The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, September 13, 1865, Image 1

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    V9M:nME LXXIIII - --NO 231
Thos. D, Physician xed Surgeon, No
Federal street, Allegheny Olty. Ortiz hour,.
6 to 10A. si.; 1 to 3, and c toN P. u.
• We. Would, Advise the Ladies
!;,-To all it Dunlap, Litlccr 1 Co'., 126 Federal street
if they watt anything le the vrey of Merinos '
Wool netahell 111'PJAIds. Their . lan; 14 large,
Are etlll4 l / 1 4.114 Ees re prises
Buyers of Dry Goods will save motor by cearnto-
Onr ■cock fit 00 burgs, Aliments, Delaloes, at d
*the? Dtt.. Goods; AS well as Flannels, Mustlns
Prints, tn. Remember the place—on the north
; east come} Glint:Mb and Alittlyet Streets. ;`
• C. Haseor• Love S. 13no.
to Buy 'Em.
ire refer; Of criltrse, to Dry Geode, and we•say
emphatically, go to Bates a. Be11•s, No. 21 Fifth
f;11t21111t ; that ks the appointed place, Their stock
05allanSt! kiterOdialtelcillatnelledrindlibanttltaly
rages can be rutted.. Give Meta a call,
aripaciallii for the Dress Goode line, and be matte.
Freon' Merinos
And all-wool Urehreeree, from the large New Volt
-4 ,4=0=4 arteni pan - hilt tut.-reason's %le=
Also new and Etesettral et)la of nu !Ma Winter.
`DnaGoods,ands complete stock of Jr/annals.
Petite, kleslins, Blankets, and ereey ertlate tenet
kept In 11 well seteeted stock at Dry Goada
litemember the plecteil eri klicendt.heurnosner of
rolTrtd and Disikee
U. liixsore Loyz t Elan.
bplendid Large Farm for Nair',
'Cott'liking about niXi urea located nearly open.
r site Srwleklervilleliinnting on She river. The
;'lsaecterawftl offer the shove at‘, putts sale on
trhursday nu:train, September 11'0'01°0k
sr. Parties desiring to attend the sale, will take
tithe 9 o'clock morning train, leav — ingtheidliegheny
• ...'depot, and get OW at . Sewickley villa, cronies the
•!, 'Aver at Ours Farr. •
Afraid' to: Leigh,
Ladles sometimes repress their istiglter to
, neoldierealingthediscolointionnod
iof their teeth. • tilt Orret:4o4 would adviie'yoit
'to try the fragrant [ °zonal , . Unit) remove, st
nn, all impurities, arrest the progress of decay,.
;ind whiten such parts as haie already became
` E WA by decay, and lease to breath an fragrant
I,sia a sm.
• .Tterty iusiele• tominon
Ender. having Clawed over the editorials and
.itbe new* In - thtw.)nmassb, iron tarn to the, ad.
, 4L 4 wartlsesnelite; ,- -.saying-,to ininisedf, - .".these are
. 'published by tie Triter, to serve their own Inter
,t Perhaps so. But It to no less titre
Your. interest to read three thirty/trim If you
`.,(ate` healthy It la presumed Yon wilh to continue
If slot, q{"lntaatipa pa Aieqrs fo be altlievola
:In titter casalt4l &Art.& t 0 soit to koio trot.
- ':}lt.rtsrttn's BivrErta are the safes°, surest and
- 4 ,4- best Tont: and Alterative ever advertised IP any
,•- • Aonntry. Is, to a pestod of the pus when the
.iottongeat ait fivigaiant; the oppressive
drain, the 'lamb of strength faster than the
-. , tnest paint and vigorous organtzsttnn can recruit
"t• . 7 *M. 9 1 4 11 , '..8.0 1 11 4 7 11 4Y°1 5 " "Al!
protacmn scarlet the devitalizing action of heat
~ .Ana- the malaria it Produces, you should sustain
_.; - " . .the gOodeonititution and the sound ataadrin with
. .. .
'. • !which nature has bleared,youl.with tide Peelle.
i i ‘Vtgeiatio79 , ? l ,4 "-
._",''',. ' ''• ' .•
" '
- .i iit ca&e e a x ce y be 'reicestary to urge upon the
:tweak : and ailing the Importance of acquiring by
1 Mite means, the stmagtn which unassisted Nature
• iletaes them.. 6 814, lishn areitdis elrounistanced ore
invited to-givitthiliiiirkairiiiirliLiinaieml.ii'esi
• • Lure taken the elixir three drya in conformity
ii :lfitit the dl actions , they will acknowledge web
1 gratitude Its genial op.:retina,. - They
. . will Anti
— .l that it Imp/Lite mental as mail-as nave& energy.
, and regulate. 01l thointentatfancalosui admirably.
fl -' Uli ialhe - elperieheei of the debilitated and de
' . :greased , And in -making these statements th e pro
; ' 1 1100 Th tkti/H 03 4 , 9•-, 1 4 0 Pg4):4;tof bii , t4Ret4ble'
- keithawalabi. Sold every - where.
• -
.• Otte Trlend;', Ttle. - , Jahn" - Wier, 80. tea Feihiral
1111 tittaii'llnfithaajf; - '3012' the teat arhea the
CatiOnei news of the capture! or Richmond
Ithe irettieldite% tit tae, maid Denial Les,wea,
attired, and- taking , 'adtantage ot. , the Peale
- &Leed s and knowing the oraetton that would fot ,
. tow. made ..ierf,..Apeapt nnzetteleye of wt naest
pen' an& itentotte-t Dialeat'abotit acte•hall of the
old pHeee. Some of the 11:nest. earehneres
40,21 vestovi.F.prAtiti !gait stook, which he le
.40repaecititi matte up to order, en short notice, .1.11 !
_Attie latiatiiftel, itidat 4i , 02 poadb 1y1t027 rank%
rilt choice assortment of furatehthi gonelenint mita
.• inade elathipc erg „absa sop found at ,nts abt;ant
I ..4etabifit6szti
itLo , c. 44 .
Outbid Mate 2toofets, and Deal= to Zuziitrithui
--pate,-of ....varfmm cola+ (Kir at Alexander
pausl&l4l 12t1t&he
_Crii,o7Worlra t
Pa. itisiammoZ No. "IS streht:'
Promptly attended to „All *Ft; wmantakmaMo
•Proof. Hriilattilittamir at : theallOititt'rikteei;
ihargo for .ropiilri k -,Kovldettk ge,roof riot ,
1012sed aftar putorO,''Z'
Canbenter Jobbing Mop.-
Ruin Jotitthed ether an absetwe ot Ilion years
the atte-Tirhuiveiti.ottet 4 taterihaihttalltefittt
titjobblecht the. carpenter line. Oohs old stead,
Ottlfrs tsd and Pronippy Attended to.
- ;•• ^ .4l :l2llitailo iniztosto9:l'
tif.:l7Al r.
Good treat Prints, Datel, 7 10, Oure. 2ll , Md.
rains, Plums, Pim Apptil Canfft.ind
Taffy, al 112 federal Weal . Allegheny . .
STATE DERV=-' r e"••••
• Tax Ibllowbrltra trstolete-thst` of -- reannyii•
vaxda reittiltittclirthea United-Macs. Itervicer
frepabbee2ll;lBll7: -- .- -
Pennsylvatla Volunteer
- 195th
- , tr . !
214th " - • "
PaP 5 7/Vimbs Artllle ry
ladvaatenatatterr B.
14th PenuaylyanW Cavalry.
. s lot • •a
ze ie44Te d gbe•-11 11 $4a otgattlieWmi
e umbeczanstoraol4sl.lservi6,withl t ktimpaxt ri
- three ming'.llie., :,,TfOurr eielmenti—Ote
1 8131 1iIebreirvatitisheIdtbbuti=10 - 444-
1 .edlito - patdvd. nai:Varna rged' at 'Harrisburg.
In al few tonnthir,liffarthtst,' item trtma men
- who survived the rebel Mdietalind Me d `darep-•
r will be at home.
• ow ran skrinmatt-ret.Erse , Mt, a woman
'... named - Ma Shane was ran over and instantly.
Allied by the constructkm Mai& engaged In 59.
ing.the docks of Use Y. dr, E. Railroad in the
17alen.karbur• Mt:Ws 4Pt ir tireCateri
• a ber beratnlidie in' trel knew ' w Was be--
• done. ger race aud, head were cut and
amashed, her bedy:illeirdly Mashed, the bowels,
'her. etn c lylng mattered around._ The woman,
wee olbkr way Wilt Pbygicht "to get medicine
t later Intabend,Wheriehe Co euddenl,v l raFt
- ThursdayThmaday morning a boy about fourteen
all , b 4 turaed - AugtaturlfaellyV sO,c4
Thonitrebf Readier; while arwerk aft J
- care On illeXisißzwstraelsowun over, come
pinkly wriering.idaheadifirm beidy, rTIM
dna Intimation any person .had of the accident
was by Ma head lying en one aide of Shit
tniet, an Malady Olt the other.
tgar are aa`lai anlaultlg a Want °tirade
completed ritlmbe ,aataramomp_hullding.)to
br itelst of Mader Veil.
uw q lo t 4 ta laaat m ir atthe,boun i.;- 011 men
and ineruhanbi - Unmet bualr.ess at ,the
SOolla of thd want Thins %mita` to tam O'clock.
