The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, August 25, 1865, Image 1

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• . •..
4 Vimburgit Oanette.
`liitvol DepOrture of
Central' Ilailro2 d
pteC. • •
7 :De
. .TMPRlnpreet...:. .250 a m!lui -- e m 6
auttateosimaix 015°1,1 1-
...... •*”. "53. ' 2
.I:•Pittibraiglagitiao 2.90 •
no , P ttt Erie NEMLI2.I) m
p Baltimore ExiVs tag o P
0 4:1P In P/ilM,Empeese.. m
+ Fralrtri 1 4 .1 ; fe . tt c e P tlOn
4. 1 1 1 1.
Zel l ; tifo - 132 - 0 , n4 1t°5 ith" " " et 2 P
P3O) m Penn Amato& n. 1:50 a m
2% r i g
_ge . g . n . train leaves wells , Station ever/
' ' l "' P.iletUrninge icaiTi Pittsburgh,
F . . P1 3 . /- 1 .•
Fart Wayne and ceacago.
:: 27, 7 4,14 - drrirm
. -
rea5,......' ...... ....... I.= a. zu !Express. . . ... ... 2ao a m
.......—. MCO p 111 ~ Expreas 4.. az) p at
1 _ re15.......;.:...11.90 P 111 DI E, PM l 3= 9M .
:. ... ........ 7:00a ra Mall - - - 1:?p ta .
lg. Mune* Erie Cars m N:Ce.stletg - ritle-820 p m
new Thialden deeommodalon karat 6Pegbany
I_, ~... , Ilopot,et Via. =Ol6O a...M.,. 4.4 S p. m., and cid
- 1. ,, , , ,;..24, nk,,,Paduatteei-ena-p.,. 104 . 1t . in flute} 360
• ` -, - - p - m.l ron- may, Ilmerp. cii - - -
. -- ~
E ., nr - i PiSte . r. Cleveland , and , Wheeling •
w ur 7.7„. 060 a mi1trpr6m......... 2:10 am
-- '1 2 r 'ij .44,::.4, tap en Expren.......... 645 p M
6:10 a m NMI p
EltiegamTl l l64ecemmectalloa leaves' Alleghapp,
i .
-. ,
,14.fA^ - 61c . - * ll 4o. l 9V4lgi4Sun.ithsviile. '
: --if a 44..; WS! azjldaTl ' an).p m
Inptena , :........anOstm Capron - toad ata
A,^ndanpikeprezentsat lat - Mal l am
MIS p 121 ....
~, , ,,i fistßra4lore.a 1110.a,m tat- Dzaddoelea 0- a m
~,... ../, ,-: =T__, % .. - 4:15 pin ad --- .. .J.. 040 p m
Allegheny Valley Bairn&
_ .9tparts. Arrives.
71:6•m1Papreas eatla m
letpless - ;' 4.10 7nOlp
gaaeopeditUon,egalkmilier.ommodatloa 8= am
Melons, Swett` POttitoes t
iidrin 133
&tennis dOA44,
' MOW,t3XlitaCirittree
.11113:12k:- -
• ~.r , yolklitettell, I SO baratutalfened Isithiiiitiehll to thcise
ildie4t4to3 a elaiStanikiittiht lOU Julventsed to
be laid at East Lionty on Monday neat. This I.
Mlt oltptisf
_bef rop no jOroperty has been offend
ititlisupozior advantages, both as to site and loos.
Oarpr,uter Jobbing Shop:
Iliiiagfetuitioriftiliin absence a i r. Years
tlV:lglttetilirtragiatirefirl.ollo3lea W ADP Tall aorta
.2 , -s3- 440b 4gatb 4 •FIFP!**? Une r at the etaral,
tlnCa Allei,tietfieen SauadielditreetindiJherry
ift6iiluatedliad piomialy attended to.
WILLLLII 0112.1192.
Open Tie
Ltdlea, without revealing whether you use tint
117 , :agra.!it Soindent, or not. No ootasion'for words'
abdi breath. peak for : CM The lustre
•.• Ditty tetpotled to the - dented =Shiners , by
that retries, Mat; and the fragrinee It gives to
- :She taoUth, l 'adbe realized by the its of any
atlas lienitSdhlettilhithutaisn [stall •
• • •
parry' & i
"Y.- • liAaerlaasi
irmth.w. slate 11402=174b74,
0 2•-t:, oink 4.711.1L1T watermark% Pittabarsh.
„-hr0.....A.,P/11fi street. Orlas
.7gk4t111:84(14 A.:, An Trstpihted mate
- ch for repairs., mrirrhica th!!!•90 t
abused aftertt Put Oa.
:Pk ! Coi/nUri
We eiiirnearniePirelf 'ibishow a stick of Dgy
, GcsXls and Notions second to none In the country
on Witty and cheapness. Gagpresent stock wet
1 4
:oicbisegilitAt tim&said sapless:which enable tea
to make good to customers our assuranie of hirer
• ,:..quoisupn, than, any,TellaNg eastern hinge whet
/ --- •iivi . . l, dtieillatnatlett of Our stood and conspart
- son of-prime Is earnestly invited.
AfgAz.F. & Co., 59 Market street.
, • Wholesale, • '
_-- a well as retail buyers of Dry Goods w il l Ind lt
I -.:'....-t.' j 'in'thelradiiningito'c'till intim; oil; stink before
• . -- •-littLg.... We will Show lon Forctgn goods at prices
that will astonish iou,ns wen as domestic goods.
'. ?.. , I,7..,,i,Vrear.e.l44‘esyokenterg tbetioat aitearire stock
'in the city. Call and ace how cheap we sell for
the ready money. Plaid and other Flannels at leas
I than mantitaitirerii , 'prlees. We bought, before the
, . &dear cm. Remember the pla.e—on the , i
....,. ~..,....ennakt of Fohrth add Market streets; laving 'sold
- ant it the nkritand: ' - !
(7. RANSON Lock & 800.
- 'OE? Mend, Mr: John 'Wier, No. I$ Federal
, •1 1 0 . art -Alta
1110 capture of Mamoru' load
the • surrender of toe rebel clines al tie was re.
x 4 .1 14 1 18 147 1 4 .4ga PrAhe :Pante Pro'
aiand knowAIA., acitoi•
i.hat•wouid fol,
;1011,nsidn-yers,. heavy purehases, of !the tat 't • Ittirtrit anitaulnlner* gmels at - about °avatar of the.
•flidPrlieit; Some of,the Aust. o;:the, eaulmeras
'resting' anilziciaiail his atoch Tokh hob
krelltblin_tralre.tigtPlOrder, On abort: sloth*, in
Ina latest aisles, and it correeposuangli low rates."
• dig.* siCsimment of furalehhig goodinnd reedy,
~lidtieloSt e t .., n,..alsp . be . found hla °latent'
env blonds should give .
Peace Haiti fts
...i...E...ttißltailloilliedoc'tirilisease is a grand amine.
neat, and : e Irately as bullet Ind bayou= will de
4', • will Hostetter's Bitters pre:mac
; -
the mast trylagperlod of .the year. Ihe
Of.theatmnpyst yields more arises to the
ealiag - teroptilitnee of nudsuzurWll - Vigor
;PtOiligth of mow
passes away in invisible vapory and wealter woman
:beconies :plated -arid xerveless. - It=w aiomeet
'lllLeb - tlst . Hostetter's Bitten wen
p . Z given air .sodety. tcrpreveat the evil Ginn..,
lottlfelf. to'wlHch keuntirand. depleted,dibllitla
, that they. are_ reCom.
Mendel as a Summer Tonto for both saxes. (Id
•'peep a die of exhaustion every deb ' Might
hava kept death' it, hair years to ei)010, by an
loaecaterial resort to Werful and harmless
vegetable stoinachle. l_ . •
leine..traths of the : community, rids fur well as
„pro; scork continual!". If their handiare UnFol• - •
ployed their brany arid head trorltli as
dip:rung to the vital camtes as muscular toll.
:Mat glean She iyetem with- lioatetters Hitters and
"the we ar and tear of biudoess life will b a conies:re
evertinthe most opprenlre weather.
i" No lanitior Wlll- beeiperienced, for as fast is the
ivital,forcea are expended, they wilt be recruited
. 72and : renewed 'by thu healthful reiterative. Au a.
slimmer insigorant it is indlepensab el to' young
and old. Bold feerywhere. .
"j^ a".00oolesa
Cat, has.been discoveredtin Perry, nanety,.on
farm Of Jobliet lowlatp. Mins e Toaoyod
township. -.TL isx
/11,51 bo. a vain Of about three
riii4. l *thithifeetotibanibitaminous coal; " lie
• .is about to sink a drift below to the bill to test It
• a- . c..taniterillittas& very marrow valley .
Pgatemi the ConnooDeheagne and Tates
-rata •rnoantalow - and 'ebb coal la found op, aIQ
.44:rag* of the ,Contnacocheagne, about - lona
`. 4 Monad aim' the 7 toonatala flom Nog_
iflerantatown'aad ntOutthe eatiadlitatice•frotw
stefferd Jardata catuidy; t
Tni..l3untinedon . County Linton Celatianilott"
I,,.,l ,333 ertakriveo lti llodnoMittated tOnears BAgen
AM , Assembly - Toomas Fianna for Assomate
Jadg - ,rand - .JaArt4t,To t .,jlk;otrosa , forl. Sherif, 1
, • °lvrea U. 416 Inaiiiitleplinithe •
„,Citizene of,HoWth Strata:le and .Chaeliets : - tpwn.
-la \-Viaahlogtooteoutty hive organises a
:company to recover the llamas and arrest the
A watormta'roarderwas committed at Re.auts
, town,J4tamerter county; ',teat Sunday. by Gibmit'
eoldier'"who stabbei his wife
.use 4car:t, Otioalog almosti Instant death.- - - -
Ibtrmi; of Manover township. Beaver
,z , ....s.v..arditusonzl,M").- Adam Reed, bad! bla leg.
val:e turnoff by, threetdo# maehtne,,pn Raturdey
t'laril twit* the htee.' , Her -r diad'lle gra hairs
MiYolrta ire Jtebegazutde at troßiciaylds t rg to
• eatabllah a drat - clans Bambini: ' About V.. 1,000
Ass already btenattemibed for that purpose.
16 Atrut C. Wharemlib, Otirein
n • •
• Alta), has famed an appeal to the leaning meat:
.....,,„,,,beisofAtta t /apeman 95detie tpa United Btatea; ..
-4 w-lebßLbz atiktvetiticit ia Loalsvilleon ttur,
accord .2 Monday of October. to MO In brieglug
•biekalieold harmony hetwoett all sections of the.
• Maim' " •
__ .I~aEsd.Ds.Tazton.rectotoiGFaca~OCnrch,
Vow nit, mot with a sad accilinCa taw days
Mace, b.:Malan:mu from Ida carriag&aod roomy.
glitObtblajtukt that his WO was at drat 'dia.
g - z 4 Thiry .-E,LevTLAA, or Worcscor. has beau taco' .
INvident. of ilia UnivenPty - of Vermont '
,01,11 M lAXVIII
Very — Greaf - lzeter — t.
tU‘. - : 1 , 7:I)MLY-
The fourth quarterly meet i ng of this Associa
tion met In Clevelaud,ou Wednesday, and was
called to order by-E. B. Ward s of Deceit. Presi
dent of the.denclatiori. R. 11. Lamborn, Esq.,
Sebretary of the Amoelation, thee miffed the roll,
when representatives from the following corpo
rations responded :
Colombia Lni Co., Johnstown, Pa.; Lehigh
Crane Iron Co:,' Catantaqua; Pe.; Fairmount
Iron Works, Philadelphia; Clinton Fornem,
Pittsburgh; Duquesne Iron and Steel Works,
Pittsburgh; Pittsburgh Steel Works, Pittsburgh;
Indianapolis Bolling Mill Co.. indlitnaloolisl
Blair Iron and Coal Qt., Kollidayeburg,
Kensington Iron. Works, Pittsburgh; Hiawatha
Nut and Bolt Works' ," Pittsburgh; Wyandotte.
.Bolling Mill Co., Wyandotte, Mich.; Bethlehem
Iron Co., Bethlehem, Pa.; Black plamoil&Steel
Works, Pittabarch; Juniata Iron Worke,-Pitts
burgh; Freedom Iron Co., Leniston;pa...; Ben
wood Iron Works, Wheeling,. Va.; Sable Iron
Works, Pithihtiffitif Chew , SinYth Co., Pais
'burgh; Kittanning Irbn Works, Pittsbrugh;
Nitildtweatern Iron Co., Milwaukee, Wis.;
Keespert Iron Works, McKeesport, P mt
go Bootee Mill EM. Chidago; Eliza iFumaces.
.Pittaltulgh; -Pet.;l3htelifierger PurnWe s PULS'
PoSbi 401,,W0 4k ifew Castle? Pa-i
• Clevelaed:Rolliog Mal Co.i.Clevelaid; UMW,
Iloii : .Wdike, Cincinnati. Palrchiseca him Wseka,
ITMMtierwo, Pm; 3. Rogers, Iron atutigail
Works, Amable Forks;11; V. • i
, -The -President delivered maddras la the
tWerse%tWhieb be remarked that:
Efforts mopeds by tea Free Traders to cre
atetectlonal enmity between-the earns and
western manufacturers. Bet lam ha pp to In
form son that a perfeet unanimity of;sentiment
and concert - of effort exists between these two
sectique, rind Mashers tur reason appre
herd a change that Would be adyerse-to the in
Wrest- of alipartletteencatied.
Thefeeble =Bering Of a clique Called the
' Free'Thiche tenon, - olgaidemr in this country
(New-York citY)sda eOnselimes bead in the
: begging for prokelytes to their lEttropran
' pitilley; : bnethhir effoitei Val on the
on the paidleetir., The great' Nottiret has
, proeltillinfi herself-it power in this na and I
, believe that many of the ownere of t e them
' atida of factories now In the East, wild In limit
I find it - their Interest to move part' f their capi
tal to points wart of the lakes and the Mimiselp •
pi, where they will find cheaper land; chewr
fc od, cheaper
: operatives', and a more ready mar
ket then they nwhere. The time is not far
distrait when the Northwest will count her man.
ur e ctu reni by the manned, end her farms that
are now declining In fertility, will be recupera
ted by the maharescollected at contignints and
ehinerone feelorlea, In the same manner that
England bas raised, the Troduct of her firths,
from ten to thirty bushels of wheat per acre.
. The eirculatkui of the publication •we have
printed, hes had the effect of bringing a large
.proportion of the wmtern press to see that It is
their interest ne well as their duty to aid as in
the 4: triiilihMidinnfolar views.
An auxiliary association was formed in this
city, "awn 'after our lest meeting at Chicago, ud
der the auspices of Mr. A. B. Stone and his =-
laborers, that Prolniseretrispread Its beneficent
fruits over the whole State of Ohba. tied per
haps will reach into Virginia, KentuCky, Ten.
news and part of Indiana.
- Tk.o Importance of theseauxillary associations
la manifest, They reach: through local per.
sonal effort, many tbsdividuals who otherwise
world be left In ignorance of oar slimd and the
'nermesby for action, Pittsburgh, Cleveland,
-Plinth:intend other lotus; furnish examples by
their co-operative 1111101:18, which it is exceed
hotly Important to hays imitated in all parts of
Importetbons 'from Europe have largely in.
creased daring the past three months. , But
tie gold has beer. exported, the large balances
due on foreign hills being paid by the export of
_United States Bonds. A slight Immurement
has recently taken place in the iron outland
trade, but a general depression still crime
throughout the country. Our national finances,
:will Soot along easily so icing es the govern.
meet emtmues disbursing largely end onrhends
are freely taken in payment of European bal.
ancee. But when both of these elements cease
to operate, as they surely must, all prudent loni
ser:re men will see the propriety of exercising
Mere than ordinary caution, as the accumulation
of a huge interest-bearing debt In Europe can
not felt to producetillimateetringeucy in money,
and Magnetic% In ail kinds of business,
As our organization has kept Itself free from
all c mbteatlers aiming at lucreasted the Prima
of any class of commodities, I tout, they will in
future carefully avoid all seta In their associated
_capacity tending towards that result.
Therertet upon the adoption of 2.1e0 lbs to
the ton was then presented by the Secretary, In
the analysis of which we find to
_favor ells,
adoption of 2000 lbs. to the 851,, 85 In Massa
tin:netts, 1 in Vermont, 13 in New York, sln
New Jersey, 47 to Pennsylvania, In Maryland,
In Ohio, 3ln Missouri, 13 in Wisconsin, I in
'Michigan,' and Illinois. Opposed, 18—of
which 2 are In Measacbusetta, 8 in Pionsylva
tie, Bla °Fife; In addition 'are 6 doobtfal re,
plies, or, taking members alone. /Camila fever,
14 opposed, and 3 are dortiotfaL
..The report states that—
' The tendency of the replies • shows l that the
majority of the Iron and Steel Mentifecturere
are in favor of the proposed uniform ton of 2000,
tor the following reasons
Thy simplification of calculations and ac
coante, nod the economy, of time and, decrease
ilabliky to error, which,will flow therefrone.
a That a ton of determined arid recognized
'sraliteaqiiny be univensally employed, in order to
obviate the mistakes end misapprehensions
theithken =ear froth It failure to express the
particular kind of a ton to be used in a liminess
There is however, a strenuous opposition to
changeln some localities lor the following rex
-Ist. The labor and Confusion Incident upon
the change from accustomed methods pf calcu
lation ono the establlslied- amieduleifof prices to
different methods ana schedules.
The riffles:thy of receicillog 'those par
ties now disposing of valets upon, the bails of
12240 lbs. per ton to 'receive the prbportionate
p"ductioe la r p,rice fora ton of WOO
The' EePort N9'Bs teferred to a special commit
tee ou.weigeta and measures, composes of Jas.
Benismti4fieq.,.. of...Pittisburgti„ .1.; Einem,
CiteSEIDIti;S: Townsend, Philadelphia, A.
1 3 .43terne.'Cleitelind, and James itogers, Essex
county, ICY!- '-
On ,modone the Chair appointed Gm follow
lag BMW:flee asCornunttee on Resolutions:
John Id. Kennedy Philadelphia, Ohairmau;
T. B. Blair latebbrght knee Jones, Pittsburgh;
t Alto, Wort Gsl hington. Cietvelandi 0. , 1 W 44-
woit.ll,--Bno, - -- r • . j '.
4 '
~ ,Dir... Kennedy thenprocceded to enlarge upau
net-slums rutstrtel In the resolutions, to an able
Speech of halt An hour.
I ids said- to him, the most dangerons "sign of
the thug," is the insidtions but energetic efrgt
of free traders to encore the funding of the green
-barks Into interest paying bond& Thly would
then trirg us down to what they call resumption
, of specie payment, which is, In effect, r, snake
lion to Great Regain. This Is a question of great
“Intereat to the Went. The West Is destined to be
both rich and powerful; either with or without
;Man:term. It, is already the Imperial [foyer:
yet the accumulation of genital can - but no act
important stimulus. Oar Banking System is
fi ll
accilent, th e mostmagniffeent of mod times. 1
We must look out, however that Its o rations
-are not tampered with and ' directed m their
tree channel—that of austaining the fG.wfore
went—into that of free trade and bankruptcy.
Greenbacks arethe best carreneyhage4niveres.
It is th e prelimioary policy of our ' nentnito ,
:make our banknotes and -igicienbacks maarlit ;
_end perm:mom:me. _They would ined;oug,-.
Itgientmekslito bitida.lwit.Mratv the - greenbacks;
from circulation, end thesi_leave the
_ - -
Ibir - iiirat yltirourconmlea. I
---- -
The Secretary-read a nuirthar oc.) , etiell m.
o fro
- ficblealid glic'itios talliimsl- , , ,• - , ' ..
From the lion. B. F. Wade : "Hi fear' is
that our Government securities will be taken up'
in Europe, to an enormous extent, and Pte. paid_
lor..rwfrof Vl:llictlirielbars .of.forelera, manu
factures-, iihFch, coming in competition 'With our
; own,menufactories, will, I fear, be =very dims=
trim, if - vmedcstructlve, underonr preseintlariffs
iitdelpit trot' hurts:high aa lt, aboald be fan moat
articles. I conversed - with the Beennaty on the
nllblent.l.the Wet . Readmitted that the rate
of dirtiee WeienOt as high: - as they ought to. ta
under thepronful_elreurcuttences; that oar Inter
.-rnal tax oh' Manufactures operated in favor:of:
the fcceign - mannikin:UM and , that 'the tariff
'aticuild be ' correnponding,ly high. I have-- no
donbttbat 0 higproteetive tariff alone Can save
. _ bankru pt cyusfrom andMpudiatlon."
Fiona GeneraSchenck: ... Without fillet - leg
on-itheittlititet, I will but any that I believe the
true atd safe national policy for the: United
&etre le to- keep up a proteetWil tart iyatece ;
and-,I think. that in no part of the-Union 10,this
'Pilo t° be :snore vitally felt for goodthen fin
'our great interior 'States of the
,11tirthWeet. 'I
Would cherisluthe manuffmtunar,:suid bring hint:
as the steadyattd reliable consume& "grim!•
turai'.prodecte, close to the farmer, that the
Interests of both may be mutually benefitted."
,:. Finteßrary C.-Carey: .11 is. not probable
that ,I shall be able to ma to CMelaxtdi bat! will
gtVe a little advice to those who dogo, and that..
is eirmaltitia one bendred thousand copies of ati:
article in yesterday's Iron Aga, that I have just
-mad. - , -Ttita man who wrote it understands the
question, whoever be bay be."
From the:Ron. Rosh McCullough: "1 have
the -honor toMetnOWleagn the l'enwiPt. of your
, favor, of.,the 113th tratant, et:Moab:lg a circular
'Grote, the - .Society - for the Proamain,' dke,„
Ind lli: Mier from the Ron. John Sherman. I
.. . . .
aball - be . pleased to receive; from time to time,
any pamphlets , or articles. that may be publigtea
by the society on the subject of a Yroicalve
Mi. J. M. Kennedy, of Philadelphia, offered
and read the following resolutions.
Wnweets, This a.Eociatiou, desiring to place
Its principles and purposes plainly and squarely
before the nation, hereby declares—
That ladle they admit that they. as they be
lieve, are abeolulely compelled to make united
efforts so sustain Ameria industry, and hence
that their prime Incentiv s ono of self-interest,
42 9
while claiming Scr th em v es, neither more nor
leer of pattiotlath th that of their (clime ,
calicos, do, at the same time, distinctly, and em
- nhatically announce that they ask nothing as a
class interest, but will meet the.question simply
own Its broad merits, as it effects the general
welfare: of the country; therefore, -
.fibsolved, Aa the sense of this eonveation,
that whether. a- mecum policy, securing - to
American Sabin' the Paitessiogof the American
market, will or will not tend to aptUally benefit
- particulu ',lnterests, or - localities, it is in the
judgment of this Convention, a floancial maces
' Bay, Which cannot be 'materially Mare:aided,
that The !wattle 'duties, or foreign Imports fie -
' niowTo graduated,. u .will effectually prevent
The continued European drain of our the
1 future.
• Braolted, That ' whte the Condition die'
claims' ,way intention or desire tb express-_
.a; definite opinion, .00 tb e ' m o
° looted . question,
whether domestic prxincta whorl export
ed should, :by twx lb be ', made to-.
bear a - reasonable part Of 'thatiarthens nuts
, eerily itaporwri on'Amtrfetiolhfittstry, to atippli
the heeded iv/waxlike:National Treasury. ads
Convention w0a1d , 11.14, emphatically, avow the
• conviction, that In the absence of each taxation,
whenever Government imposes a special tax in
any particular branch of American industry, It
is the dictate of reason and sound political econ
omy, that the ability of American labor and
capital, embraced in such special taxation to
pay thalami, should ho by , Government main
taintd against foreign competition. •
Mr. Oliphant, of Uniontowq, Pa., roved that
this inciting ask the :Han. Andrew Stun to
write a series of articles in the cause Of protec
tion to American Industry throughootthe United
States. Agreed to. .
Adjourned. - -•-
,Theolllcl44l vote In all but two Counties of
kentikri 'gives Nokia, Union candidate for
Treasurer, 218 majority, making hllj election
-A supposed aceompil. of J. W. Boor] ha
bean arrested at Fort Wayne.
Forrigo Feeling Towards they United
A rinser of Binghamton writes an entertain.
log account of his recent experience. abroad,
which Is published In - the .Bcpubitont of that
place. We make a few smarts :
,"Upon the top of a coach going from Brus
sels to Waterloo, seated along side of me was a
portly. 'elided Englishman. one of the bled
who would rather choke a dinner Mai ask his
neighbor to pass him the water Jug. All the
way for ten miles be had ridden beside t me with
his arms folded memo his breast, his fat cheeks
puffed Om If from ratified Internal Mr), and
apriarently feeling him If of more weight than
all four of us Yankees who who . were alongside
of him. The guard of the coach had a bugle
which he often blew along the road. &on after
starting, one of our party asked him to play
.. Yankee Dooale," but he did not know It.
Our friend handed him a franc and whistled the
tune, The bugler won caught the atr and play
edit vesy wall, Boat we handed m another
franc, and whittled . 1141 Columb hi l ,a" and so
continued much of 'the way to Waterloo —a
' franc sad then another patriotic tune.
Our Englianntan looked "Ineffably disgusted;
and continued silent. Arrived at Waterloo 'we
had the seine guide, who for some hours paint
ed entail tlielsoints of interest upon the battle
field. John Ball still silent, but at last, upon
arcending s tbe mound two hundred feet higß.
formed over the remain/0(00es who fell In bat
tle, be could hold in no longer, bat turning to
me said; "air, do you think your goverametit
does unite right in the incarceration of lir. Jef
fersou Doyle 7" Upon my reply that a man In.
dieted for the highest crime known he our - laws
should be kept in prison for safety, he respond
ed: "Bat not in each a dreadful manneraor I
em credibly Informed that he is confined in a
dungeon without fire or light, and only bread
and water for food once a day." And nothing
I. could say world convince him of the un
truth of his Information, Ile then relapsed Into
.fience again, and rode all the way back into
Bossed, without giving us a word or a look;
and this Is a fair specimen of the feeling and the
correctness of their Information in relation to
A Reminiscence of John. C. Calhoun—His
Death Bed
A correispohdent of the 6t. /inns Annoeral
writes: "A guitlemen, who spent an afternoon
with Calhoun at his chamber In Washington
acme time before his death, mentions that.
among otha outages ofSeripture discuss :3:1 by
their, be i,noied the precept of Si.. Peter. 'Honor
all men.' 'What sill' Mr. Calhoun exclaimed,
'Honor ah-menl , 'ls that in the Bible/' 'Certain
ly air,' was the reply. 'Sir,' he said, 'God does
.not noalre that. ,Honor all men ! What! the
Allow In the Willie Ramie, and the 121833 of such
being& as? meet everyday yonder to the Capital.
Oh, not I cannot honor them; God does not corn
mend it,' His Mend explained that the passage
elalmcd forevery man, honoree a man; and bo•
cause he la a man, mall he shall forfeit his
right by crime. `Sir,' he replied, 'that- to right;
and Ido honor all men who deserve It. I
honor my slave who deaervelt; but snob men as
I have to do with in Washington, neither God
nor Ulan can honor.'
"Thedying statestnan continued In the same
frame of mind to the last. Just before the sot
anadoeing seems, the'?..haplan of the Senate cal-
Wand was se hemmed by a flrend, tnoposizt him
from his name. ter be his Congressionlcolleagne
Judea Butler.. Mr. Calhoun sald...u,rhy did you
not admit hlin't Being told It was Bev. Mr. Ba
ler, who felt It his duty to coneense with hlm—
.The Res. Mr. Butler! he Bald; 'what does he
wemul He, a youog man, to call at Ms time, to
il peak. to me on a subjeet upon which I have all my Biel Tell hlm hecannotbe sd- .
Don't Appreciate Him
The African press appear, not to be rconelled
to Genera/ Cox' idea of diyMnig up countries :
upon popular antagorlance. Perhaps his speech
at Oberlin, from whiar weqhoted yesterday, may
have the effect of changing their opinions In
regard to him on the question, upon which they
are so sensitise. The Clnelnnati Cdoted thtLtiri
macs the following critkd in on the rims of
General Cox r -
The General is totally opposed to granting the
black race the right of suffrage, while dispersed
through the country, but enthusiastically In fa
vor of their having it In a future Negrodom,
which be purposes to erect on the ruins of South
Carollea, Georgia end Florida; ho speaks In high
terms of commendation of the conveetion reso
lotion, "urging the example of our martyred
President 'ln waiting for the sedation of didicul
ties to be furnished by the progress of time and
logic of events,' "but warns us that ••denting
leads to difficulties;" be admires. Preildent
Johnson's plea of reconstruction, and Proposes
a better one of lino own, and dually proves,
from. tiro fact that several greatordlcms two re
sulted from the 'fusion of non•homogensOus
races, that nexatioa can be fortruglbm nostway.
1 - -
BCRIAL Ca VIE ANDEltsolllALial- Patsowens.,Atweier, la compaarwittrlliss Clare Bur
u; parsed tbroigh the city ylisteiday on theirre
1, WO Incru.Audersonville, where. they :had been
4.cmhdpating In the burial of our !warted prison
me.. sir,' Atwater had beea'a irrieotter there,
- :nrut - bnirg a, dot whose duty it wok to heap a.
record ortoortMity, he retained a cory; for hi,
Sunijr . ind was Mut , gicetbe names
of fritiy, W 0.04112,020 itho, tiro starv e d an d
ea tl [ _ erC* O. On glikftihrtha Tiecawhere they
tia.- 11.Sci.wtra,bmied ultra:ace which Were dug
by the well micanem , wide:enough to hdialt e.
13011 9. 1 1 1 * sir feet. and tinit&t.eOnsolimns_thir-,
tyls s thee; were thus pladr,4'ilditly,iside with.
the Dumber , and name of each ; recorded. The
greiVeS Were, ell tilled.up with carts, sad the cem
etery of thisitfartyred soldiers, etubrciing ilfty• '.
one acme, was nestle Inclosed .pith a palukso
Accyfenco.=ttrCtricritracciaterWay. , .
. . ... .. ....
i.TnE CAIISZ aau TiSkrlCElrr . Or OFICIfZELL.—
inuamtufzittga communication to thaWaliect
Tirneeatol Cootie Lon this important aubJect;
Dr; ChSpaisn. etnong•ether conchislont„ holds
that, "the primary cause of chotera . is,, at tem.
oral :ale, the excessive bent of hoPcliMates, and
of temperate climates in summer when !choler*,
preVillin" that , "the ma:bade can of cholera
of precisely.the nine natuve im that Of sum- •
mer or chnierale diurh hut' that it Islas
-more developed, and conaequantlisthat its action
to prepottionately more powerful-and intensa;"
that cbolerats neither contageona naiinfactiona
-IP any Demist whatever. except through 'the do
'pressing influence of fcar;" and , thatehoicra
.11103 becompletcit ravelteoi and, when devel
oped. Cured by thoperstatent application of the
spinal ice bag along the wholoeptne so long u
any sygatinacqf tite.deeerile continues."
Tux NO!' y. Ledger, of Monday,' am
that on the 14th at Marrlronville, a pdang
man n aro edriatbetaindireled arith helrot bed,
Min Mary J. Yamoll. Gather then Itook ,
rifle ant shot else !adj. killing her Instantly.
ric Yotrtta 4gegi-ir.fat dapoe l E to the
Back ot•Ensland.
Return of General Mansfield.
True Bills Found by the - Grand Jury
Her, cher V. Johuon the Preildent
ReggabHaitian of Mail Bales.
Spec:l4l Mapatch to the Plttalmrgh Gazette.
The Intim legislative ticket was notoirutled In
his city yesterday, by the dletriet coeval:aloe of
the old inembe-s of: the noose of Representa
Meesre. Ruddlmam, Watt. Tbomas,,?reeborn,
Kerr,Steraer,De Haven, Connell and Flood,were
renominated, besides the two cad Senators Ridg
way and Connell In the Tenth Distriet,EllshaW.
1 awls, formerly *taker of the House was re
nominated; In the Twelfth District, ?demander
Adair,. formerly an officerof the Houser elleteette
Stephen COehran is succeeded by Jamie Stib,ars;
formerly Bergeant•at-drms of the Hones.
Cochran was& candidate for Senator ens was do
tes/tat by Rldgway, In the convention ? nine of
his men mr2le a Drotdst and bolted.
Gewalt bfanatleldLorell,formarly street CND..
lIIIERIDUZ of New York, who commanded the
rebel knees In New Orleans when it was taken by
Farrannt, has rt Is said returned to New York
and taken lodgings at a Broadway hotel.
• Trttobilla baling been !Ohm: by the Frau Win
county grand Jury agalost IdsCauseland and
others concerned In the burning of Chambers
burg sad pillaging the border daring the war.
Governor Curtin has made reenisition upon the
Governors of Virginia. Wert VirgtulaandMary
land for the rendition of those persona to the
Pennsylvania authorities for trial at Chambers.
burg, and has sent alma to take them Into
custody. •
In the Democratic State Contention at Dar
rlebtog, the chances seem to favor the tomb:m
aw:lot James P. Darr, of Pittsburgh, for Survey :
or General. His cotrir.cdtors are Col. Ent, of
Columbia county; Cot. Davis, of Bucks, and Mr.
Carlehaaden.-of Clinton.
Hemelicit V. Johnson, candidate for Vice Prea
dult In 1860, on the same ticket with Douglas,
*do tom been pardoned through the Intermoslon
.of Mrs. Dough's, had a private IntervieW, of ono
hour, yesterday, with Prealdent Johnion, pre
sumed to be about Southern reconstruction.
Alexander Dudley, President of the York
River Railroad, Va., having been discovered lo
have obtained a pardon by money paid to a
broker, has been reardred by General Terry to
surrender it. The object is to break up the
practice by cancelling all pardons obtained
through such influences. The event has caused
a great flutter in Richmond among the smash-
Gen; Meade is in Washington on his way
south through his military department on a tour
of Inspection, being the first since the depart
ment was pot in his charge. The department
includes all the seaboard slave States.
Postmaster General Denntson is rapidly rear
tablishing post routes all over the South as fast
at the transportation can be had.
A large sale of Government mules took place
In this city yesterday, at which the bidding was
spirited, and the prices realized were good. An
other sale will occur here on Saturday, and an
other on Weanesday pea
Spanish Aggressions to be Opposed
The Eeekers After Pardon
GO PER Jl/L; mra.rcEs.
ernal Revenue Decision
New Tong, August 2 4.-... The Ibunt's spy
dal says that It Is hinted 16 well InforMed cir
cles that the Governmeet will arrest sod hold
for trial, the leaders of the rebellion, and pardon
all others by proclamation. •
An agent of the Poles is to Washington, seek
ing aid toward the malgration of a large number
of Polta who desire to settle lo Virginia.
The World's special says; -It In generally be
tiered that our Government will oppose, by
diplomacy, the agmusslon, of Spain neon 81.
Domingo, and perheps stronger measurm.
The Veteran Reserve Corps is to be consolida
ted into six regiments.
The Times' special says The President was
agaitt.OVerwhelmed to-day by a crowd of visit
ors, among whom were a dozen Mica Most of
these In waiting were pardon-seekers, In whose
cases the Attorney General - has already mug
warrants, but which await the sliert-,c, of the
Pied:lett. The-crowd was eo'grea' fat even •to
encroach upon the Flute Ogio/ of the relents,
BetTelaty, laterrupt (lie public business and
annoy leg the gentleman In charge. - Visitors
will rtructober that the ocenpants of the Erects.
, tirc 'Mauston
h eTelelP rktwod the . I. , temiSett.
and that' they CUllly of a grass impropriety.
If they Intrude on the priyatelaparlmente of the
slansionitte many are In the habit of dodtg.
2 , /clor. Gen. Meade, accompanied by Brevet
Major Gen, Webb, Inspector d el. rdl Bach
tlicr, Quartermaster, and Lieut. Meade,
Ald-de-Camp, arrived in Lho city lest atoning.
To morning they, will deparrod a tour
of inspeetlon through the department-Sof Vir
ginia, North Carolina and South Carolina, of the
Military Division of the Atlantic. They will be
absent several weeks, and visit all the Important
Tultits in these Departments. They will first
visit Richmond via Gordonvillo, and some of
the old battle fields.
Though the President has not seriously con
templated any visit to MelonOad, as has been
en frequently stated by the Richtudnd pspere. It
Is now not unlikely that he-will. make the pro
paed trip. ,
G . oV. rations, hralandrittelographikto the
Ptaddent to plate sus - pent
,petkiette for par.
&En recommended'by him prior to gbh dile, It.
Ie InltknOlarn what prompted
„Ulla movement.
but Is believed to have some annealed with
the arrival-In Washington of a tame number of
pardon seeking Alabamian*. •
e sayet ,Altdiralllaid s
ettan Writes thitMor. hiving been been Invited
to be prereet at , Aft ,nnyal review at Brest, he
shall dot alio - warty, tirlt.aquadron to be 'u that
The chnacmd, Nrrespondmil. of the .tVerakl..
states that a large party of Swedes have arrived
there, en mute to testis In the Valley of the
.Upper. Jamea.ltiver. -
A Chicane Committee of , ane hundred and
_sintern.taurbecn appointed to receive President
Johnson shouldhe.vhdt Itichinond.
Id'ijat General = olbbdu has taken command
_at retershOrg' Every thing la quiet thraughoat
he &Ste. .
Nela Yana, 'ingest O4.—The Commercial Ad
rertisei's epeehli from Weettingtou stouts.that a
feeble eget:oZ 121 - teekh4 ere to revive the
Menthe doctrine exatemoot over the quarrel be
tweet Bpaln and th,floottogo, but I end assure
yon'thatthere Ls not the alighest ground for sup-
O n g- Ih atAtioGovoinatentwilt depart la the
leapt front tne.POncl Of non•traerference It bas
adopted In regard to thfiraini allele:disc cants.
The Pony special days; It bee been an,
nonneed afttor Treatttry'lfepairment* that the
fractional entreeey of al: denotninattons has
been counterfeited, except the note:slant Orbital.
/tiles also been,atcertaloed that tho legal ten
der noted otabote every tienonstostrou, which
were printed in the elty of New Toll!, have
also been counterfeited. It .Ls denied at the
Department that.there are any counterfeits of
the currency of }he national bulks.
Ake Terionm IMO And Fifteen Wended. I -
Eintr;Pk, nignit 91 - :=rime wile a collision
between the passenger 'and freight train on Oil
Creek Railroad this -morning. 'Nine palliest
were killed 'tied 'ten' or fifteen, wotaided. The
partlesdara have not pelt becnitealted.
- Stock and /Honey blettene. •
NEW Toni, Anguit 24.—The stock market altell l A4naanaltY. IThe)awrt latemati
oped ender - MO KeteEtim panic, ape* to be
groduallyfilling their. contracts, and indabalet
'ad dial* nomatut glee-a stimuli:is to the Market,
end a 'firemen to prices. Government., etratitme
- getierally. Arm, except old 2t-MPa,. which have
yit Idea alichtly enders fruitier , decliae at tem
den dad Frankfort. The demand roe :ford=
ordeis • le merely noreLiaL. Mato 'beads . and
bank atockettre. firm, bat. there la ney /Idle
initteetalnutaseted, There has beet nothing,
of the gold market to-day; there is
keg demons than:yesterday, The money Mar.'
Ice continues easy. - • ' -
The blew.rork Stock Exehabge today mead
" im ibtlda to datal iiy member that deals
d!rectly or indlrecUtat the Evening Exchange.
General Lee and the Wi&z Trial.
Bureau of Freedmen in Tennessee.
NEW Toss, August 24.—Tbe new counterfeit
of one dollar Greenbacks, was pat la circulation
yesterday to a considerable extent. It Is well
The ciwrespondent of the Philadelphia Ledger
says a gentlemen In a position likely to know,
states the striking out of the names of Gen. Lee
and dames A. Seddon from the specifications
and charges against Captain Wire, was done at
the earnest solicitations of Gen. Grant, President
The Steamship New Tork, belonging to the
Atlantic Mall company, made a trial trip to-day.
She will sail on the let of September for Aepin•
The trial of epeed between the steamers Al
gonquin and Maestri/ will take place next week.
The Navy Department have ordered both mam
ma to be made fast to the deck during the race.
The Herald's ceurespeadent Amon/paining Gan.
Fisk, assistant commissioner of the Bureau of
Freedman for the State of Tennessee, on an or
der of Inspection otitis department, says The
cotton and con crops along the tine of travel
prestnte a very unpromising appearance, Of
the former but little was planted and that little
Is gathered.
The Richmond Republic says that after the
surrender of General Lee, Ida eon, William H.
F. Lee, without lost Of Ume repaired to
White House and determined, notwithstanding
the lateness of the season, to 'attempt to make •
crop of corn. Three Jilting men, formerly of
his command, attended him. A German and
two freedmen were smbsequently added to their
force. They began ploughing on the 39th of
April and have made a splendid coop of corn,
which la estimated at Ave hundred bushels.
The 'tuna' Washin gton special says: The
Commissioner for the Eastern District of Arkan
sas, reporte for the month of Jely, no Ltere-130
In the number of - rations Issued to the destitute
since his last report. He nye, In order to guard
the freedmen from onpression end abase, he has
seat two a: 4 E25 11 4V pr 144 vary to ii.116)11, ou
Elt. Francis riser, and two companies to Lieonia,
this locality being the centre of the community
opposed tothe freedmen.
The Tretine's special says: Presidents or
Superintendents of railroads In the Gulf States,
are now trying to replace their worn-oat rolling
Block by purchasing that used by the United
States as military railroads during the war.
They have an money and no credit In the gen
eral market, and are therefore trying to boy on
time. Many of theenginee and car wheels used
by the Government on the Virginia railroads,
have been sold to a Virginia Co npany en SIX
months credit. The remainder will be sold at
auction for cash. Thirty locomotives and two
hundred and ninety care, will be sold at Man
chester, on the 3rd of October, and fifty engines,
seven hundred and fifty cars and two thousand
tons of railroad Iron at Alexandria on the 17th
of the same month.
LOES of an Ocean Steamer
' .Nsw Tons. August 24.—The 'following Na
tiosal banks were author !zed August 221 No.
1529, 'llse First Nat onal Bask of Independence,
Jackson county, Mo.; Preston Roberts, Presi
dent, David Waldo, Cashier; capital 950,000.
No. 1531, no Ilangcrford National Bank of Ad-.
arms, Jefferson county, New York; B. ,D. Ran
gerfoni, President, George W. Bond, Cashier;
capital 9125,000. This bank takes the place of
the finogerford Bank at Adams. Mr. Hunger.
ford is also President of the First National Bank
at that place. No. 1033, The People's; National
Bank of Jackson, Michigan; Henry A. Hayden,
President, John N. Root, Cashier; capital 9100,
000. N 0.1534, The National Exchange Bank
of Lawrenceburg, New York; R. Harrtson, Vice
President, A. W. Mosher, Cashier; capital $200,-
NEw Your, Augtust 24.—The gunboat Done
gal arrived to.dey. She reparte that while towing
the steamer Commodore 31cDonough, the
latter sprung a leak, on the 23d, during a gale,
and after taking off the ofaccrs and crew, she
wee abandoned, frill of water and fast breaking.
The Alienate Transcript of the 9th Is received.
Outrages and robtunim have prevailed cztai
alvely In the vicinity or Auguata. Mostly per
petrated by returned rebel soldiers, but cal elect
measures by the military pollee causigg their
The Macon correspondent of the Teontcript
itstes that cotton is being rapidly bymitta up and
shipped, and that an Immense amnhnt of goods,
trending produce, llone,&c., were arriving from
Clanlunatt and Louis %Me, which were mach
The Savannah /farad states that General
Wild had ordered Sint. Robert Toombs m raex te
rho premiers occupied by her In Washington,
Geo-la, intending tie ocenpulo • for the ?reed
met, 'a Bemoan, but General Steadman counter
mandtd the order, and the wife of the rebel re
Governor Johnson, of Georgia, has issued a
proclamation declaring that all civil officers who
have taken the oath, If not embraced within the
exceptions, or who have remised epoch.' amnea•
to, shall proceed to the d'asharge of their duties
according to the laws existing prior to the first
of January 1661, so tar lathe latter are not In
consistent with the present condition of the
nform ilon from 0, B, consul It Btrorlonn
Atismat Bd.—lnformation has
been received at the Btate Department from the
United States Consul at Barcelona, that eg to
the let of Auguat, the date Of the writing of the
health of Barcelona was good, and
that the Contetor Diane; ,wan nrxilents there
b:lng no Signs of the cholera, which was pro.
Tailing to Isom° extent at Ancots, Alexandria and
elsewhere. The Coconl at Port Sleben writing
under date of August 5, reparti that the author
ities there now enforce the most rigid quanta-
tine ronulations, and that information had been
nveited that the cholera is certainly advancing
eastward. The accounts received at Port Mahon
of the prevalence of the disease at Ancona, were
ouch as to create serious apprehensions. Much
alarnawas felt in the Salmi.: lolanda,
Captain Thornton A. Jenkins hes been ap
pointed Chief of the Bummer Navigation.
Fractional Currency Counterfeits
Insurers of Chanaberedrurg • Indicted.
- Maw Tottg, Atigust 24.—A Harrisirarg dis
patch states that true bills having been (mud
by the grand Jury of Franklin county against
McCausland and others, who were Inarnedi
-ately Instrumental In the burning or Chambers
burg, and the pillaging of the bonier by, the
rebels dining the war. Requisitions Its'rl i t.beezt
made upon th e Governors of Old Virgin i'West'
Virginia and Maryland for
Virginia o these
persons to custody of the PennaYlvaPla au
thorities for trialntehambersburg. Three mon,
If tried by &Jeri of loyal Pennsylvanians. will.
;.haven bard read, to travel. Governor Curtin.
- bas - billeere to take, them itretutody.
' Guerrilla Warfare I Mateo.
Now gem, August .2C—ileum pipers;
°ordain tezeounts of the partial warfare
which is canted on itilderlew Doneillei has'
trete:mimed himself in terse of the Repuilleaiis,
and the nation' foides on the mass melts
th.jr headquarters there:: The foreign leglbn
have left Mateo:tem foe Taditdoi, to start
thence on an expedition ogainrc Vandal Vitoria.
A company eflaneers'and intattry, nroler the'
Austrian Captain Ifloritinfleir, have he= cap.
tared and the letter =oh
Demand for Postponement Overruled.
W •FIWINGT:IN, August .4.—The Witx.Core
mission assembled this morning.
Mr. Schelde stated that as his associate for
the defense had retired, he was left alone to
manage the trial. lie, therefore, asked Chet
there be a postponement for eight days, In order
that he might become better acquainted with the
subject, ant prepare for the defense.
Col. Chapman stated why there should be no
further postponement, remarking that the gen
llerean was already fully informed of the theory
of the prosecution. The court over -ruled the
request for postponement.
1 0. J. Baker, Esq., volunteered for the defense
and is therefore aesociated with Mr. Schade.
r. Schade then preeented several plat. Fine,
Teat the prisoner is entitled to his discharge
le consequence of the promise of Captain Noyes,
of the staff of Major General Wilson, In com
mand at Macon, Ga., that If he (Win) would
accompany bird to headquirtexa the purpose
of giving certain information, he m should not be
arrested or held as a prisoner. The accused ac
cepted the offer, and claims to have been since
held. In violation of tho pledge of his pawner
liberty. Second, The prisoner dentd the juris
diction of the court to try him on these charges
and specifications.
Third, The war is ended and eivillaw restored,
and there Is 110 military law under which he can
be tried.
Fourth, He moval to quash the charges and
sPeellicatintus WWI the ground of the vagaeneas
and Indennitemess since the time, place and man
ner of the offenses charged.
Fifth, 'That on the 21st of August, 1865, he
was arraigned and put on trial on his plea of
not guilty to these charges before a military com
mission composed like this; that the commis
sion was broken np without his agency or con
sent and adjourned without a record. Having
been once put la jeopardy on thaw charges, the
prisoner claims that he cannot be arraigned
again as before, but is entitled to the benefit bf
an acquittal.
Sixth, Be cam' that he should be discharged
tt=bse he use an officer of the so called South
ern Confederacy and entitled to the tortes agreed
to between Generale Sherman and Johnston,
which were complied with by blue, and In sc.
cordance with which bets ready to give this ob
ligation In writing not to take-up arum against
the Governmezt.
Mr. Schade Bald they wished them to go over to
the final rugument.
Judge Advocate Chapman desired the gentle
men, if-they bad anything to say, to do so now,
There was but one plea (the question of duds.
diction) which could properly go over. The
others constituted a plea in bar, and should be
decided before the court could bear the case. It
was proper that they should argue all at this
thms except the plea offortadlction.
Mr. Schade said that If the commission insisted
on the argument before proceeding further, he
must ask torso adjournment 'until to-morrow, so
as lo afford the counsel, Mr. , Baker, who had
Jest come In, an opportunity to examine the
Mr. Baker said that as It was but a moment
aline he had anything to do With the case, the
court would readily see that ha could have no
Information as to the leas just in or charges
agate at theprisoner. lie had not even read the
ICharges. Hewes almost Inclined to consent to
go on In view of the chance and delay that bad
already taken place, bet he could not think he
would bo doing his duty to the prisoner, if he
should attempt to argue a plea that he had not
read. This was a grave offense charged. It
might cost the prisoner his life, and after the
sudden termination of the case yesterday—he
might say somenandt—they ouitt not to go on
without affording time to the counseL If, how
ever, the court decidoi it not to be proper to ad
journ over one day, he would proceed to argue
the case to the best of his ability.
The Judge Advocate remarked that the lead
ing counsel was present at the previous arraign
ments and must be familiar with the case.
Mr. Baker, resendeg, said the principal Plea
to be discussed was the modon 'to gnash:Us: p 0-
ceedlrgs In consequence of the vagueness and
indefiniteness of the charges and specifications.
The court, however, was net going to dis
charge the prisoner on a technicality, nor would
It convict him on such, and with the court's
consent be would let the argument of the case
go over until the close of the case.
The Judge Advocate insisted that the defense
abould close up their plea now.•
Mr. Schad° said be waived the argument and
Joined issue on the simple plea of not guilty.
Mr. Baker said he was also ready to put In the
plea of not guilty alone, if the court would let
the argument as Meets go over.
The Judge Advocate stated that he would
enter a demurrer to the plea., Interposed with
the excretion of pleas of j tuesdiction.
The Pra....o•t, General Wallace, netted the
Judge Advocate If he could not reach the pleas
as a motion.
The Judge Advocate aceepted• the suggestion
and moved that the pleas with the exception of
that c f Jurisdiction, be overruled.
a Air, baker hoped that If the court passed at all
of the pleas, It would do so without argument
written or road by the Judge Advwata as the
counsel would be unable to answer them In ao
abort a time as they were allowed to argue the
The Judge Advocate said that after making
that motion be supposed ho had the right to
mention his reason so that be might be placed
properly on the record.
A vote was then taken by the court, resulting
In a permiraion for the Judge Advocate to pro
ceed In his argument on the motion to overrule.
The prisoner put in several pleas why he should
not be tried, dent log theJtoisdletion ol the court,
and Insists that the charges ought to ba quashed.
The court overruled the pleas of the counsel
for the prisoner, and proceeded to the trial.
Among the witnesses examined was Col
tithe, who commanded the rest at A nderson-
Clio. Ile said that Wiry had exclusive control
of the prison. The prisoners Were crowded so
close as to rlmind him of ant-hDls. ila gave a
cirageatantial account of the discipline and the
disgusting condition of the prison, and remarked
that one orate roles was that whoever icrossed •
the dead line should bashot.
Dr, John C. Bate, an ex-rebel, wmo Was - a
Idffsleian at the ,p ison, another witness, gave
a long and interesting account of that place
and the ehezniftil treat:rte..: to which the psis•
mama wereltubfeeted, stating
that with proter care the lives of eeventy-: -
per teeter those - *rho died, might have .been I
saved. Both eff these witnesses -testified as Co.
the keeplegof dogs at the prison to recap;nro •
tcapir.g prisoners.
Several Persons Injured
BoaroN, August 24.—The excursion train re.
turning last evening from a picnic. at Abington,
on the Old Colony mad, came In collision with a
hand car. The engine, tender, baggage, em 't'-
log and four paseenger care were thrown off the
track, three of the latter being capsized down an
embankment, which contained fifty passerigere,
Including many ladles, Less than half a dozen
reeeivedinirales, bet none serloasly.
Demoe,ratle State Convention.
HAIIII/SBIIIIO, Atomst 24.—Tbe Democratic
State Convention met at two o'clock this after-
DOM], and was temporarily °maniac& by elect
ing Robert 8. Johnson, of Cambria, rrestfleat,
and A. D. Ballwin, of Mad r e/Platt; hedamln
%lumen, of Erie, and C. U. Malan, of
Morgantown, BecretarYs. -- AL recess was taken,
to permit delegates In appoint the Committee on
Organization. ••
stcomy DrßrATen.
Banstrteratt, 24.—The Committee
after a short couventleavreturried shd reported .
Richard Vatm. Of RhiladelPhia.'elt-oerectanaut
yresident of theßOuvention,:wlth et'lea Presi
dent for each Senatorial District. lad twenty_
time Secretaries. Ms. Yang on taking his seat
line') a spirited addruss. A Cronmatee od Ref—
.olnUens, comcosed of one from hath Senatorial.
DletrietvialtelOPOlDted, to whim slremoluttees
en National and 13 taU3effalzs, were referredtvith•
out debate.
Hr.. W. H. Petriken. offered a resolution, that..
the soldier of lecT laving enlisted
with little or no hounty. should receive one hun
dred and sixty acres of land, itud"erging upon
the cent Congrees ~the justice of maintaining
such en' aPPeoPthstion.. This resolutida Wail
The Conimithin mg:deeded to ballot foe a can
didate, for Auditor general. Cot. W. H. 1:15,1g:
'of the 104th •Permsylvania Regiment, received
83 ration the Sd ballot, and ran declared
unanimously nominated.
EubscrDieni to the Seven-Thirty Loan.
Wantintertin, ininet 24:-The Mammy De
.fartment bid, t o y, fel-traded r,the .Bab 4.
termer% to theqaven—Thirty Lou' the tut of
the notes,; The •delay wait occaidened by the
fact that theordere for.the netee name in Meta
than they could DO in ted. If any iratmeribera
tolbe loan abonld fall lo rectify the. rentainder .
of) their. cubeeriptioesi they, should at ones
notify.theemb-agert.. - . •
Unlon,NomitmUon terlor•
Michael. proprietor of the NortA &link= aaa
MUM Mato Gazette, was voralanted Tar Mayor
try tnn union city Convention to•4ayion tha ltret
Dallet, with but little oppcshica.
List of Killed and Wall aded
Fun, Augnet 24.—The accident on the On
Creek Railroad Dear Tizusv Be , wag ceased by
the engine of a freight trate running no on the
main track to get on the switch at about 'the
time the mail train was due. The mail train
coming around the curve - could not see the
freight engine, and the two came together with
each a force as to throw the passengers :from
their state and reduce the cars to a total wreck.
The following Is a list of the killed and wounded:
Gideon Lighten. Belfast; Wen. Baldwin,
Jr., East Cleveland; F/gar J. Clough, Fredoefa;
another, same unk nown. 'Wounded: Rudolph
Phillips, Heating., Oswego co., New York, leg
brelrent F. Jowly°, Cony, Pa., leg bieken: Deo.
Coley, Cony: bruised; Marvin Dyer,Cony
bruised badly. One other man was baly bruis
ed and injured Internally, but refuses to give his
Oblo Democratic State Convention.
CO/MID:7S, 0.. August U.—The Democratic
Elate Courestion met hero to-day. It was lame
ly attended, nearly all the counties of the State
were represented. C. L. Vahuidighant was tem
porary Prrstdent. The Convention 1 . organized
with Rufus P. /honey, of Cuyahoga,' as
dent, and a Vice President from each dletrlet.
The homtnallons are is folrower For Gover
nor, Gen. George W. Morgan; LleuL - Governor
Judge Wet. Long, of Seneca: to{
Judge Par
fall term, Judge P. Vantnmp, erred:kid; Short
term, &retro Thomas 111..Jasy, of Hamilton;
Treasurer of Slate, o eoSpro, Of Clark, -
tonseyGeneraL David Af. Wilsoo, of Mabonlagt.
School Comml.sloner, H. IL Barnes, of, Plea
way; Member of the Board of Public Works,
Charles Donal, of Angllse; Clerk of Suprema.
Corot, Daniel S. Darner, of Vinton.
Speeches 'were made .by Hon. Rotas P.
Denney, George W. Morgan. George iL Permits.
ton, Met, G. Thurman C. L. Vallandigba
and others. Nineteen t
resolutions were adopted.
The following is a synopsis:
Reedvcd let. Tnat the Federal Government
exists only by virtue of the Federal Constlut.
SecOnd—utionA. strict construction of the Federal
Third—The reserved Ogles of the States are
essential to the existence of a republican gov
ernment. We are opposed to the consolidation
of all the power In the hand's of the Federal gov
Fourth—That the Democracy of Ohio Will
maintain and defend the doctrine of State
/Debts, not nnillfi=tion nor secession, but! the.
theory, of the system In the Virginia and Ben-
I lucky resolutions of 125.5. •
nth—Their ordinanc4-7 of secession being
void, them-caned secedio2 &tent are ail to the
Union. and entitled to thezright of State repre
sentatives in Congress, end to vote at the re
turn Presidential election.
Sixth—To each State belongs the right to de
termine the qualification of Its electors. The
General Government can tot Interfere without a
violation of the Constitution. and the rights of
the States.
Seventh—Unequivocallt opposed to negro
Eighth—me experience of four &mina
years demonstrate& that the negroes are not
equal to white men.
. Ninth—The government was made by white
men and shall continue a government of white
Tenth—lt la the duty of 'the LegiThsture to
discourage negro emigration into The State.
Eleventh—The war being over, It La the duty
of the State and the federal government to briar
about fraternal feeling between the different
Twelfth—The valor and fortitude of our
troops was never surpamed. and their patriotism
is ever in our memories.
Thirteenth:4—We regard the notional debt a
curse, and demand strict economy, taxation
fair and equitable, public ecpenaltures reduced
and uceless °Dieu abolthed.
Fourteenth.—lt la the duty of Congress arid
the State Legistattoo to use their power to sub.
'Sect Governmoot bonds to taxation the same as
other capttaL
Fifteenth.--The Federal taxes be collected by
county tree:quer&
81iteenth—The roar dollar militia tai be re
Seventeenth—Freedom of speech, habeas
ccrpus, and trial by Jury aro guaranteed by the
Constitution, and we will maintain and defend
them in every extremity; It also denounces the
arrest of citizens by military authority.
Eighteenth—That a continued suspension of
the &that., earjeur since the war Is over, a denial
of trial by )dry, open Interference with elections
by military power ate violations of the Cerartie
Nineteentto-. - wc ootteenori - im-- • •
the CottMutton by whomsoever committed?
regret the terms agreed to by &Nor Gederali
Shern an; were not retitled at once by the Gay
ermnent. We will nevertheless stand by Presi
dent Johnson In ail constitutional efforts to re
atom to the Stares the exercise offthetr;righla and
powers within the Union. -
New Orleal•e and Mexican Advlnea;
Naw Daimass, August =.—Cotton--£lales one
thousand six hundred bales at 13@4-te. . The
otber markets aretatehanged.
The tdatamoras Boehm of the 18th says: Nu.;
mesons troops and trains of artillery continue to
arrive at Browneyllle. The troops are almost
abusively negro.
The Times' City of Mexico correspondent or
the diet ult., eays : The French organ 110.93 but
two courses are left open, that France should
lIFISDIMG the protectorate of Mexico, as It admltal
Its entire failureyand declares It one of its pro' ,
them, or their country must be absorbed by. the
United States: Mexican Independence, It says,
is Impossible. The news Is as usual, the fie:d
ing of Cortina:, resulting In frequent imperial'
The recall of the papal Nandamento by trio
Pepe mimed * great sensation amongtheeleru.:.
men, who arc aU openly .oppeeed to the EMI.
()err. Almonger has been sent as Minister to
Wasaingtott, and hopes A sure recognition.
A threatening article appeared la the French
papers cn the demonstrations the➢ esYiklimeral:
Sheridan is making on the northern frontier.
No bands of Idle Confederates are In the City
of Mexico; having all lost confldancti In hint.,
maven •
AdJoionthvent of the Slisalselppl ConYention.-
, .
WNW 08121.58. —August 34:—The , rainar'r
special, from Jackson, says: 'Gov. Starkey nod ,
stinnicatcd a telegram.from President. Johnson:
congratalitthig thei Cdnicntion on the progrimk
they were making, paving the way tore ailectir.. ,
elan into the Union, and that all °Miry
Oro. • will soon be removed. Ea.soya •
la rue writ of
ocrr , td's add emoit the troops c ar
'mtmant, wheel the &ate Is In stanch:lit Pr4reila
to have entirely returned to alleglanen Pre'
hopes the example of 311salisippf *DI p Mow
ed by !Ito otter States.
Judge E 'S. Fisher was nominated for Col
e:nor, and the Convention adjourned nine die.
The mom- special says: An ordinance was
passed ratifying ail aws and of acial acts passed
since the stamina. not repugnant to the con e ii.
tation of the United Stars, of IlLsaiamppi prior
to January, 1861, except the law concerning
crimes, and. acts enabling Railroads to pay
mosey borrowed by them. It reports
alt laws authorizing the payment of
deer to the State. The confederate
ecrlps, and the distillation of aptrlts on -
State account ratifies all official accounts tit
proceedings, judgements, decrees &c.., of the ,
several court". with all the sales made byadmiro:
I trat: re and °am:acting ut a kLdieill/
parity. It authorize sexecntors and others to'
crimpromire with perselos against whorl .thet_
bold _notes, as to the real Ache of proirerty-Cor
which. such notes wern,gixen.
testimony to be tken preiTe' labether
or -not contracts 'ontemplated specie or
currency. Retitle! Ail Marina ennthenated
since January.lSOl c Whether celebrated bp:privet
forms and cereinonles 'or hoe.'
. .
Lett-CV' frOM:iGineral antepen. Johnetop
• Birrnilinen, !Lusher 34.-:—The Fredericksburg,
Vlrghillsiaidgerad a y, plablishei theTol,
blmlenterolAcubral Joseph E. Johnston
B.ifido Springs, Ifeddertheop Co-, Vaf August
17 f4 1 b 65 . - -.Jati.thaltay._vlows of this future
couree and futernhateresta of ty .. all The case
so plain that very little can tin mild or *Men
bpon It: We of tbe fiehtbi referred the treoltioll •
at bane between and tho United States teitho •
tirnhvaument .ofthe sword. The decision has
been made and a Is 14alast ns. emu mild:
cacti In that decision: accept It as final; abet Ten
°ogee the fact that Virginia Is one of the United
States: thir-drulea food Interests coincide- We
shall moult the one nod
_perform the other by
:king all we can to promote the welfare of oar
neighbors, and to . restore prosperity
,to' the
country. We thauldut. once commence tbodu ,
Om of .peacethl citizens, by entering UP= •
some useful punuit, enalifyLog ourselves to,
vote. if pordble, and - st - the polls our voter
should be cast far -o nceservathu I Men--
men who: understand : Mut . 11111,- mulatithE the
.Interests of.Y.lugthianti oneof the United Statea. -
This'll: the eon:so, illich"l rive recomttleltaed,
to ell these etth bhent Uhave . ennvented on - the'
subject, au:ft-bat veldithtlawa adopted torind4 7
gen saw paCtiele . l4o.,. , ,
Vliztied) ve ry 41;4 Oils%
• ' • J:E: JtiIWCZON
. .
!ism Tonle, August .24,7-Two.r. IL—Gold
- soak. The apecniadvd hio , Vernent is feeble, the
sheet bens atspedentlydhiposed =to lot the pre
oshicr, take ha owOooarsews Opinion to boo poi.
Itlve INS to the probability of .an Important for
eign expert of specie; which
. partlally a r =ounta
for the weakness id the prim' 'rho geotatioss
las averaged, durieg the months& shoat 1.43,4 * .
• Erasing—Gold IA tdghtatt:Wi.
Soppotrit Identifiratton of the Murdered Nan.
The Diqupst o?ntinued.
The feaiful tragedy committal on Boydle Hitt
on Wednesday morning, of which we gays all
the particulara we could learn in= our Erecting
Edition, still continues to agitate' the Mlle
mind toe great d e gree. 'Citar di 'decked to the
hlayies'elllee all day an 'llion:kg the early part
of the tight yesterday to
,view the murdered
. ,
man, but no positive Identificatiot was made.
A vagrant character temed.Hearr lama was
;nested on the Wee) yestehlay 'afternoon Ort
=viol= of beteg one of the murderers. Blood,
stains were found - upon therderve of his' coat.'
He claim , to be able to prove that he was la
-Pero eat the time of the murder, but
upon Intl g &mon persons who had ma.
biro It . dale.W_that be had not been there
.p. ±
after the (Moth on Wedieeelay evening. Ifa
can giTalit !ma - libido, account of his where
atones frizth that hour until Sheet One or two
o'doekonellmtilay mornlego - -'-iLe accounts for
the blood *hue on hie decree byseyigg that his
tip had been cut.... He wee up up for a.
Rutter isteetigallem. -- -' •At t i tetnierti hypeat,, held at S deltok
list e ^, b ut three witnesses tegleed, whose/
evidence re to full', ; Vie - Witness Charles
And/rebel:thee, who arrived it -this' city direct
from Dermkey on Tuesday.grenling„ who saw
the body, believes it to be the resnethe of a tam
Pound e l
r td ott nt h i te T, gl Bert ea4 " ,l 4.attis ft &i:
same man&
Dr. 0. Ai Itc . Cook--Was called tithe Corner
to make a ghat mortem examination of a person
to him =known. On his person found three
wonansi—titt Inflicted by a Salto er eha
strnment. itither- of the wounds' world have
been fatale,: One of the Wounds teas on the
lower right Side of the, spine, through which he
coda extend his forefinger without resistance,
touching ties junction of the'spinel Colman with
the peleltht Began It . was the fihst wound.
One blow ileta by a blunt instrument upon the
lower' Part - /Of the face, producing a compound
"fracture offt,he upper jaw. The palatine bones'
of &heap*, Jaw were separated from front to
rear. The ibozo dividing the nose was broken
from Its connexion with 'the palatine bones
below. The upper process •of - the bone
tending to ithe central portion' of. Itio frontal
bone, area also broken. This Maw must
have peeduited a concussion ofthe brisin, which.
If it did not 'presently, must have shortly proved
fatal. The third wound waa Indicted by a sharp
Instrument, extending over. the leftaide of the
neck, and divided the carotid artery, the Inter.
nalitigular vein and the tyres contained it the
sames heath, which wound must here immoll
atels, proved fatal. The inclitedines of the rigor
of death led 'him to believe the deceased was
murdered about twelve o'Olock :al 'night. Be.
ceased wasehord thirty-.eighk; of, rot ty years orb '
age. He wee about five feet - lea inches high,
weighing one - hundred, red'; alety , 4r seventy
Pound& ; Th e ught,beWari either ailarmaa Or a
Welshman, - -.. 4: . ,-..
Deroirillutoifirea , !-Wag going a l o n g Magas
fuze% lorry Work between five ant! air o'clock,
and a German called atabr /name,. - arid directed
my attention toile, murdered"
.nitim.„Doceased ...
was lying on 'lds fa aid his scat thrown over
him - Took the tostolh end. saws large wound
in hie Bide. He e - al lying ia a low place. I .
turned him aver and discovered his throat was :.
cut. Saw , a trail over which he tad been
dragged leading t towards the Birndnghem bridge, i
On the pith were several ounces of clotted -
blood where he had fallen. Witness believed
deceased was struck from behind. , :sifter he had
died his above and stockingazwere aken ea
Looked for them but could not find them.
Wait immediately to watehresnWilsot and told
him a manmurdered, and to: e; down to
the .hilica's office. The back of hi s shirt was
torn off and his vat much' tore: There ap. J
F.ared to hays. beet to struggler ',He was
1 dragged about a hundred feet, and bad been set
clown half the distance. A large boulder was
found near by, which witless beltevedbad been
used . In striking him In. the face, Withesa' sta. and another lads, about nine o'clock, .!
K w , ere ,, c° .n t . El.T.tf7.6W i tatEggi4g , 44,
- lion "of the murder. The men startokend ran, --- -j
but when they Saw they were women they . .
steeped steeped ranting. Witness believed they might
have had something to do with tee murder.
ClarisAudatbaughir—Came to . Pittsburgh -..
from Philadelphia, cerect . from Genhany, on I
Tuesday evening. Saw deceased this even. ', ;
Lug. According to the best of my Lame- : : 1
ledge telleve It was the ; .: man who came )
from Philadelphia with me; who wits sitting - .-' 1
on the same Etat. Stopped at Adam Tim - sant%
(Fox's old aimed), collier Literty and O'Hara. i
Slept in the same bed with hlm.. Did not sleep. ;
with : bhp agate. Last ears' hini ' beteeen fiHe
and pig o'clock, cm Wednesday evader. i
bad not "been backilsinee. The - names of
all who came that night were eute l d on the
book—this num among the namber: Witness
did totem any mazer with deceased, but be
told him be hat money. Witness' brother • 7.
Jacob was with deceased when he last - saw him. '.
Deceased could not . talk Beath. '.'lfie coat of
the murdered man resembled that of his fellow -::
traveler. Deceaied told bine he had arrived i
from Germany a few days before. dome persons ';
were going to get work: for the' missing man.-. .1
,Withera. and his brOther. weraoto -Feel hlm .';
in the - city cna Wedneiday; to ~ get him 1
:work' Minas" :brothe:r told hint of the mur-
der a; noon. Witness took deceased to - his aft- ' - 1
ter'a, corner of Penn, and Merbory, ',there his
'brother tirstiaw deceased. • Thoughtdettasesd was ;
the tram. but is not altogether ceethithf it. He (
was a blacksmith .by trade. Had a Muth with „t ,
him, but had lost it. Defeated caste frost Kele 4 ,
on the Itbine. .
' The Peroner'e jury after; hepriag the evidence
'before them, adjourned to meet at theft o'cks)k. - r
:4,4* in,
.fin 114s4cei Ogite::-
ESPZOS - ION:OF - : 4)I OIL !Min' fERY.
One Iran tune!! Ada . Reath-101114 Fatally.
, •
. ,
About 'Joe• i
;41 t . wide exp .
souncin,,T Ill:tribe dischargetor. s' ta1712011,
took place in the of rednerj of N.. P; Sawyer
situated on Millen bOrger street,,ftust 'Outside' the
city, Hues, md malt ous to the. Eighth ward.
Immediately a ft er •• c . explosion dames were • =
seen ascending trio lurks, and in a few minutes
the entire buildicg Os enveloped In a sheet of
fire. •
Mr. Edward &Minder, in charge of the -
works, was In the rpilery at the time; and fan
out with. bin clothing:on fire, and hunted to the
;river, followed by erlitumber , of persons, who
extinguished the flames," Ha WAS badly burned -
.on the legs, arms • did - face. He was at once..
put -- Tut Into the bands 01r:ea - raciest aisiC propnly
:attended, but his loyiiiiles • are of :=a:: diangenna
character, as It is belAvid be muit tiara Inhaled
.the liame. • tie - re-014 on - Tan Arvin: street, .
and hart a wife andrfsho ll y. ;•• -
^:-:,Mr. John Bateau, It brollerof !Edward. ;
~ abo tax pond lobo* thorefincry,atths. time. -
although not - empToid let it, wax • burned to 4
t Mother escaping from -4 "
-Ihll burning intlitihririfyiw him wrapped in name,
and from the Intensiktiif- the - 114mm,, it Is • be
'bo Ili6 - 41.17. burned toe:Wens,
'Tise"refinery waer,ll3ulhrilastrofa. About • .
cue hundred and 11W-barrels , et Mined oil.
for:anitrakenti ,Ona. - rOnantnekttogethar
:With Anti' barrels .14f,,gade o i l . 4mitird oil tap • I
am of tbe relines y. mio thaliolloiv, which was '
at a late hoitlitstMliht.'—• ilra refinery ;. - isolated .from . ao4 , 'ther:banona, and - no
Iktur9 WASV 151 4 14 1ned.- 41 /21 -proponv:
Lan encao of, tag ospio j i gn is not emitter_
Own, butit is bellOw . to hard Peen by soon.
taneOlis cOministloer %Ina•loss - could not be
luicrerftdited, , The: wcile mere ..lesured to the • "
.amount of edAd. t tl;3.sioniPerdue •e.f . leAdth the
Idescurs...Carriers are sap'
Soldiers" alo4linent Meeting.
, A tweeting of the Ergclicia! Mono:meat Also.
cation wee held stAXP'clock:yesterday after-
The onlylinnt- business- tine/Med ,
was thiartviataterst oatreaa tO the -
Tian Oo c o romittee 4 :4lle.OripentrAtlon of th at
eoremirteela pow as f PA, the .lAri.;Are cern%
' edditrobal: ormtey; -. etalrman, :.
Y. Teincet,44. -W. Wart,,PntattlWies, .70tingt
DilarcrnneJobn Viral:AA d. Brown, Gen., •
A, 4,, krereop. *au ,76i/ es, and Jeans Meehan.
,Tbo Corefoittes irla Ma*, - ed xi, to•day,
'Stertes Rankin II to tateboaed that be prOrnAryroittan.d; AS the work be.
'lore them' abotid -be Octet:Mang' ,Proseenteda
and not be permitted tirtlag - Lk* hands. -
tenPitteborgh Theater, thin -
-("rainy, the . Colleed avian" will. be : Predated
:with new serum rn3d original effects.
At the. Opera rfottee.4 - Abe. Oho English woe.
dior "London Asenrert*" walk itbrho,oti
'oceesten of a Bee nit IF MIS 'Atnatal Aznat-
Mee will be glom Sattnaiatternocau _ •
extiona - w Flurth
' - -1
j -
_ ii i iir
.4.......:N . le-