yOLUME• LXXVIII7NO. 2.25. gait piiMargh stlsette. , 711AV.F 4 1:ERS' GUIDE. ~riVal and Departure of Train'l Pcuuhillania Cczstral nalltied. Deka,la arrives. pap tspii.- s m Irmlll9 Min ACCOMMOU 6;.51 p ai Fast Line Pats &Eris Mail 1:30 pm l'ltt Erie • Ntaei te.i p Bbils..Expreza.. 4.lZi p m Baltimore Eat''. lan p 01 rut Lim__._.. 2.20 pan Phil+. . 1 : 3 0 0 , JOarattawn Acin 2100 nanai Ist Will Stattoa 4011 • m i lt Walt minus - 2d ft " Ilran m 'nl '" 14 ~• 4 , 35 p al lth?L. p m tin re. p Penn al.teonio'n. Rhti elitirrli train leaves Walls' Slattern e :cry Sunday at 9.53 a- ea; rat urtang, lon yea Pl Liana at 1205 ti• Pittsburgh, Fort Watue and Chicago ItLy 13oe m ,Expross ..... 2r.ooam p ist.Enpreca ...... 3.310 Express.•--- 9 . .00 p m Exprem ...... G. 01) p m .. ?MTN m - 1:50 p pir. Caine &Erie 41:101110 N. Castle ta tole Ne* Brighten Accommodation leave. A liegheoy Alpo!. at 11 ; • a. m.“ 10 a.. m., 1.45 p. m., anT 6:14) ede p . , m.; New Cattle, SMO F. tdi;Zeostony,%la o p. Tn. . . inttaburgh, 'Cleveland and Wheeling. ^..Depeirtt.- , • • ; - ' Amino.' Mayitica. .... :... Ina a to EMI:Weil 'am a m LlPtem .. .35 p m EXV1V85......... 335 p m mall. CIO a no Mall 900 p m stataienvills;ileconneodaticm .leavei Allegheny at I 0 p m. : rittsbuTei and Connellsville. Deprrit. Arrive. . fitail...,' '- '1:55 et.in'ISIMI ' alt. p m Espkess . aMO p tuE.lrpreas 10:00 a PI lit 41cKenaport.linln a m Ist MoKeolport 6:50 a m W. • ....' 0:16p m , 24 'a .... 105 p an_ BrtariaddrKk'a...- 'MO a=l tat Braddock'. 9:30 a m Id i " •••• tasi p rn 24 ••• .... 5:40 p m Allegheny Valley IlaErni& • Deperit. ! - • Arrive, .lEall - 7:00 a m•Fxpreas s•xo s us Express.. ~ . . . —... IrXX p matinsli.. . 7.031pni AseomeledneloixeS*p mAceoinatodathin emirs xx CITY NOTICES. flood (Min Prints, Dates, Fig., tlunants, Rai sin*, Plums, Pine Apple CAndy and Clocoannt Tatty, at 1(9 Fedein! street, A Ileg:zany I*Cl la= TLo xceintor Institute Will patoectcroGe,A• cleveuth eesston this day,Sept. 41t4pikoyilie Hell, ...Ler of Liberty and tth strtefi. -• Sea Side Shawls, Beautiful cOlOrta • 'Remember the Flare, et, the tortlecast corder of Fourth cud Market etroete. U. lietteror Loos a. Duo. Trans letive Eillegheney Station today for Shields' Grove, Ildkremorthe M-9..1 3 C•I1 40 2:16 P. X. 4:0 Y. x., and G r. NE.; and return at 3.31 8:10 c ; Y., lupd p, ne s , extern Un!verelty The FDA Terra 4011 open on September 4th, with very superior eds./ismsee for imparting instruc tion. Apply at Universityling, comer Ross vmi Dlsmonditriletis. let tw env ['hulas a l Auctloti four elegant new ear4etl 7 l-. B. S.tlretl, nn t the proprietors, no o wigs a ranow except. Re had started with Lartry for the refinery, out ".15 stopped bye gentleman Oa some businesa, and maj again , iu hi, way; whet: the eydosion took place. Mr, Stilwell lakes Ms loavery quietly, aoaming to to lilnk that ho has enough to be thankful fdr, Uc estlmateu the loss at about $24,000, on which there bCo itenranee. What makes the mat ter still worse la the feed that tar F.priag freshet demogel tha redriery lu the eica. , nnt of $1 3,09') 6-seini of gar riarms were more or' hietallhsg timbers,amottc whom are llews.. - o. Jamesrstsholl, T, and C. J. at'ted - of.. list Inure tisidesi cattleman lam se:oli o', but, It ia believed, not danceromlf. An leoptca will soon" be held, whoa, if on/- thine new transplret, I will write again. LA 1., m.—Theinatainitton has beer, hold, and a verdict rendered that the death of the de ceased wan catww-sl toy the "combootlon or platten of gas, eked egrabtletida or exialmion taking place from Come and in a manner no known." Ito Jetty also failed to that any rea son for censoring any ore. The bodies were burned to a atop, rad only by clrrattuslancesm callow& . Dolores was brown to hate had two sliver halt dollars, which were found near Wm; lion and was Iden tified by the general shape of the shall. sal La cey, whose skull, limbs and Most of :era fon ne were burped to a powder, by a tams, and by it bring known that he was the only other person in the weeks at the time. spectal Correspondence of Me Elle Ilt.pstett PITTIOIX CITY, September — l' at S. &Clod:, the rode were .17 . 3. - 1 from the Pool eel:, No. fel, 'Warden bum. We ar• !Irv! In time to see the last rod out, the Cac came 001 like 5L.111 romping from a honer, the Ithelng could he heard for some dletaocc, and were II not far the top of the derrick, the column of oil tumid east/v hare reached the ItetZtit of 40 feet above the derrick. (bp). We can eet , very !Stile di:Terence hetwecu this well sod the famous l'hWilts well on the Tarr Carta in 1564, which nutted, whpa started, et the rate of a s ialt) barrels per dey, ea we will estimate th',A well AL 1,500 per day until n - o era informed or its Dor lag la.s. Al gl culotte it Is the largest well row Denitotrutle Reasoning. The 31 bZe Treprne gist's rotor fl.zortsArty the AlM:atm tuliventlon should not I stir,' the constitutional amendment abolishing rharory, nor take any other action to that end. which teem to us grate or cogent us those urged by Mr. Pciditton In ilia Confederate Democratic State Convention. The 2Whorte say: that if the Cobvention abashes idavery it alit Ignore the war which was made for its defence, and will Instill the memorte s of those who fought., bled apd died for slavery. As It may seem Incredi ble to rotor that the South is progressing so fast in the spirit of I/emphatic reconstruction as this, we quote from the Tribune's editorial: A correspondent asks some reason (or our dc- Ow lug that the Contention of Alabama should opt fon:wail abolish slavery i and woader: what harm there would be In doing that, after admitting that. It has been entirely abolished by :he General Government. Well, we shall enlighten him on the subject. While assuming that African slayery In Its rorent form in lOU to these States, we ItSsert that it has nct lees legally abolished, • • • • • • • • • flat, to return ; the reason why slavery ought not. to be f aurally abolished id beCatlso the men who ass to he represented In the Alabama Con-. sention fought for it on,the ground of ha consti tutionality and humanity, and also the Scriptural warrant or It. If that Convention should abed.- lab it, It trill beignoring the war; whine was, In some measure made for its defence. It will do mort.--inenit the memory of the dead who (ought so bravely, but vainly, in Its defence. We owe something toilet dead. The citizen of the south who would tread Without reverence on the grave of a confederate soldier has no man hood. So slavery is to be preserval out of regard for the blood that has been :bed for lt, to keep up duo reyercniie for the rebeillou that woo made for lt, and howdah the members of the COLITOII. Wm (ought for it, These are cogent Democratic rr.saane, and we supposalt wan those and simi lar ones that inellgated the Ohio Confederate Democratic Convention, in their mob:Mona, to restore the rebels to thocontroi of every;, but we think They will make the loyal , people only the more &Unfitted to wipe u Qat relation " dentined with rebellion.-05‘Geatte. A Allanlapippl Unionlat. A nowspaperentrespOnfient relates the follow. leg es an incident of the Mississippi Convention which hea Judi. adjourned. A resolution wad under discussion requesting (ha withdrawal of. the Union troops from the State, and the corres pondent says v , ,'as this Juneture Mr. Crawford, the memboorone what is here called Ate "gtato of Jouts,v, t ot the floor. The county rocelved this name ikon the fie, that when the State decedent prorettedOod Wet drew front the ,STMe. • Its people ware alolist unsnlmonsiy append to secession, and throtigh- ISM the whoolemar - were in' favor of the Union. Crawford, a true specimen of theold fdlastsslypi h u nt er , theirsopresentatlsoletlitiOntraition. Re spoke for Milan people and lie could tall tlemen on this Libor that the time for boasting ma blots:rhea passed. Ile did. not want the troeg , Wi th drew Qom hares Weirder to laiteces. don m lease again on the Union people. ea they had been the bud four years: Ile was favor of cultivating the good will of the North and the Oovennsmat. 'That was our only hope." Tux owners Of the celebrated lead mines in Opuibern Missouri are building new 112112110714, and preparing to employ about lateen hundred miners In taking out lead. I'ITI IND SOIIIII3O The Few ridilice for the Third Presby terian Church Society. TM, uric Third Presbyterian Church is in a forward state of ;irogression, and is being rap idly hurried to 'oisup:ecion, although It will be mane months l,etore It will he ready for occu pation. When tinirord, it will lie one of the handsomest church •treetares 111 Western Feint aylesniri The tract of ground iil et which it is b-ltig rreeted, Is one Lund, d and ainety•t bro. by one hundred and two feet. The mail church will ie}une hundred and luny-el.:hi tem long, by one hued - rid and four wide, and of the Norman style of mclotrecare. The chapel, in the re, of toe mail, ( . 1.11.1, Ch (to be two atones In bight) rill have a front on Cbrrry alley of one hundred and two feel, and be lifiy.six feet wide. Tee brat story will be used as a lerter° room, ladles' sewing and consulting room. A: c., and tha second story occupied for Sunday and primary schools, meeting room and library. The anditor,um will be tifty.seven feet In bight, and Will be lighted by glass globes so arranged uto reflect the light from jets In the ceiling. It will con , taln one hundred and sixty-eight pews. The organ and the pu pit desk will occupy v spacious alcove back of the main chamber, and a parson's study will be provided near the pulpit. The vestibule is to ho fourteen feet in width, and will be covered with white and black marble tee/sainted work. A stairway will lead from Cherry alley to the choir. The main tower will be thirty feet figure at the base; the atone work ono hundred and twenty feet. and the wood work one hundred and twenty-eight feet—making to total bight of two hundred and forty-sight fent. A beautiful cluck and tower window will face on Blithatteet, with Knottier large glans-stained windowover the mein entrance and appropriate notate and mount lugs. The Cherry alley aide of the tower la to he a counterpart in style of the front on Sixth sired.. It will include. a tower door and chapel entrance, and Is to‘have air male audience chamber windows, twenty-two feet by nine feet. The total cost of the edifice, when tally complet ed. la estimated at ab0ut 15:209,,099., The archi tects Asti designers -are Sloan & Hatton; the contractor, Nit . . John Ketchum, and the general superintendent of the carpenter work, Mr. Wm. J, Wood A ard—all Phlladephians and gentlemen of much expenenca. :rear l'iostng.Out Sale of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, di.c. We di pert the esreclal attention of our read ers to the advertisement of T. A. McClelland, ctior. Nos. 55 arid 57 Fifth street, In tilts morning's paper, annottneir.g the closing out of his entire stock of Dry Hoods, Boots and Shoes, Ate., fur the pnrpose of making repairs to tte commission house. He has commenced, and w.:l continue until cverYthing in h . s esuil iishttient disposed oil to sell of a-id &rime net. Alt COMllli2bloo goods vow on Land— n• ell} a.,.•! 0 nth vv. - e recent...Al when low prices were ruling, and have ad vanced In et - inset - thence of the continuous rise —will be sold nt the origieal limits ices fun con nalsounst while ell goods which are not strioly seasonable, or such as are seeded for tmtu, 'taw use, will be otlered much below their COOL. in order to Cmse out every thing. In the stock on band are many articles of goods porehased du rink the itttw rem in July. He tnerelore 317.15 en excellent opportunity to dialers to sticari goods at a great reduction from previous prices. A liberal dlscomil from drip COM •111 be allowed to country tnerChants end ()there. The stock metnaces every variety of goods, but the prin cipal features cousin of Miura, shoat and gaiters —of which ho has a splendid assorttneat for men's, ladies' and children's wear; a dun stock of dry goods, embracing many articles tunable for domestic and every-day Wens: an extent:dye assortment Of woolen goods, compris ing Moths, cassimeres„saMluctts,ilinnelsjeaus, etc.; as well se a fell supply of furnishing goods, Lottery, etc. bin. McClelland will guarantee satisfaction lo all pure_hascrs, and the public will certainly Cad It to their interest to attend the sales, *Mrs will commence ti-day, continuing nr.plitcv entire mock to disposed of. DAsv Hall Tee wing in the result of the match genie of I.nse bah played on the %Seel. Can:dhoti yes• ferday, telween the Allegheny and Enterprise Clute . •ofIOURSY. 0. IL H"TrItP11111‘. 0. 11. R. Ra sten 22 L t I 1,1[11.13, e 3 3 11. l'arprtter, C. a 3 anew. 111 5 1 2 ' - I F Mater. e.... t W tklteselea, r f.... a / r .11. I t. 9 3 Kramer. p 4 3 .3. E.uarr. r. lityant, c 3 - I A 2 I'accerou IM. n I t Boarrla..l W. (133 t f........ 3 3 Peel, 341 b......... 3 t Un— f.... 3 3 Jacopue, t• 3 3 . . D E. 1 ny P LI. Ll= 1==!IIII awns. 4 9 a, 4) roL4L MI•0000' 0 I 0 5 6 2 9 2 3 9 I 29 Eutery2l33„ . 3 i l, 7, 0,1, a l , 1, Mr. W. S. S.KCIETI.OCI. 7E - 30 LIOCCI2,I2C2 7 / se timolrn Scorers—E. Schwartz, (Sr L'irer• I'l4 , 11. Lr3hnri, -incgheol• New system of Vtre Alarms. The Fire Sur ellutendent of Troy, Sew York, has devised a new system of Gre alarm whiz:: has some excellent features. -It Is Lille: Wbai ever a patrolman discovers a fire In hS district, chi r dark, he,. to announce it at, We lop of his voice to the patrolmen on the "beate" adjoining hie, wh... tit torn, will also =minims the location of the roffilogratlan. In this way, the locality sod extent of the the will be eommtmleated to every ecettou of the city, end will'be Useful In formation not only to the IlretletattitrUtle but to citizens generally. This system Is relieved of one great obstacle, In the eyes of our City Fath ers, to the seibiation of the. telegraph syst..m which the city press urge; With , each Agent ve hemence, throe months slneb. cheap. Moreover,-.lt would afford the night, watch excellent opportunities for lenprovtaig their Mr.gs. We suggest that It be put In opere alien ha ahle city. Amasemsat.. oreas Iloasa.—fi splendid roceytims Iran ste7 corded Mies Charlotte Thompson last night as Julio, in the "fletnchback." She del:dots the coarlicUng emotions which make up the charac ter In a manner Co natural and purred, that elm excites a sympathetic feeling In a who witness her. To-night she appears la the play of “Lit tle Fadet4 The afwrplece will he '"Barney, the Baron.' Prrraromon Tusavan.,-The anotruncemer_t of Me. ilackatt In his truly remarkable persona tion of 'Tel:staff," tilled the old Theater to bver flowing last night. The genial humor which he Infuses into the character, provokes at, constant merrlmer•.t in the audience. Ile was admirably supported by the company. The' Thy will be repeated tti. The Hoyd , s ISM blorder.—The jury em papnelled to Investigate the circumstances con nected with the murder of the nulmown man found on Boyd'a 11111, on the morning of the MI of August, met et the Slayer's Milos lest night, but there being no testimony to offer, the Coro ner nd)ourned the CISU Ilan Monday evening, September 11111. The whale affair In still wrapped In mystery. Dead,—Peter Orach, the patter who acci dentally fell from the hurricane to 'the male deck of the steamer Dictator, on, ,Thuraday last, receiving • somber of tartans woande, died at his residence an Bnaday morning. Coroner Clawson held an unman, and a 'Verdict In accord ance wart the facts was readereld. MetlMdtat Piotemant Church.—The quar terly Conference of the Yethodiet, Yroteetant 'Burch, for the Pitteborgh Circuit, War cost meat* on Wednaglay next, la the .bcoungh of Elizabeth. The openiegnernma Will be preach .on by Dr. BOOM, of Now Erlghton, and many of the clergy' will be in attacidanee. , Correction...4h our report et thelaying of the corner-oche of the , new Oddlekorra' Band ies( to be erected In Manchester under the anspices of the Bt. Clair Lodge, istelsohld base stated that the ceremoolee were conducted by D. D. 0. M. James A. Bhoiss,lueteadefßbldle. , Aitenipl at Sund4 morn log a party of burgers attempted an entrance to the dwelling of Louie Cells, on Fink strcet, be tween Wylle.and Grant, burets * ll . ll .trated I '7 Mr. Ormaklnt hls , imearan' ee -very anddnly, *hen the party fled. No arrests have yet been Dead , odY body-of an un kndlto toy 'lna - lona In' the Ohlo - tivei; oppo- - Ole Sewickly, yesterday oftomoon. 'The Caro mr will hold en Inquest t0:4181..... Sam= ontregecue ett .of vandalism oc curred II the White House on Friday. A lady apparently vespectabie, was . detected. entUnca piece (tom a window curtain, for a =triad ty. Sie wail liberated by the olliulaia on account of her pitiable plena for pardon. _ . Tun 'eageness of gentlemen to told 'office under the government to Illustrated, by.the fact that there hare been no Ina thin gfteenhtmdred appluatlone for Mr. Wilson% positiordes Third Auditor of the Treasury, although 'the place will not be recant until the meeting of Con gress. NE11.4 ITEMS Mu. Unrrut dr, thr , tr: eat statistical authority .a trstl mate* the is,pstiatioa of the world at 1 :MS/U(I,IXX). ui whom twenty II per rent are Christians. Balt of the I at.er. ibt !'5.C.,C , 00. are Iloman Ca:hor.cs. A cc.rl,llng, to a etr.sns of the corumnnicants of that Church taken In home in 1314. by , sountlng the wafer, COGelliDed at Easter or that 1.4.1 the world, the number of cowimaolcauLs was found to be but 30,01.0,(00. DrIALLS of barbel - hies pornetrate.l by Indians and marauding whites on the trontier of Texas exered belief. Eandeof from tiftcen to tout) In Mason and adjoining counties, are constant ly roving through thetrountry robbing and kill ing men and ravishing and scalping women alive The people are lying en masse from the front ter. Tun cultivation of Cotton In Venetia and other parts of Italy has been very successful. Large It:entities of seed hate been lately purchased Iran Louisiana. Lait month Several cotton markets were held in various parts of Italy, and the cotton wee. eagerly purchased. the Venetian being especially admired for Its whitenesa, tine seas and ductility. A GAT party of clerks from the Qaartermas tere Department, ectrompanied by lad's, were very much astonished by being arrested on Friday evening. while on en excursion with Government horses, under a recent order of the War Department., which prohibits Vie are of Government animals by ,eivillaus. Lowinx's picture of "Perry on bake Erie" to not only accepted by-.the Legislature of Ohio, but that body. In reettguLtion of its merits, add ed five thousand dollars to the price originally agreed upon. Tna Augusta (Oa.) Comiitationaled says that a party is sprtheleg , l4lo existence favoring a ger.eral repudiation of all Conventionedns. Several candidates tot the favor re. pndlation. •, , . Tine next =mad halr of the Idl'chlgan State Agricultural Society 'kill toi held in the city of Adrian, on the 19t1i,, 20th, 2161 and 22,d of Sep tember. Nisn'i of the fanners around Petersburg, will not plough up into lands far fear of striking un exploded is reported that the 'Winchester railroad vol,l ECIOII go into the possession of the Bait, =ore and Ohio rallrOad. Mess , have been obtained from England to build a railroad from bt. lanL Minnesota, to Winona. Tin postmaster of the town of Stratham, N IL, had held his otfle 81.14 - three years. A New York papa says forty per mat Of the hrokers fall In the 'Ong run. • PERSONAL. Ex Iforkivion B-dx.no, of Pennsylvania, has been waking a thorough exploration of the No rade mines, and lb to soon commence opera tions on the "Bullion" Rarer ledge, on Reese ricer, which he um purchased for a Now York company. • rum ' Jvyrlt'E CAA-i% deliver the Address OD the OCCabiOE. of the dedkatloa of the Nation al Cm:refers% at Chaummogs, Tennersee, Jo which repose the rematat of an many Mormands of our roil fern. ikat.S.CF. GIMELZY w 2 deliver the an• anal aud:e~ bell..re We brooms county N. Y. Az, icnltural !LS annual Fair, to be !ICA ou the :hi, 4th and 5:11 days of October next. o.t.cureczn.the juggler, has Invited the Jlr y, üblch recently eat in Judgment upon Ws ; care to a "contr.," With hlm. Jena C. "rllO.ll, Fan., a prominent member of 11, bar of Madison, Indiana, died in that; cßy laat week. FATE= Aunts, it is said, is now earning hag living by teaching Oriental languages and by wcr Icing as a compositor. Tns lattxt news from South America announ• cod the departnrepi the Emperor for the aest of war in tarugur.y. TEE report• that General Lee is geese es Es rope is contradicted. He will remain in Virginia. Geri. licCarsuitn, lately indicted for burn ing Chambereburg, has disappeared. Frlghtinl Stories of the Freedmen,. A correspondent of the New York Times says the Freedmen are flocking into Atlan ta from the whole country contiguous. They tell frightful tale-40r ill VutttufleAk Isy their former masters, and many of them show bloody marks of their abuse. The small ce reals are harvested; the bay is ricked; and the corn is "laid . by." The farmer's work. ing season is about over, and now that the negroes must eat -thoughtheir work is not profitable, the chivalry kick them off their plantations, and tell them to return. at the peril of their lives. Sometimes they are badly beaten befere they flee to this cost. And thus these amnestied and pardoned scoundrels return to their allegiance to law and order, good eovernment and the puri fied Union men !7Ah I how sad the condition of society in many localities South! lust at this moment mytattention was called to the fact that across the street, Ma most public part of the'city, near the depot, on a square from which the houses were burned, with in thirty yards of the car id which I sit writing, there to a deceased negro. He is uncovered, la the hot atm, and has lain there far twenty-four hours. "Bow eras he -killed ?" we asked. Noone knew. 'Twas stei he was killed in a gambling row. A policesaan-liad Walked a mile and a half to tell a colored man that,'M dead nigger had been found over by the Chattanooga depot." 'The'polleeman swore that it was not his place to bury i ''n.i,g,g.sh,s;', ingkt.bAre the un fortunate man lies. I cannot understand how civilized human beingi can become, through a simple prejudice, so whooly 'de void of those traits which come more from instincslve- decency than -education.. • Yet these-people are naked to Bend imembera to oar great Congress. The Frie LabOr Questlori. , planter In TherviDe, La., seente" to here' wired entlsfactotily to himself the - free'-labor question. Ho soya ha empleYe twelve hands, and gives them cute fourth of the net, ,produs of the crops, tndorthis contract his havda have an Interest In prritinchig large '.erops—and the result, m be SAME, -- "We have to-day )65 arpents of cotton. 35 aikido of auger cane, 75 &pada—ell jn perfect condition. X - don't mention the yogi-cable crops, ilider the old !system ten arpente Le the hand teas considered -tr, fair malt and more than three,fourths of the plantations failed to came up to that standard. My laborers are All good people, ! , ,,e . liselng : well, having &cod commo n . sepee; they are holiest and true to their family. hisidm the crop in common. the have raised fol• their MiraFs aVeetint. small COMB Orearli and ~!,,,tables, they have poultry,- fic., of their own: DIED. DAIIEEE—At ails realdmcc, near Mtcdiaburg, West Va., (loslost, Eltb, EZEKIEL. HAILK,EIf, Etc& ;to the eighty.kistb year of kb ohs: • ANDE.P.SON—oh Sunss y at twoultYs dye minutes to lout ticlock. WILLIAM eon( o 4 Frederick and Nary eeflfaon, sled taro DSO months • ' The (colors& mill fake Owe 70420112.0 W (Taco. day& aloashoo, at tea o'clock, from the residence. of 111.1 parents, (Many alley. .. 'taro colook, thin (Monday) morning,' of cholera. Inlsattuss EDDIE, daoghtairof Hoerr tarenty sad •atx Douala Di Fry,,sesl oda. months Fall days. ut oral TO.trOltritrr (TtutoilaD. kokrure, st o'clock, from Smalls= Street, haat Smith street; Ninth Went. r& . • ' *TvionousoN.,on Bunchy arenind.ROßNET U. NICHOLSON, aged It yams. . himtrlaulslof the ' fatally sic taittead him lblend, Cram hts - lato readacs, S 3 Maul! stied% ThesalLY raindstr. (SW at lo o'clock— ORO:Mt.-On: iiondaY. September d &NES :D„ S on of Robert Illad Sarah S. Spro u l! , , sled two y sod eight =Was. • ' , • puma tali* plaoo from tba.ruldenoe of is Outwits, fdal6erry alloy, Tau (Too*. ctio) APTLIEttiOW, foot MAXWELL.—Or , Saturday Morning, Captain ILENRY 111A.XWELL. . . 171 4 0=1 . 34.71.T.C.:ErEt t 8$ Basthfleld Strftt, ne%i Pier Strad' 7r-;00111ERS el erent 0-9.17.1/2 and EVIINISEUNG Pon—num/1 Angrov 10 4 - PME REAUs. wad oas.: eognKß, „clamp - • ftntreizio!: '0 CX4o' wdm*rt' •UNDVITEMM2H I • i ---..: t.” ! I -. -.MISTAK inp ING' , • rmaummot , 13,08 ER -. UnAlertaker. T iiiiinalMEA. 'AMU., N 0.113 riXTETZ. muter. . . ,DtdaW2 S. 434,4 3Judeataddag outato tutashing dilvadd Lta sy branali ersitang en the pow Inarmani, promptly attended la n i d llama and Otinanoli *UM% CU Urn as rearonabla Alamo - WALL PAREBII-24w Papers. of French and Anterican , naannUntnre, In blab ittAit Q 1 Or. W. Ws by segs W. z azawat.L. LISHED IN 1786. ESTA _ .11 ar - Dir^EBTIS E.4IEXT S. Concert Sall Shoe Store, The Palaee Shoe Emporium of 'IV .I 3 ;T. w E.srr. : - TRY LRE SELLITi Children's Shtm, for Ladies' Lktiii,g Congress Gaiters, 81 OD Ladies' sed Calf .I:4thi.torall, 125 Lain' liorooo 'lipped do., 1 5 Boys' lap Itrl/4= Men's Sip Brogans, extra heavy, 1 25 Boys' Ename.l:el Balmoral, extra, I 25 Fine - Oitlf Oxford Ilea, Men's Kip Dqable-sole Balmmals; 1 76 Iden's Stegy 'poets Men's Kip Thimble Sole Boots. 2 25 lien's Calf Boots, 4UST CLOSE OUT SURBIiER STOCKS, Hence the reeti:Ction from former prises No. go FIFTH smrio G OENG, PRESESITS GIVEN AWAY• IVITdiTSONET IND mon' plus =MEM BOOT lIBLINERS PRESENTITION DEPOT, 74 tritfth This establbehmeut t 1 permanently located at tho above place air the distribution of, presents to all persons purr-gash:A boons at this place. • I Ea= prawn - it worth from FL= OEffTS TO fiVERD/VeltED DOLLARS Send for a na talogue. LEGE pOVERNMENT • SALE OF Steambodts, Wharf-Boats, Barges ' , and Other Property. QuAttlanteznosSizarar.AVe Orrin, Mincraro Taff. D. O...TnITA LBW. f XELLED:RIMPO.I6&LIS axe Invited and will be received a the plates, and until the dates hero- Winer eamr4..for the purse of the follesereir nerved STEAMBOATS, WHARF-IWATS, BARGES end other At St. Lolls, Missouri, until TnesaT, September Etta. at 12 K. SLlfritheel Ittaxer Trmutter, registeied 119 tons.' Sieza•wtatel: - .3lteamerlnese twittered . • 112,''' ton _ _ . . .t: Witart•bontgreteent Cily, t minuted 114.6 t 0..... -0 Wharf-boat lenwoon. re2latereek Mtg..:.., 13160-wheel reamer Autotzs. ' , 'registared 862 Tots. Stde-wbenl clestner /zetta,_regtstered Caton. , Sit e•wheel (teamer J. FL Bal.dwin, reBiz t ered 238 -: MZ=MSIMZ=I St,le-wheel o.B4B2er • Alettopolltall. mittens& 257,..,.1 Side-whet! Atames 13..0. Wood, tcffair.rly LAO2I, Isuum, nrestcrect 781 tool. , • • r ,l le , svlterl iBtameiNelmatBrreglitted 0787tms, shle-wheel 103.6122 Baltl4, re2agared 7813 tome; , Stert-wheelidearoer EauGts. registered In tons.. , - SzezzArheel4.l.e.amerliletar t ritsured BCC foal; ; Stern-wheeatezuner str..re4 =A=4. Stern-abeel*Ledarr Nick' W: agheig-regLitaled Stern-7%1a eb3tow-1n.87) it.e.aiaer• era.nhci.v; , , StxurwheeVfneaser registfzed U 3 ,. tool. .Stim - wUtetAraimer.4 l - P 3 irac.r•di4erm l s irk-Nf I I tofu. '" Side wheel 21:taltat 'States, MAWS:red CO" ‘7l" ^ tons. .4 Stkra-wheeliteniner Echo (mak). • Sten.heplltszateg.,ll.64lB pahla r zeaslarad ;Ea r tors:-• . . Stern+Wleel.BloBB4ars P9rter,mll..teml ' Stern.wheelltcamer Alone,rAxlstored LBBB. . titsna-wheeiltr=er J: 6. PrMglo, Mlitarld 313 , E 0 SterrisatLeBlB„tes`s.er leatie Hopkins, reglitetsct tdo taut:. ,1•11 , 1 Stern.w.l7BB-18fialitc.t Lior,es.(tboat), regiFet- Stera-wh---- stun - wheeiV ,4, arzO!trie rT ,4 9bk n' 6 i!tea l / 4 4 - 11;- tons. Etemmkeelfiturtet Annie Japabs, regurtexci-031: tons. StprroarbetlittesmerLbtulizegtnetett Hata . , Sttnowher4P. , Pmr VirAtaL 2 .8att,4 1 4 Screw tug J.3l.llvmsey, regtteted - 4 - - Stern-wbecic;tow.botti Pecialgsn, reglateritC iB Stero-wheel.3 or-boat Huron rerileter,l Wharf.boat:trarbarn. SOOtorta.' , • ALSO. For the matel - barges-Generattereoldan. IreeiOlt No. t, Keohnk No,%Trento4s6: Louie, Hart ford, .6.ntri, , Ten., „ Frank -yetigherty, Utteheas,' Onantioi Phalli Vulcan Noi_ti 'Pate= Noy 2,, Velma No. 11 , ot• elm No. 4,'N'ulean No. 6, Vulcan No. f, fu oaf.. " No:1, RoseiGleudilerflowene,J. o. Qum; now O r!er, DanAnle.y. UV S rule, Jesals,,Clll. , more, Southerner` u 0: J."Caffrey; Ben: ' -- (l more, arolahrut Wratha Guth... • W r it/Light:and arenas; dad emu cti gunwale bargee' - • -DIEHL g_.szLE.CT WRITE Wilt '' nus is mq - Efiurely 4evi.Variety of Whlte.Witeat s . which orlited biDe SAID etioaty, omt • '; to how. for tsr lint time °Carat to thirpUblte tor . It ia as 3342• LY and as.iiitit,l*.to itttyr L.: _A.:. RED s ts I Itesistraitinhsactstiltens welt; and yte • • Ofir,*llltD faiRE . i.6Ttoor4r For aala,ftbags of Awn bushels, ASava OKA or In lots of mair c ir‘e a $5 - 'so,rocr F." 13 4b. VF.TAL And bvidvG 1111171..4 1 . fr.! fuJOlCkfifF.Lrb U.tglarAA SP, 7 1 4'_ rYI Clearly:id; yaw. - — ii .i For ample, and inrthor inf0na5qc 9 ,11 . 034,,,,, tiln Coate, to Stamps, to • - • •-- • • S at, finErtatioN; . •- , , ,7,r ac27slvs' .. _ _ . O leie laad, .308AZD 11111032.1117.. ................r iOrtgar:424 iFoURTU sTREBT rEgiarZßY, ,- No. ORS Taunts 'Street, near World. Its tabsottOres mumfactzunsandkeVAGV-" in bard • article la their eiz:noolurri IN METAL!, E100371.0E ISATTRASH of ail 113abij - Also the et Mated ATKNT KP GJJED , - 4, * 1 . ataditot iiIVIDESMLINDS and F3131314E5: • Pltar liaccalga is o=l4 fill anierslot UPW.4 O r , tWit&HlCkarag., /12411.. NIZIXTII:IIIte'r4 JOSEPII M.EYERISONg ganalet=tir !=' 'aboveths,ftax3_,llirgs =lona ....ommau, ta norm Arm rut= lava. mat arid SastoPair of their evli num =oat muibgateigiragal. (natty and stql.cto say =Amu :E isztared •INORlP , „Pnii,zwa. ICU A LARGE TWO itTINLY TRAttY.IIIOtUSW" _ with Haat ttallettngi and 9L LOTS .0F4111.01:hM,, _ • 'each TWIRL, Vl.Otts Randr44l tee, Waste Oil att aartb ells uanoll stria. aaarto oat at sedidda snot, the BOOOMO WatOtAngtOldr This valuattLe Propszty be My oh thattorta• Dle t4ninN trP9l7l" to itOLIZST DILWO - 8 ,F Dacca th:CD Of Ike itteordet 01 Dods. Ma:AMU • 0011,11 WY*/ , . 0 NM Seed. ;