Vitt fittliburg azette. IPClStalpo tB WETII ITBLIIIIIIIO ASSOCIATION IVED3 / 2 8 R!! 1,1 ? a grT• 1 : 3 1 1865 e ' 'UNION STATE TICE:ST. i ia " -- 7011 'AUDITOR ONORIIAL : a 4 ! OEN: JOBB 'N. nwitiramvpr, Of AlcAticomoi county. , . . - wow etnivsyon ensuist..t .. . .Co JACOB - 111. CAB PHEW . !• . : •;!, Of . CAzithrza county. wa-OgaMlin Ml= f . Mt DISTILICT, Aviv° lien': i % lan* bulyi of;; 1 . , ..lot opvirrr owillgoptst; - ',away: LIOLIMIT. PM tolitialp. loft viugssola36 . V: ALUM. Jzi, ol WOO Tchvutblv , .• • FOX GTO% /110101; F I • I rot Al ,101111111.71 - " ':-...,GE0. Y. IngIVEETi ,onta*Fetteroorump. 1, IM I SA ILLICIION, AttOsatUills Toarnstap. 2,11.9138. of ISAlefitteu, DILITIO sae -E-% tlar,q- ul at. ! - J. Lag r JOna A. tWall.S. Vrownl4lo. : • JIM& • icos*ii California, -held the itulleaht swept , the board. In both Vannont andllaine itte trnion men took own ground In -favor or justice to the black man, amp/Lama they bard, been trintn phut t In Califoinia7 the Radical wing qt. the s party hut," carried off all the bruton- Art aerie of these t34tea have the i„•-• Danncinnungio anything more than the `f- • tugutXtuni at.allght. , SOUTISBIIII_ instnetersoN. _ We take lt.fpr plumed that the telegraph gtdl4 of a gross blulider in attributing to President Joartsort the undignified lan -11080.14, is Made to use In lifs reply to the doutheli delegaion that waited upon him. He Is made to say that dotis not believe C' "the iesietiait tetter-writeni and Editors 1.-- who Were endeavoring to create the imprea don Oat :Ware exists disafßietion in the elnatkp and then be Is made to add that the presence of the= Southern delegation then before him "fully s t isproved the fact and gave the, lie to -their pestilent and ma t. Span) utterances." Wo cannot believe • we say,t , tluit s • the President so far forgot. hinsselfor the (14'1114 , of s hisi office as to speak such Words as those, and prefer to • lay the' s hlame of the blunder 'tin the tele- PaP ll ; , t That the atilt of a large Southern deli,- gation 10 the Pres:bent, to assure him of their confidence in the Administration, would be' gratifying to him, we can wen toidetsaind.` It is gratifying not only to him but to the. country at large. But we do not tee how it can be taken se disproving r.' -- the ex`late ' nee . or disatiection at the South.. These gentlemen were not the South, nor the spokesmen of the South. They were donbOm able to speak for themselves; per t haps also for their neighbors; but we look in vain fOr any antharity , on their part to ' speak for the entire region-set,--iestely revolt. ~„„e „ • '4.. -40 1 r tv.S . swallows do not maki a sommer, , ." as many a man has learned to his sorrow by trusting too much to arch deceptive ap pearalcei; and it, will Aske a great many lODIC delegations " .to convince; the country that the Mai who were so lately our bittet enemies Lave BUMS" haome our friends, or that those who labored with fanatical earnestness for :bur years to overturn the goverusieiVen row to be regarded, with 'out tastlon, as its treaty supporters, "Hatideemels os -handsome does;" and we preferio watt and;see what the Southern people do, lease ,phusing ,our. faith to"the doctrine that they can be Implicitly trusted. We Ylo notynosr who the spokesman of this deleiation is. Ilia name is given as dcFaintian, ead he is said to be from ,If he is frost-Richmond, he need not go yen: tailor a very striking proof of disaffection -therßiclnaml election, to wit. Whiati*Alrbe set 616i8, and remains set aside to this - day, because the people of city waisted in electing disloyal men to salleel•L A corrillsarating feet might also beiclii4 in tlie,eleotion in South eauvuot., where- I.Wave liesrproo, -and a:-large majority of such bloody handed and stilt' dial ,: 214 1' 1 51e/i chosen to Che ConstilnlionitiVianannient. Bel -Dinis Is; nearer to Washington ,than &dirt and 'whit is trans Dlrisgbare lel perhaps , ' worthy the - attest floe ot/ltilV "blullrossi4D and his del-' candidAia.for Congteutri-thitetsterste ableror tillling tot Asks the oath of allegiance? V ane is . I tr: TY_ itroti r o hermitlike° report, ..sdatesses =ldeal ,1 -1 %941/ 18. 4 thlo#s * &JAW:: ,Dr. Woolliganotelbecpening ;gawk The Chatkgfienkii fi l ftmleissifTL" heeihiiktifthillittion4itit Ape tie; Venially" aCtoniidialted'ltia ayitipethiett went Itttli,tilit own people - with Lee' and Tacksen;-ansrour, glorious soldlerd. Dr. Woods said he amid nelft'are" the congreeston. at eaf7o-7se had pF . lenl7lneesaike and am 104241 o:A f#o4 , , prima ;the remarks ~a t - lion.lL Stasof we extract the.folloetim m i lk a a-e o vedges. 7 „ Demonld begot, entetlfY ,eirettirestances, and do•the best ha' could-fOr - the country and forilliglnia. Slavery was dead. It could not-be restor ed. Thervespx.winild 'become duct or be tatiostsdo,-;As a"practical men, •'le ac • - cepted the abolition ntaltsverY. 'As to the oath, it Is unwarranted-Ay the-Constitution, and therefore nell nod, .7D. , eAsuld despise Wet( 'Le task Mut oath: - • Ths4n.two taii-tif-ther Three candidates In • thetii*lr*pl*"ll44ll4 ;Wed nOt if elastlid;-take oiti'preseriberf by acts of otareo - m#lts;*4bokr gigiriza• titemotopiiit.44 and tpv;veniuro anatssrtida"thtt even Xt. Ill.allcßato T 4 .45,0„j i t0f tr.! tiagiatuutitiaNirgiciltt Viji:Atcts ennui to 064400 whowrn take the oath Pres cdbosgAl,Ak4o4t.t.i,beiirauASll!*- -; of thaidwaly, utattiM wes'enppons,,,,theY • are 14101thiZ4 1 14 the 110 tll4dttoyal men. Y".• .11 .1.1.1„ r Hoyt, it le not because there are notaien is VIII hs chosen..-Irteveligntrwtikere are candidates who can Aoteally, if chosen, tidca the oath of alinianner. bot--tbey • not: ;itatkulNkllufl'oters of Virginia do not wantalptbe rePrellenteit . br loiallnzutcLTUdiVlrerr gagethagairsr Iswra folio Wail Jir Srriamr,‘ • sad ettatititiftYttegit " wratol'hil &Site to III; e ;314 rdtili or tha p*Ople.lllsettikii-,1744.,/sLasti Zajoka,444 014,- Ifles Weir electild ler It NIL Stuart could not take that osth,US lie *DAM it; Da r lifrOodS could not take It. and he knew ir a im - strait tandnuor side bY.sidellnat nov r AorrQ had alglialltdroMnanc,e of siecealon.,and he Sill/TIA?r . 4 0 'hikktpitturto Y41 rat.cs no wto-Protr -r00# 11,5 -M_4_t %scaly aging* alit or Sits Aile that rftu ts4;l l / 1411 111,:i+1:110i1 nituit tberotersorliniat ocklagkam rills.: filet Yditettisilitiofa i l Wflai t °21.°146 ft*,.t° 10573 P19./ 0 7 1 / 1 noln;, bat weir ,c,w , miml/illitogrittottiPW - 0.7 $ - R I , an 'I. 0 ;e4iTa.13:).1.r. -C4 I , az, 1.2 .1-eetileziT'' and "malignant," it the re,u:t o f the election does not chow Woni at the foot of the poll. As to the nffectlon or iilsaTectlnn of the South, time will settle thai. Neither the assertions of the "pestilent and malignant" kadicals, nor the denials of their opponents, will Ebabge ,the facts. We believe fully and religiously in the existence of wide Spread disaffection, and we would consider ourselvcs unfaithfhl if we did not raise the Maim about it. Time, we repeat, will show whether those who have taken alarm at the evidences of it, or those who have shut their eyes to it, have acted the wisest part. THE CONTRA Inc-rungs OF PREM. _The Democratic convention ofohio pass ed one resolution declaring that the white race was the superior of the black in all respects; and In the same series another resolution declaring that it was the duty of the legislature of that State to protect the whites against their possible emigration thereto. Why should this vastly superior race need "protection" against a race so vastly "intenor ?" This Is, however, a fair specimen of the reasoning of these men. They act only from the blind spirit of preintlicv, and nut front reason; and they cannot or will not pea that the various points they urge against awarding jua ice to the black man flatly contradict each other. The New York Post has thus neatly grouped together a few of these pointa, showing how ridicu lous they make themselves who present them : It iB difficult to eatlafy men who are de termined to grumble. We him been can fidently Reamed at different times by the Antis; Newt and ha friends, the maligaaut pro -slavery. men, First, That the free negro will not work at all, but . Second, lhat he will work so much bet ter than the White laborer, that the latter will be injured by the "pressure of negro compelltion." Third, That the country Will be ruined liy tl e idlineasof the free Macke, but Fourth, That the negroea are 60 eager for ty° k as to leave none for white workmen. Filth, That the negroes are a curse to the country, but. Eitxtb. That the slave eystern, which made negro breedings regular and profita ble business, and thus Increased their num bers at an abnormal rate was a divine in stitution and a blessing to the land. - - Seventh, That the negro 13 naturally an abject coward, but Eighth, That he is a mast dangerous creature, capable of rising awl murdentag a conitemeity doable his numbers and with a himdred times hls strength In arms and all preparations for defence. Ninth, That the negro can only live in a warm climate, like that of the southern states, but Tenth, That now he is set free there, he will immediately rush north, and take the bread out of the months of the white work higmen here. Elesenth, That the white men cannot work in the southern fields, which can be cultivated only by negroes, but Twelfth, That the negroes ought all to be colonized ln Africa, or driven off to some remote corner of this continent. Thirteenth. That the Freedmen are so stupid and Ignorant as to be dangerous to the republic, but Fourteenth, That they ought not to he instructed, or permitted to acquire knowl edge. Fifteenth, Thist it would be a curia to northern workingmen to have the negroes Hoek into,these.Statek bat Slxteenth..—T-karaerilaern workingmen • • —itvt to favor a policy which would make the negroea•contented to remain in the South. - Seventeenth, That the workingmen of the northern statta are the most intelligent, the moat cspable„ the most industrion, and the most virtuous in.the world, bat Eighteenth, Thht they will inevitably be mint d and dePtived of work by the com petition of ignorant and Idle negroes. Nineteenth, That the presence of the blacks amongst to will always be a swam of difficulty -and trouble, but Twennet b, That the emancipation act is wrong, c hirfly because under Its opera tion the negro race is likely to die out, like the Indians. Nom! Canomsta...—The N. Y. Tribune publishes extracts.from -three North Caro tine papers, an taming the Idea of nitl nudely giving the negro the right to rote. The Ealiatito Banner nye on this subject: 'The luestimiof negm suffrage ha trou blesome one. That it wilt at some future day, be approyed,hot forced upon an the States, we entertain no doubt. it will cer "bill to e; lid/ we had as well begin to to adripl °umbra's° piresicalt.anees isud 112 tar- eNenin osterwhieh Welutre no control. Weitbiok it.would be,the-hight of folly to adoptntmha.measnea hum - The negro should thst•be-qualifiad;he-- ahrrald be re. paired to reed anitlerito.enit own real es tate, er a certain - ammint °roller propertr and' It tir the futerest'orahe . &kitties= pito+ file to etrabilsh these resnisites. by -enact ment and labk lo perfect theirs. The, 'ne &op!. are tree. Thdy Willitore than po:ite ably remain among as Then- we say. It bebtxwes the Southern people toinsugurate measures to elevate thelreondition." IVE 4 Dave no objectlon.fii ed acts- Von the best of a emir& Eliti l ta vote, if It fsitiede to apply,Wwtheacal blackallke, Knertseoza.,—The .-Republican stain .Ootireiith:it; In -Allan** 44694 IS , - . ported by telegiath, - rofein to endorse Pres. :hterit Joinetunt. On the contrary, acesobt.. tiOn eatninitiritigiii - otheth LincoLlci4d : 7o - 4Cressle as'follawt• , • - • `:;nediciii4Tiutt the adminie fratfoti of 'the Vovertintent.,4bring :the ,pest four of the late aced` resident, ,6.6ra hire: -Wow] ; end ,lu,tue I and& of - the vreseut, Andre* lohnson, all their efforts to preserve the -Union and the liberties of the country, meets with our hoarty-epproval and con currence. '• tzs l:,1:4 od r :Pending the adoption' of tat' resolutipri some otie offorud ainerniztu4 strongly enlordzing4unnEw Jowl:mom toattoteon, IletAlon,;,lthnting the original resolution stroni4onsti; Voted the antendment down: A.'PoOSldat. Res:Fahmasteas.:4 ecaits , Midi*" 04.0;,t0, . 120 Y. - t 4 er' York , the; fartralalak. ,Dwagraph. IMWI- :417 , wsb , 1 , Mae Won* ILufwww,in thaHouseatitepre- sprictl4l42 _ -4171 :71:14a4ta r if,;181.7;" ;We lige: , f ;TQt sn i n e#-511 :4 1 /Wt a P:atialag tha Tea that Craw/ din S:gilds, was . chsktt , irlth'iwayalb, *Unit dawn air. , Matte' „itotifiettlitlaa oldfthr 'Oeitceet'lf - tteKelitipplifh ,, byottair . :FlSke d ke r. -. I Thrs Stridence.. .tatlag tbaathe-fisa - owlaian ob. araldtta adtelaistratLiSfl ;fatter ar Ration of thsquiflffitillititta o f fo r ,nakfir4rieff &Mit . ic29t l : . riad.hythefeet 14atiter, IfiN, a Orlilah e :deaeftad . tdlatltettbo i rEes born eeqik7o,mcoteitthe ftpl ehtrOthieF;*seite4ciherd t e4ie "toPraWirelOritio ~ fiPieterobt war from lain to. Sitiiiedaiashomitulatostrals:ara;ltad erea ate Odle feriernloie at tfiaitcifailik . cit iiiarAmaat , Calque!. ,flP . 4 ll,ifirolli' . ekaaligh thit.th4ted .134,4 4. •0. !iiigiltgalii446.44iir, 144 tdnataa. He led the English ttaht l i fl n daloa. J' at Pit_ Stetkoa the 1 44, lolhshitsjorae msda stTlr , .134,. and Geo erelihette Isom. • .1" 1 - . ' Y'r-W2ll:l • .4ll . lo2l dutidnet;vioryinek?Fbb, ap • .fif4 .l `, o .tiii ff. 44., g i fFE,Vf#r4 i 4444, to i r4 l44o4 ii4t*.kegplAiiiiis.efect,t, of. isyka,g , litraibeicrelbt vibr iadeiti g kb . definitely mirdirliriartaa: 5 1 4 7e /fie, I ' • f.e*§4...**444i*z1the::!- , made tp," &e. This maim galib r idi::: 'VI in the . : voijajor'frut9 l 4 7 ll347l2•bolluxtusts 1 .filr MA _T#Fro_ ,Ln At C4 1 :5 1 . P l - 9 . f r b 0rg..440e4t114e ~ PaiVOMINICY I O,II, , -: • U.. A . I. 4 :iing .1. ..P; -Le: a. ,t V .V:;4" ,' ; ' .', A . • lie . : '14ii44.:"1.91141-49442 .-k 141 ::7 4 : ll', ARISTOCILkt 1 . t ter Tong.—The New York ratanday Fria saps, that Rev. Dr; SOMltwoDr. Artar Bunchy nmested the "kw:, ells?” of his pkrgreipatioir to meet him this week to date maws for ityriammette gospel am °4 the "laboring claws" °Oils pariah. We infer from Ibis that the Rev. Dr. thinks there are eo Ladies among the “laburrg clauses.' Another New Toik paper coonvee to smuggle with a maniagenothre the following certificate of re. apectability: — it affords us pleasure to state that many of the oldest and best bet females of this city were present on thin occasion sad attneased the cer emony so impressively rendered by Dr. I.lsartm." TUE SOUTILEUS ATLANTIC TELEORAPII.—Late news from Parts announce that a Frenchman, with . Latina named Alberto Bilestrini, pro— poses to lay, at hie own risk, all Atlantic toles irrepb, which will leave the continent at Cape St. Vincent, and pass by way of the Canary lelende and Cape Verde to St. Roque, Brand, the Abtilles, and New Orleans. This is quite a novel route, and includes a distance by land and sea of over ten thotteand,milea; and If carried out will connect Parts with New York across terri— tory belonging to Prance, Portugal, Great Brit sin, Spain, Brazil. and the United States. GRAPES HOTTING.—Freah disasters await the grapes on Kelley's Island. The Ssndusky Liter says the late heavy rains and the °ppm, Moe weather has developed a new species of rot. Externally they do not seem •to change color, or to be affected, but the Interior attic grape is said to be entirely rotten, and with a very slight jar of the vine tulle to the ground. As yet it has only appeared among the Catawba varieties. A Mon vinw.—The 13oeson Courier thlaks It me bse to keep an arm• lo the 8 mth to hold down "a rebellion that Is alrerdy put down, nod which, prolor&iy. well not lift up Its head ogalo uLthout the life of the soetngeal max nos tieing." The youngest man now living may be gpeu-uf for . aftr yearn to come. The Courier Is therefore very moderate In putting Olinrevival of the robelllsn Air 'Mira century. NEWS 1TE314 Two thieve:A, enterdi the reeoenee of De Coney, In Newark, N. J. but Friday night. lie Pas awakened by the two.thleves making their appearence In his room, one of whom Jumped upon him u hotly In bed lied crammed something his month, to keep him from calling for usistanee, while the other ratan' probed • sponge saturated with chloform against his month and ewe. After thus render ing him powerless, they proceeded to take the poeket•bunk lambi* pantaloons and tp rameack deck which stood not far from the. boa. From the latter they obtained 'I 500 worth or ci and county scrip. about 4 . ,000 worth of United States 7 30 bonds, and between are and seven hundred dollars In gOld and silver, making the total amount of the robbery, as estimated, be tween ea and seven thousand dollar". The numbers of the bonds were not kept by lir. De Coster. THE Pasts Opinion Nationatf notice. a sin. 'tutu questien in international law which has Just come up. It says: The war on the Plate river has brought up a point of maritime law, which, we believe, has never before presented itself. The Brazilian squadron' ordered to blockade Paraguay is, in two, blockaded by the bauenes witch the Paraguayans have mounted on the banks of the Parana. Will the neutral Pawns consider a blockade of this Irregular na ture eatithd to respect? We would like to have the opinion on tuts subject of those newspapers that have denied the efficacy of the blockade of the Confederate 'States during the Pelt four years. MENNE.SOTA la building rafirosida rapidly. On. road from Bt. Paul to Superior is surveyed, and it is said the means are inovided: to build - It within a short time. This will be a great enter prise for the State, for 130 Miles of rail will pie.-,' them almost as near New York by water as Chicago is. Another road, intended to run to the Red River country, la - British territory, is now in operation Any mlles, and will anon be inhered to St. Cloud. Still another, Patti/ built, will rue from Minneapolis and St. Paul, south- Mankato Railroad. weat to Rochester, to meet the {Tenons and Powric mantas will flood the minima this Stoddard. American rhyrowiera. Wm. Whiter, T. B. Aldrich, Watt Whitman, and tharlei D. Gaudette, will pahlish. And 11 they sacs eel we shall have a volume from George Amold, an& another from N. O. &Lep. hard. inn Stethodist.Pnadesiant Church ta Prouty. town, on the She of the Baltimore , and Otto Railroad. was struck by lialitning list week, while the Rev- P. T. -Lelia:day was twaschtne. The bell ran broken and the coagregstion etta ked by the electric dell, but no one was In Jared. SINCE 1751, when grape elects were Introduced ono Calasoala by the priests, the wine crop hes Dever teen known to fat'. Tae telo le 1804 1tine,*4.1300,000 gallant; brendt. 533,000 gallons. A n T Of fifteen lately committed ernlelde fO Lwow, because the - servant maid took await his candle while be was readiva "Pickwick rspem. , Mr. Dickens thoold immortalise him ID kla next Is near!, all the sountlts South'sra Gear. Fla. meetings ansdally,heloi be thr the Donal tau= of catd.gairs who will' earrjr out the PreelcmCa tO .the latter acid Ar • meeting of the Des Sioloes (Ir:Wit) Con ference of the ..11ethothst ZPnlooPaL amen. Mahon Simpson presidiezra resolution An favor of negro euffrage was pais* Di axMLuaation. Conancrtotrt la to vote on the end Afontay In °mew on an amendment to her State' avail- Lotion, granting %Del ballet' to theollonsd wixt intro. . . Tar people of Rallies ito tegitzaloigtbe sob. ject of now fifeailftrase: The present stmt. ore ta as bee aed tnenotftfortab a building. litut bow A ,pouctogAel An Catlin en re doper** and coots, ,for t*eiipellisg ill= In a Walk.* 414TPAR Alb lest_ _49 P•isiO• 1' A: fereAet -awing. start:cm go • mile in 1,47;4 to gob tbas sensation' intim. Rem. Ct. Jae beatings are alteblifitinkeb af• Irk taddeus Stevens on the Star family. Tgannstm fragrem, In Whitt Immo in Inn eta ter, 'said, r • Ills m6re berm: - titha to exile 'TOMO Land, bloited rod dcdant !.rebel3, than to caps 4,0011,000 t aoLlaborers. ,:hatiya tir the leased WWI'? the anvernment. ,Tilly octreint wee,* terarito Van of, e ?eV:kV:4O she:kaathr erpaonsthu -ted wir //itemized rmothte , Aphikunesezpert• meat DudeWtndiscrdltandli4adisers. dine I 'brtvernentlimed tbe $llOll7 X may MT • word 'l ad led gm" Pritrrerd vologistaor the &me. von when the virus of Slavery has ones entered the veins of the slisrettolder. no entnennteit effort "Nibie or 'mai/ eradicating It, They an acidly of,coorliterable power, some merit, clad:arable audacity and execrable rstillishmem. With kopeoeus eithrity Wry seize the Mao Home and hold pommel= of it,as the late, administration, until shaken off hy the overpow ering force of public indiation. Their ;retai ning counsel, had well n igh defeated the reZlee. Clod of Abraham Lincoln • and if it should pre. _Tall as with tho l iserot Adaliniatration, pare and patrioticdent Johnson ts admitted to be, ft will reader Ira the moat unpopular Execu tive—gave one--triat aver ocenpledthe Presiden t* chair.. Brit there term tear elitist Ole will Otto say, as Mr. Lincoln 414 t ' Tour ma Itait cons l'n . r,r o Ptnarsuejzs C4ut,..x.0 Von vio Toe /ME; AND , ,AIIkOkFiXOTZU AS PACEPOCECriL,- TAM (AIM* . Tintri" claw 811 Ins; saie;; Lest eretlag at the blaschfo.liallag the preformeace of .'llpeed the None," 'Jr, kentteram It the ,istlletiorrobtmeed to tale ittelidahed ,that be „ttst*, ben rubbed of MO. The deteedft - ittfio pat of the seen; and befutreTetkie tolniiiMef eselrytimetaaanctrgw , tlMitteatrat , ‘, V•tetilih 1 litr C. m..E.awirds, apltintAidorartatM) oeu zemiOoveiettf a coo* -Of ".. , ogielfadVsttvel p ." , antliliw-glaareattedistes; tititthitrothelt hee la the utmost fashionable ool4ol3,-. rip apferently-tratrttaidh tiPorkMithaltiltitsil . t uic larie,rlahriltdetli ye dlitofetanhat'444 hide ste} witrattrallrloakarolthat•-itlitiftathef:Add ',l4ehttryroartlatfacwto be theivintrofoilthre.te Trate.? Mil:Keynote ttribtrienelidemar, , the. tato tallowiranire alsolleatrralfd JO a Prtritt raorit; l % Owieirottialtlittethylartdat Wao the barb ruled egtlaeri toilndtatabalto than . ' , gat iehl iktrschttilluhlatbreastpleettio dank”- re ep ovico bad attire &Mite :luaus rov , 01 epp nr.. :lame otladelittital lo alltalcmantswthlt , vaidata- , •-.V, atensemeet." the of th em hadmolaw ita.4 ano4sl,4l69o4 M4cheiliMt/ ass ' lbee s tOtt futtritaifardlete wr attotase Th Other worn athb 1 ,,,,. --- - Orw that lower..part of .f&C , ,v l 44 l ,C9rap etalw dleraws4 Wee t. mrolit` • Papel* cif sktheolVwd- a barium , lir it • , d;cllllV , cArAtcrshati, Kt Wilms anwm. 113 4 i*tibill4 mateeVenk,stut teg i po 04' bikrierta*,__ iki#ALLl47,o4l oE p t , 4l‘) , p ee wh tnaii fIIHRMIP. I Imes': la,wrater :that othey • 1 1 )ml btiaach th eir resPectito gockslO ahati assn pieces. Orm-ofitreartheatrtgat- cLim men a ds Wit Watitadteln Iritiebter lovoOdego) unerthicothemadi Asuttlaweapeiftwa • solatallter,thealbasbyls irlaisato rm a , 7 the,cwitatcr4wharlial left:file flock fora tairdays td Tait the Kate falr —and throtheidlt.ttS( t Ia <;.! 'I; I co ~..rerm..l6.- (~.7) oPolonti,U, • , oussa.ewtheh 7follovitor. , ! aditetial:i ,;isie cappeartidtb3:ElboftteVOcrem.4.lYrcio d. . about +hie 6cloatqbcthwiftfrit* . 1 0 'ltilli cialituitiif Ablialst-7,,E1 , r ,A.,.....,..„,,...„,„*. k bo .':- .. - itiliontluiigo*.anAa' lac, m it' dire tbildnie la One yeaf.-- (beg irt tir lel August U r WWI— ----- ----: ' t . -:, 1 •I'A ol :,:t ~ . ' ,!. ;1— ,‘ I CI, I=l Tnns C. PA T IIArTITON bgLer tile - o'ol'ld as "Sam ' the °Pekin'A er," I. one of the two eelebrit&l. whose deaths are announced' by the last steamer. He was born at Windsor. Nova Srua, in 179 G, was educated al Kung's College, and called to the bar in his native county. Subsequently he was chosen to the House of Assembly, and afterward filed :th.t.:l dice of Cider Justice of the Commnd Pleas and of the Supreme Court,' N. Scotia. His first literary a ;venture gave :him a name, when, in Istt.i, be coutribu— tkd t o e uc,,kly paper a series of articles, designed to caricature the Yankee charac ter under the title, “Lubrications of Sam pl'rk the Cloeknisker " Of tare years Judge ilalll.urtu Lab r . .. 41,1t..1 In Fliirlaml, and in I t ts9 WOO elected to the House of CoL3nmPli as a member for T. tun .estop, Cornwall. Crum()Ls against Inspector 13 , 01 e, of New Fmk city, have been laid before Goy. Fenton by Mr. Edmund M. Ptim. Mr Plum ac cuses Mr. Boole of wilfully wasting and illegally disposing of a large amount of public money; of malfeasance generally, and of being utterly incompetent for the performance of the duties oi his 'race, inas much as he is unable to rt ad tt.e letters received or to write replies thereto, and of employing persons In sinecure positions. Hoe. E, 111. PEYTON, of Copiab county, was nominz at a cancan of the members of the Convention fron Southern and S.mth eastern Mississippi, as their candidate fur Congresa. Mr Peyton is a lawyer and a sound man, has been all his life a Whig, and moservotive in opinion; was opposed to secession and disunion, and maintained his allegiance to the Union during the en tire ten., of the war, Tut: nmiden name of the author of the "Behinak-rg Colts Family," was itlizabeth Hunt:tell, td Plymouth, &gland lu her early lite cite bad a leatarut toward the lio- CU all Catholic Church, and was on her way lo a i - onvent in Fiani.e, 'alien she became ai-quaintrii with a Swigs clergiyintn, R•tv. Mr. Charles, who persuaded her out of tide course, and w hom she afterwards married. idAAC WILLIAIIB, formerly the otxtipaut of the Baker ablate, ritua.e on B.tok river, Norfolk county, Va , has been sentenced by a court martial to undergo an Impria , mment of nose years and to pny a tine of $l,OOO for vtolating his oath of allegiance to the Coiled States. EMI. SU-VIRTU!. MOWILT, of Arixonia, has gone to Europe for the purpose of in ept cling the principal mining establish ments where silver and other ores are re duced. ftl r. Mowry is largely interested In silver Id Atizonia. Ex-GOV. WASEIDULLNR, of Cambridge, blase., now Piotessor at the Harvard LAW School, had hie collar bone broken a -few day, ago., by brine thrown from a earring* in Now Hampshire. Bay. A. C. COME, Bishop of Western New Yoik, is to reside at Budd°. The people of that city have raised $1.5,000 to furnish him with an episcopal residence. GEE. CII9TIS LEE has been appointed Professor in the Virginia Military Intl tate, to flO the chair formerly octrapted by G en. Jackson. Hon. ]our A. BIIIOIIAII has entered the ring in Ohio as a candidate for United States Senator. A NEW ATLANTIC CABLE—Me Atlantic Telegraph Company has vinually abanckni ed the cable, in order to begin the enterprise anew. An official notice is published, to the effect that no attempt will be made to recover the lost wire, but that the Great .Eastern will be refitted to enable her to take Li a new cable in May or June of next year. When the new line is laid an attempt will be made to fish up the present one. The English journals ate confident that the next effort to establish ocean telegraphic will be successful, as the repeated Mures hitherto have served to point out defects which are believed to he remediable. P ÜBLIC AVITICBS - - - - Es ma ro aorrze sic T Nig ILOY, N. Y. The Ftris 11-91.4.14,141( ANN (lel. 51(.