iu fittsturgh (gazette. mum= sr ill ;Mini HEARN ABSOCLITION; 171.E8DAY,' 9VGM=4. S, - 1/36&- tnitioN r an= TE • Yon. ZIPFZEICP:, MIS ° l.A ile e t qkY• I.' • ..•; " • ir4 !iottgir^ ocilmkogall t ' t.jr,f.4fiAiT,!•%l 9 . 47, o l tat 1`17, 1 ,1131 T• 7r OLlllFiritESillt.;*f =‘; r ' , 4,531121t,i014112111' Arkfigtegr. itaff h Pfciol.grillotaTownshiji, -, • . U.&WB Br 11/CV/11 t3RAEE th i, l =2 4r.. , tF4 , Pr • 404#.4. Daztatl Toyama. -. • 'pit oacconazoscul ,1 4 Ht.Bainacig DEBBLY, of Lower MOW Tx,. abastrst r ar.viroz: s atoOVIZAC% Buisdahai. • • Fps 1.0 3 ! tam! Admit- osEtok 1,, 1 1111E.4 VIEST/03r , DIP SUIVRILO. - 0, 1 1 t }'Lno A Ignorance. or, of *la_ bor relegridatlort alert of ' - petud •It„ .ito,:fiej:rgiltreie: of .a.. white harq:the std;iicates' ..vitchttgfrilK'nfin*ne k tAtulnannt*nAgfbe..49 l l o Fo both creel Judi W. Itritkotakiramotr;phyaleal - peciliatitr* ocur, 'class and ‘lfitetiteether' !The vale has: thslOanda:, tinn't4 - *illere*Jnlten , nnP o ooA l t* riiiiiiriand herbaria'. - But if inde—fonnded higheation: ifn.n nd inltlnifitnen!".• o f thluge {- I all _be silepted,,,tbat- eitrtain ,- amotint eddinV' tiontharbeia*.:te4rdli s ia of the exercise; 430iiiii11414Mtegatlii,.- tie shell Certainty! xottibject - .: Attire , lutist upon is tint the . , ahie eLalliapply t o, all dike= . hie:140414, 1 )740 4 :4 Thin; if a Sails himself dia. tantalised-he lutenrithibt to ,- Cititif*og, !lie fault is Ida- own; and -if he has es. , :tMeh • ambition `us an :11marian Citizen =O4 have, hitioriat once and remove the disqtedill;', cation. This he can do; trut"the.Ethiep-: *J*6'.it, Change his akin." Such a rule would give a mightylcupubse . to the iorhtd. Oiled= among lititfi Clask,s,:espoetilly the South. _ - f Thiviallui:: VIEW Val' many 'soniablp, 64 0/3d doer- ouy,Acqiifeieeilativitbstanding it would SiTitstucdiSloplttltife,men of fin* . the fer - ..'n!_i4n over their Yellow citizens Itoin Whonlther, hite'Attketii, OW Vin. during all their` ereffivelatr, But 1 1:114 - 40*Blei.i*-04 , igi0 * . 6 to :read 'iiiid triirtmeifiinsil witness a' detosiad fof 'imirbor txuAttistinti as ban neve:elk.= known:; thlYfOrtheintiatei native. nolov.- . ed Pent= are already qualified; hnt the iactiltbikviOulditi once 'Stake 'the 1 3 04 , 10gfee# tios:irear whites and the mt• gripes inmate - themselves qualified electors would be very interesting, - and result initu teense advantage, toboth, and to the conn try at large. • • • • •• PerhapstiM right of suffrage—although _ reitricted to one chtes in most of the States —lns been too, cheap. Perhaps it is time • that :ignorance and the mental end moral degvadation which, in such a country as ' - thrs, - .limorance is at once the procuring ell/at unst.tite eiriennee—should be visited with "'Omer - degree - of politted.-Xtrability. Volers 7113' LaTe passed a specified age might be:excepted; but comparatively young men would baie no . 'right to complain of befog disfranchised if they:have been so tin. true to Themselves as to grow op to manhood in the-midst of free echeelsutterly piefcrableto a. property qualtricatieen Lac * excellent - aid' would':,lie disfrandhised 4:00 hiAter, and Sad it impossible by their utmost exertions, to overcoitiytheOcoW thiliNEW!laci4titio447. l iiiA4wbo Siic_iforliktDf etaariatirica even those few, with tvlittleisseitton, i ionid ~.remove the barrier by the acqUtrition of the necessary learning, . . Battle rule which permits a white man to 1 • vote, however ignorant and degraded, and ' excludes a coteredinan, however intelligent and So irrational ' abiditi; unjust, and amells to rank of slavery and its concomitant abominations, that we defy 10, F idiedi to defend it upon rational or moral grounds . We believe, however, that no. .'••••• .body does attempt, since the Dred Scott de -7 ceased to be authority, to defend it on any higher grounds - than those springing 'out - ors loiv and barbarous prejudice. When a'vote ahallAa taken in=, this State upon the quail= liflo.!aininiding the .ooratittnion as to restore the franchise to colored men, :the returns will afford_an admirable index of the grade of intelligence prevailing in ; .11m several districts. Where this is high, :the TOM in fator of the Measure will be hes ' but where it is very low, the majorities Against it will be correspondingly large. • Decent white men have no apprehen , aionson the score of negro .social equality; .slide boucst white men are not inclined to . cheat them out of their Tights as chinas. I - 1' I r I: GOFF,RitOnHASII)V IO ? . . I . - The President has given the right kind oi agovernor to Teaas. We publish in an other place a speech which he made at Rouston on the 28th ult., to which we in :. vita attention. ,It strong talk. GoieitiorTiAkAAtiraoi distinguished Texan. At the outbreak of the rebellion, being inflexibly loyal, he had to fly for his life,. He escaped with great difficulty and itril to the farther sidetja Rio Grande, = laving hlifamily, from Whom he was sop amtedfor about four‘years. Through Alex• dco he,nlideltis r way to . New York. .Presi: --.' dent latic , orAippptpliktAykAßtvpnri. , . , of ,, Tetra all. thtttrimhoPthw - '±o i 8 111-414 - ` dueled -Biltys expedition. Through the failure of the expedition that appointment came to'nothing. Upon the surrender of - „ the rebel army in Texas, President Jonx , .2: nott renewed the appointment -j TlA4entiresOeip i lsysteny-,of-Apexpelv es it Was,AL'-'eini6rtilfit'il s iiebiotiteii'iip,'' and the State is said ,to be infested with . - t f...,,,,bantis of marauders, the debris of the. late ' , "waild hive been ridiculous to have put such a people upon probation, as bas been done in nit the States east 6rihi;littssissipid. • The only Government that will answer any good . • • purpose there l is a strong military one and, this ,Raurt.vort wfl give theixt r frota'lluS • litart; But it Is, under the circumstances, ihd ery bear, rpm It hnne,'44- 1 4 r ni men ' *fill :have everything to hime and nothing , . -. ?.-,, to fear; but it will be a hard ones ape's . ~:'-' ~ .ecousdrele tor" MAIL - f" / WelWltUlretlrc - Y' ", '• 4lict titif;.'uider We7oloer tliierentei HAW. ' 1. , ...,. -4, ittr — ow, - Texas" will beams a well.ordared ad peaceable;eistqls*Pr 0001ser.thita say . ; State - that )o:is-heart - ittere/lehdrlt dealt ‘. f: : with. --_ —7— l . "- ,' 1 affrpg olls •.a uv. story-that tzte:-.ldre 0 „ in mrclxe.ttplatar%es, lebasts, .Fhellwasur ae claionat a hotel sa, Pulaski; Ga. i btd,lter'• bills; which are not mallows, are regularlY _ paid: ' , - I: THE NIAGARA PEACE CONFER-. • The history of well-reinointen4 Pence. Conference at,Nisitssa Palln batsmen !on._ .A Gnituritindiisomi jairtiesi wirosp,to fi,gised tot on theliSrt thellionregeniele, • kin thriftutrasigraCligiVen Batman:ea Idfe of Linens, just_pnb— „l*T.- The correspondence is too volrun rinA. for our columns, but we cannot withhold the -following- note--from- Lmorm to Bow , Hannt '4. ifkitirkpitn, "Ala' Speaks Yoi tieir:' • „ Eszctruvr. ilsissusx. Whif•MfaxeN.lg. Rem Henry J, Raymond : • - Mr Dun iilB : I have per:Posed to Mr., Greeley that the Mama correspondence be ''pbllshed; 'enppyressini:only the parts of his letters over which the red pencil is &awn in the copy which I herewith :send. • lie declines giving hisediuwad to the =1). 1 ' lication to bletters unless; these Parts be published with the rest. Hustle coneladed chat 11-is`Detter for us to admit, for the tiny; to the pensegatewes of the false poiritiois fri whirl& I anuickr he has placed me, than to indeed the country to the conseyue . ness of publuhing theeeliscouragino and injurious part: : I send ydn ads, and the aceem• Puz..Vng copy, ra for pnblittation, bpt effetely to expiates to yojt, and that yen mar reserve pioper Una ahaD cat t le. ,• • , Tours' truly, ,•„: ; f1 - lientarrese-Luiccair. • ' Mr. Pittcorat'S murk 'irtistiritti aeries ,of Boble . Sctionp; tit ' Wa s none nobler thaithit iisointianitersiOttfifessed to • sub. mit to be placed'hi'i r faisislifort 'rather Climarillto - nicithetibeevet?tiitlykitoti t The fallow Ins - note to - Mr clencrarr, In the esilfiirt - tif ieffitig***643;4hich identicalin its tdraut"WitillthiAtmetil. gram, "To-whom It-may consiern," which closeeitilteliews iiiiottion Which the President uc u#iied thrtinghout entire proceedini. 9,°1881. Hon. Horace Grecky.: DWI, But : 'Your letter of the 7tb,with inclosures, recelv4 If you can find any Oman anywhere prepping to hare any Pr07P1 4(04 . of Jefferson .Davis, in writing, for race, embracing the restoration of Use t Union andabeitidonee'nt of eatery,' w?uil seer else a. embraces ; say Co hint he may come .matafth you, an d that if he brings such proposition, be shall, at the least, have We-conduct, with the paper (and • without 'publiCify if he choose!) to the !point where you shall have met him. The 'same if there be two or more perk= • Yotirs trttly i A. LINCOLN. tifidilDitOSS OF.EI4ANCIPATION. The great =mph, of the IJMted States in _the- total• abolition of-slavery both by proclamation under the war power and by. consaltutiong htat:OhMiub hi 'beginning -to tell abroad. Encouraged by it,' the Mends of Emancipation-in Brazil haoe already in troduced prPOOltions/br a partial emend patio fiitbut empire, with a good prospect of success' , ju - Brazil slavWhat nfit, for same At)ipliga rea m= - much ft did here. Tha slave had still some , perocerid'' lied* - eittlitple," lie could legally deinand an appraisentent of himself, and if he were , able to pay the price !Massed noon Lis serrhies, the owner was obliged to accept of At and set him free. We believe that. Brazil and the Spanish West India Islands are the only places now remaining in the civilized world where very exists. If abolished in Brazil, It can— not long maintain itself in Cuba and the other, Spanish island_ The total abolition of this mime and Cline throughout the world will be a glorious consummation. When Mr. LISCOLII artlek It edwn In our rebel elates its strongeat IndwarlofelL Will Delaware and Rintucky still hold out t New Jersey, ' too, although it has no slaves of its one, clings to the principle, and re fuses to acquiesce in the amendment. Da the Copperheads of these „three Mates hope to restore.the system, or arrest the progress of cniancipatlon f The members of the Legislature of this Mate,, representing, that party, It will be ratneml;ered, voted In the same way ; 'and had they been in the , jority, Pennsylvania vault/ now be stand jag in the tuumviable poidtkut which New Jersey now occupies, "solitary and alone." win TEST mere Politician among the rebels our. shallow an oath without difficulty, no mat ter what It is; but the secession preachers of Missouri crnna do it, and seem to be de termined that they will not. They know that they are not loyal to the government, and they are unwilling to commit perjury by swearingthat they are. The St. Louis correspondent. of the Chicago Tabun, speaking of this difficulty, says: "The refractory secession preachers who are required to take the oath prescribed by the new Constitution hy the isf-of Septem ber, axe talking of a convention to decide upon the best course to pursue. Governor ..Fleteber has made several speeches lately, in which he has announced his intention to - enforce the call for the oath in. every In stance. - Be has created somemerriment by saying at Bt. Joseph lately that be had given - orders for the enlargement, of the State Prism If the. Governor enforces the secticrn.of the new: Constitution requir— ing the oath of all clergymen, there will be a semi-row, and perhaps in this city some thing worse. The greatest interest is felt to know what the Catholic clergymen will do. They arc very rptiet, though doubtless as much interested in the discussions whica the m nisters belonging to the Methodist Episcopal Chinch South have -a ir on through the newspapers. One of the argu ments used by the Catholics before the elec tion was that their priests could not take the oath because they gave their allegiance only to the bishop and the Pope. The three weeks pending for a decision will doubtless develope secession in a new form. But the -Governer is firm, and says the preachers must either swear or cease preach rug." NEW.NORK,.AND LONDON rile•Washtegton „ Chronicle makes a cal- culation. frexci • which 1t infers that New York will - equal London in population with in iixteen years... • , :•.s . - ..,•-; : • :: .' Li9.&51,1110mi 1 on'eontained ,802,230 In. _.„ . . habifintrz;•,Ond in its,ct• Ma' population was 2,843,9444 ' C Who rate of increase daring.the I decide walc ,, therefore„ , 14.43 per cent et.' in ronhazinfribcrk - 110t be t e:tilled 15 e'er' Cent and, if, we Eauppose _that- this ratio will a o u , tintte until-tire Isar 1881; . the result irffi'be as rollows: fir'lB7l, .-fner'repulatlon will amount to. 1 2, 1D; 461r i ?Ini;,ln.lB'l3/,,1S will be 18,70702... -', .`.,... c,. ~ ..,,,, , ::' _,. . , . ;',;Tie Crithldried irailirlation or New - Yoris ay, Tiroehlynr. and: Jersey City, in 1850, W3,01":286,, awl in 4860 it, amounted to ,I,loj..oVisoula): -The irateof increase was, .thereforc;77.l3B per cent, &hit it be called V per eent.. , .lf the ' same ate of Increase should' continue until-they ear' . , the results' would be as follows: la the year 1870, the ceasns Would exhibit a population of 1044;722, and, II 1880, it Would amount to 2,01,007. .By the year 1881, dm date of the British census, the • popteation of-New York would quite equal that of London. Mr. BA*AGE NON Worurs.—Eor almost three ;weeks these Works have - Veen lying • !dial as the decrease in the 'pia or APU , vditilr ao great that the enamour cannot afford to mandacture and•vay, thepresent, high prices; for labor. Repairs are: going on, however, _ end wpm , are bdng roado for a largo .hnatness la the cantinat ,Thu saspanslon.of the • beta: Weal of these Works have thrown out of employment severilhendrid men, , • , , , „Lpias of preventing. hollestncrustations • recehtly adopted in Fretted, tonsigs lining the boiler arltli , a ,, metteAC'ttatatetir at some distautss- bolsi the eides, - - , salts will of coursetis - deposlted upon netw mk t which canbe rimy Ted,- and the crust eaOydetached, IIEWS ITEMS THE mill managgeer of liiessrs. W. Hallam and : Co., theXpper Forest Tinworks. near, Swabsea, iWales,„ bas succeeded ; in *kingt cif the finest appearance and nest thathasever yet been seenbruies tal eye, The sheet is 10 inches kby 5} in ches, or 55 inches In swinge, and_ • ier,Theing brought t. 3 the standard of 8 inches, by 5i inches, 4114ik surface inches, is but 16 grains, or SO vie cant.-lesa than any , previostreffortorna quires 4,800 sheets to make 1 Inch in thick :MS. - larrnns from Tahiti give: very Rivors- ide account of the progress of cotton plant big in that bland. One planter ,has cleared and planted two hundred end fifty acres, at which he employs six hundrediabeders. BOIS raiscbievew na.destroyed the telegraph wire ere - aiehisivery for the was or Queen,Ticharia oßitine.bor residence et,Baliacirid.ft.tius transmission of mesas. gel betweenlondostand the Highbade. DlSeMEGlnDsolalamens not have it tee frequently Impressed von thim to; keep their discharge papers.. The biokera And speculator& who .buy the.to for song ex. pict IO Bell them back, at animism= prat, when Congress shall, have _ epprhpriated lands totthe use and - benefit of volunteera honorably discharged the service. *heeling. West Yirgtobl,' late a mew ber of the Confeder• ate House of, Representatives, has. been pardoned by the President- Before the war, llk Rumen was attorney for the Bald. more and Obio railroad at the west end of Tun Bedfbni Madre justifies the murder ;ftcok-Clquges who -Ira' macent/y, shot Ctowit byarotuntod deserta4t.rar no 'other reason than tbak‘tha...-delinquent and row artily copperhead bated Crouse akitTalthroi la made OO lilfirgaraosle.l4 liewArprkiy eatruatlng carbonate of:mag netteand silicate or soda, or soluble glans— cant irreelectiog a good quality of magnesia and - Matte being t,llll tinly requiaita for Ric- TILE editor of thellonnt . Vernon (Ohio) RepuWean, haying ',Wed the 01l wells of that vicinity reportethet Me manifestations will not justify the : aim trance that oil in paying maustities.will be found, Anoturn melancholy death of-an Eng lish mamba by falling from a Solsis cliff is reported. The victim is ade mad; , a Fellow of Welty College, Cambridge, and a. master of `Rugby d ElchooL Tnr. Slate tiered) ment has received through Mr. Brallnlame, a &Spy. MIT heal. en's International L a w in the Chinese lan guage. - • • JESSE Wurrn, aged 22 years, was lately his own father, Wm. White, in Janson county Kansas., Trrn WADE AND DAVIS hisanmsro.--- Carpenter the artist, in his reminiscences of Lincolnordatea the following; Last year, upon the appearance of what Was ha own as the -"Wade and Davis mani festo," an Intimate friend and supp orter, who was very indignant that sucita docn- Meld should have been forth Just previ ous to the Presidential election, took occa sion to animadvert - Very ;evenly upon the course that prompted It. "It is mot worth freltlng about," said the Prestdcnt. "It re minds me of an old tetrudnWAVhO, hav ing a son of a scientific turn, bought him a microscope. Pritd boytient around ilxper'- knenting with `the glue upon _ everything that canto in his 'war One day,at tturdln- Per table, hit flithei.tilak . * pleoe of cheese. "Don't eat thattather.",' said the. boy. "It l*fultAf.wriggkal-' 7 "My eon," replied the. Add gentleman, taking at the ;same time, a huge bite; "let 'em wriggle; I can stand it if they cart." PUBLIC XOTICES. BEHISIEI46II POLYTECHNIC I lIIISTITIDT ,E TROT, N. Y.—The FOR. TT-SECOND ANNUAL SEnSIONnt this well brown SCROUL tiv ENGINEERING AND NATURAL SCIENCE, will commence SerreE. nen I3TH 180 . The NEW ANNUAL REGIS TER of iLTZ, giving LOU informatinn, may be otr tabud by seaming PROF. CHATIIr.PI DEMME, Director, ani6i,2otx Tray, New EAST LIBERTY ARE PENS TP. PL &Nett he Stockholders or the Emit Llber • and Peon Townsnlp Plank Road, and otter persons Interested, will meet at the boas e of Mr. Genstar, on SATURDAY, Augwit 19. b, at two del, eit, to devise ways and means for Rearming meld Road, and put It In tVavellog order. O. SNIDELY. anted w JOS. STONER. cy---31.11LITAD. COILLEUE, ALLENTOWN, PA , Wlth Chaltored Privilegii end Stipe, for Adrark. tic.-s Wr lia,Fcgiksh,, UlaulteiL Uolamvetal and liagitary I:ducattori. rr.optsts ...4.t.PTEAIBER 7113. Yo* larcillara,. an M 0 - 1244/6 3vdtL 00- % PDlstrarel,, or addreas • • - REV. al. L. 13.01TORD, D, .trirtartrod -,PraddenL rikturzas IRECILIANICS . tar I.IILL 111:04“INCOUPAII V.—Stated • be, to Stock in the abort C 'motepp are coquetted 'to pap the Tatra "zetalatent of Ten Dollars per Share On or berate the lath INST. Ry order of Una Hoa HN r% • autind - JO H. SNMPLN, Trowel:cr. XE sir D IrERTIR=IMM'S NiT01131..-4 eacks In Apra and for sale by T T 1111116 MAULIf MOSEY k Co. CEDAR BOARDS.—In sore and for ado by /9211A11 DICULtif k 00. TALLOW (ML-20 barrels In store and •••• for aale by ISAIAH DICKEY Jt CO LARD 01L.-10 bblz. No. 1; 10 1 . No. 0, Ls store ioul tor sae by D3AIA.II DIUKEY & 00 ItESIDENCE FOR RENT—On Mount str W ely a t ingu'n. S. 011711111EHT & SONS, ante. 61 Market !Street. bTREET PROPERTY L 7 FOB SALE—Twenty feet front by sixty feet deep; brick store, and dwelling house of hell, storeroom, distoproom, kitchen,tbroe bed-rooms and two attic rooms, cedar, yard. etc., intense on east side tut ar Seventh street. Apply to S. OWYHEE= & SONS, ei Menet Street. ants Aug. 15th. Di RIME COFFEE.—SO Mtge prima Rio good 'Levan% Co& a," just 'Goateed arid for sale, et toe lowest market rates, by the bag pr at !dial, by JOHN A. RENSHAW, emit corner Liberty sad Eland streets. REFINED LARD Put Up in kegs f ),. fehily use, warranted to keep weet t hrow the mummer. Received end for sale at the Feral!' Grecery Store of .70Hfr A. RENSHAW. mat comer Liberty end Rend erects. WEB. A- e 2 0 5 1;ae l li , i bi r No. d s o Large d lllacketel; 25 'Mtn No. 2 do; 26 do No, I do: 100 half bbla. Lake Ilerrlasig Joe 'ate by ante , J. EL OA.NFIELID FISH. 20 halt barrels Nos. 2 And S Maekeret; 10 quarter atk. No. 1 dd. L In store and for sale by FETZER. St AItNESTRONG, 0011 comer 11latitet and first streets it 4 0L A E BEB.-4 barrels Sorghum M. .4 , 1 , lassawinstors sad for was by . i F.LTZEU & Augsribma, a .11 :. . ' sorter Tdcrket wad First garcon'. Ng , ALL P/LP.ER-lieW cheap and hand V acza." ads at. Malta Market stave. ntat Finh'stre et, by anta 709: Hr GHTtS k MAX , .. FOR - SALB.4- - I.49.WELEyCEVILLB IR- Aii . s?..."....VagreAtifartA o.Dwell }' .L. . t 0,0. i. hind , ezeellent Viet!. or Prete:, M. It APPent :lane LoliZatyllehiently stthsta :m alittria,atrAee, pett'llte—Velellettterannilway. .11ntettlete poisei.lon Vgltren. Apply et the " Reel ~,Eetete end Ineuratieepthee - et _IT-sirs — EX _,, ` °'t4.: n.;:,,,EhttlittatteetaaWrehtenutim r• I . 3ATBS•& -."-: 'HOLESALE AND IiErAM -- Dory '4O oicida. .ata4 --. n TfITU kit Err BATES da - BELL'S— Eaca s lO i ri QMITS; UULOILED Biroot. •• • • . • • • sz- • . irpont a will be reeelved limonite ofJ. •. lIOHLIN, 313Metty itrect:for the build f New um, lor ititts_nmi Stein • •e Company, 'until 1510.1Wit.'in insert its • • Ins sad epecnosetons Ise' be seen it the oil • • f Anichh,B 6 re'le,Dietter;ll)ltegeit Solidus .ifth AVM; Onion irtereite nth inn . ; ',; 7". idl.deffilbui, UZI drawl: 1 ' • t . LAME Two SToll.y:tgairg How% 'With Bask Building, and LOTS-OrGRO esehTerenty ley One atmdrekket, staisheon the .1 o aide of Castoff 'itteet,iteat to ead tut of ' F da atloy,tsittsfacconti wardieffeghimr OUT, 7h l e slannue Bippoty sald, on tentons , ; ble hgtigpiytegto • - BgBEBT: - .BrEiliP010/1, Wife Of the•Attorder of Beedt..'' sullatawlos COM 'lloutit XER ADIPEIRTIISEJIIEXTL WOR CIO-AND 6T. LOU- LAM A 19.-4 hineW ittearaer4TlMAVlL. soorreyoral larro the at 4-p. 1(,-- ror • ;hoist 9r pox Rawl apply oil Ipardi or tol '-‘4suis 00Irtentit S at TOBACCO EVAP, OYSTERS, dec.. AT A„I 1 0119.0-Willb, Walk WV"'"naOr 013 ,... curi CI, August tom connection with the Furniture, lee., litssoni 11.01 AncriOn tionisti in Fifth 'Met, SO enema Tobuto, tati• Os dine Seep ; • 19 canal Spinet! Oysters, fresh and °lrl6 BRIDLES! it. HALTREIB. WEDNESDAY MORNING, August Nth, will be sold, In eenn,liwa with Furniture, ho., at Illssonl2 Hall Agetiqn-House,62 street - • Ms near Rpm Harness; Riding Bridles; 2 dozen Batters. atria A.,..IEnDItELLAND, !Ludt. OHARLEB' BIIbBLEY, PRODUCE A. , and Commistiozadershant, aWarehouse, No. Stu Liberty et, Pittsburgh, Pa. Wholesale deal. or #ftiWi• Ohegr, Laed , EggS.- For stl, Eleanerra U our, Feathers, Brooms, Potatoes, Hom iny, Stied Fruits, Green -Fruits, Onions, Flour. Grain, Uloser Seeds, Timothy Seeds, Flea Semis, Game lad' Poultry. Patin's, attentidn Wen to Pteduei Oormlgnmente. re2l6 VIIRNITITRE ,AND OLRUATI3-.. AT oW)AIXOTiVENESDA-Y 'mamma, lion Hone, at Wolgok.t Mutant* Hall Lac lion Bonze, will be sold New and Second hand TainedrPw*Fasst Votlnde B—Old,eadih Ma and DoW Filat - Beiteldi, Breakfast and Enema Ta bles, Wood Matra, I scowlee or Ale Chest, New Sit gle Desk, Sewing . Machine Weak Stand, New ITenitlao:BlL do. CQUAte4/4 DarlSSlSaabs Ladder, Cook Stove; Silver Piste423poona and Forks, To. We Calm, Alat=erul Second hand In! sold t "lI T.A t 1 4 404ELLAzdtaillov 4 • • 1: 1 .! 1. • • Mums; my*lfe, MATTA F. DataMIER; bag kit ray beg and boantowithout to asuscos protecatteno hereby gliu Drake to all yougUll not gonad or hutur bar; at Tarn nolt be resoon , tibia fat any debts she mod aoatreet , 44.2-thin date. • ' WK. 7. GAUAGREE. Etna, Allrgbearnai Pa.;? Angust If. 166.1. , , 4,1...LE08ERE: AT/ALLeTVE••• B. it • CO. 4 i iitieg the tontitusere lit the CAMP wax. MO. , at. TA ERSP,IIIri,. Tint= w ri t leen, ItS fol. ROWE: • - •, ' ptiturahle, Tract l. Leiriitrlttriagli. , LeirietTaranriiit, L 00 a, m, =to. to. 8.5 D a. m. 1364.ri4,,.... POO p. in. Minn. m. • trio p. in. Prit p. m o a n Rstartion Tiritets will be 'told for /Mite Moots , Zarin to Termatum. r. , wiactin, suridw . • . Superintendent. NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. • • On sad atter MONDAT.I. intuit 14t11. rnisbt %II be received by the Pittibengh and Mena,. babe al,rted, At their Depot, corner of Van and Water Amt. • Closing flour at ttrainktock p. re. A. S: =ANN, agent. 0/FLUE OF oOff 1 HOLLER JT ALLTainaT (loyal T, Fyirrearson, August la, AWL TO BOILER ItlAKEßl3.—sealed Propo. ease rem be recesses by the Based of Immo°. tors of the Allegheny County Prieto, %tall the, lore MSC., inelualse, for malting andinatittlf up In the County Pri•on, une Cylinder coiler,thir tr. Eta Loans diameter, sixteen feet long, gale= Inch Iron, hems half breh Iron, '