•In • the weep:go iiimt„. stecica; wilkbe
bonghtlid -
. • .."-
• Ulm Ruzamin thatm Ira run wombg,_ the.
awe at Remy • Vousuiro counly, , on 'Monday a•
week, entbilikerally mr-zdeow.
attempted be croirthe 4 nteitla frunt'ef
of Ed"
Pn s /
*,t ;
:••••'. lanmswarnreoficad tuniabstinAtedirmoil at ale,.
hil , kadbg. Paint:Douglas. Mien., and several'
• pounds of era taken ebb . by Rio napentnententv::
.1 bAa laualwekentagekthm mineral auto .1
ovffibonvx4oluokaw of . the 13t.: cEra, bnto!
whetliar4in g de aakinteMßles.attetteinter pro,
eltabbevakdegiesirt vet ascertain&
tiontektqvinu.roilf Paducah notoriety;
bee ;trotted Semmation among river mea by tho
: invention ofn newpropetling powerothich causes'
an ImmenSoredtunion in the mucosa - of fueL
argil easette.
-The PACShet at 011 Clti -, -Conalderable
Property Dertroyee— A rrlsal of Steam
t ra—Bad Condition 01 the street•
and • kle Walks—The thi 7 1 1...1et-9pec-
Walton at Pltnole Niol”.littnr,—Tho A.
and C. W. H. It.— Else Homenteod"
Well, etc.. etr.
Ilorrespoadeuce of tpe Pittsburgh liazi.te.
Olt. Urn', birpt.lo,
• Dr.s a GAzz-rro: The river is again reccoinl,
after ati•ainlnt: a beighth of right feet. It rose
very rapidly all Say Saturday, wail caused con
siderable lose in boats aid barrels on the creel;
and river. It seems strange that with every In
significant rise 1u the Allegheny. ram es the
usual drift of boats; barre,i and Lambe,. Peo •
pie hp here, and above, SCUM never to he pro
vided not prepared for these sudden freshets,
and consequently awargoes everything adrift.
There have been a number of arrivals of
,stow ens and tow boats; among thefcrthe
•l vllie , Little Jim Rases, Petrolia No. 2,
Advance, Monitor, etc., which gives to
our tond-motiled metropolis, gaite a stirring up,
and turns our streets into the threat mush. Toe
streets of Oil City are almost impassible, and
the sidewalks in some places are six Inches deep
with mud, worked Into the consistency of mor
. tar, and it is disgraceful to see such a state of
affairs Where Is ourburoms and council? Are
they dead, or only sleeping? Como over to the
loweraide of the creek, gentleman, and see the
sad condition of the leading. thoroughfare.
lair tiro well dressed ladles, with pretty babes
In their arms. endeavor, the other day, to go
Rom the posta-Olco to • the bridge,
and alter scrambling add. Wading
Ibretig . ti Lite me cut the side wax,
found., Imposniblo m proceed and beat a retreat
with their skirts and ankles completely bedrat,
Nett with the foulest. filthiest mud. &tame !'
aliame. It Is a pity that in a city of so mach
business and among such an enterprising and
energetic people, there is not public spirit
enough in the right place, to keep our side walks
bud streets in a passable condition. It is a ver
itable fact, that from the depot in tills city up to
Pithole City the worst piece of road, is between
the said depot and Oil Creek bridge; alter you
gel and of
. 04 City the road is good, for this
conigvy. Boongh, "what can't Os cared must
be endorni," until next election, when I hope a
burgess and . council will then be selected,
who will attend mare to the wants of the com
munity in this matter.
Tbe rise In the river has stimulated the mar
ket. Oil on the creek has advanced to t. 5,50, at
PlLlsole3,oo. The Pool well, No. 54,0 n Pithole, is
prodning 1200 barrels, or about the seine quanti
ty as the. Omni well, stories of her Immense yield
to the contrary nothwithstanding. The Rama
atead well, which stooped flowing recently, is
being pumped, hot solar has thrown salt water,.
mixed with a little oil No. 66, Bolden Form,
owned by Pittsburghent„ is being tested with a
fair prospect of a large yield.
!Speculation and confualon renentliv, are still
the order of the day at Pit Hole. Wild! every-
body, everything Is wild here. But I think the
change is beginning. There are not so many
Louses going rip; not so many people locking
, - 14; hotels are not near so much crowded; store
keepers are Just beginning to complain that
"business is Macke' the nutoirr ,r of .bpoths„fpr
the side of frult,thkesand hear. litkridietda Mo
or. with each visit I make, Indicating tint [rave!
Is slaikenlog and trade dull; the great rush is
surely over,
and from this time forward, things
will settle down to a legitimate basis. One of
the Minot indications of the change, Is the fact
that nearly every other house in; Pit Hole city
is this day for sale. One month ago, love and
money bath, could hardly secure a house of any
kind. "Things Is working" saith the proverb,
:And verily this mushroon city of two minting
growth, and one thousand hoaxes, will in ninety
days from now, I predict, be—to let.
There was a 'Aire land-slide last week on the
Atlantic and Great Western Railroad, eight mtles
this side of 3taadvlU6, delaying - malls sad 'pass
cogeretWeity-font hours: The road IS again In
running, but bad, order. Ton may expect to
hear.;of na having one of those frightful rail
road academe that appear to be so-fashionable,
. one of thesedays.,. Thawed bed of theAtlautle.
and trcaL.W64 ll rii:*iad. trimrzgadllxtottil:
City, is very Imperfectly and unevenly graded, '
and the care are uniformly so over-crowded that
about as many passengers are compelled to
stand as those who obtain seate. This road is
badly managed, and Is making so. much money
that thei_ttave OE (tote to attend to thercomfort.
cafety, or convenience of passengers. Wilt
nntthat accident occurs, and this company will
be visited with. a. coronec's,vcrclici which. will
blacken Its character before an Impartial , world.
Wltt don't Pl.tabtirgh build a rood to 011 City ?
The receipts of the Franklin branch of the At.
lantle.and-Hreak Western Rallinmid,..for the Inst
quarter are said to have been f-100,000, nearly
the Whole of which a road direct from Pittsburgh
rancid receive, and (make It one of the most la
catiVe l natitutionspitbe land..
Belk andb.irrel boats . arelifiliti the - river Id
day{ and you will receive plenty of oil before
this mine dhins. out. , Freights „to Plltabutlib 5 1 •
per barrel. Oil Is very scares on the Creek, and
held firm at the advance.
The Cherry Run and Pithole Oil Comptny,
will test their new waren Pithole, next 'week;
From the Indlcattou•, it promises 10 oe a sue.
We pave had a great deal of rain drain! the
_ .
• LIITEsT Molt Prirremn: •
eiLract the - followlit interesting items
front the Male correspondence of the Ziet
4 ,DoPateh: _ . s .
0, 2/tlwlt Petroleum Company,,.sit,
uatedon the Hooker farm, Is *pumping menial'.
than usual. IL is generally beileYe4 to 64-
_goad well.
No. 73, Solmden farai;l9 &wing we 11...
Territhry Whamming Mare valuable everyday..
at. the vleititty Of this Wel7, .iiceocuit 'of N.
„SI itoittletdog to So lurid' if qtrintity. It It
litittieted wi th in fifteen rods" of the latter. •
Not-71 label*. re-tubed to-day, and will eons
settee pumping to-morrow.
No• 001simmping amaze oil but is not, rated,
No. 09 la now through the fourth sand rock,
and will be tubed In a few days.
No. 64 hu been re-tubed, and will commence
ptunping this afternoon.
No. We tesitql. This *MI la'
a good one, but owing 10 some defect to the
tubing they Werelthilililit 1 40r4W
No. 2, Mors) farm, commanced pumping to-
day. It putups.some•4llla thtluith-thil- water
-SOl yet exhaustiid: - tilts Willis altnated within
tiro rods of the Homestead well, gild directly
belpw. It wilk_undmilmedly ,hew,good well. It
is ow believed NY a great many that this le the
„well that Interfered with the Homestead. The
Latter is not iMprOlittg
No. 37, Holmdel:1 farillOS flowant 250
hairos per day, with tlie sucker - roa In. -Vitra
thy rode are pulled, which wlll.he .13LS day or
twp, yen may expect to hear some Itthicreiting
ortrr from it.
• ,:,2 -ff-
fios. 100 and 107 are &Aug abOut til loons as
what. The tools are yet last inlio:l7, , ltooker
fa .
new well, pumping about 100' barrels, is
an borhatlvely reported, within one mile of the
m nth of Plthole. Th e well Is only a little more
th n 300 feet In depth. - Moat of the wells on
lo er Pithole. we are told, had good shows at
' t depth, bulthey went below It and got oath.
In .
7 rtier wcrekingiiitereit of "102” Efolmden, was ,
Amid on linuday,-by Mr. P.O. Loucks, for 1110,
,el t , L tbe being an - ready-for pumptng.- We
lkntitla t o - WittOlng 40, am' Tete of-
, 4n t forty barrels.
~ . OEM AND WZ:62 1 , 214; . J516.- • -
thei Marietta Register- contains the
,sfollondrutoll Item!: 7 ' ,'." • ' - •
lirttrtiOni Witz.,--We f e int that ea'
we arlabtrucki Taw dip! age. 'at the XrPper
Bunibig epaingsi West that !Weed '
41200 barrels °foil In 12M bourn... This le , )
ble. lawn= thirty miles south of MaMadeira.. , t.
Ontr'who knows," and - who la neither an 011
nor Interested In cll Informs us that there
are now sever! papnaq Oil Wells within sight of
Tba "CaruttieraWelo on the Fowler Farm,
- as tt is rabid, near Macksburg, was about ready
to be pumped, at our WI &dikes; and stangulte
iexpeetatlons were entertained that it would be a
‘kood well for oil. Another well on the IMMO
Dlace producing panels of oil per day.
.11 Willie's struck short time ago, and id
about ready for the pomp. at the mouth of Wolf
It Ise little over 300 _feet deep
ba "P(Olde:ittßi!rldt Nandi. Cit.tekoVest,
spoken of last _work, belonging to the
Flinch Creak and Newell's Run Company. we
*SUM ilitbi l logrwgil,adird2 . lllB liftel
landred barrel well."
The well onliorse -Neck, West Va.,belong
lag to florae Reek and Fazeb - Creek ompauy,
rat:Med some, weeks beck. we are infinmed,
rather letelnee, ladle lwadYortyfisr)amill,
. The MeConhellsulle, (Ohio), Herald of the
lad Inn, rats :
i'James Raman;ey seven
loißes from IdeCorinellsolde, struck ollat'23 feet,
tat..,sad pumped frapfke, welllb _,
John H. Murray, took-keeper for the Carbon
014 Company, of ifeCoanelisviUe, Informs us
that they have rob:Weal taditilitere trout the
cleruent's farm wells on Burk Ran ' (Morgan
:Cct, Catty) 780 barrels of 01l June 231,
WA; and from Ii a Chataque Copipatetwelle's,
orgtheitbovt But, t O O barrels of 'olt,innee'Atv
nh, 1885.”
Taa Citlisiiratitr• Bmifd sayn s - A - Oterimil mid
eliket of the late wet mason, la the=squib) met,
that It bee Indicted upon. portlorts aPleveland.
Heretofore thaieslaseetslutee - beirostrangers ao
our city; Mathis seam:l,4oy hava come amongst,
us In untold quantities. and are analog them
selves, perfectly it home. They abound mostly
In the neighborhood of the Park.
Our Special Dispatches
Outrage on Negro Troops
Defthie to the Bank Business
Illness of Justice Wayne
Special Diipatch to the Pittebeirgh Gazette.
Sept.• 12, 1825
The Odd Fellows Grand Lodge of the United
Staten meets next Monday at Baltimore. The
rebel States will be represented for the first time
In five years. South Carolina, Georgia and
Louisiana are known to have elected represen
In New Orleans some negro troops have been
sent to prison for three months, for entering
street earn set apart for wh!tes.
Gen. Banks has been requested to vacate the
private home in New Orleans, where he hu
been residing, the former owner having claimed
it under a pardon from President Johnson.
The naval race did not meats on Monday, at
New York, as had been expected, the Algon
quin tot being ready yet.
There Is a steady decline in bank business in
Philadelphia and New York. Since May, the
deposits In the New York basks have declined
130,000,000 and specie 70,000,000.
All the National Banks South flourish. A
13alk - one has Just been started at Lynchburg,
Virg lals.
Justice Wayne, of the United States Supreme
Court, Ls in exceedingly feeble health.
Troops, returning home to be disbanded, con.
Untie to pass ttinngh here: Over thousand
went to New Ergland on Sunday nlgct. W.
New Military Conunissiini in Washington
NEW rosx,f3ept. I2.—The Tribiott'A Wash
lugton special says that only' onehandred and
thirty inatlal rations are lamed to destitute
freedinen of thin city. and the number is rap-
idly decreasing. owing to the efforts of the Freed
Then'e Bureau u, provide all colored eitizena o
this class with eelf-enstairdng employment. '
Lieut. Clark, of Gen. Howard's atoll', has Just
returned from Harper's Ferry, whither he was
recently sent for the purpose of Investigating
the Freolmen's affairs In that vicinity, and
reports very encouragingly of their present.and
prospective condition.
Ile rePresenta, however, that the demoe taut
spirit' of rebellion still exists among many of
the returned guerrillas of London county, who
have recently exhilallui their hostility laY aritur
occasional shots at a small squad of the 193 d
New 'York, stationed at Sandy Hoak, on the
Maryland side of the river. Note of our men
havens vet bean Injured, although several nar
row escapes have occurred. Guards have been
@tattooed on the Virginia side of the river,
Which will probably prevent a recurrence of
these outrages..
Tile Secretary of War has lose ci instrnctiens
to ths Commanding Generals of the departments
of North Coronet; Virginia, Florida, Texas,
Louisiana and Arkansan, directing them to Im
mediately muster ottt ofnervice all organizatione
01 colored troops. which were 'enlisted le the
Northern States, pad are now serviug lii their re.
spectAve commands, the master out to be by
entire coganientons, Mending all addition*
thereto , by, recruiting and Other sources. An
other order directa the mutter out of 30,000
eideitional white troops in the. Department of
Major General Amcor tum.alao been.ordered
to rddnee the yulontoer faros in. b$ command to
elx Monism:l s corhmlialoned Onicara and enlisted
men, of all arms.
A bele Military Commission. of which Colonel
John Msoseold, or the 12th Vetennx , - Reserves,
is PrUslderit,roid Captain 6. R Wands,rif 10th'
Iraq's. Ileeerer C'efps, Is .TudgulArrieste. Cort-
ITneil at chi Old Capital In pursuance of
* ardent from the War Department, for the-trial
of all tomb prisoners u may ba hronght More
'it. The Hat win Include orate a number oreitt.
zeta delinquents, and possibly the accomplices
of Wire In his Inhuman treatment oil bur mites
Seureitaryßewesd„ with !anion 7rederlek and
. two daughters. paid. flying vLsit vLslt. to Bich,.
maid ; Saturday night. returning this morning.
. Foe 'Henry Warren, of, lasts, has been ap-
Pidutt . 2 !!"` l "tilf Oat:ht.:tithe Urdted States of
Amer to Guatemala,
TheifmthiPs %talent= special =lst Last
efening Seeretaty Seward 'had a reception,
where, In addition to the iineterous other vfsl.
tort, the Prinefpal partial:l=Al' 'the Southern
- 'delegation latch called upon , the President du.
ring the day, was premmt/ They were received.
by Mr. fiewaydnoil other scatters of the. (UM,
net In a .mannerentmlly affable and fraelt..ltm
that with which they were greeted at the Ex-
Yeetive Menslap, The tone of the .Y.Merk of
the !Secretary of State was Millar to that of
those made by the President, and Cale stating, _
that the government's policy was to restore and
improve the Booth and not to injure It, he re.
masked. that,A the same time, sure work net
be made of Pratertiltil_tlmPeatilor WO alga*.
Advice.' from Dlrelco.
lknOt.Bept.. 13.—The ligtwat . 's Hata
me wrrespondent : The aid wanted by
thochiefs of the Llberstparty Ls adman co tran
gera of about 10,000 men, in ordecto_ force ail
the leaden to obey the render Genentin, and to
LAM and told ptirke as. ; A centre „of the
Union. In my cone nation s With' Tr evino Di'
Lean and others; ,the, Civa.e ll, 44P o f l - then 'Pro
polpte. ihrOft'arn'll9W abllentr in
small bodies, each operethyje a &eta, If
or more of these bodies French force la
sent against-them. and owing, to the
the' latter, the numb of nearl every fight
their favor. d. column of 10;000 men, entginnt
this country now. wetdd find theltuerialfOrcee.
to 4zßall bodiesnall over write. extent of tarri
tory and wend be able' to best those Mallei In
detail and drive them in mat" baste frObt the
poibte they bold, with:the loss-of war =Meek
To raises beim ,o/510,000men, am million!
dollars.katteisary:i.d.. begin edgy Ito
' the mat trent et , frerreitt„iribstputt 'mold
tatted, therkstrtuldbp
.mearis 04ms; elotheaM
' feed the hoe= anitleoMe point in the country,
such as Matamortot, be taken. and a few million
dollars raised by - requisition. A csetraissioner , '
b i thlpmo m eatin flrownamlle r with Instrue-,
tlons"frOnt at: bsdi de TOidE.',l3ltrestof roV• ,
elms altar; to mbar orione.grg.
,sari, then to Case sJleghtat hams many 'Ludt:
of odes, so many roundl•oftamoNt*4ll,46z
Welles of iMed,gnits s o many rounds din elk.
any ineshot...po,. but this otrattolgsloner.ciztr
of false the loan and willliM4o therett.With
eofands, as it would be WO. The facts are
them: There le to:be to war at present linftn'or.;l
of gesit*Mat ordirtioGeneralShesidetteftOffe'
Mit. The Lthcrpi twit wants - pirate aid from
that Unrted States, and is lost without It; irto,-
oou ni2o.ooomat tinteklidand-fcet ms resin honor bbpfet ylt:'
ne.ffsrod's Vera ftiits. orMetioldent Of the
Ist ; lays : 'The Ccmfederates • were In a Stated
Intense rudtement ind..loYirrer the Maria an.
nommement by.Marahal .Buritno of two lm..
Pedal • tandipbc. • It , seente2 WIC the • niter;
which ire haven* . often`, grevionelflid,oftlo7
flight oratiroond - fttetalil4orkitColla by
trooye, has at , lashicoVedyne.
Tlfi r entered It on • the 13th of. Augusts The,
ot Imperial , vkloty; was the'rtsmOntglon or
th teen , of trio. place!. ethos:thin;
oleo thousand haliablleate. which Altelterrnddl-f
cans hod Inuit:spilt. siyacested:‘,Theseigrairs,
thitagtc Ofrognsnitoslxtrtance; wire belegnindsr.•
. saMis of , frt . celfttratlong - and Illtunlotktik bg:,
thd Imperiallida. and *Peeler elammec hid beim
dispatched. fromlfers Cron - for Prince to con,
flat the Intelllgtrolin thare, end yo thhtaffair: IS
loatgnificant tomparedirith 'the or the
L 1 44 ,14 4 .'4.4414=4f
1 1 ritlrots ,- SittZl9:-Itia.ite;nltrs :617614:
pontletrioveltftobt Veftv'erna; CAMS 'l;Therl
Liberals . are adthrOvlkeretUth,for the
islpter entopetPe Pam= Wins aro busily
bcyagetin !culoollzhns/ fon du irand'eotOrdo
=MI *1 1 ;000 Da.tikare elleniustrAikonna con-
Mika, and the government le not prepared tor :
any such blow. and *Malt conies; any torrents
the end of October, 'Uhl -Empire ef-tuttrpation
,will be, applied, end .11amilne,: could not; with
all las connuandjit' 'linemen who would
dare to•otieftd the proudest maraud of
France to the Gulf.
may hem by any
steamet that leaves port, of the Oita or
capture of Napoeon's protege.
Patlial MA of llefru e Wituesses.
1511 1' (00.SEL EXPECTS Tu PROF
Testimony of Andersonville Prisoners
Filthy Coadttion of the Grounds
WAsimovoN, Sept. 12,—Mr. Baker, In ac
cordance trial the ruling of the Court yesterday,
presented a partial list of the witnesses whom
he desired to have subixenaed,
Flret—James Orman, of Atlanta, Georgia.
He was Adjutant fr ' om the middle of July, 1%1,
10 April 1005, and could give full and minute
accounts of all transactions while at A hderson•
James Armstrong. of Macon, Georgia, was
one or those whom the courier could not dna.
He wan commissary of the post before Captain
Wire was placed in charge of the prison,
and until April 1805, excepting 'one
mouth. and could state the condithin of
the • commissary supplies all the time.
Major Proctor, of Mammoth Cave, Ky.,
was acting commissar during Armstrong's
sickens, and could ?issue that no supplies
could be purchased for the hospital, as the
050,000 due, from the commissary to the
hospital fund could not he procured.
Lieutenant Jamble, 01 Tallahasse, Florida,
who was in command of a battery, coned swear
that the guns were not tired by orders from
Captain Wire but In pursuance of those Issued
by General Winder In person, and that many of
the sentinels were put under • rrest by Captain
Wire for firing at Union prisoners contrary to
Lieut. Thomas, of Tallahasse, connected with
the post, would swear that orders for tiring on
Union prisoners came from the commandant of
the post. and Wire had only to obey them. You
abould know that Capt. Wire bad preferred
charges against sentinels for shooting against
orders, and not to 'hoot at all unless under ag
gravated circumatanees.
Brig. Gen. L. J. Gartell, of Georgia, tom
mending the guard forces, would sw•arthet no
sentinel ever obtained a furlough for shooting a
Union prisoner, and that nobody connected with
blot ever heard of any such thing.
Dr. Perryman, Surgeon of the Georgia militia,
would swear that the health of the militia was
no better than the Hrtion prisoners, and died
In as large a proportion. The sick men -bad
the same rations aed medical treatment as the
Union prisoners, and Capt. Wire could not help
or Improve their conditlem.
Dr. Mudd. of Springfield, Ky., who was in.
Ode of the hospital, often convened with Cant.
Were on the condition the hospital, and would
testify that Capt.' Wire many and many times
Ivied to get relief for the prisoners, but donld ,
not obtain what was needed.
Dr. Dean, of Montgomery, Ala., Chief As
sistant Surgeon, could testify as to the total de
ficiency of the medical stores, and that Captain
Wire had often enquired for articles for the use
of the Union soldiers., which could not be pro.
cured. The dealer cobld also explain every.
thing relating to supplies trom the Sanitary
Commission for Union soldiers.
The two doctors who were St Atillerminvillei
when Capt.:Wirz first came there; could testi/9
ra to the entire; subject of vaccinnath:o_ and
that Capt. Wite had nothing to do with it.
C apt. Barnerdlne coned swear that Captain
Wire applied to him from day to day for trans
portation for the comfort of Union prisoners,
tent it could not be had at the post-
James R. Sullivan, of Bardstown, Georgie,
I who was In the Quartermaster's Department, and
' Ia charge of the carpenters and blacksmiths,
could waif; that: as long ite there ens
any lumber these, it was used for coffins,
and one time a - shod was torn down for that
use. Capt. Wire frequently complained of the
fewness of tools, and urged new ones -for those
, which were broken. fist*al others whom Mr.,
Baker named, all Immediately under Cane'
Wire, could testify as the searching of Chloe
prisoners. They were also every [alarm at
the bead quarters of Capt. Wire.
;Mr. Baker said that what he stated would
show the Importance of thme witnesses. Hs
had only selected those deemed the most im
portant. The list was not yet compteto.
The Court seed- that what several of the wit
`Misses could swear to, was not proper evidence.
Mr. Baker—l suppose that is for us to I ridge.
The Court—That is for the Ccent.
Mr. Baker—l hope the Court will give us
every consideratirra.
The Court—We will give you what bproper.
Mr. Baker—We can show hundreds of other
thing* by the witnesses.
Felix De Labomne, of the 79th New York.
testified among other things, of Capt. Wire fir
ing two istious at two men, who were drawing
Water. He sale that one of them was In a dy
ing condition. Capt. Wire did {bona with the
exclionattbri'''That% the way r get rid of you -
d—d s—s of b—t'a.
IVoness related other perpetrations of cruel
`ty, such as keeping men for tong periods with
out water, putting month stockades, fastening
theta with bidland chain, bucking and gagging
mid the by the ttonads. He Saw two
killed alike need line. - fl.e for ttlintelf, when
he was conveyed to prison, he weighed 15.3
minds tit wheat he left he only weighed 90
kineds, - an d- waSentere skeleton. Heowed the
eavhigof bights, to Dr. Bates, an acting assist=
ant surgeon at the hospitaL 0 wing to the
Maned 'condition of the prisonera, rata were a
greet delleaey. Dr.Baters managed to get them
somethiegto eat, Thereforeno more rate went
'Ray. - Fatlier Hamilton, of the 101:011,2 (lath
, Olic Church, residing at Macon; teatbled in re
, 'igloo to his acting as a missionary at Ander..
sonyllie prison, end a good •Olatty. points of
interest similar trithen heretofore elicited du
'ring the 144 iokinding.t.tut distressing coadl.
Hon of thetinlomprisconers;' , itki their sickains: - .
,sulDernig and great mortality. Thu witness sta
ted that Gen. HoWell Cobh asked him what he
would recommend should be done. Ho advised
that officer to partite all the prlsonefi od , their
Word of honer and rand them to Tallahassee,
Florida.. Etagere' Gen. Cobb a particular ac,
count of the prison affalea. Pnbileaticoui on
WI subject appeared In all the newspapers of
the &nth.
Judge advocate Chipman—The law protects
you from-disclosing secrets of the conk/15102AL
Please etetelf yon feel authorized to do so,-to
_what cause the sick men ander WV Ministra
tions ascribed their dying cOnditlon.
e' Father Hamilton..,Lean'tanswerthaqueetion
for the confessional Is one of the most sacred
`and inviolable of Ouileistittition.‘'ldo 'not de
cline to answer blew:el' wantio take advantage,
bethecanssionteldera titled 'charge that I had
violated th.eeonfemiceiaL Therefore i respectfully to =inf. '
Witness desired to make a 4orreetion. Ile and
Father Virheelari were not chaplains of Ander
eel:Mate pillion. but had rendered grainitoia
services there as prima.. . . • „
Charles Mete, or the ettilowi, testified to
the cruelties of Capt. Wirt. and the (Inv con
dltlon of the grounds. The glib was from a
foot to cightenaluchea deep, but when rain fell
a wan all washed oat: It 'vaginal web lice
aad maggco, and this exteeded throughoat the
1 prbton. On one occasion Mrs geld to the wit
' hiss and his ounpattions,•Tou young sone of
,b—..-0. I will make you smell h—i before night.
Fes Are sentenced lO , WODA In. the grave yard .
esenr:day; to be put on half ret inue; stand In
istoCkearnight and bathe last men .ecchanged.
ra . nnt yin on to t gif l t o he dead and cover you
np.II - The Matt Wit; / 4 ,r/ T f r P b re° * t- ar ''
Am, kat thent t.O. retiM
John if. Goldsmith, of the 14 th Illinois Infant.
IT. a prisonerst Ahdenonvlll4 gelded that be
was detailed to perform cletical amyl', Captain
tVlre's (gm, An order was by-Wire for,
the gear &to ilre opens any`Otte into spoke to .
Fiella and a vert*Prder Wilaglnat:ifkilitirabal 1
...-_e'anta that In cue the Mama prisoners
Antacid fall to report 4EIV the aslasmg men '
their shoold be placed In the irtoeira or be bucked
and a i r—ght - rp..4 o tpiho Prlaanera .
wore) behhe gam tyytesris auta cowered .
whh those Woad loOrebed 'tepee: - Tit 'dna'
itsys, cot. SMI) Increased the redoes bt
an4 mg to a - pooodend is gaoler s def. aqa .
Vim pot them near to the old stardard,r -ma.u...
log that is Ike Yiadates wareasttlng d-4 such
he %Wald btint tbum to 'their =Wu . TrAttes 4
beard Wire sly that he was "doing mote; &0N , . ,
;that in the Wire
thakkaarldpped more men
Sleep Johns= did. ‘, Tula vat to the latter put
`ordinary lard, . , - , : —j,„) v:
p e witness; while employed leWlis'e.
ho e oats Attiongh for e mbeleradlorwho..islo
Ite NIA ..;aatilPdA. to.liw tot fitraloa prulgum
Th maties AstasLwfx scow Among other'
, lastanceof critattAbatnantlonedthardcaeltaln
M ar alreltetilgi VhOduillolahtedbeinttoone
~of eir tomboy-wax vet, °revolve. from diarrhea.
man wee detached hid left tohroulk *the
y.two pound ball still fastutualk ft
ea the collar around his neck. The tronf weett' '
not take/a:tiff Lae osatt lily -erter,,edbe!
twitheas.haati daclass that..lo was *link
ftsors.farabs-4cmtbdaracy tbah 'Sof Ogateirol ts.
• ;.; Adjoin:Lain' th•iiotirow. 4
Ifiroode en lErke-idlitteh Property. Eledron*
J Bunion, Mn., 6einetanil2.—The area in thn
woods are ragtag In the =Wry; teutlelderfy Bk.
Carmel: Mertneni , Old 'Zolfo; Veen% Bradley ,
ford t Oreno :and !•14511den. Mach velttablt
property is being destroyed, end the tanneries,
etre.. ere In dusger.
On the B. 0. do 111.1tallroad, the pre and
dlttlealt to get Wont' the flame..
Aa.,l9.tant f s ecretaty Chanter Gone North
-I .terijol Revenue Receipts -Patents
I awed-t,cot r h Erulgrants-,NIVW
viau hlluir.ter-VI gsnlailialltla Force-
Travel Towalls Richmond-Internal
Revenue Decision --Mails to Charleston
and Savannah -Cabinet Meting-Cotton
'ln Georgia-Feeling; of the People-Jeff.
Davio Irial--lurident Purina the Wirt.
Incestigation-Stor es at City Point Rob
bed-Stolen Property Recovered-Iln.-
tering Out Colored Troeps,)leilran Ad
vices, etc.
NEW I oux, Sept. 12.—The Times' Washing -
Wu? special says: Assistant Secretary of the
Treasury, Chanler, has gone North on a short
tcnr to recruit his health. Mr. chnnler has
been closely engaged in hie ofll,lal duties s ine:
bin appointanent as Assistant Secretary, gener.
ally putting In about fifteen hours out of the
twenty-tore In the Secretary's oCica, and this
alone confinement has weigUed so heavily upon
his health, as to netdre recreation as a means
of restoration.
The receipts from the Internal Revenue to.
'day are $2,219,18-1.
There were one hundred and thirty patents
issued during the week ending to-day.
A Scotch agent now here, has secured a large
tract of land In Virginia, where a colony of
Scotch emigr ante will settle in November *or
The WortcPs special says Gen. Hovey, the
new minister to Sera, has arrived from the West
to receive his instructions, preparatory to depart
ing on hit's mission.
Itis thought that the military -force will soon
be withdrawn from Virginia, and poser to
maintain order placed In the hands of the
militia, the same as in the case of MississlppL
Th.; Berard's special save: The tide of travel
setting from this city toward Richmond is he
!glaring to be very considerable, and has already
compellee' the managers of the Orange and
Alexandria Railroad to place al evening passen
ger train upon that route in addition to the
train which has been leaving here at an early
hour In the morning. Oa the drat day this
route was turned over to the Company, Its pas
;imager receipts amounted to only twenty-seven
.dollars. Latterly, the receipts from travel have
,averaged twenty. two hundred dollars daily.
'The Trlbrene's Washington special says: The
'.Commissioner of Internal Rers..ntie to-day
decided that a person who merely canvases and
takes subscriptions for maps, books, etc.. Is not
• peddler within:the meaning of the Internal
Revenue laws. If, however, - he receives for
books, maps, Ac., at the time one takes soh
scriptions, or of he delivers them and receives
bin pay therefor upon subscriptions previously
taken by himself or by another, he is a peddler
and should take a license as such.
WlslriNOTOX, Sept. 19.—The Posteflice Da
, - Partment, to-day, ordered a contract with:Arthn;
Leary, of New York, to convey the mails by
'MemitsiliPa (mut thatAigf to Charleston, South
'Caftans, and back twiNS.a week; aloe with Ed
-"prond A. Bonder In Co., of Philadelphia, to con.
Vey malls by steamboats from Savannah,
Cl-cpr4ifs, to Pilatka,•=l miles and back twice a
'swot. from the 90th of September, 1885, until
~the 50th of Jnnr, 1580 , at the rate of 15,000 per
There was a protracted Cabinet meeting. to
day, which was attended by Secretary &sward,
Secretaryq. McCulloch, and Attorney General
lipmd. Postmaster General. Dennison, Sec
retary Stanton and Secretary Welles, are absent
'trots the city, but the two Last named were
reprmented reepectively in the Meeting; by
'Eckert. the Assistant Secretary of War, end
Capt. Pox, Assistant Secretary of the Navy.
An army 'officer who has arrived here direct
from Georgia, reports that while recently tra,
cling from /Manta to Savannah he saw in all
direttrons teams loaded with cotton on their way
Lapointe whence the staple could be trim/spotted
In market either by rail or water. There were
largo quantities at Augusta, and the article was
being ccnveyed thence 14 bons to Savannah for
shipment north.
lie states that the People of the country, es-
Peelelll,thOsa who have severely suffered by the
war, express, apparently ,sincerely, desire
conform to dm chanced condition of affairs, aud
to smetain the General Government; while in
the towns which have sustained comparatively
bat little Elamagg by the war, a !spirit of &Beat
lefaelion exists, principally confined to the
young met, who =emote belong to the boasted
better class of society, but few of whom have
:sowed in the rebel army,
It has heretofore bem stated that Yair D;ifs
would he tried berme a civil tribunal for treason,
brobably before the United States Court for the
Itastern District of Virginia. Nothing addition
al has transpired on that subject slate the an
nouncement was made. It Is a mistake to sup
posathat Chief Justice Chase has anything to
do with the preliminary anangementa„ any more
than he has with the preparation of cases for
adjudication IthfOre the Sttprema Court of the
United Staten, nor kasha expressed, as has been
stated, a desire to try the case of the United
States against Jefferson Davis, but be will try 4
that, as he will all others which may come be.
fore him, in the usual course of business.
During the Wire trial to-day, while a witnesa
was testifying to Captain % r im s requisitions on
the commissary of the post at Andersonville for
smiles for the prisoners, and was etto wing
that the rations were only one-half In q ninth,
compared with those furnished to the rebel
guards, the Captain, who, according to his
consul, waa very sensitive on that point, asked
the commission to permit him. for himself, to
make an explanation. The request was refused,
for the remold that the facts id the case must
be obtained through witnesses.
thformathill was received by the Provost liar
shad at Norfolk, yesterday, that tire stores had
teenrobbod, and It was most Mali On Perri
traWits would waive on one of the Richmond
boats.- A detachment of the Provost Gnawd and
dethetives searched the baggage and passengers
on the stele s e ra Myer Richmond and Magenta.
On the forMM .theylband the staled property
from City Point, and on lbs latter a box 01
,watehes, la possession of J. T. Garde. of Ac
comae COMIty, Vs., which, he said, w„ -a taken
from AndersOnVlße
Harriman b cannel lora. B. Winder, naer la
the pld piscine Mina impeuxant papers -
Were also 'found with these watches; ell of which
_are In possession - of the Provost
- Norfolk.
At*? General Csrrol has gone to Richt:Mt
He le to'hevea Coninnwil I Ale d*Ltinent.-,'
Mir& Tows, September 19.—The /bars Wash
ington special says: The order for. twittering
out the colored troops enlisted in the: Northern
Slates, Is simply .& measure to reduce tile arm)
expenses. This order Ass no effect upon the
colored troops which were enlisted In the South
= fltakis.
Theadvieestrom Mezico reedited hen to•day. .
show that the former reports of the hopelessnees
of the Liberal C,ll/30 were greatly exaggerated;
Great Gathering Ina'. Dundalk
The Conspiracy Gaining Strength
New Yong... September iJ.—The Irish papers
coati sue to direct their attention to the FanlanL
Thera appears
~ to be no doubt that military
drilling Is going on in many parts of the coon
.try;arnt iher eabisPlrithy rOissented to be dal
increasing sad gathering strength and Rai-.
Due. oaBcuadayulght, !Lug= 3711, there was
e-gtest gathering at Blio*Brk. near Due (talk,
too Strong =saw far the police to cope with,
but Pura the hiders werecdtkedput - and su
wpm:My arrested. -
The'Lleterfcr arrant*. of Angus& 28th, stmt . ,
We, hates bean Weaned by ' perilous wko would;
cot aUghteat dogma, that Aria-.
,thgliage 011 ittNiare Creaks) woods, nod in
..therno ration on the %Volta gde of
the Moments' of the Fatima to
1114 quarter being * exactly - like what the Cork
Coastaution desotibtd as being carried min the
.enVironk „of .That city. Thamonntalnout
trieteet trelaud aniard considerable facilities for
thd drilling of the_Fsadata. „- They. Waal l> "CM
to bnirise In BO:dim the Inonntahronnueons
for.their exercise; sithough those of Cork
seem law tkrailottsi.!inifidu Mink Places are
'4,ateribed by our cotemporary as rocky and of •
reueracteato corer, - , thsaantromenta of the Fee.
Istpeirlthent being, ddortcdby the ponces ok't
, ttifaugb. ogee*
4 muukt oin. .chtitiiituilrecthirta a Leiter.
Boobs a friend. resident In New York, who, •wri.
'thin oaths aebleetisayst ginurnberiof..giskr.
nub cannot thall eniOlOyteent there are
"coming_ inane, and he adds th at the renbuis are
getting stronger theta erecry . .loy.i
satrionsteatter w • , the ProZdPiaiien•
lion Inut *flat& of atitharidr; 300 can..
- • 1:040040.411,,,V.::.,
xi --, liatiettallioratleattll-) _
a s triluktorClonikeikotTbW, 3 4iiitfoliel
H Irak opened today unstee:lltarable•-ate,
tykes: lTh'e etas** ire well relesseuteeLthsrs'
beittuije tiro t h ot w elliteijklal. - -Aillintlir the=
aro lams number of heeunse
same `to•daY hive be lilll.*.i.lglalteweird.
cletelY caMestalkairniormw;yinicsiset ,to be.
a good dsy. both in attendance and the large
show of horses. Beckwith's tine stud abuses
will be on the round. They are to be sold at
anetton on Friday.
Th© Dry Goods Trade
trO'port Dent ars fi for Petroleum
Now Yens.. Sept. 12 —Tee Steck market ex.
Whits a ri_ry Leidy redarit of oetivity, Brake:a
are dissatis lied with the Lir exacted dullness of
business, and are quite likely to get up an en
tt rtnlnment ere long, for the pi..rpise of attract •
Ing the outside public Into the street. AL present
brokere and proftwelogal speculator. ore simply
preying upon each other in small ways. Out.
riders are unusually Ind i ffereaL about speculative
Movements in Blocks.
The Railroad list was rather more active to.
day and closed decidedly firmer azd improved.
The earnings of the roads under the generally
improving besinesa of the country. Imparts
strength termites, and especially In the ease of
trunk lines. Erie rose one quarter. Reading
conthinee active; Michigan, Southern, Chicago
and Northwestern were active and high.
Coal storks are In better staling, owing to
the active demand for coal anti advance In
There was Ices activity In the latter part of
the day, than during the foramen. Govern
ments were generally steady; Old 5-20's were
better, Inquiries for them for export Is mod
rately y - active, and not very abundantly sup
Gold was weaker to-day, owing to a decrease
in demand. It was rumored on the street that
the - Government sold a quarter million dollars
Gala afternoon. Money contl Lou easy.
The Ps7rrew says business la the dry goods
trade has fallen off, especially in domestic fabrics,
not tromiwant of buyers, but owing to rates now
demanded for all classes of cotton goods. Bay.
era now here can't purchase goods and com p ete
with their neighbor who laid is a supply before
the recent rise. There Is no good reason for the
enormous advance in cotton goods within the
put week or two, as the supply of r■w material
le steadily increasing, and the price has fallen.
New England manufacturers are making larger
profits than ever before, and realizing over one
hundred per cent. on their prices. The stock
of Foreign goods has not advanced to any great
extent, while thissbarp upwara movement has
been going on In domestic fabrics, and Importers
show their wiadqm by meeting the market at a
Lair and liberal profit.
Where was a general dullness In breadstuffs
to-day, and the market was heavy. Flour—
There Is nothing doing for export, as prices are
too high for shippers.
The prosukrn corner of the Produce Ex
change Is no. very animated at present. Bo far
as pork is concerned, the leading house in trade
is still carrying the great bulk of mess pork. and
the prospect of getting it off is certainly not
very brilliant. There Is but little doing for
home consumption; the only export demand is
for the West indicts and Borah America. .I,n
beef there is as active business for export at full
In other kinds of provisions there Is nothing
special stirring.
The export demand for Petroleum has been
steadily increasing of late, and there is now a
I arlre numb n of refusals on berth at Philadelphia
for Europe. Crude oil here has advanced to 35e
per gallon, and refined In bond to 110461 c-,
There are large orders from Europa and wanhall
probably ship a great deal of oil during the fall
and winter months.
Letter ft ern R. 8. Winder
RALTIVOIdt Sept. 12.-The Norfolk Port gives
additiopalpartietdars of the capttire of a bat
of watches;. titiouging to the Andensonville
prisoners, as mentioned in the Fortress Monroe
letter of yesterday. The box was found in the
possession of G. T. Garrison, of Accamac, who
was on the Rithmond for his home on the East
ern Shore.
Mr. Garrison Is a man above MI suspicion,
and is counsel for It. B. Winder, now confined
In the Old Capitol prison, He voluntarily gave
up the articles placed in his possession to Capt.
Gilmore, Provost Marshal, as well us all the
papers connected with his client's case.
We give below a correct copy of all the
papers given op. The papers will, no doubt,
be returned to Mr. Garrison for the benefit of
RICHMOND. May S. 1865.-3 fr. Ga.. 7'. Gerri.
ton, decorous Co., Va.—Dear 81r: Having an
Idea of leaving the United States, and unwilling
to leave myself connected with any transaction,
-which could by any posalbillty be tortured
Into any reflection upon myself, I give you the
following facie:
Sometime during the summer of IVA, Gen
' Stoneman and his command, while on a raiding
excursion through the State of Georgia, were
captured, and the privates cent as prisoners of
war to Anderionville, Ga. °ldea to the fact
that they bad been pillaging and stealing ev
thing they could lay their 'hands on from the
cltixena of Georgia, Gen. J. H. Winder ordered
all suedes of property In their noesession to be
Taken from them and deposited In my-hands as
Yost Quartermaster. This coder was executed
by the commandant of the prison.
I was that Instructed to 'clam all property
Identified, to the original and rightful owners,
and to hold the balance &tided to orders,. I
have thns returned all identified property, in
obedience to orders, and have a ttalunmon hand.
KIMODEL the bitter feelings of federate to
wards any oneconnected with the prism &pert
inent. I have not considered It advised° at present
to call the attention of any' Ibderal Meer to
these hens, or to turn - over raid property 'to
them for their action In the matter, but at the
tame time I am unwilling to holtithem withant
a proper explanation to be tonsdin My defense
hereafter, in cum any -charges • are brought
against Ina. Some of the-property evidently
belongs to citizens orklesriets, while some of it
vas: evidently the property,of ,the prisoners
theresehrea., Ho get. of the prisoners' names,
'from whom these things Were taken, wets ever
111.Mished, em d consequently 1 can Emir no inlbr
melon as to Individual crornereblp.
Igoe* these fans and property In you harp,
atibleetto'your dhseretion and 10 .order that,
as 'friend ethane, you *tad ntel bin any
complaints whlelimayterimmght azaleat me
to the Matter. Any of the officers stationed at
Andersonvllle at the time of- the transaction
will confirm toy statements, as will also my
All other property In triy (hands belonging to
mironers ol war, hasbeen turned over to then
tiuqugh the proper channels—the money
through the, hands of Capt. Thomas R. Stewart,
Company G, Ist 'Maryland regiment, to Colonel
taidd,'igent of exchange; and other propecty,
through the commandant of . the prison at At.
• Ragusa• - ttt *Ell not be &string toonineb
of a favor to. protect ma it far as us. ^9tret
In this matter. am your very true friend:
H. B, Woroza•
Among the papers reforred to to * receipt
from H. Wire Ibr-eleven 'watches received from
R. B. Winder to be returned to the !Waal pris
cners, and a receipt from W. H. Hatch, assist
ant scent (or the exchatke prisoners, for
some *1,200 In notes, received from Winder,
being the amount in hilt held by him belonging
to foderal prisoners confined at Andersonville,
,Taeht Race—Nearelty of llonace at
Newborn. N. C.—North Carolina Cofore,*
Nate row; Sept. 12.—A plla beat reports that
die sate at 0:30 o'clock. iseEneening, eight rolls
north of Bamegot, the yachts Henrietta and
Fleet Whig, _ winding =alt. The Henrietta
was et/outdo= ogles And. The wind was
• _A Beaufort lettat of the oth says that not •
a single house can be had la Newtown. and
warns northern= who Ink= emigrating Met%
be be prepared enoordlngly. The Zeck of me
cbaniegnew mills and building material. mit
• bleed witb the reluetance of property luelders
abe him been Wadded-with the Ilibenbll to
sell any of the thousands of sera' of thatier
land within eight of Norpern., pren z t,
Inrogrest b=elng. by tat a ny a
A Chamber of Osmium Is about organ.
teed In Iferwberm
1, &Iwo letter of thelkb says: The eoloeei
people will bold a Melo Conventlot on the 2Oth,
and haTe Invited' Secretary' Chase s Horace
Greek% Gen. Sutler, Senator Wilson, Charles
Berpner,Thadiletts Stevens, J. M. Adam Sec
retary Ilantan, Om Andrews, Benatnre Sherman,
and ethers, tO be preesnt - f , The 'Ciorrentlon
WM consider the proptlety Of 'ankles ter a res.'
tovatlonyed pri of
alectlva. frin* '
S 0 mtdah they
I toclB3o. •• • - " " • '
Ct.:desk. Melds m
Coat 9. of cgroea,
' l Vananomtnt,Sont..l2.—.l nunctunt of Wall
ington has inontracied to tarnish , one Command
toms of coal to , On •Trennuf Departmen t at
411-83 and sl.l4s'persoo: - • • -
;The disamidrin (14-y-arourvla4 refenins to
Vie lota dectelon in - tbs candy conittha.ll-thn
Idin of Xittallennirroca were waded to tidal _by
`ATt I 7.I4O I /* lbw. MR ot 111,6tbta •ne,
4. gross until* tisid to 010, quoting she words
thatiar nor.o • allowing aufaclept. ma of
.F.connatdiflltatlOdtb, mut itfikEe
. rosombrdtt. entfiled: tfr, eghY 1 4; oar
• ` l, - , •
i • Cold Report.
Nato YOE; Sep.l9.--Gold. was wear to-day.
Quotations opened'at 144Nand tell gralually;to
altrltikant ILCOvered
' RECEPTION OF SOOTHERS DELEGATES. Advertt,4a re...i. w •ittidi o v;.
Prinaor_rau, 3.ept.1.2.-",Trrelre ii9*els be-
I !caging to the fihrerogiertt,. were.rtdrr
be sold at the Nary Yard to-de*. T
dance was not very large, and all the rhut
one were withdraw o, the tads offered 0* . whir
up to the sum required. The woad* data, ,
steamer Ilei.dr:vk Hudson srus sold and4l,_fotrit
V 25,000. I, aa- pu rc hased by Thoutaail'aValSOrl
et, Son, of this Lay,
Speech of President Johnson.
Now Yong, Sept. 12.—Tbe foll.tvvinu are :he
main points of the very important speeet m
yesterday by Preidet Johnson :o the , leleza•
time from the Southern States
Gerthanee ; We have passed thraugh :11.3 re
bellion. I say we, for it was ns woo were res
ponsillie for It. Yes, the Senth made
The issue, and I ktow the nature of the
Southern people well enough to know that
whet, they have become ronvin xd of an error
they frankly aeknoweldge it in a (rank, manly
and direct manner; and now in the performance
of that duty, or indeed in any act they under
tuke to perform, they do It heartily and frankly:
and now that they come to me I noderstarid
them as saying that we made the issue;
e set the Union of the States against (he
loeeitutlon of slavery; we selected the
arbitrator—the god of battles.. The argument
au the sword. The Isaac was fairly and terri
bly met. Both the questions presented have
been settled against us, and we are prepared to
accent the last/.
I flail on all sides that title milrit oleander
and honor prevails. It is said by all that the
Issue was ours, and the judzmenat has been
against us. The decision having been made
against no we feel bound in honor to abide.
In doing this we are doing our/selves no dishon
or, and should not feel humiliated or dtagraced,
bat rather that we are ennobling ourselves by
our actien, and we ehnuid feel that the Govern- '
me at has treated us magnanlmeuely, and meet
' the Government upon the terms it has so j
magnanimotudy proffered no.
8o far as lam concerned personally,. I am un
influenced by any question, whether it rffects the
North or the South, the East or the West; I stand
wheel did of old, battling for the Constitution
and the Union of these United States. In do
ing so I know I opposee some of you of the
South, when the doctrine of escossion was
being urged on the country, and the declara
tion of your rights to break rip and disinte
grate the Union, was made.
I eland today as I have ever stood, firmly in
the opinion that if a monopoly contends against
this country It must go down and the country
must glop. Yes, the issue was mode by the
South against the Government and the G wern
ment has triumphed, and the South, true to her
ancient Instincts of rranimem and manly horror,
comes forth and expresses its willingness -to
abide„the result of the decision in mood faith.
While I think that then:hellion baa been arrest
' ed and subdued, and km happy In the conscious
nem of a duty well performed, I want not only
yen but the people of the world to know that
while I dreaded and feared disintegration of the
State', I am equally opposed to consolidation or
concentration of power here, under whatever
guise or name they bear, and If they stilt
endtavorto dissuade from this doctrine of run
ning to extremes, I ;say let the same rules be
applied. As I have before remarked to you, I
am gratified to see so many of you here to day.
It manifestos spirit I am pleased to obserye.
Then why can't we all come up to the work
in a proper spirit. Let no look to the Constitu
tion. The Issuer has been made and decided.
Then, as alas men who see the richt and are
determined to follow it, as fathers and brothers.
,and an men who love their country In this hoar
of trial, let us help to solve the questions of the
bony, and adjust them according to the princi
ples of honor and of Jostle,. The institution
of Slavery is gone. The former status of the
negro had to be changed, and we, es wise
men, most recognize so potent a fact as
adapted to the circumstances which en:rounds
as. (Cries of '"we are willing to do so;
yes, sir, we are willing to do so." I believe
yon are. I believe when your frith la
pledged, when your consent has been given,
es I have already said, I believe LL will be main
tained in good faith and every pledge ofproafffe
fully carried out. (Cries, "It will.")
All I ask of the South or the North, the East
or the West, Is to he sustained in carrying out
' _t-hapfdr-ciples of the Constitution. it is not to
be denied that we have been great sufferers on
both sides. Good men have fallen and mirir
misery is being endured as the necessary result
of so gigantic a contest. Why, then, cannot
we come together around the Commonwealth
of our country,khd heal the wounds that have
been made. Om country has been scarred all
over. Then why c must we approach each
other on principles which are tight in them
selves, and which will be productive of good to
all. The day Is not far distant when we shall
leel like some family that has had a deep and
desperate fend, the various members of which
liavecome together and compared the evils and
sufferings they had Inflicted on each other.
They had seen the influence of their, et ror, and
its result, and governed by a generous spirit of
conciliation, they had become mutually forbear
ing and forgiving, and return to their old habits
of fraternal kindness, and become betterfriends
than ever.
Then let us consider that the fend which
alienated no bee been settled and adjusted to our
mutual satisfaction; that we come together to
be bound by a firmer bond of boys, respect and
confidence, than ever. Tha North cannot get
along without the Sotith nor the South. without
the North, the East without the West nor the
West without the Eaatl and„lt to our duty to do
all that tin in our power to perpetuate and
make stronger the bonds of our union. seeing
that it is for the common good Of all that we
should be nntted. I feel that tine Onion, though
but the creation bra century, Is to be pefpetna , *
ted for all time, and that It cannot be destroyed
except by the ail-wise-God who crested IL
Gentlemen, I repeat that I eineerelytturnk you
for the reepeet manifesto t on this occasion,-and
for the expressions of approbation and confi
dence- Please to accept my thank&
The leader of the delegation replied; Mr.
Pre.ldent r
"Oa behalf. br thle delegation I return you my
hincero Lbenks tor' your land, Damns, eye,
magnaniemite expreisloas •of kmdly feeling' to
the peolatforthe &mtb." -
The visitors then reared. •
Meeting of Sank Offieere—Bevolation lit
. . .
Now t orn, Sept. 1.2.-.. At a meeting-of Bank
officers to-day, resolutions two itfiepted by a
vote of twenty-nine to twelve, that In the opin
ion of the VueetisC a system of redaction attire
National Bank. Notes in conformity with law.
ought to he adopted. Farther action will be'
had,by the next meetine' ~• • •
'helateetzdvfees tronalayti.throngh official
adarto A - ; Rita Oat.. though the prrolittleadsta
havO d out, longer' than was a:Recto:l; they
must submit before long. Me rebellicia has
been prolonged at Cape Hayti= becanse
ident What, by inventing the town, hoped to
:weary out the rebel garrhon. withont
upon the citleme the effects of a bombardment;
but Vile - Prealdemt ban now decided to pike mord
determlned•nieltsuree in bringing matters to a
tione. The Baytlem steamer Ballard, now at
tote port; will- return to Hayti as er*n as her ro
pain are completed.'
Thip.lndliui Council.
Fogy Brea, . Ark., Sept. B.—Judge Cooley
read an address to the Indians In the Conven
tion to-day which was responded by the Mara
•ktl:l3 la 240 effeer that they had Ate" porter to
treat, but would . refer any proposal= the
Government would make to their Natfonal
geipoUlSed were made from other
orbekof stmjlar CilirscL t. T? T..114...11Tran*
I,ere only represent A minority of those expec
ted' to =me, bat those who went with the
Smith will be herein"a day or two,.wheat dt to
expected amlesbletrrangemeata will be nude
aamongtbemseives as well Jta she. Gomaanerat.
manila . plena will be 'proposed to-ntorrirr, to
which decisive answers will 4 deelded,npon: -
fl•r. Loris, Sept. 13 .—ThAplans .trroposed Leo
the Indiaa, In Connell at _ Fort Breltla. thrther;
stipulates that slavery must Insmedletelry4bet.,
- abolished, and Amato= have therizta,-of new
incorporated Into th e tribes on an equal footing
with the other membern Mena • •
Gen. Meade In South Garolina,-Canditlnn
of Atralra. . • -
Ma* Your. Sept.l.2.—The ClutrinnOn Pperti
tO the Oath's - Pe been' red:Ivo:1.
The Courier annmmees a satisfactory hater-
View at Columbia betweeriGenitals Meade and
Mamma. and' Governor Perry. The interview
resulted In - erpartlal restoration <oftivirperwer
tbroughmdtheritate, by the full and complete
estabilaluntadof civil courts for the trial of ail
casee except thewof Penton of Color: Thelat-:
'Ceram to continua for the present tinder - the
awls/ince of the Provost Marshal Gouda
The civil courts are to Da opemedunder the dlresa
sled pfAks Govessor, and civil - and ItllleidPM
aza;iii tat." laini&Zl.t...zeintilisAr
ollichdrlaties and discharge them althea, j z ..
tesiupslon. Geduld Meade him&
well pleased with' the condition - Of died!' In
. ,
Oblo State Treasurer Arreated=:The
elan capitoßsts Ettettraion7.- -
• . ,
CEMINICATI, Septr 12.=—CL 'Verney' =soy;
Treasurer of State. arm =ratted La night :at
Columtme, Ohio, on a Ararraat-Leaued by4ar.
Andereane Otrsed_with.breach of trio and tn 4,
beeelenind. nu: money gm bail battne aura.of
six hundred that:wind dolkra, the amount :lid
fiftby Lstr; -The arrant charged Mot with load=
y 'thousand dollars to a /kinking 'arm at
O larin - The Governor Issued a proclamation
the onlco . of EWA Triunueee. venom; ,
71 Ea7efevaltai • of European cipttalists"ar•
a gyedlasl twat; cA goad bantines in to be gtfen
uto atilgreeeninz.
. -
APtl4ll tar°.
ClAißd.'.BeptettiUr ' l 2 : — llpit 'stonier - litni;
Item New OrleAns On the OM, hesitant 'Third
Menland Cavalry. IdsJ. fkri...e.. J. Smith is
among the passengers.
Your hundred and fifty bales of cotton passed
for Ht. Louis.
, 1;,„4 ,, ,
Bottle Anniversary—lndiana ItekPmentfe
Bit.riboan. L2.—The anntveary of
the battle 01 Baltimore is being eelebramd to
day with the zay display of ftags and:, trades.
Th. steamship Continental, with the:l.6 and
Indiana infantry, arrived at this r Mllsrt this
morning. The:lndiana regiments vril 13e 4
embaiked, and will take the rallroadligat this
Prom Now tirlerana... SP,
UId.YANS. Sept. 11.—Cotton is; end
beaey. Sales of eight' hundred baleaV mid—
dllng at 43(4,44e. Molasses and emgar.i.tatilet.-
Exchange is steady. Checks . ,,ll3,aini it+eightS '•
to New York ii to No.
Generals Sheridan and Wright arid74at
Antonio on the lst inst.
Opening at the None and Ohio Rittriad.
CAII2O, September 10.-The, Mobile atOt Ohio
Railroad Is open Ita entire lenttbdand th*tdalls
for Mobile and Intermediate - paititv wtsta for
warded to-day by the tiewlyestabllslaultdant
es between here and Columbus, Sy. p, ,
Rebels Crow Ent:land.
Iforranat, Sept. J. •Orf :atm:as,
T. G. Anderbon, and Charles J. Helf. "Ifeeelei
have arrived from England.
A Sr. Louis telegram, of monehi3Q, ssyse
The new tamer Twilight sank this tOralag'
In the Missouri river. Jest below Iracts::igtaa.
The boat le a total Ices, but the altabOlon of
her cargo Is not mated.
Metal reports show that Sfiszourl
one hundred and four thousand seven tandred
and Lifts-eight soldiers for the war. OVeir one •
hundred of these men were sent to= Ilit.4..ottis.
The recent ere a/ Shreveport, Lonialark do. 4:
ttroyed nearly all the town. The newetit, -- tecat
substantial and best part of the city, riduding
all the largest business houses, was intrOd, .
gutter with considerablecotton. - -
Late arrivals from Little Sock; !aka • re:.
port profound quiet in that State. The -
las have nettled down-and gone to, isor.i4.
travel Is tedmpeded and secure. Jietantor
Murphy keeps a watchful eye on the 'dKeitfat -
rebels, who are begging for pardon, basting
that some signs of reputance and a Utak pro
batlon are necessary for proving the git,
aees of their repentenee.
Tbsteincinnati 0....x.tta of yesterday sate
new phase in the caseof State Treasurer Peeseh, 9
charged with the breach of official truskltook,
place yesterday. The Governor. AudlW and , ,
Comptnzlior of State having concurred ig the
report of special examiners of the TreraMr,
Secretary Smith and H mi. Peter 04111 n, ttl ra ar
rest of the Treasurer was ordered. He' re.
aatisfactory bonds, but refused to sarretutte the. ."
keys of the Treasury or to conalder his ogles va
cant. He was finally Induced to dellver:p a
part of the keys, so that neitherhe northe;tither
State officials can alone enter the Tree.lo l 7.•
The Governor holds that the Treasnreee4ftl ce
Is now rewart to accordance with' fife stionde.. •
This proceeding was based on the report d ,. = the
Special Examiners, made to the,Governorejfew
days since. The Governor, auditor of 'State:
and Comptroller of the Treasury, certify '-f lat
upon examination, they found t h e charge% set -
forth in that report to be correct. The latr,un
der which this proceeding is had watt pissed
immediately on the discovery of the Bresilf,de,
faleation, and lie provisions are exceohngly
stringent. The Interesting legal points cot-Mee
•Nl with the subject will be brought up before
the kk‘urr. next.week.
A Chicago dispatch says: "A young attakney .
of this city named Hughes, of decided 300111.., •
proclivities, has realized an independent forkne,„
say one hundred thousand dollars, dminkahe -
rebellion,-by.protecting and procuri thearde
of the real eistateofieading rebels loc ated
city. Among them; John A. Washington,gen
eral Buckner, and many leading VirMa
rebels." -
A reaniivy Jerseyruan was relieved of
greenbacks, by the confidence game, at
case, a few days since; The old storlAte " '
rogue had a Check for E 1,500, which he
place In the hands of anyone who. Troaldlfna
him 880 for a few minutes. The Jeree,tkan
took the bait and lost biz greenbacks.
A Norrrunftw firm hes leased jamestoien
Island. Va.„ for Ave years, and will preps* it
for cultivation dazing the coming year. ft . .;
to be converted Into a vegetable farm. Ike
same firm has leased a plantation on the ft,elan' -
land, and will pat in Able fall aeveral hatarcal :
acres of wheat.
Northern New York 13 suffering terribly(
s m
drought; no rain having fallen for two ma* . . • -
Farmers Moat Ogdensbarg are actually feedtPig •
bay to their stock far lack,of grass,, sad. cantle, .
are driven far Miles to the Bt. Lavesnea Ofe y '
Enrrn, danehter Ist;Narnd .s.aiel • ' -
Wheatley, of Brookfield.. Vt.,.Ls what. we enti .
" smart " gitl, though but fifteen years 0f1 . 4ge.."
Elm bas this sawn raked iocr tans of :hayiojsmst
while ambling tha rake she quietly pmnditer-...Lim•
A mires milled hog=erta la :toilet....
killing off the hogs In F Ira, and Kip
counties. The animal appears well atmMolet..,l•• -1,
inn during the day its neck awaits, and lit Vie i
nextMong It deed. NO cure hal been L , ! . -,
, r,A. aux by the came 'of Herein Eillgorttler. -.1
committed suleida on fiaterday, In Indlene ...
by stickle hie had In ;tub ofwatetandlestllag ' "
it there till he was atratigied.- Ire tali Wen'
sick for a /attlenrac t and wee -probably denied ; .1 )
at the tifoO., ,- , 'et: ', • ~ i l l o ti
• artem, Ili, ' Mild: to become a great - 1 .2 a
efecturbscpll6e. The Waltham Watch ILit*i.. -' l2
teetering Company have selected Ass &singer : ,, 1-1
manufacturing. Them la Atte an Immense este> ,_ •-)
•Utilizer:et there for the preperation of anned - "
4tuits;conetatrated meats, condensed Milt Ot.:.'''''' ls
A amp of Mr; Kuhns, a butcher of Indigt: , ( I
aeons, died of hydrophobia on Saturday - Obi* , '.: - .1
nom. Th p e1d.14 was bitten ort the 3dotAnguat. " ..„
hates 1 , .Inl.
A number ofathera hate beett,,. - ';':,. -
The . Ni e ''Teoh Can •
s 4 hosoflitt h 1 44, -t ' ': ' ')
yesterday, OA A steam propeller for the vulvae r ' J '''
- , -...:03 L
et making A tour of obit mention aloag the WIIM
length of the Erie Canal. A 0 = ,',
A wonen In Charlatan, Mass., hat a Coll a ' _; .- '
arsine tilde In her
,yard, Zit/ ton Wile" r '' •
mistress, Maw fon. /kid, arts Lop WO 'Uri
;lap to feed. Sweet VetB.- •', - -- 1 ' '4 ,,,,
A nonce Is WM standing „in. Butamouth4lt N. ' I
EL • the lightning , rode : ofr.whicb,were putt Op , , 13
under the 5 1 4Derintendenep_ of_ A'. Maim* ~,
Franklin le l'4P, •', , .:, i . . , 'A , l.l
A 04RitIonattarvest, of Vlre entente
-L i
tielteted , „ h . Wldle men tanrer-... fighing, , i . , 1
i o
bl,p,,ave been tette/tingle ....•, , ',lt , , i.. . 3
Alt Intereatlng.Case. , • - N , _.-:
In the Chrait Coureof Bedlb rd County;Torr. , t •:..
• memee, last week, an intematimetue3 wee :pi 0, .' 7
The moutons OD A R. ~Venaktrued Jewel ,
hips= on a tote giViratar MO. oa rs:
slate at the timeirhen eLuret7 the: it It
Dote falling , daubed:mi . ; the, Witham of the kr, ,, ".. ) TM ,
:all fn Tennessee. - The defendentpleadtg
titan:reef conilderstion. -Bet lt. WM' deddil&L'i.:-LI
gayly thefittelbyzineEnkoal that as the 0nC121440 Ls
could have =ea atone to the don el m the s th#l...
Rote the Re was ducohe defendant Is' not 'lema" • ~ - - ,
in= Ids liability to pay the debt, ha not pampa i . , ,
to pay it AArOZOOAtlerillalll44.4o4i Thellt . a"; ,;./
FM PaJuble in litiok Pater Menne: et RA •
catialn, and none/ sash.' "rtiatuy renduedavlr*
Terditt litaltst the deSeisdat tfer the anomill-C , ll
the note and Intern; ,Icsa Sweaty peecent..4 ,„
being primed that the beetnaper cannel
twenty per cent. diecoont. - p. ,La
~..... ifi:il
City and, Sub ban on Third end Valk,. •
CREIGHTON-tie -Wednesday. nom inithet ),AZ
seised by hatter fr om the radar Mum fr. „ _
iciglAttel nel ATCAki,-West Pltimbn!gtti.nto --.
gl uAtuniftireiliritet-
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.. w t • ,-- • -
The Mama li-lakilishei WAPlnattek i t, ,7 ,
tarorome at 3 nelonettrest,lneallita tat6l:4 -, :, ,S
• TOIO POOMOOT/U o o° PT05411
_ 40a1 4 1 4 1 71 0 #9-4 s 1
atcry. ~, The hinds pt the wear are respottfaV,
inthed(o'att ni: -' -.• -,--:- • '-- - • '..-it, ,
- R4444#E - 13.,';‘,,...;,::, v.; :T.,':;-:-.,:14:-.;i2
1 3413ztiv. 413 eat
88 'i 8 iiittiflada j :8eeit;
_rairoorpora , Orettry - deierUttatrrallAr&L zri
camYr.23"aus4 Vramsars_c_t. -
.A.T.kreterar. itilPrattlinka •
MAWS ' '-') 'llllKaa,s,th,3.
Eh, bum
low Also, ParCapicell at CreriVxd44.4o% „ .1 , 1
,y;• FamUratiVilly Mire Of'
- - Azvanzi,
, B a t :- •• • after ...KW Gat Rani screntiv'..l„;
mtLeolber sad boat Hnby{ also I/amnion/4K,
Bose, Cliikete, Lliti Lobate inn Rtrots, of Ib
best qballti, abellys on band and lot Lot at
loWest Wm, by . 3. a R. PRILLIPS: