains "ad raitrittirc==;,,, , ~. 04 - Resnrest.Bsoa (bArlbutla SF :lsOct_lnsill between Mary gan imutOlLlArodr. _ , •rmlsa7. 4 *al. Idslier Mrs atresßEbeci awls tis •••-' vi 7... !limp:m=2ls •pattievirrusii settacifyitt In MAC , , ~ MI; nikbei Ail eastabt latfisultiosg siamittiF :: :, , Omens:by mat vrtgiesitt:Stelli, 'lPAts, Elie balm la_irozzawadoit .10 Slast_o_rtJe. --'," esol; betteettlited atlrrocttrefly• ips_VPIIMeM ' l / 4 , ..• sat_olf _Chem RCA and OM ammo istleltui 1 - ..:.;.; ~Esocar. and “MatiostVeatseaaa about ous .. :tam mak LS Walnut Selittinar-,e,c . it ll a=ril l See rlialik " lsl Y. -s . ll PV lL r i .j__ _ _ ot tV •• 6 MINTY 4 • CENTS., Pla: litiAßWo-.:ria DiconsperpoWer labial_ bilazeno . 3 . 1, chilizziall Use =A *Vs • matam ib , • _ iambi 341,21tvaps ol ,;,,, _13441, ~ • „ reei.k . *:4 • 131 :: Mt : 4;:1: . 1f:Iri , la 1fz..F.,: r 1.a:.:57 ~, !a7 ; : , - - :•:........r -...Z.Y1... i.:•ii: 1, : ,,- .;::: J: 3, - 1 ::....1 ' DRESS AND 11011 -... :=:-..:.-- ,-- , ~,,„,, 7,' .. .. ,rl - ..:: ,` - 41 -,- ,.. -. .;; ', .4 Ef ;101 '•.: r•-. , • 1; • • I r' :?' '••''k,ileir PA* 4 0 4 0 411 5', L.- .": - : i s , - , 2„. ...„, ,,,,. ..., J. ~,, ,x , x ...ppl, • I.lFor VEtll-1 11 1e,parc -- - - ....ff-.,...-,.. ,-: ~,-,,, __,„,.1 !,1: ~1-4 , ." i:.: 1 -„,,,..,ri :1.. t.q.11,., ,, ,,,..,.., 4 ,,,.„.,-,,,,,..,, zt „.„, ti " .Cl l i 14 5"...7..7 •:•.* •f.a . • • ••:::.1; :...'.0., . , i.c.".i:Z.L inn& 174 b! arnEgA i11 . r.7:4 L. T ...:;L•11 " • '..c.ta: . e, 167 . ^ fr:'!` 1 '.. 1• 2 11 ".5 ,- .."! 1 •3 91 ,-7".7.116-o- a.s 1 LA . , t ~.p......,,,,..C‘ . .7, . 1 , ;: - t...7.' ..- ." :., Fr- ,-- -=ct L__,__ti .•• , ~.',•1;,:',1 -1-91-40 ~ -- - . , v., 4 361-1 1 ,- .d.1-,•,kFz7l . ~ , ;3 1.- -Al p . 1 4 , ' , 1' tr,:ci. , :.. r, ;.;.41,17 /. 4, : • X>.tif 1 . r-t;:r: 1 :- 1 4 , - 5, II ' ITTLETAILW-89W , : - . 7 .. , ;:' , . , ..e; 7:7: ... 1 C.::4".`T. , !...) c.ti: It's t".`44 7, - .1 :3•` - 441`..p :5 , tai. : 7 : ta Ie,ND .. BAB, c v..21,r 5 A1ty)-,; , --: , .- 1.11 1 . ....... 11:rd5.,....,‘,.:,.....tz.--., I' . .t`l C Tl4l ll #, i L .ad• cl . 7 r.P c s, eS r,, V v-1t,1,.1-:---"r:,1:;- - ..:; ,, ..t.,:41::tv` ea r.7:•:,tl', e.•:::=1 , -' , ., a:3 . ...E.=—.... - -.- . ' ...,,. i ' F ,.f: _1 !41 z...- .r.7.t4 .4)-.T14":77!:, r'Zat :1 I t,fr • . 1% , a , 1 ftt7.:-:' ~,...!.4t'...::f:!i_.7, 1 :ta,t; i.,Z.Z.V.: ti:: at , *.a. ,-- 9 -• •-••=,„ , _., .:. 4 = ~ - , •:-.."....,t . t-- , == = - 4 •,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers