4.'°' Oittsburgit Casette, w3Ol }mama 11100/0101. ATtrailar, UM. isritlmo „... 1..,,th ~ ... tontdrlj 1./.01 i tgr' ;11., ' ft .. - . .1 3. . -: r j . . - '• I . .2l4 r ra . rezeaeronrer un.a.zar;arAlkothy.... t; f "1. costrrahMat , [I =BIM LtBEBT, Pitt Towng p , ' . gam g * 4... . , min e ranaerneam:' , it . . , .- JR of ybeny Tcninabish, P'' : , " atteitekeirgairael: i - 1 .4 .. JAMB? L. G R Z lA X , rillrgher , g. ' AT FOS ASSTICSLYI S4' , ' 411E0. T.- Etriorth Fayette To_ keened ,i 4 ~,,,, RAM B. BERSON, Dieoandlen Temnatata , ~„ &lAMB BLUM. of ;.. ~...-:;.', gorw sneyEß,upptrV en ai, .„....„,..,4 iis , . P. BLABS._ Pittahargh. ...•.:e•N :- aar A. DARR% mama Tawnaltigb .K,..,...,:e,_ll,:..,ts,.3eiolrezrierryc.:ll.,Haturicv: I. p . ii -, , i'r„:,,.....! - ~ , IVA miming RIUNTIMOD2 1 , Pi, ‘ ,.... i - B. L. meotmaxy; of Birmingham. ____DIICZOTOIi 011 . ,70011: _ 4: . - it05E8... " ..513. of ChartJara Toenantp• INTERNAL REI7ENUE. Ws publish. this morning weliwiltten eom mnntcatkmtrora D. N. Warn, Esq., Collector Of the MI Dbitrtet, called forth by setae remarks in the Gaerrtn of Wednesdby morning. We Ditto ette r atiori to tt; for If anything we said tan be so constined as to reflect upon the faith fulness-of such revenue officers as Mr. Worm, or any in thesefilatileta, nothing could glee ns more pleasure than to remove such Impression. In the article of which Mr. Warm complains we were speaking of the probable tacrosse of revenue likely irise Dom the growing Perfee -- -- Con of the 1;44 system of collection which was necessarily Iraqi - W 3 hastily, and the earlier op .eintiotut of which were of course, to a greater or less extent, Imperfect. It is In the statement of thli general prop:onion that the clause of which he eolophilnsooeme. "That at present more than -one-half the amount which Is levied illpsihrongh the fingers of the Collectors." • . . AA a specific statement of Oact this Is, we frankly admit, !incorrect; and when we eome to look at it closely we see that hi be its moat obviona meanink; althougtt the hat/ration was , to expreas the idea that more than half the prop. arty, the, which oacht to be taxed escaped tax ation through the frantiand cunning of manafac turt was particularly fixed upon thomijsections of the country where vast gran- Cita of distilled spirits are manufactured, and where devices to cheat the governmect out of the tax are es manifold as they-are adroit and un scrupulous. While we regret that we should have said any thing conveying au idea which was not Weeded to be conveyed; we thank Mr. Warm for his letter; for-few Men are score able than he to throw light upon this not very pleasant subject. DANGER AHEAD Our correspondent "X" points to the probable consequences to our national secu rities, and of course to oar entire financial system, which Is • based upon them, should the same old spirit which brought about se cession gain fall ascendancy in the South, and, conjoined with the remains of copper headism in the North, acquire the control in Congress. The restoration of the party of secession to power in the restored States of the South would greatly reinvigorate and encourage their old ernes of the North; and it is folly to ignore the fact that, united, they would constitute a very formidable party. Now suppose that party once more in power—"the Union as it was '—with the Southern-leaders in their old position of ab solute domination, is It likely they would agree to tax themselves to pay the interest, and ultimately the principal of the Union, war debt, while rhe debts of the Confedera cy, in which alone they are Interested pe cuniarily, are Utterly repudiated? Depend upon it, that in that cue they will insist that either both shall be paid or both repu diated. - But as the . double debt would be more: than the nation could bear, re pudiation would be the most probable al ternative. Men who can justify treason, and prove to their own 'satisfaction that it is no origin td break up the Union, will not ~boggle long at repudiation. That policy, while it could I not damage the South in character, and but little In fortune, would plunge the loyal States into irremediable bankruptcy and dishonor—the very' thing that our enemies in theEonth want to see accomplished. There are loyal men enough in the south to sari it and-the nation from this danger to whi6 they are exposed, but the majort. ty of them are not-of the approved color. There is the difficulty. It may be that we are shut up to the alternative of choosing between negro suffrage on the one hand and national bankruptcy and financial ruin on et) other; lor that if we refuse the le gre'srvote we must take the rebel's debt. It Is a serious lineation, and one that must be met quickly., .111,E HICOMOND ELECTION.. , The intelligence we have received about the election is Richmond last Tuesday, glottis that our apprehensions as to the Comm Which affairs in Virginia were likely to take - were net inifotmded. Not only has , it gone against the strictly Union party, but it seems that - the election was allowed to be controlled by Secessionists, especially the returned soldiers of Lira' s army. Evident ly Wile fellows are disposed to abuse the • - fortceninie with which they have been treated, and to 'repay its mistaken exercise by over-tiding the Unienminority. If they are thus permitted to bare their own way, the old state of affairs will soon be restored, in whichirwati unsafe to give ritteralure to • Opinions favoring loyalty and freedom. The Union pe.ople of that State are much alarmed at theiprospect, and invoke theaid of the general government to prevent the State driftingie bads into the power of their old persecutors If but reinforced by , the cotes of the colored people, the Union • party would be numerically stronger than their opnenenis, who would thereby be compelled to abandon their schemes, for they would not dare to attempt carrying there out by pita. SOUTHERN DEMAND FOR NANO- In edltorlal rovjew. of the condition and !pante of the State of North Carolina, the Newham Times give oar manufacturers 'During the next twelve men this state will want at least two hundred ihbueand dollars worth of ploughs, and as many more of the various implements necessary for t successful farming. To these add one hun drod thousand more for carriages, wagons, &c. , "Then it Will - retpairegity thousand to supply. woodenware„ such as tubs, buckets, pails, barrels , &a; &e. , and fifty thonsand mom' to supply ,kandies and while two hundred shorthand will hardly be sufficient to furnish althea for oar population. Thus it will be seen that we expend nearly a mil dollars,for °- these few articles. Nearly - all the elates lately in rebellion are inarefkiii this respect as North Car _ alins,ll brim:hang= doea not compreband a tril l of th a:articles needed by gist sorithear. people, and which they Masi lowa if if birby the - satrilice of half theinataed-proilnyt apt 41, their surplus •. graduals to obtain_ the , masts ..cif purchase. Never was a!: taree field acrid:for (War. „plan spenfsdf lithlik tit tfriQutte in. Tns incomes is 431cifti ;41314 - iiixted poo,oalue bkdin4-4 388, Fziaj unison, 'P275.644 , 1 0 f:Avg*P1 1 : 00 82 ; 0. ; 31 'ClormtV ,Fanfill;:os4,ll9; Kettem, 4/1441040: 4 0 ,, T5*rt# 0 1; 20t, # (,8. • - 2 1 ti•V! 4 !i;iit0419 4257 • • , Pc r the Yittsbusgh Gcartre. A HINT To THE PUBLIC CREDITOR. I observe thet the Etpublieaa Convention of New JORT hive Ltd Upon the table a resofil, Rees of red to mad to negro suffrage la the Sauth. -- iThe - -Ohle-Coaventkin Ie resesetad. to have already done the *smelting, andthe Penn. - 7" Judging from Its elements, WI follow the example, =lees some step are taken td. pervert R. This unusual reticence up= the greatest of pending! questions la but • reflection. however, Of the rtaerve of the loyal press which has hesi tated to declare the convictions of the Northern people, for no other reason apparently than be cause it la feared that the =premien might not be agreeable to those who bold the patronage of the Government in their handa. While, in some instances, It has ventured to whisper a complaint with tutted breath, that the President had not comprehended the loyal negro with= his plans -of reorganization, It has almost universally for gotten to engem that while the question is one which belongs exclusively to the people of the loyal Elates, through their representatives in congrese, and to no one man in the nation, come from what State he may, although fo vested With all the executive powers of t he GovernMent. This is conceded by the President noel!, bet yet the work of tleorgantretlon goes on Ida particular plan, and era', arrange. meat Lai being made to bring the united delega tions ofmil these Spites to the dowser Congress at the opening of the nest sesalon. That he will feed pledged to rapport them is taken for granted by all of them. They will expect no lees wbeh they come on his invitation and in bin partleohir way. If he does they will beatimitted, tii,hee the people, instead of waiting, will take up the cue In advance and-Ming such an opinion to beer :upon It now. 10 vases= the Cdellty of their hpresentatives. • The events of the last .aeulon, with General Banks at.!Washingtott, pressing the admission of the Urethane a:Lembo/sunder them:l4las of the Government—,and this, too, after Congress had. asserted Oa own jurisdiction by the passage of • bill which was not approved--ousrla to settle the question nwhether It is safe to await the assem blage of that body. It is, I think, a general conviction amongst reflecting men. that if these States are to be brought nark by the same men who took them out the Union we shall have gained nothing but the enfranchisement of the slave,, and shall have putionnselves once more under the feet of the name power from which we had Just so hap• ply escaped. The Copperheads know this, and therefore all strongly endorse the plan of the Executim Once bank, betrayer, what la the fleet cense- Inence tq ourselves ? An immediate renewal of the old coalition upon the basis of a repudiation of the national debt, beginning with a refusal to lay the necessary taxes for the payment of the Interest. Taxation is always unpopular. What better argument for the overthrow or the Repub lican party than the promise of relief, If not the suicidal folly of hurrying back the traitors them selves toaselst us In adjusting and settling the accounts. al the war? To do this thing would convict qa of Incapacity to govern. Some people may think these ream are Idle. If they WIU look, however, Into the leading Dem ocratic Mims of the Interior for the feat three years, they will find It &seised again and again that tht*ar wan unrighteous-41st the loans made to carry It on were unlawful and ought not to be paid—and that the securities were worth less. Is it likely that their Southern brethern actively engaged against us, and now admitted into Congress—will consent to pay any portion of the debt incurred in hubdtdag them, unless we assume *elm—which would be the equivalent to repridlationfn There libuteme thingthat mauve us, and that Is the seasonable intervention of the public era/. (for. The public securities are to widely diffused that be is now a power in the land. The poll*. dans are not to be trusted. All their hopes and fears areiln the direction of Washington. And there will be no Convention, where they have the rule, that will dare to whisper a remon strance. And so 100 with Congress. They would have failed at the lest hessian, if It had endured a little langur. To welt on them is death—and there is no way of making absolutely sure of se eming their fidelity to the people but by nett a demonstration In advance throughout the sev eral States, as will enable them to understand that they will be expected to do their duty, or to suffer ; the direst consequences In the event of failure. NEWS ITEMS GrsEbef, IttcDowsm., commanding at Ban Francisco, has made public the sen tence of the military court at that place In the case ef the rebel pirates arrested last year In the Pacific, near Panama, by some of our naval officers, on charge of attempting to captute the American steamer Labrador, running: between Paws= and Central American porta. They were found guilty and sentenced to be hanged ; but General 31cDowth has commuted the sentence to imprisonment for life in the cases of the leaders, and to ten years in the cases of the remainder. Ix the case of Burley, the Lake Brie pirate, Judge Fitch, of Toledo, who go aded, delivered a most singular charge to the jury, to the effect in substance that the "cmatederacy was a government da fado, and that it they found that Burley was a regularly commissioned officer in the "con federate:stateh" navy, and that he Was act ing under orders in making the raid, he was belligerent, and was not guilty of alleged robbery. Teta Philadelphia horses, used to draw the street cars, by reeling on Sunday, are able to perform as much work in six days, as Boston horses which work Sundays, do .in nine days. Sunday travel on Massschn tette horse railroads is said to involve a loss of $160,900 per annum. TRE strike of the mines and railroad men ln the Like Superior regions Is not yet quelled, but no outbreak has yet occurred. The presence of the United States steamer lilichigeh and a body of Chicago troops at 3lar d. quette will prevent anything of the kin TEN excuse offered by Cyr W. Field for the exultation of all membera of the press from the 13reat Eastern during We laying of the cable is that it would be Impossible to prevent the reporters from diverting the at tention of the engineer from Ids important duties. GE e. EWELL, having taking the oath of alleglande and given bonds for its main tenance,. has been permitted bthe Presi dent to return to his home in 9 Ptrgiaia , on parole, an condition that ho report once a week by letter to the Secretary of War. Tae Chicago TrZisize declares that a care ful Inspection of the army rolls will show that not exceeding 50,000 men of Irish na tivity fought in the Union ranks. Of the whole 1,G00 , 000' names on the rolls, elgh y per cent u are native born. . . SECHETAHT MCCULLOCH will recommend to Congrese a comprehensive scheme for funding, and ultimately discharging the pub lic indebtedness, with as little delay as pos sible, and with the least possible burden upon the people. Tun streets of the city of Hamilton, .0. W., have been for theee years lit with coal oil, gas having been discarded for that pur- MThe bids for the present year were O per light per annum for coal oil, and ;16 for gas. - Tan rebel General 3f eCausland Is endeav oring to evade the responsibility of burning Charobeisbarg. He soya it was ordered by General Eariy, and that be (31eCausland) protested against any such barbarous pro— ceedine.! . • Tan little village of Charleston, where Governor Wise hong John Brown, is being visited by many Northerners who have ear• ried off everything movable -Cram the field in which Brown was hang. GsEat excitement was caused In Troy.on Wednesday last by the discovery of an at• tempt tti fire the St. Charles HoteL Phos phorus itras deposited in ten, different places about the building. Via pontoons to construct bridges over the Platte, and other bridges on the route to California, haveveaehed Omaha. One hun dred Goyentment teams will take a portion of Ahem. IN • Petersburg (Va.) paper, appears, among "new adtrtisements,” a notice from a firm an. nonnelosr, that they are prepared to make ap plleationa for pardons throup the proper chan nel. • EDWARD BOWDEN was murdered near the Gosport atm yard bust Sunday. He, was the sailor whp made his escape with Lieid. man, aftu_destroyiug the rebel ram Albemarle. coioner'a inquest on the murder of the "Jo bitildren has closed lie fareettgattea. find ra thet the nnims were maul:Wed by lore puma or pascms to the jury unknown. .HEstier Jorarant, of Chtatleid, , .vrtio wild killed"' soldier whil es e robbing his garden, lilts been Seamed to• nee years' ma. thWeneat In the penitentiary. llindatf Snow". raged WA ; and leading Mi red or, Baca° colaktyi:has been sentenced to Fda Deliwam AV ale year, for rejoicing our Mt. Uwailt.oadeattak - ' - tea side of mai y 3 aw York last ica..kAletted Hie 'Ombra:neat'loloo,o9o - more thhn tha leads:Fen! appfatsixtat. tne Wiehlegtoa Ohroside a , . Congress tobuy Ford's ThritM tar ti publltrUrary. Tll3l/0130 inNoirts by • the Sod ea gendey; In estimated aI:'RUA% Change of Wean la the Ikea. The Salisbury corregamdtms of the Cin cinnati (la te saytnf the present irituation olitffaino *The time when The people ware ready aliirtikaitertoltata What the Government wanted, and then do it, working faithfully and with all-trwir might, has •gone by. There was such a time as this immediately following the surrender of Johnson's army. The rebellion bad fallen as if struck down by lightning, and the people everywhere, were depressed, and utterly broken in spirit. They felt themselves wholly in the power of our authorities, and had not then reasoned themselves into the belief ttuitthey bad committed no wrong. They then looked upon themselves as meriting pun ishment, and expected it. Any policy then laid dawn with' firmness would have been received, and all would have submitted at once and willingly. Ent the crash passed and the people began to recover. They heard with astonishment that ball the North was crying ont for a lenient p_olley for speedy and complete forgiveness. They heard Northam orators gravely asserting that treason could not be punished cy , and that all questions of national poli affecting the States must be left to them for deelsion ; that the troops should be Witlidravin; that kindness, and mercy, and conciliation alone must mark the acts of the Government. This was the fatal moment in all that concerned recon struction. The old pride returned, the old Ideas of superiority were awakened, the prospects of regaining political place and power Meshed into the minds of the poli ticians, and having received an itch from the authorities, they speedily grasped the yard, and where the Government was slow to move, they occupied the vantage ground themselves, and now hold a position from which they have opened a campaign against the Government that premises well for them. Heaceforth it will be no secret war, but open opposition, through die • forms of law, to the whole advance in public senti ment whiCh the war has brought about at the North. GEM. SAXTOII has within his present dis trict over a hundred thousand negroes. He claims that all these arc now absolutely self sustaining, save those swept in the wake of Sherman's march. Even the rations is sued to these are charged to them, and the thrifty negroes make all haste to quit lean ing on the Government lest their debt should swell to too great proportion. Most of the older settled negroes, who ware or originally dependent on Government sup port, have already repaid the advances thus made them, and many have besides accumu lated what is for them a handsome compe tence. STREET cLuArtmo in New York, under the old system, cost about $1,200,000 a year. The new contractors agree tc do it for $BOO,OOO, RELIGIOUS XOTICES. MIST EFININTIAN ososcs , £l.. ziormorr Orrr, EEOELSIOIt HALL, corner of Federal sad • larcook anode Pastor JOSEPH LING. Serrteer et to am. and 7 la. Prayer Aleatuag on WEDNESDAY EVEN. ma public are cordrally Invited to attend. baddtd BELIGIOIIS arinricEs.—Tirs I FIRST BAPTIST OBTOIC7H °MGR.& GATION will hereafter hold their church services in SIASONIO BALL, on FM street. Preaching by the LORD' S JAMES S. DICKERSON * every DAY Cl tOdu and tab. Srunlay School at 2 o'clock r. n. Strap/we and the public wet cordially invited to attend. Seats free. jytkitd IMPORTANT DIBCOVHBFJ3.O-5111181. J HET : L 67 considered as the terminus of the prophets periods, and the coming of the Son of Man in the viands of Heaven. Illustrate:l by • diagram, by Wu. Latron.st., of elnairmatt, at It % a nt. p and 8 p. m TCl.M.OltittlW (Sat. bath), at, CENTRAL HALL, Dispatch Buildings, SS r Lib street. jyt2 THEE A. BEST. XEllr Al) rill TIS.E.IIIEZIrrg. - - - RICE LEB.-10 barrels prime, In vinegar, for tole by I. B. UANYIELD. t , HEESE.-ICO boxes Hamburg; so ao eloonen3 o 00 do W. 8., r .1 H. 101 l 13 222 • • CANkE Flsa -25 barrels new No. a Large Math/del; ' 20 had bid. do do; 25 do Na S do; 25 do Nat do; 20 kilts - No. 2 do; to Co No, I dot 100 half bbl,.. Lake Herring, for sale by J. 8 ()/NFIELD A NEW TILING. Mann & Hueles' Patent Pocket Book. Very neat and clearable ; ell In one plots ; on (ulcer of teams, or earning apart. For agile, wholesale and retail, at a. O. LAVER'S Variety and Toy Stony frtq 101 iLaket atreet. I EASEHULD; WITH OIL, TANKS, to., YOR BALE—Lease of Lot, by .1158 hot, about THBEE•letrOat RI OP. AN ACRE, 'routing on toe Allethetry Valley fiallzoad Lathrop anal, upper end of Lawtaneeville, with EIGHT ThOL SAND BARBELS TANKAGE. •nd extensive Sheds for Barrels. Minor= for Lestltry, he It bl In all reverts conv,mbent and eligible. Apply at re WWD hTBEET. Bel it E 1 a PENNOCK. 0,71 CZ, Avnixonrar, July O. I. SEALED PROPOSALS (widiensed to the Committee on Sinets) will be received at , bla alms, an 11 THURSUAY, 2, tan, in. eloalve, for furnishing Oast.lron fttt.wa fur the East lids of ledenl Sheet, where It moue. Ohio Sires idwilar to the one on tbe West side. By direction of City tiounells. lyWad R. Et FRANCIS, Controller. NLW oßocyda—Tho arderelgnedhas . opened an ENTIRELY NEW STOCK of fresh end WELL SELECTED GROCERIES Lo their NEW STOKE. to addition to other now Utica, they aroold coil at - ention to their goo, of Em:arn 'BRASS ROUND CEDAII WARE. BCOTT st EMITS, JrZtlylies earner Liberty and Ferry 'tree... it ILL DALE. CEMETERY. The Business Office of din Company has been removed to nay Drug Store, corner of Federal and Lacook streets, Allegheny. /170112733 em A. KELLY, taftraull A PRW FOR BALK. We ere authorized to offer for Bete ONE OP THE MOST ELIOLBLE PEWS In the !locoed Presbyterhut Church. Apply to (Jr2o) B. MoLLIN a 00 HEWITT'S POLYTItICUIVE FOR THE HAVE, Is roknowledged by all who hove used it to ho A No. 1. Try It ya doubters end be 000vinced. For sale by ail Annulate. Jytedyd FOB SALE. ONE FIVE YEAR DID MARE. Paces under aladlin trots In Lerner. Inquire No. va LIBERTY STREET JORDAN, •ROLLD3TER & CO. FOR SALE. 10 WOODEN TANKS Caputty t.SOO bartele eaeb. Apply to, °LARK S SU SINES, at Wool! Street. DR J. L. MeSitß, (Late strident w ith Prof. L. °blau,) confines ide attention entirely to the oral:tire Of Medlatne,and will promptly attend Wall calla tcr profenion, day and AP. • 0/1/0113 lio ri SEP.ENTII;t3TREL'T, IZ=MI eos7notita'a Oestan, • Ahhcorttay, July titht 1665. 01 1 SEALED PROPOSALS will be reedy at Weed:lee until Mondaj, theme hut., thole. for axing Ldebtalna Rode to the City Hell and Market Henn. .rootdtet • cotton' to be r t iiiik,; d With t t „° Plato aild 11. fi rogiu hrbis, letd Oit.TOontrollee, • Coirrnou.su s Orrice, ....intaniorr, July so, tute. SEALED PROPOSALS (addresaed to the Committee on Olt y Pro_Pesty) will b. re. eetve4 et this office, until M.O/WAY. 301 o t, Inolusirs, tor supplying thePutthe B,M of the Olty with Cost. pi direction of City Cannons B. B. FBANIBB.ControBar. SSESSMENT 110T1013.—Notico 13 X2l. hereby gbrazt tbst I bias made anestotardi tts the of the tradlag of , TANW . :iiiLL STREET. ill peon interested tan ue the same DAY O,M in " the Market thithiLag, unttl tbe Iltth Ulf .IIILY, 1955. CELLS 7ir.IOI3ISP7PARB,i JpU:td". -• Beeettling Beg hum 4 ~VOODWiLUEMin'f 4 I 3 2, brioZIVZ3= l ANT`l6 °2 llotall j u I ttOne Modred INS deep. itresitaa st , tarse 22 the notice. , .; , B. UUTHIBEST & SO N • jrn" ' yuettec . street.; COLEIGNMEIT9 - 7 - sad for nip cheap, br , . • -'• Jyl7 . - VOIOrr & 00, 4D rzarisiwre." r& FARM FOR aux. The ratasetiber antra LUDWIOS lAithl for gale, the plaWs on which hs settles, was Grecs& Tide Property la well li - nown u ea" of the meet beantinsl, productive sad valuable la Penswilvw --- - TIMM - WILL A. STOKE& ZARTIFUL 1,2_ CATION FOR A PRIVATE .mltal AN* Oontahthig Flve and One-Fourth dares, In Pitt townetdp, a few Wantes vela from the line of the Mine n lalle Passenger Itallrosd. For partisulars Inquire of O. H. TOWER, iY 22 No. 164 Fourth street. 83 MARKET STREET. J. P. CARNAHAN & 00., DEALERS 111 BOOTS AND SHOES. Sewed, Netted and Pegged Soots, Shan and Bal. moo". for Ladi, a, Galati, Ben, Toddle, Mined ana Otaldren. Treat additions are made every creek to our Stock, and "Small Peon , . and Quick Returns" Is our gram at ulna& Prompt and careful atten tion given to orders. Mamas IMO. RETRY W. D. RETRY V. HOLLYLN tarLL BELLE STEEL WORMS. RErgga & co.. Manufaataten of OAST STEEL& SPRING, PLOW ..ad BLISTER STERIA SPRINGS, AL LES, CROWBARS, as Air oAlee, Pro. IXI NAPES STREET (np stairs PITTSfIVbGR, PA. Jim BAI3B & BELLS— Dartslns, Nspkios, Doylies, Damasks, Lances., Stemlion Jv22 21 FIFTH 81RE ET DEMITT QUARTZIIIILADTZ.I. Gn nifl OTTIOS, PIISSISIMIE, Pa., July 21,1986. pANTURE WANTED.—Bealed Propo aaL out t eceirea at this °Moe until 12 orsioatt M., JULY 26th, 1806, for Pasturing 1,003 Us ILK* Mnies tot as unit cited period. Buis must state the nonce pm. head, sad the con dition of the pacing an/ rarer, and how many can be cared for, and the distance from the atty. Proposats to be marked Dropoaals for Pas. term , .aad andreutd to therroulersignmi. O. CROSS, Jy22idu Lieut. 001. and Deputy Q. M. G. 'FOR CLOAKS, "I BATES FOE SHAWLS, DATER t HELPS .FOll BBIBBOIDEEED °OBTAINS. 1722 BATES 4 BELL'S. SELECTION OY Valuable Medical Books, FROIK THE STOOK OF DAVIS, CLARKS CO., 98 'VP c. ci ES z- c, ait °roes' Sergery, 2 large vols., leather : 615 co Dunglinson's Medical Dictionary, reviled 6 75 Ora, AnatomY, 1 Urge vol : : 700 Oondie on Massey or Children : : 600 Miller's Principles of Surgery : 3 16 Miller's Prattles a 70 Hamilton on Frattnres and Dlslotatlans 00 Wilson's Human Anatomy 03 Beasley's Book of Prescriptions : e 00 Tanner's Practice of Mediu= 50 Pirthih's Practical Pharmacy : : 600 Tamer's Memoranda of Poisons : : ao Pocket Anatomist : 76 Wyeth's Pocket Dm. Book .• : 103 Pereira's Packet Prescription Book : LIBERAL DISCOVIIITS to PIIYSICIMIS J 723 NEW DERIES-OCTAVO FORM. THE LEGAL JOURNAL REAL ESTATE AND MUM REPORTER Vol. I—No. I—New Series—Octavo Norm 1 9 e be baud Wednesday, July Mb. THOS. Z. HEENAN 69 PIETU sr., MASONIC HALL. To be published Weekly with Report. of Oases. Syllabi of Supreme °aura Dacialons, Acta of AJ. embly, Hecoider's Lists, Table of Short:re Sales, mad of Letter. Issued by ctu Register, and other matter of Interest to the Lawless and others • • OH 50 per snnnm Specimen Captors tree. (Au or wad for a copy. jrn It S END THE WEEKLY GAZETTE O. YOUR FRIENDS. It tontalta Interesting Correspowlesor from Richmond, Harrisburg, "Vra shingt,ons Bealdea • lame variety of othu '•amble Rea** I fir To be had at tie catutter, la wrapper...4:s PRIOE: FIVE CENTS. irmitmes lETROLIA MACHINE WORII.B. U. EL LZOICT, IlLanufzeiurer of tif, Usk.. Grated Patent Improved OIL WELL TOOLS. SANSOM POST, AND WALKING BEAM IRONS, and all FIXTURES USED IN SINK ING 011. AND BALT WELLS, Noe. 311 and 114 OHIO STREET, on 'the upper route of the Han &tete/ Purenger Rallwity. P.O. Address, Box It /ILLEGILENT, PA. Particular attention is invited to his late La provements In Jars And Joints, all made of tno purest Sligo and Low Moor Iron, hammered presely for them. All parts warranted and made to standard sites i the pins and sockets of any one eet fltting any ether of his manufactUre having the same number. Steam Engines sad Machine Work mods ta ord. r. We lnrttsthe public to call and &lamina, and Judge for themselves I and we challenge equality el workmanship and crompoti tlon.' Send for Card and Olrettler. jyttumnen UOUPONE. 1 CIOUPOI.4 B I EAT, ezprannza. • NOVERIBER, JILINVAIIT COUPONS BOUGHT er Highest Market Rates, Robizir3on McLean & Co. j,201..1 FRUIT CANS, FRUIT OANS, SEALING WAX, SEALING WAIL, PBEREBITING }M=L)2Ei, A general amsortment of useful *emu rtilarusannt GOODS, at GEOE,GE W. HUBLEY'B, jizawtt:l /ED gTiLZEr. AWlttiany. FOR . SALE bonus atlba JiMlgair_ GAZETTE 0111170 E. "ONBIGII3I.ENTI3. ' ' ' skboxes rnes4 Peoeileay to Ilamb so do,: at= • • '•' 4_c • s reeelvecind for sale a t Liberty attest. ' • xrifi- , POTTEREAPEriIa tiwzAztp, irE Fr a D r Eft TI rE.n EArrs iiiitIELECT AND COMMON ootivotio or THE OM or PITTS. HVEGE. Grorressrear: The eadeteigned Oombtftteejap.. lath to milt the accoamt• of the Gnarllaza of M1LF441.. t 9l Vh' i r 'l4° ' t e pen end sous ers, w ey have ;melt • y correct end satisfactory; and herewith submit • _gkelemens,ll;_keppdaased form of receipts and ex penditures for the year eliding 'Fattier ist, NEL • • T. R rechtiLLAN. WM. A. TOMLINSON, JOHN' MIMI/N. • Ptttobnrgh, Juno-la, 1011. Account of Huardlani of the Poor of the City of Pittsburgh, from February I, 1554, to February 1E53 : 115111. Fehroulf 1, to balarne In hands of Treas. urer 41,945 TS To Minim Elehbaum, collector of taxes is,sso To Hoard of Beelth, rent.....—....—. 3uo To Oaleb6l2 to To Fires 495 90 To Poor Hi rise Lots 1,089 18 To sundry poisons and districts 861 02 To hey, horse, Iron safe, sale TM 00 130,01.3a6 08. By amount paid for giocerless 2,196 25 boar 1,777 OD o ° dry goods., 2 130 68 o ° coal 1,156 80 besf 1,564 60 11 ° tangs and 104410/000184 08 11. . oboes and leacher... 481 04 bills payable 2,003 00 paid chaplain at alms house. YID 00 1 f•rwer 321 10 •• " baker 184 01 phyalcbum. 1,064 17 " matron 160 00 1 . I uperintendent 525 00 .' superintendent amine • department 013 00 By amour 1 paid Western Penasuvania Ilospital .457 83 By n mon.t paid hardware b on:tem:lavers 143 48 B% nutdsor 041 1 4,724 78 B• 'Wary of Secretary IMO 00 11, unwed expenses 170 OD i. OBOE 1001. 290 10 51 ournisting we In vault 20 00 55 stove plats 14 10 By freights and passage B at By D'Uniblng 1177 78 By krielm for sewer .._ 42 00 Ily legal advice 20 OD By water cooler 5 00 By semen. 87 50 By lumber 664 12 By corocotor work 168 51 By castings 27 By atatlonery 7 25 By Apotittni et alma booze. 84 84 By brim. 76 Oz . . By plumbing...._ _4 90 07 By ell cloth ... 233 IA By hnwhes..... 14 50 by loghtning rod. ... __.— U 10 Bycoal buckets. --- ......... ... Fr MI By barna'. _.69 21 By cider press nod wheelb;r7aw„_.... 73 76 BY blackamithleg _......... ID 90 By Mtwara BZ Bur dry I , Is paid 111 January, 1 . 8 - 411 Bili of a Teat, 8117 CO Orate bars, 10 00 Tinware, 16 86 00.1 for office, 24 06 One grain cradle. 4 Oa Plates tor I love, 4 02-8170 63 Sundry bins paid is February, 1864- Inaurance, $lO3 03 Coal for cony poor, al 00 eights on railroad, a 26 Bledow glass, 4(0 Lamp chimneys, ho., 7 00 Freights on railroad,l7 26-1242 42 eundry blll. pold to March, 1564- Plasterlag vault, 11 II 75 Clover and timothy seed. .72 00 Trimming gl ape vines, 150 Bill of rope, I 29 Bill of water crackers, 4 62—; 38 21 Blindry blll. prod In April. 1864- Chain for elaff, $ 696 this .kl2' for alms berme, 40 00 BM of plough points, 2 00 Fifty bushel, wheat, 65 7'o P.avr, ritwptlf si'Z'IMT,IIIBB4- 4 00-4117 00 Bewing Cotton and threar, I 1 25 Ons calf akin, l2 Ono clothe, wringer, 7 03 Pencil.. 1 40 BU I of lime, 10 00 Bill 61 cement. 1 50 11111 of lime 5 OD-, 00 07 Sundry bills paid In June, 1564 Water at d sugar crackers, 6 4 00 One plough, II 00 Una book ease, 0 CO-1 gl CO Sundry bills gold In July, 1864 Paid Allegheny 01 1 7, 1 6 67 One humbel of malt, 1 00 Shoe findings, 1 64 . Stove pipe, Pair 01 mules, 4 554, 0 n o.—plat 64 Sundry bills paid In August, 1864 Futeeription to Morning Peet, $ 700 Whitewashing, 66 10 Lightning rods, IS t 5 0= for ti 4. Farm s 10 9, 00- -6141 45 Sundry bWa pall In neptember, 1884— Stove lininn• $ 7 al Tinware, 7 05 Vinegar, 6 SO nu rad, 1 DO Exp's to Philadelphia and Media, SO CO Stonsware, to 60-6 61 15 Sundry billn paid in October, 1561 V7lndow alms, 1 6 10 Fount thread, I On Ire lor, . Mc., It aa Bill far threshing grain, 15 21 Bill for barrels, 1240-4 68 91 • Publisher. Sundry bills paid In November, 1854 ••- - •• Lard 01., $ 3 80 Vranken, 4 84 Bill of taskets, patent thread, an:, 8 m Insurance, 73 60' Otoocrirs. 4 813 Urines .ringer and rolls, to 46-4111 54 Sundry bills paid In Beeember, L 564— Oysters, $ 750 floe shorn, o 00 Candies for child:am 5 50 Freight on meat, 5 IV Burner, chininey• and wick. 1 00--3 07 70 Ba,!ance on hazel, /IMPORT OF INMATES AT PITTSBURGH ALMS HUUSE FOR THE YEAR 1884. Amount of Melee reeteLelhe Feb. I, 1884, 11l Am cunt of Melee received eartav the ver, ISO Left, 60 mo,r, SO IS Taken i 7 oreer, I Tate a by mother, to Takeo by tattier, a Takes by cburcb, 4 Discharged, 3-1311 108 A tr.oant of Female/ remaining Pb.e 1,1804, 101 Amount received dungy the year, IS2 Eloped, Dien, Taken by delight., 7 /At. by =otter, Taken by coder, Takeo by fatter, Taken by awe.. Taken by husaand, Taken by Met. %allergen, Total remaining Feb. 11856, — , 212 @SCALP Irm.anoa. Mem Ileurann..--_,...ta 109 Fertud... Sane. Ibe Committee appointed by Councils to suet the aster:its of the Guardian of the Poor. at toe ir.vitatipu of George Fortune, Eaq., Secretary of the Board visited the etty Farm, pad are pleased tc report that they lotted the game In the best pos. stile sonditioa to all its ditrerent departments, sad the weals of the inmates carefully attotded to, and everything done to make them comfortabla. The Building., Farm Stock, h e.. chow the close attention paid to them by the Guanitatus, under the superintendence of Ur. Bullock, who is ably lotsisted by Mrs. Derrickson and Miss MaKelvy, of the Sane, /did Mr. McElroy, 01 the insane Depart meet. As a we think the city of Pittsbnigh In greatly Indebted to Ulm. Fettling Esq., who has an tong and stay ODIN the ogles of Becretsiry, and for the interest and attention which he gives to the wants of ell applicants and inmates of the histitution. T. B. idokill.LAW, jrztatd WOL A. TO.ILLiNSON. 0/P7LCH Dr eov IJOYMMAIIT oc BIIIIMISTILINOZ, osoir, D. 0., July 16, 1.866. 4 A FOR FLOUR.—SEA D P ROPOSALS PROPOSALS are Invited until July Tinh, ISM atiSoNilock M., for furnishing the Subalstence Department with tor. R THOUSAND (I,an) BULB. OF FLOUR. Tbe proposals wfll be for what is known at this Depot as Noe. 1,1 and 3, nod bids will be entertain. el for any quantity less than the whole. Bids must be In duplicate, and for each grade on separate sheets of paper. The delivery of the Flour to commence within Ore days from the Operdng of the bight, and must be &Dread in such quantitlee, daily, as the Gus• errmeatm ay direct, either at the Government waits home In Ger= tt . te l ie wharves or railroad de ge!ell W very of all l'lour awarded to be complet d within twenty day* from the an:septum* of the he Bids will be received for Flour to be delivered In new, oak barrels, head lined. Payment will be made In such funds as the Gov eminent may have for disbursement. The usual Government Inspection will be made just before the Flour Is received, and none will be accepted which Is not freak ground, and of a sopa dor quality. An oath of allegiance must accompany the bid of each bidder who hm not the oath on 111. in this oftlce, and no bid will be entertained from parties who Imm previously failed to comply with their bide, or from bidders not present to respond. Government reserves the eight to micet any bid foe any cause. Bids to be address'sd to the undersigned, at No, 626 G street, endorsed "Proposals for Flour." 1y11314 E. T. BRIDGES, Capt. 0. S. V. B°°gß9 BOOKS 1 ROOM'S Domes' to Lite In Palestine. Tioterts end other Ponta Dlothu of The Wesley". tieller's Selena of Language, 2d pert.l The aohenbere.Ootta Family: A Youth's 12istor7 of the Rebehlen. Roan Amorrthe Gospel'. GentumPopular Tate& Adam. Papers for Thooslital Gine. photousph 4.lhams,srholuele Preur i la r baat Osads. ER" Smith's Amen a Ink. IPtak d erahOldera • ids J. L. READ. 18 Fourth Street • LEASE& OIL. LEASES • ea be bed on the moot titersble tenet n ie4 e tourer deepens, on &MeV Creek:ear the low., "tog wall' ,O.earnell 'muter kee week' by the Standard 011 Volopalmor Pilleknekli: Aloplyte • Jess MEL & &&447. WOrloe .r# Ilf^ - .4D PER T/S E.RIE.VT p 8 URO.NCE. CASE INSURANCE CO ANY Of_PittsbutglA. OFFICI3. 5'7 FOURTH STREET, BURKE'S BUILDING. ISAAC H. PENNOCK, President. JOKE F.JENNINGS,EtcOPresIdent, TI/011AS OBAJZAZI, Secretary. CAPT. R. J. GRACE, Agent, (late V. S. Lugreotor of Steamers.) INSEBES AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE Insareettamboats and Cargoes. 011 ht. transit per rail to Philadelphia, New Y gii , tilesned on fnrared " trur mostiovorsble terms, ISWe j . PEN l Mlc ii, tre . aldent. JO DZILBOTORS ri044 3 11. 1 71n5 . , John Stevenson, Wm. U. Forsyth, I Daniel W Ale:nod= Chambers, lestanol p ETROI BUM PUBLICATIONS L TILE O , L EMIL/NS UP PENMSYLVAIII,4 With mop sod Omuta; evo. Cloth, %WO. EMT'S GAMOW:6 MAP OF VENAMO CO, OIL AMIGA'S, stowing (arm., sections, township, etc., eta. 0.0). RONT , S IMPROVED MAP OP WARREN Cu.. PA., uniform with Map of Veanngo CM Re gions. WO. IT. RUNT'S MAP OF WEST VIRGINIA AND 01.110. UN, V. DIA.GRA.RI REOLSTEII FOR OIL WELLS. IR CO. VI. OIL LEASES—two Idnets. 10 ends. THE NAT'CINIeL PETROLEUM TIMES, pub lished weekly-10 seines, stt 00 per annum JOHN P. HUNT, Pub! isher, I=l /lir Sent by niturn post on receipt of prise. .421 lyi'v ELLINGt3 FOR SALE IN ALLEGHENY CITY I Ina •uthortted to -sell, on REASONABLE TEN NI 1, 11l thole Dezirable and Convenient Dwellings, Stttioted to the Nnitheoste_tly comer Of ANDES DUN bTELEkT AND EWER AVENUE They are bui!t, and to good repair. To the oapitanst, seeking a Safe avid Desirable Mareffinent, Or to any In want of • Comfortable Home, AN OPPORTIINTr/ 18 HERE OFFERED Further particulars, on application to S. S. BRYAN, Broiler, No. 59 Fourth street, (Burka's BrulAts.g.) INVITING PROPOSALS FOR THE PURCHASE OF TWENTY-THREE ILI:W -HERE GOVERNMENT MULES. Quairrgasourrita GairsitaVe Griner, W .411111302011, D. U. July le. 1152. SEALED PROPOSALS be readied at L. office until 12 PL., TUESDAY. August 1, 1.865, for the prot chess of SOW MULES, la lota of dB! an ore huodred eaide, at the places named below, slat HARRISBURG, Pa., 11 lots, 60 each.. I each. wiLatortrivs, Del., lotao ta,,loo SO each. Do. 2 lota 100 each. WASHLISGTOS, D. 0., e lots , , 60 each. . lots enth. PITTSBURGH, PA., 4 lota 60 each.. Do, 1 lot, 100 eaeti. There mules • Dl be put aside, each lot by Itsel4 and will to Dee for the Inspection of bidders, at the plower named respectlrely, for ter days prior to August 1. Many of them were bought to the beVraling of the war as young mules, acwonnamed tae aimleo In all their marches and map, and are thorocurnly biosen, hardened by exercise, gentle and rantlller from being se long surrounded by the soldier& Though mind and rrieetable_ they are no linger required lin the army, and win neer re obtained as far ess than their true value. The supoesaltil bidders .111 be, =tilled in person or by telegraph, and required to receive the es& mats on or Delon August 1,1865. ThU oboe psterres to Wen the right to reject &Heads Met may be altered. Proposals should be addressed to the undersign ed,ules." and marked "Proposals for the Purchans of M Payment read be inepa la Goveniment Nadi at the time of delivery. By order of Me Quarter - muter General. JA.Blat. ERIN, Brevet hi chug., 1311 =D11 Q. Zit G. O. SALE OF HARNESS AND SADDLES. OnIXT QII•ETZSZEASTLII 9 B °MOS, DENA or Weearnoros, WAginneot ow, D. July T. 11 M. Then Is on heed at thle depot, for eale, about le,ooo eels of t/elted States liarnw% constatlng of lir Slagle sets of Wed horse " wheel SAO) lend onto " 11,411 " wheel " EiiSMREZEM;;Z:I This heroin has been used In the public , mils% bet IN null eerviceable for road and laradrug par. News. Oesled propeesle are invited far De put have, to lola 01 too sere and upwards. PTOpozala must plainly elate what bled of har es., le old cor, whether wheel or lead, mule or h0,..;_ end for Imbalance harness, whether wheel or Iced. Proposal., Cr. also invited for the purchase of several thousand .ern Saddles of venous patterns, In tots of MO and upwards. Samples of harness and &addles can be wee at the Government ELM, fn tbti etty. on application to Colonel Charles H. Tompkins, A. Q M., comer of Twenty-second and 0 rUeeta. Proposals for the poretame of this harness. Am, a 111 be received at this odice until 11 M. 11.TES DAY. Awed I little, and should be endorsed "Pro poufs for the Purchase of Hamm," be. Payment, al Governmest funds, most be made t er , t d i e hb v e iter f pgfore of the proposal and prior to The undersignedreserves the tight to reject all ;appose's which may be eonsidored too lotv. The sale of harness at public auction advertised June 17 is discontinued. Tha sale 01 wagons and main Is still going on, from day to day. Purchasers are Invited to attend. D. FL RUCKER, }Dena Major Gan. and Qynartermarter. JylOrtFrio ROBJEULY one W. P. BITHRAT, President. J. IL LYlLY,Seatotegy and Treasurer. The Oampany Ccotta In fee simple • farm contain. eightyeeven Mtn and fortyidve perches, tear ted on Brinier% Ilan (a tributary to Cherry Runj and lymg between Chewy Bon and CU Creek.. Twenty-eight levee bay. already been made to responsible parties, among whom wlll be found the names of some of the aided cad wet eticcergra orperrsters on the elicit. The entire twist will accommodate-Wolin:s to ISO walla. This farm Is surrounded by roar id the most celetirelsolea producing farms. on 011 Creek and Cherry Bun, and le to close proximity to the "Reed" and iibloostattin Webb and about one mile from the Walnut Bend Welk The Company offers a limited number of shares at the subscription price, SEVENTY-F VE CENTS PER SHARE. Mope of the property, together with an Worms tion regrading the property and organization of the Cosa any ten be obtained at the °thee of STEM, en MULLET. /WOW; inyfelf wrixiss HALL. tsil: 4 ' 4-0 1r4:fAl ION" ztO ; W 11.111216 BALL, The Bankers end Brokers Board having adopted the following RATES OF COMMISSION we will be governed thereby from thts date, bloats selling at is ern under, 2 canto parthare. do. do. /f 9 and up WON 1 neat. do. tho gab do. EA Tod p sidim do. ' do. COD and -oven ,tt all per cent. PirEISIAPAIIAKA, (BLOOD CURE.)- -.A A moat remarkable article and positive cure for SOBOYOLA, RHEUMATISIkt,_NEOBAL OM, DYSPEPSIA, ITCH,,PHISPLYA end e dieresis of the SKIN. AS Iv Tonto, 11-nreives the appetite, perfects d gull= and wholly restores the physical strength lad It new but a trial to prows to virtual, For eats br anscos JOHNSTON, Druggist. JeP emir Samaras saa Raft streets. HADLY & 800K8103110U9811, s! , uIMPADTI7B2IIB OP zitiirmaturo azzas 160 PEDIIIR.AL STREET. SIXTY FEET. FRONT ON GRUM sTRKET. br near dak, forty fait from th e earner of alith rtrem, got b ta OtITUBM4:SII' pIOKLES I PICKLES I -PICEMES zo :Ws Itifter ffo: - I,o3operior - Brava. for We b 7 • - !II,ALSLZT ft PAN GORDEN jy: I.lb:rty street, win PIGS BOW GALSINA LEAD ; 'Mr" ‘e bra* '. • B.VaiaLLA /WKS 4.4711 Z 14.4 KELM UffMI:D VrAM Mtn MOIL BEL CIRO of Wood BIM and Del Alloy 'lsom. AGENT cw THE EMT= STATES anagrZOUL AGENT of Jay Ociobah U. 15.£4mal tor MD Bab Os Loam, POPULAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE, Only Loan in the hlarh‘A Samuel alalTrackno, Jaka WU, Thomna Donnelly. EL W. Maw, Jr, El. H. Hartman. D. B. 6-20 SIX PER 6ENI J. B. LWINGSTON. Cadger m 2 011 TE 3 SECOND NATIONAL BANK, Of Pittsburgh. Corner of Bind and Liberty Streets, Bipedal Age:deaf Jay CkoOke for Us sale of NEW SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. absorbed ' et the Le of Ge Peindt7vtoMionsli and te day. These bonds bear an interest of Two CJeforltal Zr . e 'Day each hundred dollars, and ws convertible at met* , rity Into V. S. Five-Twenty Six Par Cant prew! Bearing Benda. Full roixonlealana Wilt be: allowed to geniis, Bankers, and Beakers, who parches° for Malec C. EL BIGGS. Canhier =Tomo TH 2 EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANKi .0 f Pittsburgh. Mattered by they Capital. !Organized under Stated Pa., 1816.1 sl,ooo,ooo.:Natn'l Law 1865 This Bank has been designated DEPOSITARY or ran United States Treasury, sod appointed spat for the sale of the 7.430 is 10, . Evet7will be offered to Inseam co per. ties purchash4 for mule. MuaaaY, 0152110 C. uralf W 011THYPNOTICH. The celebrated Wheeler & Wilson' SEIM° MACHINE was awarded the ant prise—• large Wirer medal—at the Laterite:lolml Show, held I at I tettiti, Prussia, a few weeks Mum, .‘as the best sraaing maaldne for all ern 41, try burposea."—Haut Joisnuth Jams MC/a.: THE 19111.111511 k WILSON Lock. Stitch Sewing Machines,, recetred the highest premiums at the great Intarsatioltal N, Sagland - • WM, AMICINI3BURG Prusala 1967, where all the Sewing Machines of Emope sad America were ineoni_betitlon. Wholesale and Retail Sales Room, No. 27 Fifth Street; Pittsburgh I . • E. P. CABPEM'EB, Jetai • Sole agent. ONLY S 6 Clerre. COMPLETE YOUR VOLVM I HARPERS' MAGAZINES. ATLANTIC MONTHLY. OUDEY'S LADY'S BOO& and A 1! Other Magazines Como early, before they are all gone, at PITIOCKS, JFg OPPOSTTS THE POST 0171179. VULCAN COAL YARD, ROBERT DALZE GE. one &Omahas hlaehlrue 'Shop of the Fltta• beret, and Oonaellasilla Sattranal Company, Bed Youghiogheny Family Coal end Nal Coal ALWAYS ON unarm COAL DELIVERED AT SHORT NOTICI reaps year orders at THE Cl/1710331 d i d WU, SONS ra 00.. Boas Street, oa al THE GAZEITTL OFFICE, Fifth street. Jenant CURLING cmust Mme. Demoreses, Curling Cream, For rizi.gb.ung allesneuyiniTu E EL LIR' Cut be protnazed at the RUM & SLACK, Iwo cd howls largo soliortommt of MOWING MAOffINES. =mammai ram6Egs. Straw eiters,Seyers and HaLliakes, AT ifo. 28 and 30 0810 8710 Fr, , 79rINA'n1 A Second-band Itoftwair Eprth g Wagon for sale client., at ?to -tt q z t t Etrzu STREET' yte:lmdiaix 110T/04—I RESPECTFULLY hal +it riOI7NCIE to my Maas asul forma anstotaora Wall' dun tontinno to oayri_on the LITE= 1711lalaTABLNG' BllabliES% 41ilke abate tha old stand,' totatotly 000npled by Roilvta mill bo beppy to Native tbaystronaga to Ilberally bestowed on format occasions, and caw . * Amish LlTazy of all lildds cot the aborted notioat, ALLSOECEIT CRT .741701!Aira — rr" .::: , 2 " 3 " 44 ' Itotilirbkers 'audßiillWatelpits .....Mo,dUbcfnatiud„peld occipmatii -.WirOgrAilivnaiturs.kardirf 7-30 3Lean. 1311=1 GOLD EGBAILING BONDS. Bask Aumbene of PETERSON. LESLIE'S MONTHLY ARTRIIRS. DEMUREST. ONLY NS CENTEL ONLY 16 DENTS. ONLY 16 ()ENT& AN EXQUISITE POMADE, ozziTRAI. DELllCk'sroar, Career Clete sad gedrral .treat., la Market Hausa, 6lle gladly GEO. A. and Single Harness, =:EM INBLFRAIiO7 liannfactureo and Merchants EiStilt&N4 COTIPAINY, IFFICI34 WATER STBI BUILDING) a. a.• nI:4N - Ett President. J. W. CH410.1.211T. Vice Prettdeat. WM. P. JOliMg, Secretary. MIMES ADAM LOSS BY FIRS Insures Steam Bata and Cargoes. gym: JAMES L blur r:ITi , IA- E. W. F L. AINTEIL 1. JACOB SOWABSEi J. W. CLULLYA.Nr. ROBERT LEA, 1 ISAIAH DIO J. O. PESSILWO. , J , WIT.T.TAM Nir t atits M. W. WATSON, IV R. H. Buse/ilea,. L, B. MAAEOE i,. - JOHN WILBON, uorMitoul liNiter L WFATBEI.• imulaxot t• }MATZOS' PIE a SLUM ..;;; Insuranco Company, Offia.? COINER VW lAD PIES? UN, .' (one peopuneammi Bask.) Eacaaao o f# 6Y, President. DAVID E. P.Mit, The President ROBMT PLIDSOY, Secretary. Will Insure Ahninat all Ickeds FIRE AND !MEE RISKS. 1:0112M0112 B. 0. °BAY S. P JAMES BE% ;T. M. ELI.I I IL W. OLIN . JAME IL BERRY LLO ITARALES BILL. JOBN GR AFP JEILV P. 10111T1&_ N. J. MOLLY DALT. OBAWPOBA P. EL Bon. savatzad 'MURANO& t., i , EUREKA INSIMANCE COMPANY, Of Pitir#burgh. t ‘ 4 2, , ' • I Wens Cornet Wnter and Market-din g ..,- , -i , MAGALEIVA ITILLDIN(t.) ... 1-. J. H. ISHOZNIXIdIGLB.PreaIthmt. ..L W. H. NIELICH4Ovioe President.. - ROBRHTIIII3I#. Secretary. ~ wira.I2O3IIEB ati4srst Azi. UNDO ,V r t i MarineanaiFire Risks. , 1 , 1 - r'rai ! "3l .7. E. tHiGIENBEEGNEOW. H. NM= W. J. ANDERSO N 1.11. J. Azrazastiar,__ JAMES L HENN= ICL. W. BELTZHOOvint R. D. COCHRAN, J. A. OLIIGHEY, K. T. LEECH, JA. ,! W. W. ALARTIN, LX. PENNOCK. . '' BYRON H. PADirTFISI i A. D.! Aura. 1327252mA iq JAMES BOWS, i2:f .9' t.,,, ZIANIZTAGTUEEB DY 2. ROVED BO L .ll RING TOOLS, Sinking Oil, SaltOad Other Wells No. ISO WO 4D STREET, prrrsanoty PA. Toole wannated sasd6f the very beet SLIGO AND LOW MOON nu*. WELL OORERS nmea at X.4:.l'.nz'orst Otlaab 1..x•10 ea. with mach sztieles u fie weaestary to end= .‘17=!db:,,1:14 viz 1101.11 s, - s l i s am L J t A TTIVIVAN, NIQUAS, AXES, 1 g Rope, Leather aftl Gum Belting, EATCRIETS, SAWS- • 9 8 A. REIS. WILENIaIV24 PLANES, LETELb, PirA/LS, tte. all at which I han*ixtgualv gam jelanalla ADDY & EWERN MUMlk . 4 l Untillna Gas and Steam Fitters, No. 165 WOD STREET, f•-• (oPpostrp FIRST ournwEr4 Pumps, HydnOts, Sheet Lead, LEAD PIPE, Ptg & BAR. LEAD. Plumbers' Mate4l3 in General. zussigrEzuEs Fitted lip in the Mpg Approved Style. TIMM lived :nua lead d copper. Howe* atteo water or cm orders promiely attended to. pa 114SILET, FARRIO & CIO., ••-• Jro. 16T Stnipyield Sired, I,X'SBI7ILGH, PA.. IILLMACITVAXII3 or Sheet Lead,lfLead Pipes ma. th. . Wholesale furalshist birdie for Plumbers , gala itals. Brats Goods for Wiser, Gas and'' SWAM. a Fion. Rao, /torr etthsa; as lama Fasters rata. li' Sao agouti for ititowles. and MUNSON Patent t teas Prap. wh.rtio soppltos a need loos felt by al ass , for a plualiktbst sall exhaust rap. dle and work and earCead eenalay srlituat atalllng too gnat ea sap-toss. Sir Orders satated. Wpm I . !‘GRICULTUR&L iI s II o N o RBYLVANI& The Pennsylvania Stattlpicalteril Sudety hold Ito E4tlon no IMPTEESHEIS 28%11%11, 28th and rOth 1 • As WILULISPOIit UMW° atm. Aoy Information destroV a balsams &dein malt, applications fbr p cob Usti or poPen,. or by members' of the Eicaraimeictrest b bbt tradendrued,crii:BOYD X, . • ._ A. .103.0XT8 LOXG4XIai, Serretur: • , • Nossumnaa, Kai jeffilbwroll gi.Es. : 17"1:11M ea Fonxitr dren, 11"4" f ili a, vO i tiPS of I. Wads. 48411.AN0„ , QUI and a m t ir .kerlpfloo of Jihmaalronahmor.... eoodif r a g wa x i nms eloy azd fafftW Kerr, - limmunicria.447. David Kerr, D ' .2sy. IL Tv: Juobitili AVOzcial• ellz ttg"' Limb Em. • :`. pm BAM-60039(t. 600.000 SHAVED` MR= t =cram. zmematzen.neir VIRE BRlCK.—Bot4lsle in iota, • Ifilurr oorastri t . . ;- t T