r~ ' ~- Otte 4 0 Rati8020scorahatsz CO, • Eapkiri and Bifkkers, a0., - *rimaitzt etre,ed. Pliestrzuritt, i : - ..... ; ONDS and On. ~ , Deadens Irtindred In P.,?..! r ~ C: ' :i ,,,,.,•.' - 1110737 ''' ataddinsilparci ofCturpattad Stens. 'rt . • ---- ,Say aactaa ll at tosaiket rates: i ': 4 . ''' ' . '''ill.iiiii.er.d... iiata "../ I "4s1 d ,.. . . . tyiiSitectra: ciertifin 4 .. - ift is. „l - in - i1a1..,,1ita... 4 41- •- "ifili.tfyliw . 4 ziptits ..., i, co i „.. ....:8~,_- ~! .7._-.7------- -"-- 19'4 tpiatiaza..Pictsbuyee - II Vie Yew. 07=42 44 ? -0:-. 8 0V: -'" • , .:. r• , Numielma - ..Aiti) 04 IA I.aa, . stioiritiii AND ";BANKERS' BOARD 1 COMlsoliso St nosassosr, nicosan k coj ,a; 3 - I,' , E , ..... . , . . , . • ~1 - , kikratait, A. Stil, ISM Calera. 4141. lICS. -- e i s.littil , 107';00 . 10750 E. ft. Otio's, Old--,......----- '--.-,- 101 30. 11.84k0n0 Tblstlitai , ,--..-4.” 4 ,,, ---- Ki,erigi Sold. .........-10 ==t i Could7 ibik5.“,...,10 CO, --- ikoVissis bail Oo sO at ," .nittek 17"'" .:::.. * 01 --- c0 li e- : Leon Boa ' - ':,.., sor og •- • - alilitiv A11ik.»...0 1 . 5 a.- ,• -..--, eutua...o4, .1041.—.._ _ l4lo. . l tiourr4-4.4 .r - i - 11 3 - . E...mum+. 4 . 114 4 ,,,, 40 , ...... , 4...?•:-,4 [Tr , . --: - ltiorsilo. ...—..- --'-, ',. 00 i "50ttratuu5te.a................,... 'U . Olt Haat -.444.1;i4et5. sin*. "tit', r; a,?..-&- b) illorra_y 0%4. .-- Vi i•. Oltts- vollay.l-. --,- ?-- s BE) kiAkillikglii 4 1 - . ...,.. - r — ,;,24 4 1; ; Whitely 011..1...... _____ --. 222 Widow. Uinta.-- Pitautlx, - Pkiltips I,:'.'• im.pliT VOW 17:13.1.4•1 861 1.4.4:::art 00 . 710. A r g el9 4. 4 . l Plat , ;taVa sassmar s atiirewal' trasiaittlia f stfi 1104 • /utising effect en Gore= etas. P r P_ .Ribeiridt haLthr the purposeof /Replay aoirsithe premOm, it (a caLl, b itli, ) AlTWOarreaoy tO - eseereteateruhnvvyth o Tisasury. "trilitefer:OSAY ha 11 4 I ",* ; btil; 1 • 2 /k mounts hitherto thafiriforithe-ifirket Iteve-herf /a/a l 7 as app tielibleetibetla puttlay..down the like of cola, ond 4peta Joel. to be but little hope _ t t lower rates teethe" lab "ctiehths., rho amount xstigred to' ;age UM IOCO";b1Olpons - Ofao Sept. Ist, .„. 'trot little exceeds 61mofbre., Sad will t, - 1.0- .1y seforbett, pr/theatlreatuerdur ILO .sufseol, rota. T./desk morket L masonstili Orm , sac mossy 't."7 !APAR' Eeet:e..,l3 ' Ibis In rtew York are setts& zuid plummy . 1 .i.i.7lfiefe*igtoll AO 1 . /Mode/ph% ' ,141 : 1114-41 4 4 :bio*c$4 , 4' .S 0 - 9 4 StVA , Oar local masaat is uaohapged dace Satardah StieWjiretkati#4-Cal 3'htieteett was :Wier (real arisast at` vt3t‘ tidis& e,2• bta,th9W;4lll9; Sr. g vq4l47l;93l3.unf,,irvet gl m ix - ztire4sigiculut4ls. Ihk."SferllCl" Well, OA . gio _Tarr Parik sad la *Whit eTaa, Story &Cherry Sea Oahu itsadrone interest, /s . forr„proltteltur eighty barrels per der. sad inerCrsitai. The Superinten dent la ilefiKkifires ttatribiritl4llol; mask sloe hundred. The billawbri teleirsia *as fiord' reit by Ileum Sttelpitbeyvisra art.l4l4f4ar tveadas ; • Zdeflarrows. Ps„ A, ERNI • -- 7-- - ". Aug. a. 1 144 1 show of oil In effi Teo. WI, tab bat An* /Lyre seen In erten eouutY, •,- •• helongslan Zama _Wm. k nalif% ;Not!! refrOn,tp_avld E. park, steel,. Graft telditia;lihnleotaiceitad d 61:4:efifeitlittketieellttnite, iYinterwita.loWhltaf Cbcel'ollConTaiwe t.ll May lisa** *Welt It la A strn. Is rapottiiiin the naiataiNia,usolt hail Oahe below nth INi. - 1. 'Aka, a' rood 'strike on the Vance Farm, about Uri — fallen abo — Te. and _ • iamb the Jewett Farm, ten mile kirk Dellibletow y Oahe t they ars barb toytteld, if anything of ecusequence, but a few weeks will 440 inane their eel:realty se producers of oll.• • —lt toren pal that 111 alfOullon&,4 about to attgottata's lank foln,'-'payabhi part'' , in nom- Ibund Internet ;end. tenders and eintiftcatops, of indtbilante,ffiaohject Ja to i&itatz 4,:tpert&ay trithdtildsit;lerst tenders, -and toi iansolldato tin eibt by , exchanging ahltt nbligatfoolcur Vials-haying for , ty yeasa to run. • Thet, parttentazi • are tot poet Itrilyitnisaktin-li fa Whined that the mount 14 tlle tpan will net exceed any intl. Ileatd'ifedfieen ens that ti r o - nogollatbin 4111 , not &roar sratztay.ncy•irt theiveuriase&&& pppests front s atiteautatttnada by bola, binittaii Litt:tau-who tetra winked 40 aUtlirsdrecantlgc:owing to 4ua,..ralluna , antatzt, scia & Co., of New Tashi thatittelf itotinifidabiednena todeposttoncialltadfd, tateitiur *lda they Lad a u ett ordrattutun aCO 3 taeltuttng th e ei3 4 94 they had in Kt:tames bails, 'Which may be iegitditd at eatliefriost. Thus they AIM ellt7 89,t13 with which to meet their In4tbt• *them et 1135t0r VFLektatettoni - ia pat As 41 44krefici:.0if ittaloto ire poor mmeera4, who have ftetnerttold,fattothereceini,Firill lose • . eclr/S ticeLa.lf,oforhet it due them. _Wetly El:chat* estimate. (caye the r itew "Zoik Einvitd.) Or Me al:Watkins of pdwaid 8. Ifetchant huivat been arrived it, ad 4t foot,* 'the enoilikutakiiiiniiiifitu. nintiArre * .two hand 4ed thousand A". ~'t ~..: Ptal itdelnblik_PtOdlienAtarketwwiltng... 20. ilki.="Ttariee.lgs nfaineref "sod let with II steady store demand ht 1141001 occ enS ta for ri ill : 2 d r Al42l -Sto for fito. 7 11;3Tli c t: r 1: `. l 34Lergerttorwliart tray= Icy Slums ico.i D,l/15a. .M2fte nl Intro fo.:Bay V4andlitAO(ol4ssi no. . SPA Small ea ea of Courl.ll rbt Aterrtair Mien frata Si to In per bbl Salmon are held at gat,. Mut moro. - :Infos Groin FroN.Wlth late. qf ARP/el " s Arci , ftt a tr o nli i r r Pe l lets • a o t teeo per b :ker. op, eo...rrojook ito.togy o the new eropp have arrived and sold at 111221111; 70 crop --.A-n o.cetnop W/ttrwa.r.enedoi t9lla 0-tlrere edi a tavei 4.Pfttbanel dna, le tros s amples l llatensent 40 ttinaraarkehrOlDlttaTetml! At Wore: Priers of thtnam Hemp and n. aryl 1.13 = ?-4 tiAa t tiW44A , C4iVti4 - 1 , but unison ,14 tort Sabra of scat pecked at =GM ChOtt6 . ll9.l' nom; 'ono .Gonno 1d . 121F e M54!,170 . 11 writ na lair trade doing, withsales cr 15Steltasa dairy attfactory at tbatlVA,•aadrateatril/nll4elalrfeldt Kor4OPonii i.i'o—s4Tavaist utrxtii.iavitc' _ . 41 0 2 2 -214 -t 2 ft- 2 4 12. . 2 4 2 0 2 -2 4 / 2 2. • S4 l !k 3 Yew rtavtlloh-arer -*Martha loklay,' , hoati 7 I 3 tradea.fsfoilpF.s2 , 0 bbla XX trea, =op t 5. P' 4. f t ra;g4tavra,dihr..ls;too t„_'• Wheat— , Vatkit anct iltrpattat, but wt. , go, 1414." Viica IgtodiAear iced Wsbatlp. r te e on .2012 Xtll2,ots 2:241 do at 1 1 2 . 0 :4-T taraha; - 3 ha ferit?boara 4 OA , " 122612 - 2 .2 -lett 2412.! : :1304 'bha haosactinaalliatt: cut No. _ pized hots stare 'at,ltai sa, flat r.ln 21,22k2t. e - dm Sale* t cat otd Irv= - dare itt .jo; I nrito at CA ; can 40,at di e• . 1 :4774 , 4 ppada. turatuicpir• .Barierngmtha ,f.s r. • Tolido 'Maack' - • • ,vristaitc Ant st•zi , :=4:uatr,+-What6-o;ftettsitir 7o4bottert,iiith theLldva - es lostc sales of Old White mat 17.214. Few ftltritdd Meer MistiPn 1p 10, New Red ; 0,00," (kw Opstied loas .slat, el - nuwlllitle advance Usk; - - soils at 703 1 !Oect;• Ostl:adiab*MgrAg st ae.l - pukwriera.ireW; COD owl: 'Corn 64,00 cf trttehrOst4.46poo Mph; f-, ..'l9llTritzwrs.lWheat, 17,0 M boslaj Oord, 41,007 wool °SLUM:4I3o blow ' - s , -..; - , Now market:- 0, „ I, ) Li A g ,r 6 l,lta . b .' Fula attte,.._lll*66ttiani aso*--"bei, aml 4.15 kr . " ir A „,,, wft immt,,,t... 0c,,,,r,ka,,,,.,,_ __ '"l"aluin'argial, salitanilM 4sinmo>,,„.. .f t ' s -p la dot vim" ,ao..ft. 110 ,oro nuatv,...„--r-IrtattiniMN4CP 'ileff ' ' r'. " I.' Szar4{6 - --- fit 2 abll'atnri 41 . W/ylll 4.,C?l ''. •' ' ' • . - - - : Mrs AT 1,433.80 AD i c: A as-sti.'itr.ca-Y4l.72:Reforiu. A,- tams . _agalotte4 - Anuts A - Shepard:6 klail andidom , stuscossl k agetwank:ette• 6Ck 'adds Stighwther. ow . le.f.alet - bbkr llotothdp k la ark; ~... 'l 4, brdallid i n b raot!. Soist li irki ok=re f, kakow..kcem AfaVs: tastal, bi ga °3l .4o 3 r r 4 1 ,111 = 1 eat :rata& • • a.. - MUMMA 0:110 -647 • k 110 1 - 4: 7 1341 0. t - f ar:ejumVicrWarrikvii I 1ti;21 ., gr .. li tie feh cozot ILK!FI - in !*;latingli'r 4 ° , 70 4r, • ourverii ow , ....... -.', f+ .' 1 crieriiiiiiiii itimunnwi R. U. a 7 6. - '4. I •MI Gi r McKee elkdr„lt Mb apyles,! kap. : VA. ute6tarß) 6 plr. , balich.St u t n t_tec •• . V znoLIS „OW 40 Maks ts eat ledo 6 , -• , -.. - c meal. 'Magma; IC Staleli-MAJd A , , •.. , -.1. se; mkat- apples,Zottar r , mama Shepard; se . : .lessk- -WM.' E Hailstone' ;87 sks oats, T 0 Jeaklrs; :•• • - , AO toni Umber; A StallanWilrikk sus. Godfrey' 4,mmeit)ssmarsordss.kkards•docadkPme -.. . - • --- higher, CS N Norstescturadudgainilsamaegie ' - • . inldna II ens tw. y;, J k W 2. :ralikr, - .lkmanuns mai lkg-- •hig i Townsend; 2 Aso tobecenx MAO I Mil etude Mut, tiaras:err& Dwalesill t • • ..- all.:lr_kaisemestocksla tree USW 6. dk handles. '46 bbil, decoy MJI Jack; . 135 0 .ce 4 g.:1 1 4 al ma • -tes :__ r _ _ , ittitimnry STATIOIV 'MEM , i 5.468 lax Simllton; Mato W 001,4 atiallll ea corn, 13 h. WE Ecrturt I.'car caw VoegtaJar 11/.33.0pm car lumber. Prater co; 450 vol Au paper,PUtaburgh ...Paper Cluj 12 I,kgs drew W - Ps Towsztaltli 15 Dzii. z s pi4l.474rXLlgt done wa c aihals,, eon abov 144•• ased del bes4,loll' V au_salt fetp!, 51051t0 1 4100 4 4119 It jintAi:-. *spoilt tau* Dar, AUGUST 29, 1885. Ef:M COLEUS! STOCKS IN NEW YORK. Special dispatch to Western - Yresa flrsr Yenta. A Mt Petroleum Stocks dna to-day. Tack sraa the fa. coati; ote ,l6 , ooo aharialedarthig '2uututa.- - Itutro mak' alto ecomileuribler deuutad for - Pitnhote 'and Webster. Pit hole Creek brought 8.60; Webster. 0,15; nactuuMrt.£ll2l:62: Bradley. /Mt Cherry Bus, Reydrick, ge; Sae k , ad; Uutted, States, =Pi . r~Oeesalce;Oa Ottek.AitaiNcEleinity, 4,tedcs* NEW YORK PETNOLEITIN MARKET. Special Dispatch to Western Pita. 1 5 1Pw - rOnit, Ttto rretroleatotagitat Ls active and trtAa; LISJ bbla Rained, In bond. sold at /56544; 4 1"ree Is &at et -tgno. and Crude at 1134. 7 - " New York Plaster. ' Few Tom AngticsMoll. Carron-a shale raglan sales of 0.0 obla at f 4,2 Citgs (Of Itots-Dpened 2fe3tic bettor, but after the Mirth ii inerican's news the Market became-hewn and dull. at a bontrSaturdar'a.falces • agent; VIP 473,iErjugrzaiSr%Fr, agt-W.er SPe t alt wn, ogge,So for E.:tta Western, $.7419,10 for. CIDM MI6 to good shroping 'Loan& Extra H. H 0:, and . 49,40011,00 for Trade. EttardnJarludoiln the.riled are Igo° bbd Extra Stat., for all of Seotemb C. at OWL Canadian Flow opened firmer, but closed loamy sad WM , Ved. Corp Area Val .t. riredtlll. $731,Y,M2,21- Onam-Wheat opeued Sefo better, but &Set sod the-Warta .besam* Lea sod dosed dull at Saturday's 0:100.. at ROO l a te or inferior Chicago Spring. 111,0011,63 amber To Spanker-the latter an extreme-Al5 for New Amber Ptak'. lutd , S;PORta tor Antbeeld. &Win. liyeAuies._ and WAWA, so firm. Hadar and Bab. ley Malt qu'et end nominal. Out 'opened Sauce, but ckiard_dnil %TSAI Ordars privet Var guard, and(( for, Sound. Mixed Westero nloalng.st Valor sound sk/PPloirPutolO, 031+ Ir regular. Calks dull; mars of IYeafer4 at. 632510. GrsCsiuss-cofnv quirt YX7aol.Xtuf-Aetive ltd Ilns, at 31,44 for Crude and Cerra:or ..Woor,-IDULLRgBGed_}Rea - • '; Paovanass-P. CS opened heavy and eared ffrai; 4 r4CM Cos, Wave hlaea-eloslagat. =46 'CO ' PrkfirleasviN,. 1177.00 forpimg E-...71:428,02 for prime mesa Beer first, at gfair,oo for Plato Mesa. and pb Olt,po far Extra Mesa. Hams qufet.^.Cd.t. Keats Vrft: ,, Zatatealet and steady. Butreriteady. Cheese quiet. .StlifT,NOttrY littlitets Aug. Car:- - Wailer Culls un AV IS R e kllec e .2l - of ' ffig b rest% ' ° 4- = 0.04-. v.& ePeang At W. Ik!vattolog ta1 4 4 1 / a tavd 4 4 1 .01- A 4 . 35( ., ClaYel - 4 14 4 § 4 4, alado Pinner.- . - :2C-V Reading".•::ft77",l6s' ,11 P. '11).13. - .a... I r, rlmaYilertilliagac,p, Toledo 10i Treasury 7 Ser7f.. - Cleyelan4-11rtitets Itlea lietelforkAtetitrat.--V}crintil. QM& Closp _ apA.llO-4o Coupons J iiiii - e'*nri - lteekiy Bank. btatement. • SIJ pie:tame. Dearette. LOR 72 %:Stt"S? , & OI I Z I t 'le. CS9 - 8,815,973 CArrulaita 7,931,34 .271454, .... .179:054,004 , 4499,034 1 :. - Ts ad* r 64,(16'277* 88,663,612 tincinnaU Martet. tlluteiasi‘rr, Al g. 23.—Ethiri=lidtikanged and dull; thereto-not mush demand, and It Is nearly attract per fur the higher gmules, width sell at lea le.re for buperfins, and low Extra nominal at t 8,25 dual:a—Wiest dull; 401,03: new, +ll,2oeiria.. vet.. nun ; :at..-i4ta : iiire. active anti Ez t v, readies upward, at . I ,w—holden alkog . IroP , Basier la good dimmed, at ti,triall,e4 • • - arszw—lltro at d good deExed. SS flea .Oil -to 11410,• d. the msthat waggons exalted Under the nsereftom New Toast° the Chamber of Commerce. Psoviatoaal-Mata - ParX advanced to l Lit,eo and ra thesaket to terry Bulk Bleadailtat:, goo afro Mtn, 11 = 1 7301mm:I la demand andlidhas iimixtUE ttr Mole& Lard Ono. at sigge. - Egg? tivier t 115 Isom. Etas: arm, at WOW • ' • ' NtwvancsAmins. Waal R N, Whale SWAN, Whits Welt= Extra ,41 1 00 0 tzsmr-Wheat gut:dosing ammul lialeNO. 111,0201,153, Wlnter,it Ohl* ibia, Whits Vaud% :11,90. Cum apm Mt ale' fat sod clown: qulct 01, tec fat Ra. I Mud. Oats Cran but polo at tall lot 0211(Vnityrilld'Ola la 4%6 %tots OtrnAaL Dailey autl NIL! som4ina9and . No for Icnovzsionalewl Wavy at san. . oawan Illuscarra-Firmi• to New Yeah- v. Whoa • boonun-Wh t ,417bashl 00 11417,957 laust‘ Ostay-106,141 hash; Casa 4.lollhuah. Oaware , Ertotna.-Wana, Ainfrirtaalt; Cora, =Ow tonthishns„23,6lo tlnah, L . '-' gels:We 'Blanket - ET • I.oltra; - 411,17101 - 01.-Oorroa-ateelpta, 70 hares; /diddling gate, at 40 v , /zons,Aspaitos#far.Dosible..Extra- OnA W best 1hN02,1314 for .cammott•tovvimo tikti l td IMONIAIar.OOO6I44,- Go= tand.Osts Toracco-Poinniand Wanticr=ged. 3 T44 2 , PmuniiiPmA. Ai Wilh atMellaint tand•neva , a roams-wheat , new : Alain '4,00 bulb Rel. at av,so, White IN t 402,14., Puna Advanced s:clmbs YenOW *kW :"("? y, ; •., PaTaOtark-Iliat - it s areadiniii ationLis3,ca3 bbleatatugulload 6a1113,032c; ltOsl7t 7l&• Watara 4 -111ttlat ZOO, (. ( t',:ti t airiap j l.-.(;r1111:11 . 444 tiL1ai a".64 (1ame34 1 / a a .M.iStat. '443;ail 1 . Ibtrvasue aspOia :per- auslity weainvs ot SAO BheeP at 6 .0, and sso - d. w'greataltoctlea 'Sham ,••:15ana ot 27:antolodantbertpasinat nada nhlabi ntwi tor gems cotahas; -13a11,4441:4i/t4elf. 1-1,1 11.uniscria, Aullubt fav-Love chaapntssol:i. Two:1. 1 1_1p vt-L.. ,- ; cus-Wheat Aunt Films wane. own quiet sad searsxlWhtt• analsoraOstanallat-WaWs novo otiAligiar in IN ble dentandrNeas I rottaW =ITt ft i r. • ^ izt. tt.7 ;(1.1.J :'4i 2 • _ . . - orsico; Augart Vt.T.lttovairacitattseit. • - -tr43.luur , lithest - sg i a t i: lorim-alt6odts „m • ind, but r.sed qdlet; crEptimptir , Arm Vitali:4mq •Zlut - lITTSBURGLI MARKETS. aiasoAT Amid 28, The dimness noted from-day-vas- Mitre gen. emit markcft lad week, still mantinirea, and while there la nb marked involvement la. the demand, Prices, generally, are drm, and well 'curtained. • GRA. l s—Wheat la Ann =din fair demand, and holders are irking' higher rated: We now quote at 11,7del,re for Spring, and sn,osen,ta for 'Winter: Sala of ecaiSptinganda eileWinter private terms. Oats continue dull and irregular, kat:uncharged; sale of I canny, at Sat I ear old tit, 4;11.13d small Balertioin ii - OrCat'6l:l4l3 foriudf and dd. Corn is dui saiti ansturAgedi axle or I cur choice shelled at FA; anti WO bash do do, on Vr2lll, at 80. °thing ha Ilyinrßirlet. FLOUR-4s firm, On there is no improvement to note in the demand. and ,be receipts .are area • liy incred e Wiliam" at $3O9A5' for Spring and 1i1010,25 for Winter; gale of too bills on prima snowy 104100 bbla Spring A 2 tre day per LW. • - - "'LINT—Me market was completely glutted with Peaches to-day, and ptiees fell off from Mto We. Per bushel. *.We note teles a/softest hundred heirs at from 112,600.1, 60 per bushel, but later in the fop time brat. qualities were freely odered at r $2,7661. Green Apples dull arid drooping.' with sales nt WOO-per bbL No demand for Dried From PROVISIONS—Meanie quiet but arm and pri ces are well sustained. There. are but few hams in market, pad bhoulders are selling at to sod Ribbed Sides at 12. Earn Legatee, but drat at 210) 22 for coal:cry, and 240¢4k, for GM. ' BUTTER—Is mute and wattled and tray be quoted ladtepar pound higher. We note sales of paeked`at 24 .No Bon °tiering at wholesale. EriflS•7-144 demand and Ilstu iv with a . -very rleibt'supp a land 'limited receipts. ontintis to Vest. l WLEE.S yery dim, and aa the market ti a'.most pan, hold= are asking la ,actirtzta& -- 341a, of f oo bozo, prime Western Reserve at W.. Rams burs Is quoted at Mid, and Goshen! 20210,1 scAy-Is stead ' s amt 'shadairagher.. we t at icges eo4a l at en.ea Pail IS S IIO APPS , ' iii to • atumen • gwEgis VOLITOES-61SZAIIII tiS airlll , ll* freely, Ant with a fair dentattines ire liogiioe. Bale from bb `u to quahly. Bale &Man ' atinA, • • In Wive dentative nee tweet elf Obis edl 2 , 6o ,per-bbi: , t - • big r , SZEDS. , Fiar'sealia +.O 100.2 /demand at 02,00; ', 2, 1 4 7h711° . • -71s1 istrßcurtritoiptr aiSkaitE It' itforoar. Au& 16 1 ,411644., I CAME:kW Ortulemarket Was nuttloutilylto/ . tSvc todaY,RboreWalsid. B6b6l-602 064 4 b15, illibi ilitotanta to =sally Aso tinsuland beach, -ilitt.irrit_ .keg, although witha=t-eantabla ehanza„-ArErterid— pg upward. We quote at WfitlXibble retuned, hod 244 / 4 11 httielneluded; Salmi of 1600 bbbi -061.9y et0 at 19;19x) at 19; ISO ft 1934; 219 at isi tat samil 125 at 1.93416 ca at istl,,, wad =0 at'ill. `The jams, nontlnua acrtegtarativelY, fight, and: WO agylily la pile merketlierteitly-fedneed. ,:!..l. =4' :-' , , . i'BEFINEO...IIiete - liall 4 ilia" , active dellUotd far ended oil today, both tat present !Oa tours te lveri, altdosi et/MAW with lest weetariceitaret shade bet*. We notio':nalee of 661" bide for Or do, her, delivered in Phibillitidda, at 63; i3OO Coe IVO trelenbes , at 6:1; IWO, immediate, at 62; egO, for Lame. Mate dattsery here, at 4.4;., net; 000 to be delleer• !ed between the both of October end the Roth of November, here, selleer option, etas; and 200, on the epon - at !Nolte:4 1006 bbls for October, et 46. : :Free Oil Is aelllnis in small way at-63861. It EsIDtiUIII.AND NAPTEI.A.-Ttuirets but inn little inquiry for either of these articles, 'mid 'the imarket, cox seqpently, Is dull and depressed, but !unchanged. The former Is &till quoted arm at gill! ;Oalilif.Wibbb!i 7 3 6h0r -51 P 11,8 , Tx. lfrAvnlYst The rereißtana,oll hp the Alteghemy Elver since our tut report,'Veie as follows , - I i lltlatittlyiabra4,.. WO Fisher lb•Bn9 , i .... t..;-.812; t t.4 e 1=1: '. .%r"." .* : 12 .I ° :4liZrePe.".M:: 4 I.lu, ISLlktits ... 150 A. L. Linton---... 970 utao 1 .PETROLEIIII RS IN PHU, Special lorglibierrtotheqlßgburgtOnzerto. • " Pagsrammitui Atom% retmleumAtocbowere suodirsterg. brave to•Oxy but without any mulebtarebittge in Prima. brut the Hot ten oftdia: Zlpl6Bhadl brought- 7 X; Mugu , Junctiou tt4; Walnut Cloud, Net Seyttoto, Iv; St. rtithela., kW, Dunttard, 44;844 sui Ail ullZ C ' lthee Y , ° M"e.l't PETRI HAREEM B'E brizaiiks, ~?alo'arai~c`gs. oucasa Starke:. Caresoo. &nut elos 23.— notre—A.drattrad to9:se, thi VegleB,4o ter feartb choke SPti.ff tlairr—Wheat opened erto, water at t 1 ,44 and akodog quiet, st (or No. 1.22 far No 2, cloalpq at the Inatde quotatton. (torn quirt, at Mt for No losod.loe Los No. 2. Oats obaged. Prcoviszoxs—Unchanged. Itiontrraint—golet., at 2 2 ,1nie 2 , 18 - Fitetanms--Whnat, no; torn, 21f,c—to-BnintIO TIOUa,OOO Mat Wheat, 4,11012 62314 c0tn,19,200 do; Osis, 42 030 do.: • - . !karma/ma—Wheat, tao Dwell Cora , 101,1230 'Ctn. New Orleans Market.- • NI4 enLIANdr. Ang.l:s4--therroz—Quiet; 1,2D0 WWI .old at 42643 a. to Gn i cewee —Su{ar and Brolasses quiet; fetish's Y0,k,74 to th'e; climate, to qfc diaconal. ,131, E 11 -H=LI.I6IISCE,- reced . . The river continues to e s fIY attead Ulla Point, with three feet nine Intim* in the channel, according to the Metal Marti lest - everiltg.L The weather yetterdaY was clodeirbet Otherwhot Pleas• ant. with an es melon*/ sprinkling'of rain. I:keenly.itirivellse-liaro,tcrnedicete the Forest City from Parkenburg. She was considerably be. hind JitneAeyttigheen , detained at Glass Rouse by the sleek Speer, widclilnist. was hard SATOOthir APO did not itet`Oitaitil yesterday Afternoon. The Forest : City had ao .eacallent trip, Inclnding quite a number of peMengere The landing presenteda rery'glemaieppearatme yesterday, not am t koot Remedies to do as y business, notwitbi therehrequite a num ber Wig waiLuT•gett:g4shallorf, It /err (77 .p• The wiliest!. terhatd. ed, repaired, and gtet, arida wad me =( to their petapnd durability. 171:D ARD HELD TO Bare.—We have here. t o forejoibliltheditetfacta that on the 19th of eu thsh-Deptity Sheriff William -S. h at ehed tbe steamer Hard 7181. for debt., and Capt. Perry Brown and other alters of the bosgrefused to reemedsehtseutherity. but 'shored out from the wharf end went on to Pittsburgh, carrying the Bharilrerith thane They there settled tterionount of the Medea awl tuippOsed theetatter vas ended. Yesterday evening sae, Barvi-Tives again= wired gibe Wulf, wUktles Entomb% and his aldstrent on board and anest&l the paptaba upon Warrant *fled by one of the Justice, of the county. .11e ersaiskenbefore rdopiire Johnston,wbo held hies tolbalrits themun 'of In.= for his apptaranee et the OctObertemb of thethreult Court. The pan. lament for the ogence is One and Impristrtunent. t-Pfbeeliey fetelziodneer. Begrime - hT - "Cnrarresn.—Bosill leaving for portabehmen.Satohler had an he freight they , ootild take on Me water. The &Wag of the Myer interrepted-the 'regularity of the packets last Week for idarienkung'WheelhogitruetherSherman il Li ai ttiefete ,t?letire on their The Chatinnat: Commercial of Monday nye : ! The mather-toannerratrami mien, the men bury ranging atairdegtterartutenyeaterlay. The eights ere MY cool. Rte the river hae receded in inch= dining the pest 49 bouts, with 5 feet AO Louisville and 4 pet in the Cana l Latent advice, , report t 5 inches on iiiilpeth'Slitfle; lb the onm, - , berland and falling. .There are lefeet.ln „thy Mime Astor! tecust. Ltouls to 0/120i • eyed on Sunday nefilneuntaxiteit Bertha, Pilgrim, Kenton and Lor=a Dom Pittsburgh. sric , imitsoarse , -- - - ,TIALTEMORIS .A.VD PRIMER -•-•• Itigsatrumr, VA.—Thei new and eonutiodlons Steamer WErfulfraf; ClaPt..r h sft . Thuifikttiot MP:duly between the sftra porta orsuretweeki isevisg-Baltioxiss. from her wharf,' toot "sir Botith street,. every B F/DAY APFER , TUESDAY 4 coalsokiand icr TUESDAY BIOR US Paseet h l=t !carried at low rafted ,Tltrougttla promptly ;attended to Merchandise from Boats New York, to mire of IStcarner WENONAII, will be taken charge of los quedistely upon its arrival le BeLl'uttlis chitties Pal4 , m 4,l twiluulett.TroloPtivi Ito" of-sossate., alone fiersorte from the Northern States destrhig to view the Battle Plelde of 'Virginia, wets lcmds. after the bodlis of friends and relatious killed to the battles of the Wilderness,- Chant - tritdsclaksb,cireuini zt pottairlratas Court Horse, hettrse mil , •md Op =girt do.loJoy tble route. The WEN° AB la provid edwith Ca-cl. lent Stattpla=i/MCBettili."...pdr ei z, mid Is In every respeet s tbutsbus Boat, new, festeindeemmotiloUL • For infortoall_on; freight or palllgi; appktO or adtreas JOS. WHITE, Parser, on board, or JOS, JAant TAYLOR, Agent, •• 2 4 , Witirredli PW:I Baltitaore,‘ll4l`• HBNRY. .HALE,., Vrekeharit • PRETE-WM (EMMEN OF FRU & RT. CLAIR 5111. -PITESBOR4/4. Takes great pleasare to amputate, to Ids unmet on* enstatsta "MO the Rapti,: getaraile, that hi I Memos and atrangements'fer the FALL SEN. SON are now mandated, having been personally selected from the flastir.tass cloth haumes ut the Eastern Mum. Only anon a elan of g ods an Mat really be reeomaphded will be, which enr• brims the neWett cod Most approved teeterials and at 3 les, the mare stook be ,1 .1•17. 1 , 1, ge. varied and geling,..rat RalkheartatchconMenee in Invi ting. an early lanhisetion. bIOPERFINE BLAME, COLORED ffLO r it AND DOE POUFS, as usual, warrsaled colon, ano rh.rand tes=te. MELTON catrrHs cad other new mating% new are for entire Rata. A great variety of FINE C ARSIMERES roe Pants and Trets,lor Itleming and Erman; wear, alma FASHIONABLE • AHD GOODS. For Gent's rout Ws ClotALisg ' NUDE TO ORDER, IN THE HEST STYLE AND MANNER. • B. B. NUTS, . . - ArEpe MA= TAILOR, Ha 79 FEDERAL ST., Allegheny. ittet-taWd • C2l _ _ IaENICSYLVALTLS. AGRICULTURAL The Pennsylvania State Agin/Rural Society win hold lts Extabltimt an BEPTEMIER . aIItb. 77tty 28th and 2W) 1803, ■t _ _ roomer corirr. Any Info=llary deemed by petvoon destr.z. eXhlbit, appltaattons fox premium fletaaer pone or by members of the Scolltyoyfll be glyeto by tL • fallofelPlatel &BOG, 4a=aol,Pfsehfeas liarrlaborit. Proitahrroira. May BROWER LONGA.III3I,I= 23r3. ADA.ME :REST - ELL, PROFESSOI ' • OP bUDWLFERY_, Rho bee 4noialcholy traded all Weenies of Mmeles for tote can be' ennsaltdd =Ai et,' let NB Ella SIBZET, New York, or by letter, rneubOne sent by mall. ladles Wm Mune a asti anc l4l A remedy for ettocrylng obstracalon, tan rely Upon het celebrated ittildbl‘trenoh Female Monthly Pit/e, NO: I. to reaang suivaititi tot 3 boom if of ahoy standrirbrit atatlasto MCI orknig sta3by se4aolllo. - A lirtactrars four .datreecaoroe thee Soc-Jcpjean clever,Tclic=•l44haatt% price 111 vet mom. Van be o ed , sb- o. . tnumberrettreetafeerYort Oityfor sent by meth witraoll laitznettons, by eddresalcor Box rro. New York Post Mize. Ckenxfibi ---- srzstar,isni Y, /MOO. erniiiari The Etaikars ILS p lokatsl3 . e.ard g adopter the rellowlo4,l, RAtte OF doMMissiartt r - _ r a alit be 'Grimed tberabp bank tab data : bunts aelllng at O and Imam. 9 omits pea abut:. do. do. Wand up to WI, t par peat do. do. 40- do. Eult, arm 4, abate. do. do. 11100 cut over, g palm mat, yil RECEIVEDONi, CONSIGNAIENT ffikt so bore Goshea Chreeei 6 d bow Hamburg Meese: . •eo Daus :Waters Bruno ()Limey 100 beset Fresh P. sae k wain ' *slasels Prime Besasy.. , bartellblitiTAppliori • ' . 6 barrel N 0.2 =ass erelv b ',Co bola 0 escisa SO•01 IS Wass g e 4 xis 'Se gsf ' 9ntry . 00100 . & Eta • 100 besailiblallap, la arsisei ^XO hasl VW, to =lv?. • ear/ „ ,„ • SUG.S.Ra—r, nkbp—MOl/4.88E 'l7 ninatted and Granulatal; • Cadre Elkton BO?lt'd* ol zo 0 Extra Ca d rat Sugar XS 'VI E M* and Rhea Born not 110 P . :Ands P. B. and Cabs not do; t 0 6Dia Booth & dgar Syrup; 44 - 403 144•PaLAWUmwsi AIS, Ca N.O. -do; " la rote and aztirtnit. Fat - k a fP,PieVLB,I74 .tK. PXECUTOR'S NOTlOlL—Whereas, lettere tesianulatary On the estltit otAegar gjaaljz z oN, Lau of the Borough of g na anted to heet.r, Alkyh und eny county, deed, bbrthir been r the ersign ,ed all persons knowing or:mita indebted to UM Mate, artriquestea Wanks Pfttnent.atal th ese baring claims against said Mete. will vfesent the um% dolystuthentica. ted los settlement, to the undersigned, at the office of the late A. &It. toraerl, Fladeetstmed. MOUFfiffinn IL/ZA, Y. PArrzusoN, Q. 3 0 ---, 13. v - rterrEasorG 4 awnswdosw Exton 4 IVOTIOE ,:Whareas. Letters 'of Adolf-Zi a:2 sintattakda tha Eitataot hET, MI of Ping/arab. deemed, have been granted to llatwatext pertoortadettet.to tht eattl- stilt ate.requetted . to maks latmeatitU tallotrasiXotholo ... 1 1 1 OV dal= sixttaat Ism Albefa Adletalattstot ontarteXL Stewart, eea,, atm sw‘loa beta a# P. 8. 8„ Penn Bt. • X- PRINTERS:• ''''" rt.n. 11 •0 mai.; TATLOIL DOD Eu a aatwEß—bed C 77 ard i al= 4 % %%VIVA& 1 manila GaZETIT. Plidaharah. Pa. BRALB . ..BW I EETI;MAITOES! add Luanda altalk Candl lOC° do. Ear Conti' .LIPDX.i.Mr.d...OOII•I, . al o7e and vtd sank hy . OND CIO. 1 ' ?"- I nettlat &Wham .tre e; .130007 t KW "141,4.. '4 C TE R 1829. • imams. FIRE 11101:111ABOE. COMPANY oP PHIMADELPHILL &tett on Jemmy I. DM. $2.137.110 On. AD Accrued Premium.' ....1 M trt,tat Inverted Premltuns In n c t abor OM Clete:h. Bola om • We • tert Logan Paid none.'... B,OhYlOO- W Perpernal and Temporary Pollata; on Mora u= Charles N.l3ancker, lease Len, Totdas Wagner, Edriart rerrfermmtt M s 1444 1er, George Fran. A.= D tattatugAs • .HA ND dent. EDWADD O. DALE, 11 cALLISTE1 4. .V . ° mem. • minaortae Wood and IldidChs. FIAS AND Insurance i;,~ 711161:11203 OE' North Americo, PanaDELPHIA. A n 4 l l ' . 61,460.000. Hartford Fire Insurance Company. ..... .euesemo. loar.tia aore i64 p -ei des. be secnued !Obei* re siamel i ftebnY NWT; SZAttUrrky WESTERN MiI:TRANCE COMPANY w cor PITTSEIDEULA Ir.,PnrsAtaf4 WM. P. EIZSBEILT, E. Secretars. CM" No. , 92 mat to.; Spans h. CO.'s WIMP , `"4'Z 14=1"412,11tairt.,, Pfr. ra.k... —.mew. oqua r d bp AZ= ciao pra veil hams fa Oa eat sdko ant &ten Ward by Fa:opine: As., 6 sad to asahstato Oa nharader saki! hes isfrasz s. Protection k) Mau sal dabi to bbi y 4 f afao2oaisd it • —33ataarlaa lt maim imam iffeAnlesr, hinorandat Spam Asthanialliolmon i David AL Loos Alnr. Maack, nem .r. Thomas. azinve DanISS. Ohu Obsk, OlienrOk John Means. El rorlo RERBISET. Seeman., cfnw ENWOE 1 3011 PANT ilictwaterecozus ata''. "suit 31"11.11 A..szepAßD,s.4,4"Er. ' A res "'"' tomes Steamboats sod Caripatta Caltirell Wand Ice, iind damage hrthe tton of the Southein and Wade= Invent Lakes sad Bayou', and the navigation 01 the ' insures 0; d Loss snd damage by dra , • • • am JuPark, Jr., W. G. Jatuatan, It. P. Joan, Arn. T. M. Howe, Barclay Preston, _ l 3e.cuie Pittnam, • pzonat3 , INIBUBLIWE COMPAIM came, N. E. corner of Wood arnl.NNXlßta: MB AHD NADINE EIMEMB vnucTonit: Wm. Phi lII* Clapt..Tolm L. Molds John Watt, • 8 annul P. Balm, John E-Parke, 0. lisasou Lora._ mule. et. mealy Charles Itbnossor Wm, Vast Illrk, John F. /thigpittick. Amite D. Throw; John Clyde. WM PHILJAPS, Prosidenh zolor WAIT% Vice Prticlent. WJI. F. GARDNER Secretersv joicly . ALLEGHENY INSURANCE COBIPA NY OF PITTSBOBGII,—Meato. 87 Filth arcet, Bank Black. Risk& A FlLunzazi against kind, at Firs and Mena • ' • D. MAO lONMilk: JOHN . 1111CloliD, Via Praidad. AL 130014 10;rdery. Marron a litroJoarok 3atur 11.100' Haney 0. C. H A. Mara JIMA% = a M B. Stlng. Capt. H. 0. Orm oipt.. W. Dean lota Irwin. Jr B. Zo hirearrar, B. I.,FakusertAr i Robert IL Davii. AtetirM;ICT.VRERS. Co _ cmcurriten LEAD flPli AND SIEEET LE&D WUxEa NE'CORIIIICK & GIBSON, I%Tc). 3.9 Flaunt 117.1zatia Et. Make to order PI PS AND SIIMETEI Of any winked nought and a 1 e. hhe ats per r too= and ntwardk toganakkee Ana to. & hushed- kilo. rel 7 aT PirA , ArLr• • •ad for drain erella. ' ' .. ^ , We Would es y ask the attention or nen Dena and Prop tors of 011 Works and 0.11 Walls nhkelsknd FITTBBURGH FOUNDRY. A. GAMMON. /0332 N. aiacsraos A. GARRISON & CO. (Stetratora to Bolbinut, Guttman, & C 0.,) FOUNDERS AND KAOHINIBTaI blanatadturers at Canal MUM, Boners of elas, rot Iron, Steel,' Gran, Zino. Silver; Gold Straw 'Boa:dry_ Paper andingslndia Rubber Wotan man, SolUng =I Cast of all desuiptioas, Bark Mills, Patent Mobilo Grinder, with a vane. ty of other patterns, always on swat and Mad to coder on abort nottes and favorable Wine Gales and Warehouse, us tfeatosl.Letreet,, &Say ARbE,NA.L GLASS WOREt3. . NODES, & CO., Manufacturers of Mark and Green Glasewa r e, Orna g lets• flottiles. Denillohne. Carsoire. as. peredouses No. 144 WATERATTRCZT_EMMEN AzarmuLD: AND 914217 arKerrs, • prrreauricat PA. inPriartaa . Veer Wares' to' be lrepSioi bay manufaottued West' of the Mountains. dlireTs entunidiGlamWafeel ViOstoonldroutpdati. ALI ordinsinotopt/y attended PandaPar' acmes rice paid aspirate moulds. — ntadr BLACK DIAMOND .13TICEL WORICI3 Prtrawatita A. .•• 'PARK; 1114111111 & CO. ." 121 Mi BEST QUALITY FEYLNED OAST SI rza. Squia ',flat sad Oct . goo, o all sin* Wilma% g t ar . .. LvF rte 4 manufastiuedlA . • „ id * a lat 4. 1 / 3 1Reeit ' d 102 Sacro7D ritcrxr, An i rgs plan SUPERIOR ENGINES: ars xre eipstruetUre *Ed lin Iraq ea .lakaa erf or Of in of ors: Hither a COMIZIOO or Tabular :Bailer. WI invite padres Otriodlort engine* for thU Ow , pose to ran and .sea them, comer of PULE scut O , I3AILa. OnAM ow Olty Water Works. jora VIAOO,SH. HEE/MILL A 00, EZITZEL pATENTED poIdBER led ”. ovar-14 7 0** t7sironevic irentifactured of 831 Mint Crass. Those CRoatrifryt Lamm *tor therOssrfator, n Deee estig u tiriles stomat a % st Fort Pit G Works, TV/Lard/38ton divot, • Pittbargll, Poses 7 5 .14 . 1t i a i i . 2 411494 & Co., Ws xi 1, .• ;AND IRON FOUNDEFt3 i r Eaks.Bomok 4 1 - has No. xmarii suit? TENN MACE= "WONEEI ;• MID 6 0limB it i o ns Lioimc_o!= tg etwoott rottotl i. azut and 67.1 liaratatitifti •OVW 10 T N 8 PATEL* PORTA BIZ rttSOLLIAMNO - frt"FARt . Itopalring of aO kindr tiled to i t o.l► ' J. 130$00 .•• • ' Wiltb pa° LW; ate kit; Lia:ge, n e e aaA Pa% lini; "mum,' In' ISSEIMLOI4, panning, JAPAIN, PUISFIZIRSLX=RIAL, na. Mk* andlfannunirsalo.:6lwoo4lnatt. -BEV -AO. 53 Water. Bt.l . 3 - 111 mnunwl enzo . / 2 4=1 Cl X ll{ °l =Bajar dmc CarispassPrzaw largo..llOlll,podt id order as laces sauna. • toot ammseasssastreatusus. n Maknfactuiera likportoro OILSLEENSWI2,I4, No. 111 'Dram rcm x:t aiwrgatirsiat ,Wood 11131110" WINDOIT'SHADEEkt:z•,err! Asi A goo k iota, as_atoooricarrujigrair.2, n fT.M.34 SititaM el 1141 V. YEEPET UAL T y. .TENKLIiiI3. Commission Merchant. 88 X.• 113 T AND PURCHASING AGENT.' PITISBOTaII, PA. Denier In Flout, — Ondn, Seeds, Butte, 'Memo, Frrthend .11 DAM Prod . n i cte. Be st brands Fem. itiruwma.mnd ) ways on 11aad, Alm% prompt attention Sen to conefm end correspondence. Or Peke Onmenta sent to CorndrPrors- Orders Omilscunenta solicited. get,:aydkw. w. 1.1,,Tr. a fl A.moN A. ANNON.... SOHLILL BON, AILNON a 00 - taannistdon Merchants, our, Grain and GENERAL PRODUCE DEALERS, NOB. 380 and 882 PENN STREET Peott's New Building. Opposite O. & P. 13. Pot. apely ►La. 11 RAJIM 'BANE & ANJER, Commission Merchants. Flour, Grain and Product,: 127 SECOND ST., between 'Wood & Smithfield, 11-17 PITTSBURGH.. redo. ramie—no. ism—irrarricor easmn pomp, ..uursi swARD, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, aan tql.azoi or Forel= and Domestic Fruits, PlOur, Dotter, Cheese; Ems. Potatoes. and produes general,. • • radoppositeNoPaztepoot,"2ll3grpttubteim esHARLES 0. BAIBLEY, PEIODUOIC V and Commission otdLibtrty .PitistMPrt. Wholesale i dea' er Butter, Cheese, Lard, Ewa, Portr,. Bacon, een ow, Fe,sthers, Broome, Potatees, Roar joy, Dried Prot_ ts, Green Fruit*, Onions, Flour Grain, Mover Seeds, Timothy Seeds, nix. Seeds: Game and Poultry. Particular arladlois prim to Produce Conaignments. mud W Lump LINELA.P.r, (Scrooasaoa ro2bLOICEOP73I a LIITEtaRTJ SLOVft d 0 C3 - AdllW s Prague° and Coraddszlon ilesdhusd relay Lis. gin raherty ch., Pittsburgh. R . EL JACK, Nos. i and 2 Diamond. LITTLE, BAIRD Ct PATTON, Whole. ,ate 0 tonne aid Commission dards en in PRODUCE, FLOUR, BACON ,0 FISH, CARBON AND LARD OM, MCA NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, sad Pitts burgh manulacicues street Pittsburgh. generally, ILI and 114 Second S. Di slit John Shiption, .J&lfitt Id: Cooper, a. S. Harososh. oaktiven,a Jan S. Dilwo r rEb, A. - ,7121. Rodgers. • dogoSpl !UM of .t SH EPARD,Commission OTS M W= ex. chants sod dealers In P7..101711, GRAIN AND PRODUCE, No. LS Merry street, Pittsburgh. Cholas brands of Floor for Bakers and FatrtS7 use mustards on band. Particular attention paid to Ming orders for Merokandlzepenersa ti y. • putridly W. T. 110 L.........»...... 3111.081111. L WM. P. BECK CO., No. DM Liberty . ." Eiavar_Pitighicreil. Whaleside iJoierereimenrereteuiterazd denim in COU G M PRODUCE, PROVISIONS BACON LARD, strrrEß os. piss. ke. plio. DL'CD'F},ovIIaB,, Mum_ maxi, AND PROM FRUITS, ke. SALT and LIAM frit :101iN B. CANFIELD, Coounbraitin and Forwardiel Erb:hint and wholdnits deller WESTERN RmarrE" CHEESE LARD, PORK, BACON, FLOUR, FIS ERP H7P I a, AND PEARL ASH; SALIKRATIIS; LIN REED AND LARD 0 DRIED FRUIT, and ProducAraray, Nos. ► Od 161 huts street., oef Pittab ZULICZATIIICE..J. L. /LIMON. KII3B PATRICE, BRO. & CO., (Bocce!. ears to Joreph Hlrkpatriak Bro.,IWROLE hail: DEALERS In ttroceri te, Floor, pral Prosltdona Pleb, Cheese_ , Salt, Naffs, Glum and Out, Nom. 111 and led Liberty attoet. Plus -rah, Pa ir 2 d FETZER & ARMSTRONG, Forwarding and Commission Merchant; for the axle Of FLORA GRAIN, BACON, LARD, BUTTES, SEEDS, DRIED FRUIT. and Produce d'enarallp. No. DlAlarSet. street, corner of Fire" Pittsburgh, Penna. fatly it.LITBA. .4 GILLIT. (IRA FF & REM' ER, PRODUCE, COM. MISSION AND FORWARD/NO JIIER CHANTS, and putchadag agents Mr all Pitts berth Manatutures. Warehouse, Noddle Liberty Street, Pate:ugh, Pa. Je6-.lyd • °A z WN. s. LAID. RCHOMAKER & LANG Wholesale R deniers ta GROCERIES, FLOUR, ORLIN, PROLUGEL PROVISIONS, FISH, CHEESE SALT, GA .RON OIL, &e., Noa. 112 and it{ Wood Street, near Liberty Street, Patel:mega, Pa. aela.dly 0.011011 S. Gnu OZON.OI 113174.1 AX. Vi EAD & METZGA.R, Grocers and Cora bletehants,and dellero an Moiling Country Produer luid Pittsburgh Mattritactur No. toi Liberty street, opposite bead at Wood itteeti Vatiolturgb. aptdy CrIfeTNSI77, OH IO ASITVIM....WAL. D. =WA. 14 RYA , PR & BROTHERS, (=commons issa l ogr riculeopo rri zAh i t D its I C V? oPnONZR ; M EDI, ARS; TIRE WO d BPIO RKS, i and IZ Wood died, &kers Fi fth , Go; burgh.jpady. n WALLACE, Commission iderclanA .a. , • and Wholesale Dada In FLOUR h GRAIN, SIS Liberty street, _amanita Pennayirnan IL B. Parenager Depot, pintah. PA. Storage Wareham,. corner Warns andPaa—a stmts.. nor,in J. B. Lumen 1.1117 /AM JB. LIGGITTTA CO. , CITY PLOIM • IN G MILLS caner Lawny :and echo 11: . 4npnnIM nine . In per day. ape 1t1b.0L.16. A% 1b LIBERTY ST., • P I TTSBII 09 , Pd,.--o.)mnainaton relca , nhaza, Wholeside Dnalre in Unary Produce, Onoterlen, and Plttanurn Shisnafsecnren. <lna anvancea do Licautnunentm. SEG' Dad for Panne narrate. calms JOHN WATT WATT tt WILSON, Wholes/le Grr v cum Commission Merchants, and dealers In Produce Pittsburgh rusnaractures, Pro. Liberty s tree t . Pittsburgh. NV 11111 ES 'DALZELL & SON, Manta*. ex turn* of :LARD DIU aatt Ocurdolastoa Men chants for the_pnrohaas sad sale ol CRUDE AND REFINED PETROLEUMOrcat sad ID Water street, Flttsbutab. ...ltdraosts roads °a acttudan. 'WAHHHOUBH—HENRY H. Na COLLINS, Forwarding and Cloniadadon Mac alma and dealer IoCUSIA.F.,BUTT LANS VLSI!, and Produce grotaraibiZi462s Woo atzeo• *barn Wager, PlNaburgb. , • " or 10H1 L. HMS. KDWI2.I:I /1012314. 'JOHN L HOME dcCO. WhOlesak. O .IIOI2EREI, /am ,00ramAsIoN .111:Fa. ), 1 12ASTIzia e .UWS4I and Watea 'Awe. • at.litar DALZZLL 7. DAT.2I; DALZELL & Mole .We Grocers; Oonteallidern and Porcrmllce farreetults, and dollen In Produce and Patabnr4 ccanttfaetcuts,Llbertratreet.•ilttebnuch. O. LLOYD • • • WILLIAM 'Moen I ODD FLOYD a'CO., Wholesale Gro w" sem Oommlnlon Merchants, Mg tis Wood sod 228 Liberty streets, Pittsburgh. ' ' jets I'RARLE'S'L, CALDWELL Cauccessot to Jamri Holmes & Co., PORK PAOKER and desle in - PROVISION'S, come of Market sod root streets, Pittsburgh.' DAIitIL . SIIOPII • L. 11. I.• VOI PROD U CE., emccesso for -•-•• O. Orlin; AND Coin /MERCHANTS, An Liberty Woe; iwl TIAVID,-"M.- EDGERTON, Wholesale orocei Ctotrnalssion Menluukh WY Woo( Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ge2ap tAkIIXIM.JOirteISIIITION..a. O WALEADI LMBERT,IBIIIPTOI2 2 CO. Wh ole AA we Oroces,tal Pte Ufa! pealtliM9. • • 8133/5 istraVPlttstrurgb. • •• .. 19,t• jErAILII"DIOKEY ca co; WW1153510 .oroce=lon Mentints, dOalext 112 PEpDtIO No. Ir Was.; Meet, WI ,11-Front r t filmt ORPHANS' COURT -OP AT. ronzwr ootrirrlt, 711.—Li thiamine* of tin Edits of Mk liiel - flost,dernised.—No. 3, tone Urn 1801 1 ,711012ifttiles Viagat4o). T o limy, of Weetenciedian county JO& El as sarkem of .1114dnn tiduatt lan 11,4Wi Ml Wil Dank& Andreit, t inii emidynec. lym p u n arms N ary Eke wkezt termerry• afar Andrews, and Inaii andeyare rieeln./einmni4_ll2l:shoth hie * tnn items ly, EUICDIIIII Mut; OC weitinedo Hind ociuo '4 Min Hen, of eitmatmost tonal, Andiron ilpt Osoryerli, Wain, Juni Mahn, and VathietoolllS tte,farmiely i)nocnto. w a i p , Josiah narulson, Vinabotti nutoight, and Jacob Etnetyht her husband, Boutin Woo, ----. Trey sod Oaths:Ms Ids anti, formerly Clithinsio Claihran, And Italtthrt his mlfefoe meal Kamer nen UAW Mani . li rt Athima Ludinfhil frtre I tri n o ß enti l :d :only' gamine elm ,nt• f Amnon eon ,nll . , Panted Othioncend bat infn,Tornuirly ; , Inmun; Gilman sad =nabs* tdcwifin A way Elnat i polki Simmer. aid 4,con li wire; formerly Le rmuh, patsesti leiraU ;win malt Ism of MOW SUN offisfulf I triltagby ilettfed thit Maddittloh aelll -in inet,Ase thin -ibmnienentleoin oyEartltlon oblation, ca th e Diantictio In Plum townedp, Ar ear =Arr. tierins. t ti Of %runapar, fate - Alsy ympyrds renrAten leeway ra. ha nk tir teirrtn prawn ( If Mut ami stlar'bothe Of nitilesimin ouch! ,ninonemnid snob Pinning* by the Ilwioli ntiVai minf i t t ss....m7fgtal Inn* nal , Arc Oft* 25" 1 Fl unr m Pops - 48r, Strerlfr. '•*SirerirereOsrretryrren it • rereanrest - stn,•• mem • .r 1 ; , tron.wrietdestr tigtiMitk r ib t 004 tastvnteardre 'SRN% sum and , 1.0.07 10 aro. • Oh - WUDIVSTRIno maim en,' vi n o yam omen. they us ntuool dil snit 04011 W. :I MA /AK" SW.ITWIESI yeetione nue • Art liv9pL:7SAacicantoy' oitis 13 4 1 AU.buOrgr to 00; /VD Dluzima IN 13- Ft 100 ,0 r PITTSBURGH, PAL JIISCELL.I.III.OII.9 LAIRIE GOVERN 31:ENT SALE 01 Steamboats, Wharf-Boats, Barges, and Other Property. Quaavanitesvail GimintaxAs Orrialt. W efumnrrou. D. 0., July ISM SEALED PROPOSALS are Invited and mill be received at the Nimes, and until the time here inafter named, foe the purchase of the &loving named STEAMBOATS, WRAIMBOLTS, RLEGE3, aziothet property. At Little Rock, Arkansas, until Monday September it, 12 iIL„ For Nide-wheel .termer Davenport (ferry-boat registered 169 tons. Stet c-wheal steamer Convoy No. =r registered II toms Which can be seen at LITTLE ROOK, ARE ut.a.o the day of sale. At Vicksburg, AlismitudppL until Friday • September IL, 12 AL, For the Screw tog Belle Dar/Wigton, reglsterel BA tons. One (t) carol-boat, lel tons. One (I) wharf-boat, 787 tons. Model butes Porter lillodes and George B. Mc. Diane. ( 9 )(pnwale barges. I orty 140) coal boats. • - hosting (I) yewl sea.osw (1) dock. All ot which can be seen at PltiESßUllia, ALIS• EISSIPPI, 88111 the Aar Of ill& At Natchez, DFLastssippl. until Monday Septeas er IS; 12 Dee (,) • aasf-honts /te tons. Model toarge Flce (e) gunwale bargee. nice (1) coal boats. All or *Moe can be seen at MATCH - PM, ?tI ontll the any ot,saiss. • At New Orleans, LouJanne, until Wednes day, October 41..-12 Di , • Fee the model barge Mulligan, and one (I) coal WE Which esintes seen at POST .1117DAON, LOU/St ForLANA, until the day of sale. r the wharf-1,04 Natchez, 702 ions: and two ( 2 ) coal boats. Which can be sten' atiliATON 'IIOOI3E, LOU- Lf3iANA, until the darelealei • . roe sidavbeet satireitOololla,Uol4.3mb.: (building), regidered 220 tone Side-wheel steamer Illinois, registered /pp tons. Side-wheel steamer W. B. Savory, registered 62 tons. Sldr-wheel steassag.i. rff. Bret.; relartered US tons. Bidc-wheel steamer A. G. Brown, registered tzs tees Eire-wheel rt ...Er Ohio Belle. registered= tor.. Side-wheel steamer Mustang rag. red_ Ta toms. issdo-whex num.. WM Charles, MIT tree 81dr-wheel steam. Diana, registered 'MO tons. Side-wheel steamer E. IL Fairchild., registered Col to.. Side-s hie! steamer B. J. Adams, registered ear toes. Side-wheel steamer Switzerland, regirtmed 61. tons. _ -- Stern-wheel steamer Ida May, reglitered 250 tons. Stern-wheeldeamer lowa, redstered.422 Sterr.wbeelsreamee Altman; regleteredlid tons. .Stern-wheel steamer Dick Fulton No 2, register , ed iiB von. • (Stern-. heel steamer Colonel Benedict, registered 161 tans. • - Stern-wheel steamer Colonel Chaadler,regidezed 40 tam , St( rn- weal steamier Corn regidarel. , St. re-cheel steamer Lizzie Dayls, rejeteted tcu. Stan-wheel steamer !Colonel, Chapin registered , Servs tog te Leviathan, registered 01 tons. Screw tug Metre Banks, reaistered Is tots. Screw tug Bahl. register.lll tons. Screw tug Captain Fltklni (hole building). Strew tug (none= arc now hi:dating). Serer/lug Ovum. E. Tyler reesterQ its tons. Strew tng America, regletered 412 tors. Serew tug Beams, rime. Toted 02 tom Fens( tug Adarrsh registered Ids tont • Screw tug Oladlator, ill tone Centre-wheel steamer RenDerereialiteerd 81 20 ". Carter-Wheel' ste r imertieneral Ransom, teglstee cd ma to Centre-whee ns. l steamer OolantlOolbure, registered el tone Mtdel twits Noe. 10 and If, and Abbey. Oataf tent 80. ie. 7en OM navels bares. • Twenty lons Oa) nontOod boats Four (4) yawl boats, one (I) sate boat, one (I) me . Latta boat, Dye tiS) skiff; one (f) set of ways. All of which can he teen at NEW OBItEANS, .LL., WU the day of sale. At Altbile,'Aiabama. sant.ll 'ghnieday, 0e- toter 12; 12 -if., Far the Side-wheel steamer Laura 13111, rastsrezed To ton. Eide-steel steamer Wanted. re us tons. Fide-wheel steamer Junes Bat raerterad ant mdc-abeel.teanner arta!, mortared lia2 tam. 6lde-wluxl definer R. W. Thonuds, registered ME term. stile-itteel steamer Stull; ht., tegiaterad eat tona. Bide-Wheel .leaw tserylilo. reslaterad &do teat. reds-ibbert wager J. D. Aiwald, rcalsterad 227 tons. Sttre-vbeel Fteignn-Sexultel'oneekregiatend tens.- Stern,a teal stoma R. B. liamtlicu3 (Ewa), in. Catered le tent. Fem. tug Peny, reglatered 154 tom. Sete* tnyiklph Cutting, registered 95 tons. r crew tug Blostom.efettered 54 tons. /tote barge Ford, canal beat Golden Fla, canal boat (no name), fatty 1491rontoon bones, thirty (aft Foal boats, and three()seotio,al4ooka. all of which eat/ be seen at /111.(131LE, ALA: =all the day of tale. Pence' making prepolinala for mare than one boat or barge, should give the name or.numoor of each boat or huge bid for, with Worprice proposed o t y,,:crrsero r pe eeTitalning a bid ahotJll be sealed, ace tie name of the boat or barge, or description of the property, indorsed thereon, and addressed to Brigadier Weneral L. B. Paracing,Eldef of Ball at d Blv, r Transportation. In rare of the Wittier la charge of riser transocataUCia at the point deoig. b • ° ,ll tot CIPMSZIE bide. Tt e CloverntimutieterVettte right triwittuirais ;I myy 1 " Vtl b rol l' o s o PMe4 . Ner , t mP o *fai , .Paymeala to be mate is United - Sidi, =moot, re: , ,tae4c:ll 2 l . ll 7 . 4l. l spraPiirrd and pior . to A tn-I deserlption of the property may be ols , tamed on application to Colonel Arthur. Edwards, Amide=ermaster, ttratterumster, 61. Lout billascuirL By order of the Quirtermeitsr lion, LEWIS B. Peniurts. or pdllez General sad. CUSS of :Ball Mal Elm Transronatlon. au9.14 LUIGA GOV T SALE OF Steamboat', Barges, and Ship Yard. Qvammiouraima Oisitmu.'s 0rM03.1 • 'Waerinromor Crew July 29, 1363.1 . EALL!' PROPOSA LS are lanterlandlral be ß matins! at tbe olllee of the Quartermaster General ( unman of Ball aid Blmr tli at Wallin:don, D. 0., until tt r fe u Za PAY r.F SEPTEMBER NLET, at LI o'clock X., tat the punka:got' the following named lit/BA.III - Ter EtAltuES;and oiler property.. t - blre-s. bee/ stoemer Chickamauga, regletered Sldt-whirl stiolmir 'vitae:red iiu tor.. S de-wheel streams Thimble, teatater.d 104 tong. he I steamer • homes, re•latered 140 tons. Salt beelat, Amer Sherman reglidered 1 43 too.. Sidr-wits el ab .Wsultitahle.'ragistered 69 tete. Stein-wheel atestnerShozalChkregletatadattant I.lc-e keel idea tut Dtutbarlwreelhreglstered— •- tOns. Etern-erbeet steamer filagdMik reedited.: ton& B•eumalerel'alsattatt /ream., tileateritilMons• !tern-wheel &teem= Wide. port s seenbered.lsl .E . tarri•miteelateeicirriloiaton s rirliteielt iosxo.:• Stern-wheel Meaner. Allaatonarggragzateral ,1t.6 or.r. - Stern-wheel stammer Chattanooga, *emit ered 98 Metz-.1 del steamer Atlanta, bagtstared'99l la& Eton owl eel it. aaterltaws, registered OM tons ßL • roqsh• el steamer Leolkint. initiate:Ml its toss. n'esi-oneet•steasser Stone Itly..nargist.red Ott loos: ' • Ste; n -wheel steamer 011nala,notstared tone, Also river:llV animals, berm. to-a n vetoes, and Gna 010001 'spar, ell .1 • Ma coo be seen at vird.TTANOOGA, - t WM, at etsr Ume prior to the day of este. r tt e Ehnitings. Work Stationery bisstiinarr and auourterisimes tba United Matte Ship building Yard at Wet artooga.• A full resenolon of which can basun at the °frees of the Quartermutera of Trans,. 'tenon at thiarlimatl. . I foularPlry-4sall St. 01.11 at Chattanooga - • Ix aria ore/anted rot each boat,or barrette , . era. oft the nein, of tha , boas or dessmption of 11 A i( bli e d=t i tt r Ol ' t d he 4 ilrlp r eltr tn 16 4? 4, 0 twined on api.t cation to Brevet Opt: &Mb Ws muds, A. Q. M., Si. Umbria*: • Each enrelore containing a bid stiou'd bo mud Indorsed o Proposals. for Vt.:amen. blares ' and titbit Prop rty et I . l baltsit•ogV. l ll JIM) SY &Ulm Troiosportedloop.an4 addresser' to tl a Quallermsator 0100i74 - 11,5.A.,, Wilabbiglamb L.O. Pololoot (o be iagdi:in•{!"oltoQ-Stltes.Ontreaoy *on Ito soieptonoo of h y prpposa,A4,l4,l•itit ( property-property-giAL• property - , • !Lb% Oortrooantreostm th e sigh {{ . t to`wlthlrisp 01, a d . atom ProPirtl, 4441 to njoglizo,pospp "mg P:f 0 , • • • r• • 'nr.o7o7pfl4 gniiLE4l.s - gessurtil. iterbi , titaiowsera.: • ' ' ST•lisPr r.ersl and Chid of 12.31 and Webb ..se, auoth s • f • 1.1.-t 1jn334,r I,ARGE GOVERN/ l En 'MU , ,R 0 ' ' '"QvAlrboutirtiut Ozerest's Omer, WestosseoV, D. DO. *Una a. tasa• SEALED YeRtrOSALS ers - thritia sed qa guslyislSl theleiesesse wail the east hen. slut isised;for Ms !mama of ill theesolas .Costae Mese , place; belangtag te she AT LOUISVILLE, irr., wait °VWs lA, LOVirEIIiEsDLY, ,!thinst =Jar UMW 'VIVRA LOOIEVILAA BT4asst NASHVILLE, UM • *Van LOOM,- iso.,,sustO, /Lowe= .of nrtswor...ft4mter & tar cosi lomat RC,. ILL 4 mr.m nu% TNN.,E RAGUSA, EASSAS, lad ZOUTH OF WRIVERIVEL dit_WCILS#URCL, pulaf 114111.12 o'cleth m., I.DIST Asstenzer.lB, fot, 00127zusa-Ag Nlor,sestiak_sm... • . „ _ AT_ ZINIVEtr.a, 4 113 . 1 , 111 01 . 1eirilesem ,_53! f.yfilm . Y. *PON nit*. rissllliatooivertag. . - Wekststh biie•mals will also be reed the Dee tles4,l6ll.l4MOSXerEesta she .0.61; r ,p I'l, • .lalthsonsthspeAntethissAaAt eboalitel NW. -se, wed Vessels-If essater vesainosseetsto. ; lash tods%hite Memo; sad waned so fr•lbsea• Mee Osumi Lesseter. Pews*, ahlte HIE tad vow Tr.tgrotiot,sivatnialba.4llltPts. ;W aster.l4 'IWO et'l3, rersfssenotlegoo rt past. reldelthles, tor *miss the OLE. PAI ni thtleSeTaZerth,Veited &slat OimeviT; It= at* ace ems; ViSon. o Tee Orilleatillituw arra ,witimTrlv i set of th e GositsA mita. mums it, lid to ' , new Pftimitla It &see ton /air. - ‘lllAtert utAtelealiry B. • ..Resselts attent ..014.-i4 a 6: verb ymogrortation..,-, 1 I o.EL ett rall./.4tather sad; übe , er , B V alsi , }H: -. Pieklalfekcilt Vas kettrtlittitt*.Lif Ardr:Ri.s.ol4 , ; 4 11 0./Ity J 1 fall- lady al•ayi rasa& ay.likw: and DiG,clayAticAt,oT bn ' M . & kua i r t ig§, 1 LARGE GOVERNMENTBALE OP Steamboats, Wharf-Boats, Barges, and Other Property, • tOrWADI aimuntar OTa rn D. Gairmea ul thl y m Chiulders, MNlf. U., Jm. ISEIta,ED PROPOS/US are Limited ant will be received at, the pleas, and tuattl the data here inafter named, for the purchase of the following named STEAMBOATS, AMBEF-BOOTS, Bd/IGES and other property. At Louisville, Ey., until Wednesday, Au gust 30th, at I DE, Mock! barges Charmer, Hairy Cloy, ,Woolfolk, Fa , ma No. 6, and B. No:tor, mad for seventeen (17) control° barges; All of which can be sten at LOUIS max, U. ill the day of sale; For I be IWe-wheel oteimboat D. A. Josaary, reg leered 700 toss; Sim-lace' steamboat Ohlo. (wreck); Stern-able/ tog-bast F . D. Horner, rectstered 1:6 tons. And thlatcon (D). gunwale barn.: Alt of which can be area at MEW ALBAIIY, nf .ls/ANA., trail the day of tale, At St. Louis, Alba:our', until Tuesday, September Stb. at 12 ; Side vi eel steamer Transfer , regtstercol 111 tone live Stern o' steamer AA. Bina, tefilitered 114 tons. Wharf boil crescent Oily, registered lii tons. Whortboat Glenwood, registered 07 tons. Side-wheel steamer Autocrat, mastered 362 tmtm. Sidowteel 'teenier Iretta, nrgletered 4711 tons. SI; owbed steamer J. kl. Baldwin, Mastered AV tons. Bidets/eel steamer John Balite, reentered WIC Side. wheel steamer Metropolitan, wintered SW , tt rs. Sldov,heel steamer B. C. Weed, Lotman , the Lou , , buena, registered "A? tons. - 161dewird steamer Nebreskt, registeed e7t tent. Sldir-wbeetateeted Battle, reglaeredleo totur,—. Stern-wheel steamer EMMA , rettstered-131 tote', Stan-wheel steamer Vletor, i 74 e s t 89 tont - Stesn-vheel steamer -999tonit- Stern-vbeel steamer - MS W. usbna, registered meters. Sterz-vbi el (towboat, sten= rt . = tervir where tone - Stern el steamer 811ret Sakai In teas. Sterviebtel Weaver lb 9.13a1td, • rlefitered 91 Silo-wheel stainer United State; reentered 60 tone. Eterkmbeel steamer Belie BMWs putre-wheersteamer Mt:tie Cabler, tegleteled Sterzwbeel steamer Porter, reentered lU tone, • Stem.wbeel steamer Alone, registered In tans. Stein -- wheel steamer J. 8. I s tinglia - tesatterect 1118 TOM , . Stern-wheel steamer Jennie Hop kins , reenters -360 tone Stern-wheel steamer Llonees(tov-boat), reenter ed 727 toms. Stern-wt.-el steamer Virile Jacobi, registerel lie tone. Stern-wheel skater Annie Jacobs, registered ire torte Stein-wheel steamer Lotus, registered WO tone Btervvbeel Wear.? Virginia Berton, registered 160 tore. - Screw tem.'. (1. Ettursey re tared 60 tons. Atemitleel tow-boat tope...,registered 174 An raw totobeat Huron magnet IS tons.; 'Whartbc . at Dearborn, 300 tone. 4iiiiiv - rociderbarees General Malden; initivik ; No. i, Keokuk bo. 2, Trenton, St. Lonna, Barb ford, Anna, Amble,- Lawbrier ygWlsm Tell, Flank PotigliertyyDuebess) - Gbaritio, raft., Pplcan.No. 1. Takao No.2.lrideart.NO.S, Fab eat No. 4, Mil= N 0.6, Vales No.ll, ifolean - N0.% Boca, Glendale, Boteces, J G.Gsult, Bob Grier, Dim Blelen - Ed. Klima, safinaestLei nu. mere, Bosaberner Guthrie, O.J. Caffrey, Bea. Cartwright, and burnt wreaks of Guth de, Haight and F routes; And tem n (7) gunwale-barges.- All of Bhich can be seen as SAINT LOUIS, MO., mill the day of sale. Also Ore (i) wketaboat„ 300 tens; vbartboat C,lrwin), to) toss; murenty.seven (77) gunwale ems; model barges Emma, Adam Sproul; Fumy Laura and Roanoke; six (1) coal bows; (meal yawl beet; four (4) and two (t) All of swam be acme. atm% ILLIBIG/8, mutt tbe day or sale. • Also Sictombeel steamer Lne Eames, register it tons; model barges AusteramWestatomated. Ermione, Jeteplune, and Go. l; and three (Sy I.s-batten . . vblea baleen at -EVANSV/LLE,' IN. bIABA, until the day.af sale. Also, berm tug Little Giant, masters:LW tons; and six (t) gunwele barges; All of wider F„ can be sneerer. BlEMlrins, TES. ESSE until the day of mide. Also,, Moil) wharbboi . =tom; ono (1) gunwale AlMettlive s T7 teem ° i lt "t' sELEN.l, NA anal the day of sate. Also. sin if-boat H. R. W. EVIL 8D tons; wharf boat Ai leolgari.„ 'Sr tens; wharf-boat ilkaneellor, 365 tors;{ gee (s yip:male barges, ;mil one (t) eoal.boat;• All of Wrath can be seen at the Igroura 12 . 1 , WRITE RIVLE until the deg - of sale. • PC Mene Making rr OW. (far more th an one brat or barge abonl e the name or =umber of ante boat or barge b id rg for, with price propoeedte be aiveri for no. Lech m rebel etontaining a bidahmlld be sealed' d the name of the boat or bergs, er description of the property indorsed thereon. and *dredged to ;Weedier General L. Et Persona, Ulla - of Rail and Hirer Traneponation, thrum of the °Gnarls' *arse of diver Transportation,* Ms pointy die migrated Ibt opening DMA 7 be Government reserves the right to withdraw any of the above property, and reject props cal. If deemed too low. Pat meat to be made in Milted • States currency: ipen the acceptance of any propess; amilprlor to be delivery of the property. A PM description of the property may be oh. towed on application to liolonel-ArtirthEdwarde, Assistant Quirtarmseter, saint-Loud, By order of the Qoartermuthr OlMlrral LBWI3 a..passthirs, llHEadler.43enenl, and Chief of Bail and River •Transportation. • scald FOR YALE CHATTANOOGA ROLLIN HILL • _Nan Diwarriescre, Ogre of Director sad General Meaner of Military .11.1.1 roads Bolted Mater, WA.IIIIVOTON, D. 0 , Jolt el, tem. Proixwals wilt be melted " at - flai Oftlee, Until lerelte;o'ciricia noon, att - WEDNESDA.Y,SeLtan, Mr•itoEnlYtin' purchase the U.S. Mil tarp Bra. d MW at 011aitane Team, with the tonne Tiachinerytt ,-To eDoltherols, BoTri tw,nror, and Trask Ing-th .ll4l.lwlth She Nitzhltir sad tituouncosa BailrouL The Mlll and Machinery constrocted to Railroad Iron are entirely new..sort of the moat or ND clacrit&on and details . 'Ol opezatlati ra r nii ii r , p l 4lol=l2 l .l , rby le a = ze to A, Tinwares bldg *honk, he indoretri Propocal to Par. elm. Chattanooga Rolling MAL' • D. CI. hict341.1.0.4, Brev. Brig. peo, : Director and Oateteltienaget =Cary Btilteltd. United Scum a4IBDM r • _ MV.itrykr • • Clo.l:ca CIPTIM.V.AIkaaIr. .3: 13. T. , L 111trn %neS eennargand ,Presiassa. Treasurer. ' YDA S inn The Company oasurin trtilniplantarm contain. eightyaoren aorta 'andlhrty-ttvir=es i tz Led on Bronze. Zan calranitaeg Tren mg andly between Cherry linnandtrilthwelLe t ..eight Weser hare afready Deesmade to la partial; among 111101:1 , will be found the unit& of soma of Cal oldest cod romErucarnfr "Anton cm • • - .-11Xteite tracttll aesaltinualaialkOst astsles .stmst surreasdal Co= at we noioo zd alorm omanta m telwit.Prodn iudi I .4l ll J ... itstana proure an Oi ty lglis tb, ll . A c irern A iitiliValo u r i3 D eedlr e e ll im" , -F 4 -41512 ,° P 9 The.cor i a oms s tis!itsksuos! . 51 pato at sEvaSenr-rve, arida, PER 'll,_ _HARE. - Jdapa oda ha property, tosathar with all impornme tlon regarding Um property. and organisation or the lkonpany =Lb, obtahisi at the onto OE lITSZJL a DAILEY Agetaths• G . Rovautzk.- ,••• - • ~, KIJ(1 .nr or prds F n afekretnie • , 10 do. A Coffee • • do.; • 25 to. Kempen Keened • day 50 Ec— Y. '' ' • ffer ' Z 2 Mrs ' 4 a " Jlew 9,2 AN 0 Zatte ; 4l, Cio. Cuba COPME+ . Ci bni BlOV4rOtis. RICE— K) do. ,nrigne Ransom Mae; TKAS, and r.,g. Te .. 4131 ne loo aiddlee Lap. sa 110. l Bin& , - VtawdLon. 14,"1.47'.1 E kmv p...,. I A bons' Jusortialv.:4l4ll g.i be Astride WW2 la at4.c 43 ;163°1%16e „- on•lis4d3 Lthertisttbs' WOPDBIPS 31- 3 7 =404 I; - 171713.0104162 a, rlritatielLasslll • , v Wldta us c i f Bad LAO. idthusp, TatotaL OS VaralabearDyektukt, Window Ohm aad Yu; OPOkillasakeßeasokr.tiarbok Oil, Haagitasz e ta, na fez ir L takall XetallialkoimPalat ead r okartic Oak Malta load r.Ka. WhOoa aViikkramtirateaZ DiTer ogyyLoci Or*PlkkUalltsa N 9. V/ WOOD YgBS gimps= nie. r 8T ausraii aorz4- mr2suld--; errrsauzzazi. PA. TYPE lIETAb " Volt BALL:- /num in qui TOAZET O P ;SPORN ltlabilUaßtingS; ;WOWlsrst s4 r. • a •• - I " jEkitilriiNt - j Enviiii Chi ittauttoi tt3potto asofotheiti by stoat ofOUNsTI,WDE.B.I%.&BB4 Sttts , ItI 1 4: 1 1- 1 04POWLieDatat Mums ''. aid tautoouttoo ot +my itto4,.. otoskie 4.01 wood toutotiCto,thtliiartALS ' 04 1 6 ‘-‘yr, ~! ': • tittdirelle a ritifi ittrs:Ao k,_l4 Luting at*: for tote soap !Aldo. • .- • - JAM'S 17 / I t2T.LVO., VAC' rqdoiliruTs. r . 1,000 Fresh boppa4futs fectivOtka'dikT and Id , uL- • _ ; _, EZET3T BEM ( lo&-Aziata 60414002 A]. 's.7,Tiglf!l7al B. E.--suanum AitzeRctEMENT —ELIVEN DAILY TRAINS: Quad after bIUNDAY, May ASO, Illhi, IWO • William the Depot as follows. DAY EXPRESS, daily except Sunday, at LSO 4. • m.ortopping only at prinellkolatatloatyassl=a3dag Balttatoat Waahlasta tt. dims oututecticula at Ear:blows for New I" •wt.l 4 , and philadalpaht rar New York. Boston sad iat a er rid at iardlataixdata NAIL ACCOALMODATION, daily except Sato dap, at too a. to, 'uvulas. at all regsdaS außiV o re' belwees PlUstburgh and Efarrtatqm . ims a slots ecauteettan with train; as ianss. West Pe=splraata B. Ebearhast 131. " 304 R. a, and Sollidartburs &sash. prrrsiroacat & MOE hurt., dismi fregMSttitctio , st ; olp i & at warty al sad =Aka =mem.. = bur& and Menton It 11„ Hallidapabure Dolma a R. 8., Tro= sad tikarteld and Bald Engleysiksl Branches JotuverowN llectt S und at LW & c p. a nnsttonWon ) *se, dally, ei Dns th b g etw y e , n Pittshowi' LL LA.a.. utaram at Blaimine intermit= with }rains o_ Me Indiana Branch and West Peasant anis PRILABELpimk =PRESS, dsisj7. L s am. ft 100 1 t la r e' Le l 4ste °te rL:Vat th . thiltz et. : stry.ancuter,and Downs meows:. At . worriszarlt aireet L oonanctlons ars model= Baltimore. Washington and ktroo Yark at Phitadolyhm tar New York,. Boma Led teig.; mediate point: - tb tqnsgilars rarithrowranthla train tram- Pt to Balthaors, b . *o ft and NewLa try _ Alitatawn routs. - FAST dallp, ItinePt 15110:1/s_.*.ns m.ittoyylng yat wnamanghll 2l/10.. 1111, Huntingdon, lerwutorm..lnintui.. Norms . blarystrUk liarrhacutt. kiisititetoWn. =Ms= Won, Xt. Joy Laraltinrule.lsancaster, and Di:M*l ingtona.' 'At tntrnctinennant are loads OY - New York, Badman and Wagongtonody Ptdda, • Ipllla, tar New York, Boston, and, i s i nmate First eacostawdituctriala torAfillititat, Muttnd scondssedatkni dial/ iskaritS=daji _at Rte nt. Seco As Tra in tar W tvez dawn smug) at ILO alPaStauxua Third Aeeommodattaa , Trait for Wall. Station • met ditlyttssot Stutda_y) att.= Poor= ArodanswAsaion Va.= tor Watribtattatt • . " n r u tf o r2" l , , X•eir anttalsnalsAlN lat.:Pinto • Swann. lOaip #t- The Manz *an Inniet strittici ant, Sunday at ate a. ra., rettazuna' Lana - ruubsium : sesutaiNg Tutus tuu - sta Putablusluutalloyst LSO 11. tra, Fast Lim.. 1.004. wt. Plat wartstakii.rucututuuran.". Lie a. so. Pe on ite.ftnatruestto rs , - • - .440 a. as Second Wall , * Station Accesnmodattott ASO s. cart:nru ilealutmodatlcua ....... t. argh &Eris Zan Ex t. 9.60 p. ate ars Mtn. int ,- Thiel a ratian.Acoortuat rd Ehtladel_plits LSO p. n'Onttb Wzali!l Xtultnint . ..... Art . al the .... Mnsiihnt Cornittnt wrill po rs Month each Mho before ratetting,thst ix. 'rake Sp sneaks aaddellistbaggagtio Any put c. city. pm t s No. stO Penn street s oPaa day and might, where 4.11 orders for the asavematta =lmagers and =gags will metre prompt tte.l.—• Balticsostecepatss will awl= Witte l lTiadsiola Espy= 41.2.140 p. =On itandam : • NOTICIE.—In sass of loss, 1 hold tberoselses resps=sl for pe= " bsegies only, and for an amount not - W. B. BBOH. Agent, At•theriNtoz=nis Ceara BallrosdPasseast • Station. on v and Grant strosta. , - :prrreaußGA i Fragligum WAYNE hCRIQA RAILWAY AND CLEVELAND & ' SUMMER ANIIANCEDIthi. On and alter May 14th,1883, Wilful will Nts - Leavesfollo viz. - •• - • ' Far rat 1 = Pittsburgh Milano. 101oveLuul, Wheelie ..... ran s. Zto s. m.l 2 . 10 StO p. m- 1.41 0:171: 1.45 7.1:0 00 m ••• ALIA_Et Pot New outis and Erie aio - • Metre at Plt4becrek , ;-.Flr7i - 91:_ik CLEW &M U a. m., &AOLa) p. am, 7.60 ¢as., 0.7 0 p, U. &p. i 413 0 . 1 1 0 :4 1 .. ; Lea ACCOXXODATIO7 =Ant. vy 41.11e3she&T. ?few - 42,Dar.a. ' ?few Steal) • Brighton we,. lEaoacanyl LW44.la. I . 4so 4tacLi2i l o.pa. SW A 11.60a.Z.: tap.= fait» : ny-r; 7.15ALm..,111,4.-.?4, a1•iP21.;74444.11.; fa. m41%4, • a &AIL - . • GEoLiirerautur,.. -5"170,.1r s'N'intutbureNtai ' .. -SUMMER -AAPJAVE4 E 2 fri oft mad after 1 1 1020)Aradiiegleitictii will tram the Dep . . Depot, Of Um mad Watt. itietis. as WOW. ' _'" • • - .Leant - Auttimitis Plttaburgit,PlttaVatt. Nsid IX/ and friniVniOnlown. 7253 a. so.c.imp. gy Itzpress • - . 2AI/ .920 Tar. ; First Mareesport Am:Wu-1100 a. ra. •asSaa.. It 4 Second " Cab p.tie First itraddasiVl • ... 7.14 n.ln. p. a Seectnd illl p.lll. L 43 p. t i Sunday Chncon Train to and Poutalagseiport. p. m. lanitts. • Aiestt. STOUT. BaortOWL A LLEGELENT VAL. alum A LEY' AT Lllttels. ORANGE OF MLE.—Cce and alter MO IME DIEIT ttee the Mlorlad itrutimeat eir • pin tato - - NUM. TicalE.lwzrAtes Pittattne *Me =Wei at JECltteenteit ft mc, iLst. - Lame RIO Weans at fitteitt iie'-eltteburtk et • .tztirtss TELIEI-LesTer Eattioinferge LEI et, aritetcyt' its uiaa►s-Lame eillsigughai 40k.1.2-1,144Y/41111P4044341 AlAximmumAiwit TaAntu urns' Sea Weeks at estr bhpelecetrlttitMi la• Loaves PEt lt lee p. artifitc et Bode Wake ett4:ll4 Le val/ Z. VIEW= BeeletateedeEk BsKw.riAre. O' 'ls • • - iI'OREIGTOMIGE t aTioN ognor ) ,- , . - nnastreaa. sumsza.- i , - . am,. ~ int3s:P. *e. Passage front the "Old Country, ,Ma Liverpool. Nov Tort Wig ehtisidelrie maw etesitz von T . T h a v„, im Agen hare, vics-htr. at = a ro is 110 W prerered to Ming out or sena harm P by the Ste/scuds Clklisla Ungar. UHUSII LOW HATI3. The SU ignetdin this favorite line leave Lirerpixd aretIVEDNEh• Waiter New:Toni, owinin at ttew. air _. IWO Ito,Otl u a pped l4l4 &Mt titt ~;t.lloat =wets ' 4 , i ..,- _ . - The liisliWitgent tar the Limp= and LotalcoLhsti or Swann% hts u ri4 so u= =r a g! " th r ik "'BS "T IN Ii.IZATI=: ere of th is Deana tln the stningest mos" • and tarnish chdfee aesononodatlons la , Be is &Waren rtirTa LINE or late. gated CUpper Saitag Pacjtets, /wing Wimp' New Talk twice .ftootok, 'Mt 11/0....Wi..j4.014. Yeskets. leaving Landow MO Ign del.' The ships of .Talngoit's Adris taw*. inin WOW MON tin Girths& quick and the esiddlante et thintroringur nis inusengers,endlhinr nod trostmOlit Wallo-ou tward„--Perties who win hell Mende brogans= Isp uuthirsilopill tr7 l ,4l.ostroulzottOattti t -,--,-..... - to bftlifatolotit gossitlvautzmariegs.: SIGH DHASTaintell parts al ettnotelar ash at the lowest rate. ..,. - skid . - - .p - .: ili stentiderld aimed ' v ga,11,14' L la.-0tC926 tractriblL • .tainaavol. AND izi, asivws. aur out; ornablutraleat itt rityi t.-7. 23.11.6 OTem week. " Imams nerntrair,Aitu 82:0M#4, steet. behrecol am st IN TH E 'DISTRICT ' COURT or AL. -ILL-EMMERT . LIODNTX —UM EQ.II/LTE.—pth April. Term, M—No.B3, - ' Janes L amain= re runtreirrenniston,WaL.ll. • Dead, too; Leouttstoni and Jae. Bracken. Salters ida_guaeilaniJoaeph r. Deonlstea,-Totelo also N. wi4lla, - ,Tans 7lse, floor Its% Benin. J teat& Dennlaton,iileg 1 12 r . •ci f l as t i 4 l lcn 4 mita d a tr: ..a filag Lobor - OU.K. .t. Ratan met anfts-bilhalati.L. John.; ,-Kalyrisib Se= MID. bo Mira for gnerilan yin Latter benniston, .hadlewJ. Denstston Eamo el Denial(,,` XPOUSeve" tOrßinsoilsa, ad rem, li. u Halts, Bennet Meese., and CMaistfas • , kla viten Evßionnow MarlitaxiMlottankts Andreas , anktiencer Jana Ws nek.T.Stebante, '.l.lattsrda Cleozge-irsoy. fa% luad•Lgula ale tale. test BatherinalMasUllakth a deviates; am..ed -floorgOlDenniston, late of the 7. othe PeriftschartsmartiistrYasr sue bcehgrotis redtaat ioe Watreranakwmalmoneraeindded so slakopot la sturaloont UM; 0-WV4ls3l4lotig EIGLZISMO Deedd La In the il at. canto Poopersin and Sid. log and sperm...oar thasarson and ikelnraresta Of 4 the rtlea LeMagand But. aald'lllaster,sstil at. - .t.m4 ski Medea. eink.tem Roarthitonstila elty of Pittsburgh, tni THUSADAY, Septetsbeg ggth. st 10 *What &Walt its purpose of mliOtting Ins putpart e . to the punts entitled thereto, „As ..orsan alma and goo, allot the &eta% 'halals& 1 efts sitroi. Meal tad Inaidited- to attend; alas. to tha stutanttentomesoud ret oxcart beoluniong en other. TBO3. ,sultdriasVigntik,l-1 Mite& - • I • . I :4atata4ittion Fittinefff-j. 4 Itteuctos,...p*,,brer P o eirsale tirOgiuo.4l6V eak somata Cd - gas ; 7 : r - 13/21%if i on tizoaazdtiirldetiraNsu -- = "4 ttx .ftrzz, -• A.4IMONI,WPFPOT.7.--1;-14417.1i-p' Ftwei - :21.13 -. -do •.trud4nl 4 -- do t ?._ ."`r.,. ,tU I r. 5.1 1505.ealtat.PiCti1454 . HlO/14; • tUtillf Siskissir, , -; I . Eel:tired and (Cr &sit - t A r JUM,I2 t E191'34-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers