int Pittsburgh Gault 1171MISECIID in axing PIIIILIIHNO ASSOCIATION :FRIDAY. AUGUST 11. 18E5 1111031 COUNTY TICKET FDR DISTRICT ATTORMHY LEVI E. DUFF, of ABognenY. TOR COITSTI COISTROLLLIt REMIT LAMBERT, Pitt TowniMp. (-% WWl', Ttr.431111211: WAYMATRY.X4 311.4,31^ Liberty Towne:tip. • , • FOX STAIR =RATS JAMES L. diumsaa, mug eay. ton ASSZNIELT tila T. MeBF,E, North Fayette Township. ' S 8. HERRON, McCandless Township. ALFRED SLACK, at Allegheny. PAM SHAFIGI., 'Crypts" St. (Ear. J. P. GLASS, Pittabumh. JOHN A. DANES. Shafer Township. ion COIIWTY 0011312113SL01111:11 JORATHAR NEELY, of Lower St. 01511. Tp 7011 ODETTY OVIMIT011: /41.:(nricrtrizzir, of Bingnahana. po DIFIZMOSI OP POOR HOSES CRESS, of Chortler* Township UNION STATE CONVENTION A State Opicrentiern will ha held at Hareuburg. On narasnEr, TEM trin AUGUST. 1265; at t 2 O'Cdock,AL, for the purpose of putting in nomina tion a State Ticket to be supported by tte Meads of the Onion at the coiling October election. The earnest and zealous labors of a loyal people secured ; the great victorritriede, and made the War, which our eneralgt denounced as a failure, • gLotious mama in 1865. Our flag has been maintained—our commies de. stroye&-our Government, preserved, and peace re. eltablialteik Le every friend who aided in tab result, take.piearare• represented to that Convention. We must see to it that the fruits of our meets are not lost to the Nation. Multiple of vast Importance will be presented for eonsidetation, and every district In the Ste should be represented. By &liar of the traloateetrid Cosartittle SIMON CAMERON, 'Cliairdi A. W. Barimicrr , Secretarim Wean Foams:, CONSOLIDATION. The example of Philadelphia, in consoll dathiCT the original city, as laid out by Pant, with same six or eight suburban mttniciptditiiiiwilich had grown up around it so closely that the eye of a stronger could not distinguish the one from the other—a measure which has been followed by excel lent results, and the temporary incon veniences of which were soon overcome— has created a strong desire in the minds of many of our people for the adoption of a Similar policy here. , Brit4eixtbsien of; the Urban bounda ries of Philadelphia was not restricted to the then existing suburbs, but the entire county—the smallest in-territory of any in the State to be stne--was taken in, so that Philadelphia county was swallowed up in Philadelphia - city. Broad street, which runs from the bank of the Delaware, about four Sallee _below the - old city, to the ex treecteinrih'ern boundary, has a lengthin straight line, of about twenty-six miles. So it has been suggested that when the imun dariptar.,Prrrenunau shall be extended, thitit ilk' not be less than eight zoned in _ length, along itanorthern and southern bor. derVrit hare a Inean width of not much less. In extending the limits, of a great and growing city, it is a great mistake to take ' in a-little at -a necemiggileads to great Irregularity of streets and grades, and defeat any wise and far-reaching plan either-of location or improvement; and this is peculiarly true ofititia irregular locality, broken by both riviri `and Mlle When, therefore,„,the-cormlittation of which. we are spepbbii ehatl Mid - place- - ta it certain ly will before mattLyea ,general plan shoultatonto-be:likiP 'WAX= tim future, hi / provement of the enlargeil 'elty - --streeis ont3l4;_thsir _grader; cli.tPpriuml,,_ end, as , fast possible 'prepared Improvement by the erection afhWldinga Let any one obserA Ahe rapidity.. with whichthe ample spacealletWien Alleghen y City and Wood's Rturitre - filifeir uj, and - the 'Wild ',lrceotlarity;--phich is resulting fican.thilartat,OrdiffOint authoriUes, and he will see thri , i:Aiisik, there is for some grand uniform plan. Nothing else (=save thatpcatiercObiur fatmo city fromthe Mils • of irremediable confusion. It to the niiritarilnilta - utl Pittsburgh that the contemtAle r ilghie l fecuts in the consul repoWe:VulskasprineUin is not creditad,„whh,onehalf of its real pop cdationr-tdirrslibithe fault of the officers, vl:fistsitdfl . in airy other way. This may: a gimali au4qc.flad„ lynches our pr r ine,,bat to nate the census co, W 1,1 0;loi able Moment, in giving to oaf Shin& that impOrtance and comermaltegrinfbience to which,ibtreafPo4iiiitfcai'' and Its bust " nese asinine . • 'make iielgreznar - fciCtir tie mrpose of aWahadink,ttauflozThMs matter; for it never will he doneoez never, ought to tss, midi it Is ilibaltiablaViCe to jereaseti*tuatibelierit ISCBEAPE OP Citii&VJ -*Salomon rather andannitthces Who say that "the Smarr day . Otra better than tatotef!_and we dre*itittritohaltdaa Often intend, that the- world Is netting Iworse, for ra2Tbdala not- Sa i nhe adsoida , & T e cningdon of orinusa otstrasynsaintnitiOallfettatrbeity hays of iiite*Orfi ar - r Ztql3W l 2 4 54 r 8 F. At A. the intisin az r ie • ate of, deadly 'moons, • sety be tcrdial, firM ogi t e bat the lust of gain aianas;tolle the besetting dm of most of those 'rho r hands in the taw* , amittenortir Tkittavalmegtrivanas pllc~t ibruslaburodemlsmut , zoset , ~arWow far the viaasprlad Oft,ot inspktliatezatbiooB4lo**2l4,tgagb.. • - ,- , lone or MD attistlapti 1111(0Si:a rude to its& v zio eIarrIMIUBMVIrbiI.IBIOIIIW stilt otthe Aft* AvAl4k ..14) ,1 0 Ina =dem mush idP3 1 1 4 4.10, gtoCW:* the/ 47 . 19,kpibi to .cat 4 bia;.,to,l9;abattes win ftl4.l.filireillAlarkearmirOmitiamea _ribuvitiPgig**Tti.tbmOdi:rom , l ion a i d vitro to sgeFe the reward. prianii%IP etioitt r ivtiao fetal& ElC:ailik- a auktlfirptsolieltsubilo wyhgay Ina PO 43 14 11 totos4-trupwcat - , • -- Sta4.lstk4 _Of Ille:04 TritO•e: The fairkik tobtitithoirith - oizioOtts of oil Jannartliscio 7 ,4l3 , :litti,lBo9, ee etm wet with the correspiinOlaii , petiatt 1861: test tsss 7 r , inFteolen yl*,el rrom, 10,157 1.715 -V 9 SZOiI - . ' Uhl .. . r - s t udipc Autot, AL twasalt=weitat melt tepreattalledsili Vrodues l . 2 4 of thi4. - 4‘1#91 . N - ( 13 4 4 11r4: Oil Orbek - • 4,605 barrels. AllitultartrrObovefiteakllaa:v below -.. 175 ?P.:45l'A!) l'brinam-Itturne *3 eacuma. , 4ooawitir.: gregatelSotota44bsol4o4lecg9ahAotilor l lk. atria: tif Tralalat'Whlchillotlat fallr sicaatatiledirWare follows : .. p 1 ..a.. Litet*.zirOttt.;:rx r_ •- • -, ,11' 024• 'TPD - Toteo.. - ' ,- '• -' - • --" "'AV iii P. 7 - lat:eraliQiiiii :1.? ,:r . . I" Ct•;;; G , Oiler • i1te„. 3 40.4 1 /AVo4 .2 iiiiiii t t r i l hera _ - was v..... - no =tot; Ora t - gslii',:only betwettlalawnbgeloltheaaras _wouldi, ' . It they. Lad I*mA/sided upon ~ at par ty faineW have added " Day 16,000. to MT , Jame taajoxity. . *I.IE_CANApIAN Pll63lllE.:R§thri The appointment of the comparatively unknown Sir Riflemen BELLEAU to this podtban mut the result of a compromise among the four leading members of the old cabinet. Finding that if either of these was selected, the other three weld retire in dudgeon, the Governor General left them to settle the matter among themselves, and the result of the conference was the ap pointment of another "respectable medioc rity," Sir lianas= Bzuzstr, as Pre mier. The Toronto Globe says: Sir Nareisse Belleau Is a wealthy and re spectable French Canadian, and was form erly a member of the Executive Council, Speaker of the Mpixr House, and as such received the honor of knighthood from the handy of Her Majesty. lie is qualified to act as lerider in the Legislative Council on the French side of the House. It is needless, however, to say that but for the peculiar constitution of the present Government, Sir Nareisse, would not now be Premier in the Cabinet He was tot chosen because he occupied the position of leader of any considerable section In the House or the country, He has been selected, as many P. miens have been in England, bemuse maser his Presidency men of hitherto contending parties find it possible to unite without dread that he, in the influential and impor tant pOsbiOn which he occupies, will change the attitude either of persons or parties. Hr. Mudd, the CimaplratOr Mudd-was very gloomy during the voy age to the Tortugas and fears were enter tained by his guard that he contemplated suicide. He was accordingly closely watched, very much to his indignation " Why do you keep me so closely guard ed ?" - said be to the officer in charge of him. "Because," said Captain D., "I am afraid I may lose you." "How lose me? There is surely no ante-forme to escape here, and you do no .suspect that I would kill myself?" "That is just what I fear; and until I gat my iecept for your body Irma the command ant of the post to which you are consigned, I deem it my duty to have you every step strictly watched." "Well; Captain, you need have no fear on my accouut. I would put an end to my miserable existence, but for the thought of eternity. I am afraid to die, although I can bear this terrible life, which is so much w orse tb an death."— Washington Chronicle. Important Railroad Arrangement. W.e learn that Eastern gentlemen heavily interested in the Pennalvania Central Rail road, and other roads connecting with it, have purchased one-half interest in the Union Pacific. Railroad, leading from Wy andott in Kansas through Lawrence to wards the 'West These gentlemen and others connected with the Ohio roads are now in this city to make arrangements by which there will be's thorough connection between the Union Pacific Road via the Missotni Pacific, the Ohio and Mississippi, the Little . Mismi, the Columbus and Pitts burgh and Permsylvanla Central roads to Philadelphia. Tire connection, it will be observed, inVolves St. Louis, and insures the passage of the great Continental traffic from the Atlantic and Pacific through our city, The sale et half their road supplies the Union Pacific Company with means-to prosecute their road, and they now confi dently expect to hays it finished to Fort Rileyty the Ist of June, 1860.—& loci s Dispatch. Mr. Lincoln's Story About Daniel Webster. The artist Carpenter says that Mr. Lin coln once told him the following story : "I heard a story about Daniel Webster when a lad, which was new to me, and has been running in my head all the morning." When quite young at school, Daniel was one day guilty of a gross violation of the rules. He was detected in the act, and called -up by the teacher for puniahment This-was the old fashioned fending, of the band. His handhappenedte be very dirty. Knowing this inibis way to the teacher ne spit_upon the palm of his right hand, ping Its a on_ the side of his' pantaloons.— "Give me your hand, sir" said the teacher, very sternly. Out went the right band, partly 'cleated. The teseherlooked at it element, and said, 'Daniel, it you will find another hand in this school room as filthy as that, I will let you artiste titre? 'Here vras.the reply. 'That will do,' said theleacithi, Toi this timaYou can take your seat sir." Saftrege Lams In th e Fie n t , Bthleth r \ ThiChicago Traria gives asy opals of the lawirregnlating suffrage in each of the Free States, and gum up the whole u s fol. Of the iribarpciiiiiiiee Statell_ vaspiiiira tekelAt'PerlaitSßro'suffrar, 'to s - greeter# or less extenV Viiewrant the New Eilghirek, elates, •Milir,4ersey - andOhto... Of-the re. wander, swo, New Jersey and Peximiva- Mel* nroffglyilSidikftnitie" and the Fribtid.fileit ogialttarko • applied for edmissicin at a time when stern , sided cOiresii and'the- xiation. - xtfanut, Mehl. gen, Miscionsir6lllrunwota, ' Oregruis,Kan sae and Muth' (seven,) admit as voters, those - not yet cipzatfluadlesiclei the'New ratelindluateic four, Ao..erik:_letichigan, Wisconsin, California, ista.-Xlinnewitavro- It id e Ten' Toting -bl , Indian's. i One (Massa , anisette) excludes-the--ignorant,- • and one (Oregon) excludes Chinamen. • • '' .r.. Cir. rep SimaitiOK on trial na a guertlit4 Seems to be the. tnearestion, of all that Is devilish and barbarous in. robeldom. Ave ry'day Of_the trial unfolds a. new tale of horror. The following 'is one of the Mild est asea. , TheWitiress said; . 'ir.aM the WidoWif said:: -NW wawbilledt ont the let -day of November ; 1861;tightmiles above Albany, ;In Clinton : comilmiXeMiiiity. , Ferguson came-into . therbouseramd'eald: -- 41 11ovr•do4 - 3otf do V! laiked'hier to 'have if chair:' heaald . tiadat. time. asked him -to, halo. . outs vplem.beesid • he - had them . - eating attle% kfe'a - alced T aiddiel was in bea,.veiy - tAck...7.Perglasn. Walked. to the bed where al.MY.wrikettd salei ""Sow are Y'ou, Mr Fogg l husband relined. Ir- am:s very 5 isio.k4... Davehtid: tlm aler,avid -havulaketris rel3apssi2?! . lidol;'‘l4e4milstitititgotit that 1 1 1= paitobifulini. ,, Pegg told hlmiteleaver v~ there d r i l;mi sfi4 ,_iraT i attrZre, 7 s i t ti k *lima:tout kbearg shat art beanie/ never ipala after tbo;firet aiwt I went about, twenty yards faxillte'bouse, aad wititheabsayout.f/fteen minutes. '''At' that:deist,.fiinttlogriv was starting to Ws horse. When • husband was lying dead in the bed. lie BhilthtS•tinaStretibei UKI b % riast. d also 13ght ' Tna Itroriilitoisirith Oitniternmarr 14iitici,46,4416 Fab km* at - kglaltAt(l6,7 Lando s xQloa re" nlrPr i otOl for, PrieM : tLcolnbasltftrawjoßrypia ; Tullius.. therislational , Conunnueoht Monett! Ilitilig".oAlh - M. WO*? tOlteaUt trY raised theryttsiozio-orUcipaticrnAnpaweri. dierfoffrirtilli MainecinttCd latchlayea,' i11C.40 record the -- slilfc.ttslaitiNianil.Ain Tsaw, .the committee-haVemnwiad its lit; #gain h . 'thsaitAlefiltVW,fin* reatecl *AY h/i - fetillnrcd to he sleop cut • D frliglnaLtfrala UM Old tufa atone foreleg - the ancient tolls bound tizy7, 'Ayer Bereft Tulifi,Abi Oa of which Ara: Terse the gardens of Ballast: , Thlliblock they mean for presentation at Washington, In testimony cc condelenee With a free peo ple. • Souso Docratice.--This -24dionatInten. tomer, Minus comedian% : did, . during the last Presidential canvass,Je supporter of McClellan, says„in respect t 6 the 61101114: Of rebels to aloe : ;But the noutliattrpeapidinust be adman. sheds that they have no friends in the North Who will tolerate willingly the letup:to As fiend platen of that pestiferous data Of poi- Chin e son s vtli th o br hav ro o tr abuse tti, d i r tie d e nea ca r ti l a y ,w rur ical ed ieit - tio tri ve.m! the fat oi e and uri ,.dan d'AZ gam ipPlien dia rtnrOi tat tl ArlfiC peace itie*Wel#o 2l - . o, l 4 ''stA • w aho',lo,:i i pourip.,,;:., i-- 7,r1 tr,- • I Si wiener Trorli eramihM ligkedg it % /fir ttht .';:° lo ; l * .Z 1 44,... 1 '' - rsulatandatafrilitilnikid - Ottaeril : ant of ageadeguir their wriesistmace to the eitYterifyof ihaWigidilgebieltiAtbatl2lo , ~ en received suchnict -- eindemexairemuenu acwieliatditted3n -. .the_loarnmedan to_ini. bAttriaTsmd4)lll And FA A.Aceir ta gg i gr the"s& _n , A lma 4 'find Pni64: 'eloquent ~ .iledga lor and ecnitingant itaabdanpa In tier- struggle. . • i 'fi9ng of , ,the Unenfranthise4 The following Bong is being sung in Englaad by sevtral millions of the =enfranchised work leg men, to the disgust of the snobs end ari+to• crate : We plow and sow, we're so very, very low, That we delve to the dirty clay, Till we bless the plain with golden grain And the vale with the fragrant hay. Our plate we know, we'll CO vitrY io 'Tie down at the landlord's feet; We're not too low, the grain to grow, But too low the !wean to eat. Down, down, we go, we're so very, very low, To the hell or the deep sunk mines, But we gather the youdest gems that glow When the crown of a despot ethane& And whene'r he lacks, upon our backs Free, loads ho deigns to lay; We're far too low to vote the tax But not too low to pay. We're low, we're low, mere rabble we know, But at our plastic power The mold a , the tomatoes feet will grow Into palace, church and tower, Then prostrate fall lathe rich man's ball. And Cringe at the etch Man's door; We're nf,t too low to build the wall But to? low to tread the floor. We're low, we'relotv, we're very, Very low, Yet from our gagers glide The silken flow, ono the robes that glow, Round the limbs of the sons of pride. And what we get, and what we give, We know, and we know our share. We're not too low the sloth to weave, But too low the cloth to wear. We're It w, we're low, we're very, very low, And yet when the trumpet. ring, The thrust of 4 oor man's am will go Thro' the heart of the proudest king. We're low, we're low, our place Sre know, We're only the rank-enA We're not too low to tight the foe, But too low to touch the soolL. ==! A FEW days since Newbem was dreadfully . alarmed at posters, placed in conspicuous places all over the city, in these mysterious characters: "R. C. B." Here was a plot. The Mayor called upon his elliciala to tear the incendiary documents down, which could mean no less, he sup posed, than, "Rise Colored Brethren. When all but two or three were destroyed, the agent of a quack medicine, of which the above letters were the Initials, rushed in and protested against' the outrage. The joke was so good that he got a wide adver tisement by the mishap of his posters. IN consequence of the near approach of the time when the cable for the bridge across the Ohio, at Cincinnati, will be stretched, and somewhat interfere with navigation, the Louisville mail boat company have made terms for the lease of a square and a half of the fiat boat wharf below Vine st, and about the .Ist of October will transfer their landing below the bridge. All the large lower river boats will follow, and pay to this company, instead of the city. Tux. levelling from the slediterranean to the Dead Sea-has recently been performed with the greatest possible accuracy; and by two Independent observers, using different instruments; and the result may be relied upon as being absolutely tree to within three or four inches. The depression of the surface of the Dead Sea on the 12th of March,lB6s, was found to be one thousand two hundred and ninety-two feet. Tully have got oil on the brain in Han sus. The State Geologist., Prof. Swallow, has discovered an oil spring on Centre Creek, four and one half miles northeast of Lawrence, on the farm of Mr. Limon. The oil is thick and black flowing down the creek. Ho also discoTered an oil spring within one-half a mile of Tecumseh; and says that the whole country between To peka and Tecumseh Lae the true oil bear ing sand-stone. Ta New York Commercial says : "We have the best authority for believing that the amount of specie sent South, crverblnd, has, forlate weeks averaged nearly onamil lion dollars per week. portion of the peo ple there have not yet learned to esteem greenbacks, and will tell only for gold or silver. A MAN named Seeley, of Ckdderater, Michigan has thrown the ariatoorAlis of De troit into :Tams by returning artincome:of $250,000 for 18M. They are disgusted that a dtlzen of a rural town should make so much larger a return than the wealthiest men of their Qty. THE exodus of negroes from the lower counties In Maryland and Virginia contin ues, It the drain lasts, there willhe hut few left in the muzzles mentioned. The steam, boats coming rip the river are crowded with them every week.-- 7 ,lleraedrio .Gazette. Tire Romen o.tholle Society for the pro. Rogation of the faith received I,n 1864 about a million s dollars fdr that purpose, of which two.thirdecame froniFrance, and more than half the' whole maraud is expended In the Tinned States. ' • Tat - tlitaldwtasont of Ilon. Edwin EL Web'ster to the Collectorship at Ealtliaexe,, cresiteififi , lri gip CongreatOnalcrel= egation, Ew-Governof W. Entgford will probably bo'sseleeted to till Tzir:Yeirmingtoik,Otle.} sgirenic4 saya speciese of !meet is threatening the aimed. nation of the Canada., tpatle. It envelops the top,of the plant in a W0...4114 ILESVCIIIt3 its gotswth tuid,flowering.- J. P. H. Itratt, of North Carolloa,—wtio recently declared that he 4vould> 1134n/slava erery negro if bad the power, la a- Federal' officer, having beds appointed 'peal:Raster of ReJeigh. - - • ' DESTUtteirit Korn:Chia 'visited Western Wieconsin, ' dang - fratneru3e damage to e.ropi, - rite 'tongued rainy weather ie. dieconretig far:Cara crY tht4 State. " - Mrt- J9B2f. WALrgli, the Lond on . Times matutger, Ira* Weated In the gl4 Parliamentary election fn lierislthe, land, has been in Parlia ,,, net evyc..,sinet; A )11na. Wnwsos, of Randolph,- aria iecentlrpolsoned :her husband with- arse:4_ ate In a. via, because ha took is argil, &I to the thew. dr ' tievir city directories show that while in New York there are only• SOS &dem a, they have 803 . iiew trying ) toimi toll of NeW aart ; was shot dead by4larkeeper, Olai r one inlnifiniee coniponY—the At6e- Ellarle—nriivesithe,SottbernOonfederaok PinEir e iv wrovrcrs. Wrionme conzirrrEE osivery raos‘ LEVI. la requited: to inset assn the Tr- VAITOE, on.MDAY 18.VENING, duvet Mk, nt n o'clock. Punctual Attendance la vati ur. &alit requested. Placa end Specifications to Ds kuuttat . : Y. MAT,,,A.I7GHLINi 7 aullAtir . . , orraantas a stacumaxim.nrax.. mut moan coitrairr - abteiN twit tti stoat to Us , abentrOOdiptlillifiNgquoiteid' Co-parthterhatblailloloSoottf Moo Banos per pore on or beanie ,„, t , , - - . 15011001MINIZZO , F a cJimarioartm as ,- • • Vdeldc sow to •IsetSClza Ati Mr AAP& .91 , ri 314147. c Norb Dollars per umatlu hi rr 4014 Q -15414 OM' thyme gni ”iitarrrfirentßSOMPlCl- - pen swaxinatievikerez C . ; The Board tsettool putowriot tr. toa • ',calla. will meet at t3eholizaterNtr. ravine. am 84XIIIWILY.- Aaguit 12, MON at a m., for the obtattada-at Tekhets. 61Mama t Cut • Pedoir7m:yarz,z:F= • to • • ,7 6EOEOI ~.~~N it 1 •~ Td 1 .EAD - .4 I,otio Olgs 13cifg lialerui - na for br~nle • •7,, IL lUNFIELD. 1 1 ..IO LABg ' -n° CHEESE. -100 bogs H~mbm g•; I 0010 100 do Mit i cg l l- 11118 B, Q A-124Att. I L . ghum M. - lailis% Itote end Lot *Tabby FISTZER k klikOrgo7lPt_ mill • fOnlet BEWlcet lad r1110404•90* • RIhIE COFFER.-403ittretimo Rio sad Laanarraildlrotiquer *late for at tae lowest market riteeit,lin or at .stud by ..7011N*0311144=6 coratsrLiberty aadlitaltatreeta 131Q13. 1:134"""gal; " . " ; stss 4 ssll MP fzidkicsbei.t.,: as:ll"s3iiti"thitilAt: ..z:,-,, w-tvkeloblotailltailit; • BIiPENEDIAI9.:4 I tit cAlortai • faiillf - Wlnfiffiate4Tdinsfp • sunsuit. Basdred LOUIS 7Smllyt wtlYsta 413ittr:41131#MIA__ t w comerunatfyiAtarif4gmm.h anll . . t .. . - .,,104 46 .1: 11 17 61,3 1'..* 0-7 4,:f) ID Au • ihWaegina P " lattonandlorasu ' ff t TIAMIDSTIUk oak earoaKiiketion'lltsZ4 I .rE fr VCR Tlf SI:MEATS. WANTED ONE GOOD GIRL Wanted, for Cooking,Waahlng and Chamber Work. laqtare at NO. 4 FEDERAL SVECEET, QM= AlLegberty otti. A GREAT BARGAIN !! We hare for rale 51a0 Acres or 011 Lands. In fee, situated on the oT the CHEAT RIVER, well located, and at pres.nt very Desira ble Property. which has been left with ea, and wt be sold. The r.rice to Vey low, and a 111 suit. Tim( la limited. Cell at once, on /STEEL b. BAILEY Wilkins Hell, aul:llau Fourth street, Pittsburgn. yoaTE CADETS SUPPER. —T HE 7.01.1 AVE CADETS, (Captain, Masa.) ctll par take of a grand RE-UNION SUPPER at LA FAYETTE HALL, on FRIDAY EVENING NEXT, August 11, 1665, at 40 o'clock. Members are requested to be punctual at the hour named. atilt= 005L5IITTEE. XOTICE —Whereas, Letters of Admin .,' istratlon on the Estate of DAVID M. STEW. ART, late of Pletsburs h, deceased, have been granted to the subscriber, all persons indebted to the said Estate are requested 'to make immediate pep:nerd, and those having claims against said Estate will present them fog settlement. , WILLI&M tBTiV7iRT. Adminllktintor of David M. Stewevt, deoll., aultAwdaaw Office 01 O.& P. H. If pens, Prrrdnunoli. August 8, 160. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COLSILMIA OIL COMP.A.Ir4 Have Lida day declared 'Dividend No. 20, TWO (2) per a-nt. on the Capital Stock, paye• tole on MONDAY, toe tech inetant. eallaw - E. WESTERVLLT, Son etary. WAITTED. A LADT GRADUATE AND 'EXPERT ENCII.D TEACHER desires s Situation as GOT ERNESS, by the first of September. instruction given In all English Branches, Drawing, and Ele meats of Latm and German. tioverneas will oat board to family with pupils. Find class instroc• Linn given, brat elan salary enacted. Rest or reierencs. Andrus, Immediately, A. 8.,. War. ran, Trumbull county, Ohio null BATES & BELL'S- LINEN DAMASK, FEIR TABLE OLOTHS. 1i aull 21 FIFTH STREET. I NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS.—PRO- L , POSALS for the iiredioe, Paving and Curb. g of BELIFOttIi STREET. from Seventh SLOW to Vi'ilehlogto3 Street; of HEECH ALLEY, from Redford St•eet re Fountain Stn et, 13111% of LE ON ALLILY, from Smithfield Street to Oherry Alley, will be received At the Olfiee of the uoden Eshined, In the Market Building, until MO: AY VELifiti 0, Ani us leth, IRO, at weleer. OBABLES REICIISPFABA, Keeori Int Ref obitor. --- OF GOVEIasiMENT HORSES. ASY.ISTALITT QVARTVIWARTNIVII OTTICS, Ptarancnon, Pa., Augnet le, IBes. %home Good Sozylecoble Horses wilt bo cold at Public Auction, on THURSDAY, the Inn d•y of Ankunt, at 11 o'clock a. to., at the Fair Cream,* Peon Greet. Hennes cold Engly. Terms—ClA2l3, United States Currency. E. IL CAMP, aull:td Capt. and A. Q. M., U. S. A. THURSDAY AND AT EIGHT VOLUM. Boots and Shoes AT AUCTION. AIcCLELLANWS AUCTION HOUSE, Gri 13troolt. nit GIIASONIG HALL BUILDING.) THE BTORY OP SHERMAN'S GREAT MARCH, DIARY OF A. STAFF OFFICER. " 137 BREVET-NM GEORGE WARD NICIIOLS, Altbde-Comp to General Shenttnn. ONE HANDSOME *VOLUME, =ail, WITH A MAP AND NIIXEIIOI7B ILLUSTRATION& PRICE El 1 73 Sint tree, by teen, to oily , tuldniss,lEn • soli DAVIS. CL 3 ABES WOOD ETEHr.r & O. • . I TJOILiTIVE INVEBT2dZNT . • • 3Zej 21113ZICALIZO Deo:dining health and advancing aro compel me tO ream nom business. Ths 11011 E DE.6111.141/ for my bused of Floor constantly 'exaceda the ca. War of tor fdal, particularly from Pittsburgh, wham It has an established teptdatioa, Insuring BANDSODIF. PROIIT, without rich of. mar beta, and wiII...EFALIZE A FOIIIIINN to an an. tare. caperiencrd and htuorable inan, capable of conducuag It. The BIM has FWE AMY - or WORE% drily , Water Power, rented from tha Mate, at VA anitturrut Mt blunt 81X. 111,111Dh BA 61M.L3 RES WEE& L. hare jnet antraletttO,l:o7ltr fern:memento and' napalm, and motild now sell for fi1=.000032 cOmmodating terms, and siert all my loam= to promote the income of the trualnen. Dlr. SABLES GAI/DME:ft. of Pittsburgh, our ma to refer to him forfurther information. roitifirt: - PRAT. , strlt2wd • Iv:fend/1a Ohio. FOR teALE. ' CIATTABOOGI ROLLINGIEL - WairThrt 1! Inite ol -Mentor .and General , ndiannose Didttary Railroads United Westaresgoir,,DAT,, yule al Proposals wili te , raw,lved caul 0111ce,.unkil: twelve o'cloca Soon. on. WED/MSC/IV, am floored bar ti t Jena -purOsani Cori:4a altary wad FodltaitYin at UnatainoolmTean., Iriay Tools. BalbliFixttaresonulltgelt s h :tine the Rolling • willt Ulla Autumn lW the od tlhiattanoogaßallr me win and glaeldnm; cOnstrneted tdteeoll i Ratread Iron aro =MeV,. new; solve the Cana Unproved character. For talS ?tarn an& -details of- operation. capacity. -a ply inners= or hy-ietter, to T. V YARD , tiniaerintenacnts, Chattanpolie, bidwaSould bell:donee 't RrOpOsld- to Par. chase Chattanooga Rolling /d 1 11." D. o::3leoALLltin Brer,.Thlg. Gan., Director aStates a sd Ganterakiganakar /Militaryuan utd ailroad. United 0 ELI:44 it E.I9OI{NEBHOIII3,EaI, 174.2,*12.itmaralorxi.' plans '/E0 PEPECEUM ' sozaktude. ' ALEXORENT car NOTICE. T2J3.11171" ; ritiigiko wind, reaefeeel et *gum Depot, Y. a_ IL; 644 410erei strwit,loi &u staiumui On PrITID3O3II. AleD CORNELLSVILLE P. It., where the emoperli hew? rzeight, Agents. West W. B. SMUT, Snoortnteadent. MiAttiOrattrbkildt Attrii,A l .l- I •ZN 4 41 41ANCri r _ C;.12: Clizilo##llT,:pear giati4l44 7- ;0 r .10 1 1 2 . 2 0 4F '5 3140 4 41 ),, farittessartto:tilitO abut. , • " So I:Y * 100_,Wstailitalcuia,, to inns y.. . , ' larboxeraudieg, co aro" • , to baits Goibitt cheese=; I ~ ,' so Doug' Western Warr* Obbe• set . - • a barilallrled - resebes; - -, 10 Duni* titled Apples; lOn b 0 haltbonalb LW limbo b •lAilviiiii (rio.3 hiM.) :14-14TI,ZUMBLIk.ak , . , Dw Valiuttiltbat aty4. i 4111.Worle Intel:ll4nd tons reagent aunte nonel me n ntion, lad to marantooll 'to' render astir tase • anti •:• ` • WY. ILICIVALP ' ' oar.AIDo *mum*. 003 Era Y. KNAP - - 7mar.3 a. Yaf O.P. eigAßL*Ertita - plrip•llsws,. =-.':•,.••- V 9 iiciii , :# l ,(ol l o499i,i' - • • -4 '-. • iiiim of 0idi960499i an kiidilit Sir ArOlArf°o 4 9P.t* 4 !*ni?lm em-• - LWACI. Ca - 4 11 .01.,Z, ,-, ---, 1 ;.:: : 0.414404 - 4 ,0 44*0.04w,,,,, Iffaanfaaurettatitte mL tau el xot 'Millis" Vr9g4liggrAMM4t l Alitt a llifeglisil - 4 - .. ' ' - iiiitstat -P 1 4 - 'AulauPlur init4 W tandidita, C. 7.1:11:1 71arla bm, , ~, a ,l i , t . t.. 8 -...-- __ _ _ __ I.— r I, • 111, 9,-; 17 ATIOILBW8:1241A1R11: : :,: , 1111111 7 r:?Ce.frpiti2,o IA 1.01, ital . agE; • • " • 4tool AluirbasOrbittomutturster. 3 1 Eftt:0111111"ri; 1 1 111VINVATI; OW:40 bitte Wk.' tar la GUAM 0 'lttottlia Venom Sod , Dataattabßoap, AK+ tetait*lALaa for" wltokuls aad Mall; at attc_Familt Omar/ Store of 30ffif d . BENSHAW , aun form Marty and Rawl mem rff: Fr .4 f. 4. rt, n TES EMEXTS TLIIE BOOKS, Check Books, E tationery, Full SALE BY hIYE,B.B, SCHOYER & CO., Binders and Blank Book Baker a, STFEET. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT OF AL- La:LENT COUNTY, PA.—ln the matter of the Estate of Michael Best, deceased —No.3, June Term 1866.—Writ of Partition or Valuation. To Michael Hawkey, of Westmoreland county, Jonas Hawkey, of Allegheny county, John Hawk ey, of Armstrong. county, Jacob Luderlck, and Elizabeth hie wife, formerly Elizabeth Hawkey, Daniel Andrew., Elias Andrew., Stephen An drown Mary Ha wkey, formerly Mary Andrew., and P Andrew., hlllp Long, and Elizabeth hi. wife, formerly Elizabeth Bent, of Westmore land county, William Rest, Of Armstrong county, Andrew Walp, George D. Walp, Jacob °Lunt, and Catharine hts wile, formerly Catharine Josiah David.on, Elizabeth Rubright, and Jacob Rubtight her husband, Rduhen Wa,p, — Hot. frey, and Catharine his wife, formerly Catharine Hart, Cochran, and Margaret his wife, for merly Margaret Hart, Cochran, and Mary s wife, formerly Mary Bart, 8011111 Ludwick, ,merit' Sagan Best, John MeO. Best, Mazy Ham ' on, James Young, and Catharine bls wife, for. oily Catharine Smith, f Armstrong county, I ante] Glbion, and Mary his wife. formerly Mary Su& h, !Binh Gibson,.and Elizabeth his wife, for merly Elizabeth Smith, John Helmer, and Leah hi. wife, formerly Leah Smith, pelts and legal representatives of Michael Bey, decanted t You tee hereby notified that an Inquisition will he held, In pursuance of the abovementioned Writ of Partition or Valuation, on the premises. In Plum township, Allegheny county, Penna., on OR TIII'HoDAY, the Stith day of SEPTHIVIIIER. A. D. WA, at ten o'clocit •. nt., to make rtartltion to and among the heirs of said deceased, in •ttah manner, and Insuch proportions, as by the laws of lbw Clommonv est al is directed. ha , at which time and plate you may attend If you thlak propr ittliN H. Si ENVAIiT, Sheriff. Stien,r's Ovrios., Prrrsettnort, August dth,A. D. lath. sult.ltwafittloaw CI ROCERIES, SUGAR— bor e r s6oo el. Ornsuehead• Fair to Prime S ugar; 10 d do.; do. A Coffee :5 do. Keystone Relined do ; SYRUP— 60 do Booth ea Edger'. Syrup.; 50 do. nasort d broods do.; MOLASSES-183 do. Neve Crop N o Slolassen; 50 do. Yoe, Rico du.; 20 do. Ulna do.; COFFEE— 75 bogs prime 12 in talree; BlllF 'all dn. prime Rangoon Rice; TEAS— 80 ball chests hop. and Y. H. Cons; RV do. Black do.; 50 caddles Imp. end Block do. W.. new lace No. t Madkorel rd ht. bblz. do. do. do.; TOBACCO— 60 boxes assorted brands Tobaoso; 50 caddies Balt. tip.n Roll do ; OIL— 00 barrels Carbon Oil. In store and for sale by 8111KPATRIOIC, 1380. ft CO., 11l and 113 Liberty street. N EW DRESS (00D8, FRENCH CHINTZ, FLAW I!ASELICIEUZ, PEINTEI) MERINCYS, 133=1:1 WHITE, ORB & CO,. THE UNDERSIGNED RAVING RE- TlE?;fromthe firm or WM asD&ITHet UM, In February last, (at which time he sold hl4 entire lowest In the Boon. and Store to WM. B. SktITEL,) takes this method. of Informing hie Mewls that he Lo now selling kooodadn the wall known WHOLESALE GROCERY HOUSE MILLER & RI '3IK.ETSON. 221 sad 2/1 our. Liberty and Irwin streets, To whose large sad well oeleetedirtoall of goods he would reopec6fully Invite ghost:W=on of oily and county morollants. anll:3td JOSEPH. R. Huzirrna. HEWITT'S POLYTRICUM FQB. THE FLAIR, Is acknowledged by all who have nseJ It to be A No. 1• Try It ye doubters and be convinced. For eats by all druggists. Jytettyd OrwICS 07 ins COWS%Ott= 07 rtrAltaltnn7 CogireW, PL • i_..e.upeg, Ammer?, BM; TO GOAL DZALERB.—SeaIed Propo sale l w ds r.e f c o vdurd a i U n d gA f e fc h iro M al from Ten to Twelve Thousand Bushels of good Abuchentable COAL. tree from Sleek sad Dirt, to tp delivered et the entrances -to the Court House dal SaiLoos Fifth • mallow streets, In qUantittas aislinsdna Boasts par day, until the whole ti delivered. •Pument will be made by warrants Me the VOttnti Treasury when the coat/wet le Schiplated, diteatteuzfAotOO ß ilerB=. BATZ4. ' 1 , 13 4 11 : 15 NAINSOOI/J3, SIFISSVIrft. . nub 0 $33. 2F9LIMIL latl7,oo:ye. Orincoi e 7 rzcirOorritoarduc OP daasonaorr Comer, Prnastriost. Auguat 10555. 0 00171SACTOR5.--BRA INZ'D POSALS will te.reesdvs d at tole once. until Mb inst. Wahiawa; for Bnfldlnslßrldge norms Puckety- Creek. ow the' line - bot Wean Allegheny , and Wooten:lreland tomato. near Pideialaura' will requireabow wood= Mature autism pier, also tho abutotahra to be rain Particulars will he tottlato - citi atrairttlos. By dirwition of County Coroxabirionora, .1112VBVLABISISET, •- anundan.w Lt.! Controller. riIfaII.PADIARA, <13.14013. 01111111.) A-A, A most remarkable article sal positive more. for 8011.011:1LA RHEIDIATLS =MIX, a a u, intinagrca: ..., . ika ill rr. of th . . ! • Wald e , it revive:lt the i VS .L perfeirtad aestlea sort trboDy.reetorts iersegth }m jams.' MA atrial to prore eirMalle. r 94 mis I.7 '.lsiebtf . ll:airterittt.thitaliC AO earner Elatitheekl arel•Fourth streets. ' COLONEL BOONP4 or the 13341 lleghimat PertzuL yob, PITTS 170.11.PS,vsa tbii , beat Comisuusder la Us Army of the Poit.”..e Ittrmly-belleree that Col. Loewe is ezatlek fie,the-emedlll,o,eketteg the 3QHIRTHARTJELAN. ao - CAM Gaagi mow. I •us notfottolf Penn& Vol& * r ) . ontld....inasalueamitantim - ma Dorf 6a4nkAntlialtolonAtt. blling IJIWIL.Or the: Pthi.thath oldEapiestefthrropetOr, aosr a7l„ suitable terAnier„. Abotit onebeLteththed. And paler tence. —: ._pkttionlerif, AIX:I/MOLE WALLLOE, 113E3114: .TIdIOUtS Wariest ca 424., ONE ME, TEO OLD ELME, p.cesundarisa ft; frau latattis. Ro. SUCLIBEIVI7/ / I .TMCDAiI:OOLLISTEit area FANOT GOODS, TOTS, BASSATS, . Wholezale ae,4 J. G. LAXIMICS, loildiekhketreet. Dealer' end the publie In general are Invited to' hell, before slaking puzehisei esawhate. Prices moderate. ' • nun I BW 0800$11Y -The nidersigned has EISTIBELYLISEW STOCK .•1 - t fresh satilnittle a SIIMEIMIWI3IIf,XXIZtra i =ir NEW STORM - in latittlll/1 MOSIIII7II.OTh wccld can , setentionta that. stem of tern MASS BOUND Wt.*" WAL,IIM, - SCOTT & MEM, 1r49 *suss siiiiiiteibeltiliefliirr steels& 484). " ; 4 , 411 . :1A011A7X/PktP/:;.., fittMo i rta fliteksims oat tuna and . ; =mu toInIALANDEs-aosnotat, isms. ComadasorzWeactakan ar INF 441614 - liaar.: . ./10:4 0 00:SHINOLZEW I :t rscl .71 , 5craT =J[PTTTrft; 5 odompoi BENVED-TINELLOIIERE4I 2 VON 1311,1a-.7.1 11 rifvgoOrant 344t^;' tLtbeetlhieetinei~se`Qiiff'; BEANELT , -140 .bble" prime.Nalto Benny In store and nMI „ null caner Nuke% and lyst ntre4s. vrE FT" 8L rE T/SEZEAN rS. MACRUM ct CARLISLE., No, 19 FIFTH STREET. Our Retail Room NOW OPEN FOB BUSINESS We beg leave to announce that our Stock hay been replenished with a complete assortment of NEW SEASONABLE GOODS, Selected last week by one of the firm, from fresh import-al to., eMbradiajg tal the Novelties in Market TRIMMINGS, ELI li DERJ S, IMEM GLOTES, RIBBONS. 0012SErS, FIRE SHIRTS, COLLARS, TIES FANGS' GOODS AND NOTIONS LIACRINK de CARLISLE, DRY GOODS ArlEI IMBEDS. IGACRDIG & GLYDE Having BOUGHT THE ENTIRE STOCK OF hi n. JOSEPH W. SPENCER, design enlarging their present Store, by throe lag the two Hoonk into one. For thin purpose, they now offer to Wholesale and Retail azumac 3311:1 - 4M'7SLIS, The whole Stook, in quantities to suit pnrahseers. We purpose selltna this Stock off AT ONCE, CO ALM EXC I. T o- r, to make room for our Extension, and Repairs. THE ONLY REAL BA.RGA 'NS FOR TILE NEXT TER DAYS, can be had at No. 60 DI AR , KEY STREET, at the STORE-ROOM OF JOSi.PII W. SPENCE& MACRIMI & GLYDE, Nos. 98 and SO lILALILKST STREET. null lm THE PITTSBURGH PAYER BIA.NU FACTURING COUP/LAY offer for Belle 1,600 bills. Crown Wrapping Paper 1,000 bdls. 11edltim 1,000 , todlis. Medium 1,000 bdlo. D. C. and D. 111. do They have oleo on hood an constantly receiving from they EMIL, MANILLA PAPER of all weights and Uses, ILADDWARE PAPER of all weights aed sizes, PRINTS, DRY am SATU RATED ROOFING, An., Ito. All guantittee and eires of PAPER =ADE TO ORDER at the !shortest notice, to cult customers. WANTED, 1,000 TONS OF GOOD NIXED RAGS WAREHOUSE: 83 TIIIIID NITIMEST. •nsat PITTSBUIP3II, PA. AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICEB. Ton coo get Photograph Albums, all him% At Lowest Priem. AT RUNT'S. You can get All the Neer Hooke, Late Papers awl ISlaoalium, sr BUNTS. • Tan can get Biank Boons and Stations:lT, 0 1 . AT al l rrAs,l3: • You ea= get The beat Ciold Peas, Steel Puns or ColD Peas, AT , Kurt rs • Wholes to and Sated M BooStatlonely sad News auk sworn ST , ASOIOVE... C9l4 -E OAA PORE ALL/ GEBH.I69IIg'.B MOMG Srrt:A=M. Nos.lB and i 6 St.i&air St. . . The attention ot tic puhlle fa caged to thelarge. rod anaemia. stock of GENTLEMEN'S FES, NYSHING GOODN. just .00ened. at. tba. abOTIO meatlaceil pledeiyMelt I ' are now editing st great bergaloa. Miy , osts In *ant Millie &bora Gooda r ` wilt End It to. thth adraatagelo. glee me a call, lid examine ay Moak Move ahem. They can Sod the largest beat mamma nook of Pixie whirls tadrokostre -ogee Shirts, Woole*Gottan I.4ste TbralElegaar• ablzta and Mannteg, ScartaiffeekTlea,Seelca. Sao : =Butterflies, mot ewe= pertalaleg. to, Unmet YureLoopg. Lathe city Ea:ember the plaitailaiae4 ikopt. War Weer. „ . . EGIMIEL LEM. N. B. largettoak- at Hats; Coo, Gray% Cot. /mimeo” mainsisk Byrozea Doelst wad Nanaso .Ir2sapiazia COMMERCIAL OIL WORKS. Pure White Burning Oil, c.d.:A i = hand, and rea tale ' THE LOWEST DEMME! BATES, IL C. es-J-11. SAWYER. atieket V 4 !Xilgta WOOD EMIPMS I II Eri:LLS. LEtET BIAZEIINE WOri. • rilaikitint Parital .1 • • • Az • •.7 . : • mat ...VlWari l ttL i g rut K l_ t a tB l! Y.• . . 014 41 151f-.l_ __slo4 At it • • - t Sligo oad - ' Lot* 2tOor - • . . . • 0..402 - npaktoo. aitato, .314101:0And .• coltioode to. otOc; L. 140 tonteUtOpublio to call • • exatalltaptbOlOnerfar tOMMInd 1 - =dim • •itse • malty , ot. grortmonst94o4 oontrott• fr. t ti • mud sad Eltroalar...: traztatins BARP I S.,GI • rivilunvl4 FOOD' FOR'INFANFS AND INVALIDS. Nor making o plessantand highly nutritious Soap or Gruel' tot children deprived at the mother% intlX.and-havalident all mien. naratrectse. on esoll packAie: For We $t the id ONNTIVI I DRll hir Sail t t g l' Al o ouse,leaeny. neti6 -.9E9ROZ I • ,4bllg • OWAYNXIEB. , A9PEPOISIWacciar . ' 1 .:,:, -., :.*,iiitidizatioc:-... V , ,F44' l' Irk,,,,o rri s i llircir e snesrr i rsr s 1 , 17, '''„ptrrtaitcgig',4',' 1 -vr6AvtiThablifwaimrt.4-6.1*.i.,:t05i idimumtaw Wait uttlirinasactias...ithitgroa on becopimaawaruat thesbarsaaaspaas , au) dallitrul 4l 7-attAMl 4 * , ^nal OF 444 4'i 'Map kr palate.= .„.. *UMW _. n ITiralql4l7.:o7"l", 13 EVEBsk „.. inn Four 1 'FF.lsKeltb,9loo 9,0 r Bolt. i . - ~-' ,r , ...f . 4g c ; l° F c -,lf ', ~ - ‘ fOr We st lasi thia ittirWlea le 4--- .' -- , , Jr. S. 0 "LOO., My 111111 s, LiLberty Stmt. I .1E 03 C CESSY L TREATMENT Chronic Diseases, Consumption, Serof-, bypttilis, Seminal Debility, and all Female Complaints, DRS. AMOS (V JOHNSON, 14.21 Fourth Eltretat. PITTSBURGII, PA. Testimonials from tte Medical Pro-fes- Dion and °theta. Efr. Editor: It 1. with ylessure I make knows the follow thr fact, to the pubic, believing - My tes timony may be of comae to lame invalid who hu hitherto failed to obtain relief. At all create lem dolor no more than Ito Mee to tWei medical gentle men of 1 our city, in conlesaing that I have mi. cesstully treated several very bad eases of astainal weakneme and female complaints, by adopting the mode of treatment now presoribed by Drs. Amon a7ohnson. • • • • • For female weakness I do not know of anything that can equal these renierJea I have prescribed them for a treat many ladles who have been tron. bled for years with weakness, and In every ease a iteriect cure has been elected; soma vet , bid cases hare yielded to this mole of treatment In the short apace of two weeks, • > • Yours, respectfully, (Signed) W. F. MERWEV, M. D. Cleveland, Ohio, 1 ecember 22, Ifiea. CERTIFICATE IRON THE R tr. DRiEIAMIL TON C. PREACH, OF MOIrFRE I certify that Drn Ames t Jah/1101VI medicines have cured my wife. who was linjeCt to debtlity many years. The rtedtdces were need only two menthe. R. 0. FRENCH, D. D. Important to Ladies.: Our PERIODICAL DROPS will *Lug on the monthly sickness lessees of obstruction from any CLAIM Price el- N. a.—Ladles who are preg. las nt should tot use them. Tonto for Female Weskaen, a Certain cure, SI Jojection for th e Whites or Leucorrtea, V. • DISEASES OF THE BLOOD, &c. Drs. kw. q Johnum—Deis. Sin: must again state that your remedies for stranis and blood disease. are reply eicellent. 'For eeroitila; syphi lis sr impurities of the blood, i find they never fall to cure when used Si directed. hitTv cut ended in curing the wont Ca/ell of alphtlis now in our hospitals, In the short at ace of two months. F. W. H. I FUME, M.D C locum att, December 18th, 1861 ' SEMINAL WEAKNESS. Drs. dmos Jokes., I hare cured, by thence of your Ml:nettle,. BCMa/ patloyts that hod Otto In mates of the Lunatic Asylum from the cell elf•cta of seminal weakness or sedantry habits. Far such cans I COnslOtr nothing can equal noun med icines J. W. SALLINS, M. IL Albany, N. Y., October 16th, tsar. Take Particular Ziotice.—Drs. Amos Johe son address all those who have Injured them nivel by improper indolgenee and solitary hab its, widen ruin both body mid mind, unfitting them (or either business, study, society, orineniage. These we son e of the sad and melanettoly beta produeed by early habits of youth, to.wit: Weakness of the back and limbs, Meina SR the head, dimness of sight, loss of museidar power, palintation of the heart, dyspepsia nervous irri tability, derangement of the digestive functions, general debility, symptom. of consumption, Drs. Amen a Johnson have for many years ex. elusively devoted their attention to the treatment of the disorder, referred to to these tetelmoniala Dee. AMOS & JOHNSON. No. NR Foorth street, auStlakdaHmeodareave Pittsburgh, Pe. CONS - UMPT lON CAN BE CURED. Bead trldeoce, and tall of and see Tesllmplols of the 1111 tot • IMPROVED INHALATION, do. light. The Great New Method. do Leavy Dr. J. FLATTERY, FORMERLY OF SAN raitronsoo. ANTI LATE FROX NEW TORE,) Great Traveling Physician of 'the Age, WHO HAS CIRCUMNAVIGATED THE GLOBE, AND WHO HAS TESTIMONIALS FROM EVERYQ EASTER, Mines 47i:roxicsci Fiewmaxus IN PITTSBITEGII, PA., St. Clair Iciatel, FOR FOUR WEEKS ONLY, To Care the Sick, and partleOlaely At tend to the Care of Chronic Die. eases, Consumption, BrOrt• chills, Catoratt, Asti. • ma, Dearman,. • inscaeactEs mow THE ma, Roasts tx THE HEAR, ETU EAR, THROAT AND seen,_ . i'ASRAGES. a Meal disease, geoarated and fed_ by the - blood, to a cestala *homiest condition, and ean Only be removed by local chemical means capable- of altering Snot condition 'through the medium ef the. dlsealed organ. To acoomplieh thugurpormots we:cannot I,pply thddatoWsasity.l deziPuddlitr tor the moOnStoa Or ts then reo dueethem to I volnUlossoultileo,ana trots. MOP... =lMatrument Minds ce-loreathe Idayspor. e inhalatiorCbt v,rwe as produce- an the beneficial ciboria ca.le'ot beteg produooltry medicine. much mom speedily andeGnetivalY WO: Iran tba .adatintstration ot mum mkinattuat', the stomach. The plank* ot gin* medullae the stomach in the treatment ot long dichater b g objectionable t • • - • • . - lit. iiiiTaize 'they d a soma ill OIICS =Ma 24. Beason, tboit.zocilieifOriotio4 *Med ortiimiloo.auno. noPhOr al orletikt•tionlltaxotodlin therebr - 1101110411.4 di . station; arm do straying Ike stottittosi of Cu) body; ours b elly. became mast•AteldiAd crest Taint oatybo admitted **tit gaS*ooll I MOO ' " itittritki iparrintais. I Ehoe'Xr..C4artchfamliiteri4t. ceartuati;. %toe, Ittterdeittetett mute s t raceme:le:di the..use of letettoten thr'only palate twit' ta etttell io blestebithe thefUnettettretto roll paten ay' the speedy.eitetettettoitheaelltyead ausatttl. et the expeetorehtes, that pao,loalst at thitrehte et the remedy eon beleatopebly_e *lves relief to telhe satin:Ma st...nty proves cure. ttitates Pithosette. 'Amite ettihnots *Mabthlsteiob thb4zllii2l27: irule of practice. . Front D '7. Cardetn. AG-D.—Emu IOW*" man- Sully for' this elaggented eneirialtutur of some of the earliest annotates of_Lthalatlan, enough to. Mains to satiety me to myth& that nmais4U" in the TOM; of 'Toot. exicrirpearattni !sawn Vaar: Mamma netlnnount tbilionPrhethiliirtythat we - Man antainiMm . remedletto_act locally noon the diseased Mane' of thelonga The exhibition of hbUI rezmi dl OW/WM and ea—m Ajas fefurgtrgar eollillienee 011 Vatted:" Itufaricablic Camel Consnmptlon. • iolßay ... tom= Wsi7H . e. fa peen Meted mo .- e ass, b. woo ~. -data In coo gumption, and durlop_htemootinament ,to bed ha bad. had Use Mat MIMI asedleal at. , teddstrit, with ULM:MUM ot Um fiesillid POPP lois, coishy_s3o4lM4 without, io= mu ryss bens i1t , ,,, Mir in• W.-Weeds -p ieW of Ms' :1tu5i:74%.44 , 1 Mutt 40s Was :Lis tine laid atop el. 'tonna Mod after sseaustins sal trudr melt., , Cia IBM 416.111keratitik440120..11,010 1 and' I taly, a vii=liki rizeiiilair: wa ,.., tat u . Waft - ~ , iiied ORM aMerellst suudisatioal i llt XV,ufalar r mrst a t ract o.4.6Wider . 1V WM' 4rapr ia = , ame restored O. pipiect '. keanfl. , ,-• •.., . •,. , , our more dattnitifialoMdatilmV tap Unlit too@ rarable conditiosudarinentelol*.M. l Milikal ' Mterestatto litilkl. ,L . . : ali , ~, , , 6 4.1 ,0 = itlAlt lots Ms. Walls" ‘O. r d Romig tired; tsittlirZlN ~. list Dupont alualrestavjfian - t Esoltscittfied Mad:swam tt l / 2 1.tds MS'infa , ll4,l . Al Wig% bl'fart2 io :, P4 ' 6lifitis l-' ; ' ,. I ii , :lil -,':-': ! ',;'' •ii ot4 r ,, A . o,,,c l / 2 . .P,P Ar : : a -Aln - patliota;atadlstaocc can be aßted at borne by consulting Die. , PLlLrlltitYi'bt letteri , statuurtbsir zusaus,:aisibesapetlass..tlaut taken: •IA constitution, number of treatments imemittod to, descrlistion of causes ; and sploptotas experS• eased, mut th ose slitting- : auddoutssi • nIEBOLVTION - 03; lIATITNERIALIIP. The partneteldp heretoloin eklstine batmen' John Mentt end James Old, under.Ule soma and style ALigiDIT It OLD, was Much" dby mm 'Ana consent, on the 94th dv..ot Jolt, N.D. MO, AD persons having Oat= etelnit ilata tina Are g grit e t t :I t : =1: lan ti ttll4 . 1 1 104 jr112 . 61 t Jo Mattett, who le stone nnthorDect to settle; the Iltb' el said Asp, • : • • - •• ' Ansaw . Jolter Autrrr... , NOTICP.v-LI , I3BREBY . OIIi r E NOME , ..., to the addle, that mead:* tosa alma:toot( laith Jataat Old, tor itomm , portiteseand lathe ;extr a / a s of my feta) Mao.; fittagsta ttic ;lota dm al mina lk 014, digs 0; as the tath • day ot July. A. le l 4 l ,lte•Vid and iortatq • that th e ewe* and' ot the atadatala !belated hi' ohlsioa - allarasetatatthetiol,4obC madly to tatatataatotad*Orma.•:•3loE • sAlOßlalas Mal ate imtintauts. meat made OY them t Ana•VOIS Main Ftt adage I gnateted i garik ri . fiat appt isa t o a V k atita • atootaa , Millet' 112 -. ,1 , ) , tberso4SlP , K a Mil _Mitialla.Atatenr, ' totak-daSta.W 'and wawa swat* , yOre.thoi, mac p , 4 . old, laaat ao inyiewn_se , etetalialol UM; ilutrattattoll Mr. 01 4. L WWI Itodebtaddatmletalbt - drown trailir at ...... /Om mittema my . ssr4t, «,r , ,c , - 403410rk,,,,.4! J.. , ....wAr,rxra...,' -11MUUM:13Talrat, ,,, " Lau t" imumaretamarmatursaora I sewed, am* apo PeNo, AVR:rerlA ! am% tot gritaiigeon - [ sild•Cididimm7 t , Amin inflitittang ati.g r.rrinirwlek grain , Stook, avd Mutt Profits and Qvialißiduntui".lni our systems of milling. Proinnt and (Waal &lAD. Una glum** Wets. &alum LYS C17,1.11' CE pSI7RANCY Manufacturers and Merchants INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Pittsburgh. OFFICE: No. S 7 WATER STREET )BAGALEY'S BUILDING.) J. I. BENNETT. Proddent. J. W. CHALFANT. Vice Pre%ldeas WM. P. JONES, Seeretary. WOES AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE Insures - Steamboats and Cargoes. nrercroas JAMES L BENNETT,IA. E. W. PAINTEaI, JACOB L. SOWLETE,I3. W. ORA.LrANT, ROBERT LEA r 5..., BRIERY • J. 0. PERSBTNG, PULLIAM WALign Bt. W. WATSON, R. G. BUSHNELL, L. R. DIAABOY JOHN WILSON, EUFITRY A WEAVER. myz:52...d . , INSURANCE. IMATELIES' FIRE & =UNE Insurance Company, Offict : CORDER WOOD AND ROST MIL, (Over Pesrple's Rational Barth.) RICHARD C GRA.Y, President. DAVID E. PARS, Vice Preeddent, ROBERT PINNEY, Secretary. Will Insure Against all Kinds FIRE AND MARINE RISKS. R. O. GRAY, ID. E. P JAMES REES, IT. U. EL e e&N. E. W. OLIVER, Jag !JAKE ai n HENRY LLOYD, IJANIEs IVRIGHT,,, JOHN GRAFF, JEFIU P. MAMIE, N. J. HIGLEY, DAV. CRAWFORD, F. N. cIORDON. mv"...kixod TNSURA_NCE. EUREKA INSURANCE WANT, Of Pit;tsbiirgh: Office t toner Water anO,Plarket Stait (BAGALEY'S 'BUILDING.) J. EL SiIOEIEELEBUIEB. President. W. H. H3ffiCS. Vie* President. ISOBNIRT FINNEY, Secretary. WILL AGAINWr ALL =IDS Marine and Fire Risks. s.2l.ssommtrunat, W . W. MMEESON H. T. ecr- , .3 JAMES L ar.NNirr, al..w.lizurzHooVss B. D. COCHEBN. J. A. CLIMBS% H. %%LEECH 32., W: W. BIAB.THT. planiotrz. D. HYHGIN.H. PAM= ms•ZSztutt PLUXBERS E;;AEI rizrzas. ADDY & .EWBEB, - • • FRAHM Gas and • Staani'Fittet%: No. 165 STUFFY, (CPPCI. 4 ITr q 0 .E. 0 ?"4 Pumps, Hydra4tMiliept:LOW LEAD PTPE , PIG di.BAYLLEAD: Philobelle,:r. : - .CWOiL - I "'Med Fp Taalainsd: utilised re eomW ittati . •. , a dy, ; ). 8.:4-1/4Mers7ro,osl7' igLBT,..FAIPSWiL Mir 167 ,fintithlkid AtietifF,o - • ".: 07, - ; • sbeet L ads lieoC - E# 4 3.'4! ••. sass. ya. :41=f Vrtmlassio taivilithigbortartarPliarbiat Xlt4a;3! Snug Starts for Watishrear VI& Zama, Mitt Ital. 1111: - h Ilttl 1, at tottrarh . ~aitiortr /tacratai . miltlitildbillii ' 3 l l'ittert Irtgaa.artpilititakatitaaira foloterlittag: tat op atlas.% tor • immix that , atUl. exhaust npq ; 1417 &ad .trOzt with. emit and . atatranty.rit/m4.. .;artaillat !caveat ha , expense, • nooKee - 4.Lawas, F. O 9P • B o 9 l[B t erralWPale — stials:' - VlebsitlS aaolothet IVwtgAi maw l 'talc ••-(11U, v , ' go un . , s ft g rif s - 436etiip.W.F.17177 - .oimazojrneauTalet.c - alimago.s glif t *Lui j!rt;C:l - Ankitandap• 0.,11%42 ft:Finalgattf..; . .dr-7 • i fiLikta; : a3ol4,lli.: - ..,•::r..., 'r., - ., ' , ...T!,,. ~ ,,,M . 4 i A' . ,•:1;z:;12)= 4 ,1' - i :,-^ :.,.,' - ;*Pril l . P1 1 ... 1 . 1 -4 9 t :• 7 .:;.'i flad 1 - 41461104L4valfootk— T.c.: vx , .., 10 41 , ;,11 Arciat.cs 0.,..?%-.!: . pj . 1..4,1:07; I i D ad V: l3 % SIN '1.1 4 - Sth* MAK 1 i No. HS WOOlrfitfierr,: - ":"• , ..; 1 I , ,caiiii,iiiti.4.iiiiii . 4-o.4eFi*e,elitir.W, .I,ND Low moon-pal, .: ,: ~: ; !1:::.: 1 . ' YELL ;:130BERS:,:: . 4 itiOAT •iiiii*:fo, ll l4*:: : *: - ' iicielieW-1 , With slici ll1 4 41 : -- 4' . .. 1 ":405targ 14 ,:' 4, 4 40 9 *#,. l ? : ! , ' o 2 :! '-' ..Z::: :; .:s, :: - !'..:,.:t -', 43%rg.g um--- I i .0 19 .... .-_-, :': :...! !.! ::•lf- ~. - - , 7 , ,a :,..:.,:l 1.•,,n•0.7. 7 ~._' 4 iu ,c .1,..r. 435113. :.'• • --".•• ' •' :5, .."•• ..1 :117: 1 165 ' z i .''., '.- ;t ''''''9 42 S - '• .' - :'.` ',i'l'' ' iii....! '' ,l - 'i"•' • . „.._ ~,,f:,......: .+ 4 -: ,-.•,;.?..?- ..0,_.• „le-3 - 2,,..., ,;1 Rope, .4144T., - ,-Air - 434;1)e,145, 1 ; ,, zi i a ,4,.. r4 ,. id j i i, ; .,-„-, ;f .. j. ,,,-;”, , ,, 14* - Z. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers