ill 6'neitt. , i11:011171 MMHG , JAHLITin. 71113 . 2 AT. JULY 28. 1865 ~. ... Tnims cOMITYITOIEBT• :, : 10 zigormy, •,,,- ----- i --, z :MN7-•-.7 -- iejemitri AS T° • .:.IBIr l_ P ~.,..,..2 „ ,,_,.._ .., :-,:akinpAiliceiti.all„ •• - 1 - ' ---' . - igZiA*l kILSTFA , 4aluat. itt ,Al4e r ,t ,- ; 43,,„1-tcr,uolz,tsi° u tv u r cr mi ,.. ~ .. ~ ~, ,_, L , ,, , ,p ..e11fm.,;; ... 4,8, r - 0;740, 1 • i t 11"111'.."".." AtiIESMOIXII.I- .. , .1 fzekkiNIZEIT ,hx, st, cult l'lll. no Jareurre.Llo '' .l°ll4 . • liciarron: . • ' . "- - 11,.;t1 mouvizi, of api,, r ,h r . 4...:,1-..,,,',- - natvaamprolittvl47: j..,. Elf 4713APA0 C111”°1121:t, I • - ' • j:l` t•.: ~~.;. ~~; TRADE . . , . taeli revau# sztooti gad athinhusihirciditing median" causes hut the 'my opposite is nearer ; itioiteo4o„lehea• supply c , -Cfmoiley in. =cent of theitemizerwmts bthueiness,spola a result may he' expected; ;oft t , but kg gig bit ie ver t been witnessed thlincrantrY, The:fiood °T-141134:rand,Irreftereable ttapeF lames that • Waivgihrsifis; hi...mi.-tie - wintry, during the liar of 1818.16 was not composed of what maybe diipiiftA with the name of Money; to :as it bid neitherinboipnt tarns nor itcdid basis, it was-swept may upoh the retneit of periM; And for eight or tell the-coMt ' try - Waii left ahriost entirely destitute of any ' medium of exchange; and even as qate as 1826,'aftei's totaid =trolley hadrnwa 'hp - . I* . ef •1.11,1 , auspicescl the Bank of thelJni ledlitatesi it was still wretchedly defident Sit thstri very loge part of the tiansadtionti in business continued to he Carried eresuader the vicious system of " Credit aria bitter. It la-curious-to revert to those queer old theta when the; 'idea of doliglliudneas On the cash . &item never" entered people's heed& The farmer had grain in his fleldts or barn, or stark', or bins, while the "store. keefier" bad raerelthndlze every Wad. An exchange was - either erpteelity or tacitly agrepi npon, and 51015 S book hccount was the result, MAUS tithe. delivery of the aforesaid grain at market prices within some Motwureasonable time. The 'farmer him- Self would go and buy-a lot of 'things and have them charged, and his wife would go; and his sons and delights= had:free cm:irie, - arid et en . h4lired man Would often IPMent orders. By and by settlement day came. The farmer 'AMA 'aghast at the magnitude of - his bill, and perhaps disputes and even litigation would ensile; but , to pdv it out of . the'strplus of that crop 'WU slnardy out of the question, and then In / due thne the hal - since Would assume , the'form of a judgment ' —a 1 . 4 a on thefarta—lind finally the "store keepd3" Caine in yoifsesslon of the land. , Bwiiness to 116 amount of millions and hundreds of millienapf - dellarts Was done hi tiiiiiiCose-Way, to. tie Incalculable inpny of individuals :and the country at large,:aim. - ply - because there was not money enough to enable people 16 , 8e1i on the Principle. Much of it was attributable, to be sure, to tho bad habits acquired - vat the' earlier periods when there-.waa hardly any money at all but 'ho readiness with Which our people hare 'adopted the ready money system as 80011 as it was in their power to do so proves that the loose old system of whleh we have been ;speaking-was the result of an inade quate' supplrotinoneY. The very large issues of currency render ed necessary by the war of the rebellion haverliled the'ebannels of circulation with money_ (or a substitute for money) whic.b; instead of tending to worthlessness, as did the money of the former war, is steadily and certainly sooner or later, reach the standard of coin. This has led to two good results : It has brought about a very general adoption of the cash system in business, and It has greatly re. duped the aggregate sum of individual. hi 'dibtednise. Indeed It is estimated that the sum total of indlvidnal indebtedness has been : curtailed to, an amount. equal to the =Weisel debt. • Now as the former was an 1 1 Eril uncompensated by any countervailing r i. linetits, naafi latter can be asedas the • basis of =shun ant; safe and permanent tm atloial currenc , - follows that our alter. : a condition : is,- take it altogether, an im• proved e.ndition; and that all that la nautili.• ed now to ensure an abiding prosperity is ..4o husband oar monetary resources so that Ise can develops oar natural resources. ~,,~~.. ': In the very peculiar condition In which this country findsitself at this moment, every :Thing depends:upon keeping not only our gold but our- national securities at -home, and so employing them as to'render our boundless resources—which care utterly 'valueless' hither :undeveloped condition— valuatle, and conducive at once to indivld. nal end national prosperity. But if we sutler foreigners, and a Yew of our own people, under the delusive cry of free trade, to send our 'securities, ;loge her with our gold, to Eurare m exchange for things which we an and ought to make onrse; rev, we thereby undermine at once our curren cy, our prosperity, and our national solver. cy. We are now in an aimirable nondidon as regards our currency ; but 'unless Con gress sludl stop t h e vents through which our life-blood is now esmrping, we shall not he able to say that very long. ' How much currency (paper and coin) does such a country as this need? This Is a question •that is easier asked than an. steered; but we think it is safe to say that it never bad enough before the late w never enough to enable the people to adopt. general cash, system In their bust noes V1;9254040, bietind little—never enough to enable them to live without giving cred— its and contracting debts, True, we have . t • F t_ P l . i,. * t ''': had come expantrioTit which piado people say tint money was too plenty; but it wag fitfulness, unsteadiness, and not over-sbun. .datce, that drew forth such complaint‘ Indeed it would be difficult to assign llmlte to the amount that could be legit• 'mately, safely and profitably employed, to the mutual benefit of people and govern mentl In such a country as tids—so eaten. alte t sofup of natural resources, and occu• pied by a people of unequalled hatelllgenco and energy. Could we only induce our ru• krit to establish and , • tnntritaln ,a common 4, Lapse commercialpollcy, hat the skilled and laborers of Europe might come, hme,and find more profitable employment than they can find at home. THE Washington correspondent of tlut ( huitcriburg :Republican deduces the folk • tt •Aingsage moral-from the trial mud as cTittal - of Miss ifearuir: ow elite young oleo trnoUte I olsktng ran ittnit ITo IMMO Ma relll9 It et ft* °typal . lineal *4 be PUN 1 4$. - Lte rou loy 2300 to, roe fkretyou be 'ago -4 AtT Alno :gotolinnuot ;;Fleovvi Lse again 1 4 0 2 1 beard-A*l)f hay; logritten a letter to one of tdis Ilurvireui ieropleheini Idtterbr of the museoritie old assodetes Who, aro &spored piehaodon the ern ,reeilutiort; 111 E II Wia,ol? Tas a,EBELvs. The esgerneas Witj W/4 1 04 - ... any f most virulent of thationitatorit - AA* - ort - ecessio - ii are iiciii - Presisiniticlc into the Won is well calculated to excite both ens. plain and alarm. At the late election in Virginia no candidata was elected to any offloe--who-had- not-givena.hearty. •• • • • to the Oontederacras long as there was the eraillestprospect Of - lbfaueeess, `That these men have becoitai Operetta in 'tan politicat prlntiplas vihich,"the, war es ..tat/dishc4l-.that they hare' abjured their idPk• cherished OfiStat'fisovereigray, and nOvrferfthat their supreine allegiance ip to - lhe floYerninent of the nation; against which they tare. just been flghtktg .so desperately, ; anticwhich 'they have Ulr• reasinglrdenounced as an intolerable de& 0 3 .0*;, 11 3 1 fitrildea too absurd '6; be enter. tamed for a 1111Drnellt. alum - why Is it That 'they are Irma !matey, gektiseir States and thennelreiback Into the Veiny, and to' -resume their places in Congress, which they 60 indignantl3r, 74064403 a',IIITIO ,morn than four years ago? 4an war work such moral changes as RIO here pretended ? theta people who are swearing allegraiice to the government of the Union, and crowd. , leg back to the- ballot box as cli4eas "tine voters, were really loyal, they - wsitild.OleCt some men to office whoLetood Iran tn'ithe big of the Union daring the : plleßloit.:,Bat in Virginia such meriting despisedoirei re jected, and frofl this fact we iney, without danger ofermr, judge the qttitUtY of the loyalty of the voters. • It Is to e'en:mini, Its best we pay; this thorgerous :element In the politics of the South that loyal me urge the Investiture of the freedmen with the right Of suffeeke. Thelare ignorant and unexperienced, it is • very true, and, under ordinary cirmun 'stances, very few Weald propose to cast upon them at once such a responsibility. But their loyalty has been efibetually tested and not feuoid wanting; and, little aithey .know - 1 that little is safer than theperverted intelligence of 111. other class.,' The rebel Its inure to radeanthefore he• can be a safe voter than the negro Ate tolerate, buttliey both need probation; and Tar better would it be for all parties were those States held for a few years in something' like the reit- Wm of territories until education, emigra tion, freedom of, discussion, and a thousand social and moral influences, should have time to work their appropriate effects upon both reees. But If the work of complete restoration must be done at once, then let the freedmen vote, for they, are nnques tionably safer voters than the man whohave just exercised that privilege in Virginia. • An able writer in the .oincinnati; Omens, in a lan ardcle on this subject, remarks : The Administration is trying its great ex p_eriment, and we shall soon see the result. There are some hopeful signs. In the midst of the trouble which Merl:loin*. and Hold en, and Perry are making, we and a noble, and admirabte speech mate by Governor Jch,nson, of Maim, Georgia. He told the people of Georgia more truth than they have heard in half a century; that they. had sup pressed free opinion before the war, then brought on the tiring the first gun; fought for slavery, and destroyed slavery, impoveotehed themselves by their own vol untary conduct, and must now reorganize their Government on terms to suit the Union; that the abolition of slavery must be put in their Constitution; that the talk of negroes not working was nonsense, they would work; and that, notwithstanding all thispoyerty, trouble and suffering, Georgia, be thought, was destined to a better and a more glorloas future. So she is. Georgia is destined to a great future, if she has trashy men like Governor Johnson. Well does ho say "Looking down the vista of time, I me Georgia tenfold more prosperous, an i when all our sectional prejudices shall have tiled away as shall meet together North awl Stntb, ns ,brethren, rejoicing under our Government and marching on to the glor ious destiny which is before us. Not only will Georgia Increase in wealth and popula tion, but the whole Southern country will be more prosperotts in arts, manufactures, wealth and civilization. I see them march ing on in this new order of things. The whole country, united In the bonds of char. ity and love, mast go on prospering until this great nation shall be unequtied by say lower on the earth. This is our country; these are her prospects. To this atandird i invite you to rally : • , r.s the tteterperg ad banner; oh, long may It 'llll6l - 0, L.Per the lard of the free and the hone of the trey." fo we believe and have said ; but It Is not to be done by rebel voting. There is a large share of good common sense and in. tt Iligence in Georgia, tint It is not probable that if rebel soldiers vote there, as they do in Virginia and North Carolina, any men will be elected to Congress who agree with Governor Jormsorr. Tho probability now Is that no rebel State, unless it is Arkansas, _will rend a loyal representation to Congress. And If they , do not what then ? The rem. edy is a very plain one, Congress will not admit is single rebel State or a single mem ber till they come pursed of every taint of secession and rebellion. This is an essential condition , and any bcdywho expects Congress to admit sixty new - Members to form the basis of a great reaction party to overthrow all that four years of war, and convulsion has done, must think that there is not a grain of .sense or, patriotism left in that body. But hoWare loyal men to be sent? First, nobody sent till they have learned loyalty. Bea:molly, if you are afraid to let the negroes vote then amend the Constitution, and take the whole negro race out of the basis of represenkstion. Representatives without a constituency is a thing never heard of out of the rotten bor oughs of England. Either they must vote or they must not be represented. For our own tart we prefer to-give them their votes. We are willing to trust the negroes to vote right, and if they do not at first they will soon lemn. Finally, if these modes don't make a loyal people, cede will. Begin and try every man for treason who don't leave the country. Let Congress be firm—and we have meson to believe that it will—and In three years from this day we shall real ize the vision of Governor Johnson. The whole country will be united, and not merely a sound peace, but order and pros perity will arise from the chaos which po. Uticsl Insanity has caused. From Texas. General Brown has returned from an el. tended tour of duty on the tipper Rio Grande. Be captured two steamboats with a large amount of cotton on board. J. E. Slaughter, late rebel General, after let g forced, to leave Brownsville, went 'off on a Ildevilog expedition up the filo Grande. Be stole lots of cotton and returned to the rehels' and thieves' asylum, Matamems., The Colonel of the 11th Mississippi regi ment was to be tried at Houston for tearing downthe B. flag. The widow of General Ham Houston was at Houston on the 14th, trying to hive mercy extended to the young man • As extensive swindler named Daviett alias Barris, was unearthed at St. Paul, Thursday., He claims to be arefugeo from HisaimippL The first known of him he ap peared at Springfte:d, Onlo, where ho open ea a broker's office, married a daughter of one of the first families, and decamped a month afterwards, swindling his father-in. law and several others, and taking COMO belonging to Cincinnati banks. -- Trim CoMmisalcmer of Pensions has de cided that in accordance with the act — of Congress, altdm agents are prohibited, un der severe penalty, from receiving more than ten- dollars in all for their services '4 prosecuting any pension claim, or from . 1.6- celviDg any put of such fee in advance; ot any percentage of any claim, or of any per ! tion thereof, for pension or bounty., Tux .Emperor Francis Joseph hss reso, lately broken with the undid= of his fatil Sly, quarteled with ndzdstry„ achieved a new Ilaitgadan revolution .14 meeting the constitutional demands of tho Eangeria4 Pec consenting to be crown • ed as King of Hungary inPeaih, and agree. lug - to , restore' to that ancient realm its ry Blebmond ileptrbiic advocates laying an export daty on cotton, (solder to lighten taxation. 04211 , 4 1 5101 1 141 P DR. PRITCHARD. i.T FtEtpral* lately conviqpist jgOW 1f tiip...sler of hie wife 441 mOtde:- in-laer made the following conieion: "It was when my .wits_ was at Kilman ln t sammeTOTlBB 8, that Iflat - 4 . R - =tame In tilnate with the girl Mart Macl , . • ing with her in my house at 82 R. -thee- the time•of,iittf mineral toAltl tiauchiehall street. 6he ' became.. pregnant in May last (year) and 4rith. Ater , ova • consent.lpeo dnced• smiseartiage. , : Lhasa veannts to be, tart thin Km •Prittbsrd was quite aware of thfs, and rather songhtto cover mytrick. edness and telllily mother - i¢bor t -Mrs.' Taylor; came last February :to :Out houses, r and,naught gory 1 1 -134ced-andtnyBta Th e ennsolthog room; and, thiA4ay hefore her death. /laving apparentl y . WMchod - usolhe 7 • said to :0.0 7 in the !time,ttioncrlten have lotted : her into the - cevtloitll,', iihich . Was 'tine; but nothing_ hiere"paised: &elite: ifti.-Tayibi to hatedled-lit the manner I have beforelitatedr and It how belleve her' deathlo'htvif been caused by, otetdose afilittleresollititinofelpitnn, The Solna° • Ibiidirobat:bcitati - was pia in by me after; Vet Illeith; denignedly left there In ot dez_l4l:bintosh.broilsadienture in case any....fiaglifrialiould take place. -Atts.!Petchatd was much -better/lme diateiy After hermotber's death, :bit subse quentiyr;bettnne. exhauSted from want of eleeP, flcco4ted lbrthis by the shock pro. 'fluced by Ler - mother's katb , and,..ltetOy ithowtog how, to act, st.htecOrti 'eiiithcidcto• AueV.g.dtb het - cbtotefoim.: .:Itlresbbiaut, and ght.. bfary Macleod Washithe ;Waite, And 14 en gill inonsenkbelog besides some what ezdted by whiskey) I „yielded to the temptation ,to hot sufficient to cause •• •• ' "I therehme'deelare befoiel3od, as a dy. lug tont, Odin thereto:int , isti=tliud ndriber, that rays ilikVaufOt 03AI of murder;aii rai Mtfs, Tnyloila Concerned, but siebtowlcdge gullttaCtlto adul ts Tyr )v11114437 Macleod, and Um =ardor of my - - . • • :,"1 feel now as though, I-had - beaulrving , ftspecieaufmadneis aloes -tny:tattnaz. ilon:icithlttary lidcleed; and' I declare my Wert:tit repentance of my Mare, earnestly . imayitigttiet lioay obtain Dlvtitir trigtirenons before stiffen thaPenalty Of ,thil law. , "ED*4 l .iti WILLIAIL /*Town,- NEWS ITEDIB4 Tun:United Staten Pacific Relined tele. graph line will be completed from Chicago to San Francisco in one year from the pree. ent time. Twelve hundred .miles• are al ready under contract, to be completed in 186.5. This will make the second telegraph line to the Pacific, one being alrea'dy In op. eration, Tai Chidago Rlttrbricars 'ita that bits. lAtcoln Is living in - perfect seclusion' itt a hotertm the lake shore about eight miles from Chicago. • Captain. Robots Lincoln, her ton, in.: studying law In. Chicago,. and lives with his mother, coping to town daily. Tna Incarceration of Wallace W. Whit tlerey, charged with the stes!ing of one hun dred thousand dollars from the treasury, makes three government clerks now in jall, charged with fraud; one has been tried and convicted,' the.other two await trial. Tun Setretery of the Navy has issued an order for the linmedlate resumption of re cruiting' at the Baltimore Navy Depot, under the .superintendence of .Commodore Bombs. Theleceiving-ship'Allugheny has been designated for the• reception of all naval manila AT a gay party In Mount Zion, Illinois, a few evenings since, a beautiful young lady tuddenly exclaimed„, "0, I am sick I" and fell A physician who was present, after an examinatiun, announced that her death was caused by tightlacing. A wnis. known physiMan of Brooklyn, Dr. J. S. Walter, Was takenlntocustody on Monday, to answer a grave miminaLtharge preferred by one of his female patients. In default of 0,000 ball, he was consigned to the Kings county jail Dunne° the year 186.3, the Southern Bank of Kentucky, at Carrolton, was robbed of over $100,000: A fewdays since officer D. T. Bligh arrested in Lontsvill& Beeish Rid dell as one of the parties implicated In the robbery. Ravinuca of the elections in Virginia reP• resent that In other portions of the State, as well as Riclotend, the regular Secession candidates have been generally anceeasnal. Fitch IV. Taylor, the oldest 'chap - lain in the Ratted Slates navy, and a schoolmate of William Wirt, died In Brook. Tyn on Monday. Queen Vzotonta took a pleasure trip 14 rail recently and Ice was strewn on the top of the car to preserve her Bum being affect. ted by the heat. GENERAL 'GRANT has left for Saratoga. Rel 4 11l soon tales a voyage to Ilillifax:and the Canadaa. .Re will be absent about three wet ks. Com:lssas, Scorr, at Shreveport, hay tog lost money by gambling, recently ab !worded $lO,OOO in debt to the Govern men?. Am. the GoTemment hospitals in Phila delphia have been ordered to be closed, with the exception of the Chesntit Hill hos. pital. E.11£611.1301( Evnunroou is to be tried by ccurt-menial in Nash Tillie, Tennessee, fur using seditious language. Tun lEssissippi river Is higher at La Crosse than at any time sines 1858. A sacs vein: of silver bas just been die covered in Bayfleld, WIBP3D1111: - AB Fr .1.0 "'ER TISEMEXTB. W. gIIIKPATTLIC4..J. lINXPATILICII..J. L VIELSON. .I(•IREPATIOCIi, BRO. a CO., (titteces. hx. sore to .Toseph Elrkpyatrlek h C 0.,) SALE LEALERP to Orecerle9, Flour, Grain, Provisions, Fhb, (`Lars, Felt, Nails, Olas and 011 e, Ilos. 191 Sod 192 Liberty street, Yltub. Ty 4 A COUNTRY BEAT FOR BALE.— ContatEm 11.V11 ACRES, crowded with Fruit of merry description i oomfot tools House, Stable, well wale. ed i Pt it nod • half acres pleated, with four yeas' groWth, 'minted with Fruit: 'Shim Flue mustb. told by ist of itogust. P. nom sv entitg Conn y Seat bete tm &Dorgan,. App:s to 1 /Val B. InoL4lll kW. TA X PA YE R S OF THE FOURTH 1 WARD, ALLEGHENY, TARR FOLIOS T.,at the BOUNTY TAE of sate Ward, messed on Go per.ona end property, to accordance with He Act of !moat>ly et fti loot tattoo, Is now due and payahle to AMR°. BO WAS ST. J.29At 'OR SALE.—The subrcritler offers for sale, the premises he now occupies, situate on EBRATOA STlttraff, I Int Ward, ALLEGISE DT. Potaesawn given November ugh or sooner, U rivalled- • The HOWSE eontains 'fifteen Rooms, with Wae ter, Gas, and all modern tranrovenants,_ a saki roomy Stable, !sad other tarthaues. Thaw to abutli an. Bore: of GlOll/la, well intproyed..wita *blubbery, Grape 'Toes, 4e , and to. (linden to in a good state Of .a UVAtiO.ll. • For tam, 6)14 lathe corner of Seventh sad Grant et .reets, or on the ozonises. Jyllllllllll,ll , WSL DILWORTH, fa. _ _ ricEs Suinmer Shawls, SUMNER DRESS GOODS, For rale by WHITE, OBR 4t CO„ 11 28:7h8 RS FIFTR STREET. TINITRD STATES MILITARY BAIL ROADS. OPTION 07 ISIIIt6TIM7 IatrAIITIMIWATEI, WAIIIIINOTCP, D. U., July 45, , 18 85 • ArCTION SiLR OF ROLLING 13TOVIL Will be 'old: at PUSLIO AtIVL'ION, to ,the blithest node, , the b Sowing Bo lint Stooks • . VII YELSDA.T. September to, at th e Portlan d °amnion'''. Shan, In Portland, Maine, Sills) Lo. ammtva Benitez, On TieliliSDAY, September 21._ at MIMI di William lump in Bolton, Mama, Your (a) Logo. ow active Foglia( . , 00 MOND 33, It %rennet 84111016 near Pidlide a., Filly (50). Bog meiebt ere, tour te a dm.balt mob users. On WEbf ta3 Wt. apeptember sr, at Warm*. ton Lai , Eiglity tour (34) 800 iteight Oars, live loci tan& • - - - • 3 be above Ethel to all new, and of the yFy bait quality. The Magnet wins fret rine, lve feat Lie. err, and. Finneran, testa. inatme., Teo; aim be thinned to earner gauge lit trilling einem. 'Sales to mattlenee at 10 n.m. , , .:. -••• Swans-iDaalt In Ch•vgarnent Imam . , ' IL L. BUSIBSON, jl3s:tielle', • , Brent colOnd sad*: (t. AL Err. a•EAVERS BOOTS !Mtg . Li us. Sewed, Sidled and P gill d rilorlonthor Mao asf ML. tar LiSl.4l, Qentu , : end our j tel .jec r iliursznatiz... z.siatem orrelung• P!1.110 and ciarAnd gr ttcn Sitell to qiders. n7t A -Am an MR T1VE.71,r4 TIY TIEN r i 4413 pROVIJ:kiIh min onrzanaintr'' BRADMIRT — NINFIORK i JN D . Scltoom — Zer Co. Phiinifelpfilaj PIANOS. THE ASTERICA.N-INIGAV, eat wyryg & Co.'S COTTAGE ORGAN, Mcdtket by dealer% =dell she have heard them, to' be eupeetoe ti DO to eA otber Jettements of the kiwi meet. factored fn the United fitttail 7 7 Rating nada irranamenta with the best nine. Irr i ti , Ate xt irl i r e W Ate PftVantil to AU- Branakand german- , Silver Inatninungt, u; tot Er 'Lad Voogd tland .a a 'Samoa pt Was AM Oat noes 17tie Liatitottniatuid on application.. ' New and Secanti.tiand Piano. for Rant. ' warm= et` BAHR, Jytl No.ll BT. omit arznat WCRTIrr OF NOTICE. nue osa.zassizr• Wheie & Wilson Eg,llrl..rti .414011.11:1r10 wee Strained the tint plizesll% , ue vet mettel—et the Intern e tintal Show_ , held at Stettin, Prussia, • few 'mkt stn.', Pee the be, t tenter .mmolll2le to aller2sth.dinery7surpasez./..Jimi Journal, .hule- Tliz,VEream a mr,soN iLot* Selvlng:paibines received , ne Aighest prenaln ae at :thiel `feet Intamettenst Extdblttone et PAWS. Prance .19d1. LONDON, tnnised. ~RO-Iq/SSIUMG, Pru nes ....... 1863. Nile 111 the 8 beteg, Ilsoldnes of Eu- I Wend Advei=ein conipectUnn. "fleolesaln and Medan Salsa Itoont,s ‘ lla . 37 . 711111 Ptitatunb. E. P. CARPErfATI, Jrss Sole Agent. NSW • aErrimars. FUBRISHING `N i T4E2O_l:t.3O. N0a.13 and 15 St. Clair St. The attention of the piddle is called to the lama sod extensive dock or anrr iznEres pus . . FISHING GOODS. just opened et the above. =muted place, which I am now offering at great I etitabl tin e. y o nn I. want of the above Goods, arch gad It to their. advantage to give tae a call, sod eiamine my stook. bears purchasing else. where. They tan Clad the largest an! test telested storisof Mt White Shirts, extra sifts, fregjesea Shirts,Woolen„ Gotten aed Lists , Thread .finden shirts and Drawers, Scarfs, Neck Ties, Sooks,Des. ponders, Butterflies, and everything pertalnies to the Gentlemen , ' Furnishing Goode, In the city. Remember the place, 13 sad It St. Utah Street, SAIItEL LEVIN. S. A large stook or Bets, Cape, Trunks and Valises conduits on hand. baldpates SELECTION OF. Valuable Medical Books, EMU THE STOCK OP DAVIS, CL.,110 It CO., 08 Wocacil Eltroota Gross) Snowy, 1142 e Iro/3., Leather •. SO 00 Ihnagllnson's.sl6ll Dictiocary, revised 671 Orly'. Anatomy t t Lary,* sot t 100 ndle on 41sessem of Children : s 600 Miller's Principles of Surgery : a Miller's Practice .•1 : 3 7/ Pan:anon on Fractures and Dislocations 0 00 WLos'. Homan Anatomy t I t s 4 a Reaaley's Book of Presarintions r 4 00 Tanner's Practice of 514dicate s I 5) Parristes 'Practical Pharmacy t: : SDO Tanter's Xersoranda of Polio,. : : : 53 Pocket Aaatoniat : : : : s . . . . . Wyeth% Pocket Deco Book •. )i 100 Eel-elm% Pocket Ptccortotton kook : 1..118E2AL DISCOCTIS to PIITSICIA.I9I9 J 324 CURLING CREAM. Mine. remorest's Curling Cream, AN EXQUISITE PaILS.DE, .61ME!!!!il Beautifytrig THE B \LB, Carl Fe procured .t the CENTRAL ➢RCQ STORE, Comer Chlo itd federal 'tree's, In Market itlotiss, Alla whacky. GEO. oTICIF TO CONTRACTORS—PRO. L POSALS are invited ado will ha received n Ca Committee on &meta of thecity of A.,loghtoff, until. Wff.likeESDA.Y, be Ski of August neat` for the Grading end Paving of Blortto anent, from Craig to. School great, to ether with the neeerury lotono sal eidewalk. Also for the Oracle g and Paring of Bac* allay,from Robinson Weed to Bose o I,y, in the Fount, Weld. Also forgto °twirl of Pattenon alley. In. the Mot Ward, ruoni north from Bebena Arced. Aso for the reyalli of the ewer at Band Str. et Bed" together with the rip rap gutter own to the river. Payments to made tot he contrastora UMW% as the money le collected off the property holders. Propoial. to by coaled and left with B. B. FRASCIS, Control. ler t A. 110BON, Street Com misfit:moor, or J 01.11.1 P, MORT, Chairman of Committee. tylitt lIEM3EOI Sea :Id* Slava; :betland Slava, Calmar. Shawls; Cape shearls. Oa Ertia.leot. BATES & BELL'S-- COEW/LOS, A SPLENDIR Lot AT FIFTY. CENTS. j 397 f 1 FIFTH STREET. NEW GROOBRY —The in dereigned has oprhed so ENTIRELY NEW STOCK sh and WELL SELEUTER OROCEEIES Li. SEW STORE. in addition to other nor. they mould cell et•ration to their doe, of mewl SOUND CEDAR WARE. SCOTT it =TM jyto ty rue earner Liberty and Terry streets. F OR RiNT. A GOOD STORE ROOM, With DWELLING HOUSE Of SIX ROOMS, OAS FIXTURES, AO • la a good buainagg loaatioa on Wylie strata. B. OUTHJ3ERT s SONS, el Market itroet $ 6O R.F. WA RD STOLEN trim the test dente of the subtarlber, In Indians township, A HAY FUME. With white feet, bale off left foot.loek, whtto star to ti o luo. The Awee ro nut wlll be giver, for infotwatiodlewilng to the tecovery Of the Blare. Ji Mate! tw JOILIT (JOUR., -FTFIEL -25 barrels new No 2 Large Mackerel; 50 bait bble. do do; 25 do No. I do; 21 do No. I do; to kilts N 0.2 do; No do No, I dot 100 half bble. Lake Hewing, for sale by iT 22 J. B U&NF IZLD TIAKElt'd CHOCOLATE AND COCOA.. A fall cm-Sweat of lisher.s prepared ()hoc°. late,prepared Cow a and Be. ma; also, Swret French Chocolate and llowcoopatbla 00.03, fur sale at the Family Orr:leery Store of JOHN A. RENSHAW, ,H 26 corner Liberty and Hand streets S 0. BREAKFAST BACON.-JUST meth from Maslen atl, ifiotber saPply of Boger Cu ed Breakfast Beetle. .tot ea% es the piece, d the Fasetly Grows' Store of jpf tomer latest, sod Bawl streets. CHEESE!. CHEESE! CUEESE.I ico boienlisinbem, Hp -4 W. R. Lo It and too sate by par...lurt & VAN (}ORDER, ITB.. 20.1. Liberty. street. _ C li g Eb •- io , to - lambast , • zsp ,I do , W. E.,for tale by ..-0.00 ticixes Hamburg; ..1.-11. CANF/ELD. 'LAND OIL.-10 bbia: No. 2, on Btcamer Rive; to arrive." POT sate b y • - Jr 2l ' ISAI4OI:DarBEY 11 00 TrrALLOW bark . Eo: o 4. 44 3 amer to knive.. i r s ol a s i ttt oKET b. 00. 300 3.3,&08 T. LOUIS PE,iOT , JA rltetelsad for taljyA r 4, 27 MES IP wool ROUNDALE CEMENT-200 barrel geiiieland for sals a mums o A fp vrefislvne.tre :NT STORE-nßtfT OfffNINO, MACRIBIEL CARLISLE . ID,FIET.I4 RETAIL ROOMS Wl.ll W opm far Duane's cua Thttrada3 o , Inly 27th, spa heir Inn to announce that out atcak htS ban ['pleats/I,d with • eomplete anostwoutof New Seasonable Goods, &kited last weak by one of oar ttrr from' Fresh Imperiallona embrastog all the BICH AND ELEGANT STYLES Of the lllollt reel:shit Goode I market, end the NOVELTIES OF TIM SEASON. Out friends will dad 13/ fully pinnate& on and after that data, to supply their Wants, as far " potable, with Dress Trimmings, Ernbraideries, Real Lace Goads, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbon*, Halle Zephyrs, Pine rams, French Corsets, Skirts, /Me Shirts, Collars, Ties, Under rests, Drawers, and a complata assortment of 73" EL IV 0 "lir GOOD 13 AND ricorricoNs. MACRUM & CARLISLE, 80. 19 FIFTH 11711ZET NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! LARGE IM POBTATIONS FOREIGN AND AMERICAN doors. 160 pima of PLAIN COLORED MINUSES; If 0 pleces of FIGURED MINUSES; 100 Nem of °HAIRS ; 100 pieces of COLORED COBURG, &I 50e4 1,000 piece. of CLLL/COL 60 dozen of FIALMORALS 60 plates of 4-4 DELAINS; 100 pieces of CRATON FLANNELS. • HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS TWEEDS, i2IL Leargo C;?Aa.eszatit3r. Ott these Goods will be sold at a email advance on Eastern Prices. 21 FIFTH STREET. i ,BATES & BELL. jy2l.2anod F RUIT CLN3, rpm OANS, • SEALING WAX, BELLINQ WAX, PRESERVING KETTLES, A metal usotttosat of nodal ROME lltataSTUtftt (mops, GEORGE W. MUM, es ninsaet mum., mu:kn. hitg,4oo4 .T.'L, cortices his attention cialrely to the practice Of ocedichte,and will promptly attend to all callsl4 Ws profusion, dsyand night,. " airFes Ito. $7 SEVEN= STREET, • jyttlitdiAir Pittsburgh, Pi. I irrapir .111 rF,AnTsgmareArrs. TEfibLo wre4cP t \ Eaton, Idacrum & Co. ileceisre&this day EATON'S, NO. 17 FIFTH STREET, . LULL LIIIFS Or Jmollet , Eaginim hwemVftrertfnim JACOUO,WWMINM ..11=lbMneltift4M SirimEAWNm SidnUm:Msgs, • nen& Calabria ttaad!,, _ Llmlty Banda;" intaalirjrmtrolderedliaball, , Infanta' EmbrolAred Waists, Black Thread Edging., all width', Onlpue Wswand &dais, alf.wldthr, Black and Vane "'Mead Lace Barba, Vai it E4Munt Ir e aNt ,s, Dew.) " bialtea•VoCr, Paint Late Oafish, Linen Collars and MOTs, • Be4l Lane ilandkeroldefr, Hempatleched Us ndkarettes, Embroidered aandkv rob lefs, Thread Late Valli, Clara Mask Vella. (fancy borders,) Marto C•trtart nark lavhdbls Nets, - Waterfall Nola, eta., e.t.a 6 splendid assortment of Itatuiet TriblSO ns, Trim mm`` Ribbon, Neck Ribbon/48461th nos, buttons, Velvet Halms, Oorde, Bugle Trimming; eta., eta., Meek Silk Beltbass, all rtitlut. EGO dozen WIEN ILLNDICERCHIEFS, Suia riot quality, at from IVA to 2S ata. each. All the latest styles of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Llberaltedueesaeoats caned to the wholesale trade. P. IL EATON, 17 FIITH &THEW Dvr ELLINGS FOR BALE IN ALLEGHENY CITY. I inn authorized to sell, on REASONABLE All those Desirable and Convenient Dwellings, &tasted so the Northeasterly coiner of ANDIIIIO 150k1 blll5/62 AND -KIVU, AVENUE They . are built, and In good repair. T.) the capita/JO.. seeklng a Safe and Desirable Investment, Or to any-in went of • Comfortable Home, N OPPORTUNITY IS HERE OFFERED Funner pratleukas, on appllestlon S. S. BRYAN, Brotor, No. 63 Fourth strevt., (Burke'. Building.) r ETROI BUM PUBLICATIONS THE 0 , 1. RECIIONS VT PEN'TSYLVAITIA. with map and aharta; BTo. C 101,14.00. rr. BUNT'S IMPICOVED MAP OF 1 76PANGO CO. CIL Et ECHOIC'S.. latouing fuse township., etc., eta. tam. alums IMPROVED MAP OF WARREN CO.. PA, unlforre writh Nap of Venange Oil fie• 11.00. BUNT'S Bur Or WEST VIRGINIA AND OhiO. 1140. DIAGRAM AND REGISTER FOR V ELLS. •TAO. VI. OIL LFASPS-- , Ovo kinds. 10 cents. 7 liE re/LVONAL PETEOLEAJM TLNEB, pub. /Wad w eekip—Prcents, IN DO per annum. JOHN P. MM. Publisher, 0 virru ST., MASONIC R&M.. Sir Sen t by Mara post on reselpt of price. .1121 DRUM & BLACK, lava Ca lurid • large wortmeat of MOWING MACHINES, 2=CC,XUSt7 MtatL32E3E:UEg. Straw Calters,Scythes and nay Rakes, 28 and 30 OHIO BTRPET, A.L'AV3HENT 1 ELS C RAW'S OUTLET SAW MILL, AND BARGE YARD. Craig Street, Megtteny. ' HEWITT'S POLYTRICUM FOB THE HALE, I Is te kb obrleosed by all .rbo hove we: NM be A No. I. . Try It ye doubters ead be coavlae ad. For We by all drbulita. h ttlayd BBMAPLNAKA, (BLOOD COMO— A rand remarkable article and positive ours for SORMULA., RHEUNATIS32, NEURAL OIA,SPEPS4k ITCH, PLACPYCIS, and al diseases of the sxm. Al II Tonle, It eeviees the appetite, perfects eestion and wholly restores the phyainal at:myth led It news but atrial to prove Re virtue; For sale by &NON JOHNSTON, Droggirt. JeH aornerSnsltnnahl and Fourth street*. SPENCER Br,.2tIcKAY'S PALE, CREAM AHD AMBER ALEIti Phcentx Steam Brewery, N OTICE.—I . RESPECTFULLY AN- A. , " ti OUR OE to my Mends and former customers that I shall continue to esuy on the LATENT AND UNDERTAKING BUSJIVIISS, oast door above the old stand, formerly occupied by Rodgers ft. Thorn. I null be hippy to receive the patronage so liberally bestound on former occasions, and can furnish Livery of , ail Wadi on the shortest notice. iattelmd S. K. =DOERS- 111ADLI & RUCIMASHOUSSI, ■a6vsaorassss os SurnittYro Cliaaktrar. 160 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY CITY 1:E=111 ALEX. AIKEN, TZI%I33EI=LWASIMEIrt. No. 166 Fourth street, _Ptitsbustb A N'a. COP: INS of el kinds. OliisPFZ, GLOVES& ant m eo; d serlpt!on of Fans al Furtitahtog Goods f ntniahad nom, open day Ind night. Hearts salt; feroisted al/JOIMICZEhRVI. David Keg, LIS, Bev. M. W. Jacobus, 'fairies amiss, ER, TMob H. Miller ?Au. udo LEAD PIPE OD BEI= LEAD. L Ellf PIPE of ail akes and thickneacee. HEIT LEAD al any thickness on hand and made to onlera t i CO iimi ocu i rem Amt. taionamku htercimat, ma Seoind streett t PiMmad 't , jAlipi IL .n.eara, • .aire2sitecit, • orr ITILLWIRCH3 EIPICUi firATIOW, g All kinds of tranandl,lndittnen thalr aqUan on tessonnble Urns: , Mies on Ammon' fiTILEET i . bepreen Laceck and, Roam% ASkteam,oll...i ; Edw.'rAS Ea-cfUeig. uzirLED DTA 7.30 Loan. THIRD MORAL BAUL Carte Val 40011 Mt end' Vlrgnulliq ITSOLL • &M ST OT riterositim BTATV3 mina BP UAL AGENT of JO 0048141, 8. Asitil Earth:male at Qs Seven-Thirty Limn, POPULAR LOAN OF TIM PEOFLK 41127 D TEE Only Loan in the Marker* D B. 440 811 P.F.11. ®ETD GOLD DZIAILING 110-47:113, irLtbenl Clotazdaloam iplutwed tO angers L S IMINGEITON.! Cashier , MIMI! TB l ' • - " 81008 , NATIONEL )3E4 Of Pittablargh.3 . , Corner of trattirand Liberty Streets,* Special Agents of Jay Books for the tale of - NEW SEVEN-TEIRTY - LOAN. This to strictly the People's fairo, and is Debi absorbed at the rate of about ass ndillonspor . dal.. These bonds bear anintered of Te 7170 Qua!® i . er.:l:Cesoty slab hundred dollars, and ars Sonvartilde at roatler. dry Into U. S. fire-Tweaty Sit Per Cent fide Bearing Bends. Pill ooreathslons will be allowed iurakos, Bankers, aadßrokars, who purchase ;or tragale... - C. Et. RlGoB,Vaabler . myfetnif T/ 13 EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK! Of Pittsburgh. Chartered by thei Capital I Orranited .attdal Itak of Pa., 18164 11,000,0004 Natal 14w 1856 This Bank has been designated a ; ' DEPOSITARY OF ras United States Treasury, and appointed agent for the ear of the 7.430 Ma 40) AL. ra • Every tt ditty will he orrared to Limiters or Oar. ties purchailag tor mule. H. M. MURRAY, Cashier ap.29-41 MIIRII,AY 11:1400336&:E . A11k.r.a,re W. Y. MURRAY, President. J. H. LI DAY. Secretary and Treasurer. The Company ownein fret simple a fang etnitain. In[ eightpeaven acres and forty-rave parches, inert. ted on Brecon Hun (a tributary to Cherry Oil Creek. Runj and lying between Cherry Hun and 7 wonty-Meht lasses have already bOllll made to responsible pirtirk among whom will ha forma the names of some of the oldest and lint astamerfis el:craters on tracte. The entirewiltaceommodate bens Lid to IGO weib. This hula le surrounded by' four of the most celebrated Olt -producing farms, on Oil Creek and Cherry Bun and is In close proximity to the "Reed" and .311m/stain" Walls r anl about one mile tram the Walnut Bend Well. The Company offers a limited nuMker of amid/ at the imbieription prim, SEVENTY-F VE CENTS PE:g SHARE; Maps of Me propert y , together Wllahn nif". 2s. elee elhgerding the propert y t and ergentsation of the Company eau be o ed at the ado* of WEE& a DAILEY, Agents, Ismailia HALL. ONLY 15 OZNTB. COMPLUS YOUR VOLUMES Beek numbers of HA EIETHE? MAGAZINES. ATLANTIC MONTHLY. LADY'S BOOK. PEEOIL LESLIE'S gortutior. ARTHITHS. DEMURESE 4re d 411 Other Magazines ONLY 15 CENTS. ONLY 15 VENTS. ONLY 15 VENTS. Come early, before they are all gonkat PrITO,OrB. OPPOSITE THE POST OFF/OE. DETROLIA BIACIIINE IVORtL.9.•—• -a- B. IL LEORY, Manufacturer 9f ills Ude. brated patent Improved OIL WELL TOOLS. **ANSON POST, AND WALKING BEAM IRONS and all FIXTURES USED IN * BIN& IND. OIL AND SALT WELLS, Natiarr and alt 05.10 SI BEET, on the upper route - of she Man che liter Passenger Hallway. P.O. Address, Box 17, ALLEGHENY, Pb.. Particular attention is Invited to Ids late Im provements In Jars and Joints, all Made of toe purest Sligo and Low Moor Iron, hammered des. pretsly for them. All parts warranter* and made to standard tines ; the plea and sockets of any one set Mtn& any ether of MI mannfatiture having the frame number. Steam Engines Wad Madan' Work audit boarder. We LaMothe public to call and ease:tine, and Judge for themselves ; and we challenge equality it workmanship and poppet*. Don. Send for Oard and threnles. lyi9lmas • Tnz VULCAN COAL YARD, ROBERT BAEZE LE. (Mao edjoeilng Machine Shop oi the Pltti. tough end Cosomellseille Realzoad Ocapany. Beat Youghloiheny Family Coal and pat Coal ALWAYS ON HANIi. COAL DELIVERED AT SHORT NOTICE, .oral ref, Or es T GA? ETT . sc igr a, S , o 4 4r ) Ori at THE OFFIOAor A. WM OFFICE. :" COUPONS I COUPONS elevraminEn, • • Nov minim, JAN COUPONS BOUGHT AT Highest Market _'Rates Robinson. TcLean & Co. ksikiwium CIEOOE4IEI3. `-^776 bigs prime and cholas 810 Clara.; '33 Motets Old ()Oven:anent Jar. 005eei " • 175 half ebeata Oxen and Shad Team; .30 bags prime 1/ &el 16 bbd.. thole. P. B. Soca& 00 do; prima Cuba do.; 100; 100 do. Situps, tholes bracubli 60 do Onba blolaama, aheajry 10 alerses Montagu Slolasseal; DOICS Oonicreu Tobacco, da and LORI 60 bblo. 6 &clung , . do. Mitring and In star& Pot aids by' • LITTLE., BALED & PATTON, 17 ^ 3 Yiroa4ll2 and 114 Second it. elttabonb. • - STBSL &8.411411, STOOK BROICKELS . WILKINS saw. r; The Bankers dad Broken Board luiiing adoptol the knowing • RATEi Or commissioN we will be goviclunt -wft beta this date : Moats seems stl2 and =a), 9 sada per 'bare: do. • • d 0...• ,• la and us: tot II pa. sex& a, do. - ds. • 111.5 do, 91 Ide shw de: do. 'pod sad ovsr. el 1 pea eent. 2 s tot 000 Pl lab b 7 GS SOF - G 3. T ENA LEAD, AL & .F. 7551 igladOVE. p SUMAC* • .. . , inamilaGrarArtAnd ZerOliallta Ilfstiki4v de rttaliz* Y, . Pittsburgh. --7 0f.1 - ... : ___., int& No. at - Min SUM '... , . usa,cit4Ers gilopros) , . J, I* - 11 4C.Irgrrm rre.44e pt. J. W. CIitAX,I3ANT,, Vire Pread:#3lt. -, In go p• 40.511 * * ieti!r7? 101Th1123"IMINST' : LOSS SY.PIRE '. I,tcam4 .F ; . Insures Skata and daigoce. :- . ...... 7 ..... 1 1 JAMES E. lEEECAMT, A.'isiii, p JAMB L., - SOWABIZ, J. W. CIELILLP : ROSEXE-Lnt, .• • pew!. DWELET I. . ryas . , W EL W: WATS° , - - EL 0. Busti t ri c r +i • L ' a ". 1 111' 4 .l iii,i. AT s"'"*.,r.',':, psußtato4 -WINE DMus CORNifil WOOD OD PIER 8T&, (Oval Pelap 214teipl Baal 6) /DOURO t? DAVID IL inii-preside4 Emma's , PiANEY, SeCietaiy ..kgatast all, Kinds ENE Al mitariE nuills. pIIELISCITOMI _ ouir T. za. armng. JAKE HILL.. zemEs wa JitHl7 P. 13. SNIT rciErr, % DAV. 02..W1r0 H.' C; GHAT .JILIdI23 IL W.. 075 4 IirNRY LLO JOHN ORAPF • N.J. H IOLBY' • nivs&4o , INSURANCE: GBC h o7Alri ; EUREKA INmiaittsburg Of Me I Cerne;Water•anO Market Ste.; a!AGATAMS EtRLDLIPO4 7. V. SHOE* BEJIGICS. Preed4Wr s t r W. H. 15111#1!..11Elca Prooldealb 11013K8T rgIIWEY. Elecretazw." WILL INSITItp AGAIIiBT AILS:INDS Marine :O:Ld Fire INISCDTO2.II I • J. H. BEIGENRNEtER, W. R. IfIROOZ, W. J. liNUERSO , IL J. ANDERSOri c JAMES L BEN /WI 1. AL w. BELTmaoyNs R. IL COoHlUart .7: A. VAOGREY, R. T. LEECH. Jsui, W. W. MARTIN LE. PENNOCK, • ' BYRON LL PLINVNL. , i 4 itt. sant. sor2s:2md t iMIEB DIATTIFACTURITS OF IMPROVED BORING TOOLS, Sinking Oil, Salt and Other Wells' o.188;WOOD STREET, zfrrrsarmotr, £4 Tools of tfie yet? best SLIGO AND LOW blOOl4 MON. WELL BOXERS • • Pandahed iaowtoart Ocmsb. .141Ti.oess. `with sub article u us Uoeuary to anidno Optratlans, yti: • N TH. at SEDUES'BELOS, SAWI I . I , as ' ' visrA ffir s assai: , .! HAM SHOV EL,. i 2 PLA PICHW, LEVELA, MUM, I it MILS, o. Rope, Leathet and ama all of Iva% Lava constantly In Am; lelAmdlz ADDY 4:1 IiNIFEEI3, PLUBIBES, Gas and ;Steam Fitters, ;i• 1615'?,W00D STREET, (OPZOSITE MST 011178C1H,) pimps, gyprantsi Sheet Lead, LEAD PH I , PIGA BAR LEAD. 2 AND Plumbers' Materials in General. OIL O..Er IXERIES Fitted Up In Ste Most Approved Style. Tanks lined vial lead or copper. Hoorn fitted opylth water or sip. N. B.—All onferrOromptl7 attended to. .1 , 2 BAILEY, FOREJ.L & CO., Jro. 167 Smithfield Street, P/TT9131111011, PA" =3,iltAo/11111)23 07 Sheet L4d, Lead Pipe, 3B .E3l. 12. X., MI 131. 734 Whelan!. ftunialling I. onto for nimbus , Rata rials, Brats Goolk for Water. Gam and. 8r0.,. Pump, Bose, /WA Pepe Lod taLthgs4 at /mat. Eastern rates. _ JEN-Sole agents:llw inciples , and Silsbee , ' Pawn own roan, whion supplies a need bong felt ty oil nr.n, for4navop that will exnanst.rap. idle and wart latth ease and earsalaty wiShonS entailing toe greatobn.expensa aolialtad. 131,1021.131110, I 1 _, • Ga. ' and Steam Fitting In off its bronchi*, 4refunlf intruded to, by ext.& I tirneed ptactleal wOrlungi. A Cm =0M:ono of aes Futuna.% , runi_... • fIDWE.a. BATHS, . - .i; WATra OLOSEIS • ltraaarcri ~ .o.utudiroahuiaads F uid• to order. '''. . • , ' Ste. & )311910. i 5 .0 ranzaatesnutaT .111 e un -Anarnanizirrrtmt4m6 3 I F l *Maa--00,C00 EMINGMZS. • 509,000 Isamu) ntiNMES .VV3 SOZEg Jolt[ imilberbr Streatoutullt.Clair. ' • • fixszouzrr, WALED , PROPOSALS Xaddreaseil to two Ctosamltteel on Crify Plopottliorillbe setralatilas - oMdA witil MONDAY, 1 . .Lfoolloolualfeiiopplyfor the ptatuip of um CIO, with Of A dlrectlOll qlty Connell . ff. B. FRANCIS; Coat * .