-9ION 01 Mu load kroorn b01101•L etc EI ( I.I , NECNINNI &:(1) VA3 81.11.1(NUE, old eontreettee Itla Hat 7he NEW A.I2,(U&L (MILS (Ea of OSA civic, full trtfornatton, may be oa talcod M solnreehte FELL ( HeKLES ORM/ME, ()hector, auttILIOM Troy. Mgr /111-ITAB CoLLEGE, • ALLENTOWN. PA . Wan Chas med Pavi u leges and Sripertor . Advarr til'utlatratranal'LVlLLißilel' aal Tor lanutars, call it unary, flan a *Jo.% Fittatemah at saddler 24.11. AL L. LIIII7OBD, AL LL. manamead President Alk ir - .4.1, ViLit I' I bNEVIE.ATaI. '149 IthiN A RO,-i.4.)0T, ON MON . DAT. the iltu last-, a Butchars .52E:40. RAS/31.1b1001L. It la ballersdl to navy been lost at tre Wove valcla. la labllleay. The above starasdivut pal/ for the_lolfirtliVf the Book, by th• natter, at 80. r•Ab/Plaro rEIW)DW&L OFFICE, Al46pa7 Dept& as t.. 1 PATTEII3Ort A CH 11431' WELLING NOCNE. t.r• apportuialtp • is soar orterad to parsons t.. rtg. caw a • gos,l nou.e fqa 1 , 14 iWO Scots triune dwalltsr th 1141. pi .1181:11 KW healthy Imittlito .t Oakland. near the oar station. P Ise, sato, now ...lad for flan r. trais esp. TrilintitT k ROW% 41 Motet lame. V tll4 Prrotautton, SOO. 11th, lent TO CO&L DEALER& --Sesar&- A. flit will be wailed attfnu iteleolablugri TEE To TWELVE Tklutl&O.olls.BtfotfEl.S • 01)61.. too use of Cso ootltllL SWErtwoble to tom:Miles of apt bandied booza w, a tbs. in Curoo on Valli Ond Roll of It roectrod unt.lttlio Cob' hr.: tact - Ettll. 'cotton or County tkonnandloraTtt • • HENRY Ida =lit, 402344 • 99ntfoNon ROOTS OF THEIR OWN. MARIA OAR naiad anvil Patt.anltLyme. !WOE AND ISHUB-tatONU. coma. of Ifttrani Coot. and Sim WOR•BALLE OR LEASK—Az elegant rrze i Lv s T i ttaree t z: on er v a l ft o t t or= itdnintid Datordi QUIN . Vu O. laYmek nonfatal:nit nanny fentr a vas, tninniot,a naMatateractoes iw oes WoOater and 'WaabliAgtqa stoetn. LOt PT. and q u ad! .of pinnond meet and Chary angry; Pat "T. am nT o ß,lnktnftt , stmt. • STIIKErtirENINULLI. YERSONp • Wowed, are hereby notided that the undo, aimed, viewer. appointed to view and anew the theoeges ittlieZZ: the mewled vaunts ol.a streft_c_dbfitat fro m theiullutitut T.ttintailt and thandak Met about 40.0 feet, (accordlag to the 4,llo'w:id apecincatlone &o feet, taloa of aItAdONO.A and °them) to the Third Wahl, -Allekhsoy ,(Lty,-slll meet. 9) halftho ;tun um greets tor.l.ka . purpono of thdr a time:a, 00 trEttIYT.SDAY, September 21111, 1851, as it o'clock, A. N. Jai MES-CIZAHLM. JOllrf BELO wDr . , Ja. DTER,,hort, eedhtor ' - - • - —-• Went"; STRLET OPENIIIO.-4.11 persona inter - nu* are hereby notilled that tits undersigned, newer., appointed to slaw - and mass taw damages and beni die arising from the proposed opening of s Meet, 40 feet wide, from-the-unction of Pair ' modut and Flaming streets, east about Ut feet , to the TV id ward, Altagbany:Crty, (samitry u s to the poke at d ipte.lleet nu acoeiniPenetng I petition I, ;trade, unread °there.) on tit tine ~f 0 , 4.10,1 lot the purpose. al their •ppnintaient, on 41 1 1 11,AUtt 19,33,. at or Walock, neat s otentiCre ; • 4 tell dad —ll 111( IIICP er- b ILED ouops,..azwgvb7s :T ea v.. . wairtAitteaps &lit 'pad Poo Stow , cq, 1r es Mutat , maireVand tlis , inat MM.' • 4 , q1A414 usil/u7tsiiit'eltinve Velma, ltp-.. ~, •, 4 , 4 4 e.• , Ihrpedebee 114 Leek *re tiOra&BABBAYViirENt4TH.Aje. - 40.. !have made the assessment ler.Staveel gad. 6 eipetuAßl O Lhe . iSrtilli rl9lll44lrpratri, HA , Is ne etArdisgekaniVit hey'eflikild Ifr •IA , Plate; edildiet,"tilll , 1 50 4 1.1:Abilleilittf 't sflermblzlrdarltuittr.b4rhandialloirarp:loo: - TeerhillMlV4-4•44 ,, ~4 •4 ' ,, l t ~, 4 09 4{ Lreegeratli ' : ' I OCL - 4: ....4,: ' ' f/NOWIt 4 I IhlraPt.6r.e"' ,P4 1 .9.4t Aft. .0. tem.-tad, orriv - 00; . . 11 ,• , . 4.IBLTIT'it . 1 . i;;; ,, 1 FA ralfrli- , • lf. nC{ b . ) ;ar .11teD/ES'AVP ,TAarro. J. A, UAIgNAHAN h Uohf .matrantspird 16‘gt.totiet 6121binkatAllJeff apl:Perklas , '1211141311044.1* , , , ;I:re; u: au - Nevi k. - Arrre arargsuitiatutcttG*lDl ALANVPADTI4 . IIT3, ; ; ::1 will 4. 410ft'Aiegi.tlnier, of d nocratry 1. _if td rount.h street,' on VI ESpAY. Lit er spit I `,:notnaot 0116SO8,ROSDIMEInastary. QQ 0319 .fotialentrovitretiarlittstentidA itoknaltiatiilaMtt, ,nootn Iturialstkg;t.a r Akit*ali *.f4N,P &Intl wrgimsauaticiasitli ONO /11,3 . - toa Su' 1 k. 4110 51; T'St..lllE-_, NATIONAL' Air. 11. 8. Government Depository bb .NI.IBAKET SFITEET, Capitol Pold I■ 8300 \Vim rrsvile.,e ol 1.. . lo 300.030 earns cottons , . cortstp, drags With 13stigs •t d &attc.. I notglottt Ila 'I unity, 40 Pr: al !octants to those lob g bustosos at.ln a -]c NOT 30451. An.' All oll.:At Unverntntot Atourttle., ftret;•loAl IA sutra to Ault ontotiotionc Deposita rec. wed scat lotto A•t Allow -I Ay spent.' Awrrentot. TB( S. DCNNEL LY, H. H. RING. D. 111. SIUITIi, N BLILEY, JAS. N., J iHN P. H EP. rtl,N 1111.5. Z.lllllll, J. Di. KIR/i RICK THOS. DONNELLY, President, BUTLER WARD, Caar. ler 1e13:1) ikw N W ld APd iq liftb Sirrel, Zusonie Ball, Pittsburgh. ra P 48 13 OF VERANGO MINTY. PA Mil AIM CD !La 11 I.IIP&OVED, Showing every fnrm lo the County; also, the Sea MOP., rosumbling, im all the Towne, Maent e ies, faPrice to CoVent, 42. a 00, Mounted, end vland $2,66 KAP OF WA3UEN COUNTY, PA tlottorm to style with :Cap of Venettio County. Price w tloeeie, Mounted, 0160. MAP OF WtTZEL COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA mad rlablcs Crowe 011 Iltxtrict . uniform with Elsie ...I V enwa.eow...l Wowrs... COY/IL/ca. y1 - toe la Inte.l. -2 2,, 'he • hos. hrtlogirefully gotten up sal ate cetusld stew the m• sir secutsto cusps of thew coon lee that hive yet been presented to the lit real discount alit be rustle to vti o l v s s ie buyer, /ield &Lied pint paid, on tecelut o' price. .1.13 69 FIFTH crt.. feIASUpI 1U 11,11... VETROLI A MACHINE WO ft ea. N. H LEOEIT, 11isaufacturor of tits Onto., Potent itoprcnful OIL WELL TOOLS. sAyrsom MIST, AND W *Lk iNtl HES.II IRONS,endUS - ED IN SINE WO OIL AN SALT WELLS, No, Id and al OHIO SIB LET, or the uP7. - rooto of the *Lo oney. Passenger Hallway. P 0. Address, Boa II E ALLECIHMfII , P. Particular attention Is Invited to Ms late ha prorenimita la Jars and Joints, ell made of WO purest Sligo and Loss Moor Iron, hammered ear Meal) for them. All parts warranted and Iliad , to standard did ; the Om slur socks:a of any on. etn ailing any other of his want/wore havire the nine number. Stream Elualoas and Mashlo Work mode to order. We lards the publte to self god mamma, rod Judge far tamnsalrer, and e chiller:We MLitt: of worksurnstup sod r.aperr HOZ bend for fjord and ilreolar. lytiklrovra• FOR BALE. 00011LIterig. We have for sale EIGDT SECOND-HAND COUNTERS. They are aa 000 D AS NEW ONES, and will be mold illIE&P. NACEUX. GLYDE & CO ST. CLAIR STREET BUILDING' LOTS 2P4CMIL Ell Pi.tasEl. Thet desirable Lot of Grouwl on tbs West Ole of -tit. Unit street, cut the tamer of buqueses Wav, about Any feet front, by one bularod and tea lest deep, For terms sad parttentsrs soply to 8. 8. BRYAN, Broker, Mag. 61 FmtvErlllit ST.. lllurks's Beriktios. NUrfoz We tom the Pole Ageoc7 for Pittsburgh, of th CNITED STAIES PIN CONPANY; ilho. Adamantine and Swan Bill Hook and Eye Company. 110 LESA LZ DEALERS AND JOBBERS. cob buy the &bon goods by 'be 411.% rn'iyAl and apostle; at bar ImA Pnega.,,py= in at Kos. 78 nil 80 hetet Street, 111ACRMII. OLYDE & CO. A DMINISTNATOR'S pui za. ram ea of an order of tbd 04nana. flew'. of Allegheny CM= T. tie nodersegenO, :nnotancton tor de boob non of Ell.lob Elealtb. deceased; pill so. rgt Atri4 at to'otbak a. 11 4 1, 1 . ' 411 tha I:g i ll:1r !t i t the 4 %l t win' :It the tomer 61 Ifabon - street and Combs WeS pitta, bultb, On WWI& Is emoted a TWO STORY. Iltoldr. HAWSE, coafaintsta floe room. Said lot has a ftent of Eff feat, a% Inctu:a on Stilton stem, and I trent of IS f• all foam on °barbs att. 7. And extends Lek by a Una flarallitt with tenefell street,. at fen • lashes. and by adins as nabt ..aldto Colwollatrom.,o7 use a thanes. Perm,—oath. IOW( J. BRYANT'. salliirdosor Mmlalitrator. LOST OR ISLAID, 4 !MEDIUM SIZED RAIN LEATHER: TRUNK, nrsaaen 8.. U. & A. An, InfonatlcA t Nord ti; v Ooh ll* IA 410 mut entarr. WLII be paid . lot. unat i s °CHET Kb IVE 43, - 80/BBORS E 212 9 8 ESAND ronea broom of every eeseriptiVe, • WIRJLES/A.L . E.A.ND ELEfili ft ai 3. O. LAITERNI VarteSy imel TOf &ore. eie let Market ifiiieCieir REwirrizi - POLYTRIOVPit 21/N HAIN, • o A Na 1. aalulowisog Try It Fa al by all Who h doubtara sadaave used It to t to eonylloaci Fox WA W all druststa. • .11 16 41 - itIESDC'EC & 13 - Itti.. _ - Detainer Enlldtras caul ISED.chhilstot, Vlmrsra DAntilacturas antic:wok's Paten Balm* VII res tcultsimitoginekiTr4itn;nrirli: ALP p;4 tr3611/thir "' Emarm, , ProzajitO rOPOIf-1 1 1;040 3 4, - Rpaa;, v'erst. min i s ttxn. - ,13LUE ZiLaDaltfJOlXDllll.l3l.larttil 211.14 V • WO °go B4 11 $ 1 40.• ', ... • • il i a ,:- '-. -, . Ito: iufliti:o#o:lerl4ZE%-' m VI.,VAIWISIS)O,IO iilliaro— '' s: „ftettakible . artivisaad veaaia • fan rola . RIIEMId. 8 ' au - 01A.-vora mpthaimr. anis e , 'dlsdaseraitrabaSSlNt , t . _ • ~. 1 .., /,:;.” ~-,•.;,? ,;.„ ,t,tr012214-Wwhpietect3l :lake; • * wal ' 14 = 11 ,,,i'LlA ...„t?. 1, - . .; , ;-,T, stnumsuginsraminiatti, -, q scesertfiallhata at monkilaseact. KW • OS9* r T .,: b° ,- T he-7, , E , Prrnt r git 4 itesvte__oo tregividaw SEIXOTJKLI t: titASSssoiliznaatoower to mut tor+ ow, en egramidouliattercuos tomer steozot: r : iiiterA,M4 6 “tliPAWlED4ol„.....lffmts4 -rt ,Appepa,TJoarir :raLQurtyr,,, Liir ut, ; , Er•• - •-i • LT -r. , .1 )0 1 % 4 0710241 1 1:614 1 315A1L1C1REL6 • NOVAi r NiNtattlitTi l WEM*l. HANES TO ORDER DEAR OIITTARO 111.1DELS FUR REVTINVENTIOSet • ~ l ltil i 9 REt. l 4CVYikii Ohne iwder 'putter.' •{1 „.• ••I • —el . ~ OnDEELSr.ullebtrz“- P DlDhali 141111111 , rz-il• tiqtrfftli 8 :cT , EII.. r OlL'Aelik &di 'rd., I • 6. .L• 6 . *..• • 1' .-, • . .• .0 Z.l .I.;t I'IT7S/11!BflEI, r.t JOHN P. HUNT, JOHN P. Mall M:M==l a, I EIR 77 S. LOCK Vlr JULYS o go PAPFR OOLLARS. 7 4 _9_ 4- - cu.:ll:IL i AND WITHOUT (LOTH I.I.XIMG. nssa. The Cloth Lined Of.:1 les te• fe t Loek esescselJillst. 4.4.. 2.53 tiouatitt Titled tstzeal.. Phil, a. hate be- n W get.erat ose .tuce 1553. and nOtaattetecdnag the fact the:tn.:la.-Das Imitations of there hat c been wafts, he etlll sane superior to any U. ilar in the real ken. 11,ey err the wily llo.lers nnetlihrOuilhrout vet h Cloth, ulth n lel., of Pisper on e.OO .14•. net sr. !Mated upu. t Otter.. o r s, 55 the nevit end .11 v• so/yen •o: the cr• . t 0.0 liar proeree teed 111 their Lyn- ui-u ore, ny•ki,s them.resemb e linen very closely; 00.4 11,01.1 the its ot the clove rivetue aps .n •111 -re to the p.p.,. They y I • test st ‘be button nil I and er, tae rat:, made Cat (Si) on tar 04 sod wool] et h • ,••• Wlttiout the button to e K1,11:14 ••• •ty no., t rp - per tvartng. N+u lire I:UYCr:Alain Mil In e•rat al to see Net each ie otseiped •1. •••• • 5..1•-- Lortl. or,/ .L/o. • , ord. tr., .011 l'r rir ‘i 0r.,1.1n a , of .0 not lil.l.l.l.iyes ha the I•oxeo or tame mwropres- atm.... to, sea for •outeelf. 11 the t!otlkr Woo:I 1, mist • , •.11,...1 upon th. inetco So stoo , e,i , le Lat nine Ttor en• 041,1114.1 d 101 nose Kit excr.ealog 111:11...4 soy•r u h. • I .11 so . d•hetut • liirottua , toe, . with • !AV(' • nt new tw.eLinerY. this On. w how nior ;11. ..1 onlet• tooruplll. either to Pat./. eionl o: the :Leung. • ..d.tlnn to the.e belt et. I -RI ;y , •18, s -t it wet Ern4.l., if t)ollets.arecotpso.R. . be Look w‘oeti 1111. t hp ore the sole a.e,..tee• nod. t Hunt'. utd 1. oele oro.oo's PoTeu • (Mr fit on Pup, Colier• er•r iseue4l, and Or p.t cep.. aq t • g0...c. 1, ttes • row ‘4lll.ultlee sod I.••••,its. iv ten ere bow be log v prrou ly entete4 orni. St •I• en. to oth,troxes on Yo , er , Oillnre. ttica II- I. mite oue 0 , ton.. rh• SA Petente, ffNEMSM2=I ISTACRtIIvi & CARL. 15LB. NO. 19 PiPTII STilltr,T, Pittsburgh. Ps, trials sou Wholesale &intuit rt-tertti. COME ONE, COME ALL I GENTLEMEN'S F URN LS MG ii=irr<NßJE. Nos. 13 n.nd 15 St- Clair St The etteottou nt the Ituit., in cared to the .erge eau exte4slve 'tole of OEN "LEI( h.N.. ?Oa, faStit t - 10011S. just nnsued nt . Melt t nru u.,nr ol•-rt.t4 .1 yr • al hare.., a. Any nue §, vonn: ot the au 're 4." Is, edit Nut it tr., , heir •Avnulagevv. toe • ona, 401./ 0.1.1011L115 11. y , 11/.0“. 1. el.- where. They ea n , the I trnnt e. 'el.,. .0 root nt Eln• *bite nme,n, en e n Starts, .ttou • .11 :4161.. Turn., r'„.t e . shirts and Israwara, 'ear'. e. Nella Ile. , 411.1.1 k vender., Butzerates, sea everrth.ut 1 ,.r c; a: .1 t the Gentlemen.. rbratehltur , lo el+, 13 '3- 11 , y, Retytember the ykon. 13 Sod LA St, 171a.r to,s7 :4 SAMUEL LE WIN. r. B. A large clock of Hata, emu, .`ot. lars, I nektrood's I, nlversal Heenn, En•mdlegl and latuassoll, vial be sold lower lh•I ear. Irma) via. HENRY G. ----- Merchant Tailor, 106TP-WILIT CORNOti OF PIN N% • NT CLIIB ON. pirrsiitia 4 PL Takes great pleasure in AnnOtlntddi to his namer out swimmer. and the puoola teatr.lle. tald. /111 pumas." and arrangement. for the YAW.. 4EA. SC/re am now eetu. , lated, having been p./11 , 111.1ir selected from the grit-masa data house... ths Eastern titles Only' Slugs IS elms. of g so.t. ea sin really be reeemzusmded will be orrarel, whist, ear. braces the new. and moat arNrov,l nasterlsis urd sty len s the e ntire .took rens yery I•ree varrad And seues.t. bit. Bale lass Inuna auafikle.e 111 1016. tine an early inspection. ' - 51. 1 PrirF/NE BLADE. COLOILED CLO Alt!) DOE SHINS,. usual, warranted Met in colors, and s. rind texture. bika..TON ta.oras and other new coatings, new style lon trains sults. A great variety of ME t A-9 01E11E3 for Pante and Vests, for Mematag sod Evening wear. atdd ARMY BOOTS, REAL GENUINE KIP LEATHER. CUSTO2O-31ADE RAND SEWED Three Dollars a Fair, at 1114 LEL L AND'S AUITION HOUSE, BO 31P1ttMa 8t root. air All goods at Owl, to make roo a for tat. proven:lents. rre IbTERNA.L. Ha YEN US TA X !PA 4 . 71. NOS la to retry {ly en, to sit parent concerned, that the Alcatel Lbe., for to. Twallty-chtrd Utr trirtneregota, but beet. placed In any henna by Aram omor, and that I Intl be totted tarry No. e , WATER riTHEET, Anatomy, from ThIS PaTli to the lima Ufa SgPrEklBEEt, ler the porpl to ol mania We Taxa a In. a Gom, Lammas. carriages. Mira Kite, On Abu, Ile attend In Percon, or by Deputy, at the borough of Tarantino, at the Hotel Of Susan &own, on kIUNSDAY, 2tat of depurator. from tea o'clock a. m , anti] o'elcom Otte at the Carcicies of tiartekla at the None of Samuel Gunn.,t.o MON Da tiVENINO, the vita lat.. - {torn astrato Wesel:look. • I, ParateatomottOomeee, to ears, In Called SfAfftliwal Toa,, telyatncaal Rum Moto& If not pale within tit telphool ilea, the peal- Mu of tea law Will b.eo(ora.f. DAVID N. VELUM Collator ad Mosta, Peoaa. =CI rig Splendid ence Or the Inbad.riber A ts offered Rosa* altuarsd as ttaktaod, walnut avast" witnnetture nannies walk of the traklaad 11: 1 11 1 .o .li nTiu= it tb7untut l i r t ilta to ve th rg e best algid, inalndingalltaa madam insprorester.u. No Pahl* an expense has been sparso to Saatchi( tins dotard Adam. Tito grounds are handsomely, tatd out, vonLain lag nes noses, with tire. couleur. • florets of Inns trees, small fruits, abro'ddry and flowers. ottk.a wiaßin.allou brick *table. with eruriagehoust and outhouse, eon:bitted; led t wet , Wells of good water, tarts cistsenind Win resab. vote as dam, esPllting thiamin with. hot and cold wattn. The ti mnie ga trorthgat tan atteuttrut of as s one di *desirable haat* hi • good ntrighoorbood. eltutharpaltishlnrs„ sto." tabs em the premium:Or of - CIIIAELES P10..933 Sdbaryobreet.. 'Oft • IM? HOLE CREEK 011, LAND FOR ••• naLF.4—lnterann In Lando , iylnt bn PICIInIa Creek, eivolrtmo.rac Aor..mDEN taut; • - . • knave. ea the. Deer Idekr *No In the • . • . PINE SUN „ . aontalninl Tt.esef_s, situate On_Fiatt Nan, be tween Pltliale and OE Creeks These lateiesta ere Very dealraber-es, Ittnattens are ell bol ters lands. Enquire Of r.D.s • - . ' W. Y.'llr. t UELL - PATTERENN, • • Attorneys. see • , Bra lll.Tossetts /9t4 Pute.barga, Pa. 5. 6 ' 1 .1 117 ' 114'1 iStack and Beat R:date Broker, 110.. 57 SMITH ,STREET. Cobbs for the melba and sib' of ClibLD, tad GOVEII3.IIIENT, Et,AnattrAD and ii - reour, O It s v 7 vvig.'.. Prrnargi r t I, o ll ted. 47 AO Mph, b s ir Yinii.or Pllnutiq L ap...i theAcaulaa Go - ONS.KlNS.4 , eitiUbba : n or ine Smut of Bi .kml t• • 1,1114 respeo.tixilluess. • •• , • •.-. . AM , 80 . L S arlOr•-qtie aedll arm- O l c s F; n 9l t es task Isar, sna No sates= of . ' Willi% a.puinie v la Ply Arm.diatt .t zt tipthhos. ZUM DAltsed tot 46 t; wiurAst. 1,.• nas ottiorts, drat, wad is Al= Therisid !oleo:apt Welt iAliAritiltrelhe Ma% :: 'vs A.6..4:414 . 6i,,'•.`;: - '.: Y. i ‘ PIL STSW' S. ; ', .": _ • IV to ). rj i try, 4 7117.-3 Arl .. . , I 4 lt, . . 1* FA 1..- ‘,FCL ....i' 1 ' co 6 11 1 1.rado; Wadi aFtlte tits &Melt tlattcght 61 - 4 erto '", W 0 04 10! ', IOW! 40 44 is . ? .' _ p<Aiiii4tteAleftititici4_ict, JO fat *Akira FAT , DATED Inus 'V r Lear,, Ana gre#tettto tiTurthe Mass - tills Wm/0W iv . .7,,,,-. L, •aor, ---- - • tjiffpsit s v w og , is ed m is il r i y tsti r . drlA ino r t s s ,/!ma so euAepts atisrtr s 4 -4 1 113-,-- iiiiitP ttabiM rt AL , ___ rbtiMENST.-413.11141ABEDIRITIN ika ly Rs, tho Squats on Try strWrlttol to fourth ottoOt4, =was imk I . stn ta. Vit'itie t i l ,TrOtUttap Itat of 4r Ell, p s-, * orjecoP a tot id the aboveprop esti. Masted arab Intst6SS lestits464;novir tta4p , ustp *bore siritotioisila biontothisockos on HOPMl4llPtottlli Plikettlilt4 '' Obi t 4a i r t s tru t . Oglot, Was olp;r :v sus est rOpualt OF gig ark r,optc -4 'fiesifid tn • tindeisfelettopti ow prays* sttentis‘ :4 try ~ ,,( .0 1 ol'17C: - : , ta', ' - , Cl.' A ( e.:;.; I SSUS WI aftr;,.., , 14 f..; lir; ... :, ^::.: Z . 17 g ingtalial: La: R-0 70 ti l tfV. , a. 1b 0 . raISOB-Ttr OttroOlo:Lt og. : pawn tau bil ROA fCCEltlatillt , t at: lto ISO fsnpi Tamtnt, or,arneurposs, la.. P. 1 ering...,9[mp5yti...,,.,.,.: :• , s, I a: ,:r.E1 , 1 ITI - 7 ,- 47.:.) A - zaurgEst, ~.. _ _ Al itecod F ql, Ps l Or"' • 1 :Tfif...:,'..iNvsEt.42l4 - x/44.17k,]...:„.„ 0 Ali end very aele4 stook of pattrieliir ()iv : ri ' TALAW.,_ ,- , XVBBQ - 11688-4,cutrePs 1 iand 08 8 1 08801188...? Ai 4.124 o=7 , a !' ”rnlk ii.linuicDocray . - Pl4.l6litiNttrittr autt , et Ormamana&-.;-, ' - ATIg! - • IEO .4•• .4puto Dwat , 32nmlk tare,ii4 . • :t fr#l4/.4f-thLtzt.l4.... . • .It,o A 11 ! .417/'IIt7ISLyIE,R 7B MIME ~r; Cold relining Company OF 4110 PITTSBURGH This Coon toy offer for sale and dirpoiltlon the todoe log yalosble mineral estate and zolnlnt PrIS lieges, situate In A view:pane r Dlstriet, nemmtr county. voloreno Territory. racy pro. pose to forret a flompsay wlce the above title, to develop and walk sake oiler.. The property' core 11.1. of 474 fret on Ile Li Tian Yale Lode lOU do Patch, da Chester, JOO do Don Web‘lor, do I i 0 do Ton ktnson do 100 do Grant, 100 do Highland do 150 do Mdadden do 2313 do UV!! of the west to IN ALL /OM FEET. The Company will ho ferreted upon the follovrtng terms and condltlotts : Tta Cowpony to be organized under the laws of Pennsylvania or Co/uremia, ow than be hereafter deter mined, CAPITAL TO BB $5OO 000, uc SHARES of The Par Value of .92.00 Each. MIT 50,000 SHIRES Shall be Offered For Sale 410,000 THEREOF ABE BOLD, C:P4r eimboisorilzmacil For AND Int MONEY PAID INTO THE TILLIEUBT, The meld Compeer to be orgastind and the Naas aforeseld tianaferred to It. That the proceedi of 12 um abases Ahab oe appropriated to theffmroteof of mild estate, mid-the proceeds of V,400 abs/1 be paid into the Treasury as the. mot/mull csidtal of this CoMpany. 7 hat char the orgaultablon orthe ConipsuY,.one nuidith thousand - thanis shall be tnumferred to the smear Company, and one him- - died thbucalld earn small- be Iransfaired toils subsitrthers te'the first fitly thousand shares,. ra be to pro's:as too- the number or shares hell by esmh of sal satammibens. These shares, amount. tog Ia the ameatite td.two 'hundred thousand shares to *marked and held as paid ,UP, with, 40 042 0 izsliatima*4_,..bo44**64 the Taloa . al the .214 estate mhea thessaattinery la iplieed Apob theptopetty La lop worklhg ;order end me*. 41* aprellintuarporgazdstitthe, sad stash are duly elected, the following stambl hereby apixdtited: MO. M. IaREPATRIOIL, Preabbmt, WM. F. .101119 BM, Erectretatz. - . Treavintr: , ' EnCEOTJTIPS 00..rd,t GEORGE D• MeOREIN. ALEXANDER. C. GRAFF, T. CHILDS, DAVID BLY, WILLIAM McKEE, DAVID BLY 671 ateteis to be pin in to the Them* and appreprietni Rader the direction lc the riaccittlee Otheaclitee. ricitaerinitou - maybe mile to either au& alboTs. ar to partuzup.aalts satharized la *rittlair by either Cl them. • Tits sliziblilty find tivorgailoettlon of either :;ofthate anent sactlng.,Lidta, tour Ilia dahlia's. he old sad q Quiz as Indicated, not onlyliy anATII-wbACA taus bPsa goadei but 4 12 4.07 Oa! SU!' " JO/ **la with twttto.os .who . um, 'Met, re120=411124 Shi ^ente, irtasti ontyltatfatatecf peal Isdusettecite So !mg:kin:Mit effbrtlesstereloptht ttriceututei. 'me Manses of the talsdal -t, • • >cr.; - tx! PUtegripaiglS WißbelterelVeir'i • • 7112 THE :OFPIOE9rOE<. r . • •• • MKP&TRICk 40.111eGREWei 6,, 4, '1 1 ::-CfilL Dik amens Of fhb 4T9 and. Seta MAY DE SZE4AT.. pktre of 7 , T 0‘1:1-1 =1 ••_., ..., . . , . . .... • 241 Fifth Sarzet., -: , ..::: - :.1; : - • - z.-, ... :i , .: .;-: :,..::-.:::: , - ~.'.,,, c.v.:a, ~;,..,,,,, I ,: -,,1, rt.n:e 73, %.• z f•• rut'. Lze7` (,z-E,,z) , ../i00317 Xi:oi ' 2 .-r. XIV . litdit".§ - ;Y: •.: ...': . • . t: ~1 //!11411)1=1. 0 3 W 4 / 1 21. , 4 - :., 1 ~'it, Z e..4ri,1•43., 1e . ...'Z . ~Z•..., . ;T5•:?..- , 0 ...1::: ;34.; • ..i, :). IN m.t: :iiiiithiliaisr7o,tat: _..,t...7..,;.: '• Sai zt%::: : C7,,,,,,-;:.:..,:-.1',...,:tfi1:....t..:a,:1.1.£4.14d ',.'?'‘.':-', .I -ZE' - `• z::: lit!:/tr... , t !:tt ,x - .4 . ..1 . ., - .7c , •p t:, -- .. - , c.! , 7"... - to r.,1. , .. , ::.i.T. , : - .; - ' '"...`" ,. .ff = ! ' ..` , " • .‘r•- 7 .• ,z 7 i r DRY' .1410119. NEW GOODS! IMW NOVELTIES! Atsf :e; 1111Ce,UI11 & !.LIIII,iSLV3; NO. 19 FIIPTII STEtRET. - . We have on 11,4 itto JatlT „ e h thg . WOW si.d tom; ryles of All the Dress Triocc!nen. Lace (-rpmle, Hthblina, Floe Scull, ricac..rhiair Plaa Zephyr Scarf& Sontaa• h ohio., ..c3 ke.birts, Tiea, Draih , ,...m. clonal - a, Cm. Valmoral lines, Ahavels, Boatrn Mined sli Wool 'aroma, Zrphyts toll Tern% ad y il iluo: eof t o.d Nati tat, ti CTIY AND COMA? IffnosArra Will tlnd a complete atoek . ,4n oat Wholesale De• parte:mot, and at es Jour ivrteee se can be.toua/ anywhere. • NIAIDLIONI & BLISLE, . velaNO. 19 ROTS 8T11.813T. EXTENSIVE SNOOK. OF ' 1 :4 ' NEW COODS I Merino*! Wool Dtlainea, Co'burgeti • Shawls 25 to 50 p e rcent. I _ I ' I UNDER LAST YEWS PRICES - A ,- Web:trite attentfort toz l oor n. st stock „ now openi ntn. BATES et:iIII Rid . .., 1 soil 21 FIF+II STEiEEV. AT EATON'S. 17 FIFTH TREET. - (Old Stand of Eaton, qantskt , t - Od.) Among the stock mils to be founds French Embroiderlei.• ' - • , _t; • liaadkttablefaii , - Frilled Hadrituals% - Weep Fall dela of • .i-L ' rill abet; TRltamisasi,6o:llol'lONS: SCASiet tad' Velvet Ribbotigia- , •• Fax" Trinuain 'Trftk li rt,itzi of 11l Strati, Gentlemen% hrnishine Department , 1 1 ! 6nderablits, Drawers. Hoge onVOtton And Memo. Reek-ntaa gounpta, And Linen.knd ALndin 5 ._ Eytrrtlslart to be wet le ii4ll,reCatate4tttea• tang wore brlll be fob= an tigja, and wt.; tt. - 43 - Atoif rice. rr W , ra trrazer. J i J.t tifitCßUM.t GLYDB ritz L 8 PARTKERSI • Frank Fan.&onier and Thi partnership to dot* trolo cci trost le,..and the azoLtait be wad '22aost:Wt. roma fliacruay. Glyd &. C(o AT WHOLVOAT.E.. 65#000 'EMUtided PapeoOnal% ppm) Common do" , do.; 2,000 poinis-Wooi•lii*Se Tann, -2,000 dozen Wool assiAllerliti llose;: •• SOO doz. Findendalrta - ` 75 cartons Bead dlilps; 500-dozen Lace 600 dot, ~Iffincy Goods, 1/ - 040rA,.., Sco, - ma srmisnmsnOnm VEW GOODS FOR JUI..YI Jos. Berne _C3o. . L . _. intro Peet ("seed a new Week* Quote* DEUS Cfliods for the prose= seasaNtit wfdatithellne t 'fie, atteetben. 4T Drew end Seam Teineeffnew. new stree , Buttons. Raw melee GsnOus and Baader r , ' /ISM , oidials. Lim lianOle_istdibi latast-:: Frol trt IWilimill-var-liter' Veils . : - - Zianniaireit 1 -.. .ftirtiftteigailti:42Btutsti . : , Eagir*; : !',. ' -84dcbigil ajintsts - So Endii ' " ind'xiip4',-';' oc t oits:flievl,':i4iair - 'palizabie- .. , 01 0 50132. tnii 6 - 1, I: 8 0 0 **MA 7 2 0 , 0 1 * 81 ; :i 1 S T ' ••• 1 " 4 • 1614 / 1 ra l nle *: - . 4 . ; , g 1;,,,:,- , -,,.., . 4 , i,.....'l :- . : •,' .!. q -•:. i ..t: FX.. Ev.:F4703.!.-....: _._ .. -.•.,,) ~± 1n i t vr. 1 ;' 0 •0 7 .44., ,- ..3.2.;,:-.T,:.,'.: f..= , * - L:-. 1 ,; .'" I !..,...: , f.::( , .!,:a :.: 'l'. '.l:a,r; 70 ,_."...,.; . ' ..:.- ,• .. •-; ' lea . ECM 6404. n!'- 1 Ez 4 .:., :MT' ARRIVED,' ,-, ., ~.,. --... , , f ; •:.1 7 ". ia. - -,: f.:l :.,, :r T?4l For:14tUF:A010:01141gAt 4 ' ;Ititiliktilk, 11 ; ;! 7 ' i ,' ".1 3 -] . : :•• . r rL, ...,. ~. 1. r .::::: !1.Q.!.::(:' , 1' -1 , t.t r'..r 151/Z. aiIaINCIS, • ~ 0 . ..,.,,.. ,.. , 1 . 11 ._. vmh.rwarcup?ruAr , x2-111:rx r. - ,:i ' zejkoeii.Acii**,...oo:3:Eicaii§*ll:7 " y.,... 'iniiiialsorps-Errati st~iazgrttigredi '..-:. ' i ':•', 11. 9tqfir1"44?4°,6414,ft;..:2.,i .1- iitdiag , -7 -'l3vititudtretelserrtmj!„l ;51 iiiiia/il .2 ..11-.1 . P.. '• 1 ; 'IMAITGIMING: CiE.--?7, ,i.c.; iu 3.:1".. .- ~.. -•• 1414. PATENT_ higlicr4Gl' e BT. drift isnumr,:iia . i)slilissaftsua ~. l'.s;,i,.i,:atEfilEniliZTEN-trllpitoataztPtl.:„.„:, een-7qt :47* d.t,'l4 ,Lt...rj.4l(t;; - !c.., , ,lrtibmif -01 , -i„ 1; 44114aitrrovitrfnitresk •r . .:Tr:l 440 /444703 - 1 /UT .10:004 C : 00 -4 1 41 r. ?e,; l ,' F ,... lutiitel = 7l 4oeltai::: , .4lsi g 7: : illlktket ittir.lnhg. , cit 2 ' ra , .. 13, - f-- .! . ;.Y d... 1 :j.C: ,,, q,1PkCA ~ APSTAII39IraI - ~.1. t olt 1 - 4 .2tittl',Arli .7 - ,........t. - 4..'.18:fml 1,,;,:l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers