The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, August 28, 1865, Image 1

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    ;At N%-.44:;'
tr. 0
ipitisbn6h fuse*.
NViirdb , ;'WVOIDI:
Peaches, Melons, Sweet Potatoes,
and fruit zenerilly, constantly arriving at 133
P13313111.31,11,t4101 , Smithnent stmt.
' Tr.sotso S Sraat.
1177i1;'. eaten* University
- ` lll e l 4 ll Wm will open on September loth. with
very supolor advantage. for in* , r AnT
UOD.!. , Cailogues at D}VIL (Bork o Book
CSOIQ 17tod tstreat. I w.
;: (IT . (1 r Cetern VII repelty;
. '' '4 FOTeroiertlloper. bu September 4th, with
- very auperiqr 1./Vantages for Impartial Inetruo
';...., 7 ,140X6' ClSSldOplell st Dinrin, (Sark e h Clo'e Boott
'. 'Stois,'Wocd &ern t.' - • arra Ire
- • Waukee.
These are s sweet taus to hero shout the house
f►cola night ►oa ni . the well-known house of
7:,,,,..„,,:,,r55g8a11,N0..11 Fifth street, Ts the placa to
. .
- .", .1 . , Merchants
- 5 91 - IWhieectiTa girds avet,the:Pennsylvania rail
.., ISall.Weitild reerhaeia eo - liiell - E.O - s' , nsult White &
~..., ', : ,.llltlghteest (gentlemen Of tarmacs) In having
- '''' iitinibiultd. She saimusainat.
rr-V• _ . I:roitea IPorget
That U e train tor transits or those beautiful lots
East Liberty lahves the Pennsylvania depot this
o!o4,gur•teeti7 returning et
- and Urn want more than feet, by in, Too owl
Alittt:anClrall.: o /otac- ErntlOtto l'aso*p•tannokfor • home
--the poor Ira well as the rich. Sesta-tree.
Ecres. hove =Owe
C6l'krta the fno„h.t.
*Mt lad ramp to the t o o 114 , d 1
Malice Of law
-• .1.(,0 • 00T. Me4:7,PrOlt'l
• ,ottes4prolar..,
• lat.ttrogimi•i 4 :7 •
Cakpenter Jobbing Shop.
• AVM., Ng =turned attar an, otrzonce of throe pears
'al Ibennoyi Limns re•openiolxis , gimp for all aorta
itiotddos In tide taapeateillne.' atlas old stand.
Then &bop, beturaqi Snothffeld dint andOherry
A -ilay 7 . Orders acilaitodand PiP , abtlY att.M.4 to
. . rchoutan
n To the Country Nonni.
* l " : "";.. — „Wliii. it:own' be teadtog the pipers wheie to
=Wind, nod we will recortkiniod You to ',that
sates tr. Bella, No. 11 Filth street, otter your
l's7 s ) aiio"i salon isSorer k ' end 10,4 , georgette. With
=sort:lent of domestics of - dr description.
Fer Nheetings Shirting', end domestics, this house
. la ilia
From the Land of Suurbie„
cl- . Fftetetr4isie, cone tam. rfreyrastia,niota, of which
rrairitit - t - oicopide fi ccUppoieC In chi, proper
salon the 'chemistry cf the toilet has &thieved its
;:-; • .•-• -most remarkable triumph. Pure, unsullied teeth,
1, 2 .411 anit lireith, t bscauce :exemption
diee.rket-thet•erreet the gum., ere the re.
of a daily application of tee Soronorr.
^•••••• - • ,
•,; • t'...nlintlerl W. Parry :ft.
- . a, ilia Desk. in rimerl oae
vatiatuk-colami. Odloa at Alaxandas
• : tee vrater worics:' etttstrargh,
-vo. .73 Pike street. Orders
iNendeal.e. All wort warranted wake
.•P p Oy
rj44..„FielPaiellog. dons at the shortest notion. No
chine for roDairs, Piorlded the fool La not
- atoned &Nadi!, to put an.
1 , 4' ",:`•
To l Cosintry Pleretiartto.
-• • Wrpars now. prepared to show a stock of Dry
L DoOdi and Notions second to none in the country
< +bar rarity' and ehaapiuss. 011iPretentStock Was
purchased at a time and at prices which enable us
•-• Warlike good to customers our assurance of lower
qUatations than any reliable-nano house what.
' - eTer. An examination of our sloes cornPati
rr Intn ofpricet la earnestly invited. •
fit. Bidnoryftt C0.,-es-Market street.
'Lc qtv Eau Dyess Goode.
We lime ROW open for iespectlon the largest
and meet complete stock:at Dress Goods we bee.
• ever been
able to offer. We two tilling French
MariamXoeurgs, ac, at about half last Itetuon , s
--pripeir—sonte •of theta less than halt price. Our
- • dolisia inehelit = very tall And complete, em.
braelner everything to both cotton and wool hones,
,itellt4h tee yelltsell at less than any lath= house in
altyikreltiler wholesale as well as retail.
ar.d see our stock, Bad see what we have, but
-;.4tetbeinDer ;balance le on the north-cart corner of
"'Fourth and Market streets.
• Our Mewl, Mr. John Wier, No. 128 Federal
:7-:1-5.*11:Arkertteer, wai is 4.he east when the
•eleltionel sums of the capture of Illehrtand end
• "v , ttie nm:oder 'Wine rebel Genesi Liee was re.
leelred, sad taking advantage of the yank Pro.
Cased, Sad knowing the re.setiori that would fol.
:teerostede very heavy purchases of the Inert
!ROM ileasentrer goods* shoal one.half of the
•• 151111PrloimiSanise of tfui finest . etzt-L, carefreares
and vest Legs ate Included In his stook, width he le.
tarepared to stakadtp,pd order, on short notice, Le
latest stylay and at correspondingly low rata&
choke assortment of furnlsldng goods and ready.
• :, trill • 'also be fond at 'tits elegant
.00ablisluamit. 41 Allegheny friend altould give
ream a sall.
, The livlpg, Collegiate „Institute,
co:air of Bearer Street and fitaaltlan avenue,.
I.artil. Apt:mince „its Fall Saab* on lilasalty, Sep
.tember it& arblr.h . has nosy bout In.
operegen for, pveral, years, is well
known lath!, eanimnolty foxthp_ superior &Wan
041C4tiPa of 79* P' 4l "" md
and varied
ol.tteoAtiodet. inesannt toestiop,
r. ,- ,Ooroodateizi and; linalyinmiabelronin4 ill coin.
kitti. to orate school those
imeitallgt. interested theanareful and thorough
- .4 1 . 6 /M4 olll g th eir . datiffirtern• It belay thi4 dosigie
' abut the best _pOssehle adrantamr !cram de•
*it/Otani* of oititdituttriltoo of s riglited
tn 4 tainted Aline, Mgt Melva bat
'. `.lhrdted iniatrer VapEtt; - devoie than cam: :
• and te campy her pro personal attention. _
Another Excitement,
ti.kighleiitre shall have toTsl
. ell probelllty. We refer to the present exalted
Mete of the dry goons marke t, consequa--t, on the
,- Akirtice In the vices of gOOds—the result;
we presume, eta great - influx or ;eastern mar
saner We' the Erudinumerkets. We +a, no
doubt, this yai have apProeuutlan of We cape.
rlOnrts of hilt firwhig—that la a constantly ad
. - marketWillidintfrisembize. floppy for
those merehanysepo have the Present
Mite of things by InYing In large supplies, and
•• ..t"enathe-oneeltir guilt we know of, the Messrs. Bar
ing a - Co., to Market streeri,Aos_elone tuts. Our
. 4 4 2 thfil4 . 4 44 fq" 2 ot o P.Olitlhtis Whin they
' • ternemberizonintsvery similar use, the house
; 241 arivmessel their priors only when compelled by
' -.'lnrimetrenzeng aiadvantradiatsa. fluidize fu the
Zaatere Markist, as do some of the member% of ttui
into, museum] of uralinitedfaellitie4and having
assn to every source of information: they fore.
ASV "What wei lomfog, *A hark abundantly sup.
piled themselves with roods , Mid now, u ima the
:11...$_14fila4ilisT ems spa w underaeil the
market;' both atWholnale aed inlet
'We would invite the particular attentinn of emir
'tame:remits to this fact.
Vrotts•iir Vital - intemt.
WILLIIIII,thOttspda IrhateK columns °Miro.'
lentwerd . apt every day. diredejles ranw4to the
pep* ate few WM which concern them
4 eiarly
'Our tan li ßean, and we will put our .men , .
tarp tatonutshell; nasal Wle•tt•pj the
411ittlieefentdcithesip.04,4nitninbent4SW enough
*lnsist the moral Lit n eneei whfch`produce 111 2
• %pro tket arc poineVsFt. Enelt stmmith,
- itiradaiw Wipe:ate- - add ?regatta the gleam .
When the g,ulekAser imam from 00 to se degrees
In the phede,lhe went athletic are eufeeblddi end
Aheirsak prostintal - , la midi attune Shit
- mid" an Inktorstar u limietter's Stomach SW
toil ii tunsntly needed. Whit ins; thi'eltects of
tins mei - nail:le Taal° 1' Would diet who _
ltamiluniwn lte benenti cadet melons their expo.
"Ow" late Pereiersplt.'s:beryiwould tell the
healthy`' !Indite% Met,. jtfaltli must
Asa:pa *it - siteguard solsint the debitibane
'2 . ! .. atrep.aptili would' exhort the wain -to
awl! alt ancoodlested sod • tograes
hots citig to this wholesome Sad algbp•
, Taste and AlterstlTS, osUld ohlPlreilreeri"
*Stoniiild Onus to s ilk lade* kis. IMO
alrePelieth — Perlfe e s t,!leytel.,ol me** re"
••sterod,otosottehid aims restruisk'schositsshise
B disoraansi
ued• at auftr . r APalt.els o f h i*
seawall dissipated, idtiilsisfgairdisgsr. baud,
• s it Ma!' ,nd r iellso cured. Oliver complstads west.
isstrattrothut sstatol defled t of hops
r. ArdldlueledaslOkeldfolpaqeditrod4'.U , Sasie the
erfecto oiHortattePs BMus. solo orerrotods.
Too Pinch U fa Ifietteo, do.
Alum that thetry mot either .beoome 4
no:* prdtrabVeterbsve grout "rotottleeT
" I ate, orbs obeotbed by the Veiled States, '‘'The
landre le as etttlee,flatore:t ,7,toYe . ,InibblttOC
Catholic are note,oped- y Mond to
lame the men of the tine d° by
Sputa Dimpetch to PLUM:met Gotette.
Cu. OMY, Anon 23, 1883
A holler exploded at well No. Sixty-:her, at
rithole, io day, killing the engineer and barenag
the tank and oil at well No. 8...r.ty-tive.
Great Production and Accumulation of fHI
Progress of IE3 provementi—New Striti es
Correspoudeuee of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
Oa Cm, August 25th, I.SGS
. Dear Gwette.,—There Is no apparent diminu
aeLl In the Influx of strangersinto this "land of
oil", and the Fall bmlneas promises to be as
lively for hotels, backs and nail Roads as tte
past summer has been. Speculation In town
lets and oil territory Is still on the rampage in ,
sad around Pit Hole, and the number of wella
going' down Is on the Increase daily.
' Well No. IS—struck a few weeks ago, is now
Inducing nearly or i,nite, one thousand barrels
vet day, Her owners hare christened her "The
Grant Well" In honor of one ttlastrious Lieut.
General, who now towers bead and shoulders
above the leadlag Csptahie of our time.
Well No. 18 on the Rooker harm, struck last
week mcgalses to rival the femora Irwin Wells
whose territory she almost tonchea.
Everytody here is becoming more or less
frightened at the Immense quantity of oil tasked
In the tlat around the lielmden Farm, said
quantity having behn estimated at fifty thous tad
barrels, and Ovine increased dotty at least the
addition of one thousand more. The daily pro
duction is certainly three thousand barrels, and
pot more than two of this three is being hauled
away, thus adding one tharnsanfrbarrels daily to
the stock to tanks. No wonder people are
alarmed, for if a fire should break oat among
rota oll, • no one Cati tell the loss of llfe and prop.
.etty that might ensue.
It has beta suggested - that the United States,
, Oil Company appropriate their next dirt
, dend fund tor, the purpose of hurtling up the
work on the roads, and thus cxpodlto Inn ream
. val of this oil: It is a good Idea and the Co.-
, paLy.ahcrold adopt this course out of sel f prot ,
den alone, if no other consideration prompted
them. But it would la ad.litka add at least oen
dollar per barrel to the value of their oil, which
with the tolls they might collet,. would soon re
fund to them the amount of the outlay.
The railroad up l'it Hole is being pushed sic:.
ously, two hundred men being employed on It.
Three-quarters of a mile Is already graded from
the mouth, and it is expected that the cars will
he running before the snow falls. The handrail
road up,Cheri7 Bun Is being graded, and is now
half-way up to Plummer.
The plank road from Tratavfile la alsoprugress
leg, as is the famous "pipe scheme"' (as It Is
derisively called,) but all of the works will con
sume valuable time in their completion, and the
wagon roads should be part In order now ,
en mat the removal of oil might be hastened.
See tem difference; oil at Plthole Is only worth I
two dollars and Sity cents per barrel, deduct
ing front this one dollar tax, and the other ex
penses, leaves the well owner bat little over one
miller per barrrel net. Whilst on the creek It
commando live dollars per barrel, and nInaLIDSS
tlpt_nEe attaching to its production. This la a
serious difference, which it is marvelous that
Pithole well owners do not attempt to remedy.
Them lea report of a two hundred barrel well
being stanch on the hillside, on tha H. licClin
tczk tam, Olt creek, which if true, will sec the
drillers at work punching holes into every hill
aloe g the creek and blow up the old idea that
..od wells can only be found on the data.
The Lucesco company well in Oil City Is
pumping fifteen barrels per day.
Another goad well vas struck on the Farren
faint, on the Allegheny river, one mile below
011 City, Oils week. It is owned by Pittsburgh
men and is producing f i fty Carrels per day.
The Cherry Hem and Pit Hole well, on Plt
Hotels down four hundred and Arty feet and the
Superintendent expects it to be thalshed about
the 10th of September at farthest. It poetises
to be a good well.
Work is progressing ado .1) on the streets In
Oil City, but. the mud and filth are still deep
enough to drown any of the city fathers (or
grandfathers) who might happen to tumble in.
Adieu, FIT Holm.
Thu developments on the Jocelyn Farm on
Stewart's Run are very satisfactory, and some of
the wells are making an excellent show. The
principal well is down 613 feet and 13 being
tubed. h has thrown cp a considerable quanti
ty of pure Oil. This well Is through the .111th
rand rock, and we believe la the first that has
been put through that formation. The fourth
rand rock was forty feet In thickness, and the
fifth was reached at a further depth of about
twenty four fee.. This fifth sand rock Is twenty
two feet thick.
The pita from the mouth of Pit Role la in pro.
eeoc of being laid. We shall need It soon.
Nearly onelhormand teams have been encaged
in hauling 01l the past week.—Oil City Register.
A new town, called Oleopolls, hes been laid
out by the Baltimore Petroleum Company, at
the month of Pit Hole Creek, on the Allegheny
river. Nearly one hundred lots have been sold,
and the chances for a flourishing town are good.
O. 8.A.11130N LOPE fr. Bic°
The Cholera In the East—lle Ravageennd
A correspondent of the N. Y. 'Trawls writing
from Constrintinopia;-August 2, gives a graphic
account of the mama nff,ha cholera In tho
East. We gunter . .
, . ,
When I wrote two vreek s ago, IT had Just bo.,
come apparent that wt t
w ero to beacorwged with
Asiatic Cholera. The ollidai returns then ni
..yortedlT. eases per day. 'The epidemic in now
fairly upon on with all Its horrors. The official
reports give the number of deaths now at 250 a
day, hat It In plain enough from the number of
_deal and eJltut seen lathe streets; that this in
far below the real mortality In the city, and It
dotal= Include at all the military garrisons of
some 60,000 men, among whom it II understood
to be nett: - l'wentY-six - dead bodies were car
ded by,,mgo.flice yesterday, Ido net think the
deaths - can fa ll short of r,09 Scr , NO a day., They
- probably esteeed this number.
The, disease as 11 noir exists here has ell the
reread_ ll4 F*lsillfcs AAiegeCtulder* lathe
most mallignant farm. It us , raging with
Increaslng firm, in spite of the moat healthful
weedier Possitdes For • wesk, we here had •
strong, cool wind from the Black flea, sweeping'
the Bosphorus, and the hest hes been very mod-
The excitement semi to ba bur easing; and
teat it Kb cad is hard to see. Some are
drowning their ham in drink. and making, even
the night Edema with their saturnalias.
Half tne physicians appointed by Elernent,
- on fabulous salaries have lied from their
ln dismay or deserted thembp L platcd steepen_
bat a standstill; The "Goveirnmcat
Annan .are almost 64-ze1c0ng...../he Pasha of
• Hwyptimbo Sedge t h is ' eitylo'esciptr the chole
ra there has now fled here wand gnu ,back to
'101 , 4”.3 401. • where theimidemiehrof Paned.
Arran/Ann ow snit surcunta inscntl . kL.
The Wegraphinfosmsen pat the
from Hies hare reached Bagdad, and that the
cholera Ito broken therettiltiMorat ftm, In
Smyrna it layaglraglngf.vtllli 'Ana? torte.
It has also appeared on the Danube C.
and In Southern Itussui at Odessa.. hod
thersittayst7 field') nil:then thg--Itts
lug the same route which it took on its 11* 01
pearanee la Harem nod. the_ terrible scenes
Irldeb Manillas 'wittrissed can hardly fan . to be
!Vested,. The deaths in Constantiophs ado far
• bare berm elderly among the Jews and the One,
classnafTubaaad Qridians— Very,ThW 80.
of , uI nmaLsz
I mentioned in toy last letter a new (act which
had heels observed - to reference to the cholera,
viz: that It required eight days for Incubation.
Anothersgroof of this has come nude• my ketrOvi.:
edge. The cholera appeared In the village of
Bthech, at theJesult College, tan days ago from
special cattees. There .wena three deaths. No
other case occurred in the village for eight depot
but at the end of this time, two days ago., save
releases appeared almultaneottall le the French
College and in different parts of the yin*.
I/NICF.A.IIO/50 Tim moms.
- 'lhepanic among the people is positively aw
ful: doubt that !Moms die every day of
simple fright. Indeed, The Tarim themselves
relate aatory to Illustrate this. A man, they
my, wee once Journeying In the interior or Tar,
key, when he met the Pentllenee. "Where are
you from," be staked. "From killing 2,000 men
In Emma." replied the Pestilence. "That le a
lie,* said the man; "I knew that you ham) kill
ed 6,000 there." "No," said the Pestilence, "I
killed only 2,000, and Fear killed 4,000."
occurred pf Waa past
day . W Itartib yesterd le tragedian
tephen / have
known ore ay. S
Effendi, the civil head of the , protestant hot:a
menity IstTurkey,Waellvinpalth Ms oats eon
in lataMboul. On Monday he was suddenly.
seized with cholera aid died In a few horn.
The same night the eon, evidently hd a panic of
fear, set lire to the house, in which Ms father%
body Milltualbul, and there /Meg himself. The
bodies were found and carried Into the street by'
w t Olygreterr th , when thlicliturey mere ,found by friends
&Callao GLeawn4 tbo awindler. bee pleaded
ehaliCa tg rfroftrsr MT&
Hotel. is New York. by Klee remeacitaticoor.
Cross-Examination of Surgeon 'Bates.
Applications for Pardon Granted
Pierbuit of the Stolen Schonnrr
New Line of Steamers to LiverpooL
;Special dispatch to Pittsburgh Gazette.
Pstasitercrats., August
In the Wirz trial yesterday, at Washington, the
protracted cross-ekamination or Surgeon Rates
by Mr. Baker, counsel for the prisoner, decal.
oped the tine of defence, which will be followed
in his behalf. The counsel will try to show that
Wire was rat to chief command of the DDet, and
therefore should not be held responsible fur what
occurred; that the miserable rations issued to
the suffering and dying prisoners were the semis
as those given to the rebel soldiers stationed
there to guard them; that there was no con
spiracy at Andersonville, as charged, to kill off
Union prisoners; that the poverty of the
Rebel Coatederatf 71wes the reason why
better accommodations and food were - not
provided; that the oratters in charge gave
the prisonera, the beet fare they had,
ar.d took the beat:care of them they could with
the means at their command; and that Wire
ought not to be held responsible for the stare.).
lion of oar prisoners.
Wirz is not ironed, and has full opportunity
to ELM his counsel, with pen and verbally, which
he did yesterday by prompting numerous
lions on croafrexamination, when Surgeon Bates
gave some negative testimony which bore favor•
ally in 14s behalf. lie seemed highly pleased ;
but later, when Surgeon Burrows told how be
swore that he would starve every d—d Yankee
there, his Comtemar.ce changed lostantly, and
dropping his pen ho covered his face with his
Dmizg the most of arrows' testimony, Wirz
fairly cowered beneatts it, and dared not meet
the gaze of the witness, hat after that he wei ac
busy as ever.
The Treasure Department Is deriving consid
erable benefit from the sales of the confiscated
and abandoned property down South. The
amount received thus far will, it is estimated,
reach nearly a inilltot,i of donors.
President Johnson has granted amnesty par
dons to James D. Coleman, of Carolina county,
Va.; H. J. Randolph and T. J. Randolph, of AL
bmaile county. Va.; B. F. Drew, of Virginia,
and James S. Claghorn, of Savannah, Ge.
The Commissioner, of Customs, N. Sargent,
will be absent for a short time on leave, and
Thomas Ferran Iles been appointed by the Pres
ident temporary Commissioner.
Linton Stephen'', brother of the rebel Vice
President, and H. V. Johnson are in Washing
ton to intercede for the pardon of A. IL Ste
Secretary Stanton, accompanied by his family
Snrgeors, General Barnes, and others, left Wah
ington on Thursday on a rittort visit North.
Dating Stanton's absence, Major Eckett, As.
Mama Secretary, sell act in hls stead.
From Foriresajdoeroe wa learn that the as
after the stoles lighter has Just beau
heard from. Up to Thursday night, no news
having been heard of the Black Bird, which bad
gone In pursuit, the steamer Amanda Wino
was despatched In search of her, under Captain
David C. Williams. On Friday Captain Wil
liams discovered the Black Bird safe and sound,
but Intwant of coal. At an early hour. on Friday
morning, atter supplying her with fuel and pla
cing on board a pilot familiar with the coast of
their-astern Shore, The Matz returned.
The steam Lighter has thus tar eluded pur
suit. Those who have possession of her seem de
termined not to give her up. She slipped out of
Watchapeange Met, Just before the Black Bid
entered. Stress of weather prevented active pur
suit on tne part of the Black Bird.
The stolen steamer was reported at Chinon.
LessuAshmd on Friday morning and thither the
Block Bird proceeded after tuning Cow Bunkers
replenished. The long chase after the myate
clone little steamer Incites great attention at
Fortress Monroe.
There Ia much crowing herioVer the triumph
of tke Philadelphians at the great national
shooting yeetavalin Baltimore. Taken In con.
pectin& with the victory of the Philadelphians
at the singing festival in Yew York, it Is worth
crowing over.
. A wharf Ia Wog fitted up at Baltimore for the
new line of Liverpool steamers about to be es
tablished there by the Baltimore and Ohio Rail , .
road Conipany. W.
Application ioz'Passports•
613611.111.8 NOSTSHED Orr OP 70s 11689/01.
Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette.
li-E 4 A-DIFMAs AUPPU M.—Secretary Seward
has fastied•aii biter directing that paroled prise..
nersp&S , Bl:olVlescltiffi.m of the trotted
'l3bitea, and - agaiiir warm no special charges
maq ba Pending, will berfarelshed with passports
sport aPPlicallan therefor td Din Deparlanent of
State in the form. Bach passports will,
hoi !arm, be hoed *On the conditons that the
atipllennta dott4t tath4pAha gided without
leave of the 'President. •
Other persona hap Heated In the rebellion, who
mil wish to go abroad. will apply to the Depart.
cent at State for passport', atoll the applications
will be &week of according to their several
An aril4htat been lamed mustering out:of ser
vice Op. arttla Banks, Butterlela, Casey, Dkublo.
day. tiehatzh=tan, Haricot; Peck, Ashboth.
Carr, Orlllln,_Beymoor, Itlrnef,lteredith and
=ay others. W.
The Rebel General Price
20B111111W .110111 T ax. TUR-1110,111RINDE
Piratical Operations af , Union Deserters
. .
bizor Yong, - August 24.—Tbe Brosunsvine,
(Texas) correspondeneent the Thridd, dated the
Bth text., states that an ex-rebel officer boasted
Abut Bterllng Yrienbalbeen made' Major General
of Mexlmtlian'a troops, and warealrottatud to
raise a eget* .totee arithlrty late Irrons-the
disbanded rebeksonslosilalso that, seveisil 'other
6004 fioniktek ma by plax-
Iron= aad It was Intended toltaye ppetmadred
thattsand :Spa lit itsicirallii6 service within
a year, to keep watch:al Bbaridau on- the RIO
Graadeu : • :
Everything is quiet on Me American al6 of
the river, • 1
our officers Miently rare a bangneil-to the
ElePer 4 "edieem toacther with:,ada. Menet,
ter and several ether e:-rebels.
; -leas almost` the' =Wenger belief "among the
20MM - a ofieere that they:will hd,leanedlaallY
ordered,to Marl Into ••• •
I(Larrforted that • about . dozen llMarters
40m, 'the Itmerican army hare been engaged in.•
pinkgall Mena= alk the Cowsketgatidems,
hlym ni t i murdered' th e crew of a =all sehobeer
and an ii.T APtarialt. other rends With
it. y were -seen Apr Vaes,,with an
jEtiedat*Mtl:Pint*.:, .$ 7 ll- 1 '"";
(gum CiMea..42lW ant '
- .. - ..llaer:YomAttgaiti,2 o ..s.ratismti , *es of
therldth, elate that that Elari lately
by =meted Ummdart irom Cruel. -Badness
WAS PlrenZed•- • .:The - - taintirriagWata
, w_ enjoin cm, and • grad loin wee col-
Ann the sbeiclants,_
The rebellion la Yarn rtlll ma intained Wong
Olkitelions of the louniel Overruled
or e Horrors Revealed
A.23IICGTC.N. August M.—The Wire COM—
mietlon met ibis morning, and after the reading
of the record of yee tf relay, Dz. A. W. Burrows.
who haling heretofore been sworn, identified
a certain paper offered es evldence as the hand
writing of.ffnelati H. White. The Judge Ads.)•
sate accordingly moved to amend , the first
charge on which the prisoner la arraigned by
substituting the name of J. Whits as one of the
prisoners with whom the defendant is charged
with tonsphing to cause the death of Union
Mr. Bakes cbjecLed to the motion to supply the
misnomer. lie arg - tesd that the prisoner Was
arraigned on the charge by order of the Presi
dent, and that till the original authority should
supply the deficiency, no Partite, testimony
conid be received effecting Dr. White and the el the bar.
The conic overruled the objection, when the
name of I.k. White was crossed. j
Mr. Baker said that the name 0f...10nn EL
lender, also appeared as one of the alleged con
spirator. • The tact was, bowevtr, hotorteer
that Winder Is dead. Therefore this is sating
here trying a man pot,ln existence. He moved
tOstrike one' tne name of Winder. "
The Judge Advocate—Do youoppear Car Win
der 1
Mr. Baker—No
The Coon—Do you hold that Winder le on.
Mr. Baier-1 hold that Winder, who la dead
cannot be tried for conspiracy.
The Judge Advocate—We have no: been In-
formes that Winder was dead.
Mr. Baker—!t is a notorious fact. of which
the world has taken comilear.ce.
The Judge Advocate—Booth wee dead when
the other conspirators were tried; yet In that
case, the counsel for the defence mule no oh-
jectlon to Booth's name in the charges.
Mr. Baker—A military commission could do
many things cot common for a civil court to do,
but they could not try s dead man.
The court over-raled the motion to strike out
th.e:narne of John H. Winder.
Dr. Burrows further testified that at Ander
sonville the prisoners were arrested for buying
green corn which the guards took away from
them. Corn Is an antlecorbrule. in cas , n of
scurvy it Is a useful diet. The slops of the
cock betide were thrown Into the stream, which
ran through the prison, the exhalations from
which were terrible and very unhealthy. Be
sides the sinks overflowed, owing to the rains,
rendering the orison still more Intolerable.
Human bodies sometimes lay unburied fOr three
days; the stench was terrible. sensibly affecting
the atmosphere, which was worse than that nom
any dime:king room. Coargaints of these doings
were freqtlently made in high quarters. Dead
men were In the morning freeineotly found
among the living. Tee largest number of deaths
In the stockade In one day was in August 1464;
they amounted to 207. The witness found Capt.
Wirt in charge of the prison when he went
there, and left him there al the time he made
his escape. The rations were cut off from the
entire number of thirty thousand prisonara for,
en entife day, owing to the alleged offences of
foe others, The witness remembered that
Wire said to him that he ( Wire) was of mom
"strsice to.the Confederate Government this any
of the poor rebels at the front..
Cross-examined by Mr.Baker—W as a medical
student ed. Amherst at the breaking out of the
war, rind had been !Incased since he was mus
tered out on the 7th of December last. The
witness had never seen one man In the army
wearing II ball and chain, nor had he seen them
punished In any other way than by detention In
the guard house Ile had seen men in one hoe
plod affected with syphilis, but none of the cases
were to bad as those at Andersonville. Oar
cases were primary while those In the rebel
prison were secondary, as a general thing,
The cross questioning was further continued
to show that the rebel hospitals were deficient of
medical remedies.
The court, then, at one o'clock took a 'recess
till two o'clock. It to proper to say that Hr.
Baker bad not ♦ ,Innlarily appeared as WA orua
sel for the defense as has been stated, But enter
ed upon the duties of consls:l after a consults
tatlon with Judge [Luker', who had) oat retlreo
from the case.
On the to-essembly of the court, the cross-ex.
amiaallon of Dr. Barrows was resumed. Owing
to insufficient medicalsand diets, the chances of
recovery were agatntrt those who had syphilis.
The questions and answers were numerous on
this point. involving a statement of the disease.
Aseistaht Judge Advocate Hunter, here said
that he did not see the necessity of these
Din Baker replied that he had asked the wit
ness with what disease the patients suffered.
azd how the disease manifested itself after the
patients were sent to the hospital, and whether
syphilis was owing to the vaccine mitts: used
upon them. Ho was .cross-eiamising the wit
ness on this very point.
The COtt—You do not titre the aritnm an
opportunity to insurer. You frogs:tautly put
words into bin mouth.
Mr. Baker—l have a right to thus draw from
hluLany Wormadon he has.
The Court—We are disposed to bevery
el, but you must not suppose that we will not
take any exception es to the manner of examin
ing the witnesses.
Mr. Baker—l will pursue the cross examine-
Atop in the proper way. II I do not, the court
will excuse me. -
The Cort—The witness will answer In hls
own words.
Mr. Baker—l must pursue the course Wd
down In WOW or mot stop.
The Court--Go on.
The crepe& examination was Aixther continued
when the court interrupted the counsel by say
ing: Mere Is another lecture altogether unbe
coming and uncalled for.
Mr. Baker—l beg the conct's pardon.
The Court—Yoe beg pardon. II ie tented.
Mr. Baker -4 hope you will not hold me strict
ly to rule.
The Cotule-Bay, nothing more "book thaL het
The cons-examination was again resumed,
and on finishing. the court tourrogetwi the
witness, who said the rebel force at Anderson
ale was between 9,000 and 4,00 fr. Thi Nal
for them was cut by a large (bras drchkr ~ mea.
There were axes enough to supply, our men lot
aKiroporpose.. The will:imagine it as his Want
opinion, that If there had been proper food,
clothing. quarters, and other necessary supplied,
from sweaty-flve to eighty per cent. of the
deaths might have been prevented.• In the die.
penrory, he said, he had seen some of the sup—
plies which had come via Richmond, such as
dried beef, say two or three hundred pounds,
and sops bologna sausages , ' lie Ante uvula
boxes ofelothing at the depot. Nobody In his
NAM AV, anything . sol'• the clothing. • Once or
twice a little of the dried_beef was brought In ,
blibit ditlnot afford a Mania the ward hilt an
ounce. The witness dbinot bow - who used the
remainder of the beef and sausages.
Robert IL Kellogg sworn—Sold he was cap
tured at ZYMontli, and with about font hundred
edher prisoner" was taken to Andersonville.
This was the Sd of May '64. The only Other
prisoners there, at the time , were thorn who haft
bocapught, from 801 l Wand, Libby Prison and
other ' , Pointe. They; were ragged and destitute
of clothing, many were nearly naked, and, to
tally unprotected with shelter, kg cot tattered
blanking. The men were mere skeletons. The
prison appeared to be crowded, though thous
ands were brought there afterwards. The , men
wereinwelthy. . condition. There was a i neer
opportunity to keep clean. These was veryllttle
trap. The men would get smoked over the pine
IhreWhillacOcklag, and for *set of nosp could
"not remind the Mains this smote mita. The
nights were cool when he first, went theret but
as the season advanced the weather twouP 12 "
torte4ltbOC TlMPAyercitseeargxamins4bus
.' the mont hof June. The prisoners were not
supplied regularly or enmclently with fol.
Sometimes a squad would be allowed to go out
to bring In pine rags to make a Are, Sometimes
the rations furnished were raw. with no wood to
, cock then. T
d it mat penslty. of trespaubig os the
dead line was . fie remembered seeing a
man who was a ot for this came by a sable.
Ifili*bni fronithelpriSonto theme/ 7 44
he wouldho at Once he stewed to the
brook to was h binds, when ft sentinel tired'
statre,,-, Thane Missed its Wedged Ste soon
got out of of danger.
Mr. Baker objected to a question asked by the
judge Adroit*. saga E, soptetuiyAges hurt,
het tided, and , somebody " must he
Tfie 4:lourt rebuked. the eatatilliesiieit Met
luch - fteePlicrlrere amusirel, ftenroPdr. 'ertd '
dire was a remedy to prereettiali retetithx67_
The °bleat= of the counsel wee not sod. . ad.'
Vide Court. - ' • , , , s.
The ilitronel, old; that: he" dd: not' iereedliwy•
.11I4ther , ;thif mat kilitivrilahot was idled that
depot ed.. , The quality. as well as the quality
of the redone was Irregular. fleino=kf
got mottling a t he r e wo e
s.: days a short _ oe.
- and tut others full quetkthertele u
it was. Thirty-two - out of the Wine o f ninety
men to which he was attached. Were ma* to
Aged Wham oniered to roan in See bythe ea,
leant: Their Inability to do so emu princilidlY
from scum and diarrhea. Their limbs were
contracted and therefore they could not keep
met" 7-et. The brook' running' through the
priri n Was exceedingly Maly. The nurface of tt.
,- rrertd alto gretn. We often went into it
barefooted Nearly three hundred out of tete j
four hundred who aecompankd t : And.r• BIOVEIiEIiT OF JUAREZ'S FORCES
ronville dtth in a it 44 days at,thr they were Pa.
rced. The 24th New Toth Battery, capture at
Plymouth, were nearly annihilated nt the Prison.
the Commtseion hero adjourned until ton
1. - S. , FRENCH TFi••- A-Rl
Mustering Oat of Unemployed Officers.
7avis' Complicity in the Assassinatio,r
Letter of £4xidotence from,
N acv Tons, Augnst 26.—The Thnes special
has the following: The lmsg expected orders
for mustering on, the unemployed Generals in
the volunteer service, -was promulgated this af
ternoon, on follows:
WAIL DEPT., ADJ'T. GEMS. 017106,
Vi'vszumrrox, Aug, =, 1865.
Gelwret Orders So.- 1.35:—8y direction of the
Preeident, the folbwing named General officers
of the Vetted States Vobantoem are hereby hon
orably mustered out of the service of the United
States, their eervicesrbeing no longer needed:
ffialsr Generals N. P. Banks, Biles Casey,
'Samuel P. Fietottnitian Daniel But
terfield, Abner itile
ilmday, John J.
Peck, George B. Bo tstiffi Brevet Maier Generals
Asboth, George L. Andrews, W. id. Beeknapp,
Charles Craft. James B. Cord, William P. Car
Bn Joshua L. Chamberlain, Themoe A. Davis,
Elias 8. Dennis, Edward Ferrer, Curter Grover,
Robert & Granger. Charles K. Graham, Kennla
Garrard. L. L. Grant, Simon G. Griffin, George
H. Gordon, James Hayes, N. J. Jackson, Nathan
Kimball, John R. Keay, John McArthur. James
D. Morgan. John T. hiller, Byron R. Pierce,
Jen. Otffinson, Truman Seymour, F. Solomon, G
K. Btannard, A. &Eder, E. B. Tyler, J. C. Vetch.
W. Vender e, W. T. Ward, W. A. Whitaker;
Brigadier Generals Richard Arnold, Napoleon
B. Buford, Meson Brayrausn, Henry Baxter, Wm.
Blrney, E. S. Brigg, John Cook, H. B. Carring
ton. Charles T. Campbell, Powell Clayton, Al.
feed M. Maim, J. Davis, Speeds Fry, Ls wrence
R. Graham. Edward H. Hobson, Jas. R. Haw.
ley, Henry M. Judah, James T. Knife, H. H.
Lockwood, Jacob G. Lamm, T. J. itt'Keen, Out
live') A. Merrodith. , Wm. H. Morris, George
P. MiGlouls, Thomas EL Allis, John M.
Oliver, William A. Pile, Elliott W. Rice,
W. D. Sturgis, J. H. Stokes, John P. Slough, E.
P. Bcammon.A. J. Slimmer, T. W. Sweeny, A.
Schemmillfinny, John W. Sprague, Stephen
Thomas. Daniel Ultxuail, Iliolatio P. %an Cleve,
Fitz Henry Warren, George D. Wagner, James
A. Williamson.
By order of the Secretary of War.
(Slgned,) E. D. TOWIWFV7I3,
Aealstant Adyt Don't
It CU be r e that this Ilst embraces semen
Major Generals, thirty-five Brevet MaJpr Gene
rals end forty-three Brigadier Generals.
The Tears' special nap: The pardon granted
to A. Dudley. President of the Richmond and
York Ricer Railroad, has been revoked.
Major Eckert Is acting Secretary of War dur
ing the re's.ence of Secretary Stanton, who is at
West Point.
The Tribunes dispatch states that Gen. Grant
remarked recently that sufficient evidence has
been adduced during the late conspiracy trial,
and Once, to convict Jeff. Darla of complicity
to the eiiss.stnation of President Lincoln, and
that the fate of the contpiratora settled that of
Jeff. Davis.
Legal proceedings will goon be Instituted
against Mayor Wallach at WsahinZtoa to make
him disgorge the funds for the colored schools.
Sergeant Meßough has been found guilty of
complicity in the recruiting frauds in connection
with bounty broker's in New York, and ren
tenced to be drummed oat of service, with the
loss of all pay, Se., fined ten thousand dollars
and imprisoned there three years at hard labor.
The liwelrl's Washington dispatch states that
the Emperor Miilmillan recently sent a letter of
condolence en the death of Mr. Lincoln to Presl
. dent Johnson, but the latter was refused ac
ceptance, on the gmund that no such person as
the Emperor of Mexico was known or recog
Several heavy seizztros of whiskey hare been
made recently in Cincinnati. S. is. Cgx has ar
rived In Washington as attorney for the owners.
The property seized is estimated to be worth a
million of dollars.
• delegation from the Alerandrta Colored
Convention, headed by a Boston negro preacher
named Grimes, called on the President to-day.
Probable Release of A. H. Stephens,
The Offender Promptly Expelled
New tons, August 26—The GoatmerciaPs
special says: The President will probably order
the release of Alexander IL Stevens. Ex-Gov
erten Brown is in Washington on business con
nected with the reorganization of the State.
General Lee will avail himself of the provisions
of the recent order to leave the country.
The end bale of now cotton =rived to-day
from New Orleans. The steamer Guiding Star
brought twenty-Sve hundred bake of cotton
from that post.
A special to the Evening Port. dated Wash
ington, August With, sops: Preston. King is in
town. It is predicted by =Hain leading poli
ticians from New York, that other changes are
about to take place . ; A change lb anticipated
in the Surveyorship„ rotation being the declared
policy of the President.
Wasnuosox, August VL-7Among the crowd
of applicant's Ihr pardon that thronged at the
President's Mouse, YesterdAY, there was teen
who brought a letter to President Johnson tram
a distinguished pollacian- it wst tAatpe 4:aw
ing purport: That the behreFiref a r man
who was not.porxessed of rive h ..dollars
which be tratlerstOnd warn:Weenier) , to Obtain'
such a doeumenti and trlistedlO the generosity
of ther,Presidimt to grant the pardon. Those
who were present will never fbrgetthe !avenge
and manner of the Preddbete.• Wared
that the letter was a gross and an untverrattorble
Insult, not only upon himself, bat upon 'every
n.ember of his householdorreu to the humblest
page In attendance. The man by his order was
Immediately conducted-to the, door.'
The Postmaster Genteel has nittle.7;e:iceetract
for conveying thamails from 'Medi City to
'Wiens In the territory-of Montana{ .a distance
of onehundredandllfty miles, three times or of.
tenet &week.
The President has recognised Adolph Roma
tlusl, aaconenl at Milwaukee, for the Duchy of
Hew; K. Y. Fleischer, as vice counsel of
Sweden and Norway, for Wisconsin; and Math
IL &outs astylea conaul•of the Berlsa Confeder-
Atka at San Francisca, 'for the States of
California Oregon, and Nevada, and the terri
tor3, of Faaldngton. •
INElthiAt ILSVESUB nasio.
Muster Out of 'Generals.
Wien:mons, Augast2i.—The Commissioner
of Liter* I,,evetnte deehlef ta.eay ;that the
*Dust Of 44tIoreil .1710Perty =Meet. to
legal to ender section 124, hy3etfarberby the
cher value of eath persona! rroperti (That b.
the "menet remalelag atter the payment of the'
debt, and elcrplenze or the administration whim
n th YAW gO7tzu*Aceed. a thouegad ;1411ael
Brig. Gen . Cita*, Who bib= .111 for some
ilart WM:typhoid Arra, died in this elly,to.dsy.
,Tho War Department today homed se order
retracting oat of serrice • number of seneral
.. emeerft; their Berrien being no ;opter reqtdred.
snide hi but ilttlesitiferenos between -One order,
(And the Anttorshielt.wes without , euthority pub-,
Melted in amend of this morning's papers. The
=meals Gen, BreiiffollhO terrbti fel the
Wire Commisidon. - an Gen. John W. = u 3 l. ,
mither ofthamsraintisterod out. Gan.
13:2'ficels arrow !lola musterol out. L
VomparTiar, 41,41512G4tinti Win BiNtary
44aaaallialan ra le latorater.i Drl E .
Bta:mrs watragda , ailled to toed atta•day;
add testified at leagtkaa to tati ATIA'POCati th e
'Oduscavil/eO/ 11073 i t4 O . inthY . 4 7 41 1 220a of
- tha • :••
; FYum *4 Orkin&
Katy roP4'Atigest 90,...The Emmen Gidit:
Inw - tharildoe=l, Itilhafoston ' from yew
The Atonal' of .apeeie per the steamers
Scotland. *Atm an 4 Bremen amaanno nearly
a rearm ftliMw4
Town of Zoog Mica Proclaiming
Against the Empire.
Nnv. - 1 nun, August s.7.—The Herald's Vera
Cruz corravxnudent say. A force is being raised
at VaJaen Logo to the department of Chiapso
to p.ei,iy Line clear It of the J - uarez's. By infdr
metion from Durango we learn that Juarez'.
forces that bane been thrzatenin that town
have divided ft2l a a part gone-to Parral, Ganda
loupe, Coloo and other plea:en, General Cereal
hae gone to 810-Del Ord.
senor J. M. Colon. Maxim:Can's mirth:ex or
treasury, informs Jesiker's bondholders that on
i the 20th lent„ be will be ready to bay the bonds
to the amount of 1533,833, making known the
fact that the Government will not buy any unless
presented with a deduction of at-Ay-alit avid two
thirds per cent.
News arrived try the courier of the 13th,
that the town of Zongollea, hi the State of
Ctrimba, had prochtimed against the Sceptre.
All the Imperial fences at Geisha had left to at—
tack Zongolica, and the people fearing that dar
ing their absence the Liberal party in the city
will TUC and proclaim against the Empire.
A Spaniard was caught at Soliseen with let
ters addressed to Liberal officers, and while an
der srrest,beivg escorted by an nape:lel detach
ment, the Liberals attacked the party, took
them all prisoners, and released the Spaniard.
From the Erugina, published in Mexico under
wrench direction, we learn thew- the authorities
have determined to send officers to the Govern
ment at Washington to learn the attitude of the
Untied States towards this Gorsernment, remark-
Each French steamer that arrives brings an
average of tiny new troops, portions of the 01:10
rammed thousand waled for by Napoleon.
M. Elloio, Maximillionht IT.rubassador to Eta
rope, was passenget on the steamer from Ha
vana to Vera erns.
New Toren, August World's corres
pondent from the City of Mexico says I The
official organ denies the statement that Maximal-
Ilan sent hie Secretary of the Cabinet on a special
mission to Napoleon, to eek that he will formally
demand from the Government of the United
buttes recognition of the Emperor. It also de
nies the statement that Maximilian is negotia
ting with his brother the Emperor of Austria for
the restoration of his eventual rights to the
throne of austria. The Pope says that the Im
aginary envoy of the Emperor was the bearer of
no letter. He went by way of the United Staten
only Icr the greater convenience of that route.
He bed not asked any audience of the President,
nor bad he any Interview with him, nor does the
Emperor think that the Mexican nation needs
the recognition of any other as a necessary am
<ellen to its existence. Whoever thinks as, de
grades the country, and the Mexicans are too
careful of their dignity and independence ever
to place themselves in ouch a condition. If the
policy of the United States requires that Its gov
ernment should maintain the position which has
been takth, although It may be painful to Mexico
on aeconnt of the Government relations of amity,
which have been maintained wi.h the United
States. She is not thereby alarmed, since she
has shown It In an informal manner by - her acts.
She will faithfally keep the declarations of neu
trality she has made. The designs of flllibuster
lam, which bad Mexicans fermented, have failed •
through their own weakness. In regard to the
Emperor's personal Ideas and sentimental there
Ls only this to say, that being Mexican by Tomei
lacy adoption, he will completely fulfill the do
tter! Impaled on him by the new country. That
in prosperity or In adversity, he will ever be
found at the head of his fellow-citizens, and that
if Providence. in his Inscrutable &algae. rthould
choose to selith the ecuntry with misfortunes,
he will be found at the post which has been as
signed him.
New Your, August '4.—A Havana letter of
August 18th says Generals Preston and
Welker left by the steamer Elder for England
intending to go thence to Halifax.
Governor Moore will remain In Cuba till his
fate is determined in Washington.
General Maunder is In the City of Mexico
ready to take employment If he can fend
Captain Maury has found service with the
En peror as superintendent of the national ob
servatory which is to be establisitedi and Major
Mordecai es topographical and civil engineer.
will be associated for the present with Colonel
Talcott, In charge of an Important branch of
the tublie railway eervire.
General Edmund Kirby Smith still remains
here to communicate with his friends, but of
course he - desires a return to Florida, where he
would be of great help In the establishment of
the government, as well by his judgment,
Industry and influence at home, where he is
highly esteemed, as by his own conviction as to
his duty for the future, and that of the citizens
of the country who have played out their dream
of independence,
His Concealment in New York.
New Tom, August Bd.—Edward B. Ketcham
wee arrested yesterday evening, at a house in
West Tirentieth street. He has not been out of
the city. He had an interview with many orate
friends and victims, and with his father. With
the latter, a reconciliation was effected.. lie
was Joined at the station house by his wife. He
has been about the city frequently during the
mitt fortnight with his former friends. He and
about My thousand dollars triteA arrested. As
-yet no complaint has been male against him.
Theeredltces of Ketcham, Boast Co., will wet
on Monday nett, to bear a statement bf the
linanelal affairs. *Mhz; firm. • The assets ere
likely to reach tonixty cents on the dollar
Nadi Yong, angora= —.l;etellent itiSkic 16 14 - .
big in a home on Twentieth Street, tutder iheOflime
of Mr. Lowry, of Cinclassatl, on the - day 6f Ms'
disappearance. He wan arrested 'last ensuing
near thistouret Then:mit war made by 114 e rr
titre officer Gilmore, who hid , been workitig up,
the case with detectise office: McDontfuls tender'
the direction of superintendent Kennedy and
least Taus& of the deteetlio farm Infer.
matron had beam' Cotrrelluli to the VA= that '
young Ketchum could be found on Twentieth'
street, and officer Gilmore proceeded thither yes ,
terday altotoo. Ketchum was walking home :
ward, and the officer reousmized him from the
description that had been Widths:4 -himi He
took him Into custody. Me Cando no . reside=
whatever. He did not seem. even surprised, but
said It was 111 right. He' acroatpailleff the offi
cers to the police headquarters in Mulberry
street. -Under arrest, 'Ketchum did not exhibit
any concern. MI spoke of the subject as the end
of a rather wild career, but did not, apparently,
apprehend any unpleasant ostuusqueness. 1.16
spoke fully of the manner In which he lived
slam his flight, except the day on which the
discoveries were made. He has been in the
Mee; and has not once been out of New York.
During his walks he has often seen persons, that
he knew, including brokers and others whoivrere
involved by his forgerfee, but he amusedly;
avoided them so that they should not °heave
him, and it is not known that he wall recognized ; .
tmW arrested. On Thursday last Ketchum, rode
to Cent's! Park, sod =Ana there ireensider,'
able time. Be saw there a number_ of persons
with whom he was acquainted.. Alla_
was taken to the police headqudittors ht his: fatha
end other remixes of Ms - family, it the offi.
ean of ono of the beaks whlett had recishred
part orals Angelpsper and the personsirbohare
been chosen as 4rerenDtified .: of: Sr..
rat. in UM Winne . Of QM -muting es
them ante to seellni.:- 14 mekthernall),
ma .
yatiter,, - sittli' singular cOolnessi:and. a
with them as thatph hil. hisd been tersaily.
absent on badness. , Hsi did not, enriftt4. 'con.,
alder himself climbed; t The Denson' l'who 'ware ,
called, spoke to him with kindnesai, and none of
them showed any disposition wiuncrerito mow
cute hha for his nraett: - Sittchirat.apeaks with
freedom of ItirogetratiOna:-' lie says at one tams
he had velvety worth ea* talkies of dollars.
His kisses begattwitfr the ale - :lino in '. gold. I Ha.
say' the "'arrant Which was limited in his Taut
ions transactions was abontiburnalionaof,do.l-2 wirgetliapct Squad :It tesnk ha declares,
Altus indebtedneee: of-two and , a half
cif dollars.' The' jetted! wi4l ping:
was Late thounandiletth rade
tradred dollar o s .• .
p , '-. ...:
Pittlimutslie4, -,LarrYero ICIlle&-Intereet:
if • Iteerlogr,Toutatily• Notte4 I
Toaa...6.turuat 20.-r l estr lo ii , 'Whoatore;
eotmserlor at law at this elty,:was
labs yecter t ley, ,being tau ,corer kyll Sew
'flaren veto mear Torlesi4u:' r apposed he
• ettaupted-t6 "Mows the' trarrac Yho train jean
atmroaehlug. Rd Vas • a lawyer of abffltY.
was ketwsuisti Ake bar' bete did tit Al„
u mai , of dlattegulahed:slomMuMO fib was
'tor Wend tame r alaeriet- icoonnyalabisr
ay county, and' mend sent= In !Ito 804
rrenn that ecrootr, '
meats more or, geliera. WIC
• the Secretary Of the Treasury tames elrelnit to
convert a ports= of the 'tamale bearing Woo.
cry notes loto bonds. The rumor states the
amormt at $5,000,000.
Now roust, Aug. tr.-1: la cell's diary, h I , r •
the Great Eastern, contains the follown ac
count of the In .Inry to the cable; At :3 s v. , on
the 31at of J nly, the screw engines were stopinut,
and at&SO (ship's time) the paddles were slowed
In order to al low the last coil of the after tank
to run out, and the operatloa of paying out text
transferred to the fore tank. Not the slightest
&Meetly was ei'pericated in the tram efer, and at
ten minutes to 3 A. U., or a little before 5
(Greenwich time,) the Great Eastern Muted
sheel, I.owerteg - the cable at a decreased rate of
At noon the distance ran was id&zniles, cable
• • • • • • •-•
o❑t, 19Z nines; the tests showing a great
imi rover Lent, to as to elevate the standard cf
the cable very ranch above be quality eincitled
In the conecact. Latitude 52 deg. 9 rain., longi
tude 31 deg. 52 min. An examination was uoir
made of the portion of the cable to which dead
earth was Scout, to extat., by a sates of exhaal
live electrical Meta. Slowly, but surely, the de
fect ive pa lion of she cable was resehe4 and cut
A very painful discovery was then made
foundation was visibik in one strand of hemp
covering the external wire, and on unraveling
the strand so• as to mese the insulated wires a
piece of broken wire was fiend driven through
the entrisperoha covering so as to pro*ct be
yond it on each aide to the extent of the diame•
ter of the snide. Otte end was sharp as if cut
with niprans, the other end wee broken off ab
ruptly, and the dtameter oo the maga on being
applied corresponded with that of the wire COw
ering of the cable.
It was impossWe to resist the Irritating and
aorrowfcl con t talons that such an Injury was
the work of some horrid cable assassin or some
purposeless malefactor. Mr. Gumming-showed
tne cable stab to the cable men, who admitted
that the mischief *paid uot have occurred
deSitallz, and those who were in the took when
the cable was Wowed, being the same gang as
that which was on duty when !mothes piece of
wire was forced into the cable, were transfered
to other duties on desk.
The gentlemen on baud of the Cbl forited
corps of supervisore, who undertook to watch In
the tank, turn about, and the men ;deiced there
gave their acquiescence. A dead calm
prevailed nearly the whole of the day. The
waters were =broken even by the gentlest rip
ple. On Wednesday, August 2d, at 545 A. 11.,
the ship was stopped by en order from the elec
trician room. While the electrician!' were pas
sine the first of a half hourly series of carrel:OA
to the shore, the galvanometer suddenly detec
ted an interruption In the Dow of electricity
which Indicates a earions fault.
.. • .• - -
The tests gave no result as to the locality, fur
the fault was very varying, but It was generally
believed to be not far trust the stem of the ship.
It spears while Mr. Field was on watch In id e
tack, a little before the accident, a grating nol se
was audible, as the cable Hew over the coil
astern. One of the experienced hands Immedi
ately said, "there is a piece of wtre." and called
to the locket:dm= above to pass the information
aft, but no notice appears to have been taken
A fter the ship had been stopped and the re.
mainder of the flake paid out, a piece of wire
was teen projecting out. of the cable in the
flake underneath that in which the fault was
Busts cued to exist, and en one °ram men taking
It in his fingers and trying to bend it down the
wire broke short oIL It was nearly three inches
for g, evidently cf hard 111-lammed metal, which
bad flown out through strands In the tanks.
The discovery wee, in some measure, a relief to
the men's minds that one certainty, and the pcsaibly of the previous faults, might have
teen the result of accident.
It was remarked, howater, that this fault m
ewed In the same watch as the former ones. As
the fault was too serious to be overlooked and as
there was difficulty In detecting its situation,
preparation was made to get the picking up ap
paratus ready. Pi evious to doing so, two outs
were made in the cable, the first near the end
that was spliced, between the main and the fore
cants of the cable. The second cut was three
miles on board, which IhOwee the fault LO be
The wire rope and chain were now socurel to
the cable, which ehowad a Dratimurn-straln-Of •
23N onndred weight, and at ihSb", (Greenwich
time) the table was severed and went over the
stern, list miles having been paid out when the
end splashed Into the water. With lees diffi
culty than newel, In fact with comparative facil
ity, the cable was hauled over the bows at 10;08
a. m. It had been hauled by the port Bide of
the ship, and, as the wind stood, she drifted
Over the coerce of the cable, but
it came up readily; the strain on it according
to the indicator being from fifty to fifty-five
hundred weight, although the latter feigns to
represent a maximum only reached on one occa
sion. We were In nearly two thousand lath
e= of water, but It was considered a favorable
circumstance that we had not got a few miles
further, as we should then have been in the
deepest part of the Atlantic, As far es could be
asetrtained the ship wee 'now over a gentle
elevation, on the top of which there were only
1,950 fathoms of water. The picking up was
as canal, eaceedinglytedkrua, and one how Ottd
six unroates elapsed ortforo ODIS Mile urge got on
One of the engine's eccentric gear got out of
order, 60 that a an had to stand by with a
handspike, a wedge of wood, and an elastic band,
to old the wretcAed opus. Next the supply
o .
i steal failed. When ikari Ift gt. '4 UP LL wan
raned shore was net tinotg:m ba the
and to the picking pp ceased altogether. There
occurred a great misfortune. The lunch was
„lust over tome had left the table, and others
'tare skean leaving. The scientific gentlemen
had rather cheered us by thartingthe hypothesis,
rather than starting the prediction that they be,
limed the fault was only nix miles away, and so
ere dead nightfall we might • hope to have the
fault on board., mete a new splice, and proceed
once to Heart's Content, geographically about
Inx hundred miles away. Suddenly Mr. Can
ning appeared in the saloon, and In a manner
which told all, said "It „la all over, it Is gone,"
and then hastened
_to the cabin of Mr . Field: •
Ens th e shrill su r prise and pain occ.asioriedile ,
these Words had parsed away, he came from his
compaction Into the saloon, and said with a coo
-pware, admirable under the circumstances,
though' his lip quivered and his cheat was
blanched "the cablehas paste and 'gone !oyes
bcninLl pA3lwerecndeck in • a moment, ind -
there indeed a glance ,re ealed the truth; The
wire'rope used in grappling for the cable waa
made 10 lengths 01100 ilsthorus, each of ithieh
, was joined: by a- heavy shackle and "swivel at
each end. Each time when the rope gave way, the
head or the shackle bolt was drawn thnangh the
The Case of A. $ Steph*.
Wade attarillat - ilpplying for Pardolt. •
'-• ' ,
New Tom August 27.—The enecial
ap: Brlgiuller General Idareolas 31,, Cruet
er, of lowa, died at WlUlard's this after ' -
noon flerm traerea/er disease of the brain, after
two . weeice lingerin conflnereent. Itr. greens.
man Stleattrgeop to General Grant, Mu law
111irOMUtiLlg, 044 M and mi/ 1 9•*Il
stone . ung°l4.
General.Groeleer kaYeall.trlfe' 02 Four
'belpirrnielainco.- •r, • r• •
!eV a
Tt la 4ated . tbactlie n .Yrisident, probably
ebartly.troter thbroterne Of, Alatervilir 43te-
Omar • !His - ease tace been lad& oßl ed derntion
.for acme U W brne r and hai bees *Oy his:
brother, Linton Steplama;-Who ieierd
Interviews wittafredohnaor.
Tainnter of Virybils, la at WU.
bra's. 111 is slated that her husband Is confin
ed es a state prim= in Fort Prank!, tiltenalos
• tar his release with the Fitile,lea of leaving ,
countrytoteren . • •
• no rebel eollamorai Wade—,! his
iimemaideral lea sanguinary detetantuallon lta
die in the /ast dint ot the South= ;Confedera l
cr , and sow bap lustily far-partion., ail sell ;
wasreeelna to -day. • . • '
.•• • Vold. • • •
• phrir ion; Angnst 26-4 resi.-4401fis dna:.
er. There is a fauna, of ea",h_goid imagine: L t .
wyer.nlation in faihihf :lighter quouttleme, runs:
m od rd Om Tuatara of a =lon 0t,e94 bid"
givenetteuth tattier aierrnmen%,
• kirerbr; Is of an eXCeptlonalehanicter. the 'la,
meat being-t•hient',,,,_,Of IRO-Vitt ,heinil l o.
per eent:,enesPer that - bes 4 '
:by therateufte &Warn IA" *
of - . 01:: f
ibla tuirstlim ig the Opireppnatering out eerWri;
flenerige;nee wipittuvizaiL t .f7AAClAollls peel.
ata ,s2 / 4 eabY Ute Wiir_ftittuLtagi e nd farther.
then no" o f - General - arm will .110VMSW malt:
list__ • _
nettetialF i. zr .irrpieSoli Peatchllie:
,stiusum of Sic
DoilettyaitelteeTor the tied ; Year. eralertegtille .
Seth HOT ilariefiteet irepetol et
illekSta)_Lethe Gotereeteet. - , .
Elwin Boatt'Agaln - Befari) the Palle.
PEILUCLIMIL. A n . 26.—Tlut Wahant Street
Theatre la this city reopened to-eight ender
the atulyecat of Edwin booth end J. B. Clarice.
The Sinking of the BrOherJonath2a.
Brig Gen. Wright 43 Staff Lost.
blnw Town, Ann wit AU. Califon;
of the 3d !nat., has the (alloying. sail news :
CnnscLwr Crrr, Jnb 30thelaJeonsowritaat
Angust 2,—M:in 'steamer ?wither Jonathan
strack a sunken loch off 83. George's Point
eight or tea zags wain from here, at 1:30 it
to-day. All on board were lAA except seven , -
teen persons, bleb:oin); tlu children. Boats
have gone to the rescue, britgerie tire no tiopto
or saying more. Two bei,Jits,' Were swamped
alongside of the ship, anthree boats were left
on hoard
. .
The following are the` canal of those saved:
dames Patterson. Third Oir/r;...rt David Farrell,
eicerachatewozdi Henry -klaer. baker; Patrick
Linn, fireman;• Wm.- Lowell, &mann; E. E.
Shield, waiter; Stephen Simon, waiter; Mrs.
Mary A. Tweedle, Mrs.Sl. BSenford and child.
Mm. Martha E. Wilder, Mrs... Martha Stoll and
Lour colored aeamen.
Lvessr -.The boats bawl returned, having
Ken nothing of the snack. We glee up all hope
of saving anymore passengelit. (Meer Patter.
non reports thatcßrig, , Gen. Wlight,,when last
seen on board had a We-totter= in his hand
The following is a'completo list of tie paten.
gem who wen lost: Brig. Wright, 8..
A. Lieu:. E. D. Walte, E. Ira A.t alba Marl
Berry, e. Mayer David Wllendle, A. I, Bayles
and wife, Wm. M. Logan . 'are servant, ,tienot
Nesbit, James E. Totes, M.9rawilterd, T. Daw
son, Miss Mary Place, DlreA Stacki4e, Infant
and child, .1. Well, Men. Ants Crffg,f)dra. Lee
and 1. rant, Gov. A. C. Bend, L. G. Tattle. B.
IL !Italie. wife and Infant, Cr t, ehadock, 8.
IL B.; Mn. John C. Heenan and severe ladles, S.
B. Morgan, S. N. Lucky, will and child, Misa
Forbes, Charles N. Belden, Albert Weida, Geo.
Wedekind, Jmenit Berton, Thomas "Hoyle and
wife, rtobt. H. Frazer, John-R, Craig, William
Billmieky, J. B. Birm,lirs. Woodlocia, Conrad
Adams, Fred. A. Pound, lanman Clindruald.
James Lynch, A. Ingrahard, C. B. A.
James P. Richards, Victor Solth, Miss H. V'
Snow, Jams Connell, J. G. t/ay and wife, Mai
N. Stc.:,,er, IL L. Herron. laeo. W. Pollock,
Chas. C. Northrop, J, C. MOisocker, Aire A.
C. Brooks, Mtn Hersly. WV= Dogan and
wile, D. Crandrall, Mrs. C. Fgantattl, daughter
and chile; D. C. Po., ell, wife gad four children;
A. A. Stone, wife and infant“ Mr. S. Stanford,
Mn. James Church, Mrs. Wendell and Child P.
Leifer, J. S. Gaddes, B. liattsfrion, Mn. r Luckey
and two ch `dren, Major E. W. Eddy, V. S. A.-
G. Cane:, Moses Dealer, Joseth Gratin, H. De!
ramie, Geo. W. Annie, J. Strong, S. P. Craig,
Patrick Dwyer, John Adams two .1"oil•rt, 13.. B.
Manly, Henry Abrams, Thos.: , Gann, C. Miner
and Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express Stemmer.
• SiN Flume°, Angzat 134.31 any of the pas•
sengers [rpm the wreck of tie steamer-Brother
Jonathan hove been recel►edbnt no litres seised
except those escaping In thr.i small 'boats, as
heretofore reported.
French and Austrian lessti Firing . Salutes,
Continued Arrival of E.oneb Troops
Serious Charges Against Paymasters.
'NEW Yong, August 21.41dcwican advices
atatetbat T:1,1 5 - 1 -11311Cbeell e ,"
victory over the Liberals near:: Feeble -previous
to the 14th, last., and at the time of the steamer
1 eaving Vera Cruz, on the 14M1 Lost., the Frenel
and Austrian vessels were ti± hg salutes. The
Imperial troops have Won tic* repulsed froth
Zognolican. Anespedittort tias organizing td
drive the Republicans out of cinplat.
IL was reported that Negras bad lost her o
his men, and all of his horsetail retreating Rom
Matamorna. French trooptcontinne toarrive
in Mexico.
The Richmond correspondint of the lieraU
states that it is asserted there that fourteen per
• sons are charge with being, concerned in the
alleged frauds on that State. It is also-believed
that a large number of northOi Paymasters are
involved In the same ChISIVIU
The Herold states that sittfilcer in this city
ty,A9 !MAW yesterday cila4 a..t twith fraud and
forgery In thoTsymister's meat,
Stock and Monay—Weekli Review of the
IrEw Yorm, August '2.6.—the Railway share
market was arm at tho BOA Each' age, with
en upward movement In old Batman, Fort
Wayne, and Rhode Inland: liming the day
there 1718 Sortstftrable 114044140 1 3 qqt tie Via;,
Ckrrernmeats were. Wet and steady. Coal
and ldiscelliumordstutres wets quiet bet gener
ally steady. - -.- „4", - / '-,-"
. Sold was ['Monger this manin
The exports of epeclo to-day were eight hen. -
deed and 'fifty thousand Wale. There is no
specula:ire demand army -.lmportance: The
loan market is ems at - dr pet cent. ,-
The Zinnias the following.weekly raspy:
' The tenant this market hes bten 'firm during - -
the week. A. brisk ,_ demang existed and marts'
articles have been taken on VeCnistr Veal
• eis believe that all bteedsqo trill be a.
• Theo:nts been itgood &RIO of - act IMI the
market frp Western and file*: Zan ' have
advanced 50f,P,5c, The 4=4 WM chief
' ly foriocal trade and for inlatment; Wit same
• :Impair, kr felldeliVelT. !Ike'reTeralde foreign
' :. erica have imparted tat_activity, CM the epee-
Millie - Melia gle more noiWeable. The rata
. fob xtre State irefs7,6s@i2ot Ohio 'tzhlPPlng.
C8,80(49,25. u The exports linve been 48,04 a bar
teas. There has been a.variable, but-generally
active demand fog wheat slim: e „out. last review.
' In lote for fat= delivery ' - : . letirivale. have been
greater and'. prices have , pladefally improved.
. The euotationsshow an adleance of &Oat Rine to
• ten ' cents - on Spring, and brim • five to. eight
cents -ott'SPinter. • -, Nirketttlhe crop bf new
13 1Winffwheat in iles Wcati tenet sOgoor as was
; expected. The quality le elttal to , that. of last
year, tbcngh the quantity is less. • 'Parehmers
-of - wheat baste been to rilltwankle; 'for the
tionthern„,lmihous , and. - Omeland ; ! markets.
• width is regarded_ as an lb:mods:it fact. The
• market is very finsito.davnt - $1,56 t 31,59 for
Chicago .Bpriam;: , fII.,SIVT;SI tee - Milwankle
Club; 81,50 for Amber do, aldl2,IS for: Amber
' Michigan. Oats during, the early 7 = Pitt of -the
.week were very active; and prices' have been
well sustained; subsequeztlY the demsnd.abated
and in order to effect ,sates ; borders .- were Com
pelled to subnnt Ma decline. Near ' the close '
there le a betteefeeling. , . Sales were made to- o
opyrd. 6934%6433. for liS r esterrir ,Cont-bas bean
In an improved _ nenintlt-PAM. have advanced.
, beldtriag, the *Mk they bitterfinematerV The
;line'weather hadbeen• - :fav4fahLi ler the earn, •
and the edylees from Enmpp have tom. emu.
', aging; The inquiry his becii leizellepeszdatire, •
and this is a thatureof thi*)Msai.. .--; I-- , - •
The rot in the potato erop - ter Ms sentry and
1 1 h•0t,, ,, 4; hut tadueed atria' dritaitar • The quo' -
:. tigtonalbr-gps lire* tihnow f 01.-:advance el from
thgeitefohr Mena, cloisin A Vtirm at/56354p7X,.-
.I_,. mrpl—Ttio tateet-iii :titird - c-ii the : iiik are -
~. untimmolft, no stockiktiretrllghti and, hoPs
ire firmly held 01,50 motte,PSe id s ! %12 6 E7 - '
lota, and' ortibietrily the range ht from uptenta - -
: The only petrel= expeife d 'Ott inmirtidia-
,01d5,,,, griCes.bere are nepolunli in' 21 . i0.Te
. far Crude, and lidh2,s4e fon;wannen• J• 12,00 V... •' ,
•'•-•'. The bides:geld pork. - dteiAg the: Aiitif, ' has ~.-, •
' bank enly moderate. '. and Ohms_ ;UPI vaned' ''-' •.
- abott edollar pa:Chard; '•- : The , reeeptaf have - . --f.
been faim.there - hallMly Nati as micidkridelneor
83 , foe future &Warp ._,,Tixtr•j:eusgigit A d a g es a t -
SANG= fin new nunis, and. 40Vetfor: prize,
1 11 0 4 );SedrintabwiifithriVFatihre.!. but. hoidens -,..-
do not •ixtnz:engsefitcvls. 30treelyt:pdas - Ire. , ,:_
ilia Aar= VI to 1111,50•,re 47.. r i bunk :AZ. to
,L , .-
meta, and111101.4,50,Mr eittni.,--Terriggio beef
.hafbOatlalmptord_dese*„.::cleteeigiti/fo: -
;atm:arca iiadliettediiielegitt. ,ivote tx : fto •28*-: : ,_,
.re‘rtldi4e tedii *id M
~. L;tciod.4-Idole_T Cal
.•, . ' .
eteet+i4diillittvid IdichetiAthe - a 000,40 :Vg: • •
,Istrenit.exti Ide ibf obingcr4siarll9ol.93o •
_. ..-,
'Xcatticlwasuali**;,TArs: 4l AgAtinAll l la!
i praell.l2ii:lirimPir#llos o4-1
Ix front 21.1416g.cezdf..,(..tL1t., :,-,.:.:;,-, i e.._
'N bll4Ol,-"/Wbbe ijili t ZT — Evirid " :l ....- -
;„.,,,,, , ,,a t doeturre„.. . . . ..., 01 , —
DI 41 , 411: gtOrgstax 4 .,, - :- _
.-1"-.F4 the -_: ..-...
'Week ireze IPPblintlii: j:,.. - y, ,i•- - .----.---4...-. - • _. ,
w 4t i il oyF O Th LUls eaiml7i t6uroti
34),*-_4 a);;:elMlnge;
tilliagli • ':
VOO 14
o h 4
nt 4 4r tle ke
,dp'Oeri. Wdi9tkk k ge .
u, . t c n s c a .-A lo k m e o c r -
wvida : inO sn.7rtdol4 , 4flaiii 4 VFee
are fomcocoxilor tattr4ikt 10110E1:a d, _-. -
- no to' Satrear. 50 air% fof p all6di sad 23 to tlo :'.
for unwashed. - -- ! . ••,, -., , . --, •._: _
._ .-:' ' •-__.r.
Far Additional Telegrapli; L=al' end 02147 gager,
_ , Sce Fourth Pox. . .