mtrimor itommug m ej 8 ,`A I r irEI MJI 4 Vg•WranNWS IMC3==IRIPEE..", Oto ."1 "R0NW, 4 4 1 . 1111 . 611:,°4! 111 uMws,.. hitt, on/Vacations, • ,i7sr"ll4lkril Vitli:11011111mv. 2 3 ;LAW:J.I Al if t: Q h 6 E .' " E . .4113239-1004. reflation. Abe Yet Atvai4Jkii4 lad tglEalifitiOrk3ilitOft. soliC Visitkkaimem D 4 xlUel*hl 'T,'Tlht*dr4ftver. • .3115h/trail "4.7rT., .....6 ,:. Cni. f ..a,Zl utlV,Mit' .4 4 7 =lol.= 180 fieao'QPOYtk' IlaL a ie tit i y Go,. gab= , , ".. . " Bkihma irslifikewßnieliisit of the ?redact today. He, howeirer. still keeps his room, and, 'attiring to the admen of hu las TranfV 3 rea C t i gaeve " WhitatutbiTh been taken by the Execntite on findings and sentences ;dello!, to...,Shodoespirators, and the Mat will sooktortunium& -.•••• —.4 ..,) • The hiptißer Alt 7priscinera eilardiargreEender: general ordersiNo4.o%kinmoit abriesi Atm! 'this! slibitelff*....llNindisoirp Gendial.,efildninect ati Muir .mtsdotad . . Wen recetrkliplo'llnlpc thlekinialtaltiCkdirgfr, ciaptabli I;looll2Sn teneata, 8,888; non.tonssioned officers 5,682; There Is the but authority ftir , Oontradlet4 the report that Charles J. Faulkner, of Virginia,' beentcsat Beadoned ft.- th e President. ,who-Isat ve Vac:mi.:ll/wefts° all, thUltioar s premature. . *Pied kfthet - pllpther of tgrventy , ilhint four. teemindlanlritzhe bare bees - hostile to the Halted flutes ti the late rebellion, are,..llow striketewaTtn Washington' with tile object' of ninths treaties of perpetual peace, and of being reinstated In thilighishial. toroaTts Which they forfeited by taking up arms In behalf of um in -4 mirstie-I.twiiii;Cioiiiiiiiilceirn -132tEt. ent•Orimada lx - rebentiypn bed a dome . Itmasue&P tbs. Calumblan „declaring that President Juarez, of well of America Intim of e posevenmea he evinced In de fence of the Independence and freedom of his country, and they regard his virtue and paid ' edam aseffeeding an example tektite lemblan youth. *The trecrechisopreetdis Colombian - portrait of raines be placed In the National Library of Bogota with a suitable Immirlon. One hundred patents Aware Maned by the .Cont. agslaner Orraleittdmi Monday. -; ~ U ei.A- .% ."i ° Gener a l Amur has Issnetten order - iilschare bg the nub inff ,2B talreurisily=nlA ' and '4 3 4 i ea 85414elleises raßlizezis, . ::' -• • . ,:. - Surgeon Babb. Starena,of th e Ist; Blizseeth /mum Jteyinm itt.thistelghbochpod, died today of ty phoi d fever. Ills - remain will be sent:to- 1 New Hampshire. ~. • ,K. '.f; ()... ~...- • -, • . • BANQUET.. TO. GENERii: STIFRIIAN. celfiralke if. niiltli:iii:Civisillic N• • . • DEATH OF DISTINGUISHED MEN. ItAiiivrizi, Julia,-:-.A iplenitla 61104 - via Film to gaJOr'. Voir. 4berman - at the Masonic y .-. Temple, on Monda evening. The General ad ,., ~. . dressed the meeting in. one of his happleet ef lOrte,ond dlaUngidebed military : and Aide ors lora contribute:l their camas : to the occasion.. . Independence was , appropriately celebrated yeeterd=efeir graced& - Dr. t.EThwadeliver edan' Colonel Munday, ci * siab for bringesAli: .r.' an ekquent Brooch in favor of the tom tit Gretral Bruin,: aOilsed - nein; Mirage, itiii laying of a heavier tariff on foreign manufactu rers, and holding the rebel States as territories unless th i er cae id t med the constitution entepding 4 suffrage and away slavery., -'.. . • ~ -. The co assembled in vast .throngs at Johneao's to trltieee the • maneuvers of the colored BO • , Everything; . Puna or grandly, the Vitali:lre of -the ocoasido • being only marred by far mew of sunatroke, • Gm. Liam has Gaped an order for the him dlaternaster ofr.ho entire army of the Ten- Hon. Nat. Wolfe died here on Monday, ant Hr. BerVIL Pilaw tiled thls moninori _ . _ CREEP MITRE CHARS CHIZAND Diveaqi. Genertal,ZOlPS•rtAlki 101! Ape LATEsT..,,DVICES FROM. SAVANNAH. Naw-Tonx, July 5 .--ChieLjnBtiee Chase and anghtef airi dpp the, st:;Hinholan Rotel list evening, &mild]] leave Ms evening for Provi dence, • . . pitches from all parts'of the country show that the .enniversary yesterday was observed wilth - skte*-Jnorn than ustual:,enthwelasurand • aWratences of detail. The steamer Nevada, with Savannah dates to the,„lat, has _arrived... The Savannah Streik! 'mammas the arrival thereof Porvisionel Governor Johnson. and his eordied_ neception by the people. The City column adopted resolutions of welcome. and requesting the Governor to- de liver In affirm, which request was cow:oiled sad the addreeir , " to be:delivered on the enrenturof tbelst '• ' The colored troops doing guard duty in the • city bare bee. relieved an heat to the interior. Judge Parsons, of the District PrOTOOL Conn, bad ordered certain pinperty, known as Kale's Wharf, to .beamdscated and.-sold, Luepke au thority returned 11 Colts former owner. - • TOE -€BLEBBATION AT ALBANY DIf3TINGIHMD .GENVCALS PEEBSNT Flags Presented to -11iirTheaki &Mum Ittly : s. - -Ainents the .- 411M14 =tied Femons present and participating p the celebra. ike yeaterdarwere (Arnie. Grant; Eilretrid; • Elebodeld; - Males,' Butterfield; Peek; lliebdts, ' =tree. Darla, Mulligan. Wool. Wallace. , Janee,itendall,- *ad Roberts. Vat. Grail arrived at Ift'iltho'cleck 'Nebular morn- • bg by a specbi train. was escorted to the rWdence of Gore:nor Fenton where the tither . inintruptentlemen and useles s party of civilians were In waiting to receive him. The hour hat thg arrived for the services in which the Genes. als were invited, the -party Item GovernorFori. lon's house was driven In A rt to the Wash. .I . ljee_parade ground under' the, escort' of the and the Yonne »+ Association her% iTiMg had btrloserectol roe %ea:elision two. bionareire long by one hundred in width, pro. - tided with seats for the thousand people. Ths apPearaneo Stair:meal Grant-upon the erfnd war the signal for hearty sheering,, and in res . penile he arose and hawed 'The asseisiblage. The tattered dap. of About one hundred nerk• bents were then fortielly presorted toile State. SHE HABEAS, -:CORPUS Release • , • • Orde r ed. of , Cos:Sena hgtAtoomA, theerstiouhabeis anus case today,l44; Taiiipsoi;•nh o Bar 'prone Copt of rennaylvenla,Jodetol the re lease of tleitzeno' andaelltnrof an optalon that thi that ef err PrOldentloAnsPand the -Intl of .hatisas corm toiaoly glyan to hhtt by .con ens &du tbinontinuanorof war, Via: hid hi the festivities of _the Fourth at Away. sad arrived of thia moral:kg. ao• vompaaled. hia , atas._ amm-mailiehied a we tine , aititat to .tieneral pro ceedeas tha eight o'clock ivaijobtriNtuusum thrAketatatzsot iiacooon t alas alga , I = iti eT 4 Glonanor -1.0 :71 4.thaleirailiitiNoU i ail rrojtb c= July xthank Rift lOU 4MP/0 billreltett Ito ,000. wamirmaisraggl :Foam or JIILY m raTiyoßK. Gr4)l, 10Vi1iO11 i 0 liar/ -91UNKI_O_NiAillausgoa 11 1 1 (640,0* liaying the Corniiiitene of the Sol dlers' 4.0411,114. ILOUENT OILITIOR Iit:ViERIL HOWARD. r - Now Tome. „Jay, 5.---The Beek annrt 'of our M t hsPendenti - iiii;Aiiiatie iirtLe !eclat New Yorkers coublgive to that:mansion-The military iiisitty bi*dety•flve regi-• • meats of infinatty,'insky tad artillery, accom psikieditYallirtikeotiandi;iked the greatest enthualatai along Menne of march.' The returtegfetherailthatia Ado* dation. I A dinner was given to the hish Brigade at sing,Halliamd the-wonadedisickzendirelk-sol f diem were entertataed at the depot, the city Is . eembitrime.tuittettettekutseprlee mid other plum ; decorated, and pn c murpriratib Inmg with fags and streamers, Th r il — a -- eigige streets were full of fair women and brave mem; and is Ilbeeteigif thellfeworhe squartiMidiither kmallthet:ekisedithe sarydn a I blase of glory. • -At Geigermilt the ltela r calibrated with great eatheetteehilatin , the,vbtaes. 'stone of the / Soldiers' Monument:was laki with - the most im i Wan' RIM At _angel' .0120 hundred i gdas w Bred by the bettenibti the Wait:tad, and at 10 o'clock in She morning the procession, headed. by Maj fie,ary, !Ted Nut the main (strdete Bier tbartirid the - eery. isserirthartd at a few minute, before II o'clock, where the =Them were.-miened •with-prayer--anda-4441-• cotmse by - thelleKate.lTylft. of thin , titylv Alter the reading of a letter from President I.lohattern regretting that Bittesa demised him of M aple - tabus : a • -hrti4 Oesellti attending .#6 Nl‘r leg of the center atone verb saphrmitect ?Ou: Gen. Howard, the orator of the ay,* then de livered em eloettenk mutton on the santliceepf prlNtd boldiers , "•wNehiliteielblleirderify• - lhe po em of the occasion,'Thoughts of the Time and I Piece," mitten and read by, Charles H. EtalphLe .:•.- t The exercises were concluded . TLEUFZEMBRITAI RUTH IRPROTING, An Iron-Clad for the Pacif% • I —. COAAPIAINTS7OFAMR TREATMENT'i NEw ToT44',ltfirl. ..!,7114.;TienliOWafildtsr• On Reoe. Bl 9rtit T Wbelatit.Pc t4K' kWanti hha *fair lief, , tobit ICAO, kranrikit,hia a ` feiettieitTio . • hseittiiiii ceetkifiriciViiiih ' 4 Thursday monalago... , -,.-,z, ~...- ••. : n^` .:. .1 — -Aft The Navy. than xesolved,to send an Ironclad gun of theft onadeack t pattegn to the Pacific, be has not dafided whichone of the four shall go. j , The troopannWait;Nalla the vicdnity/of Wash -1 1 ., blab= have been mianlntonsid their ecompliinti .of bad treatzuu_At r bl, the .Contelasades,..lor r a. month past.' nosh remaining - here declare that . they fared better ht. Mandl, dative. ere - cant, palace against Richmond, than. they have' done since being esagagmay - in ', eight of the 'Netletud ~ Capital. They also complain of not bang paid; in manyinetanem for six mouths, aad manifest much feeling on iriahrect. i • . grit - Ott / RAIISOA1) AOCIDENI' ' Feveith ; .ersous..lnjured. Btramo, dray s.—A.serions actident occurred to the President's car, yesterday evening about eight o'clock, at the Baltimore depot of the icatlerin:Ceatiat Hallam& , The train - 14)12144 Of engine s end the Presides:4. 4 a car; aid had jut arrived trod Gettpdrug, when, owing so a wisp:aced !mita. It ran Into the , end of a freight tram' Alining:lg.:on 81. - side tcadt.". Althorgb the speed of the train wag mach slackened" several party in the Yroddent'acar were injured. • Smug', =Ma ALlineter„ and C. 7. Hal pin, who read the DO= at the Gletreg.-cala hoiden; were were - Mrtnblint the rad. COL Slayton, of ille BM-Amu (kripa,:•7l.. - 7. Chew, of the State Department. lif.H. 3111 ton. of ttw.Ezen. utive Mansion, and L. r. CAMIII4, - Cor the New York Donn, were tllghtly' !Aldred. The Pr o dent's car was somewhat Injured bet not enough to .preseat it from. proceeding to Washlngtoe. The accident.wee the , rerair or- cateleorpu f on the part of the awltch tendon. illeyen.TldUrtyXonA "Sabserlptious. PIIIIIMALPMA, July 6.—Jay Cooke reports the aubecitslons to tome Baren.thlrty loan on the 4th-and alb bug.; the amount of $5,068,1500, Inclndigo the following: First Natkmalßankal NaTn 6 bwy $ 30,00 Q First National Bank of Bolton; V 0,000; def:Lbulatale, $140,600; C A. • Pleitaanl-Boaton;1100,000j Blase &Hetet, New B. o rk. 4l : so ,4 o oL,Yertnallye•dr,Co.. Now •rork, $125,000; First Bank of Galesburg'. $50,. 000; do ` Made* $lOO,OOlll Fourth National Bank °Ult. Lou's, 00,000; 'Franklin Nelleital Sank of Columima, $100.000; Benet:ll Hall Na tional Bank of Boston, s iop x ooo.. There Aran 3971 thalrldnal inbserlptionrs— ' ' • Sleek and Money Matters. . New 'roux; July. 5.-13Useit market opened quite thin ln aleares_on the street befere the regular board Wan] with considerable firmness. At the stock ex. cbazge, on _first call, Erie fell to MI. The bal ance of the HSI was &Wendorgendly betteraell• tealallf CilitrA BO* laland and Great. Western. At theisecond and butt boards the market remained Arm, with good demand. Government , Gold Bonds were: sotto the mr• Creme point of Monday but market generally steady. Then! la very.llttle activity le athletes lieoll3 stares. /done/ easy 71.111 general rite for call loans was L Per, cent, . The Fourth at aurer, Feature < —of the lebratida: Bum; ML, July s.—The celebration here yesterday' was a =east anicati4 thousands of paci. Fie were present-1n the:di,. ...The oration was delivered try Hon:-Hinzilbal - which was 'most able andelopeat, &novel testate of celebration - Ira an Indian • Iligetfa In - blrth ca noes with paddles. &stu:emu mite; and three beats. The canoe General Grant, won the first price. and Gemend second.. The time made °tithe flog - heat' Was - Serer ',Minutes and ,Lvrty-ilie soktnila,.and an fax mropa eight • ti ow You, July Qotd is firmer. Theban; continue their policy of holding gold offthe mar ket, end the bears have to barrow largely lat or der toistner their snorts The paymert of interest on gold in s "the . Traitor). has not yet yiellsly affected the mar . Coale gold b msd en 'day kigtts@m; per cent. is paid..l listen:it - Is , a strong one, - ssid - in understood to be Yery "yery iLe. cldedly committal to the purposeOf putting the premiums tout lout 45. Gold,ght ISOM. 'Affairs- iti Leah Now trausans, Jolt I.—elirrkd.AleasueGee.; oral ofLonlalans, bas,reslgned and goes North.-: st Nenneslx ' Leis beep reisatsded Su Itte Nnyno, •- Nola= writer to ;Governor -, Welis; throiigh the New Orleank - Thaes; offering bonds In the sum of 1300000 to repslt the letees from New Orleans ' to 'Ammans the, corning winter. ttlmir 10,000 Trtate laborers. - r _ " —No , sales of - moment. Gold • in-io 140. DOmestle exchange quiet at miens rates. `Si lailed—REToiililOriari 'Veteran* Bian3 T;Ma Tnly s.—The United States stew/ter Hoes. weans" ant Commander eatiedyestezday for the eastern coma of Manta, and will intim In • few days. - ' " Wllllanl , Elnrchens, at Penobscot, ,thoonly ni: maiming Tenrrint of theiterolutioa, ands res ident in New &shred, participated in the celebration yesterday at Banger. BL _mind rum*. clear and ZuffAsen.l4 - Notorious ;Guerrilli •)ittrested. r NomCiutruntArr, Julit-Adisintoistodbothurti., Labe* triekhAurnouncesthor the sotoriluis u rs Pato Verdi Ass be loud= td /Sid, j SkSO plow e/ /41/100 ateder-itti . o ==t7 l : s puL nu goalies Noskylilo dis .tt OW isulJoinuosi lotto. /iot of - tbs guertUls )(Mall slid a squad Ot outisirsi :with oriritytsit poet of itibitOptusly 'cipture:r.v , , •, • . .:,. 4 7 / 1 1 0V,WthAVInthutitt.: _ -- • iinrci r sitm, July 5 .--.ThililtantitatSU - a" , iibranilliers *Mawr. anthiunium- ;A l i pll7 th in ever wpose d inteminCtiglnii: Az= procession, com at the nallita ret stheitiennota afigleisa, Waite and at night th ere dile via a magnlncent Wi i t innrorni. , The innintilinismtr " -, iaCj . .. . _Tim PIA,* ' ' "Iti tk it A 4 4 7 * . git_lr4A g ali t i Ws t aws • :r:s:.'~tiC~3 ~. :- na+.... , fl~.'iG:iS:Y~!p' SI;;Mall "Governer Holden's 'administration_ of affairs in North Carolina aline not cagyit the political, too also at the cOnatnerchd.regetteraLlon Of the State. ":Hie .. . reat dialrels Glenda= efproaper ity to the Rode by the developtdent of les vast nommen. ProYpeopae ere tsWartr Of ON extant and variety of throe fin''Having no chief city for ,exportityp her pa:ducts, they have been heretofore - credited to o - Other - States - bY 'being car ried to the. markets - of Richmond, Petersburg, Norfolk' ' and ' Charleston. - ller climate - and soil ..enable her farmers to :...ectati vats u Nrith. ,,, sacceill:: - the - pectillar , pro ducts- (mom, -perhaps, cane sugar) of every &mein the ,Union, 'while ber ' mines of d i gold are superior ;to an" : Mist .-" df, . - Reeky Mountains; her copper, lead and ire* 'Afield' In iMportancelo,few, and slik bas e capacity 1 of becoming, thoregb MX itinit traterPow.: er and coal fields, a great - Manufacturing Mo uld-- . Her. elisions ueruPtless:Lor ore hundred. eutdllfty miles front theaeacoest, haye amellent. rn Co and cotton . lindi; her Midland ommtles pzp:, dike ebtioaantlj wheat'andtabieco; of her wes.' tern lands, besides grain, do.i - are 'biased th e finest stpek, end - rico and the cereals generally, and ell Negotiate ?are% cultivated success within within her borders ,- while her forests have hum., batotible supsalotof navalstormond Umber, "In order to expedite the business of northern emigratlonand thenceesel6ll- of .ndisbeni cap'. tali some Organ i zed pilaf hail ken • thouight ne ed's:9, :+na a - gametal - 14211: , and - emigration Buena, had lien authorized at Raleigh, underthomansternebtor Messrs. Battle, Heck, &Co., well known ,ellisens , of that Mate, Or- gatilsed'ifibits will;lberefore, at. omits is mado to inuodpce the and, _self-rellanl' and in- anal-item population of.the ;North: among :. the I - Nople of th at Mate. The riatitte 'are tteaerallt, desirous of extending the right hand of fellow ship to their. Northern brethren who may-dellllo to nettle among them. - Evan the Most titre are 'entirely Whiled with the experiment of seem;. slots and are imeate . the: pipe of 'peace and be friends again; 'while her Unio: i llnen—tt very large majority of the Btett--.are mu to secure loyalneighbors. Governor Holden. • for manifest:n*lone, looks On 4lieviteect *LS IV vor, and will bail the advent of loyal immigrants whb pr . , z:z , - -.', ..`41;•71.•'.-3 . ' • . bitmonutit Atm nra Pocg.-The /Mince- Malmo" eient Iderhibistr ei .eonrtof flomeovp i rerreled whh HIS HOIIEIOIII the'Ptipek &Ad VW Tindal ilfACCUlLlfittlellt yin the new "Empire." Zeseeent )te ff theyeer Prrnee Clog Tien. ;to oae , , nokey44 004441 of Ibicumnr whopepillazza beeediction he neeezded the throne.' 3.4ed0 ndlroads ban been consolidated ado; `end clasp and will Lair after WI iirfornt ,airdbe d =Wibaidt and Weston Company.„ These ylaw , antladoliKllne.llValiW464ol4ls,A E* 141110911.101.014 !W rtee"..: Is I , tt 10 ' r 1.. Vi ara lb i4 - tl l . with terzibizi..llffects..Benatkqe. Mai 0wt.404; , 130 kindred ,'Aac 7, 11.1,,z '4,3.1: ~,sl,ri,ra •,_'•; i'l :::1 =ZM Ink' : --. 7 , . .. ~ . .....,_ . ~, . . , ~. ' . ° U.f. :__. . ) ar.;.- . i:trwr? ,i, i LvAPZ,Nri 11;!.- r i ; anltk =MIME t , '.tFthutatom Carolina. Hirwmiza, N. C.. Ady,s.—lt .14 reportqk that the Ik:4y:tumult hkabourttintaker-Animudtant seanfeln tt, direml94 ot:ItoM - akolf4 It* mines. Reces tordeP inti% Genensteontolumain : oteenetal commitintot th - ht department lath the return lthottem . ' - There ts a great ruah of political sinners to Governor Holden for lollons. He has appoin / ten I : llitya- - lfvor of. Amhara. • , The Weather. MT. WAsirmoitter, July 6,—The thermometer at the TlP:teaTheastat g!".3l3thietecallartteteed , ,:.‘,:,. ' l ileirit *gttelltY• t , Goinitioilfilictiiiitt. Of iferinickian his late lepeech, makes the plaiting comma penes re. tuatiiiiifOii lie itikrOot of negro liglielltY .4 ,:. ~ i But thapaie tenibll frighteeed at whatstleray (ten egfoiWPA. ire% a hlWo ttitlntalra&te ion that subject. I don't know but they re ,angee f emends torn. They may have - puma tekbeiteme , • free negro is equal to them, and they may be afraid ofit. But I have been among free nevus all i WY ilfu, mid nevi` Mt' Illftbleillake thltßintaill• • I kr of which there fa so much fear In tertalis gnar -1 tem. And I believe the great body of the people Ihave no mum to,liefilihteme& on., paled. W But u Wert true, as- they-say, vastit is the Intention of a certain political party to use the second clause to brag about negro equality, it / world be leupposale• Ter Mira. 10 do Uptick,: !liana behave to Our add , relatins an diodi.fty regulates our social relations -not law. Society ;metope 11 ,-indeslivonusia WITS, yeurpeep. tisk to hi pe•Weg thr initiate of that 'charac t er, kit never can take place by any act of legal pro. Lew_eannek do/ti On. inw,munno ono. pith the social relation Wrong frpamltitomen. Oven. Men come together as / equals because of their 00edel ailluitlellusno taw - amen ant *halms ` :oLnature.p , Ifoo misfit, / Wave thowhiteman belongs to the superior race. Übe does, he will maintain his sold position about the negren . if not, he will Welk, had he can't kelpie- nun ,., _ !for. my own peeple and. brown iseer, lellesewir Abe two Cense in.,coafiletpand.-tbalano.kims -IProbYfor.tad.anatital.aentiment whlchmnder takes to depress oar own race in uteri° demos ,anotker.race,:;Ncy en*, principle as :hell Toyer r u nt im e ale conntry, so long re tho. V,:t race continue to go forward and goofron.lOs LI have done theennth pa* ages. LAppagarr. This thing of social equality,i day , t i y i all non:' sense:'. It Mallen:4 thrown out the same cleat of man velum mere aiming the of "co. r ercion" four years ago. It le simply' mat dog, :cry, an attempt to arouse the paaskers edam, and make them Posh madly. &marl, OVerthrerw itor their judgment and their reason, end lead- Floll!O their den pin and the ruin of,this court -Sre.44l4:atifitid i3o4 l 2ohtt 44. ttla ciajno: 1 6°11 fP t bt i k mEt4t- F a "T utotent .4° l ,,ilAlM Alratieihatitia; , : :: ..,' Jl,, `,.- I"mums onierilor''s ausesavr." .%,: : . But I ion met tetian - cali objection. dealt. er man soma i n gdgadtharad .1-have beard Is one of the pro rat pollittordlscusakm, with ,seine gentlemen. ' They come and appeal to the 'Pdddot the &We. Thar say, Sir. do yoreyoreln -tas to vote away natter' Woes PooPertf f. i Maly lite greal-Mmeol OR geOP l o_,b4retto DI laced. Whatever in ale pumarty. _.31 namaseee or 'Um people of gehattkr Lave no hiterorti ether 'present or ye. fe slavery, andueverited,' and never; Brd. they bailee manly ipride. and they - laave stood up ntiole it In' :ontintalninggoOd !kith towardthia. y In ithe beads of •their neighbors. Thal boring ,traues In Ms State have sacrifical their lei l vidual Intermit in order to , maintain the right of the alareawnent in Kintucky and other ?South- I era Striae. The laboring masses have been con. tented to give up the rich and fertile bads to the . slave owners, and to cultivate the low; narrow ' creek bottoms, and the unfruitful billsldea, and , sear their fernlike there, . .. . They have done anthill. And now an appeal to made to their manly pride, to ask them If a they Intend vote away another man ' s property. the man, willsout reflection. gays, no, I don't wish to take any man's property without corm peasedient. But, fellow.eshme% sower hur t that Tell him that when that property remain ed invite proper. place-while It was profitable amid beneficial to him, withoutbeing hurtful to • pm, you did not seek to disturb Its rairetkans. • When It witenot Suede the histriumenito prop*" i a struggle' for . the orerthrowof the Government, • you protected It with yonr-sufirage. Wale Ii remained In this condition, we were ever revs cad ever willing to make all the sactiaces 111 our power to protection. Now It. Is charmed. The conslderatkeks that - • formerly hared It round, eklagno longer, - libellant permitted that later. ' ' tii•to Involve my macurity. Yonitava permitted •It to threlderi my peace gad leppliwas. Vim sir, I ' bare bad a loved salon oldest 11011, that has been compelled to lee* me sad go far dawn Sena, to fight in' this ter rific atruggle, and ha now sleeps In • an untiely grave, upon the field of battle. .Im hire lest him on accouns trickent of you ne gro. I say you may go all over the land-4o to the poor and fricndjeeo, all over the slave States -go to that vaba wheresits the poor and sickly looking woman, with a brood of huh a children. almost famished, around her, and ask her where la her hnsband. lie is either in tba Southern army, or he sleeps his /at sheep upon the hullo. Ifield where he has gone down in death. The ~ poor woman ir left destitute. Everything is taken from her, and she Is metuallystirvag.' ! Why ht iti Thej have been stnqopng to stand mound maintain the *rights of• the siameholder.' There she is, with her (UAW Int beaten or.' thansge, Suffering and ktarving. The Strong eon that provided for her omit& Unborn Mims from her to. eiraggle for slareholdere property. Ask her if she Is willing to continue it longer, when it bast:wen stricken' down' and lest fool ever. If ahe irt a sandhi* woman she wi ll Say, No.. owe/ • Oh 11, ,I have nuffcred enough on account of It. Let me be delivered henceforth ; from the evils of each an institution as that, But they wry, "Wiltyou tekapropetty without compensation?" Why,. my dear Sir, don't you cdrolt that that property is dela:reed? Don't you know whether I vote for or against this armament• it will be paired anyhow', and 'Lavery Is gone?-oh, yea, he says, !knew all that. Then why is it that you ask me to stand ap for you, for those interests which you admit are gone, and not worth keeping? Why do you ask me to -eland, up for you:ln this contest? What is the objeet? What do You to accompliehr ?Pimply nothing' bet tan to the proems of 'orento - oppoddion:Awthe gov ernment of the country-is all' you propose to accomplish by It.. Thom is nothing, else in It. ~ ......—__ 71.-- Itatolgration to North Carolina. The NishinitiolveCortoiloailantof writes I PITTSBURGH i'. • • till - ANDSUBVIIBAN • 1 - ',- . i . ;A. Sold.lir .ltobbedhOtte:Hocle. _. ~.. ..,. - 1 i ' A resin Uy :disclunged. - ruddier • nantedvbair AT4ereya,..was robbed ottleo yetteidey morning by Ma uncle Rune - Aideriisl4 . -irid it was only by , ... , „,., , good Persona that*Hro monerrer veinisred, As; ... . . .. . !the nephew was.too drann 'to :take ltle , lonaneiv• jnincli aceonut. - "While olllerneitgaiiMaidAll . . ... _ .. ''were comlng.alongat the head er Flak e asel, M Person ;Lopped the* • and' waft , to' "StePh : 'who wasalandkur • near by, said that he had ji tcomddersiblesinunnt of nioney Intrne 4- 43.49;1 Kars Weaning to* , eePhew, and a‘td.ld 1 , 1 . e. t len Mii.be_wps ?A to keep ' ii, 18 , he - teal .Viki iThe eglsneatmeght Anderson down with them taile_i taldni from hint a hmulsoine reetlM i t ut of torildnieltdra rethri.the rata. . yaw:inlet 41-011ScliVilllyakaMoi , 0.024 ritphew,mhom he th at rrteor 'indhop.itlawnln . 43hep.", la d•rreettnwhlch.dlditot.beleeg totim, reached LaKliel 'in hit ietatPtchet and rtnaled.ont ii" , irontber.b! boils Idati Os the tat ildeliMicesofticetit •War &cairn* that the 1 iheetlehidiobtledthelleptletyos4oo. linfralptlyek loom tafreirolver. testa Mosta, the litter Ind items to a drunken: sdeep , ; l- HariCAndessesi.the I bmnager, - memed to have no other desire than to get tach.hts mon,. bat Havre Lowry would tot FA_ ~ ...We) V 0.49 erthecfrell - Withkett numbs t toltemtc: enett..Andenson was. marched and ot`the mossy. was redrormat, He wee then ttrij id for a hearing mtecart._, There Orme o be ,brd. link( doubt' tromthechmeoret,the we,Partter. titiCtlle eePhOell eeMAMMi det., ;nasty- la-no. better than ' th at of the uncle, ankh In Opputunlty was presented hint. • . - , . .... . . ~ ~ . . T.l l 4,Cfslelpi*oliz 51.06 ikeliiiiiithiiii.' In the bUrIT 0 7 0 2 4 1 0 INO'rielibtathaiV* p m . ObS.glaeSMfilielettiihi-derTtruriF.SWalig, ' ..- t 11 0, 144#.0.* 1 0t 00 11 ga....1:a il*ltlea'u • Jul gotta, td -- ulreumetalloin eatiiiiimE With e Alio* Of the';:laioters..dteht„ A . their mt. ilea diS 'on - Fifth atreet—Lwe refer .to , the "bad telling dellaMed trY J. 31:7,1Uriciatr* o; . L,' . litking the used Mr.' :X : . en behalf if he Iteims.- Huai; riairsed thankr to the an gatturbugfar the good order they had 1 bastard; and cui:liehalt of the :dams , two . I delred thanks to - these spaitleires 'lla..thrianada- hens display theY hid provided tor ..a celebratto* of the Fourth. Mx: 'litrkuttrlch,;resdi, a few general romarkilif keel; of the Ifouroodo4rtrini. ,whleh *err , -recelyed with rapturous applause. As then Witt 'mils a humorous strain to dam Falai a character; Who, - as- he' was a- parthrtdsi, frleadot.las,-,he -wished to lave 'chewed.' The" petson .wal an ltrtetente reakei,, , wham ha dew szlbedbr walla 'medial *iv ma to elide . muck s ft l 'U ler : f a la irz;ThrupnAlidad IV iliFtag , . t o tame. tits d a Pc yrNe.,_ _l l, ,Pitilena...toot lip to the tune 4i nukes moue," atuld . the , waatimatatle4ditattritAythostrowd. • Cintiageo4:7lillitiniiol/1 ; we woe had in entc,possiaskin for wine dayis yetst the facts Jii e linearidtemPtedripa on fthe,Pen*Ora wltherlady named Ure, Cethirine ivehittei eta Ili&b etre ithi'hy . t i tuypolmie_t ? :Owl - Nay Bums, .lanica PrillciandJaatei-pone;Tati buff knells., trained thorn Ifttbllghttig . thelphw Vie 10:1Fis that, the dieploalde anthem Of the outrage ought • 4 De imehendeir wad •Irought,vnalahtnent. 'Onset the Was &fumed ample. Of days ante, heumb . 6ttiets hue 'Ofobably tett the 'city., Kra. Mclntyre was sitting up In here:Ken, waiting for het brotherovholn the eiyected that, night, wheu,tto •,nitElans entered the me, Nit • 'she 1190CCedtlN drigtgtheta out ere they ao complithedthe designahatevidently hid r in -'11...5e btalteb mei all belong to the dLsrepa-' •table mg_ stytng themselves "Itudlarks,. of which Hume seems to be the leader. It Is to be hoped that all Bespeaks to this dastard/3 , act will be caught and full Justice meted •eet •to them Alleged Robbery bra Ililoween„ Cathirine Gold, of Robinson township, mein Information before 'Mayor Lawry yesterdiy, _charging a woman named Mrs. Emdine Brown and others with dealing's nuntber ,of articles , from bee Immse—a eufl4 an oyerenst, kaltoom, sad a drew. Weems Henna and 1 1 •' . .f 1 , 111 . rested NM 8., who 116e3111 by the Iri 4 ur be a 'regular tannage:4. as, she managed to Leave one 'of the oaken /ors du wimb‘d, whlle the. other, 'by persegegdilbsenrineUes, brought bar along rto the Mayor's °Zee. At ileum. lime a young 'girl by the tame of Gardner, who 'was livlng stith wallah° brought before the Row. ,This girl states that she saw Mrs. Brown carry ore bootie Levin the home. She wit bo retain. `alias:an !MN-elect wit/500AM Mayor navies sent .the ease up to mut. Mrs. Brown was' released - on giving bat/ In the cam o'lsoo for her appear iatger °blies - y-111e Dart with the Carpet Dag,: Some unknown person enteral the house of Mr. Herman Behr, on Washington street, ne‘r PenasTivania &Venue,: on Tuesday, while the family were out of town celebrating the Pm:rib, i l E r d p l et nring previously provided himself with a begylilled with U m , meat unable ant, es he amid pick trp, including silk dresses, ;after which he left with his booty. 8.7M9 par :Sons in the neighborhood, however, saw Mat, and giro a deaninfeei, which we publish for :the odhication of such as hare stolen goods of. ;forcd them for sale. Se is aboat Are feet seem !. inches In height, with a black mustache. and wean black pans and a tight cloth coat., It is tO be boleti that the man with the catpet bag may be apprehended, :and Ma Danish -- kkelsal. ties Incontlnetly Checked. • The Turners' Celebration. The German Turners had a grand procession no - nithe nosing of the Fourth, related by i Limber of Gariziaii singing socletles. We - no: 'tired la the procession the Dermal. and Lori . . Icy Aiming Sieletlea . of this silty, and ing: societies Allegheny and Birralngbrun. fritirias'or - thir ficrrenty-fourtli regiment also Joined In the prooeseko.. %ditch' armband "be. ttween seven and eight hundred men In ail. At ter parading through the , prioHallri pal . streets the party adjourned to Lafayette s pa otie addresses wary &Dread by.tho ohm Rey. Dr. id.' Walther Prot Neuffert and Stephen M. Ott, Esq. The atDdr was ably gotten up, and re. Accra touch mita upon our German feIIOIII,CM. A "Waif." A babe about two mouths old, Vainly ? dressed, end filed' up in such a , mire& ,on to represent 2 bundle, was deposited , on the Isteps Donne of Mr . J. ?Laney, 'Wooten* acetate, ' took of nights aka. Mr. Claney's wife being absent in the cometry,ho' felt retymuch like the man who bought the el. •ephant at 'suttee. A neighbor kindly Man , oared to take charge of the and untilthe Otter, :diens of the Poor should Juries, sad Mr. Chaney , I waa t h i s relieved of thh respsualhility. The :practice of leaving tender "waiti" on doorsteps that they may be charitably taken ta, stelae to be settles more and sore ;in rope. It 'vE t aeon be DOCCUSZI A3r oar Meld Lianas to koep a watch on their doorsteps, to keep off thole yetunweleome visitors. Larcistig ortfoney. Miner Culp'. yeaterday'arretted , James gain . ton, charmed with the larceny or 1 pocket:book containing $l6O from John Tagg, proprietor or - the Wirerly House, Diamond alley. The money was Weis frotoh trinak /A l i tt e r dgfillfi 1 / 1 !" t abienMr Of 111 1 ; Tagg on nion: dii ino person was in thehouse g the day, ex.. apt Ru1f1i0n.v40....11.11 binirder XrLTA‘g his very naturally attached suspicio n '. to him u the ; Shiat. The fact that igalnum give 4 1 np 9 tidolt ti t mil tb - pay a board bill yesterday morning. wtom Mr. Tagg knew ha ,had-mo . money .prerlouslf. normal° yerfry the stuipicion - of his guilt. No beffing,lum heat had-yet. ....Dr -aunt in 4aEL.--;-A WWI. , Vllllaut England; Abair sixty4lx 'years of ige„ from htenelleid;Ohle; *Dolmen wife 'and - lug hi that place, died' yesterday morning fa the_ Jail, • Ile had bad In oelaoti. /dog four , waaaa, and leaa animal alba lima homes put In., Con. oner Clawson held an.ingenst on the too,' and the Jallybyedeum, De. IlTandleak dated the jury that the deceased had boor reduced very low by dysentery; and Idler the Memo had been cbgakiedilafpas:itbined abikaapldly; The JO!, Arefd. lOt;Of 4mtlifrool natural SIMIJKILt it Bald on a Bagglo s -Cht ,Triesday evening a number of the pollOo nude a enemata] descent a:ou..bont-:o11.-.Ittae, 14 1-eaPauflaif somber of m o a n and lose ea' th ey eflonatewtooladthit oroarifeatear &rick/and. The letter was flnedl24 azatnests,' Indiathriteothewomi* by - 40 15 ataiOida: 41r 110: 1 1,f' hait::fli ~,Alltaiemeßtaarld,4ololl44. itc&Arompuor,loll Wlthittaa;: .l o4 • + 1 01‘; ketalflifie /Wei eilineefejiala ulna po”liieband. sonof aberlitne k Wag Itkahrdwhyot thiPl4:o4 . I r_ l o4 ) .:!l l .4 l ldisQt_sey_ll War a TZflar Or 11111" ! .thest*P!on!i F ,. *vitt VerCitlellA 14 . 1d ...M 1 4 1. ,t rionr iut i f Nit? k i r kt 04,41.. 4 1 :4 . 74 .. L • Book Bottom :' ---- 1 WUXI' I Saw on the Weser:Mist lef South and North America, and at the Hawaiian Wanda BY H. walls Batlei. At. H.,.l‘e* York.: ..1). ap ' piston a Company. Pittsburgh: Davie, Clarke h. Co.; pp. CM; octavo. ~.. 1 r Many books have bent Wilttinn'bn - thie irdklect, and It can hardly be ' ex that: much new matter can be furnisliadaie ' hi the ;Mee gifted • Writers. Dr. Baxley, hotra ;kat ptemliar fa , cillties for making observe ores_amid reolkictlllg . • fades As Special. Coro leder f th e untied. Statet4 he, ylatted, 7 10, MI 'pearalt3doi•ltitir, and i .$ ll ' itiiit Of ite4eit Milise-Of "America and wallet Islands . ; .and . when apkapeclally ocen .ed by the duties f iiis ' odstion, be availed i • ... • 'el the opportunity of collecting Inform 'Minor& to Chase ...., ' "" - 3 ' v . ." i' l• The • (tampion bf thteoyiefroin Newt Ito Arfinwall and thence across the Isthmus, al though frequeetly , vvetally. •-,plini9lpg an. 1 ,ii,ms ji4ttholars.ll7tollitueettadriarilvitesitfresethialeattha.'"we'sra• ar.oirioned. .sf. The eighth chapter of the work is devoted R thlz not very encouraging. There Is a de• I gree of sey whleb'isinpmdlingluid, lathe tiro% dn . b Ole lattlier;embtlaldty, so far, has 'bun a fallqaltt Lima, : 0121 =MwrilMbtlerntlt di to enterigkwrit gI A tical review of the work, nor weigh the state. •We Web" to Thole .who dealre•to l i.nftilite the taitte ll ftitdd'ifti Well - to pideita .e work, which contains more in regard to the . tern coast than any book of the kind that hue 1 •••-• a.under our notice. .'no tloirrateroa es TIM Bontaw Menus. By Ourkw Merlesle, BID., Fleeter of Lawfor.; Chaplain to the Speaker of the Rome of Com mons, and-aa tt le - ILO •• • under the Empire." New Tor : D. Appletoa IL Co. Pitteburgb: Davis, Clarke & Co. This work contains eight lectures delivered under the "Boyle begging?! Athe chaPelAkTfir. Whitehall, .In the yenr-1844). It.willbtreagme, !sought after by thuslogians, as well es those ;who take an Interest pi., the dlacuaidori Of the VitUiversitfl - betmein`..ChrikUmity'and In primitive times. The author starts out , h the meeting of the Boman Senate, B. C. 43, In the Temple of Concord, "to deßberste on the punishment due to the greatest of crimes, solltical and religion., thesacriligen bl k treason Catillne prirre the most &Variable am before Leann._ We estimate the daily production at abont8;000 barrels. :Of this, fitaolo product fully 2,000 barrels per day, - • • - - , Ytmendiaties at - Harrisburg. . There teems So be a preconcerted plan, en the ;part of soave realigns scoundrels to destroy - the ;State aphal by tfre. • clhiveral •incendlary 'fires hare been started ^may. but fortunately the .destruction of property . ba s , keen jbalted. A ~• - publiosocettag was lulu orribiturday last to de. else means - of Intro:Meg 'conflagrations. Mrrthepecsa, theft and vitist.! utrensesi;Whictr haTe SO re,a day an ecl of lakr, Ince ,stioAlb. cum& WOO Peoples, Tres Mayor. let umlaut , 'Mon with the Connell, was requested id 'ente t r 'lnto such hermit arringenuort as would Med Craftily - Steam the chimera ang IJ:weedier*: !herklars; heir 'idelitiookets I . end that the Mingling 4' housecabould . be closed at twelve ;o'citick•at nighti'andhept timed mall et; in . the morting:' . . . ' i . roposelt New County.- , . • - The eitlreue of the eastern portion of Crawford , , 'county; and retire eipeefally. of Tituilvllle, are' again agitating the qieecion'nfaccedli4 Ind Bet . fodUZIV . the/IMO/1u 111 - J4ClE . cciiizity. termed from &Moue of Warren; Vettaagn 'and :Craw ford. Theprinmpal raison Maligned lethal. the,' I think Meadville la too far toattend ,court,... and ; lb:liming Titusville to be the cenatinOf thoworld; !think it would makokeepitel oonuty eat. An ''other grievance of which 'the rosToenta of the easterulainuildp• complain. In the 'WV la' tributlon oftho county otileecidl the ones being l . gobbled” up try min' tu r this pentlid western porthsnw. - Y.% • ' Litwin ."' alumna slid Green's Plinstrom„,...Thig ex. cellent troupe of performers open at the Pittsburgh Theatre on Monday evening, with a new and , varied_ selection or ,oholin. Ethiopian • oddldem They have bean eminently 'snotessfel in•the•tour Visith-they ;aro‘just completing-1w the , 00d,:iiiur &Wog .ttioLe ohod, May 14 this city they will donbtlese Gomm the unlitnitor patron . age of all elasses Over citizens. rThe names'ef Green, rend. firillnee.'Dupremillfeet 'end "ioloy othdo wilds icobirned; aimpooloithe troupe . are familliar to all lovers of the ,fterk• opera,7 ; h and they require no special mention at-our i ands. 1 jileileliiiTirio rii:::iffirri 1 Overiamea, the - Audi& and amommodatlag ; Trued& at' the Pittattuth Theatre, will retain , a beatketheWareyettioic.:_tlie manychimids Id/doubtless boarhandwu the occasicraph - I aside from the attracUreacser of itie - pumiio maces. will be mte widoll Azad meet with sup- pert; beclouds Cdt VI Nid-mosiality of the r'":u r I't%t 1 0 0. , t . Ce t g .'.;4.411..e ed c e xs o, marteranilan A. J. Af'Quistcm ; District Aetteter, ffenden am.,ll,4l.-.Xisaid ; Au ditors 4:e.t def t" l T. It - White. ath 1W neat.. a 0 Wen, 1 100104 01 R 4 l. 1 or,litti dead on Friday. tro7n— the cacti of the heat. A , Huisaace. • '.r.bieetne ethlrrn : Through your •cohlmtui tredeitlre -till the Attention a conncilannd , i booth' the Ma yo r , to the amtintumis Insults . othead to our drathory. organs ' uteri day. ~The snifsini`e Is slightly abatedthwards ereong,9llA, . to be . mare Intolerable .eferituthithigslAta ir , tl contents of sonterlonai:Pools We /Idled . ...Idle !night o'atiltadowe the world." Perhaps Yra.: a'no llvd end Isnotabed the Polak' are "dinners ' above all otheinn antrentriV thht.,Vninlihminit. from the Ohms of other - wards.'s Mould; that ' the. 'Boards of ilealtilltrats 'auttleered to: the `treatment, that we seam day; we, thorei woild bo 1 1 0 P Put toStln a neffPahoth utetto.r: Have leant! reMe43... We appeal to ell 'tit* • *men,. that be" to put a atop to ibis di Bustin t =Triers Jot lo.opta.tx. the , ntio? itingfit' I; emptying , his tart 'on our. - wharf eV ' , midnight' hours. If-he etoes- not - make - his - hed - then and than%wiarbmsehreamthen., • Wahavosettfeend ambient:tee to be - a *lrma; and If [future actions of our proteettira In Connell end ioar Chief .• :all his - apostles. ate oot ettglehmt. to pat a stop to' it, then we must UT Ind:atop It ourtehmaly tha.. method tom roselLl.,7 -Pao Bono ..PonmOO.' • - • .? kitem of inopetsoiajit *loin the Tfutalltlea of ifctalgea itrepeaa azur patficgsai firil,Bo -wen and happ il y br, idea Ifs' la' tie /aid .:VP,'.lll , toak• aitaTolApliky otildrof , Vb; nk, cat &a 'avitlegf the lih e . ir kaa . nra ' epOoalte th e. NY.4 ll O ial A am b il l l S,l lo 4 •ticOzoist *iv damn DtV7o,4llP.ubile te oecaminie ' paiestoi( thoniek khe elt,ftceokttioEtel, - tie& U eliesis at his poet, mlfarilleglbe-deadaarillltrocketa,aad maids". inif.itieet **NIA with nei.,llethte, :nem., and Pli t ** ll J.rfAllYA..congline.ittEaVoPar. • Cate4lLlare.,—Cosil t on ,* oheap. e,peeike apd certatp dealt to thii deetrnet . ife wogs.; A .feW ' t if.rope drolipeil In' their seat, when pbe Eitraixipfir dathe Work., - ,- Partnere ; sod IfrtUt growers ehould too* Ws and Aey.ehoold. aleoloow•that, a. Milt tree ck n to morejoez fruit itriPpl4 or lie, leaves thitz a men can br f - eto - , , !lthoPt NnsiL • Found Drowned.,,llii. body .=or` an ian.• tkuowkiiinale. lured , about Baleen Soars, was Auld , * the Ohio river, tow nUres below Brayer, on Friday . • Abe w ee clad in a d d dirt ari ibis* gni, herlppearanee had. Ink , beau - tbe,pater Of dalo.: .WO Oa not 1 44‘mirdi et Pt thtJUT.7r, • . . 'Pltbbargll'Xhaataa,---The aI:EWA:a! aud.door hOperitikeTa benetat toalabt, whoa will hest& aeated theaontedlta of "Naital- Engagemecta" and "Pet of the 'Petticoats."' Vho point era have volustacred4ogivaavarbarofamtta. !tbs. etterefses. Then are hat.two tights =meat theisemou. . Leine's . Cblutuej : 'net. New Turk Clll*er, mud the New Xerk-Led met reetlvedand Ipr. side by . Jobn..,V. Etnut, / . 40 street.. : Illataillt -Still tbe great regatta , at Boston-on the Fortrttg - Jamea the ichamrdoit oarsman, ms the brit Tirize: • • ' Colllllletett,--Cap Lowry' had a preliminary' heating beibre Mayor Loran, and 'was commit ted, la default, fora farther headng... . Soldier* , Zettivi. A Tokio* WU Dem compiled and pubEshed of soldiers'.-letters . from Camp, Battle-geld- and 'PdSOI2; by a Ito,. England lads.: Many a reada ble aninme might be made up of such materlaLs We give two or three specimens. The Arai la 'written trod camp, near Falmouth, Virginia; At =MAY IN Tffit ARYL. It Is Bunday-4 beautiltd, calm, still Sunday. God never smiled callously upon nor altar by the gift of a more serene and lovely day. We have no beautitellowers to tread upon; no soft :green carpet to lighten our triad.- No ! nothing to, walk over but the bard dry , ground, hardened almoat like the sidewalks of an old city by the tram); of the Soldier i still, the , sun. Is shining with sit the splendor that urges one frees beneath the canvas to taste the sweet breeze that reani mates se and make' us forget the fatigues' and ;hardships We' have tmdergone in the last ten - days. Our regiment now numbers fewer than • 'single company a year ago I We see a feW Teta rasa patriots, not bomwtayin, tanking PintioteS 'tart staunch old. eterans of work, of action—ln short, roll tut:dots: Watch as • illembe mnas; ordens are - given sad obeyed with that • dexkftity ttat careworn experienced soldiers , only can perfbras. Ogle' hears not that careen, beligilarriglii sees no childish playing bails, or racing, as new lemmata are wont to indulge in when:mita:A home Is hell and a clmup created fora new life; but here welave sober, thieking ; men—men who mike the altnatkin of the eOlll2-, try and feel the great responsitallty that rats upon ihezu.. Olt, bow heartily we wish this war ; were over I Who knows the thoughts of the teams of these brown meat • What changes have ISItIIO over their fstollles sod Mende At tome The mind hereft not, centred on the Idle wish for pleasure at any'expense; that weighs siva nil at home; bin two thoughts obtain the asarodency one, of dear parents, or wives, or 'Mlle ones, left bolded Mr, mark! a true soldier has the warmest, affection, for the latter); the :other thought is Ara speedy end; of the war, :These are thongtitsettera battle. A contrast to these peaceltd redectiona la this description of the torture to which our solders :Weresomellmes put by their cruel captors: Alzetoonsocrien miss& . Our neared,: prisoners are • hunted by blood. hounds,. , These are kept at, alt the pans for that put - pole. To kill one of them Is certain death If Itundreds of ohr otlicersand men have been chased by these dogs. They are' kept at all guard station and picket pons throarbout the South. eepecledly at the ferries and oar of the' 'rims, and misused to hunt both oar merand degglitert IteM the rebel army. • • - A party of , ore men who had escaped from prison were chased by fifteen - dells, In cagftge of Boom twenty men. One man—privates Crammel. — of the Ninth MI , nola cavaby—findlog the dogs close upon him, laud tiOrhatftretlfampepreenstingiteell,"clilmbed I ' on the porch of a house and - waked tlll they cline up. .Poraged that their thirst for Yankee _ blood had not been 'graUded, they made Crum mel comadown to them, than knocked him on lake head with a maim, formed a ring, put the 46 ri ts'afid threw him gallica. ,xibiy,term. Mid soon rifler lie was ter-. Patterson (of the kleorad: New rock), *who was a mere boy, kneeled down and prayed these human fiends "not to let the dogs tear him," but to no purpae. Ile was forced down from ;the coot of the porch whither he too had fled, and on endeavoring `to regain It was- kicked in The lace, alt his hoes teeth broken out and he - rendered Insensible, and in that mate thrown : The and reseed dogs ad Satiated themselves with blool, to touch blur I goodiederal soldier. John Whipple by ,name—an exedientletterwriter a too—stout EIMEt tatudatobeimraumg, &beet tbe t• ' ,Like air settlers hem the field, they do ireatly and , endexceedingly abound la that species. of YON 211121 once a great Argue to ancient Egypt ; but as 'Egypt lisel seven es, you must =- !mile. year own ',die isa to which of them I refer. Portutps you nay .thinkl Abide to the begs, and thew perhaps not; but, at any rat whatever they are, theoJohnnies" tae be seenat it hours of the eng ag e th their °r ialto:era in their'hands, end In the( delight; enervation" et .hunting and catching these ;Wendt) , litU fellows, Which, I almost shudder say, are instantly slaughtered on being taken align. These 'little 'czerchtes (called "picket duties," on account of the picking aone) are no'. . new thing to the writer, for, he has a distinct recollection of the time he was obliged to engage :in busbies' of the Wed, and with the moat great. ' (quit nth C'e ;Host- ear ollna—Gen,lamin P. Penr ruled 'Proybdenal POlferUbr or.tite - , Prosidentjohnron has appointed Benjamin P. !Patty; of South Cuanza, provisional governor of, that State. ThoproclamatVm doelaree that It shalfhe the duty .of the - governor at the ear- Ileafleactlcable teaiod to prescribe suet, rules as maybe necessary and proper An. calling a con.' venUon:coraposol of delegates tobse amen by that Portion of the people, who are loyal to, the United States, and no others, for the purpose of altering the Conatltrolcm - thereof, - and with: an. •• thorny to °smell(' Within the Senna' of •thit, State all the powers necessary and proper. to, en able • inch lord re** of .Sonth Carolina to restore said state to Its' consthatkroal relations to the federal govermnent, and to' present such title republicantate fOrm of St a. te government rel e en_' the' S 16 - the Vetted States therefor, and Ss people to prot geutranerof the. ectlottly the t r lllied Steles *Nest invasion, Ineurrectlon and; ltenealile vlblence Provided that In any election Gott may be beroaftertelel ;deleptesigolMrStite eteMention as aTormald„ ridpe.rierielles is et befriended elector,'Oriball 1 • beelles halli giblit eke bu ro ilnoebtanob cement the leashtero praline!), IsketandstMeeribed to therewith of smneety away froltin the Pre*. I dot's; frociarapthntnE lley 29; ma& Is Teter, gunned aa Protleribed bg the Gititsgtettlom: andjsoro oftikna Corollas informs Immedimety belbrethAlTUVdey November,lBl3o, the date of the somalled cellfeediesletri Tnl ! The President. fppe form is In the same' mr. littlfidilti* loner Garotters e late reomiloturztam ttl Governors 'haven Ibirm beam appointed for all the late rebel - Nap, with the em at Plorldm • loingladailbthicititidlitit'''orlirpato"4id,, erhoweLernestedma the 241,h_elklee-sph, Meg theakalle, haibeee bobbled Ter thei Mb* kellaethield 2try.l lie lied,tetiehitehl Meet;ezeastaatrelOttict4Z' GAZE . . - •JLtRI i9EDe • . ' onzrarty-itz=cta rieiday Cps, Itay ethad • Stettbeetille. Obte;by the Row 4 20 0 9 e ,12. n. IteMINDN't to Mu jaO:I44IC J. STEWART, both of 411e61eer0o, C r ranlC4otAl ( rE-oiildbiciay eeenbig, at the thiiimilAitie wawa, Rey: Oaf. liaixai.7*Afaxiatosa s; maim, anis**. tootlymeiT t tim ralsouustous GLAIR', aik of HfriiWo2 , l-2ltt It.-.At the midterm tc, , „ tvii, Tueiday; etti,, for, by , iber. V:7...llstee, lar-:JOHN DAVIDSON: of Alkielinrs and Arso...w.ouunt J. . MURPHY, -d"slbier hlurPhY. Eeq., 0/.rrirPorg, :1117611-4117.814Z-At the iiteletbite, place, and by the same, Xt. LEVI BUSH to Ries BAN. ,y.FAUB.PELY. of Wain"' DUN PIO; recbi Xll of . , i lYttowitlgrirAig Nf .L.ce - oiaiy eiee r lit'exi6f, tar, r by ROVE. E.'slout,i Rite rnit..w. 1111.0191 C • ;to:.111,et: 4Nrag'l3. 4I SS, pothAtallasta7, • _• Lit 7 .7.l73tß..antrttl, at the tostrliticiof bet On; Willbito, 0.„ ,Iter NJ& X. g. DORIITLIgrk t HEITkit, tact of GtrOtte Etiratttler Matta you; FUMIIII 011 - TIMUIDA . OWN ;,,(211 MISCIELL4XZOI7S 1 ' 4 1. 1 3111°14. 4 a3M1' . p AND DEEIMAw t4P,c4* :tit:niter-4E .Cloghhtit ~ 1 ;--- . :', . ....;.*P4M:119RPOL. • !• ° . 4 *oo 3+ #titoll4D-.T0t440. Allestseikr. . tpLi:l263rmai . _ 041,ii4tean`► ; In ill 'lei briiiehei,:aireei* ',hewed vaitlesl watkaan, tlxr aesortment a; sut , - 11 ,1 931pW.g1111TEID13; • • , - . . 'WATERAAPSEM diaatiatly t• T ILT: • • ' • ,-.• • TATS & ORVILLE. X . w FEDERAL STREET, A.lleglumn And AIT.LI73,tiaT errazei, Pittaiqug - b. InhtlAantUir • TN THE COURT. OF QUARTER -SEE of. itlleghp ; County, .In • the onager of ther mating .Of 'Peal let Serve* 4 120 7 the 'stub ward, Pittsburgh. • - - • dratattaunt. Jane glitti,lBls, the petitioner dismarreabolders and citizens of. the /path Ward :Atottlatd,lo vacate Spmee Alley,.betiveettOarrell jaw]-Willows, streets baying hese presented. and reed °Pen Omer; the Oeurt oust a tale went all interested to &worm why the prayer of the petitioners &Meld get be granted, preluded ;Ao es-. mptions aro- died Within four weeks freer this dee. Notice of Bahl rule tb - be published twice • sueek fe!r toter WOeits Le theYittsbuiTh nails Casale,. BY TRH GOMM. lets%wttstaw • I''tom the EeOoni. , . 'firrierraou. June fith l 4l l. l . _ NOTICE It 3 HEREBY GIVEN 71' , there will be a meetinat at the office of Chem, Item fkiatral.ollComptiny on the earner arriftlk and Wixid July ' stre second floor, on kItibIDAY, the 17th day of , 1811, of the Stockholders of the , VENANGO UNION OIL COMPANY lot the purpose of organising said 'Company, by the else: lon of °Blears, under the Aet of. Assembi of 18th nes. T EXINGTON :MUSTARD.-1 barrel -•-• genuine Lexington Mustard, t ard, out npin guar. ter, all, sal whole can v Tuts and Mustard ts unequa ll ed 'for strength and 'flavor by any other manufactured. For sale by the dozen or single cut at she Felony Grocery Store of is= - - fAIL CLOTIO:6 1 ' OIL CLOTHS !::—For NIP Floors Tables, tlounte_re, Stairs, Wlddows. of all ' Widths and patterns. • • A large stook on band and for We la. reduced:Mae, at the 011 Cloth Depot of vaircriatsAy.cmarins WRlNGErts__ at t oadredt piteea the bait Wringer Ui" nte and warranted 00,0 and see them at the India Rubber DepotOima sat! 98 Ulatt larva. , irl & PRILLIPS. I mos ay no EL um /Oa two story dwelling Armee of, ;NV n rooms and store room; to agood location; ;tor btudnen; minute lalillegheny city. Jo? Pi" . ;and terms Iwo yl to • . MiTELBEIitT & SONS, Minket St. ,B ELTING 1 BELTING P--Leather and belie kubber. Belting; alio, Peeking, Hose ,Cla.kets, Lace Lea th er and Illyeta of the best quality. A full steak always . ttn. baud Jim Nos. tut; and 419 St. Clair street,tr • ' ' • /1 1 1 .. 7. & H. 'PHILLIP& t .101:11.D 1113NNETT.—.11. Blair's .- 1 -4 Liquid Sennett 'for nuking simmer decants. .A fresh supply Jut_rwseind. sad for sale at the* Fondly Grocery Store of • , JOHN EtENsEA_ N 5 ," samerx.ibech and - Nnd wreetel. • Air DIDOW SHAD sit Myles I rod colors. which win be sold "at reddoet prices; also Tricatalny, .Y. ,Ipg • Jyt Nos. to and & in St. the llol, ir street . . sOleaw Wes; • Bulk Bleats. In state and for sale by ,• • Jett JORDAN, HOLLISTER h 00., • 356 LibortY street la obis Extra Family.riolvi _ re do Extra Super • doi., store sod for sale by jet* FETZU I * ARMSTRONG. mate Market sad Flat stream WHIT I, ' pure. EAD. • Ptib Whit. Lead In o ft nba z A w. mill Witte Um L. ~. lets .111 titbarge t.. OlRKnhuair t r i : ir °oil wart. CELEE.—RICCEIVEIT THIS DAY - 400 boxes W. IL Obese; . 12 . preFresh , • • 411;11;. TWIT • , . 'COIIIIRACTS:—ei fresh - sup. "for ejf).l' Iltraett's celebrated extracts for flavor. ure , e Maxim lic 2 jest reerdved and lo sale at the Family Gr,..,se.ff_ NtOr jum ABB W. TA c 2 op ,M----- NAmd. bat tranvia old for WO b 7 eonFETzie lo kit, ABMS TEOII6, Nutt streets. 000 ,bll/%13 1 / 1 ablabd . .COra. 1 store and for tale by JORDAN, HOLLISTER-a 00" • as 6 law, strut 101.3.ndtc Sealed genii% 'zip* Iti store tor ' • ' ' _jai? 12$ 123 Wood amt. ;FRUIT FRvrr WAIC trult CUM AIWOri tuanir—atilro' orli DRUG ISTME, C.3133R Ohio inai Fos. tong is Market Honse„feno W bbls' Sttrs: No _1 12- "` `" ALT Pliant on'deilvery: Tor isle • *mg . . JIEWE k sired. lIIOg WOK roilosowmaz4L.7lu.oo t p uh r crtwinem turat, now: 1' Ptlamti friel*ye, • anei for ludo - isr.RORCI, corner.hlarketandYnolobletal DC O, A.-. 000 'ire& clOcos Nuts mark. !this day Aukdarju&e'w l •. , • 1-51 1 MtWood street. ~ or !an *d t tmez arM rjues" tc °m uttad 74s streela. Ati , ACRE FOR TIMBER LAND westatotelandobticlim nays honk JeSO:. B:MtriliaMiicrtlONS.6 DOO BUBEillet LOW ;tw:*.ED , OUßNffiatatia a d for Ws _anAPCZ - & NEII,. riIrEMIZU rxeih-pwirm sr T i a — e! . ortirl,,,it_ l 6 6 _ . Llbert, ,t i r. street-, 1- .I(nweir luta -W .delis Ckeisf; estdm for qls at tat'Llbo_ ttrattftt. *lt Accup &An: . • ,IrtiON • LNG adalaotaiu•st Whba4l' 6.ciejszar, !palm, 100-14.;, Akan° "‘prnielittilibtal saiiiivrTf - 'l4) • 4 I flrymmu -tot ads brii , .l atllltlfrodi is A 110111110 Uri 1.07,N1T ale ' dt BA 67.14 . 00;aw, 111:14:!17.911.:: Inv k,;l,:yriv sti4l4l jl : 0,10,&71W0 0 44 : b !es, JOHN A. RENSHAW. cones Ll4eityand Hand straytit. . & H PHILTPS, A•a to J 112313 L Mar street: Pramustraoir alarm/LT sioaratusennr, ; , • ° • ••••• • lIITOTICE,•—A. REGISTER 1f.A.8 Blth" ./ wea opened et the Mee of the Yittsbuigh Smitten; ;voauxuttee, Yfo. ge Fourth street, PittatculkLa„, wigs, ail retained Yoinnteera tram WeatOrn• •• .1 ',Mean* helms honmehly discharged Wow, sonic* of ther country, and desirout of ontaini' ai tat m oynalot, axe invited to reward tlkok names f wt. oWaons Ito mottle pims foci ..1 elms muzzled, ito3olosio.telinooted t 'Dp i, to Oa, -Lfsaformation furnished getunaad Otddiara , reiord 801'41* Soak kay, be:, without •• BY order of the Oonanuitee. Srleswd THOS. BA_KEWELL,Presidait...:: i GREENI9IIBE IND BEDDING Pi, INTO I • : ;11' ' ' .. 11 q 0 . -. 11. -, A. hitTIiD(SCELY osuret s 6 ion:, Ilteed(*:Yr.),,;,.:s ' 4Toalizid 'Erst.Lifierty. ' tOthiGra semposttteesiantosteir.- .13r 39g 1 (8 zis Dogneetiolai ' ' Tiote and other Poe. . Metter of The Woolen. , -:r r• • • Weather' Solana. of Lome, " The Sohenbaroott, T. 212 4 4 :ft : A somas Illotorree.flebfe ~. _Boon Among tltro •"; German eopubit Ts ak n i,62 ' 'TOM' for.Thooshfol %,1 ''hotoefeph ethoresorholoaehe:'`' , - PitZ farr Alhapt Cherder ., • - 2-, • -- ' - iffolues Amid - hlif.3.e , • . ? _Peoboreetts. - ,1"43;.•, - L A ,41.2.1( BAMM" ,BARGAINS. 'f"ri ' l l` ,:•0 BARGAINS. ~t FiliCand' Cloth giuulifi:Atilitenti, 8 110 , la, V'y x:al:dam Banco% flekateseEte. • - ' I X 41,0 1 4 # 10;.-1 04 4641 414; 1 47 ' X i i 401146 4144 . 2eia1. I " 1 14 (WO ;a:!?;;TrT tn:r3r) h4d6detT bIMMMOOXNO4(a' I;;: i Lir , o.l 'a 5 •—rcu. : 1i611114 44,1ma. 1 4#17. 4 Act01111106•=mowilki• WarAVVI PIIZIATtr! 0.344 , •*- •• • • viw / 1 u-t- "d.44' , a t o • " w / .. no) ' inet - 1 .5 1 -1 at_ 2 0. 4p c i ct i, AD, •- NOV • 401 t‘4ll -4..a.; WI spe. 5.!014W7,111. Inv; ) .103=" 11:44) N.fikez 741)Pz.12), ONSMeNttaISNiM MWMMI .R lfr m iziaD lPzirguals:-4 4 / 1 401AN eude t beau - .you . 16 . ts a good. sentseibtiiibilicaoloslll***".6.*" Air WEART4r. ,Riktr" pant. sr rsAr _ i) .:: (,:! • L-4A:11. ausa-r Grcatßuotád .; Ct 1,1,1 CONCIat Eat 8118-1101111,= OrAPiftlil3triOti cdt ;.. ABCPWS.WOOD'Sti .(fu' leelikt. l 4 ' ltitif t.: itkokfluttlethillitcosit '.i3Elak3ttixf.o It Is an aslimaiy.-.f slot! alaSthaparasell bitter pedalos /tor newts !Saskaria sated Itabbilay by dawaltawarakaai sSaalrsord ripe Inn 'a =re vsataiiselassis Mk lallkaoe :sakapS as at allsszsd assisidasay Ark" for an3l4l2lMtliteßoot arm:tattoo nasuran) . - No. iN) FIFTH antEatt' RR WAR IS' OVBIU .Soldiers ,;:,,-'.t 01140 T. RALE .A.. REM . • THAW • TO Farchaseloise Books orAlbamsr:;id r • • AT. VIZ 1 0 01i Pil 11 J$p'1=7411014tI,!,I; A;tp.itzmm A PRESENT WORTH FROI 547 cents to .8590. TOI7, WILL TLRD IT AT 74 leinat STREET, I (OPPOSITE TEE posTornoro- *TOM or send fora catalogue. I)MMENT 141iCOLli. BOOKS COMMEMORATIVE OF OUR LATE PRESIDENT, • • ti ' BfoincSial Ittisiid of •Bettenes Tslbateto dbrabanrLincoln . compiled by_it. F. Mann et, and iy - Our- Mortlf , n riesident: Tolosa f r om Nelfort Broakiv. SI _w: • _ • Sermons „preached AM In Boston on the Death ot Ablabam Lincoln. Sitta d /411=Virisdoin o f = rifittsolithlsElpeelbor,Mounnfs• Firdissanolltoo. ' Slash _ The President.* Words • Selestion of Pasesifsf 1 front the Sircehes,Baressis and Lotterrof pro. Ism Lincom . 'Daps, BLB 00.; , ' , Wood S OHO. 4 OINCINHATI LEAD MB 141%. SHEET LEAD WORK& • NICORMICK & ma'a. .9 Elmore =liana. Maks . to' ord 'PIPEEI Am) sawn . 0c say malted ;11 , ttlight and slns. Shoots _pa erre loot,B Lbn, ana tenss ; noes, ssubrs, Inch to -thanes. EdGffio PIPE or Hydra Earns and tor rce n l iespecially ask es - sat/Salon of P dra an , . 1 bets Zo.Preprintor! CU 'Works and 011 Wells I kCi*T: . l , At tile Oa Cireenhoteses ,).: :titti,4s, • 43alrein•ZIEfee. '-." -:• I ,-1:4.357; CO.s.-- • .0 ausigar gratin; 41. , !..1,5 ur7-Atl ...: r ~' } nt i :Zu.yrr