VOLUME 09. ghe _lift~iurt = ~e~. CITY •NOTICi3.' Thai. He wt tt, D,i Physician sad Sura . r - D. No. 34 Federal street, A leen .p (lily. ()Ince hot•-• tito 10 A. st.l I to 3 aad 6 ?oil n. 1.1. ecl2•lwd Whole ale Bayne or Dry Gam* . arta ttlattVeapcst stack in this citiat tee oortaean erte. oe F sail Market strips rlaanala azd 71tuslie!, I, oaZhi benne the evattet, era (Jobe rtt.:ot.Ulf.th.t. yea ever sew tb.. C. iiAlNSpri i.or. r. Vocal and 111struineutat lir. D. Eatry , .ck's !dudes! Academy. comer of Hunt and Llt3.3oty..lltraats, will ~pro agaio on Thursday nest. 'l3 Snivoce, - TeuLer of Vocal Mail: acid Hat essay _' J. W. Sa .Teacher of Nano acid Afraid to Laugh, Ladles sometimes repress thtle 'lstid' . .4n; to , aatddreveallna the discoloration and Impertaction 01„their teett• ones, are would advise you to tay the Fri WI Ebgettoanilfo , rlliirl:r"ve.r Ono, sllltAttftlieLierest tan Pabgiess pi dela , sad wtifte n such put. as have already ' , coat. bfedt decay, and leave the breath as fragrant iss rote..l • . , BeauttMl Fall Drew Goods, mica aa all wool Deletrie t, lee:. "dPWO9W43 4 o44 4 :Ar9 M ?tM o ..Pie x i esd tha cheajiesi Ebel at Florida blarlaOildireliVaal Oaalwootas la the Mty. They were ourchsted at the lama icor soya atrattom from twenty to twinapara mot. asapoe th.n the pteseat thieth .o 1 will be sold at a very Amen lirifice on Emt. sip coai:.ittalualop thermiseton the torthmet aerbititifflAtth and Zitrket streets. 0. Bass LOVE t Eno. ;',l=7:-- - P 1 4) , 44 1 1 • InV ) , fll.. We Berthed !lie ,giteelttiroi mliting a talle tits, of geld teethed by In. 1.0. Ayer b. CO.. trom ligation*, in petwant for. tbeir medicines, crotch are eitensgseiy sold throughout; Central &merles, Among mastdveCitinstei, hrscelets; 4 laid chains, are thelfaditlasegcs ea *eh hale 'been Letter, ,rem the graves of two Chti taut chiefs—birds, turtles, ser pents, twigs and lei:rates dotio to solid gold. They cony Daub beyond Matadi:times:to serials 4. 4 plates Where ,bsuberisma reigned •lIMM, Thep stem to tome awe now in mole ellPo.l from he -windlngsbeeti, of ; their ancestors, to ork for the Slisraltatulds.tui in the mouatains, - a.ediesVprote , lion from cultivated skill, against diseases which getturf pens up ln 114:o early graves. ignorant end unialtatiCattlieLir ki., tbaY hare learned of the whiter:ran enontrOlo lams/ whice,:th'spplv fol . re lief, and„ what will bring it. Our well kiWorn towagniagi;rdStyl airmedOnfogm us • that they re qtdretheirtemitsseces from foreign .cintrl. now to be nutde la silver sod gold.—Lowerl ( glass) Start. fol. 4 ' • ! TG rty Llpes cir cottitaoD !RUNG. Reader, having slimed.] over the edltortsle ant the new. in this Jounit', you turn to the ad •ertLetganta, toying to yourself, "these are publishatisLaiiarilart.to•servezjegispyrn Inter ests." Perhaps en. Ant it Is no less true that it roo• nuns NOW lame to read thew thirty tines. if 'you art healthy It is 'presumed you with to continue relleved i itFt{EherasMii rumps not to.yiL w FLOCTETTE2.43 BITTERS are the safes , threat and best Tonic and Alterative ever advertise] in soy country This period of the year when the stroniriart_Tritt inrigtir'initgrarleie oPpreislve base Mai tk• oyes= atraligWriaitenthan the most prit , et and vigorous organization can recruit it. Therefore, as a preaervative of health, as a protection again= the devitalizing action of hest and the;mataiivtaurodasevepLa therflA gtett.in tali good constitution and the mood rtaninto with which nature hal lijewcri4ltioyl.t. this peerless Vegetab eTonicr- - o it can warcely be necessary to cepe upon the Walt and. ailing The importance of acquiring by e g k r e li the I t t ti te r tw 11 ,104. e.iatriTA &AI Inc= AfetthlAre thus biriumataleed are invited to give Pe Aim= a trial. Before-hey bare lakes the Oralt three d.ys in conformity with the ; tittettlonge *7 le 11,1, aoleptleledge gratitude its gerclriT operettori. The's ,. Will. And that it impttp . inthrital. rani' as aer.ous energy, and reggibAtiailltie internal functions admirably. This is the experience et, the debilitated anode. pressed, and in making these statements the pro. Pite t q e ** l .F eeliel'aPteellrePeil 4iediuTfirelb testimonials. Sold everywhere. - tedurtlaa. Otte Weed, *kW lob; Winr, 80. 12S T rilateral itai Wile emit'"the airlone, news of the capture of Richmond and the surrender _ Wine rebel General Lee was re. ealeieitnef Otis pante pro. *wed, andluroseLlig the medico that stoubl Col 4 11 1 4 1 MY Lamy 411; a vo w or ". axing azulstratsby goodeet,abotd..ctolthelf.ed the. • .-e/d Prim, Some 61 the Seen e=ra. cauluters - rkairtbnallilldidt4ridedinklenneoff Prepared to make up to. order, on short, notice, to iouuderqtesuiroati sr otiritspozongey taw nue tiato:tiassaitment at tiniubus idad4 and Tad" , Side clotEdne with alio be forted at "its' deitinf _.erantifithreent , , L—r4.ll,ghw frle_ r O should Wes ItEdte." ,:71 Thomas W. Parry & Co. ? laded. Mia.limas 111 KAKI= Slate, Of Wins colon, Office at 41e*ondet LooildloW" thocWallefi r efaLrltiennit,,, Ps. iteddenoo. No. Pike Airs % Ordors ~promptlyist4 ed: 0 811 walk trainhiat ivatef _roof Etpottyof A T: * thooltonest notice., N o siCaiiikes maeli lan a6tiq}siter. SL 4~m . to -.• 13 • Carpenter Jobblug Shop.. ellitiforAtinfaa 'starling dead* Sitlnfoalaro c iitheanay.l tunnAnegnsaal opolitor &llama .IX:elate tniani Inane, Irlrala alter. bat; / 24 P, shall. Orden soliellonnaii to. n. Po [Tr!. •!m Gooo keit Dateo/4 11 , 1 6 41 Tants, Rat. .. 1 4 , ,Wer 10 44-Rtns - AIPPIe and 4 1 o4nat warfoit 1/3Vadat istreal,Any. lvd s .•,- 4113/ l uls BRAVO'. ET=:2 Tan que4IOIITW4WOI:II4I2 e.a.VVOte te getting tveltleally In 'Europa. 'The In habitants of AID. in Frence.ehose the other day aka of their townswohler to be the munlelpa council there; and awyeriln Engkina are ready tO,afatta l 0 that Itahe entelaaTeral of. Wish *hotline - Ice Wlsto their haste to - dispute half adozen benevolent halo of their number to the board of,guardlatut hp kelver miderbi of Totes. t Itigia.ppleele ;Would preventehelr earblueban. • John &nag SIN lifoiaseetducieiree. all fh b= reform Ms, any distinction orserfiehlle. taliiitiEneffi-tarfter; thiftlelbeie It lvoind .itatit, , Welurve jusibeext;fanevelelthibVedi Ebbed:Mt& syeeetny liilylebblebbermbeg amtmeeasatelly.coMessech Moak sidnatbrOuistatbd'enztee. e 4. Mimeo , auadry'eldpapme Wel/ dtsbarbred eS theldetbadlet.db*abeactrult inetteect imbavbi;the•ireerible..l3lshot),McKlualfzei. -sae CCM& plateereiLiblatbblhiMabitiab, umiak faded by Mae, .shave the neat baud "wiling of tbewo4 441 Ina.":"lglik year MS, It tem* blt - rbeelp. M="letnrat =trent On /brews; co teem= ,of ealety. .amonixtect, to 11175; Ids Useably bid 'ol.ret 'expetedif vfem 46,f3a14 1 , PB big wad 80 . as Witaa l ee Ideticilters aide ibVl3BllUlae to the elouth . • - • ~ _ ateareglllatialnibileaPpr," Issued • meliasualaa to the animas °Mat State:do tear jrt oirepiaofj o o irarzson , c p aydra eacht alrlag emir: to '• .arreat Mares sad pelform general iiir7rilh: 1) V 1.14 a 6 ._ 2 k n 1 . a 4 ustst b p a a l r ik us thwgirea ry O rzet)air bodka exWM"Taf dl c W l o m ed year was e 212. BS . tlisslrtr.triSAVATAte saga pabi a:claw:tat eri • old man am* -10 ita*v s erg . abi h EnkEd.4lso- viagi drop l ofts Jasharraehlosahaartatiorfilarreinaa.hts iray toorsalice pt Ispousa4 tdcd3o se It. trettaritatt:•-• ilialligentgatitantalm Won Mlle in sinneddlennt:l l . ll l;tanatanton -nada , the -Setle-Pnr.p,2 l / 2 4 , -INIVARIgUIV_f*P• itesoltiottlh:"*. t 1.16,4 1. i t t n i F 4 4 ll !... 1 -32,1421,-1 L-2TYt• v!lti eonu il ie Med a itgaz ti V o l i astionoradona&tnnetniMondLinkniubm 1=449 8 7_14 11 M 1 1. 4 _,, " . I. W iterld67 " L'Ahlvtirstamon: ) 1114 24 iv Enamstw4Bo4l ,ll 4l4qi. Itt44ffiligsirk4t4474lt4 zl , rydatorictoriettnaereg sstoniuortiter' ~ .-agithatto4ectezropomittablrVAlWeruallur nittisol4o4 MAMO,;it Pompeii !IIvQ bees pctse.l4f. PaZTC;G: -- 2 , A , .l.,ariSa 4' I i r thui . 4 4 fan. Sohn covede at the Wool Growers Al.)el.iti .+1 At the !Letting of the ttional Wool G,,w dre AEsoclatlon, Hon. John Covodc made a Fpeeeh which vre give helot.. Mr. C ter 50100 prc! mlnary remarki, kaki : We are now raw log OD II fleet career at a 1)(00e. W. see not only our manuracrire,. but othtt par:ie., equally concerned in protect lag the inte - esis of tte country. 1,-t me call year atteixtien to arts importaia fact: Unless the tesnufreture. , receive ad ditior. el pro:coin, and a high itgrte of mercantile n!“d ern n-rottl prosper:ly is malntair.ed in :his count^y, II 1r il be a Matto - 01 im•dew,ibility for the Govermnent to collect revenue elbongli to pay the inter.: on the pubic debt. (Applause) Acc , ding to the repot made at the late meeting of the Iron and Steel Aseoci.d.lon, at Cleveland, Sy Ifs. Mar ell, It eptenra that the A tneelcan :ova ufseturer ergared in the produetlon of rallrovi iron In paying more taxes to the Government, directly 'and Ind:: ectlY, than Is paid by the Importer of foreign Iran. This will not do. (Applause.) It will cc:tat:lly bring distress ou the people of Pt nbaylvanla in a very Octet time. More than one-half of the productive passer in the Lon waking districts Is now Idle; and 11t15, tin:Jr tnnttely, at a time when oar brace vete:Ana bash just come home from the w an to seek k irks's:al occupation. (Applause.) Thin elate of strains we must have remedied. (Applause.) There seems to bosom. Wile gordliet of Inter. este, apparently, between the woolen In anufactu- ter 1 and the wool growers in the United States. This in altogether a mistake, and a mischievous mu take, Nettie ttitstrnEy attatitre in :nil ages amt In ell countries will fully demonstrate, that wiled thl d manulacture to brisk the competition of golm cheaters will always insure Eo the producer a market and remunerative prices. The in terests ('' Kllvfocraalksa art mirdipl; -they are ; eldontleh ; fisittthe - pidaperlty- dfrtho'citie la that • .prOsperity of the other. (Applause.) t always enures directly to the a:Frontage of a country so protect its industry. Tao mann ' `fature of clothe in all el:lent:les, dating brick to thp twelfth century. Illten It gave euch•rtstop- is ca ng prosperity to Florence, ban accumulated ' w t alth in whatever country has protected the ital and labor engaged, In ,ita development. Epgland for norm of years had enjoyed, through the volley of George 111, who strove by all means tcl ficuttet kbe ralizi e g ug, acuulinVeresus, almost a nternepilly of ptcepariti;lia ATl.Ovetittatts Itott'a share of It. But within the last twenty years, other Euiropeirui States, waking from their leth argy, have adopted the same policy, and their development In. tuaterlal wealth has been truly eFtenlithing. I see before me several gentlemen worth their hundreds of thousands, aye, their millions, litany of 'you are apparently masters of tho situation, and might fora long lila ^ withstand the effect of foreign competition. Dot to order It) do FO von world have to maintain a tow stabdard of prices alike in the raw material aed lit titelshor, assort would have to compete with the Inferior ca=notiltlis Inst.itkat jour wharves tie be thrown upon your markets. In England, fifteen ur twenty years ado, wool en rage would only bring L'-a per ton. Now they sell at 1:401,er ton. And why Is this? Why it Is because they hare by their shodiy maunthe, turd beet able to work them upand sell them to the people of the United States and elsewhere. (Laughter.) Gentlemen here wearing flue clothes Imported from abroad, littkektiolf , the proportion of warn-out woollen ragnthat eaters Into the composition of these fastalottable fantica. It Is oar fault, and only oars, if oar Intergate are net properly fostered and encouraged. I see be fore me the representatives of the great Iron, steel end coal efsociation of the United Bones. Those Interests, and all other Interests &miring PrOlauld oll , have, the , power of making pt . * dent - and cablOets and members of 'Congress. No president Lees teen elected without the vote bfFenasylvanla. (applause ) We hold the balance or power here. But Bennsylvania his been cheated Into voting for men who, while profeesedly devotedibeltter taterests,have bad .= !flutter motivesAtum their persona! aggrandize- Medi.' I dotat:thlnk we can ha deceived agaln If we are careful. It Is lamentably true that thare are more IxdfLicians than statuette. in the land. Still, when candidates for hlguliolitleal. position fully ape mime the strength of the organizations here 'represented they will be certain to respect them. :Yon, gentlemen, have the . power to demsud. 'the lighetotieurnitdihat the 'alibi Intereste , of ithla country shall be protected against the pau per labor of other countries. (Applause.) A struggle Labeler. ns upon the question of ',- protective policy. That question will assume a more formidable character when recent:ruction .takes Voce, and the Southern State" return to ',General with an increatel representation. I have had occasion during the summer to ex amine Ole question and have spent some Limo 'in the South and I know that a very large ma- jerlty of the Southern delegation will `come In Inutile to the protection of American labor and 'the payment of the national debt. It is very easy to perceive that =Lehr, pointy, obstinately and succeashilly whereto); twist'es rtilt in sus : ;pit:Aloe the payment, of the int.rPst en the debt.. Ilteenstruelton, in my opinion, la going, on too rapidly. ill le will require time before the !people are fullyrea dl y to be reinstated in t heir pollfical rights. - My Inforraittlert from ":the !South for the past few days, ,particalarly 'from [Louisiana, Is anything but hopefot: - A bid eon fl (Wien of affairs prevails in that portion , , eat, the Southern country. A terrible • per. seention is lgoingeat It some localities, rigalust the openly. !Airs:need Unitas men! anditill-mtwe terrible , par."- sem:alone Is being waged . against the families of ;the - freedmen who have takat tip arms uP#:ithe ripe of Freedom andUnicm. , , • These States , fa il ing upon the doctrine of ififiriarrigfiti, and Controldife U -6p In 8.41n6; forbtar they are detchnizedlo faint the store .time thst OPY are ' 4 mdlac. Et;smbern.to Cna ,gress hostilerto thtiintereantal:Northkrritabor, :and to the payment of the Government debt, :myth the future , oertasion mach -embarrass ment. Undonbeetfly they will take the flint oc• .carricarttemtriirith 'a party In the North that bill he neatly for:Menke of, political lowan to favor/Mr sch=a. , • r PEQSUAALI lavalbter etrreetond'ent of tbe Brpoeyer Ded.o4.ooit ttue tonowl4. p. and-tak. pbotoitrapb air. Cann. alalcb will wally be. re tet ec tat=this P t i o ' i r Alot er t7r fe l i lir c2"e tter. fzor i the lettwenWeleyeareils istakiliftMhy 'dun; trilh rointt bead; spine fellow.-bale *goy; ccembed .focehea . (V/ lid leleeatlkl dtateed, , narrour, tecedballoa, and anudlieddlsb Lamm , eyeakutatclatted bylittld bgneti*eit Alt 7s 7;"tliVrg'rre: eqtilltaktY: Willa - la .014d1 ailltifkkit***4ergiler.. AO- Ytetekinb.fi pmatedbagn aim unconanuolanziety,.bitbeg. si llM : Saraikenanotedb•greatleelergy‘and - .parsietenase 1161aTtlellettaterfOrtbf ItOftaneYe 'aegte' **aka Otti.',Atifki.e?rtu A 97 tornta . ; ' "An.a.4lV:tioS' Wasynetiontoftelpeadelit , Of 11 0,Ctualliii 4 .//17 Gcnettal.,l3eaut. beer mama his private opinions-AM:dude an re. sped from three of tbousands:/eVitak fellow chi. , arfne- 7 apidnit tbe PtenettoecapstibabfldettfOi; and in 111110 r of endinglt, by diplotriacy .1( .pIS able. , aaa .=-W be. He talked so w:tti the utttreet' atedOtttl when here last, and it is quite yrobablelhatbe &du% take any, natqa to change tbe lone of hi/Leone:num, when he got Into Canada." R. M. iirnattacm declares that Itorrutniint fa gaiginkeniely in Eaittstrl; andthat don iionyr,soxeTed with a , nes : work of_txuntics, and priests, stolaistoriorfliercvanit the eon swamps made are not by ones or twos, bet by scorn, till England le-being regarded as the most hopeful spot for ymnish missionary enterprise -=- '" .•'- Pep* tiro tt , attieslitik 1118,10 P GettltralEictiost alahleadza teptclaberrikicafWGroetsbeak; at CinataadakstalerotaadgerW34::Guambealtpm. =neer of Can mite , Uliverambeek, enjoy* an income of 140,000 e . 4.1121T0NT WU lately set slut fa itakitbal 11 .(VIVILOWS Eultarg itelnetql to= Pike place as , Ida tea day, moat iStfi. Ftescia'a cketojot to fta s zoLPittioulitAgna Yr" pe tta L 3 tla - lizio way. u•Amiarlinnat H. amyl= ladald'44 - &drudge gionk s za ittotilW 13:fatir did* Illitt.PlM alarm/2* 313 e3h`wittrpa ll tlestigareic,:ps ia bereasea =hood and salf-supestelittlelttat. towieldlt integgcraw.. p f' tintresulrOm-tleculizett anscep., 111 LL "Osight abfb fiduellosrol , Wisb. Iran ,!'Tit o team" of cifllzsllo is Moja SibiJiliffet metsa iti!)oaisUr. damesta of ow duo*. feis tato - dela:l;4li kalif lOU mit 141fiaigitiiktifita410 glilefil r to, replies prints gratifies:Mos by rail& of otbess,wraiiirabikapi WA oar selfish stlGtiCNc leisgotlifiethatkilltiMisplYif* rei6ffilfeliwifo• MO 614*MO*M° d 003,130 our tinnuest,'''''.,s6-,,swairwsa tinta,l w •„,,,f„,, att,,ctr! 1 4,„ ,114,,gdtin.*:v.rump,- ___lttera_ . IPtdilti , x6~ , iiiiiiiiinn" in r , i ft•-, ,, ,b1 . ;1174 041 1 lIIP I =I :PIP, , • .10 . ITISts - IW T--- -inonssisrintUnginnAkinnl i WO r, beitanfterrnigettanit-fortroaansannet • An i rd a td Of* nig VI isbilikr.inttor ,- -, tafifiw bi. ; 'lr t lStaiNlelote hiCI PIOVFIAVAIO.4 4I I . ' ... 1 *-, 101..71 4 ~.S . ~. • 1.*"......-••• t . .., f ' l dle a A t TO' R all" Aki l siVit a r t i krau i fk E oto •40*7 . 4qa- 'briar, ,r,.:3Ag,1-1,747 "-- - - '' •', 1,?.• 1.1 f J,JlliLl. THE 'LATEST - NEWS BY TELEGRAPH Our Special Dispatches THE CALIFORNIA SENATOVIHIP Letter from General Slocum RESTRICTIONS ON COTTON TO OR REMOTER Publication of United States Laws, VOLUNTEER GENERALS TO BE MUSTERED COT Letter of Gen. Wise bTOHIER OP PREBIIIB VI JOEIBBOS '8 I lIP acumen The Sout h Carolina. Election.. peStal lilsretch to the Pittsburgh Qezettc PIIILADELPMA Sept. 11, 1565. Itthoot*Goesspor lows, of Callfornia,7lll is soc eid YCliciagall as 'Senator from that State, Den. Bloom, In a letter dated .Vickshurc, Aucnst 27th, to a gentleman'of SyraMise, declin ed pclng a randldate for Styli office ender spy, cifVicottancv. His nomination, therefore, b}r the New Yolk Democratic Consola t ion on 1,4 strer.gth of an alleged letter from him, was au authorized:, He Is be:Renato be a leubllcap. Itestrictiona on free transportation of cotton .la i xabatent.will Boon tiiresamed. d 1 New Qt. kites the receipts are failing off rapidly. The United Statee r Awe id the past-font years are to be ofCclallyptidhshed In the newspaper; in each rebel State: " f It Ls gpcFted that soon alter General Grant's return to Washington a general o t ider will be Issned mustering out of service even . volunteer General not actually needed or on duty. 1 Aire are still upwardspf one hundred and twenty on the list. All the colored troopl rained I❑ the North will be mustered out of service and those raised In tee South will be retained until the authority of the United States Is fully reestablished there. , Gen. Wise's letter, though published, has not yet reached any officer of the Government. It II believed that Wise himself pohllshed It with. oat caring tohave It reach Grant, to whom It vfas addressed. It was for buneOgiba. : • All stories of The radios& going to inspeash President Johnson are bogus, and originate with copperheads to New York. Some of the Waih legion dispatches containing these reports, are writtenpi.New Virk, acid. ullt to 1 1-1 RaPeSa here. - i The Motion In Booth Carolina 63T delegates to the State Convention passed off quietly. (>1 twenty delegates ;Acted In 'Charleston, only five byre on the Union Ticket; the rest Ileing Demo crats. The result in the interior is the same. Fettsbet,i s letyzrals Wide Ranitpcnir aud . kiTatto4 elected delegates. 'RonaeZ) Za OIT4 Li Wee My 4ga in in undated Special dispatch to the Pittaburgh Gazette. emir. Septembet Lt. The ricer U clever' Net and rising, arid the tity is again afloat. Prrume. BECoNt3 DISPATCII. OIL Cm, Bcpt. 11, 1365. The river Is filltag fast. There aro now nine feet 112, the river. Oil oR tiir emit dells at 66 yerharxt, PBCcLIOTIO OF GOV ILIMILTON Negotiations with tie Indians. ELTTLIMENT DY NAVAL ARCMS. foialry and Artillery to be mustered GEN. DENT ASSIGNED tOffiAND. Patten& Granted by the Preslttetit. THE !TRW_ OF JEPP? DAVIS. Efforts for,Belease of Secretary Nam/. ‘.. . • ---- - • SEM= .ffi r COLONEL . TEMPI. unetiiaettaea tindeT;Eio:Masaa;i4uirt 'Rs* Toes, Belt. IL—The proclanughef of Provlelenel Goveroor Hamilton' . Of Tem ttl. ready Warred to; feyi down tad reVatiotia end TfeacrArkge. plank _whefS7 p eopleor oe , Attie MIS be enabled to WM the oath of alum ,ty and allegiance to the togionaLgoverontem and qualify thementes to S 014: far delegated-4a the State Conventlon sod, to aft, trattett. The chief Justices and clerks or the ,ormaty ;Courts are to constitute the boards la the user al counties for administering the oath and keep 'tettiaiitf tWriItaKOATIPACtc , Subirtir , to t, mad f o r the - coma= o diny they are reuttiratOtells-nelleh* .0 1 111 IntSPArie day In CaCtl 'week, iintirlialrlittir le 'team ' pllahed. The „Governor concludes by urging the clttenie to'etfeae fdreerd'iiidUte 4113 - pre limitary step in the Work of restoring their civil government. Tbe COM imlalloaer,o: Wiz n AtrArp ban Ast re ceived &ode Stipelnierldant• Mak' Of Utah. In formation that he baa succeeded In negotiating with the lod ler ..ntrvirot " which. it read w '1514.6 p dpo 'toast eatiefactot) heptitstbsiteistigg itltrßaern meat with all the tidbes Le that section. 1 The rim"' Washingtoa VECIPI his I fellow ilea: In . the Fourth Auditor's Ilorputtnent during the month 01,74.tighti, ac. ; memo were settlr.i. The eagrepte_senenet of ' these aces is five millioreiVetutsf Mtedred . and flftpsix thousand one hundred and eighteen dollars and seventy-three cents. By order of the Secretary of Wei ' the third provisional New York_Cayab7. 4th New York Heavy Artl !cry, Ist Connecticut Heavy Artil lery and 3d Ms. 4tusetts Heavy Artillery are to be Immediately mustered on:. These troops arzerflerettla their re6PeCtIVO Staid renilennerne, where thel will ...tecnive gnat ,PUIRFA itlWAVrie Ichargadiey aenctal.A. PaS. thq'4 l: 4 l s^ or GencriTHrent, Bas - iseek of the garylsop s 1 this - city, • nurnuttrteg' Wier VlOO - eata: " 7 z+ , • Eitneenutleisfrewnrt;theTresidehlabeTntinted nardoentethelhtintlztel , of , Twies6' 4 1. - ILlinichiana,Zisru:Lisery memeheini Allen torwla,lolui stenaatarowni =ULT. WA. Vih r neS.Wl L LWVOnOlDeetataWi'' 461. 1 4 11r411140 14 * gi 41 9! . &tr. Date erni Inedlntely.folkrwonAlmanel Ole:Kagan OrWlrz; Wrileci ratted Vine be Wilr be' tried In Rictunon4. The Post Officearr Is in receipt of colte , b..:infr caiLletxliget TAD were indwtarte mins' nettle secession of the rebel elates. but a still larger number very coolly write toW thein ceDesl:outmost, asking for.tho ,mtgetof due them tarpostal sertteeltad ent dedthe Slates up to the riod of ate rebellion. 109 pe mmarnan.11. ft..,lllshop,hal been hate tfie 4 phistriooostrO. the release if the rebel &aviary Napery. • The World's Wash on Spacial says Col. Wm. , been sent ' mum and par a doe of 5.000 dollar* orthe be Immialard tut plAttekgrulistatintra acres or lad were ente ff edr for settleMent under the homestead act, at the land office in Lacrosse Winconsin. during the ramtsk of Aught% The easel school wlit - nt.cmen at Annapolis during the present' mouth. It is now being , remand from Newport. R. I. Brig. Gen. Man has been transferred from a rc N l T= l ls 4 3 4 ftl o .• TadiV49l. Frealdes'sgstlmSoLgovoiv the South.. . newto wi ns EC ti ry. Seward. Nair Yon; Sept. 11 1 - 0 -The root',, a Me O root' ,, Wsablegtow eak tf _grldsra l re Lonlidantai ls at the While - nodded Ls to assure thArstiblasity and course towards MY 'Ban li - Mefflag "the general smolt! of the eof those Maws. The ,delatetlon- declare, La seLVAX.w#l,..,iga I Paddidstqldb* The reetfpla atlas Internet Samna daring the past wtelrmtawnteeestallgooliptjollers. Slia''Misltiiiltt* , tfteds i thought has extended hie telt iLlehniOnd, L TA ;SC le- w k PITT A Pff GA Z ETYri PI~I}';S;iURGII, TUESDAY SEP"' EM BER 12. ISe5, ME WHIZ TRIAL More e Witnessfs Wanted. tETISEEN rELINONEW,S COENSEL AND TOR COMMISSION, Tes-timmiy of Gem Wilsoia N . As-M1.7,N , Scpternter 11.—After tber , cord cf Saturday had been read, Mr. Baker brought to the attention of the 'Conamisslan a roatur to relation to witnesses far the defense, whicltho , thought it wouldhe better to attend to at this time. The Judge Advocate here suggested to him that it might bets - subject outside , of ids f Metal authority, therefOre properly beionlitlk to the court. Some BUM before this trial cam meneed, thd gentlemen who. were thud. acting ae the casoner's counsel, requested that:a num ber of witnerees for the detente should be sent for. On their application, this waa 000, Sittio s 4 than could not to -folded:. others who were found had not let reported. Of this neOect,:ihe ' 'conostj for the.oefedsi did not keen', ' - d3' ca the trial ilia been - piogressurg . : itttatters were developed which showed the necetelty of atbdr witnesses being summoned, In order to meet new pains brought out la the trial, These wit• reties were scattered mostly In Georgia, and may be found In a few days, bat in aome places thefe were no malls or other means of reaching theta by written communication. Therefore It war not probable that they could be reached by tiles time they were wanted to testify in this coat. Under these circumstances It was for the Golvernment to say whether the defendant should hate the facilities which the Governmsnt could elbrd, or whether he must be deprived entirely of Xhosa wltuessa._ll34,ltean absolute neces• sit that the defendants should have the Wltnesseo In this way or not at 411.• s wan aml he counsel.. apfila thht dafertdaid sle defence. This was their aftteire belief, and It was for them to ask that the pris oner bawl tbermeana of making Ms defence, If It was within the JuristilMLOn of this court, he asked tbetMrasenger be dispatched with tub pona,-ioi'snilt4tergarts Wharf)* (edit ".absts , lately necessary to have for the defence of the accused. The Judge Advocate had shown eve ry dirposltini to procure the attendance of wit- Leaflet to iar its making out subpeenao was con-. corned,and 611 far as It WWI Within the 113t6119 of the defence to wive their names, ai had been rstinsred by the•Jedge Advocate. Some sixty or seventy were ln,rlow York, After sifting them they came to the conclusion that - only Seven or to of them would he required, end now, that the trial was approaching an cud, he repeated that the witnesses alit:4;4o4*-stae stubbly neeereary . the —oriel:73er.* . defence. They would nett'pat the gevernment to anyuG , uremia aiPenee.; Sh . for .se leAtes la Nile!: y , ...1.- 7 t e'oenend an./ In the naighbirtaiod, UM" ' voiMeiLiliintl i; treiF fur AVOW! hipsnia of. • the defence, but further Muth, there being • greater difficulties ,eau Increased. croft:des, It Ibecame absolutely necessary tied the govern ment 'Maid grant the accommodation In the dinner requested. He, Mr. Baker, 'would bo reedy with the Um of the witnesses to morrow, IA miIt:TAUS-the MoseetUter Wight leave at once. Judge Ihootate Chipman replied -that the Omni were aware that from time to time he hod' urged that the rule be compiled with, namely, that a list of witnesses furnished, 'Dui had no t lien fatly done, and tilikluit thertenet was called upon to meet the request of the counsel, that another special messenger be sent Booth. Be raid four weeks ago that..-.oeeptild be despatched to secure wititelduifj- I M4. for the defect, that for the Those for the ratter were mainly here at the time the handl' *ins to the Old Capitol prune end .artcr the ,tenclannt bad been furnished with at Of the changes and specific/slims against him. a list of witsces , u was made out by the prisoner and supervised by MessraZ. Ban* and Peck, at the time his counsel, to which was at tached this endorsement by Capt. Wire, "The above clamed witnesses are all 1 require in my cane" All of .thera wittuesea. exceptinalotto or tire, were here. Their absence was 'Wounded for by the fact that several are in Europe and the oth ers in Toms. He stad only to say that If in the mouses of this trial, it was believed by the counsel for the defense tharadditichistWitnetses were accessary, it was only fair to the Cavern - meat Chetah° economists:mid glee nit of the witnesses and where they couli ba found, sad also what they exTunted to remits, item. He asked that theretrenci delay,sitidnountmcaisary expense to thwproseentlon In this matter. The Government weltering to do what was Atr the matter. Witpesses in the Bout t.. by telegraphingw' v. military posts.' dales% sancountal had furnished him With names of what:saes. he Undimmed subpm mu. He did not know what more tho'Boyernmest conl6 do. Onttaci Said It might be well in reply to Stingmtleu — Or. the ' ratite — Advo cate, to ,cXI - atteation to the tact that many witnesam who' bad been mitrpcessed were or the ponsectuttra, Walled • beat ex amined eta: ilia Vert of - the lOovernticatt adO coetetitehe glut/toes .Itad aOlniatQad th at properiangthimshadbectomardeidraw out of theta something for the ProseMiticm• 'lie hard." ly believed the Judge Advocate would attempt to .tisel - Mte Inflamer, of the Govertrmind to frighten or prate out of our whams= anything for the pweecntion, and he would not charge it.' Lot the witnesses came here under very peenliar ebettoirtelldett - TOMiele :theg , filand.thip,' or good reeling' to thetiodiMithetat, 'Nittnassat had remarked to him, when asked how they would testify "Why.dolonsupposerl-willisave any. thing undone to save my own head I" This Mr. Baker said, i eseteemwthe prof withoUutr the Or requme ot,thering any tr amene. actonnta do• the Whottettes adMMonoed for the defence, appearing willing, as the Judge .A.drocate eald. to Waif} for .Slie PrOsectitlen• hir. Baker in einalisnattot veinertovl that the tee [ et be sMti=o li tele &JIM tad' late cal With awl to the suggestion of the Jane Advocate hat he ilatredd 'make' te - -inadarit of what tier prowled to Vebut by each -whim*. 4e reagil. boaldistAS do actor moat of tithe. a Toe *ma would; buotoodloted for • week to eatable him . 1=44.04 1 ftW... ' lebb'ilbeed 04K. inu, ilikia at huts!' vei tOabo witemesPsa... vie. That Itio‘defeadaste•attonldAssimi. tor the tong lliabobstee tbe nameof ifeeverauct, pe 2 .0.: amo k *, be biiibleelbOuil read b 10" W0444;1bl i.,0 4 7 qb;be fa abd. 'itt44417.1. wthe faet.lm expects or, bellemlccark,gara bweaatimf them. From .ibla the Cointssaturer deteltainaz thevratterlal- of the , rrid " e rttf order tbeiitionnlici*legll 11r. Baker old Omcpit'ststo: aiik !lat fn tee Used,* counsel .could eitie 'edible ante, el, they could not, withl / 1101901F dtitieCP9jr r p, separate the afildavtli. Mt *is slitters° ap psyching la but power for a fair defense. and melt from nmft,ysifter itinjilltsegatlen has klused, asis for catow days In order to attend to hat , the.conffraguirod, °vim 4 be laalis valc artfiklfifibtf. do thaithe aubpre•an alight. bb cut as soon as posaltits, After farther iobeideralions by VILVv them of tile' coo*, Om Wm Bald its Mr. Bak* lad& etill •eifargel he was fader OnglarEl4,tPanhatatiaggt. Mr. BOX —Yllu filittleriold'tberefofe'lliow trllatthe usual courtesy tualeftruglletguatded my lan guage vcry carefully, General Wallace-Thal affPfei has used any rnproper means to influence witnesses, yang:nu efintrertm 1 U be ; n4nlahed. 1.4. - Maketrlkatni at no time, e argad thatf *744otr WnAkrt..- • )0 11 4b 1 A. 03 Citt , any,suentlatig,,, . - • • ••-1 . Mayor General Syniteou-Wer-understand.gos , ; 'ldallaker:•-tnitrion anYinhitneri idnit the :JilditoManeakd did Ant AtAtLAI I 444I... $ 411eionGemmrd Piralliteer-oDrany-body olee.l e, leraW4P-VnlTilklinnirtrotantrotlialce stay aronMbieV lrit jutiocul , Mr. Bak ithern /.11Me r-01, VO6 - 4 • I -Jiadto Advriente tiblMan-ertenisrumala ladrosewtbtr-Viattentint Anceagerivl2llP %nit' luttr - emu; kg* R . roi ma+ iort.. niesstltenideuraidineaneanino Poor or Mt I truth •Ulc4•Chstites -which have beenonsde hare es - dipper* he; the Ja4o, - Meneami must rat under the Imputation uWeatthenesini eel "tumid retract altozelloy. itta Court ahOlild demand tbe proof. to% A . I t . jr`ii , mr.;ls -U tt", wilpiEr.9 owl the aorta let them do so. Judge Annan( G'bieutan—lren.sm *Few Maness have been used. re i Ketaf il l *APPArhatiAl*c de Giaguato aralitiarsa. tjaarßlAWo yank to utak Oa wit.' awes are Mr. B.—How eiiii-Viint o r4ll4 6 teke me ant& et y lei n c=itage. I Imre doled C , Of making el:gam ~,..,-• Chm. W.— ,, 1. : ~ - m *oWwMlo4 remks that you sd o lairtatkOgtalreare_ You must have matured It. Mr. B.—By reeding my ressalte items beaten bow =eh ), t i Nitti? tlf7El, Ek.a. on cannot then give us the ume et a single witness. Mr. 11.—I know i toml vslySraisms except two or three., • Judge &debate Chipmen. , 43uch'remstias did not came imm Alio had been at asiatasonville. - , Mr,rvaptlist•bittizespeptioneble minUliad • - nxiderbrilouple who caught Ihtinls 1102 ftlinfriclahlat meant no disrespect by I = l ft.q t `..lll.,PTPrk,l l l.o? GY1' 6410 4 ~ !)141, .7 • n-.. clzoref of witreeßcs. To oblch one did 11 , :y. b 'ot Mr.; Baktr—l don't know, I did not ash tabril er tiny wire witnesses for us or not. Sexing • then' iremb.rs of 11 a (And.: took part in the =venation. Msi Genoa,- Wallace—l suggest that the root 1 bdtwons until to-morrow morning h CO able, the ,concert to frunusb the names of the wlihre es. Mr. Baker--If I can think of the name of the wituras. I oh'. 510.0tn.'W.—if suck languige Is used it is me pon should ear, our attention to It. Mt. Baker—lf I car i will furetsb the name. The' Court said It would be better to grant the time row than when the prosecution Missed. That It. Involved time to make out the affiaartts, and to settd a messenger to Georgia, Texas and I.4etwhere. Baker replied that they bad no wltcsen br:tozd NewOrleano. The Coorhealn they were dispozed to knot the time, but the question was whether they 6110111 d Yo /0 row or after a whits. ...... . . . . _ . Itr. Baker suggested that if they Waited attil alter the prtgecution ended, many things wooed ' have developed for which they ceold provide in thew. surarahnhsg of witnesses. if the • Conn adjourned now, the e :tinsel would lose a great deals( time 4 lat after the prosecution closed, the mensal must nave time to 1 tot over what the Gowen:lent witnesses had testified to, and if they had an opportunity they could confine , the vritnrsses for the defence to a nartieniar. point. • 7' W The coati replied that an affidavit as to what the prisoner proposed to Prove, must be appends cd to the same of each *tams, or the prisoner amid state his beliel. hi ed . Bakes said . the President of the Court. bel A.. Itl i ctr, knew that lawyers alWay,a. she the davits. . Itys). 'pen. Plailacend there' are twO Of yo l. t i d ;msx said the dm asel 'must have Weeap ap of the , memos •of she veltnesaes, and what they would testify to, or else the applica tion was mantels' bad faith. If the defendant found out the eassea of the witneasea, and that *au iceeSegy to he done, the defends it .deiws out the factlettleb be expected to prove by them. lily. Bake/MO . IICA that It reeeired time. Tne court could kicelt to him :by squatting. Ile meat have timelo know how to shape thistea, at, :Baket—l only asked the Cdtp til yeud a collide'. The Court—You beard the runugl Mr, Ibug—,Elow long all It require yoo to draft a ilst of the, witnerscs7 Mr. 11.--Two or three &We, !firkin steady. ''There are twenty or thirty witnesses. I could state generally abet we expect to prove, and will do this at the Judge Ad vocaVes office. With the alder- a reporter, title could be done wither* an adjournment of the Coon. a adize Advocate Chipman requested that a 'Portion of the remarks of the women be road electing upon himself abet associate, SI sin'. Hr. Baker eaid he would not have the J oleo Advocate:test tinder a wrong Impression. The ollinel reporter then read the exception about the exceptiouble words given in the for mer pan ottbil. report.. Jr. anter—There It no rellecticat there. 71104.1 Advocate —The tannage .is laseroPrd. It censures the Judge Adrocotte and leaver a clear inferenee that the Cowan believes , 'that they, le Me 'preliminary ezetainition, used im. FOP? MTaill to itffitleace the witnesses. T prffiOntieithe whole thing false. The Preltrai- Imiry eneettenott by Major Hoene' end myself, urii Mat with 5 1 1 Li i i n it i , " 4 , ti mi l"Tl aed'in the presence of 'the officers Of the Conn, and moaners, Ind witnesees. Ido notteeellect of any such eases. I am sure nothing has oc curred to Justify the remark which I pronomoca false. I rat the court teenier an inenttgetkon, so that the counsel may sonata his speech by proof, and that the officer or officers found derelict Innis particular of acting unprofemilon t any tell be dealt WU= this court. ,:This 15 ; due twtba Judge Ad Slajor Gamma Thema—We Mond icaorrdhe Carnes of Chnwitztessen Warred to by the coct.l. M. 11.—I. thought I was careful in giving the ' impruslowed %tektite witness sold. , Maim General Wilson was called to the stand Jlie testified Mat he Was • Cage's of Elogla ens and a Idejor Gummi of Volunteers. He had been hnpetinted In Alabama and Georgia Wit weitaby corps in the military division of the nisslulpph Ho was tow Canned at Macon. The rebels during the war drew sup- Oita front Central Alabama and Georgia which nand have tautened snffidefirupplies to An dersoutyllla. There were ample means of &Sort ing comforts - to the prison, which he examined about the trot of July. Ile sew the remnants or only den @battik, " ricks for Ginuoops or shantiescould4 a oun, been erected for the ljnlna-vitimuni, as there ' • pistil! of.....tiffitlu the neighborhood, Inn each a place u the troops would like to encamp for wood and water, It they wanted to wearer. It'vrmid not haii been neceiesty r to transport timber mote than a mile; th ere vas neuty of black labor in the country. The difficulty was le getting rid of the mrmo; thirty men • MI uvula hare canto:tweed enough Got 15,000 men. !a Unity-the wllowance-of wood in thearmy 1 , Is just double What It Meta strutunerilmd.there fore sin; men Inane day could have eat enough An . 15,000 me* In winter. Out his arrival at Macon his first inquiry was at to the condition Of the Audertenti so prisms and who was re sponsible for It. He sent WO offiters there. He sent Lie= Vanderbook and Captain. now Major Noyes. On their return they reported that the man Wire was still there. He imme diately ordered 3.(aJpr Novi tO;retutnaadarrest Captain Wire, which be did, and brought him to Mama, where he was • kept several days, when he was brought before him. Ile was thee remanded to prison„ and be reqnested that ho be brought to trial. No protection was aver muted let Capt.' Wire, .tboar„ti lite. Willson, who ordered his [nut for the hounds° ot Ming. tea hies tO trial excepted from him the benefit of the ospitedation of Johnson to She:rasa. Witten gave a particular description of the gnavdsxe Andersonville prumn stating tbattha Miectlent had *morally buriei to thergyound for shelter,. partimsbuly on a hillside. These holes were about the. size of Ordinn y A b Olter trail, holding two 6r fbneuien. - On tion be meld,y he stepped Own 'dole - run Of the excivittodt. ' lie law no Inanaelling ander theatockade. .He .. wrote a letter OMIT Wing that thesorml Wtrz. hat been firreatect, and . that be 144krriel him trinity of the Infliction of punishment 'on thelfriardiers at haderematilletand.Gun thell—allatteuet &Odd be Meruglattritritice in order that the whole thing. italt•throwesbeettbegksrertsto . todels9ls2lffilltdatlek, 11111040 Asti& 00 1 W. e wan Mese to do as he pleased end as the ta trittftlin Ginerament prinwred.-Thdr 4 **a a bundrerdimd fifty Colon prisonersprisoners at A An/ twit, Mourne warn he teethed there, nil, Were ootbing,talpnbialerpe, and could not be moved withonsettadangming their lives. Many wean dearkafter34T Fer°broui.4-into, lll3 Oaq• • JtAVOto. Veari,Didycni - 0d 1 it.407 zee don. #uckfor,Velth. WifolfsetpW," ',. - ' except to protect ntaiiati'l 4111=1 tiiqk lotcrimtr- tiondirgo. the,lllportstary Of Wsir tniittirdl6C;;!Artintelln tall . they ttsd risked MOW o.llh3tveS to lindeet hum; pm .Plats j. Noyes, tbo. post, guard et G44/looogo • would have Mlle& him. Willis Van was cross ovssatned, lion said he ear nothing: . sent by Ins panitary.Comadealou on rebilltolallers.'"-,, • George WeMbg testified as to the Menial 01 the corny' and around Andersonvillo. VAttrick addity,related, what ho had seen at iaajarson /WM waters of cruelty. dtin iii Beaker • (colored) and Henry C. Ball ainspestiAbd *warding. *Yenta In thn..same 10 1 silty. : Adjourned., ~ t•. . • t - , zxcumix OF INGLISII.CANIMISTS. 'Grand Manquil: at Jflteadvale. ti,ow Ion; Sept. 11.—The liene.d'aSteed vine, suresPondent glees an account of a ,grand banquet Mean last Saturday nightie that' plitediols US' e.t 41. - W. tt R., to thelliskilsh , siliale2;this elti Tileadai lira, end Vito . are now -on Stone Of lesmetlon !of the marks and other enterprises of. ' Ableigiontuld'tetutds. ' Horne of Ken airmen lid - tot its the W. Ittlt.iteid s oSsiated, materially in Its' °Keane— Ms. 12,i. ifononddlen, piesblem at the ban. bud, and ITc..iititelds..TOPeer Preekiela road, made .the.lpsethes:"Sistoomlng the dia. Unwalshectinestit;Nibleh 'was responded to on thine panty Sir *tenon rete.-. ' Other sPitches I mire bade,. and- t o g e ther '-with these, the • handsome doxrtitione of the:room, and , the i tt ie d:.t h tetteqberet'ePut =Peer. Wrternet• was VrOiCd; ' • • NaUo r e nwaphle Convention—MA _ - Packing, _ilibitabinent, Destroyed. , = Vnieticio,l3ept:ll.... 7 Th6NattonalTetorohle Caton - .01011116 attonsoon ttus Concert D alt or the' bolsi Nouse, and was called to order it three o'clock by - Preeldeot Hammond. The =- ports er uie rreddiat.` ; Tamura? and qarreS' P2l2di p g 5 -*dm, recetred. Alter 14/11ei carer ouladnarylawineu, the Oonvintlan , ad. Jousted- until as morr o w morph% to awatt the gltater leveret defences row en - route, AU 'Northeta Metes =represented in the Con pickle*. estabUstnastr .Jacob enßeeond Weft, was destroyed. and damage meat to the talattof _nearly .119,000. It waamcettyhurated.::.• - . • ..„ t - . - pardougieker a „.. 411111/ ID OM p unv lratos,..lmt pardon When thresiibare ginkthapratistA don all day Batopiay. 'no city Is AUai wit Mute ist siiil..4.venty grommet ` dollar and the dant arrifiga are greitly - hoscCeas' of e departnrce. 'A. ENTERVILA SESERNERS. I Policy SiistaitiAd by . the South REPLY OF PRYSI DENT JOHNSON. Col rEspondenee Between OOv, Sharkey and the President Seploober 11.—T. day a del• ezation of Southerner', reprrienting Georgia, Alabama, .linisitaippi, Florida, Art:audits, Vir vile and Ttinti-avee, numbering, fifty or perfribv, rail. don the Piieiedent. lion. A. H. 51cFarlattl. of VI addrcased him on be• half of the vizliors, naykni: It bacon. bin ag-oe able duty Lo say they desired to asanre him of thelvytniOnal regard, and their confidence in his .iiuypose to administer the government ascot the hlghbot vrinciples of w Isdoist and motto, statzamanatay. They were confident his policy would be earnestly sustained by the entire Minh, and that devotion to the linlon and free institutions would ever characterize all their personal acts . add It was ,ibeir purpose ever cheerfully and earnestly to support him and his administration of the general government and in making this pledge, aa gentlemen, they had a right to de.... mend fall credence for their sineerity. Mr. McFarlandetaborated these views. Ceti eluding WWI thanks to the President dent attention and disposition to glee fall faith to the sincerity fif those he represented.; : ever Might beitaid..to.thecontrary, the Purposes end object of the Millie South, he felt assured, wen for restoration and peace upon the basis of the union Hof this Statei. The Preildent In reply. expressed his Barnette at meeting co large a number of gentlemen from the South. fie had no Idea that so many per sons would call upon 'hied; where he' consented this Interview. Hotxte'Xi nOtcbmurand lan guage suflicientir tr - .• expreaa the. trap gratifica tion he felt et the visit, and at the patriotic remark! of the speaker who bad just retired. Tie spoke his position. Ber.re the card war po had urged his Southern breth ren to . Pl. 0 21 Union, had there to contend for their Constll44aal :lett& He felt It was their Own and :wolactiOn. He bad 'avail been for the receeniticut f all the constitutional rights of the sleveholders or the States, and believed they could have been. preserved the Union If the issue had homy made in the forum instead of the held. He himself bad been a slaw:ladder, but he made up his mind If the issue ever r. mad Itself down to the Union and ..crowed elaar confidenc e limdoelt go and the Ua+- ' the es - n b e caved. 'l nc . uttered of devotion to the loyalty no Edon and profession; of !tact we''dthe i :Potal -" tion eT w in a " s d' to " al d d h i e n w hn as ildl imed ng ur up -,te places of the South, and restoring T " . ...5c0, bappluesa, good will and union. He did not believe the sensation letter writers !and editors who were endeavoring to create the Impression that there exists in the South cheat ((llion. The presence of - so muny eminent and distinguished gentlemen representing Such 'a largo constituency, fully disapproved of the Mat and gave the lie io their perthOZll and malignant utterances. lie had coundenCe In the prof. n. longof the people of the South and of the , purpose to reatore the Union upon the principles of the Cosonitutlon, and he hoped and blieved they were ready to come op and entity round the Union and the Constitution. The fend relating was a former quarrel and the ties of friendship, now that 1t was ended, he trusted would be stronger and more enduring than ever. The mission of this 'great people was high. and 'poly, and In tinlein only could the per es of its *triple and fred govertionetit be administered. 'The President 'referred to the , exhaling condition of public affairs, and Abe : gratifying and patriotic evidences _presented to bite of the early restoration or 'fraternity be. tween the different steatite of the Union, and the good tofollcrw this peaceful state of thttle, and In conclusion expressed the hope that men thoroughly loyal would he elected to Congreee, 111 order that the South may again be adelltted to the coencils of the nation. The remarks of President Johnson ware fre quently Interrupted by applause, and all seemed highly gratified by the interview. The follow[ g co rrect vers •r. raison e twaTrat - rWdent and Governor , ey, of litbialsaippl: On the 19th nit, Gos ernorSitarkey Issued a proclamation callleg on the peOple of the State to organize, under the mintla laws of the State, to men county, a fierce to detect and epprebend and prevent crime. TLe President saw the proclamation, acid It to soppored 'apyiroved It, as he Want no order countermanding It. Oa the Bth of August, the President-received a dispatch from the Hon- Carl Scharr, express ing fears of the propriety of Gov. Bharky'g Co=4 and • deprecating any !onion. by the President adverse to the order Issued by Major General Slocum,Dcpartmeet Commander. The Presidert tinder date of august liCith, tele graphed to General Schutz is follows: "I presume General Sloenmarill Issue no order litter feting with Governor Sharkey's etbrts to rester.; the functions of the State without first consulting the Governor and giving reasons for such proposed Interference." The balance of title letter has already been printed. Sy direction of the President, a copy of this was ordered to be given to Governor Sharkey. an Sept. 3, the President received a dispatch from Gov. Sharkey stating that Geo. Slocum had lomed an order preventing the execution of his proclamation of Aug. 13, and acknowledging the receipt of a copy of the dispatch sent to Gen. Scharf on the 30th tilt, which dispatch Gov. Sharkey earnestly requested ItliFinisslott to pub lish. To this request the President replied by telegraph: "My dispatch was not intended for publica tion, but you can make such use of it as you deem beet. The sams day the following Ma patch was sent to Gen. Slocum: WAIF. DETAICTIMIT, Wasunrovow. D. 0., Sept./1, 1865 Zia jer General Slocum:—Upon. the 19th of August Gov. Markey issued a proclamation calling Tor the; formitkra of willitary companies iieach county to detect, criminals. prevent me and preserve male:der In places where e military farces of the IlfaltedStates were In. stafielent to do so. If-you have issued any artier countermanding thin prociaulauon or In' terrerjeg : wlth. lts exedra*. you W 1 1 . 1... atop A revoked!., Acknowledge the rpoeie. pubis omer - and telegraph rant aka, • • • , , _ fly erdir ophet Preildent of tate I. l 4ited Stateik T. T. Y.Oteurr, ' 'ititing Aptetint t3eereteifdi , War.'" Ifflia Indian Connell. FORT IMmeur, Ark.; Sept. 10.—The -Indian c'orotell, yaderday, wan 'taken tip to reading the mipmlationr to be, Imposed by the Govern. mad numnvill the:Mulles 1n ther,Scruthwest, The stipulations propqad • Amid consolidation qr su the Ultra into oho nation, the territory of which shall bailie present Incilart territory and melt abere as the Government may dedde RIB; the triter bow &lag to Seem to to re moved south. • The Southwestern tribes will be exPertal trocompel the Indiana of On pia= to otsertrithe trestle%' Tha Indian; ne where say they understood they were called to meet the late rebel tribes and renew friondly,ielallons *let them, and'not,"to oaks ApN inntles, *Ma they Say they to aMqg and unanthoilled Moo. Sae fact runnel. hditiinitrmifes are inttnend . Font %inn, Sept. I.l.—The replies made to dey,try the delegations errant. 10 IbArPrOPCIa• 140 14PMelled 40, them on Grdundal, anepealt favorably of the policy of the Government, and appear anziou to renew friendly relations with It. Mal bf than promise their aid In bring deg Mb:MGR Indians of dm Zahn - to terms: ATlCeddegaraiiived to-day, from• the Connell In tesskintl dmastrestra licadanty, held by the Cherokees and 4h6etaws; stating their dela.: Jeff. DaN* B PO l ll-4tew OrleartiVieis* Agerieyi—lSO•appoititelf., paswororoo. flept...lLTcript. a. h er ea4:iot the Itithig. fi -break,. inbred . to y ric'm Os .. by War Of gelf Toth, i ll with abut 1,100 pandas At gobrand ' L yme where, 'with a *mall 'Stumm of Wrier' an inveigle value of perhaps' upp,ooo; . Thi s :weal*h was recovered by the Truann7 Amt, seals eald to be part of thrived! captured 4=. Jeff. Dub Capt. Jones Ala adiveted (ho clabnci•WhO,Trazartottbo United hates. The vagravash. stateraeat, from 'New York, udder date,ot the 10th feat, MU Me: Ostler has , beeielivolatenreasery agent at Nov Wean vied Mazda* 'moved; Is lncortect. Mr. Cutter wan placed temporarily in charee'of the Mate of Tamura/ pcldbu of Mr. Flaaders',..arpeem OA; hie operallota are now congaed to 003110/14' half orleus, , sad Mr. Mudd' mums dent dila_T erieentire n territory. colpprptiag* er al irr gem- John Greiner. of Ohlo.'Wet 6 2 40 re-4 1 p0/4 red Receiver of the Lead Office at Santa Fe, Now Mateo, vice Oollitte.rterior63. alatl bell vole the dmigaided &mem, ottinAmalr4PPAtrA WIT Betatim Quo. • awl SUnl,llfaigi v TL.Beni, 11 Thi - eseattei occasioned btlbh. filigdatLia of MOM Asa 01 Aldis, nizentir mewed , clohisur to m* 4; Associate Justice of the flufetote (Mum (mow Elate, W.P . .bem,-/tllO W eer. l3o l lll tAkTgla ritual or lloceymdait , 11,41ter. 414, of Bt. lithti o A4 ei l ita,abititrWt 41111 bmpmpd p e p ri p,• r -; MlZlffll=ll PLHkL REPRESENTAINES li RARE, War with Fra.nce Speculations. INOTIIER COM FOB 'ME CONFBDEEACY Public Printing Estabiish nient THE COTTON CROP NEW Sous. Sept. I I.—The Times' Faris car. respondent of August 1 eth, says: For . the lasi week the Court of Grandhopes has Looked much as It did in the flourishing (upset the C Jarodera• cy before the hill of Vicksberg. Breckenridge and Jacob Thompson have arrived there, and these, united to Mr. Slidell and a hos: of other r,presentailves of the Coufederacy, ore hoidiug council there, and donating their altatre apparently with high hopes of the future. The hope of a war between France and the ilitite4 States appaus to be the basis or their sailafae lion. • • . I have heard It said that the articles of the London and Perla low - nate ere trying to u'gd on a war abont.idezieo, and that It le only a pert of the Keneral scheme among Ma rebels and their friends abroad, to gtte the Confederacy another chance for life. Thus the last ditch-la, to be Idelico, and the diggers thereof hulk London and Peals. With Dr. Gwyn on the Grande, and so combination of talent here, von may bo anre that If there no •any chance Parstintsg op war about liexico II wiii be done. 14 the Solemn:lent end latePle er 010 Untted State:atonic well to this matter, f or it' not without iMportance. • AdvicealivanNeti Orleans-say the receipts of cotton for thethrt memtbslntdlttll on the let lust. Psi:re two hundred. and _ auen thwatia. hr.les, while :the. entire hoelneie for the Preced ing nine monttuS was - Teri' than the ordinary operations of a single week' Informer salmons, • end very much leas than the amoant for thc.. menthol August. „ . TheZorYww,lettich give's _ g es, cOla jectitres that the, crop for •• be one million, twn . .ne dclaappg I bates. It ad' ;..anndred and "Any iiionWind eti u l e ft tied the str.':ant of the old crop - at the south is a titol question, butthe -• -dirties very bona seven to nine hundred '.oousind and .rfr • Th e Ign 4 Miltlari bakt44 1 1, , Washington special says: 'lllO presses In the Public Priming meet have all been put in running order, and press work on public documents, etc., Will be rektor:3rd this week. There to an immense rononit of this class of work to do. Mr. Da Frees, Briperhetendenrof the Public 'Printing Estab lishment, is ove:rithelened with applications from compositors. who desire a position In his Department, but u nearly all the composition hes been famished, and very little more wlll . be required until the meeting of Congress in Da , cember, ndfirther help • will be required until that mouth In that Dripartment. POUtlcal Vatter, New bone, Sept 11.—The Commercial 44- mrt,wr't Washington special says: The leading politicians of the Republican party bale gath . ered In the city to conside.r their policy In the fall elections and In the new Congress. The. difference of opinions is wide, and b excititig angry controversy. -Thurlow Weed Ls ;deviate prominent part. Be has vranted.,the =Mob. that.they will be displaced from poster, if they, prtse 'their extreme views trpoo ' , the pa4ple. It Is doubtful whether the conflicting elements Can Senator Wilson, on behalf at the Neer Eng land Coniressmen• seems to reject all cOmpro plan is tOrely on the party majorlti , In Congress to reject the admission of the Southern States, and eventually to appeal to the people against, President Johnson's polity. The. conservative Republicans propose to met. the difficulty In the New York Democratic neutd; nations, b nominating Generals Slocum mad Patrick, and Lucius Robinson. The leauilan ' , Low V.wirr:• , —. • —.,,rablicans have had numerous meetings with Secretary Seward, with whom the project has been discussed: The nu:UW.S have b-Nri reinforced b Gen. Butler, and a lively One is expected. Tbe World'ispecial 51178: • ••tt • •I • 0 lure po t t •• . • • •• ' he New England radicals are represented by Senators FeaSendea and :Vomit of Maine,. and Wilson of Slassachn: vette. General tidier - will be here on Ifondirf to take part. Thnrlow Weed and Governor Fenton were with Secretary.-Seward during the morning. but do not seem disposed to go into active cancan with Wilson and. Company. The Darner:tile platform at Albany, coupled withthe action of the Minnesota Republican Convention in voting down a resolution eudeire tog President Johnson, are causes which trou ble both the radical and conservative Republi cans now here. The radicals, however , are de termined to stand their ground. Senator Wilson will, on the flog day of the session at Congress, introduce a tall for giving the elective franchise to the negro es of this Die tile' which will bring the negro stdirage ones. tionto an early test. Neve York Stock and Money Matters. 7„ New 1 onx, Sept. 11.—The stock market con 'lanes dull. but prices are rather dam. The bear interest edowly gathers strength, and is about evenly distributed over the railroad list. Erie was dull aild pressed for Wee Reading is active and stronger. At the last board, the market was generally steady except on Erie, which was heavy and bower. The Erie combi nation have sold eery largely, during the pest few dap; and the street is nos straggling with a berry. iced. Hence the weakness of the stock movement in Old Southern la based upon the fact that the leading director has changed from the bull to the bear side, and gold options on him at 65. The parties who bought these pile ilegeS are engineering a rise. Rock Island `I/ advancing, under the expectation of a larger dividend In OctOber. There was quite an effort, mete to day to ball Ohio and Misslndupl enllll - but Irma with poor success. ' Tttb pelt= cipal combination have got out of their stock, ard left 'haematite. algae tad Med with amount of stock, Which the public do not, septet bleined to take at ethane quotations. There is but Melo ettovensent 1k marinated securities. The latest eteamerierings light or ders for old dirotwentles. Stile 49 2 4 were firm execiPt ..Tennessee, aixos. Mfgoolliuutdos stoat iteey." Vold Is Man there is aura good demand for duties, but little or nothing during Ibrapecubtliondi Tbereis considerable gold go. Money continues easy. • 'Wises Letter — JacksOnVile. FlU.+74 1 New You, Be MitlAtelterLifer a:d of. the 7thatatee 04.114. Cite. 4r.9044 , ..0k command theta ott that danslce flee, Amp.;, . t . Rlclunond papers make an Importait. correction In the reading of rilse's lett,nr Gen. Grant. Instead of saying: "Leng.lefora the war, lodge, he had made up Me mind, to attromta emancipation," ten said, "Lau before iisa appears that the War made thaconversion. , The Savannah Berald'aJarlsortYlTht, FlOrida, corawrowleat say' Within the last month that c ity tae been (mound yeatil, and butlditrads tunnettma.. . The - railroad to Stcltarks Is In toll . Otwatlon, andawo :.steamers are to run to New .York And_ two tokear Orleans, Lange otnualtleaot cotton , arrive daily ,Inzn Gov. Marvin .luts ordered 44 elecifqn _for del._ mutes tothe Coneention on the ltitttor,Octeher. Deiego.llsF . atopplika t!otitti Citrol.ll4 Piny Yong, 13ept: IL—Late from booth Carolina mate that the election of deist• gums to the State Cana ttational Anteembly paaa ed atTtiemlny. - Only abotika'quar. terof thelatnoton-tho tlnlon ticket wedge:a:4: The :Work; aunconservatiees. Wade WnlP-: ton and amnia. Otters of the late confederate, twiny bon Wei' returned by laries ntletitlea. lade lettersfioni Artzcout wpm= the teal tory to bolo Impztored C01)4141011. GeTentOr Godwin and General raw* were vigorously ot , itinlintur dell and fon ‘ ltnf:7 e , , , ed4 b rr "Pint fffeir Mineral 611COTaiel have teen mama-in the *Wile Prescott. The yriebte - liaffiettiartd * Wlati,stairtpd" vn their race ' 4 Eadllßolloa to, Helntkiparollaar, WingBoToll. tioalii COOOLIgI. There b now Loarothfembhe tide. at mouth= him the NOrth--tocat of U Leander thajoutotonc °Mat General flouthene Lead iligther, lOC establlebedem dike fOr the?urtha= a EiblUM. number 62 Broadtwoy r .New -York. Tho Com mmy. tofterilentl. 10r...1140 Ahronahoret all the wows furetri,- nab the agent :estimates. et , least 100.090 _ccolgriata *l4 go - Acid the: Nonhtri/ Stays duriagett pat Ilan* wit gam toptalllur td the. p; to sinscozedincoUbtd tha aot4tyytn PAN* Ara ; Cretuatly key:ll4 frrayettla tpthe new- arda • of thing. . e nd - en, MAW' unEr Bads 1A site' - lands of Shia *nit It 'Do - ftgYeekt. taint Meat tethiredayincedlthyt. - Eon= asymiyilL g resi g 7fi g ht t= 4o 4e l 4lPPl49 l -oNit - Seinard to Itlttuntniti r Is :plc, LLlaltati, Rumoud this nunithe 'anaoante ebe intuit of etirscatronit: , duresporout to thetwelnolneo Seward islo.!Thet.trealdau had spa= zileutir: ly of the =Mimi of 394eadA artqlhe Southern Ueda gtio%Mllif, end enure their thitt tot naiad Ea Bin their tamest *Dm* tt thiollY citis ti)o3;lll,llrelpintrl=l,-1 , . • • %-rz: E STAB animated Bealguatlo Cnrteapondence berg e and 111 - • •e__l. NEW Outr-sas,i3npt.4 ;-- niffidearh ertadsds inn Etc... Monterey and OtbrgiaWleilthar.oxi Mal Ntw York, arafed. , E . 1.4 The 7b ea, Jackson aPOtal sail, It, la Creilb4 _ rumored thatfilosourn_ Jnialerod his realgnstion ---- . 115 enusteinenea-hata. „pe*yliell,sivididotahalq4,l , l of Sharkey's anion. ti'e near! Pridleti 'eon fidentally (bet the • Metted troops WWI be marched out of Op Statait.or • latnstor out or situ for to another locality. "••• Au engine and one pOsenger era •were •pre cipitated down a high 4bankanent near Cllr too Falls. Fortp.natelyr ne were heti. The Mammaris, 3ronti4lllr cotter's' an inter-+ eating eorrespondened3 between Melia and Steele. The former complainer -that Cortinas tired on a body pill whilethe.beeslite were taking tcfngeln 'Mas. Steele replies , . regrettagthe.Tiolation _of the international laws, andliPating - It waS his erprces injunction. complained of a g • r apar2 ; il443 o,tt 't he ; part •of men. •• f Maine 91tairg Electlon. • .; 'll7 id POIEMAND. Ma, Sent'..; l l.l- , -Our State - election • proceeding very rltilefit 14-day, , anct a mall^ rote will be polled. Tha ltullcatron of the re atilt cannot be Ora bOreattenlag.. 'Aglirfcrtm. Vwenty-three toweittire Coney 11,4-0,Ef0w..i,„,1 and 9,313; agi , Pril j 3 97AV: , rdfridkl , Howard 15.829, • • "fi - )L. don took pia& tatediti....; cop to this hour O. bli A S'orr fulf 111 0 1 491..b1r, come In ; but tbey,fluk tett:tat - tho State' 7to• will probably not, erdOxiMoool,oingtoo aZ4 last year, and that getijublkAtt be about 15,000-agallaat 0b0ut4,900-4215-year. The official irtgerdiDUßantitoOrr l is 280: Last ysr P ernor Ooitlaku 'gee 9 )' Ilowarti;l,7Bo. ,RetrOgetik UNolltyraliSpAS,, 943, ItgAinStSaa 12 4 3 1 4 1 4 !..ffNik.,V! , : 1 7 - tbe. aggregate rote 01'.1.0.b. _ „; n r s. • • f , r , ititattritir • , r ., , r .,:tetraCt 540 ~ • 11 ' V 4,nebei. :‘ Med ?". 1 Vrtr - ;Lagirpargtigjienthiabberaistt.l L oidolgrPg-tbio aft F r 9 m/ re' CIrrA.:IrIY . STB6W, - ' BAN' .11 , 79177 7 8IV.FOTIRTZPILGA- - .t : • inucr:„. - • • IdoSZL.V.Y.,-.1.a OM. U. S. Post. Itosp_l4l, ht• . ..vine. on Wednesday , the' 6th Inst., Jelslgie •". hai . t COrys. eleteet, Afelttirr, Irro.l= of Sruisrolo, eon Ixl3ohe end • in the 25th yea; r Hls funeral iskUlace this 4,y) ate o'clock, fronlithe residence of hill IMO at SwitscalM ' to preee* to the alteithentr tery. The friends or flta family are respeotronv: r;: invited to attend. Igen will leave FairmallyA Samson , s rooms, ....Omar" of Smithilehl and,' , Seventh greets, at rll4`io'clock.. DAVIS-On tilondafi •Septettener LYDIA S. DAVIS, ca4M of DATA, egtd 61 years. Noma or the faneniciMt hegli enln of Wednesday. h`i • . t BR OWN.-Ana Zstuilay erezdniv the ath tor. 144.,Ertrjurporprouto ted yeareftdagta t l - 9 Thi-luael Af t °4Y:P/ 304 eorinek:, ,••• BRYAB.-Oa Men 7.. the •Mh last. stiShie BBYAB, eyec.'tryeazi. • • - The troirir irrif at 2 o4lcetki beet No.b4Ferp Aria: E. R• /rems'q 88' firaithfliAd Streist irar , ..FiLth Stteet - , COFFINS of act iloyailiStioix.: cralps l ,. GLOVES oad FOR% • FOR 'TUNER LLBtooetally. EIELEIMZEBOI.43II2 v've t 111.4 C WS farntshod , . - . 1.0 •• md Shoes, ‘4, • •;•,, ,• SELLING ittEGAIIDLEfit f oR it 0131" Concert Hatt Shoe Store,7l EVERY PAili lepitred- free and 11 ~,ed anti§ WHAT -MORE kiM YOU ASK 't re" THESE` aoons*anz.,,scor.tv Lowzr , , - , j THAR AIM liinSi=;lll Al aU lirtup l sal ertOie ' .!, •,.., lito.-80-111X11.4 • 849 ALL'S . ,WELL TOilV± - 1111DS:Wairata;'."; . ,5 • 117:t5 gvelSr l )lo , l4oitilifb.44l/12 . 541‘ FESS ' 44? C 313 4 E3 COW' XVITY At 74 -Frith Street, i i i • • lj WIEME A - - PREIENT'INOWIT lei! Eli COI3 'TIIOO6 vorstaigip; . ,- Jusritt,w:m4i _ ir.74l *. b .* 7 l,*.Pt ',ll44l fkil I' : : .li. ...•14:!••'.7.'i17. ~.: CfltoiiesQiotl444.~~' FORT Vorr-130.LEAMKOAL OIL /AND FWIT et.t. B l4l , Er7atara#44l.o2:la Was 94.4 41 WWI 41).1011 1 / 3 01/14.1wiaroc4t1bss. • is eoatataYskfiii:letOatitaW PittbUit?i4. itirr a sil l ibirar‘l u =otterreu'uw" att tk Er4=war -154.92,7431?17.--.L.T 10 9 :;1; 1;“ ireaciab eta gitiaburgb,Pga„ p . at talal ,l T , ABI Hre : IritaCuaudin . Jaaina— a's vrrrum u Otti,-tMe-d 'Throansarikrat alga OPPOPertT the city pi a are aa taat nay ars raz keeli.4ll4llVtaaat: daaa, aast avataaak .jrataissa Atakora WWI. ratite' litutra rixir ar ,a.mating mule ' aceadaatot i b i tZrktaairot tha (Wm afrat., war; poteby naatala tau tia maasaatairUr thakrateamataaagna 3 Zrnrsttalti,"Mttg,==r p tbigswPitain*VAVlSlMPeßlo44l,M43 %. aria ruy tt,egorer vii ii I 1001- 1 I talniriNMEssrigin-L) ! fm!:7.l. 1:•.F zi-j,tx. , :t I .aSfn - 1114:, i ‘s .04 ,==. 4'2 , i ~ MITE .: );.:i '