The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, August 29, 1865, Image 1
~,.7 , Lxxviii.l,7*o-,,-7, :219.'- IPittsburgh Ctsetttv, • 21A.ITELE118' GUIDE. y intrOl*4 - -' ,- :4Pi.4l°FP'•.9 l. - Tra)lu. .p e nninuman , Central Railroad. 4.i• :* ' 7 .- - 4 11 7 14 ._ , ra. -t, iiiilfipiela7..: o.oa . foralid... I'w. C.,,, 'Sall *man= 660 P mia Line. ..-. 2.t0 a m .IttakErie Mall 1:10 p rill a Erie 51atL1240 p m lam. ripsaw,' 42$ 9.10 Baltimara.EW&Arta p 14 I.lasQ;. - . 14 ;" 110 17ta PbttsfExprige.. 4.. v p m robastarraloYa -9.170 p et Johait'a Amen.. tOo5 a m atiraqtfelitlO a pa Ist..svLiq st,,,lipa sas Ain I 44".'. -,f57.11', 41 , ' , n. - --.:‘ - tr t 4 2 :l ~, :. .- .!, . tOS p m 4th • • 6= pm . hum AcaM3to'a.lo2lkp p) papa Accomo , a. 7:50 a m . ft* thateVi.tala'reaves Walla , Statiba-erOyi fatimi7 4. 9 M5 A. ta.t raturalag, Mares MUM:ugh -.' giiiTiri Wilma anlirCaloage.l. • Diprffr.. Antam. ~.... . ,_ ll.f $.- 1 = • tal.EnPralla.4..... 2 . 10 A M. Tr i ejt . ." ' t. IVO f: : J R Im." :t r ..:: ..11Vp ' : Mall. ... .„.ml Mau 7:50 pat p_} It. paliek . zirla SAO a m ti. Out P. Ma 13104 pm. , lietwttiglitcs'Alutamizoilitillzi ertArga.anyl IriKotart a. 1n.,11053. 02.,.t.05 5t•gza4.20.1:.4.41; , . Rochester. 2:18 p,. a t . ear Owls, 49i• ')T11411,1•Nr-,./F..Cqi•El..'-• •-!...• --,,, !7 , 1.:7:-. '4,l o lllabirribic-ilarelami- and:iiiiiadiii.:: , ' I Aiwa& _ 4trrimm... ' 4. ' -•- npi . i.. A . 1 ..... ri.o • 9.1 Extrema ..... .... 2:10 a m p,...1.21Mp1a Zap? 9 . 1!0.a.' ....k volt= '!".........aa0 a trtaltr •,--- INO pin StitabeSTLlO AcsOmmedation leaves-4110w it. 111.4.21,11,1".1. - 0-1 , ' . ...::::..L . :::,•. • •, • t ,- 1 4020 M0task Comuantift. , Rau 1..156 A an Mill - 411301. to e_.4 890 p at Express ioxn s IstfelreenenatOn a in let Alefleciprt 60 152 - I.'rzcm, istlfriddOelVs.. lAD • m lit Braddock. 8= s m "111 1 1 5 Ra ',l:-.4"? P. 3 • • Vcgl A .Vy C,..2 31/i4,6%, . . maintwett. paps m kzapreas.i .... 7.110jp zn Anzamazo&Mon m`Accommodation 8.1:10 a in ; . 1i 431 4 1 r 2 ' 1144Sin0Fa— . _ i7; 16 4,,1ii1g ClB WEli CL9ILBCE~ L:.' knit_ generally, conitnntl7 airtetts at L 29 stMt. Westerti " mfbe Fad Tenn wil open September:3oth, ' , tin *ei1it 11 34 4 141:0•4:43 . e1i . f9l' . 14 4 111 . MAIM .A1:10 Unlverauy ß etiding. corner Bee. end Malacca Stretts. aciO tw I'6l ,‘ , ~ .41;1 0 . 5, Z Andrei:l,9W r. e'. n Fee eds4rthereeat of sale of good Furniture, CZ.41"a491-21""k• SVII4I;I*,§TIP.,On "iday - tdektEte Meals& Liefl's Anatole Bonte.lssFlfth street. ' - I Aitademyp: ~ Davie-English, Classic, DfithonAil l eif eLni. CO"' : 1 1 1 51 1 ,!AP. 44417 'ekthkg,,4l,4Acitla s eux .44vLogi BenlyemeirmeeteAraci.s. ittencercties mehiolday, 54;44Mbil 4th.. Night tchool commences °eche: 44,11W41 f. *We sititso .•eniai 3010: ma stlifit:Yert4, ens utortisant of theselr,oda 'Livery law prices ibblzipailimest mainEppasatu2 iris& spy other:flub) stiNtrenteneur, Wltothlation hen unr4ellee. vidaitdel tilekir it 'inetiair -- • f gr alpg ' ll 3 3 nt`tAP! feNaLit idoekirwilebe runlet' irltellsar:tfa 1 4 3 4tISSBRan+ 4 ;•fdcoitiVmta4 ,41 1 .0 44 1 VomPrinr l3 44 l3 thintYlviaz4l9 42 : .4 4 % T 4141 " Theme** esseetthtug lahere ethant the house itt - the welt known house of 1 444 41 4. 11 Wzr(0 2 , 1 77utttrewm:ckte , Vast 44 r end •magnitlce4 assortment reltkctrants . • - Who receive vials arm the Penturilvitilintitt zWatri ,1 411 7 4 , 04 , c-rt . 4 3 2 .4 t White & *VbrttlitilgetitUttdclt:4 themhattltd. Sea advertisement. ' '?; , . Havixtrettastod,sfklir aa.tilleam.of three pun 42:=-Phiiiel."tl 46affoi) toz soda Al4y,betweers Sauthtlet street " the at Eland. grotrktleattoadza wiLtaix`rosiszsT. TlLlfiiip' Wr...4 1 1 - 3.C9rsargie._i• "..LI a rar ell' Aida, come the eraniatis roots, of widen" 1 th e li rraff tiott l*t4.ll c 9e*T hellas tr; ii ef Wn tha f* io leg. ilet Eur li arlisiol l"i l i t; 1 I - most remozhahlo.plumoh._ Pure, tuuriplad teeth, : ' it ' ll'es t i6lll 4 PiatirtNtd-i.hcol i6 ; aimoPtiai; •' from aU :11Seisti‘thtt atria, theinrim, ire the ro. molts ot &daily application of Um Sozonown, awaettaie g fite,l4.Atifix-M. L litketatiaffte4 43 40, 'Pr r`ldies end 41q4F, earner -ogZeaver atreetantitStocktonarenns, legheny. ;Tan union commenteltgoodagi.fiejg intoner ttb. Location mumrpaesed. ' Booms idea, and elegantly Waldo:ti t with atople grounds an , needed. Ilk -- k&bg.d oljuppi llegoCimd vise but Wee of the most tmeacentioneble character and habits adMitted.' No teaching or discipline by sir MAW& iFor admistier — ai,ply in perms, to the Princin o Mn. E. A Smith, on the premises. At Co.; Pactteal 1 81ste BoorM, aad Daalm In Amerlesa §lsts, of carious colors. Office Athx.utp, asae LaujUln'a. tho w.fir workii , tuttatnum. ri. • xriaaeke, — fro: - *Must sheet. - -Oases' PIGS OVZ iittßaded.2o , .. Alt work wait*Ottliaili2 fOgXeptAtVe - 49,14. arttietffist AIRI . AWID';,V9A I 44vjg..S4 3 4r ataliagrAceiliparna, rl7 C t ' C Ml APl Ate rP tilli P i jci; , 4lo 34l *:liMil i ti"i. l lo 4- *4*ra 43.06 Ifotlons asteinfai.nOndiniassifitSiZi. for rarltyi and cheapness. Ow prment stock was pashas:4 ata Eanif itrftrotgrigcb anibis to maks &alto customers our antwasea of tastier sauetattoni than any rensatmesuevounsta 'raw canfr. Ast:sessualnation of out rocs and cosmos', alliasiSistAitalted lir S. W.. Ilnaxca 8. 00, 631 Market street. - lleffor Ifni& Thb, ::I:rtlearleei - : Wank:to Trtusthatek .wemethieg la=the 1- irif of Wineh - 21efleos; - Craibiaifes, Ifsbatte, Or aomethltilathe-Dmeocalailtte , just Oprltti,ncr immense stOck,Puttiteml et the brae 'New Yeal autuo.s, sitilettlee arc Wlllst at teu thin tall , 44 1 kt , 1 0 4 ff4 o VC'kt.lP 3l 4 West sesiej• We bare also a lam piThee4,lemplete stock of Prints, *Outs, cheekls ERyin.Neet P•P le ' l wets, colors - 1X tlitt dieted Wore the Ittlawl, twasoi se lit be sold at eitbet who:sale er retill,'Oemr.theithe But. etSt wtoitSale PdailififiaEM:afaitllair. Be ewe Ara Tema : abet the place, 'far we are mow totaled ceithe bo t itgeict - AtE*o2r.aiitth f altd Market Sta. Hitiecielows &Baer. A 'Oar Meng r ign giant !Ver t No..tb3 Venni] AMP, Attlenteng, wasin the east when the , estatnnlngtn- vitae raptass of -Itictintond ang the inumenger once rebel Genexal Lee wait 4-. 1 etnyelingi telinrnewlstefe thir tresO pro. inopk - inqknoWinnlin rantigoin 'iota ierr.made rgregjVtgearralot. She finest Ming ' engin - n=4 -gtione aiihonf olio-bettor Ins WOKU4I4:IIIW-14.1"41...#14 I SO make op to craw, on slat Vounnan `Tsai must itylef,and . ar4keitliitaiarises. 141spiefiliaotia9s0 pizthliossoodstad ready. gide clothing will guile found at nil elegant entahttehtment; trhnigritl ; • ithirilialL'L' .TarirSo:l :II = • itvds oryltal Interest. , . ' rcielytAirgiatilatßOW,. 4t i t. i Ti r e-. I° 3Z S icks few :feet' wash Moment them siestiet ' Oar test Is Hettlome Our 001110110.11. , toy 1740,11, Aatebell. Tfealrau istilLeciljiliis einaibrastnireslitortrilliari'oestrimiandain I !east AR tootOta mnaenua.gleh ,prottnt 't 40 • invlgoiste sad 'regains the ees, WheSL,tiolstinetlPllMOPlllMlSKPAßV..dliaells : . the shade, the met athletic ace aMealeds art l rewAti4d ivalaiiiitkorWaiViNtilkienisfo,9o4o4 tedririsemeit streeapt. ViiiiinlilregargaerniidenVOAyid 41414 hare lowsWate tevelits I.d coo:lime Wails* states tatotattpsmnsea , : - Illmwooti tell the Thourairs . mast staa tastiest icsfacited - mmlist this 4seilltsgsg fnguerjiti, would eahort the weak to AaelegS£42 , 4 o =ol 4 .o olo4 :Uo ti r. - i t goo . buns ono dung to Ms wholesome -sad oatill. - Ist Toole astAlieseAlie,ostheAdrfielec4 mut. ter woolilitieta - se tel as' lutileole‘s, woltd, of ,4fixpeptio pass relieved, of epittlyi,se. ire* of heals:she, stored, otatteced oases. . sated, orAlsorderebluhetioiil esgulinSai• a h, • ehosthis itiesipated, of miseaustie!disieseee beefed, fiElenkritelslimietwei4oftiveveiptesdpislwreste en;Orwes4 - frtisticin artoulasiglifziope — ti: axasisivedauldu:lrtulnessrestore4: are the tactialliekette - 011 Onto:4.11os sivirylaisre. MIMI Irkfttl_ . .ATEsT NEWS BY TELEGRAM illEilaPE OF TOR SIOLRN sl . 6lllEiti RiZlk FOR MRS. Jur. Inis. Beturni of the President's Family. TQE' EEyiliD IIFFERED PO& THE ISTASSINS. c i ittlebutz to , be Recalled. Optehiippsteh to Pittsburgh qezattr- ' i!irti, Ancinit 26.--Aii‘fges' ham. ' Tartieni Dionne state 'that the escape of. the - . tuner . _ . toletl a Effort frost the pursuing steam er Black.Blrd, iiiieWitielii hey', drawing two ifeet las water,"this enabling bar to inn uptuto ohidkrwit whkre thlaltick:Sitd EtiO, not follosr. , Clttaba*G3jeir s ilif f r tielelhiri dilienibailue his' Fiiret ind.marettta . 614 alike &roma Marshes, if Zl l2 O, Imu,' - `40.-5* 5 : creeks, but all :kaki. • Wheikigniiiirintin e te lillabisfore (inn.' *ilea, ha ctitkre4 l'ateamerbt It,Oidoify;ht than the Black El/A tO. renew 'dia .- au - tie; 'idsfi C 41 ., il4g3r_ :0: 5 04_ ke*.i4sigfivmhirt?ttth.ka 15f1 Aaw -Thlra .* -rimaryltania -,:artikeers and a 'masa hniktft#:'.. 4 titi!OrfbOtia3ol: licetresi'lten roe inn Baton:4lT afternoon, on thednamer tv manta.. 1.1, hi brestonife that. a rebellionseafettlidon Is pelng harebeidOn-thaesitei•n- shore, - endiheiont4 *ilrarors are rendezvonalni on a cant Wane Altai- the fiffortlensed to collect MO and &Maui. kion, and whin all is ready she will Mari forth on t rIot" dark night 14 A size Slime large steamers In tainpton Roads. The Effort ITELS 'teen by the. i Black Bird, but fled up tbekhnikrart. •'. l or ?resident Johnson:a family arrived at Fort hibillttagroli.lsa*aay:frOlv.. Vfes l dnktent:./44 visited the interior of the FOrtreas, alai Went to • liWrfokk,accog9.Sniecl bi *Tekla. 41 4 , 4 - 9 P, Am Keene Itlatz.Qnten; but anbarquoatlya:etnened: 40 - Wastlewten. ' - • .., i - ... ~Geoe;al.,ltieene_ left illelimond on Saturday i terthilink ta'r kOrtiess Monroe. . . , .. 1 Aanhaeriptlon, le In clienbstlon in Ittehmeed IfOFitte kit of. MA:it-if bota.siad timlisri" who. are sold to . be In reduced elrentustancee, but . . . • without mnai success . tine far, . Proddont.Johnson wan amda o=ohehancri ,on SeLardnywlllt pardon wakens. Thomas it. ;Evan, of Nashville, was the only one pardoned. The.Piisideit'a fimlly havihg retiorded with !ma reschlig : Gichmond, all . talk -of his going 'thither ilcems to bent an end. • .1 Ncidistribltildn-he made of Ike re mora offered for them:eat of President Lincoln's lassaseins, but Judge Roll, who haikheiniitief. ; In cherwe, - Irespeeted soon to make a retort. *.. 1 General Cad fiegin — CNlVighrliQiiig through t ithe rebel, South, nudes orders qpintill4: 4 4Tern - I mentAllEtda to bit eagosiain Writing letting for 'iriorthern papers, Instead . of making his reports to the Department. lr Is' said he will be re called.... . ~ . :a,•.— , • " W. ,PIRATE 811MiliitOAEL urea of Eases and hithee Stopped. A6tria' - cytoun. I The Queationof Iregro Suffettgal DITIk New Yoni, Aug. 28.—The iferrdii Washing- special - 60a t The statement O.We, New ork Eteniasy:dicof that the °avid AUttmrhies delve nand° I:lo;ildtcj6ite preparation to - resist or endure tie Shenandoah In the without iodation.. rrt '..fatd:whem the naval officer at ;San Frac cliCe liVel heard of the pirate in that dl treetbotrltortelegraVied to the Admiral cotenant. , leg in that quarter, and the Beane° and cue 6:abet "were' t1ap6R110,11113131 . 4“2031- co-some time in --- IThe ea e of governmenihoria andintil4S pen stopped at different military posts for the }purpose of Menain/AZ the tolfultoak'Pr In dian depredations WindelAillittm and ;territories. The teal destruction by the In idle= of orar,..five miles of the Western Union ITaretniph_dinfe siuglePantiUnd.. AB hostile titnde of the savages In that region 'makes it important to despatan an additional ilteueted [Mt trliarraintir fortaddble they are !beyond. The Times' Washington special of the 27th, jaw Tzam highly: irdeillgentsouthern cern ; Derr an, direct from South Caroliala, we learn 1 that the question of suffrage may seem some -IWltairemirareassleffle ibeadellt P. , ; 1 1 111 1a-Pelitk" 'catebrreitrtietto bsiletif - Yerstudtidkesln :that State. A strong party will be in favor ~f fixing on the while basis, while the low country itoterftilfateluitetlforarsdieoarditi leziarothre of the Slats by the preponderance in slaves. To theist now on the negro forming any portion of the buts of representation; will be more or less compromising upon the question of negro ant tfrage. r, - 4116 adrlda9 Wise officer of .itidhoritY ealitd Rai deft Davis, who announced himself as in ( Ivry stood,tndtb,. ttio,ozalpirpirb4r.); being a carbuncle trittlalegunVO-arglt, touch of my. siptlas. In epeaking of Wins, Davis said he had never see; or heart of, him before. his arrest, lean:llo2%CD= *hat stitoads .of having been a rises mate of his at West Point —he did cot believe he would be guilty of such ;awful aela -of inhumanity as aro laid to- Mt {charge. acgetnry,Bl,anton wIR v 149, SAritoxaSpiings baltai he rein= Vaihbagtaa. ADVICES,,T/OM,EUROPE. I 7 t. :. ~ c 1.,••••••-41. , - , ~. laul.'Arrintl. OA°, city .of ,:t. WAh111,00 4 16 4' . TAMP BAVAWAR TA ei{ 01, 44- hr;Vatit fit grithatourat fne WAIL !from ;trapped ~ 34,11oLlGth, via QeuFnetowtt on !the 17 41; . airletd tfits'edornftbr. ! . This 7tki nt tople Sn ,Eeglapd, _Disease spreadieg. The cholas- 4oritbsoeslbiesiages st Abeons, !"(;.-901215/01.11)Dple.—.1t leetessolto, 'deaths one day. _ Te weatier continues ttAeeU3ed The - bear! irelna Interfered , with the harvest operstbsns. Mohris firm. at Gd per barrel dearer; wheat !!! t at sptenholve demand, and prices are &gat adoser7-cent -dearer; `comas-4rm. sad prie s - Lfropoo!, August 17 :The Great ;astern faVis:i2caloivi tlas lADI 7PW I RP*IRWARFPI 41Vaffied , g4IMARa*AutitP2, 0 04.7, THE, PARTYuItEMSED, Va. BUSHWHACKERS. JT'lltr4RY4o7ll9o.4igfittle.Q B - 8 . 1 34 V/ 4614 Wit, tki - rie4riligcrOrti • lrectotti;Mirmporideat aitiv:-.: iiiiiire.j.dlgeoliles , ey a Emmy diameter hay tningolfgkin, this' `Department, neer the TAnd am' line,' 'the in taint of biej.gen. N. ?I. cart's. It is known ithas giiaWithiiiiiidotie iliibladidibarc- Isteree el a large number of cattle In the tenn ity of the dill/stades, belonging ea the late rebel z Governmenh, arid. entuaLtteat- 11.11rWat any !other owlets eiplible Of pratendlng In claim • liegilimatootvereldfut 1692.p0rp seas amen i force trap= tlairchttle; krialley we:emcee& 4 fully 49slledbyAnAustivraeltersnik4 guerrillas 'of th at siellon. , • ' ' 1 Colonel Butester than beim. dintanflell; 0 toad ileet9 %OA onlfigne,, , wlth an adequate force, 'an 40 totals tbst-blijor' Mural Ca lla WU i man eXneedlnershmf rmluar tbisjnittetw,T ; within twenty . Bee days le Is thoight that I atotelaillirrinlt.44-iflOSlMattglOrUi be l:tra nit Want la tegorLtailm4dJasant , go:m.2lof tberanay..... ti, -- 'is 6 , ,-.. , .._, ArilteptatidaWill*telettrdi,lhat born this liat6drocut ge nes'it( he actin/It 4 tattered 'oat bYthaseteye briqafterle;TyeL 4 ' Ima ottriegrest.. - - - '*'' - '' -„,_ 14 , , i Death of Pr. fralliklbsuriitillW ` NMTPX.r..4agait.V3+7, Dr. Erlakilliang4 tormttivitesoctate 'Editor trio NeW - Tort PallX-,07.% opt for taro pars inotatkor of tha. /uatara•-aa ea faliattifolk county. Ed oam 0121 1 Bat e - at* too raridara 41; taim .; Jatepuy. ; THE Win MURRY COEIESION, I iaminatk n of Witnesses Resumtd. ATTIIDRAWAL OF COUNSFL FEU VIE CBI NVApmwrow, Most 28.—The Wirt 311111.ary Cominizelon Rassembled thla ra-Ortileg. i The ems examination orlithert H. Kellogg was resumed by. Mr, Baker. 'MMus said he entered tbe Unite Of afe Bei- ted States on. the hilt of Ifirch.lB69, and was discharged on the Ist. of June, ISO. 4 -Were you at any other prison than Aeder. mirth° 7 A. I was at Chariest= ant Florence. Judge Advocate This numner of cross-eXtrof tration will not be tolerated: if the Counsel predate leokfer theanforcement of the rule that he reduce his questions to writing. ' • I Mr. Baker—The intention of my question was to chow that the. treatment : of 'prisoners' was equally as good aethat at r iatfuirPrlsona. • Was the treatment at those plum materially different from that at - Andersonville V • Judge Advocate Chapman objected. Mr. Baker-4.thonght my question tio litee;orti Of the way, that_no objection ceold s .,lo =Ace I • Judge Advocate—vTbar. is apart of your ' de. fence, but it Is not proper in the crokseraminai. . . , .Idr. Bakerr-The Indictment charges Captain jillra with stelbig =hirer, tei thesiewe Ind move Cl war, this Is the gist of the whole' Dung, no smatter how destituteltdrpthkrbers were , or how they ;mitered, If wink@ that nothing:was done pthtrary Willa lerra'Snd usages of war them selves, the Man recent be punished as we think. Judge Advocate—The question Is improper, these lino evidence as to rho treatment In other shore. .. , •. - e Court viithened objection.., s ' - thossixaminadon was reenmed,andiolia COU - Mooed, during which the wines said: that ate_ lees the men 'Sent Vet to cot-the tacked; were evenly guarded,' they: would overpower the . new:, and would hate s been fools if they had tot othketheir escape.- The proper - !guard for a squad of twenty-men would be an armed corpora 'and eirtitio: ' Redad not know, ,of his Mt kticepledge,,thak s dripitalik Wirt pre tntelaSate'veen rvvvaliveaff ant - to cut wood. He neer 'heathen= dog one well with - whatever hey mold get inch as half canteens , and tin i,plaies and spoons. The wafer of tho-wells was', glair. There was not room enough to dig all the lwrite which were traded a, The apace was ro e aired for the prisoners. Ila never saw Capt . Kira oiler or Wk:: sway from the prisoners 'anything which contributed to their health and icomfort,. ~.119 thought the police , regulations . ;might hake been' better: On one odesolontirapV Wee did him a kindnesa. He had been in the *cods and had left his knife there, and Captain !Who was the means of his recovering it. Did not knew from his own observations of any. In ;human or. wilful act by Wire I s Thomas C. Alcoa was sworn and testified that he was captured and sent to Audansonvine pillion In some part of lkcember, 1854 °trot , stvietthere, liec was 'scare:tied by Capt: Win, the poisoner whom he TOt. recognised at the bar, who took fiom hire lih(Plo gold and 1133. In greenbacks, a jack-knife, I..hreastpin, a' gold ring, and his mmket book. These were IleverPhaffned to !dm. Ori,oroaoccaskil,e,weak imadathed Capt. Wire' to let' lies go oak. far Some fresh air. Wks asked him what he men • end monist and • dhow s '-;- revolver from his locker,'' 'en d s h ot tdmr - down, The man died two or three hours afterivardee...The wither:poke ipearidinotaimioll or MIS set to Wire:who sea he meal - pit It trt" the same place. The sitcoms replied that ho kennel afraid ;fit. Fl t ivA then called ar i ral smiftwo no-ad% who ..pus. noon bie r 1 and elde. He gradually, by working ache ball and elude, freehldOmMUOltherstettlifind tboff msda his ft. ape. The man that was shot was named WI nitht,anillildherisitterthkelclittbillesonn. The misenera would sometimes get watee from Abe stream or bhook, by attichingwookclath the had ef vies. Whllle'dolok to PlCS*llliitttki.fir44 at ^ros e e es - ateleiedlic ad iltri Beirri;—Q.. Vititiiirlild fort get the S - 150 li ''' l* • - ' ' s ; A. T.I - cipterredli sheirsbn; Ilitiv.s I Mr., Baker—And s : thiptelif Why c aptured It IreonSeul.. ;lied nettle alight Iv vII:i se!' s ', .• - Witness-So. (i.sughter.y • ' - ; ` ; Mr. Balter-LTturcle your opinion. -s '.. ' , _The : witztese on . being Tritclheptecletfielaecl.. t ieldhe found the 10314 at the mai: of- a tree dm • the wood,. A nag•to slowed him where the rooney was. Did not knew' to whom it belong. ed. Witness was a native of ant lived la Ohio, when ho joined a regiment from that Mita. The man io whom: ha bad referred as having been hi/led by Whit, weal op previously to Whi, saluted the Captain lit the,nsual way, and asked that he might go Out of the crowd to net rum. froth- air.,Captadet Wirnmeked abruptly what. - -he meant:- The - loan etreetered. when Wire raid in the Dutch langtisice...wa o w . . The man was tray it t fewmiteesdistout, face to (ace, when Mtn' dm* Ms plain s and ahot the Mar who died, anon akwwards from the effect. df .the - .winind... Witheas• the prime , two months after the man was abet. • Sergeant Beaton Corbett testicleed that he was in the Baited titstes2:setrter; was at Ccidreiltie sand„canvemed to Anderaoniele where be arrived in Jsly.• Before tie and Ids compsn tone, entered the stockade,• hasten remalised Sothellait,„they were divided Into detattatimtai lithiraileacredlenttthliati . and .askett s pad near 'Capt. Mfg torakelidiik of:water. Another mumeneusick lathe Marimba andiuskelthe ilea. tenant of the snow whether he could dotlie sent fp the ticepital. •Tketfileer lord/toed tiointiat; . i0tbb444042.000 - t n to-morrow, and' thit be must tor'inicithis sieielri; a the others. After, he -entered .the • Moduele -he found dine . men' of iris' company; siz of - whom had beets there three mouths preirthus. Within two mom her turot these aomf ilitel::. Of (Onrteen men who were taken to Anders /evilly When fit'Yntrlheres; 'caw twriteac Imps. 1 He watsgreulife- them.' 'When hereerhol there, hedlattki Ono - tad ' gtoiryttliniaLloca iseinel. men near the, head-quartet-a th,chains with ball*. Szpoted,th the-heat of the ran. on th e bore the trunks of , tbst eon or .erpognoo on -shoulder..: Ile bad , eemithe itrxhil bet dlcl rat remember: m eagre, Oid rions - theei: :The, eel ling ,was i OBOE "Siam structure three Or butted high, ttsning.twelynor flatten feu from thostockade•- She place where the stream entered, the stock ade was broken doWn.'. He had - Mtn inegaileV Ima killed there"Ther - Mitoa ,was ;4111101MLNS: COLMAIOn of Gbh: 'Tim ewenin ein tacit MUD( the stream was so offenalstei,Mnd the stanch to great that be wondered every man did rasi, die. Ile billeted it was the cause of the( s idesth of many of cur men.. - The, maggots , ward w foot deep,,When lluivineesa was sick lathe stock. 1 toe to raedlethoweesphorchint,,Theybowever gave ) 11 clt s 'aehr Inetrtilid *itek ide &mad It amcgar;: Th - i'deir bide' vrerer`tehnied but et Mei le outolee; and , It s dance .einiet , mere 'Woad. dim While walling to .be carried out. biligkril fri knoving the dead, four measent6 mitigated tothet e daily, and, in return they were allowed th,torint' In wood, Welch; • If they Mbobee,•`they they ' at inside fore dollar- They becatins a so hardenel thakthitywooldiss_y thaVa rlght, , sell off a dead' man foilwetid.ll. HOmulMitiros kept thlantrid rmaptenthostivrtiblettemptedideenthe."Yriton. ;ere wereer aped 10, se (piths certain anthers tb culled. grood.'• 'The witness , told ' Me comrades . that Ili tint limo be got out of the seockale he *mold try to escape. lie s ithade the attempt and was hunted, but not toimedimply found.Us lay concealed in:hour ell tiro, and beard-lire ;Yelling of the hounds In the distance, then near er and nearer they came, so close as actually to .3mb_his owe, end therimade a circle atoned him , meal dot hunter Mime up:. The - brinks% or ad.. eoldree laid thstwitneas mist go with him, The 'soldier , . raid ithet. 'the Loldthiptethteld Mtn to' *tali:tithe doge tear him, (the Withmleatditt bay. incclice berm a pthspner;,himacif.l s .he :" telt: for rthosh "1110.: Were -la, • theclame , oindillow When witness Via Weight before Cipt.rclitirai ;the 14tte"asleedikeisoldla'whihe did not Make ;the dogisteartilea. Whelks be replied,'.l gum Urn togs Imititermenougttau I Whims &gone the irluime to be taken backia th e maintmqg: r TbegOiltalieffilet* 4,te*tfli r .kre6 o'clock. 9ser4Sietablitrg„t9eni!satizratonornerhltes,s 11 0,...._littltlials*rolloWst• gegtalltre,bASOli' tin. tlette Oetoberiert;stiargertnunbon4fasen. ' (mro orstmertutftd4mto taken from the stockhdemnbanteoutsideaulatAmildmpsulid - Ao bedellgardfortbehospltePl-Dril ~ ,c, ~,, -. 1, - ,g e. 1 The same number of deno n - nem eroProlmt. On cutting woeft,s. c p. gfal4,ltm. bill more jeomfeatat la s quintet?. Tim ;; men would hitelffettie }d': - bf .-1 thW lsl e l ialler' l ltY tviVieffil.tlttli: taie Win : 143 2tett: I f dlrAr=ttetiriit tlirnagerill hone; they Mediu cords." ' The conclel-Mh et do Menhirs' ...nerds!" Virtineu---1 mean that tfltittratidaee4 glad up like wood they Would bsve made lateral evetla-" Tr 1: t d ' 11 " 3 4 11,4:127:1 () ( X t Orces•examine by r.--naxer.—whe *tome had men maggeth lb the lbodelid had himself' washed them :off Iti..unt t streatryd-7 The tkamei, atr; sottri:Foo tiothr tidies totof Oa ,Cost, who oileetedids tilt Mode Ur nand cienthitte.the iaoss-ixammition. - - 4.1). Brown, captured at Plymouth to Andersonsille, states Hutton orabontthelsl,l3. s of May. gediamitsvulairitkuretnes pa. • rents SILO being abbot to take - it to - the letter box,Aoirsoriitnijapkilejtb:otin leg ;who Welted nioiodUtiii 48 'W 't e a Pilch:!llut cagtath - !came.: ~.,_:TholftoOlukttdtbitktoketildtO 'go outs_ an CaPlainnarertmannreds hat turned to , the gentled and said "shoot the one legged Yinatett i'bertet,' s %'ilkif iktikTfi c ia'AVll:4o v-P O l ll 9O/s(' tte wke.i.MadArsill9 Off,ondtoole, to g few.tnimitese Villthl. l 4-teatle'livfetreevOlable wadi , itudtreclyebsend nam i e 'n' moray' was i taken dbmtrtint;and fdalme dire the ere' *Wh I were et r Pvilad - 'fit ftioir.iletli thalbe s tigrPnsfell; abblitliwklltartft m0n; ,1 t4 0 ,,1r*tt" . 4 1 t140 24- 1 batnntde if raid bathe sapidt Wagons. • - Jacek B. Dmroi - o Inoyfr of tomiliurf VT .5.12.: iz e.t.) fl .1 "''',:.• - AZ .•,,. ETTFAO, PITTSBURGH. TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1865, neon, and late a prisoner at Andersonville, testi fied that on the 271.1 n of July, ;1301, be saw W Ira In the sentry I ox, afire!' a than came beyond the dead line to get water. Wits ordered that he be shot down. The Sentinel 'tired sad killed hint, the bullet takleg effectln the head. llr. Baker declined to crow-examine the two witnesses last named, having taken offense at the Court. lie said: I desired that my relations sliculd be amicable with the court; but after what Ass taken t 1 cc, I think I can beef no further assistance to the prisoner byreetalaing any longer. bad hoped • tint the M 1163 of Les, Oniony in my poasesslou would barn-- . • The Court Interrupting—Lb you decline? What Is your purpose Mr. Baker—l mast elate that we bine the prisoner to himself, The Court—We don't dealt° to have you. Judge Advocate Cbaprean.-I.should like to ktow whether the ,counsel have abandoned the cocci The Court—We' don't naderatand that Mr. &bade hes shandoned the aim. 6chade-1 bang itity hertra,s tong as pmalb - le..' •. • • - - 4 • Mlle Ccnirt—Mo•youabandcnt the Leen t ' Mr. Sebade-4 folliiartheiteateple of my col: 'Winne, bending .lhat we etinot_de • anything Libre for.oixiclieiat7... ,.. , . - The•: Courts-Than yon, wlil •iain 'tins. 'Mate Ti ' understood distinctly that the counsel have a doned , thVease ' ' • i'llalter—We do not. but Leave him In the iba de of the Court and the Judge,' Advocate. i The Court—Not another word from you. .You are now a meinapeetalor. Judge Advocate Chapman—l will try to adoit myself to thkinterest eggs prisoner. The Wirt sald we will now adjourn if the .Judge Advocate desires, to unable him to take inch steps to be may think proper. The Judge Advocalohuaanied, and at a few 'minutes to three therCottrtadpittrned until to. .morrow. . • , TRIGHITIIL RAIIRUAD -GULIJSION. d Wounde 'alsetters e )314iVal FAH ,'. :liti r agNGEß , . ••1 Raw 'fonir.,.Auroat 23,,—The &Hewing ettor. Venture of the cabala on the Long 'blind Vlil road to-day are - latnisked by the passenrers: At 5:45 a. m-, the Greenport te ats which . Should not leave the J11:11IIICJI station, woe the Baler , ' Point train ! had arrived, woe started from .rseitaies ten minutes .before the time, and Sint the other &ate at full speed about a mile West or that elletre. - --Therarnal of the epproaeh fig train tlom Iftuttees Phint - Was beard by sae eiral of the passengers. on the other train, and One gentleman Who was standing on the plat. &nun of the nankin car looked out saw the d v . er. end "Seeped off without suistairdng any injury. TheLThe Hooters Point train was under op the , nottorghenhtlese Telt Itatior ffis light `or,tiy, but the tithes &inductee; Whose lame we understand la hands, had begun some. what to slack= the aueod of his train; as he wan well IMO Of the taste:WV. ot. hie president era was sufficient time indeed for all the en, lacers, firemen and conductor-I+4=p air; sy dld ',Moat reetvleg sertotis IWm.y.:7 ragweed boandAralst wak.eomptteety ran down aid zretehetl„ , yrinnt by the euperiee wenettierelebentafetr. The shenewaseo frightful to thoee.who escaped Injury, hhan ,htttue tainted with Cr..nrr as. the-Appalllng sight; . ..Alen were banging suspended beneath the wreck by the laerretalftkadoul of their legs, both or which had been 'tornaway In the collision. Others ware suspended-by the throat KIM, the plat. ferret. the fronts of this two or three cars were " - inched most tif 'their passengers' Were either Wader ssomuled. - - - °Le lieetS*attikrati,lllnatiStslehes attending ap p a lli n g . murder, is the fact that while the emokingcbr of dalfidearltlerowded with passengers not one was. seriously Mimed, thouglart 121 e. next- car two 'man ware killed, aid in the other cars behind, more or less In jury was none. lYnnty our teoratsats lea, one than hris ettglitnughtg by his crashed legs be. tssl co tem ears. end the employees of the rood, ehlomall imortutted by She Paestogeof to We memos fot , hir renet, set to work repairing • the eaglets. -Went= was still eillythead the pa...stamen waprivented from prying OM ears apart brameof the exatineal; who pretended that lf one car arallfted from the other, the last 'Kidd tall upon Its side, eat Ole reason was el.- aa for their own Inattention to this paordying man. The Fmgiceers and firemen grouped together ebca ulter the accident, and as one of onrhuittr cleats macre, teem chemlely oungratniating each other on their own cocain and Vera in deaning if,littic laughter toge ther over some of the loglenti: One- of them observed. in an conchalant.totos !Mow -I eup pon e wo biota have obeli of a time made 4111 ft • this tut. mimed- While the dead and dying - were strewn on the gfeetalfra', se' around they& Than tiorle3 ennite46Milbeat the ream:mem but let native for.the lake of human nature-that there's - an mammoth= to them. ipMEN7B OF NM REBELS. '— Relict for Jeff. ratls' Facitiy. DIE REPORTI r i C iIIkISTEAT FROM MAXIMILIAN arrival of Jflrk.' Crorke,r. Nnnr Yoza, C. Dreamt; ridge. late Seotetafy of Tar of the Coafeferary,. Is fxpeettd to inlet - In `Canidt . 4l4.lsa. fa* data. Mr. Maton, Conualsaloner of the Con fillefecyslo toncton., .ao!l. ; Ei Senator of the Coltelf"Shifik wit Set;Ottipany Oho. Clotteral Sr( chthrldpetnephest,animp tr* cow, York. Tie 7tritnnsilDttb6crl itla elrenitaan- In Richmon - d fcr tie relief of Mee. Y. Davin sad Mance,. - 8e fir; ttie s otL tied that. vit6 wary, hared rerirenscr, and Ltai taptrabally lei that enough :alll.oa ratsed taaoppli diem with all they {reed.. Tho World's Washington spacial Tbs 0111:11tIVIS OMCPIIIIIII4 man immortal= astrayr does not exceed 41i,bitni, though pubitened esti. (pates put lest a couch higher flora. The ger:national repormattotit'a intnister from pre,..,,.t or ad. whit a /atter of rondclence on tU,,¢eath of Preettlant antibelns N 41141 ant. coveys at touch inform-ribs to timl Sista Department Al to the tpublic. Nattier is knots ham of any Inch pleter, any sap pita, or any such later , Tbo //crakes ‘esial rays:, )In6 Grit. Condit sr wasted the railroad connections at Chicago end Pittsbureb, and failed to arrive in this city ara'l this sisititsg• ,tiho is nearly distra?ted in Conseil:v=6 birrearement, bat bits been *badly attandtri by Jim. Secretary, Harlan and Other ladles. Tim procaletorsof Willard% lintel hare acted magnanimously. Gen. Vrookar's' bods;srark inibalfaid at e their expense boforo Mr. Crocker aril yso bera..and blUs for at. tendanee during ad MOM bed bean presented bererand retalpted 3rx The atrleltan wire will probably stazion,her return trip to lowa by to-tnorrow evening's - train. Free tranattortatlon and a small rallitaryesebrt.s , lll be throbbed by the Designator:on in War from thaliettd gasrws otito Anal 0144 Unioa,sesies. WAVHIEWTOL' tteltri:-.t: Cif OW Atlifitt 111,41.. _ . ....... I.Rti§ l -40tliFt7 DESERTING , BBL ,A.40:1.1..t' l'r Era.w. t iluply Pleading for by [(tuba ud. • ./..'l= 1•1...‘1 rim' f.c0.43,9g,* , Xt. PTP#Ps• , A vrAiliaoio N ,- , 0 . The , `ii pgaed by ttc who L on& io; Ivo% for the :withdrawal,/ thoxignee or, Hobert' E. Lee sh 4 leveret Odheraffoin"the l eharge Of &inspiring o vwtgiNAlr,t,tult 11110kersonslinv isettkotoi, nstractiielytit''Ae onatedi of Ali thilitiL tatuAl itittakrial:/''''Co' 4 it me mew hmhNtitoalate that .1114;Eakeneer .baredd as muter forTaptaki,Anrs, Mahe Awaddi itot keg ebioyatuddablaerelattons with thopon ItitalesPe laAon,forated,oceitioniarnirtirUdit :pawed beast en ilato.t , sTixasy be; together lilt''' Pdi 15041 . 1 fa gYeAkdoi artanirew.,l-:,; .v e_. - TM , Atthheend, addt.,within a week that arha's 'n Wielblat- deleted (him. Win was r'ee lanthrharektfilds. and Imploringly fling* r. Edith 'Tan Wed stay t, belpmots %PEP bonld not ashad even If the Wort does $0036., th e eritY,l7e,evi . c ln . b 126 9 1 Advocate tho th `Ctrywra tole° the; ha haareartille -, , I a.- I •mre...a: N. SA:Ouster Itd:sprotracted Later.. -, :ldeW with 'President Aohntotr tadayeirith" roterLir i dee tOthe releittic: or: Ake entsband:; latOne* ' alotinfat idea nude between ax:Golepeor lii:* i_anftEttikeni in , behalf? of tireaptedt.i sidt7lsFgAt,c9i AO silo 01914 torpttdoil; :- : LATE NORTH CAROLINA ADVICES The A esaults on Freedmen. Ensuromr, Augult 2'3.--a:warner Holden, of North Carolina, hoeing requested General Regd., commanding at Saleinh. to "remand throe elP hens, Arrested by the latter for assanhing a Untie:tan, to the county in which the offence was committed, to be tried by a civil tribunal, and rains his attention to the fact that civil la.! hus been organized in that county: himineirargtoeagatiPryEenirtthiet:aVtest Yeaeiw; among others, that Uls th e day of the trallterY to Petnerce order, that thotith the mug. istratealme_heenappointal, they do. not take clitdal.rottoe of the unlawful violence towards , freedmen. Thatsuch acts have': hi no Memo becdniii less' frequent lb some seetioas of the , State. ~.., • , ITe also sops, of late several cases ot tiondelde pf freedmen by the whites, have been brought to hie kniseledge, bat In' 19) caseby the menistrates or civil r Metre, and no attempt had been made Pr inPerdigetton. nom observation and in ,formation, the outrage& are beconaleg,more fre quent. 'He, therefore, tblnkn "that a pmsopt trial and punishment by a military comalUton, a the , only s , A deonate n re a rreinre kin the ds o etil i % • ' rwvt. ! ..4 „ , r u gel and - 'rePorta 'pre in clth ldi olstlooronsh>, tlt &nth 'which, fir want of mall fiellities, ereittroany.canes resulting to the aerlentsdhind• vantage of the people and the welfare of the rnett, generally. the most, Important of Which that a p a temment tam !:11' Exemption c o eds It etedon every „pound of_ cotton raised. irhlei li baiar quite: generally .heileved by the planters, who / h-eppears,erre In many Instances blott tk r ilat L: ads yeses crop of cotton and replantin Ste mood With "Inst..' The 'Syrup Malaga:et 94 front sorghlittl his Sedoedlog these:reports / to timid. fi ft y. cents p which Si helloed , y.• lemma 0334 In ettto it ray of -.Raleigh, beef i Kt's- the Proprt'sther eine. - Ishcingfeer tad none_ ! Another report, which' meet" with more ere aettestban sit the , oth.ra, in islliertheberrce fire pot to be fined° MO by the: Wii(lbuts the Prqclaniatlon freeing the OsTeS was ends , Inten-, ded..litikddlUarineectlSP,.:And Powthst vests thinned. It has nooalldlty aneffeet;and that - to will Ito thetietslou Of "the Supremo Chart.' erne s many pinatas ,srs holate4',On to their iilaren'telth the eamo teffielty - es bcfdro the War- lianyof the leaders In- the South aro coundeot 1 that as loon as Connie eneitifwerwith Visnob. I , inevitable, whlCh.they claim will result In the - 1 Mcogoltion of the-Confederacy, Coneldeting the unsettled condition of 'the Southern people, 1 end their enelosloti- from ths , clrdtsad world through the Inoperative condition of the Post. dflorDepartment, it Is not strange tho such a durtn'orthlbgertnintr. 'The wrrtr of coustrOslon it bl 011141.44.11.threLdthtyed. a .ythuor_two for, Vant-ofliltnil, facillilet to educate I.hupeoplet,ss, I Warn ait'attertipr bi-thfs thtictien taut neces-' s allure,. Inasmuch as It cannot lid e:- Peeted therm. p.m.-3031-U i6cdnolUpd to' •bat,int resultant theto..o97ldeillun_hud no epportm3l4 for. sallghtenment on TUal Pointe ' on wild! Noribetut States Ira ce lled, CAT_ YT-FROM Vempliebellion. SpreadinO. hum REBEL PEISOUIS. I - Imes gyrou4e,nt bals. Nc TOm, Aug. 28.—The latest ad vices Dun &Ina dut to June 22d. A- new rebellion Is spreading rapidly, and the rebels biore eavinced, within One 'hull /kid Willwii*ote r Piths: wriere they, occupy, strong Alton. TQpintherillea of r.tpi 441T0 eppilee.Tor haitlaft s Ministry officers to or pmt to their rad. Colonel B argyle) Is In l'Os custody of the 'itandsrines, who refese to give hiss an tO tturdmturtml of the American C‘msol. I New Tons, August 2S.—Tbe Wertita . Wish, ligton special Gaya: The order reiatitfa to pow *rot far DilitiOrnberfolioners is theliTgrat Tat it general emigration of p,7otalcient rebels led by Geo. LW% Arho will' go to Landon and* theta IThlsh his history of his military 041,33Pa4Pa ktong other* proposing to go are fleas. Long street. Beauregard,l3. ft. A.II, %nailer, Dnckner and Gardner, and It it *plia ble they will be accompanied by hoed*dy of others of lesser rank. ONE DM .2 1 - ,iTER "EIIIIOPE. 4rrivalof tho NorthAmorimn Paul-nth Porirr, Anglin as—Tto North American, from Liverpool on ilia via Lon detderry on Zito 424 arrive' ; one day Latex than the City of Washtegtoietliaw :nut. The cable Prospects are generally regarded as hbpefol.- This quota:ma of share" haws Im proved three.Amrths per cent. ' , lt 1111tsughn that arrangements will bo made tor the haute ante renewal t t the egoista recover the cable. lireepori. August 18.—Cotten CIA drellne of ,46fld pet lima 1111- American. lireadatallfa doll -with a downward tendency. The irtitther hita homed, itixt: la more favors• hie for Stia end Money Hatteni. Nsw Trudy. Await 2&—Ttie stack market opus dull.. The 'retritog fa tannoildt, is lima Mutant and a conalleraeln ediotutt,,gf shuns were out curtttds,morninitert both reudar and sheroMondm Theatarket we, brisk drying the entire day. Government,' steady. The City of Wuttinton brought ant a Cumber of ordara on geirang account, and purtheae, of export , edettOlns4o.ooof7s;ooo, Gala hu beta. active daring the day s chietty on Importers -so. (bunt. The demand for customers Is hoary, tud there,l4 noneculuivefeellng in tee market at preicia. stall bonds ere viet and firm. Miscellaneous shares are etrong with an active demud. The money market remains Tart eimyi Gail loans are 465 per cent, with only a limited demand. The Express sayll Fail trade hi , foreign pro. dou r °pont !flak pun eranio pet Ivltysta d gmbs ace bed very thafly. - -There le every prospect of halo bulutes beingtrenasetedAhrngtunit the arson, u the Interior to said to be very bare of goods. The fall trade In thedepartmeat of the dry, goods, opened with great actbrity ha,- all *zilches and toTar'hu beets vary heavy, In fact thee lar It is *quad gliptecedent In the history or trade. rtideterbd to betegactivi from all sections 4f the country, and abutherh merchants are tab. a mull larger amoutriast ;zeds thstl was genitally aptctsd. Duutunia tAbriCA one Lo znaMulDPl7. and plCulahrutrong and higher. Manufacturers are working their uttlls to theta stomas rapacity, and yet they cannot supply goods as ntsi as, tttsj tor 'sewed. There to a large Gerund for foreign goods of eliltlnds, and notwithstanding the _heavy. Importations, there are I.c.lteasonsble fabrics enough to go around. Priem are fair; tied thus far, all Importations have paid handsome profits. Within the past two weeks, Nile:York ; has distAtugud an enor mous amount Of goods. Thes.les at one house reached 145,000 In one day. 'Tuts cams arm will probably do - 30000,00d fir Rh, year. Bate Hall ToutiniiitllC WA 4 ZUNOTON.IMOU'i 99e—Thil inno Inilimn. Dement was inaugurated here to-day by a wand Match between the Athiethis of Pmwelphla and the Nationals and the Champions of this city. At Itasettntbonsinct - , "Unmet thecae.. rating rMfartittcen In 'n , large number Of ladlea''4l4' dlitingubitutd - • The . /Medea were ileidnepa.thisoOrp,VACelgtk., fleyen to twelves,. They batted 'splendidly, ma k; tog seei:Sfy-nitiettohib lrumLabmayirseedenteit quentek.'"ThetfationnlaultertilirdatignitaarnelY entertained their riattlnglriomtls with a compll; bent= supper. 8 Wang' Ind touta were tornmens) sg4tWiFrlynaly4lemonstrationa mt. re: 'TOftMloor` theittlantleo - tef Neal otkonprer Oil epplontor • Inn ,110104 • tatescw4 alkple -National. The Athiettos. rtumhei the-Put mes of lalthnoro on-Tuesday; re nmlng borne the 811194 aild,,lnit. , . nem Vann y Mends hero by their gentlemanly condnet, Inle Master at Reynold's station—Ton i ty negro foKlors-KillsolmoTna Attasn as ketrei - Gen.lTheelek: " ' r i ssri.4Pit4a , r 7 l - T4rteerdl44 l ekciTe of them whike, have been recovered from tlie wreck ear Reynoid's Station. One ear, underneath the other, and In the bed of the ettdrukt,:lellat }et react ed. It le Gala to have contained OM twenty negro soldiers, who, ofYiltufelbso have all perished. , , ~.. ~ ~_ Den. Thomas has ieverety fe — pithinded Col. filackburn, and ,gooadottodegt Quinn for their cowardly ittliklebby, "Eke the attack on Gen. ' , necks, and igetursed Ahern a court martial, railtheY tuiebeefi• tanstetmd oat awake. vigreediattee Bureau to fialelga.N . . ,C..., I.li4ilside, if. ci.:l:diriel 23:-Colo nel Whit siesesrstiidlutit Zi fi l ticlu g' o L. ll° -.='; rßureau f l ei s , Ilia Mute Ist to Woe a circular to thlabuse the hualmeo of frlitl.lbg t h ey 'ore- 14 . ) , ba IreSeatea.;(4ol. shoe by koVeraciona and urging ake comrade kr 18004- la:la.Pa PPM* , of hlth Altej'itill ha etiabiefrtat rumen 'nazi. Dfurfer,ta ‘ Coneorll,...,6lamaq metta,, 1 BMOC. Atigusifte . 4ataisreera; Mara., last meek, *Pamela:4a untied Michael ate/laootts !was rasa 'deal MI the reelfoldldif of abaft' and a team Voitinditiough the head.; an veldve-bncle of Mehlaataa ,'hais bead a on li-, nifloP-ctYg Pl t .t t , r a t t 4 t h ° 4 , 1 %. 4 1-, : Powder River Indtaiiir4pedition Foal Lehr cra,Angast, advces from Geo. Conners of the Powder RivOr ladtan Se pt-WWI:I), are to wogrust:2lst. • Oa. the 16th a . detachment of Ms Pavane scouts dia.:ow:cod pursued and killed ell of a War Oily of Chey rem numbering twentrfortrc• who wee return• lug from the melt road with scalps and plander. No lose on our side. We captured twenty-nine horses ands quo thy of white women's and children , * clothing, and two Infantry mate issued at Laraiitie last epring. to the Indiana who subsermently Copt...Fouls and four soictiera of the amnia; lowa cavalry. Also a number of letters and name adfdrrssed to member of the seVerfth Michigan regiment, now on duty on the Mall road a htch ehows that they were dtreet from the mall line. Un•th9 Wilt the scouts kiled one of the prin cipal chiefs of the Cheyennes. On the 31st Captain Marshal of thelith Ohio cavalry,: ran Into a band, and killed two and captured twenty horses and mules, together with several packs of plunder, which had evhiernly warn into their poseesaion recently. Holostononraida. The Indians are alkaluving north, with great rapidity, for their homes. Connor left Powder riser on the '22d, =WW2' north, and has concen— trated hie columns. His men -are ready and eager Co meet theta.. ,Fetetuga pe verger New Tong, August ZS.—Fdward B. Ketcham, the forge:, was arraigned this- morale before Justice Hagan In_tho dtigistrates -mints room Sn theloombs, where nano were. adatittetACC cepi Masa specially latertated• ha . the case, Amebic those present, ere're_ Keane,' One barn, John Sedgwlek., District ,Attornee Aall end Mont a half • dawn Wall street =a. The gritsaAar naiad far an atuounimenc_ rat e few data, ea thagentlemen for comma} had Dot appeared. lir. /fall agreed to An adJOUrntnent IX Mandy next, andw-ored that . 1 10 :Prisoner tie committed to tho tombs 411 th at. The ,e - jottouttent was granted and the: prisoner was Coswidtted to the Wombs. ': . • .% • From Viiitress Monroe Vonvarna Memnon, Anzost V3.—.The train ran off.the track near Petersburg, resterdaY, and taro mm werakilled. - • , The United States Steamer Memphis -arrived here to-day from New-Vat. rid AildillAbf *Water rho baa conveyed the United dudes Steamer Eihrentati. ' The selfooner North Pacific with a load of coslt which anal on the Stb hart:, on Small's Point, haaheen ralsed by .ceptato,Leorte, o f, New "folk, and was towed. to Norfolk. to-day, where she will discharge' her coal. Railroad Collision—Four or Five Persons Killed and a Number Injured. Yogis, August 119.—A coilltlon occurred on the Long Island riltroad this morning about ten o'clock. near - 'The two engines, General Grant" and "General Sherman," at tached to their ruliectin trains, were 1MM52151 The togjuiera unlwAls trains escape unlajared. Pony or dve tersOde wereklned and quite a fiord ber Injured. The water toy was badly crashed. Cloolng of tl/e Voftukleer Befrealunant loon rmtinnum Angiist 28 . —The Volunteer Refresh u, ment Saloon 'dosed ist noon talsy,. atter tuning. during lour years awl Wee WWI Ordertained all tato wadies. Pawl log throngh the city, numbering 1,200,000 pu erns, without expense to the soldiers or the Government. The Union 43elmon will, however:, still be used to entertain returning veterans n 3 long as ince are funds in the Treasury. Arrived frner'Pennme. BEN TeMseried, Anent 25.--The isteanihr Golden City Mut antved from Panama: • The newel from 11,moirdo to to enettth of July. Two cargoes of Coolie= bad arrived for Van laden labor. A private letter fay' that the Japanese Gov. ernmvet had exaceded half an acre of land on the canal, at tide water, for a coal depot for the falectsd Califoints and guns SteultShip .Com, 1507. The Ketchum Defalcation. Naw Kg Ma t August M.—The:rammer° furth er develtlanenta yesterdav la the Xeicithre de falcation ease. E. B. Kati:mull slUi aialleed la the all of the deteetlvra nxrta - it the pollee headquarter', whore he received cra fireaday, sev cud oz his fricadv. Ha la ettU in excellent spirits. and ceeverree with great freedom on all sableete‘ s whether relative to the team:thin which he Ls ha pilcattd. • Another Brutal Murder Bustrsoren, rt.. August' 2S.—Urs. E. Grls wold, a wealthy t 1 lady, who resides In the ;astern part of blidstone, Versent% about ger m:ay miles west of this city, was found In her barn brutally nturirroi. Her busband,was ab sent from home at the - time. 'Me perpetratorof the deed ts as yet unknown. A Lintsamormt of money was In her Wise, which Is =Wang. Arrlal of Steamers—Jeff, Dart , Health 'Nan Yci,x, August 28.—The tug noses Wood arrived at Norfolk, with the freight of the frelaht.of the 0 , orgo Leary. Ma steamer Baltic arrival here today front City Witt, with two barges ladan with ears and letectootives for Annapolis. Jeff, Davis is weal. New Yonnotngat 2&.--4aold cantinas firm( the demand for (customs beteg large. The v6l largo decrease of specie In the tomb es , indiest that the supply for.customs dales during the • week has come child"- from that soncce, ..Thu quotations opened a; 143 g, told rttn cm to 4434. Riot In Hew :net.; .Nwer Yomm August 2.9.—A oceorred , al East New York yesterday. Many persons were sissalled by rowdies amtemeo badly beaten. Bev. ere! street ears were demolished and the houses lq th e tidally damaged. The rioters . tmetletted t 4 mime themselves tanUl the pollee Interfered. Another Ridlroad Accident Tariarroine N. Y. Angnat 28.—The after noon Arabi 111:to Alblay broke an arta at Haat Narentraw. whereby AM oral rears were thrown from the track. One man who wateritablog a ride had one ~late lege arid one arm broken. 1 0 one else IT hurt. Meeting In Bend( af the Freedman. W/4114 , m0= 28:—.11aJor fieneral an Ned slug* C01:14013113 , 1 of citizens At. Bryan Hall Int hied, In behalf of Ai Freedmen's Ald Commission. He leaves to-morrow fbr Wash.' Ington. NCwlpaper 014d..1 on Piro. .. New Tose', Anrraii kf:G-.S. lire broke' at In the 'Buenterj Cowries to-diy, doing damage to the assetuttof roo...Tbn paper-warehouse of J. Yen Winkle, la the Nunn. bnllebesens darciegtil by water considerably. , • Advent ot the Cholera. Fnasiceico, August 24.—The Bluntest papers advise tho cleating of the cities In as tielpation of the advent of the Russian plagtio. BY LnavultlGLlTsB A nirvana Troia Cairo, August vrt on: The Vicksberg Hera of the 17th says the steamer Erato,: while lying et Latham 's Land Ing: on Buodower, river, was boardedlra party of guerillirs, claiming to be the same that rob bed the Dove a RW sloes, and the officers and craw were relieved ofone watch, a small =cant of money, 'tobacco,' pander, caps, l iibm 'After having Muth's& prepared for them, they: cons. paled thiscrew to‘put ilem , lostosa the HIM,: saying aerie/el going AlaPailtA'S rata% which it is pi:awned WAS for effect-? They drew_ op In a line-on the-opposite-shore-and give three cheers foe the haszoi.,They , cbqueisted, In the mast pt avUldestlois of, the oltreiklace facts Kluith only bo eorteented, Arid that_ a piper catabilug die iglu m lift' ato7ifelt's'ifcrry on the nbittlip. that war &WI Lotsbiti , key on the boat, they got on ugeuep prireo Per !pre leaving. • • GA:II2, quvirk.lititerto,— kffiltr tOrtr,lcoi E gtogib Heuetiftobbite,losatbdita bet throw utak gelee: Oa kid liusso -afromochk , tibituiliittkiteiocle, Mid *DV tioniziem war qrth:El;ca se ed ,n : :6r'"Tw : A ; t4e l'l:I 7 ; t : - 'll'4wths* cset7drj :: ur'4 ! 4ra : 4etca 7Z :t: : " : rhe :l;Ec agur : 4drBOTh :fiMi: ad y iaszrtd itint:'a r tGa.teu • Bineock county held is-Unlotf , uonvetithiti Bawdily, and wend a resolution agalitatungto ariage., , , , As task the itilitolleutittly ammo timsottitnAtitet this may batakele saw Index. or the poitlan•pr Aerial Ia RatisCate: upon that r, A Sam namedßlais taufitued:h4t;itittu-7., day. µCOO, Teunefte"; adaStotteo .who sod a man diultstgeTlOWN;hok &tool Pueurnoare being - tried it Memphis, Os latter on the shams; of , I "titttig iliktehlelpeaust I.2ey tinier as afteti -3 OW the dimity, c' , '9r z Mn. Witszeu &ewes. of the krarof , lostok & CM; MEAN! leoal ButablhiVlLUee , died see, AutlePly::l3lltOrdo,T ,rtionan Pox/. • „ • : : ~L, T icopematrzr,qto welkknOint caul° dealer 0 Meth Lutoele, , ehoes name:, be hen . In. Umately : Illoolded. with: Atte. State Ihr ovee, thikti 14111, pate died azAciehli htsfrothleaco, hear JaempAle. oo eft* itnaig :AN ontraofflemati. who had comtptltedsoiMil4, Wei fonrd 414 In • the woode'neae Cleialardi ou Stiadai mierotak. bad.tlito:Lthe mai* of the ton—allahoV gunz.Ateltust his right eam.. the emirs contents pastor directly throe& hts bOtre tenttihrwound, aailluatteabtol- • ly eel:dogtrot:At &Ott. ~ • : CITY BD SUBURBAN. The Lloyd's HILL Tragedy. The mystery overhanging the terrible tragedy on noyd'a hill en Wednesday night, - seems to WWI all'attempt, to penetrate it. There was nnthing remarkable about the clothing or the pawner appearance of the murdered man which could afford any positive clue to his Identifica tion. Even all 4;cm:dation upon the subject ace= to be at fault. It cannot 'be definite ly dettrminat • even whether the deceased was a citizen or a stnurger, nor whether hie• murderer's (It . Is presumed there was mom than one belonged to ,this city. WWI; it may rho argued that ,no one ilting here, or aomatitted withtlialoaallty, would tune chorea that Bret, drireetij , upon a beaten path traatiedlry-msana at 'any oitahours of the night, RS the piece for potettOttpg - a murder, It seems conallY tncredtble'tltatlt the Murderers were strangerithey word liatttheirvfetini tow locality which, In other restate, wite-the most suitable for committing such :a -crime. Without , fear otereatimpalarm. Ther murder yraircom s m id l es ited by an terl a ck w krins e. , P lut lai d n itt ' a urnm rosd aldedooglhon. three overlooking the river partially shut from view by' 'a large mound of earth. The path where the Brat NOW- War4trita., 111 not traveled Ikerlturot4 later than tehlelght. Fiftecis minutes was prate bly ell the time that was necessary to complete' their benharleotk. li,otwitt - Litandlog the corpse was exposed to 'slew two day.`'daring which time it was seem by tranefreda of persons,no positive Identification was matlo.l,Rbetolliraitas of See doomed have beet,een eshlbited, and i no, knowledge...has beet, °bathed to whd ebb mdrdered man Was. The mterenee,, is' amendable that ho vtaa a atoms -the dry. A Men' named 'William Kelley, a •'reel ceteraCenteno; °hie, who &hired this city en Tueeday evening, the 83d itatew that after taking, &uproar. at Wellsville and going to bit'seat to threats; be timed It Ocecipled b," a mar, who was a stranger to him, whose name . Ite b;ts taupe ascertained to he *ergo Gelger, from Wheeling, West Virginia, itutd, as ha wally NUEVO 'COW; la the man , who wan ninutered on Wedneeday tight, the =4l Sett. On le-Soling Wellsville, Keller std albhgaide of Geiger and got Into eonvencellow With him. Geiger stated that novas Shone baying ititiLifort , them a gere gleams in Selleklyt that , lee- knew the hafts Vell'and the Prienwse Issoo. xeuer.anenranie spiw liziger-pettus man montyi land. Getger said be had purchased the horse and paid; for Gegrrlceinted out,to`Kellely twb men In the rare who beeald -Ware folloidng brim. Ha' boa since asceitainid that these two men called themselves Anderson;and - represented that they wne brthe - r. and' had be. Waged to the Seventh Virginia regiment. Whew the train arrived at Pthaburgh; 'Kelly and Geiger stopped at the lialonal thud.; With. 111 lets Wan tee WISItaCIS afttrnattENl.o two An came ie. • The pen of the National I:kttd - gives a; description of the man Geiger, which exactly corresponds 'with that of the moldered man. I:telltales - that GelgeXenve him die poclet-book to keep antli 'Medal', absenting that be was •tr.tearty broke." these being tett aliteen dolLers , in tt. Lie did cozen= triad cacident, there. fore, say how =ell money it contained. Thera thigh bare teen a large sum to It for all be knew. On Wednesday ,morning Geiger called for pdiket-Isnek.,:neld his hill, and said that du ring the day be was going down to 5171414'10 leek at a stallion be bad peuthaand. Geiger stated that tit& qI..¢(teWITPS bad . done something ter {pest: _ ,Virginia and bad en - rim therm"-;Observing one of the Avian= w. room, ow inesday inGruivrcill the annex Part of the hcumo, under scepielotd *entrusts:rm, thelandierd rambled ' him down stalrs,lind gave both of them per- EmPtair Odietstaleavn the !those. They. how ever, still loitered about, and at three o'clock. on WeduetianyaftertenOtt he observed Geiger end them together. Ahead eleven o'clock' on Wed nesday eight the handed boils of the two An dereors, who wore a biae rcthadaboat, came to the hotel and amyl until Tbnreday morning. He had no bed, btu fay =sand. Since that time he has not seen eltherof them. This ptatemeut seems plausible as going to Identify the merderetinzum. The, azahoritiesate taking steps for the ipaiistof the two Lade:- eons, and perhaps setae lighi may yet bo thrown on the matter. A meeting of the coroner's jury wit held last evening, but there being new evidence to be brought ,beforo °droner Clairton adjourned the jury U➢ ono week hence. The City Comte!le t at their meeting last night 'Anted a ratoltulottofferlng a reward of $lOO% for the arrest of the auxrderera, This seems to to the proper way to begin. Money Is potent, and It xney either impel some ,Party who kIIOW3 the mnrderers to make as loran:nation to itecnro' tbarovded prim or almniate, oar polls to still greater exertions. This Allegheny Poisoning - Case. Mrs. Grinder was brought to the Mayorla of-1 ace yeterday, that bang the day fired for her 'healing. Thirteen witnetseet—principally ladies to whom ahe had isinlal-4eXed pc:anon at caritas time-were prevent. So formal hear ing was had. °Whittle the sbaeXca of the other important wantrassi. and lab Muer committed her for a hotter bowleg. on Wednesday of next wick, Mn.. Grinder appears to be suffering . wader some - niter*ntel sd# uaguish, Pdile herielf with re markeble 'esinuseius in the faci . ,cf the,ammutaging might of alidence against her. Her; hatband and , adopted.child were gestat - and the iaterviess between them seemed , to be characterised by mach tenderness of feel- We. Many additional etatementa hire been made to Mayor Zewey by respectable, parties wlneb.4l tam, allow WA :Noun to be q.vieloaa ;ULM: tfillegidliust to : moat erect' cas46 ;dun the, .atcriettii employeA as - a comutthig noroiltb hut ecrttrail- to create Jealousy and, disturbance between htiOax6l and wife, or; ther &oath= of thelatolly. ltro Grinder luistetshaed as her =well= ,lo thecforthcopolor DUI; hiestro....Thomat..M., Morella: Plek, Joao; and llootoll'A. L.Pier -6011,1,,The5f 6eAtlerrleek werola , ittentbulet t666.y. and upon theirstall mu*. 14116n,t666yetted,liicirdiothat agtha evidence ° tiegra.: 4l g l 4 3 t- bet AO be - procutpd at, the" beating hefore the Mayor, end aluelo afford tliO6 f6i. the tiot soOtiettrlnstamtmOit to' he Mid nII th 6 bodies of Mi. Corotiotra and Mind Base J3aIL. A _match, came ok4eaterday - afternoon, on Westl .l 9imp*2l3. Alle Y heoy,. betiryon PIP Elltna' . 7 pitio:abd iloban A coneOciobla Muth her of siectitori wen Uaa drobsac among whom an : ladles wets 'itipienented, who seemed' to take Much Interest In the gams. The tatei. pile- was the anecessral dab, as will he teen by tbololloidng woof - • tracw.A. A. tr.:. f ErrEntaist. •A. E: - G; .I.llAeltarta f. s 3 Dreekett. 21 b.... 4 2 Breath,. lit 3.6tidistair f ' I 6 MolJUnlock p 3 2 Lo24cy , T hlcolltsteet r a 4'l3tyan ' • t 4 •1fw12., 3lfi r -, 2 3 2 Kramer, t, 4 2 Fllllithattr2t t -21 Euwer ' N.. • 3 Brtat,l L., Anvil:4lA p t . ..... 2 :ca,rpetget, f... 1 — 4 Telford, 4 I 1 .4 j / 2 ' sls Pc -% 2 .11 5.! 4 ." 5 1 6- 1 17 1 4 ,..,q I C I ', T''al• Eraterprize, .41 a I 1,0 0 7 4 ;14 44 a,. .21 umg4.., tr a oL2' .43 a ft. 111 4 ; at'. _. -. r . * ,....- _ •= 1 .,..:i\... ~.. .....7... ~.:-.1.... ......... Pti , inlatd7r• " 2-7 0 ktrarlitut.l4l _ ozob it io r o . : alilkijae- tr • • catacitaididtklegitter tblitiitMde 7 ilglctontlVAW ismcilk" -situ tannek=boiStenn4Thomas Idicei and Me mo rinne " =Mark," Neely Bane. 9cauxiatrap4 - tieall: gotltbe watt& It, dad ranitana his Of pocent4tv lug," murder:!. unit yea Partileg..bY• McGee. 'Jchb Dobatan;alriad or the latter. , dreditiotatei at Bnftw g ,, but,tbd:ball did uot-liit'' the Maas Bunn reettra /WM , arand la the latt ,temple, which ha alleges was Wilma by nano:km - aftliew inst DZACTICI wtra both &meted b7cdteeit Emlth taut Hots. XaSot4PSice , tindYottrOati tktlbebacifr up, Isf Saw; is a biothei IMO Melityre, on whom Buzug, with twa athets.,UtadoWladeeeztt: Wean. a couple at =outs sines, „ilo two ,ea. Cr'; o 3:o bail= inn'rettlrtied ?RCN lia4 catalog area affair: nutettred t 0 teke the 'On tr at BUrzkiht o : l 4a 914.!Ltudat Mipqietafatt. .Orzna.,llOne-rtogeelic4 three act -AAP' Fd3^..91 `.:171e &nowt F.Mattattill 1 : 3 . Mineek al, the. Opera Mega P>l l /11htsteitethea,eritit the. ilearetteoukaa enth,l4 ”,4111 that (Hitters Lanot 900. Ade= 14011 e Attgasts, Ilrrentraas Truu , ulk-. •E;tleOpidepou,p:- peetethle eveningevening th - the fear"'act orratai• s "Lena.,the4Street Fanner." ...The; Sept- tat% ;.,"Dict sole , Ester Smut Xoar Airteil-win eq , elede the eetePthneettt. Rre le P l + new- 01 5 are tn ,rebearaaL "Stitoinc Toitos,'th6 !tinder. fitult‘ at MK* Smila ai h r~r ,~_ ~~*" _ . a _ - .. ESTABLISIM IN '.:1756.. nreetlneottity CenneLle. - Tba PIS gonnells held their !nada neentlddr tneedris Im.l ye:Sane:l - In &Ire: Present, Messrs,. Outlay, Hardman, 'Seminar Morrow, Worn:tine, Phil lip. Qairin, Reed, Tijompson, - Whlto and Presi dent , The mlwates Vrertrus meeting read and ap pi eyed. The certificate of election of 4. & Womble, Esq., as a member or Select Cdnoeltfrom the Ninth ward, to du the rammer aressionel h3r the resienetlee of Mr. J. B. Yotuni4 lap p resented at d approved. -Mr. Nortninn bcing present, the oath of office was administered by the Possl dent. Mr. Plaltiptepreednledfrotn, citkelle and propeity-hOleent tho &Mind Raid s asking , Councils to pass an ortilimeco itathOthdlif the ' construction of .a -sewer Nan. gle Inaction et Diamond stritt - iiith Grant Weer/ to the Mown halals ricer: 'Raid dareterrepp the Strfet - Committee. • Mr. Reithlilln pl'edenttdarenici#9t rnn e tg S lltB the construction of a tower ilitterri; war red by a largo number ofaltistute ot. diet. ~iltbiete wan read and referral to gam ecamittets. Mr. Qulna.presented apetalottqtafri TrleglblS' and inarabers•of the Rynagelfeal , Obtlinlti.,iiigk street, &Oar g pernkbudottla era* as boor, jam along the front br their church, fOrthalnipPloi bt krephog the numerous ',were .trara tbaitazg6. be patUonegra reimma. that on , Sabbaths th e OePt.rdc td-C2l:4 , ded told/ loaferethat thpittent t . Gera of the olutreltarennable taiiget in or Out. The petition.via referrtitd to the /tired gomtaltr 7 tee. Mr. Morrow fte_sisEedii :peiltrai tom Jab; . Solon, king peraSTEMtaito'argtt-as lialMing on the tonere Pezme.treatze ad Boyd.' 'strew ..Eighlh:tetral.i mottled to , Committee et/Wooden /3nlidinzal Tllollll*rtidErThi'a:*:3l3ll3dpil iathoilent the Allegheny. ;Wharf , Conintittee =have the wharf cared to Italian - era at • steamers, and otherginlag the abarkpak r. the - est, to be fMattrartartr,r#arrafe: thrmtlmm artlll¢lB4AT I Mr. Marcaan -airen4 ritsolto,lo4,3Mgillne; that the ohatinaticinatriAlgh and4Wlllotaircets, aresed , by the eonatznation of the Odin/rad tioi . `"- Pekintlatting_thot Pile of briekeoratruellngt that./ pavement la front of tho German. chi:Web, -14 forthyttwreltoted. Referred to the Street ' lied, frontal/a Cow tertd which was ado,oted, wuttairi-- zinitthe Controller to certify a warrt! od tow Clty.T.tearanor la facctrof Ricbpaz, 8110.1nts. , r tag Regulatorfcrs4ss. . Alto; in ordlcaica frovidlittf6r iti L e Opening. of 13bInglisanicat.Pftom14alsOn t4Pediit7lvanta-! ,, grenue. Laid overunder thoytdas.: Alto, an ordinance for thagrapig and paling: of etreatfrean Penn to Smilimmi Sin= Laid. onytradmilto ! ardinancorepealing i ttettspit of : the. • csnitesnenfoi the Onatngsind.pavißgpf Merton , End health -steed' st,ntilii tit intiltes 141htke•- Pernions Otentstsizeels- *Mat ,Ito betstect•lher..l psorostdetubstonnol..Dnquesne , .wAy rand, thes • , Alleghtny ricer. " Head - three note and,olSSti. Atm, ordioaaar for tletiothog Ahd patig of Pennsylentassetrennefropt ••Istonville lave, • westwerdly to the preserit *tent Fns, of the stone oaring-onnald tisane. lisid over snider- • thornless '- • r• - .4 • • , i , The tddlnance,fortbe grading Pad ,saTinfeat: . WOO* 'street Prearßohn ta'S treat to _the city Lee; presented al thellaititteetthg'oVCOeneflaiz- 2 4dn-tahen tiPrretai age° 41felZs StdlPeaSed•—• Mr. Rita oared •Is feltdlBlo 2 ,3 Kiting •F: Gardr:er the privilege of =Wag up^ is gellgfir= alp. over the eatameatti the'Opm? BMW: Re lentil to Street Committee teßh Petra; The procecdins orw.ylifierit appotale“ti, _ amen the hi:nate:mid , ilemegas hoar theccharget , ' Of the grade• cf BM:4mM Fifth algebli 1 ' McMillan Pireamitie rietheatraith from property holders against the peerage of theiWz dloapcs for the grading : ea orrlgg_er,Wehatert strtet hem Robettastrtht 19 the ally lire.. , Re- , ferMi to the Street Comadttet:' ,lief_lienharm.tifferedercsolathutanthcrithis the Street Committee to report wordiastice re— , pealook the ordinance filing the grade of Fifth, High,: and—Ron streets, and Penrusyffanla !avenue extension, and firing a dew grade, for the same. Read .three ! Imp! , eatipaue4, „ .. ; trA , reached la C. C. - in'Common C 074.44 Preteachthears.litlalyi, Beek, hkggs, Bole;_ Deakeit,„l:llthson. •, c Vrtderirk, 'annedentt. Kati ,Depriallt. • .ltlawbhineV. ildeltdld s N PnirlYe. Tomllnsotrandlhesldent Steet;- - • • • - lillontraof last ineettog read' ind anrcer'ed: The Preeldeak..preeetted a c9mmtialcatiol farm the Ettaptsaa _Rapine Comma, relative to . 'changing the location of their teen° hefue. r Referred to the efiatailttee oa Era Eames sad.. Fiore, aad the committee ea . City Property.. Mao; a communication from the Presided:AM the Pittsburgh rallroid, to reference to paving the sidewalk on Washington street, - fronting their rthierty. - -Referred' to the Street. Mr. hi'enctilett. pre..ented a - , Onntrrnication." , from the Soldier* Monument datociation, with the fcilowlsg resolution: • ••,• • Risibvd, That the Mayor, ,aldeintertvottloiti- • sena 'of Plitahnigli t in Select and (footmen Conn- ;;;•:: ellsitiremblfd.lidiread htcf don*, to - Mazda j• daez•CeLitton ttte north-east - ethic: of the lo'wer Wain lot la the thy of Pittsburgh. as kelt& 'tor, ' weld monument. and that a commutes two front the Stiett-trod•vbrpe roma 'Domoioti ' Connell—be aprointed to confer Oh the Com- • ' ntittee'co Detign end Location,' With power- - to-T act. ; The commune:4U= Ira siointed r -itrefed: caption rted - Mime times and: Pasted. ••• Merin, M'Candleia, Davie and 14nra appointed ,on bald - committee. C. coven*, 4 aiidappoint on the Committee: ittetsra. rtdillpf :and' Broom; :and amend 'by "adding the Presidentit - ": or ' 'Conned& to the Committee:D. C.:';;'conchriii -the atnendment. , ::.1 Mr. Bolvoly rrreentod venires - lettie stractioa of a rawer ca bLketl# :; Referred." • 44 the; Street ComieWee; . • Idt. - Bfavaloraj presetted tforomunleitfori -from.Danct leldZolglet re.foletact, tort lertee-of ,proporty at gee Lower Bala. /Woeroel,to tho. Committee oritllty Property. - • Mr. 14uradeutt offeredAbofrdlo'Alore- - Wanartaa.4.4oost brataland i eraltiag„,rou ) der hae`beenparaollf PerPeAratidfla oar ml/if, and iiiici!ihroadid 'lra mystery q!'36 baffle , ttiti - r ben eflottate tkkAia.vor +watt bla'rpolira; latent lore. Rekieie. Tint tie fasiOr'idi' tad Ea isieeri: • by ardtuirfted to veer a 'turd armee rthoosafict. ,dollar for traleapprektre4rge 3 sad.; coalictfoß of: t.# tbo urde r Ward; ow 234 kat. t oza, zisoti satiplosed. -` 51z • 114-arl 4uatteau t Jianeeeppa .. b s Ja%oihra:canes (there gas s martial TeLcztifene . e;,ilierl Councils , edJotiraed. 2 ' • ; 0 g.iitWait. .° Yesterday morang; about -Ide,tatathlin, aged 'Shoat - eight :drily& 41mghter oI itakey,. tet'! 1 : 1 chanters . _ Thernablporatranifnyet 'wagen on theNchk.stown planks:end, about cmo, t mile from - Tempetateetille; azta,:wal • _ I plea. She and another girl were plies ntc... ,3 the, road,:whent.ll wagon cotoingWong , tha root the attempted .to cross 'ln fret 9t the,beiles• Jest as the bad wit tmt tfitrwity, a wagon srp. • Preached from - an' OPpositedirarahni, When she' = r was knocked Jlontit,"br, - one: of Via harm; and: Abe, front wheats:Of the warou passed over her '` heagenghing earwig .Clateson. held:; an, . , ImlttOt.t - Orr the. body. and a•vallieg a d4 o 4 .l t a kr., death w 4 , . - An .ofd - Pbyathlan - Gane..—Df...Jegtadaft Smoke, taus Of the olden and 'shoat astoemang , *athfooers of. Ptudblirttht lestcrila. zOoping, Su the almt.fnahttb at „ los age, ofl, lIIICIIIIII. fHls death was quit e engden. pa day ha WU cgiegell puzaltog p9f e st., tonallisittL. - ' • • 'lfipeireatiato' nut' Oast ..-viWare .I:equated by 31x. Jotmlfenier .to ^ant.. tbmCcontrlnnters to Van ,I , Tefilhnonlal,Finul”. peas I:WIT aten.4len, to meet, 41.• 4lleclllankgt . 211.15- at• o'clOck el" frlbtgq&D afta==s for 4 4 " - i. d tt l oo2sl4#2. sr eF 4rs 9 Dnin Mccifxo;lnttly vatted Dies ielybrotdarnffinn.&asentan,' ;and whoirlll7-t ' • g orilg b e wen nu', els life at Katiartilta• joica4a mapiestznamand.aetflmt.bmgb,- ont,the war. ire Livrpeoarcbmw• wta c a )etimti 61 iitailign - theLaiiek. al , 4:ob Affirtalui" , seedaont:aVtilitf Ais . older fori tha aeletaattik,t itelOgalmratovastekY4lnts out Teatteasee Ramat, Noserobtel 1561:, Iliceroa wassrattt• that Atizezit beblaixbit Aritr,lkad c..teetkallt 2800.„1141p4sted. won TAIL the .ttxt.t cili,tor :Rm oo wtieas lio'ffint In on' 'wrung !Mb andleinnun twain: terseentortt alariAtecw Gar: Brownlinv, Is 6f the .ornrans."L ' • !"4-1 , . rill bp hong., , • A,A v i Law: • • :4 , A nsooxsonAlzmay.ilis Alsti 143s+Amanso at nueu ;mows.; g..0,1x , Ito itkii - ' 444 b7e' tGr I.Fustiaco wittn , vl ,l ! 4 b '4" °AC . * x, from 1 41 ...mt4sa*ei r,oultti CV-04 toadsi '999 1.19‘,99 U _lir_t 9 E a Crr eeltelallia.9 o 99l ; 99l99PMAD, DIMON AB. 1i 91/94. frog DA Malty, awl luuts, So ott, $5O t me ruzibil . • :du alkniteacc eta)* tusi*rtato Otisilaties2riltilkia4 Amer, PIttIOI72IIIiTMCOIL. *Oll-alladielArillaAgal at : 6 1 4 ,0 44 kNeitg.01:001011.111:149414 to 84.1101., 172V3Diteria l a kai ti; 1 ; tronizmi of everpiescrlpf,_Salk,;OnAPC„l OLOVE;S. amt roil,2o.Nnt,„ ALS y.Li tartEßrAl;rd a Watt idataS tonaorVl: " • • .11.144. W.I . ~...... MUM